#'Cause After All This Time; I'm Still Into You | Ship {dxwnxdusk;Macaque/Dusk}
iimexpensiive · 1 year
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✧ @dxwnxdusk ✧ — "I swear you pick fights you want to end up loosing." Having to hold the other still as he begins tending to the cuts and bruises the other had. Grumbling all the while about him being reckless.
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"Maybe cause I WANT to loose and NOT walk away after. Could only be so lucky."
Bitter words falling from his lips before he could even process and stop them in their wake. It wasn't uncommon affair for him to return home in such a state — a conscious effort on his part to NOT to make it hard for whoever he decided to pick a tussle with. Course, it was the rare times he used his magic to disguise himself, not wanting to ruin the reputation he had as the 'Mask Man' after all. That would effect business and he'd have no end of try hards wanting to test their metal against him than.
Freezing when he was able to process what he had just said, mentally kicking himself. Always making sure to keep his feelings hidden — not wanting to worry or bother those he cared for with his issues. Not that some weren't obvious. He wasn't who he once was, the years having taken their toll on him and leaving him a husk. Yet, he tried to act like it didn't bother him and played off with some goofy antics or silly joke. Make light of it all like he wasn't shattered.
"Kidding!! Kidding!!"
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"Just a dumb joke, don't worry. I'll try to be careful next time."
Though, he had a feeling that the shadow wielder wasn't about to buy that lame excuse. Oh no, Dusk knew him too well to let that slide. Why couldn't he have just stayed quiet and let him patch him up in peace? Ugh, stupid stupid stupid.
"...it's nothing to worry about, I promise."
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iimexpensiive · 1 year
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✧ @dxwnxdusk ✧ — A low growl emits from underneath one of the fallen statues. The entire area is a mess, papers scattered along with some bodies that have begun to rot. No doubt bodyguards for the target, bullets and swords alike spread around with splatters of blood everywhere. Given the entire ceiling had come down its a surprise that even a segment of the room is intact. A broken arm, that and his entire body being pinned while trying to not further aggravate the sword through his leg. Pushing against the statue became second place to using enough strength to keep it from fully crushing him. Still given that the target has finally returned and is now gloating, he might just kill himself first before this bastard has the glory. And that train of thought is immediately dismissed when they look to the side. Beyond his field of vision but not his hearing. Seriously? Did he follow him here? Bah. Not like he'll openly admit he's glad if that's the case. Not many can get the drop on him but it has to be something big. Given the size of this brute of a man. He'll say it's fair
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"Whew, looks like you all made quite the mess here huh?"
His voice rang out across the devastated and destroyed area, drawing the attention towards his sudden appearance. It wasn't that he didn't trust Dusk to be able to handle his own — it wasn't every day that the Great Sage had someone who was on equal footing to his own power. Even most deities paled in comparison to the might that was the Monkey King. Plus, his beloved shadow had earned his reputation he currently held, there was no doubting what he was capable of.
Still, he had a feeling he might need some assistance when he took a job — having followed closely but not enough to be detected. Even by the six-eared simian. He knew ways around that enchanted hearing after all, ones that no one else would ever figure out.
Like always, his posture was relaxed and loose which was in stark contrast to the tension in the area. Course, anyone who knew what subtle hints and details to look for in his presence knew he was anything but relaxed. An aura of pure anger radiating off him at present even as he scratched his neck with the small medal rod he held in his hands — the act almost making it seem as if he was bored right now. Which only caused foes in question to THINK that they would have an easy time with him. The fools, they were hardly worth the effort...but that didn't mean he wasn't going to show them any mercy.
Which was proven right when the hulking form charged at the masked simian, barely stirring much of a reaction from him. The blow never landing as he held it back with little effort with his metal rod, slowly turning his head up towards their stunned expression. Seems he realized a little too late just how fucked he was right now — that caused an amused chuckle to spill from Wukong in the moment. It would never get old how many underestimated him only to find out the hard way in the end. He was not someone you wanted to trade blows with.
"I can't believe you had trouble with this one darling — "
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" — try to hold on a little bit longer, I'll finish this up and we'll go home after to get you patched up."
Turning his attention to Dusk, speaking in such a cheerful manner in stark contrast to the whole scenario before him. Completely ignoring his opponent in the moment. This shouldn't take him too long to finish, the foe before him was pathetically weak — almost felt bad for what he was about to do. Almost. He had hurt his beloved after all SO any sympathy he might've felt was long dead. As would be the other soon enough.
Raising his unoccupied hand to his forehead and flicking, causing him to fly backwards with such speed and force. Crashing through one of the walls and destroying it upon impact. Humming as he casually strolled over to the crumbled over brute, hands crossed behind his back as he did. This definitely wouldn't take too long, than he'd take Dusk home and set to work patching him up.
"Be right with you darling."
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iimexpensiive · 1 year
@dxwnxdusk {✧}
Dusk vc: you are still shit at lying
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"Rude! I am NOT that bad at lying thank you very much."
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iimexpensiive · 1 year
@dxwnxdusk {✧}
Dusk vc: You are when it comes to me now shut up and let me fix you up. Not dying on my damn watch and leaving me the fuck alone in this world.
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Kicking himself again mentally for letting those words be said, he should've known better. A gentle hand reaching out and resting against the other's cheek, drawing him close as he pressed his forehead against his.
"...you won't loose me, I promise."
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iimexpensiive · 1 year
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✧ @dxwnxdusk ✧ — "The fuck are you doing now?" (NG!Dusk)
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"Mhm — ??"
Pausing in his work as his attention was pulled away by his partner's question — having been concentrating hard on the task before him, taking a moment to process the question. He hadn't expected them to be home right now. Hadn't they gone out on a job earlier? Or was he mistaken in thinking that? Sure, he didn't go out often himself less it was for a job or he finally gone stir crazy and needed some stimulation BUT it wasn't like he strayed far from home in those moments. Dusk? He didn't partake in the hermit lifestyle like the sage did.
"Oh, just in one of those moods you know?"
Grin spreading across his face in the moment, friendly but with a bit of wildness accenting it. Even still it held a sort of warmth. Quick to gesture to the newest mural he had been working on — another stylized depiction of his beloved mountains was being made, only partly complete. He had been feeling homesick after all and decided to cure it with a painting session.
"What do you think? I was thinking of adding some of the troop BUT I don't want them to just be little dots on the mountain."
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