#( ° me rn with ds:60 )
agiftcomes · 1 year
us experiencing our first pokemon game vs the cost
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hallastudies · 2 years
bitches will click on a fmv after binge watching their newest obsession, not pay attention to the title, and then either 1. physically ascend, 2. feel themselves tear up, or 3. some kind of combination of the two after hearing the first few seconds of aforementioned fmv. it's me, i'm bitches
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hprse · 4 years
I always feel guilty asking for an expensive gift so i never do and instead hope i get enough money from relatives to buy smth (example: trumpet was just over 100) but also i doom myself to being at least a lil bit jealous when my siblings get stuff like a switch lite or smth
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whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years
Sunday 15 September 1839 TRJ
4 3/4
10 1/4
Damp morn[in]g F[ahrenheit] 60 1/2° at 5 a.m. I am all ready now at 5 35/..
no c[oa]ch h[ou]se .:. p[ai]d for man watch[in]g the carr[ia]ge
last night ./50 and p[ai]d Gross this morn[in]g for p[ai]d yest[erday] for
d[itt]o d[itt]o ./50 – w[i]th all the [?] I ha[ve] made, it is
6 3/.. when we get off – 3 min[ute]s lat[e]r than the ti[me] –
damp hazy morn[in]g – forest immed[iatel]y on leav[in]g the Stat[io]n
neith[e]r of us slept well last night – A- [Ann] m[u]ch bit –
we had noth[in]g b[u]t plates and caps and sauciers and knives
and forks and tab[le] linen and our doub[le] bedd[e]d r[oo]m and serv[an]t r[oo]m and
p[ai]d 4/20 – Scotch firs this morn[in]g bark[e]d all r[ou]nd
for a yard or 2 fr[om] the gr[ou]nd at 6 20/.. lit[tle] dist[an]t left
fjord or lake – r[oa]d red coarse as yest[erday] sandy b[u]t good tho’ m[u]ch r[ai]n
in the night – forest and lit[tle] breaks all the way to
Säcjarvi [Sackjarvi] at 7 1/2 – one h[ou]se in the forest – sm[all] b[u]t goodish
  Sept[embe]r Sun[day] 15
Urpala [Uppsala]
as the Gent[leman] s[ai]d at Högfors one might sleep at
Helsingfors [Helsinki] 237 v[ersts]
Wiborg [Vyborg] 44 1/2 v[ersts]
St. P- [Petersburg] 181 v[ersts]
Säcjarvi [Sackjarvi]  b[u]t
Urpala [Uppsala] seems
a good deal the
bet[ter] of the two –
Same sort of forest r[oa]d as yest[erday]
b[u]t less populat[io]n and bould[e]rs n[o]t so strikingly large –
the soil here a fine red gravel as yest[erday] and many
[expanses] of gravel-conglorn bould[e]rs –
mo[re] cattle this morn[in]g than ev[e]r bef[ore] s[in]ce Abo [Äbo] – no
sheep today as yest[erday] so few in these north[e]rn count[rie]s
can on[l]y be just en[ou]gh to supply the inhab[itant]s w[i]th wool and
a lit[tle] cheese and mutt[o]n – they salt the legs (the hams)
for winter – the Russ[ia]n male costume this morn[in]g ver[y] pret[ty] and pict[uresque]
a whi[te] frock coat and red belt or blue or dark and
often bound w[i]th the sa[me] – the wom[e]n wear a [strong]
linen? dark w[i]th narrow red stripes for pettic[oa]ts, and a bodice
or jack[e]t .............. and a whi[te] hand[ker]ch[ie]f
on the head – they all wear the red strip[e]d stuff – or
I ha[ve] seen many men wear it for jackets and trousers
8 25/.. sev[era]l baggage lit[tle] waggons and 1 horse and so[me] sold[ie]rs on f[oo]t
now at 8 25/.. just cross[e]d lit[tle] bridge ov[e]r lit[tle] stream and
cross[e]d a broad[e]r str[ea]m so[me] ti[me] ago the on[l]y two str[ea]ms
this stage so far – the forest too less swampy than the forest yest[erday]
at 8 3/4 consid[era]ble br[ea]k in the forest – unpaint[e]d
hamlet (we pass thro’) – one of the long[e]st flocks of
sheep we ha[ve] seen (recent[l]y shorn) – log houses
the trees n[o]t even flatten[e]d big boulder all among
the cot[tage]s – peas[an]ts wear bl[a]ck leather gloves like our
 Russ[ia]n costume
man bl[a]ck beavers w[i]the buckles
Sept[embe]r Sun[day] 15
hedg[in]g mittens – hardly out of the hamlet
bef[ore] the young forest beg[i]ns ag[ai]n (Scotch fir and birch, alder
bushes ev[er]ywhere in the swampy places) – but mo[re]
break, and anoth[e]r fields hamlet (scattered) bef[ore] at 8 55/.. and at 9
one neat lit[tle] ochre-yel[low] and whi[te] seam[e]d stat[io]n h[ou]se
at Nisalaks the old[e]r port[io]n of the h[ou]se und[e]r the sa[me] r[oo]m unpaint[e]d
flatten[e]d log-h[ou]se – br[eak]f[a]st boil[e]d milk and Wiborg [Vyborg] (criks?)
Wiburg  [Vyborg] 29 2/6
Säcjarvi [Sackjarvi]  15 1/6
Kiskila 14 1/6
Helsingfors [Helsinki] 252 1/2
St. P- [Petersburg] 105 5/6
br[ea]d tied up in a
sort of rose – and made
tea, and took my pint bot[tle] full
away w[i]th us – all
ready at 10 – off at 10 20/.. fr[om] Nisalax
we sh[oul]d ha[ve] liv[e]d bet[ter] here than we did at Urpala [Uppsala] I suspect –
nice lit[tle] stat[io]n – a lit[tle] meat on the fire boil[in]g when we ca[me]
in, and our milk ready in 10 min[ute]s or 1/4 h[ou]r – In 5 min[ute]s
pass thro’ the lit[tle] hamlet – and then forest rocky forest and big bould[e]r ag[ai]n
r[oa]d coarse red sandy as bef[ore] b[u]t good forest, till 11 1/4 good riv[e]r – 2 or 3
good wood, yellow paint[in]g h[ou]ses scatt[ere]d ab[ou]t and lit[tle] unpaint[e]d scatt[ere]d
hamlet – nice bit of open cultivat[e]d count[r]y – the
r[oa]d red sand (b[u]t good) and the soil red sand – still damp and
rath[e]r hazy – (Read[in]g Handb[oo]k artic[le] Moscow) soon
forest ag[ai]n – at 11 3/4 lookd[o]wn up[on] bey[on]d us (left) the
handsom[e]st gent[leman]s h[ou]se we ha[ve] seen in Finland, surround[e]d
w[i]th park-like gr[ou]nds – lit[tle] hamlet scatt[ere]d hereab[ou]ts –
h[ou]se and 2 wings – whi[te] w[i]th pea green roof – at 11 51/..
one neat good yellow, and whi[te] pilast[ere]d stat[io]n at
Kaskila and br[oa]d sheet of wat[e]r at a lit[tle] dist[an]ce in
front – anoth[e]r pavill[io]n-like gent[leman]’s h[ou]se alm[o]st in front
(to the right) fr[om] our stat[io]n yel[low] w[i]th pea green roof and whi[te] corners and
a whi[te] hexastyle portico (w[i]th pedim[en]t – the gable end) beautif[ull]y
   Sept[embe]r Sun[day] 15
paint[e]d c[oa]ch h[ou]ses and stabl[in]g and unpaint[e]d barns and cot[tage]s
scatt[ere]d ab[ou]t the fine sheet of wat[e]r com[in]g close to the h[ou]se – ver[y] pret[ty]
Wiborg [Vyborg] 15 1/6
St. P- [Petersburg] 153 2/3
Niserlax 14 1/6
Helsingfors [Helsinki] 266 ½
here – one stage
last night to U- [Urpala] [Uppsala]
ver[y] pict[uresque] – and
[?] this morn[in]g – big boulders ag[ai]n conglom[era]te red granite as yest[erday]
pict[uresque] foresty stage to here – corn (rye) out in cocks
here – soon Scotch fir forest ag[ai]n – the cranberry and moss and heather
dispute as us[ua]l possess[io]n of the rock and bould[e]r
a lit[tle] farm and at 12 17/.. 3 lit[tle] stacks of corn thatch[e]d w[i]th straw and then spruce branches laid
on the top – here and ev[er]ywhere ab[ou]t they lay spruce fir
branches at the doors to keep one clean [crossed word] inst[ea]d
of mats when it is dirty as it alw[a]ys m[u]st be in wet weath[e]r
w[a]s this cust[o]m of strew[in]g branches in the way (as palm br[anch]
as our sav[iou]r rode al[on]g etc.) orig[inall]y to keep one out of the
dirt? now at 12 50/.. sandy and heavy r[oa]d uphill in the
forest – at 1 fr[om] the top of hill Wiborg [Vyborg] in sight, and
its fine island fjord, immense expanse of
wat[e]r and 10 arch wood br[idge] ov[e]r arm of the fjord on
left to w[hi]ch we wind d[o]wn and cross (deals and big bould[e]rs)
now at 12 7/.. 1 7/.. – beaut[iful] wood[e]d islandy expanse of
wat[e]r on each side – ver[y] fine dri[ve] fr[om] here –
at 1 10/.. cross anoth[e]r 10 arch wood[e]n br[idge] – the large
sq[uare] tow[e]r and 3 sm[all] point[e]d tow[e]rs of Wiborg [Vyborg] full in
view left fr[om] the br[idge] – fine wood[e]d dri[ve] fr[om] here – the
wat[e]r right – damp ver[y] sm[all] drizzling r[ai]n – bouldery com[mo]n
just bef[ore] ent[erin]g Wiborg [Vyborg] – at 1 20/.. the 1st barrier and archway –
then at 2[n]d archway and wat[e]r and wood br[idge] 13 arches, to cross
a steamer lying at the quai – ver[y] fine view of fjord and town
the old brick cast[le] close (right) on a lit[tle] isl[an]d – this w[a]s the large sq[uare]
tower I saw at the top of the hill at 1 –
enter the town at 1 25/.. – at the Society’s house good Inn at 1 1/2 –
  Strew[in]g Spruce
branches inst[ea]d of mats
Sept[embe]r Sun[day] 15
S[e]nt Gross w[i]th my passp[or]t to the police – asleep –
c[oul]d n[o]t be seen till 3 – had my h[ai]r done and A. [Ann] and I out at 2 40/..
took Gross to shew us the police – close to the gate by w[hi]ch we ent[ere]d
the town – recross[e]d the br[idge] on 20 wood piers pillar each form[e]d of 5 –
then up the fort-hill – near the br[idge] right on ent[erin]g the town beaut[iful] view of the fjord and suburb to the
westw[ar]d – ret[urne]d by the wat[e]r side – obs[erve]d the big pieces of red
felspar [feldspar] in the porphyritic (conglomerate?) of their
rocks – then on pass[in]g the bridge ag[ai]n and reent[erin]g the town
turn[e]d left along the rampart – A- [Ann] stood sketch[in]g the
old brick cast[le] on a lit[tle] isl[an]d fjord or [crossed word] moat
all r[ou]nd – A- [Ann] sketch[e]d the old cast[le] – its tower 8tagon [octagon] that
Look[e]d sq[uare] in the dist[an]ce – the 3 upper stories of the tower[e]d seem roofless –
the fjord on this side (tow[ar]ds the sea) ver[y] beaut[iful] islandy and
wood[e]d as far as one can see – the wat[e]r on the opposite side
the town ver[y] pict[uresque] but mo[re] like a pret[ty] islandy lake –
Deal sheds – a large raff y[ar]d near left (look[in]g n[or]thw[ar]ds) and lit[tle]
unpaint[e]d hamlet scatt[ere]d a long way along the waters
edge – hamlets (too, right, and nearer, sweep[in]g round to
the town) a large handso[me] suburb w[i]th good ch[ur]ch
yellow w[i]th red roof and tow[e]r cupola pea green – Viborg [Vyborg]
a large town tak[in]g in its suburbs – a large handso[me]
ch[ur]ch in the large sq[uare] oppos[i]te our Inn – 2/3 the men one
sees are sold[ie]rs in their long plait[e]d-in-behind fawn-grey
gr[ea]t coats – they look like monks or women?
then al[on]g the rampart to a lit[tle] pastern gate – w[e]nt out
by it ab[ou]t 1/2 way or mo[re] tow[ar]ds the good suburb –
then turn[e]d (right) tow[ar]ds the sea (along the outside
rampart breast-work) of the fortress –
w[e]nt to the waters’ edge – tast[e]d the wat[e]r – merely
a lit[tle] brackish – n[o]t at all salt – beaut[iful]
view fr[om] a round knoll of bare granite rock of
 ca[me] in at 5 1/4
din[ner] at 6 to 6 3/4
out at 7 for a
min[ute] or 2 to see
the ch[ur]ch en face
 Sept[embe]r Sun[day] 15
each pier form[e]d of five uprights w[i]th a spur
fr[om] each side of the foot of each upright
on the top of the rock (right, on ent[erin]g the town – and close to the
bridge – so[me] sort of fortificat[io]n there) – on the top of the rock
large when bare, obs[erve]d the sa[me] ochre-yellow moss I saw
on the large old oaks in the park at Stockholm – and in
ret[urnin]g by the water side a lit[tle] of the blood-red moss I first obs[erve]d n[or]th
of Upsala [Uppsala] – scarp[e]d a lit[tle] off w[i]th the point of my parasol
stick – it w[a]s pulpy and vegetable-like – tho’ the wat[e]r trickl[in]g
d[o]wn it, made it look shin[in]g and so like recent blood, I alm[o]st
th[ou]ght at 1st (there being b[u]t a lit[tle] patch of it) that it might
be blood –
 the wide expand[e]d, lovely, wood amphitheatric islandy
fjord – the light at 4 3/4 beaut[iful] – the dark
distant bound[ar]y of pine forest back[in]g
the smooth light wat[e]r ver[y] fine – A- [Ann]
th[ou]ght she h[a]d nev[e]r admir[e]d a scene mo[re] –
2 brigs on the stocks here (lit[tle] trading vess[e]ls)
ret[urne]d by the gate nearest the sea the road winding
within the outworks – then saunt[ere]d along
the rampart w[i]thin the walls – ver[y] fine
view (nearly the sa[me] as bef[ore]) of the fjord, b[u]t
saw rath[e]r mo[re] of it – good town – a
reg[ula]r fortress – remind[e]d me in this resp[c]t
of Rocroi where we slept last y[ea]r –
ca[me] in at 5 1/4 – wr[ote] a lit[tle] din[ner] at 6 –
ver[y] good fried Sprax a fish tast[in]g a lit[tle] like carp?
excell[en]t veal cutlet w[i]th curr[an]ts on the top and lemon
and I ate it w[i]th excell[en]t pres[erve]d raspberry, and on ver[y] good
pres[erve]d green gooseberries look[in]g like olives and pres[erve]d
candied lemon, and sago pudding, and good coff[ee] aft[er]w[ar]ds -
Sept[embe]r Sun[day] 15
aft[e]r din[ner] the oppos[i]te ch[ur]ch door op[e]n, w[e]nt in for
a min[ute] or 2 – a sort of priest or man ab[ou]t the ch[ur]ch ca[me]
to see wh[a]t we sh[oul]d do – 2 candles burn[in]g at 2 silvery shrines –
b[u]t nobod[y] in the ch[ur]ch – too dark to see m[u]ch – b[a]ck at 7 1/4
and h[a]d Grotza b[u]t so long ab[ou]t gett[in]g and pay[in]g for [Podoroshma]
and chang[in]g mon[e]y and pay[in]g up bills that it w[a]s aft[e]r 9 bef[ore] all this w[a]s done –
the sm[all] damp r[ai]n and haze clear[e]d off bet[ween] 2 and 3 p.m. and
aft[er]w[ar]ds fine aft[ernoo]n and ev[enin]g F[ahrenheit] 58° now at 9 10/.. p.m.
our bill 16/20 – c[oul]d get no copp[e]r mon[e]y – pretend[e]d they
h[a]d diffic[ult]y in giv[in]g me 2 five kop[ek] pieces change ag[ain]st
the bill – and in chang[in]g my mon[e]y they ga[ve] me two
25 kop[ek] bills and one 5 kop[ek] – 55 Rub[les] for my Finnish rubel
notes some kopek notes 75s. and a few 50s.
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babybsweettea · 3 years
The one thing I did enjoy about E3 (from what I've watched so far anyways), was that at least some of the conferences actually showed a bunch of trailers instead of just talking about industry stuff for an hour lmao
thats totally valid and now that you point it out, i appreciate the change. i just feel like pretty much the entire conference was boring as hell with nothing exciting. and people saying the ABYSMAL showing by nintendo “saved the show” is so baffling to me. nintendo genuinely hasnt done anything cool for like 3 years.
i so badly want to go back to the company that was willing to take risks like the wii u (as tragic as that turned out to be) and the ds! like even reinventing zelda with breath of the wild, imho, was an incredibly safe bet. i enjoy the game, but is there anything thats more of a sure thing than “Zelda Crafting Survival Open-World”? what happened to the people that made star fox zero? did that game flop miserably? yes. did i fucking love it even in its unplayable state? 1000%!!
i think my answer is really in the examples i keep giving. the ds was a weird idea but turned into a SMASH hit, with one of the widest and most diverse libraries ever. like legit the ps2 might be the only think that rivals it in that respect. but the wii u TANKED for them and i think that taught nintendo that risks sometimes dont pay off.
ALSO ive been a HUGE fan of handhelds since i was like 2001/2 when i got a gameboy advance and was 4 or 5. one of the best parts of handhelds, besides not having to share a tv with family members and taking it with you, is that the games were cheaper! if youre a parent, someone on a budget, or just a person whos main hobby is playing viddy games, a 30 or 40 dollar title makes a WORLD of difference! and it sets a reasonable expectation for what you got. i still cannot fucking believe they charge $60 for pokemon now (PLUS DLC!!!). i might make the first episode of a podcast ive been mulling around about how the switch killed handhelds
sorry i kinda went on a rant but im real butt about the state of viddeyo games rn. at least bugsnax and yakuza like a dragon 😔
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uniformbravo · 6 years
me trying to make a gif part 2 (thrilling finale, buildup ver.)
ok good news and bad news: good news being withheld for Spoilers (not that it’s that hard to guess anyway lol), bad news explained first bc, chronologically, it is first
so yesterday i mentioned in the tags of that post that i had seen that krita has an animation feature so i was gonna try importing the frames into that and then exporting it as a gif. easier said than done, as it turns out
i started by opening the file i made yesterday with 62 layers as the frames and importing that into krita, which worked fine (i didn’t know you could actually open .psd files in clip stuido ((this typo is so fucking stupid it made me laugh so im leaving it)) and krita, so that’s pretty neat, i wonder if it works the other way around too) but i ran into problems when i tried to convert those layers into frames in an animation. because, like, the layout of the program has the layers displayed in one tab, and the animation timeline in another, like so:
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(do u like how im using pictures now, i thought of that yesterday after i published the other post and realized hey, visual reference would probably make my plight a lot easier to understand!! so enjoy these educational diagrams from now on)
so my goal was to get the frames from the layers into the timeline, and i still don’t know if i did it right bc lbr krita is not very intuitive at all,,.,, i mean i watched a video tutorial abt how to animate in krita which was v helpful (it’s the one by jesse j james on yt fuckin SHout out) but it was about animating from scratch, not importing an animation you’ve already done elsewhere
so like, the way krita’s animation thing works, from what i could piece together as i bumbled my way around w/ it, is that each layer in the layers tab is a separate timeline in the,,, timeline tab
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i want them all to be in the same timeline, not separate ones, and there’s no way to combine them in the timeline tab bc doing that just overwrites whatever layer you’re pasting it down onto, and also if you define the number of frames for that timeline (62 for this project) it just puts the single image of that layer for all of the frames instead of just one of them, so you’d have to go through and delete all the other frames you don’t want it to be, which would be such a fuckin pain
so i found a workaround, which is so tedious that it can’t be the right way to do it, but basically i started w/ layer 1 and defined 62 frames & then emptied frames 2-62, like this
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(that blue box is the frame, btw, even tho it says 0, which actually kind of annoys me like why doesn’t it start the first frame on 1????)
from there i went up to layer two and selected that in the timeline, but for some reason the frame doesn’t show up automatically?
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& i couldnt fuckin figure out how to make it into like, an Official Timeline Layer or whatever tf bc like, u see on layer 1 how theres that little lightbulb-looking icon on the right? that’s for turning on onion skin which only applies when you actually have frames with things drawn on them, so basically layer 2 in the layers tab has a drawing but in the timeline it doesn’t?
i didn’t find out what the actual reason for this is or how you’re /supposed/ to make the frame appear in the timeline, but what i did was right click on layer 2′s timeline & select “create blank frame” which magically made the frame i want appear
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but it’s on top of the layer 1 frame, and i want it to be the frame after. also it’s still in a different timeline. this is the only easy fix in this whole damn process, u can literally just click & drag the frame from layer 2 to layer 1 and put it wherever u want on the timeline
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and then u just delete layer 2 and that’s it, frame transferred!! then i just had to do that for 60 more layers and after [unspecified amount of time but it was a fuckin while ok] my timeline looked like this!
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(the gaps near the end are held frames, to save me time so i didn’t have to copy a bunch of frames that were exactly the same)
krita is great because as far as i know ur animation can have an unlimited number of frames, at the risk of your own pc’s processing power, which is a definite upside to SOME expensive art programs i know (clip studio, i’m talking abt csp) and u can pick the frame rate too (cough photoshop elements 5.0 even tho u dont technically have an animation feature & it’s a miracle u can even make gifs at all) so once i finally got all the frames situated all nice and in order like on the same timeline, playing it was great! played at the right speed, looped perfectly, it was a dream come true right
well, time to export it as a gif
hoooo oo  o
so u got 2 options for exporting ur animation, u can either hit “export,” which lets u save it as different file types, one of which being gif, or you can hit “render,” which gives you gif and video options
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i tried export first, bc that seemed like a good idea, but the “””gif””” it made was distinctly not a gif, despite its claim to be one?? this is what i got:
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notice: 1. it is not moving, and 2. the black bars to the sides?? those are supposed to be transparent. they’re transparent in the file i made so why didn’t they register as transparent in the export, when gifs have transparency capabilities??
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so That was some real live bullshit but i still had the “render” option, right? export was wrong, so rrender must be the correct option to go to that will produce the results i am wanting to see produced in front of me like a silver dinner platter with a correctly functioning gif under the lid, that’s what i want to see and “Render Animation...” is gonna Give me that silver platter righWRONG ok look at this shit rn ok Look
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it says GIF it says it RIGHT THERE right??? right?????? then WHY
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and it also gave me all This bullshit
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like did i ask?? did i fucking ask???? i already have all the individual frames why do i need even M o re i mfjgjgk
((rationally ok yea thats v useful for if ur making the animation in krita and want to export the frames to use elsewhere, but like uhhh 1. again, they’re not transparent & 2. i should have the option of saying i don’t want these??? bc *meme voice* i don’t want these)
so in the end i could find NO correct method of exporting animations as a gif in krita bc every ooption that says gif is fuckign LYING to ur face there are NO gifs in krita, aliens made the progam who looked at gifs and went “hmm i thikng this is how a gif works “ and just made jpegs instead but somehow got on the computers good side and got it to lie for them about it being a gif so thats why it says gif on the file still even tho its not a gif illimati confinr
so what is the conclusion to this? well i said there was good news too, and this is the portion where i divulge that sweet nectar (i type dthis 2 seconds ago and @ me what the fuck)
so after wasting a good 2 hours trying to figure out krita i gave up and watched some good old [youtuber name redacted bc what if it shows up in search & ppl see this dumbass post in there but it rhymes with fjackfsepticfeye] to relax into accepting my fate that i’ll never be able to upload my animations to tungle except in poor quality loopless video form, making me into a laughing stock on my own art blog, but THEN i had a stroke of genius, in my Brain
so if u read yesterday’s post u might remember that flipnote studio, the animation program i use on my ds, to animate, has the option to export files as gifs, both animated and sequential (meaning either as one fully animated gif or each individual frame separately), which is super convenient, but as i mentioned yesterday, any time i tried to open the folder with those files on my laptop, it crashed immediately
WELL today i thought “hey, how about instead of opening the folder in the sd card when it’s plugged in, how about i copy that folder from the sd card to my flash drive, and try to open it there, in case it’s the card’s hardware that’s causing the problem, not corrupted files”
so now instead of spedning A THOUSAND YEARS trying and failing to force art programs to bend to my will i can just export the animations straight from my ds and drag them onto my computer Just As God Intended oh GOD im so fucking happy
here’s the gif in the end, i’m gonna post it to my art blog too but this is the Green Version bc i animate in green bc of some default settings in flipnote that i got used to, plus it makes me feel like i’m just sketching so nothing really has to be finalized so i’m comfortable while i work, and also it’s just nice ok it’s a Nice Green
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(there’s a few frames at the end that are like the extra scraps from while i was working dw i got rid of those in the final version that i’m posting to my art blog later. also i added my blog url to that one too it’s aaaaaall good)
the only downside to this method is that i can’t change the canvas size to be 540px wide to fit with tumbrl s image dimensions but whatever i can just post them in a text post and fix the html to display it at its original size instead of the resizing bullshit tmurbl pulls constantly ugh. anyway it works great on desktop but it’s inevitably gonna look like shit on mobile no matter what i do *Big Ass Shrug*
anyway thats the end of my success story uhh i can’t make the like comment & subscribe joke again bc i already did that in the last post so like bye i guess thanks 4 watchign & have a great day i’ll see u in my next fvideo
(^that’s my outro music)
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foxrare556 · 3 years
Audi Mmi 2g High Firmware Update
Update Audi Mmi Software Version
Audi Usa Mmi Firmware Updates
How to download roblox player exe. Audi MMI 2G maps update is performed with a DVD stored navigation database. Maps update procedure is simple, does not require any diagnostic tools what so ever.
Update DVD for your region, examples:
Europe DVD 2015: 4E0 060 884 DT
Russia DVD 2015: 4E0 060 884 EF
North America DVD 2015: 4E0 060 884 DS
Australia and New Zealand DVD 2014: 4E0 060 884 DQ
Audi A5 & Audi S5 Forums. Jump to Latest Follow 1 - 20 of 33 Posts. 1 of 2 Go to page. Hi, I have MMI 2g High which is currently running on version 3250. I am wondering if I should bother updating and what benefits it would give me. I am a little confused about the details of what 5570 gives you as some of the features it says it adds I already seem to have such as. Did my mums car over the weekend. Updated her 3G Plus MMI system to FW version K942 & the latest 2017 maps version 6.24.2 You will need VCDS to clear the errors and code the adaptation for the errors which show up due to the system not being able to verify with the Audi servers. Took about 1 hour for the FW update and 1.5 hours for the maps.
Each MMI 2G software update brought stability and performance fixes for bluetooth, GPS navigation, amplifier, radio & TV tuner. Also some new features were introduced with Audi Multi Media Interface updates, like GPS map 3D view from software version no. MMI 2G software update – versions and features. Europe 2120 Volume limit increased.
The next step is the Audi firmware installation. Go to the Engineering Menu in your MMI, insert the SD card in slot 1, and choose the “Update” option. Then, select source – SD1 – choose the firmware, and select “Standard” on the next screen. The MMI update should take around 30-60 minutes.
Performing this procedure may cause permanent damage to your car. Do this at your own risk! We are not responsible for any loss or damage. https://foxrare556.tumblr.com/post/665068510246027264/age-of-empires-2-definitive-edition-kill-unit.
Update Audi Mmi Software Version
Make sure that you have in you car Audi Multi Media Interface 2G (MMI 2G). Check details in article Audi navigation systems – MMI RNS BNS RMC differences.
Audi MMI 2G maps update
Audi Usa Mmi Firmware Updates
Open your cars trunk and locate navigation DVD drive. It can be under the trunk floor or on the side, hidden behind trunk trim.
Press “eject” and take out old navigation DVD.
Insert new disk.
Turn the ignition on and wait for the new disk to be recognized by Audi MMI 2G system.
When asked (“New navigation software is available. Install?”), confirm that you want to update navigation database.
Wait couple minutes for the software to be installed.
When update is complete, press RETURN to reboot Audi MMI 2G system. Now your navigation maps are up to date.
0 notes
starcloaked · 4 years
this may be the nostalgia talking but rn on the switch the only thing i want to play is that mario 64 game pack that's coming out and even then i'm so so irrationally angry at nintendo for doing that. 60 fucking dollars?? for three old games??? a lot of people have been angry about no super mario galaxy 2 but me never having a wii / wii u ever and exclusively playing the ds i just want to play super mario 64 ds on the switch its soooo much better nintendo please
0 notes
mingi-bubu · 4 years
Watch “Youth With You” with Me!
Episode 5 Part 1
back with episode 5!
im almost caught up to anna thank god
but anyway
this episode is all about the first round elims babey
i cant wait to *dabs* cry
i have my water, my phone is plugged in, there are tissues within reach
this episode is almost 3 hours long i hate them
depending on the time and how tired i am, i might make this a 2 parter and you’ll know by the first line and the tags but as of rn im like hell yeah power thru
as mr “yooooooOOOOOOOooooooo” mark lee himself would say, lezgeddit
ok if xu longhan gets eliminated i will cry just so everyone is aware
i mean, there’ll probably be tears regardless
but like
ya blogger is gonna cry
also is there any better feeling than drinking ice cold water
like it’s just so good hhh
ok fr this time
oh we starting out with a black and white
i swear to god if that’s longhan whos crying
we’re starting out with a black and white montage of both people leaving and also dorky moments from rehearsals
interspersed with color moments of the eliminations
i am already crying bc seeing yao chi openly sobbing hurt me and members of mr tyger are cryingtoo i hate it thanks
is every stupid episode going to make me cry i hate them
awww yay the entrance ceremony!!
awww some of these are so cute
awww with the lil victory shake i love them
awww with the banana guns 
yao chi is adorable no one is immunie to his charms
awwww mr miaow
akldjfdsk jijayi
bg project imitating mr tyger
adfjasldkfj yangyang was a beat behind i love him
all 98 of them are sitting now
xixi ooks so cute
awww all of them chanting for him that’s so cute
skadjfasl;kd shenshen called out for a red envelope bc cny
omg are they actaually getting them???  that’s so cute i might cry actually
a klsdfjasdklf;ds jiayi gets yixing’s prop im screaming
all of mr tyger telling everyone else to stop touching it so you dont damage it
already some of the trainees are taerng up i dont like that
hohoho more than 60 are possible to get thru
oh ok we get to see their gameday instead
huaiwei looks so cute in his lil hat
wu zelin boutta swing affkjds;fla
yao chi is a smart bean i love my tall bean
the boys have to compete against the staff
mingze sweetie the mullet is not good please
mingming looks gorgeous as always
la;kdfja;sldkfjsdj boys boutta get schooled lmaooooooooo
awww daniell looks so cute!
is baby
oh my god they have written on their shirts the different kinds of meat akdf;slkja
its so cute how they’re leading them over
zhan yu and daniel are such dorks asdkfja;skld
oh my god they’re moving the mats up aslkdfjas;ldfkja
its like theyr’re struggling in water im scremed
danny boy there got some thicc thighs
next round is for unlimited meat
and their rivals are the camera men
oh these boys gonna go down rip in pieces lads
rlksdklfjasd hanhan looks terrified
hanhan is partaking in this round
i love arem
yeah they gonna lose baby
asdfjasdkf their anchor fell on the ground
asdfjlaskdjf;laskdf all of them running up to the opponents is killing me
ok here they go again
no my god someone’s shoe on the camerman side slipped off
not to be like i love arm bu t meng en arm yes i
o thoughts head empty
mingming is in ths round against the cameraman who is like the strongest of them is gonna be here alkfjasl;kjfd
mingming ily but you are a stringbean
rip to the boys
hes enjoying it so much aldkfjs;ld
there’s like 10 trainees who rushed him and are begging for him not to take part
they’re like we can lose we dont want blood curds laldjflas;d
his jeans really be popping tho
jean man is singlehandedly winning
huaiwei looks beautiful god let’s just take a moment to appreciate him
back to the action
trainees get reward of unlimited meat!
ok this round is all about the soups baby
focus they’re sliding into soup mode
the crew reps are from the security members aldjflaskdjf
damn their shoes omg
damn that was baller
omg did they just send up all of mr. tyger im screaming
aksd;fjaskd jiayi’s face im screaming the editors had fun with this
mr. tyger is a group of visuals
trainees won their soups
fourth round for ice cream dessert
supervisors group vs trainees
they seem ready to get their revenge on them alkdsfjslkj
li wenhan has never looked so fierce in my life i scream
jlksadjf;alksdjf the superviofosjd
they want wang jiayi alkdfjksd
guan yue and sun zelin
they said gy looks like a rice dumpling akfjs;lkj
asdkjfaslkfd they lost so fast im dead
guan yue is on the floor literally alkdkfjs;ldkjsa
they get the dessert anyway lkda;kfj
longhan is baby
these boys are so excited ;dkfasdjf;alks
oh my god this is so nice i want to go here
mans said he wanted scallions and he was gonna get them dkjfsa;ljf
hhhhhh everything looks so good mymouth is watering
boys be munching
oh no someone is feeling really homesick
yao chi is the love of my life
he carries his camera with him everyewhere i love a man dedicated to his craft
aww the mr. tyger picture is so cute
awwwww he got a picture of all of them surrounding the cake i T.T
oh great now we’re back to eliminations
59-51 spots
59th is qiu bohan!
58th is zhuo yuan!
57th is yin shi!
56th is qi zhihao!
55th is chen you! 
54th is hu jiahao
53rd is bo yuan!
52nd is zhou chuanjun!  (awww bby boy looked like he was gonna cry before he was called T.T)
51st is su yuhang
50-41 spots
50th is kou cong!
49th is cui shaopeng!
48th is lin yuzhi!
47th is zhanyu!!!! (sorry gotta support mr. tyger ykhib)
46th is wang xinyu!
45th is yang ning!
44th is wen yechen!!! (gotta support mingming’s partner)
43rd is sun zelin!
42nd is shen qunfeng!
41st is wang yi!
daniel’s eyebrows look good, good for him he deserves it
not to be that person but why do we get to hear 50-41 speak but not 59-51
kou cong’s speech was very emotional tho i am a lil choked up
wen yechen is such a sweetheart im
why must wang yi introduce himself in the style of ziyi i hate it
xu longhan?  got called out and yixing asked if he thought wy was handsome kdjfa;slkdj
he said yes and then wy asked zyx if he thought he was handsome and zyx said yes that wy is handsome
40-31 spots
40th is chen yunong!
39th is ding feijun!
38th is li you!
37th is wu zelin!
36th is wen kaiwei!
35th is xu bingchao!
34th is ye ziming!
33rd is ye helin!
32nd is shao haofan!
31st is chen tao!
god yixing is dramatic
i love longhan patting his pockets and going “where are my glasses where are my glasses”
baby boy
me, pushing my tongue into the back of my teeth to keep my from crying?  more likely than you’d think
shao haofan is still learning chinese i think
30-21 spots
30th is li zonglin!
29th is anthony!
28th is deng bin!
27th is zhou shiyuan!
26th is lin zhenyu!
25th is gu landi!
24th is che huixuan!
23rd is xu fangzhou!
22nd is wu chengze!
21st is LI ZHENNING!!! (BABY BOY!!!!)
i feel like a proud parent tbh
but like it’s making me nervy that mingze, wang jiayi, longhan, and huaiwei haven’t been called
im not too worried about the rest of unine bc like lbr a lot of them are v strong and probably were in the top 15 if not top 10 for most of this right?
im love him so mcuh
yes show me retreat stage again (emphasis on treat)
shenshen’s hair looks good even if it’s washed out
i love the lil cartoon sound effects they use on this show sldkjfal;s
weiwei’s hair looks so smooth i hate that he is constantly styled in a mullet
oooh ok another break
trainees choose people now for different categoreies skjfa;s
ldskfasdl;f xixi and hanhan and wenxuan chose themselves i love to see it
awwww shenshen isn’t tall enough to reach his name
awww guan yue chose wenhan
a lot of people did christ
akds;alskdf love the videos of seeing wenhan look like a dork
a lot of people chose chunyang bc he’s so cuteee
akd;aslkd yangyang and hanhan’s relationship is so cute
linmo al;sdkfja;sdlkf tryna set him up with his sister adklfja;sldj
yangyang: uhhhM we can find our own love separately :))
where’s th efucking 
youre so
when you
bc that’s me at hu chunyang adskkfj;askd
jka;sdlfkajdf a sloth i love iiiitttt
jiayi was also chosen as most handsome bc of his smile
omg the song they’re playing over jiayi’s photoshoot im screaming
askldjfaskdf he’s so cutee
the lil song about him 
he’s as handsome as a sculpture
im in love with baby
hes so good
hes adorable
i love my noodle boy
yao chi if you’re out there i hope that you have a good life
you deserve it so much
its real loving yao chi hours and it never stops
i think the thing i find most solace in about my blog is that i dont have a lot of hxrnxy posts so if they ever did come across it al they would see is me crying and proposing
anyway yao chi deserves nothing but the best things in life and i hope that whoever he ends up with (if he does decide that that’s his path) is able to give that to him
wow i got real EmoHoursO’Clock there
let’s move on eh?
he’s adorable i love him
his wingspan holy fuck
oh mc jin is gonna have a rap class??  excited
it’s really cool the opportunity he is offering them
seeing weiwei and chichi stand next to each other makes me feel so short
like chichi and wiewei are 6′1. that’s a full seven inches taller than me
mc jin is so cool oh my god
i wanna be friends with him
everyone wants to see odd go on and perform!
aww weiwei and chichi are so cute with their lil dancing
holy snipes how did he get all of those words out oh my god
ooohh mc jin is disappointed
la;sdjf;laksdj it’s bc odd didn’t mention him in his rap ladkfj;asdl
god yao chi is so beautiful like
he’s my tiana’s zhengting
alksdfjasd daniel is adorable
his entire rap is about chocolate
a whole mood
junjie got heated at the end of his alksdfj;klsjf
i want to see weiwei and chichi’s lkasdfjs
yaaassss weiwei
baby boy got bars askdjf;s
a;lsdkfjs mc jin is so funny
he’s baby i love him so much hhhhh
akdfjas;lkdjf his face expressions im so sick of him
he’s down on one knee i lov e
he’s so dumb i love himmmmm
withc the whochperign
im screasming
i cant stop
i love hi m mom
noodle wrists i love him
yangyang kdjs;fasljkdf
uadfjas;dlfk im kilig to the booonnnnneeee
it’s 24/7 loving yao chi hours on this blog hhhh
but no he can’t rap the whispers adfkljas;dfl i love himmmmm momm
sha lalalalalaaa
mc jin is losing his mind
i did in fact rewind so i could get a specific screen cap of him hhhhh
mc jin pulled out a whiteboard and wrote A+ on it kdjfas;ldjf
baobeiiii with his lil peace sign and everything
baby yao chi is so cute what the fuck i’ll fight those kids who were dicks to him
i have a ring and my knee is on the ground please
i love him so much
he’s been thru a lot for a person
i just want to give him a hug honesetly
ok and that’s where i’ll leave it for tonight!  it’s almost 3 and i dont feel like staying up so late again adfja;sdlkjf
i’ll see you later!
0 notes
respectsandwiches · 7 years
All the evens?
2. Are relationships ever worth it?
i mean ya in theory
4. Are you in a relationship?
6. Are you single this year?
i was single and then i wasn’t single and now i’m single once more
8. Describe your crush
I don’t really have a crush rn???? like there is one person that I would make out with if given the chance but I know she has heart eyes for my friend’s cousin (speaking of which the LGBT community is such a small world it’s a good thing gayness isn’t genetic or we’d all probably be related to everyone god damn) and I’m not really looking for or expecting intense romantic feelings for anybody
 but ANYWAY she’s smol and cute and looks great in pink and I danced with her at pride
10. Do you believe in love at first sight?
i mean i fall in love with random people on the street like every single day but it’s not really love so ???
12. Do you forgive betrayal?
14. Do you have a crush on anyone?
see #8. i’m not super interested in being romantically invested in anybody rn
16. Do you have any tattoos?
i do!!!! a sailboat on my ankle it’s the cutest
20. Do you shower every day?
22. Do you think someone is thinking about you right now?
probably not
24. Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years?
maybe???????????????but probs not probably won’t get married until all my grandparents are dead so i don’t have to tell them I’m a lesbian
26. Has anyone told you they don’t want to ever lose you?
yeppppp but i think they were lying
28. Have you ever been cheated on?
I don’t think so
30. Have you ever considered plastic surgery? If so, what would you change about your body?
no but i’d swap out my body for a totally new one i’m not a fan of my current model
32. Have you ever experienced unrequited love?
yes. hell.
34. Have you ever had sex with a woman?
36. Have you ever liked one of your best friends?
yeah and we actually were together for a while before it fell apart
38. Have you ever liked someone you didn’t expect to?
yeppppppppppppp see #32
40. Have you ever written a song or poem for someone?
i’m actually a huge cheeseball and i’ve written poems for everyone I’ve fallen in love with (including the people i fall for randomly walking down the street)
i’ve also written a couple songs for people who have been very important to me (and then i’ve given them the song as a gift because again i’m a huge cheeseball)
42. How long can you just kiss until your hands start to wander?
i’m super into consent in all things so i always ask if it’s with a new person but probably
44. How many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had?
1 boyfriend (yikes) and 2.5 girlfriends 
46. How many times did you have sex last year?
too many times to count lmao
48. If the person you like says they like someone else, what would you say?
and then cry
50. If your first true love knocked on your door with apology and presents, would you accept?
aaaahhhh???????????i’d probably pass out tbh. like nope unconsciousness take me i am checking the fuck out wake me up when things makes sense
52. Is there anyone you’ve given up on? Why?
for a while i gave up on the ½ of a girlfriend that i had but i forgave her
54. Is there someone you will never forget?
56. State 8 facts about your body
im tall-ish, brown eyes (kinda look like mud), badly shaped, long fingers (😏😏😏), i’m white, i think i look kind of like a giraffe, i have no idea how to dance, my nails are damaged so i always try to wear nail polish to cover them
58. What are five ways to win your heart?
ummm nicknames, being kind, matching my energy, having passions, and attention lmao
60. What is the biggest age difference between you and any of your partners?
a year
62. What is the sexiest thing someone could ever do for/to you?
64. What is your definition of cheating?
having a relationship with another person that has the intention of being romantic and that feels like it should be hidden from the partner
66. What is your favourite roleplay?
68. What is your sexual orientation?
70. What turns you on?
kissing, turning the other person on, knowing that the other person is into me too
72. What words do you like to hear during sex?
i’m all about clear communication but also signs that they are enjoying it
74. What’s the most superficial characteristic you look for?
i can’t think of anything
76. What’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever done for someone?
i like to bring people things when theyre sick. or baking or crafting things specifically because I know the person will enjoy it
78. What’s your dirtiest secret?
i have no clue my dudes
80. When was the last time you told someone you loved them?
last saturday when i saw my friend @smelsberrygood20 i love him (he’s the greatest????)
82. Who is the last person you hugged?
my aunt
84. Why did your last relationship fail?
i don’t think the other person was feeling the things she wanted to
thank you!!!!!!!!!!
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lady-on-the-grey · 7 years
So I was tagged in a thing by @lesblion for this thing
the last 1. drink: coffee or water 2. phone call: my bubbie 3. text message: marty! (@teabank if you want their blog) 4. song you listened to: well right now I’m listening to a shit ton of Miyazaki movie music, all by Joe Hisaishi of course. But that’s not really songs, so I guess the last song I listened to was Rouge No Dengon from Kiki’s Delivery Service, which does have lyrics and is all fun. I’m kind of on a Ghibli kick rn, any other day this answer wouldv’ve probably been some Mitski or LAKE song. 5. time you cried: recently I think, but I can’t remember specifics. time isn’t real
6. dated someone twice: not applicable, I don’t date at all screw that shit 7. kissed someone and regretted it: once more, not applicable 8. been cheated on: n/a 9. lost someone special: that’s kind of vague. does this mean death? or just them being gone? Because I kind of have both 10. been depressed: that’s a loaded question 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: never been drunk.
3 favorite colors 12. black 13. grey (you may have noticed a theme) 14. olive green? maybe? I love colors, but I don’t wear them much lol, so I dunno, I don’t really have favorite colors. There’s different very lovely colors for every occasion. I like red. Anything is cool, depends on my mood
in the last year have you 15. made new friends: yes! I plan to keep my friend group small still, I like having a small amount of people to keep in contact with and all, but yes, I’ve made several very good friends! 16. fallen out of love: love is fake lol 17. laughed until you cried: I think? Yeah I have 18. found out someone was talking about you: yeah, I don’t really have to find that out, people do it all the time and I hate it, but it’s a very common aspect of my life. I’m used to it 19. met someone who changed you: I dunno, I feel like it would take a lot to change me in a big way, but everyone changed you a little at least. I probably have. If I have I probably haven’t noticed it, that’s difficult to track though. (I would like to point out the very nice and good response Ariel had for this one, ilu buddy! You’re the greatest!) 20. found out who your friends are: I guess so. What does this mean exactly? 21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: what’s a facebook
general 22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: see number 21 23. do you have any pets: YESSS I have five cats! Three adults and two kittens. (Warning, sadness ahead) We used to have another cat but he recently passed, and we all miss him very much. I know it’s weird to mention that in this question, but it feels weird and wrong not to mention for me. We had him for like my whole life. 24. do you want to change your name: I used to really want to go by my middle name, Grey. I feel ambivalent now. I’m okay with my name, it’s a bit boring, but I don’t mind it. It’s a nice name, I don’t think it suits me. Plus I don’t like that my first name is the last name of a neo nazi lol, but that’s not that big a deal. It just puts a sour taste in my mouth. 25. what did you do for your last birthday: I went out to get Polynesian food and hibachi and stuff. I was very stressed and anxious the whole night. I think a few days later or before @gummybird took me to see a cure for wellness, which was one of THE worst films we’ve ever seen in theaters. And we go to the movie theater to specifically watch bad movies together. He also gave me a DS and a bunch of mini kit kats. Thank you Jay (I know it’s been like like more than four months, shush, thank you anyway) 26. what time did you wake up: which time? I wake up like five separate times every damn morning. I’ve set three different alarms with different tones at completely different times to ensure I’ll get up at a reasonable hour, and I still fall asleep immediately after turning them off. 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: showering 28. name something you can’t wait for: @nicehairprincess AND @listeningforpudding COMING BACK TO AMERICA THIS MONTH!!! They’re gonna be here tomorrow for the party my mom is throwing at our house that I don’t want to be at lol (parties make me anxious as all hell) 29. when was the last time you saw your mom: maybe 40 mins ago 31. what are you listening to right now: a fan in my room 32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: probably 33. something that is getting on your nerves: my brother is a little pissbaby who gets defensive at everything and can’t ever admit he was wrong. My mom does the same thing. It get’s on my nerves every day 34. most visited website: tumbo dot com
35. hair colour: dirty blond 36. long or short hair: on the long end of short. I’m thinkong of either growing it out of getting one of those cute little fluffy furly mohawk lookin’ things. I wanna do something new with it 37. do you have a crush on someone: see numbers 6, 7, or 16. You’ll notice a theme happening here. 38. what do you like about yourself: next question (I legitimately hate everything about myself, not an over exaggeration. I don’t view it as some tragedy though, I just don’t like myself)
39. piercings: none 40. blood type: blood 41. nickname: god there’s too many. My dad calls me senor speedskate. Everyone else just calls me “that little bitch” 42. relationship status: alone and wouldn’t have it any other way, see number 37 43. zodiac: pisces 44. pronouns: he/him or they/them. tbh I don’t give a shit about pronouns, I probably wouldn’t use any if that wasn’t the most inconvenient thing. The only reason I primarily use he/him is because I’m used to it 45. favourite tv show: gravity falls yo! but it’s over and I’m still crying. my favorite show that’s currently still running is star vs,I can’t wait for the update!! 46. tattoos: none. I may or may not ever get one, I don’t really care 47. right or left handed: right
48. surgery: none? Once I had to get stitches on my head after i cracked it open on a radiator 49. sport: ew, that’s a slur 50. vacation: when I was like 4 my family went to disney? then every summer up until I was in like fifth grade I think we rented a beach house for the last week of summer 51. pair of trainers: ???? is this code or something? Do I need to break out a cryptogram book?
MORE GENERAL 52. eating: right now? nothing 53. drinking: nothing 54. i’m about to: stare blankly into space for four hours then probably shower at way too early in the morning like I usually do 55. waiting for: goddamn anything to happen 56. want: to be less of a sadsack boring peice of nothing lol 57. get married: how dare you say the m word to me 58. career: animator and a lot of other things probably, but the man=in thing is animation and writing
WHICH IS BETTER 59. hugs or kisses: hugs, but please don’t make me do too many. If I hug you it’s fine, if you hug me we got a problem 60. lips or eyes: both, duh. I fnd them both to be visually interesting 61. shorter or taller: both are good, but I’m tall, which I prefer for me 62. older or younger: um what 63. nice arms or nice stomach: why should I choose, they’re just bodies. I don’t care how other’s look so long as mine is good 64. hook up or relationship: hook up but I’ve never done one and probably never will lol. Ain’t no great tragedy 65. troublemaker or hesitant: the two aren’t mutually exclusive. I’m very much both
HAVE YOU EVER: 66. kissed a stranger: no 67. drank hard liquor: no, because taking sips from my older sibling’s cups doesn’t count. The most I’ve had is a beer equivalent like 5% abv thing. It was cherry flavored. But that’s not hard liquor 68. lost glasses/contact lenses: my eyes are in working order, I don’t need those 69. turned someone down: it’s a hobby of mine 70. sex on the first date: I don’t date, binch 71. broken someone’s heart: how would I know that 72. had your heart broken: this is vague but it probably means romantic, so no 73. been arrested: no 74. cried when someone died: not when a human being died, but there have been cats. and friends nearly dying that got me hella upset. 75. fallen for a friend: look, I have some very nice friends but not on your goddamn life
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 76. yourself: did you not read the little shpeil I had about hating myself? Also, it depends 77. miracles: cat’s count as miracles I think 78. love at first sight: no 79. santa claus: I’m an adult. No 80. kiss on the first date: ??? is that somthing I can or cannot beleive in?? it exists whether I do it or not??? 81. angels: no, though the thought is nice, but no
OTHER: 82. current best friend’s name: I have several best friends, I don’t like to categorize my friends, it feels weird, but I’ll just say that Jay and Beck are my closest friends  83. eye colour: like this really muted blue 84. favourite movie: Coraline. But I have a lot of favorites, I talk about them frequently.
I tag @cllusterfuck  and @teabank I guess? and anybody who wants to
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iagogabriel · 6 years
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Today was p cool.
I thought I was gonna be late for class at first but I ended up being right on time. I met up w DS outside school and then I sat with him and AN before class. During the actual class I sat with AS and talked abt Sonic a lot and since our assignment for the class was to find a job we’d like to have we laughed at all the jobs we found on this site. I ended up finding a couple of jobs that seemed cool so it was fun.
During history class I started to listen to Infinite’s theme song on repeat while working (which went well, I wrote A Lot) and by the end of the class I had listened to it around 15 times (I thought it was just 7 tho ‘cause when you listen to it on repeat you kinda zone the song out and forget how long you listen to it) so I started keeping count in Japanese class. I listened to it over 60 times in total today. It’s stuck in my head but I don’t know all the lyrics so it’s annoying as fUck.
Japanese class was fun tho, I changed my subject to write a text about to Sonic the hedgehog which JJ got a lil mad about jokingly and we play-fought over how long I’ve liked Sonic. Which is... not long honestly. I just know how to draw him really well so I do it a lot. I wrote a lot about Sonic during the class and I’m pretty sure the whole thing will be done til next class.
I had lunch w OG, LM, AX and MG at McDonald’s and bought some fries for LM and OG ‘cause they don’t have any money yet and I also gave OG the rest of my burger ‘cause I didn’t wanna eat the whole thing. I got cigarettes from AD which resulted in me smoking one more than I should’ve today but. It’s okay. As long as I don’t get too used to slipping up.
I skipped PE bc I’m just in a really exhausting slump right now so I’m tired a lot and with my obsessions rn I can’t really concentrate on things I don’t like/that give me anxiety as well as usual. I will try to exercise at home though. And also maybe play Sonic Forces. Okay I actually don’t have to say maybe there ‘cause I will.
Okay so after I came home (I wrote that other stuff on the bus) I hung out w WA immediately and played Forces and then ES came over too and watched me play. I only played one new level while hanging out w them (mainly ‘cause I’m close to finishing the whole game) and the rest of the time I just yelled and tried to get up to S-rank on some other levels. Yes. I’m gonna take it easy the rest of the night bc I’m always tired nowadays and then I’ll write stuff tomorrow during coding class bc I gotta write a little log thing for PE. The day was good tho.
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