#🩸 * audio. ‣ radio station.
hemoatelier · 10 months
🩸 * out. ‣ i am not sorry for tipperposting‚ it will happen again. 🩸 * in. ‣ the curtain rises. 🩸 * inbox. ‣ send a message. 🩸 * answered. ‣ message received. 🩸 * face. ‣ graveyard heart. 🩸 * dash. ‣ break time. 🩸 * crack. ‣ welcome to the cringe and failzone. 🩸 * aesthetics. ‣ i wish we can wear dresses that shine brightly like the tail of a comet‚ and dance from the morning to night. 🩸 * character. ‣ this version of myself that i've chosen‚ imperfect as it may be‚ is the one i'll show to you. 🩸 * worldbuilding. ‣ keeper of the lore. 🩸 * creations. ‣ scoutlight‚ scoutkeep‚ scoutboss. 🩸 * promotions. ‣ networking chance. 🩸 * wishlist. ‣ something to look forwards to. 🩸 * connections. ‣ no one is alone in this world. 🩸 * calls. ‣ note box. 🩸 * closet. ‣ with a single thread. 🩸 * audio. ‣ radio station. 🩸 * blog updates. ‣ god help us all. 🩸 * saved. ‣ live tipper reaction.
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chemicallywrit · 3 months
Happy Audio Drama Sunday! I heard so many good shows this week, let’s goooooo
🥃 I started listening to @breakerwhiskey this week, and I’m on episode 21 (which is nothing, it’s microfic), and it is so compelling. Lauren Shippen said in episode zero that she misses the improvisational feel of early audio dramas and that really comes through in this show—the wandering of the story reflects the wandering of Whiskey herself. I can’t wait to see what happens next.
🎵I am not alone in my reaction to the new season of @hellofromthehallowoods, which I think goes something like, “Wh—who—but—Arnold?????” (Seriously, Arnold???) but I love a mystery, and I love how linear this season is starting out. I’m sure that it’ll all get more complicated soon.
💔 Have you all heard Josie’s Lonely Hearts Club? It’s a call-in advice show from a fictional radio station and it is HILARIOUS. Until this last episode, which got SAD. It's a partially improvised show, so the whole thing feels so incredibly human and it always hits. Please listen, more fictional advice shows all around.
🐺 The Midnight Burger/The Amelia Project crossover was exactly as delightful as I expected. We got two shows that love historical figures and putting people in the deep freeze. What could go wrong! Absolutely nothing. With a crossover episode I always wonder if there will be enough character interaction to slake my insatiable character dynamic thirst and for this one I definitely think there was.
🍺 Inn Between dropped an episode of Dragon’s Rest on their feed this week, and I'm here to say that we did that because it's frikkin hilarious. This last episode was so good, especially with Shax trying to talk to a bartender and the bartender getting mad that Shax was complaining about her friends and not having a professional business conversation. I love you, southern-sounding bartender, and I love you Shax.
🩸Hemophobia continues to scare the heck out of me. This series, Camp Havenside, ended exactly how I expected it to, with the extra twist of that horrible half-possessed state Sam is in. Lordt. Listen to this show. Mind the content warnings. Then like, message me about it, it has taken permanent residence in my brain.
🎭 Oh Malevolent, you never disappoint me. I adore the twists the season finale took, and the real danger Arthur and John were in had me on the edge of my seat. How are we gonna get outta this one boys! Frikkin Kayne.
💎 As it ever is, @kingmakerpod was a blessing visited upon my podcatcher. Oh man though, Lucas Lando, what a scuzbag. Like maybe the worst villain yet in this series for me, and I'm including the psychic child. Lando's just unsavory. The action scenes in this episode were excellent, and I love the use of Pocket Cinnamon. For a minute when they were looking for things in the barn that don't conduct electricity, I was very worried for the cows. Honestly now a little surprised they didn't explode a cow. Hey guys, why didn't you explode a cow?
🌈 I've been listening to this actual play, @ourstoriedinsight, and it's about all the typical actual play stuff--a party of misfit adventurers, thrown together by circumstance, trying to stop the end of the world. What stands out about this one is its wonderful sound design and its tone--it's so introspective and kind. The characters are great too. I would die for Vishakapar. If you like an actual play and you don't want to wait for it to get really good, please check out Our Storied Insight.
As for personal news, boy oh boy am I working hard on the Dead! Pray for our recording schedule these next couple weeks. As for Inn Between, we'll be putting up an episode this week that is a true banger, I hope you like it.
That's it for me this week! If you like what I do, send me a tip!
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