#'god i wish that were me (marrying an autistic girl who hates me)'
slotumn · 2 months
The truth that people are too weak to face is that Claude von Riegan would have had a crypto phase in a modern world, and if he was a politician he'd run as either a cringe libertarian or a cringe neolib and also have a podcast. Oh and he's associated with effective altruism/rationalist stuff.
Lysithea would be a STEM autist who is deeply in denial about being autistic because she can't stand other autists, and if she had a social media account she would fucking hate Claude's content and constantly insult him and call him a [REDACTED] scammer. She doesn't even give a shit about the politics part, she's just pissed that he's marketing various technology as something it's not and gets away with it because he's photogenic + good at sounding confident and dodging questions
Somehow Claude successfully ragebaits her into doing a podcast where they debate each other, offline, and when they meet up Lysithea is extremely mad that he is actually that good-looking irl. Claude is just amused + impressed at the amount of anger that can fit inside a rabbit-looking creature like her.
Idk where I was going with this I just want you guys to consider cringe podcast guy Claude x cringe angry STEM autist Lysithea
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misqnon · 2 months
being 14 and stupid is a valid reason. i too was 14 and stupid at one point
i get really jealous when my fav fictional characters get into a relationship (assuming i like them romantically) and so .. best for me to not ship them.. and also best for me to not fall for characters that will get together with someone. loz:totk spoilers but seeing sidon got married actually broke my heart..... i was so sad...
ACTUALLY PHOENIX AND MILES DO HAVE A RIVALRY UR RIGHT.. i dont ALWAYS hate enemies to lovers. but they were friends first.. and then they became friends again. so i think i categorize them differently in my head
kidd becoming king of the pirates sounds pretty impossible to me because.. i fully believe luffy will do it. but i can see how it would happen if like. luffy gets the one piece but doesnt take credit for it or something. i could also kinda see a route where luffy, kidd, and law all reach the end point together
in the world of pirates i guess most can be forgiven. i definitely DO forget abt how awful some characters were so his way of just rewriting them to be nicer ... kinda works..
u might have linked the wrong video bc i dont remember him saying anything about sanji's eyebrow swirl. maybe i wasnt paying enough attention,, i do think i like partially noticed that oda's signature has sanji's eyebrow swirl but ... yeah that is VERY telling
"and i want to beat him to death with hammers . who said that" LMAO i can relate..
AGHH U WORDED IT SO WELL.. "zoro is boisterous." YES HE IS... UR SO RIGHT.. like he has a lot of quieter moments post timeskip but when hes loud hes LOUD,, i watched episode 2 which is the buggy episode (idk if he shows up later or not) but i did Not Hear the fuck... i mustve filtered it out. too used to hearing cuss words..
RIGHT, they did a great job with the casting. trans koby is so good..
"thank you for showing me!! :D" <3 :)
i found out google had a record of a bunch of accounts that used my email with passwords that mightve been compromised. like . i found that a while ago. but i couldnt log into any of the accounts because . well probably because they WERE compromised. and half of it i was just like ... i dont remember this.... im just living my life with probably a million accounts on various websites that have been stolen. actually my og minecraft account from when i was 9 was stolen.. it was heartbreaking.
THAJK U i will enjoy. i will.
gasp . i.. that is very sweet of u to offer, thank u. my music taste is honestly really hard to pin down i think.. from what i have gathered from other people
"some people have said it seemed fake/forced" noo 😭😭. iñaki seems too genuine for that. i fully believe he was actually that excited. i think he just kinda has that awkward... dare i say autistic... energy. so his interactions with people probably seem forced no matter what. i am just speculating though
was it the zosan comic because i had seen that on my own timeline like 5 times already before u reblogged it LOL
genuinely i think its just because i have dissociative amnesia ahjdhs. but i do think its a funny story to tell people... like yeah... i forgot....
my gender evolution has been genderfluid -> cis girl -> genderfluid -> cis girl -> genderfluid -> cis girl -> trans man? -> trans man who uses he/they pronouns -> transmasc -> nonbinary/transmasc (i usually say nonbinary)
and now i am questioning my gender again. the grind never stops 💪🔥🔥
i say im non binary bc i . gave up. like i am so sick of trying to figure it out ... ill just use the biggest umbrella term.
i do remember that guy who keeps showing up on the sbs for his extremely perverted questions about women... and i would actually send in a question for the sbs but I don't know japanese and he doesnt answer questions that arent in japanese. or so i have heard. i could use a translator though so maybe im just making excuses
it IS a bop.. thank u for the context i heart when ppl tell me things so im not confused. i havent seen rupauls drag race.. i did mean to at one point and then i .. forgot about it
OH PERFECT. MAGISTRATE OF SANJI!!! u get to sit in a courtroom full of sanji fans and judge ace attorney style cases
u havent even gotten to the death pact though have you?? LMAO
YES perfect. i agree its probably just cuz oda wants them to be more intimidating but thats not an interesting reason to me .. i want canonical reasoning behind the heights
"bisexuality of man or whatever" is so funny ..
i like dofuwani too but yeah i think they only really interact during marineford?? i think listing out what ships i like would be hard cuz i LIKE a lot of them but dont Care About most of them.. i care about shuggy.. and recently sanuso.. and ofc hanyagellan. i think thats it tbh. im way more likely to care about characters themselves rather than ships.
"im ngl hannyagellan is like a funny joke ship to me but if it becomes one of those crack ships u acciddentally get attached to im gonna be so mad (i wont be mad itll be really funny)" this is pretty much how i feel... like i was joking and i think its turning into . not a joke... i think im starting to be serious.....
i also miss kuina. like she barely appeared but she has such a big impact.... i wish . she. hadnt died. also i think about how her father's last words to her might have been that she can never be the strongest swordsman, because she was born female. i hate that guy... (her dad). i have seen people say her dad killed her or something and i dont like that theory. first of all i dont think her dad is evil like that. i think hes just your regular sexist dad lmao. but also i feel like it cheapens the impact of her death.
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this panel is so good and. like. idk i feel like him realizing that humans are inherently weak is so important to his character.. thats why he protects weak people. because he sees his childhood friend in them. or thats my theory anyways,,
somewhat unrelated but i have always been amazed that people can imagine amvs/animations/stories while listening to music. like my aphantasia isnt that bad but HOW... doesnt the music block out all your thoughts... thats what it does for me...
ur probably right that it really was a gender thing im just.. huffing copium. im coping. i cant handle the reality that he might also be a sexist jerk
i think seeing plays is fun but being part of the production is way more exciting. i love getting to see all the behind the scenes work and like. i like being able to work with my hands a lot. and when i was spotlight for a few shows . that was so exciting. this is kinda lame but i get chills super easily from watching things (idk how else to explain this. chills. goosebumps. because im excited.) so whenever i would watch the shitty high school theatre productions we did i was still like. so proud of all the work that went into it. and i got chills every show. most of the time i didnt get to watch the show though because i was moving things on and off set. watching plays on youtube is so real.. i watched uh.. "natasha, pierre, and the great comet of 1812" on youtube. it was still very fun to watch. but yeah in person will always be better
NO i agree i dont rly think of robin as a mother either. i honestly dont like putting the parent role onto any of the older straw hats.. like why cant they just be cool older friends. an older person and younger person dynamic doesnt always have to be parent and child. i cant find the video but have u seen that video on youtube that has a bunch of sanji mother moments... its so cute..
ateez and stray kids were my favorites!!! not sure how familiar u are with kpop .. slang?? but i was ot8 for ateez (as in i liked everyone) and with stray kids changbin was my favorite. i still love them but they arent my hyperfixation rn. i was into bts when i was uhhh.. 12??
the video u sent seems fun and i will watch it after i finish this!!
*points* zosan liker.. /lh. i have seen quite a bit of themetalhiro but idk if im following them or not!! the other ppl i am not familiar with so yippee new content
i have plenty op thoughts i can share!! im honestly not good at asking questions so i tend to just say things n hope whoever im talking to can jump off whatever i say,,. i try to stay away from anything spoilery ofc but so many of my thoughts r spoilery... which is why i havent been throwing them all at u. and also some (a lot) of them are just .... law centered..... and ... u dont like him like i do... (which is fine ofc) i just dont wanna be annoying JSHRJ
ok this isnt really a theory or anything like that but i keep wanting to tell people about this and i am barely restraining myself so . i will tell u. ace sabo and luffy are called the asl brothers right? and ace... died.. my brothers and i also have the initials asl. or we did. but my deadname starts with an a.... my deadname and ace have something in common (theyre both dead).
thats not really anything but i just find it to be a very interesting coincidence . i like to think about it.
ok heres an actual thought. sorry if it sounds awkward. some of this would be spoilery so i will just not include it but. pirates are all about dreams. they have big, lofty goals that they dont usually tell people about, probably out of shame and embarrassment. in sabaody it is hinted that kidd and killer told people that they were going after the one piece, and they were laughed at for it. not many pirates are like luffy, who proudly proclaims that he will be king of the pirates and find the one piece.
i find it really interesting that crocodile is hinted at having had a dream that was only possible through taking over alabasta. and enel's dream was to get to the "endless varse", even after being defeated he still headed towards his dream. he just ended up going alone. big mom's dream is a utopia where every race can live peacefully together. they all are willing to do awful things for the sake of their dreams.
but again, the difference between luffy and these other people and their dreams is that luffy is not hurting people in the pursuit of his dream. he isnt causing a bunch of people to suffer. in fact, he is doing the opposite. he has continuously been shown to free people from their oppressive rulers, and he crushes the dreams of those who are willing to sacrifice innocent people to achieve their goals.
i dont really have an end point to this but i think that the differences are kind of proof that luffy is going to actually succeed. because he is good at heart. because he doesnt kill people for the sake of his dream. and also i pity the people he defeated. like yeah theyre awful. but i cant help but wonder what crocodile wanted. i cant help but think about what kind of circumstances led them to that point in their life
uhm uhmm yeah... i will think of questions to ask u.. so that u dont have to worry about asking Me questions..
"also p.s. there is never any pressure to watch any of the videos i link it is more for a sourcing purpose unless u actively want to watch them" i watched them anyways!! but i rly appreciate this .. tbh, usually i wont watch something when someone asks me to (pda autism perhaps), but when u say theres no pressure im like "oh. ok. that means i can do whatever i want.." and then i end up watching it most of the time. bc i am curious.
sanji is such a mess... i love that first image what a goofy face . i wish i could send videos through asks cuz i have.. a video from the 4kids dub saved.. that i think is funny... maybe i will send it another way. but alas. i will give u this instead.
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i felt similarly when they almost married off sanji. but i really like pudding too. also hey why the FUCK did they make her 16-!!! (will never not be mad about it. they'd be kinda cute together if she wasnt tbh!!)
yea i assume the theories that are like “buggy will find the one piece first” or “kidd will become pirate king!” all assume luffy will do it in the way that matters. i COULD see the worst gen trio reaching it together but part of me really wants all the strawhats there when luffy finds it 🥺
i absolutely couldve linked the wrong video its been a while since i watched it lmao SORRY U SAT THROUGH A SANJI VIDEO FOR NOTHING
okay but regarding zoro THIS VIDEO IM IN THE MIDDLE OF WATCHING SO I KNOW ITS THE  RIGHT ONE. around 25 minutes in he starts discussing opla zoro’s issues and at 26:12 he brings up a little zoro recipe card that is exactly what we’ve been saying HAHA and dw u didnt miss the fuck its later on in the season.
all these stolen accounts….all around me are familiar faces…worn out places…..
i dont think inaki gives the impression of being autistic but with english being his second language he may just have that slight hesitation of understanding his brain working out the the english (and this is just ME suspecting and i could be totally off base) but especially in the oda video where everything oda says is translated through japanese to english but his first language is spanish kvnkd. i dont mean to imply i think hes bad at english or anything but when ppl say stuff to me in spanish (which i took for a few years) i always have to mega process it in my brain first
“was it the zosan comic” [hangs my head in shame] m..m…..maybe.,
your gender just “i forgor..”
LMAO THE GENDER QUESTIONING GRIND. WE ARE ON IT TOGETHER MY BROTHER. mine was like. cis girl -> demigirl -> still demigirl but casually bc i kept forgetting -> questioning?? -> genderfluid?? or bigender?? is where i currently am at. 
he has mentioned a couple questions as being from overseas, but idk if they were sent in english originally and translated or what. we could Try
so to be fair i have only seen one season of drag race (i think it was 7. the one with kim chi) but i watch trixie and katya a lot so i absorb their knowledge. i really like drag. i kinda wanna try it someday 🧍
“OH PERFECT. MAGISTRATE OF SANJI!!! u get to sit in a courtroom full of sanji fans and judge ace attorney style cases” i literally. feel like i know exactly how this would go.
(for legal reasons (haha get it) this is a joke bc all of these have nuance too them ofc. i think he’s very cool sometimes. but other times he is a LOSER. and . i guess i should give oda credit for like. making him,)
I LIKE SHUGGY. I WOULD LIKE CROSS GUILD AS A POLY SHIP MORE IF IT DIDNT FEEL MEAN WITH HOW OFTEN THEY BEAT UP ON BUGGY AND ALSO BC I THINK BUGGY BELONGS WITH MR. RED HAIR. the dynamic of shanks being desperate and pining over buggy while buggy thinks he hates him/knows but still hates him. is so funny. i love a onesided ship tbh
kuina gives me a lot of feelings. i love her and everything she stood for. and her time with us as the audience was so brief but we remember her too. i like thinking about what she could have been if we got to see her grown up bc she was such an awesome kid. to influence someone like zoro too. and yea koshiro seems generally pretty cool but that was FUCKED UP and im gonna be mad about it forever. i’ve also heard that “falling down the stairs” in japan can be a way of getting around saying it was a suicide and when i first got into the fandom that was compelling to me but now i dont like it bc. she wouldnt have done that. she made her promise with zoro. she was probably feeling more hopeful about her dream than ever. but then…one small accident and she’s gone. it fucks me up :/ it fucked ZORO up. ive never made the connection that thats why he protects weak people…ah . i think to me kuina made a promise, and zoro takes promises very seriously. he’s very blunt in that he takes things at face value and so a promise is an ironclad thing. i dont think hes stupid and cant tell when someone is being deceptive but i think he thinks deception in that way is kind of unhonorable. 
IF I MAY in one of my fics i set aside part of a chapter (titled zoro alone. hehehe atla reference) and wrote this about zoro and kuina. its very simple and doesnt dive deep but i like it 
“Zoro looks up from his walk along the path. Even in the near afternoon sun, the forest and its surroundings are grayish from the fog. Something snaps a twig. He glances over and spots a buck hopping through the forest in the distance. 
Dreams. Ambitions. Drive. Do what that day stole from Kuina. Defeat Dracule Mihawk. Become the world’s greatest swordsman- for both of them. They’re lofty goals- but he can achieve them. There’s no use in doubt or regret. 
He finds himself in the clearing. That same damn clearing from the first night. In fact, if he looks closely, he can still see the imprints of his boots, paced in circles in the dirt. It’s infuriating. This isn’t a good sign for his current navigational endeavors. Nonetheless, he perseveres, heading the way he remembers Sanji to have taken them yesterday.
Kuina. He doesn’t think of her as often as some might think. He doesn’t dwell on the past, only reflects on it. Today he is reflecting. The day he waited for Kuina by the lake, only for Koushirou to come instead. There’s been an accident, he’d said. She’s gone, he’d said. She’d been sick. She’d tripped. She’d fallen down the stairs. 
Zoro remembered how they’d overworked themselves the day before, training together. He had some childish thoughts that day. Impulsive and hurtful. He tried not to have those anymore. He instead wanted to focus on achieving what they had set out for themselves: their promise.”
i am always imagining amvs in my head to music. i make ANIMATICS in my head to music. but do i ever actually make those things….no. i do not
as a sanji liker i am huffing copium everyday. dont worry. dont worry about it. [streteches out my hand] lets take ibuprofen together
i agree actually! theyre a family but not literally. the mothering some of them show is just cute. and um YES OF COURSE ive seen the sanji mother moments video. god esp pre ts he was so damn cute sometimes 😭 im reading ur message and seeing some of ur posts now and i just feel like this 
“u like sanji now dont u rowan”
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i think for ateez my friends favorite is seongwha…and my other friend’s bias in ateez is…i dont remember actually,
I LIKE LAW!!! LAW ME UP!!! IM THE MAGISTRATE AFTER ALL!!!! ksjncdkj no but really he isnt one of my ABSOLUTE FAVS but i really like him!! and after corazon…….law is just very compelling ok. i saved the hawaiian shirt comic to my phone as well btw. 
omg…rip to ace and also ur deadname i suppose…thats kind of funny. 
about ur thoughts on dreams: i…forgot crocodile had a dream beyond alabasta. i thought he just wanted power bc hes sand and its a sand country so it would be perfect for him. plus the poneglyph. now im really curious…i wonder if it relates to his backstory and the possible trans-ness of it? i mean…hm. the poneglyph was weapon related,...idk . croc backstory when…
and ur right about that! luffy is selfish and he’s not a hero but hes also NOT INTERESTED IN BEING NEEDLESSLY TERRIBLE…bc he’s after freedom and what use is it if u destory the freedom of others while searching for it for yourself? undermines your entire goal
i see ur video and i will respond to it shortly but man i DONT KNOW IF I CAN DO IT. HIS 4DUB VOICE PAINS ME PHYSICALLY
speaking of videos. i have a playlist where i put my fav one piece shits. again u do not have to watch any of these. but feel free to peruse
also HERE’S SOMETHING: the other day my friend asked me what i think the one piece is…and having not even reached joyboy/nika shit yet (i shouldnt know about that but alas. spoilers aplenty on the internet) i was freeballing but:
my friend @ liliflower137 had a crack theory that the one piece should be gold roger’s bug collection and with luffy’s love for beetles and the sense of adventure instilled from that i was like. i actually would not be upset at all if that was the case
so i think it might be related to…joyboy/nika/ the SUN…i think maybe its like a. a hat maybe. thats my guess. sun hat. from the original joy boy. its not a good guess but its all i HAVe
also…why do they call him bartolomeo the cannibal. i swear they didnt say anything about him eating people upon introduction. they just call him that. did i miss something. why is bartolomeo called a cannibal and yet when i, big mom, 
to end here’s a good zoro meme for u 
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artistic-writer · 7 years
nosy not so anon
@kmomof4 said she wants all of these...and not anon....she is such a rebel ;)
nosy anons let's go
0: Height: I am 5′10/178cm
1: Age: I am 31
2: Shoe size: UK 9/US 10/ EU 44
3: Do you smoke? Nope never have, never will
4: Do you drink? Yes, mostly Guiness, Ales and Gin <3
5: Do you take drugs? Nope, never have, never will.
6: Age you get mistaken for: Early twenties is most people’s guess.  I often get mistaken for my husband’s daughter lol
7: Have tattoos? yes! I LOVE tattoos. I have eight so far :)
8: Want any tattoos? YES always.  I am currently planning a few Star Wars ones but i just don’t know where to put them.  I have an issues with not being able to see my tattoos, so i only get them on my arms and legs where i can see them.
9: Got any piercings? My parents pierced my ears when i was 9 months old, but i don’t really wear earrings.  I had my eyebrow pierced when i was about 14 and it got ripped out in a hockey match and then i had a scaffold that my body rejected.  Generally, piercing make my skin itch so i prefer tattoos.
10: Want any piercings? Nope.
11: Best friend? My husband <3
12: Relationship status: Married <3
13: Biggest turn ons: Is this a bedroom question? lol  I will go generally in a partner - beards and bellies <3
14: Biggest turn offs: People who spend more time looking at their phones than their partners, people who spend an obscene amount of time and money to “look good” - you are all beautiful exactly how you were created!  Let your natural light shine :)
15: Favorite movie: For as long as I can recall, my favourite movie has been Jurassic Park but i have soooo many!  
16: I’ll love you if...you are kind to animals and other people, regardless of how they treat you.  If you can keep your cool when someone is berating you, you are a bigger person than they will ever be.
17: Someone you miss: I used to have a customer at work who was retired but younger than her husband and so he still worked.  Every day she would come into the coffee shopat 11am and i would sit and have my lunch with her.  She used to tell me all about her days when her husband was in the army, how they met when she was 17 and fell in love back in Ireland, how they lived in Germany and her hobbies.  We discovered she lived really close to me, so my husband and I used to go visit her sometimes, and we took her to Ikea and few times because she couldn’t drive.  She wasn’t feeling well for a while and when she went to the doctors she was told she had cancer, end stage, 3 months to live.  It was all a blur, and happened so fast I couldn’t process all the information i was given about what was happening to my friend.  One day i went into work, after having a week off, and a mutual friend/customer was crying and I asked why and she just said “Ruth died.”  It hit me like a ton of bricks and i had to go out back to cry in the alley way with my colleague.  We all got special permission to have the day off for her funeral and her family consider us as more than just baristas - we knew her for over five years, saw her every day and we were her friends.  I miss her every day at 11am when she doesn’t walk through the door anymore.
18: Most traumatic experience: oh my god.  Because I am most wise, I grew 4 wisdom teeth, but one was causing me a toothache.  I hadn’t been to a dentist for 15 years (coward lol) and so i walked around with a toothache for over 10 months.  Then it got so bad, I HAD to go, and after some xrays I needed it surgically removed at the hospital.  Further scans showed the root was touching a nerve in my face, and despite maxing me out with numbing agent, I could feel everything.  So, like something out of a horror movie, I had a wisdom tooth surgically removed whilst laying back in a chair in a dimly lit hospital room and felt every single thing.  They put my husband in the next room and turned up the radio so he couldnt hear me crying.  The dentist also punched a hole in another tooth, but I’ll be dead before I go to another dentist lol
19: A fact about your personality: I have a very dry wit and sense of humour in RL, but i tone it down online because I can be offensive lol
20: What I hate most about myself: Physcially, my neck. Its so long and gross.  Other than that, i hate the way my anxiety can rule my life sometimes :(
21: What I love most about myself: I have a great ass ;)
22: What I want to be when I get older: I just want to be as happy as I am now :)
23: My relationship with my sibling(s): I have a better relationship with my brothers than my sister, but we are all adults so live apart now and don’t see each other much.  I am not really fussed about this fact as i have always been the outcast in my family lol  Strange fact: I am on the autistic spectrum and have an issue with being touched, but there is absolutely NOBODY who makes my skin burn like my sister.  Bless her heart, she has done nothing, but I only hug her once a year, at Christmas.  
24: My relationship with my parent(s): My parents divorced when i was 7 and so i haven't spoken to my dad since then and i drifted apart from my mum.  Eventually, i moved in with my grandparents when i was 9 and they raised me
25: My idea of a perfect date: Steak and blowjobs! ;)
26: My biggest pet peeves: people who disrespect the elderly makes my blood boil.
27: A description of the girl/boy I like: Well, my husband is a bearded man with a belly and glorious chest hair :p
28: A description of the person I dislike the most: I don’t really dislike many people - i try to see the good in everyone and treat others how i would want to be treated, regardless of how they engage with me.
29: A reason I’ve lied to a friend: Umm...I can’t lie lol.  And I don’t have many friends lol
30: What I hate the most about work/school: The hours. I work from 6:15-6:30 every day which means, including travel, my day lasts from 5am-7:30pm.  When you only sleep 4-5 hours a night, that doesnt leave much room for anything else 
31: What my last text message says: received: “Dog sitter needed 28th of this month...any chance?” sent: “How wide is your hotdog hallway now?” (lol my sister had a baby last night!)
32: What words upset me the most: I was previously in an abusive relationship (emotional and physical) and some of the things he said to me to manipulate my anxiety still make me question what i ever saw in him to this day, or why i didn’t notice what he was doing.
33: What words make me feel the best about myself: Until i met my husband, nobody had ever told me i was pretty.  and now he tells me all the time.  We have also never gone to bed without saying ‘i love you’ in over a decade <3
34: What I find attractive in women: Legs. omg legs.  I am a leg person lol.
35: What I find attractive in men: Beards and bellies ;)  And I have a thing for ears...
36: Where I would like to live: Somewhere remote, where no one can find me lol
37: One of my insecurities: (editing this in! Thanks @rouhn ) Probably that my husband will find someone he likes more than me :(
38: My childhood career choice: I always  wanted to be a vet, and then i had to have my first pet put to sleep and my vet cried with me, and I realized that i couldn’t do that to other people.
39: My favorite ice cream flavor: Mint choc chip. I will fight you.
40: Who I wish I could be: I don’t want to be anyone else ;)
41: Where I want to be right now: Nowhere else but at home, with a cup of tea and writing.
42: The last thing I ate: Crumpets for breakfast <3
43: Sexiest person that comes to my mind immediately: my husband...because, well. he is to me.  
44: A random fact about anything: I have something called Chromesthesia, which is a type of Synesthesia so you can ask me about that if you like :D
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