#( ! — *✧ verse : teenagers scare the living shit out of me )
terrcrize · 4 months
@multiversalentities , found the prince of terror
anger is a familiar feeling. it's something which has festered inside him since he was rather small. metal chairs are sent flying into the walls backstage, spanish swears spewing out at a mile a minute. never before had he ever wanted to hit a woman, until the day a small group of the nxt female talent show up during one of finleigh's matches and ambushed her. it's all another ploy to decimate the judgment day. but, it simply won't do.
" muma! " peculiar, unique merging of australian and hispanic reflected in stern, deepening voice. " pinche putas, those stupid friggin ... " pause to breathe, clenched fists quake with a fury unrivaled. " they hurt finleigh. i'm going to kill them! " and, oh, how easy it would be, too.
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yevmarie · 7 months
Light My Fire | Chapter 7
< Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 >
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Female Reader
Word count: 2.3k
Pronouns: you, she/her
Warnings: angst, mentions of depression, swearing, mentions of physical abuse towards other people, detailed description of typical TWD violence, differences from the main plot may occur, bad English (not my first language).
Taglist: @your-shifting-gurl @bae-live-0 @richardsamboramylove55 @deansapplepie @snailss @denisecabrera @dreamtofus @duckybird101
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You were sitting near the tent, trying to occupy your mind with the book you had taken at the beginning of the outbreak when you left home. The novel was so good that you binge-read it after Rick got to the hospital. That was the only thing that distracted you somehow, almost the cure for the hours spent crying after calls with Lori, who always said the doctor's forecast had been discouraging.
Now, everything was different. Although you reunited with your friend, other things were bothering you. Thoughts rushed after every sentence being read.
Is Merle alive? Will the group come back? Should I tell everything to Rick? But that fucker Shane almost killed me today. Shit! The neck hurts so much I'd probably have bruises forming a 'necklace' in a day. Shane is scaring the hell out of me. Why is he doing that to me? Did I deserve it after all my love given to him? I think I deserve just nothing good. If any good is even left in this world…
You cursed to yourself, noticing that familiar Depression FM finding the 'right' radio wave in your mind. The host today is so cruel; he plays that shitty song with the lyrics derived from your brain. And that fucking cassette tape is broken, repeating every verse again and again. You knew what to do in such cases.
"Ms. Y/LN, there's one technique that helps to get rid of repetitive unhealthy thoughts. But it needs practice as any of them. So close your eyes and imagine a bus stop, some familiar one to you. Perhaps near your work. This must be the place you know well to add realism to your brain."
You put the book aside and leaned back on the tree to relax your body. You closed your eyes, took a deep breath, and imagined the bus stop near your office. This is a busy street full of office workers fussing around and cars honking.
"Good. Now imagine the bus you are waiting for."
You are standing in your uncomfortable office outfit, praying to catch the bus quicker and get home. And here it is!
"When it arrives, come up to it."
You make several steps, slightly losing balance as some teenage girl pushes you, aiming to get in faster than you to take a seat.
"The doors are opening, and you get in but notice one unpleasant thing… The people inside only talk about you. About your insecurities. They literally repeat your thoughts out loud, saying them to you in your face."
"You don't deserve love," an old grumpy lady says, looking at you with side eyes.
You take a step further, aiming for the part of the bus with fewer people, finding a man wearing total black: a leather jacket, jeans, massive boots, and bike gloves. He is saying nothing to you. He's not even looking at you, listening to whatever music is playing in his earphones.
"Love? Don't be ridiculous," the teenage girl who had pushed you before chuckled. "She just deserves nothing good."
Another step up to the man when he finally turns to you. Pale blue eyes, three-day stubble, a bit outgrown haircut, two cute moles on the face, one above his thin lips. Although his frame is wide and the outfit is brutal, he doesn't seem like that. He's calm.
"Daryl?" you whispered, standing up too close to him, the haunting scent mixed of his cologne, leather, and tobacco hitting your brain, sending waves of excitement through your veins.
"Yeah, talking about Daryl," a clerk sitting near you, reading a newspaper, caught your attention, "He thinks you are useless."
"Reckless," a woman cooing to her baby corrected the clerk.
"He talks to you out of pity," another voice said.
"He's not interested in you," added yet another.
All the hurtful voices meshed together, making your tears swell in your eyes. Daryl took off his earphones and passed them to you. You plugged them in and heard… Nothing! Except the silent echo of your heartbeat. You noticed people were still talking to you but couldn't hear them. Daryl cupped your face with his calloused, warm palms, still looking into your eyes. His gaze was calm, gentle, and loving. He leaned closer, narrowing the space between your faces, looking down at your lips; his breath tickled your sences as you savored the moment with anticipation.
"Ms. Y/LN, after hearing everything the passengers have told you, would you get off the bus?"
"No," you whispered, closing your eyes and feeling Daryl's lips touching yours in a sensual kiss.
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You opened your eyes and threw the book away towards the tent.
"So, have I fallen for Daryl?" you asked yourself, desperately sighing, as surely daydreaming about the hunter wasn't planned, when suddenly you saw a familiar woman figure approaching you - Lori.
"Y/N, can I ask you to look after Carl and Sofia?" the woman's expression was concerned, obviously stressed out by something. You only nodded in consent, not wishing to talk, and stood up to go for the children. But your hope of no dialogue with the woman was dispelled in a second when she gently grabbed your forearm.
"We need to talk, Y/N."
"Enough talking for me today," you mumbled and stepped forward but were stopped again by Lori's touch.
"Please," she begged sincerely. "I… I'm really sorry for all that," her voice shaky. "I didn't know you still had feelings for him."
"You never asked," your response was just a guillotine, cutting off all potential reasoning.
"If you had only told me before… Perhaps I'd still be devastated, but I knew you were fair to me. And after some time, I'd accept it," you looked at your crying former friend and felt the pain hit your chest.
"Look, I'm not aiming to hurt you. Just trust me, it doesn't bring me any satisfaction. I'm not a monster. I just want to let you know I've always expected some tricks from Shane but not from you. Because you know what? I've always thought friendship is stronger. Love just comes and goes. But you betrayed me."
"Okay, okay," Lori nodded, sobbing, and was going to walk away, but you stepped aside and appeared on her way.
"I could overcome it and forgive you one day. But if Rick doesn't… He just doesn't deserve all of this."
"He'll never know," her answer outraged you. She was so sure you wouldn't tell Rick.
And honestly, she was right and wrong at the same time by saying this. You face the dilemma of telling Rick everything you know and destroying his family and friendship with Shane. Or you just step back and lose another close person like Rick because you'd not be able to even look into his eyes and act like everything is going fine and finally betray him by keeping silent. You didn't know what to do, and this tortured you.
"Then I'll just be nice to you for the love of Rick and Carl. I can't offer more; I'm sorry," you turned around and walked toward the campfire, leaving Lori alone. "I'll look after Carl and Sofia." 
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Hours later, when you were spending time with the children, the camp was shocked by another event: Shane beat up Ed after he hit Carol. You felt sorry for the woman and reasoned her to have her rest, though you had planned otherwise before, and took your duty to help in the kitchen and stew the squirrels for the group. 
It was getting darker; the group was having dinner, but no one returned from the run to Atlanta. You saved the portions for the men and started cleaning the place you called the kitchen. You couldn't have your rest; otherwise, you would go crazy. Or eat as the food stuck in your throat again. Your nerves were being torn to shreds. 
But Amy's wrenching scream cut off the silence you mistakenly considered agonizing.
"Walkers!" people yelled. 
The chaos burst in seconds, resulting in fussing, cries, and shooting. The latter bothered you the most as it was uncontrollable, and you were scared to take a slug. You ran to the table and took a knife, scanning the situation around. Lori and Carl were hiding behind shooting Shane; that's good. You were looking for Carol and Sofia, who were near Shane as well but were more vulnerable to attack. 
You were going to run to them but heard upcoming rasps just near yourself. Turning around, you stabbed the walker's head, hearing the gut-wrenching sound of tearing skin and breaking skull. The blood spraying on your face and the smell almost made you vomit. The body fell on the ground when another walker approached you, snapping its teeth and stretching its arms to you. You kicked it in the chest so you had more space for maneuvering, swaying your arm holding the knife to damage the skull of the lying dead. 
You stood up, taking a deep breath and wiping the sweat off your forehead. Other shooting noises were reaching the camp. You heard Rick's voice calling his family when you fell, being pushed down to the ground. Your chest took a pasting by falling flat on the ground, and the air from your lungs was beaten away. You realized the snapping teeth were inches from your skin, so at least you needed to push it away from you to kill, but the body was so heavy you couldn't make a move. 
Suddenly, you felt the weight above was lifted from you, thrown somewhere away, and shot, so you jumped out of your skin, instinctively closing your ears. Then, your body was lifted easily as if you were a featherweight. An arm tugs around you, pushing your back into someone's body. 
"Ya okay?" you know this gruff voice.
You quickly nodded and squizzed his forearm, thanking god Daryl returned to the camp. 
"Stay behind; it's clear there," the archer freed you from his hug and continued shooting the dead. 
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Several minutes passed when the last walker was down. You were panting, trying to catch your breath, and dropped to your knees as your muscles were aching. You looked back and saw Rick hugging his family. Carol and her daughter were safe, but the field around the camp was covered with dead flesh — the bitter payment for your close people to be alive. 
"Y/N," you heard Rick approaching you, helping you stand up, "Are you okay?"
"Yeah," you nodded, standing up, but your legs were wobbling, so the sheriff had to help you keep your balance by holding you by your back.
"Where's Merle?" 
"He escaped, but we couldn't find either him or his body."
The hope died in your eyes, turning your gaze to as black as night. 
"Y/N, can you tell me something?"
"Hm?" you hummed, fluttering your eyes open as if you were returning from a trance. 
"Did Merle and you..?" 
"No," you cut short his question and were trying to walk away, but Rick stopped you, standing next to you, gently holding your shoulders. 
"Is it because of Daryl?" by an odd coincidence, the name mentioned made you stiffen so that Rick's touch read your tensity.
"What do you mean?" 
"Do you like him?" 
You stiffened even more, and the opportunity to lie about something faded. Considering you were talking to the sheriff, who was too good at reading people. Furthermore, when they were close ones. 
"No. We just became friends," you put his arm aside, hinting you'd like to walk away. This dialogue was leading to some strange course. "Rick, I wanna sleep, let's talk tomorrow, okay?" 
Your friend nodded and stared after you walking away. 
"So, why do you sleep in Daryl's tent?" you stopped and turned around to the man. 
"Because you got back, and there's not enough space for four of us."
"You had already moved to Dixons. There was no stuff of yours. Or you are a medium." 
"Rick, is it cross-examining?"
"I just wonder why you behave so strangely. If you like some of the brothers, it changes everything. I'll insist on searching. If you don't have feelings but still hang out with them when your family is here. Then I assume you'd had some fighting with Lori and…"
"Hey man," Shane appeared out of nowhere, approaching Rick. "Let's discuss our plans for tomorrow. We need to do something with the bodies." 
You mentally thanked your ex and quickly walked to the tent. Getting inside of it, you noticed the archer was already sleeping. Perhaps he was so tired he didn't give a damn where he was going. And at least it's his tent. You grabbed your blanket to move to Merle's, but Daryl's voice stopped you.
"Ain't sleeping. Get inside. It's better to stick together if another horde is coming. Not gonna touch ya," the hunter's sleeping voice made some magic to you as you got in and laid down back to him without hesitation. You covered yourself with the blanket, but it was too much already as you were flushed red, and all your blood was running in hot impulses through your body.
"Is it okay?" Daryl wanted to reassure himself you were fine with this. 
"Yeah," you replied. 
"So, if Rick noticed, then when will you accept you have fallen for Daryl, Y/N?" you told yourself and shut your eyes tightly as if it would help you fall asleep faster.
< Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 >
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bitterrobin · 2 months
Exploration of Lance Bruner's Post-Crisis AU resurrection (Taxonomy!verse)
So Jason and Lance are dead. Superboy Prime punches the shit out of reality. They get resurrected around the same time. Jason escapes his coffin, is hospitalized, wanders Gotham for months, and gets the help of Talia, pushed into the Pit, trained, set on his revenge path. Lance...doesn't have the chances Jason did. He resurrects in his coffin and he's severely screwed.
By virtue of having died multiple years before Jason, maybe his coffin is older, more fragile, and not nearly as secured as Jason's more modern grave. His coffin is more breakable, but Lance just can't make it. It takes him days for Lance to dig himself out. He's tired, terrified, starving and actively bleeding from a gunshot wound. (Considering Jason's wounds re-emerged during his resurrection, easy to say Lance's wound would also reappear). Eventually, dumb luck maybe, Lance gets out. Then what? He doesn't have the issues Jason had with his trauma/memory, so he's just...alive again. Maybe something interesting could be explored if he remembers everything prior to his death and doesn't remember actually dying idk. Either way, there's the mention of possible grave robbers in UTRH that makes me think: okay grave robbers weren't the cause of Jason's grave disturbance, but what if there were grave robbers to find Lance?
Lance emerges from his grave, maybe the dirt is already being dug through by the grave robbers so he's saved from the effort. He comes out and scares the shit out of them. Perhaps they shove him back and run, maybe they yank him out thinking he was buried alive until they see the blood on his chest and panic. Grave robbing is enough of an issue that Jason's grave is secured by sensors, so I think Bruce would just place sensors on all of the graves at Wayne Manor. Lance gets out of grave and the sensors are tripped. He's bleeding and worn down. I doubt the grave robbers would actively try to help him but he can't be left alone. Even if he makes it out the graveyard, who's to say he doesn't just die again? To prevent this, I'll have to really think about it more. One of the grave robbers panics, maybe they feel bad or just don't want get caught as a murder suspect, so they just...take him. They take him and just dump his rapidly dying-again body on a hospital step, where he's quickly put through the Emergency ward. His GSW gets treated surgically and he spends a lot of his time recovering in the hospital.
The fact that Jason was Robin means all circumstances around his death had to be obscured/hidden. Lance may have died in the Robin costume but he wasn't Robin. His background in delinquency and the whole thing with Stark could've made it easier to blame Lance's death as an unfortunate consequence of his troubled life. It'd be easy to see Lance's death in the media set as a life cut short by teenage delinquency and Gotham's past-mob problem just before the teen could really make a permanent change with Bruce and Dick. There'd be records showing the transfer of his care from Prof. Bruner to Bruce and Bruce's adoption of him so they can't hide that. Officially, Lance's death is a typical tragedy of Gotham.
In the hospital, Lance remembers living. He remembers Stark and Bruce and Dick and Batman and Robin. While Jason wasn't able to reveal or respond to anything, Lance would get questioned about his suit, his wound, his identity. This go could go two ways: 1) Lance is still kind of an asshole and he tries to admit to the whole Batman and Robin thing. He could be angry that Bruce forgot about him (ha), he could just misremember the events and blames Batman for his death. Detectives and hospital staff question it, since by then theres been Jason and Tim and (maybe) Stephanie as Robin. Dick is a full adult now and Bruce is older but Lance is still a teen. Maybe they dismiss it as trauma/mental illness, maybe Lance keeps insisting hard enough he's put into Pysch care. 2) Lance adheres to his redemption, remembers everything correctly, and doesn't confess to anything. He makes up a half-truth about getting involved with the mob out of misguided intentions. Lance is probably malnourished and worse for wear, and Lance Bruner died at least 20-something years ago - so he isn't recognized immediately. But there's still fingerprints and records and the grave sensors were tripped. Lance is kinda fucked in this scenario. He keeps the secret but just by being alive he's jeopardizing everything about Bruce and Dick. The saving grace? The Cataclysm.
See, all of the above hinges on the fact that Wayne Manor plus it's graveyard is kept unchanged from the era of Robin!Dick. But it wasn't. Wayne Manor was utterly destroyed by the earthquake. Maybe all the graves in the family graveyard had to be actively searched for, recovered, and reburied. Maybe that's when Bruce puts in the sensors in place. Bruce's parents and Jason are taken great care of, but Lance is but many of the dead. Maybe Bruce never finds him, and with the chaos of No Man's Land he doesn't have the time to spare to look for every individual family member. Lance's corpse is massively displaced by the quake. The earthquake brought on thousands of deaths. There's movements and pushes for mass gravesites, a larger city graveyard in remembrance of the quake/No Man's land.
Maybe Lance's coffin (or just his corpse) is recovered by a charity or some bereaved family and he's placed in the public graveyard. No fancy Wayne coffin, no sensors, barely a gravestone. By then, his corpse isn't recognizable enough to be identified. His records are old and few, the adoption papers lost in the earthquake, the reform school record, the military school records, the police rap sheet are either destroyed or completely forgotten about. Lance resurrects in a sea of graves. The grave robbers still find him, he still gets put into the hospital, but theres nothing to connect him to Lance Bruner - adopted son of Bruce Wayne and biological heir of Professor Bruner. Lance has to take on a new name, but at least he can't endanger Bruce/Dick. It's a relief when he finds out, but also genuinely disorienting. Gotham isn't what he knew. Bruce, and Dick and the Titans are all wildly older than he remembers. Gotham has been destroyed and rebuilt countless times. There's more and more vigilantes around he has no idea about. For now, Lance's new life is uncertain.
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sophiesonlinediary · 5 months
thoughts on ttpd (first listen)
fortnight ft. post malone - i was kinda disappointed i thought it would be more ? ig and i wanted post to have a verse but they're voices together are so pretty!!!
ttpd - def not my fav i like the chorus though
my boy only breaks his favorite toys - kinda catchy not my fav tho
down bad - loved this one so muchhhh! CRYING AT THE GYM EVERYTHING COMES OUT TEENAGE PETULANCE AHHH <333 fr one of my favs
so long, london - not what i expected but so sad i loved it like taylor you have done it again another flawless track 5
fresh out the slammer - very interesting but a whole vibe <333
guilty as sin? - very interesting too i think i need to let it grow but the chorus was good
who's afraid of little old me - i dont know why but i relate sm to this song and the fact she acknowledges that we're very scared of her like taylor alison swift is not a force to be reckoned with
i can fix him (no really i can) - i was honestly laughing the whole time cause i knew this was about matty like maam he cannot be fixed and then she acknowledges at the end 😭 i love it tho
loml - why did i cry?! like i cried idk this song made me so emotional </3 and the end with the switch up to loss of my life. not ok.
i can do it with a broken heart - really liked this one def one of my favs the whole chorus is just so <333 and the whole pre chorus is so ahhh like glitter pen i love it so much words can explain
the smallest man who ever lived - the whole time i could only think "DRAG HIS ASS TAYLOR" men aint shit and by men i mean ratty healy 💋
the alchemy - not for me fs this song is so cheesy and not in a good way like im pretty sure this is about travis but i hated it so much 😭 it felt like an snl parody skit of their relationship like the ai audio that's like "im one game closer to making kelce my last name" or sum like that
clara bow - the way i had to pasue the song by the second vers ebecause my sister didnt know who stevie knicks is the disrespect i thought i raised her better than that but any who i like that song def very personal to her and like im manifesting the pre choruses
its late and its my first listen so ill def reblog tomorrow with updated thoughts!
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glassvines · 9 months
Thoughts On 2023 Favorites
TV Shows 1. Good Omens season 2: Oops, I'm obsessed again. You can make the argument that a second (and PHEW eventual third) season was unnecessary, but I disagree. It was nice to get a season that wasn't so breakneck in it's pacing. Everything slowed down a bit and focused in on Aziraphale and Crowley's shenanigans. Which, let's be honest, is what the audience wants. That being said, I liked everything else about it too. A cute/silly plot, fun new characters, and a devastatingly sad finale that left me distraught. I could not have asked for more really. (Except more kissing. Please tell me there will be more kissing.) 2. Lockwood and Co: A spooky premise that probably took a lot of effort to appear even semi-believable [as a tv show]. Yet, it was pulled off with flying colors. It was also perfectly atmospheric and charming, so of course netflix canceled it. I plan on reading the books.
Animation (TV & Films) 1. Murder Drones: 2023 was a good year for indie animation overall, and out of all of them Murder Drones was the show to win my entire heart. Perfect setup for horror and YA spoofing, but also well written enough that I enjoyed the character focus and progression as well. I'm psyched for the final two episodes set to release in the spring. 2. Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse: If any movie of recent memory deserved a decent sequel it was this one, so I'm very happy it turned out as great as it did. One of the few comic-book films I bothered with in 2023. 3. Hilda season 3: Easily one of my all-time favorites from Netflix, so I'm beyond happy it has a great ending now. Gorgeous animation, a lovable main and support cast, and perfect chill vibes. Deserves a bluray release. 4. Elemental: Listen. Pixar's still got it this was so cute. You're forgiven for The Good Dinosaur Peter Sohn. 5. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem: So much fun tho. Love the current creative trend in cg films happening thanks to Into the Spider-verse. Also, the No Diggity scene was incredible. The movie has an A+ soundtrack. Anime (TV & Films) 1. Trigun Stampede: So relieved this turned out to be great, considering the original is a favorite of mine. Not a easy feat in the age awful, cash-grab reboots. 2. The Boy And The Heron: Honestly? My favorite Miyazaki film since Howl's Moving Castle. Genuinely moving and left me misty-eyed. 3. Demon Slayer: Swordsmith Village Arc: This show is so pretty. Still surprised how well the series portrays it’s simple, compelling cast. Like it’s an effortless sort of thing (it’s not). 4. Suzume: Makoto Shinkai's last three movies just make me happy okay. Happy and hopeful. The best comfort movies ever. Video Games I have a steam deck now so you'd think I played a bunch of video games last year but, no. I didn't get heavily into much last year. Played some Hades though? Live Films || Note: I watched so many great classic horror movies this year that I had never given a proper watch. I would like to continue that this year!! 1. Talk to Me: Please make more horror movies Danny and Michael Philippou. This one was wild. 2. Dark City: The fact that The Matrix got four movies and this didn't get any sequels is a fucking tragedy. 3. Coherence: Love me a simple, creepy sci-fi movie with an interesting premise. Apparently, quite a lot of the film is improvised as well? That blew my mind. 4. Greener Grass: More films that just feel like one big Adult Swim skit please. This style of script is hysterical to me. 5. Caveat: This goes on my fave list simply for scaring the shit out of me lmao. Movies walk a fine line, when the intention is to make you uncomfortable for long periods of time. They risk being irritating instead of entertaining. Caveat had me shrieking at my tv (in a delighted sort of way).
Honorable Mentions 1. Lore Olympus 2. Nier Automata anime 3. Asteroid City + Wes Anderson's new short films 4. OPLA
Things I'm Looking Forward to in 2024 1. Dune 2 2. Second season of Severance hopefully! 3. Madoka Magica Movie 4: Walpurgisnacht: Rising?? Is it finally happening or what? 4. New Magnus Archives
Some Creative & General Goals for 2024 I feel like I was drawing a lot more in 2023! Still nothing worth posting online, but I'm making some progress I think (slowly but surely). Goals: make more art for my siblings when they request it, finish some digital art that I started, and finish the diorama piece I planned out. On the general goals I'd like to travel more! Particularly, I'd like to visit some national parks.
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yletylyf · 1 year
Rules: list eight TV shows for your followers to get to know you better!
Thank you for the tag @jhalya <3
Tagging @cindle-writes, @atomic-space-babe, @heavy-metal-dick, @ashesandhackles, @givereadersahug, @phantomato
I think I’ll list the shows I’ve watched recently, no clue how I would tackle an all-time favorite list.
1. Shadow and Bone
I never got around to watching season 1 before season 2 came out, so I’ve been binging all the episodes over the past week or so. I did not particularly like reading these books, and I do not particularly like the show. It’s a good production - it’s pretty and I like the actors, who do a great job.
My problem with this verse is that I loathe the main character, books and show alike. I am only in this fandom because I like villains and my friends keep trying to convince me the Darkling is the best villain. And he is a great villain! I’m desperate, however, for content about him that is neither canon nor his popular fandom ship. I’m reading some promising Nikolai/Darkling fics, and slowly trying to finish season 2 of the show.
2. The Mandalorian
I am an extremely casual, not-really-a-fan SW fan. I have like, seen all the movies and the live-action TV shows, and even some of the really bad cartoon, but find most of the content entirely forgettable. So, here I am, dutifully watching the latest in my very casual way. The negative is that I don’t care about the plot of this show (is there a plot in this season?) Positive points in season 3: Elia Kane was smoking hot and also a villain. Wooow! Plus, Bo-Katan is growing on me. Oh yeah, and baby Yoda is the best SW character.
3. House of the Dragon
I thought I would hate this show because I really, really hated Game of Thrones. And there was plenty I did hate about HotD - fuck every single one of those graphic childbirth/dying in childbirth/miscarriage scenes, why do the writers have such a hard-on for women suffering in ways unique to the female anatomy? Fuck off and die. 
I like dragons! I like Rhae and Ali (preferably shipped together)! I loooove Daemon. The settings are so pretty and the action is great and the unhinged villainy and incest is glorious. I kind of hate every single one of the younger characters though and because of it, haven’t really been able to get into the fandom or most ship fic.
4. Rings of Power
LOVE LOVE LOVE. Oh my god! It awoke my teenage love for LotR (I used to be obsessed) and increased it a hundred fold. A delightful and complicated villain-centric story with a smoking hot actor and all the chemistry with the other leads, in a beloved childhood canon? Holy shit, yes please.
5. Wheel of Time
I mean... I watched it. I think these books are terribly written and can’t stand them, but fine, I’ll watch a TV show about a fantasy canon. Loved the big, central role given to Moraine and loved the Moraine/Siuan. The settings and costumes are pretty. I don’t care about this canon at all. I have tried reading fic as encouragement and just cannot muster any caring about these characters.
6. Ted Lasso
Love it! Haven’t started watching season 3 yet, but I loved seasons 1 and 2. I didn’t expect to like it? Happy optimism, relentlessly feel-good, upbeat characters in a modern setting? Not really my thing. (I mean, does it sound like any other show I’ve listed here?) But it was so charming! The writing so funny and the actors so good. Keeley/Rebecca are a fantastic f/f ship and Ted/Trent are a fantastic m/m ship in fandom. I’m very into it.
7. The Witcher
Hmm. I like dark characters and themes but I don’t like jump-scare, horror/tension stuff. So the Witcher was sort of hard for me to watch. I think it’s better on a re-watch when I know what’s coming. Geralt is gorgeous eye candy for sure. The women are annoying (I don’t like children characters much and I hate plots that are like “all I want is a baby” for women, hate hate hate them, please die, Yennifer’s entire storyline). I love the fun monster-hunt plots and Jaskier!
8. Obi-Wan Kenobi
I wish I liked this. I wish I liked Anakin in particular. I ought to; he fits the character archetypes I love most. His relationship with Obi-Wan should be fascinating???? But I don’t care. I honestly can’t remember what happened in this show.
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brokenhardies · 2 years
reading all these casually terrifying eldritch abomination billy batson/shazam hcs has caused me to realize how fucking funny they would be in the emissary verse
marc: amber. why hasnt your super kid blinked since we met.
amber, casually: oh he doesnt need to! he also doesnt need to breathe
marc: what do you MEAN he doesnt need to???
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grimwalked · 3 years
@powerfulplantwitch liked for Hunter's Hexside Verse!
Hunter had stopped by the greenhouse on his way to the beast keeping homeroom. He peeked in the door to make sure Willow was there. It doesn't take long to spot her watering some of the plants.
He enters the greenhouse and walks up to her, being mindful of the plants around him.
"Hey Willow," he said, giving her a small smile.
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cunningbynature · 4 years
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/ I am not AFRAID to walk this world alone / ( CHARACTER STUDY ) 
/ Awake and unafraid / ( IC ASK REPLIES ) 
/ Take a look at me cause I could not care at all / ( VISAGE )
/ I’m just a man, I’m NOT a hero / ( MUSINGS )
/ I’m unashamed, I’m gonna show my scars / ( MANNERISMS )
/ Just like a match you strike to incinerate / ( AESTHETICS )
/ So long and good night / ( QUEUE )
/ Sing it for the world / ( MEME ) / When I was a young boy / ( CHILD VERSE )
/ Trying to be the savior of the broken, the beaten and the dammed / ( MAIN )
/ Teenagers scare the living shit out of me / ( TEENAGER ) 
/ Sweet revenge / ( PRE BURN, POSSESSION VERSE )
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batnotsilver-moved · 5 years
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Valentine’s Day RP Meme  | not accepting
“Love is in the air.” + @shotbled​ 
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All the establishments were oversaturated. Despite having nothing against Valentine's Day, she couldn't be more irritable with the whole circumstance. Damn, what did Silver have to do to eat a considerable portion of fries and hamburger next to Beverly? Today was the day when they maintained the tradition of going out together and making fun of all the couples they knew without any regret. That moment was the highlight of the entire holiday. She refused to go home and neglect that year's tradition. Hell, Silver would never do that. 
It all started precisely two years ago; her ex-boyfriend decided to end everything just on that day. Since then, she spent her valentine's day with Beverly, making quips about how sticky all couples were and related things. "What?" Left eyebrow arched, eyes moving toward Beverly, trying to understand what the other was saying. "Hey, you give me an idea. Come on; now we'll get that reservation once and for all." Suddenly excited by the newly formed plan, Silver took Beverly's shoulder, intertwining with her as she entered the restaurant and passed in front of the queue of customers who had become. "If I can't get dinner with my girlfriend in the next five seconds, I'll sue this restaurant, do you happen to know who I am?" Even Silver didn't know exactly what she was doing, seconds ago when she thought of pretending to be someone famous and Beverly being her girlfriend, she seemed a lot smarter.
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terrcrize · 4 months
@biiigtime , found the prince of terror.
it's a house he's been to a thousand times. this time should be no different, right? if so, why is he so petrified like the remains of his last feast? bones now buried in the backyard of his own family's abode. before fist finds screen door, he uses the reflection to check the precision of eyeliner, placement of curls upon head is perfect. everything had to be. clearing his throat, the young creature fumbles with opened black button down and his the ramones t-shirt.
finally, he knocks.
when his dearest friend's mother is revealed, awkward smile finds him as sweaty palm rubs the back of equally sweaty neck. " h-hola, madre. " formal spanish greeting met with stammering. god, would his nerves ever settle? vampirism amplified this tenfold. needless to say, it's been an adjustment. hazel eyes shift to feet, if only for a flicker of time.
" i, uh, i actually was wondering if i could ask you s-something ... if that's okay? " the demon lurks in the doorway, darkness and terror wrapped up in innocent, boyish charm.
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80s4life · 2 years
Little Bit Of Mischief
Word Count: 2,232
Status: Not Requested!
A/N: This shit is sadistic and truly a jumbled mess that even scares me. I’m so sorry to whoever reads this. Sincerely.
Fandom: Karate Kid Series 
Relationship: John Kreese x Reader
Summary: When the Reader gets caught in the wrong situation in just the right time, there’s no where else they can turn. No one, except the always bitter John Kreese. 
Warnings: weed, alcohol, explicit language, semi-abandonment, family issues, a little tinge of angst, law-breaking, age-gap pairing, a little bit of degradation, alcohol and drug consumption (it’s the 80′s guys!)
Masterlist Karate Kid Masterlist
{gif is not mine, credits go to @pohjanneito​}
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Handing you the finely rolled stick of leaves, you inhale a thick cloud of smoke giddily, hips swaying to the booming music ricocheting off the walls and the yard outside. Smiling as the gray swirls evade and blends into the warm air of the summer as you exhale, the deep thrill of ecstasy instantly overcomes you in small buzzes underneath your skin. Passing the blunt to whoever is nearest to you, you pride Dutch on his handiwork.
Giggling, he graciously accepts the praise, going about with talking to the young teens surrounding you. Satisfied, you take another puff from someone’s hands before detaching from the group of potheads, going out the breezy side door and into the backyard. 
It’s moments like these, buzzed, happy, and content with what’s happening now that brings a feeling of ease to your bones. It’s brief moments like these where you can temporarily escape the world of expectations, of repetition, of training, of schooling to just be yourself and not have to feel consistently under scrutiny.
The booming music sweeps you away, grabbing a red solo cup of beer from the keg and moving to the music. In this moment, you don’t care who’s with you, swaying and grinding with whatever and whomever joins you in your little world; the feeling of hands on your hips not at all bothering and quite actually welcomed as you feel in tune with yourself.
Looking into the eyes of your suitor, he gives you a cheeky grin, winking at you as you both resound the verses of the song playing, laughing in a dizzy haze. You feel happy - the good kind that makes you feel like a tiny kid again - in this simple interaction. You’re young, dumb, wild, and free; a teenager living their years to the fullest before the world of adulthood creeps into their skin.
That was until the music was stopped, screaming was heard, and the telltale glow of red and blue flickering telling you that your good time was cut short.
Searching for anyone you somewhat knew, you set your sights on the familiar locks of brown, the tiny frame trying to grab at Johnny to lure him the opposite direction of trouble. You spot Dutch not far from them’ the Cobras banding together in time of trouble.
Yelling gets louder and men decorated in a deep shade of blue start to dye the once vibrant neon clothing and tanned skin of kids. You try to follow behind Johnny and Tommy, but the crowd kept pushing you the opposite direction. You had to act fast, the fear of the law and trampling not doing you much justice in your state.
As the yard starts to clear, you follow the closest crowd to you, leading you into the thick underbrush of the woods lining the estate. Pumping your legs, you trip, sending you to the rough dirt beneath you. Groaning, you move to get up clumsily, intent on getting anywhere but where you came.
Struggling to get back on your feet, a bright light blinds you and stops all actions at once. Instantly, your once thrumming and warm blood goes cold, your breath catching in your throat.
Lowering the flashlight, an intimidating bald man stares back at you, the familiar expression of scrutiny you tried to avoid adorning his hard features. Sighing, the police man offers you his hand kindly, but it was easy to sense the underlying anger beneath his motives, helping you to your feet. 
Going to lead you away, your drunken mind tells you to stay. You know what will happen if you go with him; you also know that you have no choice. You were caught red handed and you were the one who committed the crime. Karma caught up with you and now you have to pay the price. 
Pulling you a little rougher this time, “Come on, Kid,” the police man leads you out of the house and to the door of the cop car. Wrapping the cold bands around your wrists behind your back, locking you in, the weight of what’s to come finally sets in just as you are placed in the back seat.
Tears prick at your eyes throughout the brief ride, but you never allow them to fall. Weakness. Never show weakness. What’s done is done. You’re screwed either way.
Pulling up to the bright lights of the station, you are steadily lead throughout the crowd of other crooks, thieves, and murderers, cuffs removed and placed in detention with various other people in your age range. Across from you, you are taunted by the intimidating frames of older men and women far worse than you, certainly having done much worse than you had in their lifetimes.
You’re scared. Anyone who takes even the tiniest glance your way could see that. You know you did this, but you never meant for harmless fun to lead to something of this expense. Sitting on the cool bench against the corner wall of the barred room, you curl your legs underneath you in a shape reminiscent to a ball, weighing your options. 
You could call your parents. That was an option not much in your favor, however. If you were to call, they could either not answer, hear your voice and hang up, or simply pick up the phone. Even if they were to answer you, in which you highly doubted, you knew what would be in store if they knew. Not only would they most likely leave you there, they wouldn’t dish out the bail money even if they had it - they don’t anyway. You would be beaten by your father, verbally assaulted by your mother and kicked out for sure.
You could call relatives. This option wouldn’t be half bad if it wasn’t for their lack of compassion and involvement in your life. You could call them and they most likely would lend you the cash, but they’d tell your parents, pride themselves on being far better than their in-laws and siblings, and leave you to fend for yourself once more.
You could call one of the Cobras. It would be a stretch, but they’d most likely lend a helping hand. However, if you were caught, they would get caught in pursuit of trying to help you. You don’t want them to get into deeper shit, especially if they’d managed to have a grace from the heavens and haul their asses out of there before the law could catch them.
All options were offered, but none of them were more than simple sketches that never made it to the publishing. None of them would end well and you only had one call.
Lifting your head from against the wall, your eyes readjust to the brightness of the detention center, the shrill shriek of the metal bars opening causes a scare and confusion to your uneasy mind. “Y/N Y/L/N?”
Your head perks up in recognition, the cop nodding, “You’re being bailed out, let’s go.”
Your eyes shoot wide, eyebrows raising. You’d made a call hours ago in the slightest of hopes in getting free. He wasn’t the best choice but there was a level of respect and trust that lead you to his phone number for a reason, making you both scared and relieved that your wishes were granted.
Gathering what was left of your belongings in a separate room, you pull your fleece sweater back on and pull your hair out of your face, grabbing your bag. Walking down the hall with shaky legs, you make your way towards the front desk with apprehension. His familiar form looms over the desk, receiving his ID, credit card, and signing his name on the sheet announcing your departure.
As you near the desk, you catch the end of the brief conversation, the front desk lady graciously taking the clipboard back with a little more excitement and eagerness than practically normal. You catch her hand lightly grazing over his forearm as she relinquishes your savior of the responsibility of filing the papers. “Thank you for your service,” she smiles, popping her lower lip into her mouth a tad bit to seem endearing.
You grunt out a stifled laugh at that, announcing your presence on accident. Your eyes find interest in your shoes as his frame turns to yours with his always so demanding gaze. You don’t spare him a glance, only follow orders as he tells you to get in the truck.
Your high had long died out by now, leaving you nothing but regret and solemn. You know what’s still to come; you know he’s going to indulge in his own torment. And now that you can finally breathe clearer, all the events of the night finally weigh down on you.
“I don’t know,” you answered earnestly. In truth, you really had no clue, you just knew what you felt at that moment, not why you specifically did what has been done.
“What were you thinking?” he demands, left arm propping his head up while the right stays locked on the upper part of the steering wheel.
“You don’t know,” he tsks, shaking his head, almost questioning you in disbelief.
“No. No I don’t know.”
The truck veers off, him swerving the wheel back to the desired angle. You move closer to the door, squishing yourself even closer when there wasn’t anymore room to take up.
“You sure as fuck knew what you were doing! You wouldn’t have been there if you hadn’t!” he booms, taking his eyes off the road to look over at you.
“I told you, I don’t know.”
He groans in anger, “Then answer me this,” he all but growls, “and you can’t lie because I already know the answer: Did you know what was going to be at that party?”
“Know ‘what’?”
“Don’t act dumb now,” he warns, voice meeting a new octave of low and almost cynical, “Did you know that there was going to be drugs and alcohol?”
You don’t know how to answer his question. You can’t find the words.
“Answer me!” he screams, the truck jerking more forcibly this time.
“Yes!” you all but wail, tears conjuring up in your eyes again. “Yes, I knew what was going to be there and that’s why I went! I wanted to be a normal teenager for just a few seconds! I didn’t want to feel the constant disgust and hatred from you and everyone around me! I just wanted to be ME!”
Not only were you screaming at him, you were crying now too. No matter what you’d learned from him, he was always the tie that seemed to make you snap and break in front of him. You were tough to anyone else, but it was always him that you had trouble perfecting and effectively cutting off.
“And there it is,” he smirks, “the truth.”
You can’t stop your harsh breaths, your whimpers and sniffles filling the tense air that now became so quiet. You break down in front of him so powerfully - so painfully. He loves it. He all but basks in it.
The rest of the car ride seems to pass in impatient tension. You didn’t move, rather, you took up more space cramped against the door. He seems to settle himself back in his seat, calmly staring straight ahead of himself as he takes you down to the old, beat-down motel in Reseda.
Getting out of the car with jumbled nerves and an upset stomach, your legs are filled with weakness and shakiness once again. He was unpredictable and it scared you. Grabbing your bag, you sling it over one shoulder, trudging to your room upstairs.
You all but jump at the sound of a door slamming and keys jangling, but otherwise keep moving. The tears still fall as you reach your door, grabbing your keys and turning the lock. You don’t remember when he had taken you home before - at least you can’t recall ever letting that detail slip. 
Just as you push through the door, his warm hand grasps your shoulder, rough and calloused to the touch. Turning you towards him, his other hand comes up to graze your cheek. You suck in a deep breathe, eyes finally settling on his.
A harsh slap is what meets you, head jerking away and then slowly resuming its last position. He goes to settle his hand on your cheek, this time making you flinch, but his thumb goes to wipe away the tears this time. His other hand follows suit, drying your face even as it is flushed red and now adorning a red print and cut lips.
When he sees fit, he closes the gap between your bodies, pulling you into a hug before placing a kiss to the crown of your forehead. And with that, he bids you a goodnight, leaving you to close the door. Waiting until you hear footsteps retreat, you spin the lock of the handle, then move to pull the pin lock across the top of the door, then bend down to do the same to the bottom. 
Little did he know of your reasoning for this protection. Shouldn’t the main character know what was so graciously bestowed in his honor?
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goddessofroyalty · 2 years
Hey, just wanted to ask, have you done a prompt of Silco getting that teen pregnancy and telling Vander?
As context for a bit of this: Silco works at the Ports and Vander is well-connected in Zaun itself.
This is another ‘technically Zaun Family verse but could be read just generally as teenage!them expecting a baby’
Tags: omegaverse, mpreg
“Looking for the next omega whose life you’re going to ruin?”
“What are you talking about?” Vander asks, turning to look at where Silco spoke from behind him in the alley. Far enough away where Vander can’t pick up his scent over the alley’s filth.
One of these days he’s going to hit the omega thinking he’s a threat and not well, whatever their relationship is these days. “I haven’t seen you for weeks – I was starting to get worried. Thought you might have pissed off the wrong person-”
As he takes Silco in he realizes his worry might not have been unfounded.
Silco looks like shit.
“What happened?” Whose head was he caving in?
“What I guess I should have realized would happen after spending a head in an alpha’s bed,” Silco says, his voice heavy with venom, although he seems unwilling to meet Vander’s eyes. Unusual for Silco who normally will challenge anyone his pissed off at, no matter how seemingly outmatched.  
“I’m pregnant.”
“Oh?” Silco repeats his gaze snapping to Vander’s face and so filled with anger. “Is that all you’ve fucking got – oh.”
“Fucking give me a second before you start jumping down my throat! It’s a lot to take in!” Neither of them were exactly well set up for something like this. Vander living in a shithole of an apartment with Benzo and a job in the mines that hardly seemed to cover that. And Silco still living with his family despite spending most of his free time at Vander’s dreaming of revolution. And yet despite all that they had apparently made a baby together.
Vander is going to be a dad.
He and Silco are going to have a pup.
“You better not ask me if it’s yours,” Silco snarls. Correctly assessing that Vander plans on asking a question even if he’s completely wrong about what it is.
“No. I know it’s mine.” It had been Vander’s bed Silco had spent his heat it. He’s pretty sure there hadn’t been anyone before, and, well, it’s not like there had been anyone sneaking in through his window during it. And Silco hadn’t headed home until days after it finished. “You’re moving in right?”
There’s a flurry of emotions that crosses Silco’s face at it. So fast that Vander can’t even read them all despite how he’s starting to learn how to read the omega. Doesn’t even know if he’s seen some of them before.
“So that was the plan?” Silco asks, finally walking closer. And Vander wants to reach out and touch him, reassure him. But he knows better than to until Silco’s not likely to stab him for it.
Silco stops just out of Vander’s reach his scent barely making it over the alley stench. Vander just able to catch the scent of Silco, not anything more like the edge of pregnancy that must be on it now considering how long ago his heat was.
“Trap me with a pup?”
Vander snorts.
“Like I could do that even if I wanted to – you’d stab me if I even thought about it.” Vander had always loved how vicious his omega way. Only willing to submit to him and Vander had had to prove himself first.
“I can assure you stabbing is still a possibility,” Silco says taking a step back as Vander moves closer. Holding his head up and shoulders back, trying to make himself look bigger and more intimidating.
He’s scared, Vander realizes. Which should have been fucking obvious if Vander hadn’t been caught up in his own jumble of emotions. Because if Vander doesn’t step up Silco’ll have to figure out how to care for himself and his pup alone. And likely without a job seeing the foreman doesn’t like pregnant ‘mega’s around.
“I’ll look after you both. Whatever you need I’ll get it. I promise.” Vander’ll do whatever it takes to be a good mate and date.
Silco laughs at it.
“With what? Look around Vander. You’re working a job that barely pays enough to survive and will have you dead in ten years if you’re lucky. The air we breathe is toxic and the water’s even worse. Our pup will be lucky to make it to adulthood and will be working by the time they’re ten. And all this so those Topsiders can sit around in their lavish homes finding new ways to steal the wealth from our labor.”
“So we’ll change it.”
“And how are you suggesting we do that?”
“We go around the topsiders to make our profits. You know who’s bringing what in through the ports and whose interested in what to take back home with them. I know who might be interested in buying or selling what in Zaun. If we’re taking a smaller cut than Piltover’s tariffs and aren’t as restrictive in the kinds of goods we deal in I’m sure we can make some lucrative deals for all involved.”
It’s what they had already discussed – Zaun looking after Zaun’s business. Get rid of the Piltite middleman and seize the means of production for their own as well. Just no longer whispered ideas as they wait for a knot to go down but a reality they are working towards for themselves and their pup.
Silco seems to contemplate it even if he doesn’t drop his guard.
“The Enforcer’s won’t be happy,” Silco says. Vander knows he doesn’t actually care about keeping them happy.
No, Silco wants to know how Vander plans on dealing with the unhappy ones.
“Ain’t like either of us are gonna’ tell them about it. And if anyone else does we’ll make sure they don’t make the same mistake twist and that any Enforcers they did tell won’t be feeding it up the chain of command.” There’s no way he’s letting any threat to his family stand.
Silco finally cracks a smile at it. His face softening.
This time when Vander reaches for him Silco lets him. Let’s himself be tucked into Vander’s arms.
This close Vander can smell the pregnancy on him. Silco’s scent changing so all can know he’s growing his and Vander’s pup in him.
Vander finds it intoxicating. Feels even more willing to do whatever he has to in order to keep them both safe.
“We’ll give them a good life Sil,” Vander promises, nuzzling into Silco’s neck where the scent is strongest. Breathing as deep as he can. “Give them all of Zaun to inherit.”
“A free Zaun,” Silco clarifies, looking up at Vander with determined eyes. “We will give them a free Zaun to rule over.”
“Of course – no-one but us will dare tell them what they can or cannot do.”
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I think that it's pretty funny. When comparing the Diamond and Pearl clans, I would not blame anyone for immediately being drawn towards the Diamond Clan and thinking them the better between the two. They're nicer, have the better outfits, I've got to admit that Dialga is cooler than Palkia, they give you all the best Ride Pokemon, are a lot more trusting of you, are definitely the more attractive clan, and when going through them point by point, area by area... Yeah, the Diamond Clan just wins out most of the time.
While Lian isn't by any means a bad character... He is a kid and Mai is just incredibly nice (and cute). Calaba's character arc of learning to trust people is certainly not a bad one and plays well into Arezu's arc of learning to depend on others but just... Arezu cuts your hair. Now that's just not a fair comparison! (Also holy shit her thighs... Those thighs... I pray to Arceus above that she's an adult... Because those thighs!) Palina has a more interesting story going on with her and the Growlithes in her care but just... Iscan is the goodest boy, alright!? Iscan's just soft! He may scare easy, but he is the very definition of bravery! It's a good contrast and makes for a good character! Admittedly, Ingo beats Melli out hands down, but that wasn't a fair fight to begin with. And Gaeric and Sabi... Ehhhh... I don't dislike either of them... Though Gaeric's distrust of me after I learned that the Pearl Clan had already adopted Ingo rubs me the wrong way, and I've always had a soft spot for Cheryl. But honestly it could go either way. And for Adaman and Irida... Both may be fashion disasters, but at least Adaman makes for an aesthetically pleasing fashion disaster! He's got drip while I look at Irida with just... All the side-eye...
Kleavor is cool and all, but Wyrdeer is just one of the best baseline Ride Pokemon you get in the game (I use it all the time to navigate Space-Time Distortions) and therefore beats it out hands down. I like Ursaluna a lot for obvious ground bias reasons... But it's not a very good Ride Pokemon (sniffing is fun and all, but alls I want is mud balls and Old Verses otherwise it's a completely ignorable mechanic, and there's really no reason to use it for land travel over Wyrdeer) and I really quite like Hisuian Lilligant's design and aesthetic. Hisuian Arcanine is cool and all... But just like... COME ON! Basculegion is just so neat, you know!? Also giving you the ability to traverse water and keeping you from just drowning for daring to touch water? Invaluable. Sneasler is cooler than Hisuian Electrode, but I swear that she's trying to kill me. She may win out in this battle, but she isn't exactly the best Ride Pokemon out there. And Braviary vs Avalugg... Braviary allows you to fly. Don't think that I need to say more than that.
What does the Pearl Clan even have going for it? Hot springs? Well, they live in an absolutely terrible climate anyway, so that's not much of a plus! When it comes to leveling the score between the two, the biggest thing that the Pearl Clan has going for it is Ingo. Which I'll admit does A LOT to even the score, but that's not a whole lot! If you were to join one, which one would you go with?
And yet, as more time passes, the Pearl Clan continues to grow on me... Because the dynamics between Pearl Clan members have SO much more potential than the members of the Diamond Clan! The Diamond Clan may mostly be young and attractive, but given that most of the members of the Pearl Clan are middle-aged... SO much more disaster family potential! There are a lot of strong personalities in the Pearl Clan that could clash in different ways. And the fact that the one teenager/young adult is left in charge? Hilarious. The more time that passes, the more I come to appreciate the Pearl Clan. I did not expect this, but here we are!
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larrydoinglaundry · 3 years
Got any good omega Harry fic recommendations. Not enough people appreciate it.
Hi! Omega Harry is such a beautiful thing but people are too hung up on his 'big size' and think he can't be a cute omega :( I wonder how does it feel to be wrong. I have one short omega harry rec list here, for personal favorites.
Let's do a couple more, with more recent ones or recently found for me. As always, read tags before you read. 🔒 means you need an AO3 account to read.
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The Money Mark by @brightgolden (52K, E)
Where Louis is Harry’s first sugar daddy who dumped him over text and their paths cross, seven years later.
Loved this. Simple as. It has wonderful a/b/o dynamics, where their inner "wolves" can sometimes react questionably or even make the chracacter embarrassed by how their bodies work. It also has one of my fave tropes which is 'exes to lovers'.
Make me dizzy (rest it in my fingertips) by stretchmybones (1K, E)
"So pretty for me, princess,” Louis cooed, kneeling in between Harry’s legs, spread wide with the help of the spreader bar attached to his ankles, “All laid out for me to see."
Short but gold. Little bit of feminization, light BDSM. Just Louis appreciating his pretty omega, in all of his large wonderfulness.
Keep me closer by @zanniscaramouche (18K,T)
Louis expects Harry to react poorly, maybe even file a formal complaint and that’s gonna suck ass but Louis won’t say shit cause he knows he deserves it, so he prepares an apology before Harry’s even turned around. What he doesn’t expect is Harry to fucking drop.
Touch starvation is one of my favorite topics in a/b/o and this captured so well. I look away from GA and T rated fics toooo often because I feel like they are too tame for me (not just the lack of smut, but in general) but this was so perfect.
Stumbling into your arms by @sunshineandthemoonlight (6K, M)
Louis and Harry are university students heading home for the holidays. Harry quickly becomes enraptured by the attractive alpha standing across from him in the train carriage, who has a heavenly scent and a gentle smile.
Oi oi, I'm weak for meeting strangers in trains and tubes and what not, and then being so blissfully pained as their body is brushing against you. I'm an absolute hoe for how instincts and scents work in this verse. I believe this is a series that is still unfinished. I need to know what happens next!! Nudge, nudge, author.
I kiss you (across hundreds of seperating years) by @hlpdf (36K, M)
The stars and two amused boys are playing cupid, and there are one too many coded love letters and a duck plushie that smells like home.
Ok, ok, hear me out. This is not exactly omega Harry but it's not really an alpha Harry either, so this is where I'll put it for now. Maybe some day I'll do a rec list of non-traditional fics. Basically, Harry is an alpha but he's struggling with the gender and things that come with it. If you want and love soft Harry, I really wish you'll give this a chance.
'Til everything changes by lovelarry10 (57K,E)
Harry’s an Omega who has been alone for too long. Louis’ an Alpha who is scared to find love again. Thanks to the meddling of Harry’s teenage daughter and her boyfriend, the two seem destined to meet, and it might just change everything they thought they knew about their lives.
A treasure I once skipped because I wasn't a fan of older larry but I gave it a chance and fell in love. I loved the kids and what they brought into the story. Def recommend.
Lunch Break by purpleeyesstelllies (3K, E)
Harry decides to bring his alpha lunch at work and surprise him with a visit from him and their baby daughter. Louis gets more than one surprise.
This is a wonderful combination of sweetness and smut. End of story. Just... Phew.
Through the wire 🔒 By Awriterwrites (10K, E)
Harry goes in heat while Louis is away. Lucky for them both, Liam is a good friend.
Ok, so. Be aware that this fic features lirry. It's a larry fic, but in order to help Harry through his heat, Liam jumps in and follows Louis' instructions via phone. The dynamic is so great, with Harry being heat-hazy and Liam fighting between his insticts as an alpha and staying loyal to his friend. One of my favorites now.
This chemistry like candy to me by @larrydoinglaundry (19K, E)
Harry is 8 months pregnant with a poor balance and traitorous nipples. Unfortunately for him, that is precisely when he meets a beautiful alpha in a packed London Tube. Fortunately for him, the said alpha might just be the best thing he has ever come across.
Yeah, okay, this one is mine and I can't really rec it or give review. If you haven't read it yet, maybe you should.
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sparkles-and-trash · 3 years
Okay, I need some opinions on some bnha fics!
I'm almost done with Birdie (Dabihawks one-shot set in the upheaval-verse), and I want to start a multi chapter one before I do the Shinkami one-shot, but idk which to choose!
Teenagers (scare the living shit out of me) Hawks (and sometimes Dabi) bonding with 3-A kids type of shenanigans, light on plot, will include the other canon ships in this au (Shinkami, momojiro and Tododeku), sort of a collection of one-shots
Reasons Not To Die Shouto finding out that family can mean whatever you want it to mean, sort of plot heavy, main focus is the Todoroki sibs, tododeku and generally Shoto and class 3-A bonding over the years. Possibly a 5+1, but a long version, as in 6 chapters.
Both of these will happen soon enough, and I intend to post a one-shot or two between writing the chapters, but I really wanna start getting thee out there, so yah!
Which one would you want to read first?
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