#''i sent arthee to take care of you'' NO YOU DIDN'T
Chan's Home for Troubled Kids! LET'S GO!
Okay so first, Chan. Chan is an ex-military man now Forensics Professor at a university in Bangkok. He had a wife who died during childbirth, he lost them both. He ends up quite literally running into Arm on the streets. He ends up taking Arm in as his first kid. Arm was seven. Arm is seven when Chan took him in. Arm is pretty much non-verbal and speaks through sign language or a whiteboard. He doesn't like to talk, but he starts to break out of his shell and starts talking when he meets Tankhun and Pol. When Porsche and Chay join the family, Arm is 15.
Pete is the next kid Chan picks up. Pete is a troubled kid whose grandmother called Chan asking for a favor. She asked Chan to watch and care for Pete when she couldn't. Pete's grandma and Chan were old friends from his military days. Pete's mother died and his father went missing mysteriously. (Pete killed him but was never caught or found out.) Pete was eight when he was adopted and is 16 when Porsche arrives.
Big in true middle child fashion, is the third kid to be picked up by Chan. Big has a lot of anxiety as his mother was a drug addict. He was put into the system by a neighbor who called CPS on his mother. Chan found him after Pete started talking to him. Big was brought home. Big is eight when adopted and is 16 when Porsche is adopted.
Pol is the fourth child to be adopted by Chan. Pol is depressed and his depression has caused problems with him being adopted. His family was killed in two tragic accidents, a car crash and their family bakery catching fire. Pol and Big were at the same orphanage so when Big gets adopted, Pol feels sad because he is losing his friend. That is, until Chan adopts Pol as well because Arm saw that he was sad and wanted to help him. Pol is nine when adopted and 17 when Porsche shows up.
Ken is the fifth child adopted by Chan before the eight year timeskip to Porsche. He was abandoned by his parents, so he had to take care of his younger twin siblings. They were brought to an orphanage and Ken's siblings were adopted but he was rejected by the family because he was too old and too angry. With abandonment and anger issues, Ken wasn't adopted until he was nine years old. Chan found him sitting alone while everyone was playing and offered to adopt Ken who looked at him and said in the tiniest voice "you want me?" Ken is 17 when Porsche shows up.
Porsche is 15 when adopted by Chan per Yok's request. Arthee gave up Porsche and Chay to the system because he didn't care. Porsche has a record of running away from his foster families because he refuses to be separated from Chay. When Porsche is adopted, Chay is adopted by someone else but Chat acts up and is sent back and Chan scoops him up, promising Yok she can visit them whenever. Chay is ten years old when adopted by Chan.
Aaa this is awesome??? I love this??? They???
The shenanigans potential they have as siblings is so. I just feel like hi-jinks would be involved. Big being the middle child feels so accurate to me actually. I don't know what it is but yeah. Tracks.
I feel like they'd have bunk beds lol
I feel like every time he brought back a new kid Chan is just like "Okay last one for real this time" and that statement has yet to be true. Possibly will never be.
Curious what Ken's relationship with his siblings was before they got adopted :0
This is so cool I love this!! I am a sucker for sibling-like relationships and this has that and I'm just lkjadsl;as I love them
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Okay but Korn definitely chose Arthee on purpose, like he absolutely knew Arthee had a gambling addiction and picked him so Porsche would be easier to manipulate later. After all, Porsche only worked for them because he drastically needed the money to take care of Chay, so what better way to cause money problems than to introduce a gambler who'd lose all of it?
Part of me is even inclined to say Korn ordered Arthee to lose the thousands they got from Kinn's watch, because Kinn admitted earlier that Korn told him to work together with the debt collectors to pressure Porsche into taking the job right after the money was lost, and Arthee was working directly for Korn. You can't tell me he didn't plan that whole thing out
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