#a bit pissed about that weirdo who left the comment earlier. like what on my tumblr is so reprehensible that you
binch-i-might-be · 2 years
you know what maybe getting stabbed for a few hours will help calm me down
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“Fancy meeting you here,” he said nonchalantly, as if we were in town and not in a forest on a hard to reach peninsula. For a moment, I wondered if I was hallucinating. But no, Zett was really here, right in front of me.
“What are you doing here?!” I demanded. “You’re not a student, are you?”
“No, I’m here doing some freelance security,” he replied. He looked weirdly proud of himself, smirking and folding his arms against his puffed-up chest.
“‘Freelance security?’” I wanted to sigh. What was he doing now? This was seriously the weirdest dude I’d ever met.
“Yeah. I’m just making sure the Academy’s secure so no weirdos get in,” he told me.
“Well, you already failed. You’re here.” I couldn’t stop myself from letting the words slip out of my mouth. But instead of getting mad, he just grinned at me.
“Oh, I’m allowed here,” he said. I really doubt it, I wanted to say, but pissing off a guy in the middle of the forest seemed like a really bad idea. “All right, I make sure my secret entrance is secure, but really, I watch out for creeps,” he added with a shrug.
“Is that a problem?” I asked. All right. I could bite for a moment.
“Well, yeah. You got a private school full of privileged rich kids and a lot of them either come from real old money or their parents are celebrities. And also, you know the kind of parents that send their kids to private school,” he said with accusatory eyes and a bitter note in his voice. I wouldn’t lie, that stung a bit.
“No, I wouldn’t, actually. I was home-schooled until now, and I’m an orphan” I told him. I wanted to add, “Are you happy now?” but the smirk slid off his face in an instant and there was something… strange in his eyes. Was that worry?
“Shit, are you also a part of that whack job cult – I mean, are you a part of Kristina’s church?” Zett quickly caught himself. I raised an eyebrow.
“Kristina? The waitress?” I searched my mind for the night we met. She had a brother here, doesn’t she? I don’t think I’ve met him. “Uh, no, I don’t know Kristina or her brother at all.” Zett’s body relaxed and he breathed a sigh of relief.
“Geez, you scared me. I was worried you were a part of their cult or something. Zacharias – her twin – was home-schooled too until a year ago. It’s kind of their thing.” He straightened up, that cocky grin returned to his face. “Well, I’m glad you’re not getting religious trauma.”
“… Thank you?” What the hell was I supposed to say to that? Like, I guess I’m glad, too? “But really. Why and how are you here? Don’t you need an Academy emblem to get in?” I asked. When in doubt, change the subject.
“I got a fake. It works just fine and I’m free to come and go as I please.”
“To do your ‘freelance security?’”
“That and bring people things they need.”
“Wait… you’re an errand boy?!”
“Sometimes. For my good friends. And you, if you want to hire me,” he added with a wink.
“So you just avoided my question for like, five minutes to avoid telling me you’re just an errand boy?” What was up with this guy? I didn’t know whether to laugh or be irritated.
“You know I like my secrets,” he said. “But seriously, what are youdoing out here looking for a lantern?”
“I’m being hazed,” I replied. That wiped the grin off his face. “What’s with the seriousness?” I asked as he started walking deeper into the forest. Not knowing what to do, I followed him. As we walked, he rummaged through his bag and brought out
“I know what you’re looking for. I helped design it,” he told me. “When you find it, don’t touch it. If you do, it’ll start projecting ghosts and shit.”
“I, uh… Thank you? But why are you helping me?” I inquired.
“Why not?” he replied. There was a moment of silence and he turned back to me, shrugging. “You look like you’re in a bad mood. I doubt you wanna deal with the lantern.”
“I mean, you’re not wrong.” I kept my eyes peeled for the lantern or any kind of animal I can ask. Zett and I were silent as we walked through the forest. I tried to stay on my guard too, just in case. I really should invest in pepper spray or a knife.
We turned a corner on the trail and I spotted an owl on a branch, looking regal as it surveyed its surroundings. Yay! Now I canget to work.
“Excuse me, Mr. Owl,” I called out, approaching the bird. It looked down at me. “Hi, I’m looking for a lantern. It looks like a golden sphere. Have you seen anything like that around here?”
“I don’t know what it looked like, but I did see something glowing over yonder.” The owl stretched his wing off the trail, towards a large oak tree.
“Great! Thank you so much!” Carefully, I stepped over some bushes and went off the path.
“Uh, what was that?” Zett hurried after me, gracefully stepping over the bushes and getting to me in no time. Huh. I wouldn’t have thought he could move so elegantly, but here we were.
“I can speak to animals. I figured they’d know where the lantern is. Or at least, they’d have a clue,” I told him.
“Impressive.” Again, a silence fell between us as we made our way towards the big tree.
“So, who are you doing errands for? Or is that confidential?” I added teasingly. He laughed.
“Maybe.” He flashed me a grin. “Nah, I can tell you. My best friend Isabelle asked me to get her a makeup collection that released earlier today, so I’m going to go give it to her.”
“Isabelle? Super short, purple hair?” I asked.
“You know her?”
“Yeah, I met her earlier,” I said. It was probably for the best I didn’t mention we lived in the same suite. “Do you know everyone in the Night Class?”
“Mm, probably not. But I know a lot of them.” We reached the large oak tree. From behind it, there was a faint, golden glow. I hurried towards it. “Hey, remember not to touch it!” Zett called after me. I peeked around the tree and sure enough, there it was, casting star-shaped rays of light onto the ground. Honestly, it was a very pretty lantern. Maybe Zett could make me a real lantern that looked like this. And speak of the devil, he walked right on by me, getting of his knees and fishing what looked like a screwdriver out of his back pocket. He carefully stuck it into the lantern and after fiddling with it for a few seconds, the lantern flickered and smoke poured out of the holes. The acrid stench made me cough, but soon the thick black smoke turned to gray wisps. Zett picked it up and handed it to me.
“There you go. It should be safe now,” he said. I couldn’t see anything written on his face that would tell me if he was lying or not. He seemed to be telling the truth. Not to mention this looked broken now. Tentatively, I grabbed it and held onto it tight. It was still pretty warm and nothing happened.
“Thanks again for helping me,” I told him.
“Don’t worry about it. I don’t know what’s up with you, but I hope you feel better. Really.” He paused. “When you give that back to whoever, tell them it was smoking when you found it and you had to douse it with water, all right? Don’t tell them I was here.”
“Okay…” And again, with the shady stuff. “Uh, I guess I’ll see you around?”
“Yeah. You ever need me, tell Isabelle and she’ll call me. I’ll see you later, baby.” It was good he left because otherwise I would have hit him. Geez. How was I going to handle him? If he ran errands for the other students, I was bound to run into him again. I didn’t mind him he was nice, but man, he was really capable of leaving a bad taste in my mouth.
I hurried back to the trail and back to Zeus. As soon as he realized the lantern was off, that gleeful smile on his face disappeared.
“What the hell?! Why isn’t the lantern lit?!” he demanded, storming over to me. He wrenched the lantern out of my hands.
“I found it because it was smoking. I couldn’t really figure out the mechanics, but I think something’s busted in it,” I lied.
“Damn it! I’m going to have to have my friend look at it,” he groaned. I wondered if he meant Zett. “Well… Good job, I guess.” There was a distinct bitter note in his voice.
“Cool, I’m going back to the dorms now.” I didn’t wait for an answer, heading back to the mausoleum and back to my room. As I neared our suite, I could smell something spicy and fragrant in the air. My nose twitched. I slipped into our suite and peeked into the kitchen. Dorian was stirring something in a large pot, Aika beside him slathering melted butter onto some rolls.
“That smells really good,” I commented. Aika flinched a little and the two turned back to face me. Dorian gave me a stern look and immediately my stomach dropped.
“Can you go tell Isabelle to get her ass in here? I told her dinner was ready ten minutes ago,” he demanded. I just nodded and hurried out of the room. Isabelle’s door was propped open just a smidgen and I poked my head in. Isabelle was on the floor, a huge cardboard box with an intricate pattern printed on it sitting in front of her. It was full of assorted makeup items. I knocked and she looked up.
“Come on in! You’re just in time! I just got this delivered!” she told me. I opened the door and ventured in a step.
“Dinner’s ready and Dorian doesn’t seem happy with you,” I told her quietly. She just laughed and stood up, leaving the box in place.
“Oh, Dorian’s always big mad,” she said. Together, we walked back to the kitchen. “So, how did the first day go?” Isabelle asked as she plucked a roll off a plate.
“It was fine. Hard, but fine,” I told her.
“How did Zeus’ dumbass hazing go?” Aika asked.
“How do you know about that?”
“Tsukasa came in here in a panic and told us about it,” Dorian replied. “He wanted us to do something about it.” And you didn’t? I made a mental note not to trust them in an emergency.
“Poor thing was hysterical. His heart’s too big for him,” Isabelle commented, taking a seat. I quickly got my own food and sat down across from her. “He’s too nice for the Night Class, if you ask me.”
“I don’t know, he’s pretty stubborn,”Aika commented.
“He and Fandamilia seem really nice,” I added. Isabelle’s lips pursed into a fine line. Dorian snorted.
“I wouldn’t mention her if I were you. Isabelle hates her,” he told me.
“What? Why?” Once again, words I shouldn’t have said slipped out. I really need to work on my filter.
“Because she likes Zeus and keeps trying to justify his shitty behavior,” Isabelle said tensely. “I just don’t think you should try and make excuses or ignore people’s shitty behavior.”
“I mean… Yeah…” Aika said, looking a little uncomfortable. “No one’s perfect and you can’t bleach red flags. Not acknowledging bad behavior isn’t great. … But she’s in love, you know? She just wants him to love her back.”
“Explains it, but it’s not an excuse,” Isabelle added.
“I’m stopping this before it becomes a fight,” Dorian spoke up. “We’re moving on.” I wondered if Isabelle excused the bad things Zett did. Or maybe she didn’t know about him being a weird and lowkey creepy flirt. But then again, he didn’t have to derail his job to go help me with the lantern. Speaking of, Isabelle had that makeup package, so he must’ve already come through here. Did he see my name on the nameplate next to my door? Did Isabelle mention me to him? Was I going to run into him again? Something told me that even if I wasn’t suitemates with Isabelle, I’d be seeing more of him.
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kageyama-tho · 5 years
Tsukishima relationship development type of scenario please? Like when it came from meeting, to being friends to confessing? Thank you ❤️
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Tsukishima :
The Beginning 
“OI TSUKISHIMA, how dare you take my seat?! I sit here everyday!” you pointed accusingly at him with your teeth grinding against each other. Your seat was the best in the whole class. You could pay attention to the teacher, see the board in full view and well - the seat was located right beside your best friend who you could talk to without being noticed.
Your classmate shrugged, the nonchalant persona of his digging deeper into your nerves. “This is the best seat in this classroom. I will put it to good use unlike you, never paying attention.”
“HUH?!” your friends were stroking your arm from each side with the intention of calming you down. “I pay attention all the time actually! That’s why I chose this seat.”
“Are you sure you didn’t choose it just so you could talk to (best friend’s name)?” he glanced at you with a smirk, seeing the frustration build up on your distinctively cute face. 
You slammed your hands on the desk, not too hard as you didn’t necessarily need more attention. He didn’t budge, he wasn’t intimidated one bit. You had a lovely morning so far - until you met him.
“Shut up! Get off now!”
He pulled his headphones over his ears, closing his eyes momentarily. “Call me during my business hours.”
Your friends were pushing you onto the other side of the classroom. “Cocky bastard.”
Your eyes intensely penetrated the side of his head for the rest of the class and you walked out complaining about him too. You struggled to focus on the subject as the current seat you had no choice but to take was not to your liking. You couldn’t see the board because of everyone’s heads in the way and the writing on it seemed so small. The teacher couldn’t see your raised arm to answer any of the questions either, so you were fuming.
“Stupid Tsukishima.”
You were brooding all day.
The Middle
You waited outside by the school gate, leaning against the wall. It’s been a week and he still wouldn’t give up your seat. You even attempted coming in earlier, but he was already there. It’s as if he was annoying you on purpose. You thought that if you sat behind him, you could kick his chair or something. That irritating smirk he sent you each time you came into the classroom pissed you off to the core.
“Aha!” you jumped out when you caught the glimpse of him exiting the school grounds.
“What are you doing?” he blinked, intrigued by the suspicious grin framing your lips. 
You puffed out your chest and placed both of your hands on your hips. “I’m walking home with you to annoy you.”
Tsukishima was wondering if he should laugh, but he decided he would remain a cool composure to pull an uno reverse. “So you ditched your friends so you could walk home with me... To annoy me...” The middle blocker squinted his eyes at you, shrugging his shoulders as usual. “Sounds like you got a crush on me.”
The pleased facial expression you originally stood by vanished and was replaced by sheer shock. “Excuse me? I don’t even like you!”
“Hey! Wait a minute!” he started walking away so you held onto your bag strap tightly and followed behind him before you caught up. “Where do you live?”
“I’m not telling you. You’re gonna stalk me.”
“Cocky bastard.” 
Surprisingly walking home with him became an everyday routine and people were confused as to what happened. All your shared interactions were passive aggressive. Naturally, Yamaguchi asked about it, especially after he had the chance of walking home with both of you. He was the third person as you and Tsukishima constantly teased each other.
“See ya. Same time tomorrow.” you waved your hand, moving your own direction as you parted ways with the duo.
Yamaguchi’s stare was zealous as all his attention was on his tall friend. “What’s wrong?” Tsukishima questioned, cocking an eyebrow.
“Do you have feelings for L/N-san?” Tadashi’s eyes glimmered as he dearly hoped the middle blocker would admit it. Everyone could see it - that you were saturated in mutual chemistry.
“No. I don’t care about that type of stuff.”
But did he? Tsukishima thought about it a little longer. At this point, he started waiting for you after school unless he had practice. Excitement piled in his stomach, when he saw a notification pop up on his phone screen and his first thought always landed on you. He couldn’t believe he even gave you his phone number. You were the last person he texted every night before he fell asleep. The hours you spent talking to each other - he never made that type of effort for anyone. It all felt foreign to him. 
“You know, Tsuki, Valentine’s Day is in a week. It’d be a perfect time to confess.” it was a mere suggestion, but he didn’t reply to it - just dismissed it.
It’s been a good five months since you met him properly and this was not meant to happen.
The End - Valentines Day
All the pink and red decorations hanging from the walls and ceiling were a pain in the ass. He anticipated random confessions from girls he never even glanced at more than once, since he saw a few nervously staring at him in the halls. But for some reason, he thought you might’ve given him chocolate. Yamaguchi was going crazy over the fact that you could confess and gift him delicious, homemade chocolates.
He waited for it all day, truth to be told. But you were just your own playful self, teasing him and having a laugh in general. The whole class was waiting for the teacher’s appearance, so most of the students were in groups chatting. Tsukishima darted his eyes towards you, just watching you chuckle at a joke your friend told you. He felt his own lips curling into a smile, but he quickly shook it off and felt almost embarrassed.
Nothing from your behaviour suggested that you had anything prepared for him so he assumed Yamaguchi was wrong about you liking Kei. At the end of the day, he approached his locker. There were a few letters and chocolates packed in detailed wrapping papers with ribbons or anonymous notes stuck to them. Out of curiosity, he studied them but none of them had any specific sign of you.
“Hoping one of them is from me?” he was slightly startled at the voice but upon seeing you resting against the lockers, he didn’t have to worry much.
He rolled his eyes, stuffing the gifts into his bag. “I would never expect anything from you.”
Tsukishima realised that he made a mistake. He failed to control his tone and the sentence left his lips in utter disappointment.
Your beautiful eyes scanned his face before you stuck your hand into your bag, presenting a fancy box with a slice of cake in it. “This is from me. I thought you’d prefer this over chocolate.”
The blonde gradually accepted the gift, trying to suppress a smile that was becoming very persistent. “Strawberry shortcake?”
“Yeah. I hope it’s good.” You straightened your posture. “Anyways gotta go. I’ll see you after school, loser.”
Strawberry shortcake was his favourite, he appreciated it and you didn’t give him a chance to say ‘thank you’. You truly paid attention to something he mentioned once or twice. But he couldn’t figure out if it was a friendly or romantic gesture as you seemed so relaxed about it.
When school ended, he waited for you and he didn’t resist the grin when he saw you waving as you approached him.
The walk was normal, there wasn’t any awkwardness or discomfort in general. It was all smooth and natural, maybe that’s what he liked when he was with you. There were never any awkward encounters, everything played out as it should’ve.
You noticed his walking speed was slightly slower the closer you were to your home. But he didn’t say anything so you mentioned nothing either.
“Well, this is me. See ya.” you turned to leave but you heard a very faint and quiet -
“I like you.”
You spun back abruptly “Wait, really?”
“You heard that?” his eyes told you the whole story, he didn’t mean to say it or expect you to hear it.
Standing in front of him, the corners of you lips rose to form the sweetest smile. “Depends. Did you want me to hear that?”
Tsukishima rubbed the back of his neck, uncertain how to respond. Honestly, he expected you to tease him, but he kind of liked the fact that you didn’t.
“No, but now you know anyways.”
His stomach twisted and turned as he was ready for a rejection even if you didn’t hide your feelings.
“I like you too, you cocky bastard.”
He was surprised but he smiled genuinely. “Good. That’s settled then.”
“You want to kiss me now or something?” you teased, chuckling at how red his cheeks became after your comment.
“Don’t say such things in public, weirdo.”
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teamfreewilllover · 5 years
Almost Lover: Part 4 - Xavier Plympton Imagine
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Part 1  Part 2  Part 3
Y/N was happily seated in between Xavier and Chet, as the group roasted marshmallows by the campfire. The nurse, Rita, had joined them a few minutes earlier, much to Y/N’s annoyance. Rita soon brought up the night stalker, as Y/N watched Brooke grimace at the mere mention of his name. However, clearly she wasn’t the only one who noticed. Xavier quickly stood up and walked over to Brooke, placing his arm behind her back as he leaned in closer to her.
“Rita. I totally understand the tradition, and usually I'm cool with that, but our friend Brooke here had a for-real assault, and we're just not in the mood for a bullshit ghost story” Xavier explained, a protective tone in his voice.
Y/N practically bristled as she watched Brooke give him a grateful smile. If it wasn’t bad enough that he still seemed to like Montana, now his attention was drifting towards the new girl.
“It's not bullshit. And there was no ghost. I'll be honest with you. I've never been a nurse at a summer camp before. And you've never been counselors. So how did we get these jobs with no prior experience? That's because anybody that knows anything about Camp Redwood doesn't want to be in Camp Redwood” Rita announced, as Y/N gave her a dubious look.
“Then how come your here, Rita? If it’s so dangerous?” Y/N accused.
“I like a little danger” Rita shrugged, as Y/N brushed off the comment, turning her attention back to Xavier.
Xavier seemed to notice she was staring at him, as he straightened up a little, a somewhat guilty look on his face. Y/N was barely listening to Rita’s ghost story about some weirdo named “Mr Jingles”, as she gave Xavier a confused look, which he shrugged to in response.
“Am I boring you two?” Rita questioned, noticing neither of them had been paying attention.
“I was listening. He was a freak who liked to cut peoples ears off” Y/N shrugged.
“You’re wrong. There was a lot more to him than that” A voice told her, as they all turned to see Margaret had snuck up on them.
“Don’t take it personally, Margaret. When these two are around each other, they don’t really pay attention to anything else” Montana teased, as Y/N had to restrain herself from stepping over the fire and strangling Montana.
“Duly noted” Margaret mumbled, as she walked over to Y/N and raised an eyebrow.
“If you want to hear what really happened then I should at least get a seat” Margaret went on, placing a hand on her hip.
Y/N rolled her eyes, as she reluctantly stood up from where she was seated on the log. She could see that there were nowhere else to sit, so she marched over to Xavier and got ready to kneel on the muddy ground.
“If you’re going to tell a story, tell it right...” Margaret began, whilst Y/N stopped listening when she felt a warm arm wrap itself around her waist.
She looked down and realised it belonged to Xavier, as a blush began to rise on her face.
“You can sit with me” Xavier mummured, not looking at her, as he was trying to listen to Margaret’s story.
“There’s no room” Y/N pointed out, as Xavier pulled her onto his lap.
She sat on his thigh, as he kept his arm still wrapped around her waist. By now, Y/N could tell her blush had grown, not to mention her heart rate had sped up. She tried her best to listen to Margaret’s story and ignore her current position, when Xavier began to unconsciously stroke her hip with his thumb. Y/N bit her lip, as she wondered whether Xavier really didn’t know what he was doing. She was brought of her trance as she saw Margaret stand up, as Y/N guessed she had finished her story. From what Y/N’s preoccupied mind could gather, Mr Jingles had killed everyone but Margaret, who had gone on to be the star witness and send him to jail. Y/N was beginning to question this, when she felt Xavier rest his chin on her shoulder.
“She’s kind of spooky, huh?” Xavier teased, his cool breath on her neck.
“Uh...I’m...I’m going to check on the hiker...” Y/N stuttered, as she quickly stood up.
“I’ll come with you. I want to make sure he’s alright” Brooke informed her, standing up.
“I’ll come too” Xavier announced.
“You really don’t need to. We’ll be fine” Brooke stated, as Y/N crossed her arms and looked away.
“It’s no problem. I’ve got to keep an eye on my best girl” Xavier teased, making Y/N rolled her eyes.
“I’ll just leave you two to it then” Y/N mummured as she began walking away.
Brooke shook her head fondly, as she saw Xavier watching her go with puppy dog eyes. The pair were so clearly pining for each other, but neither seemed to realise it.
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Y/N burst into a fit of giggles as she watched Montana all but drool over the new arrival. Trevor had clearly captured her interest...or at least a certain part of him had. Whereas Brooke seemed uncomfortable as he stretched in front of her, his crotch more or less in her face. Not for the first time, Y/N couldn’t help but question if Brooke was even interested in men.
“You’re a legend” Montana informed Trevor, a dreamy look on her face.
“Thanks” Trevor replied, with a small smirk.
“You’re welcome” Montana said, in a breathy tone.
“Okay, down girl” Y/N giggled, as she nudged Montana.
“It’s cool. I’m used to fans” Trevor grinned.
“You better be careful on your way out...I’m not sure your head is going to fit through the door” Y/N retorted.
“Ah...but which head?” Trevor joked, as Y/N laughed.
“You got me there” She giggled.
“Cute...he’s mine, Y/N” Montana whispered, but was still loud enough for everyone to hear.
“Don’t worry, she’s not my type, baby” Trevor winked at Monatana.
“Rude!” Y/N exclaimed.
“Hey, you’re a good looking girl, kid. But your still...well, a kid” Trevor pointed out.
“Montana’s only four years older than me” Y/N scoffed.
“And you know what that means...four years more experience” Montana smirked at Trevor.
Later that night, Y/N was sitting on the floor, her back against the bed Xavier was lounging on, while they watched the beginning of the Olympics.
“I heard the male athletes outnumber the females five to one. That's some tough competition” Brooke teased Chet, who had a devestated look on his face.
“What the fuck would you know about it?” Chet retorted, in an angry tone.
“Woah!” Xavier exclaimed, as he pushed himself upright.
“Dude, shut up already. You’re being a dick” Ray told him, as Chet scrunched up the can he had been drinking from.
“Fuck You!” Chet yelled, as he threw the metal can at Ray, who held up his hand to protect himself.
“Chet, what the hell?” Xavier gaped.
“You need to calm down right now” Y/N told him, pushing herself up.
“Shit...” Ray trailed off, as he saw his hand was now bleeding.
“My bad...I...I didn’t mean to-” Chet began, approaching Ray with a concerned look on his face.
“Back off!” Ray shouted.
“I’m sorry, man” Chet sighed.
“Damn roid rage” Ray mummured, as Chet shook his head and stormed out of the room.
“Chet, wait up!” Y/N exclaimed, following close behind him.
“Y/N, just leave him. It’s not worth it” Xavier insisted, as Chet left the cabin.
“He’s our friend, X” Y/N retorted, as she rushed outside.
“Chet, it’s okay-” Y/N began, but he cut her off.
“No, it’s not! Ray’s right, look at me! I’ve ruined my life and for what? I have no career, no girlfriend, no future...” Chet trailed off, almost sounding like he was going to cry.
“Hey, it’s not all bad. At least you’ve still got your abs” Y/N suggested, as Chet chuckled.
“Yeah, they are pretty rad” Chet nodded.
“Just come back inside, okay? Apologise to Ray, and just...chill” Y/N told him.
“Yeah...thanks, Y/N” Chet smiled at her, as he pulled her into a hug.
“Uh, Chet? You’re kind of crushing me” Y/N giggled, ushering to his arms wrapped around her tightly.
“Oh, sorry” Chet laughed, as he pulled away slightly.
Just then the cabin door opened, revealing an annoyed looking Xavier, who frowned as he saw how close the pair were standing.
“Am I interrupting something?” Xavier questioned, gritting his teeth.
“No. Uh, is Ray still in there?” Chet asked.
“He’s gone get bandages” Xavier replied, with an angry tone.
“I’m gonna’ go after him” Chet announced, as Y/N nodded, watching as he went back inside the cabin.
“Seriously, Y/N? Chet?” Xavier accused, as he shut the cabin door so the others couldn’t hear their conversation.
“Nothing happened. Jesus, what is with you lately? One second your avoiding me and the next your breathing down my neck? Are you that pissed that I’m leaving?” Y/N retorted.
“Maybe...maybe I am. Your my best friend...I don’t want to lose you, okay?” Xavier sighed.
“Just because we’re not going to be living in the same state doesn’t mean we won’t still be best friends, X. I’ll be home all the time” Y/N explained.
“That’s not why I’m worried about losing you” Xavier admitted.
“What do you mean?” Y/N frowned.
“I care about you...a lot. More than I should-” Xavier began but was cut off by Y/N.
“Did you hear that?” Y/N gulped, as she looked out into the forest.
“Hear what?” Xavier inquired, following her gaze.
“I thought I heard...nevermind. Let’s go back inside” Y/N mumbled, as she opened the cabin door, with a frown.
Was Margaret’s story just getting to her or did she just hear keys jingling?
Let me know if you want to be added to the tag list and if you have any ideas for future parts!
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ren-deru-16 · 4 years
Episode 5
“Ari.” Langa called her out after her shift from her part-time was over. “Can you help me out?”
Behind him were Miya and Shadow. She knew where this is headed. “Okay.”
They spent the rest of the afternoon teaching Langa the Casper Slide that ADAM uses it. Since she’s a bad at explaining the techniques about skateboarding, she points out his errors in his form and corrects him.
“It’s dangerous to skate against ADAM.” She thought while watching Langa skate. “Not many can survive skating against him and still continue… I understand that Reki-kun’s worried for him but… if Langa-kun is still adamant in skating against ADAM, all I can do is help him win.”
*Day of the beef between ADAM and Langa*
As expected, the crowd was talking who will win in the beef tonight. And also, many would glare and give Arima the evil eye as they passed by.
“They still hate you for talking back to ADAM.” Miya told her.
“That won’t make me like that masked weirdo.” She replied.
“You still hate his guts, huh?” Joe said.
“After what happened? Probably not.”
Reki and Langa felt that there is something more to that.
“ADAM’s here!”
Compared to ADAM’s previous entrance, this time, he made an effort to roll down a red carpet to Langa’s direction with a bouquet of flowers at hand, plus a spotlight on him. The crowd cheered for his arrival.
Arima’s comment was, “How lame.”
ADAM merely chuckled. “You don’t like me at all, do you, DEVIL?”
“You must be blind for not noticing before.” She scoffed. “I could never bring myself to like you, ADAM.”
For the others, it was only Joe and Cherry who can look at the legend straight to the eye and talk back. Seeing a teenager diss him… that never happens.
It was as if she had a harbored grudge against him.
In a distance, sirens of police cars were heard and everyone scrambled to get away.
"Where’s Reki and DEVIL?!" Miya searched for them until he saw the two starting the motorbike's engine, with Arima driving.
Up ahead, the two saw the police car stop in front of Langa. Arima sped up and drifted in front of him
"Hop on!" Reki told him.
He wasted no time getting on board before Arima revved the engine and moved past the police.
“Hang on, you two!”
Arima took a shortcut under the subway and parked the motorbike hidden from the streets.
“Let’s hide here until they pass by.” She told the two.
Once the police car passed them, the three breathed a sigh of relief.
Langa fixed the bandage on Reki’s arm when it became loose while Arima stepped back to answer a call.
“Arima, are you all right? We heard that the police suddenly came over to the abandoned mines where you skate. Were you caught?” Her dad called worriedly.
“No. I’m fine, dad. Nothing worry. Tell mom that there’s nothing to worry about.”
She heard them sigh from the next line. “I see. Don’t hesitate to call us if something happens, okay? Fufufu. I thought I was speaking to a son for a second. Be careful, Arima.”
“I will. Thanks, dad.”
When he ended the call, it was right on time when the conversation between the two boys were over. Reki turned to look at her.
“Your parents?”
“Yeah. I told them I’m fine.”
“…Hey, Ari…” The teen started. “Do you know ADAM?”
Her face darkened. “No. Not really.”
“But earlier and even before that… the way you two talk as if… you know each other before. When Joe said something “after what happened”, I feel like there is something more to it that you never told me.”
Her mismatched eyes drifted to the two boys before she sat next to them, her attention to the sea in front.
“Before I met Reki, I had a beef with ADAM once.”
She continued. “It was him who approached me. Cherry told me that he has his eye on me previously and ADAM challenged me to a beef all of a sudden. I was aware that he’s founder of “S” but I didn’t care.”
“But…during the time he appeared after Langa’s beef with Miya…”
She faced them. “You remember what I told him, right?”
Langa nodded. “You asked him if he’s really ADAM.”
“It was out of spite. Ever since that time, I had the urge to spite him. I could never bring myself to like him or recognize him as a legend.” She said. “Also, his outfit is way too flashy for my liking and he’s too dramatic. I gotta cringe, seriously.”
Reki sweat dropped before asking. “What happened during the beef you had with him?”
“It was the same as what you two experienced.” She recalled the race she had and made a fist. “It was the first time I... I was shaken up in a beef but... That was only at first.”
“What do you mean?”
“The way he was toying with me, somehow, I was no longer afraid of him after a while. I felt as if I was being drawn in. I let myself get pulled in and before I knew it, I was even crazier than usual. I danced to his rhythm until I overwhelmed him. I was too much for his control. I defy him, I accept him. It was a conflicting dance. During that time, I was literally playing with fire. My board was on fire because of the friction but I didn't care."
“What about the Love Hug?” Reki asked.
Her eyes darkened. “He dodged me on the last minute.”
Arima bit her lip in frustration. “I don’t know why. I have no intentions of evading that Love Hug of his since avoiding it is what he’s expecting. I was prepared for it. I let myself get pulled in until he stopped and avoided me the last moment. ”
Her red and gold eyes widened in surprise when he avoided her. She didn’t expect that. Because ADAM expects his opponents to avoid him and not the other way around.
Due to the speed of going downhill, she barely managed to do a turn on a corner before she crashed and rolled on the stony ground, her board covered in small flames.
“DEVIL!” Cherry and Joe went to her and the pink haired ripped a piece of his sleeves.
“Shit, your head is bleeding.” Joe gritted his teeth as the other applied pressure on the wound “I’m taking you to the hospital afterwards.”
“I’ll do it. You have no delicacy, you gorilla.”
“Cherry..? Joe…?” She mumbled as she weakly tried to sit.
“Don’t move. You’re going to the hospital after this.”
“Damn. You crashed real hard this time, DEVIL.”
ADAM skated to her and looked down at the bleeding girl.
“I was mistaken. You are not my true EVE.” He said in a low voice. “You are a true devil.”
“I didn’t know what he meant by that but, it’s true that people call me DEVIL because of my eyes and personality when skating. When he called me a devil, I feel like there is something more to it.” She pushed back her peach colored hair. “In any case, I don’t like ADAM and I could never bring myself to like him. I knew he was an asshole and what he said to Miya pissed me off.”
The evening breeze gently passed by. “What I don’t understand is that, why he told me that he would never ever race with me after that. I kinda feel like he hates me as well and frankly, I might find it creepy if he likes me.”
She made a face like she’s about to barf.
“Anyway, that’s my history with ADAM.” She said. “After that race, I had a concussion and broke my right arm. I couldn’t skate for weeks and my parents thankfully didn’t tell me to quit after that injury. I was grateful I’m ambidextrous and I can still do things with my left hand.”
“…I didn’t expect that…” Reki was in shock. “I mean, you had a beef with a legend and it happened around when you were in middle school. Why didn’t I know this?”
“Because it wasn’t worth talking to.” She replied. “People assume I’m one of those people who would race against ADAM and be defeated like usual. But, they didn’t see or realize that ADAM was the one that avoided me. Only Cherry and Joe noticed it and when I asked them about it, they have no idea as well. And it was the first time he was the one to avoid too.”
“Could ADAM be possible be…afraid?” Langa said.
“I find that hard to believe.” She snorted. “I mean, I talk back to him and spite him but, I have to admit that it’s impossible for ADAM to be afraid of someone like me.”
“But if there’s a slightest chance he’s really afraid of me…what is it?”
“Langa, Reki’s right.” She faced the half breed with serious eyes. “Stay away from ADAM. Reki’s worried for you. You have to stay away from that guy. For the sake of you two.”
Kikuchi Tadashi was driving the car as his boss, Shindo Ainosuke aka “ADAM”, sat at the back after he retrieved him when police arrived at the race. ADAM leaned his head on his hand as he watched the view outside.
“The sensations are different than last time…no, they are slightly the same…” he thought “DEVIL could never be my EVE. She has the same vision as me when skating and she’s on toe with me. But, she’s overthrowing me. I cannot rein her. She goes to my rhythm, and overwhelms me. She destroys my rhythm like a devil.
I thought that she was my EVE when I saw her performance. The moment I started racing against her, I realized that it was my gravest mistake.
Her level of sanity is over the rails. I cannot control her. She let me do what I want but she instantly turns the table and overwhelm me. It was the first time I’ve seen a skater as insane as her.
When I was about to do the Love Hug, she was grinning like a crazed devil and it was as if… she was about to swallow me whole.
She was the first to give me a cold chill down my spine with her eyes.
My instincts made me avoid her. But it was in that moment I realized… she’s not my EVE… she’s the devil that could swallow me whole.”
“And my EVE is with the DEVIL.”
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dokidoki-tae · 5 years
Hotel Fun
I was talking to some moots ( @honeyvibin and @honeyduu ) on a GC and things got spicy when they brought up an amusing article. 
So here is some Prosciutto x Fem! Reader lewd content. 
You rubbed your temple in an attempt to avert a probable and fitting migraine as the airline flight attendant explained that due to your first flight being delayed meant you missed your second flight to your next destination. God, how you hated connecting flights. You’ve had your fair share of nightmarish airline stories, but one too many could cause anyone to lose their mind It didn’t help that the attendant seemed insincere when she apologized for what as clearly the airline’s fault.
But your reaction was nothing compared to the man standing several feet next to you, yelling and berating the unlucky attendant who looked like he was face-to-face with death. Turning your head slightly to glance at the scene, a man with immaculate and intricate styled blond hair and a well-pressed suit was barking insults at the worker, pointing an accusatory finger at his face as he looked down at his computer screen in fear and shame.
“I don’t give a shit about your apologies! Solve this problem immediately. It’s not my fault you imbeciles overbooked! Like hell, I’m going to miss my flight just because you’re incompetent.” He spat. It seems he was having his own issues. You’d be pretty pissed if you arrived to be told you couldn’t get on your flight.
Just to the side of him, several feet away, there was a group of men laughing and snickering at the blond man’s expense. The scene was attention-grabbing, taking your mind away from the woman speaking and assisting you, finding yourself agreeing to terms you didn’t 100 percent catch.
“Thank you for your understanding,” the attendant said with a monotone, typing rapidly and providing you with a solution to your problem, giving her an “uh-huh”. Both the argument next to you and your exhaustion left your mind hazy and commonsense nonexistent. Resting your arms on the counter, you lay your head in the middle as the attendant continued to type away and make a quick phone call. From what you could catch, it seems she was arranging a hotel room to stay in until you could get on a flight tomorrow afternoon but everything after was white noise. At this point, you weren’t going to fight it.
The yelling from before had subsided as well, only the occasional comment dripping with venom from the irate blond man. If he had calmed, it seemed like they had provided him an answer to his solution. [Good], you thought. If it went on any longer, he was going to be the cause of your migraine.
“Ma’am, I managed to book a hotel room with one of our partner companies. They have a room available for the night until you can get in your new flight tomorrow afternoon,” she explained, sounding more cheerful now than before, content that she’ll be able to move on to the next customer.
“However,” she began. You lifted your head, making eye contact with the worker.
“As I explained you will be sharing a room with another customer.” Your mouth opened but nothing came out, making it an awkward staredown between you and the worker.
“Wha? When did you say this?” You finally raised your voice, clearly surprised at what you thought was new information.
“I explained it to you several minutes ago, Ma’am,” she said curtly. “You were probably distracted by the gentleman yelling at my coworker.” She gave you a thin, mocking smile as she tilted her head slightly. There was a layer of amusement in her expression.
“You expect me to share a room with a stranger?” Your blood was beginning to boil. Maybe the blond man had the right idea in yelling at their negligence. Biting the inside of your cheek, you waited for her to give you another answer.
“There is nothing else I can do for you, ma’am. This is the only available room they have left,” she elaborated. “It’s a busy season, and they were sold out. This was a room they had on hold in case of an emergency such as this one.” She didn’t move, telling you that she couldn’t do much beyond this. You felt like screaming, but the feeling died in your lungs to be replaced with a sigh.
“Alright,” you accepted the last resort. This was not the ideal situation you wanted to find yourself in but there wasn’t much you could do. “Do you have information on the person I’ll be sharing the room with?” It was important to know to prepare yourself mentally, praying that the person wasn’t a weirdo or creep.
“Ah yes,” she chirped, “the man standing over there.” She pointed to the blond man, now standing alone with a collective rage clear on his face and talking (yelling?) on the phone with someone several feet away. His friends must have gotten on the plane, leaving him behind. You choked on your spit at the revelation and fear for yourself. You were supposed to share a room with this harsh and serious man? When you whipped your head back to the attendant, she flashed you a gleeful smile, clearly finding this amusing. You bit your bottom lip to prevent you from saying something regretful and composed yourself once again.
“Is this a joke?”
“We are a serious business, ma’am. I would never joke.” You furrowed your brow and buried your face in your palm, trying to fight the tears building.
[Just one night.]
“When can I get to my hotel room?” You sighed and accepting ____________________________________________________________
At least the airline was thoughtful enough to get you separate taxis to your hotel. You hadn’t spoken to the man while you waited, choosing to keep your distance. You’d have to spend an unnecessary amount of time together to begin with. To you, there was no reason to add more to it. Thinking back at his reaction to his flight issue, he must be a grating person in other ways too, and you were not looking forward to it to say the least.
When a worker announced that one of the taxis arrived early, he stood up without a word and claimed it for himself. Though you weren’t a woman who expected men to be chivalrous just because you were a woman, there were still moments men acted gentlemanly and courteously. This man was not like that and didn’t look your way once. You were taken aback because you at least expected him to say, “I’m taking this one” like a decent person would. But there was nothing. Like you were not worth his time.
Ten minutes later, the second taxi arrived, and the driver assisted you with your luggage. The ride there was peaceful, making light conversation with the driver who was sympathetic with your situation. At least someone had empathy about all of this.
Upon arriving, you walked cautiously around the property until you found the front desk and welcomed by the chipper receptionists.
“Good evening,” one greeted warmly, leading you to her to help you. “How are you? Do you have a reservation?”
You explained to her your situation and immediately understood what process came next, making the check-in process quick and efficient. While she worked on your reservation, she explained that there was no need to worry about paying for meals or incidentals as the airline was covering all expenses. The only thing she asked for is an ID to confirm your identity. So far, the time spent getting here was positive, having a good taxi driver and hotel receptionist to calm your nerves.
“Here is your room key,” she slid you a small envelope with a card inside. “Just slide it and you’ll be let in. The other guest has a key of his own.” Oh, right. You had to share. There was an obvious dissatisfied look on your face and the receptionist gave you a sympathetic look. “I should say, we do have 24-hour security,” she added in quickly probably to reassure you and your safety. “Now, here is where you will be located.” She pulled out a map and gave a clear and straightforward direction to get to your room.
There was the temptation to be polite and knock, but this was your room too! And he was rude earlier! You don’t owe him anything! With a grumble, you reasoned that it was a shared space and there was no problem just walking in.
[What is he’s changing?] The thought flashed into your head, a panic bubbled, but you already pushed the door open. When the door swung open, you had anticipated a cliché scene where you encounter a handsome man stripping off his shirt, but for you, it was a handsome man resting on the bed with hard grimace seemingly permanent on his face, remoting in hand, looking at you.
“Do you lack basic manners that you can’t knock?” He insulted.
Flabbergasted, your mouth hung open before you huffed and piece together a sentence. “This is my room too.” You said under your breath. You carried your things in and threw them on the floor as the man’s eyes continued to linger and survey you as you did your best to avoid his stare. Awkwardly, you pretended to rummage for something through your luggage, to look preoccupied and distracted so he wouldn’t talk to you, but you could still feel him staring. 
There was not much you could do, so with a groan you zipped up your bag and stood and looked around the room, using that to avoid further talks. Upon inspection, you realized there was one bag, speeding across the room and looking through the other doors, expecting for there to be another room with a sofa sleeper or a twin bed or something. One single king bed?
“It seems you’ve caught on,” he spoke. “You lack observation skills,” he insulted, earning him a glare from you which he accepted with a sneer.
“There has to be some mistake,” you claimed, and he laughed.
“There is no mistake.” He leaned back and turned his attention to the tv and continued. “It was explained at the airport by those imbeciles.” His demeanor was considerably calm compared to what you saw at the airline, now replaced with an air of smugness and arrogance; it made you grumble in annoyance frustration. He furrowed his brows at you.
“Don’t tell me you agreed and came all the way here not know all of that?” You felt your face start to heat up at his rhetorical question; he hit the nail on the head. “Incredible. . .” he sighed, choosing to ignore you once again in favor of the tv. ___________________________________________________________
The rest of your evening was lackluster and uneventful. In your time, you had managed to learn the man was named Prosciutto and that he was from Italy. He gave no last name or anything about why he was traveling. Out of politeness, you gave him your first name only too, but he seemed to stop listening after that. Based on his behavior, he was not a man who enjoyed social interaction. He gave short, curt answers when you made small talk, earning yourself eye-rolls and glares from him. It worked your nerves and patience. How could a man like this actually exist?
You tried to bring up possible hobbies and movies, but he shut you down. At some point, he asked, “Do you ever shut up?” And it kept you quiet the rest of the night, clearly hurt.
As the sunset and stars appeared, he stepped out of the bathroom dressed rather handsomely you regretted to admit, you couldn’t help but stare. A nicely pressed suit, dark that it made his pale skin gleam when contrasted against the darker jacket [Maybe it was body glitter?]. Underneath he wore a royal blue, silk dress shirt both of which were opened considerably to expose his chest, his yellow pendant only drawing your attention to his chest. His hair was an immaculate as ever, similarly as your indirect airport encounter. His eyelashes were clearly coated with mascara, and it was obvious he used a subtle gloss to make his lips pop.
[I hate him]
“W-where are you going?” Curiously got the better of you, asking him with a clearly flushed face.
“Dinner. If the airline is paying for everything, I’m going to milk it for what it’s worth,” he said shamelessly. He checked himself in the mirror and fixed his cuffs before heading out, never offering an invitation. With a grumble, you decided to order room service. You were going to milk this off schedule trip too!
You watched tv alone, finally loosening up and relaxing, laughing freely at the movie you found surfing the television channels and enjoying a hearty dinner and a mouth-watering slice of chocolate mousse cake for dessert. As the night progressed, dread start to set in when it dawned on you that you’d have to share a bed with this man. What made everything worse is that your body was clearly attracted to him. He had good looks despite a shit personality. You groaned when you found yourself daydreaming about this man spooning you in our sleep while watching the movie. Despite your secret desire, you hoped he kept to himself until you parted ways.
Prosciutto has still not returned by the time you tucked yourself into bed, making it midnight. Initially, you were worried but tucked it away by concluding that he’s either 1. Enjoying his night out or 2. Found someone to spend the night with leaving you with a bed all our own aka enjoying his night out in another way. __________________________________________________________
A hiss and hushed curses brought you out of your sleep, half-dazed and eyes heavy. In your blurred vision, you watched as Prosciutto stagger as he removed his jacket and dress shirt, his posture and movements indicating he was a tad inebriated. You thought nothing of it, too tired to be aroused by his half-naked body, choosing to close your eyes upon realizing it was 3 am, shifting to make yourself comfortable again. You ignored Prosciutto when he threw himself on the bed, making our body jump from the rebound. You were about to turn and tell him off until you heard harsh snores from him. This man was insufferable, but you decided to be mature and waited until sleep was heavy enough to let you ignore it. It was successful. __________________________________________________________
A low moan next to your ear had been your morning alarm. First, you blinked, several times, waiting for your eyes to adjust and vision to sharpen. But your eyes shoot open and you awaken instantly both from the noise, hot breath on your ear and a warm body pressed against your back. Sometime in the night, Prosciutto had managed to snake his arms around your body, pulling you to him and putting you in a spooning position where you were the little spoon.
In your attempt to wiggle free, you felt it. You felt something poking your ass, and you let out a choked gasp. He was hard and pressed it against you, feeling him jerk his hips slightly for some friction. You freeze, stiff as a board, entire body burning and sweating. You pressed your lips together, tight, in an attempt to keep your whimpers from escaping. You knew you had to wake him, but you dreaded how’d he reacted. What if he got mad and took it out on you? You were in a rational state, but millions of thoughts and screams worked to distract you. In your frantic state, you felt him grind his hips against you, breathing an airy moan into your ear and sending a jolt of pleasure to your groin, making it pulsate.
[Oh My GOD!]
Foolishly, you tried to wiggle free again, hoping you could escape without him noticing, but he pulls you into a tighter embrace and near impossible to break free. For several minutes, you laid there, waiting for him to let you go, debating whether to pretend to sleep so he thinks you weren’t aware of what happened. It became increasingly difficult to ignore, finding his hand enveloping your breast giving it several gentle squeezes.
[This motherfucker is awake, isn’t he?] You felt a vein pop in your forehead and a growl rumbled in your throat, but you gasp when Prosciutto jerked his hips against you again. This time it was different. Before he did it inconsistently, but now he was grinding his morning wood against you frantically. You panicked and called his name, now jerking in his arms to get away from him.
“H-Hey! Prosciutto! W-Wake up!”
But things had ended quickly. A guttural groan left his lips followed by with a sigh, his hot breath making your core ache, his thrusts settling. You lay still, feeling violated and embarrassed, waiting for him to let you go when you hear him hiss “shit” and push you away hard, landing on the floor with a thump.
“Y-you damn bitch!” He stammered out, and you jumped to your feet and pointed to him, trembling with anger with the intention of giving him a piece of your mind. His face was beet red, sweat dripping down his face, hair disheveled. The resisted the urge to laugh when you noticed the way he shifted uncomfortably and awkwardly to his feet. He clearly came in his pants. Instead of harsh words, only fits of nervous giggled escaped, observing him as he shook with embarrassment. “You did this on purpose!” He accused.
You recoiled, giggles dying. You gapped at him and wagged your finger at him. “Don’t you dare try to pin this on me! You’re the one who was holding on to me! I’m the victim here! You obviously got off on the whole thing! You-you pervert!” You defended. Embarrassment was clearly marked on your face too but seeing him humiliated too was worth it all. Damn, jerk!
He bit his bottom lip, bringing emphasis to an overbite you hadn’t noticed before. You could tell he was at a loss for words, maybe he realized he was actually at fault? Without another word to you, he waddled to his suitcase and grabbed his suitcase and dragged it to the bathroom to clean himself off. It was only 6am, but you knew you couldn’t go back to sleep. This was too awkward. Your flight was not for another 6 hours, so all you could do is wait and absorb what had just occurred in silence. You thought of making some coffee, but you were in stupefied and inappropriately aroused state, staring at the ceiling was your only viable action.
An hour later, Prosciutto had stepped out of the bathroom, looking clean and fresh, tempting you to make a quip. From the way the tip of his ears was red, you can tell he was still embarrassed. He couldn’t look at you at all as he grabbed his suitcase tidy and organize it. Part of you felt bad, but you pushed any kind of developing guilt to the back of your mind. It wasn’t your fault after all. With nothing else to do and silence being too unsettling, you decided to shower yourself. Searching through your bag, you took out your toiletries and comfortable but fashionable clothing to wear on the plane. On your way to the bathroom, Prosciutto cough and cleared his throat grabbing your attention.
“I-I’m going to grab some breakfast and coffee, would you like anything?” His tone was apologetic and strangely pleasant. Admittingly, your heart skipped at his thoughtful question, a light blush dusting your cheeks. Shamefully, the wetness between your legs became more apparent.
“A-A cup of coffee with some cream and sugar would be nice,” you uttered meekly, finding yourself shy. He acknowledged you with a hum. He was still organizing his suitcase by the time you entered the shower. 
As you let the hot water caress your body, you let your hands slip to more intimate areas, using your left hand to massage and glide over your nipples, pinching them slightly and the other rub circles on your clit. In a short time, you felt dirty and stopped, chiding yourself for being indecent. You should be showering. Reaching for you little toiletry bag, you noticed the conditioner wasn’t in there, it must have fallen into your suitcase. Being very picky about the kind of hair care products you use, you step out the shower, grab the towel and use it to lazily over your body.
Having spent a moderate amount of time in the shower, you deduced Prosciutto had gone to get breakfast. In that time, you could quickly go and grab the conditioner bottle. Carefully, you step to the door and peek out, in case Prosciutto was still there when your eyes nearly bulge out of your skull. 
Your mouth dropped and went dry as you watched Prosciutto work and stoke his cock using a pair of (your?) panties in the process. He was resting his back against the headboard, his legs wide open to give himself better access. Watching him, the way he gritted his teeth and how clenched his eyes shut; how his head was thrown back, showing off his bobbing Adam’s apple and letting out a breathy but narrowly silent moan, enough that it could be concealed by the running of the shower. His entire look, his cock pulled out while still wearing his outfit? It was hot. Your core ached, demanding attention.
instinctively, you step out more to get a better look, making the door squeak and drawing his attention. You lock eyes, noticing the lust glazed over his eyes. His stare as hard and unyielding, this time no embarrassment was evident. Taking a breath and building courage, you walked to him, pulling your towel to better cover you and stood next to him.
He looked up at you, waiting on you to say or do something.
“S-scoot over,” you stammered, and he did without a word, allowing you to sit, your legs hanging off the edge. You hesitated when you reach over to wrap your hand around his length, unsure if that was what he wanted.
“G-go ahead,” he breathed, giving you his consent. You swallowed the saliva building in your mouth when your hands wrapped around his cocking, feeling him twitch. You curiously smooth your thumb over a distinct vein, causing him to thrust in your hand. You rubbed your legs together and lick your lips before continuing. As you worked up and down his cock, his precum dripped down and coated your fingers acting as a lubricating and making his easier to stimulate his cock. Lust quickly began to consume you, bringing your hand to your groin and rubbing circles over the towel for some pressure.
Noticing, Prosciutto moved further into the bed and directed you to lay on top entirely. As you sat next to him, he pulled the towel off of you, leaving yourself bare and exposed. He grabbed you by your thigh and pushed your legs open giving him full access to your sopping cunt. 
Following your example and listening to his primal instinct, he used two fingers to glide over your folds, your essences already coating his fingers when he had yet to even enter you. You rewarded him with a whimper. 
Before he entered a finger, he gave a considerable amount of attention to your clit and the sensitive nerves surrounding it. Every now and then, he would teasingly graze a finger over your cunt, making you whine and stop your own actions. Your breathing grew heavy as he rubbed and pressed on your sensitive bud when you embarrassingly squealed the more, he traced circles on you.
You felt like you were going to short circuit, using your mouth to cover each and every cry that wanted to escape. For the first time, Prosciutto called your name, so you turned and brought you into a sloppy, messy kiss while you simultaneously fucked each other with your fingers. 
Immediately, he pushed two fingers in, feeling your walls throb around him, pulling in and out of you and using his palm to put pressure against your sensitive bud. It was over for you when he curled his two fingers while knuckles deep, sending a jolt of pleasure throughout your body, coating his hand with your juices. You clung to him and trembled, impulsively clasping your legs shut while your road out your orgasm.
When you finally regulated your breathing, pulling back to look up at him. He looked into your eyes, relaxed and soft; he was much more handsome then he is with that scowl. His lips ghosted over yours whispering words of praise and pressing foreheads together.
“You looked so good, bella,” he whispered. “I want to know what other expressions and noises you can make.” He closed the distance and kissed you again, nibbling on your lip. In the moment, you went back to work him into his own orgasm, craving and needing to see him shoot strings of his cum onto your hand and hopefully his chest. You didn’t want to be the only one.
Pulling away from his kiss, you concentrated on your own hand movement, observing how the head of his cock turned redder by the second. He laughed at your concentrated look before hissing.
“Just a bit more, bella.” He jerked his upward, adding his own friction. With guidance, he wrapped his hand over yours, enveloping it. Your efforts were rewarded, your eyes remained transfixed as long white ribbons painted your hand and his exposed stomach and unfortunately his clothing.
You questioned whether you should, but you cuddled intimately against his body, hoping he wouldn’t push you away considering what had just occurred. Your stomach was doing flipflops registered you both have just done with complete strangers. Your heart beat faster and felt your backache from panic. You knew you shouldn’t be concerned with the opinion’s others held, but you dreaded the thought of Prosciutto thinking less of you.
After composing himself, he must have noted your panic and wrapped his arms around you and pulled you closer, kissing your forehead and calming you down.
“Bella, you did well,” he smirked at you, his overconfidence surfacing once more but quickly gave you a softer smile. There was silence between you, making your body tense, but he helped you relax. “I didn’t expect things to turn out like this.” He kissed your forehead again and then pecked your lips.
“I-It was fun.” You blushed and giggled. All the stress from the previous day seemed to vanish slowly.
“Admittedly, yesterday I was pissed because of the whole flight issue,” he confessed, rubbing soothing circles on your hip. He went on to tell you that he was on a business trip here and needed to get back home soon. He went on to apologize for being rude to you upon arrival, explaining he needed time to himself to calm himself.
He didn’t go into much detail, but the butterflies in your stomach only got worse. He was a much different man now than before. So much more appealing and charming. Calmer and …. domesticated? You couldn’t help but think of that one song with the lyrics “Pussy put his ass to sleep, now he calling me NyQuil” as he talked. You hide your laughs with coughs, Prosciutto rubbing your back soothingly until you were okay.
While you talked and shared, something caught your eye and watched as Prosciutto started to get hard again. Shamelessly, you licked your lips, staring as he pumped himself once more, giving you a show. He leaned and nipped at your ear and whispered in his sultry voice, “We still have several hours until our flight, amore. Perhaps we can use this time to relax and destress before our long flights?”
Smiling cheekily, you rub your legs together, feeling yourself quiver for something more filling then Prosciutto’s fingers, and nodding eagerly. Prosciutto chuckled, moving off to pull out a box of condoms, working off his clothes, leaving you both bare. You laid on your back as he caged you with his strong arms, making you feel weak and turned on.
“Bella, I can’t wait to see how pretty your face is when I fuck the brains out of you,” he growled, kissing your lips before getting started. It’s definitely going to be a well-needed treatment after all you went through yesterday.
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melikeylikeyjimin · 5 years
Noir|| Seven
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(I don’t own this gif)
Word Count: 1.6k
Genre: Mafia AU! Sugar Daddy AU! Jungkook X Reader, fluff, angst.
Warnings: none
A/N: Here is the seventh chapter of Noir! I know it’s quite boring right now of a story, but that’s why I try to update more often so we can get to the good parts! Enjoy it nonetheless! I promise that we will be seeing Jungkook FINALLY at the end o the next chapter and from then on :)! If you’d like to be tagged whenever I post a new chapter of Noir, please DM me, leave a comment on this post, or send an ask and I’ll add you to the list!
Tag List: @yeontanie21 @moniebuns @writemywaytoyourheart @flamingorosette @trueelee-dj @melonkooky @kawaiimusiccollection
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The bell rings and I stand up quickly. I rush out of the classroom without even thinking of putting my stuff in my backpack. I knew he was there. Since that day, he has not left me alone. I constantly felt like I was being watched and followed.
Navigating my way through the crowds, I can only hope to lose him within all the people. Getting out of the crowd, I don’t bother to even look back. The quicker I was the less I had to worry. I quickly pulled out my phone to check the time. Dylan’s class should get out in five minutes. I make my way across the campus trying to get to the correct building. I swing open the doors and get a few odd looks, but I could care less at this point. I see Dylan’s classroom in sight and I breathe out a sigh of relief. ‘I’m safe.’ I tell myself.
I wait outside Dylan’s classroom and when I hear shuffling behind the door, I know I'm in the clear. The door bursts open and students file out with groans and talking about the lesson. I see Dylan walk out and immediately leech onto him. He looks down surprised at me, “Y/n?”
“Hey.” I smile.
“What are you doing here?”
“I figured since our classes ended around the same time today, we could hang out today.”
He stared at me a bit longer but then smiled, “Alright, what do you wanna do?”
“We can go to either your house or mine and have our beloved movie nights?”
“You know me too well.” I lowkey wanted it to be at his house since it made me feel safer, but I knew he would want to go to mine. He still lived with his parents and I think he felt embarrassed about that.
“Let’s go to your house?” He said pulling me out of my thoughts.
“Okay,” I agreed.  He grinned and took my hand and we walked off the campus towards my apartment. I gave a sneaky glance over my shoulder but I didn’t see anything. I returned my gaze in front of me and I continued to make small talk with Dylan all the way back to my apartment.
I unlock the door and Dylan closes it behind us. He runs for the couch and dives onto it making me laugh. “You’re a weirdo.”
“No, I’m not! There’s nothing better than laying down after a tiring day.”
“You had one class today.”
“That doesn’t mean anything if I put lots of work in!” I rolled my eyes and sat down next to him.
“What movie do you wanna watch?”
“You know I don’t really care what we watch.”
“That’s because you fall asleep all the time.”
“I do not!”
“Okay, I may fall asleep sometimes but not every time!” I roll my eyes.
“Don’t roll your eyes at me!” I smile brightly and roll my eyes one more time.
“You asked for it!” His hands attacked my sides, tickling me.
“Dylan!” I screamed. I was a laughing mess as he continued to tickle me. I tried to fight his hands off of my sides as I tried to breathe.
“Are you going to keep rolling your eyes at me?”
“No! No!” I quickly answered.
“Hmm, I don’t believe you.” He continued to tickle me until I was begging him to stop. I was out of breath as I realized the position we were in. I was laying on the couch with Dylan on top of me, holding my hands down. I swallowed thickly thinking about it.
Dylan stopped talking and both of us were staring at each other. His head moved closer to mine but before our lips could touch my phone blared off. He quickly pulled away and I cleared my throat before answering the phone. 
“No, I’m not busy.”
“Dylan is with me.”
“We were going to have a movie night.”
“See you in a bit.”
“Yes, I love you.”
I hung up and looked over at Dylan who looked like he was in a daze, “Nicci is coming over. She finished her classes and wants in on the movie night.”
We both didn’t say much after that. I got up from the couch and decided to prepare snacks for all of us. It was awkward and the air was tense. I needed the distraction.
Eventually, Nicci arrived her usual boisterous self. “Why are you guys so quiet?”
“Nothing, we were just waiting for you.” She hummed at my response. She sat in the middle of the couch and propped her feet up. I turned on the movie and the room fell silent. Only Nicci was making conversation, while Dylan and I would answer at different intervals.
I didn’t pay much attention to the movie though. My thoughts were on what had just happened between Dylan and I. That had never happened between us before and I wasn’t sure how to feel. He moved to kiss me right? Did that mean he saw me like that or was it just the heat of the moment?
My mind was confused. I decided I didn’t want to focus on it too long as it would only make me more confused. I focused back on the movie and watched it, making small talk with Nicci, letting the previous thoughts of mine fade into the background.
Everyday repeated with me practically rushing around the campus trying to stay away from the one stalker dude. I really didn’t know what he wanted from me, and it was beginning to bother me. Sometimes I couldn’t focus at work or even sleep at night. The feeling of being monitored at every turn was affecting my mentality. It was tiring. “Y/n.”
My head shot up at Jennie’s voice calling me. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, sorry. I’m just a little tired.”
“Okay, make sure you stay healthy, alright?” I smiled and nodded my head as I continued to clean the table in front of me. I sighed and pushed my hair back. I needed to keep it together for a little while more. I would close with Jennie and then I could go home and sleep. I gave myself a little bit of encouragement and went back to work.
When I finally flipped over the closed sign, I knew I could taste my bed. Closing never took long with Jennie. When we both worked we could be done in thirty minutes. We both cleaned down the tables and the floors. With the counters and kitchen being the last thing, we were able to finally finish.
“Good work today, Y/n.”
“Thanks, Jen. Sorry for being distracted earlier.”
“Don’t worry about it, we all have our days!” I smiled.
“I’m going to get going now.”
“Have a safe trip!” I thanked her and pushed open the front door. I was welcomed by a slight breeze and I shivered a little. I walked towards my apartment. I took in a deep breath to relax. I looked around at my surroundings and for once I didn’t feel like I was being watched. I smiled at the thought of for once feeling like I had privacy. I rounded the corner and I could see my apartment in sight which made me feel even better.
I walked up the steps and I went to unlock the door. I opened it and almost screamed at the sight in front of me. My apartment was a mess. Things were thrown about and I looked over and saw the balcony door slightly ajar. I felt tears prick my eyes as I first called the authorities. Was this that stalker’s doing? It had to be, right?
After I spoke on the phone with the authorities I called Dylan despite being a mess. He was beyond upset and was trying to comfort me on the phone while he drove over.
Once the police got here I talked with them and told them about me also having a stalker. Sadly, there was nothing they could do about it though as he had never physically harmed me or anything. I was pissed that they couldn’t help me but I let it go.
I saw Dylan get out of his car and I threw myself into his arms. He held me close while I cried. “Are you going to tell me what happened?” I finally told him about everything that had happened. He listened carefully, but I could tell by the way his jaw was clenched, he was not happy about how long I had kept it from him.
“I’ll handle it, okay?”
“Okay,” I whispered.
“That’ll be all for today, make sure that you finish your presentations and submit them to me by next week, have a good day.” I sighed as I stood up. I was finally free from the stress. After telling Dylan the truth, he had sit in every single one of my classes with me and constantly stared at the guy with a threatening glare. I thought it was silly, but eventually, the threat left and the guy never showed up again.
“I told you, I would handle it.”
I nodded, “And you did.”
“Which is why you should have a little more trust in me. We’re friends and it’s more than okay to ask for help.”
I pursed my lips at the idea but I knew I agreed with him. “Fine, you’re right.”
“I know I’m right.” I glared at him as he continued to laugh and continue to boast about how he was right and I should have asked for help in the first place. I smiled, I really could depend on him.
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fanwarriorfictions · 5 years
A Stranger Things Fanfic
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Chapter One- Part Two
   Phina tapped her foot anxiously throughout the last class of her day. Her classmates glared at her but didn't say anything.
"And that's how..... Phina are you all right," the teacher stopped by her desk as he asked.
"Nope," she replied popping the p in the word.
The teacher frowned at her but continued on with the class. Everyone turned their eyes back to the front of the class, except Steve Harrington. Steve stared at her, and she felt his gaze on her.
The two had the unfortunate luck of sitting next to each other in the three classes they shared, every, single, one. Phina didn't know if fate was against them, or if the teachers just wanted them to suffer. Being that close to him was enough to make her angry, and for him to be staring at her, added to the fire.
"I'd suggest you turn that pretty head of yours forward Harrington," she snapped quietly.
He did exactly that, but continued to keep glancing at her through the corner of his eye.
Each time his eyes would land on her, she wanted to snap at him, but restrained herself, tapping her foot even more each time. He opened his mouth like he was going to say something, and Phina prepared to sarcastically reply.
The bell wrung and Phina stood as fast as lightening, knocking her chair over in the process. Saved by the bell, Phina thought to herself. Steve shook his head and slowly packed his things up, watching her from the corner of her eye.
Phina glared sharply at him and grabbed her things, rushing out of the room, not caring that she ran into to people on the way out. Getting away from Harrington as fast as possible was worth the bitchy comments she got.
All day, she'd felt this terrible coldness in her stomach, the utter wrongness of it scared her, and mixing Steve Harrington with that, how she made it through the day was a miracle.
She hurried to her locker, shoving away the things she didn't need and grabbing what she did. She needed to get out of the school, it was suffocating her.
"What's got your panties in a twist," she heard Tommy's voice from behind her.
She slammed her locker shut, louder than what was probably necessary, and turned to walk away. Phina was not up for his bullshit today.
"Nuh-uh, answer me weirdo," Tommy said as he grabbed her shoulder and turned her around.
"The thought of having to see your ugly face for one more second is making me a little queasy," she snapped.
"Ouch, that hurt," Tommy poured playfully.
"Good," Phina bit out, spinning on her heel, "hopefully I'll deflate your big head a little."
Carol stood behind her, blocking Phina's path. A small crowd formed around them, almost as if they sensed the fight brewing. It's wouldn't be the first time Phina had fought one of them, just never when the other was near.
"Where do you think your going," Carol smirked.
Phina glared at her, "home."
"What home. The Wheeler's? Ha! That ain't your home. Your home is probably in some hole out in the forest, just like the one they found you in," Carol laughed.
A low growl escaped Phina's throat. That had always been Carol's go to insult, and no matter how many times Phina heard it, it still stung.
"Hey hey hey, leave her alone alright?"
Phina turned to look at who said it, Steve.
"I don't need you to defend me Harrington," she spat.
"Don't flatter yourself Wheeler, I'm trying to keep my friends out of trouble," he shot back.
She rolled her eyes and turned back to Carol. Carol smiled sourly at Phina, and Phina smiled back, like a vicious snake, before walking forward, her shoulder roughly hitting Carol's.
Phina sat at the dinner table of her house, the rest of her family too. She stared blankly into her plate, upset about Will, he was officially missing. When her mom had told her when she got home, all she wanted to do was cry. The feeling she had all day, even the night before, it was about Will.
Mike, who sits to Phina's left, starts talking, "We should be out there right now. We should be helping look for him."
Karen looks at him, "we've been over this, the Chief said..."
"I don't care what the Chief said" Mike snaps.
"Michael," Karen says, aghast.
"He's right you know. Will could be in danger right now," Phina jumps in, aiding her brother.
"All the more reason to stay put," Karen states.
Mike starts to argue, "mom..."
"We could join the search party," Phina adds in.
"End of discussion," she snaps.
Everyone goes silent, Phina grabs Mike's hand under the table to comfort him. He smiles sadly at her.
Nancy then looks at her mom, "so. Me and Barb we're gonna study for the chemistry test at her house tonight. That's cool, right?"
"No. Not cool," Karen answers.
"What? Why not," Nancy whines.
"What do you think? Am I speaking Chinese in this house? Until we know Will is safe, no one leaves."
She doesn't leave any room for argument. Karen lookes over at Phina pointedly, daring her to ask to leave tonight like her siblings. Phina held up her hands in surrender, she didn't want to go anywhere, the only place she would want to go to would be the Byers' house, and she knew they needed time to be together.
"So we're under house arrest," Nancy asks.
"Don't be dramatic Nancy," Karen sighs.
Phina can practically see the anger radiating off of her younger sister, and she had no idea how to diffuse the situation, before it got bad.
"This is such bullshit," Nancy yells.
Ted finally speaks up, "language!"
"Barb lives two minutes away. Just because Mike's friend got lost on his way home," Phina cuts Nancy off.
"Don't you dare blame this on Will."
"Nancy take that back," Karen snaps.
Nancy looks at her angered, "no!"
Phina glares at her about to snap, but Mike beats her to it, "you're just pissed because you want to hang out with Steve!"
"Steve?" Ted asks.
"Who's Steve?" Karen asks.
"Her new boyfriend," Mike says smugly.
"You're such a douchebag Mike!" Nancy yells.
"Language," Ted yells.
Phina rubs her temples, an ache had started forming in her head.
Nancy stands up and storms up to her room.
"Nancy! Come back! Nancy!"
"Leave her alone," Phina says calmly, "she'snot thinking rationally, try to talk to her now and you'll both say things you don't mean."
Karen looks at her daughter and sighs deeply, nodding, she knew Phina was right. Holly starts to get a little upset so Karen starts to sush her, trying to ease her daughter's, and her own stress.
"See Michael, this is what happens," Ted says disappointedly at Mike, like he was entirely at fault here.
"What happens when what! We're the only one acting normal here," Mike yells and gestures towards Phina, "Phina and I are the only ones who care about Will!"
"That's not fair, Micheal. We care," Ted says after taking a bite of his chicken, almost sarcastic in his reply.
Phina glares at Ted, with the glare that could make anyone uncomfortable, and it certainly worked on him, "that's bull and you know it."
Phina stands up and pulling Mike along with her, they storm off together. Phina glances at Mike as soon as they leave the dining room, and she can practically see a plan forming in his head. She stops them at the bottom of the stairs, turning to place her hands on his shoulders.
"Mike, whatever your planning, please be safe. I'll cover for you only until midnight," she tells him, "ok?"
"Ok," Mike nods and hugs Phina around her waist.
Phina goes up to her room and she grabs her sketchbook from her bag. The whole night, and day, had made her stressed beyond belief. Drawing was one of the few things that calmed her down.
Phina grabs a blanket and a sweater, before climbing out of her window and onto the roof of the lower part of her house. She did this regularly, sitting outside for hours on end, drawing, reading, or just staring at the stars. She set up the blanket and went back inside to grab a few pillows from her bed. When she came back out of the window, she heard a noise coming from her sisters window.
"What are you doing? I told you I had to stay in tonight," she hears Nancy say.
"I know, so we'll study here," Steve answers.
Phina almost groaned out loud at that, knowing what his studying meant. She was sick of Steve Harrington being around her sister, especially today. For some reason, Steve and Nancy's relationship bothered her deeply, and she wanted to say it was because she hated him and his group of friends viciously, but even with how good she was at lying, she couldn't lie to herself.
Phina crawled out of her window as soon as she heard Nancy's window close, setting up her pillows and sitting down. She pulled her sketchbook into her lap and opened it to a new page. Phina didn't know what she wanted to draw, but as soon as her pencil touched the page, her hand took over and her mind let it.
She let her mind go blank, not quite focused on anything around her. Minutes, maybe even hours passed by, before her drawing was finished, and her hand was cramping. When she came back too, and looked down at her page, she almost shrieked.
A gruesome monster was on the page, standing over a small figure, that almost looked like Will. The monster was almost human like, but it's tall, lanky, figure was definitely not. The most horrific part of it, was the grotesque face, which was opened up in the shape of a strange flower, but it definitely wasn't pretty. It had more teeth than she could count, long and sharp, lining it's entire mouth.
An electric feeling danced across Phina's skin, the sign of a storm. That feeling, added to the monster she drew, had her looking all around her, like she might be attacked.
Phina felt a few rain drops hit her head, and she scrambled to hide her sketchbook. She bundles everything up into a large blanket, rushing to keep everything dry. She throws her bundle throw the window and practically dived through her window, with much more success than she had heard Steve do earlier.
Almost as soon as she closes her window behind her, the rain starts pouring down. Phina grabs her sketchbook from underneath her shirt, where she had hid it, and opens the book to the monster drawing, sitting down on her bed.
There was now way she was going to get any sleep tonight. She knew that everyone she closed her eyes, she'd see that thing, and there would be no saving her from the nightmares she would have. Phina let her body fall backwards onto her bed, staring at the ceiling for a solid ten minutes.
She sighs, shuts her book, and prepared for the night ahead with a quiet, "fuck me."
-1887 words-
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Red Sky At Morning- Part 1
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 2,261
Warnings: Typical Supernatural violence, language, angst, blood, you know the usual
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Supernatural. All credit goes to their respective owners. Any and all comments on these are appreciated. I really want to hear what you guys think about this one!
Feedback is the glue that holds my writing together.
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It’s only been a day but you couldn’t find it in yourself to tell Dean you were a kiss away from making a deal with him. If Sam hadn’t shown up or even shown up a few seconds later, your soul would have been sold and Dean would have gotten off scot free. You were hoping to make a deal with her because then you could deal with the after-effects later. Dean would have been pissed but it would have already happened.
You hated keeping secrets from Dean and it was killing you to keep quiet. If Dean didn’t know about this, then you wouldn’t get yelled at and everything can be as normal as things can get. However, Dean wasn’t stupid and you knew he would eventually figure it out.
You three were on your way to a woman’s house whose niece was found dead inside her shower. It seemed a little odd because the woman who died claimed to have seen a ghost ship before she passed and told her aunt about it who told police and press about it. You were almost there but you couldn’t take the tension inside the car. You were about to say something when Dean spoke up.
“So, I’ve been waiting since Maple Springs. You got something you both want to tell me?” You and Sam both looked at each other and it was like you had one of those silent conversations that you only saw Sam and Dean do.
“It’s not your birthday,” Sam spoke up before you could open your mouth. You bit your lip and looked at Dean who rolled his eyes.
“Dude, I don't know. I have no idea what you're talking about—” Sam tried to cover but Dean cut him off.
“There are two bullets missing from the Colt. You want to tell me how that happened? I know it wasn’t me. So, unless you were shooting at some incredibly evil cans...”
“Dean…” Sam sighed.
“You went after her, didn’t you? The Crossroads Demon. After I told you not to.”
“Yeah, well…”
“You could have gotten yourself killed!” Dean yelled at his brother.
“Hey, don’t get mad at him. I did it too.” You said so that Sam didn’t have to take all the heat.
“Excuse me? You went after her too? What, why wasn’t I invited to the party?” Dean asked sarcastically.
“Dean, seriously, it’s fine. Sam and I are fine. It’s not like one of us tried to sell our soul for you.” You laughed nervously but you winced when you knew you revealed too much.
“What did you just say?” Dean asked, glaring at you through the rearview mirror.
“Dean, don’t—” Sam tried to cover for you.
“Sammy, shut up. Y/N?”
“Look, she said my soul is much more valuable than yours. I don’ know what the hell that means but if it gets you out of your deal, I would have done it.”
“Fuck! Y/N, why would you do that? You could have gotten killed! You do not put my life in front of yours. That is not how this works.”
“That is how a relationship works, Dean. I think your life is much more valuable than mine. I love you and I would do anything for you. You have to know this.” You argued. Dean clenched his jaw and he shook his head, looking out his window before looking at you again. He shook his head once more and looked at Sam.
“So, you killed her. I’m assuming you got the job done the second time. Well? Am I out of my deal?” Dean asked, ignoring you for right now.
“Don’t you think I would have mentioned that little detail earlier? No, she doesn’t hold the contract. Someone else does.”
“She wouldn’t tell me.”
“Well, we should find out who. Of course, our best lead would be the Crossroads Demon. Oh, wait a minute...”
“That’s not funny,” you spoke up.
“No, it’s not! It was a stupid fucking risk and you shouldn’t have done it!” Dean scolded you and Sam like you were kids. “Who knows what could have happened to you if you didn’t kill her in time?”
“That's not the point, Dean. She’s dead and it’s too late to bring her back now.” You said, slumping in your seat.
“Besides, you’re my brother and her boyfriend, Dean. You’re our family. No matter what you do or what you say, we’re going to try and save you. And we’re sure as hell not going to apologize for it.” Sam said, ending this conversation.
Nothing else was said for the rest of the car ride.
The woman you were interviewing was named Gertrude Case, Gert for short. By the looks of it, she was a very wealthy woman and looked to be about 70 years old. From the very beginning, when you, Sam and Dean showed up, she took a liking to Sam and has been flirting with him ever since. You three were impersonating officers of the law to get her talking. But it seems as if people were here before you.
“But I don't understand. I already went over all this with the other detectives.” Gert said, looking at Sam.
“Right, yes, but we’re with the Sheriff’s Department, not the police department. It’s very different.” Dean explained, hoping she would just drop it.
“So, Mrs. Case…” Sam began.
“Please,” Gert said with a wave of her hand. She smiled seductively at Sam. “Ms. Case.”
Okay. Um, Ms. Case, um...” Sam gulped and you grinned, watching this little exchange. “You were the one who found your niece, correct?”
“I came home and she was in the shower.”
“Drowned?” Sam asked.
“That's what the coroner says. Now, you tell me, how can someone drown in the shower?” Ms. Case put her hand on Sam’s arm and he stiffened but didn’t make a move to get her off.
“How would you describe Sheila's behavior in the days before her death? I mean, did she seem frightened? Maybe she said something out of the ordinary, or...?” Sam asked, looking down at her.
“Wait a minute,” Gert said, taking her hand off Sam. “You’re working with Alex, aren’t you?”
“Yes, absolutely. Alex and us, we’re like this,” Dean stated, crossing his fingers together to show the bond between this person named Alex and the three of you.
“Why didn't you say so? Alex has been such a comfort. But I’m sorry. I thought the case was solved.”
“Uh, well, no. Not yet, anyway.” You said, making her smile at you.
“I see.”
“So, anyway, we were talking about your niece,” Sam said, getting her back on track.
“Well, yes. Sheila mentioned something quite strange before she died. She said she saw a boat.”
“A boat?” Dean asked, playing along, even though you already knew this.
“Yes. One minute it was there, then it was gone. It just disappeared right before her eyes. You think it could be a... ghost ship? Alex thinks it could be a ghost ship.” Gert explained, keeping her eyes on Sam the whole time, even though it was Dean who was talking.
“Well, um… could be.” Sam said, gulping under her stare.
“Well. You let me know if there's anything else I can do for you.” Gert traced a finger slowly along Sam’s hand and you could clearly tell he was uncomfortable about all of this. You giggled slightly and that made Sam glare at you while Dean just smirked at his brother. “Anything at all.”
“Well, we should get going. We do have a case to solve.” You said and Sam was glad he had an excuse to get away from her. She smiled and waved to Sam as you three left.
“I think it’s best if we go down to the docks and ask about this so-called ghost ship.” You suggested and thankfully, they all agreed.
“What a crazy old broad,” Dean said while you and Sam walked with him from the docks. You looked around to see very high-end scale boats, not too big but not small either. These people have money, that’s for sure. You three had just gotten done talking to the crew down there while Sam did some extra digging around.
“Why? Because she believes in ghosts?”
“Look at you,” Dean laughed. “Sticking up for your girlfriend. You cougar hound.”
“Bite me,” Sam said, unimpressed.
“Aw, don’t be like that, Sam. She really liked you. You know, you could get out of the house and into some woman’s arms. She could be the one for you.” You grinned, teasing him.
“I’m serious,” Sam said.
“So, who's this Alex? We got another player in town?” Dean asked, changing the subject.
“Maybe, maybe not. Doesn’t change our job.” Sam stated.
“And what looked like a ghost ship, right?” You asked.
“Yeah, it’s not the first sighting either.”
“Really?” Dean asked, surprised.
“Yeah, every 37 years, like clockwork, reports of vanishing three-mast clipper ship is out in the bay. And every 37 years, a rash of weirdo, dry-land drownings.” Sam informed you and Dean.
“So, whatever's happening is just getting started,” Dean observed.
“What the lore on this kind of thing?” You asked Sam since he would know all about this before you and Dean do.
“Well, there are apparitions of old wrecks sighted all over the world. The S.S. Violet, the Griffin, the Flying Dutchman—almost all of them are death omens.”
“So, what happens? You see the ship and then a few hours later, you pucker up and kiss your ass goodbye?” Dean said.
“Sounds like it to me.” You said, getting closer to where Dean parked the car.
“What’s the next step?” Dean asked.
“I gotta I.D. the boat.”
“That shouldn’t be too hard. I mean, how many three-mast clipper ships have wrecked off the coast?” Dean asked, scoffing a bit at the end.
“I checked that too, actually. Over one hundred and fifty.”
“Fuck, that’s a lot.” You said, sighing.
“Shit,” Dean muttered. You walked to the place where you thought Dean parked the car but Baby wasn’t there. You frowned, looking around to check if this was the place the car was left.
“This is where we parked the car, right?” Dean asked. You looked at him and you could see the beginnings of a rage coming along.
“I thought so,” Sam said, looking at you before going back to Dean.
“Where's my car?” Dean asked you two, his face getting red.
“Did you feed the meter?” Sam asked.
“Yes, I fed the meter. Sam, Y/N, where is my car. Somebody stole my CAR!” Dean went into a full panic now. He started to breathe faster like you did when you had a panic attack.
“Hey, Dean, listen, calm down, okay?” You said, going over to him. He was full on hyperventilating now.
“I am calmed down! Somebody stole my ca—”
“The ’67 Impala? Is that yours?” At the sound of her voice, all three of your heads turned to the one woman that you didn’t like.
“Bela,” Sam said, tight-lipped.
“I'm sorry. I had that car towed.” She said with a smirk.
“You what?!” Dean yelled at her.
“Well, it was in a tow-away zone.”
“No, it wasn’t!” Dean glared at her.
“It was when I finished with it,” Bela smirked even more. You glared at her and as about to pounce on her for shooting you in the arm but Sam and Dean held you back, even though Dean wanted to hurt her for what she did.
“What the hell are you even doing here?” Dean asked when he got his breathing back to normal.
“A little yachting,” Bela said flippantly.
“You're Alex. You're working with that old lady,” Sam said, putting two and two together.
“Gert’s a dear old friend.”
“Yeah, right. What’s your angle?” Dean asked.
“There's no angle. There's a lot of lovely old women like Gert up and down the eastern seaboard. I sell them charms and perform séances so they can commune with their dead cats.”
“And let me guess, it's all a con, none of it's real.” Dean rolled his eyes.
“The comfort I provide them is very real,” Bela smirked.
“Fuck you,” You spat, glaring at her.
“How do you sleep at night?” Sam asked at the same time you spoke.
“On silk sheets, rolling naked in money. Really, Sam. I'd expect the attitude from Dean and Y/N, but you?”
“You shot her!” Sam defended you.
“I barely grazed her.”
“Why don’t I barely graze you?” You said, reaching for your gun from behind but Dean and Sam stopped you from actually taking it out.
“Cute. But a bit of a drama queen, yeah?” Bela asked Dean with a sweet smile.
“You do know what's going on around here. This ghost-ship thing, it is real.”
“I'm aware. Thanks for telling Gert the case wasn't solved, by the way.”
“Aw, did that put you in a bit of a pickle? Too bad.” You sneered but Bela sighed.
“She didn't need to know that. Now the old bag's stopped payment and she's demanding some real answers. Look... just stay out of my way before you cause any more trouble. I'd get to that car if I were you... before they find the arsenal in the trunk. Ciao.” Bela smirked and she walked away with you glaring at her.
“Can I shoot her?” You and Dean both said at the same time.
“Not in public,” Sam answered.
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op-law · 3 years
One Piece x Reader {Join My Club} Ch 17
(Y/n)'s Pov
"Law are you going to tell me what's going on? The police wouldn't be at my house unless something really bad was in that box" He had been ignoring me for a couple of minutes now but looked back before his pace slowed. I knew he was just trying to protect me from whatever was in that box though I just couldn't leave it alone. "No comment (Y/n)-ya" Law was an odd one but since I thought of him as my friend, I chose to tease him a little. "Wasn't that a comment?"
"No, it was a reply" It was a good thing I liked Law since if it had been anyone else, I wouldn't have moved on from this so easily. "Fine, I'll leave the topic alone for now. Clearly, you won't tell me a thing anyways... Where are we going Law?" From the moment we left the house his hand was pulling mine but I really didn't think the male was going to one set location. "You're a good person (Y/n)-ya"
"Hm, what do you mean?" I wasn't arguing with him but the sudden compliment seemed weird to me. "You have this way of bringing people together and I think someone close to me could use your help... Isn't that why you're starting a club?... To help others?" I did want to start that club though now I was beginning to second guess myself. Sure, I was in pain however I could see others were suffering way worse than I was. "Yeah, but I don't understand where we're going" All I wanted to know was a destination, Law however was being a stubborn brat. "Don't worry about it (Y/n)-ya we're almost there"
"You're weird and stubborn Law" Those weren't necessarily good qualities though somehow, they fit into Law's overall personality surprisingly well. "If that's the case then why are you hanging around with me?" Hmm, now that was a difficult question to find an answer to. "No clue but maybe you're a good person too" Law hadn't given me any reason to question whether or not he was a good guy although the way he looked back made me reach my eyebrows. "You haven't seen my bad side yet"
"Are you sure about that?" Even if Law had a 'bad' side I'm sure it wasn't any worse than Kidd's temper. Heck, I still needed to talk with that male about the events in the noodle shop. "Have you?" Oh, right I had teased him a bit. It took me a moment to collect my thoughts but after a few seconds, I found the perfect reply for him. "We all have bad days Law. One bad day doesn't make you a monster... Can we find a place to hide out? I think it's going to rain"
"Such a strange girl... Come on we're almost to his house" His hand slightly pulled mine and I continued to follow but from that one word I came to the conclusion Law did in fact have an end goal for this little walk. "His?" From what I had gathered his friend group was small though maybe one of them lived nearby and he just didn't mention it earlier.
"Yes, his"
Corazon's Pov
"Where should I drop you off?" I would have rather taken a cab home but Vergo basically forced me into the car before I could call one. Speaking of him why in the hell was he trying to talk to me? "It doesn't matter" My house was my original destination but right now I wasn't sure if I wanted to head there or not. "How is Me-" He knew better than to ask about her though he's been pushing the limits all day. "Keep her name out of your mouth"
"Is she any better?" I needed to keep my temper in check but with each word Vergo was just pissing me off more and more. "What did I just say!? And no, she's not any better!" How could she be better after what had happened? Even if that accident had occurred years ago, she just never went back to how she was. "Sorry"
"I don't need to hear that from you... Just drop me off here" My house was still a few miles away but I just needed the time alone to collect myself before returning to her. She probably wouldn't notice my current state although thankfully my drunkenness had worn off some time ago. I would return to the house later than I still needed to attend Law's parent-teacher night. Fuck I almost forgot about that. Too bad Doflamingo couldn't go for me, he'd probably end up threatening half the staff anyways if he did go.
"Are y-" I wasn't in the mood to yell at the male anymore but my voice did go a tone deeper so he'd understand this conversation was over. "Yes" The car was pulled over to the side of the road and I was collecting what little I had with me however when he started to bring up my brother my eyes narrowed. "Alright... Doffy is worrie-" If Doflamingo was so worried about my wellbeing then he should have asked me himself instead of sending his rat to do it.
"That man shouldn't worry about anyone besides himself. Good fucking night"
Doflamingo's Pov
One more hit for the day couldn't hurt. I knew my limits and even if I went over it didn't matter. Someone was always checking in on me regardless of the time of night, it was a sweet gesture but completely idiotic. I was a grown man who could take care of himself just fine. "Young Master?" Hmm, they were early for the hourly check-in. As I turned my head back, I saw one of the maids but she was holding some sort of bag. "What do you want?"
"Y-Your partner had this d-dinner delivered for you. Would you like any?" Looking towards the clock I noticed it was only around lunchtime but Crocodile had a habit of sending dinner well before then so I would have something to snack on if I had an appetite. Most of the time it would be left untouched though I was glad sh- he, I was glad he still thought of me. "It's from Croco-chan?" She had just said that but I wanted to make sure. "Yes"
"Hm, what is it?" There were a lot of foods I couldn't stomach anymore but Crocodile usually ordered my favorite or if he didn't my partner would still force me to eat it. Thankfully he wasn't home at the moment so even if I hated it, I could easily throw it out. "Thai" I could eat some of that, not much but still enough to satisfy Croco-chan should he ask about it. "Leave it on the table" The maid did as she was told though for whatever reason her body was still shaking, it's not like I was going to murder her so I didn't understand why there was such fear. "Yes, Young Master. Enjoy and if you n-"
"Save it. I'm well aware of what you're willing to do" She looked a little off guard but the help had been irritating me all week and something needed to be done about it. "Understood" With that girl gone I could return to what I had been planning to do before I was rudely interrupted. "Young Master? Sorry to interrupt but your brother's wife is outside" Hm, now that was odd. She hated this house and only stayed here with my brother since he begged her to. It was such a shame what happened to them. "Why would she be here? Is Corazon with her?"
"No, she is alone but unfortunately we're unable to figure out why she's here" That night affected her a lot though I understood why. If I knew the person responsible, I would have killed them with my bare hands, maybe now I could finally do that. "Send her in. Hell, get her a cup of tea she's family after all" I was still trying to load the needle with my drug of choice but did turn towards the door in time to notice her. "Very well Young Master. Oh, my apologies Melody I didn't see you standing there. Would you like any tea?"
Those bloodshot eyes were on display but I don't think she realized the tears were dripping down her cheeks. Ever since that night, she's never smiled not even once though the reasoning behind it made sense. "So, what brings my little sister-in-law here? Did you perhaps want something to help erase the world? Fufufu. I got plenty of options" If Corazon found out I was offering her drugs again he'd have my head but what he didn't know wasn't going to kill him.
'Is it true?'
As I read over those words, I thought of Corazon but in the end, I knew it wasn't my place to cause her to have a breakdown. She lost so much that night and to tell her the person responsible was close wasn't something I could do. My family was all I had even if at times I couldn't stand to be around them. I was going to protect them no matter what and this time was no exception. "Is what true?" She began writing down her response but I was too busy pushing down the stopper of the needle to get my fix to realize the girl was finished.
When my eyes opened, I stared at the paper but was having trouble focusing on what it had said, the words were starting to move. "Sorry, Mel, you caught me on a bad day. Fufufu. Ask me tomorrow when life doesn't suck as much. Feel free to stay in your old room I made sure the family left it alone" It was a shame she couldn't speak since it would have been a lot easier to communicate with her but there was little, I could do about that."Ahhh! Melody what are you doing here!? I missed you so much!"
That girl really needed to stop screaming but as I looked at Melody, I saw she was trying to dry her tears. Her eyes were still bloodshot though her notebook was soon shown to Baby who immediately started to speak. "No, I'm not doing well. Mister Jerk over there banned my boyfriends from visiting the house. How are you? Where is Corazon, he was here this morning? Law was here too and he even brought his girlfriend over. She's adorable, not sure how such a weirdo got someone like her"
Even though Melody never smiled her eyes shown the girl's emotions quite well and without even reading the paper I knew she was asking about Law. That was her son after all, or at least that's how she always referred to him. "Yes, that Law. I was surprised too but there's such a cute couple. Come on I want to show you my school project. Goodnight Young Master!" Baby could easily keep Melody occupied for the night and as long as she didn't mention that teacher everything would work out fine. "Geez tone it down Baby and goodnight don't destroy the house"
"Fine. Let's go, Melody"
Law's Pov
'Knock' 'Knock' 'Knock'
Thankfully our destination wasn't far and we just made it to the steps as the downpour started. Now if the brat would answer the door, I could cross my one good deed off the list for the rest of the year. "Whose house is this Law?" (Y/n) was left in the dark about the owner of the house but I was a little surprised she hadn't figured it out yet. "A good friend of mine lives here" She would meet him soon enough so informing her on the identity wasn't a top priority. "I understand that much but who would that be?" I could have been nice and gave her an answer though I was being annoyed with the fact the brat wasn't opening the door.
"Hold that thought (Y/n)-ya" A normal person might have just left however I had already come this far and I refused to leave without first seeing the brat. Usually, Eustass was the one to handle picking locks but I had some experience with them so got down near the knob as (Y/n) acted as my lookout. "What are you doing Law!? You can't break into people's houses!" She might not have yelled but it still was a panicked tone that briefly caused me to look over my shoulder at her. "Relax (Y/n)-ya"
"You're going to get us both arrested" That could happen but did she really think her father would allow her to spend the night in jail? Maybe though for that to even be a possibility the owner of the house would need to show his face and press charges. "It's for the greater good (Y/n)-ya" I was tired of dealing with Eustass alone so our third member needed to return so someone could stand in the middle of our fights.
"It's called breaking the law, Law. Gosh, why do you have such a weird name?" Hm, that was meant almost like an insult but I would have thought she'd come up with some rude comments sooner. Not that what she said came across as rude, I actually found it slightly cute since she immediately turned away. "And is (Y/n) any better (Y/n)-ya?" Teasing her back was something I could do all day though right now I needed to open this door. "Well played... So, is this like one of your hobbies or something?"
"You could say that. Shall we (Y/n)-ya?" She could stay outside if that made her feel more comfortable but based on that small grin, I knew we were on the same page. "If we get in trouble for this, I'm throwing you under the bus Law" With that her hand slipped into mine though I found myself looking away as we walked through the now opened door. "Don't worry (Y/n)-ya everything will be fine" There wasn't much to worry about unless of course, his grandfather decided to come home early. "Alright let's find this mystery boy"
I didn't even make it one step through the doorway before something cold pressed against my neck. "Trafalgar Law what in the hell are you doing here?" I knew the owner of that voice and once they addressed me the blade was removed but I found it odd he'd be here. "How long have you been here Yamato-ya?" If he had indeed been inside the house then why couldn't the male walk the two steps to unlock the door? "Long enough"
"Then why didn't you open the door?" It would have made things a lot easier but Yamato has always been a difficult person to deal with. "This isn't my house" I did see why that made some sense though it was still irritating. "Where's Luffy-ya?" Dealing with Yamato wasn't something I was prepared to do today so the sooner Luffy dragged himself downstairs the better. "He was sleeping the last time I checked. Why do you need something from him and who's your little friend?"
I had almost forgotten about her but based on the pressure coming from my left hand the girl was in a slight panic and I didn't blame her since at the moment she was staring at someone holding a blade within their hand. "This is (Y/n)-ya. She's going to help" My thumb did start running along her wrist although Yamato's eyes seemed to lock on them before the blade was placed back into his pocket. "How so?"
"She's a good person. Even Eustass-ya has taken a liking to her" I knew Yamato wasn't the biggest fan of Eustass but it made sense to mention him since not a lot of people could befriend the male. "Hm, so what she's like a...?" (Y/n) was many things but for this one situation, I was sure there was a role she played quite well. "I guess you could call her a problem solver. She's starting a club to help others with their problems" At that Yamato's eyes lit up but his response wasn't the greatest. "Really? Can she kill my old man for me?"
"What!?" If (Y/n) knew how Yamato's relationship was with his father then this response wouldn't have been surprising but in time maybe the two would understand each other. "Relax (Y/n)-ya he's not serious" Yamato needed to learn to keep his damn mouth shut before it got him into trouble. "Oh, don't lie to her Law... Wait here I'll go wake up Luffy" Even though I knew Luffy and Yamato were friends I was confused as to why he was here, I thought Zoro was keeping an eye on Luffy. "Why are you even here Yamato-ya?"
"Protecting a friend... He's not well Law and I feel useless to him. Why can't I help him? He gives so much but when it comes to himself, he just... I'll be right back please make yourself at home!" We knew how Luffy was when it came to others though it was time, we all paid him back. "Law?" Looking down at (Y/n) I was prepared to hear her say that she wanted to leave however that wasn't what came from her mouth. "Yes, what is it (Y/n)-ya?"
"I just want some clarification about Yamato... You said he but Yamato looks female to me" Alright so the girl wasn't blind when it came to point that out and to save her the confusion, I would try to explain it the best I could. "Yeah, that confuses a lot of people. He is referred to as Kaido's son so I just go with that" Maybe that would change in time but for now Yamato would be deemed that until he stated otherwise. "Oh, okay. I didn't want to say the wrong thing"
"What are you doing here Law?" I hadn't seen him in months but that tone just wasn't like Luffy. Even as I turned to him, I almost wanted to look away, he used to always have a grin on his face however not seeing it was concerning.
"Hello, Luffy-ya it's been a while. I want you to meet someone special. This is (Y/n)-ya"
To Be Continued...
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seigyokus · 7 years
8.5 - Shall We Begin?
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Idolish Seven - Part 3, Chapter 8.5 For more Part 3 translations, click here!
Translation below the cut!
Osaka Sougo: Pardon the intrusion. I do apologize for-- Ow, ow, ow ow! Yuki: No. More. Changes. Period. Oh, it's just you, Sougo-kun. Osaka Sougo: Y-yes, it is.... Where is Momo-san? Yuki: He went to go suppress the TRIGGER riot. What's the matter? Osaka Sougo: Um.... Is it alright if I watch you work for a bit? Only if you're okay with it, though. Osaka Sougo: I just kind of wanted to see how songs are made.... Yuki: Ah.... If I recall correctly, your uncle was a composer as well? Osaka Sougo: Yes, he was. Yuki: Sure, then. Go ahead. Osaka Sougo: Thank you very much! Yuki: I know I’ve seen you talk about it on TV before, but your taste in music is quite refined. I heard you're doing a music-related radio show soon too. Osaka Sougo: My uncle showed me all sorts of songs. Some of the things you like are also rather surprising, Yuki-san. Yuki: Perhaps. You know, I think you should do it. Compose, that is. You love music, don't you? Osaka Sougo: No…. I don't think someone like me should be com-- Yuki: There are only a finite number of songs by Sakura Haruki. If you want to make IDOLiSH7 infinite, you should give it a go. Osaka Sougo: ....... Osaka Sougo: I do love music, but.... I don't think I have the skills necessary for that. Yuki: While it’s true you need to have an ear for music, the most important skill for the job is love. Then you can keep repeating. Osaka Sougo: Repeating? Yuki: You know how it's impossible to spend an entire day doing something you hate? On the flip side, you could easily do so if it was something you loved-- as if you were obsessed. Yuki: That's a skill in itself. Embrace your curiosity. The more you do it, the better you'll get. Yuki: As long as you have passion, you’ll be capable of reaching out to the works you would’ve otherwise discarded, even when you’ve lost heart countless times. Yuki: So even if you want to run, even if it gets painful, even if you start to hate it-- you can't stop loving it. That's why you'll keep returning to the same place, over and over again. Yuki: Having a never-ending passion for music is a skill. Osaka Sougo: A never-ending passion.... Yuki: I'm sure your uncle was the same way. Every time he got trampled or crushed by others, he'd come back to life and keep on loving music. It’s just like looping your favorite song. Yuki: If you have all of that inside you, then what more do you need? Osaka Sougo: ......Will it go well, though? Yuki: Of course not. That passion of yours will bring you sorrow. Yuki: But it'll also show you've sights you've never seen before. Yuki: And there's not a thing in the world you'd trade for those sights. That's how splendid they are. After all, those sights are yours and yours alone. Osaka Sougo: ....... Yuki: You love music, don't you? Osaka Sougo: I love it.... Yuki: That's all the reason you need. You might be terrible at first. People may laugh at you, and there might be all sorts of embarrassing things. But.... Yuki: As long as you truly love music, and not the fantasy of being a great composer, all of this should be unbearably fun. (1) Yuki: Let it take you captive. Osaka Sougo: .......
Rokuya Nagi: OH.... The video stopped.... Come on, come on, come on.... Signal, please.... Nikaidou Yamato: Nagi, now's not the time to be slacking off. Rokuya Nagi: Even though you're holding a can of beer in your right hand, Yamato? Nikaidou Yamato: Haha, I found it in the kitchen. ......Say, Nagi.... I know I can't say shit, but... Nikaidou Yamato: If there's anything troubling you, feel free to talk to Onii-san about it. There's no good in hiding things. Rokuya Nagi: ....... Rokuya Nagi: Hello, Yamato. I'd like to introduce you to my friend. Let’s hop into a time machine and go visit Past Yamato, shall we? Nikaidou Yamato: Ahaha.... I figured you'd say that. Nikaidou Yamato: But, seriously. I felt a lot better after talking to you guys about it. Nikaidou Yamato: So if anything ever happens, just tell us. --Hey now, don't film this!! Rokuya Nagi: Yes! I've obtained some very rare Yamato content! Nikaidou Yamato: Oh, gosh.... What am I to do with you.... Hm? What are you doing? Rokuya Nagi: OH.... My phone converted the words strangely. Now there's nerdy numbers. (2) Nikaidou Yamato: Nerdy numbers!? Wait, hold up. Those are just the alternative characters for them. (3) Nikaidou Yamato: You use 'em in contracts and stuff so people can't change the numbers willy nilly. See, here's one, two, and three. Ichi, ni, san.... Rokuya Nagi: Oh, right! What about six? The 'roku' in Rokuya Nagi? Nikaidou Yamato: Six was.... What was it again? Uh, try typing it and see what it spits out. .....Ah, it's that. That character. Rokuya Nagi: OH....... Nikaidou Yamato: ......Nagi? Rokuya Nagi: ......What a wonderful discovery! No matter what happens in the future, we'll be able to stay perfect as ever. Nikaidou Yamato: What are you talking about? What a weirdo.... Anyways, we better get back soon, otherwise Mitsu's gonna be pissed. Rokuya Nagi: OK!
Yuki: It's finally done....... Yaotome Gaku: We only got the moves down. We ran outta time to do formations.... Nanase Riku: We managed to finish all of the individual ones! We'll arrange everyone's starting now! Yotsuba Tamaki: I'm so sleepy....... Nikaidou Yamato: Man, it's gonna be a rough 24 hours if we keep going at this pace.... The real deal's gonna be tough too.... Momo: I'm worried for my voice. It might be gone for the performance. Nanase Riku: That's really terrifying.... Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Nevertheless, we're done! Please let us listen to the finished song! Momo: Yeah, of course! Huh...? Wait, Yuki! Don’t sleep right now! Come on, stick it out! Just one more thing! Yuki: I can't open my eyes anymore....... Yotsuba Tamaki: You look like one of those Buddhist monk statues right now, Yukirin. (4) Momo: Heheh. Yuki's still super handsome, even as a monk! Nanase Riku: You can do it, Yuki-san! Please let us hear our song! Kujou Ten: Although we may have rioted, we've been eagerly waiting for this. Yuki: Alright, fine.... Everyone, sit down. All: Woah......!
Yaotome Gaku: It's a great song! It definitely feels like 'Friends Day!' Osaka Sougo: It's magnificent! I can't believe it transformed into this from what I heard yesterday! Izumi Mitsuki: I wanna sing this with everyone as soon as possible! Yotsuba Tamaki: The chorus is super good! I wanna sing that! Nikaidou Yamato: Tama, everyone's gonna sing that. All: Ahahaha! Nanase Riku: I'm even more excited for "Friends Day!" This is the first time all of us are singing together, right? Kujou Ten: Let us overcome the borders between our groups and agencies and just sing. Rokuya Nagi: Charities and music are some of the most splendid things mankind has created. Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: All of us can connect through music. It won't just be us-- everyone participating in this charity telethon will be connected too! Takanashi Tsumugi: And just like this, the ultimate theme song, jam-packed with everyone's feelings, was completed! Takanashi Tsumugi: However.... Takanashi Tsumugi: TRIGGER would never get to sing this song.
Inumaru Touma: Congrats on becoming the president of Tsukumo Productions, Ryou-san. Tsukumo Ryou: Thank you. Natsume Minami: The visitor from earlier was someone from Hoshikage Entertainment Agency, correct? Tsukumo Ryou: The agency used to be such a brilliant star, but ever since Chiba Shizuo left them, it has only been glimmering weakly. The visitor was here to propose a business partnership. (5) Tsukumo Ryou: Hoshikage's Minami and soon-to-be-Hoshikage’s Torao have been entrusted to me-- to produce as idols. Natsume Minami: Wouldn’t it have been better for us to transfer over to Tsukumo? It’s not as if Hoshikage has much say in anything right now. Tsukumo Ryou: Well, I think it's best if we feign that ŹOOĻ is the darling child of the Two Great Empires. That way all of you will be utterly untouchable in this industry. Tsukumo Ryou: Now, let's get down to business. We must decide on where to fire our warning shot today so we can finish everything right around when the charity telethon will air. Midou Torao: Warning shot? Sounds dangerous. Tsukumo Ryou: Oh, it’s just to give them taste of what will happen if they decide to defy me. Tsukumo Ryou: Fighting here and there is just such a bother. Instead, we'll just smother everyone's fighting spirit in one fell swoop by slaying the hero right from the start. Tsukumo Ryou: As such, the groups in the thick of the idol boom are the most suitable for this venture. After all, everything that begins must come to an end-- including idol booms. Tsukumo Ryou: I'll show them that I can end things on my terms. Tsukumo Ryou: IDOLiSH7 is much too new. We can crush them any time we want to, so perhaps they're not the best group to use as a warning. Tsukumo Ryou: But, Re:vale and TRIGGER…. Who shall we offer as our sacrificial lamb? Inumaru Touma: TRIGGER. Natsume Minami: I say Re:vale. A group with that much popularity ought to exit the stage as soon as possible. Midou Torao: I'm fine with either. The deciding vote is yours, Haruka. Isumi Haruka: ...Isn't it obvious? Isumi Haruka: I vote for TRIGGER. Tsukumo Ryou: Bum-bum-ba-dum! It's decided. Tsukumo Ryou: We're going to seize TRIGGER. Inumaru Touma: Seize them!? This isn't what we discussed! I refuse to be in the same agency as those guys! Tsukumo Ryou: Now, now. You'll see....
To be continued....
TL Notes/comments:
thank u @kuriiii for eng proofreadin as usual!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SORRY FOR THE LONGASS DELAY BTWN LAST UPDATE AND NOW, lotsa Real Life stuff happened so I finally have time 2 sit down and properly tl/edit for the time being o(--< 
(1) yuki technically says 'As long as you truly love music, and not yourself, who is capable of composing really well' etcetc. I went with a slightly more interp-y take on that second part, since he's talking about loving composing because you love music. Not because of ego (of being a good composer) or delusions of grandeur. Because then, even if you suck, it'll still be fun to compose! That’s my take on Yuki-logic (2) When you type in Japanese, it suggests kanji for the kana you type in (ex. もの --> 物, 者). That's the conversion Nagi's referring to. (3) Continuing off of the last point, daiji (大字) are ye olden way of writing numbers (He calls them otaku numbers though LMFAO). ANYWAYS, instead of 一、二、三 for 'one, two, three/ichi, ni, san,' you have 壱、弐、参. If you scroll down a bit here, there's a nice chart of all the numbers. In addition to the functions Yamato mentioned, they're actually on the yen as well!  Anyways, the interesting part here is that the character for six is 陸, coincidentally the same character as Riku's given name (七瀬<b>陸</b>).... And six in Japanese is 'roku,' which is the same 'roku' in 'Rokuya Nagi' (<b>六</b>弥ナギ).... [nagi voice] Hm…. (4) Tamaki's referring to Ojizō-sama, which is frequently seen as this kind of statue. But bc no one would know what th heck I’m talking abt if i dropped ‘Kshitigarbha’ or ‘the patron monk of travelling and etcetcetcetc’ (unless ur buddhist), so i put it in the most tamaki-esque terms I could think of LOL………… (5) This is actually a pun on Hoshikage's name since it has the word ‘hoshi’ / 'star' in it LMAO
As usual, if you see any mistakes/mistranslations/etc, please message me!
Thank you for reading!!
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you-andthebottlemen · 8 years
8 -
Request: “Would you be willing to do one where you and van start liking each other and have to date in secret because you're another member's sister?”
Your brother was your partner in crime. You loved him to death. You’d always been close but that peaked in your 20s when Catfish took off. You didn’t go on tour with them or anything but you always spent time with the band when they were around your area and you never failed to attend any event that included free alcohol or some kind of party. 
You and Bondy got mistaken for a couple all the damn time. Which to most people would be weird, but to you two was fucking hilarious. You recalled one night when you were sitting in a bar lounge with friends and you were on Bondy’s lap laughing and drinking. Some girl, who was obviously into him made a comment about ‘what a sweet couple’ you were and instead of saying he was your brother so he could then go and get laid, you wrapped your arms around his neck, kissed him on the cheek and confessed undying love for him. He hated you but he loved you and you loved that.
Bondy had passed out on the tour bus again. You’d found out it was a common prank to cover his sleeping body in stuff and film it for their tour diaries. They were simple lads who found stupid things funny. You went with it. Tonight it was just you, Van and your unconscious brother.
“Oi, y/n, grab me them box of chocolates will ya? I wanna stack em’ on his head,” Van asked.
“Chocolates? You can do better than that McCann,” you challenged, but handed him the box anyway.
He started to open them and you winced.
“What?” Van asked, confused.
“It’s...such a waste. I could be eating those but instead, you’re putting them in my idiot brothers hair and rendering them inedible.”
“You wanna eat them?” 
“Do I ever.”
With that, Van took one of the sticky chocolate sweets into his fingers and held it out in front of your face. You ate it from his hand slowly and didn’t break eye contact. You sucked his finger too, trying to be as sexy as possible just to see what he’d do. He licked his lips as if you were causing him great bodily pain. You smirked at him and that made it worse.
“Man, if you weren’t Bond’s sister...” he whispered, wiping his hand on his jeans.
“What would you do? But don’t say anything blasphemous, my darling brother may be dead to the world right now but he’s still here between us and it’d be awkward if you spoke about fucking me or something,” you said casually and Van dropped the box of chocolates.
“Get it together McCann, Jesus,” you said in a faux tone of disapproval. 
You picked up the box and kept eating them, shoving the wrappers in Bondy’s pockets.
“Okay, well for starters I’d take you out to dinner like proper fancy with champagne and everything...then we’d go to a bar and like get super drunk and dance on the tables til' we get kicked out then we’d walk home a right mess and probably have sex if I’m honest,” Van ranted, throwing in the last part with a wink just to spite you.
The thought of a night like that with Van was something you’d never considered. But it excited you. Of course, you found him extremely attractive and you obviously got on well, but the idea of anything romantic between you had never crossed your mind. Van had only ever been just the lead singer of your big brother's band. You were always focussed on Bondy and you knew he was protective of you, so the possibility of even dating Van was more than out of the question.
“I like the sound of that McCann, let’s do it,” you shrugged and Van’s eye’s lit up.
“You heard me, let’s go on a date.”
“What about your brother?” Van questioned, he was taken aback by your answers. You both knew Bondy would not be okay with the two of you dating.
“He doesn’t need to know, in fact, he won’t. Got it?” You said sternly and Van nodded.
“If we do this, then you gotta stop calling me McCann,” he teased.
“Fine.........VanMcCann,” you mumbled quickly and burst out laughing. 
Your first date with Van was a success. You did exactly what he said you’d do...even the stumbling back to your flat to have sex. You didn’t mind. What started off as something just for the sake of it, started to turn into more. You actually really liked him.
You both acted normal around the guys, giving off no signs of any possible involvement. You’d act friendly but nothing more, hardly even making eye contact...you’d never been particularly close before this so you had to keep up that illusion. Though your flirty nature was widely known so the occasional tease was usually overlooked. But whenever the guys weren’t looking Van would secretly grab your ass or blow you kisses and when you got a moment alone you were all over each other. Your dates were thrilling and the sex was wild. Van was everything you’d ever dreamed of. 
“Who’re you texting?” Bondy asked one day, slumped back in his armchair.
“My boyfriend,” you told him, with a deadpan expression.
He burst out laughing, thinking you were making a joke. You smirked because you really were texting your boyfriend. You and Van were making plans to sneak out after tonight’s show. You were texting him the details while he was off at some radio interview.
You’d decided to sneak out and see a film. You weren’t sure what, but you’d watch whatever was showing at the ungodly hour you had organised to meet. 
“Wanna come get drinks with me and the lads after the show tonight?” Bondy asked you, you froze.
“Nah not tonight sorry, I think I’ll just go home, I’m not feeling well see,” you lied.
“Oh shit, I’ll come stay with you then, we can take a miss together. Watch some lame animal documentary or something?” He offered.
“That sounds great but I kinda wanna be alone,” you told him, trying not to sound suspicious. It wasn’t working. 
“You never want to be alone y/n. What’s going on?” He questioned seriously.
You were going on a date with one of his best friends that’s what. 
“Nothing. Just drop it, I’m on my fucking period okay?” You said full of frustration.
"Jeez, sorry I asked,” Bondy replied, holding his hands up as if to show surrender and you walked out of the room.
You felt extremely guilty for lying to him. It just wasn’t something the two of you did. But you had your date with Van to look forward to and nothing was going to spoil it. 
You sat side stage at the gig and Van occasionally threw you the odd grin. You hoped no one else noticed. You didn’t think they did but you swear you saw Larry send a confused glance your way. 
After the show you left, telling everyone you didn’t feel well. Bondy had clearly recounted his awkward encounter with you earlier as none of them dared question you or persuade you otherwise which was unlike them. Boys and periods...pathetic.
The plan was to leave significantly before Van as to not arouse any suspicion. You hoped he could get away from them to meet you.
You sat out the front of the cinema smoking a cigarette alone. The minutes dragged on and Van hadn’t shown up. He mustn't have been able to get away after all. You sighed and threw the cigarette on the ground in disappointment. You were about to text him saying you were going home but that’s when suddenly you were lifted off your feet and held in a tight embrace. You tensed up for a split second, thinking oh my fucking god it’s midnight and I’m alone and some weirdo is going to abduct me. But it was just Van. Who arguably was a weirdo...but he was your weirdo. You melted into him and smiled, curling your arms around his neck and fingers in his hair. 
“I’m so sorry I'm late babe, the guys got real weird see. It was hard to get away,” he apologised and set you down. 
You told him you didn’t care and just led him by his hand into the old cinema. You got the tickets and Van bought popcorn and fairy floss to share. The only film showing at this time of night was some French romance that had subtitles. You knew this was a recipe for disaster.
Van chose seats in the back row although the theatre was completely empty so it made no difference. You cuddled into his side and fed him fairy floss. The film rolled on in front of you and you tried at first, to follow along but that failed. You then joked around and did your own voiceovers as the characters spoke. You pissed yourselves laughing and threw popcorn at each other. The play fighting turned into kissing and the kissing turned into making out. 
Van’s arm was reaching out to wrap around your waist as he kissed you and he by accident knocked over the popcorn and it fell, spilling out all over the floor. It was an enormous mess.
“Oh shit,” he laughed in a whisper.
“Quick let’s go, they’ll know it was us,” you said, giving him a quick peck on the lips and running out of the cinema with your hands entwined. 
You laughed and ran and adrenaline filled the both of you. When you reached the end of the street, you stopped to catch your breath. You and Van locked eyes and grinned. He picked a piece of stray popcorn out of your hair and ate it. Gross. 
“Fuck y/n, aren’t you just a ball of mischief?” he said, his voice was thick with endearment. 
“I know...what on earth will you do with me?”
You smiled sweetly and unbuttoned your coat. You quickly flashed it opened, revealing the lingerie you had on underneath and nothing else. 
“I rest my fucking case,” Van responded in disbelief, staring at your body even though you’d done the coat back up.
You bit your lip, your eyes shining. He led you back to his car by the hand and drove to your flat as fast as he could. 
The sneaking around was fun at first. But as your feelings for Van grew more and more serious, so did your feelings of guilt and fear regarding Bondy. It all got harder and harder to hide. But you wanted the best of both worlds; your relationship with your brother and your romance with Van. 
Van began to sense your unhappiness. He tried to reassure you that it would be fine, that you could keep dating in secret but you knew it wouldn’t work. You couldn’t keep a long term relationship a secret forever? God knows what issues that’d cause. 
You were sitting at the small table in the tour bus playing cards with Bondy. He was putting on some American gangster voice, pretending he was playing a game of blackjack and had his millions on the line. You laughed at his weirdness and joined in.
Van walked through the door and came and stood beside your chair. You almost leant into him and he almost put his arm around your shoulders. But you quickly moved away from each other and pretended it didn't happen. 
"What was that?" Bondy questioned, sounding strange.
"What was what?" You asked innocently. 
"That. You and Van. The second you almost touched you bounced back like two magnets."
"Mate..." Van started. Oh no. 
You glanced at him with a panic. You knew he was about to out you both. Bondy would never forgive you if he found out you'd been lying to him for so long and if you didn't at least tell him yourself. 
"Van and I are dating!" You all but shouted. Your eyes were closed ready for the fallout. 
Bondy was silent. You opened one eye and saw that he was looking at you, then at Van then back again. He put his cards down and took his hat off. Oh god, shit was about to get real. 
"About fucking time," Bondy said casually and put his hat back on, resuming his game of cards. 
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