honey-minded-hivemind · 7 months
Platonic Yandere duo rouge and Gambit and child that's from the future reader who's their future child
Ooooooo! Thank you, @surpiseadoption ! Okay, now that's a gold nugget! Let's see what I can do:
As members of the X-Men, strange was as normal to them as the sky being blue or Magneto showing up and causing trouble. Still, some things happened to surprise them, just... nothing like this before-
"Mama! Papa! You look younger! Oh! Hi Uncle Wolvie!" shouts a child, no older than six, who waves at them with the brightest smile and bright pink eyes. And suddenly their world became a lot weirder.
It turns out that this child is from the future. Their future. And is their child. It's shocking, not just because Rogue hasn't hasn't able to touch people due to her powers. How... how did she and the swamp rat get together? For Gambit, well... this petit is quite cute, and is a sure sign he and Rogue were made for each other. They both know (in a sixth sense sort of way) that they like each other. That they want to give it a try. But the fact they had a kid...
They didn't exactly think that far yet.
The child is sweet, running up to everyone and hugging their legs, asking to tag along with them (and following following anyways even if they said no), just doing their best to stay by them, talking about the smallest things to the gossip they overheard from the others and pulling them into games when they can... Yet it's kinda weird having a kid who insists they're married and in love-
"Sugah, why are ya tryin' ta give Gambit a kiss?"
"Cause you said if we gave him kisses, he'd turn into a prince, instead of a frog thief."
"... Uh-huh..."
"It's like that frog from the movie!"
"Well, he certainly IS as slimy as one..."
It's kinda cute, having a little tot trailing them. It's less funny when they set their clothes on fire with their powers.
"Petit, how'd ya daw this taw yaself?!"
"I got your splosions! 'M likea fireworwk!"
"Gambit's gonna be likea a dead man if he don't put ya out... Wait, get back here, bébé!"
Some of their teammates find it endearing, having a tyke running around. Wolverine and Storm especially like them, as they keep getting them involved in their schemes. Those schemes being to get the two of them together.
"Why'd ya say ya needed me in the kitchen, honey?"
"Cause I'm hungry, and yous make good food."
"Then why's he here?"
"He makes good food, too!"
"Just make the kid something ta eat, or they'll start to pickpocket everyone until they find something," Logan snorts, but pats Reader on the head before leaving.
"...Ya taught 'em ta pickpocket?"
"Yaw didn't?"
"No, I learned-ed it from Uncle Toawd!"
"...We need ta get ya better friends, sugah..."
"... Gambit agrees..."
They end up keeping Reader with one of them at all times, once they realize they don't have the best control of their power. Making explosions of light and energy isn't good if you're a six-year-old who falls every five minutes. They've lost count of how many times they've had to pick them up from the floor or grab them so so don't fall down the stairs. How did they ever manage to keep their- this child alive?!
Their problem comes when they disappear one day.
They woke up, hoping to find Reader sleeping with one of them, only to find their beds empty, with no giggling child waiting to hug them good morning. Their worry only grew as their friends and team couldn't find the kid, even the Professor using Cerebro and Wolverine using his senses couldn't find the kid... Their kid...
And when did it get to that? That that was THEIR kid? It hurts, that they're gone, likely back to their time...
But they DID do something...
They brought the two of them together.
And in a few years... maybe they'll be able to bring their kid into the world.... And this time... They aren't going to lose them. Their kid brought them together, and once they've gotten their bebe, they're going going be the best parents they can. That's their mon petit bébé, and they'll be d*mned if anything gets in the way of them coming back.
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mandareeboo · 3 years
Did you watch Kid Cosmic and the Intergalactic Truck Stop yet?
I just finished!!! That was one heckuva ending, huh?
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