#🩸 * answered. ‣ message received.
hemoatelier · 11 months
bites them
makes out with it passionately.
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dollriki · 2 years
HOW TO GET AWAY WITH ⠀⠀MURDER (amongst other things)
masterlist playlist next
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— CH 2. Shake it Out
NO WARNINGS 🩸 but it's a bit.. cringey i don't like it so maybe that's a warning
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You've had three boyfriends since the start of your school life.
Your first one was in second grade. He had just moved to your school, and girls had circled him like a moth to a flame. But he'd come up to your desk one morning and asked you out. You said yes. It didn't last a week before you broke his heart. You told him you didn't actually love him and only said yes to save yourself and him from embarrassment. You were eight, okay?
The second boy was in your first year of high school. For some reason, you'd decided to develop an infatuation for the boy sitting opposite you in your science class. Your relationship lasted about three weeks and neither of you actually spoke outside of school. And then you realised that this twelve year old boy was talking to about six other girls at once, so you dropped him and promised yourself you'd never fall for a stupid high school boy again.
But then you turned fifteen and met the blonde boy from your filmmaking club. And you'd never fallen harder for someone more.
However, it's the same guy you call your crazy fucking ex. You're seventeen for fucks sake, you should not be having such drama over stupid boys. But he was insane. That's probably not a nice word to use but nothing could describe how scary he turned once you fell out of love. Your relationship lasted over a year, ending just as this term started, and maybe it was kind of your bad for breaking up with him on his birthday, but he'd gotten too much and you needed to move on and it was the only time he'd actually sit and listen to you rather than make up some excuse to not talk. He was upset, clearly, and made a big fuss about how you could've had this conversation any other day other than one where he was supposed to be celebrating (he was probably right), but you thought he took it quite well other than that.
A week after you broke up he would text you nonstop, and if you didn't answer he'd start calling you over and over until you either picked up to tell him to fuck off or turned your phone off and ignored him for the rest of the day. He'd badger you at school, find all sorts of ways to be around you so he could sit and whine like a baby about how you need to get back together. And he'd shown up to your house on multiple occasions just to top it off. Most of the time it was just annoying and an inconvenience, but at times where he knew you couldn't go anywhere, he'd get angry and yell and throw things. You considered yourself quite a calm person when it came to dealing with anger - you'd developed a method from dealing with your mother - but something about the way this boy threw himself at you made you step down a little and you couldn't help the inkling of fear in you whenever you were alone with him. Thankfully, he'd stopped showing up around you now and you only received the odd message from him now and then.
The shitshow of a relationship didn't stop you from getting infatuated with people though. It was known to you that you fell hard for every person you developed an interest in. Whether it was the guy who sat in the front of the class, or the girl from your gym locker room, your inability to constantly develop crushes on people left you feeling stranded.
And that's why Riki was such a fucking pain in the ass.
"Have you ever had a girlfriend?"
Riki looked up at you from where he laid on his stomach on the bed. He was drawing something all over his physics textbook; you hadn't asked what it was though. "Uh, no." He didn't seem embarrassed by it, going back to doodling.
You frowned at him, slightly taken back, "What do you mean?"
He blinked at you, eyebrows creasing as he laughed a little, "I mean I've never had a girlfriend."
"Have you had a boyfriend?"
You gaped at him, sort of in disbelief and it took him a second to realise that you were staring at him with the resemblance of that of an angry kitten. Riki scoffed, "Why is that such a shock to you?"
Because you're fucking beautiful.
Shrugging, you tore your eyes away and looked down at your fingers in your lap, "I dunno. You just seem like you would."
"I guess I'm full of surprises." The boy replied and you giggled a little at that. It was partly true, to be fair. You didn't know much about Riki considering the fact you'd known each other for a two whole days. You'd spent most of the day in separate classes at school (you found out Riki took photography and dance classes, along with extra curricular art after school on Wednesdays), and then came back together on your breaks so you didn't have much time to talk. Riki hadn't exactly invited you to his house but he didn't complain when you'd waited for him by the gate and followed him home. He'd warned you that his grandmother would be home, to which you shrugged at but there was still an inkling in your mind to know the whole thing.
"What's the whole story with your grandma?" The words left your mouth as you thought of them and you probably should've apologised for the sudden change in mood but you were curious.
The boy bit down hard on his bottom lip, halting his drawing and the two of you sat in a kind of awkward silence for a moment. Before Riki spoke, "Um. I've lived with her my entire life."
"Oh," You puffed out your cheeks, "So your parents…"
"They're not dead or anything. Well, I don't think they are. I don't really know. They left when I was like five or six." It was a good thing Riki seemed so open to sharing because you wanted to bash your head into the wall for bringing up such a sensitive topic out of the blue.
He hadn't stopped drawing, not taking his eyes off his paper and you didn't take your eyes off of him as he spoke so freely, "Don't make it a whole thing though, I can tell you feel bad." Riki grinned cheekily at you and you shrunk into yourself as you looked away, "It's not like I can remember it. I just wish they could've left me with someone a bit nicer."
You couldn't help the laugh you let out at that, "Yeah your grandma's a bit of a prick. No offence."
"Non taken." Riki shrugged, snapping his textbook closed and propping his chin on his hand, "What about you?"
"I live with my mum."
"Yeah. My parents divorced a while back. I don't see my dad at all, he could be anywhere now," You stared off into space as you spoke, "I guess we both hate who we live with because my mum is a bitch."
"In what way?" Something about the way Riki listened so intently to what you had to say made you feel... warm because not many people (if anyone) actually did. When you turned to glance at him, he was already looking up at you, head slightly tilted on top of his palm and his eyes (they were such a pretty colour and they were so shiny you couldn't stop yourself from smiling at him) were filled with soft curiosity.
Pouting your lips in thought, you let go, "I dunno. Ever since the divorce she's been erratic and snappy with me. Since there's nobody else in the house she seems to think she has all the control and is constantly angry at everything I do. I get she's probably tired and upset and has to look after me but that's not my fault?" It felt nice to get it off your chest. The feelings had been bubbling up inside you for weeks and it was only a matter of time before you snapped back at her which could've gone wrong in so many ways. You liked talking, and you liked having Riki there to listen.
The boy hummed and it seemed he was trying to come with something to say in response. You gave him a small smile, heart slightly warm. "You don't have to say anything. It was nice of you to listen."
He smiled back at you, shrugging his shoulders. "Well, I know my grandma might not be much of an improvement, but you can always come here if it gets too much."
Fuck, fuck, fuck. Fuck, he's so lovely. He's gonna ruin your fucking life.
"Thanks, Riki."
A warm silence fell over the both of you as you processed the conversation. Riki played with the creases in his bedsheets and you kicked your legs over the edge of the bed before you turned to him, deciding to lighten the mood, "Do you wanna go for ice cream?"
The response was an immediate, "Okay."
The ice cream shop was quiet when you walked in so there were a lot of empty seats. You decided to pick a booth by the window, settling down opposite each other and you picked up the menu instantly.
"My dad used to bring me here all the time. I get the same thing every time." You were speaking without thinking, smiling a little down at the menu.
"I've never been." Riki muttered, pouting his lips as he read over the menu. He blinked a little at the shock written all over your face. "I moved here a month ago!" He defended, the whining in his tone making you bite back a giggle.
He continued to flip through the menu but you didn't take your eyes off him, staring him down hard whilst sometimes glancing back at the menu in front of you.
Riki seemed to clock on quite quickly as he lifted his head with a worried expression.
"Why are you staring at me like that?"
Your hard glare didn't falter when you replied, "I'm trying to decide which ice cream flavour is your favourite."
Riki let out a breathy laugh, blinking a bit in confusion. "I'm a really boring person. If you're expecting something crazy you're gonna be sorely disappointed."
"You're not boring." You mumbled, and before either of you could get another word in, the waitress had made her way over to you.
She gave you both a smile which was probably forced because she dropped it as soon as she started talking, "Are you ready to order?"
Tilting your head at Riki, you turned to her when he nodded. "I'll have the honeycomb and dark chocolate with extra honey." You recited your order as you'd done a million times and the waitress raised her eyebrows at the specification of it.
She turned to Riki. "Just strawberry, please." Riki said sweetly with a shy smile and he handed his menu over to the waitress who nodded and walked away.
You gaped at the boy in front of you, eyebrows furrowed and you mumbled, "Oh, maybe you are fucking boring." To which Riki grinned at.
It didn't take long for your order to come, the ice cream coming in small cardboard bowls with a little spoon. Yours was practically overflowing, the extra honey pouring down the sides of the bowl and onto the napkin underneath. It looked fancy compared to Riki's, but Riki's came with a strawberry on top so you were kind of jealous.
"This is cute." Riki was smiling as he picked up the strawberry, his eyes brightening when you grinned back at him.
"Right? It's my favourite place ever, they make everything so…" Your train of through trailed off when you looked out of the window and spotted a boy crossing the road opposite the shop. You furrowed your brows, trying to make out if it was actually who you thought it was.
"Y/N? What's wrong?" Riki's voice snapped you back for a second. You blinked at him with a slight frown, his own face filling with confusion and you opened your mouth to reassure him that it didn't matter when the boy outside the window actually passed where you were sitting and any words you had at the ready had simmered away.
This cannot be happening right now.
You hoped that he hadn't seen you and he was just walking by. You knew he lived in the area because you'd been here multiple times with him, but the thought of him actually showing up didn't come to you.
But then you heard the bell above the door ring and you felt your heart drop to your stomach.
Riki seemed to notice your instant change in mood and his face grew worried-
That voice didn't belong to Riki.
You felt like someone had dropped cold ice all over you. Closing your eyes, you took a deep breath as an attempt to calm yourself before you did anything stupid. He won't do anything with Riki here. You hoped, anyway.
Turning to your right, you faced the blonde boy. There was something inside of you that hoped you'd made the whole thing up and your ex boyfriend wasn't standing at the end of your table. Trust him make a good day fucking terrible.
"Hyunjae." You smiled through gritted teeth, sending Riki a slightly pleading look but he looked between the two of you with puzzlement as he continued to eat his ice cream.
Hyunjae glanced at Riki and you knew the look in his eye when he looked Riki up and down. "Who's this?" Hyunjae asked, not even trying to sound polite and for some reason it made you angry. You were an easily angered person, most people knew that, but it never really upset you when people were blunt or judgey because people's opinions didn't matter to you. But because it was Riki it, for some reason, felt different.
You took a spoonful of your ice cream, skin feeling slightly hot. "Not even a 'hi' or a 'how have you been'?"
The blonde wasn't amused, arms itching to cross over his chest and you scowled at him. Looking across at Riki your heart kind of melted in your chest. He was staring at you with the utmost innocence and confusion, eyes slightly wide as if he was trying to ask you what was happening. You wanted to reach across the table and hold his hand but instead you looked back up at Hyunjae. "This is Riki."
Hyunjae raised his eyebrows. You knew him well enough to know that he had nothing against Riki, and it was just the fact that he was a boy sitting across from you that was making him act so bluntly. Yet you still wanted to punch him in the face.
Riki looked uncomfortable, turning slightly away from Hyunjae and when he met your eye you scrunched your nose apologetically and glanced down at his ice cream as if to tell him to keep eating and ignore him. Riki obliged and settled with watching out of the window. You turned to Hyunjae, skin buzzing with annoyance now and you opened your mouth to tell him to leave but he bet you to it, "So is this like, a date or something?"
The question left you kind of stunned. There were a million things you could've said in response to it. You could've been honest and told him no but that could've given him some sort of weird false hope that he still had a chance with you. Or you could've lied and said it was, so he would finally fuck off and leave you alone. But there was always the chance that Riki wouldn't like that.
Fuck it.
"Yeah. It is." You lied.
Both boys seemed taken back by your announcement. Hyunjae looked at you like he didn't want to believe it, which then turned into a frown and all that left his lips was a defeated, "Oh."
Riki, however, snapped his head towards you with wide eyes like a deer in headlights. You fought back a laugh by biting hard on your bottom lip because his shock was kinda cute, but you sent him a pleading look as if to say 'don't say anything.'
He didn't, thankfully.
Slightly relieved that everything was working out, you took another spoonful of your ice cream and pursed your lips in Hyunjae's direction. Your ex took the hint and pushing his tongue against the inside of his cheek, he nodded his head, "Well it was nice seeing you, I guess. Enjoy your fucking date."
Riki blinked a bit in shock at the sudden spite in Hyunjae's tone, turning to glare as the blonde stormed off but you just rolled your eyes. The sigh you let out as soon as Hyunjae walked away was so shaky. It was like a wave rippled through your entire body and you slightly shivered but shook your head and rubbed at your face to bring yourself back to life.
Riki was staring at you like he'd seen a ghost. "That was so fucking weird-"
"I'm so sorry," You blurted out, "I really wish that hadn't happened. I wasn't expecting to see him nevermind him come over. He's an asshole. He's scary and weird and jealous. We broke up months ago but he won't leave me alone. I'm sorry I had to drag you into this. I just couldn't stand seeing him anymore. And I'm sorry for the way he acted towards you, it made me really mad because you're such a beautiful person and he was looking at you like you were shit on the bottom of his shoe or something." What the fuck were you saying? "I'm just- I'm sorry, Riki. You didn't need to see all of that, or him. He's a piece of shit."
Riki had never seen you pour so much emotion out at once. He was a little taken back, speechless really, that you'd just admitted all of that over bowls of ice cream but he shook his head. "No, it's okay. Don't apologise."
You pouted, still wanting to apologise but you stopped yourself. You weren't any good at saying sorry, but you knew when to, so when you did, you couldn't stop.
"Was that your ex?"
Nodding, you went back to your ice cream. Riki had almost finished his but you'd hardly started.
"Oh, okay," The boy pursed his lips, "Well don't worry about it. He's gone now."
You nodded again, thankful that he hadn't made a big thing out of it and let the whole thing go as quickly as it came. The two of you sat in silence for a moment as you finished up your ice cream. You took a bite of one of the chocolate pieces when Riki broke the silence like a knife:
"Are we on a date?"
Usually you were good at masking your feelings, covering them up with snarky replies or bitchy comments. But the question echoed through your mind, bouncing around your head and suddenly you felt extremely hot. Your breath caught in your throat and when you glanced over at Riki, he was pushing his spoon around his empty bowl before he looked up at you timidly.
"Um." What the fuck do I say? It wasn't like you minded the idea of it. However, Riki wasn't like you. He didn't fall for people two days after he met them. Or at least you didn't think so.
"I don't- I kinda-" Fucking hell. "It wasn't… intended to be a date. But. I don't, like, mind or whatever." You busied yourself by finishing up the last of your ice cream in hopes it would stop the furious heat in your chest.
Riki wasn't saying anything. Why wasn't Riki saying anything?
And then he did: "Okay."
"Okay." You muttered, the fire dying down and leaving a slightly empty void in its place.
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SYNOPSIS! trying to find a way to escape your shitty life, you decide to indulge in the new boy at school. what you didn't realise, is that you'd be on the run from murder with him a week later.
freya's notes hello everyone 👋 sorry this took so long to post ive been busy with my new job!!! but the next update might not be for a while until i get time to finish :( anyway i don't like this chapter at all it's very boring but the next one is much better and more interesting :D !!! pls be patient with me
taglist! @hafsa-hoofsa-heefs
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© dollriki 2022
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dinner-with-strahd · 10 months
Strahd von Zarovich - Ask Blog Information
🧡 OOC Information 🧡
[aka the place i can be as syripsy as i want. hehe lowercase letters, go!]
hii! im syrips (any pronouns 30 y/o), im a shameless strahd simp and i made this blog because i enjoy rping as strahd as a DM. so i was like 'well this seems like an enjoyable way for others to rp/engage with strahd too'
another reason is because when i DM with strahd, i literally forget what strahd says/does and it bums me out.. at least with these i can reread them ooc and be like 'woah, thats cool!!' or w/e HAHah
anyways im new to rping on tumblr so pls feel free to message me ooc if needed, thank you and hope you all enjoy this silly little ask/rp blog, my beloveds!!
🦇 Rules / Info: 🦇
Please Read: Strahd's default mannerisms may come off as abusive, toxic, and/or triggering. Please be mindful of trigger warning tags and sensitive content. Read the Legend below for alterations, adjustments, requests, and information so you have a comfortable and consensual experience!
Anon asks are fine, but anything that seems nsfw and I can't confirm your age will probably not be answered.
Must be 18+ for nsfw asks. Your profile must have your age or indicate in some form that you are 18+.
I have no limits with what I receive, but I will tag, warn, and spoiler sensitive/triggering content to provide a safe space for others. I love enabling all forms of fictional/rping indulgence, but I also want to make sure we're all enjoying it in our own consenting and fun ways.
"Dinner with Strahd" was chosen as my url because it usually holds a very immersive meaning to players/DMs. However, interactions with Strahd are not assumed to be literally in the dinner hall unless stated with (dinner) or implied through context.
🩸 Default: 🩸
If something is not stated, these are the defaults that I do for Strahd. Some are based on canon, and some based on fanon. If you want him to react or behave in a specific/different way, see the Legend below.
Strahd is a vampire, with a visual appearance of someone in his mid 30's to 40's.
Strahd is Bisexual.
Strahd's default pronouns are he/him.
Strahd is patient, charming, and predatory.
Strahd is only intimate/predatory to adults.
Strahd is an unreliable narrator/host.
Strahd will respond as though you are communicating in person, with a letter/familiar, or a sending spell.
Strahd supports trans/queer rights because he wants to see his Beloved's radiant smile in the perfect form.
🖤 Legend [do people still call it that??] 🖤
[Closed bracket things] : i use this when i want to talk OOC
(Parentheses) : you tell me what you want in here. it can be as vague or as unlimited/detailed as you want. more detail = more accuracy. examples are below
TW : i will use this, along with the spoiler/keep reading thing, along with the tw in the tags for sensitive/specific content
Parentheses Examples:
you can add this anywhere, but i recommend in the beginning or end of your ask/message.
"hi strahd you smell dumb hehe (fluff, PC: Zinnira - fallen aasimar, rogue, sent letter with rat)"
then wham he'd respond with a silly/wholesome/funny banter or message - easy peasy!!
Random Suggestions for words to use if you want to use the Parentheses:
(fluff/comfort/good/nice/etc.) : use words like this for nice, wholesome and/or comfort strahd response
(beloved) : strahd will respond as though you are his beloved. yes, that Beloved.
(enemy/rival/conflict/etc.) : use words like this and strahd will respond as though you are his enemy [or he is yours]
(scary/evil/creepy/possessive) : im fine with these but please add if you have any limits/hard no's/boundaries, i want you to enjoy it and not actually be uncomfortable irl/ooc!
(PC - race/lineage, class, etc.) : give me context of your PC! [you can even send me google docs for context hehe i love reading]
(f/o imagines) : strahd isn't my f/o, but i enjoy these. you can also add words like if you want it to be cheesy, fluff, flirty, scary, funny, sfw/nsfw, etc.
([gender or pronouns here] Strahd) : adjusts strahd's gender/pronouns
([personality style/alignment] Strahd) : adjusts strahd's personality/alignment
(in person/dinner/letter/sending spell/etc.) : use words like this if you want your ask/message to be received in a specific way
(other oddly specific stuff) : literally go wild, this is your little ooc bubble of telling me what YOU want. have fun, my beloveds! 🧡🧡
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daniellepioli · 2 years
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Please read ‼️ One day I received a message from a man who calls himself a feminist shaming me for making comics about periods. He first insulted my English (?) and then proceeded to shame me and bring me down for sharing my experiences with my period in my comics and being period positive. Then he blocked me before I could even respond. My immediate thought was: why does he call himself a feminist? And then I made this. It’s been sitting in my image library for months. I didn’t want to share it without more information. So please read below: 🚨 Globally, an estimated 500 million people who menstruate lack access to menstrual products and hygiene facilities. 🚨 There are an estimated 16.9 million people who menstruate living in poverty in the United States. 🚨52% of Brazilian people who menstruate have suffered from period poverty at some point, having no access to basic higiene items like water, pads and tampons. 🚨 Around 2,9 million of students have missed class for lack of basic period higiene items at least once in Brazil. 🚨 A study involving college-aged individuals who menstruate reported that 14.2% had experienced period poverty in 2020 in the US. An additional 10.0% experienced it every month. These are only a few of the data collected around this topic about Brazil (my country) and the US. There are even more disturbing data like people using toilet paper, newspaper, and even pieces of bread(!) to absorb the period blood 🩸 Please make an effort to quickly google about the topic in your country and see what the data there is. Feel free to share in the comments to raise everyone’s awareness to this issue. So what do we do??? Under capitalism we can donate and what not, but poverty will continue to exist since capitalism itself can’t exist without it. The answer? I’ll let you connect the dots. #periodpoverty #periodproblems #periodpositive #capitalism #pobrezamenstrual #comicstrip #daniellepioli #sliceoflife https://www.instagram.com/p/CpnzpFIAl4t/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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godlygreta · 3 years
bloody valentine | s. kiszka
title | bloody valentine
summary | josh needed some main characters for a short horror film he was making. you and your best friend sam just so happened to be free !
warnings | 18+, fake blood, knives, knife play, sex (unprotected sex, oral f receiving), clothed grinding
word count | 4.5k+
author’s note | good mornin’ all ! did someone ask for a sam kiszka halloweenish type smut? nobody did? just me? okay. well ;) came up w this idea randomly in my com class, wrote it out over the course of two weeks and came up w this! i hope everyone enjoys :) thank you all for reading and being the coolest besties ever.
unedited as always !
“Guys, please! It’ll take like one weekend, four days, tops. I wanna blow my film class away.” Josh pleaded, hands folded together. He’d been talking about this film since February. It was almost October now. It was a love story between two serial killers, leaving little love messages with dead bodies.
“I mean, I’ve got no other plans.” You spoke, looking towards Sam. He almost didn’t want to by the looks of him. Josh’s eyes were filled with hope. He just wanted to make the film perfect. You and Sam were already comfortable with each other, it would surely be easy to force a love story between the two of you. Sam caved, agreeing to star in the movie alongside you.
“Yes! Thank you. You won’t regret it!” Josh basically skipped away, hopping into his car. You laughed at his eagerness in comparison to Sam’s reluctance.
“C’mon, Sammy, it’ll be fun, don’t be such a downer! I bet he’ll make you one of my victims.” You shoved your elbow playfully into his side. He wasn’t going to tolerate that, oh no he was not, throwing you over his shoulder. You yelped, soon after laughter followed. You wrapped your arms around Sam’s waist as he carried you up the stairs into his room. He threw you down on his bed and laid fake punches on you.
“If he makes me the serial killer,” he ran a hand through his hair. “I’ll make you my first.”
“Maybe we’re both the serial killers.” You responded, looking up at him with your elbows supporting your body. “Maybe we have to pretend we’re in love with each other.”
“Gross, you smell bad, I don’t wanna be in love with you.”
“I do not smell bad, you asshole. And you don’t have to be in love with me, you just gotta make it look like it. Pretend I’m like fucking Grace from Bio or some shit.” He laughed at you, sitting at his headboard. You moved to sit closer to him, laying your head in his lap. “I’ll pretend you’re Spencer Reid, Lord knows I don’t have to fake being in love with that man. The things he could do to me.”
“That’s gross, Y/N.”
“Oh, whatever. You remember the time you forced me and Danny to listen to the ENTIRE story of how you lost your virginity?” You asked, looking up at his accusatory. “TWICE?”
“I did not.” You rolled your eyes, leaving your comfy spot in his lap to find the television remote.
“Sam, I’m not even going to argue with you.” You threw the remote at him, almost hitting him in the head with it. “Throw on a fucking movie.”
The October breeze that greeted you once you stepped out of your house was harsh, uninviting. You pull your sweater closer to your body as your backpack filled with clothes sits at your feet. If only Josh could drive a little faster. You sit on your phone in wait, scrolling mindlessly through Instagram, liking any posts you could see. You stumbled across one Sam posted recently, looking outward off the ridges of a mountain range. His side profile always blew you away. How could someone so fucking annoying be that pretty?
Josh pulled up, rolling his window down and called out to you. It snapped you out of your daze, throwing your bag over your shoulder. Climbing into the seat behind Josh’s, Sam looks sleepy in the passenger seat. “You excited to film?”
“Yes!” Josh answered, his enthusiasm dripping in everything he did. He basically peeled out of your driveway, jolting you backwards into your seat. “I’ve already filmed most of the other scenes, the ones with a few of my friends posing as the dead bodies. We just have to film all of your guys’ scenes.”
“You brought a swimsuit like I asked you to, right?”
“Yeah, not sure why you asked though.”
“You guys sort of have a sex scene, but I didn’t want to subject you to full nudity. Swimsuits cover everything while still giving off the appearance of being naked.” Sam woke up from his sleepy daze with the mention of a sex scene with you. Josh assured the both of you that it would be incredibly brief and they wouldn’t even actually have to have fake sex, just an elongated makeout session.
“I’m pretending you’re Spencer Reid for sure now.” You chuckled, Sam glaring at you. If it were up to him, you two wouldn’t even have a sex scene at all.
But this was for Josh. He would do anything for Josh. As would you. The inseparability of the four boys and you was insane. When you befriended Sam, you two were in kindergarten. Pesky little four and five year olds who loved nothing more than to cause a bit of mischief. Everyday at recess you would play together, this continuing on for years and years to come. When you were able to play with the bigger kids, the two of you would constantly run into the twins. Josh’s energy had matched the chaotic nature of yours almost too perfectly. You fit perfectly into the Kiszka family.
“Get situated and as soon as you put your shit in the room, let’s get started!” Josh practically ran into the little cabin he had driven you to. It was cute, little. The cabin itself was made of wood, a perfect little two bedroom, two bath house. It forced you and Sam to share a room, which you didn’t mind. You and Sam had shared a bed since you were little.
Josh came into the bedroom you two were unpacking your things in, holding up two piles of clothes. You barely caught them as he threw them towards you. “Change into these, I’ll give you your lines when you get downstairs.”
You threw your sweater onto the bed, shimmying off your pants to change into the ones he gave you. They were thrifted, a perfect tight, holy pair of jeans to get full of fake blood. The sweater he gave you to wear was almost too pretty to get rid of. You frowned slightly, not wanting to ruin how pretty the sweater was, but it was for Josh.
You didn’t wait for Sam, meeting Josh in the living room, him explaining a few of the scenes you’d be filming today to you. “Tomorrow, though, we’re going to go to town and go to a cute little coffee shop for the scene where you and Sam meet up as the two serial killers for the first time.”
“Awesome. You seem really excited about this.”
“I am, this thing is practically my baby at the moment.” He grabbed the papers he had stapled together for you and Sam to look over your lines. You read through some of the pages, your eyes stopping once they had found the sex scene you two would end up filming. The way you thought the scene would play out in your mind if it was real, not just a movie, wasn’t even considered porn. It was fucking art. Especially with the way Josh was writing it.
“Let’s get this thing started, yeah?” Josh asks, shaking you from the daze you were in. Sam had come down the stairs, dressed in almost the same thing as you. His pants were void of holes and his sweater had a button down shirt underneath, you could tell from the collar sticking out from the collar of the sweater. It was crooked though, you reached up to fix it for him.
The two of you followed Josh to where he wanted you two to be. “Alright, we’ll do Sam’s scenes first and then we’ll shoot yours, okay, Y/N?”
“Alright. Mind if I wander?”
“Not at all, just don’t go too far.” You nodded in response, walking back towards the house. You wanted to rummage through the cupboards, see if there were any coffee grounds. You eventually found a pot, instantly making yourself a cup.
You brought it with you as you wandered through the woods. The forest behind the cabin was thick, trees stretched for miles, blurring out the farther out you looked. This was the perfect place to film a horror movie. It was secluded, the next door neighbors were at least half of a mile to a mile away. The trees, though, were all beautiful with changing colors, some were more red than others, some more yellow. The evergreens stayed their brilliant color. The view in front of you was cinematic for sure. “Y/N!”
Your head snapped to where the voice was coming from. You walked towards it, finding Josh and Sam there. “We’ll have to wait till night to film the rest of his, so let’s do the first bit of yours first. You don’t have any lines, so you’re just gonna run around basically, looking frantically. I don’t want people to know you’re the other serial killer until the meeting in the coffee shop.”
“Alright. So, just run around looking innocent while you chase me with the camera?” You asked, taking your hair down from your ponytail. He nodded, helping you fix your hair as best he could.
Only Josh would make you run around for an hour, your body and lungs slightly tired from the harsh cold of the wind. “Alright. I’m gonna shoot some of the scenery, you and Sam can go back inside til dark.”
“Thanks, Josh.” You went back inside the cabin, leaving Josh by himself in the woods. You found Sam in the living room, guitar on his knee, pencil in his mouth. You grabbed it from him, putting it down on the table. “You’re not supposed to eat lead, Kiszka.”
“I just felt like tasting the graphite, gotta get that nutrition somewhere.” You rolled your eyes at him, smirking while doing so. Sam had a lot of fucking attitude all the time. You were sure by the second grade that the ‘s’ in his name stood for sass. The second one definitely stood for sarcasm.
“Play me something to pass the time?” You asked, feet tucked under Sam’s thigh. He looked over at you before he began to play his guitar. The melody of a familiar tune popped into your head. Sam had played it before, this time you could tell something was added to it. It was longer, prettier almost. The strumming of his fingers lulled you to sleep, your arms crossed over your stomach.
“Hey, Y/N,” Sam’s voice came from nowhere, hands lightly shaking you awake. “Josh wants to film our scenes. Afterwards we can watch your favorite Halloween movie if you want.”
“You’ll actually watch Coraline with me and not pussy out?” Your voice was dripped in sleepiness, rubbing away as much of it from your eyes as you could. He laughed, extending his hand out to you to help you up from the couch.
“Last time we watched it was in sixth grade, Y/N. Give me some credit.” You rolled your eyes, ignoring him completely. You walked outside to find Josh, set up with some lighting a bit into the woods. Twigs snapped underneath your and Sam’s feet.
“After these scenes, we can all go inside and film the sex scene and knock it out so we can actually go home tomorrow afternoon. We still have to shoot the coffee shop scene, but I forgot my other homework back at home. You guys are cool with that right?” Josh spoke, slightly preoccupied with the lighting. 
“Yeah, whatever you wanna do, boss.” You joked, a sudden bubble of nerves coming to life underneath your skin.
He filmed some of the scenes with Sam first, Sam’s face illuminated both by the lighting he brought but also by the moonlight. His facial features were absolutely breathtaking under the moonlight. Yours were next, and while waiting, you tried to forget the scenes you would be filming after this. You tried so hard, but the thoughts of you two being in that position made your eyes clouded with lust.
“Y/N! Beautiful! Your scenes are going to look so fucking good, oh my God!” Josh yelled, jumping slightly in the cold. You smiled, brushing your hair behind your ear. “Seriously, you fuckin’ nailed it, dude. Thank you. I could kiss you right now!”
“You do not have to do that.” You spoke, giving Josh a hug. The three of you laughed, heading back inside. You and Sam switched into your swimsuits, as Josh set up for the scenes. Admittedly, you were incredibly nervous about how this was going to go.
“You ready for this?” Sam asked, shouting through the door as he waited for you to finish. You tied the strings of your bathing suit and opened the door. His eyes glazed over, staring at every inch of your skin that he could. He thought you didn’t catch him, but you did; he licked his lips while looking at you.
“More than ready. Are you?” You asked, pushing past him and heading into the kitchen where Josh was. There was a blue tarp covering the kitchen floor, covered in fake blood. One of the chairs from the kitchen was tipped over towards the middle, duct tape cut and stuck to the chair to make it look like someone was tied up but had been cut loose. “Sam’s putting his suit on now. Anything you want me to do?”
“Yeah!” He reached inside of the duffel bag hidden behind the counter on the floor, pulling out a holster and a switchblade. You looked between him and the items in his hands. “Put this around your thigh, and put this in it. I’m gonna give you a long t-shirt to wear to hide it.”
“Am I using it on Sam?” You asked, doing the buckle.
“Yeah, you two are serial killers, Y/N. You like knife play and let’s wait for Sam so I can explain it once instead of twice. It’ll make sense, I promise.” You shrugged, shoving the switchblade inside of the holster. He handed you a large t-shirt, a worn out University of Michigan shirt. As soon as Sam’s in the kitchen with the two of you, Josh explains what you two will be doing. “So, you’ve both read the script and everything. I tweaked it last minute, so everything you read isn’t gonna happen anymore. It’s gonna be sexier now.”
Josh explained it to the two of you as simply as he could possibly put it. The idea of it seemed incredibly sultry, sexy and something you would even enjoy outside of the movie setting. You gulped nervously as Josh put you where he wanted the two of you to start. As soon as he yelled ‘action’, the two of you switched from your normal selves to the version Josh wanted.
“Scared?” He asks, body towering over yours. The knife he has sits comfortably in his hand, blade facing away from you. You looked up at him through your eyelashes, puppy dog eyes being exposed.
“You forget,” a smirk rising to your face. You pull a switchblade from its holster strapped tight against your thigh. You flicked it open, dragging the tip of the cold blade against his chest. “You’re not the only one here who plays with knives.”
He drops the blade next to him, clamoring on the floor as he grabs the back of your neck and brings your lips to his. The blade barely misses your feet by mere inches. The switchblade you held in your hand cuts his skin slightly, causing a hiss to come from his lips. You close it in front of him, placing it on the counter behind you. He grabs your hips, hoisting you onto the counter as well, settling himself between your legs. All that’s heard in the room is the sounds of heavy breathing, clashing skin and lips smacking together. He rips the shirt off of you, throwing it somewhere into the kitchen.
Your fingertips glide through his hair, tugging at the roots as his teeth bite your bottom lip. He moans as his head throws back, giving you access to his neck. You bite at the skin on the column of his throat, licking back up it, going over his adam’s apple. You smirk at him with an open mouth, cocky until his hand comes to wrap around your throat. The pressure he applies, mixed with the blood spatter on his face, sends a wave of pleasure through you. Your hand trails down his torso, wiping some of the blood off of your hands.
He stops your hands, grabbing one of your index fingers and sucking the blood off of them, staring into your eyes the entire time. You moaned when his tongue swirled around your finger, letting it go with a pop. You tugged him back into you by the waistband of his boxers, feverishly kissing him, slipping your tongue in his mouth. His hands gripped your waist tightly, pulling you to the edge of the counter, your core making contact with his erection. The fact that you could feel how big he was through his pants made you moan, slightly drooling at the thought of it in various holes.
“And cut!” Josh yelled, the two of you separating and breathing heavy. You turned towards Josh, who seemed to be super excited about the take you guys had. “Perfect! Beautiful! Thank you two so much. This is gonna look so sick. You guys pretend to fuck pretty well.”
“Thanks.” You breathed out, mostly heavy breathing from the way Sam was making you feel. In those moments, you had forgotten Josh was even there. You were ready for him to take you right then and there on that kitchen counter. The two of you stayed close together, for sure trying to keep Josh from seeing how hard Sam was.
“You two can go get washed up, I’ll clean up the kitchen.” You nodded, Sam helped you off the counter. The two of you walked into your room in silence, a sort of ‘almost sex’ induced haze between the two of you. Your throat felt dry when you finally reached the bedroom, looking through your bag for some of your pajamas you had brought.
“Did you want to shower together? I think this stuff might stain.” Sam broke the silence first, body facing towards you. “This way you can help me get this stuff off, and I can help you get it off.”
“Yeah.” You responded, your voice hoarse. You swallowed thickly, abandoning your clothes on top of the bed. You could just shower with your swimsuits on, right? Yeah, yeah you could.
Sam follows you into the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. He started the snower, turning the knob to warm water. The waiting was the worst part. The tension between the two of you was palpable, you could truly cut it with a knife. Your eyes focus on Sam's back noticing the half moon impressions left on his shoulders. You reached out to touch them, fingerps grazing them. Sam jumped slightly, turning his head to look at you over his shoulder. “I didn’t mean to leave marks.”
“It's okay.” He turned towards you, your heartbeat rising as his fingertips trail up your arms, hands cupping your cheeks. “I like them.”
His kisses now were different. They weren’t as demanding; they were patient, waiting for you to respond. Eagerly, you did; your hands found Sam’s waist, pulling his body closer to yours. His lips and tongue tasted like the fake blood, high fructose com syrup. His hands sild to your back fumbling with the strings of your swimsuit. Once they were undone, his hands explore the skin of your back. He hummed against your lips, feeling your hands undo the ties on his swim trunks, you forced them down his legs, hearing the material fall to the floor. 
You undid the strings behind your neck, letting your top join Sam's swimsuit on the floor. His eyes never left yours. You grabbed his hands, putting them on your skin. You sighed, the feeling of his fingers felt so good in contrast to your cold skin. His hands move from your breasts, mourning the loss of contact. His hands hook under your thighs, putting you on the bathroom counter.
His lips travel down your neck kissing down your breastbone. You moan as his tongue swirls  around your nipple, sucking it into his mouth. Your hand flies to the back of his head, pulling him further into you. His hand occupied the other breast, rolling your nipple between his fingers, pinching it. You hissed in pain, pleasure taking over. You wanted him closer, as close as you could possibly get him.
Your mind wandered, not being able to process that this was real - this was happening. The two of you had a silent agreement to not ask any questions, discuss what was happening after it happened, or maybe even in the morning. Nothing was as important to you than fucking Sam in any position he’d have you in.
He began to kiss lower, looking up at you to make sure you’d be okay with him removing your swimsuit bottoms. You just lifted your hips off the counter, moving them slightly so he’d get the hint. He did, immediately coaxing your legs open with his nose as soon as they were thrown behind him. Your attempts to keep your composure, keeping all of your moans behind your lips failed, a loose string of profanities falling from your lips as soon as Sam’s lips wrapped around your clit, sucking lightly.
His finger slid through your folds easily, collecting your slick before making its way inside of you. You threw your head back moaning, Sam’s long, slender fingers filling you in ways your own couldn’t. He brushed against your cervix, and that coupled with his mouth occupying your clit, it was enough to start a fire.
Your hips moved ragged against his hand, eyes shutting as the bundle of pleasure in your lower stomach grew larger. “Mhm, so pretty. Fuck yourself on my fingers, baby. I love watching you like this.” You rode out your orgasm on his fingers, they made you dance in ways nobody ever has before. Sam’s voice was soft, “Look at me, baby, wanna see you.”
You looked into his eyes, drinking in how intently Sam was watching you. It made your orgasm even more intense, eating up the way he just fucking stared at you. He pressed kisses to the inside of your thighs, moving down more and more before pressing kisses to each of the insides of your knees. The sweetness within the way Sam was making you feel made you fucking lightheaded. He licked his fingers clean of your come, staring at you the entire time he did so.
You brought him up to kiss him again, tasting yourself in his mouth. You hummed, pulling him closer to you. “Fuck me, Sam, please.”
“Anything for you, sweet girl.” He mumbled against your lips, sliding his boxers down his legs. He grabbed his cock, moving up and down your slit. You gasped from how sensitive your clit was, bucking your hips into him. He lets out a small laugh before he gasps as he fully sits himself inside of you. He lets you adjust to his size, kissing just below your jawline. You shifted your hips, moaning.
The pace is slow at first, wanting to feel every inch of you wrapped around him. The two of you worked in sync, anytime he moaned, one slipped past your lips. You lost any sense of care the more Sam fucked you. You didn’t care how loud you were, if Josh could hear the two of you or not. 
Unbeknownst to you, Josh had always figured the two of you would get together at some point. There was nobody on this Earth Sam talked about the way he talked about you. He talked about you as if you made the sun shine and the birds chirp in the morning. It almost grossed him out how blind Sam was to how much he truly loved you, and what capacity it was in.
“So perfect, angelic human being. You’re fucking otherworldly.” His hand was loose around your jaw, but kept you looking at him. His eyes couldn’t leave yours, it was almost as if anytime he tried he would just end up looking right back at you. “You’re a fucking goddess.”
“Your goddess, Sammy. Yours.” You moaned back, Sam’s pace became the fastest it's been. The sudden change being brought about by you claiming to be his, giving yourself to him.
“Ugh, fuck, all mine.” The fire moved freely through your bloodstream, its path ending in your lower stomach. It burned bright, building and building. Your body reacted accordingly, jaw slack, mouth hung open with a brush of pleasure painted across your face. Your fingernails occupied Sam’s back and shoulders, clawing him closer, encouraging him to go harder, faster, more. You were right there, almost, almost. You whined, eyes screwing shut tighter and tighter. Your voice was whiny, pitchy as the flames finally bursted and turned into a full blown forest fire, “Holy fuck.”
Your thighs shook, breathing incredibly ragged and irregular. Your hips stilled, allowing you to fully feel Sam inside of you. “C’mon, Sammy. Fuck me harder, wanna feel you fill me up. Fill me with your cum, Sammy.”
“Oh God,” he moans into your shoulder, hands gripping your hips so tight there might be Sam’s fingerprint sized bruises there in the morning. “Fuck, you feel so fucking good.”
When his hips begin to falter and his pace becomes uneven, you know he’s close. You coax him to the edge, tugging at the roots of his hair. He stills himself inside of you, filling you with his seed. He presses light kisses to your shoulder, waiting a minute before pulling out of you. “Guess we should shower now.”
“That water’s gonna be fucking cold.” You giggled, slapping Sam’s arm lightly as he set you back down on the bathroom floor.
“I’ll keep you warm, don’t worry.” He kissed your nose, going to turn the knob to the completely hot side. Once the two of you had stepped in, the water was warm against your skin. You hummed once he wrapped his arms around you, kissing the middle of your forehead.
“You wanna talk about what just happened or ignore it and just see where things go from here?” You asked, drawing circles on the skin of his chest, looking up at him.
“Let’s just see where this goes. I think I’m a good second best to Spencer Reid, yeah?” He looked at you with that goofy smile on his face, making you chuckle before kissing him. You could stay like this forever.
You still had yet to film the scene where your and Sam’s characters meet as serial killers. At least then you wouldn’t have to fake the sexual tension.
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hemoatelier · 1 year
bites them
"h-hey?!" yuuki jumps, poking it's forehead, forcing it away from the reddening patch of skin on their neck. they pinch it's cheeks. "your teeth hurt!"
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hemoatelier · 1 year
🩸 * out. ‣ i am not sorry for tipperposting‚ it will happen again. 🩸 * in. ‣ the curtain rises. 🩸 * inbox. ‣ send a message. 🩸 * answered. ‣ message received. 🩸 * face. ‣ graveyard heart. 🩸 * dash. ‣ break time. 🩸 * crack. ‣ welcome to the cringe and failzone. 🩸 * aesthetics. ‣ i wish we can wear dresses that shine brightly like the tail of a comet‚ and dance from the morning to night. 🩸 * character. ‣ this version of myself that i've chosen‚ imperfect as it may be‚ is the one i'll show to you. 🩸 * worldbuilding. ‣ keeper of the lore. 🩸 * creations. ‣ scoutlight‚ scoutkeep‚ scoutboss. 🩸 * promotions. ‣ networking chance. 🩸 * wishlist. ‣ something to look forwards to. 🩸 * connections. ‣ no one is alone in this world. 🩸 * calls. ‣ note box. 🩸 * closet. ‣ with a single thread. 🩸 * audio. ‣ radio station. 🩸 * blog updates. ‣ god help us all. 🩸 * saved. ‣ live tipper reaction.
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