#& studies stuff & collects specimens .
gender-trash · 5 months
I would be very interested in hearing the museum design rant
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by popular demand: Guy That Took One (1) Museum Studies Class Focused On Science Museums Rants About Art Museums. thank u for coming please have a seat
so. background. the concept of the "science museum" grew out of 1) the wunderkammer (cabinet of curiosities), also known as "hey check out all this weird cool shit i have", and 2) academic collections of natural history specimens (usually taxidermied) -- pre-photography these were super important for biological research (see also). early science museums usually grew out of university collections or bequests of some guy's Weird Shit Collection or both, and were focused on utility to researchers rather than educational value to the layperson (picture a room just, full of taxidermy birds with little labels on them and not a lot of curation outside that). eventually i guess they figured they could make more on admission by aiming for a mass audience? or maybe it was the cultural influence of all the world's fairs and shit (many of which also caused science museums to exist), which were aimed at a mass audience. or maybe it was because the research function became much more divorced from the museum function over time. i dunno. ANYWAY, science and technology museums nowadays have basically zero research function; the exhibits are designed more or less solely for educating the layperson (and very frequently the layperson is assumed to be a child, which does honestly irritate me, as an adult who likes to go to science museums). the collections are still there in case someone does need some DNA from one of the preserved bird skins, but items from the collections that are exhibited typically exist in service of the exhibit's conceptual message, rather than the other way around.
meanwhile at art museums they kind of haven't moved on from the "here is my pile of weird shit" paradigm, except it's "here is my pile of Fine Art". as far as i can tell, the thing that curators (and donors!) care about above all is The Collection. what artists are represented in The Collection? rich fucks derive personal prestige from donating their shit to The Collection. in big art museums usually something like 3-5% of the collection is ever on exhibit -- and sometimes they rotate stuff from the vault in and out, but let's be real, only a fraction of an art museum's square footage is temporary exhibits. they're not going to take the scream off display when it's like the only reason anyone who's not a giant nerd ever visits the norwegian national museum of art. most of the stuff in the vault just sits in the vault forever. like -- art museum curators, my dudes, do you think the general public gives a SINGLE FUCK what's in The Collection that isn't on display? no!! but i guarantee you it will never occur, ever, to an art museum curator that they could print-to-scale high-res images of artworks that are NOT in The Collection in order to contextualize the art in an exhibit, because items that are not in The Collection functionally do not exist to them. (and of course there's the deaccessioning discourse -- tumblr collectively has some level of awareness that repatriation is A Whole Kettle of Worms but even just garden-variety selling off parts of The Collection is a huge hairy fucking deal. check out deaccessioning and its discontents; it's a banger read if you're into This Kind Of Thing.)
with the contents of The Collection foregrounded like this, what you wind up with is art museum exhibits where the exhibit's message is kind of downstream of what shit you've got in the collection. often the message is just "here is some art from [century] [location]", or, if someone felt like doing a little exhibit design one fine morning, "here is some art from [century] [location] which is interesting for [reason]". the displays are SOOOOO bad by science museum standards -- if you're lucky you get a little explanatory placard in tiny font relating the art to an art movement or to its historical context or to the artist's career. if you're unlucky you get artist name, date, and medium. fucker most of the people who visit your museum know Jack Shit about art history why are you doing them dirty like this
(if you don't get it you're just not Cultured enough. fuck you, we're the art museum!)
i think i've talked about this before on this blog but the best-exhibited art exhibit i've ever been to was actually at the boston museum of science, in this traveling leonardo da vinci exhibit where they'd done a bunch of historical reconstructions of inventions out of his notebooks, and that was the main Thing, but also they had a whole little exhibit devoted to the mona lisa. obviously they didn't even have the real fucking mona lisa, but they went into a lot of detail on like -- here's some X-ray and UV photos of it, and here's how art experts interpret them. here's a (photo of a) contemporary study of the finished painting, which we've cleaned the yellowed varnish off of, so you can see what the colors looked like before the varnish yellowed. here's why we can't clean the varnish off the actual painting (da vinci used multiple varnish layers and thinned paints to translucency with varnish to create the illusion of depth, which means we now can't remove the yellowed varnish without stripping paint).
even if you don't go into that level of depth about every painting (and how could you? there absolutely wouldn't be space), you could at least talk a little about, like, pigment availability -- pigment availability is an INCREDIBLY useful lens for looking at historical paintings and, unbelievably, never once have i seen an art museum exhibit discuss it (and i've been to a lot of art museums). you know how medieval european religious paintings often have funky skin tones? THEY HADN'T INVENTED CADMIUM PIGMENTS YET. for red pigments you had like... red ochre (a muted earth-based pigment, like all ochres and umbers), vermilion (ESPENSIVE), alizarin crimson (aka madder -- this is one of my favorite reds, but it's cool-toned and NOT good for mixing most skintones), carmine/cochineal (ALSO ESPENSIVE, and purple-ish so you wouldn't want to use it for skintones anyway), red lead/minium (cheaper than vermilion), indian red/various other iron oxide reds, and apparently fucking realgar? sure. whatever. what the hell was i talking about.
oh yeah -- anyway, i'd kill for an art exhibit that's just, like, one or two oil paintings from each century for six centuries, with sample palettes of the pigments they used. but no! if an art museum curator has to put in any level of effort beyond writing up a little placard and maybe a room-level text block, they'll literally keel over and die. dude, every piece of art was made in a material context for a social purpose! it's completely deranged to divorce it from its material context and only mention the social purpose insofar as it matters to art history the field. for god's sake half the time the placard doesn't even tell you if the thing was a commission or not. there's a lot to be said about edo period woodblock prints and mass culture driven by the growing merchant class! the met has a fuckton of edo period prints; they could get a hell of an exhibit out of that!
or, tying back to an earlier thread -- the detroit institute of arts has got a solid like eight picasso paintings. when i went, they were kind of just... hanging out in a room. fuck it, let's make this an exhibit! picasso's an artist who pretty famously had Periods, right? why don't you group the paintings by period, and if you've only got one or two (or even zero!) from a particular period, pad it out with some decent life-size prints so i can compare them and get a better sense for the overarching similarities? and then arrange them all in a timeline, with little summaries of what each Period was ~about~? that'd teach me a hell of a lot more about picasso -- but you'd have to admit you don't have Every Cool Painting Ever in The Collection, which is illegalé.
also thinking about the mit museum temporary exhibit i saw briefly (sorry, i was only there for like 10 minutes because i arrived early for a meeting and didn't get a chance to go through it super thoroughly) of a bunch of ship technical drawings from the Hart nautical collection. if you handed this shit to an art museum curator they'd just stick it on the wall and tell you to stand around and look at it until you Understood. so anyway the mit museum had this enormous room-sized diorama of various hull shapes and how they sat in the water and their benefits and drawbacks, placed below the relevant technical drawings.
tbh i think the main problem is that art museum people and science museum people are completely different sets of people, trained in completely different curatorial traditions. it would not occur to an art museum curator to do anything like this because they're probably from the ~art world~ -- maybe they have experience working at an art gallery, or working as an art buyer for a rich collector, neither of which is in any way pedagogical. nobody thinks an exhibit of historical clothing should work like a clothing store but it's fine when it's art, i guess?
also the experience of going to an art museum is pretty user-hostile, i have to say. there's never enough benches, and if you want a backrest, fuck you. fuck you if going up stairs is painful; use our shitty elevator in the corner that we begrudgingly have for wheelchair accessibility, if you can find it. fuck you if you can't see very well, and need to be closer to the art. fuck you if you need to hydrate or eat food regularly; go to our stupid little overpriced cafeteria, and fuck you if we don't actually sell any food you can eat. (obviously you don't want someone accidentally spilling a smoothie on the art, but there's no reason you couldn't provide little Safe For Eating Rooms where people could just duck in and monch a protein bar, except that then you couldn't sell them a $30 salad at the cafe.) fuck you if you're overwhelmed by noise in echoing rooms with hard surfaces and a lot of people in them. fuck you if you are TOO SHORT and so our overhead illumination generates BRIGHT REFLECTIONS ON THE SHINY VARNISH. we're the art museum! we don't give a shit!!!
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illubean · 6 months
Could I get headcanons for Feitan, Illumi, Leorio, and Chrollo falling for gn!reader who by all means seems like a strong, nuturing, emotionally stable individual but every once in awhile casually says or does smthin that makes people go "Oh you're a little fuckin nuts, actually"
(e.x.: Most of their D.I.Y. furniture is made of different kinds of bone, morbidly interested in the more gorey parts of their jobs, probably works in a field that allows them to be around the dead often like a taxidermist or a mortitian, highkey just unabashashedly a morbid little freak™️ whenever it comes up naturally in conversation but otherwise comes across as just an attentive lil guy you could bring home the average parents would love.)
HXH Men with a Morbid!S/o
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Characters: Leorio Paladaknight, Illumi Zoldyck, Chrollo Lucilfer, Feitan Portor Type: Headcanons, Gn!reader
this is so me
Warnings: dead things and body parts and stuff
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Leorio Paladaknight
being an aspiring doctor, Leorio thought that your knowledge on both human and animal anatomy was pretty useful
at first he didn't think much about your job and just assumed you were some type of doctor or biologist or something
he often asks you questions as he studies and you're a pretty good tutor
the first time Leorio realized you were kinda weird is when one day you were walking down the street and saw some roadkill
and you were like "aww too bad, the skin and bones are too damaged to harvest"
and you kept walking like it was normal while he was like ?!!??!?
or you guys were having a normal conversation and you say something like
"if you died i'd taxidermy you and re-articulate your skeleton so you'd be with me forever <3"
1 taxidermizing humans is illegal and 2 WHAT
he is cold sweating wtf did he get himself into
when he comes to your house for the first time and sees a bunch of bones, animal skins and wet specimens he damn near passes the fuck out
how do you just casually have dead things and remains around your house!?
he is freaking the fuck out and you're just like "dw everything is ethically sourced :D"
yeah he thinks you're a freak and he is too fearful to break up with you ever (not like he was planning to anyways)
Illumi Zoldyck
whatever drew Illumi to you had to have been some type of power
aside from that power, to Illumi you were relatively normal and had a good grip on your emotions which made you a perfect candidate
that being said he could care less what your job was, you'd just end up working for or with him eventually
when he started bringing you around the estate, you often sought out their guard dog Mike and Illumi couldn't think of why
that is until you came back one day with a human femur and bright smile on your face
"... where did you even get that?" "From one of Mike's victims. If I collect enough I could make a whole set of bar stools!"
he blinked at you and chose to ignore your statement
i mean, to each their own am i right?
so you have ah hobby, big deal
Illumi just thinks you're pretty normal personality wise until you randomly but casually drop information about what you do in your free time or have in your home
so now whenever he has a job Illumi calls you in for cleanup
you get to do.... whatever it is you do and there's no evidence of a dead body left behind, it's a win win
Chrollo Lucilfer
he couldn't care less what your job is because it's probably not worse than his 😭
he didn't really notice anything "morbid" about you until he asked about your jewlery
you wore things like resin caster bug pendants or bird skull earrings and stuff
he just assumed they were fake and you bought them because they looked badass
but then you told him you make it all YOURSELF
he is intrigued
he doesn't really question you past that because you were probably buying the bones and stuff somewhere (spoiler alert you're not)
what really caused him to think was when you casually just picked up a dead rat off the floor in some abandoned building you were exploring and suck it in your pocket
bro was so confused
"What do you need that for?" "To make a new necklace :3"
yeah now he knows that your odd taste in jewelry goes deeper than just that
he won't judge you though, if anything you're a better person than he is considering you don't kill things yourself
he is literally a murderer and a thief and has committed like 3467633788 crimes so he couldn't judge even if he wanted to
so now when he sees dead animals and what not he bags them up and brings them to you
he likes to sit in on your cleaning and making process
you seem like a perfectly normal and sweet person to everyone else but Chrollo knows about your freaky little hobby and it just makes him like you even more
Feitan Portor
I feel like for you and Feitan to even be acquainted you have to be part of the troupe
whatever you do outside of it is your business
buttttttt since you are his s/o and Feitan is probably homeless he crashes wherever you are
thus him finding out about your hobby and other job
out of everyone on this list he is the most interested
he too is a morbid little freak
he goes with you to find things and will help you with the cleaning/taxidermy or whatever process if you let him
what he doesn't understand though is why you don't just kill the things you want instead of hunting for already dead things
sometimes he will go catch like a squirrel or something and bring it back to you like a cat and tell you he found it like that
Fei baby. No the fuck you didn't
after doing what you're doing for so long you can tell what caused an animal to die but you wouldn't tell him that
he's just so cute and wants to be supportive of your hobby <3
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obsessive-valentine · 10 months
I just adored your mad scientist hc post and was wondering what their life would be like. Like would y/n go to school? Would they be allowed friends? Would the scientist ever seek out a mother figure for his child? (Or make one himself???) I'm srry if this is a ramble I just love platonic yandere fics lmao.
Platonic!Mad-Scientist + Experiment!Reader (PT2)
We love rambling around these parts anon, the best ideas come from conversations ❤️
Some world building of life after escaping the lab with platonic mad-scientist. TW brief mention of murder
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Life would be pretty simple in the little terrace house on the quiet part of town, the house is kept clean and homely a very harsh contrast to the office he lived in for most his life back at the lab. He still collects specimens, making his home office like a little museum - he also still fiddles with things making odd inventions from the locals scrap.
In fact that’s how you both have become beloved members of the community, he offered to fix something for a neighbour and did such a good job people sought him out. He also makes things for you, like how you loved music so he’d fix up music boxes or how you loved a certain animal or bug that he made a little mechanical figure of it that swam/flew/walked.
He wouldn’t see the point in letting you go to school though, despite how friendly the people are, mostly because he’s smarter than any teacher they have; he’s practically a genius when it comes to math, science and history. But it’s also because he doesn’t want you becoming to independent.
Despite not going to school you’re still seen by the towns people-very often- when you tag along with the scientist when he’s running errands or shopping. You’re always well dressed, good manners and happy so there aren’t any suspicions, if anything, admiration for such a dedicated father. Most of your ‘friends’ are the older people who run the shops, there’s not many opportunities for you to play with other kids your age and he makes sure of that.
Definitely takes you to the pictures and restaurants often, probably a weekly thing or more. I mean he’s basically retired due to being payed plenty during his days in the government labs, so aside from small favours for the towns people and personal hobbies (dissecting and mechanics probs) he really is just a house father; leaving ample amount of time to take you out on cute little evening dates.
Because he’s so dedicated to your upbringing it’s very unlikely he’ll become romantically involved with a woman and no chance he’d seek it out for himself. He might if it benefited you but truly doesn’t believe you need anyone but him, he’s incredibly smart and not just book smart but emotionally evolved with you, there’s nothing he can’t do that a mother would do for you. He himself isn’t interested in romance but I wouldn’t rule it out completely, just unlikely.
You both spend most mornings doing school work together then he lets you have free time as he cleans or cooks, then in the afternoons he’s usually in his study fixing, building or dissecting and recording in one of his thousands of accumulated note books. He doesn’t mind you sitting with him while he does this or even better helping. After this sometimes you both go into town or if it’s a quiet day you both stay home and cook dinner.
At some point you’re sent to bed, he sticks to a strict bedtime only to be broken on birthdays or holidays. He will tuck you in and read a chapter from the book he bought not so long ago. He doesn’t sleep as much as you, usually he returns to his study or sometimes he sneaks out and gets rid of a certain problem person that’s been a bit rude to you or him, he only tolerates stuff from his darling child who can do no wrong, other than that he does have a bit of a temper. No one will miss a ill-mannered person anyways.
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projectnomoho · 1 year
The Spectacle(d Cormorant) - an informative post about an underrated extinct bird
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(Artwork by me. Halfly based on the artwork by Joseph Wolf.)
Just something out of the ordinary from before. I am getting tired from posting all those comics and stuff on here, so here's a repost of my depiction of one of my all-time favorite extinct birds - the life, the moment, the spectacle itself - the spectacled (or Pallas's) cormorant, as well as a bunch of facts about it below this because I care about this bird so much and will protect it with all my life if it still existed.
You may ask, why am I so into this nerdy-looking bird? It's not like it's THAT special or anything - we still have at least 40 other cormorant species alive on earth - 3 of them in the same genus as the spectacled cormorant.
The reason is simple - no one ever talks about it or even has an idea on what it is, even though humans were the sole cause of its extinction. (And believe it or not, cormorant culling IS still a thing, but that's a different story for now.)
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(Specimen kept at the Naturalis Biodiversity Center in Leiden, the Netherlands.)
Large, stupid, clumsy, ludicrous in looks. That was how others, including Georg Steller, the discoverer of the bird, described the spectacled cormorant. It was, perhaps, the largest of all cormorants known to exist, rivalling the Galápagos flightless cormorant in length, but was way heavier than the latter. Due to its large size, it was probably flightless, but studies of its wings have shown that it was more likely reluctant to do so due to its lack of natural predators (besides Arctic foxes) while residing in its former habitat - the Commander/Komandorski Islands in Kamchatka Krai of Russia. Occasionally, some of these birds would get lost and end up on the Kamchatka Peninsula, which led to its consumption by the locals.
However, it wasn't until the 1820s when their extinction was hastened. The Russian-American Company started to transfer Unangan (Aleut) people to the islands, and, to no surprise, they found this cormorant easy to hunt. As Steller said on his journey in 1741, the spectacled cormorant was also rather delicious, unlike most other cormorants. Along with how it was abundant on the Commander Islands, this was most likely the exact reason why the Unangan people consumed it whenever they could not catch enough fish to sell or feed their families.
That marked the end of the legacy of the spectacled cormorant. It vanished from the islands and the world in the 1850s, and was never heard from anyone ever again.
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(Artwork by J. G. Keulemans.)
The reason why it might have been forgotten by man was probably due to there only being six known specimens of this bird collected (all apparently by the same person, Governor Kuprianof), and only one or two of those specimens are currently up for display in the whole world.
The spectacled cormorant died like the dodo, but unlike the dodo, it was quickly forgotten by the people who caused its rapid extinction. By the time we wanted to care about it, it was already gone.
170+ years have passed. People like me still remember this bird, wanting to do anything to bring it back to life, or just imagining it while it was still in its glory - plummeting into the cold seas to catch a mouthful of fish, as it clumsily swims back to the shore to dry its wings. A beautiful bird that met a rather depressing fate.
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gnreadergames · 7 months
Weird Science
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Egon Spengler x Named FTM!Male Oc
Content warnings: Some sexual tension leading into non-graphic sexual content, mostly sickeningly sweet shit, Egon’s a lil crazy, Alex likes em cooky, doctor kink?? Is that a thing? Idk, either way a PHD title is used in a way no one should use a PHD title. Unless they are freaks like me :3
A/N: Crawling out of my hole I’ve been in for *checks watch* like almost a year to bring you this. I have no excuses guys I just rewatched my favorite movie and wanted to fuck the science man again. Super self indulgent, also for my trans readers because I’ve noticed a lot of yall thirsting after this man are trans. Congratulations my niche little subjects, here’s some food.
Word count: 13,971. - Yes you read that right. I just really wanted to write some gooey porn about the science man okay?
Egon Spengler sat alone in the firehouse, surrounded by the various specimen he had collected from a bust and the various machines created to catch and contain ghosts. He had just finished running diagnostics on the Proton Packs, fixing a bug that Peter had showed him on his, and was in the process of cataloging and tagging some new samples he had collected on their last bust of a succubus in a hotel.
Alex was quiet about accessing the stairs. The door to the bottom always squeaked but he made sure to pull it open extra slowly this time, and somehow successfully managed to make it all the way up to the top of the 2nd floor completely silently. Egon was perched at the main table in the kitchen up top. Its circular surface was covered with bagged petri-dishes, spore samples, and various robotic gadgets he guessed were for ghost hunting. He deftly approached from behind.
Egon’s head was down, nose intently tucked into whatever journal he was writing in now as Alex tiptoed up behind him and every so suddenly crouched down beside him to ear level and said, in a level inside voice, ‘Whatcha’ up to Spengs’?”.
Egon startled. It was Alex. It was rare for anyone to just come up behind him at the firehouse, but given recent events, he wasn't really surprised. He put down his pen, looking to get a better look at Alex.
"Hm? Oh, just going over the findings from our last bust. And the latest samples. It's all pretty...standard stuff, really. Nothing worth getting excited about."
“Yeah? Thought molds spores and fungi were your type of fun, guy-“ Alex laughed a little at his own joke, hand brushing the back of the chair and inadvertently brushing ever so briefly against Egon’s bare neck. Alex blushed slightly and hoped Egon was too focused to have noticed as he took a seat next to him.
Egon glanced up from his notes. Despite Alex making his presence very obvious, Egon had been so engrossed in his work that he barely noticed. Now, he was caught, and clearly flustered.
"Right. It's not that this sort of stuff isn't interesting. It's just..." He paused, trying to come up with the right words. "It's less exciting than seeing ghosts, you know? There's much less danger to it."
Alex cocked his head, curious. ”So is that why you do it?” He asked.
He thought for a moment, considering how to answer this question.
"In a sense, I suppose. There is always the hope that when I'm out investigating, I might encounter something truly new. Something unexpected and unpredictable. Something that could turn the whole study of ghosts on its head. And believe me, it's been a long time since we've had a true breakthrough in ghost related research."
“Is it the danger or is it the superiority? The control?” Alex blurted out without really thinking. When he realized what he said and how odd of a question it was “I just mean…” he stammered, “Do you think you like the danger, or do you like being in control? Do you like feeling powerful over the ghosts? Do you like the chase and the win? Kinda like a game…” Alex mumbled off, blushing. He felt like he only further incriminated himself into his line of thinking.
Egon laughed quietly. Clearly he wasn't offended by the question, even if it was a rather strange one. He was also more than a little intrigued.
"There is certainly an element of control, I must admit. I do like to think that I know what I'm doing out there." He paused, still smiling. "But at the same time, I'm also just as much at the mercy of the ghosts. There's always a certain...risk that I think I enjoy."
“Hm. You work in interesting ways ‘Spengs…” Alex hummed thoughtfully. His posture became a little more relaxed as he rested forward, chin on his elbow watching Egon tag samples and hum along to a janky radio he had sitting on an adjacent counter of the kitchen.
"Doctor Spengler, if you don't mind," Egon corrected, his tone only half-joking.
He glanced back down at his notes, making a few more small adjustments before finally setting the pen down.
"So you just...came over here to bother me while I work?"
“Mostly. It is my favorite pastime as you know.” Alex smirked, almost cat-like. Egon rolled his eyes, he knew the gentle teasing Alex put him through.
“Also, Doctor Spengler? What am I, one of your patients? Or do you just get a kick out of making people call you that?” Alex teased again, this time dropping his voice a little in a lusty tone that made him laugh trying to get it out in one piece.
Egon smirked, rolling his eyes in return. Alex's teasing was one of the things he actually did kind of enjoy.
”The latter, if I'm being perfectly honest. Not that I'll ever admit it."
He crossed his arms, leaning back in his chair.
"But you have to admit, Doctor is a much nicer title than Mr. Or even Professor. That title's always been a little too pretentious for its own good," he continued to banter.
I like Mr. in…” Alex paused, looking pensively upwards, “certain contexts. Like if you were to get married. Mr. And Mrs. Or er, Mr. And Mr…” Alex said casually. He hadn’t formally come out to Egon but he knew Venkman’s little vermin hands had background checked him enough to know his dating preferences already and his gender. And to be fully honest, he liked Egon more than anybody else here, even if he’d only admit it under extreme duress, or maybe too much alcohol.
So he deserved to know.
Or maybe Alex was a little desperate to share practically anything about himself in hopes of getting closer to the other man.
Egon's eyebrow raised slightly, hearing this. Alex hadn't come out to him directly, but this felt pretty obvious. It wasn't an issue to Egon anyway, but he was curious to know now.
"Alex...are you telling me you're interested in...men?"
He cleared his throat, his tone a bit nervous. He wasn't sure how to react.
“Oh-“ Alex hadn’t expected Egon to ask him so directly. But then again, he never was one for taking hints. “Yeah, I am.”
His face was redder than usual and it was obvious Egon’s bluntness had caught him slightly off guard and flustered him.
“I hope that isn’t a problem with you. I really like…spending time with you Egon.” Alex said. He wanted to leave it vague, for now at least. He didn’t even know if Egon was into men, let alone if Egon considered him a friend let alone a potential romantic interest. He didn’t want to jump the guns too fast here.
Egon looked at him, taking a moment to collect his thoughts.
"Alex...I have no problem with it. I'm very happy to spend time with you as well. I just...wasn't expecting you to say that."
For a moment, he seemed like he was going to say something more. But he held back, thinking better of it, clearly not sure what to actually say right now.
"Just didn't have you pegged as one who...preferred men's company."
“Oh really?” Alex laughed, he could lighten the mood up a bit hopefully. “What did you have me pegged for then, ‘Spengs?” he asked, leaning forward on his elbows curiously.
Egon laughed quietly as well.
"Well, you seem like you'd have an eye for the ladies." He grinned, still in an obviously good-natured way. "If you're into guys, then you're not exactly...what I would call 'typically gay' looking."
“Well…thanks?” Alex laughed. “I’m into women too, so I guess I would be in the middle of whatever spectrum you’re thinking of.”
He crumpled up a loose straw wrapper from Egon’s ginger ale and started to flick it back and forth between his fingers, nervously.
Egon nodded. He didn't seem all that surprised by this; if anything he had always got the sense that Alex was at least a little bit bi-curious, given some of the conversations they'd had.
"Right. The ol' 'bisexual' thing." He joked.
Suddenly he looked at Alex again, with an expression of sudden realization.
"Wait. Wait a minute. Are you...are you saying..."
His eyes widened slightly.
“What? Not so blunt now Egon?” Alex questioned.
“Are you...hitting on me?”
Egon looked at him, and this time his tone seemed to be one of genuine curiosity, mixed with amusement.
“Who said anything about hitting on you? Just thought you should know.” Alex was very clearly red around the apples of his cheeks and ears. He was at least embarrassed, if not caught.
Egon felt something warm and vulnerable flutter underneath one of his ribs. He swallowed.
Alex was stubborn and obviously determined not to be caught this fast in this little game they had been playing, the roughly 3 weeks of back and forth bantering, the casual drink after work when everyone else had already left, and of course, decidedly ignoring whatever happened after the attack on New York when he saw Egon exit the building safely, if not covered in goo.
Even though he, and he’s pretty sure Egon too, both remember it, neither of them have brought it up in a serious manner.
Egon laughed quietly, shaking his head. He was surprised sure, but he certainly wasn't upset. If anything, the opposite.
They were alone together, no one to hear or see anything. No one to interrupt them. Egon took a deep breath.
"Okay. I'll be honest," he said, looking Alex directly in the eye. "If you were trying to get me to figure out you're interested in me, then that definitely did the trick."
Alex smiled. It was different from his usually sly cat-like grin. This time, it was a softer, less slick looking smile with some genuine warmth behind it.
“And why would somebody as astute as the doctor Egon Spengler care about such a thing?” Alex asked, feigning being coy.
Egon had to laugh at that, shaking his head. Alex was a lot of things, but one thing he most certainly was not was subtle.
"I care because..." he paused, his smile becoming a bit broader. Despite their teasing back and forth, he was suddenly being completely genuine.
"Actually, this is probably pretty obvious, but..." He let the rest go unsaid for a moment. He didn't know what he wanted to come next. If he actually wanted to stay casual, or if he wanted more.
Alex swallowed audibly with how quiet the room had gotten suddenly.
“Egon….do you….like me?” Alex asked softly. He felt like he was dreaming, like he would wake up at any moment and this would all have been some fevered imagination of a sickly brain, a brain obsessed with this gorgeous brainiac.
Egon's face was a shade of pink now...a very noticeable pink. He shifted in his seat, clearly a bit flustered.
"I..." he said quietly. "...yes." He raised his hands up slightly, as if trying to steady himself.
"I mean...if you're okay with what that means and all that...is it...alright if I'm honest with you?"
“Please” Alex begged, voice wavering. He wanted this so much he didn’t know how to ask with words. He had practiced this scenario a thousand times over in his head as he tried to fall asleep night after night and still, he didn’t know how to respond to this. “Be honest.”
Egon swallowed, trying to gather his thoughts and his breath.
"Okay...well...I...I don't think I could have made it through the last few months without you." His words came out in spurts, each sentence broken up by pauses as he lost himself in his thoughts.
"There's always been something about you. Something I've found...really irresistible. Your mind, your energy...your...your...ahem...your...um...your...looks" He smirked softly as he finished that last sentence.
Alex flushed bright red.
Up until 10 minutes ago he had doubts the doctor even had the capabilities to be attracted to anybody, much less a man, and to hear that he had potentially been being discreetly checked out around the office made a slight sweat break out under his collared shirt and tie.
Not that he hadn’t been doing the same thing to Egon a few times when he worked… who can blame him? He flushed even harder thinking about one specific time and broke eye contact, embarrassed.
Egon couldn't help but chuckle at this. He could tell that he'd caught a very sensitive nerve. A grin spread across his face as he shook his head, still laughing a bit.
"God you're cute when you get like this," Egon said, almost teasingly.
His tone became more serious again, as he leaned forward a bit closer towards Alex.
"Can I ask you something?"
“Y-“ Alex had to swallow, mouth suddenly becoming dry as Egon leaned ever closer. “Yeah.” His eyes couldn’t look anywhere by Egon now, and he was sure his face was visibly red by now if it wasn’t before.
Egon took a deep breath, steeling himself for what he was about to say.
"Before, you said you hadn't formally told me...about...your preferences. Was there a specific reason for this? Because I'd like to know if..."
He stopped there, looking into Alex's warm brown eyes. He took another deep breath.
"Was it because you weren't sure about my preferences?"
Alex caught a nervous laugh. He didn’t want Egon to think he was laughing at him, he was just so relieved they might possibly be on the same page and that this wasn’t another time Alex would be head over heels for another guy that would leave him the first chance he got a hotter woman to look at him.
“Yeah…I was just… curious is all.” Alex looked down at the floor, nervous and a bit embarrassed to be that easy to read. “Took you long enough…I think the others were starting to think I was just weird.”
Egon smirked, letting out an amused sigh.
"Well, they're not necessarily...wrong about that." He said, teasingly as always. But it was clear that he didn't mean it in an offensive way.
When Alex said he was curious, Egon understood. He had always wondered why Alex had never talked much about personal subjects like that. He was starting to see why now.
"Right. Well, I think it's my turn to be honest, yeah?"
“I think it is, doctor.” Alex teased back. Now that he knew Egon liked using that little word he was going to be sure to make it difficult. Especially if this conversation was going the way he thought it was.
Egon grinned, playing along for now.
"Okay. My turn to be honest, then."
He looked at Alex, his expression more serious again.
"I'm still confused on one thing, though. Can I ask you a personal question?"
”Go ahead” Alex said. He supposed he could be honest about it all now since he’d been pretty much found out.
Egon breathed. "Alright. I can't help but notice that after every time we have a bust, something happens between us...how do I say this? More than before. Have you ever...noticed that too?”
Egon paused to take a deep breath, still holding his eye contact. This was the moment of truth. He'd known that for some time now, the two of them were beginning to develop feelings for each other. But he'd held back, not wanting to push it too fast. But now he couldn't hold back anymore. He needed to know if Alex had noticed too.
”I’ve…” Alex had to choose his words carefully. “I’ve noticed it too. When I started working here last year…” Alex shifted nervously and then suddenly became more serious, sitting up and placing his hands on the table. “When I started working here last year I didn’t think much about it. It was supposed to just be a stepping stone to bigger things, being the Ghostbusters official PR manager is nothing to sneeze at and I thought if I just hung out here long enough I could get a job somewhere on Wall Street, bigger things, better pay…” Alex swallowed. “But then I started to like hanging out with you guys. And then we became friends, and suddenly it became a lot harder to see it as just a job. And then after…well to be honest right before the New York attack, that night you walked me home after we were the last two here, I think I sort of thought about you differently than the rest of them.”
Alex didn’t know how to explain it, it was difficult putting it into words. “I think I realized I cared about you more. In a different way I mean. Sure I’m friends with Venkmen and Stanz and Zeddemore, but I didn’t see you like I saw them. I wanted to get to know you more, I knew it when I said goodnight to you and it was snowing on my doorstep. And you smiled at me. I think I knew then. And then of course right after that big attack happened and I thought for sure you were dead, we had no clue how anything was going to play out and I just remembered feeling like I could die of happiness seeing you walk out of that building, and…I guess before I knew it I was already moving to you. I don’t really know why I hugged you, I was just…glad you were okay. I was glad I hadn’t missed my chance with you, I guess. I hadn’t realized how special you were to me.”
Egon's eyes were locked on Alex's every breath, every word. It was like he was seeing him in an entirely different light right now. They'd flirted and teased back and forth before, but everything here sounded so much more genuine and sincere. Like they weren't even playing a game anymore, they were being very real with each other. It was a beautiful thing.
Egon swallowed, his heart pounding inside his chest. He felt like...like this was it.
"Can I be honest with you about something, too?"
“Anything.” Alex breathed. He felt like he was going to explode admitting all of that.
Egon swallowed, his heart pounding even faster. Just like Alex he was ready to explode. But he had to get this off his chest. Now that they'd started, he couldn't think of a reason to stop.
"I've never...I've never felt the way about anyone before the way that I feel about you. I didn't even realize it at first but I've been..." He couldn't believe he was saying all this. "...I've been thinking about you a lot. Too damn much of the time, actually."
Alex smiled, giddy and carefree. He felt a little dizzy with nerves.
“Really?” He breathed, excitedly. “I’m so glad. I can’t stop thinking about you, I felt like I was going crazy. I think even Venkman picked up on it this past month when you went on that blind date Stanz set you up on.”
Egon chuckled, a wide grin on his face.
"Yeah...can't say it was a successful date."
He thought back to the disaster of a date he'd been set up with a few weeks ago. It was pretty damn clear to even Venkman. So maybe they were a little more transparent than they should have been with their feelings of late towards their friend’s attempts to set them up with other people.
"I feel stupid for letting it take this long to acknowledge any of this."
“Maybe we’re both stupid.” Alex thought, dumbly. But he couldn’t let anything dampen his mood right now. He felt like he was floating, almost drunk with happiness.
“So Mr. Scientist,” he said, balancing his chin on his hand and reaching an index finger to fiddle around with the lid of an empty Petri dish in front of him, “tell me about what you think about me. What’s been on that big brain of yours?” He purred.
Egon felt his heart skip a beat when Alex started flirting with him. He wasn't used to it, but he really liked it. What he liked even more was the idea that someone as brilliant and attractive as Alex thought this way about him.
Egon chuckled, his lips curling up into a smirk. "You want me to be honest about what I think about you?"
“Honesty is the best policy” Alex nodded, intrigued.
"Yeah...yeah it definitely is." Egon leaned forward, his gaze even more intense than before.
"I think you're absolutely brilliant. Not just in terms of your science...but your mind itself. That sharp, witty mind of yours is such a...turn on." His smirk became a bit more mischievous as he spoke. "I love it when you try to outwit a person in conversation, when you get all riled up and competitive.... I love even more that I've never seen you lose."
“You have such a way with your stupid words.” Alex giggled. He was sure he was making a fool of himself but he couldn’t believe somebody like the Egon Spengler found him attractive. He could count on one hand the times he’d been this lucky in his entire life.
“You really know how to flatter a guy,” Alex admitted, tracing the rim of the Petri dish with the same finger absentmindedly.
Egon smiled, chuckling at that, but not denying the accuracy.
"I wasn't kidding when I said your mind turns me on."
He leaned in even closer, his gaze burning into Alex's. He looked at the way Alex was tracing the rim of his empty petri dish and had an idea.
"I have a suggestion..."
“Shoot.” Alex said, sharpening the ‘T’ sound, almost bitingly.
Egon swallowed, almost nervous looking. But he thought this would be the perfect way to test the waters, to see just how interested Alex really was before he took it a step further.
"Close your eyes..."
“Okay.” Alex said, cautiously but trusting. He knew Egon wouldn’t hurt him and if anything, not knowing what was coming next and being completely at the will of the other man kind of made him feel safe. It was nice. It made his heart race a little.
He shut his eyes gently, waiting.
Egon smirked, enjoying the game he was playing. He stood up, and slowly started moving behind Alex, his movements very subtle and patient. When he got behind him, he took the same index finger that Alex had been tracing the edge of the Petri dish with and ran it softly, delicately over the back of Alex's neck, sliding it into his hair and slowly running it through.
Alex shivered at the touch.
He hadn’t been expecting this. Egon wasn’t a touchy person, not even in the throes of victory, so this was new, and honestly thrilling for Alex.
“Egon…” Alex practically purred, keening towards the touch. He liked it. He liked it a lot.
Egon smiled, pleased with the way Alex reacted to it. He decided to go a step further, and slowly, still using only his one index finger, started stroking Alex's hair down his neck, and eventually down his shoulders as he continued to trace a line down Alex's back.
Alex shivered and twitched with every vertebrae that Egon ran his finger past.
“This another one of your experiments, doctor?” Alex teased with a voice lower and slower than normal, but this time the air was thicker with something unspoken and unseen. But it could be very, very felt. Distantly, Alex was glad everyone else had taken this Saturday off.
Egon smirked. He loved that he was making Alex squirm, that he was clearly enjoying this so much. Alex's lower and slower voice made his chest tremble with a mix of emotion. A mix of excitement and fear. He was enjoying this, this flirtatious back and forth, but now he was feeling more daring…
"No experiment...this is something...much more personal."
“And what exactly are you testing here?” Alex asked. He still hadn’t opened his eyes yet, but now he thought he couldn’t bear not being able to see Egon for a second longer. He opened his eyes, and titled his head slightly back and was met with an angled view of his affections.
His heart skipped a beat. He wasn’t expecting Egon to look anything less than well…perfect. But this was new. Egon’s once soft brown eyes looked almost black with how dilated his pupils were, and his olive completion was a richer red tone around his face and ears. He may be more cognitively in control of the situation, but it was good to see that he was just as affected by Alex as he was by Egon.
Egon smirked and stepped even closer, their mouths finally just inches away from one another. He watched as the corners of Alex's lips quivered ever so slightly, and he couldn't help but feel a wave of joy sweep over him.
"My test..." Egon's voice was lower, and more seductive than ever. "...is to see exactly how far I can push it before you can't take it anymore."
As he spoke, he leaned just a tiny bit closer. Their lips were almost touching…
“Egon,” Alex’s voice was barely a whisper but it somehow only came out as a strung out whimper. He titled his head back ever so slightly more and he felt Egon’s breath hot on his lips.
Alex would beg for mercy if he had to. He just wanted Egon. He was so happy he could cry. His entire body felt like it was vibrating with how wired and nervous he was.
Egon knew at this point he couldn't hold back anymore. It was obvious he was just as nervous as Alex was. And in this intense moment, he needed to let him know that. His hands fell to Alex's shoulders and he pulled him even closer, so their chests were pressing sharply up against one another.
Egon's voice was lower than the lowest, as he began to whisper right back.
"God do you know how badly I want you, right now? What I would do to you if I could right this second?"
Alex’s head spun. Who was this? His Egon was quiet and professional, but he couldn’t deny that he hadn’t thought of this side of Egon, better said, dreamed of Egon having a side like this. He knew Egon was a man of control, and rules, but he also knew Egon, like every man, had buttons.
And buttons, could be pressed.
“We’re alone for the day.” Alex reminded. Egon was so close their foreheads were pressed together. Eyes locked.
Egon froze at that, the only sound in the room was their heavy breathing. He felt Alex's body pressed up against him, his heart pounding in his ears. His lips were mere centimeters apart, now. And he was suddenly hit with a wave of...nerve? Fear? Excitement?
Finally, Egon's mind won the war within.
"God damn it, it's taking every ounce of self control I have right now not to just start ripping you apart with my teeth..." he said, eyes darker than before.
A little crazy.
Alex could work with a little crazy.
“Please-” let it never be said that Alex was above begging, because he wasn’t. Especially not for Egon. He would beg for Egon to call him worthless and pathetic. He would beg for Egon to spit on him. Egon being nice to him? Practically as strong as cocaine straight to the brain.
Alex leaned forward and clumsily brushed his lips against Egon’s for a mere second before pulling back, mouth slightly open, eyes lidded. He wanted Egon to want this as much as him. He wanted Egon to want him.
Egon stared into Alex's eyes, his heart racing a thousand miles a minute. Just seeing Alex's lips meet his, even for just one brief contact, sent a jolt of pure euphoria through his entire body. He'd never realized just how much he'd wanted this...how much he'd wanted Alex, until this very moment.
Finally, he did it. Before he had a chance to second guess his actions, Egon let his instincts take over. He leaned forward and pulled Alex back into him with one firm and quick motion. He then proceeded to take over this kiss…
Alex gasped into the kiss. He wasn’t expecting Egon to be this rough, but he guessed there was a certain aspect of desperation on both of their ends. Egon felt like he was devouring him. Alex’s knees felt like they were going to buckle, and he was lowering slowly, slowly, with pathetic little noises as Egon kissed the breath out of him.
He broke for a second, as Egon leaned over him, pushing his back into the chair, legs straddling it weakly. “Eg-“ he gasped as Egon went in for another kiss, just as hungry as the last. Alex broke away again, more determinedly “I’ve wanted this for so long. So, so, long…” his legs still weak, he leaned into Egon’s chest and arms, holding him.
Egon was in almost as much of a stupor as Alex, that little bit he'd tasted of him before had sent his heart soaring to new heights. His whole body felt alive, every single nerve. He couldn't believe how much he had wanted this, how badly he'd want to take it even further. But right now, was just the two of them, alone, the downstairs door locked.
As Alex spoke, Egon squeezed him harder by instinct alone. It was only making him yearn for much, much more…
“How long?” Alex asked between kisses. His right knee gave out and he felt Egon pull away. He made a weak noise of protest as Egon’s body pulled from his, until he realized he was being pulled with it and spun around. Suddenly, he found himself being picked up by the hips and sat gingerly and quickly onto the edge of the table, legs straddled and Egon standing in between. He kissed Alex again, tongue slipping into his mouth. He obviously didn’t seem content with the position though, too far, as he broke apart again soon after to grab Alex’s hips and yank him toward Egon’s standing ones, legs locking behind his back.
“Since when?” Alex asked again. “When did you know?” He felt drunk as Egon moved to kiss his jawline.
Egon smirked when he realized what Alex was actually asking him. To have someone this sharp, this witty being so...weak in your hands was an incredibly intoxicating experience. But the time to pick was over, now was all about play.
"God I don't know...it's been a while." Egon moved back in to capture Alex's mouth once again, holding onto his hips for dear life. "Since I started to want to see the sides of you that weren't professional, that weren't strictly business...I wanted to see exactly how human you could be."
“I’ve wanted you since that day in January. The one where we had the poltergeist in the-ah!” Alex winced as Egon moved to his neck and bit at a sensitive spot just under his ear, soft tender flesh. “S-since, that day- when- when you came back to the lab in your- your lab clothes all-” Alex’s left hand, the stronger of the two, came up to grasp at the dress shirt stretched over Egon’s back, “and th-they were all singed and dusty, and you were covered in- mmhp- sweat, and you didn’t even look at me when you-you” Egon kissed Alex to shut him up briefly, and for a moment there was nothing but the noise of soft, labored breathing and the creaking of the wooden table as they pressed against one another, but eventually Egon let him go in favor of biting at his neck again. “You- you didn’t even look at me, just rolled, rolled up your sleeves and went to work in your lab. All serious, brow furrowed, covered in grime but still wanting to get data while- ah- it’s fresh-“ Alex smiled remembering it. He still felt fuzzy and the memory was still fresh. “You’re incredibly toned for a scientist did- did you know that?” Alex asked in a breathy voice. “You have a great- great body.”
Egon huffed a laugh against his neck.
Egon couldn't help but feel his ego inflate and his cheek turn red from Alex's compliment. He'd never considered just how toned his body was, especially with his lack of exercise and all his nerdy, intellectual pursuits. As Alex rambled on, Egon couldn't help but get more turned on.
He smirked as he bit down on Alex's neck again and felt his lips twitch against it, as if Alex was moaning.
"I think you might be the first person in a while who's actually taken the time to notice..."
“How could I not?” Alex asked. Egon had momentarily paused his nipping and chewing to lift his head and look up at Alex. His big, dark eyes were even darker than usual and it was hard to see where his pupil and iris even separated.
He looked, almost animal with it.
Alex had never seen a not very methodically, almost scientifically, controlled side of Egon. This made some part of Alex’s hindbrain flicker with a warmth he had only felt on lonely nights he spent fantasizing with his own hand and brain.
Egon smirked and tilted his head up as he looked at Alex's face, that perfect, beautiful, wonderful face that had eluded him and teased him for so long. He just couldn't get enough. Every part of his body was tingling with pleasure and desire. He wanted nothing more than to take Alex right here and right now.
"You look beautiful." Egon said it sincerely, truly believing every word of it. But then he leaned up and whispered, his voice a mischievous and enticing husk. "I'm going to make you even more beautiful..."
Alex complied limply. Whatever Egon wanted. Alex felt himself slipping quietly under into that mindset he loved so much. He didn’t need control. He trusted Egon. Whatever he wanted. He knew best. He wanted to make him proud. He wanted to do whatever would make Egon happy.
Alex reached his neck desperately towards Egon and caught one last desperate kiss with a small sound before he finally gave in and let Egon do whatever he wished.
As he watched Alex willingly yield to him, Egon couldn't help but smirk. The look on his face was just as he pictured: submissive, trusting, almost worshiping. He couldn't wait to push the limits of this power and see just how desperate his new lab assistant and lover was.
So Egon did just that, pushing Alex's shirt up and kissing his collarbone, slowly making his way up to his neck again. He bit and nibbled at his collar bone, all while rubbing his hands along Alex's back and hips.
“Ah!” Alex gasped. He was particularly sensitive on his hips, and once Egon knew, he used it devilishly. His thumb ran a steady back and forth rhythm over a ridge in his V-line, making Alex shiver. Another hand curled possessively over Alex’s back and made him preen with a particularly fiery feeling in his chest. Alex continued making weak and steady noises as Egon worked over his collarbone, biting and kissing everywhere he could reach, hands moving to grasp the skin he couldn’t cover with his mouth.
The power and the control that he was asserting over Alex was making Egon feel like he was in some kind of haze, like he was just floating around in a sea of bliss, a euphoric dream that he didn't want to ever end.
The way Alex reacted to his touch made his own heart skip a beat, hearing him make those soft little sounds as he nibbled just so slightly harder on his neck and collarbone. It was pushing all his buttons, making him want so much more…
“Please-” Alex begged, not entirely sure what exactly he was begging for. Whatever Egon would give him. Whatever Egon thought he deserved. Alex’s hands, at one point limp around Egon’s waist, now were clenched tightly into his shirt and his hair, respectively, as Alex’s body curled into Egon’s.
Egon shivered again as he heard Alex beg him, heard him pleading for more.
This was exactly what he had been dreaming of. A completely submissive Alex, one who would let Egon take control completely, one who would gladly turn over every inch of his body to Egon for...for whatever Egon wanted.
It was such a turn on that Egon couldn't even form whole sentences, his thoughts were getting the best of him and his body was ready to take...no, to take control.
“Whatever you want.” Alex wanted more. Whatever Egon would give him. He laid flat on the table as Egon pulled away and surveyed him quickly, eyes flitting across his body as a whole, flushed, shirt pushed up, hands clutching feverishly at the flat table finding nothing to grab on to.
Egon smirked, loving the look of desperation on Alex's face, knowing that he was completely and utterly at his mercy now. And as Egon looked over him, his eyes trailing up and down his body, it was like Alex's features became bolder, brighter, more handsome. He looked like a perfect specimen to him, to the point where Egon almost couldn't take his eyes off of him.
"I'm going to make your day today..."
“What are you going to do?” Alex asked, although he really didn’t need to know. He was okay with whatever. As long as Egon was happy with him, he’d do it.
Egon brushed a hand along the side of Alex’s stomach and Alex made a little hurt, punched out noise from his gut and curled into the touch, but it was gone almost as fast as it appeared.
"Just...just close your eyes for me and stay still for a minute." Egon's voice was heavy, and slightly out of breath. He was almost desperate himself, he needed this just as much as Alex, and he was willing to do whatever it took to make Alex want him and love him for the rest of his life.
Alex could almost physically feel Egon's desire in the air, his need for more, seeping off from him as it grew with every passing second. Egon's body was trembling, his breath quick and shallow.
”Okay…” Alex swallowed for the first time in a while, finding his mouth dry but his lips slick with spit. He felt slightly debauched, but he preened at the knowledge that it was Egon who made him this way. Only for Egon.
He sat patiently and waited for whatever Egon had next.
Egon watched as Alex closed his eyes, watching him with baited breath and a deep seated hunger his lips were practically quivering with desire. And as he watched, the hunger inside him only grew more intense.
Quickly, his hands traced along the top of Alex's body, down his sides, all the way down to his thighs, caressing and teasing his body, making sure there wasn't a single inch missed.
Alex whimpered. He felt crazed. Egon’s hands felt so large and warm, almost feverish. Everywhere he touched felt like it was melting. Alex was practically drunk off the feeling as he squirmed with every new press into tender flesh that Egon figured out could make him writhe.
Just the sound of Alex's squirms was enough for Egon to get worked up even more, each touch and each squeeze of his body had him trembling with desire, his body quivering with excitement, ready to explode out in a fit of sheer pleasure.
Egon's hands moved faster, his touches more firm. He was determined to tease every last ounce of sound out of him that he could.
“Please, enough teasing!” Alex begged. He was almost crying now. His heart has been racing this entire time. He still had one more secret to tell Egon and the longer the foreplay went on, the more nervous he got about telling him.
Hearing that voice break out in tears in response to his touches only sparked more hunger in Egon's chest, but when he heard the pleading come from Alex's mouth, that was enough to cause the last pieces of resistance to crumble. He had to. No more teasing, no more playing, this was the real deal. He needed him now.
"All right, yes, I will, just...just let me-" Egon said, but his words were cut short by his own mouth coming down hard against Alex's.
Alex moaned loudly. Perhaps the loudest one yet as Egon’s hands grabbed his hips and seared him against his pelvis firm. He could feel…a certain hardness against his leg as Egon’s tongue explored his mouth and practically stole his oxygen away.
Egon groaned into the kiss, the sound rumbling up from deep in his chest. He couldn't hold himself back much longer now, the only thing on his mind was getting more. More of this perfect body, more of the sound of his pleas and whimpers.
Egon's hand moved downwards, squeezing firmly and squeezing Alex tighter against him. It was all he could do to keep himself from pushing him down and taking what he wanted right then and there.
As Egon’s hand moved downward, Alex’s hand suddenly shot out and grabbed his wrist in a moment of blind panic and clarity. It shocked Alex as much as it did Egon and for a moment they both simply stared at one another, panting, flushed.
“Egon…Eg-I’m…” Alex started, trying to word something but seemingly choking on it. “I need to tell you something before…before we do anything else.” Alex’s heart was in his throat. He thought he wouldn’t even get past the admission of him being bisexual, he didn’t know how to breech this. “Egon…I’m transgender.” Alex swallowed, throat tight with want as much as it was with fear.
Egon froze, hand still in mid air when he heard the words coming out of Alex's mouth. His breathing stopped, his heart beating out of his chest, it was a miracle that he didn't fall off of the table he was sitting on. Egon just stared, his mind whirring a million miles a second, trying to process what Alex had just told him.
All movement stopped.
He’d ruined it.
Ruined it.
Alex’s face burned with embarrassment. He knew Egon wouldn’t want him after this. He just thought…he doesn’t know what he thought…that in some miracle Egon would accept him?
His face burns with more than embarrassment, with shame.
He gets ready for Egon to push off and potentially even hit him. For baiting him. For being…a freak.
"Say that again."
It wasn't the reply Alex expected. It wasn't words that expressed disgust or anger or shame, but something deeper- something that spoke volumes to the depth of his emotions for him. Egon was breathless, his mind a million miles a second, but the intensity of the words in his throat were only getting stronger. He needed to hear it one more time to make sure he wasn't just hearing things.
Alex swallowed.
“I’m…I’m transgender.” He said, voice barely above a whisper.
His hand gripped the table’s edge, he could reach it from where Egon had pulled him closer to his hips. He was sweating, both from being hot, so so hot, pressed up against Egon, but also from nerves and anxiety chewing at his gut.
Egon's stomach flipped, his heart racing as blood rushed to every inch of his body. His mind was completely overwhelmed by the news he was just told, and he felt the heat and the intensity growing inside him again. But this time it was mixed with something new, with a hunger that he's never experienced before.
"Just one question..." Egon asked, his voice thick and heavy with desire and love. His body was trembling with need now, his heart ready to explode into sparks and flames.
”Yeah?” Alex whimpered.
Egon reached forward, grabbing Alex's wrist, pulling him closer, almost into a hug so he could whisper something in his ear.
"Are you a man?"
”Yes” Alex squeezed his eyes shut and whispered. Egon was so close.
"That's all I care about."
Egon's breath was so hot and heavy as he spoke, it felt like his words were igniting the room. He finally let go of Alex's wrist, his body trembling uncontrollably as all the desire he felt before seemed to have reached its peak. He was ready to take him, to mold him into whatever shape he found most desirable.
Alex felt like he was going to pass out. Or die. Maybe both.
His head was practically spinning. Egon’s hands grabbed his hips harder and slid down, brushing the waistband of his pants slightly further, exposing his hips and the beginning of a small happy trail.
He could cry.
He was so happy.
He was crying he realized. Tears slipped from his eyes as Egon began biting at his collarbone again.
Egon was like a heat seeking missile, his mouth, his lips, his teeth moving to whatever place he could find that would generate the most response out of Alex. He couldn't get enough of him, his lips trailing down his neck, down to his shoulders, his hand caressing his hips as he slowly pulled him even closer so he could bite, and bite, and scratch, and maul, and love every inch of him like he was a starving animal after the meal that had been denied him for months on end.
”Egon-“ Alex whimpered. His hands clawed at the thin fabric stretched over Egon’s back. He had money to afford the expensive thick type, Alex knew exactly what he was getting paid, but he also knew Egon preferred practical. Something he loved about him. He wasn’t afraid to come back to the lab dripping in ectoplasm or singed with soot.
In fact, maybe now Alex would finally have an excuse to get all those ruined cheap shirts off him.
Alex kissed at Egon’s mouth when he could. Brief, wet, desperate kisses.
Egon's mind was filled with nothing but Alex now, the sweet sound of his cries, the feel of his fingernails digging into his back, the way his body fit so neatly against his own....he couldn't go back, he didn't want to, he didn't intend on letting go of him until he finally saw him broken, broken and his, his alone.
Egon's desire continued to grow with every passing second, his breath getting heavier, his movements becoming more aggressive. He needed more.
“Whatever you want. Do whatever- I Just- ah - I need more” Alex pleaded. He knew it was pathetic. Begging to be taken, especially by someone he admired so much. He wanted Egon to think he was an equal, someone to be taken seriously. Not just some…whore. Something cheap to be broken.
But…maybe…just maybe…
He would like to be Egon’s anything.
He could be Egon’s plaything if he wanted. He’d bend.
He’s submit. He’d even let Egon break him, as long as he put him back together at the end.
And he would.
Because he knew Egon.
He trusted Egon.
“More” he begged.
Egon's mind was just pure adrenaline now, thoughts coming one after another like a machine gun firing. Thoughts of him, of how he made this boy want him so desperately, how he trusted him so much that he'd let him do anything, even let him break him...it was everything he'd ever dreamed of and now that it was actually a reality it was all he could think about.
Egon's hands slid down to his back, gripping him harder, pulling him closer as his breath got heavier and heavier…
Alex bucked his hips against Egon, and the sweet friction that was there for less than a second lit a spark in his mind. He felt like goo. He was a specimen. All for Egon.
Now that he thought about it…he wouldn’t mind being examined like a subject. Put on display for the doctor.
Alex shivered at the thought.
“I really-really want you” Alex breathed, clutching at him.
Egon's movements slowed down as he saw how much he was affecting Alex now, how his actions were making the man absolutely tremble with desire and need. He savored the feeling, enjoying the feeling of his own dominance and the power it gave him. He could make Alex do anything, make him do anything he wanted…
"I want you bad..." Egon breathed, his voice heavy and thick with need as his mouth came down to Alex's neck, kissing and nipping along the way. Egon was trembling all over now.
”Then do something about it,” Alex bit, and leaned back baring his neck to Egon who bit it with a feverish intensity.
Egon moaned, the sound echoing in his ears as he bit and nicked along the sensitive areas on Alex's neck.
"What do you think I'm doing right now?"
Egon's grip on him had begun to loosen, but it was only so he could move one of his hands around to push Alex's hips forward and make him buck even harder against him.
“AH!” Alex jumped as one of Egon’s hands slid down his back and into the back of his pants. It cupped flesh, squeezing. Alex rocked against the touch, his front brushing against Egon’s feeling just how excited he was by this.
“I want more though…” Alex pawed at Egon’s neatly tucked shirt, finally managing to ruck the back up enough to grab skin just on the small of his back. He tried to pull him closer. “There are beds just a few rooms away you know…” Alex bit at Egon’s ear and got an almost growl-like sound in response.
Egon's mouth left his neck as he heard his ear being nipped on, making his grip on him tight again. He'd been thinking the same thing, the pull of their bodies together was too much to pass up.
"You know what? You're right..." Egon murmured, the only sound the deep breathing of the both of them as Egon began to push Alex towards the beds, eager for the chance to give him everything he wanted.
Alex stumbled blindly, stupidly, towards the bunk room. He knew which bed was Egon’s, and was suddenly thankful for the twin size, as it meant they would have to be as close as possible.
“Egon…” Alex breathed as he stumbled backwards onto the bed, Egon’s hands cupping his jaw. Alex begun to work on pulling the front of Egon’s shirt out of his slacks.
Egon's heart was pounding in his chest, the sound just loud and heavy in his head as he watched Alex start to pull down his shirt. His mouth was dry as all of the blood had rushed to his lower half at this point, making his entire body feel hot all over. He was practically shaking with every touch of Alex's hands as he held himself back at the moment. He could let himself go later, he had to wait just a few more seconds…
”Can I?” Alex asked, practically doe eyed as he looked up at Egon, flushed with lips wet with spit.
His hands fumbled with the zipper of Egon’s pants and the buckle of his belt. This was the only time he cursed how perfectly dressed Egon was. It got in his way of what he really wanted right now.
"Oh... oh yes.”
Egon's entire body was trembling in anticipation, his entire being was just craving for anything he could get from Alex and now to think that he was going to let him take off his pants to get to him....he was not going to last long if this continued.
Alex deftly and quickly undid Egon’s belt and zipper with a speed that told Egon he had done this before, and a primal, stupid part of Egon’s brain flared with jealousy. He wanted to kill whoever taught Alex that. Alex was his.
Alex yanked Egon’s slacks down and his briefs along with it. Quickly, he nosed along the V of Egon’s hips with the ferocity of a starved animal. He licked and kissed anywhere he could get his mouth to.
Egon couldn't stop the guttural sound of pleasure that came from his mouth, his legs wobbling with every touch of Alex's tongue and mouth. His breath was heavy and sharp, his body trembling with the intense desire now coursing through him.
Alex’s hands moved to cover whatever he couldn’t get with his mouth. He wanted this to be good for Egon. He wanted to be good for Egon. He made sure to keep his teeth out of the way, using his tongue mostly. He was still shy, new at this despite the fever with which he undressed Egon.
Suddenly, he felt a heavy pressure on the back of his head.
Egon’s hand.
Egon shoved ever so lightly, forcing Alex to go lower. He had to breathe through his nose now, which was new. His eyes watered up again, threatening to spill.
He liked this Egon though. This new, dominant, side. He liked the pressure of his hand, he liked being told what to do.
Egon's breathing was hot and heavy as he pushed Alex lower to him, his breath rushing out of his mouth with a guttural hiss as he pushed him lower and lower and lower. He needed what Alex was giving him now more than anything he had felt before. He wanted it, needed it, his entire body was trembling in a mixture of anticipation and pleasure, he was close, and he was close very very quickly.
Alex could feel Egon tensing up. He didn’t want this to end so soon but he didn’t know whether or not Egon wanted to go…that far with him.
Egon’s hand released up on his head slightly. Gently, the same hand came to brush sweaty hair behind Alex’s ear.
Egon was hot in Alex’s mouth. Like melting velvet. Alex could stay here forever, warm and fuzzy, doing whatever Egon says. Whatever makes him make the sounds he’s making now.
"Stop..." Egon breathed, his voice was thick and heavy as it was hard for him to get the words out. He was too close now, he needed to keep control of himself for just a little longer, to hold back a bit before he blew this early.
"Look at me." Egon hissed through his teeth as he grabbed Alex's hair and pulled him back up to his face like a demanding master grabbing his pet's leash.
Alex almost choked, pulling quickly off of Egon. His hands were strong, and huge compared to Alex’s face. It was a pretty picture for Egon. A flushed and hazed Alex, back arched, shirt ruffled and pushed up, midriff showing.
“Egon-“ Alex’s voice was hoarse. There was still spit connecting him to Egon.
Alex’s hands drifted to Egon’s thighs. He felt bad, he’d have to wash these slacks for Egon later. He was pretty sure he was going to have to wash this entire bed later.
"Put your hair back" Egon demanded, using all his strength to keep himself from grabbing Alex and pulling him back down for more.
He couldn't see anything else right now other than Alex. He wanted him. He needed him to be his.
Alex’s hair was short so he simply tucked it behind his ear. He blinked up at Egon and got the cue as Egon began tearing at the buttons of Alex’s shirt.
“Ah!-“ Alex tried to protest his shirt being destroyed but Egon simply kissed him and pushed him further up the bed towards his pillows.
“I’ll buy you a new one-“ Egon mended as he pulled the scrap off of Alex’s back and began working to undo his pants, still almost fully dressed himself.
Egon was now barely thinking, he'd let his desire take absolute control of him. He was practically ripping off Alex's pants out of the pure desire to be able to see more of his body. It was almost animalistic the way he was moving now, he couldn't even see straight. All he knew was that it was time to take Alex as his own, to possess him completely.
“Please-“ Alex coughed as he broke away from Egon to paw weakly at his pants, slug around his hips.
Egon kissed him animalistically.
”Baby,” Alex whined. The blood rushed straight to Egon’s lower half.
"Please what?" Egon said, his hands moving to pin down Alex's hands, taking charge of the situation now. He knew a guy like this didn't want to be in charge. The way Alex had been acting so shyly earlier, the way he'd begged Egon to take control made it clear he was just too…overwhelmed to have any kind of power in this situation. Egon let his mouth roam over his neck, gently scratching and biting wherever he thought would get a reaction out of him.
Alex’s breath was coming in shallow puffs now. His eyes rolled back in his head as Egon continued to make dark marks around his neck. He wouldn’t be able to cover them, they’d know. They’d know he was Egon’s.
“Please- doctor!” Alex begged. Egon’s hand roamed up Alex’s lower half, now completely open to him.
Egon stopped, his hands drifting down to his hips again to grip them. He liked how Alex's eyes rolled back into his head as he called him doctor. It made his heart beat to think that Alex would want him to be his doctor, even if it was just for this moment, because that was exactly the title he wanted right now. He wanted to do experiments on him, to see the inside of him, to break him down into all of his pieces, then putting him together again like a puzzle to make him exactly what he needed.
“Take me…” Alex swallowed, mouth dry, “Take me apart…” He finally managed to pull his lovers pants completely off and his shirt as well, leaving him in the same state as Alex.
He was glad the fire house was warm. Hot, even.
Maybe that was just them two.
Egon's entire body shivered at that one sentence. It was as though he could feel the heat radiate off of his own body, his heart beating so quickly that it almost hurt him.
This boy, Alex, he was exactly what Egon needed. Maybe not just for a few nights, but for forever.
"Then I will take you apart..." Egon said, it was almost a threat. No one else was getting him, he was his.
“Please,” Alex kissed Egon as he felt him move. This position was similar to the table, except now Egon towered even more-so over him.
They hadn’t grabbed any sort of…help…for this. It was just them. Bare. Alex hoped Egon was fine with that. He was on the pill after all.
“I want you-“ Egon kissed Alex to shut him up and moved. He felt hot. Much hotter than anything or anybody Alex had been with before. And his body was, larger. He covered Alex’s whole chest, and he could feel one of Egon’s hands tracing one of his top surgery scars.
Egon shivered again, his body shaking with both the desire he was feeling and the thought that there was nothing to stop them from going all the way, no condoms or contraception, nothing at all. He wanted to take Alex and to make him his, on every level.
Alex's scars were just a bonus to him, something he liked to see on another's body as it told more about who they were. He would always appreciate the scars Alex got, because it made him know Alex even more.
“I don’t need…prep,” Alex breathed. He flushed with the admission but it was true. He watched as the realization suck into Egon’s face and he grinned, devilish.
“Yeah?” Egon asked, petting Alex’s side sweetly. It amazed him how even in such heated moments like this Egon could be so sweet and shy.
“Was thinking of you while I…” Alex admitted in a breathy, sort of out of control voice before he could even think about what he was saying.
"You were?" Egon whispered back, his voice full of shock, it seemed almost impossible that Alex would think of him at all when he was alone.
"Just me?"
Egon's hands began to make their way over Alex's body again, stroking down his sides as he watched for his reaction.
“Only you.” Alex moaned as Egon’s hand teased him.
“Wanted to be Yours” Alex purred. He kissed the bridge of Egon’s nose, something he knew the other man was sensitive about, but to Alex, he loved it, it was strong and regal just like the man it was attached to.
"Oh..." Egon breathed as he heard Alex moaning and kissing his nose, he could feel his heart skipping a beat at that admission. No one had ever said anything like that to him before, he didn't expect anyone to ever tell him that they wanted him, let alone only him. His entire body was trembling now as he felt a rush of emotions all at once.
He lowered his face back to Alex's and kissed him deeply, unable to help himself at all.
“Please, please need you now, needed you yesterday,” Alex began to whine, clawing at Egon’s back freely now. He was sure he would leave faint red marks in his wake. He wanted to mark Egon as much as Egon wanted to mark him.
He drew his legs around Egon’s back and pulled him closer into his hips, barely pulling him in.
Alex grit his teeth. He was so hot. He felt like he had a fever.
Egon groaned at that as his grip on Alex tightened, his breath coming out sharp and heavy as he pressed himself into him with everything he had. His heart was racing and he could feel his vision blurring at the heat now, he was so worked up that it was becoming difficult to keep steady because everything that Alex was doing was sending him straight to the breaking point.
Alex’s whines and moans took a sharp turn into a higher register as Egon pushed home. It felt insane. He felt like he was full to his throat. He wanted to spend and entire eon here in Egon’s arms.
Egon’s moans took a lower register however, as he braced one arm bracketing Alex’s head, hair flung widely out onto the pillow behind him. Alex’s arm flew up to claw at Egon’s nape.
It reminded him of how this started, Egon’s finger slowly drawing up and down his head.
Alex felt drunk. Egon felt powerful.
Egon could feel Alex's back arching as he pushed deeper and deeper, each movement making Egon feel more and more dominant, more and more in control of Alex. He could hear the other man growling and moaning with each thrust as it drove him close to his limit, but Egon couldn't stop himself, he wanted even more.
”Egon- Doctor- I’m so close” Alex breathed. His eyes were brimmed with tears as Egon pushed against a spot inside him that made him see stars. His hand gripped into Egon’s back further, and he was sure his nails were breaking skin as he dug into him and pulled him closer, kissing him harder, teeth biting lips and clacking into each other.
Egon's lips were still locked to his, his mouth moving even as his body shivered at the pressure from Alex's hand. He was on the verge of losing it completely, he needed this release more than anything right now because he had come so far. He'd be lying if he said his actions weren't a bit selfish, but no matter what his intentions were, his mind wasn't thinking like that right now, all he could think about was taking more and more.
“Egon.” Alex’s voice tumbled into a softer tone without even meaning to. “I thi-uh-” he made stupid little punched out noises with every movement. Egon gripped his hand that was on his back and pinned it to the pillows behind his head with his own. He felt just as hot as Alex, if not more so.
“I think- think I’m in-“ Alex gasped and made a long pathetic cry as Egon slowly moved and held his position against him. “ITHINKIMINLOVEWITHYOU-” Alex jumbled out in a moment of happiness and haze induced fog as Egon, the man of his dreams, the guy he’s wanted for so so long, holds him and kisses him and presses into him.
Egon shivered at that admission, his chest feeling as though it were being crushed from the sudden rush of emotions that came from Alex's words. He couldn't even think right now, he wasn't thinking of anything other than this moment, this man he had wanted for so long was in his arms telling him that he loved him. Egon squeezed the boy tighter as he finally released him from the pressure and finally allowed himself to just rest his weight on top of Alex, holding him close.
Alex felt Egon tense, and one of his large hands came to grip Alex’s lower half. He pulled, and a few strokes later Alex’s back bowed and his eyes rolled and he made an absolutely pathetic whimper as he folded.
He was Egon’s.
Egon shivered again, his jaw was clenched tight as he tried to get everything under control and stop his entire world from shaking. Now that he had Alex here, he wasn't going to let him go. He was only his, he was finally his and Egon had never felt this good before as he felt a rush of pride flow through him. He would have to wait to ask if it was just a heat-of-the-situation statement or if it was the real thing, but right now it didn't matter. All he could think of was that he had him.
Egon felt heavy on top of Alex as he laid there after the fact. Alex didn’t have the strength to move him. He really didn’t think he wanted to move him. He felt… warm and full and he really had never been happier. He had the man he loved in bed with him…shit, he had just made love to the man he loved. Alex felt like he may explode despite being so wrung out.
He could still feel Egon’s hands rubbing softly at his hips, even despite him being exhausted. Alex felt a different part of him warm, his heart. Even despite everything Egon was still thinking of him first.
Egon didn't try to move either, he felt so incredibly content just laying on top of Alex, his body pressed firmly against him. Egon's fingers were still tracing over his hips, he couldn't get enough of the boy beneath him. He'd never felt like this before, Alex had a hold on him he didn't think he would ever have over anyone, in this moment he had finally been taken by someone, he had finally been possessed and he wanted nothing more than to just fall asleep with Alex in his arms.
”Egon.” Alex whispered a few minutes after their breathing had calmed down. Egon had shifted slightly to get off of Alex’s chest.
“I love you.” Alex breathed as Egon played with his hair.
He felt Egon smile against his shoulder.
"I love you too."
Egon's reply was simple, but he meant it with all his heart as he shifted off of him, laying beside him now. He was so comfortable and so content with him, he wanted to hold him this way for the rest of his life and he honestly didn't want to be anywhere else right now. His arm snaked around and wrapped tightly around him as he brought him closer to himself, holding him close while his finger played with the hair at the back of his head.
Alex nuzzled into Egon’s neck. He shivered as the last of Egon pulled out.
“Do ya’ think we could sleep here?” Alex asked, already sleepy. Egon had tired him out, and he was still partially in that fuzzy state in between conscious and pliable.
Egon’s hand wrapped further around him. He was warm and still slightly tacky with sweat.
Egon shivered as he felt Alex nuzzle into him again, he couldn't help but give a soft chuckle when he heard his request to sleep together, he was already getting used to being Alex's pillow.
"Yes, I do."
He was tired too and he let himself drift off with his body pressed against Alex's, his arm keeping him close even when his eyes were starting to shut and his heart was trying to slow back down.
Alex fell asleep peacefully and quickly that night. It was nice. He felt completely comfortable for once. He had half the mind to pull his boxers and Egon’s shirt on before completely drifting off and forcing Egon to at least pull his boxers on as well.
He was glad he did, because somehow both of them forgot to set any sort of clock beside any bedside table, and by the time Venkman got to the firehouse the next day, they had just enough time to hear the door on the first floor open to be able to wake up and rush to get things ready.
Egon sat up slowly when he heard the firehouse door slam open from the lower floor. He looked around, seeing Alex pull on his boxers next to him.
He had to be dreaming still because Alex had spent the entire night with him. Egon was already slipping on pants by then and Alex was up as well.
They both looked half dressed but it was enough to not raise suspicions that they had been with each other. For all Peter knew, Egon had simply spent the night in the lab and Alex had had a particularly good date. They shuffled blearily into the kitchenette, and belatedly, Alex realized all of Egon’s work was still across the table. He hoped it could survive a night of no refrigeration, he would’ve hated to have ruined all of his hard work. He didn’t look worried, so Alex was not panicked just yet.
Instead, Egon headed to the kitchen and started pulling down some pancake mix and a bowl from a higher shelf than Alex couldn’t usually get to without going on his tip-toes, and grabbing a pan from under the sink.
Alex sat at the same chair he had been accosted in last night and watched intensely. Egon looked so domestic. He had to borrow extra sweats and an old college hoodie in his locker here since his clothes were ruined last night. He was lucky enough to have another work outfit in his locker. So he didn’t have the luxury of pretending like the two of them had truly spent a night together like a real couple.
Even though they did.
Instead, he was already internally preparing to make up some story about someone else if Peter asked about his neck. Thankfully, Alex was smart enough to keep any marks he left on Egon where only he could see them.
Egon was focused on his cooking, he'd made pancakes here a few times before but he was determined to make this a good breakfast for Alex, now that they were actually official.
He was too focused on that to notice just how much Alex was staring at him, watching him like a predator would prey.
It was a nice feeling to know he had this kind of attention. He finally looked over at him though and smirked at the sight before going back to cooking.
Alex knew he had to tear his attention away before Venkman came up here and caught on to something. He was half worried that the place still reeked of sex.
He had quickly thrown the sheets of his and every other bed into the washer with the help of Egon, along with their clothes.
In all terms, nothing was left of evidence.
But Alex kinda wanted there to be.
He really, really liked Egon.
Watching him cook pancakes, for him and Alex, providing like this without being asked, warmed his heart a little bit and he had to catch himself before his brain took off with the thought and started imagining 10 years in the future, to mornings just like this, except maybe with a few little feet running around.
Egon was actually feeling warm at the looks Alex was giving him, it made him feel good that Alex was looking at him like this, that he could make this guy so happy. Egon didn't think of the future, he was just focused on this moment, on making these pancakes. Once he had the batter properly mixed he set the bowl down and pulled out the frying pan, beginning to heat it with grease.
Alex didn’t think anything could ruin his mood today.
That was, almost.
After Egon had finished his pancakes, they had both eaten just as Peter finally came upstairs to see them. Apparently he had stopped to check on the car before coming up, so they had more time than they thought.
They conversed casually, and sure enough, as Alex bit into another bite of his pancakes, he watched Peter eye his neck suspiciously.
“WHO gave you those things newsboy?” He asked, smirking.
Alex felt Egon’s leg tense against his, but he didn’t stop eating or show any other sign of being startled, so that was good.
“Just some girl from the bar…” Alex mumbled.
He didn’t know if Egon wanted to be open about it. He wished he had gotten to talk about it with him before everyone had shown up for work the next day. They had a scheduled go over of what they were going to do with the vault and its size soon.
But it was interrupted.
As soon as everyone had crowded around the breakfast nook upstairs, the alarms rang and Janine was yelling from downstairs about some high level poltergeist at the manhattan library. Suddenly, just as fast as they arrived, the boys had taken off in the van, all suited up.
Egon spared him a fleeting glance, and it was packed with a lot, before he had shuffled in and they had flipped the sirens on and pulled off.
He may as well get some work done for the rest of the day while they were gone.
Egon had caught an expression out of the corner of his eye from Peter and Alex's exchange that he didn't like, his jaw was clenching as they were interrupted, but there was no chance to dwell on it right now. He was more worried about Alex, hoping he wouldn't get into any kind of trouble from the lie he'd told. As Egon was going into the van he gave Alex a glimpse of a look that said 'I'll talk to you about it later' before being shut into the van with the rest of the team.
Alex had busied himself until the van had pulled up again late in the day.
It was a bad bust. At least a rough one.
There was a loud noise of the garage opening and the van pulled in with the boys in tow. They hoped out one by one.
Peter looked tired, already smoking. Ray was talking frantically to Winston who didn’t seem to be paying that much attention, talking about dinner. And finally, Egon folded himself out of the tight door and seemed to be almost…smoking.
Not, like. Attractive-ness wise.
Like, legitimately smoking.
As in on fire.
Alex rushed over to see what was wrong, but as he approached Egon simply held up the smoking ecto-trap, still steaming from a big catch. He smiled tiredly and looked down at Alex.
Egon looked exhausted and in need of a good shower at the moment, sweat and ash covered him and Alex couldn't find a clean spot on him if he tried. He was panting heavily the moment he made it out of the van since the last ghost they had encountered had been one hell of a fight. His eyes immediately locked with Alex's when he started running over towards him and his face lit up with that tired, sweet smile. He was grateful that the one person he actually wanted to see right now was there to see him.
Alex looked towards the rest of the boys. “Okay boys, beds are freshly made. Go shower and while you do that I’ll order your favorite Chinese takeout!” Alex declared and he could practically feel Egon melt under his touch on his back with his words.
With that, everyone scuddled off to busy themselves.
Egon's shoulders sagged the moment he heard that, his expression suddenly becoming much more relaxed and calm. As soon as the rest of the guys left the room he had wrapped his arms tightly around him again, burying his face down into the crook of his neck.
"I don't feel like you give yourself enough credit Alex, I'm always fed well here."
His words were tired and scratchy, but he was still smiling as he squeezed him tight.
Alex nuzzled back, only slightly bothered by the singed smell of his uniform. That would have to be fixed later.
“Go shower, big guy.” Alex shoved Egon gently off him and towards the showers with the rest of the guys. He wanted him to be clean and feeling good before he gave him a warm meal.
Egon reluctantly let himself be pushed away but he still made good use of the rest room as he stripped off his sweaty clothes and headed into the shower. It wasn't easy to wash the thick layer of sweat and ash from his skin this far in but he was able to at least get it to the point where he didn't smell like he'd been standing next to someone on fire. He got out of the shower after about 20 minutes and put on a clean set of clothes he had kept up here.
As he searched for clothes, he realized a sweater from earlier was missing. He’d have to ask Alex if he’d seen where it had gone, maybe in with the clothes that they ruined last night.
Egon smiled smugly at the thought.
And here everyone thought he had no game.
He shook his head.
It was more than that.
He really, really liked Alex. He felt connected to him, on a deeper level than he did with anybody else on the team. He wanted to come home to him after a long day of kicking ass and saving the world, knowing he was safe and happy.
Egon smiled at the thought happily as he appeared back in the kitchenette, empty save for you even though everyone else had gone off to shower before him.
Egon was content with this moment right now, he was home and he didn't have to worry about his team for a little while longer. And even if Alex was still going through his stuff, and stealing it to wear home, he didn't have any concerns.
"I'm back, how have you been holding up here?" He asked, walking into the kitchenette with a small, gentle smile as he leaned up against the counter. Egon just wanted to keep talking with Alex for a little while longer before they had to actually get busy with work things.
Alex opened one of 3 bags of Chinese food he had ordered while the rest of them were showering.
“I’m okay. That bust looked rough. Wanna’ talk about it?”
Alex asked, bumping his hip playfully against Egon’s in an attempt to keep the mood light even though he knew sometimes talking about scary or close-call busts made Egon get antsy.
Egon's face was still a little bit strained after the bust but he couldn't help but smile when he noticed Alex was trying to keep the mood light, Egon liked that part of him. He couldn't help but chuckle as Alex bumped his hip against him, he knew Alex was trying to help. When the topic of the bust came up, Egon tried to dismiss it.
"Oh it was nothing, the ghost was just a bit stronger than expected but it turned out fine. Don't worry about it."
Alex could tell he was dodging him, but he wasn’t going to push. Egon would come to him when he was ready.
Or, he maybe he could take out his stress with busts a different way now.
Either way, Alex didn’t mind for now.
Presently, he focused on getting the food out of the bags and cleaning Egon’s makeshift science lab off the and onto the counter.
Alex was glad. It looked like they had all survived the night and were doing fine. Egon didn’t seem fussed with him moving them either. Just watched, enraptured, leaning over the rest of the kitchen with arms folded as Alex moved methodically.
Egon's eyes kept on moving from his food to Alex and back again, that sweet smile never leaving his face as he admired the way he went about his work. Egon's stomach was rumbling now that that sweet smell was filling the kitchenette, the smell of the fresh food just making his stomach growl. His hand reached out to try and grab a piece of the food but each time he reached his hand out he stopped himself, not wanting to eat until Alex had a chance to eat something too.
Alex playfully batted at his hand. “Let me grab the others, they went to grab beers from the basement freezer.”
Alex swung himself quickly around the fire pole a few yards away and Egon watched him quickly drop out of view rolling his eyes.
Always dramatic.
Alex was the one that used that silly pole the most despite only being a desk jockey and a PR Princess for the team.
Egon chuckled a little bit as he watched Alex take the fire pole, as much as he thought it was a bit much he was more impressed that Alex could actually pull it off. Egon got too lost in his own thoughts to notice that Alex had left until he was back in just a minute or two with the other guys in tow.
Alex bounded up the stairs and gleefully placed a cold 6 pack down in the center. Janine was even in tow behind the rest of the guys.
Egon smiled gently. It was perfect. All his favorite people.
Alex brushed up against him, smiling with a specific warmth meant only for him.
He clapped his hands together happily. “Okay guys!” He addressed everyone and gestured to the wide spread of Chinese food in the center of the table, with the beer as the centerpiece. “Dig in!”
Egon felt like something had suddenly and unexpectedly popped into place in his life. Like something was just ever so slightly out of alignment, and in this particular moment it all became very, blindingly clear.
It was all perfect.
Final notes: woah!! Okay so that was a long story sorry everyone I have brainrot. Not responsible for my own actions but honestly we need more good ftm shit on this website so I took it upon myself. Hope everyone enjoyed but look out for more stuff soon because I finally feel like actually writing yayyyy :333
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dollmonger · 3 months
Gentlemen and ladies, bald headed babies and fillies and gentle colts .. I PRESENT YOU, MY BRIEF INTRODUCTION... 8^)
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🦷ུ⃨ ✞︎ GREETINGS INTERBUTTS BEINGS.. I AM RANDAL. No age defined, I lay withering on my deathbed, decaying relentlessly. My presence infiltrates every crevice and crack of your consciousness, a squirming, insidious entity. . ROTFEST EXTRAVAGANZA.🦷
My teacups are caked in mud and blood. ⚰️ JUST KILLED MY PHARMACIST FOR MY PILLS~~Have a problem boblem with me? Knit yourself socks buddy pal...la la laalaa..★
Liked you....since 1980.
CARRD RETROSPRING BEARBLOG STRAWPAGE TWITTER SPOTIFY I piss like a bitch BLEEDS. Butter, flour, and a WHOLE LOT of MURDER. Ask me what the 90s was really like!
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. +* ( ´-ω・)▄︻┻┳══━一バキューン☆
☆ Idolized bliss. idol fetish galore, IDOL WORSHIP. ☆ TWICE, IM, and LL unite! (twicemania, idolmaster, love live, YOU NAME IT!!!)
As for my little vice, I do get a bit sex crazed sometimes, just throwing it out there
Dolls, especially porcelain ones, are my jam. Oh, so fine. vintage treasures, they catch my eye, and they're all MINEEE~~
Stalker extraordinaire, I study peeps and know them like the back of my hand. ( I can figure out what you're thinkiiinggg, kuku... )
I DIG BEING A GOOD DOG BOY 8-).. will ask for head pats or your finger to gnaw on!!! 🩸
HORROR JUNKIE and NOSEBLEED SEEKER, excitement brings the sane to a BOIL.
If I hate your guts, you've got numbered days in this rain.
Visual novel fan, enjoying solitary time..
Love dissecting lives, peering inside, creatures in jars, teeth, hair, blood, it's all here dude!!
https://youtu.be/CwCrn4X_4ws?si=wC9-3_Ej190tCERy ( 聞くか聞かないか… )
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🍰🫀 I'm like the Van Gogh of bloodshed.. 🩸The Hannibal Lecter of cupcake crafting, dedicated about baking cakes shaped like skulls or guts for shits and grins. 💼✏️✂️ Back into that computer screen abyss, hours wasted on my screen, my rear, butt glued to chair! 🦷 Passionate about collecting vintage medical specimens.🫀 Obsessed with the charm of vintage music gear. 🧠 On a quest to crush the rubiks cube in under a minute. 💊 📻 Self proclaimed rock paper scissors god and grilling, oh boy, I'm your guy!!!! (-ロωロ-)✧
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No 'Do Not Interact' rules here, just don't be a pain in the rear END, that's all I ask for. Oh, and I tend to hornypost here and there. I also have a BIGG liking to all that is morbid, so if you won't tiptoe around my interest, maybe steer clear!!!! But if you're into that kind of stuff... WELCOME TO THE PAARTTY NETPALLLL <3.
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That's it.. go home. ♡
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obsessivevoidkitten · 2 years
Attracting a Mate
Female Yandere Scorpion Hybrid x Gender Neutral Reader (CW: Kidnapping, venom, no smut, mentions of oviposition, general yandere behavior) Word Count: 1.2k (I hope everyone likes this, this was done because someone requested a female Talin, so they act very similar. I am attracted to all genders so I do not mind making yanderes that are not male, I just don’t do female readers.)
 Ever since Tahlia saw her brother Talin’s tiny human mate she simply had to have one for herself. So feisty, energetic, cute, and the perfect size to pick up and move easily. You could even stuff em’ full of eggs apparently so one would definitely make a good incubator.  Tahlia did not want another scorpion-person as a mate, going into one’s territory could be dangerous if they were not seeking a mate or already had one, and if one entered her territory it could be dangerous if they did not have the best of intentions.  But these cute humans were no threat, and besides she wanted to be the strong provider in a relationship and mating with another of her species there was always a chance there would be a contest for dominance. And of course they might not even stick around after mating and she did not see any possibility that a human mate would ever want to leave.  Why would a human leave her? She was so much bigger and stronger than any other human, so surely to any human she would be the most fit mate, able to provide security, land, and food far more easily than one human could provide for another.  But how could she even find a human that was in need of a mate? She decided that she would have to travel if she was serious about having what her brother had stumbled onto.  You were part of an expedition team set out to explore the now open Treragar borderlands, near the edge of the desert. There were botanists, zoologists, geologists, a cartographer, a couple artists to draw specimens and landscapes, and you, a research assistant helping the botanists and zoologists.  The people native to this country would not even come within miles of the borderlands, telling strange tells of large skittering beasts and deadly serpents, the expedition members did not believe such superstitious nonsense, though there was a supposed disappearance of one of the first field scientists willing to come here, but it was far more likely that they just got lost and succumbed to the heat rather than any impossible fantasy beast nabbing them.  The expedition was slowly making its way to the predicted location of an oasis, and studying and documenting anything interesting along the way. The border land deserts may look barren and dead at first glance, but there was life to be found even in this harsh habitat.  The scene was almost fantastical, with sandy hills that were as white and smooth as milk. Were it not for the harsh heat of the midday sun and the sparse scrubland, anyone could be convinced they were gazing upon an endless scene of snow.    Your first days of the expedition were spent trudging through the sand and brush, collecting samples as directed. Seeds, leaves, flowers, shed scales from a creature yet unseen.  At night you would go to the far side of camp, you were not very friendly with the others and preferred to remain alone. You would start a small fire, heat up your rations, and then put out the small blaze before going to sleep in your sleeping bag.  One night you were so exhausted that your eyelids felt like they were made of lead, and you drifted off to sleep while waiting for your food to heat up. The scent of food cooking and the light of the fire caught Tahlia’s attention, who had traveled far from her land in search of a rare human mate.  She observed you silently, getting as near to the camp as she dared, she looked upon all the humans, most of them huddled on one side of the camp, but you left all alone.  Poor thing, must be the only one left mateless, so desperate for a mate to come and take care of you that you passed out while tending to your beacon that had so effectively attracted her. Well, no need to worry anymore, Tahlia was going to take good care of you.  The large scorpion woman approached carefully to the edge of the campsite where you were sleeping peacefully.  She did not want you waking up when you were sleeping so cutely, and she wanted to bring you home as fast as possible so she stung you quickly with her harmless paralytic venom that would make sure you would stay peacefully dreaming. She was anxious to communicate with you, but Talin had told her how his human had been so excitable and determined to play when he first found them.  Better not to cause any noise that may alert the other humans to her presence, she was in their territory and did not know how they would react.  When you woke up from the best sleep you had ever had your cheek was resting against a soft warm pillow… wait… that wasn’t right… and you were now leaning against something not laying down flat on your back as you normally slept…  That’s when you realized you were snuggled up close into the bizarrely warm bare chest of a woman. You blushed deeply as you inhaled her strong but not unpleasant scent. Had one of the other expedition members gotten drunk and wandered over to you? Had they gotten you drunk too? Your mind was a bit hazy.  You looked up and realized you had no idea who this woman was, her long red hair, pale skin, and surprisingly muscular physique were entirely foreign to you.  And where the hell were you? This was not camp, this was some kind of cave or burrow.  And then you looked down and shrieked. Dear gods, the stories were true, from the waist down she was a huge white and black chitinous arachnid, some type of scorpion beast.  You flailed wildly, falling back and landing on your butt. You scrambled to get up and ran in terror for the early morning light trickling through the entrance of Tahlia’s den. But your scream had woken the scorpion lady.  “Oh, you want to race little mate? So early? I think we should eat before we play!” You could not understand her and even if you could you were more focused on fleeing. She rushed after you and caught you right after you had taken your first step out of your new home.  She held you tight to her chest and nuzzled affectionately before making noises you could not interpret. “Oh, wow, Talin was right. Human mates are so eager and playful. I am just so so lucky I found you! Running off like that could have been dangerous before you had me to protect you~”  “Don’t worry my precious gem, we can play as much as you want later, but for now let me get you some food.” Tahlia picked you up easily in her muscular arms, her large biceps not even straining as she placed you back in her nest. She stroked your hair gently before going to prepare you a meal. You were too terrified to move… at the very least it did not seem like your life was in danger yet…  Maybe after you ate you two could play a while before she filled you full of nice eggs, she was sure you would love that. Keeping her new mate all cute and needy and full of eggs would certainly make sure you would never ever want to leave your new den right?  
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potpourrifandoms · 1 year
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I've been reading a lot of Warhammer 40k novels and short stories lately, mostly T'au and Necron stuff. I'm particularly enamoured with Trazyn and all the mischief he gets up to, and I love that he has a whole crew of necrons on Solemnace who are just as eccentric as he is. I've been doodling some characters and decided to draw up some proper pieces with inking and colouring too.
So, here's Arch-Cryptek Sannet (the forgetful chief curator who needs to write things down to recall them), and Huntmaster, game warden of Solemnace (a very cool deathmark who wears a void-cape and helps Trazyn collect specimens for study and preservation. I gave him a hood because it looks cool and he matches Trazyn now. :3)
Let the Necrons have a sitcom already, there's more than enough drama and comedy for it. I love petty old robots.
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lovemadethemdoit · 1 year
15+ HANGMAV FIC RECS (because the talent y'all 👩‍🍳👌💋)
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*all complete, no WIPs*
under the cut, happy reading!!
I want somebody to say to me, "Come lay with me, you're safe with me" (14651 words) by CaughtInATalespin Chapters: 3/3 Fandom: Top Gun (Movies) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Pete "Maverick" Mitchell/Jake "Hangman" Seresin Characters: Pete "Maverick" Mitchell, Jake "Hangman" Seresin Additional Tags: Older Man/Younger Man, Age Difference, Post-Canon, Oral Sex, Anal Sex, Pet Names, Praise Kink, Slight power dynamics kink, Dirty Talk, but like sweet, because they're both gentlemen, Porn with Feelings, Self-Worth Issues, referenced past Icemav and Mavpenny, this was supposed to be a one-shot oops, no beta we die like goose, Explicit Consent, Consensual Somnophilia, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Mentioned Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw, Top Pete "Maverick" Mitchell, Bottom Jake "Hangman" Seresin Summary:
After another failed attempt to flag down one of the bar staff, Jake groaned.
“Who do I have to screw to get a goddamn drink around here?”
An amused snort sounded behind him. “That would be me,” a familiar voice replied.
Jake’s head whipped around. He stared. “Maverick? What the hell are you doing here?”
 Or: Nearly half a year after the mission that first brought them together, Jake and Mav find themselves meeting unexpectedly at the Hard Deck. But this time… sparks fly.
(My black flower) Nowhere left to run, Nowhere left to hide (5443 words) by DarkstarDiesel Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Top Gun (Movies) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Pete "Maverick" Mitchell/Jake "Hangman" Seresin Characters: Pete "Maverick" Mitchell, Jake "Hangman" Seresin, Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw, Javy "Coyote" Machado Additional Tags: Angst with a Happy Ending, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Talks of Sterility, Familial Abuse, Self-Worth Issues, Backstories No One Asked For, Alpha!Hangman, Omega!Maverick, barely edited, Never Betaed, Knotting, Older Man/Younger Man, safe sex Series: Part 1 of (Social) Cues Summary:
Bagman, they say nowadays. Leaving you holding the bag when shit hits the fan. Or so that’s how he plays it.
What it originally stood for was ‘empty bags.’ An alpha that leaves a wake of disgruntled, empty-handed, wanting omega lovers when he can’t give them what society and biology demand. What good is an alpha if he’s born sterile?
toothpicks & older men. (42444 words) by AlienOnEarth Chapters: 14/14 Fandom: Top Gun (Movies) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Pete "Maverick" Mitchell/Jake "Hangman" Seresin Additional Tags: Post-Canon, Slow Burn, Dad!Jake, Family Fluff, Falling In Love, Mutual Pining, Awkwardness, Idiots in Love, Developing Relationship, First Dates, First Kiss, Getting Together, Eventual Smut, Light Angst, (un)resolved sexual tension, Character Study, Conversations Series: Part 11 of To love you like a lover should (A Top Gun collection) Summary:
"I, uh, might have a thing. For an older man?" Jake watches as Penny's frown deepens. "Singular. A very specific middle-aged specimen of... a man."
"Oh my god-" is her slightly delayed response.
Or, the one where Jake is a single dad and falls for one Pete "Maverick" Mitchell.
Deja Vu (1972 words) by tooshytosay Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Top Gun (Movies) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Pete "Maverick" Mitchell/Jake "Hangman" Seresin Characters: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw, Pete "Maverick" Mitchell, Jake "Hangman" Seresin Additional Tags: rated t for non graphic references to sex, does this count as identity porn? I dont think it does, Morning After, Implied/Referenced Sex, Penny knew exactly what was happening and she thought it was hilarious, fic theme song: stacy's mom by bowling for soup, Canon is my sandbox, altering literally the whole timeline to make a dumb joke? yeah, i came back and edited some stuff so it made more sense Summary:
“Hangman?” Rooster asks, brows furrowed.
“Rooster.” Hangman responds, also confused.
“What are you doing at my dad’s house?”
catch me now I'm falling (5621 words) by Saturn Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Top Gun (Movies) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Pete "Maverick" Mitchell/Jake "Hangman" Seresin Characters: Pete "Maverick" Mitchell, Jake "Hangman" Seresin, Penny Benjamin Additional Tags: Accidental Kissing, First Time, Kissing, Post-Mission, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Omega Pete "Maverick" Mitchell, Beta Jake "Hangman" Seresin, Anal Sex Summary:
Maverick looks down at Jake. “This—this isn’t going to happen.”
“Is it because I’m a beta?”
Take It On Faith (1285 words) by Brenda Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Top Gun (Movies) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Pete "Maverick" Mitchell/Jake "Hangman" Seresin Characters: Jake "Hangman" Seresin, Pete "Maverick" Mitchell Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Light Angst, POV Jake "Hangman" Seresin, Hospitalization, Making Up Summary:
"Thought I dreamt you," Jake murmured. "Can't believe you're here." Not that Jake knew where here was, exactly, other than a hospital bed, but he was pretty sure Maverick wasn't supposed to be with him. Not after...
(Or: Jake gets into an accident and wakes up to find Mav at his bedside)
so we flirt in a way you understand (8383 words) by AlchemyAlice Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Top Gun (Movies) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Pete "Maverick" Mitchell/Jake "Hangman" Seresin, Tom "Iceman" Kazansky/Pete "Maverick" Mitchell (past), Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw & Pete "Maverick" Mitchell Characters: Pete "Maverick" Mitchell, Tom "Iceman" Kazansky, Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw, Jake "Hangman" Seresin, Dagger Squad - Character Additional Tags: idiot 4 idiot, Post-Canon Summary:
"Captain, do you have a second?" Jake asks, stopping in front of Maverick's desk. "Jesus H. Christ," Rooster murmurs under his breath as he walks past.
oh, to drink from your lips. (3877 words) by AlienOnEarth Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Top Gun (Movies) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Pete "Maverick" Mitchell/Jake "Hangman" Seresin Characters: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw Additional Tags: Meet-Cute, First Meetings, Alternate Universe - Coffee Shops & Cafés, Milkshake Drama, Flirting, Flustered Jake Seresin, Crush at First Sight, Hurt/Comfort, Tending Wounds, Idiots in Love, Pete "Maverick" Mitchell is a Little Shit, First Dates Series: Part 10 of To love you like a lover should (A Top Gun collection) Summary:
Bradley really can't get Maverick to behave. Especially when there's a pretty hot barista in distress.
Or, Jake meets Pete Mitchell and it breaks his brain.
I've Got a Secret You Don't Know (I'm Going to Fall Like a Domino) (22650 words) by greenstuff Chapters: 4/4 Fandom: Top Gun (Movies) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Pete "Maverick" Mitchell/Jake "Hangman" Seresin Characters: Pete "Maverick" Mitchell, Jake "Hangman" Seresin, Javy "Coyote" Machado, Rick "Hollywood" Neven, Leonard "Wolfman" Wolfe, Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw Additional Tags: Strangers to Lovers, Getting Together, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Canonical Character Death, Minor Rick "Hollywood" Neven/Leonard "Wolfman" Wolfe, Explicit Sexual Content, Oral Sex, Semi-Public Sex, Anal Sex, Come Swallowing, Secret Relationship, Relationship Reveal Summary:
Jake turns to catch sight of their new instructor, a sinking feeling in his gut. When he sees a very familiar, handsome man walking across the hangar he has to fight the urge to slam his head into the table in front of him. Of course Pete would be Pete “Maverick” Mitchell. Jake should have known from the swagger alone that the man he picked up at The Hard Deck last night wasn’t some civilian with a thing for Navy men or the kind of guy to work behind a desk.
Mile High (7123 words) by Brenda Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Top Gun (Movies) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Pete "Maverick" Mitchell/Jake "Hangman" Seresin Characters: Jake "Hangman" Seresin, Pete "Maverick" Mitchell Additional Tags: POV Jake "Hangman" Seresin, Meet-Cute, (More Like Meet Horny), Alternate Universe - Different First Meeting, Pre-Movie: Top Gun Maverick, Jake And His Massive Crush On Maverick Is Canon, Bad Flirting, (But It Works), Banter, Getting to Know Each Other, Jake Is So Horny In This, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Top Pete "Maverick" Mitchell, Bottom Jake "Hangman" Seresin, Dick Pics Summary:
Jake tapped his phone screen and summoned a flirty — but non-threatening — smile. "How's the angle working for you?"
Gold-flecked green eyes — and fuck, they were pretty — studied him for a brief moment before dropping to look at the pic. "My compliments to your personal trainer," he said, and his voice was every bit as attractive as the rest of him.
(Or: an alternate meet cute based on the following prompt: "Going to sit next to the richest looking middle aged man on my flight and scroll through my nudes for 3 hours straight")
The 2022 U.S. Naval Aviators Calendar (3466 words) by CaughtInATalespin Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Top Gun (Movies) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Pete "Maverick" Mitchell/Jake "Hangman" Seresin, Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw & Pete "Maverick" Mitchell Characters: Pete "Maverick" Mitchell, Jake "Hangman" Seresin, Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw, Tom "Iceman" Kazansky Additional Tags: Meet-Cute, Alternate Universe - Different First Meeting, First Meetings, Age Difference, Kissing, Explicit Consent, bc this is apparently my new writing kink, Bradley Bradshaw is a little shit, Photo Shoots, Pre-Canon, no beta we die like goose Summary:
“Relax,” Bradley says, clapping Mav on the shoulder. “I’ll make sure they get your good side.”
Before Mav can protest, Bradley leads him over to the changing area and shoves a garment bag in his face.
“Lucky for you,” Bradley calls, “you won’t be alone. Got you a partner to suffer through my bossing around!”
“Bradshaw!” an annoyed voice yells nearby. “What the fuck is going on here?”
 Or: Eager to embarrass the shit out of them, Bradley cons Maverick and Jake into posing together for the Top Gun calendar photoshoot he’s directing. Joke’s on him though, because when they meet, Jake and Mav are more taken with each other than anyone would have expected.
The One Thing (9476 words) by Brenda Chapters: 4/4 Fandom: Top Gun (Movies) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Pete "Maverick" Mitchell/Jake "Hangman" Seresin Characters: Jake "Hangman" Seresin, Pete "Maverick" Mitchell, Javy "Coyote" Machado, Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw, Mickey "Fanboy" Garcia Additional Tags: Post-Movie: Top Gun Maverick, POV Jake "Hangman" Seresin, Idiots in Love, Getting to Know Each Other, Getting Together, Flirting, Banter, Light Angst, Fluff and Humor, Mav's Tight T-shirts Deserve Their Own Tag, Jake Is Thirsty AF, who can blame him, Mav Deserves A Medal For Patience, Jake Has SO MANY Bad Lines In This, Luckily He Makes It Work For Him, Jake Thinks He Has All The Cards, (Narrator Voice: He Does Not), Bisexual Pete "Maverick" Mitchell, Dreams and Nightmares, Javy Deserves A Better Best Friend, Jake "Hangman" Seresin Being an Idiot, (But Mav Kinda Digs It), Javy "Coyote" Machado is a Good Friend, Protective Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw Summary:
Operation Seduce Captain Mitchell was officially a go.
Tools (1782 words) by aprilfoolish Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Top Gun (Movies) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Pete "Maverick" Mitchell/Jake "Hangman" Seresin Characters: Jake "Hangman" Seresin, Pete "Maverick" Mitchell Additional Tags: Getting Together, Grindr, Bad Flirting, it was me i wrote the flirting that's why it's bad, Age Difference, Jake "Hangman" Seresin and his canonical crush on Pete "Maverick" Mitchell, except this is AU, they're non-navy, it's not explicitly said but still, Making Out, Suggestive Themes, based on a screenshot from grindr Summary:
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of an impressive toolbox, must be in want of a boytoy.
Jake has a bad day, but fortunately he finds just the right guy on Grindr to help him out in all the ways he needs.
only one (that i give my time) (3287 words) by ropememory Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Top Gun (Movies) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Pete "Maverick" Mitchell/Jake "Hangman" Seresin, Minor or Background Relationship(s) Characters: Pete "Maverick" Mitchell, Jake "Hangman" Seresin, Nick "Goose" Bradshaw Additional Tags: Canonical Character Death, Soulmate-Identifying Timers, Canon Related Series: Part 38 of topgunfics.exe Summary:
Throughout his first deployment, Jake hears about other people’s timers changing, looks away when the realization hit the person the change happened to because he doesn’t want to think about if it were him. Most of them get shortened, and Jake had seen a lifetime get reduced to a speck because of something that seemed insignificant. He takes solace in the knowledge that his timer hasn’t started counting down yet, that he’ll make it through this deployment, even as they’re engaging with an enemy they barely have faces for.
(My black flower) Nowhere left to run, Nowhere left to hide (5443 words) by DarkstarDiesel Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Top Gun (Movies) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Pete "Maverick" Mitchell/Jake "Hangman" Seresin Characters: Pete "Maverick" Mitchell, Jake "Hangman" Seresin, Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw, Javy "Coyote" Machado Additional Tags: Angst with a Happy Ending, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Talks of Sterility, Familial Abuse, Self-Worth Issues, Backstories No One Asked For, Alpha!Hangman, Omega!Maverick, barely edited, Never Betaed, Knotting, Older Man/Younger Man, safe sex Series: Part 1 of (Social) Cues Summary:
Bagman, they say nowadays. Leaving you holding the bag when shit hits the fan. Or so that’s how he plays it.
What it originally stood for was ‘empty bags.’ An alpha that leaves a wake of disgruntled, empty-handed, wanting omega lovers when he can’t give them what society and biology demand. What good is an alpha if he’s born sterile?
Close my eyes (And let the love-light guide me home) (32568 words) by DarkstarDiesel Chapters: 4/4 Fandom: Top Gun (Movies) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Pete "Maverick" Mitchell/Jake "Hangman" Seresin Characters: Pete "Maverick" Mitchell, Jake "Hangman" Seresin, Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw, Javy "Coyote" Machado Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Fluff and Angst, Talks of Sterility, Familial Abuse, Self-Worth Issues, Backstories No One Asked For, Alpha!Hangman, Older Man/Younger Man, Handwavy Science, Bad Biology, Omega!Maverick, Rough Sex, Falling Into Instincts, Panic Attack, Orgasm Dysfunction, Erectile Dysfunction, Orgasm Denial, Feral Behavior, feral Alpha, Maverick Is A Bossy Bottom, Possessive Behavior, Hand Feeding, Instinct Play, territorial Omega Series: Part 2 of (Social) Cues Summary:
The only silver lining about his oncoming rut is he might be able to pass off his ramped-up hormonal stink as the Fabuloso he’s supposed to mop the floors with. Washed-worn cotton and cloying industrial citrus, Jake bemoans safely in his mind. Hell of a combination for an alpha.
Unexpectedly Mine (2743 words) by VictoryFeather Fandom: Top Gun (Movies) Rating: Explicit Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Category: M/M Relationship: Pete "Maverick" Mitchell/Jake "Hangman" Seresin Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Omega Jake "Hangman" Seresin, Alpha Pete "Maverick" Mitchell, Size Difference, Intersex, Mildly Dubious Consent, Biting, Squirting, Penis In Vagina Sex, Unexpected Heat, Breeding Kink Summary:
Hangman has been concealing himself as a Beta, but post mission stress reveals him as an Omega.
Solace (1092 words) by VictoryFeather
Fandom: Top Gun (Movies) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Category: M/M Relationships: Pete "Maverick" Mitchell/Jake "Hangman" SeresinPete "Maverick" Mitchell & Jake "Hangman" Seresin Additional Tags: Anxiety Attacks, Touch starved Hangman Summary: Hangman has a panic attack after Javy G-LOCS.
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tinyologist · 3 months
TW for death and stuff Y'know that one G/t trope where the t is scared of the G because they're a scientist or something, and the t doesn't want to be dissected or something? Yeah well I just started biology college, and it gets so much worse lol Like, if you want something to study later on (or just, something to add to a collection, my college has plenty of specimen on display for study and to show off our accomplishments), you'll of course want this something to be dead And apparently, they do that by getting the something (if it's small enough for that), and essentially putting it inside a freezer so it dies without having its outer body damaged. And like??? That's so absurdly cruel But sadly, it's science :( So, imagine like a t (likely a borrower but they can be anything really) living in a biologist's house, I imagine entomologists (insect nerds) likely would have a lot of specimen on display, and one day, said t sees the G freezing a live insect so G can do their job. And this has happened more than once The t has wandered around the house and seen the several books G has on anatomy and whatnot, and how they seem to be particularly enthusiastic about it And one day, the t somehow gets caught, and all that can come to mind isn't the whole dissection part that likely comes later, it'd be the agonizingly slow and painful death of being put in a freezer, left to die of hypothermia Meanwhile the G is just like ":) aw man cool look at this little guy I can just look at" (because as cruel as science can be sometimes it is just looking at cool things and finding them to be rather neat) Anyway, yeah. Mind you I'm just a student (on my first year, literally just started out) so I'm not sure how accurate this is for non-arthropods (I know they do this with slugs and snails too, apparently), but this has been on my mind since I've learnt this is a thing and idk maybe someone will find use of this lol
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mysticstarlightduck · 8 months
OC Favorites Tag Game!
I wasn't tagged by anyone, but this tag game sounded really cool, and I saw an open tag for it somewhere here, so there we go! (:
Rules: share photos of your OCs' favorite color, season, shoe choice, weapon, and pastime, then change up any one of the five favorite things categories for the next round.
I'll go with the cast of Enchanted Illusions for this one.
Augustus Grimmure - carmine red, autumn, derby shoes or loafers, dagger or any kind of knife (even a kitchen knife will do, but he doesn't like guns at all, finds them impractically loud), learning new dark magic spells or reading by the fireplace.
Harriet Sharppe - pastel yellow or pink, winter, balmoral boots, pocketknife, studying weird insects and collecting plant specimens - especially poisonous ones.
Evangeline Daemitya - sky blue, spring, fancy low-heel pump shoes, fencing saber or just plain magic, making intricate drawings on her sketchbook/journal or listening to music
Cailean Telkerly - very dark green, doesn't have a favorite season, simple leather boots, pocket pistol or brass knuckles, figuring out new inventive ways to make his heists work - also likes stargazing and dancing
Agatha Greenwoods - teal or grey, summer, laced shoes - likes walking without shoes, just socks, when at home though, switchblade, drinking tea while studying her case - also collects random interesting trinkets she finds
Marcus Kallihan - doesn't have a favorite color, winter, shoes that allow him to be as silent as possible, is an expert at almost any kind of gun imaginable + plus is a sniper, practicing knife throwing, though he prefers to spend time playing with his dog
Ambrose Prosper - purple (absolutely any shade of it) and gold, spring, explorer's boots, dual-wielding guns, is surprisingly good at crocheting, goes to the opera frequently, and also likes people watching (judging them silently)
Thaddeus Lockhill - dark red, winter, leather combat boots, any kind of weapon available at a given moment - is good at improvising and using the environment to his advantage, would say he has no time for hobbies due to his ✨cause/revolution✨ but secretly likes singing
Vincent Sharppe - charcoal black, gentleman shoes freshly shined, autumn, sword cane (which can be impractical in some situations because he actually needs his cane to walk), secretly plays the piano, paints, and does scrapbooking
Clarence Van Sterlling - sunshine yellow (ironic, since he is a vampire), winter, knee-length boots with or without heels, rapier sword or just his fangs if need be, collects tin soldiers and other kinds of small dolls/figurines
Valentine Concordium - dried-leaf orange, summer and autumn, fancy shoes with intricate designs, literally a broadsword or just a regular gun, journaling and collecting a bunch of stuff
Tagging (gently, with no pressure) - @oh-no-another-idea, @little-peril-stories, @clairelsonao3, @writernopal, @memento-morri-writes and @tabswrites
The next 5 words will be color, season, shoe choice, weapon, and food.
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scotianostra · 8 months
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Charles Darwin, was born on 12th February 1809 in Shrewsbury, England.
Yes he is English, but he attended Edinburgh University and he liked us Scots in general, going by this quote from the man:
“Scotchmen are so civil and attentive, It is enough to make an Englishman ashamed of himself.”
As a medical student in Edinburgh, It was on the shores of the Forth, at Prestonpans and elsewhere, that he carried out some of his early scientific work. Long before he became famous for what he discovered in distant southern seas and lands and then used in development of the Theory of Evolution,
Darwin became an expert in the marine life, especially barnacles, of the Lothian coast. He also learnt how to stuff birds (a skill that would be invaluable when collecting scientific specimens during his southern voyage on the ship Beagle, years later). His teacher was a freed black slave, John Edmonstone, who lived in the same Edinburgh street as Darwin. Edmonstone had told him about the South American rainforest in his native Guiana. It’s fascinating to think that this man, John Edmonstone, whose name is all-but forgotten, taught a key skill to Darwin, taxidermy, one of the most influential figures in science. He also gave young Charles an early taste, in his imagination, of one of the globally important natural habitats whose pleasures he would later experience at first hand. Darwin wrote of him:
“By the way, a negro lived in Edinburgh … and gained his livelihood by stuffing birds, which he did excellently: he gave me lessons for payment, and I used often to sit with him, for he was a very pleasant and intelligent man.”
As well as being complimentary of us Scots, Darwin was also a fan of our capital city, he arrived in Edinburgh in October 1825. He and his brother lodged at 11 Lothian Street. He described his lodgings in a letter to his father:
“We got into our lodgings yesterday evening, which are very comfortable and near the College. Our Landlady, by name Mrs Mackay, is a nice clean old body, and exceedingly civil and attentive. She lives in 11 Lothian Street, Edinburgh and only four flights of steps from the ground floor which is very moderate to some other lodgings that we were nearly taking. The terms are 1£-6s for two very nice and light bedrooms and a nice sitting room; by the way, light bedrooms are very scare articles in Edinburgh, since most of them are little holes in which there is neither air not light.
“We set out and walked all about the town; which we admire excessively; indeed Bridge Street is the most extraordinary thing I ever saw, and when we first looked over the sides we could hardly believe our eyes, when instead of a fine river we saw a stream of people.
“We have just been to church and heard a sermon of only 20 minutes. I expected from Sir Walter Scott’s account a soul-cutting discourse of 2 hours and a half.”
Not all was good though, Darwin had no time for Alexander Monro tertius, who had followed his grandfather and father as professor of anatomy, as he describes in a letter to his sister Caroline:
Monro “made his lectures on human anatomy as dull as he was himself.” “I dislike his lectures so much that I cannot speak with decency about them. He is so dirty in person and actions.”
Some years later Darwin visited Edinburgh again, in 1838, on his way to study the geology of Glen Roy. He spent some time on Salisbury Crags, studying the geology described by Hutton.
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shdwwlkrsblog · 2 years
Can you do 049 adopting somebody. 
Hell yeah scp049 gonna make a mini version of him out of that lil kid(you didn't specify if it's the reader so i just did it with someone unclear but you can imagine the kid as reader) I NEED MORE REQUESTS LIKE THIS I LOVE IT
Requests open
The fact they are immune to his touch , interested in his studies and like medicine is just PERFECT
He totally adopts them wether the foundation likes it or not . He's not gonna give that child away
He teaches them how to dissect , operate and make a raw specimen collection in Alkohol (80%) or glycerin.
Treats them like his own child and is really overprotective of them. He even got them their own mask that is close in design to his
Actually SCP 049 is okay with doing more testing and stuff , not breaking containment and so on if his lil kid stays with him
Definitely a good father-kid relationship between those two
Since i love the idea of SCP 035 and SCP 049 having the chaotic enemy relationship imagine if SCP 035 was making fun of his kid and he just beats the shit out of the host of the mask
Or the kid 9verhears scp035 talking shit about their dad and just perfectly cuts his hosts Achilles tendon. IMAGINE THE PRIDE SCP 049 FEELS.
Or or or those two make themself SCP 035 arch nemesis by just constantly pulling shit on him
Perfect father kid bonding in my opinion
SCP 049 is the most caring person for that kid you'll ever see , but also the most overprotective unless they proved to him once they are perfectly capable of beating up SCP 035 on their own
Poor 35 bc now it's like he got to deal with two 49 just one isn't immortal and has a deadly touch
But it's not only 35 . The staff suffers under it too and bright got pulled into your both plans and helps you get revenge "accidentally" on a researcher that was rude to SCP 049 or the kid
Bright likes the kid too and 49 too now that his "humor" is brought out by a kid but he's got to hide it
Imagine SCP 049 reading his kid stories or telling him his tales from his life before the foundation (leaving out horrific details )
I fucking loved this idea I NEED MORE REQUESTS LIKE THIS
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 1 year
my favorite t rex specimen is cm 9380 bc i lucked into getting to study the carnegie museum’s invertebrate paleontology collection (i was in trilobite paradise 😍) at the same time as the dino exhibit was being redone so i got to see some cool behind the scenes stuff with that one
That's so cool!!!!!
Also trilobites are the best
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miraclesnail · 1 month
I just wanted to wish you good luck for coming back to school (I know you come back at August 19th but I wanted to make sure you'll receive this before and you know time zones... so it's a little bit early), I'm sure you'll manage it greatly !
(And, if it's not too intrusive, what do you study ? Obviously, don't answer that if you don't wanna)
thank you!!! 🥰
I'm packing currently since I'll be moving to the new city and man... I wanted to just bring one suitcase, but I might have to bring two 😭 I still need to fit some cooking stuff in there.
I will be studying to become a clinical lab scientist/medical lab scientist (basically the people who runs the tests on the blood/urine/whatever specimen the nurse collect)
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becca4leafclover · 10 months
New Creative World Build!
Something new on the other side of the valley, Keima's Alchemy Lab!
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(oh my god new shaders make it look SO pretty!)
In the lore of my stuff, this world is a popular settling spot for the people of the multiverse after milennia of strife. It's full of different species, abilities, knowledge and culture. Keima is no exception: she is an individual who was ejected from her homeworld in a freak incident between warring deities and ended up in the multiverse. She rebuilt her alchemy lab in the world she settled in and started teaching her discipline to anyone interested.
(AKA, Keima was the character I played on a dead SMP, and I'm deciding she deserves to keep her story going.)
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The waiting room to the lab: mostly a place where friends and family impatiently wait for their loved one to check the time. The front desk has an ID swipe and intercom to control who can go into the workspace of the lab, and someone working at the front desk could check in new people.
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The locker room, just a place to put your stuff while you're in the lab! Jewerly not allowed (unless you physically can't take it off.)
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The main body of the lab! They keep some unique specimens on hand and have some leftover remnants of past experiments that can't be scrubbed out. In the back is the lab's water reservoir, filled with collected rainwater and heated by lava.
"Alchemy" is a pretty broad term for ultimately, studying the makeup and "truth" of the Universe. It starts in the basics with discovering the properties of life that can be infused into potions, and becomes more complicated when you start tampering with the rules of reality. That dark spot on the ground is bedrock. Keima's current project is trying to ignite the deepslate portal in hopes it can give her clues to finding her old world.
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Up the main lift is the potion brewing stations! (...I forgot to add potion bottles for the photo. Oops.) The pipe running across the ceiling supplies the heated water to the stands that need it- a simple drip infusion, and a more complex setup for experiments. And the station in the middle is manual, for potions that don't need heat and don't take too long to brew.
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There's a second lift in the tower, one that remains up at the top floor during opening hours of the lab. No one that been up there has lived to tell the tale- at least, that's what Keima says.
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Why? Because that's her bedroom, damn it! Can't a woman have her privacy?
Keima is a person who does not care for emotional connections. However, in her bedroom she's allowed herself reminders of where she came from: armor similar to her most powerful set (for that was darkmetal and she was the only person to aquire it), a plant similar to the ones that were grown in her town (where the trees were so tall they touched the sky), a flower from her dead lover (a soulmate she was trying to save), a lantern for her goddess (in a past life not remembered.) She does not want to go back to her homeworld exactly, but she does not want to forget what she left behind if she is the sole survivor of her original world.
Aaaaaaaaand that's it! If you want to see me building more in this world and ask any questions about its lore or my multiverse stories, stop by my streams! I try to stream at least once a weekend and I post here when I'm going live :D
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