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mindlesswicker · 5 months
Disappears for several hours My inbox is full of stuff!! How exciting!!
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reddragonprincess · 7 months
Eldigan was no stranger to a party and he would not forsake the moment to greet whoever sat by his side.
"Good evening, my good lady. Is this not a wonderous night to for a taste of good wine?"
She looked unfamiliar but was awash by a beautiful noble splendor. Foreign nobility perhaps? Then they were in the same boat. And Eldigan did have an appreciation for all things refined and all.
"Forgive me, but I have yet to ask your name. What land do you hail from?"
From the looks of it, she was not an ordinary lady, but a honed soldier. Perhaps they could regale each other with a battle story or two. 
Despite the large number of guests, Minerva wasn’t truly impressed: she was used to those kind of occasions, but regardless of the time and space she found herself into, she never enjoyed parties: it wasn’t a matter of this precise party, but she's had a very terrible experience during her adolescence and she simply couldn’t stand the occasions dedicated to this type of celebration –she just can’t stand the multitude of people all dressed up elegantly and falsely chatting to each other with a fake interest in what everyone was saying.
Yet, the party she found herself catapulted inside was very far from the kind she knew: there were many young people, all coming from different places and with different cultures… this somewhat fascinated the red-haired woman, who placidly sat on her seat while sipping some good red wine and observing the surroundings with circumspection, till a sudden voice called out her attention.
She turned and she faced a very elegant young man: his facial lineage were refined and delicate, but the masculine smile on his lips definitely raptured Minerva’s gaze, while she observed the slow movements of his jaws as he talked, offering her glass for a toast and then proceeding with the sip, listening to him with curiosity: as she gave a better look at him, he certainly was from a noble lineage, his dressings and his manners were elegant and aristocratic, despite the blunt attitude of his approach.
“I’m from the Kingdom of Macedon, situated in the Archanea continent” she paused, placing the glass on the table and fully directing her attention towards him, “And I am the Princess of this reign” she casually added, not really bothering much about her status, actually. “Minerva, pleased to meet you, Sir..?” she caught his name with a genuine smile and a firm handshake, she wasn’t the type of person to accept hand kiss.
“Your vest is quite unique, but I bet this is not your usual suite” she noted with a smug on her lips, giving a proper look at his apparel, actually approving with a small nod the taste and sense of fashion of his homeland. “But one thing is for sure: you’re from a noble family as well, am I correct?”
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merilinsurana · 9 months
Just asking HOW people romance Astarion SO EASILY and i’m over here like, can’t hurt game characters feelings so he hates me now
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pretty-scorpio · 1 year
a relationship that everyone sees as tender and intimate is the opposite >>>>>>>>>>>
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cloud-baby · 2 years
Angel sighting
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xprince-of-hellx · 2 years
So we have a blender but it doesn't have a base or something that I can find so I'm making a milkshake with a food processor because I can only find the 2 parts for that together
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lasmokingreblogger · 2 years
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sofi0006 · 2 years
laughing to the point of tears>>>>
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manuscript-or · 3 years
i only have so much creative energy, i feel like i gotta ration this shit or else I just lay in my bed and do nothing all day
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snekdood · 4 years
me: *matches w ppl on tinder*
also me: *waits at least a month to respond/say anything to them*
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thehappyrainyday · 4 years
Cold summer nights>>>>>>
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perfeciion · 4 years
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you have no clue how fun it is to create concepts for the Jrs
I’ve had some that have floated around my brains for years, but never decided to put them into action minus one. 
The one I talk about in particular is the idea that at least one of these Jrs could grow up to be an exact copy of Cell. So think about it as a Cell 2.0, however this one has been given more quirks. More techniques that are absorbed by viewing them. 
A more efficient bio android that quickly adapts to their environment in a matter of seconds. Now that’s not to say it’s impossible for the others. They can grow up and gain such feats like these, yet none of them are going to be “perfect copies”. 
I have a reason that this could be because of their DNA and which has more of a dominant feature. The fun thing is... they should all be working and balancing out. Like take this scenario:
A junior gaining more dominant traits from Freeza/Cold’s DNA 
Look man... there’s so much I could do. The creativity and possibilities are endless here 
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tripchannger · 4 years
❝ i’m blue, dabudee dabudi . ❞
Almost as if this was programmed in his codding, the Decepticon bent down to the Autobot’s level and with some gentleness, pressed a single digit upon their mouth as a way to silence them.
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“So much as sing, even hum that tune, and I’ll be forced to sing along. And you don’t want that.”
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my ignorant ass of a brother:
"Meh all jrpgs are the SAME aren't like most made by the SAME PEOPLE? and there are like wayyy too many of them I wish that people would play better games that don't take up so much of your TIME"
*proceeds to play every assassin's creed and loves generic shit like call of duty and halo for EVER*
*has literal hundreds of hours logged playing said games and other arpgs like legend of zelda*
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