#🦇 darling
mysicklove · 5 months
are you okay?😭 you must be traumatized after yesterday's incident 😭 omg u deserve sm better than that man's dick
TMI: me talking about sucking dick, substance use, making out and men (tw.)
i was going to post a silly story time but then i was like there is nothing more other than the fact he tried to finger me when i was dry, i sucked his gross ass dick, and also he used way too much tongue. I WAS SO FUCKING DRUNK I DONT EVEN REMEMBER WHEN HE LEAD ME TO THE ROOM ALL OF THE SUDDEN HE WAS JUST ALL OF THE SUDDEN ON TOP OF ME DHHSAIAIUAGS. so embarrassing DO NOT DRINK ALDHOHOL FRIENDS
jokes aside i actually think it’s highkey funny. simply bc i was borderline blacked out drunk and i remember litterally just giggling into his neck and his thighs BYEEEEE. he was so nice tho and was like “why are you laughing so much?” and i couldn’t even explain to him. anyways it’s for the mello plot 💅💅
omg ALSO i ordered wings before hand and i kept whining about how i wanted my wings and he kept being like “ik we will get ur wings in a minute” and i prob asked like 10 times throughout it. my friend knocked on my door when i was giving him head to tell me my doordash was here and i was like a cartoon character the way i popped up from my knees. literally ran out the door while he was pulling his pants up. so i didn’t have to suck it for long 😭😔😭😭😭😭😭😭 blue balled him but idc. those wings were fire btw. i shared it with some other guy who i was high key chill with
throughout it i was only thinking: i want wings, i am so excited to tell my friends about this, ew he is using too much tongue, am i gay??, i want my wings, i’m so drunk rn, ow why is he trying to finger me i am not turned on at all, i wish i was sucking sukunas dick, this shit sucks ass, i wish i was eating wings rn. not once was i like “wow this is enjoyable!” LOLOLOL
there was a lot more but u guys dont care, but 5/10 experience but its really funny to think about my experience LMAO. do not drink alcohol everyone
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celestialprincesse · 2 months
the fuck??? they’re whining about the dad price fic? (as if they can’t scroll past a trope they dislike…)
get behind me angie, no negativity towards your work on my watch 🤺🤺🤺
ps. to said anons, angie might be nice and sweet but i bite.
- 🦇
Oh how I love you 🦇. Honestly? I got real upset when I got shit in my asks about how ew yucky flop pregnancy tropes are and why I wrote Price waiting outside the delivery room But then I deleted them all n reminded myself how fucking lame it is to waste energy coming on anon to shit on someone's work when you could just scroll!!
Still learning not to tolerate people's bullshit and not be a total pushover!!
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🦇Just some Fruitbats thoughts...🍒
Thinking about how the boys wouldn't be able to keep their hands off of Chrysta while she's pregnant 🙈
🦇Marko is setting stuff on her baby bump when it's big enough. Just to tease her. For example, if she's lying down, he'll put some takeout on her belly while he looks for his chopsticks or fork. Or he sets his funnelcakes on her bump so he can win her a prize from one of the games at the boardwalk.
🍒All of them completely twitterpated during her times when she was still human in pregnancy and going ham on some strawberries and watermelon, staining her blouse and mouth in red juice that looked slightly similar to blood.
🦇David is crazy about her in maternity jeans. He loves them in her just as much as he would on the floor of the cave-
🍒Dwayne offers her massages when her feet hurt and feel swollen, or her back hurts from standing too much.
🦇Those little moments when she has that glow, they're all completely SMITTEN. 🥺
🍒Helping her take showers since she can't reach her back or legs anymore. (Bonus points if while they're crouched or on their knees, they give her belly a kiss AUGH)
🦇Dwayne all over her pretty little stretch marks and extra chub, he thinks her mama body suits her beautifully...
🍒Paul having full blown conversations with her belly for some pillow talk or just spending a night in with his mate. Not talking to her. Her belly. He is going on a rant and feels a kick to his head or hand and be like, "THATS WHAT IM SAYING!"
🦇Marko is trying to make her giggle cause he likes the way her body bounces with her laughter - he just thinks it's darling.
🍒David thinks he is the shit cause he got her pregnant twice. Man is still smug about it to this day.
🦇Dwayne likes singing or humming songs his mother had used to sing him, rocking Chrysta in his arms or later on, covered in a bunch of sleeping baby vampires. 🥺
🍒She's not very tall, and if the boys (mostly Dwayne and Paul) hold stuff she needs over her head, she can't reach it- she can't even hop with the extra weight and how stubby she feels. 😭
🦇But their not as bad as David. At least they give it back to her. No, David will drop it on the floor and watch her struggle to pick it up, just so he can get a good look at her ass. Marko does the same, except he tries to get a peek at her bewbs. 👀
🦇Both David and Dwayne LOVE pregnancy sex, but both for VERY different reasons. 👁👁
🍒Mannnny nights spent trying to convince their girl who is in hysterics that she isn't fat now that she can't fit into her size 3 jeans. 🤦‍♀️
🦇"Can I touch your boobs?" "No." "Can I suck ur titties?" "No." "Can I have some milk?" "No." "Can I touch yo-" "YOU'RE ABOUT TO GET SMACKED WITH THIS PUMP IF YOU KEEP ASKING"
🍒Baordwalk nights don't last long. Cause half the time, she's smelling booze or cigarette smoke and finding the nearest bathroom or trashcan. She cannot STOMACH strong smells - including blood. So, no kisses for the boys until they've cleaned up.
🦇Just touching her when she has hot flashes. They're naturally pretty cold dudes, so they just put a hand on her back or tummy and rub soothing circles till it'd over, or fan her.
🍒She will forever hate Dwayne and Paul for having so much hair and making her go through 9 months of heartburn TWICE/j
... Did give her super cute babies with a bunch of hair, tho.
🦇Omg if they could appear on film, they'd do sooo many stupid/funny maternity photos of her. The only one they have is snapped by Lucy, when she was still human, and doing some laundry at the Emersons, and she could barely fit through the doorway due to her tummy. 🩷
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acheronist · 1 day
me acting like i don't think the rencen is the ugliest building in the detroit skyline
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breakingb4tz · 1 year
cw flashing / glitching images & eye contact !!!
wonder what sticky situation you guyz must be in !
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chrissiepop · 6 months
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Thanks to @misslavenderlady for giving some advice and helping a gal pal out!🩷🩷🩷 Found a totally cute choker at a stand the other day and was able to get a pic! [I think it isn't too shabby hiding the bite either.]
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after years of praying for yandere stalker bf i finally have him hollyyy mollyyy
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his-hemlockpetal · 3 months
Noah scrambles in, practically launching his shoes across the room. Pale and frantic and shaking. "Tenko is.......taking care of the police downstairs......one of my brothers was here....." - 📚🥀
Hemlock holds him fast, his nails gently tangling into his hair.
"Shhhh... shh shh shh, Noah.. My prince, breathe. He can't harm you here, you are safe here."
He whispered, cupping his face. His nail gently brushed over his cheek, his thumb following the curve of his cheekbone.
"Tenko is taking care of it, no? And I am your loyal knight, your champion to stave off any black guard," Hemlock kissed him, "We'll protect you."
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mx-werebat · 20 days
hello darling! (/p. please tell me if you don't like being called "darling." I'll stop, if you want) what's your opinion on gold? or maybe wings? /nf
Dheheg oh my god- that flustered me. I'm fine with it, I actually like nicknames /pet names with close mutuals /lh, p
Gold is pretty, I think I like it the same amount as silver tbh? And as for wings, I love lots of wings. Although I find skin wings more interesting than feathers, I think it's the whole bat thing, but also it's interesting to look at how the patagium works and all that. They definitely probably aren't as good texture wise as feathered wings though. /lh
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ghoulishfreak · 1 month
mwah kisses-🦇
awww how sweet ☺️ thank you 🦇 anon
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mysicklove · 4 months
we've been fed well today, thank you ma'am 🙏
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lesboguy-moved · 2 months
it's all painfully real 😂😂😂
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ghost-proofbaby · 11 months
Hour 19 😍 Steve! Such a bad spy. I did a huge comment on ao3 so I won't repeat here, but I saw you'd replied to someone saying that one of them is going to get outed next chapter and I can't wait. They've been all snuggly and cute and awkward the last few hours and it's time to open a can of worms for more drama. So evil. I love it. I hope it's coffee shop related.
Then Mordor! I'm gonna level with you. I haven't read it yet. BUT. only because I need to go back and re-read the last chapter because I don't have a scooby do what's going on because my memory is real bad. But I'll catch up soon. Willow and Eddie forever. IDST.
Also you do the funniest tags on your posts and asks and I always read all of them so just wanted you to know that 🖤
totally fine on the mordor part because honestly it was a bit of a back to back drop 😭 also we’ve all got lives here. it ain’t going anywhere — take all the time you need, and if you wanna scream about it once/if you do read, i’m always here 🖤
steve really is a bad spy. just imagine how the gang would assign him and robin to go spy on their first date and he blows their cover so eddie just sighs as they’re sitting with their coffee, both deciding the torture should end and they can stop putting on a bit knowing both their friends are near by, and he says “steve. dude. you fucking suck at sneaking around.”
the next few hours are a gentle mix of angst, as well as continuing to let these idiots explore all their awkwardness and cuteness, and i cannot wait 🖤
thank you for reading as always!! and oh my gosh, the fact that you read the tags 😭 you’re such a brave soldier. i’m not responsible for what i put in tags (though i do love dropping a good spoiler in them from time to time). <3
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breakingb4tz · 1 year
what a silly guy !
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needleanddead · 1 year
Would Percy be upset in anyway if his little darling was terrified of him? Obviously they would be, but does it ever eat at him or his ego?
It’s complicated! Percy wants his darling to be terrified of him - after the fact, after he’s played his whole hand. But he also wants them to trust and rely on him and lean back on him for comfort - so much worse and so much more satisfying for him to be their greatest fear and their only source of reassurance. It would eat at his ego more if they weren’t frightened of him, honestly!
But whilst constant fear is good enough to keep him alive and keep him sated, it’s just not fun. The manipulation aspect is one of Percy’s delights and I indulgences, because it makes the betrayal they feel mixed with the horror all the more satisfying to him.
Love and fear are not so different; Percy wants both.
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·:*¨ ✘♚✘ ¨*:·.Welcome to my digital diary ·:*¨ ✘♚✘ ¨*:·.
Please call me Rosetta/Rodion
I use she/her and he/him pronouns 18
Neurodivergent + NPD
Guitarist and artist 🎸
Taken ཐི♡ཋྀ
Polish Goth Vampire :3
taken anons: ⚰️, 🤍, 🎲, Ⓐ , 🪓
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I made this blog for my yandere thoughts and to be insane and deranged online <3
I will reblog things that can trigger other users like irl gore, fictional gore, noncon nsfw and obslove.
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