#Monkey Man is a mess lemme tell you 8U
iimexpensiive · 1 year
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✧ @dxwnxdusk ✧ — "I swear you pick fights you want to end up loosing." Having to hold the other still as he begins tending to the cuts and bruises the other had. Grumbling all the while about him being reckless.
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"Maybe cause I WANT to loose and NOT walk away after. Could only be so lucky."
Bitter words falling from his lips before he could even process and stop them in their wake. It wasn't uncommon affair for him to return home in such a state — a conscious effort on his part to NOT to make it hard for whoever he decided to pick a tussle with. Course, it was the rare times he used his magic to disguise himself, not wanting to ruin the reputation he had as the 'Mask Man' after all. That would effect business and he'd have no end of try hards wanting to test their metal against him than.
Freezing when he was able to process what he had just said, mentally kicking himself. Always making sure to keep his feelings hidden — not wanting to worry or bother those he cared for with his issues. Not that some weren't obvious. He wasn't who he once was, the years having taken their toll on him and leaving him a husk. Yet, he tried to act like it didn't bother him and played off with some goofy antics or silly joke. Make light of it all like he wasn't shattered.
"Kidding!! Kidding!!"
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"Just a dumb joke, don't worry. I'll try to be careful next time."
Though, he had a feeling that the shadow wielder wasn't about to buy that lame excuse. Oh no, Dusk knew him too well to let that slide. Why couldn't he have just stayed quiet and let him patch him up in peace? Ugh, stupid stupid stupid.
"...it's nothing to worry about, I promise."
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