#( 𝑮𝒍𝒐𝒓𝒚 𝒇𝒂𝒗𝒐𝒓𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒃𝒐𝒍𝒅 ; musings (( Rogers ))
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My papa taught me how to howl
How to bare my teeth and growl
He taught me that the hand that feeds
Deserves to be bitten when it beats
He taught me how to break my chains
And that money ain't worth a thing
And that no man should get
More of my time than me, than me
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        Kinda bored. Might cause some drama and then dip back into the woods.
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       I swear to god if someone finds my explicit drawing of Mrs. Strong...
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       ❝ Your-- what? ❞
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       ❝ I'm more surprised that the Major has a drawing ability myself.  ❞
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Directions: Fill out the below sheet for your muse, then tag anyone you think may wish to play. Repost, don’t reblog!
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(Blank template is under read more and under the explanation)
TAGGED BY: @honorhearted​​ ( thank you! )
TAGGING: Steal it from me! Anyone with a canon character or an oc! I would tag people but idk who would be interested in this dash game.
(Explanation below!)
I did all of this on mobile so I hope it’s all still readable. I just didn’t want to go through my suitcase and retrieve my laptop and wait for photoshop to run.
Hewlett: In my first watch of t.urn, I did not like Hewlett in the first season. I liked him a little more in the last episode of s1, but with the whole gravestone thing -- it just gave me a really negative impression of him. I thought he was really egotistical and selfish. It was mostly s2 & s3 that got me to soften towards Hewlett and he became oen of my favorite characters. I like all of the t.urn characters (well mostly, except maybe Arnold, Simcoe, or Abe at times) but i really softened towards Hewlett and I’m a fan of Annlett anyways, so that very likely made me feel more fonder of Hewlett. 
Hewlett had plenty of screen time, but with him being one of my faves, I will always welcome more screen time lmao. I think with how little we know of the real Edmund Hewlett and how t.urn made it their own vision, I think they had an easier time developing his character besides the others. (Even with Abe, the writers held somewhat of a tie to his historical counterpart, but obviously not much). So compared to the others, I think they had a better idea on what to do with Hewlett from the beginning and maybe Burn Gorman had a lot of say and a lot of ideas to put out there because i feel like he was really passionate about Hewlett. So, anyway, it was easier with Hewlett. I like his whole progression from how he became this guy most people would disagree and hate to a more likeable character towards the end. I liked his whole slight involvement in the spy ring because enemy spy plots? Sign me up. Bit I liked, too, with that whole involvement, he still stayed to his loyalties even if what he was doing was the opposite of being loyal. I just found him to be a really complex character imo. I could go on and on here but this is already getting long.
Rogers: So Rogers didn’t get as favorable result for this as Hewlett, but if I’m writing a character, usually that means i like their character or I’m interested in them in some way. Rogers & Hewlett are complete opposites and writing both is a fun time, but I find it easier to write Hewlett and all of the flexibility he has. Rogers is a majorly violent character so I feel like with his characterization from t.urn and just how his character is, I get stuck in a box sometimes. But I do like writing both, they are both fun to explore, but like any muse: there’s pros and cons to writing someone. It’s not any of y rp partners’ fault at all, it’s mostly just how T.urn wanted to portray him and my lack of ideas.
Rogers isn’t my favorite, but he’s fun to write. I think similar to my Hewlett section, the writers had less of an idea to do with him because we know more about him than we do of the real Edmund Hewlett of Setauket. Rogers was hardly involved in the revolution, he left after he got “fired” and lost his rangers (and not in the way t.urn depicted). He is more known from the French and Indian war and t.urn was close to the historical counterpart with a few twists (and the timeline is off), but I think after that, they didn’t have any ideas what to do with him. His whole “revenge” arc gets easily pushed to the side and forgotten. The only revenge we ever hear of him is with Andre, the Ben & Rogers feud is forgotten after the first season. I like his part in s3, but I think the writers should’ve done more with his character.
Regardless, I do like to study Rogers’ character generally. I can associate more songs with him than I can with Hewlett, so I also like to figure that stuff out and find songs that match his vibe. I just kinda wish they had Rogers do more in the show, have two antagonistic violent characters running around to add more stress and drama fro the spy ring (and could be manipulated to go after one another since Simcoe & Rogers have their own grudge with one another, more so Rogers and his wounded pride. We see thsi in s3 a bit but idk they could’ve done more with Rogers’ hunt for vengeance to all that wronged him).
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       Local babysitter for hire! For the low, low price of information on John Andre’s whereabouts, you can have this wanted criminal reliable babysitter to watch your child at any time of the day! He might show them how to throw an axe, but it’s all in the name of self defense, right?
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@sideburnsandmelancholy once said: That’s what King George calls Rogers: Scottish Shortbread lmao
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       Anyway I think it's neat that t.urn added the small character study fact that Roger's trained his Rangers (before he got dismissed from being a commander of the Queen's Rangers) to not trust redcoats while they were aiding their side of the war. Idk just gives you more of an insight into Rogers' own brand of (dis)loyalty.
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