#🥀 * in. ‣ stained glass cinderella.
cinderellatype · 14 days
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"people l-love me for m-my overwhelming b-bisexual aura and th-the haunted look i-in my eyes."
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cinderellatype-a · 3 months
Hands you this for Sa :)
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"h-how the hell did you manage to get a 6 way b-bingo...."
andi bingo! // @futurefind
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cinderellatype-a · 4 months
🔄  +  🩹 //sa (begrudgingly) !!
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"miss s-sasume! please sit st-still!" a huff escapes andromeda's lips, as tightly wraps a strip of bandage over a wad of gauze. "the m-more you m-move around, the more time it'll t-take me to finish u-up!"
patching you up // @futurefind.
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cinderellatype-a · 4 months
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"do you e-ever feel like t-terrible th-things are going to happen, a-and you can't stop them?" andromeda takes a long sip of her coffee, takes a tiny bite of her cake. "l-like... you c-can't do anything, y-you're just st-stuck having to wait and w-watch it come t-to pass?"
@novastrae // a small starter.
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cinderellatype-a · 9 months
“Do you really want to put yourself through this? Is loving me really enough to endure everything you have to just to be with me?"
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painted lips press into a firm line, and her scarlet gaze raises upwards, staring into calyx's- even if she had to crane her neck to do so. "y-yes." andromeda speaks the word with no fanfare, no elegance. it is blunt and enunciated with a force behind it that few ever truly got to see or even comprehend. a strong will that had almost been stomped out befoer. "it is w-worth it, a-always."
FANTASY. @hemeroses
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cinderellatype-a · 10 months
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"th-they turned the h-house leaders into m-marketable pl-plushies..."
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cinderellatype-a · 10 months
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"all c-cetus does is a-abandon his poor, s-sad maman to sl-sleep in my cl-closet... w-worst cat-son of the century. "
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cinderellatype-a · 1 year
dame sasume, if you're going to use the bottles my medicine toolkit, please let me know as soon as you can. i don't have a problem with that, but please allow me to educate you on their proper dosages.
post it! @futurefind
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cinderellatype-a · 1 year
hey andi hold this *puts a very weird and sloppy looking cat in their hands*
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decima... what the hell.
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cinderellatype-a · 1 year
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^ is going though the agonies
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cinderellatype-a · 2 years
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“ before m-my birthday- ends does a-anyone want to admit that th-they have a crush on me ? ”
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cinderellatype-a · 2 years
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“ with l-less than 24 hours l-left until my birthday .  .  . ”
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“ d-does anyone want to admit they have a c-crush on me ? ”
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cinderellatype-a · 2 years
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“ s-so, it’s t-true ? ” andromeda’s painted lips purse in a frustrated, sour look- further highlighted by the dark look in the darkflyer’s eyes. a white curl is wrapped around a finger and tugged painfully taught, before being let go. “ we’ve c-come all this w-way, only to be scattered t-to the winds- and no cl-closer to our goal ? ”
starter call. @prosebrne​​ / lucina.
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cinderellatype-a · 2 years
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“ d-do you think it’d be wrong of m-me to alter the professor’s traveling plans for our m-mission this month? ” andromeda kicks her feet, sitting on the long tables that make up the classroom’s desks,  before hopping off, and pointing a finger at the marked out path- only to slightly divert it down a different path, a quarter into the journey.
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“ s-see ? while th-the original travel pl-plan looks to be the quickest route on parchment, in reality the whole area is a m-marshland that would greatly s-slow down our wagons and o-open us up to illness, the a-alternative route would sh-shave a whole day off our travels, and keep our f-feet dry. ”
@galeforged​ andi starters.
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cinderellatype-a · 2 years
“Don’t open this until I leave, okay!” Yanfei couldn’t even pinpoint why she was so nervous about dropping off the package. It was just a present for the pretty worker at Bubu Pharmacy… no big deal right? Inside the box they would find a dark blue sweater with gold embellishments along the sleeves. “The weather is getting colder and I happened to have extra cotton from my last projects so I thought that maybe you’d– ah, I’ve said too much! Don’t want to ruin it!” With that, she was leaving just as suddenly as she appeared.
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“ um, th-thank you ! ” andromeda calls out- after watching the retreating pink blur that had just deposited a box into their hands- only to get a reminder to get back to work by gui.
she ended up opening it on her lunch break, tucked away in a corner in heyu tea house, in between sips of her tea and bites of her takeout. her fingers run over the beautiful and tasteful embellishments against the deep blue cotton fabric, before carefully putting it on- afraid of ruining such a wonderful and thoughtful gift.
in inazuma, it never snowed- it stayed warm and humid all year round, and very few places in fontaine that ever showed frost, in andromeda’s memory.
when she returned to the pharmacy after her meal, she penned and scrapped several thank you letters- not able to find the right words.
eventually. andromeda settles on a simple thank you note, neatly rolled and sealed with wax, tucked into the box she had been given, alongside which andromeda had put some of the chocolates she had been sent by her aunt, and homemade sakura shrimp crackers, alongside a pair of new hairpins she had bought on a whim.
she asks around, and is eventually directed to an older lady in yujing terrace, who promised to give the box to yanfei, after andromeda’s tounge-tied and flustered request, and subsequent sudden retreat at the sight of pink hair.
next time, they’ll say thank you in person.
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cinderellatype-a · 2 years
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“ ‘m b-back ! and i brought l-lunch ! ” you announce your arrival into the clinic, precariously balancing the takeout you’d ordered for the office on a hip. ( admittedly, it’s just the two of you- soooooo. )
you set the food on the front desk, and start laying everything out, hoping the smell would lure ai out of the backroom.
starter call. @fateddisappearance​
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