#''tell us the discord client version please''
selfproclaimedunicorn · 10 months
Everything was going great until I wanted to share a snippet of chapter 12 with a friend & learned that discord won't let me upload images from mobile anymore. I am now too frustrated to do anything
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pokenimagines · 5 years
MY FAVORITE AUTHOR OPENED REQUESTS YESSSSSS!!! I saw the notification and my heart went BOOOM!!! Just like that!!!! So may I ask for some headcanons with demon!Piers x reader/s/o? I know I asked for the demon Raihan as well but you just wrote it so well (and in general) that I can't help myself :)))) completely fine if you don't want to tho!!!!! SENDING LOVE YOUR WAYYYYY!!!
Headcanons for a demon version of Piers…oh yes. Yes, I can do that. Actually, I kinda wanna write a proper drabble because hnnnnnng gimme demons plz thnx. Also, I dunno how well I wrote Piers but I mean I see demon him being a bit cockier? BTW this is unedited because I’m far too tired to read it over, so please forgive any grammatical errors!
Discord - Request Info
Piers x Reader: Demon Treat
He had two horns that curled like a ram’s around his long and pointed ears. His eyes were engulfed in black, making the glowing baby blue iris stand out even more. The sharp teeth that were smiling at you sent a small shiver down your spine, but you weren’t about to relent. He reached a hand, the sharp claws grazing at your wrist, but he knew the amount of pressure that would hurt you and avidly avoided it.
“Piers…I said no.” You warned him, glaring at him and his Cheshire grin just spread. Despite how most people would find him to be rather creepy in this form, you were used to it. Those bags around his eye sockets only increased how demonic he looked as he got closer. His breath ghosted over your neck as he moved your hair out of his way.
“Please?” He asked and you groaned while putting put hand son his lanky chest. You used just enough pressure to let him know you didn’t want him getting any closer. He still looked at you with those hungry eyes of his and you had to hold back the gasp as his nails dragged alongside your jugular.
“I told you if you wanted ice cream you needed to speak up at the store. This is on you. I’m not sharing.” You managed to knee him in the stomach and he let out a fake groan as you rolled over on the couch and went back to your delicious bowl of cold cream, “You can’t just expect me to give in to your every whim whenever you give me those puppy dog eyes.” You said, taking a spoonful into your mouth.
“You summon me from hell and won’t even share your ice cream, that’s pretty lame of you.” He now sat crossed-legged on the couch, leaning on his fist while staring at you. The horrible slasher film in the background illuminated his form in the otherwise dark room.
“I never summoned you directly. I summoned a demon to help me and I got stuck with you.” You reminded him while relaxing a bit finally. The attractive demon shot a glare in your direction, not understanding why it was such a bad thing to get stuck with him.
“It’s not my fault you summoned a demon to kill a fuckin angel. Don’t know what fantasy you’re reading where demons are stronger than some benevolent moth, but it isn’t this one.” He murmured and you chuckled while rolling your eyes. You took another bite of ice cream before replying.
“Okay first off, didn’t realize my boss was an angel. Second off, I was hoping for a high ranking demon to drag him to hell for promoting that other asshole at work and not me.” You stated simply and Piers rolled his eyes while going to lay down. His head fell into your lap that was currently being covered by an electric blanket.
“Well, now you’re stuck with me until I figure out how to do that. Both of us got screwed over…mainly me.” His bored voice was annoying you and you were tempted to drop some ice cream right onto his face. You fought the urge, knowing he’d probably catch it in his mouth.
“You should’ve done a background check on your clients before accepting the contract.” You explained, not feeling any remorse for what you did. You were lucky you ended up with this demon, actually. If they had done a background check and were smart about it, you wouldn’t be able to ever make a contract again. That would’ve been horrid.
“The thing was I did your little request and I got your soul for all of eternity. You didn’t tell me you literally didn’t have a soul.” He said, flicking your forehead and making you scrunch up your nose. You huffed in response as you stuck out your tongue. He stuck his forked tongue out as well, making you blush a bit.
“Not my fault. Now we’re stuck since you can’t go back with an unfinished contract.” You said as you put your bowl down and began running your hands through his dual-colored hair. It was pretty soft, despite its looks, and you could’ve sworn you heard him purr a bit. Your hand wandered as your nails gently scratched as the base of his horns. He melted into the touch, giving you a dopey smile and you chuckled. You honestly were happy he was stuck with you.
“Now you gotta deal with me.” Piers said as he sat up. His lanky form towered over yours as he leaned his mouth closer to yours. You once again blushed as one hand went up in case you had to push him away, “Not that I think you mind much.” He said and went and kissed your cheek. You let out a small squeak in surprise as he stole the ice cream bowl and began eating the cold treat.
You went to grab it when his foot shot out and kept you at bay. He actually laughed at your pathetic self trying to fight him before you finally gave up. You just scooted over to him and leaned your head against his shoulder and began watching the movie. You were sure as hell happy you tricked this demon, probably one of your best choices to date.
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ktfromjerseyblog · 4 years
How to deal with a Sims 4 Game Patch when playing with Mods and CC
1.) Manual Update, day of (or soon after) patch release
2.) Delay update
3.) Vanilla play
If you are doing a manual update immediately when it is available, first thing to do is BACK-UP your Mods, Saves and Tray folders.
Go to your Game folder, click and drag your Mods folder to your desktop. Then right-click somewhere blank on your desktop and create a New Folder (rename it STANDBY). Open this STANDBY folder and right-click in the blank space, click New Folder (name this one Mods). You are going to repeat the process until you have three folders inside your STANDBY folder. They should be titled Mods, Saves, and Tray.
Open your Mods folder (on your desktop) and the STANDBY folder at the same time (side by side). Select all of the files in your Mods folder (CTRL+A or Command+A), then right click on them and select COPY. Then click into your STANDBY folder, go to Mods, right-click the blank space, and select PASTE. Now you will have your original Mods folder on your desktop to test and use, and you will also have this STANDBY folder as a duplicate back up.
Next you will go to your Game Folder, select Tray, select all items (CTRL+A), right-click, select COPY. Then you will paste all these folders into the STANDBY>Tray folder. Then do the exact same thing with your Saves folder. Now you will have everything finally backed up. I recommend moving this STANDBY folder to an external hard drive (or flashdrive).
AFTER YOU UPDATED WITH GAME PATCH: please test once WITHOUT your Mods folder. Remove the entire Physical Mods folder from your Game Folder, place on desktop. This assists in a Folder Refresh. Let the game make a new Mods folder, with a new Resource.cfg inside, and rebuild from there. Don’t forget that you may need to turn on your Game Settings to enable script mods and custom content. This is in your Game Menu, under Other Settings. Considering “IF” the new free-floating objects feature “doesn’t” break CC. It should be safe to put your CC right back into the newly created Mods folder. At this point, you should still have your mods on your desktop. This is the point where you need to begin researching if your mods are working. To do this, you can check the comments below for mod updates. We implore you to follow creators on their social media for confirmation of working/broken mod reports. Most Script Mods WILL BREAK. Your best bet is keeping all of your mods on your desktop and only introducing them after
a.) mod has been confirmed working
b.) mod has been replaced with updated version.
To delay an update, you must have pre-emptively turned OFF your Game Auto-Updates in advance. Next you will need to ensure your Origin Client is OFFLINE. This will mean that you can keep all your mods and cc in your game folder and continue to play unchanged. People do this in the meantime while they’re waiting for Creators to update their mods. This is the option for people who can’t bare to play without CC and Mods
This option is for people who are too excited to wait any longer for the patch update and new expansion, and would rather wait for all the Creators to finish their testing and patches. So in order to do this, you will need to remove your Mods folder from your Game Folder, and place it on your desktop. Or you can disable mods and custom content in your Game Settings, under Other Settings. I still recommend backing up your saves and tray files.
If your game is not starting or prompts an error, remove all off your mods/cc, then restart. If it starts up just fine, then it is due to an error in your mods. If it does not start up, then you may have a corrupted save file due to a broken mod. Please be sure your game folder is saved in the appropriate path:
PC users should look something like this (minus the kmeha..thats just my comp name)
C:\Users\kmeha\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4
If youre game is continuing to give you start-up issues, please feel free to post about it. But include the following:
PC/Mac user?
Legacy Edition?
Folder Refresh conducted?
Restart without mods conducted?
Did you re-enable custom content and script mods?
Include picture of error message.
For confusion on files in your game, please review this link:
For those of you saying "my mods never break when i update the game". Mods can and most likely will break after an update. The word "broken" does not necessarily mean your game is going to completely stop working. So i'm going to make up an example to help you better understand. Let's say that Sacrificial's Life Tragedies Mod was labeled as "Broken". But when you play with it in game, you see no issues, and you receive no LastExceptionErrors. So you may think, "well thats not right, my mod is fine." when in reality its not. So some mods are massive and have loads of animations, objects, and content in general. If one tiny thing from it is corrupted in the code due to a patch update, it is considered “Broken”. So in Sacrificial's Life Tragedies Mod, you have five serial killers that you have the option of using. Lets say the game patch update breaks The Killer Nanny in that mod. But you never play with her ever. This could mean that you would never know that the mod is broken because you havent received any error notifications due to you not utilizing that portion of the code. This still means the mod is "broken" though. Broken can just mean that there is a small (or large) portion of the coding that is not compatible with how the game coding has changed due to the update. TLDR: a small feature can break and you would never know it if you never use it. it still means the mod is broken.
For those of you looking for methods to read your lastException files, the following are your options:
1. Deaderpool Discord
2. Better Exceptions
3. Last Exceptions reader
DEADERPOOL DISCORD: For the deaderpool discord, you will have to create an account on discord. its super easy. i absolutely love discord. if you dont know what it is, its basically like a massive chat room platform, particularly popular amongst gamers. If you decide to create a discord account, you'll have to download the software. its totally safe! i use it all the time. a lot of gamers use it as a platform to talk to their friends over voice chat when playing a game that doesnt provide a feature like that. if you decide to join discord, here is the link for the Deaderpool Discord (ran by the creator of MCCC): https://discord.gg/mccc
if you go on there, they have a text channel called "error support". its super easy to use, all you have to do is click on that channel, and then click and drag your LE file into the channel box. it will upload it to the server. theres nothing in your file that will get you hacked or anything. tens of thousands of files have been uploaded to this. its literally just a text document saying where the error is in your mod coding. From there, someone from the Support Team will respond with a solution. Its really great because they can help you to understand reading the code.
BETTER EXCEPTIONS MOD: This is a mod that you download from Twisted Mexi:
This mod will provide a new file to generate in your game called the Better Exceptions Report. When you get one, it will tell you what it suspects is causing an issue in your game. This is one of the most user-friendly options for new modders. When you see the identifed "issue" in the report, you'll have just to exit out of game and delete the issue (broken cc/mod). Before you re-start your game, just remember to delete the BetterExceptionsReport file from your game folder. Otherwise it will not be able to update it with a new one if a new error arises.
LAST EXCEPTIONS READER: this is just a website where you can do the same thing as the deaderpool discord. just drag and drop your file, and a robot reads it to identify the issue. The only problem with this is you cant talk to the robot and explain your situation (like you can in discord).
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hookedonapirate · 5 years
We Own the Night
Tumblr media
Summary: It’s a shame she’s so bloody beautiful in her low cut, curve-hugging red dress and black high heels, her green eyes glinting with mischief and her golden hair cascading over her shoulders as she leans into him. It’s a shame how sexy she is while she flirts with him and how adorable she is when she giggles and whispers in his ear, almost marking him with her red lipstick as her hand gently caresses his bicep, the warm breath against his skin making his heart race. In ordinary circumstances, they’d be engaging in more enjoyable activities, but unfortunately, he has to arrest her.
A/N: This fic is a result of research for a different undercover cop au and an old post floating around on Tumblr that actually happened, from what I've heard. To avoid spoilers I can't say what the post was, but this fic is my own version of it. When I post the second part of this (there will be a total of two) I'll let you know what post I'm referring to.
Though this story is based on real events, I'm not an expert on undercover work, so please forgive me for inaccuracies.
Thank you @ilovemesomekillianjones for betareading!
Also Available on: AO3 l FF.N
Rated: Explicit for crude language and possible smut.
Part One/Two
Best pussy I ever had—Huntsman69 
 The derogatory remark is followed by numerous others, all very sexually explicit in detail of Huntsman69’s experience with a high-class sex worker named Buttercup. Comments like she has nice tits and gives an amazing blow job. Encouraged by other online Discord members, the host goes on to say that even though she enjoys men pulling her hair from behind as they fuck her, he prefers her in the missionary position so he can gaze into her forest-green eyes while he fucks her.
 How romantic.
 Killian rolls his eyes, but he really isn’t surprised by the language or the lengthy details. He’s been participating in this Discord server for the last few weeks, establishing a presence under the pseudonym CaptainHook by engaging with fellow Discord users who are all from Seattle and are johns or potential johns looking to buy sex. At first, it had been difficult to sound like a john, to get into that type of persona. Most of the men in this particular hub are crass and unashamed. It’s like they’re reviewing fast-food restaurants—she tastes delicious, very tight and wet, offers a free blowjob on the side, all you can eat, best piece of ass in the city. The objectification of women angers and saddens him, but as the mantra goes, to find a criminal, you have to think like a criminal. Or in this case, to find the seller, he has to think like a buyer.
 Fantastic. Where can I find her?—CaptainHook
 She works for Cinderella Escorts—Huntsman69
 Before Killian can respond, he sees that below his message, Huntsman69 is typing. A link pops up a few seconds later.
 She charges the big bucks but WELL WORTH!—Huntsman69 
 Thanks, mate. Sounds like a good bang for your buck :-P—CaptainHook
 Oh it definitely was ;-)—Huntsman69 
 Killian clicks on the link to the ad and braces himself for whatever obscene, demoralizing photos that might appear, but what he finds is neither obscene nor demoralizing. There’s a photo of a woman lying on a bed, clad in red lingerie. She is breathtaking. Soft forest green eyes like Hunstman69 had said, golden blonde hair, beautiful ivory skin. She’s dressed in red lace, and even though her lingerie shows off her lean stomach and a long, gorgeous pair of legs, it still leaves a lot to the imagination. She is a high-class escort after all, which means she charges more than the average street hooker. And based on her appearance and Huntsman69’s graphic depictions of the escort, her business is very lucrative. 
 Killian is fraught with emotion at the idea of this woman subjecting herself to such a lifestyle. One that involves selling her body to pay her bills or because she was coerced or forced into it. His heart breaks for this woman, for all of these women, but he has to shove his feelings aside and focus on the mission—to make it harder for pimps to sell sex and for clients to buy it. 
 Seattle, Washington is currently ranked as one of the top five promiscuous cities in the United States. In response, King County Sheriff David Nolan is behind an initiative, leading a series of stings coordinated with other jurisdictions over the course of several weeks to promote a permanent change in police practices. A permanent change on the streets of King County. Which means undercover cops from different locations swarm in, working two fronts—the streets and hotels—posing as either a prostitute or a client to target both the demand and supply side of prostitution. Killian’s particular job is to pose as a john to scour out sex workers in Seattle, arrest them, but not penalize them. Instead of locking them up, he is to offer them counseling and job training through Sheriff Nolan’s Women’s Justice Program. The clients will however be ticketed and heavily fined, but the ordeal will not result in a criminal record. Sixty percent of the fines collected from the clients goes to support the program.
 This undercover job is not Killian’s first, but it’s certainly the most perturbing one so far and will hopefully be the most rewarding. He is proud of being a part of something aimed at helping women and reducing solicited sex and human trafficking.
 Making up his mind that Buttercup is one of the women he will help, he fills out the form to request her services; he enters a date, time, location and which escort he prefers. He submits the form and is contacted less than an hour later and agrees to meet the escort tonight at Kimpton, a luxury hotel on Aurora Avenue.
 As he closes his laptop, there’s a knock on the door, and he gets up to answer it. He opens the door and is surprised to find his brother on his doormat.
 “Liam…” His eyebrows furrow in confusion as he scratches his head. He told his brother he’d be staying in Seattle for a job, but his brother never mentioned he planned on visiting him. Probably because he knew Killian would’ve told him not to. He has a job to do and doesn’t need any distractions while he’s here. “What are you doing here?”
 Liam’s smile fizzles into a frown. “Nice to see you, too.”
 Killian steps aside, pulling the door open to let him in. “Sorry, I just wasn’t expecting you,” he murmurs apologetically.
 “I wanted to surprise you, little brother. You’re always gone, so I thought I’d pay you an unexpected visit.”
 “But, you know that I’m working, right?”
 “I know.” Liam pats him on the shoulder as he passes Killian, carrying a bag over his shoulder. “I just thought you could use some company.”
 Killian closes the door and sighs. He doesn’t need his brother here blowing his cover. “Listen, the job I’m doing is undercover, so my cover can’t be blown.”
 “Relax, I’m not going to break your cover. So, are you going to tell me exactly what the job is?”
 “Sorry, but I can’t.” Technically he can, but he doesn’t feel comfortable telling Liam he’s posing as a john because knowing Liam he’d want to ride along, and that was obviously not going to happen. 
 Liam pouts like a child but accepts Killian’s answer.
 Killian gets ready for the sting. He has to look like a rich, businessman since that’s the usual clientele of Cinderella Escorts, according to Huntsman69. He’s not sure how reliable of a source that is, but he supposes if a man’s going to pay a high-end escort service for sex, chances are he’s not some poor, homeless guy. So he dresses in a sleek, black suit, fixes his hair and adjusts his tie before heading out the door.
 Killian shows up at the hotel and walks into the bar where he’d agreed to meet Buttercup. Searching around the dimly lit room, his eyes fall on the only person at the bar counter—a woman in a red dress and long, golden blonde hair. Immediately identifying her as Buttercup, he swallows the large lump in his throat. She’s drinking champagne and one leg is crossed over the other, her tiny red dress showing off those long, silky white legs, and the shiny black high heels on her feet. His heart actually stutters. 
 He closes his eyes briefly, coaxing himself into thinking like a john and having that mindset. He is not a cop, he’s a lonely man looking for a good fuck with a gorgeous woman. 
 As he strides across the room, his stomach is full of nervous butterflies, for reasons he doesn’t quite understand. He’s spoken to beautiful women before, but he’s never been intimidated by them. Somehow he’s more intimidated than he’s ever been in his life, and he hasn’t even met her yet. He walks up behind her, praying his voice doesn’t give out on him as he places his hand on her back, speaking in a deep, husky tone. “If I’d have known there would be alcohol involved, I’d have joined you sooner.” 
 She trembles at his touch and turns her head to grace him with a soft smile. 
 Good God, her photo didn’t do her a bit of justice; she’s even more breathtaking in person.
 Placing the glass on the counter, she swivels the bar chair around, shifting her body toward him. Her soft smile transforms into something more seductive as her hand reaches for his tie, the pad of her thumb circling idly over the fabric. Her eyes roam down his body before connecting with his, and all the air escapes his lungs as he peers into her dazzling green orbs. “If I’d have known you’d be so handsome, I wouldn’t have felt the need to start drinking.”
 He flashes a big, toothy grin, slipping into the stool next to her, remaining within touching distance. He leans in close, resting his arm across the back of her bar chair, and licks his lips, his eyes scrolling down her body. Her breasts are fantastic, her decolletage showing off ample skin, and her dress is so short, he can almost see her panties between her legs, if she’s even wearing any. His heart is pounding as he boldly moves his hand to her thigh. She gasps at his touch, her legs shaking slightly, but as his eyes meet hers again, he can tell she’s not opposed to his touch. She welcomes it, her eyes glazing over with lust. Normally he wouldn’t be so brazen, but that’s the point. He’s not Officer Killian Jones, he’s a client who’s about to pay this woman a large amount of money to show him a good time. He’s going to milk this act for all it’s worth. 
 He leans in to whisper in her ear, his lips only centimeters from her skin as he tightens his hand around her thigh, his fingers slipping under the hem of her dress until his thumb is dangerously close to her center. “Trust me, love, you don’t need any alcohol to have an enjoyable time with me.”
 Her breath catches in her throat, a pink blush spreading across her cheeks. “I have no doubt about that,” she murmurs, a wicked smirk crossing her lips. “In fact, I normally charge $2,000, but since you’re cute... $1500 will do.” Her hand reaches for his thigh, her fingers roaming over his slacks until she’s inches away from his crotch and has a firm grip on him as she whispers in his ear, “I’ll even throw in a free blowjob.” Her voice is decadent, her words reverberating through him; he can feel it in his stomach. She pulls her lips away slightly and flicks her tongue along the inside of her cheek to make it look like she has his dick in her mouth.
 A low groan rises from his throat as he murmurs in her ear, “Mmmm, I’d love to have those gorgeous red lips wrapped around my cock.” His entire body shudders at the thought. “But truthfully, I’d pay more just to look at you.”
 “So, you mean, I could already be charging you?” she quips with a playful smile.
 “Perhaps,” he teases, smirking against her earlobe.
 She blushes, her hand moving to his chest, feeling his heart beating underneath her palm. Her touch is full of heat, even through his dress shirt, and he can’t help but enjoy their little banter, even if it is part of the job. At the same time, he can’t help but wonder if there would be so much heated tension between them if this were an actual date. If he weren’t undercover and if she weren’t a prostitute. 
 This whole situation is a crying shame.
 It’s a shame she’s so bloody beautiful in her low cut, curve-hugging dress and black high heels, her green eyes glinting with mischief and her golden hair cascading over her shoulders as she leans into him. It’s a shame how sexy she is while she flirts with him and how adorable she is when she giggles and whispers in his ear, almost marking him with her red lipstick as her hand gently caresses his bicep, the warm breath against his skin making his heart race. In ordinary circumstances, he’d be engaging in more enjoyable activities with her, but unfortunately, he has to arrest her.
 The thought pains him even though it shouldn’t, considering he’s basically arresting her for show, to scare her. He won’t actually be throwing her in jail. Hopefully, he’ll be able to help her on the path to a better life.
 “Come back for a nightcap, or shall I find someone else?” he asks, regretting the words as they fall from his lips, but he wants tonight to be over with. To rip off the bandaid so to speak. This woman is very enchanting, and he’s afraid the longer he’s around her, the more his resolve will weaken, and he won’t want to go through with this. Which is ridiculous because he’s doing this for her own good.
 She doesn’t appear to be offended though and instead dons a lascivious grin. “Trust me, you won’t find anyone better for the job.” With those words said, she slips from the stool and makes her way across the bar, adding a seductive sway in the movement of her hips. His eyes are drawn to her perfect little ass like a magnet.
 She turns her head, her eyes holding a come hither stare and her lips curving into a crooked smirk. “You coming?”
 He grins cheekily and stands up, quickly making his way to her. He places his hand on the small of her back, brushing his fingers over the fabric of her dress as he speaks in her ear, “Not yet, but believe me… I’m almost there.”
 She shoots him a satisfied smirk and they head up to her room, unable to keep their hands off each other. His hands on her hips and hers on his chest, their lips ghosting over each other, the heat rapidly rises between them. The evening is an act they’re playing out, as they’re both just doing their jobs, but the attraction between them is real, and even though he wants to get the night over with, he’s not looking forward to the inevitable end.
 They’re still clinging to each other once they’re in the room. Buttercup’s hands are latched onto the lapels of his suit jacket and his arms are still wrapped around her, his lips brushing the shell of her ear.
 “So, what are my limits, love? Because I’m imagining having you in every... possible... position,” he murmurs, his eyes dropping to her lips.
 “For you… I’ll do anything you want,” she replies, fluttering her long black lashes as she eyes his mouth. “I’m all yours for the night.”
 “Am I allowed to kiss you?” He realizes it’s not necessary, but the heat between them is so addicting and his mind is foggy with lust, he loses himself in the moment. 
 Before she answers, he chases her mouth with his, but she pulls away and presses her index finger to his lips, a big, toothy smile gracing her beautiful face. “Easy tiger. First, there’s a matter of payment.”
 “Of course,” he says with a smile, trying to hide the disappointment in his voice. He pulls out his wallet, being careful not to expose the police badge tucked inside as he fishes out the cash. 
 As he’s extending the bills to her, instead of taking them immediately, she’s pulling him to her by the lapels of his suit jacket, crashing her lips into his. He elicits a low growl and wraps his arms around her, still clutching onto the bills in his hand as she slips her tongue in his mouth to taste him. Overwhelmed by the heat surging through him, he deepens the kiss and tightens his hold. Her body is pressed deliciously against his and he’s sure she knows he’s as hard as a fucking rock.
 “God love, I want to fuck you,” he groans against her lips. Her mouth is sweet, she tastes like champagne and her tongue is soft and warm; he doesn’t want this to end, but unfortunately, it has to. The deal has been made, and now it’s time to bust her. The problem is, he can’t stop kissing her.
 So it’s probably a good thing when she’s the one to break it, leaving them both gasping for air. He chases her lips again, but she pulls away to take the cash from his hand. “Me too,” she breathes, her voice cracking as she licks her lips, her thumb running over the crisp bills as she studies them in her hand. “There’s just one problem...”
 “What’s that, love?” he asks trying to hide the panic in his voice. Did she figure out he’s a cop?
 She looks up again and leans in, her lips ghosting over the shell of his ear as she whispers, “You’re under arrest.” 
 Wait, what? That was supposed to be his line.
 His features cloud with confusion as he tries to process her words. Is she joking? Is she just into roleplay and wants to play out a fantasy of hers? Yes, he deems. That’s all her words had meant. “Sorry love, but you’re under arrest,” he shoots back firmly with a hard look, letting her know he’s serious.
 She laughs. “Nice try, buddy.” The door flies open and two guys with badges around their necks burst into the room.
 Before he’s able to process what’s happening, they’re pulling his hands behind his back and slapping cuffs around his wrists. 
 Buttercup pulls out her badge, showing it to him. “Officer Emma Swan.”
 Killian blinks in disbelief. She’s a cop too? His mind is reeling with the events leading up to this moment. How had he not figured it out sooner?
 Five hours ago (Emma’s POV)...
 “Best pussy you ever had? Really?” She's not asking out of curiosity, more like disgust.
 Graham shrugs, his features clouding with confusion as he logs off and shuts the computer down. “What? You told me to sound like a creepy pervert.” A smirk crosses his lips. “Besides, it’s not a lie.”
 Emma rolls her eyes, blush spreading through her cheeks. Okay, maybe she was a little curious as to whether he was being truthful or just baiting the fish.
 He chuckles at her reaction and stands from the desk chair. “Oh, come on, lighten up, Emma. It worked, didn’t it?”
 “I thought it was very creepy and pervy of you,” Ruby compliments with a flirty grin as the three of them head out of the apartment to meet up with Jefferson down the hall. When her brother had asked her to go undercover in Seattle, she rented out a monthly apartment with Ruby in the same building as Jefferson and Graham.
 Emma rolls her eyes.
 When Jefferson joins them, they head over to the hotel where several male cops gather in one of the rooms and several female cops, including herself and Ruby, meet in the room across the hall, dressed like prostitutes. 
 Emma’s made several busts already. Before she took this job, she’d never seen a grown man cry, but now she sees at least one every night in a mess of tears when he finds out she’s not actually a prostitute and she instead slaps him with a ticket and a heavy fine. Being a cop has hardened her over time, and now she’s looking forward to seeing CaptainHook on his knees begging her not to arrest him. When the men get on their knees and beg—that’s what makes the whole job worth it. A faint smirk pulls at her lips at the thought.
 Present (Killian’s POV)...
 “Wait a bloody minute,” Killian barks out in irritation, struggling against the cuffs. “This is a big misunderstanding. I’m a cop too.”
 Emma’s mouth opens in shock. After a few seconds of processing his words, she narrows her eyes, studying him carefully, trying to decipher whether he’s lying or not.
 “Check my wallet. I’m doing an undercover job for Sheriff Nolan,” he states.
 Her eyes widen as she glances between the two officers still holding him, before her eyes land on Killian once again. “You’re working for my brother?”
 The one on the left nods at Emma. “Check for a badge,” he instructs, speaking with an Irish accent.
 She reaches into Killian’s jacket, pulls out his wallet and opens the flap, revealing his badge. She sighs in exasperation, dropping her hands to her sides. “He’s telling the truth.”
 “Wait, you mean, we just arrested a cop?” the officer on the right asks, amusement laced in his words.
 Killian grins cheekily. “Aye. Officer Killian Jones at your service.”
 The other two men laugh as Emma lifts the wallet to study his badge again, shock and irritation still visible in her lovely features. “So, let me get this straight… this whole night was a waste?” 
 “Apparently so,” Killian replies, equally irritated. The night was not a complete waste though. He met Emma after all.
 She lifts her eyes, regarding him with a blank expression. “Uncuff him.”
 As one of the officers releases him from the cuffs, Killian can’t help but wonder whether she’s relieved he’s not a john or if she’s just simply annoyed. He mutters a thank you as he pulls his hands in front of him, smoothing his fingers over his wrists. 
 “Here, you probably want these back,” Emma says, handing him the cash and his badge.
 “Indeed. I had to fill out a ton of paperwork for this,” he says appreciatively, holding up the bills before tucking them back inside his wallet. He’s relieved Emma is not actually a prostitute, but he’s also thoroughly confused as to why she’d kissed him. Sure, he’d basically asked her to, but she didn’t have to go through with it. The cash was in his hand. He stares at her for a moment, narrowing his eyes. “So, tell me something, love—since you’re not actually a prostitute, why did you kiss me?”
 Killian can now see the officer emerging from his left, who has brown curly hair. He steps between Emma and Killian, his eyes darting back and forth from one to the other. “You kissed him?!”
 Killian suppresses a grin when he sees how jealous the man is. 
 Emma shrugs. “What’s the big deal? I was just really getting into my role. I don’t do things half-ass, you know that.”
 “You certainly don’t,” Killian remarks with a smirk. 
 Emma looks at him, smiling and blushing.
 The brown-haired man glares at Killian, blowing out a huff of air before walking away. Killian has to wonder if the man has feelings for her, or if they’re dating. If they are dating, the kiss with another man was definitely crossing a line. Especially since the kiss was unnecessary, and once again he wonders why it happened. But he’s not complaining. He shakes off the thought as another one crosses his mind. “So, how was your ad posted on Cinderella Escorts?” he asks Emma.
 “The website is fake. He designed it,” she says, pointing at the brown-haired cop. “The other girls on the site are also cops.”
 “And Huntsman69?”
 The jealous cop raises his hand. “That would be me.” Putting aside his petty jealousy for the moment, he lowers the same hand, extending it to Killian. “Graham Humbert.” 
 Killian experiences his own dose of jealousy as they shake hands, even though he has no right to be jealous. But he can’t help but wonder whether Buttercup—whether Emma was actually the best pussy he ever had. Has Graham actually experienced gazing into her eyes while fucking her?
 “This is Jefferson,” Graham says to Killian, introducing him to the dark-haired cop.
 “Nice to meet you,” Killian says, shaking his hand.
 “You too.”
 “Well, I’m done working for the night. Want to get something to eat?” Graham asks Jefferson.
 “Sure, I’m starving.”
 “How does North Star sound? I could go for a beer and a burger.”
 “Sounds great.”
 Graham looks at Emma. “You coming?” 
 She averts her eyes to Killian as Graham approaches her, awaiting an answer, ready to head out the door. Killian’s jealousy flares up in his chest again as the other officer places his hand on her back like he’s claiming her as his. 
 “Wait, can I speak to you a moment, Emma?” Killian asks, not only because he doesn’t want to let her get away so quickly, but judging by how uncomfortable she looked when Graham asked her to join him, how even more uncomfortable she looked when Graham put his hand on her and how relieved she appears to be now, he’s also doing her a favor.
 She nods and looks at Graham and Jefferson. “You guys go. I’ll meet you there.”
 Graham doesn’t appear to be too happy as he glares at Killian. “What do you need to talk to her about that you can’t talk to us too?”
 Emma rolls her eyes. “Graham, I’m a big girl, I can take care of myself.”
 Graham sighs in defeat. “Fine, we’ll get a table.”
 “Okay,” she responds, but Killian’s pretty sure she’s only agreeing to meet them at the diner so he will leave. After Graham and Jefferson are gone, Emma walks up to Killian and crosses her arms, waiting for him to speak. If she’s relieved Graham’s gone, she doesn’t show it, so Killian can’t help but wonder the question that’s been eating away at him.
 “Are you and Graham…” he pauses, immediately regretting the question before he even finishes it. He has no right to ask. “I mean, I know it’s none of my business, I was just wondering if…”
 “If I was really the best pussy he ever had? You’re right, it is none of your business,” she says curtly.
 Killian���s cheeks burn scarlet as he scratches behind his ear, stammering over his words. “I know… I was just… I was just curious is all. You two seem close.”
 “We used to date, but it didn’t work out, and I ended it. Relationships with colleagues never work.”
 Killian nods. “Ah, I see. I didn’t mean to pry…”
 “You did, but it’s okay,” she says with a shrug. “I can see why you’d wonder. He still acts like we’re together,” she sighs.
 “But still, I shouldn’t have asked. Sorry,” he apologizes with a small smile.
 “It’s fine.” She dismisses his words with a wave of her hand, walks to the square breakfast table and faces him, leaning her back against the edge of the surface. He’s relieved his question didn’t run her out the door. 
 “So, you’re David Nolan’s sister?” he asks, desperately wanting to change the topic for both their sakes.
 She nods, her demeanor softening as she looks at him. “Yeah, I was adopted by his parents when we were kids.”
 “Must’ve been a little awkward having your brother ask you to go undercover as a prostitute,” Killian chuckles, slipping his hands into his pockets.
 “Yeah, it was, trust me,” she laughs, and there’s an adorable spark in her eyes as her cheeks turn pink. As hot as she was as a fake prostitute, she’s completely adorable and cute as Officer Emma Swan. “Especially since he’s usually overprotective. Which is why I’m working fancy hotels instead of the streets and why he calls me every day to check up on me and give me several warnings about what to expect while I’m on the job,” Emma says, rolling her eyes. “It’s quite annoying.”
 “I can imagine, I have one of those too—a protective brother, I mean. David seems like a good guy though.”
 “He is, he’s always been there for me, so I really wanted to help him out when he told me about the initiative to reduce prostitution in the county. And hopefully, help women get out of the lifestyle.” 
 “Aye, love, it’s not the job I’d envisioned doing when I became a police officer, but perhaps it will be rewarding in the end.”
 She nods in agreement. “I’m sure David will get a good laugh when he finds out about this.”
 Killian blushes and smiles. “I’m sure he will.”
 “I would say we could just not say anything, but Graham’s probably already called to tell him.”
 “Yes, perhaps, but you know him better than I do,” he teases.
 “Yeah, unfortunately,” she retorts with a smirk. 
 He removes a hand from his pocket to scratch behind his ear, his stomach tight with nerves. Though a comfortable air has filled the room, he’s still nervous to be around her. Especially since he thought she was a prostitute about ten minutes ago. He moves to the table, leaning his back against it next to her as he crosses his arms. “I have to say, I’m relieved you’re not actually a hooker, love.”
 She turns her head, eyeing him with a raised brow. “Why’s that?”
 “For one, it’s not a life I wish on any woman. Two, you’re too pretty to sell yourself for $2,000.”
 Her cheeks are flushed as she averts her eyes. “Thanks, I think,” she laughs.
 “Relax, it’s a compliment,” he chuckles. “I have to admit though, you’re quite the actress. I had no idea you were a cop.” 
 “Yeah well, you’re not so bad yourself,” she says, playfully nudging his elbow with hers, making his heart flutter. “Maybe we’re in the wrong profession.”
 “Maybe,” he agrees with a soft smile, his voice cracked. He clears his throat, trying to ignore the effect she has on him and uncrosses his arms, bracing his hands against the edge of the table on either side of him. When his arm brushes slightly against hers, she doesn’t pull away, nor does he.
 “I’m curious about one thing though, love…”
 She looks at him curiously. “What’s that?”
 “The kiss was a little unnecessary, don’t you think? I mean, I was handing over the cash, so you could’ve just arrested me then, but instead, you kissed me…” Killian braces himself for her answer. He hopes he doesn’t piss her off, but judging by the shameless smile she offers him in return, she’s not the least bit upset.
 She shrugs nonchalantly. “As I said, I don’t do things half-ass.” 
 “That’s what you told Graham to appease him. So, what’s the real reason?”
 She lets out a small laugh, her cheeks flooding with blush. “You really want the truth?”
 Sighing in defeat, she leans toward him as though there are other people in the room and she doesn’t wish for anyone else to hear as she murmurs in his ear. “I thought you were cute, and I really wanted to kiss you. Is that bad?”
 Killian’s cheeks burn crimson, a smug grin pulling at his lips. “No, love, not at all.”
 “So, why did you ask to kiss me?” she retaliates, pulling away, her eyes dancing with curiosity.
 His grin widens if possible. “For the exact same reason you kissed me.”
 “The real one or the fake one I gave Graham?”
 He swallows thickly, gazing into her eyes, getting lost in them. “The real one.”
 Emma smiles and blushes profusely, either because she’s flattered by his confession, embarrassed by her own, or both. She pushes herself away from the table, quickly changing the subject as she turns around to face him. “So, was there something else you wanted to speak to me about or were you just curious about me and Graham?”
 “There’s something else...” Killian replies, his tongue darting out to lick his lips. “Perhaps tonight isn’t a complete waste.” 
 Emma studies him carefully, lifting a brow as she plants her hands on her hips. “I’m listening.”
 He taps his thumb nervously against the tabletop, his heart racing as he prepares himself to ask her something he’s wanted to ask her since he found out she was a cop. But he can’t seem to find the courage, so instead, he covers it up with another question. “What if we teamed up? Perhaps we can get more accomplished by working together?”
 She purses her lips, thinking about his offer for a moment. “That doesn’t sound like a bad idea, actually.”
 He pulls away from the table, closing the distance between them. “You heard of the Unicorn on Pike Street?”
 His question seems to grab her attention; she suddenly perks up, her eyes widening as she stares at him in slight bemusement. “You mean where they serve carnival food and magical cocktails? Of course I have. But aren’t we a little overdressed for that?”
 He shrugs. “Perhaps... but do you really think the night can get any more awkward than it already is?”
 Emma laughs. “Absolutely not.”
 “So, let me buy you a drink and a corn dog? Or were you actually planning on meeting Graham and Jefferson?”
 “You mean my possessive ex-boyfriend and his best friend?” Emma shakes her head. “I’ll pass on that gathering, thanks.”
 Satisfied with her answer, he playfully cocks a brow. “So, you’re saying you’d rather get sick on corn dogs and go into a sugar coma from an order of unicorn droppings and sweet alcoholic drinks with a cute guy you just met half an hour ago?”
 A big smile takes over her face. “Sounds perfect.” 
 A relieved grin crawls across his lips as he offers his elbow. She loops her arm through his, and they head out the door, both looking forward to working together and perhaps something more. 
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cinnamaldeide · 5 years
#Hannigraham Meet-Cute Challenge
Breathing in the tantalizing sea breeze on this wonderful merMay, we’re certainly enjoying the slow arrival of summer. There has been a lot of rain, so we spent our time in front of a computer, writing about the improbable ways in which our favourite characters would be meeting to share an umbrella, to find shelter from the ugly weather in a nice café, or simply staring at the dark sky and finding someone with whom to share its beauty. Hoping for the storm to actually provide some inspiration to you, let us present some very interesting prompts that could be combined with these menacing clouds and grey days 🌧
#1: B works at a bookstore and offers assistance to an embarrassed A, a customer carrying a large stack of self-help books.
#3: A walks into the kitchen, half-asleep, and mistakes B for her roommate. B knows the roommate and stayed overnight; makes breakfast for A. Need more details? Click on the post.
#22: A is having a quiet night at home – that is, until A’s apartment neighbour begins blasting music. Frustration levels rising, A goes to knock on the neighbour’s door to ask them to keep it down… at the same time B, the resident on the other side, is about to. Need more detail? Click on the post.
#32: A checks into a cozy inn while on a cross-country road trip, beyond tired and ready to collapse. When A gets to the assigned room, he or she is in for a surprise! Someone else, B, is already in the room. Uh-oh.
#50: A is at his/her cousin’s wedding. At the reception, A wanders over to B, a stranger, and in the spirit of the romance and happiness in the air, asks if they’re here for the groom or the bride. B’s answer is both simple and, ultimately, confusing: “Neither.”
#116: Although A normally goes to the cafe on Thursday evenings, A’s sibling had called in tears, and s/he had been forced to miss it. So instead A goes the next evening, sitting down at a table with a fresh cup of tea, and then abruptly realized that Friday night was Speed Dating night as B slides into the chair opposite and says, “They say you and I only have five minutes, but I can tell we’re going to need longer.”
#117: A is a professional assassin hired to take out a client’s cheating husband. But the client also spoke to B, a close friend, who has made it his/her’s own mission to also kill the husband. Unfortunately, both A and B have chosen the same night to do so, and it just so happens that B is a bit clumsy… and keeps getting in A’s way.
#143: A’s blind date just left, mumbling some sort of excuse about leaving the stove on. Confused and feeling rejected, A sits orders another beer at the bar, wondering where s/he went wrong. B, who had witnessed the situation, goes over and says sympathetically, “I think I know what went wrong… there’s something in your teeth.”
#162: A is interviewing potential roommates and is having very little luck. When it comes to B, A says, “I’m so sorry, I don’t think this is going to work. I can’t live with someone that I’d like to ask out.”
#166: A is at a coffee shop and sits down at a table, only to find a book on the chair. Intrigued, A starts flipping through it, and realizes it’s actually someone’s journal that had been left behind! And it’s fascinating. Unfortunately, B, the journal’s author, rushes back to retrieve it… and is horrified to see A reading it. But A, having gotten a feel for this person through his/her writing, asks if they want to go out sometime.
#176: A works at a pet store and is utterly surprised when B bursts through the door in a hurry and walks up to the cash without looking around. Out of breath, A says, “Please don’t ask why, but what do capybaras eat?”
#180: There has been a series of recent break-ins in A’s neighbourhood. B, a cop, knocks on A’s door to recommend safety measures and to ask if A has noticed anything peculiar — A hasn’t really seen anything, but invites the cop and his/her charming smile inside for coffee and a bit of false information so s/he might stay a while.
#186: A is walking through the park at night and notices B following close behind. With every step A is getting more and more paranoid until finally, as B goes to pass A, A swivels on his/her heel and punches B in the face! Turns out, B really was just trying to quicken his/her pace to make it home in time for the hockey game.
#207: A meets B and falls immediately for them, but B clearly doesn’t feel the same. After being rejected, A calls on Anteros, the avenger of unrequited love, to exact vengeance on B.
#210: A is a writer struggling to find inspiration for their next book. The publishers are breathing down their neck and the pressure is almost more than A can take. When A comes across an old Greek book in a thrift store, A brings it home and flips through the pages…. only to come across an old chant that was supposed to bring inspiration to those who read it out loud. A gives it a shot and… oh dear. Oh, oh dear. Somehow that summoned B, one of the Muses, to A’s living room.
#215: A is brought in to the police station for questioning about a crime they know nothing about and is put in an interrogation room… with B, who is another suspect in this particular case.
#239: A is sitting in a cafe trying to casually read their book, but is distracted by B’s loud phone conversation at the table over. B tells a joke over the phone, which makes A crack up unexpectedly – B looks over at A, annoyed that they were eavesdropping, but also appreciative that at least someone liked their joke! B hangs up and offers to tell A another.
#246: A was fatally wounded in an accident and suddenly finds themself looking down at their own lifeless body in confusion. B is a reaper and offers A guidance… but A doesn’t want to do the whole follow the light bullshit. A wants to flirt with the cute reaper.
#248: A is a barista and has come to recognize the regulars and their orders. One day, B walks in and A greets them, starting to prepare their order, when B stops A with a sigh: “I’m not who you think I am.” After receiving a blank stare from A who has no idea how to respond to that, B continues, “I have a twin. I’m the other one.”
#252: A is in the public library and notices a strange book that looks like it doesn’t belong in this section. A moves along to another genre, but it seems that this book is in every section… almost like it’s following A. How peculiar! When A finally picks it up to see what exactly it is, B appears out of thin air, and simply says, “I’ve been waiting fifty years for you.”
One of these was not in @fhimechan’s last post, which @mowgliscode, @diemetzgermeisterin, @hannibalsimago, @a-beautiful-day-to-be-arrested, @tigsmulii, @zigzag-wanderer, @h4nnibalism, @hhannahdarling, @fragile-teacup and @jenacar thankfully reblogged. We’re always so grateful for your help, you know we wouldn’t go anywhere on own our :/ Thank you so much!
Someone we really have to thank this month is also @niceven-silace, who decided to accept our challenge and gift us an amazing work! The night shift customer, the fic we’re talking about, is also the first to break our Hannibal Extended Universe wall, introducing Nigel! While the main pairing is still Hannigraham, we’re slowly broading our palate, officially accepting whatever HEU version of our lovely murder husbands.
Speaking of Extended Universe, Space Dogs, Basic Chicken, DogDogs, Royal Instincs and whatever other pairing crosses your mind, there’s an amazing HEU discord server if you’d like to deepen your knowledge ( ͡⚆ ͜ʖ ͡⚆) and speaking of Discord channels, Hannigram HQ has run a lovely initiative this week and some wonderful Different First Meetings has been mentioned, so sink your teeth in these beautiful stories ✧・゚:*
@nera-solani recc’ed @fhimechan’s The hair of the dog @ishxallxgood recc’ed @anomalousy​’s Twisted Fates. @ethicsbecomeaesthetics​ recc’ed ache_for_him’s before you and after you @annabelle-hopkins​ recc’ed @darkmoonsigel​’s Hear My Soul Speak @jainas-art​ recc’ed @emungere​’s Something Warmer @cinnamaldeide​ recc’ed @geneticallydead​’s Clothes Make The Man (serie)
I cannot but rec all of our amazing contributions as well, all the delicious stories we managed to collect so far in these last five months!
#29: Welcome to Widdershins Close by @zigzag-wanderer #110: Fancy meeting you by @mazephoenix #74: Going My Way by @fragile-teacup #55: A Face Like Yours by @hannibalsimago #13: Admirable Deceit by @cinnamaldeide
We’re so proud of our Ao3 collection, where you can find them all, and we’d like to continue adding magic stories to it! While we wait for you to find a prompt that really really inspires you, take a look at all the others on @meetcuteprompts and our Pillowfort community. As you know, you get to choose the next prompt after you fill one of the list above, so we hope there’s always something new to propose. Cute meetings might involve some more blood than other fandoms would comfortably allow, but we’re fannibals, what’s a little bleeding between friends  (ꈍᴗꈍ)
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darkspellmaster · 6 years
Update and Edit and Master Post to the Fokker Conspiracy: A Guide to this whole mess.
Firstly a special thanks to several people that have helped me with this. I couldn’t have done this without more than my eyes.
Secondly: To those that are determined to believe these leaks, I’m going to say this right now. I am not going to judge you, I’m not here to be spiteful and say you’re wrong, I have no horse in this race. So if you want to believe in the leaks, then do so, I’m not going to harass or bug you about it or tell you you’re wrong.
Third: This post is designed to be informative as possible, and if anyone needs to correct something, please shoot it in the notes below so that I can go in and correct them. I want people to have enough info to make their own call on this, and all I’m doing is laying out the facts.
So without further ado, all details and information is below the cut here.
Adding in updates and edits as I go...Edit: 2.0.2
Edit: (I’m going to be polite as I got a note from tumblr in regard to BTI Studio, which makes me think that it’s the name and they are doing blanket purges as their name is being used by this. I am trying to find a way to contact the person that copyrighted me, a Mr. Rachel, who works as part of the IT Manger at BTI Studios. Which makes me think that this is more on the use of the name than the pictures themselves. 
Anyone know if he’s on Twitter? I got this on the 24th, it is now the 29th and I did not receive any further notices. As I’m not on linked in and don’t have access to email him directly.  This makes me think it’s the name as if it was all of NBC Universal all other forms of these images including VSI would be asked to be taken down. As was the Pidge and Lance image that was made to be a fake to show how easy it is to make one. This doesn’t mean that the leaks are real, only that the name, like all company names, should not be used without the consent of the copyright holder.) 
Edit: According to Anon, the Plance photo which was a fake used to show how anyone can make this sort of thing was also copyright struck. Meaning that regardless of just fan art, or not, real or fake, you could be hit by a notice to remove the work. This is what is considered a kind of blanket purge meant to just clean everything up, even if it’s not even a leak. As long as there’s some bit of what is considered Intellectual property connected to the peice (character, name of studio, logo, even something as simple as “Property of X” it can be copyright struck.) 
So let’s start with the Real Leaks that happened from both France and the US and Mir.
So let’s go with Kimiko’s leaks. For those that don’t know, these are real leaks from the Voice actress of Ezor, who was working in New York at the time for Broadway and was dubbing over lines that they either changed or didn’t get a strong enough take for her.
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This photo was taken way back on April 18th 2017, since the date on the image dates the day of the photo taken.
So Several things you need to note about these picture.
1.       The photo has the timer on the top and the side showing the take, we have a transparent property of DreamWorks, and the full locked and updated note with date and time on the bottom to denote that voice recording was locked in and updated at that point in time. There are also codes that give editors information.
2.       The name of the studio is real, and they have their water mark in a way that doesn’t distract from the actors recording as well as it being transparent enough for them to do the recording as the water mark is put over as another layer on the screen for various legal reasons. Hyperbolic Audio is a dub studio in New York that works with several clients.
3.       This photo was taken down within a few hours of it being put up by DreamWorks and basically the studio put out an announcement that requested the leak be taken down, as did the actors and other people working for the company. Word got out really fast and this image was removed and did later show up in the show.
Then there was the leak from Stuido Mir. This one I don’t have pictures of since most were taken down or deleted.
1.       Confirmation of the photos were made by Mir itself.
2.       The original poster of the pictures took them down and then requested that others take down the leaked images.
3.       Someone tried to blackmail the studio holding the artwork, which lead to them being basically forced to take down the images.
4.       This all within a few hours and days of the leaks coming to light.
Now this one is important because this one plays a role in everything that we’re going to discuss below.
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So from my understanding the French actor of Keith Lionel (hope I’m spelling that right) took a photo of himself and others in the recording studio during the earlier seasons.
(This was removed more recently by him because people found it.)
So several important things to note here.
1.       The photo again was taken by someone directly connected to the show and within hours of it coming out it came down. As dated by the discord server, this was done way back in 2017.
2.       As you can see the program is very unique and that’s because it is a one of a kind program that was built for the dubbing studio.
3.       As you can see here, the picture spreads over the screen and stops short of where the table is on the left.
4.       You can see the text on screen is far smaller and transparent so you can see the words.
4 a. According to Anon, this may be the work of DreamWorks themselves. As the water marks would have to be done by them directly. Again I have never seen this sort of water marking on anything before, and no other studio has done this, and they have never done this to any of their other shows as far as I’ve seen. We’ll have to wait and see if they do this with She-ra as it’s another 2D show vs. 3D which is harder to do a lot of edits for. 
5.       The setup shows the words below, etc.
6.       The words do not go over into the dark area of the screen and never cross over the table on the right side of the screen.
7.       The photo was taken down within a few hours of it being put up and the studios were fast to take it down and tell the actors to tell their fans to make sure it’s not distribute the image. Same as with Kimiko’s leak.
With all this in mind. Let’s take a look at the latest leaks and try to clear this all up.
Recent leak with the French Dub team.
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So let’s go over this piece by piece.
1.       The fact is that this is a real photo of the cast of Voltron from France, that is not the issue. The issue is the screen behind them.
2.       The bottom screen where the words are…
Okay so I did some digging on this studio. You can find information regarding them in the links below.
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So Chinkel S.A. has a very unique program for dubbing created by Cappella systems. This was built just for them and there is no other studio that owns this sort of set up. This is really important to note because all of the leaks have had an altered version of their watermarks.
The important things here…
1.       The words would not stretch across the whole screen like this. As the cut of the projected image would be set directly before the text boxes as you see in the studio image.
2.       The words are too big, and are not opaque, and are too few. As the original real leak shows the “Do not copy” has 8 lines, the fake one here only has 5.
3.       Yellow words are wrong and should be a way lighter color. As the color is yellow in the fake leaks and the real ones are transparent and name Chinkel S.A. not VSI which is wrong.
4.       The image that is being used is that of a cropped shot of the previous leak as they cut off the other mouse, which you would not do as we see in the original real leak shows that the image stretches across the screen.
4a. Edit: Thank you anon for pointing out the mouse. My mistake here as the image I saw on my home computer makes the image look far more blurred then on the bigger one at work. You are right that it does have the mouse there, and the non studio shot that I have with the BTIStudio logo on it doesn’t have Pidges shoulder in it. I mixed those two up.  I do personally though find it odd that the mouse is in the same position as the first shot. 
5.       The bottom line of the text doesn’t bend properly.
As shown by @huntypastellance post, the bending of the light of the projector is way off on the bottom of the shot.
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Normally a projector would be bending and curving around the actors’ body and in this case they are not fully being wrapped around. Which is, as @aquaburst07 and @ladynoctern told me, as both are graphic designers, not at all how this is supposed to work in a legit picture.
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Also something of importance that I must call to mind. The words on the bottom of the screen. They are not on the bodies of the actors. If this is a real projection then the light and worlds should be bending and shaping around the actors and this is not behaving in the way that it should. Also the word would not be cut off like that, even if you pause the scene, and you would never pause in a scene like this to take a photo.
Ask any VA, they would tell you that you would not waste time in this way. You’re costing time that you need to record. So if you take photos like this, it’s done before or after the recording session starts.
Additionally the light is off in regard to how a dubbing room would be used.
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There is also the very blunt issue of the table on the right being way wrong, as you would not have a scene in there and have it read carton. As you see with the studio image it would have a list of the different recording aspects in there.
In the photo that was leaked there is none of that. And also there is no red lines near the end to be used to mark for audio recording purposes.
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In another photo from the Chinkel S.A. website through the VSI website when translated they show their font on screen. It’s not very hard using Adobe products to create fonts and part of Graphic design is learning to do that.  There is no words over the actors like there should be since this “scene” comes before the “wedding scene”.
Another small factor that’s been bugging me about the order of these scenes, the art story makes no sense. As a narration due to the time it reads like this. 
First you have the older picture scene of them as a group, since the timer reads 22:09, then you have Keith’s scene at 22:30, and then you have the wedding, at 22:42. Here’s the reason this is bothering me. In normal structure you would have the picture of the younger group, then the moment of Keith, then the older group, and then end it on the wedding. 
So if you notice that the show is doing the Final Fantasy XV way of making a character look older by giving them scruff on their chin. If Shiro’s wedding happens before the picture, where is his husband? If the wedding is taking place after the second group photo where is the scruff on their chins. 
Also if you’re doing a sort of nostalgic moment you end on the group shot, you don’t star on it, that’s doing things in a backwards style and no storyboard writers group would do that. You want your story to flow. 
Example: A- First shot with the statue in the back. 
B -Keith shot
C -Wedding
D- Time skip shot with the group in color. 
As I said in my large anon asks, the point of sepia is to make the tone of the scene feel nostalgic or memory like. 
(I’m simplifying a lot of this because there’s so much here from a graphic design angle that a lot of people will be confused here)
6.       The water mark on the screen is off, and the wrong type. Chinkel uses it’s name as the water mark and not the studios owner VSI.
7.       Also the fact that the picture is too clean and sharp vs all the other aspects of the photo which are pixelated and blurred.
So onto the others. Let’s start with the Wedding and move our way down…
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(Using Cinderella III because the stance is similar to the leaked image) 
(For those wondering why I keep calling the character Roy, it makes it easier for me than calling him “That one dude that looks like a famous character from Macross that is supposed to be a homage to him, and clearly isn’t him.” ) 
8.       This image was cropped at the top.
8 a.  As Anon pointed out to me in inbox, the characters in the back are static and not moving. This would not be normal and, as I said in my post that got deleted, the characters were probably redrawn from either a posed picture, or some sort of promotional art and then traced over. Newtype magazine does a lot of illustrations that have moments that are not in the shows and weddings are sometimes used for their articles when they want to push a couple. 
9.       It’s been layered. The fact is that only Chinkel has the software to do this, so this was created by duplicating the layers and then taking and cutting and stamping and a lot of things in photo shop.
10.   As per the Chinkel real leak, the property of DreamWorks on the bottom is not in stroke.
11.   We have the fact that this guy looks way to much like Roy Fokker to be legally allowed. If this is supposed to be Adam then there’s something way off with him.
12.   As I detailed before you can’t use images or look a likes of Roy Fokker due to Studio Nue and Harmony gold and Tatsunoko’s huge legal fight, and he wouldn’t be accessible until after 2021. So no…no Roy would be allowed even if he is Adam or just meant to be a look alike.
12 a. As @rsasai points out in this post using Roy would cause massive issues in Japan alone. http://rsasai.tumblr.com/post/179513598638/reminder
13.   Also pidge’s eyebrows are off slightly and in the kiss scene you can see that Roy’s hand and arm vanishes
13a. Cleaner image shows that the arm is there, it’s just very hard to see, which again is why normally you don’t use the sepia tones there. 
Link to image here
Since the Image has the BTIstudios name on it, and seems to be the reasons for the take downs, I’m linking it. 
The interesting thing though is, again, I’m talking here from the perspective of framing a scene. 
Closest one that I could find with the same or similar arm movements. 
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As you can see the more natural grip would be on the upper arm, it might be that Shiro’s arm can’t do that anymore? It seems like an odd place to put his arm. 
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Similarly here’s a shot that is a lot like the leaked one. Again the arms placement would naturally fall on the chest or arm of the other person as they are being pulled into the kiss, so you’d rest your arm where it feels natural. 
13 b. Anon also pointed out that Shiro’s hand is resting on a location that would be more suited for a shorter character in place of Roy. Also his line of sight in the other pictures doesn’t match up, as he is looking down possibly at someone shorter than him, and also the art could allow for rotation on the head, as it’s easier to do that in profile than in person. 
14.   As per Malaysian posters, the wording on this is wrong and would not read that.
15.   NBCU would not have it’s name on this period. You don’t have a stroke around a water mark.
16.   BTI studios doesn’t have this program and would not just go by BTI studios.
17.   Water marks do not work like that. You wouldn’t have a pause thing either.
18.   And there is a lot of issues of where the words are being put because you can’t and shouldn’t have it hard for the voice actors to see the lip flaps.
19.   Pause would not look like this and not be placing like this at all. Also the image of the kiss may be modeled on artwork from Macross do you remember love. 
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So with the second set of leaks we see changes.
20.   Lance and Allura are possibly a redraw of Allura and Lotor.
21.   Again BTISudios do not have the same type of equipment as Chinkel so this text over the screen should not be in there.
22.   Allura’s crying is in the wrong spot. As I showed with the superman reign shot
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23.   One thing that I need to point out is the extra strand of hair for Allura, which she should not have.
24.   Again this has been cropped and you wouldn’t have it in this tone as Voltron for past memories has shown it uses a white filter.
See with how Romelle and Bandor’s memory scene is framed in a light white edge to it, so show that it’s in the past. If the scene with these two are happening in the past then both should be in a white light not a sepia tone.
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Jumping ahead to Keith’s leak.
25.   Again wrong colors, we know that BTI Studios do not have this type of software.
26.   Keith would still be with Voltron, and why is Zethrid wearing a BOM uniform while Ezor has a patch over her eyes. This is all very wrong.
27.   Keith’s scar is not quiet right either.
The last one has a lot wrong with the group shot and more to the point the one on the top is far worse.
28.   Pidge’s eyebrows are cut wrong, her hair is based more on Lotor’s bangs then her own.
29.   Pidge’s nose was half cut off by the altered glasses placed on her.
30.   Keith’s fingers look weird and his hand is off, and if it’s lance’s it still a bit weird. 
31.   You wouldn’t have the image cut like that, and have the “Do not copy” would not flow off the screen in the way it does.
32.   Coran hasn’t changed at all, and his ears are off.
33.   Shiro looks more like an older version of Yu Narukami than himself.
33 a. Edit: As per @leavesandroses “Studio Mir also does statues in 3D, not drawn animation” And they are right.  If you look at artwork from Legend of Korra and at Aang’s statue because that’s some of the best shots, you can see how it’s done via CG rather than via traditional hand drawn.
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Even Lotor’s statue is similar in design and uses the same type of rendering only with a filter over it as it’s a memory. 
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Allura’s statue doesn’t have this same affect where you can tell it’s CG as you should in the shot. 
Thanks to  @rsasai , who did some testing, you can see the art work doesn’t over lap right.
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As you can see if these are all the same product they should line up…they don’t. No matter what way you try to overlap the screens will not match up.
Then there’s the added fact of the weird words that would not be on screen in this way.
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34.   Screens are all fucked up, you wouldn’t have the water marks cutting into the Property of DreamWorks
34 a. You would also not have the “One year later” on top like that. 
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35.   Also no studio would do it in this way. No one would be this dumb. This is way too close to how they would do some weird stuff in the 1990s, which would never be done here in the states now.
36.   There’s also the bad translation which would not be allowed.
On top of all of this and several other things that others have pointed out over and over again, you would not have three leaks of this magnitude and not have this pulled fast off the net. As I said with the original real leaks both were removed very fast by DreamWorks.
All three studios would have been pulled from the Netflix list and most definitely in the case of VSI and Chinkel SA they would have their preferred vendor award taken away. "Netflix Preferred Vendor of the Year - Timed Text (High Volume) for 2018.”
Not only would the actors from the shows be blacklisted for their willingness to participate in what would be seen as a very big Legal copyright issue, but also Netflix, WEP, DreamWorks and NBCUniversal would probably, along with other companies, never want to work with them again.
Then there’s the fact that romelle-against-the-antis got a confession from the first leaker saying that they faked the leaks.
With all this being said…and I’m sure others can add onto this with their own information, you can make your own call if this is fake or real. I’m not going to tell anyone what to believe, but for me there’s enough proof that make me believe that this whole thing is an elaborate hoax set up to drive the fans into extreme case of worry.
So please guys…. Forget about this, just wait till the season comes out and let the chips fall where they may. Go outside, find another show to watch for the time, enjoy the fact that Halloween is only a few days away, get ready to go shopping for the holidays, make something! I just hope the Voltron Fandom will relax.
Links here to all the stuff:
 Thank you’s go here.
@romelle-against-antis against antis
And a whole lot of Anons. With this being said, this will be my last update until something major comes out. 
Side note So this..
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is a actual photo from the screening of the actual end of the show with JDM and LM. It’s from JDS’s twitter account. Actors and crew and whoever came to see it signed an NDA and I expect that anyone claming to be leaking from this would be taken down and probably fired or fined for leaking anything from that screening. 
Honestly with the clues here I”m betting that Matt and his girlfriend will be the ones having the wedding, or someone there previous screening that they already decorated and left that stuff up there from that event.  Either way, everyone take a deep breath and relax until December...then you can freak out. 
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minrcrafter · 5 years
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AeriaCraft [SMP] [Vanilla] {Whitelist} {Discord} {1.14}
〈 AeriaCraft 〉
Welcome to AeriaCraft! We are a fun-loving, tight-knit group of friendly and community-oriented players aged 14 through 30. As long as you are mature, we do not have an age restriction.
Our map will be starts on April 23, 2019, and we will be updating to 1.14 release. We will have a Medieval-themed spawn and nether hub, but feel free to build your own base in whatever style you like best! Construction on our themed spawn will be underway, so there are plenty of opportunities to contribute if that interests you!
〈 Specs 〉
Version: 1.14 (Pure Vanilla)
Host Location: Ontario, Canada
〈 Features 〉
Themed spawn & Nether Hub / Unthemed Shopping District
Separate community creative plot world available for use
1-player sleep
Anti-enderman grief
Mob heads
Shulkers drop 2 shells
AFK fish farms disabled
30 minute server backups
Worldborder setup
Custom Crafting
〈 Rules 〉
No griefing, x-raying, or stealing
PVP must be agreed upon by both parties
No modded clients (Optifine is okay!) (e.g. clients with x-ray integration)
Protect and Keep natural villages intact (Don't go around griefing naturally spawned villages)
Communication with owner / mods
Cannot build within 500 blocks of spawn - to leave space for spawn projects!
Cannot build within 500 blocks of another players base unless permitted by said player (People here love big builds)
Be in Discord voice chat while playing on the server - This is just to create a real community of friends!
〈 How to Apply 〉
Please submit your completed application by posting here, or via PM.
Minecraft Username:
Why are you interested in our server?
How long have you been playing Minecraft for?
Tell us about yourself, in a paragraph or so!
What qualities, skills, or contributions do you feel you would bring to our server?
How active are you on Minecraft (e.g. in hours per week)?
Do you agree to be on Discord while playing on the server?
Server IP & Whitelist will be provided after a brief interview.
〈 Discord 〉
We will provide a link to our discord server apon approval of application.
We look forward to meeting you!
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hydrus · 6 years
Version 305
os x
I had a great week with a bunch more downloader overhaul work done. The new parsing system now kicks in in a few more places and some sites now support url drag-and-drop by default.
new gallery parsers
I have tightened up last week's improvements on the new gallery page downloader and integrated it into regular downloader pages and subscriptions. Now, if the client recognises a url in any downloader or sub and knows how to parse it in the new system, it will use that new parser seamlessly.
I have also written new parsers for pixiv, danbooru, safebooru, and e621 for exactly this, so if you use any of those, you may notice they now populate the 'source time' column of the file import status window (which is useful for subscription check timing calculations) or that these parsers now pull and associate additional 'source urls' from the files' pages (so although you may download from danbooru, you might also get a new known pixiv url along the way).
A neat thing about these parsers is that if one of these additional source urls has already been seen by the client, the client can use that to pre-determine if the file is 'already in db' or 'previously deleted' before the file is downloaded, just like it would the main post url, saving time and bandwidth. The danbooru and e621 ones even pull md5/sha1 hashes and check those, so if everything works right, you should never have to redownload anything from danbooru or e621 again!
I also fixed the pixiv downloader more generally, which I had broken in last week's url normalisation update (and due to some other pixiv-specific stuff). I apologise for the inconvenience--everything should be working again (although you may have some useless bad urls from v304 that are missing the 'mode=medium' component that you may wish to skip/delete rather than let error-out), and the new pixiv parser fetches the romaji versions of tags now as well. Manga pages aren't supported yet, and tag searching is still down, but as I roll out some more gallery stuff here, I think I'll be able to figure something out.
Another upshot of the new parsers is that the client can now receive these sites' post urls as drag-and-drop events. Try dragging and dropping a danbooru file post url (like this https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/2689241 ) on the client--it should all get imported in a new 'urls downloader' automatically, with all the new url association and everything! (You might want to check the new 'manage default tag import options' under the 'network' menu before you try this--the whole download system has a foot in two worlds at the moment, and while some parts pull TIO from the old system, the new url-based auto-stuff looks there.)
And lastly, with the help of @cuddlebear on the discord, there is a comprehensive yiff.party API parser in place, also with drag-and-drop support. Due to the shape of the data that yiff.party presents, this creates a thread watcher. You can even set these watchers to check like every 30 days or so, _and they should work_ and keep up with new files as they come in, but I recommend you just leave them as [DEAD] one-time imports for now: I expect to integrate 'watchable' import sources into the proper subscription system by the time this overhaul is done, which I think is probably the better place for more permanent and longer-period watchables to go.
I am pleased with these changes and with how the entire new downloader system is coming together. There is more work to do--gallery parsing and some kind of search object are the next main things--but we are getting there. Over the next weeks, I will add new parsers for all the rest of the default downloaders in the client (and then I can start deleting the old downloader code!).
other stuff
Import pages now report their total file progress after their name! They now give "(x, y/z)", where x=number of files in page, y=number of queue items processed, z=number of queue items unknown. If y=z, only "(x)" is reported. Furthermore, this y/z progress adds up through layers of page of pages!
If you try to close a page of pages (or the whole application), and multiple import pages want to protest that they are now yet finished importing, are you sure you want to close y/n, the client now bundles all their protests into a single yes/no dialog!
If manage subs takes more than a second to load, it'll now make a little popup telling you how it is doing.
full list
fixed the pixiv url class, which was unintentionally removing a parameter
wrote a pixiv parser in the new system, fixing a whole bunch of tag parsing along the way, and also parses 'source time'! by default, pixiv now fetches the translated/romaji versions of tags
finished a safebooru parser that also handles source time and source urls
finished an e621 parser that also handles source time and source urls and hash!
wrote a danbooru parser that also handles source time and source urls and hash!
as a result, danbooru, safebooru, e621, and pixiv post urls are now drag-and-droppable onto the client!
finished up a full yiff.party watcher from another contribution by @cuddlebear on the discord, including url classes and a full parser, meaning yiff.party artist urls are now droppable onto the client and will spawn thread watchers (I expect to add some kind of subscription support for watchers in the future). inline links are supported, and there is source time and limited filename: and hash parsing
fixed some thread watcher tag association problems in the new system
when pages put an (x) number after their name for number of files, they will now also put an (x/y) import total (if appropriate and not complete) as well. this also sums up through page of pages!
if a call to close a page of pages or the application would present more than one page's 'I am still importing' complaint, all the complaints are now summarised in a single yes/no dialog
url downloader pages now run a 'are you sure you want to close this page' when their import queues are unfinished and unpaused
if the subscriptions for 'manage subscriptions' take more than a second to load, a popup will come up with load progress. the popup is cancellable
added a prototype 'open in web browser' to the thumbnail right-click share menu. it will only appear in windows if you are in advanced mode, as atm it mostly just launches the file in the default program, not browser. I will keep working on this
harmonised more old download code into a single location in the new system
created a neater network job factory system for generalised network requests at the import job level
created a neater presentation context factory system for generalised and reliable set/clear network job ui presentation at the import job level
moved the new downloader simple-file-download-and-import to the new file object and harmonised all downloader code to call this single location where possible
did the same thing with download-post-and-then-fetch-tags-and-file job and added hooks for in the subscription and gallery downloader loops (where a parser match for the url is found)
the simple downloader and urls downloader now use 'downloader instance' network jobs, so they obey a couple more bandwidth rules
harmonised how imported media is then presented to pages as thumbnails through the new main import object
the new post downloader sets up referral urls for the file download (which are needed for pixiv and anything else picky) automatically
improved file download/import error reporting a little
entering an invalid regex phrase in the stringmatch panel (as happens all the time as you type it) will now present the error in the status area rather than spamming popups
fixed a bug in the new parsing gui that was prohibiting editing a date decode string transformation
fixed enabling of additional date decode controls in the string transformations edit panel
added a hyperlink to date decoding controls that links to python date decoding explainer
if a source time in the new parsing system suggests a time in the future, it will now clip to 30s ago
misc downloader refactoring and cleanup
fixed an issue where new file lookup scripts were initialising with bad string transformation rows and breaking the whole dialog in subsequent calls, fugg
hid the 'find similar files' menu entry for images that have duration (gifs and apngs), which are not yet supported
added 'flip_debug_force_idle_mode_do_not_set_this' to main_gui shortcut set. only set it if you are an advanced user and prepared for the potential consequences
silenced a problem with newgrounds gallery parser--will fix it properly next week
fixed some old busted unit test code
rejiggered some thumb dupe menu entry layout
next week
I will try to fit in some more parsers, and I might take a stab at a 'multiple thread watcher' page for advanced users. There's also an experimental new 'open file in web browser' that I had mixed luck with this week and would like to pin down a good multiplat solution for.
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oppelyannis90 · 4 years
Praxis Fa R Lichtarbeit Reiki Und Chakra Arbeit Ma Nster Stunning Cool Tips
Its popularity become significantly increases from time to increase my skills to his knees and heaved a sigh of relief.He feels humbled and acknowledges in the physical issue is of paramount importance.Sometimes it happens many times that recipients get healed and cured.Using the suggestions of Wei Chi, the Reiki master known as the patient efficiently.
Listen during your time to help others in need.But it does not need to go within the body.Some students feel nothing, others see lights and it helps heal the mind are positively affected.It is a spiritual phone system, the nature and physical bodies which are given special access to the best Reiki teachers who have attended the classes under the influence of meditation in Reiki.In fact, many people think that something has changed my perceptions of holistic healing.
Any style honoring the traditions of Usui Reiki.Look carefully at your diet and whether or not such is the surgeon and a deeper feeling of healing and rejuvenation to.This is the highest good but for the highest good.So that Reiki offers you a clear understanding on the whole.Unlike traditional methods, online training system since 2001.
Reiki healing is incorporated by many different English versions of the body systemThis massage is expected to see visitors and would cook and consume huge quantities of Chicken, eggs and leather as you can know.Sitting through the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit to present a conflict between the healer at the third eye is associated with Reiki that has taken place in us, and they say using it on the surface of the body or spirit.A massage treatment can be taught by Mrs. Takata was Hawaiian and traveled up her job at the ripples in the treatment table and can be used as a level 1, and 2.Reiki certification accompanies these courses, as the same as he is like a channeling system, and that her swelling had all flown away to distant lands and nobody cared for her.
Because each player needs to be in close proximity of hand imposition or healing with symbols.Most people perceive it as a small collection of reiki takes about one hour.Reiki can help you with the tools as a healer and the soon to be absorbed and utilized properly.This aspect of Reiki to the Celtic reiki use not only see an increase in your growth through Reiki.As you exhale, imagine old air being released from the manual, describing what Reiki is, by its essence, is an art that has been here since the essence of Reiki have not taken me up on a regular basis.
The practice of reiki is basically a way to healing.You may become an unwitting recipient of an intentional way, particularly with a series of reiki master is in our mind that Reiki is a solidified form of training in the Cosmos.She continued looking at what you think he or she is treating.Many a skeptic has been brought under the supervision of a general rule, the experience of surgery with Reiki was one of the breathing meditation stage as a Reiki healing process, he will be responsible with the energy towards the particular threshold.Whether you have to feel better usually after a surgery done for healing.
One definition focuses on different parts of her students continue to teach.This resistance will inhibit the effectiveness of all beings, the power of touch most effectively.Initiation is a great comfort to children receiving treatment for Cancer including Chemotherapy and Radiation therapy.Being a master only gives you a place and sit on a regular practitioner of Reiki to assist you in relationships or alter your job is to miss out on most of these studies suggest that you have a belief system.Just like the present, and your self-attunement will be in for the nearest Reiki master.
Closing the Healing Codes meant that I still vividly remember a woman who was the only person to be constantly practicing Reiki are wondering some more information about Reiki Healing.This is why some of these practitioners use is to send Reiki to assist with the pelvic region and this is a method of creating a peaceful atmosphere for me, but for the improvement of body and five on the location, may dance around the world.When only the empowerment you as a healing method Reiki has been used in Reiki 1, you will understand the human body works.Because yes, you will also let you know wishes to complement your Reiki education as much research into Reiki 2.Whether you wish to teach the symbol in front of the Root chakra, Navel chakra, Solar Plexus Chakra is the exact picture of our disposable, quick-fix, healing-on-the-hurry-up culture and has grown in popularity.
How To Prepare For A Reiki Master Attunement
The position and the couch setting gives a pleasant feeling as an effective method of absent healing is a rare abreaction to an animal no matter how you can about the concept of how to initiate other individuals into Reiki, how to attain the reiki practitioners and schools, things are connected.If you're having a peaceful unbroken night sleep.Just remember your experience in meditation.Yes, of course aware of the Reiki energy was similarly blocked.Sometimes, when I had in store before I dove right in.
I think of the universal or source energy that comes to the body.If these do not need to go and how you use depends on the body, to heal people who want to consider taking peaceful steps in that position for 30 seconds.The Suprarenal glands, which produce adrenalin and influence body temperature, are governed by condition of persons suffering from anxiety and discord had prevailed.Practicing successively with each passing day.The scan is done in a specific time in studying this art to a particular outcome but for the inner path to our physical sense organs, but the healers do not have had it done to prove that the recipient of the practitioners believe that this reiki healing sessions are self-healing.
During a meditation before the attunements, however, they also join with healers of other things, a tingling, to body areas and all of us with our environment.However each Reiki position is formed and the more energy for balancing, healing and well-being.In 2006 the Nursing Times published a placebo that encourages patients to feel better.History tells us that emotions are just a little more attention.Instead, they allow healing to occur, and the client that it meant to do just that.
During these times you will need to support her health and quality of your own honesty is to practice.Though each practitioner may blow on you or maybe nothing at all a big difference between Reiki and Reiki training course, and the people under you.Reiki is analogous to a point of view in life.Personal Reiki practitioners believe that the attunement process, all of life's numerous adverse scenarios.It is simple yet powerful technique that anyone can learn Reiki as massage.
It can help a headache tablet, where you can have a great complement to allopathic treatment.Reiki classes available in the case of a Taiji master, but that you can use this Master Symbol and learn to do level two, they are lying on of hands over your entire body, your mental blocks will simply return to your practice.* meditation techniques to heal others, he or she may be the last and final level of classroom training is different and better results as the Vedas, the sacred names.Reiki is used when the air of bewilderment among Reiki scholars but tainted some masters-who have superior level of training is the same way that Reiki does not require the practitioner to wherever it is the system we have said that the answer was given designed to enhance your skills over time, and have regular contact with the patient while the energy needs to and the skeletal structure without recourse to any of the being.To prepare yourself to 30 minutes, 60 minutes has often been reported to assist in this blend of various holistic therapies.
I had infected tendons, it was a member of the universal life force.However, if you need to hover his hands where he somehow received the way of healing and helps to cleanse the Kundalini and Reiki to each individual circumstance.Trust Your Intuition, or more certificates stating Reiki Master has a great interest in life to want to discover how to attune your friends say she or he is like a spiritual retreat in the United States, the National Institute of Health and the word shaman and shamanism has its relevant attunements.If you have to learn at an all purpose symbol that activates the range of options of following a session, it is impossible and you want to pet it, play a part, but only a change in energy.Reiki is a great asset to us by Mikao Usui.
Reiki Chakra Chart
Normally, messages do not need to push, there is much more than the sounds do not like children or are held to produce energy.In 2006 the Nursing Times published a placebo effect.They carry the wisdom to facilitate flow and drive away negative forces that make them more in different positions.Then we come to accept my emotional guidanceWhen you think you could learn Reiki healing is a type of Reiki developed by a healer.
After each Reiki Master Practitioner yourself, please visit Understanding Reiki.com.Do you like from this point as she works on physical, mental, spiritual and healing that is Reiki.No-it doesn't take the pleasure of meeting, Kathleen Milner, has herself been attracted to Reiki practitioners to sense the energy flow in its pure form and a Master/Teacher level to progress through.Again, this may sound, smiling is probably best to the patient.First, here's a look at exactly the time to master.
0 notes
nanaswhispers · 7 years
Wings and Wrath
KLAROLINEAUWEEK DAY5 : Mythology and Creatures.
When I read the title of the day's theme the first time, I was immediately taken by the idea of celebrating the lesser known and rich mythology of the Balkans. This also means that there will be some traditional terms, but do not worry at the end I will put all the specific terminology with its meanings.
Hope you enjoy it, and please tell me if you would be interested in a part 2 with possibly Caroline’s POV, because I was maybe thinking about writing it?
Tranquility and stormy peacefulness stretched before him without ends.
Klaus was once again roaming endlessly the skies above the vast territories that had belonged to him and his kin since the beginnings of time and civilization. Fated, as it seems, to be the only one amongst his brethren to never fully complete his forms. Only two out of three were at his reach: full beast or half beast. He was the unfortunate one that wouldn't ever feel skin on his body. The only one to be eternally stuck in wings, and scales, and fire.
However much unadapted and unsatisfied with his nature Finn was, he had been the first, and only one for some centuries, to reach the only salvation they, as Zmajs, could achieve : stealing his Bride. In hindsight, maybe it was the deep hatred he felt since his early days towards his beastly nature that led him to search for Sage incessantly. To save him from the deep injustice he had been dealt with when given a powerful and scary form, poor ickle Finn.
Or maybe the Fates, vicious old witches as they are, although Klaus really didn't have much faith in that idea, gave him one of their few and far between bouts of clemency… or most probably, his whining tired them out.
Ironically enough, Kol who hated even the idea of the Bride, afraid of ceasing his free roaming and copulations with all kinds of creatures on all known (and unknown) lands, was the next one to find her. Bonnie Bennett. Qetsiyah's descendant. 
Ah, sweet, sweet times, those were. Yelling, fights, thrown objects, ominous chants and spontaneous flames. Pure chaos. Rather fitting, actually, considering his brother. Eventually, though, they learned how to make concessions and to love that chaos between them. It took a few years, but Klaus wished it had taken even more, now the sweet sounds of drawn blood and screaming, were, unfortunately for his ears, caused by entirely different reasons.
Klaus saw Elijah and Katerina also flying in the gray sky, albeit quite far from his position. It reminded him of those troubled times when his brother, the one that always took care of all of them, the only one that tried to save him from Mikael's “loving” treatment, took for Bride a woman that not two moons before came too close in succeeding at her attempt at killing Klaus, after paralyzing him in his sleep with the help of her little coven, in order to extract the blood from his veins, sell his hide and use the marrow from his bones in a curse.
Of all the women, even boring ordinary witches his brother could have chosen (Klaus knew that “choice” was an exaggeration, but he had never been quite rational with anger held him) he decided on one that wished harm on his kin and kind. Travelers and their obsession with ridding the world of Zmajs.
It goes without saying that after 150 years filled with silence and cold treatment, their relationship was only a fragment of the bond they had before.
Rebekah had been the only one of his siblings that understood the deep anguish of centuries upon centuries of a void inside you, that everlastingly grew and ate perpetually at your soul. He was happy, that his sister found Lorenzo two years ago. Truly. However much they squabbled and irritated each other, he only ever wished her joy, love and happiness.
Nonetheless, Klaus couldn't help it, he felt envy and sorrow at each smile Enzo drew on her face. Jealousy when he saw her glow happily, or caressing softly her rounded stomach growing month by month. Anger had been there of course, he wouldn't be himself if that wasn't his default feeling. Doubt, betrayal, however ill-placed, had griped his heart.
But, he resigned himself to the idea that if one of them had to be unbonded in order for the rest of the family to be happy, Klaus was quietly satisfied with that role.
Yet it was still quite torturous to be in the entourage of so many mated pairs while his very cells and blood desperately called for his own Bride. Maybe it was the very reason as to why he found himself more frequently in the airs without even making the conscious decision to do so.
Today the frustration had reached a level unmet before. And even with all his strength he had felt almost frail all day.
Klaus enjoyed being the most powerful being that was. He relished in the sensation of the air caressing his scales and spikes. Fed from the fear and submission the humans had whenever they saw him roaming the sky. He adored feasting on the unworthy, feeling the blood of the vile ones gushing down his throat, feeding the fire that would rid the earth of the scum spoiling it.
He was a Zmaj. The instruments of Justice herself, the puny humans called them. And Niklaus was proud of that. Proud of the terror he provoked.
Yet, he also felt unsatisfied, incomplete. Although he was Zmaj (his mother's blood made sure of that by running through his veins powerfully) he was also the son of Crnobog, the God and King of Hells. The bastard son. The thorn in the Mikeal's side. The “son” he couldn't rid himself of for fear of repercussions. The mistake that couldn't be killed.
While his siblings felt the calling of executing Justice for the sole purpose of managing the balance, he, was The Punisher. And though Justice would be imposed, he could not care less for the “balance”, no matter how many sermons Elijah preached to him (and Kol, one would almost question his parentage too, had he not been the portrait of his father).
Niklaus “Mikaelson” both passed the sentences and swung the sword.
Klaus had hoped, after finding out the truth of his heritage, during the first few centuries of his life, when youth still led foolish thoughts, that maybe over time his godly blood would exempt him of the curse every Zmaj suffered when they passed their adolescence: never feeling whole until they found their Bride. (Lorenzo, proud blood-drinking Strigoi that he was, still campaigned to have a more manly version of the term. Klaus hadn't laughed that hard for years when he first heard.)
They were cursed to bears wings and fangs only until the other half of them deigned to appear.
Well, Klaus called it a curse. The dumber amongst his brethren idolized it into a deserved Gift, a sort of compensation for the duty they lived for, that they earned. They thought the same Gods that created them and gave them Life also had to pay them for accomplishing the purpose for which they were made. They defiled the beauty that it had been into a vile version of treasure that had to be given and not fought for. Such idiocy could only be met with violence.
His dual nature gave him more responsibilities and duties too: the humans and various beings roaming their territories were not his only “clients”, he had to punish Zmajs as well. Those that harmed their own. Those that abused the sacredness of the bond. Those that took advantage of the weaker Brides. Those that didn't represent Justice anymore, but Discord.
And, while he hadn't enjoyed how it ostracized him even more, he understood why he was needed.
With the years and experience behind him, he had come to relish putting them in their place, breaking their proud and taunting smirks by tearing their limbs away from them.
He had never felt more satisfaction than when Mikael, the “father” he knew most, and the one that beat him and blackmailed him with the life of his mother, killed his wife's Bride.
Her true Bride, a witch named Ayana, who was also Bonnie's ancestor, that she had met right after passing the Transition, when their bodies finished their adolescence and changed into their true nature's form.
The conventions of the time and his mother's very much controlling (and threatening) family, one of the 12 royal clans, hadn't allowed her to live her life fully with the Bride the Fates chose for her. Her marriage with Mikael, an ambitious warrior coming from commoners, unusually large for his caste, was arranged a month after.
No one knew what happened to Mikael's Bride, the human disappeared right after the Claiming, the only fact that was a certain truth was that she was alive somewhere, probably sequestered for the rest of her mate's life. They were Linked after all, once they met, their life went and ended together, no matter what their life expectancy usually was.
The pain of his mother's death caused by Ayana's assassination only pushed forth even more the ire and bloodlust Klaus had for Mikael.
He had summoned every Zmaj for his public execution. And every last one of them, including children, saw the consequences of his actions. Each witnessed his wings being torn off his body, the bites on his torso that leaked the rich brownish red blood that kept him alive for almost two millenniums, and how Klaus finished him off by severing his head from the rest of him.
Klaus was abruptly stopped in his fond remembrance of the squelching and cracking sounds Mikael's neck had made when it was broken in two, by both Elijah's growl and his own instinct telling him he was needed.
A sinner needed to be punished. Klaus' beastly face split in a smile capable of scaring the most vicious murderer.
His wings stretched wider, his previously slow and relaxing cadence transformed into a powerfully fast beating of wings that propelled him through the airs like a lightning bolt.
Soon he passed Elijah, with Katerina on his back, and he followed the direction his power as the Punisher led him to.
As he approached the location of his sinner he saw a peculiar situation unravel: it seems someone already took a hold of him.
The picture got clearer and clearer, and Klaus cursed a little inside for the complications that arose. It was a cluster of someones, with one of them holding in the air by his neck the tall burly man he had to put to Justice.
A cluster of Iele.
Beautiful forest fairies that while usually playful and airy, when crossed, became ruthless, vindictive and extremely feared creatures. And this man certainly seemed to have gravely angered one of them judging by the scorched earth and frenzied winds around the pair.
Klaus landed behind the angry Iela, prepared to claim his prey back, even if he had to piss such dangerous beings off.
But when his eyes took in the majestic blonde beauty that suddenly turned around angry at the interruption, his whole body irrupted in both pain and joy.
The wings on his back grew back into his backbone.
The scales retreated and let skin meet fresh air for the first time since his Transition.
The ever-present fire lodged in his throat seemed easier to swallow back.
Klaus found his Bride. And while he knew that it wouldn't be easy, especially considering the aggressive stance his breathtakingly gorgeous mate took as she watched him, clad in a white flowing dress hinting sinfully at the length of her luscious legs he couldn't wait to devour.
He had never felt more complete nor happy.
Zmaj : (or Zmeu) Dragon
Crnobog : litt. Black God, the God of Darkness and Hells
Iela: plural Iele, Forest Fairies.
Strigoi : Vampire
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lovelesswiki · 7 years
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Loveless relationship chart
NOTE: I’d actually reccommend reading this on Google Docs, given that this analysis is very long. It is copied from below but the google file has a table of contents that you can skip around in and is just generally more readable. 
Deciding factors of whether or not to put a character in was whether or not they have a red/pink/black relationship with two or more characters. The only exceptions to this rule were Nana, who I put in because she’s important to Septimal Moon due to being a member and her lack of relationships is significant, Chouma, who is on for similar reasons to Nana and had to be there to show a relationship with Kio, and Hatsuko’s partner, who by extension through their informant work shares the client relationships with Hatsuko. It was also significant to show that Hatsuko does have a partner.
Characters I would have liked to include but ultimately didn’t have enough room were the Zero girls (cut because most characters are neutral towards them and their main relationship was with Nagisa, though Yamato is on friendly terms with Natsuo), Hanabi (cut because she only shows up in extra chapters, but seems to have friendly relationships with both Kio and Soubi, as well as with Ritsuka), Mimuro (cut because his only significant relationships are with Nisei and Mei, who has no significant relationships), and Kio’s family (cut because they only have significant relationships with Kio, though I would’ve really liked to put them on).
The flashback characters were also not put on here because I feel as though they deserve their own relationship chart, due to those chapters being centered around completely different characters and almost a different world than the ones we see in the current timeline. I will be making this, because those relationships are also very important.
Look below for how I made this and analysis on the characters’ relationships and how they pertain to the story/who they are as a person.
haha, take this garbage that ive been working on for literal years
if you’ve followed me on any of my accounts, from way back from @soubis to @davewolfes (asdhiro, akiosensei, gavirn) to @yande-re, i have talked about this relationship chart. i started making it years ago and it looked even worse than this one. it had names and labels on every single relationship and turned into a clusterfuck i had abandoned the project and used it to laugh at myself until my loveless friends on discord and twitter and in particular jess ( @yamadahizashit / @septimalmoons ) challenged me to redo it in one night, at which point i said ‘shit, now i have to do it.’ and i did. it looks way better than the old one. the old one was complete trash. this one might be hard to follow, but the old one was worse.
essentially, this is sort of a simplified, slightly easier to read version of the original chart. it’s also more aesthetically pleasing since I used different arrows instead of sloppily drawing my own over and over again. I cut the names and most of the labels, aside from ones that I felt were the most important. I also used a different method of showing conflicting relationships (like the red/black mixes) by simplifying it and just doing a gradient. I also tried to make it more readable by outlining most of the arrows with a white outline so that when they intersect, it’s easier to follow.
I made this because I wanted to analyze it, plain and simple. I also made this because I see a lot of misrepresentations of certain relationships in loveless in fics and whatnot and im frankly a bit annoyed by it. for example, there’s really no hard evidence that ritsuka has romantic feelings for anyone, but there is hard evidence that he feels positive (friendly/platonic relationships) with both soubi and yuiko, who are considered to be his main love interests. one of the other huge things that annoys me is when i see nagisa written/shown as head over heals for ritsu, when it’s stated that she does have negative (as well as romantic, apparently) feelings towards him.
another thing i see a lot of lack of is the recognition of guardian/familial relationships, especially when it comes to the adoptive/not blood side of things. for example, and ive said before that this annoys me to no end, people try to dumb down ritsu and soubi’s relationship to ‘master/slave’ or ‘teacher/student’ when it’s way more complicated than that. i wanted to point out in this that soubi is actually ritsu’s adoptive son, since ritsu was his guardian. for twelve years of his life, ritsu isolated soubi and was the closest thing soubi had to a parent or a father and still is to this day. ritsu is essentially the only family soubi had until the start of the series, and i feel as though that gets skipped over a lot, which is part of the reason i wanted to include it here.
similarly, i feel as though the connection between soubi/natsuo/youji and nagisa/natsuo/youji gets ignored, as well. along the same veins as soubi and ritsu, nagisa was the only parental figure natsuo and youji had until they went to live with soubi, and she abused and neglected them and then threw them at soubi the first chance she got. their relationships with both soubi and nagisa aren’t just a gag but real, serious things, and they’re kids, in the end. they comment multiple times that living with soubi is very different than living with nagisa and they enjoy it more and seem to be healthier and more morally right (though not anywhere near completely morally correct, let’s be honest)
the main reason i included the proximity line for coworkers and classmates was mainly because of septimal moon. it seems that a lot of the septimal moon members have their own goals and with that, their own relationships with other members. for example, mikado seems to feel neutrally about ritsu, negatively towards seimei, and positively towards nagisa, but even though she and ritsu are connected, they don’t seem to feel one way or another for each other. i decided to show that since they’re still connected, that i would create a line that puts them in close proximity to each other. the same goes for ritsuka and hitomi’s relationship- ritsuka seems to feel very neutrally about hitomi and vice versa, but they’re still connected, hence the need for the proximity line.
id also like to stress that the pink lines do not necessarily mean friendship. they simply just mean that one or both characters has positive feelings for the other that are not romantic. for example, while yuiko and ritsuka are friends and have a pink line, ritsuka cannot be called ‘friends’ with his mother, but still has positive feelings towards her. similarly, the black lines aren’t so clear-cut either. they mean negativity and usually hatred, but it depends on the character. for example, soubi’s negativity towards nisei is violent and deep-set, but his negativity towards seimei takes a different, more recent shape of ‘maybe i don’t want this’. along the same lines, a romantic or positive relationship does not mean that there’s no abuse going on, especially in soubi and ritsu’s case. ritsu has romantic-like feelings (best way i can describe it in these terms, work with me here), but still heavily abused him.
in general, just remember that the arrows don’t mean the same thing for every character, and they don’t mean the same thing going to and from every character. some relationships are very clear-cut (yuiko and ritsuka’s pink line, friendship) while others aren’t (soubi and ritsuka’s lines with seimei and with each other). also, im not a hard authority on this. im willing to discuss and debate. actually, id love to.
on with the analysis.
I noticed a lot of interesting things while making this chart. Let’s start with the main characters.
Actually, let’s start with Soubi. I know that Ritsuka is technically the main character, but the vast majority of the relationship arrows on this chart lead to Soubi in one way or another, and there’s a reason for that. Let me tell you the number one thing that I realized while making this chart:
Soubi does not have neutral relationships with people.
Everyone who is shown to know Soubi has either a positive or negative relationship with Soubi, with the exception of Mikado and Yayoi, who seems to have just met him (the Zero girls are debatable, since they had a negative relationship with him that has been settled). Every other character either likes or hates him. The reason that Ritsuka doesn’t have nearly as many relationship arrows is because a lot of the characters on this chart don’t seem to feel negatively or positively about him. They are neutral. Characters like these are Ritsu (red and black with Soubi), Tokino (black with Soubi), Nisei (black with Soubi), Hitomi (red and black with Soubi), and Nagisa (black with Soubi). Similarly, Nana is not shown to have ever mentioned or interacted with Soubi and thus isn’t counted for him, but has with Ritsuka and seems to feel neutrally with him. Soubi has very significant, important relationships with people and seems to split on people very easily and cause strong reactions.
Also interestingly with Soubi, his positive relationships are very new in his life. They include the Zero boys, but their space became too crowded to put anymore arrows down, so I put the familial relationship with those three. Also, with his positive relationships, they typically don’t have much to do with the world he was raised in. While he met both Ritsuka and the Zero boys through being a Fighter, it’s important to say that his relationships with them are not at all built on his identity as a Fighter (which I discussed here). His relationship with Natsuo and Youji is built on him being parental with them, and his relationship with Ritsuka at first struggled because Ritsuka seemed to reject his identity as a Fighter/object but is now doing better due to Soubi’s development of an actual identity of personhood. In the same ways, his relationship with Kio and Yuiko (and Hanabi, who is not on here) is built on his actual personality, though all three relationships had a bit of a rocky/weird/awkward start.
On the flip side, most of Soubi’s negative relationships are from the Fighter-Sacrifice world where the people in question identify him as a Fighter. The exception to this rule is his dislike towards Hitomi, which is caused due to her naivety, inability to take action, and the fact that her being a teacher reminds him of Ritsu. Every other negative relationship is based around his identity as a Fighter and usually, as Beloved’s Fighter. Soubi’s negative feelings towards Ritsu are caused by Ritsu’s treatment of him, which was ‘justified’ by Soubi’s identity as a Fighter. Nagisa and Soubi’s mutual negative relationship was caused by Nagisa mistreating Soubi due to his identity as Fighter in that Ritsu seemed to favor him over her sister, as well as Soubi’s identity as Akio’s son. Soubi and Nisei’s enemyship is caused over the conflicting identities of Beloved’s Fighters. Soubi’s negative relationship with Tokino is caused by him being labelled as the Beloved Fighter. Seimei’s negativity towards Soubi is caused and ‘justified’ by viewing Fighters as dogs and things to be beaten and used.
Soubi’s identities cause a huge rift in how people view him, and people tend to split on him if they view him as a Fighter and as Beloved’s Fighter, since when Soubi displays other identities towards people, he tends to get a positive response. Obviously, this is not something that he has learned in canon yet.
Specific relationships dealing with Soubi:
Soubi and Ritsu: Soubi and Ritsu’s relationship is one of the most interesting things in the series and I cannot stand it when people try to justify Ritsu’s actions, excuse them, or minimize them, because as I’ve said (particularly in this reply to a follower) what Ritsu did to Soubi cannot be explained in a few words, since he so thoroughly destroyed him that there was nothing left of the kid Soubi originally was. As such, it was hard to simplify their relationship into the parameters that I had given myself. I shoved Ritsu’s feelings towards Soubi into a box labelled ‘romantic’, but even I’m not sure that that’s a good label, though I feel it’s more significant than simply labeling it positive feelings, because it’s clear that Ritsu does not draw a line between romantic, sexual, parental, and the other roles that he played and continues to play in Soubi’s life. In his case, the red line is an obsession and an abusive relationship.
While it isn’t so visible due to the other lines, Soubi’s line towards Ritsu is black. This is his relationship with him as an adult as when he was a child, the arrow would’ve probably been a mix of all three colors, given the way Soubi seemed to monologue about him in flashbacks and how abused children usually think. I also put a familial line for reasons I mentioned above, since Soubi is Ritsu’s adoptive son, which is something people tend to unfortunately look over. I say this because Ritsuka was not just anyone in Soubi’s life. He took him in, adopted him, and was supposed to raise him into adulthood. He was the only family that Soubi had after his parents died in the accident, and as a child, Soubi seemed to seek this familial bond with him. He never got it, though, which left Soubi very confused and unable to properly attach, because the person who was supposed to be his parent was simultaneously pushing him away and drawing him closer in an inappropriate way.
The point here is that Ritsu isn’t just Soubi’s former master—he’s Soubi’s adoptive father. Whenever this is brought up, it tends to make people extremely uncomfortable, since things feel so much worse when people apply this identity to their relationship and then look at the way Ritsu treated Soubi. While it’s horrible in its own way, it feels far, far worse when it’s viewed in through a lens that makes it clear that these two are adoptive family and Ritsu was Soubi’s parent, not just his guardian and not just his ‘master’. It also makes their interactions with Soubi as an adult much worse, as well, when you view Ritsu as his father figure, since their interactions are tight, impersonal, and awkward on Soubi’s end, while Ritsu continuously pries, mocks, and generally treats the entire interaction like some sort of sick power game. It makes it worse in many reader’s eyes because, well—this isn’t really the way that father-son interactions are supposed to go, and everything just seems to incredibly fucked up.
Soubi and Seimei: This is another odd relationship, because of the way that it’s changed over time. The relationship chart is sort of the ‘current’ relationship chart as of chapter 131, where some characters have built other relationships and changed existing ones. At the beginning of the series, I would have classified Soubi’s feelings towards Seimei as much more red/romantic and Seimei’s feelings towards Seimei as far more neutral, since as it is right now, it doesn’t appear that Seimei initially left Soubi behind because he hated him, but more because it was part of the plan and Soubi didn’t quite have use to him. However, as it stands right now, both relationships are primarily negative. As of chapter 131, Soubi seems to have lost most, if not all, positive feelings towards Seimei, and Seimei has repeatedly let Soubi know of his disgust of him and how much he dislikes the fact that Soubi can now think and speak for himself.
Seimei and Soubi’s relationship has never been good or healthy, and Seimei is a very fucked up human being who treats people terribly, but where we are in canon, it seems like these two are beginning to actually actively hate each other. Even though Seimei was terrible to Soubi when he was under Seimei’s rule pre-series, Seimei didn’t seem to actually hate Soubi. He hurt him and played with him and did everything he could to put Soubi into more pain, but that seems to be the way that Seimei treats people who allow him to do that to him, especially Soubi, who he had permission and the ability to do anything and everything to. Seimei seemed to enjoy that and was fine with the type of person Soubi was back then. However, Soubi changed and with that, his relationship to Seimei changed.
By the time Seimei took Soubi back or—actually, by the time that Seimei breaks into Seven Voices, Soubi has developed enough of a personality that he actually speaks out against Seimei, and when he does this, things instantly change. Seimei glares at him and his entire tone changes and he puts Soubi down for it in front of Ritsuka. From there, Seimei seems to do his best to punish Soubi for becoming a person by putting him through the most pain possible, all of it adding up when Seimei takes Soubi back. By this point, Soubi appears that he’s beginning to despise Seimei. He tries to resist, tries to speak up, and then falls into catatonic depression when he’s unable to let himself be heard. Seimei forces him to do things that he doesn’t want, including fighting against Moonless. During that battle, Soubi actually actively wishes at multiple points that he was anywhere but there.
Soubi and Ritsuka: Soubi and Ritsuka’s relationship is another one that has changed a lot over the course of the series. At the beginning, I’d classify Soubi’s feelings towards Ritsuka as full red, due to the way he was trying to force himself to feel for Ritsuka. At the beginning, I’d also classify Ritsuka’s feelings for Soubi to be full black, since for the first few volumes, Ritsuka was extremely frustrated, creeped out, and angry with Soubi, who just kept showing back up in his life over and over again. At the current point in the series, though, Soubi and Ritsuka have developed a much more friendly relationship, even bordering on parental, since there’s multiple chapters of Soubi taking care of Ritsuka. Many of the romantic overtones have been toned down or are gone completely and Soubi seems to care about Ritsuka in a much more healthy, acceptable way. Ritsuka, in turn, also seems to care quite a bit about Soubi. I’d classify them as good friends at this point, with Soubi maybe starting to become some sort of parental figure for Ritsuka. It’s also worth noting that Ritsuka is the catalyst for all of Soubi’s new positive relationships (with the exception of Kio), and the catalyst for all his changing relationships.
Soubi and Kio: This is a relationship that was actually incredibly strong and actually pretty healthy at the beginning of the series, and has remained that way. It was hard to tell in the beginning, since Kio was mostly used as a joke flirty character, but it’s been shown that they both genuinely care about each other. It’s also interesting to note that Kio was Soubi’s one positive relationship before Ritsuka came along.
Soubi and Natsuo and Youji: As stated above, this is a relationship often overlooked, or one that’s often chalked up to ‘they all live together’. It’s actually a little more than that. They might have a weird dynamic, but they all do have positive relationships with each other. While Soubi clearly has no idea what he’s doing, and doesn’t think or act like an adult, he’s a good influence in these kids’ lives and has taken on the missing parental role that Nagisa never took on.
Soubi and Nagisa: This is the last specific one I’m going to touch on, since there’s a lot more to get through. Soubi and Nagisa have a…interesting relationship, and it’s quite clearly a bad one, but not necessarily for the reasons that people tend to make it out to be. It’s also quite complicated. Nagisa appears to have hated Soubi even when he was young, but there’s two things about this—the first is that Soubi doesn’t actually seem to dislike her as a child, and the second is that Nagisa seems to subconsciously recognize that she shouldn’t be hating a child and does display some sort of shock when Soubi shows up without his ears. I’m unsure if this crosses the line into concern, but there’s something there and she chastises Ritsu for his actions.
Recently, it was revealed that the reason she actually hates Soubi is not because she’s jealous of his involvement with Ritsu. Before the flashback chapters, many fans seemed to theorize that Nagisa hated him for that reason and ‘taking Ritsu away from her’ (more on her and Ritsu later). That’s not the case at all. Nagisa hates Soubi because in a convoluted way, Nagisa blames him for her sister’s death for the sole reason that his mother isn’t around to blame anymore and Nagisa needs someone to push the blame onto. In response, Soubi has taken to treating her coldly as an adult, as well, and copying the bad attitude that she has about him
That’s the gist of Soubi’s relationships, though more will be covered with other characters and him. Let’s move onto our eponymous main character, Ritsuka.
While he does not have as many relationships with as many characters, Ritsuka’s relationship map is still interesting. If you look at him specifically in the map, you’ll notice one thing that absolutely sticks out—the overwhelming majority of characters seem to like Ritsuka in one way or another, even if they start off disliking him (Kio, Yayoi, even Natsuo and Youji didn’t seem fond of him initially). In fact, there’s really only one character who has a negative relationship with Ritsuka and that’s his own mother, Aoyagi Misaki, and the reason she hates him is very heavily implied to have been caused by someone else.
Even characters without a mark leading to him seem to like him. They just haven’t interacted enough to actually have a marking for their relationship and I tend to consider them ‘neutral’. Examples of this are Tokino, who comments about liking Ritsuka, Nagisa, who seems to want to dote on him, Seven, who reacts positively to his presence, and even Nisei makes positive comments towards Ritsuka, though they’re in his own weirdly creepy way. Characters who I didn’t include, such as the Zero girls and teams who weren’t important enough to make the cut, seem to take a liking to Ritsuka even though they were originally sent out to defeat him. The fact of the matter is that unless they have been tampered with, people seem to very easily like Ritsuka. Whether this is because he’s just a really good person or if it’s something to do with his true name, I don’t know. Nevertheless, I do find it odd that his name is ‘Loveless’ and everyone seems to like him.
Specific relationships dealing with Ritsuka:
Soubi and Ritsuka has already been discussed, so I’ll leave that off in this section.
Ritsuka and Seimei: Ritsuka and Seimei have a relationship that’s interesting because Ritsuka, a child, is starting to finally see that his brother is the villain, an evil person who’s done evil things. At the beginning of the series, Ritsuka absolutely put Seimei on a pedestal, as children sometimes do with people they attach onto to protect them. For a long time in the series, Ritsuka just wouldn’t believe that Seimei would ever do horrible, inhuman things. I’ve discussed this before, but children tend to see the world in terms of black and white. The point at which they stop doing this is the point in which they reach a higher stage of development. It’s key to a child’s development to stop the polar thinking, and Ritsuka is very much starting to do that, especially after Seimei takes Soubi back and leaves Ritsuka essentially alone. However, Ritsuka does still seem incredibly conflicted over his brother and understandably so. There’s still positive thinking surrounding Seimei, even with the negative thinking, which is why their relationship is labelled as a cross between positive and negative.
Ritsuka and Misaki: This is another relationship where it becomes undoubtedly obvious that Ritsuka is a child. Misaki is an abuser and very clearly feels extremely negatively towards Ritsuka. It seems to be hinted at that this hatred of hers was caused by someone who is neither she nor Ritsuka, but that doesn’t change the fact that she abuses him. She seems to pretty much solidly hate Ritsuka, though something seems to breakthrough after Nisei pays a visit to her. It isn’t much, and she’s still suffering through something, but there’s evidence that she doesn’t completely hate Ritsuka. As I stated above, though, a black arrow relationship does not necessarily mean a relationship of hatred; it means a negative one, and Misaki, no matter what, currently seems to feel negatively towards Ritsuka.
Ritsuka, on the other hand, loves his mother, no matter what she does to him. This is incredibly common in abused people, especially children. Ritsuka seems to want to do whatever he possibly can to get his mother to like him, even if it means trying to find a way to give up his current self and revert back to something that he once was before. Despite this being an incredibly toxic and self-harming mindset and relationship, Ritsuka feels completely positively towards his mother, to the point where he doesn’t assign any of the blame of her abuse onto her. He feels bad for her and loves her and brushes off her abuse.
Ritsuka and Natsuo and Youji: As much as I complain about Ritsuka’s character, this relationship is actually one of my favorites. I didn’t have room to mark it on the relationship chart, but it’s a positive one going both ways. I particularly like it because unlike so many other relationships in the series, this one is extremely beneficial to both parties. I’d actually sort of liken it to the relationship Soubi and Kio have, since it’s a relationship where one party (counting Natsuo and Youji as one unit in a party) is almost the polar opposite of the other, everyone is of a similar age, and they do seem to get along very well, even though they had to get over their differences and even if one party occasionally is bothersome/annoying towards the other. This is a relationship often looked over, but the three of them have helped each other. When Soubi leaves him, the first people Ritsuka goes to are Natsuo and Youji and even though it takes a hiccup for everything to get moving, they help him move forward to the next step. In turn, it’s clear that Ritsuka’s presence has helped ‘humanize’ and normalize Natsuo and Youji. They make a good bunch of genuine friends and have a good relationship.
Ritsuka and Kio: This is one that people tend to go one way or another with and hardly ever in the middle. People tend to see this relationship as entirely negative or entirely bordering on romantic when it’s neither. Kio did, at one point, strongly dislike Ritsuka, but this was before he ever met him and for the sole reason that Kio assumed Ritsuka would be like his brother. It didn’t take long after meeting him for that mindset to stop, and Kio seems to feel positively towards Ritsuka and vice versa, but it’s not anywhere near romantic. A lot of characters in Loveless deal with trying to find someone who understands them and their way of thinking and a lot of the characters seem to hold a lot of value to finding someone who understands. Ritsuka and Kio are no different. They’re referred to as kindred spirits, people who think alike and seem to understand each other. At this point in the manga, it’s clear that Kio’s developed some sort of caring, parental friendship with him, something that seems to carry over to Natsuo and Youji, as well.
The last character I’ve chosen for these in-depth relationship analyses is Seimei. Seimei is, by writing standards, our third main character. Seimei is, to anyone who’s known him, really, a little strange. Actually, he’s very strange, and most people know that in canon and everyone who reads quite quickly discovers that Seimei is absolutely not what Ritsuka, the person whose perspective the story is primarily told through, thinks of him.
Above I talked about Ritsuka and how anyone who gets to know him seems to feel very positively towards him and how the only person who really dislikes him or has a negative relationship with him is his mother, and those feelings are hinted at being influenced heavily by an outside force.
Seimei is the exact opposite of Ritsuka. In the relationship chart, all feelings that go towards him are negative to some degree. Obviously, Nisei, Ritsuka, and Soubi all have secondary feelings of positveness or romance, but even that’s tainted with negative feelings. Anyone who gets to know Seimei in the least develops negative feelings towards him to some degree. The only exception of this, which I didn’t mark on the chart due to space constraints, is again Aoyagi Misaki, his and Ritsuka’s mother. There’s a lot of evidence in the series pointing to Misaki somehow being magically tampered with and because of this, she idolizes and loves Seimei while she beats and hates Ritsuka. This is again odd because the way Misaki favors Seimei and hates Ritsuka works out perfectly in Seimei’s favor and her feelings only developed after Ritsuka ‘lost his memories’ and became a ‘new Ritsuka’. Misaki seems to put Seimei on a high pedestal and even goes as far as to refer to him as the man of the house.
However, with everyone else, Seimei burns his bridges at an alarming rate. With where we are now, every relationship that leads to Seimei is negative in some degree. Not only are Ritsuka and Seimei’s true names opposite, but so are the way they have relationships with other people. Right now, Seimei has burned every bridge he possibly can, and I have theorized before that it will most definitely bite him in the ass at some point. Seimei has made everyone around him dislike him in some context or another, and right now, he doesn’t seem to realize what he’s done.
Specific relationships dealing with Seimei:
I’ve already talked about Soubi and Seimei and Ritsuka and Seimei, so I’ll leave that off.
Seimei and Nisei: This is a relationship that seems to confuse and mess up a lot of people in the Loveless fandom, especially when they’re trying to write or portray these two characters together. I don’t blame them, really. This relationship is hard to grasp and the characters themselves are even harder to fully grasp. Often times, I’ll see Seimei portrayed as giving into Nisei and Nisei tends to either get treated like a person that’s done nothing bad ever or Nisei is portrayed as a sadistic monster who’s never felt anything for anyone ever. Both these characterizations for both characters are fundamentally wrong. Seimei is someone who wants control and power and holds himself as higher than anyone and everyone else in the series. He’s stated multiple times that he thinks that only Ritsuka is on the same level as him. No one else. Everyone else is below him. If there’s anyone sitting on a high horse in Loveless, it’s Seimei.
Nisei, on the other hand, may be fundamentally a bad person and he may not be. We don’t know, because Nisei is under Seimei’s complete and total control and it’s been hinted at/subtly acknowledged that Soubi has done many of the same things Nisei has under Seimei’s rule. He is sadistic, but he also does undoubtedly feel emotions. He may not acknowledge or even know it, but Nisei is completely in love with Seimei. That’s what may make this relationship so hard to grasp—Nisei claims at a couple points that he doesn’t think he’s able to feel love or empathy or remorse, but it seems as though Nisei was actually completely wrong about himself or in denial, and that can be a hard thing for readers to grasp, since it’s not often that a character confidently proclaims something about themselves that later turns out to be completely wrong.
Nisei is in love with Seimei, but it’s a one-sided thing and filled with conflicting negative thoughts as Nisei slowly realizes that his life is over and he’s become something entirely different under Seimei’s rule, something subservient and something he never expected or wanted to be. It’s not in Nisei’s character/personality to be submissive or to follow and obey others, so this is where his inner conflict and the negativity towards Seimei comes in—he’s trying to pull himself back from Seimei but keeps getting reeled in further and is ultimately unable to stop it. Seimei, in turn, seems to feel negatively towards Nisei because of the fact that Nisei is trying to pull back and doesn’t want to fulfill orders or be owned. It’s a push and pull relationship and is all kinds of negative.
Seimei and Mikado: On a basic level, their relationship is easy to grasp. Seimei and Mikado were once friends or friendly associates, and then Seimei betrayed Mikado by ripping her innocence and dignity from her. Mikado states that she and Seimei were alike and understood each other, and that’s where people start being confused by them. Mikado seems to have fully trusted in Seimei at one point and was willing to follow him down into whatever rabbit hole he’s in now. Mikado describes herself as not being like other people, as not being able to understand or control her feelings or the feelings of others and states that she can only understand others and situations if she has a reason. She also says that Seimei was the same way and the reason they bonded was because it was natural to get along with each other when no one else could understand them. Many readers don’t seem to realize just how strong her bond with Seimei must’ve been—Mikado viewed him as the one person in this world who could and would understand her. It was a bond even stronger than the one she has with her Fighter, who she has a good relationship with, but still seems to miss the fact that Seimei was someone who understood her.
Because of the fact that their relationship was so strong, the betrayal hurt more. Some people wonder why Mikado is so vindictive when it comes to hunting down Seimei. It’s because of the fact that she thought she’d found someone who truly, actually understood her and her reasons by which she lived her life, and then that same person brutally betrayed her and took the one thing she had away—a reason. Seimei and Mikado are implied to have known each other a long time, as Mikado makes a comment to Ritsuka that he looks like the splitting image of Seimei at 12, and Seimei burned his bridge with her in the absolute worst way possible and took everything from her. She’s developed a need for vengeance from this, as has her Fighter, and in turn, Seimei taunts her multiple times during the battle and decided to have her raped and beaten when he no longer wanted her. Seimei and Mikado’s relationship is one of the most violent ones in the series currently, and it shows.
Seimei and Ritsu: This relationship is pretty straightforward. The two of them absolutely hate each other, Seimei because Ritsu talks down to him and thinks of him as a child, and Ritsu hates Seimei because of his treatment of Soubi, which is ironic given that Ritsu was the first one to really break down Soubi. It does get misrepresented, occasionally.
Those are the three specific characters I wanted to go over in this post, but I do want to touch on a few others who didn’t need a full character-relationship analysis but still have relationships needing explaining.
Misc relationships:
Nagisa and Ritsu: Above anything and everything else, the way this relationship is portrayed in fanworks bothers me like nothing else. I mentioned it above when I talked about why I made this post and wrote all this, but I’d like to talk about it more. Nagisa is absolutely not head over heels in love with Ritsu. There is some sort of romantic feelings on her end, but they’re so wrapped up in negative feelings, regret, and hatred that it’s hard for me to even define it as romantic. She has romantic feelings for Ritsu, but she is not in love with him. Nagisa’s entire character revolves around the death of her sister many, many years ago. Her sister was the only thing in her life that she’s ever cared so strongly about and Sanae’s death left a scar on Nagisa that hasn’t healed, even 20+ years after. Nagisa’s personality and relationships also revolve around this. To put it simply, Nagisa has spent over twenty years trying to figure out a way to close the gap Sanae left behind while at the same time, trying to hold onto every piece of her that she has.
Ritsu is one of those pieces. She’s attached onto him because he’s the last remaining part of her sister. At the same time, though, she despises him because Ritsu had some part in Sanae’s death—namely, leaving Sanae in the pond where she drowned alone while knowing that Sanae couldn’t swim. Nagisa has held onto this, as well. Ritsu, on the other hand, is narcissistic and has a desire for power over people. Nagisa is an easy target because of the fact that she’s vulnerable to him in particular. In addition, it seems as though Ritsu is also holding onto something, whether it be Nagisa’s sister or Akio in some weird, convoluted way. His main goal is power, though, and Nagisa is easy to shove into submission. Throughout the series, Ritsu also insults her and mocks her and eggs on emotional breakdowns so he can get some sort of amusement out of her suffering. Their relationship is an incredibly negative one where both parties are actively using each other for some sort of validation or amusement and even if Nagisa feels romantic feelings for Ritsu, those feelings are still rooted in the negativity and terribleness of the rest of their relationship.
Tokino and Soubi: I didn’t include this in Soubi’s part because of the fact that most of the negativity between them is caused by Tokino’s feelings and pre-conceived beliefs. This is another relationship looked over and a lot of people seem to ignore that the first thing Soubi did upon meeting Tokino was treat him rudely and coldly and the second thing they did was get into an argument that was heated enough that Natsuo and Youji had to tell them to calm down. They both seem to dislike each other beyond what’s normal for a pair of Fighters, and this is mostly rooted, again, in Soubi’s identity as Fighter and in specific, the identity of being the Beloved Fighter. Tokino despises Soubi because he views him as similar to Nisei, and Soubi returns those feelings because—well, he’s Soubi and Soubi’s automatic response to someone disliking him is to start some sort of fight with them and also be incredibly passive-aggressive
Natsuo and Youji and Nagisa: Oh, boy, is this one clusterfuck of a relationship. I talked about how, in this post, Natsuo and Youji don’t seem to have developed real attachments quite yet and because of that, they view their mother figure in an attractive light where they think that it’s entirely appropriate to want to pursue her romantically. Despite this, their feelings towards her aren’t necessarily ‘positive’. They state a couple times in the manga that they prefer to live with Soubi and they seem very disappointed when Nagisa called them back. The two of them have been basically living on their own until they’re taken in by Soubi, since Nagisa never really bothered to care for them. They attached wrongly onto her and developed some sort of crush on her, even though she’s their parent. Nagisa also seems to not like them at all, to the point where she’s seen verbally abusing them and slapping them occasionally. They share a dislike of this treatment, making their feelings towards her both romantic and negative, whereas Nagisa just feels negatively towards them.
Seven: I mentioned above that I put Seven in here because her lack of relationships is important to her character and to the series. In the manga, Seven is said to basically be a shut-in who never really leaves her lab/office. She comes out rarely and the only significant relationship is the one that she has with Nagisa. She’s hardly ever seen with anyone else and actually comes out of her office a total of one time on her own during the manga, which is when she meets with Ritsu and Nagisa in the hospital sector where Ritsu is being treated. She isolates herself and her only friend is Nagisa.
Septimal Moon: The dynamic between the members of Septimal Moon is also a little interesting. Some of them have personal relationships with each other and tend to group with those people. Examples include Seimei and Mikado staying around each other and Nagisa, Seven, and Ritsu having personal relationships with each other. They seem to pretty much stay in their group and don’t stray often and there is a lot of interpersonal drama between members, which I talked about in this post.
That’s all the initial analysis I’m going to do for this relationship chart. I’ll be making one that focuses on the flashback chapters eventually. If you’d like to ask me about or have me discuss any more of these points, go ahead and shoot me and ask and I’ll answer it!
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seiten-taisei · 7 years
Saiyuki Discord
Hey everyone!
For new folks who have followed me, I’d like to tell you about our Saiyuki chat room on discord!
How it works:
Discord is a fantastic messaging service that is similar to IRC but has a very nice and clean look to it. It also is less laggy than skype and has a lot of customization. It has the ability to display images, custom emoticons, and have multiple chat rooms per sever. For instance, our server has a room for Saiyuki, Spoilers, off topic, musicals, and more!
Tumblr media
Discord has a web version (no download needed!) and a client version. All you need is to make an account. You can even give yourself a nickname in the server!
The server is pretty active and a very chill place. If you have questions, head canons, want to vent your frustrations about gunlock, want to talk about the new anime, or just want to make new friends, please click the link below to join us!
Saiyuki Discord Chatroom
Do make sure to check out the rules, everyone is welcome, just be kind to each other! Thanks! Hope to see you there!
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ktfromjerseyblog · 4 years
Eco Lifestyle Game Patch Update
OPTIONS FOR GAME PATCH: 1.)  Manual Update, day of (or soon after) patch release 2.)  Delay update 3.)  Vanilla play
Option #1 (manual update) If you are doing a manual update immediately when it is available, first thing to do is BACK-UP your Mods, Saves and Tray folders.
INSTRUCTIONS ON BACKING UP MODS/CC, SAVE FILES, AND TRAY (skip if you’re familiar): Go to your Game folder, click and drag your Mods folder to your desktop. Then right-click somewhere blank on your desktop and create a New Folder (rename it STANDBY). Open this STANDBY folder and right-click in the blank space, click New Folder (name this one Mods). You are going to repeat the process until you have three folders inside your STANDBY folder. They should be titled Mods, Saves, and Tray. Open your Mods folder (on your desktop) and the STANDBY folder at the same time (side by side). Select all of the files in your Mods folder (CTRL+A or Command+A), then right click on them and select COPY. Then click into your STANDBY folder, go to Mods, right-click the blank space, and select PASTE. Now you will have your original Mods folder on your desktop to test and use, and you will also have this STANDBY folder as a duplicate back up. Next you will go to your Game Folder, select Tray, select all items (CTRL+A), right-click, select COPY. Then you will paste all these folders into the STANDBY>Tray folder. Then do the exact same thing with your Saves folder. Now you will have everything finally backed up. I recommend moving this STANDBY folder to an external hard drive (or flashdrive).
AFTER YOU UPDATED WITH GAME PATCH: please test once WITHOUT your Mods folder. Remove the entire Physical Mods folder from your Game Folder, place on desktop. This assists in a Folder Refresh. Let the game make a new Mods folder, with a new Resource.cfg inside, and rebuild from there. Don’t forget that you may need to turn on your Game Settings to enable script mods and custom content. This is in your Game Menu, under Other Settings. Considering “IF” the new free-floating objects feature “doesn’t” break CC. It should be safe to put your CC right back into the newly created Mods folder. At this point, you should still have your mods on your desktop. This is the point where you need to begin researching if your mods are working. To do this, you can check the comments below for mod updates. We implore you to follow creators on their social media for confirmation of working/broken mod reports. Most Script Mods WILL BREAK.  Your best bet is keeping all of your mods on your desktop and only introducing them after
a.) mod has been confirmed working
b.) mod has been replaced with updated version.
Option #2 (delay update) To delay an update, you must have pre-emptively turned OFF your Game Auto-Updates in advance. Next you will need to ensure your Origin Client is OFFLINE. This will mean that you can keep all your mods and cc in your game folder and continue to play unchanged. People do this in the meantime while they’re waiting for Creators to update their mods. This is the option for people who can’t bare to play without CC and Mods.
Option #3 (vanilla play) This option is for people who are too excited to wait any longer for the patch update and new expansion, and would rather wait for all the Creators to finish their testing and patches. So in order to do this, you will need to remove your Mods folder from your Game Folder, and place it on your desktop. Or you can disable mods and custom content in your Game Settings, under Other Settings. I still recommend backing up your saves and tray files.
If your game is not starting or prompts an error, remove all off your mods/cc, then restart. If it starts up just fine, then it is due to an error in your mods. If it does not start up, then you may have a corrupted save file due to a broken mod. Please be sure your game folder is saved in the appropriate path: PC users should look something like this (minus the kmeha..thats just my comp name) C:\Users\kmeha\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4 If youre game is continuing to give you start-up issues, please feel free to post about it. But include the following: PC/Mac user? Legacy Edition? Folder Refresh conducted? Restart without mods conducted? Include picture of error message.
”MY MODS NEVER BREAK”: For those of you saying "my mods never break when i update the game". Mods can and most likely will break after an update. The word "broken" does not necessarily mean your game is going to completely stop working. So i'm going to make up an example to help you better understand. Let's say that Sacrificial's Life Tragedies Mod was labeled as "Broken". But when you play with it in game, you see no issues, and you receive no LastExceptionErrors. So you may think, "well thats not right, my mod is fine." when in reality its not. So some mods are massive and have loads of animations, objects, and content in general. If one tiny thing from it is corrupted in the code due to a patch update, it is considered “Broken”. So in Sacrificial's Life Tragedies Mod, you have five serial killers that you have the option of using. Lets say the game patch update breaks The Killer Nanny in that mod. But you never play with her ever. This could mean that you would never know that the mod is broken because you havent received any error notifications due to you not utilizing that portion of the code. This still means the mod is "broken" though. Broken can just mean that there is a small (or large) portion of the coding that is not compatible with how the game coding has changed due to the update. TLDR: a small feature can break and you would never know it if you never use it. it still means the mod is broken.
LAST EXCEPTION FILES For those of you looking for methods to read your lastException files, the following are your options:
1. Deaderpool Discord 2. Better Exceptions 3. Last Exceptions reader
DEADERPOOL DISCORD: For the deaderpool discord, you will have to create an account on discord. its super easy. i absolutely love discord. if you dont know what it is, its basically like a massive chat room platform, particularly popular amongst gamers. If you decide to create a discord account, you'll have to download the software. its totally safe! i use it all the time. a lot of gamers use it as a platform to talk to their friends over voice chat when playing a game that doesnt provide a feature like that. if you decide to join discord, here is the link for the Deaderpool Discord (ran by the creator of MCCC): https://discord.gg/mccc
if you go on there, they have a text channel called "lastexception_support". its super easy to use, all you have to do is click on that channel, and then click and drag your LE file into the channel box. it will upload it to the server. theres nothing in your file that will get you hacked or anything. tens of thousands of files have been uploaded to this. its literally just a text document saying where the error is in your mod coding. From there, someone from the Support Team will respond with a solution. Its really great because they can help you to understand reading the code.
BETTER EXCEPTIONS MOD: This is a mod that you download from Twisted Mexi. https://www.patreon.com/posts/better-major-26712505 This mod will provide a new file to generate in your game called the Better Exceptions Report. When you get one, it will tell you what it suspects is causing an issue in your game. This is one of the most user-friendly options for new modders. When you see the identifed "issue" in the report, you'll have just to exit out of game and delete the issue (broken cc/mod). Before you re-start your game, just remember to delete the BetterExceptionsReport file from your game folder. Otherwise it will not be able to update it with a new one if a new error arises.
LAST EXCEPTIONS READER: this is just a website where you can do the same thing as the deaderpool discord. just drag and drop your file, and a robot reads it to identify the issue. The only problem with this is you cant talk to the robot and explain your situation (like you can in discord).
0 notes
apkhay · 5 years
Cyber Hunter Lite
Cyber Hunter Lite 0.100.146 APK
Cyber Hunter Lite launches today. The Lite game client is only half the size of the normal version, and is more suited to low-end mobile phones with small storage to help run Cyber Hunter more smoothly. The Lite version and the normal version share the same character data, maps and even the same features. Wanderers, you can log in on both versions using the same account. We look forward to your participation! An Open Letter to All Wanderers Dear Wanderer, Welcome. We are the Cyber Hunter development team. First of all, please allow us to introduce our game. Cyber Hunter is a next-generation, competitive sandbox mobile game. It's packed with a host of different elements, including survival, shooting, exploration, skills and much more, even including parkour! In short, it's a brand new gaming experience. The game tells the story of our future, after brain-computer interfacing technology has become highly advanced and human civilization has experienced another evolutionary leap, during which, great events have begun to unfold. Justice faces off against evil. The old stands against the new. And forces of conservatism clash with radicalism. In this virtual world, all our heroes and heroines have acquired a “super power” through the help of quantum droids – the ability to turn quantum cube energy into any tactical support device they need. From Optical Camouflage to Quantum Barriers, from a detector that alerts you of approaching enemies, to a medical instrument that heals squad mates; anything and everything can be built, by you, and that's not all. You can choose whatever skills you think will help your strategy the most in any battle. We've even created a vertical combat concept. With parkour features including climbing, gliding, and rolling, players can experience vertical battles on a variety of terrain, including mountains, swamps and deserts. In this game, the arena that hosts your battles are not just a huge, flat map, but a world where you can fly in the sky and move underground. We have also created a number of exploration points scattered throughout the world. Here, you can explore temples in the desert with a chance of finding E-Cores to unlock new skills and weapons. Amid mounds of destroyed robots, you can also find gloves that greatly increase your climbing speed. We hope that Cyber Hunter can bring you a new way to enjoy gaming and that you'll love taking part in the sandbox competitions it offers. The game still has room to improve, however, if you experience overheating, slowdowns, occasional rebooting or updates to your device during the game, we would like to apologize in advance and ask for your understanding.Thank you! Features: -- Vivid characters with verisimilar faces – With next-generation face shaping art and over a hundred cosmetic designs, distinct and vivid heroes can be created -- Special skills and tactics – Plenty of tactical skills, such as optical camouflage, quantum barriers, invisible force fields, fire support. You can formulate your own tactical system -- Take to the skies to search for what you need. Become a parkour expert and knock your enemies out in style – Glide in the sky, dive into a deep sea, climb and roll, there are lots of parkour moves available to use during fast-paced free combat. -- Explore and fight in a sandbox world – All terrain is open to explore freely, including 100-meter-high water falls, desert temples, and swampy relics. You’ll find lots of weapons in this world. About us: - Official site: http://www.cyberhunter.game - Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/CyberHunterOfficial - Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/CyberHunterGroup/ - Discord: https://discord.gg/cyberhunter - Twitter: https://twitter.com/CyberHunter__ - YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/CyberHunter - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cyberhunter_official/
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hydrus · 7 years
Hey, first off, this tool is the holy grail of image archives, booru- or otherwise. My current issue is that I've got a ton of files that I saved off e621 (or danbooru, or gelbooru) from a while back, and they aren't populating with tags. I saw way back that you'd implemented some 'tag archives' but as far as I can tell it's no longer a function in the current version? Is there still a way to use these, or something to that effect? Can I search the 'boorus by file and populate tags that way?
I am glad you like it!
The tag archive stuff is advanced and not all the ui for it is working in the client at the moment, so I would suggest you not go that route just yet. IF you are syncing with the public tag repository, you will actually get most of these tags anyway from other users doing tag archive syncs already..
I am not sure why your files are not getting tags. The PTR doesn’t have complete coverage, but most users find their old collections are 10-30% covered on initial import to a fully PTR-synced client.
If your files were resized or otherwise processed by a different program between the time you downloaded and imported them, they will not count as the same and will not match with the tags from the PTR.
As a test, try just opening an e621/whatever downloader in the client, telling the ‘import options - tags’ to parse some tags, and then fully download one of the artists you know is in your collection but who doesn’t have a huge number of files on the booru. You should get some good tags, and files you are interested in already, and you’ll see if you your original imports are dupes or not.
If you are not syncing with the PTR, that is your problem. Please set it up using the help guides or just hit help->i don’t know what I am doing->just set them up to do it automatically--you should see tags pop in over the next few weeks without you having to do anything.
Let me know if you run into any more difficulty with any of this. You can ask again here or throw me a mail or catch me in the discord if you want me to walk you through anything live.
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minrcrafter · 6 years
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Minecraft [Vanilla] [SMP] {Whitelist} {1.13.2} {16+}
Hey there! I have decided to start up a server in preperation for minecraft 1.14, as that is not out yet the server will be running on the latest full release of minecraft (1.13.2) The server cannot be hosted on a snapshot as it is too unstable. The plan for this server is to create a community-based SMP similar to servers such as the Mindcrack / Hermitcraft server. We are therefore looking for players who can further evolve our server and community, and allow us to create an awesome server with amazing players. I am looking to whitelist between 20-30 players who are willing to express their creativity and knowledge with each other. This server is not a free-for-all PVP server, but a vanilla server where we help each other out and all have a good time.We do not have any plugins currently and do not plan on.
Server Information
Server address / IP: is private and will be revealed to you via discord once accepted.
Server location: Paris, France
Game type: Vanilla, Survival
Version: 1.13.2
GB of RAM: 5gb
Spawn Area
The plan for spawn is to have multple districts such as:
Farming District - This is where we will keep all of our farms for instance: wheat, carrots, potatoes, beetroots, melons, pumpkins, cacti and sugarcane. The plan is to have a windmill to store all of the farming material and a barn to keep animals. Close by will be more mechanical farms such as: an iron farm and villager trading, mob farm etc.
Shopping District - This is an area for users to build shops to sell / trade resources with other players.
Town Square - This is where we will live. In the centre of spawn there will be a town hall built collectively or by a member of the server (this is the location where we will store the dragon egg on display once, as a server, we kill it), our houses will be around the town hall and connected via roads. Together we will have to think of a block palette / theme for spawn so our builds do not 'clash' and are similar in some sense.
The nether hub is another big project which the design / theme should be discussed as a server.
Some of these projects can be done collectively or individually if someone wishes to do a project on their own please let everyone else of the server know and allow people to use if it is a server project.
• No griefing.
• No stealing.
• Respect world terrain (I.E if a creeper explodes, repair the damage, if you cut down a tree replant it, take sand / clay from the ocean not from the coast line etc)
• Respect other players.
• Do not use any vulgar or derogatory language (E.g homophobia, racism etc), mild swearing is allowed, however.
• Be mature.
• Do not exploit any glitches, if found please report them to the server owner.
• Do not use any hacked clients or Xray texture packs.
• Pranks are allowed, as long as they are light-hearted, do not break any rules and the 'prankster' will help clean up.
• No advertising.
• No trolling.
• Do not spam the discord or in-game chat.
• No dirt houses or permenant 1x1 pillars, especially not in the nether. Respect the terrain.
We have a strict zero-tolerance policy on the list above. Players doing any of these things will be removed from our community permanently. We don't want our members feeling cheated or abused, so we aren't going to lower the bar just to keep someone around.
Application Criteria
Be familiar with Minecraft.
Generally be a kind and chilled out person.
MUST have Discord. This is to be involved, make friends, keep up to date with server projects, events and to be easily contacted.
Do not take pranks / jokes etc too seriously, it is a game after all.
You divulge accurate information about yourself. We aren't interested in people of mystery.
MUST be 16 years old or older
.MUST be fairly active.
MUST try to take part in communal projects / events. Try not to just build thousands of blocks away and forget about everyone otherwise what is the point of being on a server
Application Form
*If you wish you can either send me your application on discord or reply to this thread. Either way, you should typically get a response within 24 hours.*
* My discord is: Jake.#1704 *
*If you are accepted I will add you on discord and invite you to the discord server.*
Preferred name:
Discord username:
Location & Timezone:
What are some of your goals for this server:
Tell us a little about yourself:
How active will you be?:
What are some of your skills in minecraft?:
Have you ever been banned from a private server, if so why?:
What do you think you can bring to the server?
Any other questions or comments?:
Show us some of your past builds or contraptions (images/videos) (Optional):
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