#'wish you could take the kudos back'. shut up?? click off?? you were the bitch who just read my kinky smut i don't need you go away
binch-i-might-be · 2 years
you know what maybe getting stabbed for a few hours will help calm me down
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warning(s): cursing
word count: 1.8k
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When Kudo Street was first established, it was what the name suggests; a street. However, businesses there were able to pick up at a rapid growth without humans' intervention because Taishi was a secluded magic town so it became a favourite stop for magic merchants from all over the world. They mostly brought in potion ingredients and recipes and pentagram scriptures since those were tough to find after practitioners had to find new lands when the purge happened. It wasn't long before words spread among them that Kudo Street had everything that they needed, which was all it took for the practitioners to start teleporting to Taishi.
 Demands then began to skyrocket, attracting traders to settle down in Taishi to open all kinds of shops on the street and supply magical goods, even rare ones, for local practitioners and non. Its popularity only grew bigger ever since and from there, little by little, the street expanded into the commercial park that it is today. Kudo Street now houses hundreds of stores where you can find anything magical you can think of and wish for.
 "Come on, now," Atsumu calls to get you off the marble platform, "or the next teleporter will bump into you."
 You let out one last pant as you exit the cubicle, "I'm tired."
 "You're so out of shape," Osamu comments. The three of you walk together following the paved walkway towards the hustle and bustle up ahead.
 "I'm not!" you snap at him, "obviously a girl can't carry two boys who are bigger than her??"
 He responds in a mocking voice, "oBviOusLy a gIrL caN't cArRy twO bOYs whO aRe-"
 "Damn, why are there so many people?" Atsumu cuts him off, directing your and Osamu's attention forward and indirectly stopping your bickering. He's right. You can see heavy traffic at the entrance, which is a huge black metal archway with climbing red roses decorating it. Its apex holds golden letters that spell out "Kudo Street".
 "Wow, there are a lot of fairies today," you take notice of the numerous specks of glitters the size of a thumb flying in between people.
 "Don't get lost," Atsumu grabs your hand, worried that you'd get separated from them in the crowd because of the distraction.
 "Oh yeah, I think they opened a few more shops here," Osamu also watches the winged tiny people buzzing everywhere in all directions, "business must be good for them."
 "Well, why won't it be?" Atsumu joins, "not like we can get fairy dust anywhere else. I read they're accepting strawberries as their currency too now. One strawberry equals five blueberries."
 "Love how their economy is growing while ours is failing. Their prices have gone up, you know," Osamu comments, "100 grams of fairy dust is now 50 blueberries! Can't believe it used to be just 10 blueberries."
 "Who cares, I'd pay them as many blueberries as they want. They're so adorable in their glittery outfits!" you coo at two fairies carrying a strawberry together by its sepals, flying across your face before landing on a tree branch to eat the fruit.
 As soon as you pass through the arch, the stone walkway is spread out into multiple directions, connecting shops together on either side of it. Due to the unplanned growth of the street, various types of shops are scattered without a pattern. However, there are directories all over the place to guide you so before going further, you make a stop at a nearby one.
 "Should we go to the new stocks shop first?" you point a finger on the map, sifting through names under the category titled "Potion Ingredients". "What's its name again?"
 "Uh, what was it? It has a cringy name," Atsumu thinks aloud.
 "Is it this one?" your finger stops at "Stocks-holm Syndrome".
 "Lol yeah, that one," Osamu laughs, unironically entertained. "That's smart."
 "You gotta get a better sense of humour, man," Atsumu snorts, "that's east from here. Let's go."
 "As if you have a better one," Osamu retorts as the three of you start walking  (and bickering) again towards the east.
 "What does stocks have anything to do with the syndrome anyway?" Atsumu lifts an eyebrow at him.
 "Bet they just thought it's cool to use a One Direction song as their name," you roll your eyes.
 "Ew, do you really think only One Direction knows that syndrome?" Atsumu makes a face, "and does One Direction think they're cool for using it in their song?"
 "Bet they just thought it's gonna make them sound smart," Osamu scoffs.
 "Shut up, it's a good song and oh my God, you losers also listen to them. Stop dissing!" you hiss, hurt that your brothers are being disrespectful towards the most talented band in the world.
 "I only listen to WMYB and everybody does so it doesn't count," Atsumu shrugs.
 "Dude," Osamu looks at him in disbelief, "I think only fans could say What Makes You Beautiful's acronym in one breath effortlessly so you better shut up now."
 "Fuck off, Samu. Oh wow, there's a new potion shop," Atsumu diverts the topic not so elegantly.
 But you and Osamu take the bait and stop in your tracks thanks to the small crowd outside of the shop. Its glass panel door makes a delightful tinkling sound every time someone pushes it open. In the window display, you take notice of the cute potion bottles lined up neatly on a white fur mat. Multiple "Pink Potions' Opening Sale!" posters are also pasted on the glass wall. From where you're standing, you can tell that every corner of the place is painted with pastel pink, but what's really catching your attention to go inside for a better look is the complementing white and gold interior decoration.
 "Let's go in!" you rush inside, leaving your brothers no choice other than to follow you.
 The inside of the shop is as pretty as you expected it to be; the floor and poles are made of shiny marble, there is a chandelier hanging in the middle of the ceiling and potions are arranged on glass racks and labeled properly by their names and functions. Apart from that, you're also wowed by the products' packaging. It's not often for ready-made potions to be sold aesthetically so you're very intrigued by the glass vessels of different sizes and shapes that they come in. And the corks are pink too! Usually, they all are just packed in boring cylindrical bottles.
 You go through the aisles to see what type of potions they have and mostly, they're all common ones for healing (flu, insomnia, diarrhea, rashes, etc.)  and non-healing (iris colouring, muscle builder, bone growth, hair extension, etc.) purposes. Seeing how the shop focuses a lot on its branding, you are quite suspicious of its quality. You take one of the test tube shaped vessel that holds nail colouring potion and study the directions of use label that is stamped on it:
 "1. Consume potion after a proper meal. 2. Colour will show after 5-10 minutes."
 Okay, that's pretty normal for a nail colouring potion.
 "CAUTION: Use only as directed. Seek healer's advice if there are allergy reactions or discomfort after use."
 That's normal too.
 "Product is guaranteed to take effect for up to one month or we will return your money!"
 Oh wow, just a month? That's shit.
 On one hand, a healing potion's quality is usually defined by how effective it is for curing your illnesses and diseases. On the other hand, potions with non-healing properties (usually for body enhancements or alterations) are judged by how long its effects would last on one's body so one month is terrible. Good alteration potions should last you at least three months but oh well, there's no harm in trying this cute little stuff.
 You then bring the bottle with you to search for Atsumu, who you find is also looking at some potions two aisles away. He reaches for one of them and inspects its ingredient label, nodding away to himself. You arrive at his side and read the potion's name tag.
 "'Sleep Well, Sweet Dreams'? Why do you want sweet dreams?" you frown at him.
 "Why don't I want sweet dreams?" Atsumu retorts, frowning back at you.
 "Will it work?" Osamu appears from behind you, almost making you drop the bottle in your hand.
 "I doubt it," you remark, "pretty stuff is usually useless."
 "The ingredients look legit though," Atsumu lifts his shoulders, "guess I'll see if it works or not."
 "So you're getting that?" you prod.
 "Yeah," he shrugs again.
 "Ok then, Tsumu-nii channnnnn," you loop yourself around his arm with a sweet smile on your face, "can you pay for mine too, pleeeeeease? It's for my nails."
 "EUGH," Atsumu rolls his eyes, "leech!" but takes the potion that you picked anyway before heading for the counter, with you still hanging onto him like a koala.
 He places the two bottles on the counter and at the same time, Osamu slides another one in quietly.
 "Tsumu, can I get this," he whispers.
 Atsumu clicks his tongue, eyes gawking at his twin, "oi!"
 "Pleeease," Osamu averts his gaze, embarrassed that the cashier is watching the drama that is enfolding before him.
 Atsumu grabs Osamu's bottle to take a quick look at the label. "Taste bud enhancer?" he questions.
 "I wanna taste the difference between normal salt and sea salt," Osamu explains his intention, still whispering.
 Atsumu gives him a disbelief look, "weird ass bitch."
 "Fine, I'll put it back," Osamu pulls a face, extending his hand out to Atsumu.
 "Gosh, just take it," Atsumu returns the potion back to the cashier instead of Osamu's hand.
 "So... one receipt?" the cashier asks for confirmation, not missing the grin on Osamu's face.
 Atsumu sighs, "yes, please."
 Ah, yes. The curse of being an elder sibling; having to fund your younger siblings' ridiculous purchases along with your own.
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Note: no one has been making fun of 1D so I had to
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