#( OPEN STARTERS. )┊newfound connections.
belovedblossoms-m · 1 year
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"You there! You have something there that I want, and it smells delectable." She pointed indignantly at the other, her sharp teeth clenched and her posture tall and proud. Other than delicious blood, it couldn't hurt to have the cravings for human delicacies too and she must try them ALL. "I demand you hand it over or bring upon yourself to feed it directly to me like the peasant you are! Perhaps then I shall grant you mercy if thou has become obedient."
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belovedblossoms · 5 months
au 【 AU. ❀ ║ traverse among new dimensions. 】
ooc 【 ooc. ❀ ║ pursuing my true self. 】
crossover 【 crossover. ❀ ║ new navigations to follow great minds. 】
dash games 【 dash games. ❀ ║ something to pass the time. 】
memes 【 memes. ❀ ║ your journey begins here. 】
prompts 【 prompts. ❀ ║ choose your path. 】
queue 【 queue. ❀ ║ good things come to those who wait. 】
wishlist 【 wishlist. ❀ ║ wishes to make come true. 】
ic 【 ic. ❀ ║ communication is the key to success. 】
dash comm 【 dash comm. ❀ ║ time to put these two cents in. 】
saved 【 saved. ❀ ║ memories to reserve. 】
open starters 【 open starters. ❀ ║ newfound connections. 】
headcanon 【 headcanons. ❀ ║ secured & crafted by the heart. 】
visage 【 visage. ❀ ║ reflections of destinies and self worth. 】
musings 【 musings. ❀ ║ reach into the mind of the beholder. 】
wardrobe 【 wardrobe. ❀ ║ style with a touch of character. 】
aesthetics 【 aesthetics. ❀ ║ shaping beauty how it meets the eye. 】
answered 【 answered. ❀ ║ heed the call to new beginnings. 】
asks 【 asks. ❀ ║ inquisitive requests. 】
crack 【 crack. ❀ ║ silly fun can turn into open chaos. 】
music 【 music. ❀ ║ melodies that flow to the heart. 】
promo 【 promo. ❀ ║ spread the love. 】
self promo 【 self promo. ❀ ║ welcome to my collection. 】
resources 【 resources. ❀ ║ support from the talented. 】
psa 【 psa. ❀ ║ do the next right thing. 】
ships 【 ships. ❀ ║ so many ships so little time. 】
nsfw 【 nsfw. ❀ ║ intense fervor enriches soul and body. 】
desires 【 desires. ❀ ║ the heart wants what it wants. 】
main 【 main verse. ❀ ║ familiar to delve into new discoveries. 】
thread 【 thread. ❀ ║ sharing a brand new study. 】
character study 【 character study. ❀ ║ observations to improve & master skills. 】
roleplay 【 roleplay. ❀ ║ fantasies transform. 】
Power 【 visage (power). ❀ ║ cower in the presence of power! 】
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helix-enterprises117 · 7 months
Halo Reloaded: Advice
In the quiet corridors of the Autumn 2.0, the air was thick with anticipation as John-117 made his way toward Naomi-010's quarters. Unarmored for once, his towering figure moved with a deliberation uncharacteristic of the battlefield legend. He paused at Naomi's door, taking a moment to collect his thoughts before pressing the chime.Naomi, surprised by the unexpected visit, opened the door to find the Spartan-II she rarely saw out of his armor. Her blonde hair fell loosely around her shoulders, a stark contrast to the usual tight bun she sported under her helmet. "John?" she began, her tone a mix of curiosity and caution. "What brings you here?"
John's gaze lingered on her for a moment, the weight of his request making him momentarily hesitant. "I need advice," he finally said, his voice betraying none of the uncertainty that flickered behind his stoic expression.Naomi stepped aside to let him in, her expression puzzled. "Advice? From me?" she asked as she closed the door behind him. The very idea seemed to perplex her. "What about?"
"It's about Linda," John admitted, the name alone enough to convey the depth of his concern. "We...we're seeing each other. And I want to take her out, do something special for her."
Naomi raised an eyebrow, the pieces clicking into place. Yet, she couldn't help but wonder why John had come to her. "And you're asking me because...?"John shifted uncomfortably, the topic clearly out of his comfort zone. "Because of Vaz," he said, referring to Vasily "Vaz" Beloi, the ODST with whom Naomi had been in a relationship for several months. "I figured, since you're with someone outside the Spartan program, you might know a thing or two about...this."
Naomi's cheeks flushed with a mixture of embarrassment and surprise. It was rare for Spartans to discuss personal matters so openly, and John's acknowledgment of her relationship with Vaz felt both invasive and flattering. "John, I'm hardly an expert on romance," she confessed with a sheepish smile. "But if you're looking for advice, I'll share what I can."John nodded, grateful for any insight she could offer. Naomi took a moment to gather her thoughts, her advice more earnest than expert. "Well, for starters, it's important to remember it's not about where you go or what you do, but the thought behind it. Linda's not just any Spartan. Think about what she enjoys, what makes her happy. It could be something as simple as a quiet place to watch the stars, or maybe a live-fire training session if that's more her speed."
John listened intently, Naomi's words sparking ideas in his mind. "And," Naomi continued, "communication is key. Make sure she knows this is special, that it's about the two of you spending time together. It doesn't have to be grand, just...meaningful." The Chief nodded, his usual confidence returning. "Thank you, Naomi," he said sincerely. "I appreciate it, more than you know."Naomi smiled, a genuine warmth in her eyes. "Anytime, John."
As John turned to leave, a newfound resolve in his step, Naomi couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie that went beyond their shared duties. In the world of Spartans, where vulnerability was a luxury few could afford, moments of genuine human connection were rare and precious. John's visit, awkward as it might have been, was a reminder that beneath the armor and the accolades, they were all still human, still capable of love.
@ionlymadethissoicouldleaveanask, @authortobenamedlater, @makowrites, @mrtobenamedlater, @killer-orca-cosplay, @empresskadia.
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velvetrogue · 3 months
Open Starter - RDR Verse
Colt Adams - 32, pansexual, bounty hunter
Open to mutuals and non-mutuals
Connection Ideas - Ex; old friend; old acquaintance; new client; canon muse
“If you’ve come all the way from mixin’ with those rich folks up in Saint Denis, well… you really must need my help.” Colt lifted his cigarette to his lips and took a drag. His gaze met theirs, and he raised his eyebrows, just for a second, in a knowing gesture. As he awaited their response, he turned his gaze back to the pool table before him. There weren’t many ways for a bounty hunter to get their kicks, especially in the remote desert town of Tumbleweed. But, compared to the metaphorical heat he’d left behind back in ‘civilization’, Colt didn’t mind the scorching days and freezing nights of his newfound home. Whether the other would mind him at his most unvarnished - clothed barely and shabbily whilst smoking and drinking - remained another matter.
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a-lion-roars · 1 year
Cry for Help [ Open starter — mutuals preferred, not required ]
A regular day evaded him yet again. Instead, England's tense fingers scrolled through the list of contacts on his phone. Meanwhile, the beast roped itself around his ankle, needle-fine claws sinking into socks, pinching his skin. He shooed it, thoughts entangled in his search, until—a-ha!—he found someone to save him from his newfound nightmare.
He pressed his phone to ear. Waited. A scratchy, high-pitched mew would not pull any heartstrings today, not after knocking over his favourite houseplant. He grimaced, recalling the resulting mess. Then: a beep. The call connected.
England blurted first: "You know about cats, don't you?"
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springzy · 6 months
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peek-a-boo ! it's sage (she/her) ending the activity week off with an extremely belated intro. below the cut you can find some fun facts and tidbits about the lovely jang bomi; an earth-raised dragon running an art and trinkets shop right off the southern docks. bomi is a rather simple girl wanting to follow her dreams—but the locals generally view her through her connection to dragons, and not the work that she finds to be her greatest achievement.
reply to this post with an emoji for a random starter! 🌿
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ಣ keep it brief ੭ 𓈒
jang bomi or mini / born 25 years after blight / gifted the earth dragon's blessing / shopkeeper and owner of dragon's hoard / full-time artist / part-time plant keeper / ﹠ extremely sheltered.
records show that jang, bomi is a 75 year old earth descendant dragonborn who has lived in yeonghae for her whole life. they are currently a shopkeeper at dragon's hoard, but other parts of their reputation must precede them — their faint aura of english ivy, or how they remind others of plucking flower petals and wishing upon shooting stars.
ಣ made from earth ੭ 𓈒
born 25 years after the first blight, she was raised to understand the gifts of nature and how to communicate with the earth in various cultures and rituals known to her family. she grew up sweet, quiet, kind, full of creative ideas and a love for the cottage in the middle of the forest to which her family resided. it's all she really knew, after all.
her desire for creative ideals grew at this young age beginning with creating figures or animals out of stone, then migrating to using flowers for pigments and dyes. it easily became a talent of her that she picked up better than the rest. a natural-born artist with imaginative ideas or concepts.
but, by the time she reached 40, there was an attack on her quiet home. thieves wishing to use their rare dragon scales and horns for the market—she didn't understand at the time how profitable their skin was. being the youngest, she was told to run. and as she did despite the weakening poison in her skin and the damaged horns/scales on her body.
being weak, and close to death, she used a ritual she learned from her late sister. a ritual to summon something from the forbidden rift in times of emergency. a triangle with her blood on the floor, then a circle, before her own body hits the ground. she didn't know what happened then; only remembers waking up to an unfamiliar face and the taste of blood on her lips. he must be the being her sister told her about. but he was much more sweet than the tales she's heard.
with that, bomi migrated into the towns to a family friend with her newfound bond by hiding her damaged horns with a beret and clothing to cover up any revealing scales or scars. she used this time to heal and understand the city she's never visited her entire life until now.
it was a stroke of luck the locals adored her art and use of nature to depict different forms. it easily helped her open a shop on the south docks to begin a new life—one she hopes will pass by safely this time around.
ಣ you look familiar ੭ 𓈒
some art friends that sell or learn through her store, or merchants/adventurers that help her gain the materials she needs to make her paints and figures. she plays this part 'kinda like a hannah montana vibe.
someone to sit next to at the library as she struggles to study modern culture. maybe that someone helps her despite the strange nature she gives off.
the family friend that her and her bonded pact partner move to when all things seem lost. the person that keeps them safe and warns her them of how the locals can be.
maybe some people that don't like the idea of a dragon opening a.. shop.. of all things on the southside.
or fellow dragons that love the concept and come to visit her all the time. they take her in like their child to help her not feel so alone in what seems like a big world compared to the forest.
and random meeting threads because she's antisocial and needs people to force their way into her life :')
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bleakfated · 1 year
@azrahel liked for a starter from sunny harrington
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her newfound freedom had proven rather challenging, but she had been working hard on controlling her powers outside of in her desperate attempts to save others. she had packed up her things from the only town she had ever known and opened another milkshake business that didn't sell milkshakes for aiding in mind control, because it had been all she had ever known and enjoyed. a sense of comfort in the new completely foreign world. inspired by sam winchester and his friend castiel, she was able to offer some services to humans. not really connected to the future seeing side of things, she could at least be of service to incapacitate powerful witches or help gather information in less orthodox ways.
❝ i can tell you aren't human... if that's what you're asking. as far as how, that part's -- not always distinguishable. ❞
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belovedblossoms-m · 1 year
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"It just feels like I can't ever catch a break in this school..." Nene sighed, leaning her rested cheek against her hand as she gazed out the window. "I don't even remember when was the last time I had a proper night's sleep after all the activities and cleaning the bathrooms I had to do the past few days. Why can't he just give me a break, that jerk!"
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gcldcnhour · 1 year
open starter: m/f/nb muse: cormac mcintire connection: they just pulled off a robbery (bonnie/clyde type)
"holy shit! i can't believe we did it!" cormac laughed, hand slapping against the steering wheel. adrenaline pumped through him, so intoxicating he briefly wondered if he should have been driving. should they had pulled in a third accomplice to drive the getaway car? it hadn't been a huge ordeal, a small convenience store to start. to jump start their lives away from everything, bankroll their newfound freedom together. "baby, this is it. we're on our way to new lives." he looks over at his partner in crime, grin wide and animated. an unusual look for him. "you got it all right? all the money?"
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lumenouarp · 2 years
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It’s that time of year when cupid strikes and love of all kind is expressed in abundance. Whether you’re single and ready to mingle, taken, or just want to have a little fun with your friends, Lume Noua’s Valentine’s Day mini-event has something for everyone. Three realms are hosting events this year, so hop in a portal and enjoy a little bit of love in each realm. Portals will be open for 24 hours. ( ooc: This is a mini-event for Valentines Day! You can post starters for this mini event up until 2/28/23. Use the tag LMevent6. There will be no surprise plot drops during this event. This is just a fun holiday themed event for characters)
Haven - Be My Honey Bee Festival
Honey and bees have long been associated with deities of love and Saint Valentine was also the Patron Saint of Beekeepers. Join us in celebration of both.
Take a Tour of the Hives, but don’t worry you’ll be provided the proper protective gear and trained guides will be there to help.
Pair up, whether it be with your love or your platonic soulmate, and test your honey making skills with a sweet honey filled dessert.
Find your Honey Bee! If you’re looking for love, wear a Bee broach. If there’s someone you’re interested in, send them a Honey-Gram ( a rose attached to a note.) If they accept your gesture, they will send you a beeswax candle with a honey aroma. Feel free to explore your newfound connection.
Eastland  - Love Bites Anti-Valentine’s Day Celebration
Just as much as some people love love, there are some that don’t want to celebrate the holiday for the commercialized money-grab it tends to be. Join us for the Anti-V-Day Celebration.
Break a Heart and release some rage! Take a swing at piñatas and other furniture in the Love Bites Rage Room.  Proper protective gear will be provided.
Send a Message (and not a good one)! Have a Black Widow Cocktail while making Anti-Valentine’s Day Cards and Cookies.
All My Single People (and taken if you want to party with us) - Dance to a playlist full of songs about being single and loving it and commemorate the night with a picture at the photo booth.
Kings Hill - Pink Party Valentine’s Day Celebration
Join us for a pink party where the decor, the decorations, the cocktails and the dress code is pink!
On Vday We Wear Pink enjoy yourself in celebrating Valentine’s Day at a Pink Party, where payment for entrance is that you wear pink to this party.
Movie Marathons! Watch popular Rom-Coms and Dramas screening the entire day.
Love Stories for all ages! Watch as minstrels perform iconic pieces telling of swoon worthy love stories. Or take to the stage with a partner and act out an iconic scene from your favorite love story.
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lovepctions · 2 years
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muse: danny harte (they/them) primary face claim: devon bostick age range: 28-32 sexuality/gender: polyamorous nonbinary open to: platonic/romantic/negative connections for all genders.  occupation: freelance photographer / marijuana grower & seller important information: when danny was 17, they stole someone’s identity and has lived their life as them ever since. they do odd jobs and sell pot around the small town they live in. learn more below
this is a permanent starter call for danny!
Alexander Perry was born in Seattle, WA to two loving parents who would have devoted their whole lives to them. When they were five years old, they passed in the hospital following a fateful car crash. They didn't have any relatives in the US, so they were left to the foster care system. The homes they were placed in weren't perfect, but they were at least kind and giving to them. Still, they held residual anger and disappointment that this was where life had taken them. 
 When when Alexander was 17, four blocks away from the high school laid a body. Due to their natural curiosity, they approached the person only to discover he was dead. He couldn't have been more than a few years older than Alex. Looking over their shoulder, once, twice, three times, they into the corpse's pocket and steal the man's wallet and phone. $86, 3 credit cards and an ID in the wallet. Daniel Harte. Danny. 
And after going through Daniel's contacts, he only had two people listed. After further inspection, it looked like the boy was unemployed and wasn't going to be missed by anyone. It was then that Alex decided to run. Run where? Anywhere. Using their newfound resources, they manipulated the ID so it had Alex’s face instead of 'Danny's', anything to make the transition into this new life seamless. Anything to get themselves out of the life they were in. A week after finding Danny, Alex headed to a train station and chose a spot on the map took on this new persona. Embracing it.
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smart-healthy · 5 months
Medicinal Garden Kit BRAND NEW! Deliverable
My Experience with the Medicinal Garden Kit
For years, I've been fascinated by the natural world and its potential to support our health. I recently decided to delve deeper by trying the Medicinal Garden Kit, and it's safe to say I'm hooked! Here's why this kit has become a staple in my home.
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A Complete Starter Kit for Herbal Enthusiasts
The Medicinal Garden Kit comes with everything you need to get started on your herbal journey. It includes a selection of high-quality seeds for popular medicinal plants like chamomile, lavender, calendula, and echinacea. Each seed packet comes with detailed planting instructions, making it easy for even novice gardeners like myself to cultivate a thriving herb haven. Additionally, the kit provides handy plant markers for easy identification, along with a comprehensive guide packed with information on each herb's properties and potential uses.
Fresh Herbs at Your Fingertips
The joy of harvesting fresh herbs for teas, tinctures, and culinary creations has been truly rewarding. The Medicinal Garden Kit allows me to grow a variety of herbs right in my own space, eliminating the need to rely on potentially less potent store-bought options. Watching the seeds sprout, nurturing the seedlings, and finally harvesting the fragrant herbs has been a delightful experience, connecting me with the natural world in a whole new way.
Beyond the Garden: A Gateway to a More Holistic Approach
The included guidebook has become a valuable resource for me. It covers a wide range of topics, from traditional uses of each herb to simple recipes for teas, tinctures, and salves. This newfound knowledge empowers me to take a more proactive approach to my health and well-being. Whether it's brewing a soothing cup of chamomile tea for relaxation or whipping up a calendula salve for minor skin irritations, the Medicinal Garden Kit has opened the door to explore natural remedies for everyday ailments.
A Sustainable and Educational Activity for All Ages
The Medicinal Garden Kit is not just for adults! It's a fantastic way to introduce children to the world of plants and their potential benefits. Planting, nurturing, and harvesting herbs together can be a fun and educational family activity. It fosters a sense of responsibility and teaches children about the importance of sustainability. Watching them witness the magic of nature firsthand is truly heartwarming.
A Gift that Keeps on Giving
The Medicinal Garden Kit makes a fantastic gift for anyone interested in natural wellness or simply enjoys gardening. It's a thoughtful and unique present that provides the recipient with the tools and knowledge to cultivate their own personal apothecary.
If you're looking for a way to connect with nature, explore the world of herbs, and take charge of your well-being, the Medicinal Garden Kit is an excellent choice. It's a fun, educational, and rewarding experience that keeps on giving!
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josephnewbrown · 9 months
The Benefits Of Fildena 25 In Improving Relationship Satisfaction
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The important thing to a thriving courting lies not just in emotional connection however additionally within the bodily factor of intimacy. In this complete manual, we delve into the fantastic benefits of Fildena 25, a game-changer in enhancing relationship pleasure.
Welcome to an adventure where we discover the profound impact of Fildena 25 on relationships. As we navigate thru the intricacies of better performance, emotional connection, elevated intimacy, and strengthened relationships, you may discover how Fildena 25 can be a catalyst for an extra gratifying love lifestyles.
Superior performance
Advanced erectile function
Fildena 25 takes center stage with the aid of addressing one of the maximum common issues among men – erectile feature. Say good-bye to overall performance woes as this wonder pill extensively improves blood flow, ensuring a strong and lasting overall performance in the bedroom.
Extended stamina and persistence
Raise your intimate moments with Fildena 25's stamina-boosting prowess. Revel in a newfound staying power that not simplest benefits you however provides a spark on your accomplice's satisfaction. It is extra than just a tablet; it's a sport-changer within the realm of sexual performance.
Emotional connection
Raise in confidence
Confidence is attractive, and Fildena 25 understands this well. Rediscover your confidence as you witness a transformation for your capabilities. The ripple impact to your emotional connection is profound, main to a more colorful and relaxed courting.
Discount of overall performance tension
Effort farewell to the anxiety that often accompanies intimate moments. Fildena 25 acts as a reassuring partner, alleviating overall performance anxiety and paving the manner for a greater relaxed and exciting enjoy.
Extended intimacy
Heightened sexual desire
Unleash your desires with Sildenafil Fildena 25's capacity to intensify sexual arousal. Feel the surge of passion and preference that intensifies your reference to your partner, making each moment collectively extra memorable and pleasant.
Better delight for both companions
It's a shared journey, and Fildena 25 guarantees both partners gain the rewards. The enhanced pleasure goes beyond character pleasure, fostering a deeper connection among companions and strengthening the bond of intimacy.
Reinforced dating
Open conversation approximately sexual health
Fildena 25 isn't always only a solution; it is a conversation starter. Experience a nice shift in your dating as open communication approximately sexual fitness turns into an herbal and important a part of your adventure collectively.
Building accept as true with and knowledge
As intimacy thrives, so does believe and knowledge. Fildena 25 contributes to the inspiration of a sturdy courting by using fostering accept as true with, making sure that both partners feel heard, supported, and happy.
Safety and usage
Short on Fildena 25 safety
Safety is paramount, and Fildena 25 prioritizes your properly-being. Get insights into the protection measures and hints that make this complement a reliable choice for the ones seeking a secure and effective solution.
Right usage suggestions
Knowledge the way to use Fildena 25 optimally is vital. Unpack the usage hints that make certain you harness the full capacity of this supplement without compromising your health.
As we finish our exploration of the benefits of Fildena 25, it is obtrusive that this complement transcends the bodily realm. It is a journey of rediscovery, connection, and delight that transforms no longer simply your intimate moments but you’re dating as an entire. Take the plunge, embody the possibilities, and embark on a direction to a more pleasant love life.
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shkopstore · 11 months
Bags - A man's bestfriend
In the bustling city of New York, there lived a man named Daniel who was an unassuming office worker with a penchant for classic men's bags. He was content in his life, blending into the sea of business attire in the corporate world. However, everything changed when he discovered his love for bag fashion.
It all began when Daniel stumbled upon a stylish leather messenger bag in a small boutique while running errands during his lunch break. The bag's rich brown leather and meticulous craftsmanship captured his attention, and he decided to make the purchase. Little did he know that this choice would set in motion a remarkable transformation.
As he started carrying the messenger bag to work, Daniel began to receive compliments from his colleagues. They admired the bag's sophistication and versatility. Encouraged by the positive feedback, he delved deeper into the world of bags. He researched various bag styles, brands, and materials, slowly curating a collection of bags that reflected his evolving taste.
His newfound passion for bag fashion not only changed his wardrobe but also his confidence. He felt a newfound sense of pride in his appearance, and it showed in his work and interactions. With his stylish bags as a conversation starter, he made new connections in his workplace and beyond.
Daniel's bags also became an extension of his personality. He chose bags that matched the occasion – from a sleek briefcase for board meetings to a rugged backpack for weekend getaways. He even started a blog to share his insights and reviews on different bags, gaining a following of fellow bag enthusiasts.
One day, while attending a corporate event, Daniel's bag fashion caught the eye of a prominent fashion blogger, Isabella. Impressed by his style and knowledge of bags, she featured him in one of her posts, describing him as a "rising fashion icon in the world of men's accessories."
As his popularity in the fashion world grew, Daniel was invited to collaborate with bag designers and brands. He began consulting on bag designs, offering his unique perspective on what made a bag not only stylish but also practical. His life had taken an unexpected turn, and he was thriving in a world he had never imagined himself a part of.
The transformation in his life was not just about fashion; it was about self-discovery and self-expression. The bags he carried had become symbols of his evolving identity, and his passion had opened doors to a new and exciting career in the fashion industry.
In the end, Daniel's journey showed that sometimes, a simple accessory can be a catalyst for personal growth and transformation. His bags were more than just items to carry his belongings; they were the key to unlocking a new chapter in his life, one filled with style, confidence, and opportunities he had never thought possible.
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projectcubicle1 · 2 years
8 Tips to Find a Job after an Online Course
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8 Tips to Find a Job after an Online Course
Online courses have become increasingly popular in recent years, with millions of people enrolling to learn new skills and advance their careers. However, once the course is complete, many students are left wondering how to turn their newfound knowledge into a job. As the cost for online courses might get high–for instance, DataCamp pricing is around $300 but there are much more expensive companies–you want to be sure you’ll quickly start making money after the completing.  This article uncovers eight actionable tips to help you find a job after completing an online course.  
Networking is a powerful tool
  Networking is a critical skill to reach your goals, and this also is one of the most effective ways to find a job. The team from Self-Starters, a project focused on online courses, recommends reaching out to recent graduates of your online course and asking if they find a job after completion. Ask them how they managed to get a desired position or why they haven’t found a job. Moreover, ask them about their background before the course as well as how persistent they were in their search. These are important factors that have a huge impact on the result.   Meanwhile, attend offline or virtual events and webinars related to your career field to connect with potential employers and recruiters. Don't be afraid to speak first to new people and ask for advice or information about these companies. For example, if you took an online course in web development, reach out to local tech companies, ask whether they have open positions, and apply for an interview (even if you don’t feel you are a good fit).  
Dozens of interviews will make you ready
  To get a new job, you usually need to go through a lot of job interviews before you get hired, especially when you are at the entry-level stage of your carer. So don’t lose any opportunities to practice. You need dozens of interviews to understand how to communicate your skills to get the job you want. Reach out to recruiters of both small and big companies and show your interest–your motivation and persistence might help to get to the interview there. Moreover, don't be afraid to ask for mock interviews with somebody who already works in your design field.
Free help might bring you a paid job
  Offering your services for free can be a great way to gain hands-on experience in your field and make connections with potential employers. Many non-profits and small businesses are always in need of people like you, and this can be a great way to gain valuable experience and make a positive impact in your community.   For example, if you took an online course in marketing, consider getting experience in a non-profit and helping them with their marketing efforts. You can also reach out to your favorite Youtubers and offer them help at no cost. An effective approach here is to come up with a ready strategy and show them your expertise and motivation. Even if they don’t hire you, you will extend your portfolio.  
Dive into job searching 
  There are many job search websites that can help you find job opportunities in your field. Some popular ones include LinkedIn, Indeed, and Glassdoor. Make sure to customize your CV and cover letter for each job application, and take the time to tailor your application to the specific requirements listed in the job posting. For example, if you took an online course in data analysis, search for job opportunities on LinkedIn and Indeed, and make sure to highlight your skills in data visualization and predictive modeling in your resume and cover letter.  
Freelancing is an alternative
  Another way to make money in your desired field is freelancing. It is an alternative to full-time employment that helps you gain experience and build your portfolio. You can start by offering your services on websites like Upwork or Fiverr. This will show what is expected from you, gain real-world experience, build your network, and potentially lead to a full-time job opportunity down the road. For example, if you took an online course in graphic design, consider offering your services on Upwork as a freelance graphic designer to build your portfolio and gain experience.  
Strong online presence
  With so many businesses and job seekers using the internet, having a strong online presence is critical to your job search success. Make sure your LinkedIn profile is up-to-date and reflects your skills and experience. Consider creating a professional website or portfolio to showcase your work and online course projects. For example, if you took an online course in digital marketing, you can create a website that highlights your skills in social media management, content creation, and data analysis.  
Be open to opportunities
  Be open to new opportunities and don't limit yourself to only one specific job or industry. Sometimes the best job opportunities come from unexpected places, so it's important to be open to new possibilities. Consider taking on a part-time or freelance job outside of your desired field to gain new skills and make connections. You never know where it may lead. For example, if you took an online course in web development, don't limit yourself to only seeking full-time web developer positions. Instead, consider taking on freelance projects in related fields such as UX design.  
Keep learning and improving your skills
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Finally, keep learning as the job market is constantly changing, and new technologies and approaches are being changed all the time. Consider enrolling in additional online courses or attending workshops and seminars to stay current and improve your skills. This will make you a more valuable candidate to potential employers and increase your chances of finding a job. For example, if you took an online course in project management, consider enrolling in additional courses in agile project management or attending virtual workshops to stay current and improve your skills.  
Final thoughts
  Finding a job after completing an online course can be challenging, but it's not impossible. By building a strong online presence, networking, using job search websites, freelancing, and continuing to learn and improve, you can increase your chances of success and find a job in your desired field. Good luck with your job search! Read the full article
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bigbutterandeggman · 2 years
Why Collecting Beach Shells Is a Fun Hobby for Everyone!
Summer is just around the corner, and that means more outdoor activities, more sunshine, and more beach days. One of the best things about visiting the beach is collecting shells. Every time you go to the beach you can find something unique and interesting to add to your shell collection. But why should you consider collecting beach shells? Let’s explore this fun hobby further!
The Joy of Beach Shells One of the reasons people love collecting beach shells is because it adds a touch of joy to their day. Every time you find a new shell, it’s like opening up a gift from the ocean. You never know what kind of treasures you’ll come across, which makes it an exciting adventure every time you visit the shoreline. Plus, once you bring these special finds home with you, they will always remind you of those joyful moments spent at the beach.
Health Benefits Of Collecting Beach Shells In addition to being an enjoyable activity for all ages, there are many health benefits associated with collecting shells on the beach. For starters, it gets people out into nature where they can enjoy some fresh air and get in some much-needed physical activity. Additionally, connecting with nature has been linked to improved mental wellbeing and lowered stress levels, both key components when it comes to overall health and wellness. Finally, simply taking time out of your day to slow down and appreciate all that nature has to offer can be incredibly therapeutic—especially during these strange times we’re living in right now!
A Creative Outlet Collecting shells can also act as an outlet for creativity! Whether you decide to create jewelry or decorative pieces such as wreaths or wall hangings with your collected shells or simply display them in glass jars around your house—the possibilities are endless when it comes to creating something beautiful from your finds! Plus, if crafting isn’t quite your thing but still want something special made from those precious shells—you could always send them off to a professional artist who specializes in creating one-of-a-kind works of art from seashells!
No matter how old (or young!) you may be--collecting shells on the beach is an excellent way for anyone to spend their summer days outdoors. From joyfully discovering new treasures each time they visit the shoreline while also reaping numerous health benefits--all while getting creative and crafty along the way--collecting beach shells is an activity that everyone should try at least once! Who knows--you may even discover a newfound passion (and hobby) by doing so! So grab your bucket and head on out to the nearest beach—it's time to start collecting some unique seashells today!  ​
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