#🧪 )  prescriptions.
doctorentity · 2 years
zombie/ghoul or anything surrounding the dead themed prns perhaps??
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Zombie / Dead / Ghoul themed pronouns !
ㅤau/topsy/autopsy, bite/bites, brain/dead/brains/dead/braindeadself, dae/deads, dae/deaths, de/dece/deceasedself, de/decom/decomp/decompself, evil/evils, fun/funeral/funeralself, gho/ghouls, grave/graves, grave/stone/gravestones/gravestoneself, grave/yard/graveyard/graveyardself, horror/horrors/horroself, infect/infected/infectedself, morgue/morgues/morgueself, re/animated/reanimatedself, rot/rot(ting), sep/sepul/sepultura/sepulturas/sepulself, spook/spooky/spookyself, un/undead/undeads/undeadself, vir/virus, wal/walker/walkers/walkerself, zom/zombies.
ㅤsome fun ones ... † / †s / †self, ×_× / ×_×s / ×_×self, 666/666s/666self.
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cintsalis · 3 months
Severus Snape-Black:*Steps inside his modest home*
Why do you torment me with a plot twist every time I come home?
James Potter: 🥹😍🙂‍↔️
It’s because no matter how much time I spend with you, I want to spend more time with you!
Severus Snape-Black: 🤨😒
You know there’s this thing in the muggle realm called therapy, you should try it.
James Potter: 😍🥹🥰 (*Walks over to hug him*)
You are my therapy.
Severus Snape-Black: 😐😒😑
I’m going to prescribe you 3 drops of anti-clingy, obsessive, and delusional to your potion, to reduce the symptoms.🧪
James Potter: 🫂 (*Hugs tighter*)
I don't need a prescription because the side effects are identical.
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aglaiaivix · 11 months
🔬 Unveiling the Diverse World of Expert Witnesses: Know Your Legal Avengers! 💼🕵️‍♂️
The world of expert witnesses is as varied as the colors of the rainbow. These legal superheroes bring their unique superpowers to the courtroom. Here's a glimpse into the different types of expert witnesses that make the justice system tick:
Forensic Experts: 🧪 These are the Sherlock Holmes of the courtroom, solving mysteries using scientific methods. From DNA analysts to forensic pathologists, they're essential for cracking criminal cases.
Medical Experts: 🏥 When health and medicine meet the law, medical experts step in. Whether it's a malpractice case or determining the cause of injuries, their diagnosis is the legal prescription.
Financial Analysts: 💰 In the world of complex financial transactions and economic disputes, financial experts are the calculators of truth. They decode numbers and illuminate the darkest financial corners.
Engineering and Construction Experts: 🏗️ When buildings crumble or machinery malfunctions, these experts rebuild the story. They're the architects of understanding in construction and engineering disputes.
Psychologists and Psychiatrists: 🧠 Mental health and the law intersect in courtrooms. Psychologists and psychiatrists offer insights into the minds of individuals in various legal contexts.
Technology and Digital Experts: 📱 In our increasingly digital world, tech experts are the guardians of data and the gatekeepers of digital evidence. Cybersecurity, computer forensics, and data analysis fall under their purview.
Environmental Experts: 🌱 In cases of environmental harm or regulations, environmental experts provide a scientific perspective on the impact of human activities on the planet.
Language and Linguistics Experts: 🗣️ The power of words can't be underestimated. Language experts are called upon to interpret communications, analyze speech patterns, and decipher linguistic nuances in cases like defamation or fraud.
Handwriting and Document Examiners: ✍️ When ink meets paper, handwriting experts step in. They verify documents' authenticity and can identify forgeries.
Art and Antiques Appraisers: 🎨 These experts assess the value of art, antiques, and collectibles, playing a crucial role in disputes over authenticity and monetary worth.
These are just a few of the many types of expert witnesses, each bringing their specialized knowledge to the courtroom. They're the pillars of justice, ensuring that the truth shines brightly under the legal spotlight.
Got a favorite type of expert witness? Share your thoughts and let's celebrate the diverse world of legal superheroes! 🌟🏛️
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getwellorgetlost · 3 years
💃🏻🕺🏻Shake it to the ground. 😖🎧🎶🎶✨✨NEW #2HURT2HEALRADIO #NOWSTREAMING. * 👨🏻‍🔬🧬🔬🧪
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tamerajedwards · 2 years
I know a lot of us are talking about and posting about mental illness and health issues. I completely agree! We had no idea how dealing with the pandemic, health issues, and our daily struggles with money and stress are affecting us over the long haul. We’ve never been dealt this hand all at once. We walk around trying to be super heroes and burying what we carry down inside. I still need to line up a counselor for myself but I put it off day after day wondering how much it’s going to cost? Will I have to miss work? How much gas will it cost to get there? It’s a viscous cycle.
A couple of days ago I had my yearly mammogram. The nice lady at the hospital called my phone and left a message that it turned out normal and told me I didn’t have to come back for a year. I should have been celebrating 🥳 a great moment like this like I usually do, but instead that moment was over shadowed with all my other worries about other health issues and money. It was like a blip in time.
I don’t realize how many minutes of my day I have spent worrying and complaining. It has to have a serious affect on my health and those around me. I don’t need to feel guilty or rejected for expressing my feelings. We should be free to do that. I am reminded of what a close friend said to me not long ago when I was concerned about having asthma and flying for the first time with asthma. They said, “ I’ll never understand your asthma. I just don’t get it, I never will.” Those words pierced my heart. It was like saying, “I am unsympathetic towards you and I won’t take the time to understand you.” It hurt me big time. It was a very dismissive thing to say.
I think we live in a dismissive, unsympathetic, self promotive, selfish culture and what was said to me was a perfect example. To be more like Christ is a step closer to bringing us together. For He is nothing but love 💕. He truly does cast out all fear. If we could reach beyond ourselves and help each other it truly can pull us out of some of our depression and anxiety.
My summer has kind of been dominated by self loathing and fear. My allergies aren’t good, asthma and anxiety kind of out of control, acid reflux getting worse, and I think stress has ignited all of them. I found out my insurance doesn’t want to cover my acid reflux med like they usually do and now my prescription is going to cost 1000.00 a month for the Dexilant. I laughed at the pharmacist over the phone. I said, “Your kidding right?” She didn’t think that was funny and replied, ”No.” Moments like these send me over the edge. I sat on my sofa last night and talked to God. I said, “ You’ve got this right? You’ve got a plan to take care of me, even if I had l have to switch medications?”Turning to God and praying is a habit just like any other habit. We say we pray. But do we really?
I am trying to find real solutions for myself along with prayer. I hate medications! I think we all wish our bodies were like a child’s. Where we pop a gummy vitamin and that’s it and go outside and play. Wouldn’t that be nice? But we age and we really do take life a day at a time.
When my life is spinning out of control with worry, loneliness, allergies and asthma, sheer panic that I’m going to stop breathing, struggling trying to get a coughing attack under control, I get in the car and go see my grand kids, we swim and play and then I realize that my symptoms have pretty much disappeared I know everything was ANXIETY induced. I have also found that eating a half of a CBD gummy has taken away all my symptoms for hours at a time. We are truly chemistry 🧪 sets. Changing yearly,daily, hourly, minute by minute. It’s part of being human.
These are just my morning thoughts. I’ve always been analytical and I guess that’s why I am a writer. Please be encouraged by my writings. Please don’t be afraid to express your thoughts, even if it’s only a sentence. Don’t hesitate to reach out for help. Take time for yourself! Swim, eat ice cream, grill out, ride your bike or motorcycle, go to a ball game, visit the elderly, do something for someone else. You will be surprised at how your burdens will also be lifted!
I love 💕 you!
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doctorentity · 2 years
pronouns based around radioactivity?
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Radioactivity pronouns !
ㅤradio/active/radioactive/radioactiveself, radio/radium/radios/radioactive/radioactiveself, radio/radiation/radiations/radiationself, rad/radium/radiums/radiumself, rad/rads, cath/ode/cathodes, fall/fallouts, io/iod/iodines, ura/nium/uranium, re/reac/reactor/reactors/reactorself, nuc/nuclears, atom/atoms, mu/mutates, de/deca/decays/decayself, che/chem/chemicals/chemicalself, che/chems/chemself, haz/hazard/hazardself, tox/toxic/toxics/toxicself, war/head/wars/heads/warheadself, bomb/bombs, bio/chemical/biochems/biochemicalself, dio/xide/dioxides, mushroom/cloud/mushrooms/clouds/mushroomcloudself, ultra/violet/ultras/violets/ultravioletself, con/contami/contaminated/contaminatedself, trace/tracer/tracerself, hazz/mat/hazzmats/hazzmatself, fiss/fission/fissions/fissionself, electro/smog/electrosmog, lumi/luminescent/luminescentself, dan/danger/dangers/dangerself, war/wars/warself, plu/pluton/plutoniums/plutoniumself.
a little out there but static/statics/staticself, noi/noise/noiseself, grain/grainy/grains/grainself too... related to how visual media taken in radioactive areas tends to become grainy/look like its covered in static due to radiation hitting the censors of the tech used to capture it!
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doctorentity · 2 years
outer space / space adjacent stuff
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Space pronouns !
ㅤhub/hubble/hubbles/hubbleself (hubble telescope), out/outer/outerspace, space/spaces, space/ship/spaceships, al/alien/aliens/alienself, ac/crux/ruxs/acruxself, ad/har/haras/adharaself, alt/altairs, ast/asters, be/bel/ix/trix/belletrixself, blue/star/blues/stars/bluestarself, bright/star/brights/stars/brightstarself, mars/marself, ca/cas/castors, du/dus/dusts/stardustself, space/cadet/spacecadet, ri/ril/rigels, si/sir/rius/irius/siriuself, star /consta/nebular/nebulis/lightself, so/solars, so/sols/sols/solaireself, exo/planet/exos/planets/exoplanetself, sa/saturns, gal/gala/galaxy, me/meteor/meteors/meteorself, astro/naut/astronauts, ex/extra/terrestrials/extraterrestrialself, con/constel/constels/constelself, cyg/cygn/cys/cyself, sidus/siduself, vo/vol/vola/volans.
ㅤsome fun ones ... h☆/h☆m/h☆s/h☆mself, h✦/h✦m/h✦s/h✦mself, h✧/h✧m/h✧s/h✧mself, sh☆/h☆r/h☆rs/h☆rself, th☆y/th☆m/th☆ir/th☆rself.
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doctorentity · 2 years
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━━┈      ౯𖤐༝    「   DOKTOR   」   ⌿   「   PERMITS   」
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