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hi I got motivation. also this took less than an hour??? what???
im really happy w this maybe besides the rock but I can never really detail rocks. so why did I put them in the mountains? idk vibes
anyways this is Deepcry one of my clangen cats at @mothclans-decent-clangen,, this may be a little spoilery to post but I'm too happy w it to care. I haven't really worked on it since June but hopefully I actually get around to developing all the characters further to where I want them and get to making pages again;; I probably wont have as much time as I did before considering the time I would do it in school is now much worse for me. because mobymax aka i'm already at the highest vocab level let me stop
uh anyways. hooray Deepcry,
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Sorry about no update yesterday, I forgot to make this post yesterday. I haven't worked as much on MothClan's Descent pages as I hoped (and forgot about Artfight too. oops) and do not have finished pages at the moment. I will continue this comic's hiatus and don't know when it will return, because if I am going to continue it I would like to fully enjoy making it, and the layout may change after the hiatus is over. I can't say for sure if I'll continue MothClan's Descent, but I hope I do! I might rewrite some things and possibly make this more character-based and like an actual comic, because personally I love going into a character's head! I still like most of these characters, but I sure do need to focus on them instead of plot for now, because if you ask me what Gleamspark is really like, you're not getting much,
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Wait- if starclan is like god in this universe. And sometimes clan cats say “ star damned” instead of “god damned” dose that mean pearls stars pronouns are: god and godself!?
I mean, if a Saint Tine made their pronouns glow/glowself it would definitely be a bit awkward lmao
(shine/gleam/light/glimmer/radiance/etc. pronouns would be fine however)
In that case it would be closer to giving yourself god/godself pronouns (which I’m certain is a real thing!), but in my mind Starclan, as an Aphidclan-specific religion, isn’t really…a religion so much as it is a generalized belief that 1. nature and the sky are interwoven with mystical, spiritual forces, and 2. belief in souls/an afterlife. (infodumping mode activated /lh /affectionate) As a wild cat colony, they’re just naturally very strongly and culturally connected to the spiritual side of the wilderness and the cosmos, more so than a kittypet or city cat ever would be. They don’t believe in any god or any central force controlling or designing the world, I don’t think they even have a “creation myth” or an idea that there could ever be a sole “god”/deity-like figure. They believe in souls and an afterlife because their ventures into the spirit realm showed them the souls of their ancestors, friends, and even complete strangers. They know the dead can go whenever they please after life, because some cats have reported seeing these spirits in the woods with them, or standing out amidst the plains. But they’ve also seen the spirit realm largely resemble the sky, so they probably assume the souls of the dead live up there, and may fly down to earth whenever they please.
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(plus the sky is also just generally a very..incomprehensible, mystical, “larger-than-life” powerful force to look at, especially when you’ve got 0 light pollution and look up to see a whole wide galaxy of beautiful unknown above you each night)
Perhaps the souls of their loved ones can even grant gifts and boons, or even curses, since the spirit of the wilderness and the sky is woven everywhere, and can surely influence the movement of a log, the calling of rain, the way of the winds, and maybe even the sickness of the land. Nonetheless, the wilderness takes lives as it gives food and water and a home, they believe this to be an entirely natural cycle. The wilderness gives, the wilderness takes, the wilderness eats and devours whole, and when you die, you’ll fly up into the sky, where you might even get to speak with your loved ones again someday, either through random sightings in the woods, in dreams, or intentional astral projection in more…energistically charged locations.
Even the Saint Tines don’t believe in The Glow as a person, but nonetheless a more congealed, solid entity than what the clan cats believe. It is a force of nature as well, but a specific one. The force of decay, of sickness, of life, of glory and triumph in living, that is hungry and gluttonous and never satiated. In AphidClan, you’ll never have to prove your worth or character to the way the winds blow, but to a Saint Tine, if you are impure enough, the Glow shall eat you whole, and you shall rot for all of eternity (and this is a bad thing). It is a strict and demanding force that will punish the unworthy and the impure. It is all very morally attached, very heavily wrapped around the idea of sin and repentance and innate existential value. The Reverend has a very large influence over the doctrine and the opinions of The Glow, as its speaking voice and the head of the church. (In reality, “the glow” is just the nuclear radiation they saw in the power plant the colony used to live in, before the power plant horribly collapsed for reasons unknown.)
In that way, the Saint Tine Church is a closer analogy for a Christianity-like religion, while Aphidclan’s beliefs are closer to that of general pagan spiritualist beliefs. The Saint Tines are a god-fearing people, while Aphidclan just believes in the innate spiritual power of the earth and the universe, who would be confused by the idea of a central god or entity controlling the name of the game.
As for Pearlstar, I think like…they’d be totally chill with pronouns, names, or titles that call back to the spiritual nature of the wild in some way or another, and in fact, it’s already a common thing interwoven into the culture. I mean, they call their designated spiritual leaders of the colony “star,” to honor their leader’s connection to the spirit realm and their initiative to walk between both worlds. If anyone is expected to revere the spiritual and integrate it into their daily life and identity, it would be the spiritual leaders of the colony. Cats are given prefixes and suffixes to reflect aspects of nature that they see themself reflected in. If names are viable territory for integrating the wild, the natural, the spiritual, then why not pronouns? A cat with breeze/breezeself pronouns is respected as a reflection of the wind, a cat with star/starself pronouns is respected as a person with a strong connection to the cosmic aether and the universe beyond. I imagine their kintypes work under similar beliefs as well, as the creatures or entities or energistical forces they see themselves very strongly in. A cat could tell their clanmates that they believe they were once a bird, and feel such a strong connection to flight, to soaring through the air, the clouds, the breeze on their wings, and that before their life as a cat, their soul once resided in an avian animal, and that’d be a common precedent that would totally work with the general cultural belief system.
So to summarize, glow/glowself pronouns would definitely result in getting odd looks and judgemental comments from Saint Tines (not Aphidclan cats though), but star/starself pronouns are totally normal, common, respected, and even a little expected in Aphidclan, and are…pretty much on the same level as giving yourself leaf/sky/cloud/tree/growth/breeze/etc. pronouns. S’just another factor of one’s identity that the wild may influence and make its home in, as it often does
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Artfight attack on @aphidclan-clangen!!
Gravel!! One of my favorite characters and designs in AphidClan so far :33 As well as a drawing I'm really happy with :D
Might attack another AphidClan cat but we'll see how it goes :3
!! This is not my OC! Character profile here
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I'm going to put MothClan's Descent on hiatus for July, since I want to do Artfight, have a trip at an unknown time, and don't have a backlog at the moment. I'll most likely resume posting on August 3rd, but it may be the 10th that I start posting again due to not having a backlog. Sorry about that, but @wintrii-shadows will still be posting most of my Artfight attacks and whatever else I do!
And if I attack another clangen blog I might reblog it here too :)
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As I said under Moon 5, the next three pages will be a short intermission comic focused on Rabbitpaw and Rowanpaw's training session! I'll be practicing the actual comic-making with dialogue and stuff with this and it'll give some more character to them and their bond :) Not too plot important but I thought it'd be nice
On another note I may be traveling sometime soon for family reasons and I might not be able to draw for an extended time. I do not know when this will be yet but if I do not have enough of a backlog I might not post the Saturday(s) of the trip. I'll update later when I have more information about that
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Moon 5
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Would you believe most of this page was made in one day as I realized my backlog ran out? Because oof that was something.
Anyways yay Rowanpaw!! And remembering how much patterning Darkclaw has..
Also a slight shading edit because I am not doing the full near-rendering shading on every page so it's airbrush time haha Drawing the first panel was very fun :3
Oh yeah, next page(s?) will be an intermission comic focusing on Rowanpaw and Rabbitpaw's training session :3 These cats are gaining connections and real personalities as I'm fleshing out the moons more and so another section of the Clan is connected hehe :3
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Day 28 - Bigender
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Tigerlilac, a future MothClan cat! @mothclans-decent-clangen
Tigerlilac is one of a litter of four kits. I can't say too much more because of spoilers once again and my problem of currently underdeveloped characters Tigerlilac uses she/he pronouns and is bigender and demiromantic asexual.
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heyy i'm on cara now (https://cara.app/wintrii-shadows) i haven't uploaded any art yet but I do plan on starting that soon, might put mothclan's descent pages there too (not sure yet) and after june's over i'll upload all the pride art
i also have artfight so feel free to attack!! (https://artfight.net/~wintrii-shadows) it's going to be my first artfight so I might mess something up but i'll upload attacks I make for that too :3
artfight card under the cut v
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Day 26 - Aroallo
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Feather, a character from my Clangen blog! @mothclans-decent-clangen
Feather probably won't actually show up for a good while if at all and she's the reason for part of the plot ehehe :3 Feather uses she/he pronouns and is bigender, aroallo, and pansexual.
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Moon 4 (2)
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I wonder what those nightmares could be :) (probably should've discolored them much more but oops)
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Day 21 - Trans (3) (transmasc)
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Bushpatch, an upcoming MothClan cat! @mothclans-decent-clangen
I realized this was the third trans one so I wanted to do the transmasculine flag And also wanted to make his bow the flag since having them holding flags is getting a little repetitive and then had to make sure I did the lines the right way and hh. that's a lot of stripes,,, Bushpatch uses he/him pronouns and is transmasculine and pan.
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Day 19 - Gay
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Azure from Cry of the Moth in my Clangen story! @mothclans-decent-clangen
Again, not much I can say- sorry about that,, he and Shark are together tho :3 Azure uses he/him pronouns and is gay.
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Day 18 - Trans (2)
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Shark from Cry of the Moth in my clangen blog! @mothclans-decent-clangen
Similarly with Auburn I won't say much about this character, but he is one of the voices of reason for this group Shark uses he/him pronouns and is gay and trans.
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Day 15 - Demiagender
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Auburn, a character from my Clangen blog! @mothclans-decent-clangen
Auburn has shown up on a page once but is somewhat part of a much bigger scheme; a group known as Cry of the Moth. I can't say anymore without spoilers, however, so feel free to speculate :3 (Auburn was designed with help from one of my friends.) Auburn uses they/she pronouns and is demiagender and aroace.
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Moon 4 (1)
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Another death! How fun! This time much more serious.
I showed this page to two of my friends and one of them has very fun reactions :) If you guys have any theories I'd absolutely love to hear them >:)
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