#'hmmm.... I'll have to get this that and this done...... i hope i can rely on your help again!'
nexus-nebulae · 4 months
turns out the "neurotypicals never ask for anything directly" problem does in fact extend to video games. got stuck in animal crossing for three days bc i didn't realise tom nook was asking me for help with something
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bluejayblueskies · 8 months
20 questions for fic writers
thank you @three-magpies-in-a-trenchcoat for the tag!
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 
130 (more if you count my side accounts and anonymous fics)
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 
958,861 (so close to a million,,,)
3. What fandoms do you write for? 
Right now, primarily Malevolent, but I've written for TMA a lot in the past as well. I also have some ideas for RQG fic since I've been relistening to that podcast!
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
The Cube Rule of Food Identification (TMA)
Just Married (Voltron)
it will be this, always (TMA)
a six-step process (TMA)
ten thousand flowers in spring (TMA) (i had no idea this had jumped to spot number 5!!!)
5. Do you respond to comments?
I used to, and I still want to, but I always feel like I need to have something to say more than "thank you so much!" and I get stuck in the paralysis of what to say and then forget to respond at all 😅 but if people ask me a direct question, I will usually answer it!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? 
Hmmm. I write a lot of angst, but I trend towards happy endings rather than unhappy endings, so that's tough.
Oh! So this is on my side account for Malevolent, but The Curation and Preservation of Arthur Lester is probably the closest thing I have to a fic with an angsty ending (that is, it ends very badly for Arthur). Maybe on a more emotionally angsty side, as the pendulum swings? I think that fic generally has an ambiguous/hopeful ending, but only in terms of "they are no longer trapped in the time loop;" all the effects of the loop still remain, consciously or not.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? 
Also a hard question, mostly because I tend to write endings that are a bit.... not open-ended, but more "this isn't 100% resolved but it will be in the future and the steps are there but that's a journey the characters have to take on their own." That said, I think By Virtue of Divine Providence is probably my most straightforward happy ending, where "they lived happily ever after for all eternity" is the general vibe.
8. Do you get hate on fics? 
Not that I know of, though I'm sure it's happened at some point somewhere. Nothing to my face though (yet).
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? 
I do! I typically either write a) sex scenes that fit into the context of a longer fic as a plot point, which tend to be pretty straightforward "sex happened and it was emotional and significant for both people involved" or b) kinky and/or dead dove one-shots that usually get posted on side accounts or anonymously. (Mostly because my bookbinding imprint is tied to this username, and I like to maintain a sort of separation in case anyone IRL comes looking.)
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? 
I'm not a big crossover person, reading or writing. I think I maybe wrote a superwholock crossover when I was 14-15? But that's about it.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? 
I sure hope not!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? 
Not that I know of, though people have done podfics or bookbinds of my fics before!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? 
No, but I'd love to try it some day!
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? 
100% jonmartin; I'll probably never be over them.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? 
I have an unfinished TMA longfic, Seen, Unseen, Unsung that I have fully outlined but will very likely never finish writing.
16. What are your writing strengths? 
I think I'm good at internal monologues (ie letting the character ramble for a bit), emotional beats (particularly angsty ones), and writing dialogue that sounds like something the character in question would say.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? 
I'm so bad at writing romance (and yet I keep trying 😅). Established romance? Fine, okay, I can do that. Budding romance? I have absolutely no idea and rely pretty much entirely on tropes I've seen in other fics or books/TV shows/movies/etc.. Also, I feel that I struggle a bit with transitions between scenes that aren't hard scene break cuts.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? 
If I do, I usually do something along the lines of, "He said in Spanish, 'Don't go over there!'" for ease of reading and because my translations would probably be horrible.
19. First fandom you wrote for? 
Probably Supernatural.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Hands-down whiskey old fashioned sour. It's such a fun world to play in, and I really enjoyed writing all the little newspaper/extra tidbits for it, and I have many more ideas swirling around in my brain for it. By Virtue of Divine Providence is a close second though.
I'll go ahead and tag @shadow0haven, @organchordsandlightning, @captaincravatthecapricious, @splitting-infinities, and anybody else who's interested!
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paleparearchive · 3 months
The True Intention I Want to Know
Giotto's initial 4★ story (1/3) ( 1 - 2 - 3 )
Location: museum hallway (night) ; atelier 2 (night) ; kitchen (morning) | Characters: Giotto, Raffaello, Kuroda, Watteau, Rubens, Aoi/MC
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Aoi: (Phew… I finally got my work done… Right before the date changes…)
(... As expected, there is no one in the studio anymore at this hour, right…? But I'll take a look just in case someone is pushing themselves too hard.)
Aoi: (Is that over there... Giotto-san?)
Giotto: Should I make it a bit brighter here? No, if I did that, it'd make it hard to balance with this one… Maybe I needa make this one darker… Hmmm… No, no good.
Aoi: (He seems to be concentrating, I shouldn't talk to him.)
Giotto: … Young lady? What's wrong? Need somethin' from me?
Aoi: No, I just came to check if anyone was still in the atelier. I apologize for interrupting your concentration.
Giotto: Nah, I just needed a break. That's our deputy director for ya. Ya know your timing.
Aoi: No, it's just… it's just a coincidence. Still, it's quite late, so don't push yourself too hard.
Giotto: Uh…? You're right. I didn't know it was that time already. Thanks for worryin' 'bout me. But you've also been workin' 'til this late, haven't ya, young lady?
Aoi: Aaaaah… Ahaha. I got a little too focused. Then I realized that it was late…
Giotto: Young lady… I heard from the others that you've been workin' late a lot lately, right? Arentcha the one who's pushin' herself too hard?
Aoi: Yes, it's true that I've been very busy these days… But it's a pleasant pain. We're getting more and more customers and that has caused a lot of paperwork to pile up.
Giotto: Gotcha. It's true that there's a lot of activity these days.
Aoi: That's right! So I wanted to make this museum even more successful.
Giotto: So, during the day, ya work out in the open as the curator, and after the museum closes, ya do administrative work.
Aoi: Exactly. I used to be able to do paperwork in between... But now, it is indeed difficult.
Giotto: I see. If it's 'bout dealin' with customers, I think I can handle it to some extent. I'll tell the others 'bout it next time. Maybe Rubens'd be willin' to help?
Aoi: Huuh!? But that would be bad and…!
Giotto: Not at all. Ya ain't the only one who wanna make this museum more successful. However, I ain't very good at paperwork... So can ya work on that one?
Aoi: Fufu… Alright, thank you very much. Well then, I'll ask you next time.
Giotto: Yeah. I'll talk to everyone 'bout it tomorrow right away.
Aoi: That would be a great help. Ah, and Giotto-san, if you also have any difficulties or worries, please let me know. I'll be happy to assist you in any way I can!
Giotto: I don't have any. Ya should give the others more attention.
Aoi: (Giotto-san, who has no complaints… That's amazing. But I hope he isn't holding it in, right? Even if I get worried, he dodges the question…)
(I wish I could create an environment where Mr. Giotto could be more vulnerable, even if only a little…)
Kuroda: So you want to create an environment where Giotto can be more vulnerable, right?
Aoi: Giotto-san is very reliable and always helpful. But I was talking to him and I thought, is there anyone Giotto-san can rely on…
Raffaello: Indeed, I also consult with Giotto-san from time to time… but he never asks me for advice.
Aoi: That's right… I really wish he would talk to me about it, but he always dodges it. I was wondering if you could give me some ideas on what to do–
Watteau: I heard everythin'!
Aoi: Huh!? Watteau-kun, and Rubens-san as well!?
Watteau: If there's one environment where Giotto-san can be vulnerable, it's that one!
Rubens: Deputy-chan, leave it to us!
Aoi: (What is "that one"...? Could it be the usual…?)
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duhhhr · 2 years
wow! I'm back tumblr!
went to work this morning.. it's tuesday so i thought it's going to be quiet.... oh hell no. i hate it when people are ordering something with lots of changes in the original menu... also if they order something different and not the usual breakfast meal.. meals such us grilled chicken wrap, blt, steak sandwich and ceasar salad.. hnggggg i hate it! why can't they just order breaky special and egg bacon roll? 😋 but i'm really glad that my poached eggs are improving.. hehe.
so there is this person who was formerly working in that cafe as well. i like him, not romantically yet or i don't know. i just admire him for being stern with his decision. i like people who knows what they want and are good in decision making coz i'm not. also the owners kept on telling stories about him so he's been in my mind like everyday! not a single day that they didn't mention his name. 🙄 not to show loyalty or something but since we are both filipino, and i am really concerned coz it feels like we are talking about him on his back. i am telling him some stories that the owners told me about him. hmmm it kind of feel unfair for him and kasi haha i should have heared those stories directly from him but instead it's the owners who told me. so yeah we've been talking for some time now... i am the kind of person kasi na will say talaga how i feel and then regret it afterwards huhu. so kasi.. i was kind of really flirty rin hnggggg my bad. i'll behave na from now on.
also there is this turkish guy who's been wanting to meet me for i don't know how long na. i finally agreed on meeting him again coz the last scheduled date has been canceled. okayyy i don't know i still don't feel like meeting him eh pero maybe i have to atleast try and whatever happens i guess it's fine coz i'll get to see him personally and know him personally naman.
anyway, i lost some kilos nga pala. most probably kasi wala si ate dito. sometimes i only eat once a day.. yeah not a healthy habit. i just want to go back with my previous weight ☹️ hopefully i can reach it this March. my lowest was 54 but it's fine if i don't achieve that right away. i'm just hoping for atleast a 60kgs.
also yeah sometimes i feeeel sad and lonely. it's my fault rin naman coz sometimes i feel like isolating myself. it's really unfair to my friends... i know and i feel sorry. ☹️ i miss them but i don't want them to think na i am just making paramdam coz i need some comfort or something. there are friends who understands me naman specially julia 🥺 i super miss her. i miss my friends in philippines. i know i said i am not gonna visit philippines yet until i get my pr visa. but i think i will next year hehe coz my former work friends are organizing our get together travel. also i am planning on getting a boob job din kasi this december or january next year hngggg
speaking of, i will be needing money for that boob job so i have to really be cautious on my spendings hayyyy i am so magastos my goodnesss.. i have to stop relying on uber! it is where most of my money goes. hngggg i am not really a morning person kasi so it is really a miracle that i am working in a cafe. but yeahhhh.. i have to save money for it. i have been really dreaming of having that done for a really really long time.
what else should i kwento pa ba?
maybe tomorrow naman.. i gotta sleep pa coz i have a practical class tomorrow.
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ga-yuu · 3 years
~Sweet Punishment~ Yoritomo Route
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(I know I already did the summary of this, but I just couldn't resist when I see Yoritomo.)
The trees, dyed bright red and yellow, sway their leaves in the autumn breeze.
On this day, I was with Kagetoki-san and others, gathered in the hall by order of Yoritomo-sama.
Yoritomo: "Okay, everyone is here. I'm going to ask you a straightforward question. What does autumn mean to you?"
Yuno: "Autumn?"
Yoritomo: "That's right. Anything you can think of, I want to hear your thoughts."
(Autumn, huh? Let's see...)
Kagetoki: "Well... If I had to pick, I'd say reading. I love reading in the long autumn nights."
Tamamo: "I'm all for the food, of course. Sweet potatoes, mushrooms, persimmons, chestnuts, pears...the list goes on and on."
Yoritomo: "Chestnuts are good, indeed."
Yuno: "It would be fun to go chestnut picking together!" (Yuno is sooooooooooo cute.)
Shigehira: "Woah woah, don't deviate from the main topic."
(Oh, I shouldn't.)
I hurriedly kept my mouth shut, and my eyes met Shigehira-kun's.
Shigehira: "Is there something you want to do, Yuno-san?"
Yuno: "Hmmm.... I think I'll go for the plants. There are many medicinal plants that can only be found in autumn."
Yoritomo: "That's just like you. But none of them are the answers I'm looking for."
Morinaga: "Then, what does autumn mean to you, Yoritomo-sama?"
Yoritomo: "Training."
Tamamo: "It’s going to be a sweaty autumn then! I'm surprised to hear you say this,..... but what are you up to?"
Morinaga: "It's not too hot or too cold, so it's a good time to get moving."
Yoritomo: "Isn't it? So we'll have a martial arts tournament."
The air in the hall seemed to tighten at the sound of his dignified voice.
Yoritomo: " Of course, we’re not doing this just for fun. The purpose is to strengthen the martial arts skills of the entire army. The winner is determined by a winner-takes-all competition, and the last one standing is rewarded with rice."
Tamamo: "Rice..... I'll have chestnut, of course, but sweet potatoes are very good, too."
Yoritomo: "What are you trying to win? Anyway, this time, you all will be working behind the scenes. You too, Tamamo. Kagetoki and Tamamo, you will assist me in running the whole thing. Shigehira and Morinaga were entrusted with guiding the participants in their training."
Kagetoki, Shigehira, Morinaga: "Yes!"
Tamamo: "What, no rice for me? Well, we'll have a party later, won't we? Let's hope there will be some good food there."
Kagetoki: "It's more motivating to have a friendly competition than to just to train."
Morinaga: "It's like a festival, right? I can't take part, but it gets my blood pumping."
Yoritomo: "Isn’t it? It's time like these that we need these events."
(I guess that's why we're here now because we don't know when the war will break out.)
(....In his own way, Yoritomo-sama is thinking of his subordinates when he makes this proposal.)
(I also want to help.)
Yuno: "Yoritomo-sama, I also want to help."
Yoritomo: "You can. But you wouldn't listen to me anyway, will you?"
Yuno: "Yes, I'll do my best."
(Then I'll have to get more herbs than usual.)
(Oh, and I think I need a spared bandage. And ......)
As I quickly thought about my preparations, I felt someone pinching my cheek.
Yuno: "Yoritomo-sama?"
Yoritomo: "Geez, you're always like this. When it comes to working, that's all you see."
Yuno: "I don't want to hear that from Yoritomo-sama. Even Yoritomo-sama, works day and night....."
Suddenly I felt some gazes on me.
The next thing we knew, everyone's warm eyes were on us.
(I shouldn't! They're all here.)
Tamamo: "They are fighting like couple and that they only have eyes for each other and their work....I'd say, but Yoritomo did it on purpose, didn't he?"
Yoritomo: "Yeah, because she looks cute when she fights back."
Yuno(blushing): "!"
(I've been teased..... How embarrassing....)
Shigehira: "Please do those things when you both are alone."
Morinaga: "I think we're done here, so we'll leave you to your business."
Kagetoki: "Please feel free to go crazy."
Everyone left, leaving me and Yoritomo-sama in the hall.
Yoritomo: "Hey, Yuno."
Yuno: "Hm?....Oh."
My arms were drawn and I lean on Yoritomo-sama.
My heart began to beat faster and faster at the thought of being in a place where I didn't know who could see me.
Yuno: "No. Not here."
Yoritomo: "It's all right, there's no one here at the moment. More importantly.....I'll ask you to help with the first aid necessities. I'd let you do it, but on one condition."
Yuno: "Condition?"
Yoritomo: "Yeah."
The sound of Yoritomo-sama's breathing gently tickles my ear....
Yoritomo: "Don't overdo and if you need anything, just ask. If you don't, I'll make sure you get what you deserve."
Yuno: ".......!"
Provocative words flow into my ears makes my heart beat even more wildly.
(it's Yoritomo-sama, so he's not going to go easy on me.)
(But, what is that punishment?)
A moment later, both hands were grabbed and put together, and restrained with one hand.
Yuno: "Eh----Hmm."
Without hesitation, my lips were sealed and my eyes widen in surprise.
I tried to escape, but he held me by the back of the head, and the kiss became more and more deeper.
Yuno: "Mmm.....Ha...ah."
I was struggling for air, but the kissing never stops.....
As I was finally released, I started to breathe.
Yuno: "Yoritomo...sama?"
Yoritomo: "It's not bad to show people that you're mine."
(You mean, if I break my promise, he'll do this to me in public?)
Yuno(blushing): "Please don't do that...."
Yoritomo(smiling): "That's up to you. If you understand, don't overwork."
Yuno: "....Yes."
(Because it's Yoritomo-sama, I'll definitely do it.)
(But I have to be careful about this.)
Then a few days later.
I was treating the injured soldiers while Morinaga-san and Shigehira-kun were in charge of the training.
Tamamo was also present since he had some free time.
Yuno: "This is the end of the treatment of your injuries. Good luck with your training."
Soldier: " Thank you!"
As I was smiling at everyone's enthusiasm, I heard the sound of hurried footsteps.
Retainer: "Yuno-san are you here? I'd like to talk to you about the medicine you're preparing."
Yuno: "Yes, I'll be there soon."
I informed Morinaga-san and the others and hurried to leave the room----
Yuno: "Oh!?"
I bumped into someone at the entrance.
Yuno: "So-Sorry---"
???: "Are you okay?"
(Ah, that voice.)
Yoritomo(smiling): "Don't be in such a hurry."
Yuno: “Yoritomo-sama!”
I bow my head, a little relieved that the person I bumped into was someone I was in love with.
Yuno: “Sorry, I was in a hurry.”
Yoritomo: “As long as, you don’t hurt yourself, its fine. You seem to be very busy, is there anything you need help with?”
(Although Yoritomo-sama told me to rely on him.)
Preparations for the martial arts tournament had begun and Yoritomo-sama was busier than ever.
First of all, this is a job that I volunteered to help with.
(I can’t let Yoritomo-sama get me and I can still do my best.)
Yuno: “No. I am doing fine. Excuse me, I’m in a hurry.”
I acted brightly as I could and left the place.
Yoritomo(smiling): “........Geez.”
Yoritomo sees off Yuno’s back, proudly as if he is amazed.
Then, Tamamo and Morinaga who was watching them, comes by.
Morinaga: “Yuno has been working really hard lately, right?”
Tamamo: “She running all over the place more than ever.”
Morinaga: “Thanks to her, everyone’s spirits are up. They don’t even mind getting injured now that there is a cute girl to take care of them.”
Yoritomo: “I see.”
Tamamo: “Aren’t you jealous? You never know when some random man will come and challenge you for her.”
Yoritomo: “Her heart already belongs to me. If a man comes and challenges me, I won’t let him take her away from me.”
Morinaga: “As expected, you seem very confident.”
Tamamo: “..............”
That night----
As I was preparing the medicine in my room before going to sleep, Tamamo came to see me.
Tamamo: “You are still working?”
Yuno: “Yes, just little more for tomorrow.”
Tamamo: “No way. You look very tired. Don’t push your limit. So that’s why.....”
Tamamo, smiles wistfully and claps his hands---
The next moment, he quickly turned into a cute little fox.
Yuno: “Eh, why did you change your form?”
Tamamo: “Touching me, who is super cute and furry, has a great soothing effect. Go on, fluff yourself to your heart’s content.”
As if to give everything away, Tamamo rolls over on his stomach. 
(Tamamo’s belly, looks soft and fluffy!)
The tempting offer makes my heart flutter, but the face of my Yoritomo-sama comes to my mind.
(Yoritomo-sama told me to rely on him.)
I feel guilty, but I can’t resist my greed. .....
I put Tamamo on my lap and boldly buried my face in her belly.
(This is....!)
Yuno(blushing): “Mo..Mofumofu...!”
Tamamo: “Isn’t it?”
(Hmmmm, this is going to be a habit.)
It’s the best touch I can imagine and I’ll just get hooked----
Yoritomo: “Yuno, I’m coming in.”
Before I could reply, Yoritomo-sama opened the doors and entered my room.
Yoritomo: “........”  (Okay, so let me try reading Yoritomo’s mind:*pictures regular Tamamo and Yuno resting her face on his belly*)
Our eyes meet and we stopped moving for a moment.
(What should I do? I can’t believe that Yoritomo-sama saw me like this....)
Tamamo: “It’s a crime to interrupt the time of lovers. Good night~” (You LITTLE BITCH!)
Yuno: “Wait!”
Tamamo jumped of my lap and left the room.
Yoritomo(angry): “........” (mind reading: “I told her that she could rely on me and yet she went to Tamamo. But they’re just friends and I know Yuno would never cheat on me. But still she went to HIM instead of me. Looks like she’s really wants to get punished. You’re such a sly, you know.”)
Yuno: “I sorry. I’m really sorry.”
(He’s angry. He is really angry. I can feel it.)
The awkwardness in the air makes me look down.
 I clenched my fingertips in preparation for my punishment and was lightly popped when he flicked my forehead.
Yuno: “Eh...”
Yoritomo: “As I expected. It’s already late, finish your work and go to bed. If you don’t, then I’ll change your clothes and take you to bed.”
Yuno: “No need. I’m in bed! Already!”
Yoritomo: “Good.”
(I wonder if he would say something.)
(But,,,,you were so worried about me that you went out of your way to see how I was doing...)
Although I feel a little uncomfortable with the overly gentle attitude. But that was soon overridden by the joy that came from Yoritomo-sama’s thoughtfulness.
Finally, the day of the tournament arrived.
(Okay, let’s do our best.)
Yuno: “Thank you for your hard work!”
Soldiers: “Eh....”
When I went to the waiting area of the first-aid team, I got a strange look from everyone.
Soldier: “Yuno-san, why are you here?”
Yuno: “Huh? What do you mean?”
Yoritomo(fake smile): “Ah, Yuno. I didn’t know you were here.”
At the appearance of Yoritomo-sama, all his men straighten their postures in unison.
Yoritomo(smiling): “I’m hoping you’ll join me in keeping an eye on everyone’s progress. As a reward for all the hard work you’ve done today, will you come and watch the game with me?”
Soldier: “Yes, leave the work to us!”
Yuno: “Er, well...”
Yoritomo: “Well, let’s go then.”
While I was hesitating, he immediately pulled my hand.
We were shown to our seats, which were the best seats in the venue, giving a view of the entire arena.
(Is is going to be okay?)
He makes me sit down on the tatami mat, and I somewhat started to feel nervous.
Then Yoritomo-sama, who was sitting next to me, leaned close to me.
Yoritomo: “It cold today. Let me make sure, you don’t get cold.”
A knee cover was placed softly across my lap and Yoritomo-sama’s.
Yuno: “Thank you.”
Yoritomo: “It’s nothing to be thankful for. ....but it’s still a bit cold. Would it be warmer if I did this?”
Yuno; “!”
He hugs me around the waist and I leaned lightly on Yoritomo-sama.
At that moment, a buzz spread around us.
Yuno(blushing): “Yo-Yoritomo-sama?”
Yoritomo(smiling): “You’re very warm.”
(Yes, it’s warmer than before.)
As you can see, I’m embarrassed, so I try to speak up.
Maid 1: “Yoritomo-sama is so kind, isn’t he?”
Maid 2: “Yeahhh, I’m jealous.”
I hurriedly closed my mouth, when heard the jealous comments one after another.
(Somehow, we are just keep getting a lot of attention.)
(In this situation, I can’t say ‘let go’, can I?)
Yuno(blushing): “Mm, Yoritomo-sama is also warm.”
I smiled awkwardly and snuggled up to Yoritomo-sama quietly.
(I feel like, Yoritomo-sama....is little scary.)
(The other night was a bit of a let down, maybe there’s more to it?)
When I was suspicious of his overly gently manner, our hands came together under the blanket.
Yoritomo(smiling): “Your fingertips are getting warmer.”
With a warm, sunny voice, the tips of the finger rub together.
His gaze is filled with deep compassion....
(How can I doubt this kindness.)
When I thought about it, Morinaga, the referee, appeared at the game.
Morinaga: “Then, let’s start the first game, both teams come forward!”
The match starts-----
I was completely absorbed into the series of heated battles.
(Wow! That attack was very fast.)
As I leaned forward to watch the game, I felt a smooth stroke on the back of my hand.
Yoritomo: “This could go either way.”
Our fingers entwined and squeezed.
(What is  going on here?)
When I smiled back, Yoritomo-sama happily brought his lips to my ears.
Yoritomo: “Who do you think will win?”
Yuno: “Ah....Well...”
My back trembles when he deliberately sighed near my ear.
I ducked quickly, but the hands on my hips prevented me from moving.
Yoritomo(evil smile): “Oh, that was a brilliant one, right? Everyone is doing well, because of the training. How wonderful.”
Yuno(blushing): “Mm.....”
I can’t reply well, because he kept whispering to me near my ear and it felt ticklish.
(Is he teasing me?)
Yoritomo: “The next game is about to start.”
Yuno(blushing): “Oh! re-really.”
(Thank god, it stopped.)
I breathed a sigh of relief and I felt a hand on my thigh.
I looked at the owner of the hand and he couldn’t have been more full of himself.
Yuno(blushing): “------!?”
Yoritomo-sama’s hand slid easily down my inner thigh, and I flinched at the strange power.
Yuno(blushing): “Wai...Wait...”
Yoritomo(evil smile): “Hm? Did you say something?”
Yuno(blushing): “No, What’s the matter with you?”
Yoritomo(evil smile): “You said you are too embarrassed to do this in public. It’s not a problem, if it’s hidden under the blanket, right?” (Geez, if Yoritomo had one of those small vibrators, he would have not shown any mercy.)
Yoritomo: "It's not bad to show people that you're mine."
---------FLASHBACK ENDS-------
(Although it’s hidden.)
I still think it’s too mean to bea simple teasing.
(Is this how he intends to punish me?)
(I wonder if he was still angry with me for because of that Tamamo incident.)
The moment I tried to open my mouth to apologize.
The hand that had been caressing my thigh, crept inside, splitting the gaps in my kimono.
Yuno(blushing): “!? A......”
I bite my lips in panic as he stroked my bare skin.
Yoritomo(evil smile): “Everyone is crazy about the game right now....If you raise your cute voice, they’ll notice you.”
(No doubt! You are still angry about the other day.)
I bring my face closer to his ear and whispered lightly.
Yuno(blushing): “I’m truly....very sorry. I’m reflecting on it, so please....”
Yoritomo(evil smile): “No, not yet. You’re too stubborn, so I won’t let you go that easily.”
Yuno(blushing): “Mm, ah.”
The tips of his fingers lightly scratched my inner thighs, causing me to gasp uncontrollably.
At the same time, cheers go up.
Apparently, the game is in full swing.
(But now, I can’t focus on the game.)
Yuno(blush): “Mm....oh.....”
A soft numbness runs up my back as my ear is bitten sweetly. 
Further more, when his hand moved between my legs, I quickly tried to stop it.
Yoritomo(evil smile): “You’re pretty resistance. But how long can you hold up?”
Yuno(blushing): “Ah.....not there....oh.”
(No matter how crazy everyone is about the game, no more....!)
Yuno(blushing): “Okay, I understand. I’ll take the punishment but at least take me to your room....!”
With tears in my eyes, I pleaded and finally his hands stopped.
Yoritomo(evil smile): “I’ll take that word for now. The rest will be in my room, okay...?”
Premium END  // Epilogue
This story event is in short the scenario of what will happen if Yuno and Yoritomo go to movie theatre. Anyways, I’ll only be doing Yoritomo’s route because I love him and then I’ll take a break until the next story event. Also I’ll be posting the collection events time to time when I feel like it.
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caranfindel · 5 years
Recap/review 14.19: “Jack in the Box”
THEN: Eh, you know all this. Oh, wait, here's something interesting - a reminder that Naomi was overcome by the Empty slime. Which reminds me of my theory that Naomi and/or Duma might actually be the Empty Entity. Hmmm. Oh, and also, all the Jack stuff.
NOW: There's a bunch of hunters in the bunker, drining beer and looking at pictures of Mary and her stuff on the map table. Including the picture Sam burned. Well, I'm glad it wasn't the only copy. And whatever these rings and calipers are that are always on the map table, apparently they're permanent, because they weren't removed for this little memorial display. Also, John's journal is part of the display, and I know they gave it to Mary to read, but still, it's John's. This bothers me.
So, are these surviving AU hunters? If not, that means the Winchesters have opened the bunker up to every hunter they know (and revealed its location to everyone they know), which is... not what I would have done. TFW makes an entrance (why were they not in there with their guests) and Dean thanks them for coming and makes a little speech but I'm finding it real hard to concentrate on Dean right now because LOOK AT SAM'S SHIRT. LOOK AT IT. It's CLOSE-FITTING and it's NOT PLAID and whatever awful things this episode does (and my completely unspoiled prediction is that IT WILL DO AWFUL THINGS), we at least got this.
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I strongly suspect this is actually Jared's shirt.
Dean informs the gathered that they missed the pyre, sorry. And he mentions that some of them fought Michael with her in the other world so they ARE AU hunters! Or at least some of them! Well, that's good to know. Sam doesn't have to feel personally responsible for killing everyone who came over, just a handful. Including the only one who had a name, and probably that guy who called him Chief (sob), but some of them remain. Anyway. Dean gives his eulogy (and Sam's not the only worth a second look in this scene, because Dean looks pretty amazing as well) and they drink beer and then an AXE FLIES IN OUT OF NOWHERE, SLOWLY AND AWKWARDLY SPIRALING INTO A HUNTER'S HEAD. People seem surprised, but it's the mild kind of surprise you'd get if he threw his beer at somebody, not if an axe suddenly appeared embedded in his head. The thrower of the axe walks in - it's New Bobby. WELL.
Title card! Bobby informs me that it was a hatchet, not an axe, and he wants it back. (Sidebar: It literally never occurred to me to think about the difference between a hatchet and an axe until earlier this week when I was listening to a murder podcast that specified someone was killed with one, not the other.) He also tell us that the "hunter" was actually a wraith "from a nest your mom and I busted up" and SEE, GUYS? This is why you don't invite people to the bunker. Now a bunch of wraiths probably know where it is. And we know the warding is a joke. Cas thinks Mary would have appreciated a monster at her memorial. I don't think Cas knows Mary very well but whatever.
Bobby asks Sam how he and "the other one" are doing, and we watch Dean pack up Mary's belongings (including John's journal? that's going away?) and Sam says he "seems to be doing okay" which is, of course, how they operate. No one asks how Bobby's doing, even though he had a relationship with Mary too (and over the course of her life probably spent as much time with her as Sam did, when you come right down to it), but Bobby says he's not into public displays of grief anyway, and Dean is probably the same (which is true, except for when it's very very not true).
Sam suggests they drink the scotch Ketch left (and I wonder if this means Ketch came for the memorial, and left some scotch, or if he's referring to a bottle from a previous season that somehow remained through all those events that really would have called for some serious scotch-drinking) and talk about Mom. Dean points out that they have been talking about Mom and stalks out and leaves Sam sad.
Sam and Bobby and Cas settle for beer instead, and Dean walks in just as Bobby asks "what exactly happened to her, cause I'm hearing, the kid." Oh, that's interesting that they wouldn't have given him the whole story. Or maybe it's not. Maybe it makes sense that they'd keep things vague, tell everyone she "died on a hunt." Dean needs a drink, but not in the bunker. Sam tells him they need to talk about Jack, and he says "we will" and quickly makes his escape. Bobby and Cas have this funny exchange.
I liked the kid. We fought together. But there's only way this ends.
Bobby's right. We have to find Jack and help him.
Hee! Cas feels Jack might not realize what he did was wrong, and Bobby astutely points out that if he didn't realize it was wrong, that's kind of a big problem, because if Kelly's influence has been burned away, that means Lucifer is all that's left. Bobby means to hunt him down. "An unstoppable monster who don't know right from wrong gets put down." Um, Bobby, let's consider the unstoppable part of that declaration. (Also, should someone point out to Bobby that Jack accidentally killed someone even back when he did have a soul? Probably not.)
Cut to Jack, who is still? again? at an abandoned warehouse or factory or something. He's remembering what he did, and wishing his mother was there to tell him what to do. Oh, she's not here, but Hallucidad is. He tells Jack that the Winchesters don't care about him, he was just a pet and a weapon, and again, it hurts knowing that this is Jack's subconscious saying these things. Jack thinks he can explain and apologize, and if that's so, Jack, then why didn't you do that when they caught you raising Mary's not-corpse? No, says Hallucifer, they hate you.
Cut to Dean, sitting outside somewhere in the dark, crying.
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This is not okay. I mean, it is, but it's not.
Heaven. (yawn.) Cas again tells Duma that he wants to see Naomi, and again she denies him. It turns out Naomi is in "a very small cell" because Heaven was invaded under her watch. I didn't think they had enough spare angels around to lock one up just because they don't think she's a good leader. She might be a great follower. (Yeah, probably not.) Cas tells her he needs help looking for Jack, who has burned through his soul and is no longer being protected by the Winchesters. Hmmm, she says, this is very useful information to have. Internally. Out loud, she tells Cas she'll see what she can do, which he of course takes as an offer to help. Oh, Cas.
Bunker. Sam's working at his computer when Dean comes back. Sam's wearing a different shirt. I don't know if that means it's the next day, or just that he changed out of his nice funeral shirt. He asks Dean how he's doing, but Dean ignores that and asks what Sam's doing.
Trying to find Jack. We've gotta find him before Bobby and his crew, because if they find him first -
He's gonna kill them all.
... I don't know.
Oh, Sam, you DO know. You are obviously concerned about Bobby et al killing Jack, not the other way around. And it breaks my heart. Sam also wants to talk about Mary and the fact that they don't have to rely on faith to know Mary's in Heaven, because they personally know Heaven and angels are real. Dicks, but real. He says Mary's in a great place, with John, because again we're forgetting or denying what we know about Heaven. Dean, the eternal ray of sunshine, points out that there wasn't enough of Mary left to bring back to life even if they wanted to.
Back to Jack, who has a surprise visitor. It's Duma! Oh, cool, she's helping Cas find him, just like she said she would! Ha ha ha nope. (Sidebar: How did Duma find him, and why doesn't Cas have the same ability? Discuss.) He remembers her from his trip to Heaven that one time he died. She tells him Mary's death wasn't his fault, and he deserves redemption after his mistake, because he has "a glorious destiny." She tells him Heaven has fallen apart since God left, and no one gives them the respect they deserve, but Jack, YOU can save Heaven and make the world better and wouldn't that make Sam and Dean happy? Their first stop on the Make The World Better Tour is to turn a famous God denier into a pillar of salt. Oh, irony. (Also, he's safe from ghosts now, so. Bonus?)
Bunker. Cas is telling the Winchesters that Heaven promised to "make every effort" to find Jack. Which 1) isn't exactly what we saw happening, unless you're naive enough to think "I'll see what I can do" means "I'll make every effort", and b) even if that is what Duma said, as Dean points out, "Oh, Heaven promised? Great, well we should take that to the bank." But Cas thinks Heaven has as much reason to want to find Jack as they do. Which is true. But doesn't mean they're going to turn him over to you, Cassie.
Coincidentally, Sam has just read about Professor Pillar of Salt. "Why does that sound familiar?" Dean asks. You know, I don't know the Bible very well. If a particular event didn't show up in "Jesus Christ Superstar" or "The Ten Commandments," I'm not likely to be familiar with it. And yet I know about Lot's wife turning into a pillar of salt. And I've never been to Heaven or met an angel. So.
Cas explains the story and says no ordinary angel could turn a human into salt. Sam reads another story about a dishonest televangelist (yeah, I know, that's redundant) who had a crevice open in the ground under her and swallow her up, and again Dean's not familiar with the story, but this time I'm not either. But Cas knows it's from the book of Numbers. Allegedly, only Jack or Chuck himself could perform these acts.
Heaven. Duma tells Jack he's doing excellent work, and he can help bring Heaven back to its previous glory.
Sam and Dean will like that?
Words can't begin to express how Sam and Dean will feel.
So let's talk about what's going on here. I appreciate that they're framing this as Jack trying to get back into Sam and Dean's good graces. In fact, I'm a little hopeful at this point. If Jack-who-is-being-used-by-Heaven is the Big Bad, doesn't that mean stopping the Big Bad could just mean they rescue him from Duma's manipulation? Maybe? (Yeah, I know. But a girl can dream.)
Anyway. Duma's next task for Jack is to create more angels. She tells him he can't make them out of thin air, but if a human is "predisposed" to it, he might be able to forge them into an angel. Oooooh, this opens up some chilling possibilities about who could be turned into an angel. But it turns out he's not going after anybody named Winchester. He's just sitting on the throne "where your grandfather received prayers" (and where your father sat) and listening to prayers. (Sidebar: Why hasn't Sam tried to communicate with Jack by praying to him? Discuss.)
For whatever reason, he hones in on one particular group of worshippers who are about to discuss the book of Samuel (hee!) with Pastor Ames. Jack zaps into the room, asks if they meant it when they said they wanted to go to Heaven, and shows them his wings. Sold! Pastor Ames missing that demonstration, so when he comes in and calls Jack a liar, Jack hits him with another Biblical curse: "he was eaten by worms and breathed his last." Pastor Ames falls to the ground with worms popping out of him everywhere, and Jack and his future angels disappear.
Hospital. Guys, look at the suits! Have they ever worn such narrow pants? What is going on here? Someone new in the wardrobe department?
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Mama like.
Agents Kilmister, Clark, and Taylor (hee) are visiting bandaged-up Pastor Ames, who identifies a photo of Jack. They leave, and Cas recites the relevant verse and Sam says, surprised, "so you think this is another Bible thing?" AS IF THAT WASN'T WHY THEY'RE HERE IN THE FIRST PLACE, and as they leave, we see that Pastor Ames is not over his worm infestation after all.
Back at the bunker, Dean tells Sam that he didn't want it to come to this, but they have no choice. Come to what? What's behind the door in room 5B? It's the thing we all knew was coming - the box! (And if you didn't see it coming, the title of this episode clearly gave it away, which is why I consider titles of unaired episodes to be spoilers.) Sam, who is clearly not behind this plan in any way shape or form, points out that they don't have the ability to force Jack into the box, and he won't go in there of his own free will.
But he might. He might if he only has to stay in there long enough for us to finish the spell to fix his soul.
Spell? What spell? There is no spell.
*We* know that.
Oh, no, this is not good, and Sam already hates it.
... So, you want to lie to him.
No, I mean, I *want* Zeppelin to get back together. But what I *need*, what *we* need, is to stop Jack. Big difference. But here's the deal; we both gotta sign off on it. This might be our only shot, and if he even catches a whiff that this is a scam, he's off into the wind.
Exactly. Now, how do you think he's not gonna know something's up?
Because you're gonna be so damn sincere -
Me? Why me?
Because you've always been in his corner. You're his go-to guy. Sam, if you reach out, he'll come. If I do it, after what happened to Mom, I could lose him. I *will* lose him.
Oh no, no, no, Sam is SO not on board with this plan. Because the worst thing that could happen is that it doesn't work, and the second worst thing is that it does work. Dean is so calmly insistent, and Sam is so unhappy, and his FACE when Dean tells him HE will be sincere is just killing me, and no matter what I think about this episode or or this entire story arc, I love what the guys are doing with this scene.
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Maybe it's just me, but I'm finding a silver lining here.
Sam sits down at the library table and begins praying to Jack, which doesn't answer my question of why they haven't already tried communicating with him that way. In fact, it makes me ask it harder. He tells him that they're family, and bad things happen in families but they want to get through it, they want to be like they were before. Jack hears Sam's prayer as he assembles his future angels. Meanwhile, Cas has barged his way into Heaven to rescue Jack, having figured out that Heaven has no mercy and angels do bad things, and Cas? How is this POSSIBLY news to you? Duma threatens to end Mary and John's happy little afterlife together (Is this confirmation that they really are sharing a Heaven, even though his name isn't on the door? Maybe. Do I accept it? Not necessarily) so Cas stabs her. Well. We're down to, what, ten angels now? He calls for Jack, but Jack's already gone, having just appeared in the bunker.
Jack tells Sam and Dean he's been working with Heaven, and "if it helps, I regret it... the accident."
Again, the guys do a beautiful job with this scene. Even if it's an awful, awful scene, they're acting the hell out of it. Sam is as anxious as he was when he was trapped in a cell with Jack the day he was born, the way his hands twitch when he gets up from the table and circles behind Dean, and then carefully places himself between Dean and Jack, and how he physically reacts when Jack steps closer, and they're both keeping their distance and moving so carefully, and then there's the way Dean is practically unblinking and is very obviously working SO HARD not to spontaneously combust, staying practically motionless and keeping his voice even, although anyone could tell he's absolutely BOILING under the surface from the look on his face and his tone of voice every time he says the accident. All of this is amazing.
But yeah, it is also an awful scene. Because Jack isn't guilty or apologetic at all. He's actually kind of smug about working with Heaven and making angels, and very condescending about regretting "the accident," and I just don't think he would be there. I think he would tell them how sorry he was, and that he tried to fix it, and basically everything he said to Hallucifer. He wouldn't say "I knew you'd understand" when they tell him they forgive him. His blind self-assurance would make sense if it came at the end of a 2- or 3-episode arc, where Duma had spent more than a day telling him how awesome he was. So while I love Sam and Dean in this scene, love them to pieces, Jack is just... ugh. Beyond OOC. Moving on. Dean tells Jack they're working on a way to fix his soul, and they want to keep him safe (from having another ACCIDENT) in the meanwhile. Sam oh-so-tentatively puts a hand on Jack's shoulder and dear GOD he is so afraid and I LOVE IT.
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Again, quite a silver lining to this dark little raincloud.
They take him to the room with the magic box, which Dean claims is "actually pretty comfortable." Dean stays still and Sam fidgets and Jack says "okay" and climbs into the box. "How long before I can come out?" he asks. Sam is more and more fidgety as he says "not too long," and Dean is like stretched rubber band about to snap as he holds himself back from slamming the lid down. "Jack, we got this," Sam lies. "Okay," Jack says again, and he lies down and they didn't even put a pillow in the damn box, why does he think this is okay, why does he think they're working in his best interest if they didn't even give him a damn pillow? Dean shuts the lid and rushes to close the locks and Sam hates this, hates it so much.
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Shhh. Don't even listen. Just turn the sound down and enjoy the pretty, pretty angst.
Alone in the box, Jack calls to the Winchesters, but they're already shutting the door to room 5B. They move to the kitchen to finish off Ketch's scotch and talk about the future.
So what do we do now? Just go on, with Jack locked up in there forever?
We have to.
I don't know if I can do that.
Dean ignores Sam's shaky voice and decides to talk about the scotch and sure, we all recognize this is Dean's way of coping. Pretend it's not happening, pretend it doesn't bother him. Because I have to think that, no matter how much he wants revenge against Jack, he understands that being locked in that box forever is still a horrible fate. (A fate Dean was willing to accept, but still.) Sam, meanwhile, needs to talk, just like he needed to talk about Mary.
You know, I never thought it would end like this, with Jack.
Sammy, we knew from the beginning it was a long shot with him.
Yeah. Yeah. But, long shots are kind of our thing.
So let's talk about Sam's guilt. His beautiful, beautiful guilt. Not only over tricking someone he loves into being locked up in a box forever, but for bringing Jack into their lives in the first place. And yet. Jack has always been unstoppable, hasn't he? So if Sam hadn't opened his humongous heart and taken him in, he would have been out there alone. No one teaching him how to use and control his powers, no one keeping him away from Lucifer. He would have been an unstoppable enemy instead of an unpredictable ally. Sam did the right thing, even though it ended bad. Because it was always going to end bad.
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Have I mentioned that I could watch an entire episode that was just Dean drinking?
Back in room 5B, Jack's starting to panic, and still calling for Sam and Dean. They don't show up, but Hallucifer does (oh god, I want to see Sam find out he basically locked Jack in that box with Lucifer) and informs Jack he's been played.
In the kitchen, Cas arrives with the news that Duma has been manipulating Jack, and they really need to find him. The guys are all, oh, whoops, forgot to call you, he's here, locked in the box.
Jack gets glowy eyes and tries to break out of the box, but nothing happens.
Cas is horrified that the guys still plan to keep Jack in the box, even knowing his latest acts were due to being manipulated. Sam says "That's the problem. If he's that easily manipulated, he's too dangerous to be out of the box." Oh, no he doesn't. Instead, Dean says "He agreed to it." Yes, in much the same way Sam agreed to be Gadreel's vessel. You keep telling yourself that, Dean. In fact, Dean is trying to claim that deep down, Jack knows it's best. Oh, no, no you don't. Cas points out that Dean manipulated Jack as much as Duma did.
(Sidebar: I'm convinced that Sam would be able to forgive Jack. Because of his endless capacity for forgiveness, and because he sees himself as being in Jack's shoes at a different point in his life. Dean, on the other hand, would not. Because Dean is a normal human being when it comes to forgiveness, and because Dean puts loyalty to family above everything else.)
Box. Jack tries harder. Lucifer laughs. The box glows.
Kitchen. The arguing is interrupted by an earth-shattering kaboom. Things fall off shelves. The red emergency lights and klaxon come on. TFW leaps up and runs to room 5B. The room is a smoke-filled wreck and a figure with glowing gold eyes is walking out of the red-tinged smoke. "Jack," Sam gasps.
Duh duh duuuuuhhhh! Next week, Cas makes Dean write I knew a nephilim was more powerful than its angel parent but I assumed the box would be stronger than Jack anyway 100 times on the blackboard.
Okay, the bad happened, as we all figured it would. But let's talk about the good. Jack's not locked in the box forever. That's a relief - it would have been a very unsatisfactory conclusion. And the guys looked extraordinary. And there was so much emotion, both the tightly-controlled type, and the worn-on-his-sleeve type, and I love them both. Honestly, considering what happened in this one, and who wrote it, it was a lot better than I expected. A lot better than it could have been. (Will I go read your reactions now and see that every single one of you disagrees with me? Quite possibly.)
Next week is the next-to-last "Carry On Wayward Son."
Please help me stay unspoiled, thanks!
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namelessarcher · 7 years
JENN, OUR LORD N SAVIOR, I GOT CHU FAM. So Emiya. Bc blog name. UHHH. And like, ProtoArt. Hmmm, and Gil //shot because we all know you're trash, babe. Anyways, thank you n may, mostly you tho, we all know ya dragged may into this hell, for blessing us with ya writing skeellzz and spreading the FGO virus. love ya lots. Stay warm and I'll see you soon Jenn (((:
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So this is the last one of the winter requests, but I hope everyone had a great holiday season and celebrated it with the people you care about. I know not everyone celebrates Christmas, so I apologize to everyone who was subjected to the Christmas related asks, but I hope you had a good holiday season celebrating the holidays that you celebrate! (: - mod Jenn
Emiya has a feast prepared for you, a full on feast.
Of course, he knows it’s a dinner between just you and him, but he’s made enough to last for a few meals because leftovers are always delicious. 
He knows that you have other Archer class servants to rely on for missions while he’s off preparing, so he’s going to do his best to prepare this while asking for the others to help.
Once you’re back home from the daily missions, he asks you to get washed up, comfy, and he finishes preparing dinner.
After you’re done he’ll just slowly bring you over to the dinner table, and he already knows you’re going to be overwhelmed, but once he sees the appreciation and gratefulness in your eyes he knows this was all worth it. 
You’ll get to savor everything and take your time eating dinner, because it isn’t just the food that you enjoy, but the company as well.
Prototype Arthur
Arthur is honestly nervous, dear god help him. He can cook, let’s not get that wrong.
But damn, tonight was just not going his way. Besides the cake that was decorated and sitting neatly in the fridge, the rest of the dishes he wanted to make just weren’t going his way.
He should have known better to have attempted to be a fancy five star chef.
But he couldn’t help it, he wanted to spoil you. His Christmas gift to you this morning was a matching jacket designed to match his hoodie, but damn he couldn’t help but want to spoil you even more.
Yet even when he thinks he failed dinner, when he sees the surprise on your expression and the thankfulness, and of course your appreciation as your expression lit up from each dish, he’s glad it worked out well.
Gilgamesh goes above beyond spoiling and lavishing you when it comes to holiday celebrations like these.
But he opts for a more private celebration as he knows how tired you are after the sudden call for a mission.
And although you hadn’t asked for him to accompany you for once, he has a soothing scented bath prepared for you when you come back.
You’re tired, you’re barely resting up now, and although he wants to celebrate with you, he knows the harshness of working too much or overexerting yourself, so he spends the remainder of the night letting you cuddle up to him as you tell him about your day.
But don’t be surprised when he gently claims your lips as his and slips a ring around your finger.
Yes, that’s his Christmas gift to you, and no he swears it’s not a proposal.
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