#'idunno sound' + have fun do whatever you want
wyvnspng · 4 months
Mum said it’s my turn on the writing.
Ty to my good friend @cleminthewriter for beta reading
Also posted to ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/56113669
Theo pulled his jacket closer to his body in hopes of warming himself up ever so slightly. Predictably, the soaked fabric did little to fend off the cold.
He eyed his best friend, Archie, who was stumbling around, the single umbrella that was supposed to be shared between them both was protecting them from the rain.
“..so they bring around their dog, which was massive! A uh- Idunno the breed, but it was fluffy and white. Anyway, they get the dog to uh, I guess to intimidate us? But the dog was a total sweetheart, we got to pet it.” He finished, and laughed. Theo laughed alongside them.
“Bet Jess found that to be great fun? You should invite her over sometime, I heard she’s learning how to play the piano.” Theo added, glancing at his friend's shoes, which were soaked with mud from where they’d jumped into all the puddles they’d come across.
Archie, expectedly, agreed. They always enjoyed the opportunity to hang out with his two favourite people (both his sister and his best friend!)
Theo shivered at both the cold and the uncomfortable sensation of being soaked by the rain. Luckily, they weren’t too far from their shared apartment, which was probably the biggest reason why they weren’t asking Archie to share the umbrella. He looked down the dark street, illuminated only by the dull light from whatever street lights were still working. It was an eerie sight, and made him want to hurry his pace slightly.
He didn’t, though, because then he’d be leaving Archie behind. He brushed off the mild fear he felt and remained by their side. Archie had run out of things to talk about, and the atmosphere had fallen into a calm silence, which was only broken by the sound of the rain, the buzzing of streetlights, and their own footsteps.
They walked together for a while, enjoying the simple silence, the long day out having sapped them of their energy. Theo was excited to get home and change into some clean and dry clothes before curling up into the warmth of his bed and drifting off into a cosy slumber.
His thoughts were interrupted by a dull crash and a groan, which came from the street obscured by the corner of a building. Archie also noticed, judging by how their head turned toward the sound. Thankfully, he didn’t say anything.
Peeking around the building, Theo managed to make out a familiar face. Curious, he made his way over, and offered a hand so they could get off of the floor.
“Alex! It’s been a while! How’ve you been?” He greeted his old acquaintance, who accepted the hand and got up from where they had clearly slipped and fallen over. Archie approached the two, also curious about what’s going on.
“Oh uh-“ They nervously looked off to the side. “It really has been, huh? It’s been good I suppose- I’ve been quite busy these days.” Theo glanced to the side, where Alex kept looking, and could briefly make out some weird lights that disappeared as soon as his brain registered them. He must be more tired than he thought.
Looking back at Alex, he could hear Archie speak up from behind him. “Oh yeah! I saw your wanted poster!” They giggled, and Alex looked at them nervously. “What’d you do anyway? I never took you to be the type to break the law and evade arrest!”
Alex lowered their head, and nervously fiddled with the corner of their wet jacket. “Oh, not much, just- yknow- the usual.” Theo did, infact, not know. However, he did know that Alex was acting very out of character here. They’d done lots of weird and potentially dangerous stuff back in highschool, a lot of which Theo had been there to witness, and they had never acted this nervous. They must have done something really bad.
Archie didn’t pick up on this, and continued. “Wow! Did you steal something?” Alex opened their mouth to reply, but Archie gasped and added more on before they could. “Did you kill someone? I didn’t think you’d have it in you to do something like that!”
Immediately, Alex did not look as nervous. “What? Why would I kill someone?” Archie just shrugged in response.
“You never know with this stuff! Even the nicest people can kill if they find a reason!” Alex just frowned.
“Well, I didn’t kill anyone.” They glanced to the side again, and wiped down their front, as if trying to get rid of the water.
Archie opened their mouth to say something, but Theo cut him off before they unintentionally caused offence. “Is everything alright? You aren’t, like, starving on the streets or anything, right?” Alex just shrugged.
“I’m doing alright. It’s sort of complicated, I guess.” They took a few steps backward. “Speaking of, I should get going. I have stuff to do.” Alex didn’t wait for a response before sprinting down the street.
Theo briefly considered running after them, but decided against it. Whatever they were doing, it was probably best that they stayed out of it, lest their faces also end up on wanted posters.
A quiet thump, followed by some louder scratching sounds, came from the alley that Alex had been staring at, causing both Theo and Archie to flinch. Theo, being braver than Archie, made his way over and lit the alley up with the small flashlight he carried around. There was nothing of interest in the alley, except for large scratches that went up the wall.
Theo shivered, and Archie let out a shaky breath from behind him. There was definitely something in here, and whatever it was is gone. Whether that’s a good or bad thing is something only time will tell.
Still a little shaken up, Theo and Archie make their way back to their shared apartment as fast as possible. It’s only when they’ve returned home, and Theo is taking a warm shower, does he think back to that alley and consider that Alex was aware that something was in it.
Theo can only hope that whatever that thing was won’t hurt Alex.
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technodromes · 7 months
Morty fidgets with the box in his hands. He has picked a paper with punk decorations to wrap it, thinking that it would be fitting his friend's tastes, but now he's starting to wonder if he should have picked something less...flashy. He's never been too good with gifts. He does his best to make them as thoughtful as possible, but that's not always enough. He has sort of made peace with it, yet he can't help being anxious in this particular occasion. Bebop and Rocksteady are the first cool people who have openly welcomed him in their gang and he wants to impress them. Well, stalling won't help him. So, he takes in a deep, calming breath and approaches the mutant. "Uh, h-hey, I mean...Hi," he stutters out, mentally cringing. Great, he's already making a fool of himself. "S-So, Rocksteady mentioned that today would be your birthday an-and...I thought that I should get you, uh, something." And with that, he hands out the gifts. Under the paper there's a slick, dark purple box, a little casket holding a collection of selected music albums. They are shaped like small, flat squares and they are obviously not from Earth. "Y-You can listen to them with...well, everything. J-Just set it on whatever device you want to use. T-The thing will attach itself to it an-and...then use the device as you'll normally do." He rubs the back of his neck with a nervous smile. "T-They are...it's alien music, b-but it's basically all rock, punk and similar. I-I hope you'll like it. H-Happy birthday!" [[ Morty for Bebop's bday! || Sorry for the delay, I ended up working super late yesterday x.x ]] @countlessrealities
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[Beedeedledee’s Birthday]
[🎸]   Rocksteady gifted Bebop a vintage set of punk badges earlier which he's already wearing proudly all over his red vest. And, after days of constant begging, Krang finally improved Bebop's arcade station with another bunch of 'brainless' games, as the Utrom would call them. (However, Krang also installed a device into the arcade that might be more than the Mutant bargained for, but that would be subject to another day).
Shredder on the other hand would organize a bunch of Foot Soldiers to leave a huge pile of pizza boxes in the Mutant's abode. It is the Ninja Master's way of making sure the 'giant baby' would stay quiet for a while instead of pestering him all day about going to a funfair for his birthday like every year.
And so, Bebop is stuffing another rolled-up piece of pizza into his snout before turning a curious gaze at Morthy. He didn't really expect any visitors, let alone more gifts. His pointy ears perk up in excitement and he yanks the box out of Morty's hands. "Woah, youse even brought me somethin'? Lemme see what'cha got!" The excitement of getting a gift wrapped in rad-looking papers is overpowering the urge to poke fun at Morty for acting like a shy schoolgirl, despite it lying on the top of the mutant's tongue.
Upon discovering the weird flat squares, Bebop tilts his head in confusion. But Morty's explanation quickly shifts his mood into pure joy again.
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"You mean like N'-sho-v? Damn Morty, we listened to that in one of those weird spaceships. Idunno where they came from, but that sound was fuckin' rad. Rock an' I named our dinosaur after it. That's remindin' me, YOU still need a gang name too, because 'Morty' ain't it! Youse know what? I go get Rock an' then we listen these babies together! Maybe we find somethin' that's fittin' you!"
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dirtyoldmanhole · 1 year
so while it is true that you cannot "technically" support gunter in revelation ...
you can, however, wander over thisaway ~
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oho, what's this?
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anyway, let's talk gunter's C support, shall we ~
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(under a cut for length of the post/images. mostly meta!)
fun fact: did you know if you're looking at past support logs in a different route, your avatar name will update to whatever is your current name? (Corrin is so much her own person / personality it didn't make sense to do "krad" there, tbh.)
anyway, in the slowburn fic, this hits right before Fort Jinya.
(it should be said i'm not writing 1:1 supports or scenes, that'd be boring as hell. but sharp eyes are going to grin and know exactly what scenes I'm riffing off of, vibe-wise.)
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there's a shippy headcanon for reasons(tm) I have of him avoiding Corrin after they come back from the bottomless canyon the first time. (tl;dr chemistry and denial lul~~~)
but even disregarding that, it's kind of cute that corrin goes to check on him, and evidentially keeps an eye on him. ;_____;
they keep talking about memories; ime it's also really well done/relevant that so many of their scenes are about that reoccuring theme, when you consider what a big deal "memory" is to Corrin, and what she's been robbed of.
Gunter: It's seen better days, but it's still in pretty good condition, don't you think? Corrin: It really is; I'm impressed. I didn't realize that you'd kept it after all this time.
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Gunter: We played so many games of catch with it. Corrin: It really does stir up all those old memories. Gunter: How does a round of catch sound to you? For old times' sake. Corrin: I'd love to! Gunter: Excellent. I have a few tasks to deal with today, but we'll play sometime soon? Corrin: I look forward to it.
(god, gunter, you are so sentimental and it's feelsy as hell ;___; how the hell did he manage to keep that ball with him all the while falling down the literal bottomless canyon? )
it wasn't until i started writing Corrin's horrific mind wipe ordeal(s) that i started realizing Gunter was kind of a fucking genius for starting their whole game of catch. I'll go into this more in the B-A support, but in addition to the game being a gentle "carrot" method of getting young!Corrin to cooperate that set him apart from Garon's punshiments (eg, not stepping on her triggers), it's kind of like physical/trauma therapy for a kid that doesn't feel like therapy.
idunno about y'all but i've spent Way Too Much time in a similar situation in a similar time span. it ain't fun! at all! you got these scary adults in a scary new situation and everything hurts from poking and prodding and you just want to go home and they keep wanting you to do weird random shit like walking in loops or parallel bars or other shit.
(obviously in hindsight it makes sense, but you get a scrambled kid in a new scary situation, and they usually end up having meltdowns, for good reason.)
something familiar, that feels concretely like play, and is very clearly a routine for both of them with a set goal/reward, is something almost literally out of a textbook to help her recovery. caretaker daddy here has a galaxy brain considering he hasn't been trained for this shit at all, kudos to him ~
(... of course, a lovely piece of fridge horror is that it gets way sadder when you realize he's probably cobbled together most of this knowledge from raising his own kids. who are. you know. now dead.)
(y e a h)
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lozmastermm · 1 year
Really I think the worst part of living and being broken since birth, but choosing to, in an infinitely shrinking perception of existence, be the best person I can, finding every philosophy, outlook, religion, whatever I had energy for, and be able to form genuine connections with people, but only specific people:
And slowly, but certainly, finding out you may be the only one who truly cares. At least as much, at least as far, and at least as one in their states can manage.
Idunno, realistically I'm probably wrong, but another part of me knows that I've set my standards to a height no one can match or fit with me.
All that to say: everyday dying certainly sounds funner than existing in a broken state, inside a state that has bottom of the barrel health everything everywhere.
The world is just terrible. Honestly. The little fragments of joy aren't enough, everything is an addiction and life stopped being anything but a rich's plaything and the masses are genuinely too retarded and accepting to do anything.
The most I can possibly derive from life is being able to be a good person for someone. And when your ability to is diminished by failing mental health and worsening economies, when my ability to even be peaceful for moments, when I simply can't be Baseline "Okay"
Well, it's kinda a waste of time innit? It amounted to nothing but fun experiences in a total hellscape everyone is dedicated to keeping as shitty as possible for someone because their dick is small.
I gave people reasons to live and they boiled down to nothing. Incapable. That's existence. Nothing is possible, every possible roadblock will be thrown, your life is not just worthless it's meaningless. Apply meaning and someone will take it away. Every. Single. Time.
So, really, all this is truly to say this: I fucking hate humanity. Of all species we are just fucking callously worthless. An actual parasite of beligerants.
The handful of people who try are fucking massacred by everyone because no one thinks past an emotional none. How the Fuck was I smarter and more capable at 13 when people even now are less capable than babies? That's not a brag it's a fucking cry for help. Do better for fucks sake.
You think there's any pride in having hit the innevitable wall to climb before I was an adult, when no other adults had even started or attempted any intellectualism? It's horrifying. That so many of you, are this lead-filled.
I have an excuse to stop climbing walls, my brain is damaged as shit, ya'll just drink yourselves half to death in an attempt to feel anything but stupid.
All it takes is patience and empathy. I'm willing to say more than half of humanity are utterly without. We don't solve gun problems because it solves the mental health crisis and a buncha other capitalist induced shir, in that nobody gives a shit to fix the problems that lead to gun problems because we genuinely as a species fucking love killing people even children.
I tried growing up just thinking, man, people will be smarter, it's only a small bunch, we live in peaceful times. Good, or truth, triumphs.
Nah. We live in a dystopic hell that's just too lazy to go full blast yet. Ya'll idiots are why the rich don't want to help, I wouldn't, fuck ya'll idiots you ain't worth it, you're killing your own class but yelling at them. Utterly pathetic weak willed shit.
Do better than 13 year old me and I'll have some respect for you, til then, I don't respect a species unwilling to *try* and beat the 13 year old's interpretation of the world. Because my god, it wouldn't be hard, you'd simply have to try. And that's the worst part of being worse than a 13 year old, the single, crucial difference between one loser loner 13yo and most of humanity, was integrity/standards.
All I did was give a shit about myself, sooooley for the benefit of others. And ya still, even now, don't try.
Why did I even waste my time? I have standards for myself, and they're high, but realistically, low, ya'll just set the bar so fucking low my own are simply high in comparison. Again, it's not ego, I'm simply dumbfounded every day since 16 how far I was ahead of most life on the planet just 3 years ago. And then again in 6 years, 9, my god.
So, here's my life advice: Fuck you. Die. Don't try. Nothing is worth it. Everything is on fire so why put any of it out.
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litriu · 7 years
Hi I'm stalking your art tag because you're SO GOOD and just?? How did you improve so much? My art looks the same from like. 10 years ago. How do you do what you do
First of all, thank you so much!! You’re such a sweetie!I am by no means an art teacher. I feel like you have to have a certain mindset to be a teacher, and I don’t have one of those mindset. I’m not good at it, so I don’t teach, but I will give you some really helpful stuff I wish I’d figured out earlier.
Second of all I’m going to give you a boring answer you don’t want to hear and I don’t want to say:
Now, here’s the more fun answer that I’m hoping is more helpful:
Practice while you’re going. Every time I draw is a chance to practice. I’ll draw and redraw poses and edit them about a dozen times before I settle on it for lining! In one of my most recent drawings I have AT LEAST 29 layers of me drawing, redrawing, and tweaking the poses.
Practice can mean sitting down and doing 20 hand sketches, or practice can mean something different. Find out what method of practice works best for you. Sometimes drawing a thousand hands doesn’t help, and it’s okay if it doesn’t help you. Find another method!
Don’t settle on your first draft! Redrawing something is not only improving the drawing, but giving you experience for the future!
Draw from life, i know, that’s really basic. But still, it helps!
Make practice fun! Motivate yourself to practice by using things you enjoy drawing. Are you garbage at drawing hands, but you love drawing aliens? Draw aliens with a bunch of hands. This is a really basic example, but you get the jist!
My babe and I recently (before I came down with tendonitis and had to take a break) would watch a dance video where the dancers are wearing relatively snug clothing, pause it at a random place, set a timer for 5 minutes and draw whatever pose we got. (you can obviously do a shorter time if you want!) It helped a lot with foreshortening, movement, and making bodies look more 3d.
Speaking of which this won’t help your art any but it’ll help your health: S T R E T C H before, after, and while you draw, okay? You know that tendonitis I mentioned? Yeah, guess who didn’t stretch. Find stretches that work for you. Wrists, back, neck. Walk around a little every once in a while. Drink water. Eat. Take care of yourself.
Practice SMART, not just practice. Figure out what you want to strengthen in your art style. If you want to focus on improving the fluidity or readability of your poses, doing half hour studies of detailed landscapes or portraits isn’t going to help with that. Doing 1 minute speed-sketches of exaggerated poses might, though. Same goes for if you want to get better at drawing landscapes and detailed portraits.
You’ll get something out of it, so if you want to do these things do them! They’re fun! but don’t draw nothing but anime eyes and wonder why you can’t draw a skyscraper perfectly.
I’m gonna break this wall of text up with a doodle of a kitten because it’s a lot
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Don’t be afraid of shitty anatomy! Sometimes to get the right perspective, it has to look weird. Making mistakes helps you learn what to improve. What works and what doesn’t. And, in my experience, the pieces I obsessed over were the pieces I felt like aged the worse, while pieces I had fun doing and relaxed drawing are still pieces I really love.
All in all, just don’t be afraid of mistakes. You’ll make them, just have fun making them.
EXPERIMENT, EXPERIMENT, EXPERIMENT! Experiment with colors. With more lineweight, with less lineweight, with weird anatomy and proportions, try out aspects of art styles you love, try out aspects of art styles you hate! Just have fun!
Step out of that comfort zone! Learn something new! You don’t have to curate an entire art exhibit on horses if you can’t draw horses, but sketch a couple at least.
Take bits and pieces from everywhere and adapt them to what works best for you. Does this method of sketching not work for you? Okay, change it. Find a new one. Find one that works better. That includes this list of tips! If something I’m saying doesn’t work for you? IGNORE IT! find something new. Don’t try to force yourself to work in a box that doesn’t work for you. It’ll just make you feel inadequate, and instead of spending time improving, you’re spending time trying to fit into the box.
I can’t give you too many super specific tips because I don’t know your art style or what you want to improve, but in general, just experiment and adapt to whatever works best for you.
This one is more of a catch all for developing your art, not nesecarilly improving it: Don’t treat things like color theory as sacred rules of the land that cannot be broken. Learn anatomy, learn color theory, learn about lineweight and how it works, learn about light and shadow! But keep in mind; they’re a guide for how things work, not an instruction manual. Do whatever you think looks cool, even if that isn’t what other people say looks good.
Learn at every opportunity! You think that lighting is cool? Try to replicate it. You watched a speedpaint and you liked their technique? try it out for yourself. Like that color palette? Analyze what you like about it and try to replicate that feeling.
Draw as often as you can! And “draw as often as you can” does not mean draw until your hands and arms hurt! It means draw a little when you have some time, if you have the energy. Don’t hurt yourself.
Time for another kitten break
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Take a step back if you don’t like how something’s turning out. close it up, have something to eat, sleep on it, work on something else, whatever. If you’ve just been looking at it too long, that’ll fix it. And if there’s actually something off, you’ll come back to it less frustrated and with fresh eyes!
Draw fingernails on hands. This sounds really weird and dumb and random but it literally upped my hand game by at least 25%. It does WONDERS for portraying the angle of the hand.
A major chunk of my artistic development and improvement was done in a very unhealthy way. When I was younger, I would push myself to pain, I’d stay up until 3-6 am drawing something, I’d cry at least once every two weeks because I wasn’t good enough. I improved a lot very quickly, but I pushed myself way too hard because I was so desperate to improve…
Don’t do that. I mean it. I’m very thankful for the growth i achieved in that time, but if you can avoid that phase, do. It’s better to improve slowly and keep a healthy relationship with your art than to push yourself so hard that art becomes a chore and you lose your passion, or even hurt yourself.
Finished not Perfect
Your art has improved!! I promise it has, it may not seem like it but it has! You don’t see it right away, but every single drawing is a little better than the last as long as you keep striving to learn a little more with every drawing. Everything grows at a different pace, and you’re growing at the right pace for you.
You’re good enough right now! Have goals for what you want to do with your art, not standards for how “good” you need to be!
I’m sorry this post is long, I wish I could say “I sacrificed my soul to the art demons” but… I can’t say that. I didn’t do anything special.
Draw as much as you can, draw what makes you happy, draw new and exciting things, and surround yourself with art, artists, and people that inspire you!
If you know an art demon that might help too idk?
aaaand here’s one more incredibly small, incredibly round kitten
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failedintsave · 3 years
Ok fine, fine ok. It's Nategaar hours around here today, and I need it to stay out of my current project so here's me purging it from my system til it resurfaces with vengeance in probably like a day.
You Spin Me Round
The rattling of the window panes was audible even over the bass of Murderface's boom box, rain blowing almost horizontally in tropical storm gales. But seasoned Floridians weren't afraid of a little stormy weather, as proven by the groups of drenched partygoers who continued to filter through the door of their crowded apartment.
Nathan weaved his way through the sea of bodies, returning from the keg with four Solo cups balanced overhead, trying his best not to spill everything down his arms. He squeezed into the corner where most of his band stood gathered around a wooden cable spool he'd taken from his dad's hardware shop, the tabletop littered with a scattered deck of cards, an overflowing ashtray at it's center.
"Who the fuck are some of these people?" He grumbled as he approached, passing out beers to waiting hands.
"Shit, man, idunnoe. I invited some chicks from deh show, and I know Magnus told some folks to come back, but deh rest?" Pickles shrugged. "Stuffs closin' fer deh weather I think, people lookin' fer something ta do."
He grunted, handing a cup over to Murderface next to him before reaching across the table to pass the last beer to Skwisgaar wedged between two fawning groupies.
"Shoulda put someone at the door to take money for cups, they're draining the keg." He took a slug of foamy beer, glaring down into the contents. "And there's no room to play games or do anything."
"Juscht play drink-the-beer, who needsch a game for that?"
"Auuuggh that's boring. And besides, I'm really good at that game and we'll run out of beer faster."
"He ams gots a good points."
Pickles rubbed his chin in consideration before snapping his fingers, a proverbial lightbulb going off over his head. "I gaht it."
He scurried off, slipping easily through the throng of bodies towards his room. They watched him disappear, barely a glimpse of fiery red hair visible over the shoulders of their so-called guests. After a few minutes he reappeared with a Cheshire grin and a green bottle of whiskey. He held up his first two fingers, a single die pinched between them.
"Alright, I've gaht a game fer us. First step, we empty dis bottle." He cracked the top and handed it to Nathan. "As you were deh inspiration fer dese shenanigans, you may do de honors."
"Perfect." Nathan tipped the bottle back and took a long pull, passing it off to Murderface to share around the circle as Pickles continued.
"Next t'ings, we need a couple extra players, ot'erwise dis will get real predictable quick." He stood on tiptoes, waving over a few familiar faces from their show. He flagged Magnus down, but the guitarist didn't move.
"What do you want?" He shouted across the room.
"Come play a game!"
"What game?"
"Russian roulette, whaddya think? A party game!"
"What game?" Magnus repeated, moving slightly closer.
"Spin deh bottle!"
That stopped Magnus in his tracks. "Nope. Not this again. Fool me once, shame on you. Hard pass."
Murderface sputtered as he handed off the bottle down the line. "Hold on, what wasch that?!"
Ignoring him, Pickles threw his arms up at the goateed guitarist. "Why not?!" Magnus shook his head and turned back, melting into the crowd. "Ah yeh fuckin' killjoy, fine den!"
Nathan frowned, tracking the bottle's progress around the circle. "Uh, Pickles. Why exactly did you think we'd wanna play that? Together? Do we look like middle schoolers?"
"It's fun! Dere's stakes!" He slapped the die onto the table, smirking around at his audience. "Me an' Tony an' de guys made up dis version back in deh day."
Skwisgaar wiped his mouth on the back of a slender wrist, handing the liquor down to the woman next to him. "Sos you always play deh kissingk games wif your bands?" To Nathan's ear he didn't sound put off, merely curious.
Murderface, meanwhile, was less impressed. "That'sch totally gay! We can't play thisch together, what'sch wrong with you?!"
"Eh, it's just a goof we made up, touring ain't all blowjobs and snortin' coke off tits, sometimes ya just wanna have fun." Pickles reached out and poked Murderface in the belly. "Wouldja lemme finish explainin' deh rules before ya quit?"
The bottle made it's way back to the drummer and he tilted his head back for several long chugs, holding the glass up to the light and sloshing the liquid around. He nodded and handed it off to Nathan again with a wink. Frowning, Nathan took another long draw. He wasn't going to be the first of them to back down from this idea, even if it was stupid.
"Okey, so here's why dis game is different. Dere's two parts." He indicated the die and the bottle with a flourishing gesture. "First you roll de dice. On a one, two er three, it's normal rules. Little smackaroonie. No big deal. Four an' five, ya elevate it a little bit. Makeout, pull some hair, whatever."
"Oooookaaay I think maybe Murderface was right about this." Nathan looked around at his bandmates. True there were almost twice as many girls at the table than them, but he wasn't sure he cared for the odds.
"Oh waaaaah, you buncha babies! Yer the one who said you were bored! Let's see whet you can come up with!"
"I'll plays."
Nathan's head jerked to face Skwisgaar across the table. The blonde wore an amused smirk as he focused on Pickles, a faint flush on his cheeks from the alcohol. He cocked his head to the side, accepting the drummer's challenge, golden waves cascading over his shoulder as he moved. Of course that smug bastard would play, this game sounded like a routine Thursday for him.
With a heavy sigh, Nathan's eyes shifted back to the drummer. "Alright. So what's six?"
Pickles grinned impishly. "Oh we call six 'Make It Look Good.' Thirty seconds on deh clock or til ev'rybody else makes ya stahp."
"What the actual fuck, Pickles."
"Ah-ah! Lemme finish! You have options!" He ticked off on his fingers. "One through three you can skip fer a shot. Four an' five you chug a beer. And six…"
The group around the table leaned as one, craning their necks expectantly in the drummer's direction. His eyes flashed as he snickered.
"If you want outta six, yeh gotta run a naked lap around the apartment building."
Thunder boomed outside as if to punctuate the final rule.
"Schon of a bitsch. We need more schotsch if we're doing thisch. I'm gonna get fucked up."
Pickles produced a second bottle and slammed it down on the table in front of him.
"Where were you keeping that?"
"Don't ask questions, are we playin' or what?"
The initial bottle finished it's second loop, landing in Nathan's palm again. With a grunt, he slugged the last of the booze and slammed the bottle onto it's side in the center of the table.
"God I wish there was room to play pong right now…" he picked up the dice and rolled.
The game didn't go nearly as badly as he'd expected, and after several rounds of making out with hot girls and taking shots to avoid kissing his bandmates Nathan was really starting to enjoy himself. Defying statistics, the only six rolled so far had been between two of the girls, and they'd all cheered like hooligans.
And then the fickle dice gods reconsidered their influence.
"Alrights, my toirns." Skwisgaar, who hadn't yet opted out of any of his rolls but was starting to get fairly tipsy regardless, snatched up the dice and shook it in Nathan's face, squinting one eye and grinning. He dropped it, four pips staring back up at him. Laughing, he gave the bottle a rapid spin.
It whirled and Nathan found himself holding his breath, eyes glued to the bottle, a little confused about what he was hoping would happen. Slowly, slowly the neck of the bottle came to rest pointing at Pickles.
"Uh-ohhhh, ya think the keg is tapped? Ya might be outta luck pal." The drummer laughed, pumping pierced brows at the blonde.
"Pfffft, shuts up." Skwisgaar leaned past one of the giggling girls, seizing a handful of Pickles' shirt and hauling him forward into an open-mouthed kiss. Nathan stared as they pulled apart, his skin heating and head swimming with whiskey.
"Well okey den," Pickles stroked his chin, nodding sagely. "Now I see whet all deh fuss is about, nyeheheh."
Swaying upright again, Skwisgaar clumsily flung his hair back over his shoulder. "Whats can I says, I ams a master ats everyt'ings I dedicates my times to."
"Scho like, two thingsch."
"Ams better den no t'ings."
Nathan zoned out, staring at the table for the next few turns, snapped back to attention by Murderface's repeated 'No, no, no no!' as Pickles rolled a three and landed on him.
"A'right, yer turn Nate." The drummer smirked, sliding the bottle and the die across the table.
"Ugh, are we still playing this? When is it over?"
"Aw aments Nat'ans havingk any funs?"
He raised his eyes to the willowy guitarist across from him. Skwisgaar's thin arms were crossed over his chest, hip popped jauntily to the side. A thin sheen of sweat glistened on his high forehead from the dense mugginess of the apartment, a teasing smile playing over his lips, bruised pink from being crushed against Pickles'. With an effort, Nathan tore his gaze away and redirected it towards the table.
"Fine. Whatever." He started the bottle spinning with more force than necessary, rolling the dice as it rotated.
The rest of the table was already hooting in glee as the bottle spun down, slowing, taking an agonizingly long time to stop. Finally it came to rest at twelve o'clock.
Pointing at Skwisgaar.
The table erupted.
"OH SCHIT! Can't drink your way outta thisch one!"
"Nyeeeeheheheheh! Now's tha real show!"
"Oh dear sweet lord." Nathan covered his face with his hands, cheeks burning already.
"Hey you have an advantage, everything he does looks good." 
"Why t'anks you, what was you names again? Monicas?"
"Yeh could always take the second option agin?" Pickles offered, biting back a laugh as he patted Nathan's shoulder.
His heartbeat throbbed in his ears, and something like pre-show jitters fluttered in his stomach, arms and legs tingling. 
"Huehuehuehhue, ams lookingk pretty nastys out dere." Skwisgaar's drunken chuckle was underlined by another peal of thunder, window panes jumping in their casings. "Yous gonna gets blowed away."
Fuck that.
He dropped his hands away from his face, narrowing his eyes at the smirking blonde. "Fine. You dildoes want a show?"
His audience yelped as he reached down, grabbing the edge of the wooden spool and throwing it aside, playing cards and ashtray scattering to the floor, bottle toppling to the ground and shattering. Nathan lunged forward, relishing the shocked widening of blue eyes before impact.
Fighting against muscle memory of past football tackles, he grappled Skwisgaar against his broad chest, wrapping his arms beneath the other man's flailing limbs, his palms cradling bony shoulder blades. He walked the blonde backwards into the corner, pressing him into the wall.
"Timer! Start deh count!"
"No don't, I've scheen enough already, augh!"
As Skwisgaar recovered from the initial shock of being sacked, the natural showman in him awoke. Fire coursed over Nathan's scalp as calloused fingers threaded into his hair, holding his head steady as Skwisgaar turned to deepen the kiss. Nathan's clenched jaw unlocked and his lips parted before he could overthink it.
"...seven, eight, nine..!"
The sound of their onlookers counting faded into the background, drowned out by the blood rushing in his ears. He pushed a knee forward between Skwisgaar's thighs, catching a long leg as it wrapped behind his and hiking it up to his hip, leaving the blonde standing one legged like an albino flamingo.
"...fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen..!"
Skwisgaar bit down on Nathan's bottom lip and something in him broke, a cage door swinging open on its hinges. A growl rumbled in his chest as he reached down and grabbed the guitarist's other leg, hauling it up to his waist, lifting the other man from the floor as easily as he would carry groceries up from his car.
"... twenty-four, twenty-five, twenty-six…!"
Fingers clawed into the material of his shirt, scratching against his back. The sudden urge to carry Skwisgaar away from the party, to drag him back to his cave like a neanderthal, blindsided Nathan and his muscles locked. Sensing the end of their performance, Skwisgaar sighed into his mouth, the pressure of his lips softening as he started to pull back.
"Thirty! Dat's time!" Pickles howled a laugh. "Holy shit guys, dat's game. Ain't nobody gonna top dat act, even if you hadn't broke deh bottle!"
Nathan opened his eyes as they broke off, the heated blue gaze in front of him driving any and all coherent thoughts from his brain. Gingerly, he released one of Skwisgaar's legs, then the other, white boots touching down on the floor, toe-heel, toe-heel. Standing once again under his own power, a slow, crooked smile stretched across Skwisgaar's face, a breathy chuckle shaking his shoulders once. It took every ounce of willpower Nathan possessed to tear his eyes away from the curve of those full lips, and he turned to face the other two members of his band.
Murderface had his eyes squeezed closed, cracking one to peek. "Isch it over? Are they done?"
Frowning, Nathan grunted through his nose like a bull, stomping forward to snatch the second bottle of liquor from the bassist's hands. Glass crunched beneath his boots as he retreated wordlessly to his bedroom, passing Magnus on the way out.
The older guitarist shook his head, curly mane swishing. "I coulda told ya… every time Pickles tries to pl--"
"Just. Don't." Nathan pushed through the hall, evicting the gaggle of strangers standing around in his room and slamming the door behind him.
Hours later, after the storm had slowed to only a downpour and the party had fizzled out, Nathan lay awake on his back, staring at the ceiling. From the second his door had closed behind him, his brain had flipped from a crawl to light speed, hurtling through thousands of moments from the last couple of years, all of them centered on interactions with his lead guitarist. Slender fingers brushing against his own as he passed the tv remote, blonde hair tickling against his arm as they drove with the windows down, the nervous fluttery feeling in his belly at the sound of a dorky, throaty chuckle.
Nathan ground the heels of his palms against his eye sockets hard enough to see stars. How long? When did these thoughts start popping up? And when had he started stomping them down, locking them away without acknowledgement? Sure, Skwisgaar was hot, he wasn't blind, he could admit that much. But this wasn't that, this was...he didn't know what this was.
But he needed to find out.
Swinging his legs over the side of his bed, he crept out to the door directly across the hall. He started to knock, then paused, not wanting to wake anyone else in the apartment. Nathan turned the knob and cracked the door enough to wedge his face into the gap.
"Hey. Psst. Skwisgaar, you in here?" Another thought struck him, an irrational jealous pang vibrating through him. "Uh, you alone?"
The red glow of a digital clock was the only source of light in the guitarist's bedroom, a faint silhouette shifted on the bed, backlit in flashes by the blinking 12:00.
"Nat'ans?" came a groggy voice from the covers. "What ams you doing up? What times am it?" He rolled to check the useless clock and groaned in exasperation.
"Can... can I..?" He didn't wait for an invitation, stepping inside and closing the door behind him, leaning back against it and clutching the door knob like an anchor.
As his eyes adjusted he could see Skwisgaar sit up, scrubbing a hand over his face as he tried to wake up. Nathan chewed his bottom lip, the flesh tender in an not-unpleasant way. For the second time tonight his mind blanked on him completely.
"What's de matters?"
He swallowed. "Uh."
Skwisgaar waited, studying him in the dark, giving him time to organize his thoughts. It was something Nathan had always appreciated about the Swede, having (mostly) learned a second language, he understood the occasional difficulties Nathan ran into expressing himself verbally.
"I uh. Earlier."
"I didn't. I didn't think that."
Skwisgaar shifted on the bed, turning to fully face Nathan, still waiting patiently.
"That it would…"
Nathan inhaled deeply through his nose, forcing the last words out in a rush. "Wouldbelikethatthefirstime."
He waited, certain that Skwisgaar would brush it off, dismiss it as nothing, a game. Or worse, that he'd laugh. Nathan held his breath, ready to bolt in embarrassment. This was stupid, he was stupid, what had be been thinking, it had been a game, it meant nothing.
"Ams you sayingk you wants a do-overs?"
He could hear the smile in the other man's voice, cadence low and teasing, but without cruelty. Playful.
"I-I uh." He'd used up his words for the day, instead opting for a jerky nod.
A ghostly white hand reached out in the dark, forefinger crooking, beckoning him.
"Come heres den." As Nathan shuffled forward he could see Skwisgaar's eyes shining like a cat's. "Ams a firm believer dats practice make perfects."
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🍁 - What is her favorite thing to do during her down time?
Send 🍁 + Any question you’ve been curious to know about my muse! || @melodic-bewilderment (open)
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Katie is a little sister through and through, in that she absolutely loves bothering people during her down-time! The way she phrases it is, “Checking in,” or, “Seeing what’s going on,” but unless you’re working on something that coincides with her interests (i.e., robotics, linguistics, etc.), Katie won’t even bother pretending to be interested in whatever you’re doing.
She’ll just come in, ask you some general questions, and try to wedge in whatever she really wants to talk/ask about, like, “Oh, that sounds boring, I bet it’d be more fun to, Idunno, see what kinda games are on castle.”
She needs to learn how to say, “I want attention, and would appreciate you either talking or playing with me,” but of course, that’s far too of a vulnerable thing for Katie to say. So, instead, she just drifts from person to person.
Team wise, Hunk and Coran are her go-to; however, if any there’s any Blade of Mamoras on board, then Katie will make a bee-line for them. They’re interesting!
If the castle were to ever keep prisoners that Katie didn’t hate (e.g., Lotor) or have a deep fear of (e.g., Sendak), then Katie would bother them, too. Actually, any verse I’ve had that involved Haxus surviving his fall, Katie talks to him pretty regularly!
Overall, this tactic tends to result in one of two ways: Katie dragging someone into a pity game, or Katie annoying someone into a full-blown fight. Like a true little sister, she is fine either way. The ultimate goal is soaking up as much attention as possible.
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jessisvibing · 3 years
for the obscure asks: ALL OF THEM!
Oh gosh okay
1. Fave way to dress
Glam. Like Steve summers, Sami yaffa, and mark slaughter all had a child
2. If I could change anything about myself
Probably either my stomach or my face but perhaps i would just like a new self esteem
3. What movie/game/etc helps me calm down
Rock n roll high school
4. What does your room smell like?
Depends if I wanna use the hot chocolate candle, the marshmallow whatever it is candle or the one that reminds me of Disney.
5. Do you like to organize?
Oh heck I have to be organized or it bothers me.
6. What kind of music would you listen to if you could only choose one?
If we mean genre then perhaps 2000s Finnish rock. Or maybe 80s glam. But if we’re going for bands Poison and Pretty Boy Floyd never get old.
7. What song is your aesthetic?
The song, the video, ALL OF IT!
8. What color do you think goes best with your personality?
Although my favorite color is green I’m usually associated with black or red.
I’ve been told if I was a color I was without a doubt the color black
9. Do you believe in auras?
Perhaps so.
10. What do you wish you hated but actually like?
Apulanta 😂
Well not really but it’s hard to explain them to people. I could probably name a few things but nothing comes to mind off the top of my head.
11. Vague about your crushes.
Well, he’s got the most beautiful eyes and voice and the warmest smile. I think he lives in France with his girlfriend so he’ll never like me but something about him just gives me a warm feeling. He has a message with his music and I just wish I could be like him. Is that too much to be vague?
This ones definitely been through a lot but I feel like I need to try and make a difference in his life. Frankie knows who he is cause I’ve told her this before but ever since I first discovered him I fell in love with him and most people don’t support that I like him but that’s okay. He’s funny to me and his music is comforting to me.
12. Is there someone you have mixed feelings towards?
It’s hard to pinpoint my emotions. Especially when I first meet people. Sometimes I just don’t know how I feel about one of my friends that I dated once. Do I love him or not? I’d like to know.
13. An Au or story I came up with.
I have a lot of crack stories about poison and Jekyll and Hyde I’ve yet to write. All I gotta say is cc’s insults give me life.
14. Do you like makeup?
I liked it better on me when my hair was long now I just don’t vibe with it but concealer has saved my life a few times. It’s just better on guys.
15. Do you prefer space or ocean?
Y’know it may come as a surprise but I’ve always kinda wanted to visit space. I absolutely love the stars and I’m kinda a space geek.
16. If I could pick any planet besides earth, where would I live?
I wanna say Uranus as a joke but on a serious note I think Venus or Mars would be neat.
17. What form of government do you like most?
Monarchy. It’s just easier than this american shit.
18. What animal would I keep as a pet?
Omg omg I always wanted a snow ermine🥰
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19. What do you think the purpose of our universe is?
Well I’m a Christian so I could go deep into it but I’ll just leave it at that.
20. Do you believe in god(s)?
Yes if my last answer wasn’t obvious enough.
21. Is there a song you can’t handle listening to even tho I like it.
It was hard enough to get into this song but when I discovered why mark wrote it it’s hard not to cry when I hear it.
22. What ex do you miss most?
Well I wouldn’t quite say I miss any of them. I’m still best friends with my most recent. I feel like I haven’t found a great relationship yet. Sorry val babe.
23. Do you like soft fluffy rough or smooth blankets.
I have a fluffy one hanging on my bed frame haha.
24. What is your fave thing to learn about?
Hmm I love a lot of stuff, as much as finnish fascinates me I absolutely adore mythology.
25. What country’s history do you find most interesting?
I’ve been in too many American history classes to enjoy it anymore. The Finnish history is very neat to me.
26. What do you think about genderbent characters?
Heck I used to love them but now I’m neutral
Perhaps depends on the character.
27. What breakup was the hardest.
Oh none hit me very hard but my last boyfriend took it the worst I’d bet.
28. Do you have someone where you can’t decide if you like them romantically or just as a friend?
Still with Val. I just don’t know how to feel.
29. What do you think about tumblr discourse?
Ugh I came here to get away from it but as long as it’s sporadical and not constant I can put up with it.
30. What instrument do you wish you could master?
I’d just like to pursue bass decently rn, we’ll talk about that later.
One day I’ll drum hot for teacher. I just needa buy a better drum set. I guess just being able to play both instruments decently would be a blessing.
31. How easy is it for you to be honest?
As easy as it is to lie.
I’m very honest and trustworthy but I could also be the exact opposite.
32. Do you have any strange interests?
Oh god okay so while y’all are over here obsessing over guys hands I can’t help but look at their stomach like omg I just wanna lay on it while my man tells me how much he loves me.
It’s not weird but I love Finnish accents. Just less common to hear someone say that rather than English.
Well I could go on and list a lot of stuff but then again
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33. Do you have any strange fears?
Peter steele 🤣
Obviously a joke but anyways
34. What food do you binge when you’re lazy?
Fries usually but I could eat pasta or fish sticks or rice galore.
35. When you get angry how do you show it?
Usually through cursing a lot but when I’ve got the hots for someone I curse a lot too. I speak more violently when I’m mad though I probably won’t act as violent as I sound. Don’t be afraid.
However as much as I say it I will gladly break your nose and you’d better believe it so it better not come to that point.
36. Do you have any impulsive movements?
Eh idunno but when I get bored I’ll put my index finger on my nose (up to about my eye. So if my hand is on my nose you better spice up the topic.) oh I also play with my hair when I get bored.
And if I get anxious it’ll be obvious. I’ve also been told when I get scared I have a death grip so if you try and work up my nerves just expect your hand to be broken 😝
37. What do you listen to music on?
That depends. If I want 80s music I’ll go to amazon, if it’s not on Amazon or I want something specific from Spotify then I go to YouTube. If I don’t know what I want or I want Finnish music I’ll go to Spotify.
38. Are you left brained or right brained?
I don’t think I have a brain. As much as my mom wants to tell me I’m left I seem to be more right brained.
39. Earbuds or headphones?
Ugh earbuds. I don’t like headphones unless I’m using my Walkman. Headphones are so 2010s/elementary school 😂
40. Do you like light blankets or heavy?
Meh light. I just don’t get the thing about heavy blankets. Plus they’re frustrating to get settled in.
Yay that was super fun! Thank you!!
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bonatosca · 4 years
The king and his servant
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Prince!Wooyoung X Servant!Reader
Genre: Fluff, I guess? Idunno I am not good at picking a genre.
Word count: 6k
Warnings: Swearing
Note: There will be some perspective of Wooyoung in this. But most of it it’s the reader.
Y/n’s perspective
“Wake up you lazy sleepy head, it’s time to serve the prince” I woke up at the sound of my aunt calling me. 
So, where do we start here? When I was just four years old, I was told my parents were both in an accident that killed them. Since that day my aunt looked out for me and cared for me. She couldn’t have children of her own, but she absolutely loved them and raised me as her own. She did a great job, even if I must say it myself.
Even if I was raised with the right amount of food, caring and love, we haven’t had it great until my aunt found her husband. He worked in the palace, for the king and got her a job at the castle. We had to stay at the suites for the workers. It was pretty nice to be there. Had good food, small luxury things and most important of all we had a roof above our heads. Not to forget that because of all this, I could finish my school.
Ok but let me tell you, our prince... Almost had to puke there, what a spoiled brat he is! And how the hell is he gonna be king within this month?! I don’t understand anything of this royal thing or royal blood. Fun thing, this isn’t some kingdom who let’s you marry some wealthy woman or man. Our king now is also married to a woman who wasn’t raised as a royal or with a high title. She is the woman my aunt serves, and who do I need to serve? That spoiled brat ofcourse.
“Wash yourself up, you need to be at the prince’s room at 7, it’s your first day so behave yourself!” My aunt nags at me, I looked at her and stuck out of my tongue but only to get greeted by a pillow she threw. “I told you to behave yourself!” “Yeah yeah, I will get up and be at the spoiled brat’s.. I mean the prince’s room at 7” my aunt nodded at me.
I got off my bed and walked towards the bathroom, grabbed some toothpaste to press it on the brush.
“And why seriously, I hate this boy, he is such an annoying shit” I sighed and washed myself up before walking to the prince’s room. I knocked three times before opening the door.
“Sir Jung, it’s seven in the morning, time to wash yourself and greet your king and queen for dinner” No answer from him, nothing at all, just loud snores. I rolled my eyes and walked up to the prince in his bed. “Sir Jung, wake up” Nothing yet again, doesn’t matter how loud I got, I just couldn’t get him the fuck up. “Don’t make me mad before I do something sir” Nothing again. 
I walked towards his bathroom, grabbed a cup and filled it up with water. This brat needs to wake the fuck up, no matter what. 
Walked back towards his bedroom finding him still sleeping and snoring my ears off. “GET UP” I said as I splashed water all over his face. He jumped up “WHAT THE FUCK?” he screamed.
“Ah finally you are awake Mr. Jung, it was impossible to wake you up, I was screaming my lungs out” He just gave me an annoyed look. “Get me a towel, NOW!” I just stood still, this was all up to him, if he would’ve woken up from my wake up call, he wouldn’t have had water on his face. 
He stood up and walked towards me. He can’t scare me, I know how to stand my ground and not let people run over me.
“Are you deaf or something? I asked you to get me a fucking towel” He just got angrier and angrier.
“Guess you are not used to people like me? If you have woken up from my voice, I wouldn’t have gotten the water. How about that?” He raised an eyebrow but never said anything since. He cleaned himself up, and let me lead him to dinner with his parents, the king and queen.
“It’s a wonder! Wooyoung is up at this time, how did you do that?” The king had a huge smile upon his face. “She splashed water all over me” Wooyoung looked at me as if he would kill me, he would if he could.
“Oh that’s a good one! Good job Y/n! Come come, sit with us, have you eaten already? Ah whatever you are getting something, it’s a big deal you have woken our son up” I thanked the king and sat at the chair he pointed at. 
“So this is your first day right?” I nodded at the queen’s question. “Our Wooyoung can be a handful, but he is a sweet boy once you know him” Nice? My ass.. He is a spoiled brat.
“You wouldn’t know the reason why we set you up with our son right?” I looked back at the king with a questioning look”He needs to be around more girls, or women, since he has to pick himself a future wife and maybe you could help him with that, as you know Wooyoung still goes to school” I was a bit taken aback at his answer but could understand the king somehow. It’s a must, before Wooyoung can be a king, he needs to marry a woman.
As we all ate our food and talked about how Wooyoung is and what he does, meanwhile he was just silence the whole diner. 
“Sir Jung, it’s time to get you to school, Y/n you know you have to escort him through the whole school right?” I stood up and nodded at the driver. Wooyoung stood up from his chair, greeted his parents out and walked with me and the driver towards the car.
“Y/n, you should go in the back with Sir Jung” I nodded and hopped in after Wooyoung did.
“Are you gonna follow me the whole day long?” I nodded at his question. “It’s a must, you have heard your father, but I will give you space” “Good because I don’t want to see you around at all” He just gave me a nasty face. If I could slap his face right now, I would have done it immediately. BOY he is a brat, I know I have said it a thousand times by now but sjeez he is such an annoying little brat!
Arriving at school, girls standing in line, waiting for Wooyoung to get out of the car. Probably hoping he would accept their love requests. Hopeless little girls. Screaming, the second he got out of the car. He stands proud at hearing his name over and over again. I need a bucket to puke into. How can girls like him? 
I followed Wooyoung all the way up to his friends, 5 friends to be exact, and greeted them, they call themselves Ateez. Why? Don’t ask me. 
“So Wooyoung who is this lady you have here? Is she your upcoming wife?” the one who got called San looked at me up and down. “She is probably his servant San, don’t be this dumb you know better” Yeosang said to him. 
“So I heard you had friends yourself who are attending this school? Someone named Seonghwa and the other one Hongjoong?” I nodded at Mingi’s small question. Wait.. How does he know this?
“Hey Y/n! What are you doing at school? We thought you graduated last year?” I was greeted by my two friends. “Need to watch the royal brat here” I said to them. Wooyoung shot me a glance, grabbed my shoulder to turn me around. 
“Listen, you are my servant and I could get you fired within a snap understood?” 
“And you are not the king, I have to serve you because the king said so, if you fire me, you know the king won’t allow it just like you did to your previous right?” I snapped back at him.
“That’s our Y/n!!” Hongjoong laid a arm around me. “We missed you around here, right Seonghwa?” Seonghwa just smiled, he has always been the quiet one. He may look like he could kill anyone at any time, but he is just a sweet guy whom I have a big crush on. Like just look at him, he is so beautiful and he is such a sweetheart! I don’t know why the fuck everyone is scared of him.
“OH SHIT! Who the fuck are you? Damn you look scary!” Yunho jumped after seeing Seonghwa. As the bell rang we greeted our friend who had to go to class, as I walked with Wooyoung to his.
The first week has passed, and it wasn’t the best at all. Wooyoung screams every morning to me when I wake him up by splashing water in his face. Always wanting me to be as far away as possible, and if he did see me, with just one hair strand, he scolded me like it was nothing.
As if he couldn’t be worse.
At least there was Hongjoong and Seonghwa who I have by my side at all times, well not with the classes but you get me.
I jumped on my bed with a big sigh. “That’s a big sigh” I looked up at my aunt. “Hard week huh? Is he learning from you already or not?” I shook my head.
“He is just as annoying as the first day, he listens sometimes but… He just scolds more and more every day I just follow the king’s rules that’s all!” I sighed yet again. “You will get him there, he just needs to know what respect means, I know you can get him there” She said as she walked to the door, going to her own room. “Oh don’t you have a date planned within 30 minutes with that Seonghwa guy?” I stood up and thanked her for reminding me, since I totally forgot it.
Seonghwa had asked me out a few days ago, which was pretty weird actually since I never expected it from him. Well actually before he asked me out he said he liked me and THAN asked me out. But yes anyways, finally my feelings are sorta accepted I guess??
“Y/n your boyfriend is here” As another servant knocked on my door. I stood up and walked out, towards the hall from the suites and greeted Seonghwa.
“Hey, for who do you look so pretty for?” He said as he gave me a big hug. “Thanks Hwa, let’s go shall we? Wait where are we going?” “Secret” he said with a small smirk on his face.
As soon as we got out of the hall, Wooyoung was standing midway. “And where are we going princess?” Still annoying as he always has been.
“I am taking her on a date, just the two of us” Wooyoung snickers at him, “You.. on a date with…. him?! Haha yeah right, how does anyone want to date this kind of.. Servant? I bet you only do it because you are close friends” 
Seonghwa grabbed my hand and squeezed it. “Let’s just go Hwa, I am free now so he can’t order me around” I looked up at Seonghwa.
Wooyoung’s perspective. 
Is she really going with that guy? And did she really just ignore me? I can’t believe this little shit…
I walked to my own room only to get a call with San.
“So yeah Woo, got her already or nah?” This boy right here, he said since the first day this week that I liked her already, is he crazy or what?
“San quit that, it’s not funny dude. She was going out! On a date! With..” “Seonghwa, yeah I know, she really likes the guy and as I can remember he is feeling the same?” I stood up, grabbed a glass and some wine from the cabinet.
“Wooyoung, are you opening a wine bottle now? Something is wrong when you open one” I ignored him and poured the glass full. Plopped down on the couch in front of the TV and took a little sip.
“Wooyoung talk to me, otherwise I will get Yeosang for you” “NO NO NO ok I will talk, but I don’t know man, I just really don’t know. She annoys the hell out of me but at the same time, I kind of understand her?” “You know what you are saying right now or are you drunk already?” San laughed at the other hand of the phone.
“Ah anyway, can we come over tomorrow?” “Yeah sure, don’t have anything to do anyways, this house, castle, or whatever it is, is boring as hell, I always have to follow those shitty rules my father makes me do” 
Y/n’s perspective
“It was nice Hwa, thank you for tonight” I had the biggest smile on my face, ever since this shit week. He gave me a big hug before I got back inside of the palace.
“Ah Y/n, good to see you, first things first, did you have a good evening with your boyfriend?” The king walked up to me, “Ah sorry he isn’t my boyfriend sir” I said as politely as possible after I bowed to him.
“Ah sorry my bad, but yes can you help me out with staying over at Wooyoung’s place this weekend? You know whenever he goes out with his friends he has his own place where he can enjoy his own time, so would you go there this weekend? If you have any plans just ignore me I asked you this” He gave me a small smile, he surely is a really friendly king. There are so many people who say they think that the king acts nice but once you get to know him would be a horrible man, but boy oh boy they were so wrong. 
“Sure, I don’t have anything to do this weekend anyways so I might as well go” “Good, maybe you could get along with Wooyoung and his friends more, it might be good for the both of you” I nodded, the king thanked me one more time before he walked back to his seat.
“Ew and what are you doing here?” Wooyoung cocked his head to the side. “I am here on the king’s demands, also to have a little fun and get to know all of the boys, you on the other hand I already know” he just laughs and walks back to the couch, not even minding anymore if I stay. Why would he anyway, it’s the king’s orders so he can’t do anything about it.
The boys came in all together as it almost started off as a party, loud music blasting through the speakers. Laughter throughout the whole building, and me? Just sitting there with juice in my hand looking at the five boys who are having the blast of their lifetime, until my phone started buzzing as I got a text message from the boys. 
Groupchat Bestu Friendsu
Joongie; Hey wussup, can we meet up tonight or do you guys have something else?
Angry bird; I can come over, what’s on the planning Joong?
Y/n; Sorry guys I have to decline, king’s orders I must babysit on the little brat. :(
Joongie; To bad.. But stay strong, we will be there if you are bored, call us or text us, whatever. Hell get drunk or something?
Angry bird; Yah don’t get drunk! Don’t listen to Joong! Except for the first part, you can call us any time.
Joong I am on my way.
Y/n; I love you guys you know that? Seriously if i hadn’t had you guys and my aunt, my life would be plain boring an shit.
Angry bird; We love you to Y/n-ie! Never forget this friendship is our whole life, now go and have some fun, the others sound nice, especially that Yunho guy.
Joong; What he said, have fun, call us if something is wrong, yes?
Y/n; I will I will, have fun guys. love you <’3
“These guys” I smiled to myself. 
Angry bird; Hey, seriously call us if anything is wrong, and i mean ANYTHING. Ok?
Y/N; I will Hwa, but there is something you want to tell me right? otherwise you wouldn’t message me separately from the group, what’s up? 
Angry bird; It’s just.. You know, tell me if Wooyoung does something to you or disrespect you, I am worried ok?
Y/N; We had a date yesterday and you are already jealous? Oh oh angry bird Hwa. You never fail to amaze me how sweet you are.
Angry bird; that’s the reason you fell in love with me right? Right?”
“Aaaand why are you smiling and blushing like crazy?” I looked beside me, staring straight into Wooyoung eyes. He looks.. drunk? Already? He was giggly and smiling.
“What went in your head Mr. Jung?” “Alcohol did him, he can’t take a full glass and he is drunk already, it’s Jongho by the way” “Ah yes hello Jongho, nice meeting you”
“DON’T CALL ME MR. JUNG, just call me Wooyoung here, I hate being called like that” I looked at Wooyoung who was just smiling broadly, this is so weird. 
San walked, well more wobbled, towards us with two drinks in his hand.  “Here take this drink! Even you can take a drink” Well Hongjoong said I should get drunk for once, and hey it’s been a long looooong time ago since I last had a good drinking evening.
I put my phone to the side, never answering Seonghwa again this evening. Took the drink from San’s hand, and poured it down in one shot. “OOOOOOOOOH LOOK AT HER GO!” Wooyoung was almost screaming in my ears, he was loud, I knew he was loud but not happy loud.
“Is Wooyoung always like this with you guys around? Because when I am around he treats me like shit” Yeosang laughed, “He just is always like this, once he gets drunk he loves everyone”
San grabbed my arm and dragged me through the halls to the kitchen, where Yunho was. “Here, have one more” Yunho offered me a new full glass of alcohol. “Thanks, but San, did you have to do that or do you want me drunk or what?” “No no no, well maybe to, but the thing is, I think Wooyoung might like you” I spit out my drink right in San’s face “EW DON’T DO THAT” “Sorry I was just shocked that’s all, since he is treating me like shit” Yunho offered San a towel. “Well you know, Wooyoung always teases everyone around him before he even knows if he likes them or not, it was the same with all of us, it’s just that he has to follow his father's rules that’s why he might have more hate for you than he does to any other people” Yunho explained meanwhile San was cleaning himself up from the alcohol I just spat out.
“I kind of get it, but he doesn’t have the right to be such a fucking bratt all the fucking time” “Hey by the way, you like that Seonghwa guy right?” I nodded, turning around at Yeosang’s words. “Yeah why? Something wrong with that” he shook his head “No, no nothing wrong with that. It’s just, Wooyoung has been acting strange since yesterday and I heard something from San you had a date with him last evening” I nodded again. “That’s why he is like this huh” “Like what Yunho?” I asked, curious. What are they talking about? “Never mind, we should go back to the others” As we started walking we heard some really really false singing coming from Mingi’s voice, Wooyoung and Jongho joining him.
They were a laughing, screaming false singing group together. It’s good to see them so happy, it’s good to see a different side from Wooyoung.
They asked me to join some songs, and some more drinks and more and more and more until I couldn't remember anything anymore and was just partying my head off with the five boys. 
“GOD DAMN MY FUCKING HEAD HURTS” I woke up from some yelling behind me, I turned around and found Wooyoung lying right beside me in bed. 
“And what the hell are you doing in MY bed?” He stood up, only to realize he was butt naked himself. “AH FUCK what the hell did you do to me last night?! YOU DRUG ME RIGHT YOU DID?!” 
“What’s wrong he- HO SHIT WOOYOUNG PUT ON SOME CLOTHES!” Yunho screams covering his eyes. 
It’s getting to me now, wait am I naked also? I looked under my covers slightly and pulled the sheets over my head, hiding away from the others.
“Don’t tell me you guys had..” Jongho was in full shock, and turned around to go away. Meanwhile San walked in “Yehes! Good job bro! Finally you aren’t a virgin anymore Woo! You guys were so drunk last night and couldn’t get your hands of of each other” 
“No, no San, listen, she drugged me” Wooyoung kept saying. “Nah man, you were drunk after one sip of wine. And Y/n was on her phone at that time” Mingi put his hand on Wooyoung’s shoulder.
Talk about phone’s. “SHIT, guys get out please get out out out NOOW!!!” I screamed, even Wooyoung bounced back from my loud voice as they all exited the room. I dressed myself as fast as possible and started looking for my phone in full pannick. “Y/n, can I come in? I need to get dressed and not run naked the whole damn day” “Ah yeah come in, Wooyoung have you perhaps seen my phone around here or?” “HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO KNOW WHERE YOU PUT YOUR GODDAMN PHONE AND PLEASE TURN AROUND” 
“And when do you say please? That’s a first, but I really need to find my phone..” “What is so important with your phone? You probably wouldn’t have anything important to d-” “SHUT UP, I NEED TO THINK, SHUT THE FUCK UP WOOYOUNG!” He bounced back, again scared now. 
“Shit shit shit, I really forgot to text Seonghwa back” I ran downstairs looking through every drawer, every cabbin. “Y/n is this your phone? It has been ringing a whole damn hour, and it’s hurting my head. Please pick it up once that person calls back again” I grabbed my phone from Yeosang and thanked him, walking towards the balcony.
Missed calls from Seonghwa.. 74 missed calls. 234 messages. “Oh Seonghwa… I am so sorry” 
As soon as I wanted to call him he called me. “Y/N FINALLY YOU PICK UP! We are so worried about you, are you alright? Did Wooyoung do something to you? Where are you! I am gonna pick you up now, seriously what happened last night you didn’t text me b-” “Seonghwa calm down please, please, take a deep breath. Let me explain ok?” “Ok ok I will, but tell me everything, I was so worried after you didn’t text me back” “Seonghwa I just got drunk and had much fun that’s all, no worries needed, I am fine, and Wooyoung acted like a friend last night i guess?” I heard him sigh in relief. “Then that’s alright, I was so worried he would do something to you, it’s good to hear you are ok. I gotta tell Joong you are ok” “Do that, tell him I am fine, Hwa you didn’t sleep last night did you? Go get some sleep now ok?” “I will after I tell Joong, and again if Wooyoung says anything nasty or whatever it is, call me ok? I will protect you” “Thanks Hwa, go to sleep now”.
A few claps from the door behind me, “So you couldn’t bring yourself to tell your boyfriend we slept together huh?” I rolled my eyes and walked passed him, only to get stopped by Wooyoung grabbing my arm. “Not so fast princess, tell me why couldn’t you tell him?” For the first time there was a slight bit of concern in his eyes.
He walked towards the bench. “Sit and talk, now, I am not even asking it. I am demanding it” There it was, the Wooyoung we know, the bratty little shit. But I might as well listen to him, so I sat right beside him. “I don’t want to hurt his feelings, and I’ve liked him for years already and he finally confessed this week you know and shit this just hurts knowing this would hurt him, that’s why I can’t tell him, please Wooyoung don’t tell him” I felt a tear rolling over my cheeks, this shit really hurts. I can’t hurt Seonghwa, he is the one who made everything easier for me, my first friend and the friend who introduced me to another great friend. I can’t get along with other girls since it always felt awkward and as if they would say shit behind my back, but not Seonghwa and Hongjoong. 
He pulled me into a hug, wait did he really just do that? “Maybe, I have to think about that, sorry if I have hurt you these past years and especially this week, it’s just I hate getting ordered around and having to do my duty, finding myself a future wife, but I am not ready for that yet and I might probably like someone, at least San thinks that way and-” He sighed loudly after the fast sentences he was talking “Wait you really like me?” I looked up at his face, confused. Same expression on his face. “Wait he did not.. SAAAAAN!!!!!” He stood up and stormed inside. Being himself back again, joking around with his friends.
As we, Wooyoung and me, got back to the palace the king greeted us both with arms wide open. “Y/n’s, tell me, did you have fun and did you get closer with Wooyoung?” “It was nice, thank you sir” He looked at me, waiting for my answer “And i guess i got a bit closer with Mr. Jung?” I whispered as softly as possible. The king smiled broadly, giving me another hug. “Wooyoung, my boy, for this week you won’t have to do anything, you can rest after you get back from school allright?” I looked at Wooyoung who was smiling brightly at what his father just said. Finally he got some alone time, or with his friends or whatever he wanted to do.
Wooyoung’s Perspective
“Did your father really give you the whole week for yourself?” Yeosang was on visit and I really needed someone who could think clearly, and anyways he has been my best friend for years. 
I nodded at my friend's question, “Yeah he looked happy? I don’t know what that servant said to him but thanks to that I got the whole week for myself i guess” “That’s nice to hear, but hey also how are things going between you two? I may have overheard your story on the balcony a bit, you confessed to her sort of? Do you even know your feelings for real or is it just because you have slept with her? It’s been two days since Wooyoung, get yourself together man” “I know I know, I think I like her but I am not sure myself. She really likes that Seonghwa guy” I looked down and started playing with my ring. 
Yeosang sighed and stood up “You really need to figure yourself out, and if she really likes him why did she sleep with you? Even if she is drunk, if she likes someone for real she wouldn’t sleep with anyone else”.
Y/n’s Perspective
Another morning, again time to wake that bratt up. I grabbed my things and jumped in the shower. After I was done I slowly walked towards Wooyoung’s room, not even bothered to knock on the door anymore since he will be sleeping anyways.
“Mr. Jung, time to wake up” I stepped closer to the bed, and sat on the edge. He looks so calm when he sleeps. But he needs to wake up, time for the water. As I was about to stand up I got pulled into Wooyoung's arms.
“One more minute please, stay, I don’t have school today remember?” He sighed as he grabbed me tighter. “And stop calling me Mr. Jung, just Wooyoung or Woo is good enough”. I just let him hold me for a few minutes, but also drifted back to sleep since i couldn’t get any sleep last night. 
A few hours had passed before I got woken up by Wooyoung, “Hey you have been sleeping three hours already, didn’t you get any sleep last night or?” He walked towards the bed and gave me a kiss on the forehead. I blinked, once, twice, three times, my heart beating fast and butterflies stuck in my stomach. “What was that for? And no I didn’t get any sleep, I have been thinking to tell Seonghwa from last weekend” “Ah nothing, I just wanted to thank you, I don’t know what you said to the king but he never said I could have a whole week for myself. And oh, maybe ask your other friend? Joong boy or something? Call him, or meet him or whatever” He got up and grabbed a glass of water and gave it to me.
“Yeah I think that might be a good idea, thanks Wooyoung, also thank you for being nice to me finally, I am not used to this since you have been the same ever since i met you” 
“So what did you want to talk about Y/n? What’s on your mind” I looked at Hongjoong, almost started crying as the feelings from that day came back when I was talking with Wooyoung about it. 
“It’s.. it’s..” I started struggling with my words the second I started. “Here, drink first and calm yourself down ok?” I nodded and grabbed the glass of water from Hongjoong. 
“Thanks Joong” He put an arm around me telling it will be alright as I started off my story that happened over the weekend till this morning.
“You should still talk to Seonghwa, but do you really like Seonghwa or was it just a crush or? I think it’s just that your friendship is really strong Y/n.. You really have to think about this ok? Hwa really likes you” I nodded. “I know I should, but how and when? I don’t want to hurt him, and Joong.. I am so confused” Hongjoong grabbed his phone and dialed a number. “Hwa can you come over now, Y/n isn’t feeling fine, she needs to talk to you” I looked up at Hongjoong with fear in my eyes as he hung up. “I know you are scared, but you need to tell him as soon as possible”
As Seonghwa arrived I told him the same story as I did to Hongjoong and was a crying mess in Seonghwa’s arms. 
“I am so so sorry Hwa..” “So you like the guy?” I nodded in his arms, not even realizing I knew my feelings for Wooyoung right there and then. 
Seonghwa stood up from his chair and grabbed my hand, started walking out of the door. “Hwa what are you doing?” “I am taking you to Wooyoung, you must tell him” I grabbed his hand and loosened it from my wrist. “First Hongjoong forces me to tell you this.. Now you want me to tell my feelings to Wooyoung? I can do things myself, yes I like Woo, yes he is an annoying brat and I thought I couldn't catch any feelings for him since he was so annoying and horrible to me throughout the years, and I may have developed feelings for him over the years, especially thanks to last weekend. But don’t don’t force me right after I hurt you Seonghwa!” 
“Do you really??” A familiar voice came from behind. “I am going back to Joongs place, you guys talk it out” Seonghwa turned around without looking me straight in the eyes. He is hurt, he is really hurt, he always looked in my eyes with support, but not today. “Hwa?” He kept on walking after I called him a few times. 
“We need to talk, but first let’s go home” Wooyoung grabbed my hand and walked us home.
“Wait Wooyoung why the entry hall? Can’t we go through somewhere else?” He ignored my question as soon as we got home but walked through the wrong door, the door where the King, the queen and his Son Wooyoung lived.
The king looked up, almost choking on his tea after he saw us both holding hands. 
“Mom, dad. Let me marry Y/n, but only if her aunt will let me” I grabbed Wooyoung’s wrist “Wooyoung.. What?” He turned to look at me in the eyes. “I am telling you that I like you Y/n, for years, it just never got to me until I had a talk with Yeosang last night and I am also telling you that I want you to marry me if you want”.
“THEY WHAT?!” My Aunt came in running through the hall, standing shocked right beside the king and queen. She smiled brightly, walked towards me and pulled me into an embrace. She took a step back “You have my permission Mr. Jung, as long as you make her happy, that’s all I want for her, treat her like a princess or a queen, doesn’t matter as long as you treat her right, Yah.. Y/n you really did change him huh?” She laughed at the both of us. I was still too shocked to react.
The king came towards us with his queen, giving us their blessings as well. Telling us to go and be with each other for some time alone.
I just sat there, on the couch in Wooyoung’s room, not knowing what to say or what to do, still too shocked about what happened down the hall.
“Y/n, please say something it’s scaring me that you are this quiet, tell me if you want this, tell me if you don’t PLEASE SAY SOMETHING” He says, almost screaming like his usual self but with feelings in his voice this time, concern. He grabbed my cheeks with both of his hands and turned my head to look at him in the eyes. “Please..” he begged this time.
“I.. Wooyoung.. This is so out of nowhere I don’t know what to say…” I sighed, lost for words again. “Tell me you love me, accept this or whatever I don’t mind but please, really please I need your answer” Still begging, wanting my full attention. I couldn’t bring it in words, but I could do it physically. I leaned in closer and kissed him, a longing sweet kiss. He broke the kiss to get us both some air time.
“Thank you princess” he said before he kissed me again, this time with more passion and greed. Grabbing the back of my neck with one hand to kiss me deeper, and the other hand on my back to get closer to each other. “I want more of you” he said after he broke the kiss again, and pulled me up in a bridal way as he walked with me to the bed.
“I love you Y/n, Will you be my Queen?” “I love you too Wooyoung, I will be your Queen” _________________________________________________________ I Do not take requests if anybody wants to know. This is just a side blog for me and my friends (And others) to read my fanfictions. I have my own time in making them as I enjoy it. I hope you will like it :D
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olfac2ree · 4 years
Day 3
I asked out a girl today! Or at least I asked for her phone number. She looked awful cute so I decided to risk it. I’ve asked out a couple girls before, but never asked their number. Cold approaching is so hard. She said “I don’t usually give out my phone number” but I should have replied with “I don’t usually ask!” I always balk past the first part and get swept off too easily. I gotta insist!
She had a faded loony toons shirt on and looked like she just rolled out of bed. Sleepy is a style of girl I like. They look like good cuddle material.
It’s a shame I’m not in school anymore. I’d cold approach a lot more people, just be more social in general. It can really make some people’s days and most people don’t ever really peek outside their own social bubble as often as I do. People like to stay in their own cliques.
I think I’m gonna be okay no matter what comes my way.
I have itchy feet these days. I don’t know why God made itching so fucking satisfying if it’s bad for you.
I heard once from a friend that itching is “pleasure denied”. That sounds more like an opioid thing than actually true in an of itself. I’ve tried to focus on them while trying to resist them and it doesn’t do anything good other than maybe stopping it.
Doing all this writing is making me want to get back into text chatting with people. It’s a damn shame my phone fucken sucks because typing on there should be more convenient. But it’s not, the border makes it super hard and the keyboard is nonresponsive and the letters just mush into eachother and I fatfinger everything. I know it’s not just me too because if I pick up someone else’s phone is a breath of fresh air.
I ate a double cheeseburger today and large fries with a shamrock shake. I could havfe just had the shake, and I wish I did. I told my mom I wasn’t that hungry and she got upset so I ended up eating everything. Just a bad situation to be in, but I really gotta learn to turn down opportunities for free food. My parents come get me once a week to hang out and grocery shop and it usually means food, but I had already eaten today for breakfast. Medium shamrock shake 560 calories. McDouble 437. Medium fries 320. And the two pancake sausage dogs I ate for breakfast 250 each. That’s 1,817 calories... if I only eat some vegetables at dinner and no dessert I’ll be fine. Definitely no dessert.
Although dessert, a frozen greek yogurt sea salt caramel bar is only 100 calories... sigh.
I wish I had more friends I could count on as confidants.
I wonder what it’s like to kiss a woman. I want to know that taste, the taste of a lover’s lips.
I imagine it’s like encountering an oasis after many months of mirages, living off of well water and rain or maybe nothing at all, and then this lush green oasis in the dessert that seems to good to be true. You take a sip and find it so refreshing that you step in and bathe in it. There’s enough water for whatever you plan to do with it and you don’t have to worry about rationing or limiting it at all. It’s all just there -- there for the taking.
I’m not sure if that makes sense or is right. I’m new at metaphorcrafting.
Is kissing like the sweet shade of a palm tree in a tropical environment? The sun beating down and you knowing you have to be places but you allow yourself the mercy of stopping for a minute or two in the shade. There’s Sunkist, but this is more like Shadekist. What kind of kiss does the sun give anyway? A sloppy kiss from the sun sounds kind of painful.
Fun to know: Sunkist is a citrus drink owned by Dr Pepper. Dr Pepper is now owned by the Keurig company, as well as is Snapple. Drink companies are so confusing with their mega-conglomerates.
I wish I knew how to dance. I wonder what it’s like to dance naked. Idunno, but it sounds fun. I wanna experiment with someone someday.
Ugh. That burger is hitting me now. I really gotta watch what I eat.
I kind of miss Roisin. I wonder why her name always comes up when I try to think of Cayenne. I miss Cayenne. We could have done something together... I was just too tied up in my own singular lonely struggle I guess to feel that way about her.
I will say, she had some sweet tits. Which is weird because she did that big project on why milk was so bad for humans and basically pus. We went to her apartment once but it was just weird because she showed me a strange video about a woman getting proposed to with a ringpop, and there wasn’t that much time for us to be together before her mother came home.
I guess space was the problem, we didn’t really have a space for us to be together. My apartment right now probably wouldn’t be the best, but I could brave the consequences for the payoff.
I just wanna cuddle. Snuggle. Hug ‘n spoon.
Well, that’s Day 3 done. Signing off.
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cas-backwards-tie · 7 years
Something New
Jason Todd x Reader + Damian
Request:  they go to a carnival or somewhere or a mall or a pet cafe with Titus,  doing a mother and son bonding kind of thing or family bonding! and then Damian starts to act like a normal kid, being excited and all without knowing it himself and when he does he gets all embarrassed and 'these are for kids' 😭😭👌❤ and maybe if they're doing family bonding Jason responds 'but you ARE a KID'. OH THEY CAN ALSO MAYBE TRY SOMETHING NEW, IDUNNO, THAT CAUSES DAMIAN TO MAKE WEIRD FACES XD maybe like, weird foods? I'M A TOTAL FOODIE CANT HELP IT XD I'M SORRY FOR THE SPAM, I just love the idea Damian being fluffy and cuddly- I LOVE KIDS they're so cutee.
Warnings: None?
A/N: This is for you @thatawesomenerdygirl, and literally I’m in such a Jason mood today! Also, if you haven’t seen a street carnival before, they do them a lot in Bolivia around the holidays so that’s what I’m referring to. I swear I’ve been to this carnival in Bolivia. Also, I was imaging Jason in this outfit from @inkydandy ‘s beautiful comic.
Despite everyone shipping me with Dick, I still love Jason <3 (I love Dick too)
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“I can’t believe I actually got the both of you to go ice-skating! All because of that one comment.” You laugh whole-heartedly, clutching your stomach as you make sure your hat stays atop your head.
“Well, you weren’t wrong... ice-skating does require balance and skill.... something only a trained assassin would be able to easily maneuver.” Damian says cockily as a big grin displays itself across his face. Gripping Titus’ leash a little tighter Jason gives him a glare, soon turning into a smirk.
“One... why do you always have to talk like that? and, easily maneuver? You fell down literally almost thirty times!” Jason laughs, ending up with Damian giving him a death stare.
“You fell down just as much as me! Y/N had to hold your hands the whole time!” You try to contain your laughter as it was true... you really did have to hold Jason’s hands the whole time, which was really cute if you were being honest... however, Jason didn’t think this was cute considering his little brother learned to skate all on his own.
“Hey, hey! Let’s not fight, okay? It’s a nice day and okay, yeah... you both failed and fell a LOT, but whatever... you should’ve seen me the first time I went ice-skating, I fell down probably the same amount of times as well as held the railing the whole time” you joke, hoping to distract them.
“Really?” Damian asks with a child-like curiosity and intrigue. 
“Yeah! It was hilarious! Well.... not for me, but still... it takes practice, just like anything else.” You guys walk a little further with questions and small talk few and far between.
“Hey, look! Damian, have you ever had a funnel cake?” You nudge his side as you gesture with your head to the little street carnival a few yards away at the other side of the park.
“Funnel cake? What’s tha-”
“Remember when Grayson made us all go to the circus with him? And he gave you that dough-thing with powdered sugar and chocolate? that’s a funnel cake.” Jason explains as we walk down the fork of the path which leads to the small booths set up randomly along the path.
You were stumped. You wanted to get Damian to try something else new today, but what else was there... you looked at the signs and eventually you found it! “Okayyyy... BUT, have you tried fried oreos?” Jason raises a brow at you in question. Damian looks at you incredulously, as if you had suggested the most disgusting thing in the world.
“Fried... oreos?” Jason pulls his hat a bit further down, over his ears.
“Yeah... they sound gross, trust me- my friend had to practically force me to try them but they’re actually pretty good. Plus! We can get hot chocolate or apple cider or something.” You suggest as you take Damian’s hand and lead him over to the food booth.
“Why don’t you go pick out a table?” You grab quite a few napkins before stuffing them in Damian’s hands, shooing him over to the plastic picnic tables which stood in rows under another tent.
“I’ll pay.” Jason places Titus’ leash in his other hand while he fishes around in his coats pocket. Taking out his wallet he asks the man ‘how much’, before he pays. 
“Does your dog like treats?” an young women says as she stops in front of you, having interrupted her run judging by her outfit.
“Uh... yeah?” You’re skeptical, and hope this isn’t someone trying to poison Titus.
“Can I give him a treat? I just bring treats with me when I run because people always bring there dogs here.” She gestures to her fanny pack and unzips it, pulling out a small ziplock bag.
“Uh....” you look back at Jason who was chatting with the man inside the little kitchen as you waited for the food. “Sure” you offer a small shrug as you figure ‘why not?’. Everyone in Gotham isn’t a bad person.
The lady places the treat down in front of Titus, who just looks at it. “You can eat it Titus,” you chuckle lightly as he gives in, chomping up the small jerky-like treat the lady had placed on the ground. Titus licks his lips when he’s finished and looks up at the lady, wagging his tail subtly. “Thank you,” you smile at the woman, bidding her goodbye.
“Yeah, of course! I just like doing something for the dogs, you know?” She gives a soft smile before waving back and jogging off. Turning around you’re faced with Jason turning around with a paper plate in his hand. 
“Can you get the drinks?” He asks before gripping Titus’ leash a little tighter.
“Yeah, of course.” You give him a quick kiss on the cheek as you grab the drinks. Watching Jason blush even a little was the most heart-warming gift you could receive as you flustered him, walking ahead of him you make it to the picnic table Damian seemed to be waiting at impatiently. “Did you make a friend?” 
You laugh as you watch a baby sitting two tables away smiling at Damian with goo-goo eyes. Damian stares right back at the baby, not hesitating as he inspects it. “No... but they won’t stop staring! It’s kind of creepy.”
“So... Mr. J isn’t creepy but a baby is?” Your face contorts with an amused sort of confusion.
“I never said he wasn’t creepy, pleeeassee... he’s SO so creepy, but this baby...” Damian scrunches his nose in disgust.
“Do you really hate babies that much? What if you had a niece or nephew?” You question, sliding Damian’s apple cider towards him from across the table.
Jason chokes on his own drink as your eyes widen, whipping your head towards him. “Are you okay?” You reactively pat him on the back lightly. 
“Y-yeah...” Jason clears his throat before looking down at Titus and giving him a few pats on the head.
“Anyways, these are actually really good so everyone has to try one!” You watch and wait to take your own as Jason grabs one with no hesitation while Damian cautiously grabs one, inspecting it.
“Fried... oreos?” You nod at him, waiting for him to take a bite, “And it’s good...?” You nod again, encouraging him to go on.
You reach to grab your own as Damian slowly raises the ball to his mouth. As you reach to grab your own, Jason is reaching for his second and you just look at him giggling. “See, Damian? They’re good.” Looking from Jason to Damian you see Damian take his first bite, his face contorting to disgust.
“Do you not like it?” You feel a bit of minuscule guilt wash over you like a wave at having somewhat forced him to eat it.
“I don’t think I really tasted it.” Damian takes another bite, chewing it his face turns into one of contemplation, then to a surprised ‘not half bad’ frown as he nods his head. “They’re alright... they’re pretty good.” Damian gives his approval, leaving you to eat your own.
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Walking along the booths Damian sees a dart game, “OOH! Can we play Y/N, pleeeasse?” Damian begs.
...Since when does Damian beg? What the hell? Okay... “Yeah, sure!” you reply cheerily as you race to the nearby tent, Titus running way faster than you, almost working you rather than the other way around. 
Once you’ve paid for your game Jason finally gets to the tent, standing between you and Damian. “Jason can play the winner, yeah?” You turn to Damian before you start throwing your darts, Damian already focused on the target. “Only if you want to” You turn to tell him.
“Okay... sure” You watch Jason smile before turning back to start your game. Going up against two trained vigilantes who can easily throw a batarang at a target more than five feet away, or even shoot a man from a ten yards away.... yeah... not your best challenged you’d set yourself up for, but it was more for fun than for the idea of winning.
“I won! I won!” Damian jumps up and down excitedly. The man asks Damian what small prize he’d like, and he looks up contemplating.
Damian picks out a stuffed baby Charmander as the man gives it to him he hugs it tight. “Those are for kids, Damian” Jason taunts, trying to get him to give a reaction in return.
“Uh-huh, okay Todd... you’re on.” Damian sets baby Charmander on the ledge of the booth and asks the man how to get the REALLY big stuffed animals.
Both of the boys take their time throwing their darts, Damian has his game face on as he hits the bullseye every time. “I won! Again!” Damian cries as the man asks which stuffed animal he wants this time. 
Jason grumbles to himself at the loss, figuring it’d be easy to beat his little brother. “Hey... if you really wanted the prize you can ask Dami to get it for you.” You smile at him, teasing him. 
Damian ends up getting a teddy bear three times his size which Jason has to carry on his back for him as Damian takes Titus, while I take Damian’s little Charmander. “And you said that they were for kids.” Damian scoffs.
“but you ARE a kid! And who said I wasn’t? I’ll always be a kid, right Babe?” Jason turns and kisses you chastely while still walking.
“Right!” You say cheerily, happy with how the day had gone.
You loved seeing Damian get to be a kid, as it always brought out the best parts of him, but you also loved seeing Jay get to be childish too... in a good way because sometimes he forgets the good things in life, and you’re determined to show him the good, little things every single day for as long as you live.
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miyaameow · 8 years
Hii! How do you think RFA + Saeran and V react to a Corporate Heir MC who lives like a commoner so that she can learn ways of the people before she inherits her family's company THANKS!!! :3
LOLOL yas but I’m gonna make it so that MC is learning the ways of living like a commoner off the members.. does that make sense? xD
he was kinda like huh???
“MC, you want to try living like a commoner?”
but he was totally supportive and even said that she could come and live with him
“I only have 1 bed, but I can sleep on the couch”
the first day was bad
Yoosung was just playin LOLOL when he heard dangerous clanking and crashes from the kitchen
he almost screamed when he walked in
“I was just trying to make some eggs”
well, it was nowhere near “making eggs”
the counter was spattered with egg shells and broken yokes hug off the strands of her hair
pots and pans were all over the floor ….
so he taught her how to make an omelet
(after he cleaned up and helped her wipe the eggs out of her hair ofc)
he!! was!! so!! excited!!
“okay, MC lesson number 1, there is no food in my fridge so we have to eat goldfish-shaped bread everyday”
it was a joke but
one day he came home to see her looking really sad
“what’s wrong?”
“we don’t have dinner tonight, the man at the bread stall said that he didn’t take credit”
he couldn’t hold back his laughter like omg???
first of all MC fell for his joke and even tried to use CREDIT AT A FOOD CART HOLY MOLY COULD THIS GET ANY BETTER
it was great
“MC, I have cash, let’s go get some.”
have you ever seen eyes shine brighter than MC’s that moment cuz i mean, ‘bread in the form of goldfish’ was something completely new to her
her eyes bugged out
she was low key scared for her lmao 
like “Was MC going to hurt herself? what was she going to do while I was at work? would she try to bake? OH GOD NO NOT THE BAKING”
the first morning was… interesting
MC tried to be “the perfect girlfriend” and made some uh *quote on quote* breakfast
if burnt toast and half a cup of cold coffee counted
i mean, it’s the thought that counts right?
“it’s a little burnt, but I’m sure I’ll get better at it tomorrow!”
his only reaction was “Why?”
also “I guess I’ll have to join you.Assistant Kang, please write up a report based on commoners so MC and I can have a thorough understanding of-”
anyway so the both of them try to live like normal people lol
it doesn’t really work
the both of them are hella confused
“What are these snacks? I got this paper from someone on the street (he means a flier) and he said that these Hunny Bwatda Chips are ‘all the rage!’ Whatever does that mean?”
MC is just as confused
so they go and buy some and it’s like a revelationomfg
now both of them are addicted and feel that if this is how good assimilation into commoner culture is then they are ready to party
he just laughs and decides that hey, this is the perfect opportunity
so he plays a million pranks on MC lmao
“MC, commoners always do this you just gotta. Throw this ball at Yoosung, it’s how we say “Hey bro!” but make sure you hit his head because otherwise he won’t know that it’s from a close friend”
did yoosung cry idunno you tell me
“okok next thing, we commoners don’t just eat tteokbokki, we have to stick 2 of them in out mouths at the same time and pretend to be a walrus and make whale sounds”
omg the next RFA get-together was quite an experience
the only thing MC could think of: “What is a ‘prank’?”
.-. there is nothing we can do to save her rip MC
tbh he doesn’t have much of a reaction
he’s just like “ok then”
and continues to live his life as normal
this baby doesn’t complain or anything
literally eats all the weird stuff that MC cooks
cleans up after her really intense kitchen messes
doesn’t mind MC trying (and failing) to go shopping for groceries or snacks at a local market with her credit card
he just kinda gives her his wallet so she can use the cash inside
but he’s happy for her!!
“If MC wants to learn then it’s fine. I don’t mind, I’ll help her when she needs it”
everytime MC screws up he’s just taking pictures of it all
oh, MC put her apron on backwards? perfect
he also likes to record videos of MC asking hilarious questions
“Jihyun, how to commoners use only 1 towel to dry themselves? what do they do about their hair that’s all wet?”
“How do you set alarms on a clock?Usually my maids wake me up in the morning…”
low key likes to help MC so that things are less hard on her
gives her plenty of compliments for her cooking creations buut doesn’t eat them (haha pls no one here is deliberately looking for a stomachache)
cannot wait to show her the pictures of her struggling when she finally inherits her family’s business and lives her usual lifestyle again
~Cherry L.
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requiescat-aria · 3 years
Sympathy for the Devil | Testimony 2 | Chapter 5
Jim remains quiet, other than another two taps of his cane on the floor. This time, the sound of a screen door rusting on its hinges squeaks into your ears from the other end of the house -- a back door opening, and heavy footsteps following.
The sound of coming home is a matter of perspective, you realize; sometimes it rings like the sound of an intruder.
Another figure stands in the doorway.
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Jules looks at everyone in the room in turn, then at his own hands. The realization of what is happening dawns on him as he looks down at his own dead body in the chair. He looks perturbed for a brief second, then deflects and gives his own corpse a wink and double fingerguns.
"Hey there handsome."
He then sees the chaos and carnage in the trial room, and Ryuji bleeding from his head.��
“Man, I wasn’t enough? I got you rearing to go for more? All up in your murder jibblies? Do you want me to kiss your booboo to make it feel better Ryuji?”
That loosens him up even more, and he cocks his head back and starts laughing, the palm of his hand pressed against his forehead.
“Well, that’s not my problem anymore I suppose. So, this is it, huh? End of the line? You hear my final sad words and thoughts and then I become a puddle of goo and am forgotten? Maybe tears of regret for the people I've killed?"
Julio's head snaps back down and he gives a steely glare, with a wicked smile on his face.
"Well, too bad. Because I don't regret any of it. Not a single one. I gave them a chance to stop me, every time, and they were outsmarted by me each time. And even if I was generous and count someone's petty opportunism as beating me, I still win. 22 to 1."
His smile widens.
"That's right. 22. I murdered Jinghei Jia. Maybe I can talk about that in our last little chat here?" He takes a step towards Ryuji and cocks his head. "Maybe you want to hear about how I did it? The rush I felt as I snuck behind her with a garrote and wrapped it around her neck, pulling as she thrashed and choked and tried to break free? I was in it so much I didn't even notice her stab me. Not that she hit me anywhere important, or that it mattered in the end."
"You know exactly what that sensation is like though Ryuji, you've been in my memories after all. It was the most fun I had in months. It'd be more fun if I was, y'know, still alive. But we can't always get what we want, can we? Maybe you can share that with everyone else when I'm done. One last little favor for me."
He then turns to Enji, and squats down, with his chin on his hands and his elbows resting against his leg. He's still all smiles.
"And you were never subtle by the way, 'darling'. But being the kind and generous man I am, I figured I'd spare you the embarrassment. I hope you can still find happiness despite my best efforts." He blows a kiss and winks.
"Want to know what her last words were, Enomoto?"
There's a cold, mocking tone in his voice. As long as he keeps talking, he keeps being able to exist. If everything ends here, he's going to make sure he won't be forgotten.
"Do you think she was crying out for you? Or for Ryuji? Or her dear sibling Mingzhu? Who do you think Jinghei was begging to save her as she flailed around kicking and screaming?"
Julio then makes a bunch of fake choking and gagging noises, tilting his head to the side and putting his hands over his neck while his tongue is lolling out. He continues this for a good ten seconds, not breaking eye contact with Enji the whole time until he lets out a loud gasp, then stands back up like nothing happened.
"There you have it. Her last words. Hopefully that brings you peace."
Stepping back towards the middle of the room again, Julio puts his hands in his pockets and looks up the ceiling. He's making a point of not looking at anyone as he addresses the next person.
"And you. You know who you are, you son of a bitch." He huffs and furrows his brow. "How did it feel? Did you watch as I drank my espresso, not knowing any better? Did you feel that glee, that ecstasy as my fate was sealed and I didn't even realize it?"
"How did it feel seeing a man die over several minutes, right in front of you, by your own hand? Knowing that there was nothing he could do to stop you as you took his life? The pain he was in? His futile struggle as he tried to power through it? Seeing him refuse to give in, but knowing it was inevitable?"
"I bet you enjoyed it, didn't you? You little freak. You are the kind that'd like that part of it. Me? Well, I always preferred to end someone's life directly. Out of respect, really. And that gives you a rush no matter what. But it wasn't what I was primarily doing it for. That was more... an aperitif."
"But the real question is, what about after? What did you feel after I was gone, and everyone was scrambling in confusion trying to find out what the hell even happened? And you got to sit there quietly knowing, your name is not even on everyone else's lips?"
"How did you do, huh bud? Did you worm your way out of this one? Did they even suspect you? It felt good when you led them down false trails and in circles, didn't it? When they tore their hair out in frustration?"
"That? That's the beauty of the game. And I know that you're more like me than you would care to admit, my dear friend. I know that you, of all people, will understand the game in all of its glory."
This makes him start laughing again. He pinches the bridge of his nose some, and still refuses to look at the person he's addressing.
"You better not have cracked. I won't forgive you if you crumpled up like a sheet of paper and sang in front of everyone. You better not have started boohooing and begging for mercy and putting up a sob story, you piece of shit."
"If you got away with it - and I truly hope you did! - then that's my parting gift to you. Now you know. And now nothing else will feel quite as good. It'll never be the same again. You are going to walk down the same road I did, whether you want to or not. It may not be right away. It may be months. Or years. Or maybe when you hit your midlife crisis. But mark my words: you will feel the urge again. And you will kill. And it'll feel even better the second time. Because you stooped to my level, and you're a changed man."
Slowly, the smile fades from Julio’s face though, and becomes something more somber. He does have things to say to people who matter. First, he turns to Kousuke. 
“You understand now, right? This is why I didn’t want to let you bloody your hands. You become a monster like me. Obviously in my state I don’t know if our plan worked but…” He sighs, and fishes for a nonexistent cigarette pack before resigning to put his hands in his pockets. 
“I’m not someone you should mourn. Someone you should hold the flame out for. You’re better than me. No matter… no matter what happens Kousuke… forget about me. Focus on you, your happiness. Be yourself, unconditionally. Not what others want you to be. Live for your own sake. Feel for your own sake.” 
“...which I guess goes counter to my whole ‘oh don’t cry for me’ shit, don’t it? Well, if that’s what you decide to do I can’t stop you. Just… If you’re gonna, give that piece of shit Hiromi a kick in the dick for what he did to you. Two. One from me and one from you.” 
His voice gets even more somber, more monotone. “As pathetic as it sounds Kousuke, I actually think you were my first true friend. I had family, acquaintances, people I was close to, a husband… but there was always a wall between us. Even before I became like this just a fundamental barrier that kept me from being genuinely myself with them. Being truly, unconditionally open without fear of being rejected. They all were close to a barrier I put up. But I guess, Idunno. Maybe this is what having an actual functional family is like.”
“I enjoyed getting to experience that at least once. Thanks.”
Unsure if he can physically interact with people in this state, Jules settles for giving Kousuke a thumbs up. 
“I don’t have much to say for the rest of y’all. Nori- sorry I didn’t get to help you with what I promised, at least not as much as I had wanted to. Aki- grow a fucking spine and stop with the whole hurting romantic bullshit. I will haunt your ass if you keep that shit up oh my God. Evelyn- ...girl I’m genuinely worried for you sometimes like please think and maybe count to ten before you do headass shit like eat makeup and charge into walls. Please.”
“Masaji… I didn’t end up needing it I guess but thanks for helping me with peace of mind and all. I hope… I hope you get to see your daughter again at least. Truly.”
“Ricardo… I have nothing to say to you.”
“And Irina… I think you’re from the States, right? There’s a law office in Orlando, Ortega & Sisko… if you can reach out to a man there named Joe Ortega… he’s my cousin, and was my Divorce Attorney. Let him know I’m… gone. And that I kept everything under Cameron’s name. He should be able to get in contact with them with that. If you could have Joe convey a message to Cam…”
“Don’t tell them about… what I was. There’s nothing they can do with that knowledge, it’ll only hurt them. But just… let them know that Julio Reyes is sorry he couldn’t be more honest with them. He’s sorry that he didn’t appreciate them enough. And that… all he wants is their happiness.”
“And tell Rose Cordova… her dad is sorry he never got to see her grow up. Be there for her. That he’s sorry his absence will cause so much hurt in the future… and that even though we’ll never see each other, he knows she’s going to be incredible at whatever she puts her mind to. And that he loves her.” 
He’s quiet for a bit after that, but still doesn’t disappear quite yet. Instead he turns to the last person he has words for- Jim. 
“If I… if we succeeded in our plan. The Boss’ little incentive… they never said I’d have to be alive to benefit from it if we overcame the majority. So if they didn’t find me guilty, then send Kousuke Watanabe back to the land of the living. And if they did figure it out and we failed then uhh, go fuck yourself I guess Jim. Long and hard.” 
Finally he starts fading away. Maybe Jim is pulling the plug realizing Julio is stalling for time to stay un-goo’ed. He gives a little salute motion, and grins. 
“Anyways, I’ll be seeing you in your nightmares. Don’t cry too much when I’m gone.”
Though he’s already started to fade, your eyes are once again too heavy to keep open for a split, dark second. The screen door slams shut, and the doorway is empty when your eyes open again.
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