cinderellatype-a · 9 months
“Do you really want to put yourself through this? Is loving me really enough to endure everything you have to just to be with me?"
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painted lips press into a firm line, and her scarlet gaze raises upwards, staring into calyx's- even if she had to crane her neck to do so. "y-yes." andromeda speaks the word with no fanfare, no elegance. it is blunt and enunciated with a force behind it that few ever truly got to see or even comprehend. a strong will that had almost been stomped out befoer. "it is w-worth it, a-always."
FANTASY. @hemeroses
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cantuscorvi · 1 year
@hemeroses from here.
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“Oh?” Raum leaned over the edge of the deep hole to peer down at the stranger. There was a little dry dirt smudged on his own face and his clothes, almost as if he was recently in there himself, but had cleaned off the worst of it.
“No, I didn’t make it,” he replied, although there wasn’t any sympathy on his face either — something a bit closer to amusement crinkled the edges of his eyes. “—But I suppose it is mine. In a way.”
Cryptic but true. He thought it might not be prudent to mention that a wanderer just fell into what was once his grave. It was difficult to tell how someone might react to that information, after all. People didn't tend to enjoy speaking to the dead.
“There are some rocks embedded in the soil there, but...” Raum pointed at the opposite wall of the pit, exactly how he had crawled his way out, then hummed. “You’ll struggle climbing out with your foot like that. I don’t suppose you have a rope?”
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fiorafiore · 1 year
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It was a fair question to ask, he had to admit that. Leaning into the touch as he puts on a near pleading expression, would it work? He didn't know, didn't really care in the end. Even if Calyx wouldn't linger around and spend time with him he would no doubt have someone else vying for his time. Someone probably less enjoyable, but that was just the job.
❝Is it not enough that I want for your attention?❞
If he wanted money he would have it. It was all too easy to find out how to manipulate the people that saw him into spending more and more money on his time. Some days he just wanted the company, as much as he loved his job and seeing people it could just end up so exhausting and annoying to have to entertain certain guests. Why take that gamble on who the next guest might be when you could try and keep one for just a while over.
❝For just a little longer?❞
@hemeroses c.
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cursedcrest-a2 · 1 year
"You need distraction to survive." Calyx smiles warmly, offers Marianne a rose. "So if you ever need stories, or a book, or company to quietly sit nearby, I'm here."
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"i... i g-guess." marianne gingerly accepts the rose, their long and sharp nails cautiously holding the green and thorny stem. marianne had lived in fear of their draconic nature since they had been taken in by the margrave edmund- of the imminent threat was their ability to remain amongst humans, without rampaging- every second of everyday, and when they were not living in fear, they were praying that the goddess would grant their soul mercy, any small mercy. but it wasn't happening.
the goddess loves you, but not enough to save you.
"um.... do you h-have time today to tell a st-story?"
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screenviolense · 1 year
@hemeroses sent: ❛  do i have something on my face or why do you keep looking at me like that ?  ❜ for Robin
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  ' ... huh? oh... no, i just thought i recognized you from somewhere. perhaps i was mistaken. ' though she had managed quite well with her memory since waking up with none of it when chrom had found her in the field. still, there was occasionally moments where she felt a strange twinge of recognition or nostalgia.
  ' my apologies. i'm probably just in need of more sleep. '
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hehosts-moved · 1 year
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❝ ... you perform "magic," i've heard. let's see it, then. ❞ // * @hemeroses liked for a 1-liner from ji-hun !!
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zorkaya-moved · 1 year
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"Oh no, dear, no one knows better than me how many eyes are hungry to get a piece of this," the woman shrugs with a smirk on her face, her steps are light and flighty as if she's dancing in these alleys. Beautiful earrings, a pretty necklace, a long skirt and a white blouse. Her hair dances free as she walks, sometimes turns around to glance at the man. Her eyes sparkle with the dim lights. Others would deem her a noble with no brains, a spoiled princess who's having too much fun trying to find her 'knight' and be protected.
With a skip in her step, Sokolova continues to search for entertainment. Weaklings don't interest her, she doesn't reach out to them. A golden coin here and there, there's generosity but there is also... an attempt to lure more in, get the thieves and mercenaries and more to see her. The prettiest flower will always have thorns.
"But isn't it fun? The more people see, the more people want. A challenge ensues and only the strongest will deserve the prize! What if you are, too, one of the challengers who wants a reward? Just because you've been such a dear doesn't mean you're not going to ask for something in return, yes?" A sing-along voice, a bit on the higher pitch and her smile is too bright and cheerful for these streets. Red heels click and the maiden of silver strands and golden orbs would turn around to face Calyx.
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suizokukans · 1 year
❝ i know a new face when i see one. ❞ for ayumu?
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"Well, you wouldn't exactly be wrong!" When he'd seen a little pop up shop appear of course he had to go and check it out. He couldn't help himself, if he passed by an interesting shop, he had to look inside. What if he found something he could gift to his daughter? The opportunity couldn't slip by.
"I'm just another curious customer looking for the perfect gift, that's all~"
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entwinedreams · 1 year
“i mean. i can only sew so fast.” mina frowns, staring at the request in front of her. “a fully custom garment would take weeks- but i think i have some premade pieces that… may work.” another aigh, and she pinches the bridge of her nose. “i can make some alterations- and. maybe add some personal flairs and custom embroidery, if that’d be a good compromise.”
mina voice test // @hemeroses
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@hemeroses: "I don't know why i'm telling you all this. i guess there was no one else to tell." Calyx speaks in a somber tone, staring into his very ornate (and stolen) flask. He doesn't dare look over at Sampo, he's scared to. Uncomfortable. This isn't like him. ( meme source. )
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      i don't know either, buddy! is about to spring out of his mouth- only for Sampo to chug the words down with a bit more of his gin, sending them straight back to where he wants them to be.
      there's something incredibly funny about the new trend in town: looking for the shadiest merchant in Belobog, chasing him down and airing personal woes in front of a stiff drink, as if he was a lifelong friend just waiting for other's worries to pile on him.
      it has become somewhat of a pattern that he doesn't know what to think of━ except that it gives him a break to down a few glasses of alcohol. that's the good stuff he will never say no to.
      “ or perhaps i was the most honest face around? ” he offers, smile upturning the corner of his mouth. 
      “ i mean, hey, ” he's truly trying his best to sound encouraging here, “ perhaps you just needed a stranger to tell your stuff to! i think that what you just told me was very private and super personal, so... maybe not something you can go and just air to somebody you know. maybe for you this is a shameful secret... ” though, he'd have to admit: it's interesting to get intel this way. perhaps some informations that will never be used, stored in his brain as a second thought━ but, apparently, he has the reliable face of someone you'd look for to vent. and that's just fine with him.
      “ i won't spill any of what you just said to me, ” he reassures, tongue clicking as he takes another, long sip from his drink. “ oh, but━ i also think that tongues get extremely loose with alcohol. maybe it's that? ”
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cinderellatype-a · 10 months
"i am fucked. i have decided to embrace it."
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"i'm g-glad a-at least one of us i-is self aware." andromeda lets out a sigh, her forehead plopping against the glass desk in mild defeat. "i'll t-try to keep myself sane, but i'll pr-probably sp-spiral into insanity after this n-next meeting."
the great. @hemeroses
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Share 5 particular habits that your muse have!
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The more angry or annoyed she is, the more gentle and polite she tends to behave and speak. The less talkative she becomes. Nunnally considers politeness as her shield against the world and she often hides behind it if she doesn’t want others to know about her feelings (the other question is of course if she succeeds with it).
Heels. She would always wear heels. Not necessarily stilettos, but always heels just to add herself these few centimeters. And make her legs appear longer (they are pretty long anyway). Nunnally is not entirely concerned with how tall (or small) she is, but wearing heels makes her feel more confident.
The way she sits is a relatively good indicator how comfortable she is with a person. If she’s relaxed and comfortable (or perhaps a bit rebellious as well), she’d opt to sit on an arm of the sofa. It gives her a few centimeters more and allows to actually face the person she is talking with.
She often flirts with her hair. Nunnally knows she’s considered pretty. Although she would hardly ever have her hair completely down, she knows how to move to have it dancing around her neck and her shoulders. She’s not completely unaware (although perhaps a bit naïve about it) what men from her social circle want and how to deliver it. She would hardly ever fully indulge into pleasing them as she simply doesn't have to. And Nunnally doesn't look for what she calls 'artificial admiration' they could offer her (she wants something real though probably she does not know what it is). To continue with the topic, when she’s really uncertain she might twist her locks around her finger (which often does look flirtatious) but it not meant to be perceived that way. It’s rather an involuntary gesture on her side.  
She always takes her coffee black with no sugar. Preferably in a cup (or in a mug) but she would drink it from a paper cup if that’s the only option. What she really cares about is the quality of the coffee beans. And she is rather prone to complain, if her coffee is a bad quality. “You really call that a coffee? Have you ever drunk real coffee?” Related to this topic, she would always follow the table and eating utensils etiquette. It’s very natural for her and she doesn’t even think about it. She’d always be surprised if someone doesn’t, although she wouldn’t comment on it. Unless you’re very close with her.
tagged by: @distopea tysm; it was fun!
tagging: @royaletiquette (Hibiya) // @fightingthetides // @kingscyrus // @phoenix-flamed // @txnichtgut (Tata or Kaito or both!) // @starzfield (Gabriel) // @hemeroses // @rexpyre // @bonesofchaos (Lark) // @chiryxushi // @teikokuu // @voraxiia (Fuyumi) // @sansloii (Evan) // @dasmondkuss (Alois) // @pvremichigan // @mannequinentity // @conquestar // @falseapostle // @yuriko-mukami // @bluebird-dolly-bride // @elysiumtouched // @youllthinktwice
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cursedcrest-a2 · 1 year
"i was hoping the house church was haunted."
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"if you ask a-ashe or annette, they're convinced the church is haunted..."
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suizokukans · 1 year
@hemeroses continued from x
"Yeah, it's totally weird? It sounds like something must have fallen down, or maybe there's some stray animals?" Unfortunately the red head couldn't exactly pin point what the noises were exactly, only that they probably shouldn't be coming from the direction of an alley that usually was quiet.
"I wonder if it's worth checking out...."
0 notes
cinderellatype-a · 1 year
There's hesitation from Calyx, followed by amber eyes looking to Andromeda as his lips part to speak. "i am with you because i want to be. that’s all." He glances away, his throat is dry. Feelings are better left unsaid in his business, that's how its always been.
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the silence between them feels thick and tangible. like someone could use a knife to cut it through it. a deft hand reapplies the dusty pink lipstick- a habit. the city below them sparkles like a sea of glowing stars in the deep night.
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andromeda was the girl who never understand what she meant to other people. (why are you still with me? / 'i am with you because i want to be. that’s all.') the words stick, heavy in her chest.
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red eyes glance sideways and up, before andromeda's painted lips curl into a smile- her hand comes to rest atop his. "g-good. i... it's n-nice to have someone on my side."
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cinderellatype-a · 1 year
❛ not all things have significance, which is scary. the things you overlooked tend to have the most, which is scarier. ❜
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andromeda pauses- the coffee cup that was almost to her lips, now being set back down on the dark wooden table in a gentle and fluid movement. she looks at calyx, before shaking her head in a resigned motion, with a sardonic smile curling the corners of her lips up. "is th-that a r-roundabout way of saying th-that i'm missing the f-forest for t-trees?"
shitty horoscopes. @hemeroses
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