#( ๐‘ด๐’†๐’“๐’„๐’š ๐’•๐’‚๐’”๐’•๐’†๐’” ๐’ƒ๐’Š๐’•๐’•๐’†๐’“๐’”๐’˜๐’†๐’†๐’• ; headcanon (( Hewlett ))
sharp-teeth-and-archived ยท 1 year
* ๐„๐ƒ๐Œ๐”๐๐ƒ ๐‡๐„๐–๐‹๐„๐“๐“
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You leave an impression wherever you go. Your heart is so strong, so determined, so willing to go after whatever hole you see in the world, whatever wound you need to fix next. You're there. You're justice, hot red and pure gold, fairness incarnate, a paladin in shining armor come to protect and cleanse and heal and yet sometimes you wonder if you're the most corrupt, dirty being in the world, a fraud, a monster in hero's clothing. The world is so intense and you are so small, so fragile, and no matter how hard you try you're never good enough. You want to be good. You want to be good enough. You try so hard and yet the world is so dark and angry and cruel. Perfection is always just out of reach and you want things to be okay so bad you bleed with it. You just want things to be right, to be good, to be fair, but you don't know if they ever can be. If you can ever be.
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shxrp-teeth-after-dark ยท 1 year
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anonymousย asked : Hewlett, Ass or Chests?
This Or That Meme. -- accepting
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ย  ย  ย  ย ย Hands.
ย  ย  ย  ย ย โ Chests, I suppose. โž But personality comes first.
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sharp-teeth-and-archived ยท 1 year
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Thinking over Hewlett's trauma again, after the events of his capture, Hewlett does not like dark rooms. He avoids that of all cost because of the way he was subdued (getting knocked out and all that). Even when he goes to bed, he has to have a lot of candlelight to feel comfortable and the curtains pulled back. He always feels uneasy around night time, especially with all the chaotic nonsense he dealt with after his return.
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sharp-teeth-and-archived ยท 2 years
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ย  ย  ย  ย ย This isn't an all-out headcanon for Hewlett, it has some canon legitimacy and can be assumed from Hewlett's dialogue, but I wanted to look more into this with a historical lens. Specifically, for this post, I'm going to look more deeply into how and why Hewlett has his Major status, especially when it comes to the meaning behind his nickname "Oyster Major" with his lack of seeing an actual battle.
ย  ย  ย  ย ย One may assume from Hewlett's Major title that he rose in the ranks and achieved this after military training and years of being involved in the British Army. For my portrayal, this isn't the case. In terms of the characters of the show, I would say Hewlett has been in the military longer than Ensign baker has, but I would say some of the others have had more experience than Hewlett has had (Like Rogers for example) The way the British Army dealt with this ranks was through commissions. One (usually) paid a certain amount of money to rise in the ranks and based on this article this was seen as the best method to avoid corruption and "If you were among the โ€˜well-ballastedโ€™, meaning one with deep pockets who lived a lavish lifestyle โ€“ then you were naturally considered well educated and capable of managing an impecunious peasantry."
ย  ย  ย  ย ย With this in mind, if we consider Hewlett's upbringing: the son of a businessman, well-educated, well-versed in the classics, religious, and passionate in his trust in the King, he would be fit for such a high title. Granted, Hewlett went into the British Army to provide for his family based on the trade embargo that nearly bankrupted his father (I'm assuming this is around the Townshend Act), he didn't have as much money as before, but I would imagine his family still had connections and a good standing in society. They were known more than a farmer from a low-class family and in my own interpretation, Hewlett attended St. Andrew's in Scotland, so he had a college education under his belt that helped him gain more respect and hold up the title of being well-educated. His father likely fell on hard times and they weren't used to the fall in profit, but I would imagine Hewlett, or his father, had enough money to spend on a Major's commission. I don't see Hewlett or his family allowing him to be anything like an Ensign or have such a low ranking in the army with this educated background, but also for the profit he would gain from it. Hewlett would gain more as a Major and get the respect he believed he deserved with his background and upper-class living if he decided to be a Major. I also believe that Hewlett generally sees himself as suitable for an authority title with his "law, order' authority" line and the confidence he felt in using the gravestones in s1 against the rebels.
ย  ย  ย  ย ย Whether Hewlett is suitable for this authority position, is up for debate. I feel as if Hewlett did go through the training for being a soldier (and with his background Hewlett likely already had an idea of how to shoot a gun and how to ride a horse and had the basics down), with the position he was in, but with being stationed in Setauket, having little army activity to his name before his role as Major, I feel as if that's partly why people talk behind his back with the other high ranking officers. He's in smalltown Setauket, he hasn't been on a battlefield before, and commanding over a small town of that size might look easy or not as respectable to some.
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sharp-teeth-and-archived ยท 1 year
* ๐„๐ƒ๐Œ๐”๐๐ƒ ๐‡๐„๐–๐‹๐„๐“๐“
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you're very tired, aren't you? thrashing and fighting and trying to surviveโ€“ it has taken its toll, but that has not stopped you. you'll continue to gnaw and scream and bare teeth until you can free yourself from this mess, even if it means being the last one left. there is rest at the end of this hard battle, i promise you. there is a time when the fight will be overโ€“ but fighting is all you know, isn't it?
TAGGED BY: @multipleoccupancy ( thank you! )
TAGGING: @viciousgold @miss-polly @wiiaca @colecassiidy @uncxntrxllable @intothewildsea @torntruth @historiavn
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shxrp-teeth-after-dark ยท 1 year
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smiletimeisrunningoutย asked : Vanilla or Kinky? - let's find out about Hewlett boy!
This Or That Meme. / @smiletimeisrunningout -- accepting
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ย  ย  ย  ย ย โ To not talk around the subject, I have a preference of not going to great extremes. Nevertheless, anything that my other half enjoys, I am willing to... experiment. For their pleasure, of course. โž
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sharp-teeth-and-archived ยท 1 year
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Small headcanon, but with Hewlett's aristocracy background, I feel like Hewlett was taught how to read and write in Latin. Due to Hewlett's own interest in Greek Myths, he wanted to learn the Greek language. Hewlett has a better grasp of Latin as a whole, band Hewlett can't converse with someone in Latin or Greek, but he remembers a lot of those languages. (At least to the extent for how some of the words we used today originate from them). Since he grew up in Scotland, he also knows some Gaelic/Scottish words, but that's far fewer than his knowledge of Greek and Latin.
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sharp-teeth-and-archived ยท 2 years
*ย ๐„๐ƒ๐Œ๐”๐๐ƒ ๐‡๐„๐–๐‹๐„๐“๐“
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Quality Time: 37%
Words of Affirmation: 23%
Physical Touch: 17%
Receiving Gifts: 17%
Acts of Service: 7%
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sharp-teeth-and-archived ยท 2 years
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rhogeminidย asked : anna and the oyster man bc iโ€™m a slut for those two
Ship Questionnaire. / @rhogeminid & @annastrxng -- accepting
How did they first meet? I definitely don't think Anna and Hewlett's first meeting was as shown in their first scene together in the show. I can't really remember too much of their first scene together, but I believe it was when Anna was meeting Hewlett in the "Read 'em, John" episode? Either way, I headcanon that their first meeting was brief and it was around the time Hewlett first visited Setauket and he walked into Selah's tavern. Their interaction was brief since Hewlett only wanted a drink and to introduce himself to the people of Setauket, the Strongs being one of them.
Who felt romantic feelings first? Hewlett, most likely. I canโ€™t remember the exact reasoning for why Anna got close to Hewlett other than enjoying his company and circumstance linking the two together more, how Hewlett was more tolerable than Richard when she was rooming at White Hall, and the whole Hewlett murder plot Abe had in mind. I think in the grand scheme of things, Hewlett was the one who felt feelings first. He was attracted to her, but it seemed to be in the beginning of s2 that he was really taken with Anna (the whole โ€œplay-tonicโ€ scene shows that Hewlett was falling fast). I think Hewlett falls in love with people super easily, either by his general gullible nature or his inexperience with a relationship. I see it as a high school/teenage first love scenario with him regarding his feelings, meaning Hewlett is quicker to fall than Anna. Anna also had more of a reason to be guarded around Hewlett anyway.
Did either of them try to resist their feelings? I believe Anna likely did. Heโ€™s a redcoat, sheโ€™s a spy, sheโ€™s a Patriot, her husband is still alive and out there, she has Abe and heโ€™s the jealous sort, thereโ€™s also Simcoe and his possessive nature regarding her. I think she has a lot of reasons to be more resistant to her feelings with everything sheโ€™s gone through, especially with how Abe and ANna were supposed to get married in the first place, but look at where that ended up. Hewlett hasnโ€™t had to deal with this sort of turmoil in his life at this point. I believe he was rather sheltered growing up and stayed mostly to himself, so he had less of a reason to guard his feelings. In regards to his trauma, he already had feelings for her before his kidnapping and capture, so thereโ€™s really no reason for him to do so.
Who initiated their feelings first? Iโ€™m just going by canon on this one, but Hewlett. Hewlett is an honest man (mostly, disregard the small spy moment he has in the show with his connection to Abe). I think he would want to be upfront about his budding feelings and not lead anyone astray and it has gotten to a point where he simply canโ€™t ignore it. Itโ€™s only right to come clean and admit to it. He seemed pretty nervous just asking to pursue a friendship with her, not only the marriage proposal and the idea to go further with their friendship.ย 
Who said โ€œI love youโ€ first? Hewlett. I think Anna loved Hewlett in a complicated way, but I canโ€™t see her admitting to it so easily, especially in the timeline of s3 where so much is happening with Abe and in Setauket. I can see Anna being able to lie easily, but not when it comes to emotions like that.
Who gets jealous easily? I donโ€™t particularly see Hewlett as the jealous type, moreso protective. I can see maybe a tiny bit of jealousy if he had feelings for Anna, Simcoe swept in, and somehow Anncoe became canon, but I think he would feel more hurt and disappointed than jealousy. I see Hewlett being annoyed and disgusted with his jealousy in general, so it would morph into something else at that point. I donโ€™t see Anna being jealous either, so maybe Hewlett might be a tiny bit easier to get jealous.
Who is more protective? Kind of answered this already: Hewlett. I can see Anna being protective of Hewlett, definitely, but I think when it comes to everything Anna faces: her husband being sent on a prison ship, the supposed divorce papers, Simcoeโ€™s possessive tendency towards her, Richardโ€™s dislike of her, her social standing in town, Hewlett acts more on his protective nature. Itโ€™s also I think more common for a man to do so in this time period, itโ€™s more widely accepted. Anna likely deals with her protective nature in the shadows, like trying to convince Abe from rash actions with killing Hewlett.
Who remembers the little things? I think both of them do! I can see both of them being observant of the others' likes, dislikes, preferences, and interests. I do see Anna being really observant of Hewlett and his interests and being the best gift-giver when it comes to him.
Who talks about their feelings more? Hewlett. He really, really loves Anna and he doesnโ€™t want to hide it. He expressed this already in his statement of not caring what others said or what her social standing was in town, he would be willing to marry her. I think Hewlett was very passionate in his feelings for Anna and it crushed him deeply when their relationship fell apart. But in general, I can see Hewlett being more open to talk about his feelings. I think Annaโ€™s used to internalizing her feelings and being independent, restricting them because of the vulnerability with it and the hurt it could bring. I mean look at Abe and Anna, she was likely very vulnerable with Abe and now look at what happened to them.
Who uses the cheesier pickup lines? Anna? I can see both of them, maybe, poking fun at one another, but I think Anna leans a little bit more toward this.
What does a first date look like for them? I can see either a picnic or a time looking out at the stars on Hewlettโ€™s telescope. I donโ€™t think they would have to go all out on their first date or have any extensive planning for it. I think they would be more into the experience of being in one anotherโ€™s company than anything else.ย 
What do they like to do together? Other than star gazing, I think both would enjoy reading aloud (or in the same room) or talking about their day. Anna likes to listen to Hewlett ramble on about his interests and knowledge, about Scotland and his mother. Hewlett is interested in Annaโ€™s upbringing, her life experiences, and hearing everything she knows. They have both lived very different lives, so I think just conversing would be their favorite thing and they tend to really get along, so it works out. I can see maybe horse riding? If only Bucephalus was alive *sighs*.
Which one gets angry the most, leaving the other to calm them down? Hewlett? I think with a bunch of stress as seen in s3 and his trauma, Hewlett is more prone to anger, but I don't see him getting violent or anything. I think Anna can calm him down very quickly and I don't think Hewlett could get angry with Anna.
Do they like PDA? I donโ€™t see either of them partaking in PDA too heavily. With the standards of the time and their own personalities, I can see maybe hand holding or a kiss on a hand or cheek as the most they will go with PDA. Hewlett doesnโ€™t see the use of PDA and growing up with his etiquette classes, I donโ€™t see him being comfortable with huge exchanges of affection in public.
What are their big spoon / little spoon arrangements? I think it depends on the day and the mood, but usually Hewlett will be the big spoon. It just naturally occurs like this, but I can see him enjoying the feeling of being the little spoon because he deserves to be cuddled and cherished.
Does one like the cuddle more than the other? Hewlett? Iโ€™m not sure. I donโ€™t see either really minding, but I think Hewlett is more likely.
Who hogs the blankets? Neither, but if this was the case, Hewlett is such a simp for Anna that he would be like โ€œThis is fine, I love Anna <3โ€ if she stole the blanket from him and left him to shiver in the night.
Which one is a morning person? Hewlett? Either one honestly. I can see Hewlett being so used to an early morning schedule, not only because it was seen as natural and expected in his household growing up, but for his job as Major.
Do either of them like to cook? Hewlett doesnโ€™t mind cooking, but heโ€™s not that great at it. With growing up in a wealthy household, the family wasnโ€™t required to do their own cooking, so his knowledge is limited and he is more familiar with others serving food to him. He doesnโ€™t mind helping Anna around the kitchen and heโ€™ll definitely offer a hand when he sees her cooking, but it might be Anna that cooks more between the two.
If they get married, who proposes first? Hewlett. Not only with the standards of the time period, but I think Hewlett would be more comfortable and find it expected of him to be the one to propose. He wouldnโ€™t say no if Anna did initiate a proposal though.
What kind of wedding do they have? A simple, but a lovely one. If this one actually goes through that is. I think Hewlett is happier that he is marrying Anna that he could care less about setting up the wedding. He would want Anna to decide how she wants the wedding to be since he wants to make it about her. He would want to center the wedding around Christianity in some way, that would be his only requirement with his heavy religious beliefs. The wedding will likely be small and a party will follow soon after since Hewlett loves to host parties.
Does anyone object to their relationship? If Abe was there, he would. I donโ€™t think Richard would object, other than the forged divorce papers part, despite his dislike for Anna. I think he has more resilience than Abe does.ย 
Do they have any kids? Yes! Iโ€™m not sure how many, however many Anna would want, but Hewlett has always dreamed of being a father. He thought he never would with his age, but it was always a dream he had, and once he fell in love with Anna he knew she would make a wonderful mother. So he would be more eager to have a family of their own.
Do they have any pets? Nothing can replace Bucephalus, but Hewlett insists that they will have a horse. I feel like one of their children would find a stray or find some animal in the wild (like a bunny) and they unofficially adopt that animal into their home.
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sharp-teeth-and-archived ยท 2 years
*ย ๐„๐ƒ๐Œ๐”๐๐ƒ ๐‡๐„๐–๐‹๐„๐“๐“
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how miraculous it is, that you, feeling so small and fragile are so full of desire to reach out. i picture the sun, a gentle sun, a soft sun, treasured inside your body. i picture a little bird freely fluttering in your chest, it's singing the prettiest of songs. you can't help but reach, you reach with everything you are. you reach for your family, your friends, for strangers you share a second of eye contact with, for that one pretty cat you saw 8 months ago, you reach for yourself. it's not a secret that the universe is spun together with infinite particles of love, and it's so obvious that you were spun from the same fabric. you're the hope that someone can do better, you're the conviction that everything will be okay. you're the one that's been hurt time and time again and you've hurt yourself more than anyone else but here you are still. flying, shining and singing of the littlest bits of hope. oh my pretty thing. i wish for you every day and i plead you may receive even just a spark of the magic you so easily give. i plead you may see your face in the mirror and feel that sun inside light up and shine brighter than it ever has. i wish you someone, or many someones, to share with. wish you kisses, cuddles and laughter. i want to thank you. i want to ask you to never stop reaching for yourself. i want to marvel at the parts you find within your soul. every single part as magnificent and breathtakingly beautiful as the next.
you, i recognize you. you constantly chase this beautiful, desire to understand and be understood in return, yet more often than not you find yourself tripping over your own feet. what does it truly mean, to you, to "understand"? i can't say, i can't know. but i can share what i think, if you'll allow me. we're ever-changing, the world is ever-changing, our friends are ever-changing, when our desire to understand is limited to understanding things how we, as an individual, perceive them right now, we can get lost in time, we get frustrated, we become so many things we never intended to become. you're ridiculously intelligent and harbor such unique love for the tiniest details of our existence. there's probably nothing i could tell you that you haven't told yourself, and you're probably already writing up a counter-argument to everything you conclude from this (i wish i could sit down with you and listen to every word). the thought of you makes me smile. i wish a lot for you. i hope you can relax. i hope you can allow your emotions to be what they are. to allow yourself to be who you are. i hope you can find people who will ask you just as much as you ask yourself, people you feel safe with, safe to answer, to enjoy giving and taking with an absence of judgement. safe to bounce ideas off of and - at the end of the day - to simply embrace and be embraced back. hearts overflown with silent knowledge.
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sharp-teeth-and-archived ยท 2 years
bold any fears which apply to your muse / italicize which makes them uncomfortable. repost donโ€™t reblog!
*ย ๐‹๐˜๐ƒ๐ˆ๐€ ๐๐€๐‘๐๐„๐“๐“
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dark // fire // open water // deep water // being alone // crowded spaces // confined spaces // open spaces // change // failure // war // loss of controlย // powerlessness // prison // blood // drowning // suffocation // public speaking // natural animals // the supernatural // heights // death // intimacy // rejection // abandonment // loss // the unknown // the future //ย not being good enough // scary stories // speaking to new people // poverty // loud noises // lack of noise // being touched ( without permission ) // forgetting // insects // disease // falling // being forgotten
*ย ๐‘๐Ž๐๐„๐‘๐“ ๐‘๐Ž๐†๐„๐‘๐’
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dark // fire // open water // deep water // being alone // crowded spaces // confined spaces // open spaces // change // failure // war // loss of control // powerlessness // prison // blood // drowning // suffocation // public speaking // natural animals // the supernatural // heights // death // intimacy // rejection // abandonment // loss // the unknown // the future // not being good enough // scary stories // speaking to new people // poverty // loud noises // lack of noise // being touched ( without permission ) // forgetting // insects // disease // falling // being forgotten
*ย ๐„๐ƒ๐Œ๐”๐๐ƒ ๐‡๐„๐–๐‹๐„๐“๐“
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dark // fire // open water // deep water // being alone // crowded spaces // confined spaces // open spaces // change // failure // war // loss of control // powerlessness // prison // blood // drowning // suffocation // public speaking // natural animals // the supernatural // heights // death // intimacy // rejection // abandonment // loss // the unknown // the future // not being good enough // scary stories // speaking to new people // poverty // loud noises // lack of noise // being touched ( without permission ) // forgetting // insects // disease // falling // being forgotten
TAGGED: @templetonpeckcangetit & @honorheartedโ€‹ ( thank you both! )
TAGGING:ย @sadiesawyer @sideburnsandmelancholy @annastrxng @somemindsatwork @deadlyarccna @eritvita @coyotesteeth @wiiaca ( if you guys want to do this! )
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sharp-teeth-and-archived ยท 2 years
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ย  ย  ย  ย I need to put this somewhere so I decided to write out a headcanon post to get all of my thoughts together.ย 
ย  ย  ย  ย Hewlettโ€™s upbringing and โ€œbackstoryโ€ is still a work in progress, so over time with writing him I may change some things around or add things.
ย  ย  ย  ย Tw: death mention, child death.
ย  ย  ย  ย Edmund Hewlett was born in Scotland, the first generation of the Hewlett family to be born on Scotland soil. His father and mother traveled from Britain to Scotland due to the potential profit that could be gained there, and Hewlettโ€™s father wished to open a business by trading and selling goods, so Scotland felt just right to him. He wanted to leave Britain and experience a different environment that wasnโ€™t too far from their original whereabouts. His family came from more humble beginnings. The Hewlett's was a respectable middle-class family, but they werenโ€™t huge in wealth. They had enough to save over, but they didnโ€™t necessarily have so much money that they had no idea what to do with it.ย 
ย  ย  ย  ย Edmund Hewlett was the first child to be born after many attempts, and when Edmund was five, his sister was born. Quickly, the second child seemed much harder to take care of for the pair, she was often dealing with a lot of health issues and it was less than a year of her birth that Edmund was once again their only child. After her death, the pair decided to put their attention more on their only child, worried that if they were to have another child: they would have as many health problems as Edmundโ€™s sister did.
ย  ย  ย  ย Luckily for them, the trading business seemed to be more than profitable, giving them more comfortable living and more time to spend with their son. Their wealth got to a point where Edmund didnโ€™t need to work if he didnโ€™t want to, a wealth they werenโ€™t accustomed to at all. Edmund attended St. Andrews for his studies where he learned about his love for astronomy and enrolled in that program. His family was more than supportive of his education. His father, especially, with how close they grew during Edmundโ€™s childhood. He would often travel with his father to Britain and back to Scotland, never wishing to leave his fatherโ€™s side.
ย  ย  ย  ย In an attempt to gain an ever deeper profit, Edmundโ€™s father put a lot of his money into his business to succeed against his competitors. This only proved foolish when the American Revolution started, leaving the family in extreme debt (which pushed Hewlett away from his astronomy and into the service). I think there are a lot of reasons why Edmund is a loyalist: the religious factor, he believes in their cause and prefers a monarchy, which was likely partly passed down by his parents. But as well, he saw this as a personal matter as well with how far in debt and financial ruin his parents got into. It only strengthened his loyalty to the Crown, seeing this as a selfish act to hardworking people. It was as much as giving back to his parents the love and support they gave him during his upbringing, he didnโ€™t mind being the one who provided them the money for his comfortable childhood. He also saw military/army service as honorable, he could do something when he had the chance to.
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sharp-teeth-and-archived ยท 2 years
* ย ๐„๐ƒ๐Œ๐”๐๐ƒ ๐‡๐„๐–๐‹๐„๐“๐“
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โ€ขย 47% Intellectual: The Intellectual is the ultimate dinner party guest. Engaging questions and thoughtful debate are their trademarks.
โ€ข 29% Spiritual: The Spiritual seeks a deeper meaning. For them, the journey of faith is never ending. Thoughtful and compassionate, they have a strong sense of moral obligation.
โ€ข 24% Creative: The Creative appreciates all beautiful things, in art and daily life. The creative act is essential to who they are.
TAGGED: @impulse-incorporatedโ€‹ ( thank you! )
TAGGING: @archaeval @wiiaca @coyotesteeth @enastrcs
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sharp-teeth-and-archived ยท 2 years
* ๐„๐ƒ๐Œ๐”๐๐ƒ ๐‡๐„๐–๐‹๐„๐“๐“
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you've been hurt, deeply. you're scared to make connections again after all that's happened, and you have a hard time believing people genuinely care about you. you tend to be a loner, struggling to fit in with acquaintances, and you probably feel like you're socially awkward. you're probably involved with various forms of art, music, or dance. you have detailed dreams and may be in touch with your spiritual side; the earth is your home and you feel most at peace in nature. your friend groups tend to be small, you don't interact with many people. though you've been hurt, you know that you still believe in the kindness of humanity. in the past or present, you feel like you haven't been loved the way you should be. despite all this, you are one hell of a light. the things you make are truly beautiful, and you are trying your best. you should be proud. allow yourself to be adored the way you deserve. i love you.
*ย ๐•๐€๐‘๐‘๐ˆ๐‚ ๐“๐„๐“๐‡๐‘๐€๐’
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you embrace your soft side. often lost in daydreams, you prefer to spend your time thinking rather than doing. you are intuitive, following wherever your soul takes you, and you love your family-- chosen family and otherwise. you take things to heart, so sometimes criticism and jokes can hurt you, but you'd never lash out. fluctuating like the tide, your moods and values often shift and flow and since you're deeply empathetic the feelings of others can influence you. you probably write poetry or short stories, or maybe you're coming up with a novel! you want to see the world and never really settle down. remember that you can stand up for yourself, and donโ€™t let people tie you down.
TAGGED:ย @flcralistโ€‹ ( thank you! )
TAGGING: Itโ€™s rather late my time and I donโ€™t want to bug anyone, so steal it from me and say I tagged you!
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sharp-teeth-and-archived ยท 2 years
Directions: Fill out the below sheet for your muse, then tag anyone you think may wish to play. Repost, donโ€™t reblog!
*ย ๐„๐ƒ๐Œ๐”๐๐ƒ ๐‡๐„๐–๐‹๐„๐“๐“
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TAGGED BY: @honorheartedโ€‹โ€‹ ( thank you! )
TAGGING: Steal it from me! Anyone with a canon character or an oc! I would tag people but idk who would be interested in this dash game.
(Explanation below!)
I did all of this on mobile so I hope itโ€™s all still readable. I just didnโ€™t want to go through my suitcase and retrieve my laptop and wait for photoshop to run.
Hewlett: In my first watch of t.urn, I did not like Hewlett in the first season. I liked him a little more in the last episode of s1, but with the whole gravestone thing -- it just gave me a really negative impression of him. I thought he was really egotistical and selfish. It was mostly s2 & s3 that got me to soften towards Hewlett and he became oen of my favorite characters. I like all of the t.urn characters (well mostly, except maybe Arnold, Simcoe, or Abe at times) but i really softened towards Hewlett and Iโ€™m a fan of Annlett anyways, so that very likely made me feel more fonder of Hewlett.ย 
Hewlett had plenty of screen time, but with him being one of my faves, I will always welcome more screen time lmao. I think with how little we know of the real Edmund Hewlett and how t.urn made it their own vision, I think they had an easier time developing his character besides the others. (Even with Abe, the writers held somewhat of a tie to his historical counterpart, but obviously not much). So compared to the others, I think they had a better idea on what to do with Hewlett from the beginning and maybe Burn Gorman had a lot of say and a lot of ideas to put out there because i feel like he was really passionate about Hewlett. So, anyway, it was easier with Hewlett. I like his whole progression from how he became this guy most people would disagree and hate to a more likeable character towards the end. I liked his whole slight involvement in the spy ring becauseย enemy spy plots? Sign me up. Bit I liked, too, with that whole involvement, he still stayed to his loyalties even if what he was doing was the opposite of being loyal. I just found him to be a really complex character imo. I could go on and on here but this is already getting long.
Rogers:ย So Rogers didnโ€™t get as favorable result for this as Hewlett, but if Iโ€™m writing a character, usually that means i like their character or Iโ€™m interested in them in some way. Rogers & Hewlett are complete opposites and writing both is a fun time, but I find it easier to write Hewlett and all of the flexibility he has. Rogers is a majorly violent character so I feel like with his characterization from t.urn and just how his character is, I get stuck in a box sometimes. But I do like writing both, they are both fun to explore, but like any muse: thereโ€™s pros and cons to writing someone. Itโ€™s not any of y rp partnersโ€™ fault at all, itโ€™s mostly just how T.urn wanted to portray him and my lack of ideas.
Rogers isnโ€™t my favorite, but heโ€™s fun to write. I think similar to my Hewlett section, the writers had less of an idea to do with him because we know more about him than we do of the real Edmund Hewlett of Setauket. Rogers was hardly involved in the revolution, he left after he gotย โ€œfiredโ€ and lost his rangers (and not in the way t.urn depicted). He is more known from the French and Indian war and t.urn was close to the historical counterpart with a few twists (and the timeline is off), but I think after that, they didnโ€™t have any ideas what to do with him. His wholeย โ€œrevengeโ€ arc gets easily pushed to the side and forgotten. The only revenge we ever hear of him is with Andre, the Ben & Rogers feud is forgotten after the first season. I like his part in s3, but I think the writers shouldโ€™ve done more with his character.
Regardless, I do like to study Rogersโ€™ character generally. I can associate more songs with him than I can with Hewlett, so I also like to figure that stuff out and find songs that match his vibe. I just kinda wish they had Rogers do more in the show, have two antagonistic violent characters running around to add more stress and drama fro the spy ring (and could be manipulated to go after one another since Simcoe & Rogers have their own grudge with one another, more so Rogers and his wounded pride. We see thsi in s3 a bit but idk they couldโ€™ve done more with Rogersโ€™ hunt for vengeance to all that wronged him).
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sharp-teeth-and-archived ยท 2 years
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1) WHAT DOES YOUR MUSE SMELL LIKE? Ink, alcohol (sometimes, itโ€™s very faint), soap, but I think Hewlett would use some lightย โ€œcologneโ€. He actually wants to smell decent most of the time, but he doesnโ€™t want to overdo on the scented water he uses. I donโ€™t think Hewlett would make his gloves smell any particular smell, just as a preference.
2) HOW OFTEN DOES YOUR MUSE BATHE/SHOWER? Hewlett actually bathes regularly! I think Hewlett has a bit of a sensitive nose and picks up on smells easier than most (like he has a really good sense of smell). So smelling other people and their BO throughout his life, he takes more care with his cleanliness. He usually sees changing clothes and undergarments as a way toย โ€œcleanโ€, as many colonists do, but he also takes baths. I think itโ€™s more common for him with how he grew up in a wealthy home, parties, visitors, and guests being over occurred often.
3) DOES YOUR MUSE HAVE ANY TATTOOS OR PIERCINGS? Nope! In a modern verse, I donโ€™t see Hewlett having either.
4) ANY BODY MOVEMENT QUIRKS (E.G. TAPPING HEEL, SHAKING KNEE)? I think with Hewlettโ€™s upper class upbringing, a lot of the shaking, tapping, etc would be a habit ended early for etiquette sake. So a lot of the usual body quirks wouldnโ€™t be the case for him later in life. I think Hewlett, oddly, does circle a finger over the rim of his glass when heโ€™s in deep thought.
5) WHAT DO THEY SLEEP IN? A shift or some robe of some kind. I think actually Hewlett usually falls asleep with a robe on because heโ€™s too comfy and too tired to bother taking it off lmao.
6) WHATโ€™S THEIR FAVOURITE PIECE OF CLOTHING? Hewlett does have a fewย โ€œcivilianโ€ outfits, but he tends to stick to his whole British Army outfit. I think he thinks he looks the best in it and his whole loyalty with the Crown, his status as a Major, it helps his air of authority in a way to him. It makes him more confident. So I would say that is his favorite clothing, but he has some other outfits stored away for a later time.
7) WHAT DO THEY DO WHEN THEY WAKE UP? Hewlett is a big morning person and likes to have tea (or coffee, whichever heโ€™s in the mood for that morning) with a hearty breakfast. heโ€™s the kind of guy that canโ€™t pass up breakfast. I think in the morning, when everything is still quiet, he likes to read a few passages from the Bible. He sees his job as Major and religion/God in the same vein, so he finds it fitting and a good way to start his day.
8) HOW DO THEY SLEEP? POSITION? His back. Idk if this would be the usual for soldiers of the time (Iโ€™m assuming Hewlett went through some training at some point) to be taught to sleep a certain way, so I think itโ€™s just a habit at that point. But I think generally he sleeps easier on his back. He never found laying on his side or stomach to be comfortable.
9) WHAT DO THEIR HANDS FEEL LIKE? Soft from his upbringing. He is a Major, but he doesnโ€™t ever see any hard labor because he has his men build whatever is needed. With age, it might not be as soft as it once was, but his hands arenโ€™t hardened or rough at all.
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