#šŸ©ø * in. ā€£ the curtain rises.
hemoatelier Ā· 7 months
bites them
makes out with it passionately.
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free-for-all-fics Ā· 10 months
The Lost Boys and Queen of the Damned/The Vampire Lestat crossover prompt! (In my head Lestat is still blond and face claimed by either Tom Cruise or Sam Reid, but if you wanna picture Stuart Townsend, go ahead!) Pls tag me if youā€™re inspired to write something based off any of the ideas below and Iā€™d love to read it! ā¤ļøšŸ©ø
Youā€™re a vampire and the bassist for the rock band Satanā€™s Night Out with your human band mates Alex, Larry, and Tough Cookie. The band has been struggling for years, but your stage presence helps them gain popularity. As you get a cult following that grows bigger and bigger over time, you rise up from performing in seedy bars and underground clubs and land spots on bigger stages in better venues. When Lestat de Lioncourt is awakened from his decades long slumber after hearing your band rehearsing, he rises from his grave to join as the new lead vocalist. You rename your band as The Vampire Lestat and tour all over the country, playing to crowds of hundreds or thousands of people. You often play at sold out shows and sometimes your band is more anticipated than the main headliner. People really come to see The Vampire Lestat even if youā€™re just the opening act.
One of your stops is Santa Carla, California - the murder capital of the world! Hell fucking yeah, you and Lestat are so pumped! You just promoted a massive concert in Death Valley, but this is even better! This city really seems to come alive at night and thereā€™s lots of interesting and colorful characters living here. Missing posters are littered everywhere but the police are desensitized to it and wonā€™t lift a finger to investigate. Perfect, easy pickings for you and Lestat. You and Lestat receive several threats from other vampires warning you not to play in Santa Carla, but you dismiss them and have the concert anyway. While youā€™re performing on the boardwalk, the Lost Boys are completely entranced by the frenetic energy of your music as they watch you play and hear Lestatā€™s singing voice. You and Lestat can sense thereā€™s vampires nearby, possibly even among the large crowd of fans. You and Lestat attempt to drive back to your hideout afterwards, but several vampires attack you and your car gets lit on fire. David and his Lost Boys swoop in and come to your rescue, fighting off the rival vampires. They urge you and Lestat to hop on their bikes and together you make your escape.
Youā€™re both invited to hang out with them in their cave - Itā€™s like a giant coffin and they live here. Itā€™s full of tons of cool stuff; posters, a fountain, etc. Itā€™s a totally sick setup! You drink, smoke, listen to music, and just fuck around together all night. Itā€™s like a big vampire party. Both you and Lestat are sexy as fuck and would fit right in with them. They would love to have more members join their group since Michael Emerson and Star didnā€™t work out. Itā€™s a long story. Youā€™re invited to sleepover in their cave/coffin. Hell, you and Lestat could live here permanently if you wanted. Thereā€™s plenty of room since Star and Michael are gone, so you and Lestat can take their old ā€œroomsā€ in the cave and make them your own. Really theyā€™re more like spacious alcoves separated by curtains but you and Lestat have had far worse sleeping quarters so this is a welcomed improvement.
You also join the boys on hunts. Damn, they look so hot when their eyes turn yellow while they feed. Their hair gets messy from the wind, and their faces and clothing get covered in blood. Their fangs are bigger and shaped differently from yours and Lestatā€™s. You almost want to touch them. You and Lestat lick your lips when the boys ask if either of you are hungry and want a bite. You and Lestat accidentally bite your lips so hard that they bleed. Damn fangs. You try to cover it up and play it cool by sharing a passionate kiss. You and Lestat may have had an ongoing fling and fooled around with each other, but now youā€™d both like to take a bite out of David and his friendsā€” Wait, what? Fuck, are you both lusting after these vampires? Fuck, are these vampires your mates? You may have to cancel the rest of the tour and stay in Santa Carla longer than you originally planned. This newfound sexual attraction has made things much more interesting, especially if itā€™s mutual and the boys reciprocate. Lestat may be experiencing āœØBi PanicāœØ and youā€™re in a similar bind.
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daddycassie Ā· 1 month
Fight or Flight Chapter 8 šŸ©øšŸ„¼šŸ’‰
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Pairing: Lucy Gray Baird x Fem!Reader - 919 words
Warning(s): Vague descriptions of injuries, syringes, forced drugging, general painšŸŽ€āœØ
When she woke up nothing felt quite right. The world spun hazily in the brunetteā€™s vision. Where was she? Lucy Gray feels around the crumpled, scratchy sheets.
Not spare clothes, but paper, the smell of the forest now replaced by the scent of chemicals. Y/n. Y/n was gone. Lucy Gray tries to sit up, but finds that she canā€™t move.
Suddenly, it all comes back to her. The peacekeepers, the attack, the bullet, the pain. Lucy Gray cries out, her voice is weak and raspy, not nearly loud enough to garner any attention. The sound of her own voice helps her realize how dry and scratchy her throat is. Itā€™s painful, but thereā€™s hardly anything she can do about it.
Lucy Grayā€™s deep brown gaze skirts over the room. Itā€™s dark, but not pitch black, so she can observe the environment around her. Sheā€™s in a stiff bed with paper curtains around each side, leaving only her view forward. Theyā€™re mint, a nice color. A small device beside the bed beeps in time with her heart.
With panic she realizes that these are the types of medical technology only the Capitol have access to. Now Lucy Gray desperately needs to know where she is. The girl turns her head with a wince and great effort. Thereā€™s a door on the other side of the room just within her line of vision, it appears to lead to another room which she can see through a large window in front of her.
She shivers at the idea of someone observing her while sheā€™s unconscious and defenseless. Someone like Gaul. Testing on her and taking notes as though sheā€™s just another mutt. Lucy Gray feels bile rise in the back of her painfully sore throat but quickly forces it back down, throwing up all over herself wouldnā€™t solve anything. Her wind drifts back to Y/n.
Where is she? Lucy Gray didnā€™t see a single hint of the other girlā€™s presence in the room, not that she could see much at all. Washington she shot down and murdered by the peacekeepers? No, no, she remembers. Y/n carried Lucy Gray on her back through the woods after violently fighting off the soldiers.
The brunetteā€™s eyes brighten. She wasnā€™t in danger at all! Theyā€™d made it. All the way to district 13Ā Ā and the rumors were all true, Barb Azure was right, people still lived here! The beeping of the device quickens as her heart flutters giddily with relief.
Tears of joy blur her vision and she lets them fall. They did it, the escaped 12, escaped the Capitol, escaped the Hunger Games. Lucy Gray hadnt lead her love to certain doom, no, sheā€™dĀ Ā lead the love of her life to freedom. Before she could really celebrate the room lights up, so bright that it hurts her eyes and sheā€™s forced to squint.
Someone enters the room, a stranger, she doesnā€™t recognize him at all. He seems to be a medic of some sort, with a white coat and a matching mask. All she can see of him is blonde hair and dark eyes. The man stares at her, gaze hardening when he sees her fully up and conscious.
ā€œWho-ā€œ Lucy Gray tries to speak but it hurts too much for that. She really needed water. ā€œI wouldnā€™t do that if I were you.ā€ The man says to her sternly, almost mocking. She squirms a bit in an attempt to show her discomfort without words.
The way he smiles smugly gives her chills. The blonde grabs a syringe. ā€œCalm down Lucy.ā€ He begins, ā€œthis wonā€™t hurt a bit.ā€ Where did he learn her name from? Lucy Gray feels the blood draining from her face. ā€œWhatā€¦?ā€ She forces the single word out.
The man unbandages her wound and she breathes in sharply upon seeing it for the first time. Itā€™s deep but thereā€™s no bleeding and she can see where the bullet was taken out from. He places a hand on her hip and pricks the syringe into her wound deeply. Lucy Gray cries out, quiet and raspy.
ā€œShhā€¦ just taking some blood.ā€ The blonde whispers to her. Lucy Gray whimpers in response. ā€œI guess we should give you water soon.ā€ The man ponders as he takes blood from the wound on her belly. The loss of it makes her feel sickeningly dizzy.
ā€œYouā€™ll survive a bit longer, wonā€™t you? Itā€™s a bit late and Iā€™m tired.ā€Ā Ā Lucy Grayā€™s eyes drift over to the sink nearby. The man takes notice but makes no move towards it, he simply removes the syringe again and looks over the contents of it. Lucy Gray canā€™t help whimpering again.
ā€œOh? Have your pain meds worn off? Poor thing. Must be time for another dose.ā€ He grabs a different syringe and not-so-gently inserts it into her arm. Lucy Gray wants to squirm and thrash ā€” this man isnā€™t trustworthy, she doesnā€™t want him putting anything into her! All she manages is a weak wiggle of her arm.
The man pushes down on the syringe and Lucy Gray squirms again. ā€œStop.ā€ He hisses, taking a grip on her hair to urge her to obey. She lets her body go limp. Lucy Grayā€™s head spins again as the drugs enter her system.
Lucy Gray groans hoarsely and she falls back under sleepā€™s spell. The man pulls the syringe back out and she lets out a tiny groan. Her eyes close slowly. Lucy Grayā€™s last thought is of Y/n, was she going through worse?
Note: Took wayyy too long - Iā€™m so sorry, this was meant to come out last week, but Iā€™m going through exams so bear with my babies šŸ«¶
@torturedcoveydepartment consider this a birthday gift until I can send you yours <3
@losingmymindrn I do not apologize
@noooooooop-e I really hope youā€™re doing okay rn šŸ«¶ get better soon!!!!
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itsthatpearl Ā· 2 days
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Layout idea from @secret-smut-sideblog šŸ©ø
Hannibal x OG Character
His Amuse-Bouche
Chapter 3: Sugar
Beth wakes up to another horrendous nightmare...
Word count: 1.1k
Thank u babe for reading this on our 4th year anniversary LMAO <3
SPESIFIC TRIGGERS: Mental health issues (depression, ptsd, anxiety, social anxiety, panic attacks and dissociating), unethical relationships, horror, gore, cannibalism, vore, rough language, violence, forced surgeries, forced amputation, alcohol, needles, light emetophobia.
ā€œI hit your mother once. I was taking you back to her and at the door she told me sheā€™d never let us see each other again. So I slapped her right across her face!ā€ he chuckles. I look at him scared to say anything. ā€œDo you believe me? That I hit your mother?ā€ he continues. I nod slowly. ā€œGood. She has always tried to keep me away from you. But you know I love you, right? I love you so much, Bethā€ he says and takes a big long gulps from the wine bottle.
The sun shone into the bedroom through a little slit between the curtains. I opened my eyes slowly, already feeling sick and tired. The bedroom looked peaceful and the air smelled like food, which might easily be just what his house always smelled like. My mouth started to water from the pure thought of eating something. I sat up feeling incredibly dizzy. I tried to gather my thoughts for a moment. I was at my psychiatrist's home, sleeping in what I think was his guest bedroom. He drugged me. Then he made me dinner and thenā€¦and thenā€¦
I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to remember anything from last night. Then the door opened and Dr. Lecter walked in. He was wearing a cream colored suit with light blue tie. ā€œGood morning Beth, you slept wellā€ he said. This was not meant as a question. He knew I had slept well. ā€œYes, Dr. Lecter. I didā€ I nod as he walks closer to the bed with what looked like a gauze bandage. I looked at him confused as he smiled back and sat on the bed. ā€œLetā€™s see how you are healing, shall we?ā€ he purred. I looked at him confused as he slowly pulled my blanket off. I was wearing a dark red satin nightgown that definitely wasnā€™t mine, but fitted me perfectly. As the blanket revealed beyond my torso, I noticed my other leg was wrapped in bandages. I gasped and grabbed the blanket, throwing it away.
ā€œI WILL NEVER COME HERE AGAIN! I DO NOT LOVE YOU!ā€ I scream as loud as I can at his back. He turns around and slaps me across my face. ā€œYou will NEVER talk to me like that againā€ he spits on my face. I hold my cheek as the tears start to run down it. I grab my phone and run outside. I dial the number as fast as I can. I feel my breathing quickening and panic rising up my whole body. ā€œDarling? Is everything okay?ā€ the voice asks as I sob, unable to talk. ā€œM-mom. P-please I need t-to get out of hereā€.
My left leg was just a stump.
I started to scream as loud as I could. Doctor Lecter took my hand and slowly placed his other hand on my chin, slowly forcing me to look at him. I stopped screaming and just stared at him in shock, crying. ā€œYou will need time. Remember our deal?ā€ he said calmly. Why was he always so god damn calm? He let go of my face and I looked back at my leg. This was just a bad dream, Beth. It is not real. He wouldnā€™t do this.Ā 
ā€œWho are you?ā€ I looked back at him. He looked at me amused like I had told a joke and smiled ā€œI am Dr. Hannibal Lecter, your psychiatristā€. I shook my head. ā€œNo. Who are you? I think I deserve to know thatā€ I said, raising my voice. Doctor Lecter started to open the bandage on my leg with soft movements and didnā€™t even bother to look at me in the eyes. ā€œI am Dr. Hannibal Lecter. Some may know me as the Chesapeake Ripper, but I want you to know me as Hannibalā€ he took the bandage off checking the amputation he had performed on me. I shook my head. ā€œThis canā€™t be happeningā€ I breahed and looked at the stump as I slowly reached to touch it feeling sick. He watched me closely, smiling. I felt the fresh stitches where I used to have a knee. I started quietly crying and buried my face behind my hands. ā€œYou are doing so well, Beth,ā€ he whispered. Softly he wrapped my left leg and placed a kiss on top of my head.
He runs outside and grabs my phone from my hands. I start to cry louder, panicking as he starts to yell at the phone: ā€œTHIS IS YOUR FAULT, YOU HAVE RAISED HER TO HATE ME! YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS YOU BITCH!!! I WILL MAKE SURE SHE GETS OUT OF MY SIGHT IF THIS LUNACY DOESNā€™T END QUICKā€. He throws the phone at me and storms inside. I can hear things being thrown across the house as I raise the phone to my ear slowly. ā€œM-momā€¦mom? Are you still there?ā€ I ask quietly. After a short silence a stone cold voice answers: ā€œBeth. You need to calm down and stop acting like that for your own safetyā€.
I calm down and look at Dr. Lecter. He looks at me smiling slightly and points at a wheelchair next to my bed. ā€œWould you like to have dinner with me?ā€ he hummed. I looked at my left leg silent. Then I looked at him and nodded, smiling and finally answering: ā€œI am starvingā€. He took me to the dining room. The table was once again made beautifully. He placed me on my seat and sat across the table on his seat. I couldnā€™t get away even though I tried. It would just be impossible. Now Beth, you need to stay calm and act your best for your own safety.
ā€œToday we have fresh Osso Bucco cooked with herbs, carrot and celery, paired with an organic barolo from Italy. Enjoy.ā€ he announced and started eating. I took a bite and looked at him confused. The meat looked and felt like veal but tastedā€¦like pork. He feasted unbothered as I placed the utensils down. ā€œThis is me, isnā€™t it?ā€ I said trying my best to stay calm even though I could feel the adrenaline rush into my bloodstream. All my calmness left my body. He ate quietly and took a long sip from his wine glass. ā€œANSWER ME!!ā€ I screamed trying to get up but ended up falling on the floor. I cried slamming my fist onto the floor. Doctor Lecter finished his meal and took a deep breath. Then he stood up, walked up to me slowly. He crouched down and moved hair from my face behind my ear. ā€œYou taste exquisite, Beth,ā€ he smiled.
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hemoatelier Ā· 9 months
bites them
"h-hey?!" yuuki jumps, poking it's forehead, forcing it away from the reddening patch of skin on their neck. they pinch it's cheeks. "your teeth hurt!"
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hemoatelier Ā· 10 months
šŸ©ø * out. ā€£ i am not sorry for tipperpostingā€š it will happen again. šŸ©ø * in. ā€£ the curtain rises. šŸ©ø * inbox. ā€£ send a message. šŸ©ø * answered. ā€£ message received. šŸ©ø * face. ā€£ graveyard heart. šŸ©ø * dash. ā€£ break time. šŸ©ø * crack. ā€£ welcome to the cringe and failzone. šŸ©ø * aesthetics. ā€£ i wish we can wear dresses that shine brightly like the tail of a cometā€š and dance from the morning to night. šŸ©ø * character. ā€£ this version of myself that i've chosenā€š imperfect as it may beā€š is the one i'll show to you. šŸ©ø * worldbuilding. ā€£ keeper of the lore. šŸ©ø * creations. ā€£ scoutlightā€š scoutkeepā€š scoutboss. šŸ©ø * promotions. ā€£ networking chance. šŸ©ø * wishlist. ā€£ something to look forwards to. šŸ©ø * connections. ā€£ no one is alone in this world. šŸ©ø * calls. ā€£ note box. šŸ©ø * closet. ā€£ with a single thread. šŸ©ø * audio. ā€£ radio station. šŸ©ø * blog updates. ā€£ god help us all. šŸ©ø * saved. ā€£ live tipper reaction.
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