#'sounds like youve probably got fibromyalgia
coridallasmultipass · 4 months
Shit week tw mold
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Im fucking screaming
I bought expensive ass lions mane to fry (ive only done this once before but it was so good) i bought expensive ass gluten free flour for this since i had to throw my old bags of flour out last summer (weevils attacked bc my mom isnt intolerant to regular wheat flour)
And now im like, okay, suck it up, youve got an injured back but we bought this fancy mushroom on wednesday and now we need to cook it (today is saturday, that's almost 4 days in my home fridge)
And i get everything set up, im about to spice the flour for breading and im like, wait. Check that the mushroom isnt totally gross (i could see it was drying out a little thru the carton slots, but i didnt look inside yet. Wouldve been fine if it was dry since i was frying it to dryness anyway)
And its got fucking mold. None of it is safe to eat, even if thats only a little mold.
Now i gotta put the flour back in the bag and cook an egg for lunch, since i cant put it back in the shell lmao
God why does this always happen to me, no matter what i do all my food goes bad before i can eat it. Ive been eating such low-effort foods for a while because i do not have the spoons to cook, and my back has been bad for a month (and went out on sunday).
This shit was expensive too. Mushrooms and flour were like $10 each. I just wanted something nice and fresh for a change, but apparently thats too much to ask when ur chronically physically and mentally ill
I dont even have another vegetable or anything to fry. Maybe a potato but that sounds gross to bread lmao. Ill just have an egg sandwich i guess!! Ugh.
On top of that its hard to eat fresh food when i cant close my teeth together. I liked getting watercress for sandwiches, but i cant bite it with my front teeth. I miss eating carrots with hummus but it hurts to eat hard vegetables because of the fibromyalgia around my teeth. Other vegetables take a lot of prep or have the same stringy quality i cant eat. Havent been able to bite things in half in a while because my teeth dont meet together in the front. Its already hard enough to try and eat sandwiches. This shit is just humiliating. Ughhhh.
I already have such bad anxiety about throwing food away, probably due to being forced to sit at the table and eat all my food as a kid. Im literally so fucking tempted to just cut the mold off rn. But im also scared of mold lmao. I have like aerophobia (fear of breathing in anything, not planes which is incorrect). I love mushrooms but spores freak me out. Ive forced myself to eat around mold before and it was really traumatizing and i dont like grapes anymore because of it (just anticipating the burst of moldy greenness every time i eat one bluhh)
I hate this so much lmao.
Someone needs to make a fridge that doesnt spoil food.
I need to stop buying fresh stuff. Its just a waste of money when i cant get to it in time. I really wish it didnt go bad so fast.
Hopefully when my teeth and jaw get fixed i can eat more fresh food
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cullxtheherd · 3 years
#a quick updoot-#starting up pain management again with a new doc#yesterdays appointment was more beneficial than the other three 'professionals' i have seen in the past 7 years#got much needed mri scheduled for my neck#a catscan/ultrasound of my leg to check for clots b/c of extreme swelling (not sure which theyre gonna do yet)#aaand since he listened to me instead of brushing me off- yknow the part where i say#my birth mother was diagnosed with fibromyalgia many years ago but idk if that is whats wrong with me#he actually said the words i have been expecting for the past several years#'sounds like youve probably got fibromyalgia#but im going to order some films just to make sure yoir spine isnt being compressed'#yo my fuckihnggg gODDD#i could have cried because for this entire time the doctors i have seen have brushed me off refused to listrn AND#my first neurosurgeon and primary care doctor- both boomers lmao#their mf profrssional opinion of me was#'youre young you should be fine'#and let me tell yall the past 7 years of unbearable and widespread chronic pain have been so FINE LMAO#i havent worked this entire time and have riddenthr line of becoming financially destitue many excruciating times#but now?? my spouse finally has a job that respects and recognizes him#we finally have insurance that isnt nearly bankrupting us#and i finally found one#(1) O N E#doc that will listen#....im hoping this means things are going to get better from here on out#but holy GOD#idk if any of you have taken lyrica/pregabalin in the past or currently but#fuck holy fuck fucking never felt so drunk and sloppy in my life without actually taking a single sip#i finally slept more than 2-3 hours?? ?#its been weeks/a month since my nighttime mf tranquilizer stopper working#i canthjehdibfkfhsi#not only did sleep happen but my muscles stopped being bunched up and painful for a few hours
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