#'what the ghost' fans won today congrats you guys
fandom-animals · 7 months
"I'm doing a favor for Georgie." I THREW UP
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pollenallergie · 6 years
“I thought you were asleep, asshole.”
A lil Valter imagine inspired by a recent post by @ill-skillsgard and by one of Valter’s previous twitch streams
It was midday, you awoke to the sound of your boyfriend, Valter, talking to, what you would come to realize was, his camera. It didn’t take long for you to realize that he was streaming. You rolled your eyes in annoyance, knowing that you would have to stay still for the rest of the stream so that no one would realize you were in his bed. You two still hadn’t made things public yet, mostly because you were enjoying your time alone with each other, so you had to hide during the streams. Most of the time you would just hang out in the den area, but today was different. Last night you and some friends had gone out and you drank a little too much, so you ended up sleeping a little longer than expected. Valter contemplated waking you up before starting the stream so that you could go hide out in the den; however he ultimately decided against it and instead just hoped that you wouldn’t wake up during the stream.
However, you’re presence didn’t go unnoticed, as planned. One fan noticed that it looked like someone was in his bed and even took the liberty of pointing that out to the other viewers. Although, Valter quickly shut that down, saying that it was just one of the dogs. However, you highly doubted than anyone actually bought that.
After a few minutes had passed, you heard Valter’s phone ring. You smirked knowing what would happen next; he would pause his game, turn off the mic, and go out into the hallway to take the call, and he did just that. You peeped out from under the blankets to see if he had really left, and grinned once you saw that he had. You slowly crept out of bed, making sure to pull down you pajama shorts which had ridden up while you slept, and snuck over to his desk. You then put on his headphones and turned the mic back on. The chat immediately lit up, mostly with people questioning who you were and why you were in Valter’s apartment. You smiled out of amusement before putting your finger to lips, shushing the chat. Then you typed in the chat, telling the viewers 1) not to tell Valter that you did this, 2) not to comment on your presence at all (as that might make Valter suspicious), and 3) to blow up the chat saying that while Valter was gone, you guys saw a ghost. Next, for good measure, you moved some stuff around so it looked like the ghost had thrown stuff or knocked stuff over (like in Paranormal Activity). You then took the headphones off and gave a thumbs up to the camera before crawling back into bed and pretending to be asleep.
Shortly after, Valter came back in and sat down to resume the stream. Valter, oblivious as ever, didn’t even notice the stuff that you had moved. He then put his headphones back on and checked the chat, which he usually did before he resumed his game. Just like you had asked, his viewers bombarded that chat with panicky messages saying that they had seen a ghost. He laughed it off at first, but then, like the masterminds you knew they could be, they started claiming that the ghost knocked stuff over and threw things. He once again chose not to believe this, that was until he looked around and saw all of his misplaced items. He then chuckled lightly while shaking his head and paused the stream, this time turning off the camera and the mic, and made his way over to you.
“Y/N, Y/N” He whispered with a goofy smile on his face as he attempted to wake you up.
“mhm” You murmured as you gently rolled over only to see him looking down at you while grinning.
“Good morning.”You said innocently as you smiled up at him.
“More like good afternoon.”He joked.
“What? What time is it?”You asked, as if you didn’t already know that you had slept in.
“A little passed 1 pm, but that besides the point. Babygirl, did you get up and move some stuff around?”Valter asked, expecting for you to shyly say yes so that he could laugh at your failed prank.
“No, daddy, why do you ask?” You asked as you shook your head sleepily and then faked a yawn.
“You’re not lying to me, are you, princess?”Valter asked.
“No, daddy. Why what happened?” you asked.
“Babygirl, did you hear anything moving around in here earlier?”Valter asked, falling for you sleepy, innocent act.
“Daddy what’s going on? Why are you asking all these questions? You’re making me nervous.”You said innocently, lying right through your teeth.
“Nothing, babygirl, don’t worry, daddy’s just being nosey.”He lied, not wanting you to worry.
“Oh ok.” You said as you sat up, peering over his shoulder to see his twitch set up all ready to go and a chat on his second monitor.
“Valter, were you streaming while I was asleep?”You asked, pretending to be made; no longer using your innocent babygirl voice.
He turned around to look at his set up, realizing that you saw the chat. “Well, uh...”He trailed off nervously.
“While I was right here? What if people found out about us, Valter?”You said, continuing your act.
“They didn’t, I swear. You were covered by the blankets, baby, no one could tell it was you. I told them one of the dogs was napping in my bed.”Valter explained reassuringly.
“With the blankets on?”You asked as you crossed your arms.
“Well it is Sweden, maybe one of the dogs got cold, anyone would believe that.”Valter said.
“Valter it’s been like 10 degrees C all week, that’s not even cold for Sweden. Hell, that’s not even cold for the northern half of the US.” You said.
“Baby, I’m sure they bought it.”He said.
“Yeah right, I’m sure they fell for it.”You responded sarcastically.
“They did.”He said somewhat defensively.
“You really pranked them, didn’t you.”You said, your tone still very sarcastic.
“Uh.. I guess you could say that.”He said, getting confused.
“Just like I pranked you, sucker!”You cheered as you hopped out of bed and did a little celebration dance.
“What?”Valter asked, still obviously confused.
“I pranked you. While you were off talking on the phone I organized this whole thing with the chat.” You explained while continuing to do your happy dance. You looked like a dork, but you didn’t care because for once you had finally successfully pranked Valter.
“I thought you were asleep, asshole.”He laughed as he pulled you into a hug, stopping you from continuing to do your dorky little happy dance.
“Nope. You got pranked, bitch! Happy spooky season!”You cheered.
“That wasn’t even a good prank, you loser.”He joked before placing a kiss on your forehead.
“Hey, give me some credit, I planned that in like five minutes.”You said somewhat defensively.
“You finally got me.”He stated while laughing and holding you close to him.
“Yeah, I did, asshole.”You teased.
“Although, I guess you really just got both of us.”He said while smirking and looking down at you.
“Wait what?”You asked.
“You just revealed our relationship to all of my viewers.”He teased.
“Oh shit, I didn’t even think about that.”You groaned as you buried your head in his chest out of embarrassment.
“Mhm, and now you have to deal with explaining our relationship to the entire internet, so congrats.”He said teasingly while he went back to his desk where his twitch stream set up was.
“Hey, as a part of this relationship, you’re morally obligated to help me with this.”You said.
“It’s my birth month, babygirl, so I’m not morally obligated to do jack shit.”He replied with a smirk and then put on his headphones.
“Now would you care to join me for the rest of the stream?” He asked teasingly.
“Ugh!” You huffed before stomping away and going to the living room. You pouted, knowing that he had won again.
“I’ll be done in an hour!”Valter yelled out to you while laughing at your childish behavior.
In response, you just huffed once more and fell back onto the couch. Opting to watch tv until he finished streaming, rather than to actually join him in the stream.
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