#'okay great but is anyone else seeing the mesh shirt.'
57sfinest · 2 years
imagine being one of harry’s former students. like if you’re a local you probably see him around even after graduation, right? you hear he quit the school and you’re a little sad, the guy was fucking weird but he let you play dodgeball as violently as you wanted and played music all the other teachers hated and you got to call him “coach harry” instead of “mr. du bois” and if he caught you smoking weed under the bleachers he’d just ask for a hit and then look the other way as long as you did your laps. 
anyway you run into him a few years later and he’s a cop now. weird career change, but okay. you keep seeing him because you’re a budding adult in jamrock and every time you do he’s drunk off his ass and increasingly miserable and you don’t ask, that’s his business and frankly you’re a little scared of the look in his eyes. he’s a little bit of a subject of gossip among the old students of his that keep in touch and everyone agrees he’s going downhill fast. someone finds out about his breakup and no one shuts up about it for a month. his behavior gets so uncomfortable that you all just sort of drop it until six years later his picture is in the paper and he’s listed as the lead discoverer of a new species of insect. he’s wearing the most deranged outfit you’ve ever seen in your life, he’s bleeding through his pants and also he’s got a mullet now. you don’t know what to think of any of these things individually, much less together, so you just kiss your kid on the head and go to work.
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negative-speedforce · 7 months
One of Your Girls - Siv Thawne/Hailey Laurence
cw: nsfw
Hailey watched as Siv removed their jacket, then the dark red mesh top that she wore underneath. The sheer sleeves did a surprisingly good job of hiding the crisscross of scars underneath that made the other woman's back look more like one of the Stations of the Cross rather than your typical twenty-something's.
"Don't ask about the scars, okay?" Siv anticipated Hailey's question. "Or else nothing's gonna happen tonight."
"I can't believe I'm about to get fucked in a condemned building, on a single mattress on the floor." Hailey rolled her eyes.
"Is that so, your highness?" Siv scoffed. "Are you sure you want to do this?"
"Please." Hailey nodded. "I need you so bad- fuck, it's all I can do to not have my heart give out in my chest. I want it bad, Siv. I want to feel like you're going to kill me, like my soul is being ripped apart and turned inside out."
Siv cracked their neck, and it was almost like she had put on a mask with how her personality shifted. "You want it hard, huh?" She grabbed Hailey's hips, manhandling her into the wall, driving her knee between Hailey's legs. "Then you're going to have to beg for it. Get on your knees, and beg for me, Hailey."
"Please. I need you." Hailey whimpered, kneeling down as Siv's lips pressed into hers. She forced her tongue between Hailey's lips, nipping softly at the other woman's lips and tongue.
"Oh, God." Hailey breathed, as Siv reached down her shirt, unclasping her bra. They ripped off Hailey's sweater, stronger-than-human hands quite literally tearing the fabric apart. She ran her dry, callused hands along Hailey's bare skin, kissing her fiercely as they touched Hailey's chest.
Siv shoved Hailey backwards, throwing her back onto the bed. Her long. jet-black hair fanned out behind her on the mattress, mismatched eyes with blown-out pupils staring up at Siv. Siv grinned, gently moving to hold Hailey's wrists with her hands.
"May I?" Siv asked, their whisper in Hailey's ear making chills roll down her spine.
Hailey nodded, barely able to focus with how turned-on she was. "Y-yeah."
"Good." Siv pinned Hailey to the bed by her wrists, one hand wandering down to Hailey's jeans while the other held her in place, unable to resist. By now, Hailey was 99% sure that Siv wasn't human, but honestly, she didn't care. Not when she was this close.
Siv began to grind against Hailey's body, the hand not busy with holding Hailey down meandering down to Hailey's aching core. Hailey's breath caught in her throat as Siv touched her, her hips bucking against theirs, desperate for touch.
Siv shook her head, pushing down harder onto Hailey's wrists. "No. I'm in control here."
They built up a steady rhythm, Siv's fingers touching Hailey's most sensitive regions, calloused digits rubbing circles around her clit. Hailey gasped as Siv separated their lips from hers, beginning to suck on her earlobe, before beginning to pepper agonizingly light kisses on her neck. She nearly cried out from stimulation when Siv ran her tongue along Hailey's sternum, her whole body shuddering.
She was so close.
Hailey lay there, motionless in agonizing bliss. When it ended, it ended with a scream ripped from her throat, Siv's name on her lips as her vision went white.
"Yeah. That was great." Hailey smiled, tears in the corners of her eyes from the overstimulation.
"You okay?" Siv asked, rolling off Hailey, allowing her to sit up.
Hailey rubbed her wrists, which were slightly sore, but it was worth it. "I am. We should do this again sometime."
Siv nodded. "Agreed. You know how to contact me."
"I do." Hailey agreed. "Thanks for the sex, but I'd better get going."
"Don't want anyone to find out you got fucked by your archnemesis?" Siv raised an eyebrow.
Hailey sighed, putting on her jacket. "Pretty much."
"Hm." Siv frowned. "See you eventually, I guess."
"Yeah. See you eventually."
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wheelsup · 3 years
kissing lessons
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summary: one of your classic movie nights with spencer turns into a learning opportunity
A/N: this is really fluffy, but the whole story centers around kissing. use your own judgement! i’d say it’s at worst 16+
category: spencer reid x gn!reader, fluff (with a bit of spice)  best friends to lovers (sorta)
warnings: just kissing, a brief implication at the end
word count: 3k
Occasionally, the team will spend an extra night in their hotel before heading home from a case. Be it due to poor weather conditions, or the fact that your case wrapped in the dead of night, the reasons for flying don’t ever matter. Because the majority of the times when you have to stay that extra night, you and Spencer have sleepovers.
The routine is pretty much the same. You’ll stock up on gas station snacks – sour peach rings for Spencer, salted microwave popcorn for you – and reconvene in one of your hotel rooms. Preferably, whichever of you got the better deal that week – a bigger tv, a room further away from the ice machine. And you’d rent the cheapest movie available on-demand, the options spanning from low-budget sci-fi to poorly written rom-coms. That night, the viewing fell under the latter category.
Spencer perched at the foot of your bed with both feet tucked under his legs, criss-cross style, while you laid against the headboard to watch. Every now and then, you tossed out your commentary and he’d ignore it. He always says you’re too critical of movies and you’re of the belief that he’s too forgiving.
“I don’t think they should end up together,” you mumbled, words slurring around your mouthful of popcorn. You pulled a face right as the movie approached the romantic climax, after spending the past ninety minutes actively rooting against the couple. Spencer ignored you, pretending to be engrossed in the movie to spite your disparagement of it. “They both suck.”
You groaned, slumped further against the pillows, and shoved your sock-clad toes under Spencer’s left thigh in a call for attention. He jumped at the intrusion, but ultimately, your efforts were futile.
And then the big kiss commenced, and your booing finally piqued his interest. “Gross! I feel bad for people who kiss like that.”
A small bell went off in his head and he took a curious glance at you over his shoulder.
“What do you mean?” he asked. He stopped chewing and the piece of candy in his mouth pushed out his cheek, giving him an adorably innocent look. His brows scrunched in the middle and his nose had a tiny crinkle in it, utterly confused.
You scoffed and matched his expression. “Are you serious?” You jerked your head in the direction of the television and Spencer whipped his head back, squinting. He couldn’t figure out what you were pointing out, what it was that was so obviously wrong to you. “Spencer, he’s swallowing her chin!”
Oh. He hadn’t noticed.
Feeling dumb, he muttered, “I thought that’s how you’re supposed to kiss…” It wasn’t the deepest confession to admit to you that he lacked some knowledge when it came to kissing, but he still refused to look at you as he said it.
“Spencer, please tell me you haven’t been kissing people like that.” You narrowed your eyes at the back of his head, sitting up straighter in bed. He shrugged and lowered his head, focusing on his snack as his fingers dug into the packet of gummy rings in his lap.
He popped another piece into his mouth, pretending to be occupied with eating so as to avoid your prying. “I dunno.”
It didn’t occur to you until that moment that Spencer might have learned everything he knows about kissing – among other things – solely through watching movies. How else could he look at that and think it’s normal? And you’re left wondering if he’s ever even practiced it with another living human. He clearly didn’t want to talk about it, but unfortunately, that only heightened your interest. You had to know.
“Have you ever kissed anyone before?” You kept your voice low, your tone implying that you were ready to exchange this secret with him. You wouldn’t judge him if he admitted he hadn’t.
He scoffed loudly, and though you couldn’t see his face, you’re positive he rolled his eyes too. “Yeah, of course.” Then quietly, he added on, “But it was only like… for four seconds.”
You nodded thoughtfully, considering how this new piece of information adjusted your existing view of Spencer. For some reason, you couldn’t tell if you actually expected him to be experienced or not.
He didn’t exactly scream that he’d… gotten around, for lack of better words, but you’re still surprised to learn that he’s barely done it at all. You supposed he was objectively cute, that maybe you could see it if he weren’t your best friend. And yeah, he’s a little awkward, but he’s smart and kind, so he has three great things going for him, and you’re surprised more people haven’t swooped him up yet.
Your lips curled down in thought, brows raised in curiosity. “And was it good?” It was a genuine enough question, because you’ve never really thought about Spencer Reid and kissing in the same sentence before. As it turned out, there was a lot of missing information relating to those two things.
“I don’t know! I didn’t get, like, a feedback form,” he grunted, angling his shoulder even further away from you. If you could’ve seen him, you’d notice his face boiling and turning red with heat. All this inquiring made him think harder about his … talents … than he’s ever had to before, and he’s not a fan.
You were prepared to do some more digging when the slump in his back made you feel a tinge of guilt. It was your fault he looked so defeated. You pressed too hard, disregarding his boundaries just because you wanted to know more. And now, he was wondering if there was something wrong with him, because you wouldn’t leave it alone.
He barely noticed as you swung your feet from under his thigh and rocked onto your knees, leaning forward to nudge his shoulder with your palm. It hauled his attention out of his thoughts and back into the room. You wanted to apologize, but instead you settled with “I’m sure you’re fine, Spence.”
He nodded unconvincingly. By the glow of the screen, you could see he was still gnawing on the inside of his cheek, focusing his eyes as he played with a loose hangnail on one of his fingers. It made you feel even worse. “Are you actually worried about it?” you asked, laden with concern.
“What if I am bad at it?” He whispered, like saying it too loud would make it true. “And that’s why it’s only happened once?”
A large exhale puffed out of your nose as you weighed your options.
You could go back to your original plan and apologize for setting him down this path of doubt. But that wouldn’t do anything to stop him from worrying, anyway. You could tell him there’s no correlation between the way he kisses and how frequently it’s happened; that you’re sure the reason isn’t because he’s bad. But you don’t know that for sure.
So, fuck it, you thought, grabbing a fistful of his pajama shirt and tugging him closer to you roughly, pressing your lips onto his.
This way, you’d at least have an informed opinion to be able to tell him if he was good or bad.
His lips were softer than you expected – not that you’d thought about them often, they’re just impossibly softer than they look – and invitingly warm. But they were completely stiff.
You could tell he was trying to kiss you back by the way his mouth ferociously moved over yours. He was trying to be a passionate, engaged partner, but he forgot about the aspect of tenderness.
His lips felt like two solid objects just sliding around on your face. They didn’t move in any sort of accordance with yours. There was no push and pull, your lips didn’t mesh perfectly together to form a solitary unit as they moved in unison.
It felt more like his lips were your opponent, putting up an attack and defense play against the actions of your own.
You pulled away, resisting a giggle at his bewildered face. “You’re not so terrible,” you swipe the corner of your mouth, smudged with Spencer’s flavored chapstick, “But it could use some work.”
He was at a loss for words, mouth gaping open as his eyes darted around the room and all over you. Maybe he’d find an explanation for what just happened carved into the walls somewhere or written across your forehead.
What happened was that you kissed him. And he was a little bit bad. Simple as that.
“I-I wasn’t ready!” he stammered, chucking up his hands defensively. He’d process the fact that he’d just made out with his best friend at a later time, right now the bigger concern was the slight cringed look on your face. He sulked and folded his arms.“What was so bad about it?”
“Well,” you scratched the back of your ear, trying to gauge if he’d react well to getting some advice, “my first tip would be to relax your lips.”
“Okay, I can do that.”
“And don’t think too hard. You should react to what’s happening in the moment, not worrying about what your next move is gonna be.” You could see the gears turning in his head as he tried to envision what that would play out like in a real situation. “You wanna try again?” you offered, figuring he’d learn much faster if he was more hands-on about it.
He nodded, and you leaned in close, waiting for him to go for it. His heart quickened under the pressure of performance, eyes screwing shut as he closed the gap. His mouth smashed into yours as he dove in hard. It was toeing on the side of too harsh, but you let that one slide in hopes it was just a byproduct of his nerves.
You had to tap his knee to remind him to relax, and he loosened some of the tension he had in his lips. He slotted his between yours, allowing them to be pliable to your movements and remembering to react, not plan.
He moved his mouth leisurely against yours, trying to match your pressure and pacing. They actually started moving in time with yours at some point. The kiss took on a shape of its own as he started getting out of his head, letting himself enjoy the kiss for what it was in that exact moment.
It was already better than before. Leaps and bounds better. But then he tried to deepen it, building on its intensity but adding more… something into it. You couldn’t even tell what it was he was trying to do.
“Okay, second tip…” you inhaled sharply, pushing him off of you with a palm against his chest. Whatever it was, it needed to stop. “You kinda do this thing like… where you’re blowing air into my mouth?” You scrunched your nose, punctuating your dislike. “That feels weird. Don’t do that. If anything, do the opposite.”
“I’m supposed to suck the air out of your mouth?” His face contorted, voice already slightly exasperated. He barely understood what the air thing was that you claimed he did. He didn’t realize in the process of trying to add pressure to the kiss, he was just forcibly blowing against your mouth.
“Not literally, no.” You laughed a little, rubbing your palm in a comforting pattern on his chest.”But you can use your lips to suck on mine, or my tongue… just nothing involving the exchange of breath. We’re not in CPR training.”
He eased up a little with your joke, adjusting to your advice he gave it another try. After a few moments, he latched onto your bottom lip with his own, sucking it softly into his mouth. “Yeah, like that,” you mumbled against him, voice pitching high in encouragement. He sucked on it with a little more greed, holding it for a second, then eased up, varying the pressure of his movements just like you did before.
You made a mental note to praise him for that at a later time, deciding to instead part your lips to see if he’d venture into further experimentation.
He caught on quickly. He parted them further, prodding his tongue against them as you opened to allow him entry. Just as you started to really enjoy it, he ran his tongue over the inside of your mouth, moving it fast and roughly like he was a washing machine.
“Stop,” you grimaced, tearing away quickly. You had to swipe your hand over your mouth to get rid of the excess saliva that really shouldn’t have been an issue in the first place, given how brief the frenching was. “Your tongue is way too aggressive.”
Overwhelmed, he tilted his head to the ceiling and let out a frustrated grunt, slapping his hands down to the top of his thighs.
There were too many factors to worry about. He had no idea how you looked at him with a straight face and told him not to think too much when there were a million things he needed to remember all at once; he needed to vary his moves to keep it interesting, but make sure he’s not ruining the flow by changing things up too much, and to be gentle but not timid.
All of this was second nature to you, but it was brand new to Spencer. Could you really blame him for not getting the hang of it right away? You decided to stop your list of critiques short for this round to spare him. He’d get there eventually, but not if he felt discouraged too soon.
“I don’t see why people like it in the first place,” he huffed, his head returning to it’s normal posture. In Spencer’s eyes, there truly wasn’t any appeal to kissing with tongue; it looked sloppy and unnecessary, and as you’d just confirmed, it actually was.
You thought about his statement for a second. There’s a certain allure to it, and you didn’t know how to describe it to him. So instead you cupped his cheeks in both your palms and slid your mouth over his again. As his jaw slacked its tension, you slowly pushed your tongue past his lips and gently pressed it against his own before swirling them together.
You sighed softly into his mouth, running your fingers through his hair and tugging carefully at the ends. He made a small noise against you, something like a whimper, and you swallowed the vibrations of it. As you retreated, you captured his bottom lip between your teeth and gave it a light, teasing tug. You soothed it again with your lips before releasing it, a proud giggle forming in your chest as Spencer chased after your lips as you broke apart.
“That’s why.” You smirked at the dazed look on his face. His eyelids remained closed longer than necessary, still feeling the ghost of your mouth on his and a tingle where your fingers were in his hair.
“Oh.” His voice came out meek as he slowly came back to reality, brows wrinkling up his forehead as he opened his eyes.
He put both his palms down on the mattress, one laying flat on either side of you, and dove forward to resume the kiss right where you left it. A surprised squeak left you as his mouth collided with yours with an insatiable hunger. You brought one hand back to his hair, and he was a goner.
He unfolded his legs from under himself and shuffled onto his knees, following his hands until he practically crawled into your lap. Each of his legs hooked onto either side of your thighs as he hovered over your lap, leaning his body entirely into yours.
The physics of it didn’t hold up; he’s taller than you are, and his chest was too heavy for you to carry. The balance was off center and it sent you tumbling back onto the mattress, bringing him down with you until his chest laid on yours.
It was the perfect force – the weight of him on top of you. He tasted like peach candy and sour sugar, and you found yourself craving more of it.
You shuffled higher up the mattress, giving him space to stretch out his body as he followed yours. One of his hands found your waist, gripping tightly, while he placed the other on the mattress beside your head, using it to steady himself. Sliding your legs out from under him, you wrapped them on the outside of his hips, using them to pull him closer down to you.
It only broke off in moments when both of you absolutely needed to get air, gasping as you pulled apart for brief reprieve before colliding again. He followed every word of your advice, getting better with each passing second until he exceeded expectations by leaps and bounds.
Your fingers weaved through his hair, passionately tugging the wavy strands to angle him against you and igniting his nerves under your touch. A soft moan leaves him and you’re encouraged to tighten your grip on them. His hips bucked reactively at the sensation, and he quickly pulled back, a slight embarrassment creeping up his cheeks. He got too carried away.
You took in his flushed face and swollen, kiss-bruised lips. They’d turned a shade of red brighter than you’ve ever seen them, and it was all you could do not to dive for them again as his tongue sweeped over them, soothing the burning heat you’d left on them.
Before he could apologize for his eagerness, you nudged your nose against his, your smile skimming against his lips. “So what else don’t you know how to do?”
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wing-ed-thing · 3 years
Treehouse (Shikamaru x Reader)
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Word Count: 1,232
Tags/Warnings: Discussion of Death and Loss, Gender Neutral Reader, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, War Casualties, Language, Description of Panic Attack, Mention of Minor Original Character
Notes: I almost cried writing this, it got a little real ngl
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You curled up on the platform in the trees somewhere deep in the forest that surrounded Konohagakure. You didn’t know where else to go and took shelter underneath the roof of your old, childhood treehouse. Leaves littered the floor and the wood underneath you had been permanently stained by water. You didn’t think anyone still came by to maintain your old playspace. Papers and brushes still poked out of long forgotten drawers. A few fake kunai were still lodged in the cheap wooden dartboard by the window. Standing, your head barely cleared the top boards, undeniably larger than the last time you were there. And yet, as you sat sobbing in the corner, feeling the smallest you had ever felt.
A hyperaware part of you felt Shikamaru’s chakra signature as he landed on the patio just outside the wooden windowsill. Of course, out of all the people in the village, he would know where to find you. His vague shadow flickered across your closed eyelids, the sun rising at his back. You heard a dull thud, making you startle just the slightest bit.
“Fuck…” you heard him mutter, something that would have made you laugh in any other circumstance. The dead leaves rustled around him as Shikamaru took his spot next to you, his shoulder touching yours. You remained buried in your knees and arms wrapped around yourself. Shikamaru stared at the back of your head for a few moments before leaning back against the wooden wall, arms crossed. “Do you want to talk about it?” He crossed his arms over his chest, his uniform still on from the morning’s expedition just like you. You shook your head.
“I fucked up, Shika,” you hardly managed to croak out. Shikamaru let out a deep sigh that bubbled in his throat and simmered out through his nose.
“You didn’t.” Sympathy had never been a strong tool in his wheelhouse and he restrained a certain amount of hardness in his voice. But more than anyone, he understood. “I’m not just blowing smoke. I don’t want you to tear yourself up over this because you did the best that you could.” You continued to shake, stuttering your response as pure emotion flooded your brain.
“Shi-ka…” you stammered, trying to find your words as you raised your head towards him. But the moment you saw his concerned face, you broke down. Shikamaru caught your retreating limbs before you had an opportunity to close up on yourself again, positioning himself in the middle of your chaos as you began to scream and sob into his shoulder. He held you, nearly collapsed across him, with his hands at the back of your neck. “My b-best k-k-killed people!” Shikamaru took your shoulders gently in his hands, attempting to move you to look at you, but you refused to budge. He returned back to holding you.
“Hey, no, no, no that’s not true!” Shikamaru hushed you in a gentle voice. Your hands balled tighter in the mesh of his shirt, his skin now becoming dampened by your tears through the fabric. You looked like you were in so much pain and despite having experienced exactly what you were going through, Shikamaru had to admit that he didn’t have all the answers this time. He took a breath, attempting to gather himself. “No one could have seen it coming. You took charge as, as, uh, a leader and you did the best that any leader could in a horrible situation.” He wasn’t used to sounding so optimistic.
“You didn’t see them at the hospital. T-Tamaki just had a, a son一!”
“And Tamaki knew what he was getting into.” You cursed to yourself, breaking away from Shikamaru to wipe the tears and mucus away from your face. You sniffled to yourself, teetering between grief and frustration. Shikamaru gathered up your hands in his as he took a sharp breath in. “Hey, I want you to look at me,” he said, voice ever-commanding and you met his eyes with your puffy ones. “You know I don’t ever bullshit you, right?” Even if he didn’t have all the answers, he could look like he did for your sake. You shook your head, causing Shikamaru to raise an eyebrow. “What was that?”
“No, you don’t bullshit me,” you gulped, taking another sniff.
“That’s right, so I’m going to be real with you, okay?” He brushed against the back of your hands with his thumb. He caught your eye. “Okay?” You nodded.
“You know why Lady Fifth chose you to lead this expedition?” A few more tears dribbled down your cheek and Shikamaru brushed them away.
“No, why?” you asked, voice as small as you felt.
“Because you’re a great leader.” You opened your mouth to speak, to retort him, but closed it at Shikamaru’s pointed stare. “You had a great plan and a great team to back you up. Usually一” He huffed. 一 “When a newbie runs a mission like this, there’s usually a lot of fuck ups.”
“Wow, thanks, Shika.” You cracked a smile and Shikamaru rolled his eyes in mock annoyance. He gave your palm a light squeeze and your squeezed back, tracing the veins in the back of his hand.
“But you didn’t have any. Fuck, if you would jsut let me finish my sentences…” The corners of his mouth turned upwards as he looked away. His bittersweet smile melted. “I know you. You did all that you could. You were up strategizing all night, I know you were. So I’m telling you, no shinobi, no matter how experienced, could predict an attack like that. This wasn’t anything that you could control. You did the best you could with what you were given.”
“So many good people lost their lives under my command…” you lamented, though quieter, more tears coming to sting away at your sinuses. Shikamaru gently bumped two fingers at the bottom of your chin and you looked back up at him and the sincerity in his irises.
“And those good people knew what line of work they signed up for. All of these things happen sometimes and you are not to blame for what you can’t control. And all those other people, who could have been lost that you saved, have you and your leadership to thank for their lives.” You bowed your head under the beams of the rising sun that fluttered in through the window. Birds chirped somewhere outside, signaling the beginning of the day.
“How did you find me here anyway?” you asked. A soft chuckle ripped from Shikamaru’s throat.
“I must’ve found you here every day when we were in the Academy… You’d fall out of this tree every goddamn day trying to一”
一“practicing my chakra control.”
一“practice your chakra control.”
You spoke in unison.
Quiet overtook the treehouse. The sun had fully risen in the sky, serving only as a reminder to how tired you were. The mission left you sleep deprived, the residual trauma only draining you of your little residual energy. Shikamaru followed your gaze to the clouds outside, remembering why he liked this place in his childhood.
“If and when you take another mission like this, somewhere down the line when you’re ready, you know I’ll be there for you. You’re a captain that the Leaf will be lucky to have.”
Another pause.
“Thank you, Shika.”
“Don’t mention it.”
Thank you to all who liked, reblogged, followed and otherwise supported. Your support means so much and is greatly appreciated.
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halfway-happyyy · 4 years
This piece was inspired by this lovely ask that I received an inexplicably long time ago: Seeing an intense and loving sex scene Alex just shot and it lowkey breaks your heart but you don’t show anything bc you don’t want him to get the wrong idea and think you don’t support him but he can tell you’re upset and now /his/ heart breaks bc he can tell you try SO hard not to break down in front of him all day long so he confronts you about it and you tell him everything and that you’re not angry just very sad and you can’t help it and you’re sorry and he shushes you and sweet sex ensues
fluffy smut ensues- enjoy, friends.
“Hi love,” A crewman on Alexander’s latest film, and the first friendly face she had come across since arriving on set, wrapped a free arm around her shoulder and kissed her cheek lovingly. “Alright?” He asked.
“Alright,” She smiled and set her purse down by her feet. “How’ve you been Pete? Busy, I bet.”
Peter shrugged and removed the headset from his ears. “Absolutely. Always. You uh… chose an interesting day to visit us,” He remarked with a quirk of a wildly unkempt eyebrow.
“Oh?” She asked and craned above the heads of the scant crew in search of Alexander. “I was hoping to surprise him…”
Peter cleared his throat and cocked his head to the side, his expression uneasy. “They are about to film their second and final love scene of the shoot.”
She swallowed hard and settled back onto the balls of her feet, her heart thrumming wildly in her chest. Two options suddenly become apparent to her: she could cut and run; blame it on a forgotten zoom meeting, or a lunch date with an old friend in the same city. Alternatively, she could swallow back the nausea rising steadily in her throat and remain rooted to the spot. Both options left little room for pride and her cheeks flamed under that realization, and the burning set lights around her. “Oh, that’s alright.” She smiled, shyly.
“You sure?” Peter asked. “Georgia’s camp have asked for a closed set to maximize privacy, and the entire thing was choreographed this morning, so we’re hoping to squash it in as few takes a possible.”
She appreciated his honesty and the soft, protective tone of his voice immensely, but it did little to quell the nervousness that prickled at her unpleasantly. “Sounds great,” She muttered under her breath.
Someone called out to Peter and he rubbed a hand over the rounded curve of her shoulder, offered her up a reassuring smile. “In any regard, he has been waiting weeks to see you. Cannot stop talking about it. He’ll be over the moon that you’re here.” He offered her one last knowing look before wandering off in the direction of the disembodied voice.
She had known exactly what the script entailed before production on the film had even begun, so this could hardly have been a surprise, and yet inexplicably, she still felt blindsided by it.
She watched Alexander and his co-star enter the set, designed to look like a minimalist bedroom. Laughing and talking easily about something, as if they weren't just about to film a painfully intimate scene. Without warning, the lights around them dimmed almost to nil, and the film’s head spoke into a megaphone.
“Alright guys, here we go. We know what we’re about to be doing, we want total silence, let’s try and get this thing smashed in as few takes as possible, shall we?” A dismal murmur of agreement resounded throughout the crowd as the director counted down and shouted action.
She couldn’t make out what was being said between the two actors, but she watched them approach each other with a familiarity reserved only for two people who had grown to know each other in ways solely attributed to unforgiving hours on a movie set. She watched him approach her, watched a large, sure hand entwine itself into her golden tresses, watched him bend toward her, two pairs of lips locked in a dance only they knew. It was difficult to watch and not imagine the effect it was having on him, but a past conversation swam into her mind's eye, and aided in easing her trepidation the slightest bit.
“It's never how you think it's going to be kid,” He had assured over warming amber beers, in a quiet corner of their favourite pub a year ago. “It’s quite possibly the least sexy aspect of the job. And yes, it is intimate. How could it not be? But there are so many people watching you and- so many of them have differing opinions on how it should be performed…” He sighed, frustrated. “Once I know I'm doing one, I like to try and get it out of the way as soon as possible.” He read the uneasy look on her face like an open book and reached for her hand, squeezing it thrice across the marred wooden tabletop. “It's always been you, kid.”
As his co-star began to undress him, working deft fingers down the front buttons of his shirt, she pulled it away from his shoulders with an unreadable expression etched on her face. Towered above her, Alexander stood motionless as she worked the belt from his jeans, and shimmied the pants from his thighs until he was clad before her in only a pair of boxers. Unexpected laughter between the two of them. Light and airy and utterly unfamiliar, caused waves of nausea to swell in her belly and she forced herself a deep, steadying breath. A brief moment where the two kissed each other again, before he pulled away to begin removing her clothing. Anxiety getting the better of her, she dropped her gaze to the floor and bit down on the hollow of her cheek until she could taste the metallic brine of blood on her tongue. She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply again, counting down from eight in her head and trying desperately not to spiral on the spot. When she opened them, it was to the realization that they had fallen into bed together, her slight form tucked in between Alexander's open legs like it was meant to be there since the beginning of everything. Though the actress appeared nude in every sense of the word, she knew better. A thin, flower-shaped piece of beige tape covered each nipple, and she sported a flimsy pair of nude-coloured underwear. Alexander had been no better- a simple, nude tube sock was the only thing shielding his manhood from her and everyone else in the room and the notion of it made her dizzy.
It was obvious now that they had choreographed this scene beforehand. Every kiss, every touch, every moan or groan was exactly how it was supposed to be. And the further she watched, the further her heart edged towards the precipice of shattering. So many emotions. She was surprised the most to feel anger; and not at all at him, but at herself. This was his job. His passion. Something that was as easy and instinctive to him as breathing. It was something that though he denied it staunchly, coursed through his blood and exited his body in waves of raw talent.
But watching him touch the undeniably beautiful woman beneath him in ways similar to how he touched her? And always in the privacy of their own home, shielded from view of anyone and everything else? Unimaginably difficult.
“Alright Georgia, I want you to kind of pepper Alex's chest with kisses as he thrusts once more against you, and as he does that, you are going to orgasm and then he is going to follow suit.”
They did exactly as they were told, and she watched in unbridled agony as the two of them tumbled over the proverbial edge, one right after the other. Sounds of their feigned lovemaking filled every square inch of room and very nearly caused her to leave right then and there. But then, mercifully, someone called cut, and the actress extricated herself from him and the torture ceased.
“Alright, that’s a wrap on today friends. Take care, we'll see you all in a couple of days.”
Releasing a lungful of pent-up air that felt like it had taken years to come to fruition, she watched Alexander wander off the set in search of clothing. Reaching down, she retrieved her purse and stole herself for her big reveal. He had asked her to visit him a couple of weeks ago, but their schedules had hardly meshed and it turned out that this was the only time until the end of the year that she could take her leave from work.
The weighty realization that she had never before needed to work up the courage to speak to him was not lost on her. But somehow, after the wildly pseudo-intimate event in which she had just been privy to- even surrounded by the skeleton crew, a knot of unease wound itself tight in the pit of her belly. It hindered her from approaching him directly, so she stood back while he finished speaking with a crew member, her gaze downcast, thoughts spiraling.
Her nickname- one that had been bestowed upon her the night they first crossed paths, roused her from her anxious reverie and she offered him a meager smile. “Hi, Alex…”
He rushed toward her without hesitation, throwing his long arms around her in an embrace that her body had been craving for weeks. He smelled exactly how she had remembered leaving him, only with a subtle hint of something else- some other foreign flowery scent and instinctively, she reeled back from him, gaze weary.
“God, it's good to hold you again.” He pulled away from her to hold her at arm’s length; could sense the apprehension rolling from her in waves and he frowned. “Did you just get here?”
She swallowed the sizeable lump rising in her throat. “Uh, about an hour ago.”
Realization sunk in behind his eyes; she could see it in the way that the glitter in his blue orbs dulled, and he sighed heavily. “Kid- I had no idea you were coming-
“It was a surprise, Alex.”
He reached another arm around her, pressed his lips to the top of her head in a gentle kiss. “I'm over the moon about it, honestly.” He pulled back from her to caress a hand to her cheek. “I'm just going to grab a few things and then we can head out, okay?”
She could feel the biting sting of looming tears behind her eyes, the words too heavy in the hollow of her throat, so she offered him a nod instead.
Their journey home- a beautiful, rented apartment in West London had been quiet save for the cacophony of masses of passerby. Random pieces of conversations in a myriad of accents, music from someone’s portable sound system, all helped to distract her from the thoughts swirling in her brain. Sitting next to him on the tube, she could feel the familiar warmth radiating from him in waves, and that seemed to abate the anxiety somewhat. Large fingers clasped together on his lap; he was staring at something unseen on the subway floor. The urge to say anything had been palpable minutes ago, but when she went to open her mouth, the precise words eluded her.
“Our stop’s next, kid.”
He rose from the seat ahead of her, offering his hand which she accepted gratefully. As the train trundled to a halt, a voice boomed loud on the speaker above them, but she could not make out what was relayed and then the doors opened for them, fresh air greeting the pair of them like old friends. She had visited England enough times now to know the feeling of an imminent rainfall; the dense moisture that pervaded every square inch of space around them and made her long for a cozy sweater, or blanket.
They walked in silence for about five minutes before the wrought-iron railing of their apartment became visible, and another heap of invisible weight dissipated from her at the notion that she would be in the comfort and warmth of their own space soon. Alexander fit the key into the lock, and opened the door for them, allowed her to wander inside first. Arriving earlier that morning, she had tried to make the space as cozy as she could before she left for the film studio, knowing that he would be spending at least another two months there during post-production. Alexander tossed the keys onto the wooden shelf in the front foyer, kicking his beloved desert boots off with a dull thud. Peeling the blue and grey plaid coat from his body, he hung that up in the front closet and reached for the coat that she had just shed, doing the same. Eyeing her in the fragmented light filtering in through the stained-glass window at the top of the front door, his expression was unreadable.
“I think we should talk about earlier this afternoon, kid.”
Instinctively, she rubbed a hand over her bare arm to ward off the chill that had finally settled itself into her bones and shook her head. “It’s not necessary, Alex.”
He clicked his tongue, gave his head a slight shake. “Don’t do that, kid. It obviously upset you, and I don’t blame you for that at all, but we should talk about it.”
“What is there to talk about, Alex?” She asked, her tone regrettably biting. “What you do in the confines of a film studio- on set, that’s your job. None of it concerns me.”
He sighed heavily. “If I had known you were coming, I could have asked to postpone the scene for a few days…”
“You weren’t supposed to know I was coming. That was the whole point...” Sensing that she was treading treacherous waters, she tried to switch tactics. “I’m fried from the flight in, I haven’t eaten much at all today- all of which resulted in a grotesque culmination of emotions, and I’m over it now.”
She viewed his 6’4” figure stood in the front hallway before her, large hands tucked into the front pockets of his blue jeans. He was sporting socks that she had purchased him for Christmas last year and the mere sight of them caused the lump that had dissipated a while ago to resurface in the hollow of her throat.
“Please, just talk to me.”
Anger evaded his tone- it brimmed instead with a gentle desperation, the resonance of it caused her heart to splinter a little deeper than it already was.
Words thick at the back of her throat, she leveled her gaze with his. “It hurt, Alex.”  
There it was.
“It hurt to watch you be so intimate with someone else- to watch her touch you in ways reserved only for my hands, and my fingers, and my lips…” Flames fanned from anger and shame licked at her throat, and god damnit, she could feel the impending threat of tears again. Swallowing hard, she shrugged her shoulders. “And it sounds so much like jealousy but it’s not. It goes deeper than that,” She trailed off, voice breaking, as she lifted her gaze to Alexander’s. “I need you to know that I love you, and that I’ll support you in every single endeavor. But it just gets difficult sometimes…”
His cerulean gaze downcast, he chewed anxiously at the edge of his bottom lip as he mulled over what to say. When he finally glanced up at her, saltwater glittered in the depths of his own eyes and he allowed himself a deep breath before continuing. “I’m sorry, kid.”
She could hear the fragility in his voice now, how close it was to shattering completely and, in that moment, she launched herself into his arms. The urge to feel him on her, raw and utterly overwhelming. A secure arm around her waist, an impossibly warm hand at the back of her head, he held her to him like it was the last time he would ever have the opportunity. They stood embraced like that for an unknowable amount of time, and when he pulled away, it was to take hold of her hand and lead her down the hallway to the washroom. Once there, he flicked on the light which bathed the room in a pale-yellow glow and turned to her.
“Arms up,” He murmured, softly.
Doing as she was told, she raised her arms for him and held her breath as he pulled the t shirt from her body, tossing it into the wicker hamper next to the sink. He placed warm kisses over the delicate line of her collarbone, as he undid the zipper on her jeans and shimmied the useless material from her legs. She held onto his shoulders for support as he reached around her to unclasp her bra, letting the flimsy material fall to the glossy, tiled loor beneath them. Gentle lips kissed the soft skin of her shoulder blade as he hooked two fingers into the waistband of her panties and pulled them down her legs, which she kicked off to the side. Standing back, she watched him rid himself of his own clothing in unconcealed awe, her hungry gaze raking over the definition in his chest, and at the taut, sun-kissed skin that rippled over chiseled muscles. He never failed to take her breath away.
They entered the shower together; a violent shiver wracked her body as she waited for the water to turn hot. Watching him from the far wall, she suddenly wanted him. She could feel a strong desire in the pit of her belly- where anger recently burned red-hot there, it had been replaced with a sheer need to have every inch of him make up for the hollow emptiness she had felt hours earlier.
He dipped his head beneath the steaming stream of water and beckoned her toward him. “Come here, kid.”
She walked into his open arms, wrapped her own around his frame and nestled her head against the part of his chest where she could feel the rhythmic beating of his heart against her cheek. His embrace, and the blissfully warm water rolling down her back was a healing salve for her soul and she could feel her anxiety dissipate with each passing minute they stood there. He gathered the wet hair from her shoulder in his hand and dropped it behind her back to press a series of scorching kisses up the side of her neck to her earlobe. Reaching for the shampoo bottle on the ledge, he poured a heap of the opaque liquid into the palm of his hand and began to massage it into her hair with skilled fingers. He worked it into a lather and pulled her back under the water to rinse it out, the subtly perfumed suds cascading freely down her back. Next, he worked the conditioner into her hair, and while that sat, he poured bodywash onto a sponge and began to wash her with a delicacy she was rarely privy to. She held onto him for support as he passed the soft sponge over the sensitive parts of her body, beneath her arms, the hollow crooks in the back of her knees, the soles of her feet. When he was satisfied with his work, he pulled her back under the the warm water to rinse the soap from her body and the conditioner from her hair. She was contentedly sleepy under the steady warmth; her eyelids heavy as she watched him cleanse himself of the day in which they had both endured. When he was finished, he held her in his arms again. She could feel the familiar pressure of his erection against her thigh, how it swelled harder the longer they remained embraced.
“I want you, Alex.” She murmured, earnestly.
A deep inhalation, she could feel him nod against her. Guiding her out of the stream of water, he positioned her up against the heated stones of the shower wall. She braced her arms above her, could feel him line himself up at her soaking entrance. Placing tender kisses down the ridges of her spine, he paid special attention to certain spots on her back that nearly made her sing out for him. One final kiss, and he pushed himself inside of her, reveling in her all-consuming heat. Dropping his forehead to the middle of her back, he stayed where he was for a moment to give her time to adjust to his size.
This was what she had been after from the very beginning; the sensation of him buried to the hilt inside of her, the delicious fullness of him, nearly brought a fresh batch of tears to her eyes. “So good, Alex…” She gasped.
He nodded against her; all forms of speech eluded him as he pulled back from her all-encompassing heat only to re-enter at an agonizingly slow pace. He grasped onto her hips as he found a steady tempo for himself, his fingernails digging miniscule crescent moons in her soft flesh.
“God, I’ve missed this.” He groaned, breathlessly.
Freeing a hand from her hip to snake it down to her sex, he pressed a skilled fingertip into her swollen clit, rubbing tantalizing circles into it. She raked her bottom lip between her teeth and bit down on it to keep from crying out, causing Alexander to nip at the nape of her neck in mild disapproval.
“None of that, kid. I can tell how good I’m making you feel- but I want to hear it, and I certainly don’t want you to be quiet about it.” Always in constant awe of the sheer, physical affect that his words had on her body, she could feel the familiar unravelling of pressure in the pit of her belly and she arched her back against him to glean more pleasure. “Fuck, you feel amazing…”
A telltale sign of a man nearing the edge, his thrusts had started to grow sloppy, and she clenched around him to help spur his orgasm on.
“Fuck, Alex,” She warned in a hushed tone.
He groaned against her and applied harder pressure to her clit as she stilled against him, mouth parted and slack as a pleasure-induced white-hot lightning bolt coursed through her entire body. She imagined that she could feel it from the tips of her toes to the hair follicles on her head, and she trembled violently against him as her orgasm loomed tantalizingly out of reach.
“That’s it, baby…” He coaxed, gently. “Come all over this cock, hm?”
She froze against him, a single sound worked its way up her throat and exited her mouth in the form of a broken scream, as she tumbled over the edge, her orgasm immediate and intense. Clenching around his cock unintentionally as she unwound from her high, her muscle contractions caused him to drop his head to her back as he too began to unravel above her.
Fingernails marring the soft flesh of her hips and ribs, he stilled against her and with a strangled cry, came into her in thick, warm spurts. She had been after this sensation as well if she were honest. The satisfying feeling of being filled with every ounce of come he had to give her, could never be replicated. Peppering a couple more kisses to her damp back, he reluctantly pulled from away her to marvel at his come as it dripped from her core and slid down her inner thigh.
“Beautiful,” He murmured more to himself than to anyone else.
She stood where she was, braced against the wall for support while she tried to regulate her laboured breathing. Exiting the shower, she relieved herself, and wrapped a towel around her frame to dry off. Padding over to the expansive window adjacent to the made bed, she peered out over a darkening London. Raindrops raced each other in misshapen lines down the glass panes, and she found that she was grateful for the current weather. Alexander approached her from behind, wrapping her in his arms around her waist, chin resting easily in the crook of her shoulder blade.
“London is a lot more breathtaking with you in it.”
His stubble tickled her neck and she smiled to herself. “I bet you say that to all the pretty girls.”
A subtle grumble, he turned her around so that she was facing him. Still entirely naked, he held her chin gently between his thumb and forefinger. Her gaze traversed the cutting line of his jaw, his lips, his defined nose, his sparkling cerulean orbs which glittered brilliantly as he stared at her. No smile was offered up, but the delicate creases next to his eyes deepened as he spoke. “Just you, kid.”
He brushed the calloused pad of his thumb over her flushed cheek.
“Yesterday, today, tomorrow.”
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fakeloveaskblog · 3 years
aw, sweet loceit in the evening sun. logan is actually super good at explaining healthy relationships and boundaries and stuff actually, i betcha he could recognize abuse no problem
…aye remy! REMY!! HAve you thought about going to that gay bar more often? who knows, maybe you'll encounter someone nice, make friends with like-minded people, hear some disco, the full nine yards. janus might be there, remus might be there. (just look around for the guy with the blue tie, he's a great guy, if he's not wearing it he'll look like he has that blue tie kinda energy! you could totally just get drunk and unload your grievances on him and i bet he won't even mind!)
(Mentions of U!Virgil but I say beforehand when that happens so those who don’t like U!Virgil can enjoy the rest of the fic up until then)
(Words: 4100)
Remy wiped away a tear while looking at your message. The cold light from their phone was the only thing brightening up the room. Virgil was sleeping beside them, his arm was laid around their waist.
"You just like tots gave me the greatest idea! I'm gonna invite Rem out to the bar! It's gonna the funnest thing like ever! Thanks girl!!"
2 days later Remus was dangerously close to eating the moss straight from the gay bar's wall. He had been left without supervision for over 15 minutes while he sat outside waiting for his friend to show up, what else was he supposed to do?!
Remy came towards him as fast as they could. They had on a short leather skirt, a neon mesh crop top and a leather jacket over it.
They did a little turn "I just like felt a bit glamorous today!" 
Remus choked on his own spit "The world must be a dark place when you aren't feeling glamorous"
"Awwww babbbe"
He sent them a big grin. He'd just put on his usual oversized dysphoria hoodie and matching oversized (:O) sweatpants.
Remus' smile disappeared in an instant as he noticed dark bruises all around Remy's neck. Shades of purple and green collided against each other.
"Ehm did a vampire come and attack you last night? Seriously are you alri-"
"JUst a reminder that it will be loud in there" Remy interrupted.
"Oh. Right!"
He fumbled around in his bag after his headphones. After putting it and a chew necklace on he did a thumbs up. Remy took off their sunglasses and leaned down so they were face to face.
Their face was so close he could feel their breathe against his lips. They put the sunglasses onto him and sent him a soft smile.
“There’s like lots of bright lights too” They explained.
Remus’ heart fluttered. He didn’t understand why “T-thanks”
They moved their arm around his shoulders as they went into the bar. It was past 12 am so some of the daytime furniture had been moved to make place for a dancefloor. There was indeed lots of neon lights flickering all around the bar and fast pop music was blasting through the speakers.
It was hard to see any details of anyone around him so Remus quickly forgot about the bruise. In this lighting it just looked like a weird choker anyway.
A guy with a see through shirt bumped into Remus. He had top surgery scars. For a moment they looked at each other in the most knowing way. The stranger looked away and continued talking with whoever he was with.
Remus whole body seemed to vibrate. There were so many butterflies in his stomach it felt like he was going to puke, in a good way.
Remy sat him down on one of the tall barstools and slumped down right next to him “So whatcha gonna drink?”
“The squashed down organs of my enemies!!!” He shrugged “Soda?”
They burst out into laughter “What? You catholic or something? Not allowed to drink alcohol?”
He slumped in on himself and started fiddling with his necklace “I-I dunno-”
“No. No babe I was just like joking. Like a stupid bitch. It’s okay” They waved at the waiter “Your most alcoholic fruit mix and your finest coca cola please!”
Remus leaned in to whisper “With salt”
“With salt? Please!”
He kept vibrating like an overexcited weasel. After getting their drinks he kept tapping the glass to stim some of the happiness out.
“Honestly I’ve never been to a gay bar before. I’m digging it. Just like how I’m digging graves”
They playfully hit his shoulder “Then I’m tots gonna try my best to make this the  ultimate first gay bar experience! I can’t think of any other lil fucked up gremlin buddy I would wanna have by my side!”
"Muhahah!! I am officially assigned ultimate gremlin buddy-”
“Greetings” A voice suddenly came from behind them.
Both of them flinched away. Remy let out a short yell and Remus was close to throwing his drink in the person’s face when he saw it was just Logan.
He had on jeans and a black button up with the top button unbottoned. He had with him iced coffee from starbucks because he had to drive home later.
“LOGIE!!!” Remy threw their arms around his neck to pull him closer “Babe this is the Log-legend. Once he was like sooo drunk so when he like tried to kiss me puked on my shoes instead!”
Logan grimaced “I am still very sorry about that”
“Oh I already know him through Janus” Remus replied. 
“Oh my gawd babe” Remy looked between them all “So like we all know Janny?! Wig! Sad he isn’t here then”
Remus held up his cola “Cheers to J-anus!” The other two held up their glasses in agreement.
“He is very pretty and charming and cute” Logan dreamily sighed. He stopped himself from continuing to say compliments.
“Yeah” The other two sighed back in unison.
Logan sat down on a chair next to them. Remy looked around the bar before squinting at him “No Patty?”
He instantly started looking like a Very sad seal “Sadly my wife is away on a convention with her magical girl anime fanclub this whole week. I estimated that going to the bar would make me feel less lonely”
“You have a WIFe??? Like a real one???” Remus exclaimed, his eyeballs were close to popping out from surprise.
“Yes. This may be a controversial opinion but when I marry someone I prefer them to be physically real” He replied druly.
He got a smug grin on his lips “Does she peg you?”
“She does far more than just peg me”
“Nice!” His eyes went even wider “IS That a stim toy??!”
He pointed at the tangle Logan kept between his fingers “Correct. If I do not have something to relieve my focus onto I can easily go into senso- OH a chewie?”
Remus nodded while showing of his chew necklace. The two of them started rambling about their favorite stim toy. Until they went off into special interests (star trek/astronomy and art/animal biology respectively).
Soon enough Remus was showing pictures of the animal bones he’d found. Logan ooeh and ahhed at all of them before asking the most nerdy of questions (where he’d found them, their bone density, if any damage had been done to them) which only made Rem infodump which made Lo infodump which made them both happy stim.
Meanwhile Remy sat beside them completely zoned out. They got time to drink 2 more of those fruit mixes and a few shots. The room was starting to spin.
The loud music wasn’t keeping out the yelling. They dunked their forehead against the bar table and covered their ears to try and get it out. The music was supposed to keep it out! Why was nothing working! The bruise ached. Their throat closed in on itself until they couldn’t breathe. 
“Remus” They gasped out. They looked over to their friend with a desperate look in their eyes. They just needed a distraction.
“So my theory for why you keep finding bones in specifically that part of the woods is because of the kind of dirt making it take longer for them to deco-” Logan was explaining while Remus nodded along.
“Rem! L-let’s like go up and dance or something. Please” 
This time it caught Remus’ attention. He looked over to them “Sure- are you feeling alright? Did you drink too much? You’re looking like a mummy”
“Yes. No. I just like- Like- They’re playing Charli xcx of course we gotta like dance!!”
“I will protect your belongings then” Logan added.
Remy stumbled up on shaky legs. Remus sent them a warm smile that made them want to cry before taking their hand. He let them lead him out to the dancefloor. Honestly he was pretty nervous about it, but being with them always made some of the anxiety melt away.
They stumbled on their own feet and fell forward. Their friend took ahold of their wrists and pulled them close to his chest. Their faces were so close to each other. So so close.
He didn’t let go. They couldn't remember him ever letting them hold him this close. Their chests pressed against each other. Their arms around his shoulders. His hands on their back. 
"You’re right. It is a good song. Good to crash a car too" Remus said absentmindedly.
Remy let up into shaky giggles from how sudden he’d said it “Yeah. Yeah I guess” 
They kept giggling. He chuckled back. He started spinning around on the dancefloor. They moved with him. His arms wrapped closer around their waist. Their cheek leaned against the slope of his neck (even though they had to lean down to get on his height level).
Remy quietly sang along to the music which made Remus start yelling along to it. The enby threw their head back from laughter. They took his hand and intertwined their fingers.
Remus moved his hand out and spun them around before pulling them close again. Their cheeks were flushed red, his was as well. He playfully dipped them down when the song ended.
It continued on into a song neither of them knew but they kept dancing anyway. They didn’t stay as pressed close to each other but they always had some contact. Holding hands. An arm around a waist. A head leaning against a chest.
When they finally got back to the bar table they were both panting. Remy was completely leaning on Remus since their body had started to hurt, but even through the pain they were both bubbling over with so much happiness they kept breaking out into bouts of giggling.
To their surprise Logan wasn’t sitting alone. A tall person with long dark hair sat on the chair beside him. Xir hand was on his thigh. The nerd had a soft smile on his face as they leant close to talk.
“Uh Lo?” Remus had to wave his arms around to get his attention.
His head shot around to look at them “Hello” He glanced to the person “These are the ones I was protecting belongings for” He stood up and held out his hand “Shall we?” Xir took it. Logan waved at his friends before going off to the dancefloor with the stranger.
“Huh. Good for him” 
“I guess”
Remy ordered another high alcohol fruit mix. Remus happily chewed on his necklace while humming along to the music. Between their chairs their hands hang with their fingers intertwined. Holding their hand had started to make Remus feel all funny in the head for some reason.
The enby watched on as Logan and the stranger danced for a bit before moving to a corner to make out. When the stranger started to lead him towards the bar’s bathrooms Remy turned to their friend.
“Yeah okay he’s not coming back for like a while. Smoke break?”
“Of course!”
They finished their drink before leaving the bar. The pair stopped right outside. Remus sat down on the side of the pavement. Remy tried to sit down but they stumbled over themself and fell flat on the ground.
Remus got up to help “Are you okay? Are you sure you haven’t drank too much?”
“I’m fine. I’m fine” They laughed out.
He sat them down on the pavement while dusting off their clothes. He patted them on the head while pouting “You should get some water”
“Naaaah babe. I’m good”
In the moonlight the bruise was visible again. That horrible dark purple bruise around their neck. It looked like it hurt.
Remus put his hand on their shoulder “Beanie are you alright? I do know it wasn’t some halloween monster that got you that bruise”
For a moment their whole body tensed, they forced a smile “It’s fine. me and my boyf just tried like some new kinky shit in the bedroom y’know. Nothing more” They lied.
They took out a cigarette pack and a lighter from their bag. They traced their thumb over Remus’ lower lip and opened his mouth just slightly. Remy leaned closer while putting a cigerette between his lips. They lit it.
Remus took a deep breathe. It’d been a while since he’d last smoked. He leaned so close the cigarette nearly touched Remy’s skin. They parced their lips as he breathed out the smoke right into their mouth.
A smile spread on their lips. He held the cigarette over to them but they shook their head. They looked around in their bag again and took out a small poppers bottle.
“Should you really take that. Won’t your brain melt out of your ears?” Remus asked “I really don’t wanna have to slorp up your brain juice...yet”
“Relax babe. It’s like not dangerous as long as I don’t like take too much and I only take when partying” It took a moment before they quietly added “And I only party when I need to get out of the apartement”
They forced on a bigger smile “What?”
Remy moved the popper up to their nose and inhaled as much of it as they could. It took a few seconds before they let up into a giggle. It was in a higher tone than their usual bubbly laugh, it almost sounded like cackling. They could see stars.
(U!Virgil mentions from here on out)
“Y’know my boyfriend gave me like a flashback or whatever last night” They giggled while swaying from side to side.
Remus gently grabbed their shoulders and moved them to lean against him so they wouldn’t fall over “Uhu. Did you stab him?”
“No silly. He just. He’d been soooo sweet all weeek and I just I just ruined it ‘cause i like overeacted to some joke he made while like we were washing the dishes” They were barely even aware they were speaking “And like it just kept going until we were like screaming at each other”
Remy was still smiling and giggling between every word but tears started to form in their eyes. Their fingers felt numb. Bile was rising in their throat.
“And he just like threw the plate he was holding down on the ground. And it like didn’t hit me. He wasn’t even aiming at me. He was just throwing it at the ground. But it shattered and it was so stupid and overemotional and stupid and pathetic but I just I just curled up on the floor and like had a panic attack like a stupid baby”
They smeared their hand across their face to try and get the tears away. They felt sick. Remus quickly put out his cigarette, it didn’t feel like the right time to smoke.
“And I just like- Is that normal? Is that fine? Like throwing stutff like that? I-I- he’s never done it before. Or I mean like not plates” They looked up at Remus “Is it fine?”
He gulped while fiddling with his hoodie sleeve “Well uh did he apologize?”
“Mhmm. He like- like for some minutes he like kept yelling ‘cause he thought I was just like faking a panic attack to like I dunno manipulate him but then he like comforted me and like calmed me down and like held me and cuddled all night until I fell asleep and- and he said sorry a bunch of times and like he said it would never happen again. He uh usually doesn’t lie”
“Well ehm then it should be fine right? Right?” They both shrugged at each other “I mean everyone can make mistakes! And it was during an argument! Everyone does drastic things during an arguments! So it’s fine. I think”
A shaking breathe of relief left Remy’s lips. They stretched themself over his lap and he moved his arms around them. “Thanks babe. I was like tots worried for a bit but y’know i was thinking like that too. So it’s fine”
“Yeah” He combed his fingers through their hair “You do know you can vent to me whenever right? I promise I won’t gross you out with details about how to pull out rabbit teeth ever again so if I can hold that back then I can also listen to stuff! I can super listen!!”
They closed their eyes. They felt so tired. So tired and sick and horrible. “Mhm. I know babe. I know”
Remy sent him a soft smile before suddenly puking. Some of it came on his pants but mostly on the ground. Remus stood up and carefully moved them down to a sitting position.
He rubbed up and down their back with one hand and held their hair back with his other. Their shoulders were shaking and they were taking in shallow breathes between every sudden throw up.
“It’s okay beanie-boo. Breathe. Breathe. You got all the time in the world. Until the sun blows up at least”
“I-I took- too much- too much” They slurred out before lurching forward again. It seemed to stop for now.
“I’m aware” He carefully wiped away some of the puke left around their mouth with his hoodie sleeve.
They leaned back against his chest. They closed their eyes and focused on breathing. He held them so so gently. As if they would break like glass otherwise. He pressed a kiss to the top of their head.
“There you are!” Logan said as came through the bar entrance “What a relief. I assumed you had left without me because you thought my actions were unacceptable” He noticed how pale and shaky Remy looked and got a worried look on his face “Is everything alright?”
“They feel like someone has slammed a fish into their stomach. Not good” Remus replied.
“I see. I suppose it woud be best to get them home”
Logan picked Remy up with ease to carry them to his car. He was quite sure he’d carried dogs that weighted more than them. Remus anxiously followed along.
He sat them in the passenger seat. He shook their shoulders until they opened their eyes. They let out a quiet whine.
He held up 4 fingers “Remy how many fingers am I holding up?”
“Fuck yourself”
They moved to the side and seemed to pass out again. Logan closed the door before turning to Remus.
“Did they take anything?” He whispered.
“Only a popper”
“Good. Do you need a ri-”
“Okay” Logan was about to go but stopped midstep and lowered his voice even more “Oh and Rem...Could you please not ask Janus to hang out next weekend? I am planning a surprise...I hope it will make him happy”
“Good luck comrade....Please text me once Remy is home safe. Please?”
“Of course”
He did a little nod before leaving. Logan got into the car. He couldn’t stop looking at the bruise around their neck. Remy continued to sleep for most of the ride until they they were 5 minutes or so away from their apartment. They suddenly flinched awake.
“Stop the car!” They gasped out. 
“Are you still feeling the same?”
“Logan stop the fucking car!” There was fear in their eyes. 
Logan stopped by the side of the road. The road was barren and dark. It had to be past 3 am at least. Remy crawled back into the backseats while their whole body shook.
“Don’t. Look. At. Me”
“Sure” He stared down into the steering wheel to not accidentally see their reflection in the glass.
“I just. I just have to change clothes. I just. I don’t want Virigl to call me a whore again. I mean. He won’t. But what if. What if he gets mad. I just. I just have to change” They slurred out.
They stumbled out of the car after changing into a pair of long pants and closing their leather jacket. A cold chill went up Logan’s spine. He quickly stepped out of the car as well.
“Okay bye bye Logie!!”
They tried to move but Logan grabbed onto their shoulders. He forced back a choking feeling in his throat “What do you mean by your boyfriend getting mad?”
“Pff! It’s nothing! I’m drunk!! Byyyeeeeee”
They started to stumble away but Logan easily followed along “It did not sound like he called you a whor-...you know what...with your consent. I am simply going to remind you that calling a partner things like that is not okay. Not in any circumstance”
Remy’s expression turned cold. They walked faster “I don’t like what you’re implying”
“I’m not implying anything”
“Yes you Fucking are!”
“Exscuse me for being worried about your wellbeing. What you just said sounded like a very bad sign”
“Yeah exactly it only SOUnded bad! My boyfriend isn’t bad!” Remy snarled out.
“I am not saying he is. He doesn’t have to be bad to say awful things, as long as he changes”
They shoved their hands into their pockets. Their hands moved into fists “You don’t know a fucking thing about me. You tried to kiss me once when you were drunk and that’s all. We don’t know each other”
Logan took a deep breathe “I don’t need to know you to see red flags. Remy-” He searched for words “Remy you’re bruised. How- you can’t expect me to not get worried”
Remy suddenly stopped and turned around to meet his eyes. “MY BOYFRIEND ISN’T ABUSIVE! I-”
“I’m not necessarily saying he is. I just wan’t to talk-” His voice started to sound desperate.
They looked like a cornered animal. Tears were brimming at the edges of their eyes “YOU DON’T KNOW A THING!”
He tried to sound soothing “Remy please take a deep breathe-”
They stormed away. For a moment Logan was frozen in place before he forced himself to run after them to try and make sure they would be okay.
“I am not-”
Remy looked at him for one last time. The look in their eyes made him feel cold. It was pure hatred.
“Logan get the fuck away from me! I am drunk and high and alone on a street with no one but you who is sure as hell fucking stronger than me and all you’re doing is spouting bullshit! So please get why I want you to leave. And why I don’t ever want you to talk to me again!”
He stopped dead in his tracks “...Right....Yes....I am so sorry”
Remy didn’t even respond. They simply turned and walked away. Logan stayed and watched to make sure they got home to the apartment safe before going back to his car.
He slumped down in the seat. His heart was racing and his thoughts were for once an illogical flurry. He sat motionless for several minutes before finally getting some semblence of an idea.
He took out his phone and dialed one of his usual numbers. It took several signals before Emile Picani picked up.
“Mhm? Logie bear? I can’t today I have clients in the morning” He yawned out.
“This is about one of your patients. I am fearing that they are in danger”
In an instant all of the sleepyness in Emile’s voice disappeared “In danger? Physical? Is it urgent? Do I need to call someone? Which patient are you even referring to?”
Logan hesitated. If Remy had reacted that strongly to him just attempting to ask about his boyfriend it was very likely that they would stop going to therapy if Emile brought it up. His throat tightened, he didn’t want to put them in any more danger.
“I....Nevermind Emile....This was just a far too gone joke...Someone dared me to call you. I am sorry. Have a good night”
He ended the call. He leaned his forehead against the steering wheel and let out a long sigh. His hands held onto the wheel so hard his knuckles whitened.
Logan had no idea what to do. No idea at all. All he knew was fear. Fear for Remy’s safety. Fear for their well being. Fear that anything he did would only make their situation worse.
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achliegh · 3 years
British V-Sign
Punk Rock Leo? If y’all want a series of this you will have to let me know because I like this, but it also reminds me of something a 12 year old would write. (Cringe)
TW/CW: Swearing, Drinking, and a blowie in the bathroom lol, if there are others let me know I can’t think of anything else.
Sergei was on the phone with someone. Everyone else was in the shower or getting into their game day suits. Everyone was a little bummed because they just lost against the Rangers, 3-0. It stung but with Kasey being their only goalie and having a pulled thigh muscle makes it hard on the team.
Sergei was pulling on his blazer, he laughed into the phone and nodded as if the person on the line could see him. No one really paid attention, usually people get calls in the locker room from family, then again Sergei was speaking English. Suspicious.
“I will let them know! The whole team got it!” He hung up and whistled for everyone's attention. When all eyes were on him and mostly dressed he made his announcement. “Okay, I have the entire team invited to go to a free Punk Rock concert!”
“You like Punk? Sergei, why did I never know about this?” Dumo walks over to stand next to his friend and puts a hand on his shoulder. Sergei punches him in the arm slightly and rolls his eyes.
“I don’t really care for it, but an old friend of mine's son plays and has a concert at the Barclays Center. I thought you would like to go, maybe cheer up.” He smiles that sweet smile he always puts on when he wants to do something but not go alone. Most of the team agrees, Sunny and Sirius decide that concerts aren’t really their place and decide to stay at the hotel.
Everyone went to the hotel to change into something more comfortable. Finn knocked on Logan's door because he was taking forever. Finn didn’t really know what to wear to a punk concert so he went with his normal ripped black skinny jeans and a white shirt and some white tennis shoes. When Logan finally opened the door the room was a mess as expected, he shook his head as Logan held up two shirts for him to pick from.
Logan was so indecisive that Finn being his best friend made all his decisions for him. Once Logan was dressed in a Metallica black and white tie-dyed shirt with the sleeves cut off and some light wash baggy and ripped jeans, he threw on his stupid boots that weighed like 20 pounds but Logan took everywhere.
Everyone was waiting for them by the time they walked out of the elevator, the usual chirping about being late ensued as everyone piled into the vans waiting for them. They were expecting some small concert hall with a couple of mediocre bands that would sound great after a few drinks. Instead everyone but Finn was taken aback when they pulled up outside one of the biggest concert halls in NYU. Sergei went first and gave the bouncer a word. He let them through without hesitation. Leading them into a taped off area of the mosh pit.
“Sergei who the hell do you know!?” Finn was looking around so confused but also in awe. “Do you have a past we don’t know about?” Sergei laughed and shook his head, patting Finn a little hard on the back.
“Nope! You remember the travelling Junior Professional teams I used to coach.” Some of the older players nodded while Logan and Finn shook their heads. “Well I used to coach Eloise Knut’s son. He was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis last year as he was on the road to recovery from a torn ACL. He used to just do music for a hobby but now it’s his whole life.” Sergei shrugs as Finn and Logan gawk at him. Dumo snaps a picture of the two and sends it to the group chat.
“You mean Eloise Knut the absolute hockey LEGEND!” Finn looks at Logan then back at Sergei. “You’re shitting me.” Sergei shakes his head again as the lights start to dim and the band comes out. They all turned to face the stage, it was too dark to see anyone clearly but they knew people were up there.
Suddenly, a spotlight shines down on an angel, a giant angel. He’s tall built blonde with a green streak over his left temple missing with his beautifully golden angel curls. The mop of hair suit his face, a mesh shirt tucked into some bagged Black torn to shreds jeans and four inch platform boots. His golden skin glowed from under the light with a cloud of twinkles on his face that must be piercing's that can’t be seen from this far away. They also notice some black smudges around his eyes.
Logan is suddenly very thirsty. He got even thirstier when this angel opened his mouth. The songs were amazing, they were punk and crazy but also not anything he ever imagined. Everyone around them was dancing, drinking and laughing. Whooping when the angel from the stage came closer to sing directly to the group and pointed at Sergei before waving at him with the sweetest smile.
He was close enough Finn could make out his piercings, a septum a simile, an eyebrow and so many in his ears. What took his breath away is when the angel had been focusing so much on his bass solo that his tongue poked out of his mouth… and it was pierced.
Finn and Logan both took big gulps of water at the same time, then gave each other pointed looks saying ‘You too?’ They both nodded and looked back on stage. Standing so close the back of their hands were touching. There had always been an unspoken thing between them but unspoken was always unspoken unless they were slightly inebriated somehow. So they never did anything around the team. But, this angel was pushing them close and closer to having to drink.
Once the performance came to an intermission Logan and Finn shared a look. Then they told the team they were going to the bathroom. Being told to be safe they made it to the bathroom, luckily it was empty. Logan had Finn pinned to the door in a matter of seconds.
“Please tell me you saw that gorgeous man!” Logan was dropping to his knees and undoing Finn’s belt and jeans before Finn could even process what was happening. A shocked moan was ripped from his throat as Logan swallowed him down with no hesitation. It didn’t take long for Logan to pull an orgasm from Finn. Logan loves going down on Finn so making him finish was easy, without even being touched. Logan stood back up as Finn was fixing himself. He washed his hands and splashed some water on his face.
“Yeah” Finn is still trying to catch his breath as he finishes his belt. “I saw him.”
They get back to the team without drawing too much attention to themselves, again standing so close to each other but this time their pinkies are linked. Finn is all bright smiles the rest of the night while Logan is a bit more shy than normal. Blushing at the slightest joke.
Once the concert ended and everyone crawled back into their respective beds they still couldn’t get that boy out of their heads.
The next morning on the car ride to the airport Finn tapped on Logan's headphones and showed him his phone. He has typed out a tweet that had Leo (They eventually got his name from Sergei) tagged.
“I’ve never been to a Punk concert but @peanut made me fall in love <3” It had a picture of him and Logan, and another that was just Leo. Logan was tagged on the side. Logan nodded, smiling and clicks post for Finn.
What they weren't expecting was a response when they landed.
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spaceskam · 4 years
wicked little town
for day 6 of @malexweek : music! song in question is wicked little town from hedwig (special thank you to @celiabowne​ for the song suggestion!) this takes place in my Touch Me universe
“Oh my God, you’re so negative.”
There were few things that said “soulmate” quite like having gifts practically made for each other and Michael loved it.
That being said, it somehow made Alex extremely insecure. Michael could have anyone, Alex could only have him. It made him scared that he would be left and lonely. What he didn’t seem to see, though, was that there was something so goddamn incredible about him and being with him. Every simple touch made his heart race‒literally. And that was just the physical part of it. Alex was smart and sweet and they genuinely meshed well together.
That wasn’t the only thing that messed with Alex’s head, though, and Michael knew it. He knew his existence didn’t magically cure years of being ostracized. It didn’t fix parents creating petitions to get him thrown out of school or his name being added to a national list of people who are deadly with his address publicized so that people could avoid him like a plague. He was treated like he wasn’t human. That meant Michael did his damnedest to remind him that he was.
“I’m not negative,” Alex insisted, pouting like he always did, “I just don’t think we should go to a drive-in.”
“Alex, baby, darling, sweetheart, my love,” Michael said, ignoring the way he rolled his eyes. Michael placed himself firmly in Alex’s lap, squeezing his cheeks between his hands. Alex smiled like he always did when Michael touched him. “Let’s go, it’ll be fun! And harmless. You need to get out of here and do something.”
“I don’t like going out,” Alex said, peeling his hands off and trying to not smile anymore. Michael shook his head and rested his forehead against his. 
“This town has so fucked you over,” Michael told him, pressing their noses together. Each time he touched him in a place where he could also feel his breath was unreal. Alex’s body was designed to kill, and it kept trying to kill him, but then Alex would breathe life right back into him. Sure, that’s not what was actually happening, but it made Michael smile.
“What is that supposed to mean?” Alex sighed. Michael moved his hands to his shoulders and pulled him forward as he leaned back. His back hit the mattress and Alex was above him. He flashed a smile to soften the blow of what he was about to say.
“I mean,” he said, pulling Alex in for a soft kiss, “They’re hateful as fuck. They’ve spent your whole life telling you that you deserve to be hated until you believed it.”
Alex sighed, pulling up and out of Michael’s grip. He seemed to not quite understand that it was the town that made him so isolated. Sure, other people in other places would be just as horrible, but Michael had been a lot of places. If you’re smart about it, no one cares.
“Wouldn’t it be cool to show off that you’re not just put on this Earth to be scary?” Michael asked, sitting up again. Alex looked away. “You’re not dangerous, Alex.”
“Yes, I am.”
“Okay, so what, maybe you are. So am I. Do you know how many banks I could get away with robbing because I can’t be killed? I could do so many bad things, but I don’t. And neither do you. You aren’t bad, Alex,” Michael insisted, “This fucking town has made you think you’re bad.”
“I kill people on accident, Michael. I am bad,” Alex told him, voice weak. 
Michael slumped forward until his face was pressed into the crook of his neck where it belonged. He knew a few little words about how great Michael thought he was wouldn’t cure his thought process. Honestly, he didn’t know what would.
“I bet, one day, there’s gonna be something to make you less deadly,” Michael whispered against his skin, “A pill or a special kind of fabric or something. I know it’s gonna happen. But for right now, you can’t let yourself be miserable. There are ways you can enjoy yourself without endangering other people.”
“Like how?” Alex sniffled. Michael wrapped his arms around him and rolled them both over. He tucked Alex’s hair behind his ear and dragged his thumb over his cheekbone.
“Like going to the drive-in,” Michael suggested. Alex let out a disbelieving laugh and rolled onto his back. Michael was really having a problem with him continuously moving away, so he stayed put this time. “I’ll drive, I’ll buy the tickets. You don’t have to interact with anyone, but you still get to do something. I swear, all you’ll have to do is look pretty and we can feel each other up instead of watching the movie.”
Alex squeezed his eyes shut and put his hands over his face to hide the fact that he’d gotten a smile out of him.
“Come on, Alex,” Michael said, “Stop letting stupid fucking people dictate if you can leave your house or not.”
Alex’s chest rose and fell with each breath and his shirt had ridden up a little bit to reveal a strip of skin above his sweats. He had fluffy socks with bees on them and watched romcoms and sang ABBA to himself regularly and Michael didn’t understand how everyone only saw him as a threat. He was so much better than that. He was human and he was lovable and he was more than his gift, just like everyone else.
“Fine,” Alex caved, letting his hands drop off his face, “We can go. By if something bad happens…”
“You gotta live your life without fear that something bad is going to happen. You’re going to be in my truck. The only person who will be within touching distance will be me and I, personally, plan to touch you on purpose,” Michael told him. He didn’t have to see it to know that Alex rolled his eyes. “It’s going to be fun.”
“I hope you’re right.”
“I am,” Michael insisted, pushing himself up to rest his head in his hand. Alex’s eyes went to his face and it was clear he was scared to go outside for things that weren’t school. 
The town was small. Touching people on accident was such an unlikely thing to happen, especially when everyone knew who he was. There was nothing to be scared of. But, of course, there was no way to say that without sounding like a dick if it actually did happen.
Instead, he placed his hand on his face and leaned in close. Alex tilted his head up and their lips stayed merely a centimeter apart, an unbridled sense of patience that only Alex Manes was capable of.
“One day, I’m going to get you out of here and take you someplace worth it,” Michael whispered into his mouth, “Someplace where everyone is treated like you by their own stupid environments. I’m gonna find you a safe place no matter what. You trust me?”
Alex took a shaky breath and nodded, reaching up to pull him down for a kiss. His back arched to press in closer and his fingers slipped into his hair, tugging gently as he held him close. Michael melted into him.
They missed the drive-in that night.
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whimsywit · 4 years
I'm immediately going to jump in cause hehe I'm a sucker for matchups.
Can I have a Truffle for Fairy tail (male) please?
Appearance and style:
I'm a female, 5'1ft and 110lbs (154 cm and 50 - 52Kg). I have short black hair and dark brown eyes. I'm also baby faced which can be annoying at times. I'm slight on the chubby side as well but a lot of people tell me I have an avarage body. My body type is rectangle. I'm in between pale and light brown skinned and my skin is littered with moles and scars. I'm a pure Filipino and I have prescription glasses but I can see fine without them. I've often been called a "soft girl" but I really don't have a certain styles. My clothes are often t-shirts, off-shoulders, (of multiple color and style) and any type jeans. But skinny jeans are my favorite! Hoodies and jackets are a must in winter season. Cause my skin is quite temperature sensitive.
I'm often described as a chaotic motherly type of person. But really, it depends per person. I love to tease others but it's not often. And I won't tease them if they are sensitive or short tempered. I can be loud and obnoxious at times but I prefer to stay quiet. But with people I'm very close with, I'm just naturally loud. I can also be such a flirt if I wanted too but I only reserve those skills when needed. It's kinda rusty now but I think I still got it! My patience is very long and I don't get annoyed easily. Though push the right buttons, it won't be pretty.
Affection, teasing, and words are my love language. I tend to get just a tad bit grumpy when I don't get affection. I'm a really observant person, so I'm able to pick up emotional cues, habits, and body language. Though it's does take me a while to get the hang of it. I use that to check on people I care about. I try to act tough and strong so I would be a role model, since I'm the oldest child. I also tend to suppress my emotions and even fake them just so no one would be burden of me. I do share them if I trust you enough. I have the habit of subconsciously changing how I act depending on the people I'm with. I can changed from tye baby of the group to the mature mother to the trouble maker and to the quiet child. It usually depends with the group of people I hang out with.
Flaws and strengths:
I can be really insecure and really clingy. My insecurities are usually my body and my abilities. Not only that, I can also be moody, especially on that time of the month. I overthink things a lot. I sometimes even wonder if my friends actually are my friends or they are just tolerating/pity me. Some say I have trust issues (but honestly I don't think I have trust issues I just overthink things). I'm not afraid of material things or the supernatural. I'm afraid of being judged and left alone or abandoned. I also have a slight fear of falling, both literally and metaphorically. I hate the feeling the loneliness.
But I do give good advice, that's what alot of people tell me. My optimism and energy almost always lifts the mood up. I'm great with talking to people. May it be comforting them, persuading, I can do that. I'm also quite good at reading people. Especially if they are close to me and I've been through things alot with them.
Significant other:
Whenever I like someone, it usually ain't obvious to anyone else, since I'm known to be clingy. But, I would be in TOTAL denial of my own feelings and theirs. It takes me about a month or so to realize my feelings WITH help. My closest friend always has to tell me that I like the guy before I would actually realize it for myself. However, towards them, it seems as if I'm normal. But whenever they are gone, my fan girl self comes out and I'll squeal.
In terms of WHAT I want in a significant other. One of the things that is needed is that they don't mind me being clingy. They should also be willing to put up with me in general. As I can be moody and an overthinker, they just have to be able to either deal or tolerate it. However, in terms of their personality, I don't really mind how they would act. As long as they are morally good. Possessive? Sure just don't go over board. Protective? Same as the last one, no over board. I know that relationships aren't perfect so whatever flaws they have. I don't care. Being mean for no reason, not open minded, inconsiderate all the time, are an immediate turn off though.
Random facts:
I usually listen to pop or ballad but I like almostvall types of music. Songs like IDK you yet by Alexander23 or This is gospel by Panic at the disco are some of my favorite. My star sign is Cancer but I don't really believe it but I love learning about it. I'm an INFP-T (The dreamer) and my Hogwarts house is Ravenclaw! I love learning and doing new things. Science is my favorite subject, specifically Biology/Zoology. I sing and write stories as a hobby.
Thanks! 💕💕 If you need any info please don't hesitate to ask me :DD
HAIIII TYSM okay so this one took a bit of thought since you could work well with a lot of people! But I eventually decided you’d mesh best with...
Natsu Dragneel!
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Yep, the big fireball of power himself :D but really he’s the opposite of intimidating, and ngl you’re gonna have to end up playing mother to him a lot, but when you’re in your loud and chaotic moods you’re the b a n e of the whole guild and an unstoppable force of mischief!
Some of the things that’ll put you on his radar are your optimism and your ability to act strong even when you’re struggling, both of which he’d deeply admire, but he also thinks all your little marks are cool as hell! He calls them your own personal dragon scales >:D
You want someone with good morals? This slayers got the strongest moral compass around. Able to handle your clinginess? He’s already super affectionate maybe to the point of forgetting personal space is a thing so there’s no worry there! Plus he’s got his own temper, so he wouldn’t judge you for being moody, and though he might come off as close-minded sometimes, he’s really just hard-headed. Once you explain something to him he’s on board with anything and everything!
Though, with you being oblivious when it comes to love and him being oblivious..... period, it’d take a while for your relationship to start up, and likely some extra intervention from your friends too. But once y’all are together, trust, you’re practically inseparable.
Natsu thinks you’re the cutest thing around, yea he’d have a bad habit of teasing you for your size, but he’d make up for it with his constant blind protectiveness, and the way he’d pick you up and carry you around all the time uwu. It’s actually a really good balance, since you overthink and he doesn’t think enough (have fun with the braincell custody), but he simplifies things for you so you don’t get too caught up in your doubts, and you make him more conscious of others by example. (also just.... you getting cold in the winter and him warming you up or EVEN WRAPPING HIS SCARF AROUND YOU gosh... good stuff sorcerer weekly eats yalls shit up)
Honestly it’s a bit of an odd pair with you two being so different, but Natsu’s always going to support you, whether it’s relieving you of your insecurities or helping you with your science stuff whenever he can (he won’t get it but boy will he help)! And one thing’s for sure, his loyalty is like no other, so you never have to worry about him leaving you alone.
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oohfluffy · 4 years
Group: EXO
Member: Byun Baekhyun
Theme: Angst | Fluff | Rated M | University!AU | Football!AU
Word Count: 2,383
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chapter 7
"Come on! Give it a shot!"
You hesitantly looked at who your best friend was pointing at, and saw him. In the midst of the dizzying lights in the crowded place, you can see his bright smile as he talked to his friends on the other side. He was wearing that tight white shirt that holds his toned body for its dear life, and a pale blue jeans to pair his rubber shoes. He has this denim jacket that matches his pants too.
So handsome and neat as usual.
"I don't think I can—" You blushed as you see his eyes caught yours. You quickly turned away.
"If not now, when will you ever get a chance to do this?" Yong Sun grabbed your shoulders with a cheerful smile, making your nervous heart go calm for a bit. "He might be waiting for you to approach him, you know. Guys can be shy too."
You bit your lip as you thought of what to do.
Do I escape or do I go for it?
"Go for it, Saejin." Her smile was too encouraging that you sighed in defeat, making her smile wider. "Yes! I knew you would!"
"If he says no, I'll back down pronto, okay?" You let out a breath as you turned your head to where your first college crush was.
He wasn't there now though.
"I think he went up?" You heard Yong Sun saying as you walked away from her. "Fighting, Jin-ah!"
You waved at her before looking around, trying to find him. When you got to see the bar full of alcoholic beverages, you thought of getting one just in case you lose your confidence, which kept on depleting as seconds pass by.
"Nope. You're not drinking, Saejin." You mumbled to yourself as you turned the other way. Your eyes drifted up the stairs and saw a guy in white shirt trudging in the second floor hallway. You tried calming your loud beating heart before taking steps towards the staircase.
Here goes nothing.
You sighed in relief as you got to get out of the dance floor, patting your aching arms from the pushing you got in the middle. Your eyes were restless as your feet landed on the second floor ground. Compared to the noisy environment downstairs, it was peaceful here.
Is he escaping the noise as well? Is he that kind of person? Is he like me? Or is he—
You almost took a step back to the staircase when you heard a deep voice on your side. Your eyes widened as you saw him with a drink in his hand, his jacket was dangling on his arm. You darted your eyes away from him, trying to keep breathing as he stared at you.
"Uh... I'm—Am I intruding—"
"No! No..." He almost exclaimed as he looked around the empty hallway behind him. "It's just me here, and this floor is an open territory as the first floor is. You're free to roam around."
"Oh, that's..." You bit your lip as you shyly nodded. "...great."
A few minutes has past and you were still standing in front of him as he took sips on his glass, eyes were restless but kept on coming back to you. 
Damn, what was I supposed to do?
"Do you want to sit somewhere, Saejin?" He suddenly spoke, surprising you. Not only because he talked all of a sudden, but he knew what's your name. 
"We can stay at the living room at the end of this hallway, less noise and peaceful." He kindly smiled as he gestured the well-lit hallway behind him, probably where he came from. "It's alright if you're not comfortable, I'll just be there if you need something."
GO FOR IT, JIN-AH! You can almost hear Yong Sun's shout in your brain.
"I'll—" You let out a sigh as your eyes met his once again. His round eyes twinkled under the calming lights around you, allowing you to drown within his gaze. "I'll come with you, Hyoseop sunbaenim."
His grin was contagious as he tipped his glass towards his back. Your heart swelled at his kindness, even though you're probably just one of those juniors that he has showed his generosity to. He turned his back on you as he waved towards the way. 
"Hmm. Let's go then."
Your eyes closed as you leaned your head back on the couch, your book was within your grasp but was slowly slipping from it. It's fortunate that your first class starts in the afternoon, not in the morning, or else your mind would not be in its best state after a hangover. Jiwon already left after breakfast though, not even saying goodbye to you. 
You figured she was still upset about you attending that damn party with those girls.
"Argh." You groaned as you closed your book before looking up at the clock on the wall. 10:30 it says. You decided that you'd prepare earlier to get coffee in the nearest cafe, and go to the library, maybe to pull yourself together before class.
A cold shower truly woke your senses, your warm skin tingling under the shower head. Your mind went over to what happened last night as you gently scrubbed your arms with a mesh sponge.
Shouldn't I thank Baekhyun for last night? For the comfort he gave me when I was out of my wits? I think Jiwon mentioned that he gave us a ride home too.
Your eyebrows scrunched as you thought of how you should approach him today if you'd see him around. Wouldn't that be embarrassing?
He saw me in my weakest state.
"He'd forget that, wouldn't he?" You mumbled as you frowned at your arms that hugged his body— "I couldn't forget though." You groaned as you turned the shower on again to rinse yourself.
You decided to thank him when you see him today.
Closing your locker door, you looked around to seek for a familiar puppy face. It was ten minutes before lunch break ends. Not being able to see anyone familiar among the students around the hallways, you thought that you'll just search for him after class. You tugged your bag straps down as you walked up the stairs, preparing your short message of gratitude for the guy.
"Thank you for last night, Baekhyun sunbae." You mumbled to yourself, feeling a bit weird about what you said. "That doesn't sound right."
"Thank you for comforting me?" You shook your head in disapproval. "Thank you for bringing us home last night, sunbae."
You tsked at your awkward thank-you's as you turned to the corner of the hallway at the end. You were about to go straight ahead when you heard something weird on the restroom area on your right. Your eyes widened as your skin had goosebumps.
Was that a gasp?
Your feet halted as your eyes went to the dark restroom area by your right. It was an empty hallway as it was under construction, so nobody enters there.
"Did I hear it right?" You whispered as you desired to run away already. You just couldn't move your feet. "I should probably just—"
Adrenaline rushed through your nerves, and without knowing, you were in front of the girls' restroom door. It was opened a bit, and a dim light shadowing behind it. You peeked at the space, and saw the reflection of the huge mirror. You squinted your eyes at it, forehead almost bumping the door.
Is that a person? 
You should probably run now, but your eyes remained focus on that back—
"Yes, Baekhyun. Just like that! Keep on doing that, hmm. Shove those pretty fingers in me."
Your eyes widened as you got to see the gray hair of the guy that you owe a sincere thank-you. His back was on the mirror, hips moving forward sensually as if he was rubbing himself onto something—someone rather. His head was tilted on to the woman that is plastered against a wall behind her. His shoulders flexing as he did something below him. They were clothed, but that doesn't make the scenario any more innocent.
"Are you hard, baby? Will you fuck me here, Baekhyun? Please do! Please give it to me." The woman wailed desperately as she gripped on the said guy's ass, squeezing them as she pulled him closer. You see Baekhyun's head jerk away from her, making her shut up.
You stepped away as you heard the woman moan, probably against his mouth as it was a muffled one. Your legs almost gave up on you as you did. 
Get the hell out of here, Saejin. Keep yourself together. 
You quickly snapped your body towards the main hallway and ran away from that sinful area. 
"Thanking him is probably not for today, huh." You shuddered at the thought of seeing him today. You wouldn't stand thinking of him as a good guy for now. After doing some things at that dark room, you couldn't bare to sincerely thank him without a hint of disgust.
Why does that matter though? He helped me last night, so he deserves gratitude from me. Why does it matter that he's currently making out—or more with some girl?
"No, not today." You decided as you opened the door to your first class, away from that dark hallway.
You thought that having caffeine in your system would keep your mind sane in class, but a single scenario kept your mind away from the lecture your poor professor was teaching. 
He is truly a freaking playboy, huh? Does he not get tired of doing that every day?
As the bell rang, you guiltily stood up from your seat as your mind was as empty as it was when you entered the class. You mumbled to yourself to self-study later to make up for this lecture while you packed your untouched notebook and pen. 
"Why's he here?"
"Is he playing around with someone from this class?"
"Oh my god, he looks so damn hotter every day."
"He said he's just waiting for someone."
"You don't think it's her, right?"
"Let's hope not."
You barely had any of your woke brain cells right now until you stopped by the front door of the room. You could hear whispers behind it, meaning something that you wouldn't like to see is happening.
Your feet were quick to decide to leave the room by the back door of the room. Your consciousness probably sensed some bad aura outside of that front door. 
I've got a bad feeling.
You quickly opened the back door, and didn't bother to look back at the crowded space on the front. You walked briskly with your eyes in front, alert and—
"Lee Saejin?"
Your walk just turned into a full blast run, swiftly turning to the corner and almost smacking into a person. You just muttered an apology before going down the stairs—
"Hey!" A hand took a hold of your arm, stopping you from taking a step down. You didn't know if it was your instinct, but you slapped away that hand that touched you. Your eyes were glaring as you looked back at the person.
Your bad intuition about that aura was absolutely right.
"Woah, sorry to startle you." Baekhyun breathed out, surprised by the glare you welcomed him with. His hand hanging mid-air. Those sinful hands. "Are you alright? Why do you look mad?"
"Don't touch me again."
Those words were like sharp knives that pierced his heart, not just his confidence. His shoulders slumped in disappointment. He thought you'd be happy and thankful to him the moment you see him again. Despite feeling that way, he smiled at you.
"Sorry, I forgot you're not like my girls."
My girls? Of course, plural form.
"Of course not." You snapped, not able to control the irritation flowing within you. Your eyes drifted at the piercing he's got on his right ear. There's a short silver earring dangling, making him more attractive to look at. Instead of becoming feminine with an earring, he looks more masculine.
"Are you forgetting something to say to me?" He said while looking into your eyes, hopeful that you'd still say kind words to him. He couldn't believe he'd be like a child waiting to be praised by his mom. "Like a simple thanks or some—"
"I appreciate what you did last night, but you didn't have to do that." You cut him off as you looked back at him. "I would have been alright by myself."
"Are you hearing yourself right now? You could have been taken by that douchebag if I didn't see you!" Baekhyun almost shouted, his eyes suddenly stern and mad. "You were vulnerable and drunk—"
"I wasn't drunk! They probably placed something in that drink they gave me—"
"You knew that, but you still drank it?!" Baekhyun incredulously asked with a new fire burning in his eyes. "What kind of stupidity is that, Saejin?!"
You stopped talking at his shout, eyes dropping at his feet. His shoulders heaved up and down as he breathed heavily. He sounded so concerned about you that you almost believed it.
"Just..." You struggled finding words that wouldn't end up with you choking. "...don't bother yourself worrying about me, I don't need pity. You don't even know anything, so stop it."
"Then tell me!"
"I don't need you, Baekhyun sunbaenim."
You did not mean to hurt him in any way, you just needed to get him off of your back. He's not supposed to be entering your mess of a life. He should just keep on fooling around, especially it's his last year of college. He doesn't need to worry about a person like you.
You don't need him.
"So don't bother trying to be friends with me." You turned your back at him, heart feeling heavy as you quickly took steps down the stairs. Leaving him there with a blank stare felt bad. When you glanced at him at the last step, he was still looking at the space where you were earlier.
Maybe he's just trying to get into my pants. You thought.
But you were just convincing yourself, you knew.
"What a great way to thank him."
♫ Ch.8
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simple-heroics · 5 years
Class 1-A Girls as Roommates
Oh, my god, they were roommates
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Momo Yaoyorozu
First of all, you lucky bastard I hate you. Secondly, I’d like to make the point that Momo is wealthy af and has no financial need of a roommate. So, if you two are living, you’re probably already great friends with her or more. 
Momo loves to share. She is an extremely generous person, so she'll totally offer you some of her food when she cooks and even some of her shower products. 
Totally lets you borrow her clothes. Different sizes? She's gotchoo! Can and will create the best clothes for you. This is especially helpful if you have a date.
Speaking of her Quirk, its usefulness becomes really apparent when you two first move in and are still figuring out where things are or what you still need for the house. Bought that knife set but somehow forgot a can opener? Momo’s gotchoo again. 
A great communicator and takes the initiative to make sure you guys are on the same page about chores. Despite her busy hero career, Momo still does a great job keeping up with her fair share.
Please sit and drink tea with her. She'd love it. Probably the best thing about being Momo's roommate is coming home at the end of the day to this beautiful woman omg are you're okay with just being roommates and catching up over cups of freshly brewed tea. 
If something happens and you’re unable to pa your rent one month, Momo can cover it. Will not guilt or shame you over this. No matter what kind of petty roommate argument you two might have, she will never hold that over your head. Ever. Things happen, and Momo understands that.
The not so great...
Yaomomo is such a sweetie but...she's also a rich girl who is used to a lot space. Her furniture will fill up the whole apartment. An entire kitchen cabinet is stuffed to the brim with her teas, so you'd have to find some other space to shove your cereal.
Nonetheless, she tries very hard to be a good roommate - especially if it's her first place after moving out of her parents' house/school dorms - and this sometimes leads to her being overly accommodating. That and the above can lead to some tension between you two. 
Momo has such long, beautiful hair...and it absolutely gets clogged in y'all's shower. Good luck.
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Mina Ashido
Mina is the fun roommate! I’m talking late nights spent goofing off, playing video games and watching movies or even just talking if you want. If you two weren’t best friends before moving in together, guess what?
You’re best friends now. or more?
Alien Queen is also Snack Queen. Our pink homegirl buys lots of snacks and is more than happy to share.
Um, garbage? What garbage? Her Quirk dissolves it and that’s one utility y’all are saving money on now to get Kaminari to help with the electricity
No matter how bad your day was, how shitty your boss, how long your commute, Mina can always make you laugh. Which is a nice way to end an otherwise completely shit day.
Actually pretty good about keeping the apartment tidy! Living in the UA dorm taught her a lot about being considerate of shared spaces and she’s always out and about anyway. So almost no worries about messes 
Because she’s either out and about or doing patrols, you actually get the apartment to yourself quite a bit?? Ummm, SCORE! Until you start missing your pink roomie/bestie
That is, if she’s not inviting/dragging you out to do stuff with her! If you’re someone who needs a bit of prompting to get out of the house, Mina is great for that!
Also...the roommate who is constantly trying to hook you up with her friends. Like, I’m serious. If you’re not already seeing anyone, this die hard romantic will constantly try to set you up with people hey, roomie, pls introduce me to Kirishima. You won’t need a dating app ‘cause Mina Ashido is your roommate and girl knows everybody.
The not so great...
If you're pretty introverted or just really prefer quiet at home, being roommates with Mina can be hard. Mina is a social butterfly - loud and bubbly and all these other wonderful qualities that simultaneously don't mesh well with most introverts.
Speaking of social butterfly, she invites her friends over. A lot. And y’all know that the Bakusquad spells c h a o s
It would also not surprise me if Mina had a number of...ahem, overnight guests. So prepare for extra (awkward) company at breakfast.
Sometimes gets so caught up in her social life, all those hobbies, and hero work that...she forgets that rent or utilities are due. Whoops. You’ll have to remind her sometimes. 😬
Good luck if you have wooden floorboards. Mina loves to dance and this means a lot of scuff marks.
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Ochaco Uraraka
This cutie! 12/10 would room with her if I could
When she first started UA, Ochaco had to move to Musutafu and live on her on which I'm sure was a little scary for a 15-year-old girl and definitely lonely. She wasn't looking forward to being alone again after graduation but wait! She has you!
Really appreciates your presence in your shared home and will undoubtedly cherish you, even treating you like family. It makes her so happy when she comes home after a long day of patrols and having someone respond when she says, "I'm home!" Ochaco, lemme be your housewife
Video game nights with Dekusquad? Video game nights with Dekusquad! 
Pretty clean and always does her dishes which automatically puts her the top tier of roommate categories, let’s be real. 
She knows where all the deals are, when certain sales are happening, and where to go for the best discounts. And she shares all this hard-earned knowledge with her precious roomie (that's you, boo). Grocery shopping with her is intense because she gets super competitive about getting those deals before everyone else but it's also so much fun.
Master couponer. You knows those ladies that clip so many coupons that they sort them into little bags and actually sell them in bundles? That's Ochaco. She's even part of some online couponing groups. 
But she always hands you the coupons for your favorite snacks.
The not so great..
Ochaco works really, really hard and takes on a lot of missions. So, when she gets home, the usually upbeat hero can be a little...grouchy. By grouchy, I mean snappy and sulky and -- who is this woman and what did she do to your sweet, adorable roommate? 
Seriously, just don’t talk to her or make a lot of noise until she sleeps for 10+ hours and eats or she might send you floating to your shared ceiling.
That roommate who will get on you if you leave any of the lights on or stay in the shower for too long. She is NOT shelling out extra cash on utilities next month because of you!! honestly same
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Toru Hagakure
Another fun roommate! 
We’ve seen her room, and we can tell by looking at it that she loves to decorate. If you (probably) have different tastes than hers, Toru will find ways to compromise and combine both your preferences to decorate your shared apartment! You know what that means?
Ikea trips. Toru’s enthusiasm alone makes it so much fun but it’s not as fun when you inevitably lose her in that Swedish labyrinth. (Hint: Check the various kids’ sections. She got distracted by the cute plushies.) 
If you two are not constantly updating your interior design, you’re at least adding to it. it makes the space just uniquely yours and feel so homey.
Toru has some real 👌👌 taste in movies. Her movie collection makes for some awesome movie nights. Bring all the blankets, plushies, and the like and you’re in for a chill night.
Out of everyone on this list, I feel like she’ll be the easiest to convince to get a pet. She skips the “well, who is gonna pay for food?” talk and doesn’t spend any too much time deliberating over her busy hero schedule - just jumps right on in to the nearest adoption agency.
Congrats, you’re now parents of an adorable, slightly grumpy rescue cat. Which - bonus - actually makes it so much easier keeping track of Toru because it’s almost always brushing against her legs or on her lap.
The not so great...
Definitely the nosy roommates. She wants to know all the details about your life and is the type to peak into your room because she's curious. Her Quirk only makes all the easier for her.
She likes to leave cute or funny messages on the fogged up bathroom mirror or with magnets on the fridge which is cute but...unnerving when an invisible being sends you random messages in your apartment.
....and according to the wiki, she loves hidden-camera prank shows? Welcome to Jackass, roomie. You’re gonna get pranked.
Also because of her Quirk, she often has to remove her clothes to make full use of her invisibility but this has also lead to a bad habit of leaving articles of clothing throughout the apartment. You often find random socks and gloves and even shirts out throughout the apartment.
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Tsuyu Asui
A+ roomie. Seriously, give this girl all a gold star.
Super tidy, super considerate, and super stoked to live with you. She’s used to a full house and honestly wasn’t so sure about living on her own straight after graduation. Then came you!
Tsuyu looooves to cook with you. If your cooking skills need work, she’ll happily teach you. Out of everyone else on this list, you share the most meals together. 
Soooo many blankets and pillows in your apartment! Tsu needs the extra layers during winter and honestly, just build a blanket fort for you two. It’s great. just roommates huh?
Absolutely will text you just to check in if she makes it home before you and has no problem either waiting up for you or even walking to meet if it’s dark. And honestly, what’s better than 
Being super straightforward, Tsuyu always lets you know if there’s something up with the apartment or just if she’d like you to be a little quieter coming home. Also an observant person and checks in on your needs/preferences as well. Y’all rarely have any typical roommate spats because she’s direct and makes sure to communicate.
We stan a sweet, considerate frog roommate in this household.
The not so great...
Because she grew up taking care of two younger siblings and then lived with the entire 1-A class (19 teenagers in one building -- that's insane) in the dorms, Tsuyu actually has little tolerance for messes in common spaces. 
Tsuya Asui ain’t your momma. You're both adults and you both pay rent, so she expects you clean up after yourself and will call you out if you don't.
Especially about those dishes left in the sink. You can say that you just left the pots in there "to soak", but Tsuyu ain't buying it. And she tells you as much.
Not above shaming your messes on her Snap story i’m that petty roommate or bringing up that you forgot to take out the trash in front of other people.
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Kyouka Jirou
She's the cool roommate. By that, I mean the one you’re lowkey bragging about when you describe her to your friends. Girl is a hero, plays pretty much every instrument, and is just a cool person in general. It’s hard not to brag.
Seriously, just her mere presence alone makes your place at least 70% cooler than it would have been if you lived by yourself. That’s how cool she is.
Super respectful of your privacy. Like, she won’t even know what your room actually looks like unless you actually invite her in.
Great roommate banter. Kyouka has a great dry sense of humor and likes to tease people, so you two can go back and forth all day.
Great texter. She always gives you a heads up when people are over or if you guys need anything for the apartment. Bonus: lots of hilarious pics of Bakusquad being idiots.
Don't tell her that you can hear her when she sings in the shower; it'd just fluster her and make her self-conscious. But being able to listen to that amazing voice in your own home?👌👌👌
If you're someone who doesn't necessarily need or even want a tight knit relationship with a roommate, Kyouka is your best bet. She's generally really chill and won't get hyped over being best friends. 
That said, she’s a pretty empathetic person and easy to talk to. She’ll absolutely stay up late with you just to talk if you need it. Gives great advice.
The not so great...
You will lose track over how many times you ask her to turn the music down. 
Like Mina, Kyouka comes as a package deal with the Bakusquad. Kyouka doesn’t invite them over often because even she doesn’t want that chaos in her home but sometimes it’s inevitable.
She’s not much of a cook. Plus she’s pretty busy keeping up with her hero career, music, and group of friends, so she doesn’t have much free time anyway. This means she orders out - a lot. Good news? Hardly any friction over cleaning dishes. Bad news? Her take out boxes leave little room in the fridge for your food.
BONUS: Regardless of who you room with, you’ll hardly ever worry about a break-in or any crime in your neighborhood because your roommate is a professional hero and will kick any home intruder stupid enough to try anything.
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Kissing Powers
Pairing: Scott Summers x fem!mutant!Reader
Warnings: none, I believe, question mark??
Author’s Note: Yo, this is the oldest piece in my drafts you guys. Hopefully it is enjoyable :)
Tags: @thotyana-in-this-hoe @neeadinghugs 
*          *          *          *          *
"Really? You've never heard of her?" Scott questions Kurt and Peter. The two boys shake their heads, making Scott sigh in frustration before walking away. After a second lap around the mansion, Scott settles for grumbling his way to the library, peeved that not a single one of his peers could or were willing to tell him about you.
Just as Scott goes to sit down, Hank calls out to him, “Hey, Scott, the professor wants you in his office.” Scott groans as he places his hands against the armrest of his chair and drags himself up. The last thing he needs right now is to be in trouble with the professor. Is he in trouble because he glued Peter’s shoes to the ground last week? Is it because he ate the last of the Lucky Charms and convinced Jubilee that she had the last bowl?
All the way to the office, Scott thinks of what Charles could want him for, and all of the options help to sour his mood more. The door to the office is open, and the first thing Scott notices is you, sitting in the chair in front of Charles’s desk. “Ah, here he is, Scott, I’d like to introduce you to Y/N. She is our newest addition and I was hoping you could show her around as I have an important meeting to attend to.”
Scott smiles softly, knowing what Charles is doing - he’s been asking around about the kissing mutant arriving all day - but still can’t stop his mouth from being skeptical, “I thought you held your meetings after dinner?” Lifting his eyebrows, Charles gestures to you, “You’re right. Would you prefer I held off my meeting and show Y/N around myself?” Now, Scott’s brain is all on the same page. He actually almost rolls his eyes at his foolish comment, but instead, he waves a dismissive hand at Charles, “No, no, you’re right. I’m happy to show you around, Y/N.”
Spinning in your seat, you give a short nod to Scott before turning to Charles, “Thank you for everything, Professor. I’m excited to work with you.” Your demeanor changes completely as you join Scott. Truthfully, he’s a bit offended. Yeah, sure, maybe the Professor was impressive in his heyday, but he can’t be so great now that even looking at Scott nearly disgusts you.
“So, is there anything you wanna see first? Rooms, the land?” Scott asks after ten steps of agonizing silence. Your answer surprises him more than anything he’s ever encountered, he believes. With a completely straight face and not a chuckle in sight, you rest your hand on Scott’s arm, “Yeah, hey, do you mind if I kiss you?”
For a moment, Scott just opens and closes his mouth, trying to make sure he heard you correctly, but then, just as he’s sure his mind - or Jean’s - is playing tricks on him, you ask again, “Scott. Can I kiss you?” Yep, definitely real. “Yeah, yeah. I mean, if you want to you can, you can kiss me. If you want.” Scoffing, you shake your head, “I have to more than want to. Do you care if I kiss you on the mouth, or do you prefer somewhere else? Each kiss is different and will have different effects on our relationship and what I see, so you can choose whatever you think will be the most comfortable.”
It is absolutely blowing Scott’s mind how nonchalant you are about kissing an absolute stranger on the mouth, an act so intimate and emotional - “Oh! That’s what you do right? Kissing people, you get emotions and stuff.” Scott doesn’t let you answer before he’s nodding, “Okay. You can kiss me on the mouth.” At the thought, Scott’s heart starts accelerating it’s pumping speed.
You, on the other hand just give an anemic smile and cup your hand around the back of his neck. The approach is much more tender than he thought it’d be. Scott was expecting a quick, hands-free peck or a tug of his shirt, but pulling him closer the way you are - he may be reading into it - definitely seems like a romantic move more than one born of necessity. Your lips press together slowly, and Scott thanks everyone above him that he has been remembering to regularly moisturize his lips because he will make it his mission for you to be thinking about kissing him again once you’re through here.
Cradling your face gingerly like he’s seen guys do in the movies his mom loves to watch, Scott inhales a large breath through his nose before taking control of the kiss. He doesn’t speed up or try to shove his tongue down your throat, but instead, meshes your lips in long, soft sessions of sparks before slightly readjusting for the next installment. He isn’t a kissing expert, but Alex always said that kissing was as natural as walking once you got your feet on the ground or your lips together.
Scott doesn’t pull away until he runs out of breath - this takes a while as he spent lots of time swimming and hoping to develop gills and the ability to live underwater as a child - and when he does, he does it slowly, first separating your lips while still keeping his nose and forehead pressed to yours. Dropping his hands, Scott breaks all contact and gauges your expression. Your eyes are shining and a smile is tugging at the corner of your lips. Scott, of course, doesn’t want to toot his own horn but root-a-toot-toot.
“That was different than any other first kisses I’ve had.” You say to Scott as you resume your walking. He’s a bit upset that you’ve caught your breath so easily, as he still feels like he’s run a marathon, but Scott just lets those thoughts roll off of his shoulders and he catches up to you, “Because it was so good?” Scott asks. You see his eyebrows lift behind his clunky glasses and can’t help but laugh a bit, “Mostly because I pull things from whoever I’m kissing. I got what I needed to develop a relationship for us in my mind, a lot of how you feel about me, if the kiss wasn’t telling enough, your thoughts did it all.”
At your confession, Scott groans, “I didn’t know you could do all of that... But it was still good, right?” Before you can answer, Ororo steps out of the door on your right and leans against the doorway, “Was what still good, Scott?” Knowing she was eavesdropping since you rounded into the long hallway, Scott groans again, but you have absolutely no qualms about what you do or have done, so you happily speak up, “I had to kiss Scott and he was asking how it was after I commented on how different it was from the other times I’ve kissed people. Do you mind if I kiss you?”
Scott just barely holds in a gasp at your question. Sure, he knows you have to do it, but he was hoping you’d need some time to recover from your kiss, or at least savor the taste a bit, but here you were, merely seconds later requesting to kiss Ororo. Part of Scott, that slightly selfish part, is hoping she’ll say no, ask you to wait, but instead, Ororo shrugs, “Sure.” And just like that, with no more questions or nerves to shake out, you step towards Ororo and kiss her mouth chastely. There is no touching or holding, which is a relief for Scott, and when you step back, there is an emotion in your eyes for her rather than the level-eyed boredness you addressed her with before. Ororo knew well who you were, Scott had spent all day talking about you, so sending him a sly smile, Ororo clears her throat, “That was good, right?”
You can’t help but to chuckle, but Scott just takes your arm and continues pulling you down the hall, “Very funny, Ororo, you should take your jokes on the road, away from here." Straight ahead, Scott sees two people who heard him rambling on about you this morning and he knows that if they see you, they’ll stop you and if they stop you, you’ll ask to kiss them, and honestly, he doesn’t really feel like watching you kiss anyone else just yet, so he does what makes the most sense. Scott takes a sharp left and pulls you into his room.
"So that, you, you have... Are you gonna kiss everybody?" He asks, releasing you and doing a quick pace of his room. You give him the most apologetic smile you can muster, "Pretty much. It's like an itch, you know? It almost burns to meet someone new and not at least ask them if I can kiss them. It's how I open up, Scott. I have no emotion towards people I haven't kissed before, and a genuine lack of any emotion is difficult. If this is about our kiss, I did really like it, and I would like to do it again -" Scott perks up at this, smiling proudly, "You would? You did?" His enthusiasm is adorable and you can't help but laugh a little as you answer, "Yeah, but that won't nor can it diminish my need to kiss other people, especially ones I interact with on a regular basis. I only have to do it once, but it still has to happen.”
Scott nods his head sheepishly, feeling himself being called out in the explanation. “Yeah, yeah, that makes sense, sorry.” Giving him a pointed look, you show your acceptance with a small smile and a twitch of your eyebrows before heading towards the door. Making a quick, and probably dumb, decision, Scott rushes in front of you and presses his back to the door, “You said you only have to kiss someone once, but are you allowed to kiss someone more than once? Is that okay?” You know where he’s going, but you level your face and play ignorant. If he’s going to do this, you’re going to make him work for it. “I suppose, I wouldn’t really gain much. Unless of course, the person in question is very good at hiding their emotions or motive, then it may be revealed in the second kiss, but ultimately, yes, it’s alright. Did that answer your question?”
Scott sputters for a moment, because technically, you did answer the question. “Well, yeah, but I was - can I? Do you mind if I kiss you? Again, I mean.” You roll your eyes fondly and connect your mouth to his. This kiss doesn’t last anywhere near as long as the first one when you hear a popping noise and look behind you to see a blue mutant standing there. He begins to apologize immediately, and Scott tries to open the door and pull you out of the room before it’s too late, but before he can grab hold of you, you step away from him and towards Kurt, as Scott called him. “Do you mind if I kiss you?”
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itsallavengers · 6 years
Prompt: "let's get you out of the rain"
Steve hated college. 
He hated the loudness. The constant stress. He hated the assholes who thought they were better than everyone and really, really hated the parties. 
Like the one he was at now. Or at least, the one he had been at. Now, he was just sat on the soaking wet sidewalk, rain dripping down his nose and sinking through his shirt. Behind him, he heard the thumping bass of whatever music they were playing back inside, but he had no interest in going back to enjoy it. He was pretty drunk, too, and wasn’t entirely sure whether he’d even make it to his feet without passing out. 
He kicked an empty can viciously and watched it clatter against the door of some flashy red car. He didn’t even care if it scratched the paint. Life sucked, the world wasn’t fair, sometimes skinny assholes with something to prove ruined your paint job. Guess they were just gonna have to deal with it. 
He hadn’t ever had a chance with Tony. Not really. Tony was beautiful, and popular, and whip-smart. Tony had everything, and Tony could get anyone. And Steve had really had the fucking nerve to think he’d ever had a hope in hell of being the person that boy picked?
How fucking ridiculous. 
Wiping his nose angrily, he blinked back the hot tears and pressed his knuckles against his eyes. He was soaked to the bone; a proper East-coast storm was overhead, and he knew he was probably gonna catch some sort of cold from this. Skinny and sickly, him and bad weather had never meshed well. Hell, a light breeze could knock him flat if he wasn’t concentrating. 
Steve didn’t think a hurricane could bring Tony Stark down, though. He was so resilient. And strong. And he had really great arms. Arms that, two minutes ago, Steve had seen curled around another boy’s shoulders, their faces pressed together as they kissed messily on the dancefloor full of drunk students. Steve had only gone to the damn house party because Tony had begged and puppy-eyed him to come, but in that moment, he didn’t think there was a single force on heaven or Earth that could’ve made him stay there and watch that. Tony had only spotted him as he’d slipped out of the room, and Steve had heard him call out Steve’s name, but hadn’t stopped to look. Just left. 
Now, here he was. Out in the rain, waiting for a cab while Tony stayed inside and made out with… whoever that was. Steve hadn’t seen his face. Steve couldn’t say he gave a damn, either. The point had been made. 
Tony wasn’t interested. All those shy smiles and little touches and stumbled words that they’d exchanged through their slowly growing friendship over the last few months had been just that – friendship. Nothing else. Steve was that kid Tony had been assigned to sit with in Chemistry class, who he got on with pretty well with and enjoyed the company of, but would never truly look twice at. Not in the way that Steve did for him. 
God, and to think he’d thought Tony might kiss him tonight. Him. Hah. 
There was the opening and shutting of the front door behind him, but Steve didn’t turn to look at whoever it was. Probably someone just going home for the night, tired of the noise like Steve was. He brushed them off quickly and then focused back up on feeling sorry for himself, wet and cold and miserable on a Friday night as the boy he loved remained about 30 feet away from him, having the time of his damn life with someone else. 
Except, the 30-feet thing turned out to be wrong. Steve realised as such when he suddenly saw a pair of familiar red sneakers step onto the road beside him, and then the feeling of another body join him in the sidewalk. He turned his head, eyes going wide. 
Tony smiled back at him, soft and sad. “So– unsurprisingly, I managed to fuck this up before it even began, huh?”
Steve just blinked, alcohol-addled mind trying to process what was going on. “Why are you…” he began, before shaking his head and looking away. Didn’t even matter. “Just go back inside, Tony.”
“No, I want to talk to you,” Tony said, “about what you saw just then.”
His cheeks burned, mortified. So Tony knew, huh? Well, that sure made everything ten times worse. “I don’t want to fuckin’ talk about it,” he snapped, “I got my wires crossed and overreacted, alright? You… You feel free to kiss whoever you damn please, it’s none of my–”
“I’m in love with you.”
Northward, a faint rumble of thunder burst through the air, and for a second the rain intensified. It was soaking into Tony’s curly hair, gathering on the leather jacket he was wearing. Whereas Steve probably looked like a half-drowned kitten, Tony just looked… serene. 
Steve choked on his own spit and raised his eyebrows. “Come again?”
“I’m in love with you,” Tony responded, just as confidently and simply as the last time, “I have been for ages. You’re… you’re amazing, Steve. And beautiful and perfect and a whole lot of overly romantic adjectives that I’m not going to bore you with. I was just trying to work my way up to maybe asking you out, but every time an opportunity arose I chickened out last minute. I didn’t want to risk our friendship when you said no.”
This had to be the alcohol. Rain-induced fever. Something other than the truth, for sure. Because the truth made no sense whatsoever.
Tony looked down at his shoes, biting his lip. “Thought maybe inviting you to a party would be a good place to start,” he said with a shrug, “I’m more confident at parties. We’d both be drinking and having fun, and I could make a move, and then if you rejected me I could blame it on the alcohol and we wouldn’t have to bring it up again, saving my ego and our friendship.” 
“But what, you accidentally came onto the wrong guy?” Steve snapped before he could help himself, pulling a disbelieving face and tensing up. “Right, okay. Sure.”
Tony made a noise of distress, his hand settling on Steve’s arm tentatively. “Steve,” he said, “it wasn’t… God, look, I hate to break this to you, but I’m kind of a slut, alright? And when I go to parties, usually a– uh, long term booty call of mine is also at said parties, and for the past three years it’s just been unspoken that if we see eachother at these things, we have sex. Okay? It’s just… I dunno, habit. But not this time! Okay, this time he saw me and he kissed me, and I pushed him off and told him no. I don’t want to, alright, not now.” Tony waved his hands distractedly. “There was someone way more important on my mind– of course, that person had just seen some random guy with his tongue in my mouth and now thought that I was going to be banging someone else tonight, which sucks. And isn’t true.”
Steve looked at him suspiciously. “So you autopilot kissed someone?”
Tony made a face. “Technically, he autopilot kissed me. But I– God, this is a mess. I’m… Steve, I know what you’re probably thinking okay, I know I look like a fucking sleazebag, but I genuinely… it’s only you, okay? I look at you and all I can think about is cuddling you and kissing you and being with you. All the time. You’re funny and you’re sweet, and you don’t treat me like I’m a product. You treat me like I’m worth your time– though God knows why, I mean, look what I give you in return, holy shit–” he shut his eyes and then wiped some of the drops of water off his face, shuffling on his but until he was properly facing Steve. 
Then he rested his palm against Steve’s face, skin warm against he wet rain. “I am in love with you, Steve,” he repeated firmly, “and there is no one else that I want to be kissing. Swear on my life, that’s the truth. I told Ty as much myself. He didn’t take it very well, but then again, he doesn’t really take anything well, so I can’t say I give a shit.”
Steve looked up at him; his earnest open face, his nervous smile, and the fingers that were absently tracing across the jut of Steve’s cheekbone. He wasn’t really sure what to think. 
So he kissed Tony instead, just to see where that would lead him.
The other boy breathed in sharply, eyelashes fluttering against Steve’s cheek as he opened his mouth and let Steve push forward, hands curling around Tony’s neck. The boy tasted wonderful- like apples and coconuts- and his lips were warm. Steve traced his tongue across Tony’s bottom lip and then brushed up inside, making Tony sigh happily and draw him in a little further. Tony was a brilliant kisser. Steve was probably shit, but Tony seemed to like it anyway. 
Then he pulled away. 
“I think you’re still too drunk to decide whether or not you want to do this right now,” Tony muttered, eyes still on Steve’s mouth as he swallowed. “You might still want to be angry in the morning. Which is fair. I’d be upset if you kissed someone else too.”
“I don’t care,” Steve told him adamantly, leaning forward again. Tony giggled softly under Steve’s mouth, kissing back for a second before he pulled back again, his arm slipping around Steve’s waist as the boy wobbled forward. “You’re not kissing someone else any more. You’re kissing me.” He leaned across and tried to reach Tony, but a huge droplet of freezing water fell right onto his neck and slid down his spine, and it made him wince and then shiver violently. He hadn’t really noticed how cold it was. 
Tony looked upward, seeming to realise it too. With a small huff, he butted his head gently into Steve’s, unable to stop himself from giving another small kiss. “Come on,” he said, “let’s get you out of the rain. You’re gonna get sick.”
“M’not gonna get sick,” Steve grumbled, feeling Tony tug him into standing position easily and then wrap his hand around Steve’s waist once more. “S’just rain.”
“Cold rain, that you’ve been sat sulking out in for five minutes.”
Steve pouted. “Can’t blame me– thought the boy I loved was off macking with some other asshole.”
Beside him, Tony stilled. “You…” He began, before just shaking his head and looking away. “Right. Drunk. Save it for the morning, Stark.” He mumbled to himself. Steve made another face– just because he was drunk, didn’t mean he was lying. Surely it was obvious at this point anyway?
Eh. Whatever. He could always say it again in the morning. And the morning after that, and the morning after that, and the morning after-
“What are you smiling at, huh?” Tony asked as he walked them over to the cab that had just pulled up at the curb. His eyes were gentle and his face soft as he took Steve in. By that point, the rain had plastered his hair right down onto his skull and the shirt he was wearing was sticking very uncomfortably to his ribs. For some reason, though, Tony didn’t seem to find it unattractive. In fact, Steve would go as far as to say that the look in the other boy’s eyes made him feel downright edible. 
He leaned up and kissed Tony again. Tony hummed, kissing him back. “This isn’t fair,” the boy mumbled, “I’m trying to be… chivalrous, and you’re making it really– fuck– hard, Steve.” He broke off with a frown and then looked adamantly toward the car, helping Steve into it with a steadying pair of hands. 
Steve’s world span a little as he shuffled into the seat, Tony slipping in beside him. “Don’t you wanna go back in?” He asked when Tony had finished giving the driver directions for Steve’s house.
Tony just looked at him, one perfect eyebrow arched. “No,” he said simply, “not at all.”
Steve smiled, and didn’t remember much after that.
He woke up, head throbbing, throat burning, and mind instantly made up. He rolled toward the nightstand, ignoring the glass of water and ibuprofen placed out for him in order to reach for his phone and type out a message.
You’re an assholePlease don’t accidentally kiss anyone else againUnless it’s me. I wouldn’t mind if it was me.Because I love you.Asshole
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Outside the Rain - Harry Styles Series (Part 12)
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Part 11
It was the night of the VMA’s and you were currently getting your hair and makeup done. After getting in super late the night before, you all were up and at it early that morning for rehearsals. You all had done everything you could do to make sure the performance went smoothly. The only thing left was to go through with it. 
Harry had went shopping for an outfit for the show. When you invited him, you sort of didn’t think about the fact that he wouldn’t have anything to wear. Yes, he wasn’t going to walk the red carpet, but he couldn’t exactly just wear some trousers and a shirt. 
“And just like that we’re finished,” your makeup artist smiled. 
You got up from your chair looking into the mirror. You smiled moving some hair out of your face. 
“I love it,” you smiled. “Thanks.” 
“Well, you look beautiful,” she smiled. “And remember you’re going to do great tonight.” 
“I really hope so,” you said. “Tonight’s a big night for us.” 
You went over to open up the bag that held your red carpet outfit. It was velvet purple blazer dress that you wore with matching heels. Harry walked into the room, just as you putting your things into your clutch. 
“Wow, you look beautiful,” Harry smiled. “Not that I expected you not to look beautiful.” 
“Thank you,” you smiled straightening your dress. “You look very handsome.” 
He smiled placing his hands on your hips, “Thank you, baby.” 
“Thank you for being there for me tonight,” you said. 
“I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else,” he smiled. “I’m proud of you. You girls have been working your asses off these last 48 hours and I know you’re going to fucking smash it.” 
You smiled pressing your lips against his. He smiled pulling you closer to him. His hands ran down your back, stopping just below the edge of your dress. He smirked against your lips and you laughed pulled away. 
“Down boy,” you giggled. “Save that for after the show.” 
“But you’re just so tempting,” he groaned pulling you back towards him. 
“I also didn’t just spent almost two hours in hair and make up just for it to be messed up by my boyfriend within two minutes,” you laughed. 
“Hey! We both know it would at least be four,” he defended. 
“Oh my god,” you laughed. “That’s not where I was going with it.” 
“Well, I went there,” he joked. 
“Anyway, it’s time to go,” you said. “Our car is probably outside. Now, I’ll be let off at the carpet waiting area, but the driver will drop you off in the back. That’s okay right?” 
“Yeah, are you walking alone?” He asked. 
You nodded as you waited for the elevator, “We decided if we all walked the carpet together, it might ruin the surprise.” 
“That makes sense,” he said. “I wish... I do wish I could be there next to you.” 
“I do, too,” you sighed. “But we’ve only just got together and I think it’s best we don’t go public this soon.” 
“I agree,” he smiled. 
“Besides, just having you there is enough of me,” you smiled. 
“And there I’ll be,” he smiled kissing your head. 
Hearing the sounds of screams as you walked the red carpet brought a smile to your face. It had been a while since you attended an award show you would be performing at and the fact that no one knew about it made it even better. By the time you were done with the red carpet, your eyes were blinded and seeing little white dots from all the flashes from the cameras. 
Before the performance, you and the girls wouldn’t be sitting next to each other, but you would be sitting in the same section. You weren’t sure where Harry would be sitting either, but you wished it was near you. You two had gave it some thought and since there would cameras most likely landing on you throughout the show, it was best if you two weren’t caught sitting next to one another. 
You always hated this part of being in a relationship. It always made you feel as if you were ashamed of who you were with or that you couldn’t be yourselves in public for fear of being found out. But it was the cost of wanting to keep your relationship private. Plus, it wouldn’t always be that way, you hoped. 
You were waiting at the bar for your drink, when you felt someone behind you. 
“God, you’re so hot,” a voice whispered in your ear. 
Chills ran over you as you turned around to face your boyfriend who was already holding a drink of his own. 
“You’re really trying to get me to drag your ass to the bathroom and have my way with you aren’t you?” You joked. 
“It wouldn’t be the worst idea I ever had,” he smirked. 
“I can’t with you,” you giggled taking a sip of his drink. 
“How was the carpet?” He asked. 
“Blinding,” you laughed. “I forgot how much I hate it. Between the shouting and the flashes. Luckily, I didn’t have to do too many interviews, so that was a plus.” 
“Do you think anyone has an idea about why you’re really here?” He asked. 
“No one seemed to be on the trail,” you said. “What about you? Anyone notice you’re here, but didn’t walk the red carpet?” 
“Nope,” he said. “Luckily for me, I’m able to go unnoticed when I want to be.” 
“You are pretty good at going MIA,” you laughed. 
“But not from you,” he smiled. 
“Good thing too,” you smirked. “Or I’d have to hurt you.” 
“Well, what do you have in mind?” He asked. “Cause I might be interested.” 
“Oh my god,” you laughed pushing him away. “Stop it.” 
He laughed kissing your cheek, “Where are you sitting?” 
“Like second row in the middle section from the stage,” you said. “You?” 
“I’m fourth tow, middle section,” he smirked. 
“So, we are still pretty close then?” You said. 
“I couldn’t be too far away,” he smiled. 
Once you finally got your drink, you both walked into the venue and to your seats. You both saw some friends and acquaintances, so you made sure to stop and chat with them prior to the show. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw the rest of the girls coming in one by one. Each of you gave the other a small smirk, knowing you had accomplished your first task of the night. 
Getting in without blowing the surprise performance. 
And now, you had to wait and hope you accomplished the second task. 
The performance itself. 
The show had been on for an hour. Many performances had already taken place and they were phenomenal. Tons of awards had been handed out and it was getting closer to the time of your performance. Throughout the night, all of you were sneaking glances at each other. You were also sneaking glances to Harry as well. 
He would give you a wink and a smirk every time he caught your eye. He even sent you texts off and on. You would shake your head each time you read his messages. He was definitely setting the scene for an afterparty only including the two of you. 
When it was time for you to head backstage to warm up and change, each of you got up within in a few minutes of the other, so you all weren’t getting up at the same time. As you made your way towards the back stage, you gently ran your hand over Harry’s as you passed him. He squeezed your hand with a smile before you pulled it out and kept going. 
Backstage you all were changed and warming up. 
“I can’t believe we’re about to do this,” Rachel said. 
“We’re gonna crush this, right?” Jess said. 
“Not if you bitches go out there questioning it,” Daisy groaned. “We didn’t work our asses off the last two fucking days to give a shitty performance. These are our songs, our ideas, and our dances. This is us. The only thing is that we haven’t performed on stage together in a few years. But we’re still us, we’re still y/band’s/name.” 
“I can’t believe I’m saying this out loud,” you sighed. “But Daisy’s right. Don't get me wrong, I’m nervous as hell, but we’re not doing anything on that stage that we’ve not done before.. except maying performing the new single, but other than that... we’ve done this more times than I can count. We’ve got this.” 
“Group hug!” Rachel said opening her arms. 
“Let’s fucking go!” Daisy smirked wrapping her arms around all of you. 
You each took your places behind the screen. The venue was in complete darkness, at least as much as it could be. You took a deep breath and waited for the cue. The first song was an a capella piece that would transition into the opening of the next song. 
And now it was time. 
Gasps and screams erupted inside the venue as soon as everyone realized it was your group. It didn’t take long before all of your nerves left your body and the only thing left was pure adrenaline. Each of you hit every note and dance move. The lights, the pyro, and the other dancers meshed so well with the songs. 
Just when everyone thought the performance was over, the opening notes of the new single started playing. 
“Now, I know you didn’t think we’d come here tonight and not give you a new song, right?” Daisy smirked. 
You didn’t even think it was possible, but the screams grew even louder. When you hit the final note/run of the song, you all stood there taking it all in. Your chest heaved up and down as you looked out into the crowd. Everyone from as far as you could see, was up on their feet cheering all of you on. Your gaze zeroed in on Harry and his was whistling as he cheered you on. 
It was time for each of you to go backstage and of course, you were all bombarded with questions from reporters. After downing some water and answering a few questions, your manager finally shooed off the vultures and took you all back to your dressing room to change. 
When you got there, Harry was already in the room and he quickly wrapped his arms around you. 
“We did!” You screamed jumping in his arms. “We fucking did it!” 
“I told you,” he smiled kissing you, “God, you girls were fucking amazing! The biggest performance of the night. I swear the crowd was the loudest of the whole night.” 
“Do you think they liked the song?” Rachel asked. 
“It’s already number one iTunes,” your manager said. “We released it just before the performance and it’s already number one. The fastest song to reach number one.” 
“No, fucking way,” Daisy said taking the phone out of her. “HOLY SHIT!” 
“I’m so proud of you,” Harry smiled. 
“Thank you,” you smiled. 
“Okay, love birds, now that this performance has been crushed, it’s time to fucking party and celebrate!” Jess smirked. 
“She’s right!” Daisy said. “It’s afterparty time, bitches!” 
“That okay with you?” you asked Harry. 
“Hey, tonight’s your night, love, I’m just the plus one,” he joked. 
You giggled pressing your lips against his. You were officially on cloud nine and you didn’t want to get off anytime soon. 
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gottagobuycheese · 4 years
Tag Thingy
Thanks @silent--sonata for indulging my terrible sleeping habits XD
(fyi this will probably be unnecessarily long and rambly, so it’s going under a cut (EDIT: whelp the song list got a little out of hand, I’d apologize if I were even remotely sorry)) 
Rules: Answer 17 questions & tag 17 people you want to get to know better  
Nickname: Cheese (or Lactose Wedge, or Dairy Product of Unspecified Origin and Purpose)
Zodiac Sign: Gemini! 
Height: 160.5 cm/5′3″ (Bubbles I refuse to believe you’re actually that much taller than me) 
Hogwarts house: Somewhere between Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff allegedly, both of which I’d be honored to get sorted into, but honestly I’d just be stoked to get sorted at all 
Last thing I googled: I think it was something along the lines of “how to speed up audio playback in GarageBand,” but but my train of thought was derailed before I actually looked at any of the results so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (and on a related note, thanks again for the magical audio editing @imperiousheiress!)
Song stuck in my head: The end credits to Legacy of the Wizard (which is SUCH a jam, thank you for enlightening me @jessicafish) Following and followers: 227 (goodness just looking at that number is stress-inducing) and...104?! When the HECK did you all get here??? I think just last summer I was happily floating about in the 50′s. Anyways, to anyone I have not said hello, hello! Hope you enjoy your stay, and I am sincerely sorry if you expected Quality Original Content, or even just regularly scheduled other people’s content. Sadly, neither of these things tend to happen here. 
Amount I sleep: During the school year it’s usually anywhere between 30 minutes and 6 hours (DON’T EVEN START BUBBLES YOU HAVE NO RIGHT), usually landing in the 3/4 hour ranges if I’m smart about it, but now that I am on Unofficial Break, it’s usually at least around 6 hours (except today was 3 because Avatar is an excellent show and the weirdos in this house have regularly scheduled breakfast at 9-something every morning). Sadly my sleep schedule can only be forced to tolerate normalcy for so long before careening back in the other direction, so we’ll see if this is just a blip or if we’re back to normal mid-Atlantic Ocean hours!
Lucky number(s): I wouldn’t say these are necessarily favorite numbers, but I do like 2 and 9. But come to think of it, second attempts at Official Things do tend to go better for me than first attempts, so maybe there’s some merit there after all! Dream Job: Don’t think I’m really cut out for dreaming anymore, haha (unless you are a theoretical future employer in which case I am Extremely Full of Ambition and Passion). The bed-adjacent metaphor has been made, and not to brag, but I can sleep on pretty much any surface. Currently studying my Not Favorite aspect of STEM (was there ever a favorite or did I just like being good at things sometimes) and learning how to People™ properly (and also learning a gazillion convoluted drug names like what the heck dude, did you just fall asleep on your typewriter coming up with these), so I’ll take whatever place hires me and pays me enough not to depend on my parents for everything, I suppose. In an ideal world, that would entail a job where I could make friends, and even more importantly, a job where my shortcomings would not cause Massive and Irreparable Harm, but I don’t think this line of work really meshes with that last one, so I guess I’ll either have to get my shit together™ extremely soon or fake my death, adopt an alias, and flee to a completely new place with no ties whatsoever before trying to get another, less high stakes job. 
(Though I guess, less cynically, I like helping people well enough? And stories are fun! Maybe there could’ve been something with that. Not that there still can’t be, mind, but there’s still a long way to go between Here and There)
Wearing: Black shorts. Navy t-shirt. Brown some-specific-kind-of-jacket-I-forgot-the-name-of jacket. Is it summer? Is it fall? Am I in middle school? Who can say, but they are COMFY so sadly I have no cares to give
Favourite song(s): way way WAY too many to list here, and I do not have them all organized in a handy playlist separately, but to name a few (and these are not necessarily the MOST favorite okay, it doesn’t mean I don’t love stuff not on this list, it means you can’t force me to pick between my children and I am going to find at least one quick thing from a few things I like before I need to hit post and go back to looking like I’m being studious, and also things I think you should listen to right now, but for everything I’ve linked assuming I mean the whole OST), here’s a spam of links in no particular order: 
LoZ Wind Waker - The Great Sea (aka the epitome of optimism) 
Undertale - NGAHHH!! (I was about to link more but then I realized it’d be the whole soundtrack lol) 
LoZ Breath of the Wild - Hateno Village (Night) 
A:tLA - Peace (bad call BAD CALL NOW I HAVE EMOTIONS) 
Legend of Korra - Final Scene/Ending Theme (MISTAKES WERE MADE MISTAKES WERE MADE) 
Kung Fu Panda - Oogway Ascends (I feel like I’m taking you on a whole little album journey now XD) 
PMD: Explorers of Sky - Dialga’s Fight to the Finish (aka the Gotta Shower Fast song) 
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Pursuit ~ Cornered (aka the HURRY UP AND PACK UR SHIT YOUR FLIGHT LEAVES IN THREE HOURS song) 
Apollo Justice: A New Trial Is In Session (very underrated soundtrack imo) and also Apollo Justice: Telling the Truth (because these two are very closely associated in my head and it’s getting harder and harder to narrow things down so maybe I should stop lol) 
Your Name: Katawaredoki (in which I am forcibly thrown heart first into the bedroom of my second apartment at approximately 12-something A.M.) 
Digimon Adventure 01: Butterfly (MASSIVE 90′s childhood anime feels, and also Last Summer Before Everything Went to Shit feels (on a general scale I mean, not personal)) 
Pokémon: Lugia’s Song multitrack cover by Jordan Moore (would that I could have a talent of that musical talent) 
Pokémon the First Movie: Tears of Life (great now I’m on a Pokémon music spiral GUESS IT’S CHILDHOOD NOSTALGIA HOURS NOW) 
PMD: Blue Rescue Team - Farewell and Run Away/Fugitives (you CANNOT make me choose between these guys okay, my brain WILL explode, and whoops now I want to link the whole ost) 
Palette by A Dear Friend (wink wonk) 
Pokémon: Alpha Sapphire - Fortree City (wow talk about mood whiplash)
Detective Conan: Main Theme (I can’t find the specific version since there are so many, but it’s a Good Theme) 
Super Smash Bros.: Brawl - Opening Theme 
Pokémon Colosseum - Relic Forest 
Song for Lindsay by Andrew Boysen Jr. (oh great now it’s time for marching band feelings I guess)
Mt. Everest by Rossano Galante 
Deltarune - Field of Hopes and Dreams and A Town Called Hometown (orchestrated) (aka the Lots of Work To Do song) and You Can Always Come Home and Don’t Forget (hey guess what I wrote a bunch of fake extra verses for) (also it looks my pathetic attempts at narrowing things down are getting even more pathetic so I’ll wrap up soon XD) 
 Guild Wars 2 - Fear Not This Night (never actually played this myself but my friend got me addicted to the music) 
Lord of the Rings - May It Be (Enya) (aaaand now I miss choir, THANKS BUBBLES) 
Lion King - Can You Feel the Love Tonight (Multilingual) by Travys Kim (aka how I remembered how fun these things are) 
Original Song by Anonymous  
(The urge to add all the other songs I’m not adding is so strong but I’ve got so much work to do so just assume I mean all Nintendo music from any game I’ve played, all Ghibli movie music, every musical I’ve ever heard, and even more) 
Random fact:
Apparently as early as the 17th century, you could guess that a child would have a shortened life span if their foreheads tasted salty. Yes, there is a specific reason, and yes, you may already know what it is, and thankfully no, that life span projection no longer holds true, assuming access to Modern Medicine! 
Favourite Authors: Okay I have not read enough various books of enough various authors to be able to answer this, so I’m just gonna go with a few books instead. They are not necessarily all-time favorites, but I enjoyed reading them very much at the time and more often than not go back to them for comfort reads: The Martian, any of first three Harry Potter books, and The Rise of Kiyoshi. (That last one’s not really a comfort read but I am drowning in Loving Kiyoshi juice so here we are)
Favourite Animal Noises: Certain kinds of birds (UNLESS it’s some ungodly hour of the morning and you’re trying to sleep)? Ooh, and crickets! 
Aesthetic: A slob, but like...a comfy slob. An incredibly disorganized hermit who is happy to mill about in the uncontrolled entropy. (Are we talking about what aesthetic I give off, or what I like to look at, visually? Because I like space, and water, and mountains, and forests, and forests ON mountains, OOH and forests on mountains at night where you can see space, perhaps reflected in a body of water. Or just water, idk. Different things are pretty to look at at different times)
@pachelbelsheadcanon @averybritishbumblebee @shingeki-no-korra @sailorlock @yeswevegotavideo @soultheta @queenerdloser @ifeelbetterer @rogueofdragons @peppervl @amadness2method @mutalune and anybody else who wants to do this! This isn’t seventeen, and I don’t know if any of you have already done it/been tagged, but I hear people moving around upstairs so that means this break is over XD. And ABSOLUTELY no pressure to actually do this, this is pretty much just me wishing you well! (and YOU of course, my dear reader! I hope everything’s going all right, or if it’s not, that it does soon)
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bi-riter09 · 4 years
Force of Nature or Forced Nature? Chapter 5
Hey guys, I’m back again with chapter 5 of my original story, Force of Nature or Forced Nature? It is also available on Archive of Our Own.
"Do not worry. The Shadows are only truly dangerous to you if they can find leverage over you. 
No matter what happens during your journey, you should never reveal any information aloud to anyone at any point, including your names."
"Well, that's just great! How are we supposed to do that?!" I guffawed abhorrently.
"I'm afraid that is all I can tell you for now. Good luck on your journey." The voice slowly faded away into a whisper. 
"What? No, come back!" My sister begged frantically, ripping herself from my arms and running around the clearing trying to find the faded voice. "Hello? You can't just leave!"
I sighed heavily, somehow feeling thoroughly weary and utterly terrified all at once.
"I guess we're on our own now."
It was too hot. The bright sun was beaming down on the forest trees without a cloud in sight. The trees were only absorbing the heat, making the air around us humid and almost unbearably thick.
My sister and I sat in the clearing in utter silence for a long time even after the voice had disappeared from our thoughts, wiped away from our minds almost like we had only ever imagined it in the first place.
The grass blanketing the clearing was much cooler in comparison than the rest of the forest, at least giving us some relief from the stifling weather.
My sister sobbed into my shoulder, still holding onto me with such a grip like her life depended on it.
  Maybe it did.
  I ran my hand up and down her back, my free hand running through her smooth, thick hair as I tried to soothe her. She had fallen silent a long time ago, but she still refused to move from her complacent position underneath my chin. I don't know which was harder for me to do- push down my tears or suppress another irate sigh from being audible- both sounded equally appealing to me at the moment.
  But I couldn't do either.
  I sighed internally instead, lightly patting my little sister on the back once more before standing up and plastering a grin across my face. I turned around with a quick huff and reached a hand out for her to take.
"Come on. The sooner we get moving, the sooner we can get out of this weird place." She took my hand and pulled herself up, unsuccessfully trying to wipe away her tears and pretend they weren't there.
She crossed her arms around her chest, tightly tucking in her hands in a self-hug. "Where are we going?" As I followed her line of sight, I realized every direction out of the clearing around us looked nearly identical.
I bit my lip painfully, my eye subtly twitching in my irritation.
  Would it kill anyone to just place a big, obvious flashing sign with an arrow sometime? Of course not.
  I sighed, facepalming for a brief moment. I rolled my eyes, gently placing one of my hands on her back and pushing her ahead of me so I could easily watch out for her. "Let's go this way for now." She huffed at me, clenching her small fists at her sides and pouting until I nudged her forward again.
The forest got denser and denser with thick trees as we walked deeper into the forest. The weather was even more unbearable without the opening of the trees above us in the clearing, but somehow, the heat almost felt good on my skin.
I wasn't sweating like I normally would be on a hot summer day back at home. I knew it was hot in the forest, but the feeling of the sunlight on my skin and the humidity around us started to feel amazing, almost like taking a hot shower on a cold night.
I looked over to my sister, finally realizing that her clothes had also changed since we arrived here. Her favorite pair of baby pink pajamas had somehow turned into a black hoodie and satin skirt laid neatly over a pair of dark purple leggings, with a pair of low-heeled black boots to top it off.
  She has to be burning up, that sweatshirt must feel stifling.
  "Aren't you getting too hot in that hoodie?" I grabbed her hand before she could go too far, but she only shook her head at me.
"No, I feel fine." She shrugged her hand out of my grasp and continued forward into the forest. "Can we get out of here now? This place is starting to give me the creeps." She whined adorably.
All of a sudden, I felt a sharp tingling pain in my hand. When I looked down, my fingers had turned bright red and started twinging like I had just stuck my hand in a cup of freezing water. Her hand had felt like ice in my grasp.
  We continued walking for a few more hours, pressing on further despite how tired we were getting. At this point, my feet were agonizingly aching with each step I took. 
So far, this entire quest of ours was utterly pointless. We weren't even sure what we were really looking for. The only thing we could really do now was just endlessly search for something to help us or guide us somewhere else that we were never going to find. The scenery around us barely changed at all. We hadn't even come across anything other than more trees, and occasionally a few hills dividing the forest into higher and lower levels.
I sighed, trying to swallow down my cynical thoughts and continued the hike up the hills ahead of us.
  This definitely isn't the time or place to be cynical. I need to be strong right now, for the both of us.
  My wrists still felt as if they were on fire, still just as raw and throbbing from the rope burns I had suffered as before, even as I rubbed at them. That only seemed to make the pain worse, the friction from my gloves rubbing against the sensitive skin only managing to re-irritate it. They started to bleed once again, small red droplets beading from the wounds and running down my wrist until they dropped down into the grass below me.
My sister looked over in concern, glancing uneasily at the red streaks dripping down my hands. I waved her off easily, trying to pull down my rolled up sleeves over my hands to hide them from view. I ruffled her chestnut bangs and grinned as she tried to bat my hands away. "It's okay, I'm fin-"
A shrill cry suddenly echoed in this distance, sounding only a few meters away from us.
  "What was that?!" I turned to look at my sister beside me, as she jumped and grabbed onto my arm in a death grip, cowering into my side. 
A group of bushes directly to the right of us began trembling suspiciously and whispers could be heard emitting from it.
"There it is again!" I yanked her entirely behind me, making sure she was pressed tightly against my back, her fingers clutched in my shirt, as I quickly backed away from the brushes.
  A new, unexpected voice spoke up in the distance, getting louder as it got closer, "See, that's exactly why I told you to wait for me. Maybe if you had actually listened-" A different, younger voice interrupted the first.
"How was I supposed to know there was a hill there?" The voice whined loudly, clearly trying to nurse some type of injury.
The first voice spoke up again in it's smooth, light German accent, this time rising in volume. "Don't interrupt me! I'm just trying to keep you safe. We don't even know where we are right now, what if you had gotten mauled by a bear or something?! I told you to stay next to me, and you didn't listen, and look what happened! You can't just go running off just because you feel like it, A-"
  "Hello? Who's there?" I asked warily, raising my voice and keeping a good distance from the bushes.
The owners of the voices finally peeked out of the bushes, heading in our direction. A head of long, golden blonde hair popped out from behind one of the trees before us, walking carefully through the thorn bushes as a much shorter and younger brunette boy followed closely behind her, still rubbing at a blossoming bruise on his elbow.
  "Who the hell are you, exactly?" A pair of bright green eyes blinked suspiciously at me, pausing several feet away and refusing to move an inch closer, placing her manicured hand to push the boy back towards the bushes, further away from me.
She was dressed almost oddly, wearing a tied white blouse over her fitted lilac t-shirt. Faded denim shorts sat just above her mix-matched length black mesh leggings, and black heels that seemed far too uncomfortable for walking graced her feet.
Almost in an opposite nature, the young boy she was shielding behind her wore a simple black hoodie unzipped over a warm cotton grey sweater, accented by his casual black jeans and white and purple converse.
  "I'm-" I quickly caught myself before I finished, blinking hard. I tried another approach instead, "Look, I could ask you the same thing!" I retorted. "What are you doing here?"
  "How the hell should I know?" She retorted, an irritated snarl curling her lips up. "Maybe you should ask whoever thought it was a good idea to just drop us in the middle of nowhere. I don't know, just an idea!" Sarcasm was dripping from her tone like a deadly acid just waiting to snap at someone.
  I shifted uncomfortably and glanced away, unable to handle the strength of her glare burning back at me. "Well, it's not like I know why we're here either." I bit back at her with the same viciousness. I was never one to back down from a fight, even ones I didn't start or had any business getting involved with. My dad always told me I was too much of a hothead.
  I guess old habits die hard.
  I nibbled on my bottom lip, turning back to her emerald gaze with even more fire burning behind my hazel one. "We didn't come here looking for any trouble, we don't even want to be here, period. So, why don't you just leave us alone?"
Fury blazed in her eyes. "You-"
"Woah, woah, wait!" The little brunette boy beside the girl shouted, pushing her hand off of his chest and walking between the two of us, trying to quell the tensions rising off of us.
"What is wrong with you guys?! Didn't you hear the voice?" When we stared at him blankly, blinking in confusion, he rolled his eyes and huffed loudly. "You know, the creepy, bodiless one; tried to scare us to death when it started talking in our heads; kind of hard to forget?"
He shook his head, getting back to his point. "The voice said we were going to meet four other people who we would be our friends! We aren't supposed to be biting each other's heads off! We're supposed to be helping each other."
"He's right!" My sister piped up, wrestling out of my tight grip to peer from around me. "We heard about that too." She looked up at me, silently pleading for me to let the issue go. I grunted in response and looked away.
She knows I can't refute her puppy dog eyes. I frowned.
When I finally looked back up at the blonde, She was glancing over at the boy in front of us before looking down at the ground in shame, kicking the dirt around in her embarrassment at being so spiteful.
After a long moment of silence, she spoke up in a much kinder tone. "I guess they're right. If we want to get out of this stupid forest, we need to be working together, not arguing. I'm sorry."
I sighed quietly, stroking the top of my sister's hair. "Look, I'm sorry too. It's just… It's been a long few hours."
She nodded, clearing her throat.
"Well, now that that's over with, I guess we should introduce ourselves." Looking up at me for permission first, my sister walked over to the brunette boy, and extended a hand between them with a watery smile gracing her freckled face. "Nice to meet you, I'm-"
I cut her off immediately, wrapping my hand around her mouth and shaking my head. "What are you doing?" I whispered loudly next to her ear. 
She pushed me away, pursing her lips irately. She hated admitting I was right, although I normally was. "Well, we have to call each other something!" She whisper-yelled back to me.
The blonde girl piped up, clearly eavesdropping on our not-at-all quiet conversation. "What if we used fake names? That way we could call each other something, without any problems." 
I pondered it for a moment, before nodding. It was the best alternative at the moment, and at least it would make things slightly easier.
  "Any ideas?"
  My sister tapped a finger on her chin, thinking of a good name to use. Finally, a lightbulb went off in her head and she grinned sweetly. "Oh, what about 'Abbie'? I think that's a good name, don't you?"
I smiled back at her, my eyes crinkling at the edges. "I think that's a great name."
It suits her perfectly.
The brunette boy piped up next to her, snapping his fingers in satisfaction. "I like 'Alex'."
The blonde walked up behind him, closing off the small circle we had formed. "You can call me… 'Emma'. I think that's a good one."
  Everyone turned to stare over at me next, awaiting my answer. I blinked blankly back at them, unsure what to say. I thought long and hard for a name that would suit me, before a thought popped in my head about an old tale I had heard once as a child. My lip twitched briefly as I finally settled on the perfect name. I coughed briefly to clear my throat, and answered. "'Kai.' You can call me 'Kai.'"
  Somewhere in the back of my mind, I knew my life wouldn't be the same after today.
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