#'im cool w gay people but they kinda shove it in your face here' and I'm like????????
quevadilla · 2 years
y'all not my manager being Homophobe Lite™ ab the new Lightyear movie 😭😭
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d0gdaze · 7 years
yo wtf im in love w ur writing pLeAsE i need more reddie hc's like .... idk.... richie works at the cinema and once in a while a cute guy (eddie) comes there with his friends and YEAH come up with the rest wow im a FAN
my buddy,, my guy,,, ily
aged up because when are they not in these things lmao,, like 19/20
- richie’s new in town and the first day he moves there he goes and gets a job, and the first thing that comes along just happens to be at the cinema
- this is fine, he’s pretty decent with customer service and doesn’t mind the long hours (boys got energy for days), also the perks of free movie tickets and discounted snacks is enticing
- the uniform is his least favourite part, he has to wear black slacks, dress shoes, and a horribly fitted bright purple vest (but he’s allowed to put pins on it so he bedazzles the fuck outta himself)
- he’s been working there like a week and they mostly just have him doing the shitty cleaning jobs (not really what he wanted but he’s getting paid so whatever) and this group of six walks in, all about his age
- he’s sweeping over behind the confection stand and he can hear they’re arguing about what film to see from across the establishment, so naturally he starts eavesdropping and watches them (he’s been here for five hours he needs some sort of entertainment, and these people look interesting)
- and then the all walk up to the ticket stand and,,, richie does a double take 
- there’s this guy that’s quite a bit shorter than the rest of them, and was kinda standing behind them all before so richie couldn’t see him properly, and holy fuck he’s pretty
- fuckn,, taylor swift is playing over the speakers and it’s ridiculously fitting as the chorus from ‘enchanted’ starts playing,, richie’s heart just about leaps out of his chest
- so he gawks after them as the buy their tickets and he’s leaning on his broom and it slips out from under him so he trips, he catches himself before he faceplants but it still draws attention
- fuuuck now they’re all looking and wwooOAAH wAIT he’s smiling at you be cool man be cool
- so he tries to play it off like ‘hhaaha yep totally meant to do that’, giving a weak salute over to the group who have mostly all gone back to talking amongst themselves
- except for the short guy, who laughs and bites his lip at richie, then turns back to his friends
- richie realises they’re all heading over to the snack counter and there’s no one at the register so he sprints there before someone else can serve them (he’s not supposed to be doing register today but like,, his manager’s not here atm so suck it)
- he’s slightly out of breath and aware he probably looks like a maniac and they’re kinda giving him weird looks but honestly he can’t see anything but this one guy,, holy shit he’s wearing a pink sweater holY SHIT
- they walk up to the counter and the one girl with red hair come up first and leans on the glass
“…..uh, hi, one large popcorn.. please?”“YEAH TOTALLY NO PROBLEM”
“…..cool… thanks…..”
- he’s never put in orders as fast as he does now because shorty’s at the back of the line
- when the rest of them have their orders and he finally gets to the front richie like,, tries to be suave but it just kinda comes off awkward and lowkey cringy
- “hey there”
- “hi”
- “what can i get for you, hot stuff?”
- and then this kid snorts and giggles and scrunches up his nose and richie is gone,, dear god help me i’ve died and gone to heaven,, this is the cutest person i’ve ever seen in my life
- he puts in the order and hands the food over and the rest of the group are probably like,, why the fuck is this geek-ass bitch trying to flirt with our friend who does he think he is
- “enjoy your movie guys!”
- “thanks! you too”
- richie laughs and the kid goes red and turns heel and the group disappears into the cinema, leaving richie standing there grinning like a dork (until his manager comes back and tells him off for not sweeping)
- when the film lets out richie is cleaning around the arcade and the guy with the red flannel comes up behind him and shoves a piece of paper into his hand 
- “he d-didn’t shut up about you for the whole fucking m-movie”
- he returns to the group and they leave and richie looks at the paper,, and its a phone number with ‘~eddie :)’ written underneath it,, richie could pass out right here and now 
- he immediately pulls out his phone and sends him a text like 
- >’i really like your laugh’
- boy wtf thats so gay
- he gets an instant reply that’s just a smiley face and a heart and ,, fuck
WHOOP there it is,, might do a part two but for now have this
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prompt-master · 7 years
Michael, Your Gay Is Showing
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