bloomingpersephone · 2 days
I have a theory about the TMAGP Archivist and its statements, particularly regarding on how it feeds.
I know everyone is always remarking about how Sam survived an encounter with Archivist, but you know who else didn't die? Gwen.
Every single time that we've seen it extracting a statement, the person died. Except those two.
But what were these statements about? The drowning woman, the talking cadaver, the running guy, and lastly cement custodian (i think i missed someone but i can't be bothered to check rn). Things they feared but that weren't going to hurt them any time soon, and that they had likely never experienced in a serious capacity.
But what were the objects of Sam and Gwen's statements? Childhood experiences.
In summary, all of the other statements were about stuff that the people in question were afraid of, phobias, but that hadn't happened. The first time they experienced those fears, really experienced, was through the statement.
But Sam and Gwen? They were reliving something. So they already knew how ther statement ended.
Because they had already survived it.
For this reason, i think Celia would have also survived getting Statemented and thus Sam grappling Archivist through the tear in reality was not needed for her to not die.
I also think that for this reason Archivist prefers to extract fear from those who haven't experienced it supernaturally before, because it gets more as it's fresh fear and not remembered.
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fandom-animals · 7 months
"I'm doing a favor for Georgie." I THREW UP
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Me reading the description of episode 30: oh, that's fine! that's not so bad! i can deal with that!
Me after listening to episode 30:
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localsamalicer · 11 days
I knew it, we all knew it- we all knew she was from tma but GOD it still hit hard
I knew she was going to use him, was using him. Still hurts like HELL tho— GOD
Alice.. you’re just a little too late… oh god…
Gwen w a wine bottle pouring herself a glass in celebration actually made me giggle but HOLY FUCK THAT LAUGH
Sam’s in Tma universe now… oh Sam…
Oh Sam…
Im still very much processing rn good lord i cant be coherent
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apomaro-mellow · 1 year
Steve’s parents are in a cult and sacrifice him for their own gains. Yall can thank @whoevenknowsdude for giving me the motivation not to give up on this version.
The party was going on as usual. Steve had been to many of them before. The earliest he remembered was being five and led around by his mother’s hand, then eventually being handed off to a nanny for the rest of the evening. It was always some sort of parade. As a young child, he was the cute baby version of his father. Something for the women to coo at.
Around 11 he was a growing lad who was expected to cause a little trouble. Then at 14 he was a young man with a promising future. 
Growing up, there was one part he was always dreading. The point where people tried to set him up with their daughters, or granddaughters, or nieces. He heard pieces of such transactions all the time. 
‘Oh you must meet my daughter.’ 
‘You know Celia is about your age...’ 
‘So have you got a girlfriend?’
Steve caught glimpses of the older boys either politely rebuffing or ending up engaged with someone. This was a very insular crowd, he knew that. Still, he hoped he’d have something resembling a choice when the time came.
And yet, as he got older, no one rushed to introduce him to anyone. It confused him to no end. He had no trouble attracting girls at school and all of his parents’ friends thought he was charming. He came from good stock. Why did no one want him to marry their daughter?
He tried not to feel so offended by it. But it was just so bizarre. 
But back to tonight. It was going like it always did. Steve spent most of it by his parents’ sides, only occasionally going off on his own. He made nice conversation, had a drink or two, despite being nineteen, and kept the Harrington name good and golden.
As the hour got late though, it got to the point where most of the men split off to have cigars. Steve was usually excused at this point but this time his father put a hand on his shoulder and led him to the next room. He took part in more conversation about his prospects (not going to school but who needed to when he was planning on succeeding his father) and drank some brandy.
“Steve, it’s time we discussed your future”, his father said, letting out a puff of cigar smoke.
“What about it...exactly?”, Steve asked.
“That sometimes we must defer to a higher power.”
“Steven”, one of the other men started. “You ever take one for the team?”
“Yeah, plenty of times. But what are you guys talking about what’s going on?”, Steve asked.
“Come with me, son.”
Steve got up and followed his father. The other men came along down the stairs into the basement of the clubhouse. But then it went deeper.
“History is filled with ambitious figures, Steve. People who did whatever it took to reach their goals. Tonight it’s up to you to take us even higher.”
“Up to me? What do you want me to do?”
They came to the bottom of the stairs. His mother was already waiting, along with the other women. There was a large stone slab with restraints on it and Steve felt his stomach drop at the implication. But he didn’t want to believe it. It was too crazy.
“Mom, Dad...what are we doing here?”
“The higher power we worship will give us fortune beyond what we could dream of”, his father said. “But everything has its price.”
Before Steve could utter another question, he felt hands on him, gripping and pushing him towards the slab. He struggled and screamed for both of his parents. For some kind of explanation. For something that made sense. But he could feel his sanity slipping as they got him on the altar and tied his limbs down.
Lawrence, 50, with an unconvincing hairpiece stood over him. Steve never liked Lawrence. He always looked at him weird and his touches lingered like he was inspecting a piece of meat.
He was doing it now, trailing a hand up his tied up arm.
“I can’t thank you enough for your sacrifice, Steven. And your parents for bringing up such good stock. I have no doubt he will be pleased with you.”
“I don’t know what the fuck is going on but there’s no way you’re going to kill me for-for what? More money?”
His mother came into view, her expression mournful and Steve wanted to vomit.
“Steve, my love, we won’t be killing you. We could never do that. We just need a bit of your blood. After that....well after that....”
“Our lord will do what he wants with you. And with their lot I can only imagine he will want to devour your soul”, his father finished.
“So you are killing me.”
“We won’t be dealing the killing blow”, his father said. “And who is to say you won’t survive?”
Steve took a deep breath through his nose. This was insane. But it seemed like they at least didn’t plan to put a stake through his heart. He’d lose a bit of blood, they’d probably chant, and then when their demon lord didn’t show up, he could get a shower and then maybe disown his parents.
That didn’t make this situation any less shitty though.
Then someone ripped open his jacket and shirt, exposing his chest. Both of his parents were given knives. The knowledge that they didn’t intend to kill him quell that instinctual fear. Steve had always been a good kid. But sometimes good wasn’t enough. Sometimes he wondered if his parents regretted having him. So his current view wasn’t helping at all in that regard.
They both cut a slit right in the center of his palms and he hissed. They then took his blood and drew a symbol on his stomach. 
There was indeed chanting but between the alcohol, his bleeding hands, and the general delirium, Steve couldn’t make it out. God, he just wanted this to be over. He just wanted normal parents who didn’t sacrifice their own son to the devil.  He wanted a lot of things but it seemed like life would disappoint him one last time.
“Whoa! You’ve got a real party going on here”, a voice said, coming down the stairs.
“Who the hell are you?”, one of the chanters demanded.
Steve craned his neck to see....some guy. It was just some guy, in a black tank top and ripped jeans.
“Who? Me?”, he came to the bottom of the steps and looked around. “Was I not summoned? I thought I heard my name.”
“Someone get this fool out of here!”
“Oh, I see what the issue is. I’m not in the proper attire. My bad.” He took a few more steps forward, right into the range of the men who had advanced on him. Then flames erupted from his body, burning them in an instant. When the fire dissipated, Steve let out a gasp and started to actually pull against his restraints.
This was real! Fuck this was real! A real demon with horns and claws and fangs and shit-were those wings?! He had to get out of here, even if that meant ripping his hands and feet off to escape.
Turned out that was the wrong move. In seconds, the demon crossed the room on all fours and climbed atop the slab to hover over Steve.
“My lord”, Steve’s father said in an impressively even tone. “We offer you our greatest sacrifice-” He was cut off with a deep growl, one that Steve felt in his bones, being this close.
“You...haven’t...sacrificed....anything.” The demon turned its gaze to Steve, lying under him. “But you still have so much to give.” He touched a clawed hand to Steve’s stomach where the bloody symbol was. “Will you give it to me?”
Steve let out a breath. He was going to die. He was going to die and what did he have to show for it? Actually....what did he have to show for it if he lived tonight? Maybe it would be painless, this soul sucking. He just wanted to be done.
“Just take it”, Steve said. “Take whatever you want.”
The demon laughed darkly. “I always do.” He smeared a clawed hand against Steve’s torso, messing up what was drawn there. He sniffed his hand and let out a sigh. 
“Steve!”, his mother shrieked and he wondered if she had just realized what she was giving him up for.
“They spilt your blood for their own gains. Now to me, that doesn’t seem fair”, the demon said. “Don’t you think they should have to give something up? Don’t you want them dead?”
Steve dared to look the demon in his face. The eyes betrayed nothing. Just a blank, red void. But there was something about his expression anyway. Something in the quirk of his lip, the tilt of his head. Steve wondered if he actually would kill everyone in this room if he asked. As for himself, well, despite everything Steve couldn’t ask that of him. He really only wanted one thing and this might be his single chance to voice it out loud.
“I just want to be free.”
“Now see here”, Lawrence said, wagging a finger. “We have been your loyal servants. Our wishes-cckhk!”
He was cut off when the demon’s tail wrapped around his neck, dragging him closer. The demon brought him over until they were eye to eye.
“I would go ahead and count the blessings I already have. You all get to live another day.” He dropped Lawrence, ignoring his gasps for breath as he looked back down at Steve. “And you’re coming with me.”
Flames swirled around them but Steve didn’t feel any heat. Just a rush of warm wind as his restraints disappeared. The light got too bright though and he closed his eyes. When he no longer felt the light behind them, he opened them up, expecting the fires of hell, or a dark abyss of a pit. Maybe even some combination of the two.
Instead he found that he was in a….cramped apartment. The demon was back to the tank top and jeans and Steve wondered if someone had slipped something into a drink.
“You live here?”
The demon stuck his hands in his back pockets. “Whenever I come topside, yeah. And for the time being, so do you.”
“Don’t tell me you wanna go back to those assholes. Not after they-” He stopped speaking and his nostrils flared. Then he looked down.
Steve followed his gaze and saw that his hands were dripping blood onto the floor. “Ah, shit, sorry I-” He was about to wipe it on his ruined shirt when the demon grabbed a wrist, freezing him in place. His words were caught in his throat when the demon took a long sniff at the blood still slowly dripping out of his palm. He looked Steve in the eye as he slowly licked it clean. When the blood was gone, Steve saw his hand was completely healed.
The demon took his other hand and did the same, but somehow went even slower. The licks were punctuated with what could have been open mouth kisses but Steve wasn’t sure. Either the demon was making out with his hand or trying to eat him with little success.
When that one was finished, the demon looked at him and Steve was taken with how blown his eyes were. Like Steve’s blood was top shelf.
“B-buy a guy dinner first, huh?”
The demon came back into himself and took a step back, releasing Steve’s hand. “Yeah, sorry it’s just-yeah…” He cleared his throat and then turned, going deeper into the apartment. “So my home is your home, until you figure out exactly what you wanna do. Um, bathroom’s over there I’m sure you wanna get the rest of that blood off.”
He looked almost nervous to have Steve here. And the absurdity of that made Steve let out a chuckle. And then everything came crashing down on him and he started to laugh in earnest. The demon’s anxious stance just made more laughter bubble forth. What the fuck had his life become?
“Are you okay?”
“I just realized why none of them wanted me to date their daughters.” Steve pushed his hair out of his face. “They knew they’d be giving me to you.” As he laughed the tears started to fall. The demon looked even more shocked but then he came over and wrapped his arms around Steve.
“I don’t know why I’m laughing. Or why I’m crying.”
“Because it’s fucked up man. Like hilariously fucked up. And sometimes you gotta laugh about that crap.” The demon pulled away just enough to look Steve in the eye. “But you’re better than what you just left behind. You proved that by letting them live.”
Steve wiped at his eyes. “Well you already burned a couple of them. Wait, you killed them!”
“Collateral damage when I let my flames loose. I don’t like being touched.” He seemed to realize he was doing just that and raised his hands in the air before taking two steps away from Steve.
“I don’t even know your name. And you would’ve actually killed them for me?”
“Oh I go by Eddie nowadays.” He turned and looked like he was trying to make himself busy by picking things up and putting them down.
“Eddie? Just Eddie?”
“Short for Edifice. Um, did you want that shower?”
“I….” Steve still had questions. But he felt barely functioning right now. Like if he got one more bit of information his brain would explode.
“Steve….You’re free now. That was what you asked for.” The demon, no, Eddie, his name was Eddie, was smiling at him.
“I want….to go to sleep.”
Eddie started to walk away and Steve followed. He led him to a room where the bed took up most of the space.
“It’s yours for tonight. And tomorrow, well it’s all up to you now.”
Steve collapsed against the bed. He vaguely registered his shoes being taken off but soon fell into oblivion.
Part 2
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villainscharm · 2 months
BLOOD AND BONES | davos blackwood
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paring : davos blackwood x f! original character
summary : davos and celia were faced with an undesirable offer — a difficult decision between their own pride and duties — and a midnight encounter that led to a deep conversation and something more.
a/n : (smut next chapter!)
english is not my first language. all characters are of age unless stated otherwise.
words count : 3.7k
warnings : arrange marriage. light smut (mdni). angry makeout session. implied masturbation. original house/characters. dark theme. mention of death. implied vampire history. religious theme implied.
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Morning came and Davos didn't even know. He wasn't sure if it was because of the station of the castle that was hidden amongst the tall trees or the dark curtains that covered the large windows in his chamber. He heard a servant knock upon his doors, alerting him of the breakfast. Quickly, Davos dressed himself properly before exiting his chambers, following the servant along the empty hall.
“Good morning, lord Davos,” greeted Celia. Her tone meant courtesy but her expressions meant unwelcoming. “I take it as you slept well? Since you've just arrived.” Davos' eyes shot her a quick glare, an attempt to warn her of his annoyance, especially this morning. “I couldn't tell when the sun rose. You have a terrible station, my lady,“ Davos replied after sitting down on the opposite side of Celia — only Celia, her brother was nowhere to be found.
“You're giving me advice on architecture now, Davos?” Celia returned his glare, no longer addressing him as lord anymore. Her fork stabbed deep into the meat on her plate. Surprisingly earning an anger out of her pleased Davos as he continued eating with a grin on his face. When he said nothing in response, Celia continued her mumble. “I'm sure Raventree Hall must be astonishing.”
Since the encounter, Davos almost forgot Celia and he were not different in age. Her behavior seemed mature at first, he ventured it was only a facade she put on in front of new people in order to protect herself and her family. Davos learnt that house Lairwyn had lost their late lord and lady when their two heirs were very young, making the responsibility forced upon themselves.
“It is indeed astonishing, lady Celia,” Davos finally responded. “You should see it yourself,” with that Celia’s gaze shot to him instantly, a small curve flashed on the corner of her lips, “If I didn’t know any better I would take it as you’re inviting me to your home, Davos.”
“And do you?” Davos asked, his tone matched her sarcasm. Celia’s eyebrows perked up, urging him to finish his question. “Know better,” his voice low, some might take it as calming but Celia in fact knew better as it was dangerous. With a smirk on her lips, she replied. “Of course I do. After all, I’ve been living for a hundred years,” her tone was mischievous as well as her dark eyes. Celia was aware of what Davos thought of her, she knew of what he had heard about her house and their reputation. Every bloody person in the seven kingdoms knew. She could feel it in her bones ever since their eyes met at the hall of Bloodstone. But she did not care for it. If anything it made her feel above even more.
Davos’ face dropped slightly at her sentence but he took it as her jesting, still he did not trust her so. But before he could respond, the doors of the dining hall opened, presenting the lord of Bloodstone in his usual black attires.
“Do not scare our guest like that, Celia. It is not ladylike,” spoked Carlos as he took his spot at the head of the table. There was no food in front of him, only a goblet of wine already filled. Davos tried not to be too curious about it, maybe the lord of Bloodstone already broke his fast.
“I've come to consider your terms, lord Davos. Our queen’s terms,” Carlos began, turning Celia and Davos’ attention to himself. “I’ve sent words to her grace this morning. We will pledge our loyalty to her only under one condition,” fingers trailing at the rim of his cup, Carlos could see the curiosity on his sister’s face as they had not discussed this together beforehand. But she made sure to ask about it after the dining was done, just in case Carlos had other plans hidden. “Hopefully her grace is kind enough to oblige.”
“What have you done!” Celia stormed into the library room of Bloodstone, where she sure knew her brother was at. There she found Carlos sitting behind the table, reading some book as if he wasn’t bothered by her presence. A loud thud followed behind as Celia’s fists landed on top of the wooden surface. “I asked you a question, Carlos,” the formality was gone, Celia’s voice filled with burning anger as her brother remained no answer.
It had been a fortnight since the arrival of the queen’s letter — since Rhaenyra sent men from house Blackwood to persuade them into joining her side. After Davos left, Celia tried to have a conversation with her brother about the conditions he had sent for their queen. But it seemed Carlos wasn’t very interested in sharing his plans with her as he kept avoiding his answer. Today Celia finally found out, after old lord Orwyn had accidentally slipped out.
Carlos finally looked up at his sister. His face was blank with expressions and Celia almost didn’t recognise her brother. He wouldn’t do this to her really, would he? “I asked queen Rhaenyra for an offer of marriage to you,” his voice was so calm it was almost scary. Celia’s eyes filled with tears from both wrath and disappointment. Though this matter was expected of her. “You’re aware of what people think of us, Celia. If you expect us to wait for someone to come to our castle and ask for your hand, you are not a very clever Lairwyn,” His voice was sharp, painful but true. Celia was very much aware that no lord in the realm would ever come to Bloodstone and ask for her hand. Even if she was the last woman in the world.
It pained Carlos as well, as a brother he felt terrible for not discussing this with her beforehand, asking of her comfortability. But as the lord of Bloodstone he must act strenuous, earnestly. His voice was softer this time when he explained. “I asked the queen to send word to many houses, to see if any  had responded to the offer. Because we know no one will ever come to our alliance on their own.” For a moment silence filled the air, Celia was struggling to not shed anymore tears and trying to compose herself. Finally she was calm again, a sniff before her voice query. "Has there been any replied?" she huffed out, taking the seat opposite from her brother. Carlos flashed her a smirk before he replied.
"Yes, there has been one."
“Are you mad, uncle?”
Davos' voice shouted, cutting through the air of Raventree Hall. He stood in front of his uncle Samwell, his face red with anger and betrayed. This morning after Davos finished sparring in the training yard, he was summoned to the hall by his uncle. The lord of Raventree Hall was informing his nephew of some good news. One, the queen appreciated the devotation he had done for her fortnight ago, giving her one more noble house on her side. And two, of the betrothal of him and the lady of Bloodstone herself.
“Careful now boy, it is an honour the queen granted us,” Samwell warned sternly, trying to make his hot-headed nephew understand. “It was a request from house Lairwyn. Lord Carlos asked the queen for a marriage offer, her ravens went all across the realm to find her a suitable husband.”
“And so you think it is me?” Davos huffed angrily. He was aware of his duty he needed to perform to his house. Marriage was not always an option for him to decide, but at least he had hoped to choose the bride by himself.
“I've come to consideration with the lord Carlos himself,” Samwell added. And confusion washed over Davos' face instantly. He saw Carlos and had a discussion with him. Davos wasn't even sure if Celia herself was in on it. “You have seen her, she is a beautiful young lady with a good family name.” Beautiful, yes but deadly as well. “Good family name? Have you forgotten what we call them?” Davos' voice was harsh. For he knew Davos grew up with dark rumours of them. The myths and legends of infamous house Lairwyn and their traitorous behavior against their gods.
“It will go against everything we stood for,” Davos tried to reason with his uncle, referring to their religion. House Blackwood had placed their faith with the Old Gods for hundreds of years. An alliance with those who stood on the opposite might not benefit them. “House Lairwyn shares the same faith as ours. Many do not know of it because they were too busy despising them.”
Strangely, it was true. Davos came to an understanding. His house never hated the Lairwyns, if anything they were only afraid of them. Still, it did not change the fact that he would be wed to Celia — the woman with a poisonous tongue.
“As your uncle and the head of house Blackwood, you will do your duty as I command,” and with that Davos was defeated. There was no way out but to accept it. It wasn't like Davos disliked Celia or couldn't stand her. But because he felt like this arrangement would lead them to nothing but a long life of an unhappy marriage. And he would hate to be the reason for it.
After learning of her arranged betrothal to the young lord from house Blackwood, Celia couldn't sleep. Although she and Carlos had come to an understanding of the situation, Celia always knew she had to wed a lord. If not by her choosing then her brother's, he was the lord of Bloodstone after all. Being betrothed to someone who she didn't choose wasn't so bad, but the fact that her betrothed being Davos Blackwood was worse. Of all men in the seven kingdoms, the house that replied to the queen's letter was house Blackwood. Celia didn't hold any grudges towards them or anything. She just found Davos to be somewhat pretentious. His boldness and devotation was nothing to be disliked, as was his good look.
There was no denying of Davos Blackwood’s attractiveness. With his tall and lean posture, the way he carried himself with such proudness. His dark curls and his pretty eyes. If they had met under other circumstances, Celia might have liked him.
Mayhaps, totally.
Hours had passed and Celia’s mind went everywhere but to sleep, insomnia crept up onto her with too much thoughts, so she decided to take her horse to the woods to find comfort amongst darkness.
Celia dropped her feet to the ground when she arrived at her usual spot in the woods, under the largest, tallest tree in her estate. As she was caressing the back of her horse she heard the sound of footsteps approaching. She turned herself around quickly, a dagger in her hand and her eyes fearlessly staring into the dark figure behind the tree. Eventually the figure stepped into the light of moon, revealing himself.
“Davos,” her voice spat, but a relief as she realized it wasn’t someone or something else. “It is late for a lady to be wandering about?” Davos’ tone was a mix of question and statement. Celia couldn’t care if he was asking her out of curiosity or worry, either way she did not want to know. She let out an annoyed sigh before stepping closer to the lord in front. “Were you following me?” her voice stern and her eyes bore deep into his dark ones. Davos didn’t look away, he scoffed in response. “How could I ever know that you’re here?” Despite his annoyance, deep down Davos couldn’t help but worry for her. It wasn’t just any other time, it was midnight. And the sky was as black as her hair, if it hadn’t been for the moonlight, Davos was sure they wouldn’t be able to see each other as of now.
Now, under the soft moonlight Davos could truly see her for the first time. He had never been this close or even alone with Celia. His stay at Bloodstone fortnight ago was only an overnight stay, he didn’t get to spend much time with her. Only if he knew they would be betrothed sometime after, he would have had to try to get to know her. Under the pale moonlight, Davos could see the redness under her eyes. It could’ve been a sign of her sleepless night or maybe that was just how the Lairwyns were built, he bet it was the latter.
“Why are you out here at this time?” his voice was soft and Celia could actually see the worry on his face. He was so handsome, she didn’t even want to admit it but here he was, standing in front of her under the very same tree that gave her comfort, his eyes studying her expressions as he waited for an answer.
“I could not sleep. I suppose you know why,” Celia raised her brows at him for reference while her hand put the dagger back into the sheath on her belt. Davos only nodded in return, his face dropped for he was aware of the reason for their sleepless night. He could see that she was displeased as much as himself. He felt guilty of it. While Celia stepped back before sitting down, leaning her back against the large tree, she invited Davos to take a spot next to her, which he did obediently. They both sat in an uncomfortable silence for sometime before Davos finally spoke up.
“Can I ask you something?”
“You can ask me anything, Davos. We’re to be wed after all,” her voice was bland as well as her face, it sounded bitter — she refused to hold eye contact with her betrothed when she spoke of the matter. She thought it would be better that way.
“My uncle told me that your house is in need of a successor, why must it be you and not your brother?” He was the lord of Bloodstone. Davos thought but did not utter aloud. Celia took a moment to find a proper way to answer, as well as wondering about it herself why it must be her.
“My brother cannot proceed heirs,” she finally answered, her face looking down at her subtly fidgeting hands. “It was a curse I think. Most Lairwyns were born with a curse. But Carlos’ happened twice,” Celia could feel Davos’ gaze on her, he was listening intensely, paying more attention than she would have expected. “Carlos was married two years ago before tragedy took her away,” Davos watched as her eyes saddened, though she tried to remain unbothered. “He loved her so much, he tried everything to take her back.”
And by everything Celia meant it. Every possible way there was to reincarnate his loved one back. Davos wasn’t the type who believed in magic even though he was raised under a family that believed so. But he didn’t argue, he just sat there and listened to his betrothed opening her heart for him.
“Somehow the consequences of bargaining with death had taken every bit of Carlos away — all he held dear. At one point I thought my brother had gone mad. He spoke of a strange horse that looked like it was nothing but bones in our yard, which I have never seen in my entire life. But it was our ancestor's beliefs that the strange horse would only appear to those who had witnessed death.”
Davos listened closely, never dared to interrupt her as he waited for her to finish. He never judged her. And Celia appreciated that he never asked her of their earned reputations, for she did not know how he should react. But Davos has concluded it himself. Lairwyn's myths were only a lore. They did not drink or eat human hearts as they were said to be. Neither were they cruel.
“That day you told your brother we’ve already met, what did you mean?” Davos asked, recalling back to their very first meeting at Bloodstone. “You don’t remember?” Celia turned to face him with a smirk on her lips, she tilted her head slightly, her gaze scanning for his expression. “I was on your horse, before he shook me off.” And Davos suddenly remembered. “You were th—”
“The bat, yes and no, I could only see through his eyes, that's all.” Celia elaborated with a shrug as if it was normal to do so. She could see the confusion in his face before he uttered his confusion out. “You’re a warg?” He had heard of it before, a lore his maester taught when he was young. But never expected to come across them in his lifetime.
“I wouldn’t say that. Bats are our ancient beliefs — hence the sigil — we imitate their ways of living. Therefore they are a part of our soul.” Celia’s explanation had enlightened Davos’ knowledge of the unknowns in this world. What one thought they knew, might not be entirely true.
“I know this arrangement does not please either of us,” Celia started after a quick moment of silence. “But I do hope you know that I have no part in this. It was my brother’s idea. I had no intention to trap or torment you to my name,” her eyes were low as she explained, trying to make the young lord understand that this wasn’t her choice as well. And Davos did in fact understand, he just couldn’t understand why she’d think he blamed her for it.
“I didn’t have a choice either. My uncle only agreed to this alliance because he thought of what your house is holding could strengthen my house,” Davos admitted shamefully. Not only would he take away her happiness and freedom, he also felt terrible that Celia was nothing but a pawn to his house. Surely her house would gain benefits from this alliance as well, but would it be worthy of their despair?
“What my house is holding,” Celia repeated with a scoff, though she wasn’t actually upset with Davos, she was just pitied herself. “Whatever anyone claimed that my house was, was not entirely true,” she turned her head to face Davos once again while she confessed. Davos’ brows immediately frowned in confusion after hearing her words. He said nothing but wait for her to elaborate.
“My ancestors did possess a kind of darkness. They did engage in nefarious customs. And they did feast on people’s blood and hearts. Anything to keep their lives longer than it should be.”
Davos felt his throat go dry, but he tried not to judge her. It wasn’t her fault — it wasn’t her. His dark eyes searched for hers while she tried to avoid him. “Some of us inherited some sort of ability as well as curses, and… some of us weren’t their direct offsprings,” she felt shameful, and expected disgust on Davos’ face. But when she finally met his gaze, she found nothing but sympathy. He felt sorry for Celia, the damage her ancestors had done affected their family line until now.
“Not direct offsprings?“ Davos repeated with curiosity, almost too scared to ask her of it. But eventually Celia told him. “There were those with the same curse as Carlos, and their desperation urged them to do unforgivable things in order to keep the bloodline,” Celia’s gaze dropped to the ground, she considered herself briey before adding, “Carlos and I are one of those,” she gulped, her mouth tasted bitter as she spoke, “that’s why death took our parents away as a payment of their doing.”
She felt Davos’ gaze burn through her, so slowly she turned to meet him, piteous overflowing in her prideful chest — she felt weak.  “I am everything you despise. Everything that would haunt and damn your name,” her voice shook pathetically.
“You take me for a craven, Celia? I have my responsibility and I will noy abandon my duty only because your background offends me,” Davos argued, his tone almost spatting with the feeling of being insulted. Dishonest wasn’t in Blackwood's nature, especially Davos’.
He didn’t remember when his hand went to grip on Celia’s wrist harshly just as of now, but the lady didn’t seem to be in any harm. Almost like she was immune to the tightness of his grip. When he realized, he didn’t let go of her. A silence filled the air as their gaze locked into each other. Before their little spaces between their faces were crushed by an angry hot kiss.
The kiss was harsh and desperate, they couldn’t remember who kissed who first, it didn't matter as it happened now. While Celia’s hand went to pull on the collar of Davos’ tunic to urge him closer, Davos was fighting for dominance as their tongues danced and he eventually won. The next thing they knew was Celia’s settling herself on Davos’ lap, one of her hands found itself in his dark curls while the other placed upon his chest, feeling his heart beated with excitement.
“Gonna rip that out?” Davos muttered with a chuckle, earning a yank in his hair from Celia’s hand.
“Testing me, Davos?”
“I wouldn’t dare, my lady,” a shit-eating grin flashed on his lips, before moving closer to plant open-mouthed kisses to her neck. “This won’t change anything— I still wouldn’t enjoy being your wife,” Celia managed through her panting that was caused by Davos’ burning kisses. Once again, she heard him chuckle into her neck.
“We’ll see about that, my lady,” He said before pulling himself back from the crook of her neck. When his gaze found Celia’s, he could tell that she wasn’t pleased at his interruption, but her pride wouldn’t let her argue. “It’s past midnight now, it'd be best if you go back to the comfort of your shelter.”
Davos explained — with a faint smug on his face — and Celia internally cursed him, as well as herself for letting her emotions get in the way. Abruptly, she stood up from his lap and climbed onto the back of her horse. She didn’t even bid him a goodnight as she left.
As soon as she was back at Bloodstone, beneath the soft of her duvet, she tried to force herself to sleep but the image of Davos and his hot fucking kisses clouded her mind, as she had no other solution but to fill the void he had left and find relief with her own hands.
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taglist : @deltamoon666
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alwaysshallow · 11 months
gorgeous, part 4
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Simon "Ghost" Riley x f!reader
You decide to have some fun; you also talk to old friends. (3,3k)
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It's surprising how many times you see him, actually.
It's surprising because you thought – if you're lucky – it's gonna be after six months, on a check-up visit. Technically, he had no business to be here, especially considering how hidden he was, how he wasn't the type to chit-chat. It was okay, you didn't mind it.
And the day after he texted you, when you close clinic, you could see him right in front of the building, his hands in pockets, looking straight at you. It was a hypnotising experience though, especially when you walked in his direction, your knees like marshmellows, and he was still looking.
"Your mechanic was pretty nice." you said, tilting your head. "He said it's gonna be done in two weeks or less since he has work to do."
"Mhm." he matched your pace, walking with you side by side. "Finally doing something with it, aren't we?" he raised his eyebrow.
You laughed. "You make me look like I'm a bad car owner."
"Am I? Or that's just your thoughts?"
His comment made you open your mouth in pure disbelief at his honesty – you nudged him with before realizing how he could react at that gesture. He wasn't exactly a touchy-feely person, but there was no comment from him, so you were glad.
"Mean." you murmured, amused.
"'st speaking my mind, Addison."
"Uh-huh. That's why you're here? To speak your mind?"
He sighed, his eyes on the road in front of you. "You really like asking questions, don't you?"
"I like knowing things. Don't you?" you mimicked his low tone.
"I like knowing things. But I don't ask questions if I'm certain." he answered, straightening his back; a cracking sound that came out automatically made you shiver. "It's just walking you home. 's all, as I said, Sparkles would hate to have another vet."
"Right. Safety reasons, yeah?"
"Good girl. Learning so fast."
Motherfucker knew how to get to you – just after this comment, you had absolutely nothing to say, which made him visibly amused; his brow cocked, and he let out a low chuckle, looking away from you again. Thankful for the darkness, you just walked with him to start another topic after a while – about his cat, of course.
You had to leave 'good girl' behind, to not provoke him to say more because he could easily find out that nickname works for you perfectly. Especially if someone is British, especially if someone is just alluring as him.
And he had blonde hair. A bit curly. That's literally the recipe for a disaster.
After that interaction, he was walking you off to your apartment, day by day. It wasn't surprising after three first times – you just knew he's gonna be here, but you caught yourself looking for him, interested.
Not like you cared – at least that's what you told yourself – but it was curiosity speaking since you knew he was doing that just because of your car. Just because he somehow cared, just because he wanted to know you're safe.
What was less cute though, you had to talk with Celia. You just had to and there was no excuse since your car already was in another mechanic's garage. And, Simon knew that you needed to talk with her, so he would ask about it eventually, so dodging the situation wasn't a plan, no. Not when he'd laugh the shit out of you, he did enough with implying you're not taking proper care of your car.
He had a point, though.
You took a few hours off in the morning, leaving Bernie on her own, just to see Celia – you even had your guilt cookies, big jar in your purse. It's not a surprise for anyone who knows you that you bake when stressed, and you certainly were stressed before this meeting. She could tell you anything; and it wouldn't be such a surprise if she'd tell you to go to hell.
A hope was there, though. Not only Simon said it, but when you thought it, it would be a real shame to ruin a friendship, running ten years, just because of a toxic guy that wasn't worth it. Not only that, your best friend had all the right to say I told you so.
You knew you kinda deserved that for being such a blind bitch.
Knock to her door came after a minute of staring dumbily at them, like it would help in something, or if she would magically open it without you knocking. It was a quiet knock though; shy one because, truthfully, you wanted to sprint from her house as far as possible. Confrontation? Not your best quality, no. Not at least in situation like these, when you know you have to apologize from the bottom of your heart.
A minute passed, and you knocked again, louder this time. You started considering walking away you thought maybe she wasn't home, but right after that, no one but Celia opened the door. Her eyebrows furrowed, arms were crossed against her chest, and you immediately knew what her attiude is.
Jesus Christ, it couldn't be easy, could it?
"Hi, Celia. Got a minute?" you asked; hesitantly. She could slam her door in your face, after all.
"Depends. You here because of the car?"
You sighed. "I'm here because I want to apologize, actually."
She seemed surprised as you said it; nonetheless, she let you in, leading you to kitchen. It was the main place of talks in her house, you could say that – not living room, not dining room, kitchen. Very big one, pretty, a table with two seats by side, so you sat there with her, clearing your throat. Wondering how to start.
How do you start conversation like that?
You had the simplest words on your mind. "I was a bitch." rolled off your tongue without even thinking. "I still am, though – but I was a bitch to you when I shouldn't have been. You wanted the best for me, and I just... well, I'm not proud of what I did. I should listen, not throw hands at you. It's not how it was supposed to be, it's not how I wanted it to be. Like, I know also that I should apologize way, way earlier, but-"
"Addie, c'mon." redhead interrupted you with a wave of her hand. "We're both bitches, we literally fought like fuckin' kids. Let me ask you one thing, you done?"
"With him?"
"Yeah, with that scumbag."
"Funny. You're the second person who talks of him this way" you mused, remembering this one situation with Simon. "Done, yeah. For five months right now."
Celia was silent for a moment, obviously analyzing the situation she found herself in; then, with a sigh, she looked again at you, her expression unreadable.
"Good to have your ass back on board, sister." she murmured, smiling a bit.
Next thing she did, was hitting your arm with such power that you let out a little 'ow', laughing with her in the same moment.
"Deserved." she pointed at you. "I apologize too, though. I could be better, I could just... well, tell you everything a bit differently. Not so harsh, you were in love with that prick." your friend muttered, rolling her eyes. "Okay, enough of apologies, though. Who said he's a douche, though? That person might be my second best friend."
So, you told her – almost everything, saving little details about his appearance or aura to yourself; Celia was a pretty fan of him, especially his snarkiness and comments. Yet, she was a bit jealous that you had the audacity to bring your car to other mechanic; mostly, she was jealous of the car, not you.
Her baby, as she liked to tell everyone. She picked it out for you from her uncle, repaired it, added some "cool shit" (it's a mystery what cool shit is, you didn't ask though).
Nonetheless, she was more than glad that you managed to find someone who's gonna help you with that, and you came to her purely to fix something between you two.
A friendship that – you promised yourself – would live through everything, no matter what would happen, no matter of circumstances. She was your person, just like Rosalie.
Who, speaking of, left million voice messages on your phone on your way back to clinic, so you considered it the perfect ocassion to listen to them all.
Apart from her excitement on your car situation, she invited you to her local bar for... a party. You didn't exactly know what party was about, or if it was just a casual hangout, but you agreed to go. It's been a while since you took a break from clinic and actually spent your night out, not under some blanket, watching movies with a bowl of chips or icecream.
Not like it was bad. Not at all. Sometimes you just needed a... change in your routine.
Rosalie promised to pick you up since your car was still at mechanic's – so, your only task was to look good, but not too good. Bar was something else than club; more casual, but you really wanted to at least flirt a little or to catch an eye on someone, even if your mind was... pretty occupied with certain someone.
Maybe your best friend would bring someone worth your time, yeah? She usually had some ideas and wanted to play as your little matchmaker, so you never knew what was coming.
That being said, you opened your closet.
It was almost embarrasing how many clothes you had that you didn't even wear more than one time; mostly, cocktail dresses for fancy ocassions since your parents insisted on buying something new. People of business, someone would say – always having a whim about their galas and shit like this, it was hard not to hate it, considering that business comes before family, mostly.
Maybe that's why you limited contacts with them, sending them a text or two of what you're doing, how's the clinic going. And, of course, Christmas with them or Thanksgiving was a must if they weren't on some fancy vacations abroad.
With a thought in your mind that you have to go through those dressed, you decided to pick something simple to bar. Black tank-top, a simple baby blue shirt on it (unbuttoned, of course) and a pair of simple jeans worked in your mind, as well as in reality, so you found yourself quickly putting on a pair of sneakers.
Your make up took a little longer; you paid attention to your skin, the perfect eyeliner, a delicate lipgloss bringing out the shape of your lips. Everything had to look effortless, even if it wasn't; your motto, basically.
As promised, Rosalie picked you up; and you've talked with her the whole road, almost two hours to be exact. You haven't seen her for two months straight and even if you were updating her as much as you could in a day, it wasn't even close to your sincere talks. She asked a whole palette of questions; how's your car, how's that Simon who rescued you from jerky ex; she looked a bit amused when topic was on him, but you had no idea why.
"Man that has good ideas is rare" she summed up, chuckling, when you catched her up with Celia situation and told her your car is going to be fine, you just have to pick it up in the next week. "Don't tell him that by any means. His ego wouldn't take it."
"Oh, you have no idea."
Soon enough, you arrived. Bar was cute; not too large, but with big-ass bar table and glass shelves behind it with amount of alcohol that you couldn't count, even if you wanted to. Dim, orange lights just added to the view, and you smiled under your nose instincitvely, happy that you've decided to go there.
Tables weren't occupied as you thought they would be; Rosalie mentioned earlier it's gonna be a private party, but you didn't think that private, considering that you could count like... maybe ten, eleven people. Military men with their significant others, as you saw when you walked up to the barman, ordering a drink for you and your best friend.
You couldn't obviously ignore that someone was discussing with MacTavish near you; seemed like a heated discussion, until they looked right at you.
Guy with a skull mask. Full-ass skull mask like Simon had this one day when you two...
Fuck, could it be him? Maybe he was in unit that wore masks like these, you thought. It would be a strange coincidence, wouldn't it? And, Rosalie for sure would tell you that her comrade is the guy you are talking about sometimes since he adopted a cat, Sparkles, yeah?
Rosa had her significant smirk when she looked at you, and it was all you needed to know, especially when men approached you both.
Trouble in a person, that would be on your best friend.
"He gets a bit shy around strangers. Ain't your fault" Johnny joked, nudging you with his shit-eating grin, as he gave his friend a look.
"Mm, I bet. Good to see you, MacTavish." you murmured, which made "stranger" roll his eyes and grumble something under his nose. "And what's your friends name?" you raised an eyebrow, making eye-contact with those brown eyes you wouldn't forget ever.
"His name-"
"-you know my name, doc." Simon said, interrupting Soap. He took off his mask with one, swift movement, to reveal to you his scarred face and disheveled, blonde hair that you wanted to dip your fingers in so desperately.
To say that Johnny was shocked, was the understatement; he looked at his comrade in shock, opening and closing his lips, like he wasn't exactly sure what to say, considering that he took off his scary mask.
"Didn't know you have friends in military."
"Apparently, we're both full of surprises" you sipped a bit of your margharita, shrugging, like you two meeting here was the most normal situation that could happen.
"You two know each other, no?" Soap meddled in conversation, observing you two. It was obvious that he doesn't really know how you two could met, and honestly, no one could blame him. He was in military, barely going out, and you were a simple vet.
You nodded. "We met, yeah."
"Oh, I'd really want to hear it."
"Simple help. Nothin' too fancy, MacTavish" he pointed out, taking a sip of his alcohol.
Soap's look was piercing in you, though. "Helped him with a cat. Simple, like he said." "Fuckin' cat? Ghost is a cat mom now, eh?" he chuckled, which made Simon roll his eyes.
You wondered if Ghost was something they named them in the field, and if yes, why? After all, everything always was supposed to fit. As Rosalie said to you, even if she couldn't tell you everything (classified, of course) every nickname had a meaning behind it.
Ghost... seemed ambigious. You couldn't put it anywhere.
"Better than you'd be, John. Let's drink, shall we?" you raised your eyebrow, trying to lead the conversation elsewhere; looked like your companion thought the same way.
Rosalie introduced you to rest of the team – they all told you their names, but you were sure as hell that you're not gonna remember that, considering your memory was shit, especially to people that you don't see often. Either way, they were nice; very nice, after a few drinks with them you were pretty sure that your platonic soulmate is Kyle Garrick, who was the best partner in karaoke. And, he was also such a gossiper, finding every ocassion that he could to talk to you about something.
Not military related, though; only "things for civilians" as he giggled to you after fifth shot of tequila, telling you something about a girl that he had eye on. Curiosity piqued in the moment he confessed that she was 'out of reach' for him, and it was no chance that he could get together with her.
Hell, for you "no chance" before even trying was non-existent. You loved to prove people wrong, to make them watch you accomplishing various of things just to rile them up, or to reach your goal.
"Don't say that" you pointed at him. "There's always a chance for something. You won't try, you won't know. That's it."
"It's the same chance, as the chance that Ghost will get any of us to that fancy gala. Non-existent." he groaned, burying dramatically his head in his hands. "And like his driving skills."
"Garrick" he murmured; low, rumbling voice made sergeant straighten a little. "'s enough talkin' of it, yes?"
You chuckled. "What gala? And what, your driving skills are that bad?"
"I have rather..." Simon played with glass filled with alcohol "...complicated relationship with cars, I'd say. I prefer walking."
You raised your eyebrow a little, amused; what does it mean his relationship with cars is complicated? You couldn't help but think, as you nodded your head with faked understanding. It was hard to believe that his ass in military didn't have a driving license, so it only meant that his ability to drive was...
Different, maybe. And for his own safety, as well as yours and anyone on the road, he picked out walking instead of driving. Smart, though.
"That's why you've walked me home."
"Walked you home?" Kyle looked at both of you in shock, laughing to himself. "Oh, fuck, man. So many things are happening on leave, ain't it?"
"Gaz." Price shot him a look.
"I can't even-"
"Fuck, okay" he rolled his eyes, shaking his head to himself. "Just so you know, if Johnny wouldn't be so caught up in Ros, he'd back me up."
Your gaze automatically went to Rosalie, who talked with her bartender friend. Johnny, right next to you, was looking at her with slightly darker eyes, leaning his head against palm of his hand. It was... a view, honestly; friends, but not admitting to something more, even if everyone else saw their bond is beyond simple "best friends".
Something that you considered as cute.
You couldn't help but wish that they will be together soon enough; the way they cared for each other... Hell, probably everyone wanted something like this for themselves, as well as you; something so pure with longing glances that would make you weak in your knees.
A sigh of annoyance came out of you – where the hell you were supposed to find something like this when you spent most of the days in the clinic? Tinder or any portal like this wasn't even an option.
Mostly because you met your crazy ass ex here, but also you wanted to... hell, get past that online dating stage.
Was it too much to ask?
"Another round?" Kyle's voice brought you back to earth; you nodded immediately, standing up from your seat. "Captain, Ghost, you comin'?"
"Mm, no. 'm gonna make a call." Price shook his head. "You go. Another one will be on me."
You looked at Simon.
"I'll pass too." he murmured, coughing. "
"Oh, come on! You have to do one shot with me. Please."
"Please?" you pleaded, extending an arm to him, so he could grab his hand. "Just one."
Simon sighed. "You're not gonna let it go, eh?"
"No, not really. I owe you for that mechanic, don't I?" you tilted your head, smiling a bit. "Come on. Please. Just one shot. Or one drink, anything, really."
He didn't say anything; just followed you to the bar with boys, while you babbled about your work, when Gaz asked what does exactly vet do, besides controls and all.
And it felt really good to feel Simon's eyes on you the whole time. How he keeps his rich, brown eyes at you, while you tried desperately to keep yourself together, just in case - because after alcohol, you were the touchy-feely version of yourself.
He had some time to learn it.
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loves0phelia · 5 months
Can you do a Matt Murdock metting reader and they hit it off instantly.
( Btw this is my first requesting something )
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Summery: the request
Words: 1.6k
Warnings: alcohol, grammar mistakes (always)
A/N: thank you for requesting I love matt so much and writing for him makes me so happy, also this is far from perfect so i hope you will like it anyway xxx
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After a long day at work all you wanted to do was crash, and curl in bed with cheap ramen from a cup, while watching one of your recent favorite shows. Unfortunately, that idea was forgotten when your best friend Celia invited you to a local bar called Josies claiming to need a girls night out.
At first you almost faked being sick or having a late night appointment but you realized it wouldn't be possible to deny your friend.
She knew you were not a going out kind of person, so any excuses would not convince her.
“Come on Y/n, just one drink and I swear if you don't like it we're leaving” she tried reassuring you, and you made a face of disagreement but still followed her in anyways after the breeze made a shiver travel your entire body. That made you realize you should've brought a jacket.
When you entered you immediately noticed the strong smell of beer and whiskey. It was almost overwhelming but the scent kinda matched the looks of the bar which made it feel homey.
“What are you two girls taking?” A lady behind the bar, who was previously wiping a dirty glass asked us.
“I think we'll both take a beer” Celia turned to confirm with you and you nodded.
“Good cause beer and whiskey’s all we got” she grumbled and picked up two bottled beers from underneath the counter where you assumed a fridge was.
Soft jazz music was playing in the background and you could hear the people chit chatting and clinking their bottles. Celia took a sip of her drink and after analyzing around the place she gasped loudly.
“Oh my God y/n It's Matt and Foggy!” she clapped her hands happily.
“Who?” you asked and looked behind you trying to map where her friends were.
“You know,  the guys from the law firm! I worked with them on a case with Marci” Realization became clear on your face after she reminded you.
A couple months ago her colleague Marci had needed help finding information about Wilson Fisk to help her boyfriend’s firm, Nelson and Murdock, and Celia had volunteered. Obviously she had told you all about the sexy blind lawyer who would be “perfect” for you.
”Come on! i'll present them to you” she jumped down her stool and began dragging you to them.
“Celia please no, they are probably trying to enjoy a night together let's not bother them” you tried tugging yourself back but she wouldn't allow it.
“You're too nice, you know that?” Celia replied and before you could beg again one of the two guys, who you assumed was foggy, raised from his chair by the pool table and screamed her name, inviting you over.
“Foggy, Matt, heyy” she said happily, hugging them while you stood awkwardly behind her.
You were always the more introverted one in the duo, but she always tried to bring you out of your comfort zone.
“This is y/n, you know my best friend I told you about” you lifted your hand giving them a small wave and immediately regretted it when you remembered one of them could not see it.
”Hi” your voice was barely above a whisper but you were ignorant to the fact that Matt could hear you loud and clear.
“You guys want a round of shots? Matt and I were just about to get some” the long haired friend suggested and Celia immediately agreed. The two of them left to go back by the bar leaving you and the handsome lawyer alone.
“Y/n right?” his voice surprised you. It was deep but angelic.
“Y-yes” your words caught in your throat now feeling more shy than ever.
“It’s a beautiful name, im Matt but i'm pretty sure you already knew that” he laughed and it was like you had never heard a prettier sound. You nodded your head, unable to utter any words.
“You just nodded didn't you?” your cheeks flushed instantly embarrassed, your eyes grow triple their size.
“I did, I am so sorry, I dont know whats wrong with me” you shake your head and slapped your forehead with your palm the sound echoing loudly in your ears.
“It's okay, it happens all the time” his smile never left his lips.
“That doesn't help” your face was red like a tomato.
“Dont worry about it” his hand laid itself on top of your naked thigh only the tip of his fingers came in contact with your silk dress, his soft touch warmed your skin.
“Silk?” he asked curiously, still running his digits over the fabric.
“Yea when Celia said we were going to the bar i didn't really know what to wear” you snorted now realizing silk was definitely too formal for a bar.
“It's very soft, i like it” once again a charming smile came onto his lips.
“thank you” you smiled back unaware he could feel the heat coming off your body at this very moment.
“We're back! sorry it took so long josie wouldn't let us have our best customer discount again” Foggy pout but put the tray of 6 shots down on the sticky table.
“Drink up guys!” Celia clinked her glass with Foggy’s and then yours and then Matt’s (which cause a small splash of the whiskey to escape down to the floor)
the second the strong liquid came in contact with your tongue, your eyes clenched in pain because of the burn. 
“How can people drink that? it's disgusting” you said and everyone at the table laughed at your sudden outburst.
“It takes a lot of getting used to and a best friend who forces you to drink it” Matt’s hand squeezed your knee while the other two were already getting ready for the second one.
“I guess…” you hesitantly picked up your last shot and on the count of three you repeated the suffering progress.
After hours of chatting and laughing it was already 3 am which meant the bar was closing.
“I'm going to take a cab home, anyone wants to share one?” Celia said while gathering her belongings.
“I think I'm going to walk, my apartment is not too far,” you replied forgetting about the freezing wind outside.
“Are you sure? you know it's supposed to rain also there are some weird people in the street at this hour” she said almost in a motherly way.
“Yes I'm sure, anyway daredevil might save me if I get attacked” you joked and hugged her tightly while she rolled her eyes at you.
“I wouldn't mind taking a cab actually, I need to go back to Marci’s” a drunk Foggy wiggled his eyebrows.
“What about you Matt? need a ride?” he added to his previous statement.
“No, I think I'll walk y/n home. if that's alright?” he gently grabbed your elbow as he unfolded his white cane.
“Of course,” you smiled.
The two drunks said their goodbyes and walked out the door to the yellow cab waiting for them outside as you and Matt started walking back to your house in a comfortable silence.
A shiver traveled your body for the second time during the night and Matt felt your goosebumps raise on your arm as he held it.
He stopped abruptly making you look at him confused as he started removing his suit jacket.
“Here put this on” he draped it over your shoulder and you accepted it wordlessly admiring his beauty and generosity.
He grabbed your elbow again and you both continued the path to your apartment.
After about 10 minutes you spoke up, now seeing your apartment building
“This is me”
“Am i the only one who's disappointed the walk was so short?” he asked while rubbing his thumb on your arm.
You giggled before replying that you were also sad it was cut so shortly.
“You could come upstairs if you want?” Hopefully, you wished he accepted the offer.
“I think it's better if i don't” he sighed and your heart dropped slightly.
“I want to, but tomorrow I have this case I need to work on, and I think that if I came upstairs I wouldn't be able to leave in the morning” his hands were now holding your waist as if he was having his own inner battle whether he should come up or not.
“It's okay I understand” you whispered and he leaned his forehead against yours as if he was wishing you would have asked him to come up anyway.
thunder roared above you.
“You should go before it starts raining” you said and he shaked his head in disagreement.
“Can I kiss you before I go?” His tone was so low.
“please” you pleaded before his plumped lips connected with yours.
His head tilted to the side to deepen the kiss and his hand went up to the back of your head.
Your lips parted allowing his tongue to make its way inside your mouth. Your hands traveled to his hair as well, earning a small growl from him, while you started to feel the cold rain drip down your back and hair.
you broke apart and smiled seeing his red tinted glasses crooked. Slowly you lifted them off his face to see his beautiful amber eyes that had a twinkle in them.
“I should probably give you this, back” you started removing the now drenched jacket but he stopped you.
“Keep it, I'll come get it tomorrow” he smiled and eagerly pressed another kiss to your lips.
“That's a promise?” you whispered against his mouth.
“It's a promise”
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acearchivist359 · 2 months
something i can’t stop thinking about is that at this point pretty much everyone has been mentioned except melanie. which is especially confusing to me considering the archives character name drops/mentions/cameos we’ve been getting have all been because of celia [with the exception of gertrude and gerry which came from sam’s email from “john”]
first we had georgie which would make sense from celia, she spent a lot of time with georgie in the apocalypse, she trusted georgie, she knew georgie. she likely knew if this georgie was anything like archives georgie that she could help her
then we had jon and martin which . considering jon’s position in the apocalypse and his relevance to the magnus institute it would make sense for her to look for him and suspect that he may be involved or worth looking in to. martin likely was lumped in with jon because of his importance to jon which is something celia would know or at least have an inkling of. considering by the time jon and martin got to the tunnels they were practically attached at the hip not to mention the way jon tore out of there like a bat out of hell after martin when annabelle took him. but jon would have been the more important person to look for cause celia knew what he was, they all did, at least to the extent that he was like, melanie and georgie, unaffected by the apocalypse. they also knew jon was melanies boss [at least laverne did but i’m going to assume it was common knowledge]. if i got taken from a world that just had an apocalypse and ended up researching the very same place i ended up hiding during said apocalypse i too would look for the man who was at one point in charge of that place.
then there’s helen and basira which are interesting additions, if a bit confusing. far as i remember, and as i’ve seen people point out, celia’s only interaction with helen was helen trying to eat her. she never knew helen in any capacity other than that. celia didn’t work in the archives like melanie or basira or martin so she would have only seen helen as a monster. it’s possible she knew more about her from melanie but . we can’t confirm any of that. i think it’s safe to assume that’s how she knows helen’s full name, unless helen introduce herself, but that’s neither here nor there.
and basira . i don’t remember if they met? i’ve seen a lot of people saying they didn’t but i really don’t remember. clearly celia knew who basira was, we can see that especially after tmagp 24. like with helen, it’s definitely possible she heard about basira from melanie and gerogie. especially considering melanie and basira were pretty good friends, they out for drinks together, they hung out. it’s perfectly reasonable to think that melanie would have been concerned for basira and may have discussed that.
but that still begs the question of where is melanie now? when the point is looking into the magnus institute and now we’re looking into helen richardson and we’ve not had even a mention of melanie? melanie who actually worked in the archives, even longer than basira did? melanie who celia knew and knew well, just as well as she would have georgie?
it just confuses me that she’s not even been remotely mentioned despite being a notable member of the archives staff in later seasons and someone celia was friends with. especially when you consider almost everyone of the last of the archives staff has been mentioned [jon, martin and basira] and the only ones who haven’t are melanie and daisy.
daisy not being mentioned is t much of a mystery because celia definitely didn’t meet her cause she was dead before celia even met jon and martin. that being said with the stuff with basira that’s starting to make less sense too. but where is melanie??
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cherrywhite · 10 days
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Hey uhh one thing I didn't notice when I originally listened to the episode.... hey Archivist, what do you mean by "At last, it is mine" in regards to Celia's Statement?
From what Sam said, it seems as though the Archivist is intentionally looking for things about the Magnus Institute. Personally, I think the Archivist here is the Archivist from this universe (so not Jon), so I wonder if Celia's memories about the previous universe, what little she knew about the fears and the apocalypse that came about as a result, is something this universe's Archivist needs to.... to, well, I'm not sure...be complete? Depending on how this Archivist came to be in this universe (from a botched alchemical experiment perhaps?) Hmmm..
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usernamesarehard1 · 6 months
The Magisterium is incredibly abelist when you think about it, and I don't think we talk about that enough. Not only do they have a test to get in where you have to climb a rope ladder (that there didn't seem to be any magical solution for), but they also constantly treated Call badly for being disabled which was so weird. They also have major issues with victim blaming people with PTSD like Call and Alastair, as well as the various devoureds and the devourds families (like the Rajavi's). Like, they are CONSTANTLY shitting on Call and Alastair for not trusting the Magisterium or thr Assmbly when in reality they have absolutely no reason to trust the Magisterium and the Assembly.
And the books just...never acknowledge this? They actually act like it was fair for Rufus to not only a) choose a traumatized young boy terrified for his life as a PUNISHMENT FOR HIMSELF (because yeah, Call and Alastair's situation is so hard on YOU, Rufus /s) but also b) literally TELL CALL THAT to basically shame him for being afraid for his life. And on top if that, later having Alastair become devoured as a punishment for the crime of....not wanting to send his child and last remaining family member into the care of people that caused the death of everyone else he loved and hundreds of other people. Like the books actually act like that makes sense!
EDIT: I also added some more info in the comments that I thought of later because I didn't want to update the whole post
I knew there was something I really didn't like about the first book and I couldn't put my finger on it for so long, until one day it hit me. There was SO MUCH victim blaming in that book it was disgusting.
Also, side note for something kind of unrelated but also kind of similar: the log thing in the first book makes NO sense. Like, they're SUPPOSED to have a hard time staying on the logs. That's the point. They use some magic to throw water and some magic to balance themselves, hence using two types of magic at once. So Call easily could have done that. Yeah, it may have been harder for him than the other kids because he wouldn't have as much natural balance, but the whole point is that they're not relying on the natural balance. So why was he exlcuded? And Call fell off of CELIA'S log. He jumped on when she fell off laughing and totally unharmed. Celia didn't drown or get injured but somehow Call did??? It was the same log. And even if he did get injured from this exercise, wouldn't that be the MASTERS fault? I mean, they're the ones holding exercises where kids are expected to fall into the water in places where people's legs can get caught under the water and make them almost die from drowning. Why are we blaming Call for this???????
***I have a ton of other issues with the logistics of the Iron Trial test, as well as lots of other major plot points in this series that actively harm the characters for absolutely no reason, that I really want to rant about too, but that's probably better for another day
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helpimstuckposting · 10 days
TMAGP 30 Speculation
Now that it’s season finale time, I’ve got a LOT to say and a lot of ideas so I will ramble them here and either I’m horribly wrong or horribly right but unfortunately we have to wait to find that out
First, I can’t believe Alice had two mysterious talks with her friends saying they have something super important to say with a horrified quiver to their voices and she didn’t have time to listen to EITHER of them. Teddy and Colin are high high high on the list for ‘died off mic and we only find out next season’
Since Gwen was promoted (idiot) and Sam is… mmm… missing, it looks like the OIAR will need to fill at least one position, and I think it would be fun if Teddy came back to take his place as a main character. It’s possible that what he had to say was “This new job… it’s not exactly [working out]” and he was simply looking for a new one, and it’s no more ominous than that. If that’s the case, I can absolutely see him taking his position back next season. Colin’s probably dead, though, I’ll be shocked if he’s not tbh
Speaking of Colin, he called the system Freddy while talking to Alice. You know, the same guy that said “Don’t give it a personality. We shouldn’t even be calling it Freddy.” So the change up here is really blatant to me.
I’m still really attached to the idea that Jon and Martin (and Jonah’s) voices were stolen and they’re not actually trapped in the computers. However, I *do* think the voices are sentient, I just don’t think we’re right about who’s behind them. I think Freddy, the program itself, may be using the voices to push its own agenda and manipulate the decisions each OIAR employee is making. Alice gets a lot of JMJ errors, and is specifically the only person on staff who actively tunes the cases out and does not read into them.
OR, if it does turn out to be our guys, then I think it’s possible they’re working counter productively to Freddy, and the JMJ errors are a result of that — like they’re actively trying to work against Freddy. This could also be why Colin said he messed up, like maybe his attempts to deal with the JMJ errors made Freddy more powerful.
Either way, it seems the OIAR is in a huge bind going into season two. Colin probably did something buck wild and pissed the computer off, he’s probably dead, Sam is missing and they’ll need a new hire, Lena is gone (the only person who presumably knew anything that was going on) and Gwen just got promoted to boss despite having 1) absolutely no idea what’s going on with anything at all, 2) an inability to handle the externals and several panic attacks, and 3) no clue what Lena’s job even was, with no direction from the man who promoted her. It seems like even the PM has no real clue what the OIAR does, how it functions, or who it employs (“I’m sorry, do you hire a lot of murderers for contract and consultancy work?” - the answer is Yes, actually, several!)
Picturing the team next season as Alice, Teddy, Celia, and their boss Gwen is… a comedy of errors (or comedy of [ERROR]s? … Sorry) like that absolutely cannot go well. Although, we are pretty used to people being hired as a boss while they have no qualifications of the sort (also did not go well)
As for Sam, the Archivist, and Hilltop Road, I have a few questions about what could possibly happen. First, if the crack in reality was specifically calling for and tugging Celia toward it, we can probably assume that it’s the TMA universe on the other side, right? Which means Sam and the Archivist are now in our original beloved universe. I’m curious to see if Sam is just going to be MIA for the entirety of season two, or if we’ll get tape recordings of him at the same time as our TMagP friends, and we’ll have updates between both universes. I could see that being very interesting if some voice actors appear as two different people in the same episode (their TMA part, and their TMagP counterpart) but that would probably be really complicated to pull off in an audio format.
Also, we know the TMA fears cannot be separated, and that they’re possibly just one entity and have been one entity the whole time. That’s why they couldn’t start the apocalypse without all of them participating, and that’s why when Annabelle opened the crack in reality they all left the TMA universe. “Any attempt to separate the fears is doomed,” is what she said. She also said, “I would either travel with them, or I would die. I do not know which... Most would simply lose whatever power they have been gifted.”
So, if an archivist travels back through the crack in reality, what would happen to them? They’d be cut off from the entity that gave them power, right? So either the archivist will die, or maybe we’ll find out who Beth Eyre (the voice of [ERROR])’s character really is? Who they were before they became an archivist?
I don’t think they’d introduce [ERROR] and then just get rid of them without any resolution, which leads me to believe we will eventually find out what happened to Sam. I don’t think Sam’s just going to be dead or missing and never come back, I don’t see how there’d be any point to that. He is still the only person we know of who’s survived telling their whole statement, and even though he had a headache I feel like that must be significant. The janitor turned into a rock, I really don’t think a normal person would just walk away with a headache. Like, for all intents and purposes, Sam probably should have had his skin ripped off if we’re following the pattern of [ERROR] related deaths.
I hope next season focuses on Hilltop Road, because the lore in this episode was amazing. First of all, it was hard not to notice how each shop had a different danger. The custodian mentioned the drunk man walking into the newsagent and then he “ignored the smell of burnt hair and charred meat”. Then there was the shop that turned a woman into a mannequin, and Sam and Celia walked past the appliance shop where doors kept opening and closing, and the dentist that wanted peoples teeth. There was also the antique shop from episode 7 that almost buried the manager alive, plus the institute also used one of the units. I could be reading too much into it, but it feels like each fear from TMA has uhhhh… set up shop?
It’s also interesting to me that Annabelle said every owner on Hilltop Road in TMA was marked by the Spider, and died a grizzly death.
“So many schemers and spiders and full-throated monsters. Twisting manipulators and furtive liars. Each meeting a violent, grotesque end.” (TMA 196)
And the owner of Hilltop Center was no different.
“I found the owner dead in his office, with every blood vessel stripped from his body and strung around the room in a grim cat’s cradle.”
Not only did he die a violent and mysterious death, but his blood vessels were strung up ‘in a cats cradle’, which is pretty web-like if you ask me.
Anyway, I’m really really hoping to learn more about Hilltop Center next season, that’s the ONE thing I’m super latched on to post-finale
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epickiya722 · 3 months
You know what, I expected that they would have Chloe not mention Chad at all. We already know they do not care about continuity.
But I'm going to tell you my problem with not having Chloe mentioning Chad.
Just throwing it out there, it's not that the fandom really cares about Chad like that. I don't really care about Chad like that. (They could have done better with his writing. As for a lot of other characters.)
It's not that the fandom is like "oh, how dare they take away our favorite white boy". It's not that. No, scratch that. It's part of this following reason.
It's that the OG VKs and AKs were done dirty before and it continues. Oh, but it's not just that. See, them leaving most of them out is an "excuse" for something else that I'll talk about later.
Just follow with me here.
Not too long ago they released the Red version of Uma's song, What's My Name. In the song there is this part...
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This is Red's part, just so we're clear. They had her make remarks that the VKs are "middle-aged". Mind you while on a song belonging to UMA. The VKs would just be reaching their 20s at this time. Just their 20s!! If you're including Celia, Dizzy and the Smee Twins as VKs (because technically they are) they would probably still be in school.
What's makes this part worse is the "cradle to the grave" lyrics. The songwriters obviously were not thinking when they put that in. They didn't register what fans might they think when hearing those lyrics. Do I have to say it? Like, really think about it.
With this part of the song and no mention of Chad in Chloe's video, it's them saying "well, it's not like the AKs and rest of the VKs are important anyways!"
That's the problem right there. And that's a problem that leads into a bigger problem.
Let's think about the Sea Three. It's like they're already trying to replace them with Uliana, Hook and Morgie.
"But Uma is there!" They knew damn well that Uma would bring in more fans to watch that movie. Uma is a beloved character, why wouldn't they include her? It's the same reason Brandy and Paolo are back playing as Cinderella and Charming.
See, Disney will market off Black and other people of color. They'll be like "oh, we can give this character this, but not this". They can have some good traits, but they still have to get some bad. (Example, Tiana could be a princess!! But she had to spend most of her movie as a damn frog!)
Let me start with Uliana.
What sucks about Uliana and her crew to me is that it seems this time they really want fans to hate on a Black girl... again.
See, I bet in 2017 they didn't anticipate on fans adoring Uma and actually sympathizing with her. And it helps that China is a damn good actress and singer.
They made Uma the "big bad" in the second movie, continuing the "let's make the Black girls and women antagonistic" (Audrey, being played by Sarah Jeffery who is half Black, being mean to Mal and Cruella being played by a Black woman, Wendy Raquel Robinson).
Again, though, that shit didn't work so they're trying it again.
Don't believe me?
Here's the thing. If they wanted Bridget to have this sad backstory who was bullied... why did they make it a Black girl? And why is this character just so happen to be Uma's aunt and Ursula's sister? They couldn't have made another villain character be her bully? To be the reason as to why Bridget aka Queen of Hearts hates Cinderella? In fact, how about Maleficent? She's right there!!
From the looks of the trailer, it may be Uliana did something that made Bridget hate Cinderella. So they couldn't have Maleficent be manipulative and do that then? Why come up with a whole original character related to one of the most other notorious Disney villains (who is Black in the Descendants universe, by the way, Whoopi Goldberg) for just that? Hm?
No, Disney said "let's make trick the fans, make them think that Dara will be playing a sweet, innocent princess and then reveal she'll be playing this bully who we made up".
See, they couldn't use Morgana from the second Little Mermaid movie because one, there's her name. We have Morgie in the movie and his mother's name is Morgana. Two, when the first Descendants movie came out, Disney made it a point to make it seem that the first films of the animated films were canon. Meaning that, yeah, sequels were ignored.
In the case of Chloe and Chad!
As I mentioned before, it comes off that the AKs and VKs are being brushed aside. And yes, it's a problem.
The problem isn't having a new generation. I personally am not upset seeing these new characters, let alone new actors. I hate how they (not the actors, not them) went about this.
They could have easily announced Malia Baker playing Chloe from the start. But no, they didn't do that. On top of that, no mention of Chad??
Disney didn't have Chloe mention Chad because they want to play off him being an OG AK and white and have the fandom feel some kind of way towards Chloe who is of color. They want people to be antagonistic towards and annoyed at Chloe. See, they let this Black girl be a princess... but they'll probably have her be annoying in the movie, some perfectionist, oh and no mention of her supposed brother.
When you think about it... while Uilanna is the Uma here, Chloe is the Audrey.
Hm, a girly princess who wears blue, who is the daughter of a beloved Disney princess whose race was changed for the Descendants, played by an actress who looks racially ambiguous but happens to be Black, who has some connection to Chad (or lack of), who also comes off as some perfectionist, an often annoying character trait.
Now, don't that seem like Chloe is the Audrey here? Just this time, our princess is nicer.
Like with Uma, Audrey was meant to be disliked, but come the third movie fans grew to like and sympathize her.
This time around with Chloe, it's like Disney is trying to be sneakier about getting the fans to hate her.
Again, it's the "they can have this but they can't have this" with their Black and other characters of color.
"It's not about race." Disney made it about race. If it wasn't, they wouldn't have done previous antics with the other characters. If wasn't, Disney would have easily kept Cinderella and her family white from the animated films, if they still wanted fans to dislike her, just as they could have with Aurora and her family, but they didn't. They made fans believe Dara was going to play a princess and just knew fans would be like "Brandy could be Cinderella" because of that, and once they had Brandy be Cinderella? Well, you see what happened.
Simply, just my opinion, Disney has the intentions to make Chloe hated or at least less popular. They're just not trying make it not racist, but still still are racist about.
Now, I'm not saying the movie is going to be oh so terrible. The thing is, a fourth movie could have been a more excitable thing for fans if Disney stopped doing most of these characters dirty with their racism and favoritism.
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akalikai · 1 month
Istg my dumbass keeps forgetting when Thursdays are until @notachamealeon reminds me that a tmagp ep dropped
Sam is being bitchy akhskajd literally is this bc he's still feeling good about himself after him and Celia had GASP heterosexual intercourse???
Poor Gwen having to pick up the slack she really is trying her best I love my girl.
"I've got a SPECIAL list for her" hey Gwen that's kind of fucking gay of you-
...why is there no explanation? Like why is there nothing about what this is related to, like a prelude or introduction? Augustus just...started talking??
"Than to light within them that muses' fire of inspiration" it might just be a metaphor but whenever the older cases related to the institute or the experiment bring up fire, I become a bit wary
Okay so the institute in the universe seems to be founded for the sake these alchemic experiments as opposed to Jonah Magnus creating it to serve The Eye in TMAverse
Just for anyone that wants to know, Chartism was a working-class movement for political reform in the UK during the 1830s to 1850s. That's what the second journal entry is referencing
Okay the single coachman reminds of one of Jonah Magnus's livers in his regency era harem who got fucked over by a Lukas, I think it was something about the coachman entirely turning his head 180 degrees to face backwards the entire drive or something.
Oh okay so coachman is part of the coach. Lovely.
Okay so we're focusing on the growler? And I think it's because the coachman and the coach attachment is probably due to alchemy of some sort?
Oh great. The cab ate the man. Wonderful.
BOYLE???? AS IN ROBERT BOYLE???? Wait no can't be him he died in the 1600s I remember that from AP Chemistry
Oh my god he convinced his own colleague to go into the growler dude this is giving Jonah Magnus it REALLY is
Alice my wife hating prime ministers is just So Real also with how viciously she hates the prime minister I would have thought my girl was Desi too since I hate India's prime mini-
I'm gonna shut up
Dyhard is SO endgame LOOK AT THEM
What is happening. Someone please come pick me up I'm scared why are we talking about sex
Oh Sam. I think it's kind of obvious that Celia does find this like a casual relationship. Kind of like "well if it goes well, it goes well. If not, whatever" He's definitely taking it more seriously than her.
I do also think she's kinda lying when she says Jack's her only first priority bc it's very clear the Magnus stuff is very much a priority too
And also oh god Alice being here is gonna make things awkward isn't it.
Celia is really trying to find the Archivist that she knows but I don't think she's going to get that, not in this universe at least.
Alice joining the scooby doo gang! All we need is Gwen and we got the full team!
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localsamalicer · 10 days
I wanna say this outright, my favorite ship has Always been SamAlice and as someone who’s been a SamAlicer since the beginning I also actually always loved and still love Celia and SamCelia. I totally get if you are turned off to her and it now (especially the ship), but I still like them at this point in time (which might change as the series goes on 🤷 who knows)
We already knew she was up to something and all that’s happened really so far is the outcome of that, something we already knew she was doing, manipulating Sam and the situation in some ways. I love how complex she is as a character, she has such a great story that we know of and very understandable motives as well as conflicting emotions and she still has the capacity to like and care for people.
Plus she actually hasn’t done anything truly horrific to a human being yet by tma standards, she’s got a whole lot more “evil” to get for me to not like her. And let’s not forget tma was filled with mass murderers and mass suffering causers and just complicated morally grey people all around. We are 1 season in I’m pretty sure it will get much worse from here.
I wanna see what she does about all this and her reactions and movements forward, Alice won’t let her just sneak away I’m sure of that.
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adelarsims · 8 months
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in 1950s, celia was a femme fatale jazz/pop singer in a fancy place that was de-facto run by mafia and was their usual meeting place
the boss (by the way, an Alto) considered her his girlfriend, or his property, or whatever. just "his"
she had to play by his rules because she was powerless against him and was dragged into his business
she and caleb met each other on her birthday party, because she barely had any say in how she wants to spend this day and with who, only what items/favors she wants as gifts ("i'm giving you everything you could possibly want, what else can you ask for?"), the boss just threw a big party for her and she was supposed to look happy and be beautiful, and caleb was invited because the boss needed something from him
anyway, celia and caleb got to meet from time to time and there was an obvious spark, even though they couldn't have any romantic relationship, they found reasons to meet each other and had emotional connection
celia knew caleb as "george" by the way (i like to headcanon that caleb used the names maxis used for him before, "raylan lange" and "george wilson", at some point in his life)
the boss mysteriously died some time after celia confided in caleb about not being happy and wanting to be free from this life
(the taste of Alto's blood was more pleasant than his personality)
before boarding the ship to another continent, she offered him to go with her, to have a life with her, but he couldn't (a vampire thing... he can't stick around people for too long), so their goodbyes were bittersweet
for a second, in his head he hesitated and debated maybe going with her for at least a few years and then disappearing or faking his death, but he knew she deserved a proper closure and turning the page, not a grief and wasted years of her life that are limited
he kept an eye on her throughout her life until her peaceful death at the age of 84, and she had a good life, a loving husband, two kids
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