#Wukong has...issues; so many issues ^^;
iimexpensiive · 1 year
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✧ @dxwnxdusk ✧ — "I swear you pick fights you want to end up loosing." Having to hold the other still as he begins tending to the cuts and bruises the other had. Grumbling all the while about him being reckless.
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"Maybe cause I WANT to loose and NOT walk away after. Could only be so lucky."
Bitter words falling from his lips before he could even process and stop them in their wake. It wasn't uncommon affair for him to return home in such a state — a conscious effort on his part to NOT to make it hard for whoever he decided to pick a tussle with. Course, it was the rare times he used his magic to disguise himself, not wanting to ruin the reputation he had as the 'Mask Man' after all. That would effect business and he'd have no end of try hards wanting to test their metal against him than.
Freezing when he was able to process what he had just said, mentally kicking himself. Always making sure to keep his feelings hidden — not wanting to worry or bother those he cared for with his issues. Not that some weren't obvious. He wasn't who he once was, the years having taken their toll on him and leaving him a husk. Yet, he tried to act like it didn't bother him and played off with some goofy antics or silly joke. Make light of it all like he wasn't shattered.
"Kidding!! Kidding!!"
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"Just a dumb joke, don't worry. I'll try to be careful next time."
Though, he had a feeling that the shadow wielder wasn't about to buy that lame excuse. Oh no, Dusk knew him too well to let that slide. Why couldn't he have just stayed quiet and let him patch him up in peace? Ugh, stupid stupid stupid.
"...it's nothing to worry about, I promise."
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imminent-danger-came · 5 months
I don’t even ship shadowpeach but what’s with the attitude let people have fun.
The post you're talking about had a rather joking tone, so I'm just going to assume you're having a bad day! Hope it's gotten better!
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fluffypotatey · 10 days
If you weren't strictly following canon and red string was canon divergence, where would the string most likely change macaque behavior
hm well like my au is canon divergence? but in the smallest way because Macky is forced to acknowledge his issues earlier in the show than before. like yeah it mostly co-exists in canon but in a way where i make their emotionally starved issues a visible manifestation that they cannot ignore
the only reason it stays in its coexist-canon status is bc MK hasn’t changed. he’s not the one being forced to see the strings tied to his hands (which would probably overwhelm him and cause him to overthink that)
i think it would be s4 where the actual change occurs because he gave himself time to actually process everything and acknowledge his unhealthy ideology of fate/destiny, viewing his fall as inevitable (guys like him not being the Hero yada yada). thereby, having the courage to initiate himself more into the group bc he knows they’re important to him
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I saw your Lmk Macaque x pregnant reader post!!
I was hoping for Maybe one with Wukong, but with a baby boy?
I loveeee the stuff u write :D
Hey! Thank you so much!! I hope you like it!
Sun Wukong x pregnant!reader
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Wukong during the pregnancy:
Try to imagine how protective he is when he finds out you’re pregnant. Done? Alright, throw those expectations away because it’s even more than you think. This god has enemies and lots of them, many of which have tried to get back at him recently so it’s valid that he’s not going to leave you alone for a second.
If you have work then he’s probably going to shift into a small animal or insect so he can watch over you and protect you when necessary. A bonus is that you always have your lover nearby and someone to talk to when you’re alone, turning back into his regular form and cuddling you and his child.
He and you agreed that you wouldn’t find out the sex of your baby until it was born because you wanted it to be a surprise and both of you also heard something about a gender reveal party starting a fire in another country. Considering the track record of the gang with chaos it was a smart decision to not have a reveal party and besides he’d love his cub no matter what gender they were.
Wukong fully rebuilds his hut so it’s more spacious and baby-proofed, assuring that you or his baby wouldn’t have any issues like stairs or outlets. He first enlists the help of Sandy since he feels like it’d be helpful and the friendly river demon is always calm or steady which turns out to be a great decision.
He is of course worried about you and the symptoms that come along with the pregnancy like morning sickness, weird cravings, aches or pains, and exhaustion. Anytime you have morning sickness or pain he panics and is worried that you’re in so much danger, comforting you and worrying as you throw up and shake.
Later on, he learns that most of those are normal symptoms and what to look out for although one thing he can’t get over or not find worrying is your weird food cravings. Some of them are very strange and contain foods he doesn’t even have on the mountain which is strange considering the name of his mountain and he goes to the city to get the food you want. You will have to help with the food since he’s not exactly the best at cooking.
Anytime you’re walking or show tiredness he’ll come up behind you and either pick you up entirely or lift your belly up to relieve you of the added weight you’re forced to carry. Forget about walking later in your pregnancy or at all because carrying you lets him cuddle you and be close to his precious cub.
When the time finally comes and you feel pains in your tummy followed by your water breaking all you need to do is call Wukong into the room if he isn’t already next to you, instantly he’s rushing you to the hospital and staying right by your side. Of course, he doesn’t bother throwing on a disguise of some sort since he is more concerned with you, and anyone who bothers him about being the Monkey King is getting at least a glare.
Throughout the whole process, he is right beside you, and the doctors are all sworn to silence about who the father is during the whole ordeal aside from the legal documents. His hand is in yours and practically begging for you to squeeze his hand whenever you feel pain even with the anesthesia in you.
If anything goes wrong he paces back and forth and biting his nails, resorting to praying to any of the gods he once wronged for his child to be alright. Luckily any problems are solved quickly and you both hear a soft cry, looking over to see a ginger-furred baby cub with a mix of both your features. He has a baby boy. You both have a son.
Wukong after the pregnancy:
After your son is born Wukong is constantly doting on you and temporarily putting training with MK on hold until you’re back to health, taking shifts in caring for Qinyan which is what you both decided to name your boy after all he was heart’s sunshine. Unfortunately and unlike Macaque’s little girl his son is almost always energetic and awake, wanting attention and affection much like his father with you.
Due to this, you both work as easily as possible and he insists that he takes most of the time watching over Qinyan since he doesn’t need as much as you despite your protests. Every glance at his precious son makes him feel straight joy and vows to protect him no matter the cost.
From his enemies. From everyday demons. From people with grudges or hatred for him. From heaven itself. This also means training up his son like he did with MK except better since he does admit there was a fair amount of things he could have done better and so he enlists the help of MK who happily agrees.
When the gang meets Qinyan they all flock to him and coo over the stone cub, Mei taking many pictures and the other three men murmuring how good of a parent he was going to be which of course he took offense to. Pigsy did offer him some parenting tips which did help him when he was raising MK and thanked them all, heading back with you in his arms.
There were a couple of dangerous parts of raising his son but there would be a couple of times he would wake up to show you that Qinyan was carrying his staff but not just carrying…walking around and on occasion waking stuff around the cave.
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loverofstufflof · 1 month
Black Myth: Wukong rant because I’m just… so tired of you people.
I hate the community this game has cultivated. I hate looking through the tags and seeing people tearing each other apart over a game based on a story I love.
There’s two stances:
Those who say that merely interacting with the game is in support of all the terrible things the developers have (allegedly) done. Who parade accusations that many have stated were mistranslated and that the situation is far more complicated than it appears.
Those who mock the former by making a straw man of their concerns while simultaneously displaying their misogyny, racism, homophobia, and general traits that make it clear they’ve never touched a woman in their life.
One is slightly more tolerable than the other. Neither make me feel welcome in enjoying this project I’ve been looking forward to for years.
I will be talking more about purple, because I don’t speak Chinese, and feel that I have no authority speaking too much on orange.
Purple people are beyond insufferable.
I think that most of this came from a Screen Rant review that listed one of the game’s flaws as “a lack of diversity.” This is an accurate analysis, and has been warped beyond belief.
I can understand the outrage… a bit. When playing a game surrounding Chinese culture, in which you play as an inhuman character fighting equally inhuman enemies, it doesn’t make too much sense to request racial representation. And when there isn’t any romance, representation for sexual orientations also wouldn’t work. Including anything in those merit would feel forced and out of place, I agree.
But you wanna know what the reviewer wrote?
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She was concerned about the lack of women.
She felt unwelcome when playing a game made by rumoured misogynists because there were no women at all.
And she explicitly said that the game was still enjoyable despite this.
She gave it such a “low score” (3/5) because of the performance issues and repetitiveness. By her own rating, the game was listed as “Worth a shot despite its flaws.”
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Everything got so bad they had to take down her name for her safety.
People in the purple category took this review to mean that the “woke left” was “pushing an agenda” and “trying to cancel this game for not having pansexual nonbinary black people.” Which, as I’m sure you can now understand, was not the case. The boycott surrounding this game is purely based on accusations targeted towards the developers, not the game’s content.
Of course, I don’t expect many of the aforementioned people in this category to care too much. I’ve seen the Steam reviews where they praise the lack of women. I’ve read the Reddit threads where they feel grateful that there’s “finally a company who understands the male authority.” I’ve scrolled through post after post on Tumblr that “no one would want to play a game where females jiggle their tits around while doing nothing.”
That last one gets me. It’s really telling what you can learn about a person when they say things like that.
The point is, these people make me feel very unwelcome in a community that previously made me most comfortable.
So let’s recap:
The people who I would find community with are portraying the mere interest in this game as a sin that’s worthy of being blocked and shamed over, and the people who are actually in this community remind me why I’m terrified to walk alone.
I have a lot more that I want to say on this, but I don’t really have the words quite yet, and still need to do a fair amount of research (which I probably won’t be doing because holy shit I’m so done with this). Maybe I’ll come back and add some more, but for now I just might block the tag entirely.
I just feel shitty ‘s’all ʅ(◞‿◟)ʃ
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quitealotofsodapop · 2 months
Just thinking of Peaches canon hyperfixation of plans and medicine and just... going into a rant whne he visits DBK's place the first time over some rare plant Redaon had cultivated and DBK jsut... standing in the background with a soft smile on his face as he sees his xiandi happy to talk about medicine and plants again and reminiscing on the times he'd talk his ear off when they were kids about the medical properties of various ingredients in the teas they'd make
Oh gosh this idea was cute I had to write out some dialogue for it;
referencing this post I made about catnip/cat plants with lmk characters;
DBK: "I wonder why Brother Azure acted so oddly when i sat next to him at dinner. He didn't drink that much." Wukong, sniffing: "Oh easy! You use Mao Bo He to keep away the flies right?" DBK: "Yes? It's one of few herbs that works for me." Wukong: "Mao Bo He causes mild intoxication and feelings of elation in cats! Lions are just big cats after all." DBK, surprised/amused: "So Brother Azure was drunk off my insect repellent?" Wukong, getting excited: "Yes! In a way! There's some other plants that cause a similar effect but it's different for every individual- oh... sorry." DBK: "For what?" Wukong, nervous: "I've been told I... get too excited when discussing herbs and treatments like that," DBK, smiling: "I have no issue in hearing you describe them. You clearly hold much joy for the subject." Wukong: "You don't think I'm annoying?" DBK: "Not at all. If I had, I would have said so. My ancestor was a herbalist himself after all. Now, tell me xiandi, what can I use to keep the flies away that won't make our proud Brother Azure turn into a kitten at the mere scent of me?" Wukong: (*tail wags happily as he charges up the infodump*)
Later in the Peach Soup au as Peaches is receiving training from DBK.
Peaches: "Oh! Thats a Zhi Zi!" DBK: "Hmm?" Peaches, pointing to a flower in the courtyard: "Gardeniae jasminoides. Sometimes its called a gardenia or a cape jasmine. It shows up in some of my books." DBK, knowing smile: "Really? Red Son collected some plants during his time learning under Guanyin. I had always assumed it to be a regular jasmine plant." Peaches: "That's ok! They look really alike and smell nearly the same! One way to tell them apart is to check the leaves. Smooth leaves mean Jasmine, Toothed leaves mean Gardenia!" DBK: (*fond chuckle!*) Peaches: "Oh sorry! Was I rambling? I apologise if I got a little carried away." DBK: "Not at all! Where did you come across such knowledge by the way?" Peaches, little bashful: "My uncle Sandy introduced me to different tea blends when I was younger, and from there I wanted to know more about plants and herbs and how they help people. I was actually hoping to become a doctor or a pharmacist before all of this... monkey business happened." DBK: "It's never too late to return to your passion. You always wanted to heal people, xiandi. Even back then." Peaches: (*shy smile as he realises what DBK means*)
It leads to a rare moment where Peaches discovers something positive he shares with "old him". Who knew Sun Wukong was a nerd back then too?
DBK is elated to see this side of his little brother live on - Wukong had put aside many dreams due to the War, and herbalism was sadly one of them. Wukong did continue to pursue medicinal knowledge after the fact, but his duty as a king and near-god had kept him anchored.
Peaches has lived 18 years with no such anchor. DBK is excited and cautious to see what path he chooses.
I love these guys so much
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"You will be next, Swine!"
Tripitaka accompanied by Sandy was away at the local temple and the monk gave a task for Sophie to get some supplies from the nearest market. Pigsy and Wukong were tasked to help her to carry them back to the temple so they can continue the journey the next morning. This will make sure that things will go smoothly.
After walking thru many and mostly nervous people Sophie realized that Pigsy was gone! Wukong quickly pointed out that the pilgrim was at the local fruit salesman's shop. Unfortunately, it seems that there was an issue so the Monkey King and Sophie were going to investigate. It seems that Pigsy ate a few of the watermelons before paying! After Wukong beats Pigsy for acting so recklessly Sophie offered to pay for the watermelons that the pilgrim ate, but it seems that the salesman wants double the price! Clearly wanting some extra because the damage was made by a pilgrim.
Feeling nervous and obviously overwhelmed after seeing more than a few angry farmer men Sophie asks Wukong what they should do. The Monkey King has always an answer that would definitely help them to get out of this trouble. He always wakes up and chooses violence, after all.
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acoraxia · 9 months
I want more people to make Nü Wa also Wukong’s mom because she also created him in one of the myths and if that’s the route we’re going for no fucking wonder he’s got so many issues
But I also fear that if Season 5 does this they’re all going to go “of course he has mommy issues” like ok he was also groomed, forced to partake in a fight he didn’t even want to do, is actually doing great as a mentor and is a somewhat good role model to Xiaotian and has taught him how to be controlled and capable and is clearly proud of him and has been effectively trying to change as a person
But sure let’s focus on the mommy issues and not the serious aspect of how Nü Wa not only did this again but also is no different from the other people in Heaven who do nothing for the mortals and immortals that have suffered because of their lack of care towards them and only imprison or attack them because they… attack Heaven directly.
Demon Bull King and Sun Wukong hold no grudges because they were victims of a very weird and messed up system; I hope Erlang gets punched in the face by them both
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peony-flowerking7 · 6 months
Duzhe Character Sheet
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Age: 20-24
Height: 5'10
Titles: Big Sib, Insect, Fairy, Little One, Captain, Old friend, gift.
Affiliation: Pigsy's Noodle
Occupations: delivery, cook, support and Mk big sibling
Weapon of choice: Debating
Home: Megapolis
Likes: Mysteries, space, myths and history, their friends, the unknown, make-up and cats anything with cats
Dislikes: letting her emotions control them, hurting Mk, eggplants, shorts, their legs, someone ruining her plan
Family: Pigsy, Tang, Mk
Friends/Allies: Mei, Sandy, Tang, Pigsy, Mk, Monkey King, Mo, Demon Bull Family (even Princess Iron Fan), Nezha, Macaque, Bai He, Jin and Yin, the Two Guardian Lions, Nakazawa, Wang Laoshi.
Enemy: Lady Bone Demon, Mayor, Spider Demons especially Spider Queen.
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Duzhe is a college student with a chance of many dreams, although they unfortunately got way too involved with Mk's problems. They are the support and try their best, she only won one time yet she's proud of it. She works at Pigsy's Noodle with Mk and seems to be a bit responsible although she can slack off a little bit like her brother.
You could say they are the complete opposite of Mk, but that would be a lie. Mk and Duzhe have few similar traits, only thing to differentiate them from people thinking they are twins is that Duzhe has common sense. Duzhe has higher intelligence than Mk, she is very good at problem solving and just as Mk she can create a plan that half of the time can work. They are a big fan of space and wants to one day conquer it, everything about space is inherently more interesting than their life. Though they know their dreams are not reachable. It's the reason why they stook with the same hobbies as Tang except that they likes to expand themselves more on that knowledge.
Can be short-tempered if provoke and hate acting without thinking. She hold and manages their emotions pretty well. Once they do they act without thinking they messed thing up. She can be just as eccentric as Mk but keeps to themselves, they prefer thinking with their head than with their heart. They have trust issues against Macaque yet considers him as a powerful ally. Sometimes when situation are extremely stressful they can freeze up and go unresponsive, they have been getting a better handle on this response as they've been getting use to the adventures. Even so it still happens and Duzhe has no control over it.
They have rivalry with Princess Iron Fan, must be an hubris thing yet both have fought against each other. Their last encounter Princess Iron Fan call it a truce with Mk though that means Duzhe and her are in neutral tones...that doesn't mean they wouldn't fight each other at sight. They are sociable just as much as Mk and can make a friend in seconds, although most of their friends seemed to be more demon than humans. Either way, it's friendship and they care more about that.
Duzhe lacks physical abilities such as fighting or running. Overtime Wukong and Macaque's training have increase Duzhe abilities and have been able to manage their body pretty well, that saying they are getting a bit stronger and might even get stronger. Duzhe also has a fear towards The Mayor after an incident that had happened, she hates remembering that.
There's more to add about Duzhe but only as the story progresses.
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lovelylittlelevity · 4 months
Im very sorry to say that as of 5/29/24 Lovely Little Levity's blog and game has been decided to become a content archive.
this was a team decision, and due to the lack of motivation and health issues (mental and physical) among us, we've come to the conclusion to simply let sleeping dogs lie. While I wish I could say we ended with a bang or something else interesting, it was a simple decision to choose us and our health before LLL.
below are the final statements of those who wished to speak
While I wish I could say I had fun, that was only true intitially. While I understand I made my mistakes, nothing I did gave the free pass some of y'all think you have to stalk me through multiple blogs telling me to kill myself and otherwise harrass me. I really hope I can find the joy of creating with friends again with the other projects I have ongoing. I guess to the people who still want to make "expose" documents/posts about me all I gotta say is: Grow up. Get a life outside of fandom culture. Some of y'all are forgetting what an actual problematic person looks like/have never faced REAL conflict and it shows. EDIT: On @sugaryapplepie I have posted the completed scripts. I had finished Macaque, Wukong, and MK's scripts and each Y/N Route therein. If y'all wanna read 'em, head on over there.
Honestly it was fun at first but after a while it felt more like we have forced ourselves to make it because y'all wouldn't stop rushing us some of the time and kept on asking when the game was going to be finished. But when we released the demo, y'all said it felt forced. So it didn't feel fun anymore. It just became stressful in the end. Honestly the LMK fandom is just a whole disaster to the point so many are just at each other's throat. I just really hope it gets better for all of you.
In all honesty LLL was a mess. Early on we had the Scott issue, and then later more personal issues that slowed work down. Even when we had a pickup on motivation the constant pressure and rude comments were too much. It's not hard to be kind on the fucking internet, the world wont end if you dont click send on that kys message I swear. I could handle it better than the other members of LLL, however it doesn't mean i should have to. Thank you to everyone who was kind in welcoming me and aware of my tone deafness, you are appreciated more than you know.
-xoxo EK
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iimexpensiive · 1 year
This whole channel {✧} is just Wukong vibes; these three {✧} {✧} {✧} are my favs and are him 100% X'D
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totallynotokguys · 2 months
Lego Monkie Kid Rewatch: Season 2
Episode 7, The Shadow Play
I know I'm backtracking a bit, but this episode is just so ripe with angst and reveals such interesting things about Macaque and MK's character.
Before we dive in, I kindly ask you to throw away any notion you have that Macaque's words and opinions about other people is gospel truth. The guy is cool. His SSS (snark, sarcasm, smugness) levels are off the charts. His voice and design drips favourite character. But that doesn't make him right all the time, especially about other people. This simian's perspective on others is flawed. Like, VERY, DEEPLY FLAWED!
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Now that we have that out of the way-
We open up with a very tired and anxious MK. Thanks to a certain SOMEONE, MK is plagued with dread that he isn't strong enough or good enough to be Monkey Kings successor.
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He has also had the pleasure of seeing a hint of the danger to come and does not feel anywhere close to ready to protect his family. So MK has been training non-stop, sacrificing activities and hang outs he usually enjoys to try and be better.
Then in saunters Macaque, steals MK's friends and then proceeds to unload his deepest insecurities in true theater kid fashion.
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MK walks out of the theater with Macaque's tale of abandonment ringing in his ears and calls Mei (who of course does not answer) and says "You guys just left me back there."
Just to be clear- MK's friends are gone and what does he think? That they left him! Also remember what happened in Sleepbug when MK walks into the shop and doesn't see his friends. He immediately says, "They've abandoned me."
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No joke. That's what he thinks. A rational and well adjusted person would see their friends and family not around and think "Oh, they must be doing something else or had other plans."
But not MK! Our dear boy has self confidence issues (as Monkey King pointed out in s1ep1) and part of this lack of confidence manifests as a fear that the people he loves most could grow bored of him, stop caring about him, not see him as worthy anymore of their time. He fears abandonment.
Macaque doesn't see that, though. He sees MK's inaction to find his friends as MK not caring about them. He legit thinks MK didn't even "realise they were missing."
Why did Macaque think this? Why, when he was obviously spying on the kid (you saw that shadow slip by when he was calling Mei too, right?), did his brain jump to 'kid doesn't care about friends.'
Because Macaque is blinded by his own faulty perspective- in which Wukong is a power hungry peach brain who only cares about himself. And he projects that onto MK because he thinks that MK must be just like Wukong.
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(Thus falling into the same trap that nearly everyone else falls into, including MK… That MK is just another Monkey King).
'Wait', you say. 'Faulty perspective? No, Macaque is totally right about Monkey King. He did abandon Macaque in search of more power and was only thinking about himself!'
Ah, I see you failed to throw away your pesky lil notion that Macaque as a cool character and thus must always be right. Here, let me help!
Remember how Macaque describes his story?
"You saw a story about a hero who got handed everything, who didn't have to work for anything? And you thought you were the other guy?"
Did you catch it? The hero got handed everything? Didn't have to work for anything?…
… How many years did Monkey King have to train to learn the 72 transformations and immortality? How many demons and celestials did Monkey King have to fight to gain enough respect for everybody to stop trying to pulverise him and destory his kingdom? How long was the Monkey King stuck inside of a burning cauldron for him to gain his fiery red, golden eyes of truth? How many demons and trials did he have to go through in his journey west to become a better person?
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What about Monkey King's entire life does Macaque think was easy?!
Just because Monkey King is overpowered now does not mean he had it (or even still has it) easy.
Macaque is just so, so bitter against Monkey King that he lets that anger and rage literally overshadow how he sees the rest of the world.
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So yeah. Moral of this story is MK has some serious insecurities towards feeling of worthiness and belonging (no one who feels they belong thinks they have been abandoned at a drop of a hat, this poor kid) and Macaque projects his own insecurities and bitterness onto the world around him.
The way a lantern projects its shadows across a stage. How poetic.
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lmk-oc-competition · 17 days
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Yan Yu Ji belongs to @thesleepingdramaqueen
Lǐ Nà belongs to @violina08
Learn more about them below the cut!
Yan Yu Ji:
She a white monkey demon with light blue eyes, she's an ambivert and limits her trust solely on her closest friends, she's a descendant of the monkey zodiac but is considered an outcast due to the fact that she's a half-human, her mom disapeared during her childhood and her human dad wasn't very present in her life so she has abandonment issues and suffers from small spectrum, she is often being looked down upon by other zodiac families but dosen't really care,she stopped school at 24 due to pressure, she lives in the monkey house with her veterian uncle, retired grandpa,three big brothers and little monkeys, she has a nice job in the noodle shop across pigsy's and tries her best to avoid her few exes ,her power is to bend sand(she is called the sand dancer) and her weapon is a sword called the crystal blade, her story begins when she stumbles upon some of her mom's secret research that could possibly lead to her and when she encounters a certain shadow simian.
Lǐ Nà:
╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮
ೃ⁀➷ __ʙᴀꜱɪᴄ ɪɴꜰᴏʀᴍᴀᴛɪᴏɴ__ ꜰᴜʟʟ ɴᴀᴍᴇ:Lǐ Nà ɴɪᴄᴋɴᴀᴍᴇꜱ / ᴛɪᴛʟᴇꜱ: Flashy ᴀɢᴇ: +20 ᴘʀᴏɴᴏᴜɴꜱ:she/her/herself ꜱᴇxᴜᴀʟɪᴛʏ:Poly/Pan
ೃ⁀➷ __ᴅᴇᴛᴀɪʟꜱ__ ʜᴇɪɢʜᴛ:5'3
ᴀʙɪʟɪᴛɪᴇꜱ: she can cause lighting in every second but that will cost her much of her powers, at first Lǐ Nà is struggling to control her powers but by the time she uses it, she also gets used to the power and in the end she can control it perfectly.
ꜱᴛʀᴇɴɢᴛʜꜱ: she isn‘t weak but not SO strong at the same time. but the flashes she can cause can burn really bad, she’s can be really smart in serious situations but not always.
ᴡᴇᴀᴋɴᴇꜱꜱᴇꜱ:When someone puts her friends in danger or threatening them, but she can’t help them, nor the people she wants to help. She wants to save everyone,||but who saves her.?||
ᴘᴇʀꜱᴏɴᴀʟɪᴛʏ: Lǐ Nà since she was a little child, she’s quite enthusiastic and all fun! But sometimes she can be really emotional! Doesn’t matter what she can always cry, even if she sees some kitties. She acts like a little child, she needed attention, also Lǐ Nà can also range. There may be situations where she wants to kill someone so bad for hurting her loved ones. She’d do everything for them.
ꜰᴇᴀʀꜱ:Thinking that she’s not good enough…Thinking that she can’t save everyone, thinking that her friends may just turn away from her, ignoring her, despite her..She also has a big fear of spiders and insects!
ʟɪᴋᴇꜱ:she absolutely adores animals for example kitties, their silly cute lil faces are just so cute to her! Lollipop is her favourite snavk, she can eat it whenever she’d like. If someone is baking her the chocolate cake she’ll gift the person soooo many things! she’s nice to people who are nice to her!
ᴅɪꜱʟɪᴋᴇꜱ:Spiders/Insects, she also despises sudden loud noises. It also annoys her when people and underestimate her.
ೃ⁀➷ __ʀᴇʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴꜱʜɪᴘꜱ__ ꜰᴀᴍɪʟʏ / ʀᴇʟᴀᴛɪᴠᴇꜱ: she has a mother but she doesn’t know her at all, her name is BeiPan(背叛).
ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅꜱ: The whole town are her friends! but especially MK and Sun Wukong !
ʟᴏᴠᴇʀ(ꜱ)*: none yet! (yet…heheh..)
ᴇɴᴇᴍɪᴇꜱ: The Lady Bone Demon, the bull king family and BeiPan.
ᴀɴʏ ᴇxᴛʀᴀ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴꜱ ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ꜰᴏʀ ᴛʜᴇᴍ?:
• Lǐ Nà likes holding hands or hug! Thats making her feel safe:3!
•A grandma in her village raised her, and her village she was born in was helping her and treated her like treasure
•she isn’t really a fan of apples and bananas, its just not what she would always eat
•She always has lollipops with her
╰── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╯
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ruibaozha · 1 year
Another impromptu post but I do think it’s worth addressing here as well.
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These kinds of comments, and particularly those demanding others to read Journey to the West, are very common in this discourse. However there is a massive glaring issue if your only basis of understanding Nezha is solely from Journey to the West.
Wu Cheng’en had, intentionally or not, severely diminished the strength of Nezha and seems to lack any real understanding of Nezha to begin with. I must also say Nezha’s age is never explicitly mentioned once in the book aside from when Sun Wukong was mocking him in their first encounter if you choose to see that as confirmation. It’s additionally strange to posture the book, written very late in the scope of how long Nezha has existed, as the only Acceptable Canon. There are other problems with this narrative that must be addressed too.
Nezha, and by extension the whole of the Daoist pantheon, does not and has never existed within a vacuum. Deities and religious figures are not static but instead fluid, subject to many changes through history, and it is unreasonable to expect any deity to adhere closely to a singular interpretation of them. Such as choosing Nezha in Journey to the West as the only acceptable form.
In doing so you are actively ignoring centuries of literature and art history in the thousands of years these deities have existed and have been worshipped in favor of pushing your own misinformed narrative.
Can you imagine if someone was going around demanding that how the Greco-Roman gods appear in Homer’s “Iliad” was the only true acceptable canon of them? It sounds silly doesn’t it. So why is it acceptable to push this mentality onto Chinese deities?
It’s extremely tiring to witness so many people treat deities as if they are common fiction characters, and I hope I do not need to make another longer form post addressing this mentality in the near future.
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kitofawriter · 2 months
The end is near! LMK season five episodes 9-10 spoilers below the cut!!
Oooh boy I’m gonna regret watching these right before I have to go be a functional human being with my family.
Mac stepping in last moment when even SWK was at a loss on what to do?!
Mac grabbing MK was a really cool sequence!
Mac’s fighting him to keep him away!!! Also it’s a little hypocritical considering he started this season with the self sacrificing.
“It doesn’t always need to be you!” Mac having some pre journey flashbacks but with a very different reason.
“Who’d you make a deal with?” “A deal?” I’m sensing more Mac backstory next season…
Bite him Mei!!
“If you’re sorry, then you know it’s the wrong thing to do, son!” Pigsy stop tearing my heart out challenge.
“Here goes nothing, make it count” what do you MEAN?!
Mac what did you do!!?
Nezha mech!!
Mei will mess you up!!
SWK tackling MK!!
Sick villain design
“Don’t make me do this” the parallels!!
“No kid, don’t make me” oooh! He’s not holding back now!!
The call backs to the first episode! MK and SWK fight but not like so many people theorized!! I’m screaming!
Is he binding MK to the mountain with the staff like he did DBK?!?!
Monkeys stop self sacrificing challenge
The fillet!!
The voice acting!!!
Everyone getting to be BA!!
“Wukong” Mac, as far as you know MK was the only option here, why are you more worried about SWK?
Lego stop having main characters being basically dead and talking to the most powerful being challenge.
“Did it…did it work?”
He’s so relieved!! MK!
‘I mean they’ll be reincarnated’ that was NOT the deal!!
Last episode here we go!!
“Cause he’s the monkie kid!!” Genuinely a great theme song!!
Chang’e! I was wondering when you’d show up for that shot!
Oh god, I paused on a shot of Pigsy crying. I am not okay.
SWK pleading!!
“There are none in the world strong enough to bear the stones” gestures to MK and his friends.
MK believes too much in his friends to let it end here!!
“It shouldn’t be up to you, and it definitely definitely shouldn’t be up to me!” Honestly I’d trust that choice to MK.
“Even if it all does ends in pain, that pain is ours!”
Hey has anyone read Stromlight Archives? Cause MK and Dalinar should talk.
I’m so proud of my boi!
“Na-uh, I’m the Monkie Kid!”
Monkey MK!!
Catch him!
“I got you!” The voice acting! I’m gonna cry!
Group hug!
Don’t cry MK!!
“Tang, it’s okay”
SWK reaching out to Mac!!!
Conveniently color coordinated stones for the conveniently color coordinated cast
*We’re all in this together from HSM starts playing in the background*
Bai He cameo!
Taking from she-ra’s book and solving everything with the power of rainbow
Mac is yellow from SWK, the shadowpeach shippers are screaming.
Flying bark reference!!
“I don’t wanna loose you”
I’m in tears
Mac with weird chaos powers now? Also Mac searching the underworld for answers??
Nezha helping rebuild Heaven!!
They made a party for MK
Chaos staff! And only Mac noticed?!
Tang speech!!
My only big complaint: Porty MK did not show up.
That was so good! Not sure it topped season 3 (my favorite season) but it was really good!! The Sandy episode is still my favorite just because I love the big blue guy, but it was all really enjoyable! I understand some peoples complaint about the animation, but we went from a S rank studio, there wasn’t any way it was gonna stay that good with a switch. And they kept with a lot of the style really well. (The rigging was a little rough sometimes but I’m sure with time it’ll get better, if not then I’ll be disappointed). Anyway, let MK rest, get him some therapy, tell Mac to communicate because I feel like that’ll be an issue next season, and get all three Monkey’s to stop self sacrificing please.
Now I can go unblock tags!!
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quitealotofsodapop · 2 months
God damn. Like, I can’t even imagine how much that must hurt/sting.
Even though it was, at the time, somewhat incidental on Wukong’s part. Imagine just baring your soul, your true self, your entire being to your significant other, only for them to go: “Ew, gross.” And then run away.
Like, holy shit! No wonder he has trust issues. If that happened to me I’d probably never want to show my face in public again. Let alone try to make friends with others.
I highly doubt Macaque truly understands just how much he hurt Wukong that day. And I honestly don’t know if Wukong could find the words to articulate his feelings even if he wanted to.
But imagine a scenario where Wukong is forced to use his kaiju form for whatever reason. And as he’s wrecking shop, he notices Macaque on the sidelines just scaring at him and his form mesmerized. That would be like a punch in the face and/or gut. Because the first time he entered this form Macaque was terrified and ran away, and now he’s suddenly enamored with it?! Is he serious?!
And it wasn't that Macaque had been disgusted or truly horrified by Wukong's Kaiju - but in the moment he had fled with fear like many of their people. Like if you just saw someone burst into flames. Survival instinct activated before his brain did.
But the damage was done.
And despite how much these two love poetry, they're pretty bad at articulating how they feel to one another.
I feel that Wukong would *only* activate his Kaiju again if there was a threat so big that they needed that intimaidation factor.
Wukong goes full three-headed, six-armed, being made of sunlight on the threat. Looks down and there's Macaque with a look in his eyes... one that Wukong knows well.
Why now!? When his like this!?!
Afterwards some soft words are exchanged.
Macaque: "I had been afraid back then Wukong. I had no idea what had happened when you first transformed. I just... ran." Wukong: "I know. When I saw you and all of the monkeys flee from me I..." (*hides face in knees and arms*) Macaque: "It... in the aftermath of it all, when I realised it was truly you all I could think "By the Gods he's sublime". You turned yourself into a moving sun to fend for your people. And I had... I had run from it. Ran from the deepest manifestation of You. I don't think I could ever apologise for that." Wukong, raises tear-stricken face: "Why didn't you ever tell me?" Macaque, stumbling: "I... I felt like I had no words for it. Even though I threw the worst kind at you under the mountain, I lacked the thought to express how I truly felt afterwards. I guess I forget that not everyone can hear everything. And that even though I could Hear , I hadn't thought to Listen." Wukong: "If... if we were both to transform, right now, would you stay?" Macaque: "I will. On the Enlightened One's name I will stay. I won't run." Wukong: (*silently, his body begins to unfurl into it's Kaiju form. Filling up nearly most of Water Curtain Cave. Each set of red-gold eyes look at Macaque with worry*) Macaque, amazed smile spreading across his face: "Beautiful." Macaque: (*transforms fully into his own smokey kaiju, barely a third the size of Wukong*) (*Both monkeys nuzzle against one another as they would when they were regular sized. Shadow and Light mixing into one another*) Kaiju!Macaque, voice many octaves deeper: "B e a u t i f u l..."
All three of Wukong's Kaiju-form faces blush.
Their sappy rekindling is only interrupted when MK walks in and excitedly declares "MONKEY KING KAIJU!!!!" before transforming into his own - the scruffy, three-tailed, yellow starlight jumping into the middle of the pair like a child demanding a cuddle.
Kaiju Cuddle Pile ensues.
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