#🩸 * connections. ‣ no one is alone in this world.
hemoatelier · 1 year
🩸 * out. ‣ i am not sorry for tipperposting‚ it will happen again. 🩸 * in. ‣ the curtain rises. 🩸 * inbox. ‣ send a message. 🩸 * answered. ‣ message received. 🩸 * face. ‣ graveyard heart. 🩸 * dash. ‣ break time. 🩸 * crack. ‣ welcome to the cringe and failzone. 🩸 * aesthetics. ‣ i wish we can wear dresses that shine brightly like the tail of a comet‚ and dance from the morning to night. 🩸 * character. ‣ this version of myself that i've chosen‚ imperfect as it may be‚ is the one i'll show to you. 🩸 * worldbuilding. ‣ keeper of the lore. 🩸 * creations. ‣ scoutlight‚ scoutkeep‚ scoutboss. 🩸 * promotions. ‣ networking chance. 🩸 * wishlist. ‣ something to look forwards to. 🩸 * connections. ‣ no one is alone in this world. 🩸 * calls. ‣ note box. 🩸 * closet. ‣ with a single thread. 🩸 * audio. ‣ radio station. 🩸 * blog updates. ‣ god help us all. 🩸 * saved. ‣ live tipper reaction.
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haovcrse-a · 3 months
🦇 : how did they meet?
🕸️ : any song that reminds you of your ship?
🩸 : what does your oc think of canon character?
🫀 : is there anything your oc and canon character don’t like about each other?
- tired
so whipped for these pixels 😞😞
🦇 : how did they meet?
yizou — in the genshin (mostly) canon, heizou first knew abt zhao through an anonymous tip. someone had sent a letter saying that zhao was the main culprit in a string of large scale robberies, and that they possibly had a connection to the recent murder case heizou had taken on. long story short: heizou tracks down zhaoyi, they team up, end up spending so much time together that they end up falling (heizou first, zhaoyi later and harder), and wham !! zootopia type of plot TwT
in a high school or uni au (bc both work with the plot), they sit next to each other in one of their shared classes! they never talked much, but became somewhat friends after a partner project, and even closer when he found out zhao helps out / works at the school's library!
thomayahao — for genshin (mostly) canon, zhaoyi and thoma meet first! it's nothing much, they bumped into each other on the streets, but that was the start of the interactions! zhao later meets ayato after he's hired to be the young lord's bodyguard heh.
modern / uni au, ayato and zhao know each other by name bc they're always fighting to be the number one placement in terms of grades! thoma knows about zhao through ayato's retellings and wants to get to know him personally, but also stay wary of him bc ayato is dramatic when giving a description. thomahao meeting happens when it turns out, the two of them are in the same dorm building! they run into each other during a late night snack run.
🕸️ : any song that reminds you of your ship?
yizou — question is for one, but im giving two! punk tactics ( joey valence & brae ) & hot to go ( chappell roan ) !!
thomayahao — absence ( rio romeo )
🩸 : what does your oc think of canon character?
decided to show the general train of thought to now !
yizou — "... he's... annoying. why does he keep looking at me like that? oh. he's caught on to my stuff. and now also accusing me of murder. great. lovely." // "wdym he's going to be watching me until his case is solved???? ... stop looking at me like that." // "maybe... it isn't so bad working with someone- wait wait what am i saying?" // "... he's in danger bc of me now... usually i would'nt care but... why do i now?" // "shit shit shit shit he's going to get hurt bc of me fuck i knew this would happen if he got close." // "... i love you, idiot. please, don't do that again."
thomayahao — "oh, my bad. i should've watched where i was going... he was nice though." // "a new charge? ... haven't guarded someone in a long while... seems like a stuck up rich dude." // "... and he's someone that's actually extremely important lovely- oh. blond puppy from the market is here. mhm... maybe this won't be so bad?" // "why do people want this guy's head on a pole arm so bad holy-" // "alright this snarky mother fuck-" // "shit this is going to hurt in the morning. at least they're both safe? ... now how do i get out of here..." // "these worrywarts... i'm fine... as long as you both are." // "maybe... yeah. maybe it wouldn't be too bad if i stuck around."
🫀 : is there anything your oc and canon character don’t like about each other?
yizou — heizou hates how zhaoyi refuses help when he actually needs it or closes himself off to go through things alone. he understands zhao has faced the world alone up until now, but he really wishes he would just let him in. but heizou isn't pushy unless he needs to be and will stand there with open arms for when zhao finally caves. zhao doesn't like how heizou is so perceptive and analyzing when it comes down to his body language. it isn't a bad thing, zhao just isn't used to being so... understood or seen.
thomayahao — both of them hate how self-sacrificing zhaoyi is for them. "please have some self preservation for once" — thomayato at some point. ayato understands that it's his job to protect, but does he really have to jump in front of a knife for the third time this week please he's begging to just- thoma is the one who usually patches zhao up and has this mix of a frown and pout whenever he does. zhao doesn't really have anything he dislikes about the two. maybe just when they team up against him to get him to relax or flirt...
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🌟🐺 Welcome back to “Keeping Up with the Cullens (and Apparently the Wolves Too)”—and oh boy, things have taken a turn. Mono? Seriously, Billy? That’s the best excuse you could come up with for why Jake disappeared? 🙄 I mean, I get it, parenting is hard, but come on! I think we can all agree that Bella deserves a better best friend at this point. First, Edward breaks her heart, and now Jake’s pulling the same vanishing act? It’s like Forks is just a black hole of ghosting. 😤💔
Let’s break this down: Jake promises Bella that he won’t hurt her—PROMISES. So naturally, he goes ahead and hurts her by completely ignoring her and pulling a full Edward. 🏃‍♂️💨 Like, what gives? Where’s the BFF manual that says “Step 1: When your friend is heartbroken, disappear for weeks without explanation”? Spoiler alert: it doesn’t exist! I’m seriously questioning Jake’s “good friend” credentials here. What happened to being her emotional support wolf? 🐺💔
And Billy… oh, Billy. Mono was the cover story? 🤦‍♀️ Like, really? Not only did you drop the ball with that one, but then you had the audacity to blame Bella for Jake’s issues. What?! Bella’s already dealing with enough: Edward ditching her, hallucinations of said vampire ex, and now her best friend is ghosting her too. At least Charlie, awkward dad as he may be, chews Billy out and stands up for Bella. 🙌 Go, Charlie! Finally! One Dad Point awarded. You can tell Charlie’s as done with the cryptic behavior in Forks as we are. 🍽️ Even if he still left Bella alone when she was sick (still bitter about that one, Charlie, but I digress 😒), at least he’s stepping up now. 👏
And then, when Bella finally confronts Jake? Oh, the drama! Jake finally shows his face after weeks of radio silence, and instead of apologizing like a decent human—err, wolf—he goes full jerk mode. 😡 It’s like Billy’s jerkiness rubbed off on him or something. Bella’s standing there like, “Hello? I thought we were friends, why are you ghosting me?” And Jake? He just brushes her off, giving lame excuses, leaving her standing in the rain (of course). 🌧️ For someone who was all about protecting Bella, Jake sure has a funny way of showing it. 🙄 Bella deserved better from Jake in that moment, but no, he’s too busy sulking about his transformation, which, let’s be real, doesn’t give him a free pass to be a jerk. I get that being part of a wolf pack is stressful, but you don’t treat your best friend like that! 🐺
Speaking of treating Bella poorly, let’s talk about Sam and his pack. How is ordering the wolves to stay quiet about their “big furry secret” supposed to help anything? Like, Bella already knows about the supernatural world! 🧛‍♂️ Vampires, werewolves, what’s next, mermen? At this point, she could write a book on it. What harm could telling her the truth do? It’s not like she’s going to freak out—she literally dated a vampire! 🐺 But nooo, Sam has to go all secretive, making everything ten times more complicated than it needs to be. I’m just saying, if someone sat Bella down and gave her the Werewolves 101 talk, a lot of this drama could be avoided. But drama’s what we’re here for, right? 😂
Oh, and how did Bella not figure out that Jacob was a werewolf during their encounter in the meadow? 🌳 When she looks into the reddish-brown wolf’s eyes, she literally thinks of Jacob, and yet it doesn’t click? Like, how, Bella? You figured out that Edward was a vampire in 3.5 seconds but can’t connect the dots when Jake basically gives you puppy-dog eyes while in wolf form? 🐶 Come on! It’s the most obvious thing ever! Maybe her brain was just tired from all the motorcycle crashes. 🏍️
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Now let’s dive into Bella’s double standards. She trusted Edward, a literal vampire who drinks blood, but the second she finds out about the wolves, she’s convinced they’re out hunting people. 🩸 Bella, make it make sense! You’ve got more faith in a guy who could literally drain you dry in seconds than in the wolves who are out here trying to protect you from other vampires. It’s like, “Oh, Edward, you won’t hurt me even though you thirst for my blood,” but the wolves? Immediate suspicion. Bella, girl, be consistent! 🙃
And speaking of sketchy supernatural beings… What even happened with Laurent? 🧛‍♂️ One minute he’s living his best vegetarian vampire life in Alaska, and the next he’s back with Victoria, plotting Bella’s demise. Honestly, dude, Alaska seemed like a sweet gig. But apparently, Laurent couldn’t resist the allure of teaming up with a vampire out for revenge. So now we’re stuck with more drama, just in case Bella wasn’t dealing with enough already. 🙄
So yeah, this whole mess? It’s got me rolling my eyes more than Bella at a Forks High pep rally. Jake’s ghosting, Billy’s lame excuses, and Bella being totally oblivious—there’s just too much drama for one girl to handle. Bella seriously needs a therapist at this point. 🛋️ 🧠
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petite-vampi-littlet · 11 months
🌫️👟 Lost . (cisage/age apathetic) he/they/it/vamp/...
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Melancholic alter who may come up together with Inadequate or without them . But they both appear due stress , existential crisis , self reflexing and such .
They have the urge to stay alone in the whole world forewer , run away from the place they live in , at least simply move to another town ; to break all connections with ppl they know and forget about past completely .
They are calm , tired and not talkative while brainstorming themselves .
He's the one yelling “I'm a bad person! I hurt people!” when someone compliments his character . We r pretty sure that every alter of ours remembers ab our bad choices and dick actions (mostly vaguely and only the fact itself is known) , so he's the one who feels responsibility for it . And guilt . And shame .
Fun facts :
The 🌫️ emoji shows their melancholy ; 👟 — their urge to run away .
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🗯️☣️ Inadequate (Zeke) . (cisage/age apathetic) any prns
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They're smug , lofty , blunt , rude , manipulative , simply toxic . Attempts to calm them down only make them more angry .
They show up in circumstances of stress , pressure and have a behavior of a bully — pick one vulnerable target and nag it . But for everyone else they're just a guy . Maybe even good one .
He's not interested in sympathy and basically doesn't care about victim's feelings .
upd : Zeke may be in mild or edge state . Currently he's just bored and wants to shake things a bit . And he's fronting rn .
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🩻🩸 Wicked . (cisage/age apathetic) he/they
「Boy just wanna have fun .~」
- Wicked .
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He's not and angry type . He's just a pervert , sadist and masochist . His favorite hobby is to hunt for pretty boys on the dark streets and mashing them into mince with baseball bat ; keeping them in their basement , sexually harassing them , hurting them and making out w/ them .
And they always happy and excited about it . They're just horny , sadistic , possesive . . they may fight the urge and keep running away but . They'll never change their true self (influence of Lost) .
Do they wanna ? . . No . They don't feel any guilt .
We'll be bold enough to call them a psychopath . Yes , we know what does it actually means .
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2-dsimp · 3 years
Brain rotting from kitsune Tartaglia since Tartar is associated with foxes. Then kitsune Thoma and Tartaglia fighting over a darling.
Oh my!
You know there’s a ton of routes of where this could go from but since I’m keeping PG until I turn 18 in a month it’s gonna be fluffy ride ✨
Kitsune Thoma + Childe
fighting over S/O🔪
🩸Thoma overall is more of a pacifist but if it came down to something he considered of importance such as his family, best believe he’d throw paws at anybody or anything threatening his sanctuary
🩸That of which was you
🩸He already claimed you, so then why was this no good wretched Fatui trying to take what was explicitly his? He clearly marked his territory so kind of brave fool would be so bold as to trample upon the boundaries of what he called his
🩸It happened on the day where he was out commanding the troops against the invaders, He was confident in leaving his darling alone seeing as they thought of the Kamisato Clan as their new home
🩸But he didn’t take into consideration of his Darlings small yearning of wanting to be adventurous, and succumbing to their inner temptations they traveled just outside the Yashiro Residence
🩸And happened to run across a small orange fox who looked wounded and in bad condition they looked up with their big puppy dog eyes and you couldn’t help but to feel compelled to help out the poor “woodland creature”
🩸The fox offered no resistance as they relaxed and practically gave you the once over with their sapphire blue intelligent eyes checking you out with something akin to intrigue and curiosity
🩸You could’ve sworn that the mysterious worn a mischievous smug look on his snout as if he could understand everything you’re saying and was mocking you for talking to him in a baby voice
🩸Feeling embarrassed you quickly stopped and started to talk in your normal voice
🩸But nonetheless he showed no complaints when he was tucked against your supple chest heading onwards to your forever home
🩸Childe was such a rowdy playful Fox for despite having wounds almost like battle scars littered across his lean muscled physic, he’d always nip at you, while limping around the house like a damn crackhead, and overall was just a Chatty Cathy
🩸He still keep his distance from you sensing that you already had a mate as the scent was wafting off of you in strong waves, the one who bonded you must be strong he noted with curiosity
🩸He wondered who would be the winner if he were to fight your mate, for some reason his blood began to pump as his tail wagged in excitement of the fated outcome
🩸Childe also grew to like you as he felt the tender way you’d dress his wounds with care treating him almost as if he were made of glass
🩸And god your bright smile that sent shivers down his spine everytime you’d looked at him as he was the most precious thing in the world, your voice like honey as you conversed with him out of the blue talking to him as if he were a person
🩸Asking about how his day was, what kind of food did he like which he answered with non-verbal gestures since he couldn’t really talk in his fox form, providing him with a comfortable spot on your bed
🩸You really were the perfect mother for his kits
🩸Regardless of the fight he’s sure to have with your mate, he wanted you to himself
🩸It was basically a win-win in his book as he’d get a challenging fight and the perfect mate for his future kits
🩸While still appreciating the company since it can get lonely waiting for Thoma to return from his duties you took care of the troublemaker making sure they was feed and groomed
🩸When suddenly instead of keeping a comfortable distance away from you the fox began to rub up against you letting out little trills as it rubbed its snout against your neck, wagging tail almost hitting your face
”My lovely mate, I’m home—!!”
🩸Only to stop mid-sentence by the stench of another male clogging up his sharp nose with their musky stench, eyes dilated he quickly made the connection as he saw the ginger fox splayed all over your body looking back at him defiantly
🩸*Que intense growling*
🩸Barely managing to keep his composure he’s observant nature managed to piece together why this homewrecker was in his territory, due to the obvious wrapped bandages around his stomach and fore legs he deduced that unfortunately you were too kind to turn away this… Heathen in need
”I see your just as generous as always my darling but it seems that he’s healed and ready to be return to the wild, where he belongs ”
🩸No time was wasted when he snatched the little bugger up by the scruff of his neck outta your embrace, paying no mind to the determined attempts to struggle out of his hold paired with growls and full on bites to anywhere Childe could get his snout to
🩸Once they were out of earshot he tossed the fox like as if he were a bag of trash and stared down at him with teeth bared and eyes glowing with spite, his five tails where puffed up and ears were pinned back in a defensive stance
“Just who do you think you are?”
🩸The fox now turned human merely licked his lips as a snarky smirk found it’s way onto his face, he replied back with a short quip unapologetic as ever
“Their new mate that’s what”
🩸long story short nobody was the victor but they both got some good hits in since they were interrupted by you rushing out to bid one last goodbye to the fox who kept you company
🩸At the last minute Childe turned into a fox
🩸Upon seeing the newly acquired wounds on Thoma and the fox you scolded them and took Childe into your arms of which he missed so much even though it’d been only 10min away from your loving arms
🩸Walking them both back to where you’d nurse them back to health
🩸Meanwhile Thoma was death glaring the fox, while Childe could only look as if he was the cat who ate the canary and so the rivalry continues
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loveemagicpeace · 3 years
🩸Vampire Diaries🩸
☀️Characters by their zodiac signs☀️
💘Elena-cancer because is so protective and caring about people she love. She often sacrificed for other people. She is a very emotional person and does not want people around her to suffer. Wants to help everyone and be here for them. Much of her life is connected to her family and the people around her. She wants to understand people and fix them. ✨
🦋Damon-Scorpio because he is mysterious, strong, deep. He hides his emotions and doesn’t like to show them because he doesn’t want to be hurt. He prefers it to be bad guy rather than good. He loves deeply but he is selfish when it comes to love. He sacrifices himself for the people he loves but doesn't show it on the outside. He wants to be strong for the people around him🧉
🌊Stefan- Pisces- he is very selfless when it comes to love. But he deals a lot with his emotions. Always let Elena make her own decisions. He sacrifices a lot for the people he loves. Especially when it comes to Elena or Damon. He likes to help people. His loves is endless. He often feels the pain of other people🩸
🤍Caroline- Virgo because she always wants everything to be perfect and everything organized. She likes to organize parties and she likes to be the main one in all the things she does. Also many times she can be too critical of the things she does and to people. Can come forward very judgmental and wants to control too much📚
🥀Bonnie- Libra she wants things to be balance and wants peace. She is loyal to her friends. She usually doesn’t like to put himself on one side and doesn’t like conflicts. She doesn’t want to burden people with her problems. She love justice⚖️🔮
🔥Jeremy- Sagittarius/Scorpio because he likes to joke but at the same time he is emotionally closed. He always does things that elena doesn't know about. He wants to be independent. He matures very emotionally throughout the series. He always wants the best for the people he loves but at the same time he constantly exposed himself to dangers.
☄️Klaus-Taurus he is stubborn, strong and stable. Tauruses take pride in their loyalty. They like being a rock for those around them, and they crave pleasure of both the body and heart. Once a Taurus sets their mind to something, it is very hard to change it, for better or worse. He doesn’t show emotion but deep down he loves people. He shows his love through deeds.
💎Matt-Capricorn folks try hard to be stable. He loves taking responsibility and charge. He is hard working. He became the Sheriff and took responsibility to save the town. He is alone for everything but he is used to it. He is not an emotional person and looks at things from a practical point of view.
⭐️Alaric- Sagittarius usually chooses principle over emotion. They seem to be on a never-ending quest of themselves and the world around them. This also can lead them to be reckless and insatiable.
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noirapocalypto · 2 years
🩸, 🎭, and🧸 for Salem and Embry?
Thank you!! 💕💕💕@rindemption
From this OC questionare.
🩸 - Does your OC believe in blood being thicker than water? (meaning family relationships and loyalties are the most important)
Salem: In a way, yes. When his father was alive, he was Salem's closest, most loved person in his life--he was his only family. And his dad always came above everything else. He even put his career on pause for a while while taking care of his father in his final days. However, now that Salem is alone and doesn't have many in his life, he doesn't really put much thought into it anymore.
Embry: Yes and no. Like Salem, Embry no longer has any living relatives. But when his grandparents used to be alive, they were the most important thing in his life. Now that Embry is alone, his view point kinda switched. While they aren't blood, his found family is now the most important thing in his life.
🎭 - Does your OC show different sides of themselves to different people?
Salem: Absolutely. Everyone from his fanbase, strangers and just anyone who isn’t in his inner circle, he keeps his aloof and disinterested side on display at all times. But to people he genuinely considers friends or anyone he’s very close with, he shows them his more softer, vulnerable side. They’re the ones that get to see the real him: the artistic, funny jokester that likes comedies and loves to laugh.
Embry: Not exactly, no. With Embry, what you see is what you get. He presents himself to everyone as the sweet natured, mellow and laidback guy that really prefers talking his way out of situations rather than escalate them. Doesn't matter who they are, from gangers to regular joes to fellow nomads, Embry will always act the same as he does with everyone else.
🧸 - On a scale of 1 - 10, how ‘soft’ is your OC? 1 being the edgiest of edges and 10 being a literal teddy bear that cries at everything? (Bonus questions, where on the scale would your OC place themselves, and where would they like to be on the scale?)
Salem: Salem is definitely very low on that scale 😆He's about a 3 or a 4, because he DOES have potentional to be soft, it just takes a lot of trust building and it's mostly reserved only for his partners. But he's definitely my most edgy character, from his backstory down to his personality and aesthetics. If it were up to him, he would place himself at a 1 or 2, because he's very aware of his edgyness. But a part of him would like to be a big higher on the scale. Sometimes he's tired of hiding behind his walls and craves a deeper connection with people and a happier life. Sometimes he wants to be soft, he's just scared of what might happen if he allows himself to be.
Embry: My wholesome boy is on the opposite end of this scale compared to Salem. Embry is probably way up there, at maybe about a 7 or 8. Without a doubt, he's my softest boy, or at least. The only reason he's not a full 10 is because he's not too emotional and he does have his secrets to him that relate to his trauma. If he were to place himself, he would probably bump himself up to a 9 and he would love to be at a 10. 😆Embry really does like his softness and was taught by his grandparents to not hide this part of him because "the harsh world needs more softness".
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malikismindful · 2 years
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Peace and Love, Black Family! While I am no relationship expert, I do know enough! Ofttimes we get focused on all the negatives, and we rarely focus on the positives, let alone focus on the solutions. We must honor the divine within each other in order to bring forth the divine in the material world. Getting past your own issues is most important! A lot of us are struggling with that and blame the lack of connection on everything but ourselves! Once those issues are dealt with, or at least manageable enough for you to connect with another person, then it becomes clear what your divine purpose is to one another. I speak to the spirit of those who can FEEL that! GET ON CODE. STAY ON CODE.🩸💣🔫✊🏾 BLACK POWER! #blackpower #blacklove #blackman #blackwoman #blackempowerment #blackrevolution #raceonly #loyalty #oncode #blackpeopleonly #blackfathers #blackrevolutionary #power #truth #knowledge #blackconsciousness #freedom #strategy #blackqueen #blackunity #blacksunite #payattention #blackfamily #blacknationalism #african #panafrican #blackpeople #blackowned #malikismindful https://www.instagram.com/p/Ccne1p8ONweRv9wGx8z0SzabTzSESMpXF5eQEM0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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