#( 𝔴𝔬𝔩𝔣 ! ) | outofcharacter .
soulwrought · 4 months
starter call ! please ask for irys or warin .
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soulwrought · 3 months
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some of yous are friends with quilge , but yous also need to pass irys' vibe check ( she rushes you with physical violence ) .
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soulwrought · 3 months
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you need to know that ... irys is a quilnoi supporter . a stan , even .
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soulwrought · 4 months
warinot being BANNED from the hunt is .......... kinda funny to me , actually . like ------ what'd the little rat do .
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soulwrought · 4 months
on my little irys notes I have it written down that one of her fav foods is “placki ziemniaczane” ( potato pancakes ) 💝
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soulwrought · 4 months
like for an ask ! specify if you want Irys or Wari . Or both HEH .
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soulwrought · 2 months
fact that if i don't talk music with @foolshoujo , i'd explode probably
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soulwrought · 4 months
@apocalypta-secundus is correct ! Irys’ weapon is basically Ivy’s from soul calibur :) it’s a whip , it’s a sword , it’s BOTH , babes .
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soulwrought · 2 months
it really do be like ... If i can't make someone who SOMEWHAT looks like Irys in a video game , i delete it wholly . byebye .
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soulwrought · 3 months
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oh , to drink the irys-themed ( *squints* ) creamy , blue curaçao , vodka grenadine . included : bonus , no "blood" version .
picrew here .
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soulwrought · 3 months
lust : 5'2"
irys : 6'2"
irys : *rests on lust's boobs*
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soulwrought · 3 months
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so , it's shown in canon ( namely in references & sparsely used ) that quincy have their own spellcasting , similar to a shinigami's kidō . this is namely seen with the gintō relation & is deemed a bit antiquated ------ well , whatever , I think it SLAPS that quincy have their own magick art . unfortunately , due to lack of canon examples , I'll be referring to this new iteration of the art specifically as "der Zauber" ( one of the german words for "spells" , "magic," etc ) .
while it could be argued that more refined quincy techniques could've superceeded it , I have to beg the question : what if it didn't ? what if an advanced form of magick practice was honed for the wandenreich ? and no , I'm not talking about the medallions & shadows directly , but that could go hand-in-hand . given ebern's chant at the start of the TYBW arc , that seems a bit like ----- some echoes of kidō chants , at least , in how something could structually work ( granted , iit was for the medallion , though . still , an interesting little thing of note ) . a good example , to me , of what could qualify as legitamate zauber would be the blue flames that quincy manipulate ( presumably through reishi ) .
that , and , i just like to worldbuild & craft systems that could actucally be ulitized in roleplay , and how numerous characters could thusly interact with the world & others .
more to come in time . it's just a thought .
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soulwrought · 3 months
concept : quincy saints .
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soulwrought · 3 months
due to Irys’ color scheme , you’d think I could give her ice / snow powers . I thought about this for a while , but I didn’t enjoy the concept of it … it’s a little too on the nose. However , she was born in winter , and it is her favorite season .
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soulwrought · 3 months
potential concept for irys' schrift . i haven't exactly thought about it completely yet ... my brain is full of ideas , however . since irys wasn't originally intended to be a sternritter , it's sort of within her character to not become one ------ at least, that's how I feel about it. still, it's a neat concept to think about .
concept one : THE MALEDICTION . definition :ㅤ " a magical word or phrase uttered with the intention of bringing about evil or destruction; a curse. "ㅤ this ability isn't as literal as the definition makes it out to be . what the malediction does , is it requires physical contact to be made with the desired target ; Irys would conjure small pieces of Reishi to dig into said point of contact . it could be from herself directly , or even any of her melee weaponry . casting from a distance would potentially be tricky , as the malediction requires something of an understanding between one to another . it cannot be casted wildly and without abandon , the malediction needs purpose . even so much as a hair , a scrap of flesh , would do better than nothing . the amount of damage done by the initial reishi determinds how great the subsequent damage irys can inflict , and the malediction can even carve down into bone from a surface level , if irys focuses her powers intensely enough .
ㅤ the target is thusly marked . a marked enemy can be tracked by irys over long distances , and it refuses to be washed away . however , the mark itself hurts gradually more & more over time , while irys can inflct worsening injuries upon the marked & only the marked alone . it is a power solely for hunting down & killing those who irys wishes dead . a metaphysical curse made manifest , a relentless pursuit .
concept two : just a bunch of other names vaguely considered , nothing else is solid , at the moment . nothing . lmao . but i have many ideas .
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soulwrought · 4 months
idk — I feel like I shouldn’t have to tell people that writing a real world hate group that committed horrific atrocities & killed millions of people into your fictional roleplay you do for fun on the internet sounds like a horrible , insensitive , triggering idea , but I guess I have to tell some people .
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