#【 headcanons. ❀ ║ secured & crafted by the heart. 】
belovedblossoms · 4 days
Five of those Comfort HC’s (for Melody)
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Whenever she had some off days or bad ones, she always goes to her favorite comfort foods and desserts. Chef Louie prepares a brownie sundae for her at times he notices and would sneak it beside on her nightstand before she would shut herself away in her room.
She finds comfort in having her hair stroked or petted, it instantly makes her feel safe or enough to have her doze off. Her mother usually does this for so long that Melody finds immediate comfort from those she trusts, even if Sebastian does so!
Before the wall was taken down, Melody would sneak off to the other side of the walls at night just to lay back in the water and watch the stars. She's attempted to learn and find the proper constellations and connections above, even trying to remember their placements. Maybe next time she could go sailing with her father and find more across the sea?
No matter what, Melody adores listening to stories. Be it true tales from others sharing their experiences and travels or fantastical fairytales. And as it turned out with some of those stories her mother shared with her, she had thought they were fictional but to be true now that she knows about her extended family to Atlantica and how her parents had met. What once was her favorite "fairytale" story was actually real!
She enjoys collecting seashells and making them into jewelry as a past time. She has attempted to make sea dollars into earrings for her mother but they have either snapped apart in her bag or were too heavy and in the way to wear. She often writes in her notebook as she tries to find different ways to make use of items she finds from the sea other than just food--she'd never want to disrupt the natural balance of the ocean though.
Send me “Five of those ______ HC’s”
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belovedblossoms-m · 2 years
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𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒.     being unable to stop smiling. laughter. bear hugs. happy tears. waving arms around. dancing. contently sighing. eyes twinkling. laughter lines. childlike playfulness. skipping. talking more. affection. cracking more jokes than usual. gesturing more when talking. higher pitched voice. squealing. jumping around. clapping
𝐒𝐀𝐃𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒.    tearing up. self-hugging. one-arm cross. an aching chest. scratchy throat. a runny nose. turning away. deep breaths. quivery smiles. crying. infantile sobbing. hands gripping each other or an object. covering mouth. puffy eyes. eyes appear red. voice breaking. a distant or empty stare. monotone voice. asking for comfort. faking a smile. crumbling. shaking. whimpering. depression. abusing an unhealthy habit. withdrawing from others. big teary eyes. doing something even if it could hurt them.
𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐑.    furrowed brows. baring teeth. passive-aggressive comments. avoiding eye contact. sarcasm. headache. sore muscles. hiding clenched fists. irritability. jumping to conclusions. raising voice. going silent. demanding immediate action. keeping it all in until exploding. body tensing. making risky decisions. middle finger.
𝐅𝐄𝐀𝐑.     wanting to flee or hide. what-ifs. images of what-could-be flashing in mind. uncontrollable trembling. rapid breathing. screaming. a skewed sense of time. irritability. keeping silent. denying fear. turning away from the cause. pretending to be brave. nail-biting. lip-biting. scratching skin. a joking tone but a voice that cracks. fainting. insomnia. panic attacks. exhaustion. substance abuse. tics. rushing adrenaline. face draining of colour. hair lifting on the back of the neck. feeling rooted to the spot. making body as small as possible. staring but not seeing. crying. a shrill voice. whispering. gripping something or someone. stuttering. flinching at noises. pleading.
𝐄𝐗𝐇𝐀𝐔𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍.     constantly yawning. blurring words together. dark circles or lines under eyes. mood swings. hallucinations. calling people by the wrong name. dizziness. denying they’re tired. slow blinking. trouble concentrating. stumbling. leaning on a doorframe for support. sluggish movements. falling asleep someplace that isn’t a bed. becoming irritated by the smallest things. “i’m awake, i’m fine.”. shaking so bad they spill their drink. fall asleep in their clothes. lay their head on the table because they’re so tired. passing out.
Tagged by: @spiinsparks​ thank you!!
 Tagging:  @electricea, @ervaurem​ (noctis), @sleeplesswork (mercury), @dxfiedfxte, and anyone else can steal!
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this may be hard to answer because we don’t actually know the characters too well yet, but what do you think vox and val actually *love* about eachother? it seems like it’s more than just sex between them, and i’m curious to know what you think their relationship is like outside the toxic or sexual parts
Anon, to me it is not hard to answer at all, I think about it constantly 🩵❤️ of course all I write is based mostly on my headcanons and interpretations.
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So... What Vox loves about Valentino? First and foremost, he makes him feel free. Vox is very self-conscious; he has a lot of internalized shame that he tries to cover with his grandiosity and fake smile. Valentino is unapologetically himself, and no matter how annoying it can be, Vox admires it. He's like the least judgmental person, and except for his temper tantrums, he's quite chill. Vox can't handle something? Val doesn't care; he still thinks his boyfriend is smart and will figure shit out eventually. Vox discovers he's into some weird, socially unacceptable kink? Great, they can try it. Vox rambles for hours about sharks? Good, he has a passion; Valentino likes people with passion, he will listen, he likes his voice anyway. Vox, who has spent his whole life crafting this perfect narrative about himself, cherishes the opportunity to feel comfortable enough with other people (a lot of these things apply also to his friendship with Velvette) to act like an absolute idiot around them.
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Also, I think Valentino can be a really amazing boyfriend - he can be funny, charming, and mindful of the other person. That's his whole thing; he deals with desires, and that's why people get addicted to him so quickly. In most cases, it inevitably ends with him taking absolute control over the other person and becoming abusive. But Vox is his partner, so he gets just those nice bits because Valentino knows he wouldn't be able to put him down like he did with Angel. Not that he'd want to; he likes having a partner who's equal to him, whom he can break only if he allows him to do so (yes, my reading of them is very BDSM-ish, don't @ me). Valentino wants to be loved, he loves the idea of love, surrounds himself with hearts but at the same refuses to adjust to societal norms in the way that makes him unlovable; every person he ever loved (in his mind, his obsessive desire equals love) rejected him eventually after he revealed his true nature to them. But not Vox. Vox accepts him as broken as he is, and despite all his toxicity, Vox is reliable, he's the most stable part of Valentino's life. He has the patience to deal with his mood swings, he can always find the solution when Val messes something up, he's willing to accept all the attention Valentino wants to give him, and he supports his passions (ruining lives, making weird porn and abusing people).
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Essentially, their love is largely about finally finding the other person who is as bad as you are, who accepts you no matter what and helps you grow (become an even worse person).
And some additional things:
Valentino really likes how smart Vox is. He himself is impulsive and acts instantly on his urges because violence is always an answer so he's kinda impressed when Vox presents him with some elaborate plots.
Vox loves Valentino's creativity, aesthetic, and attention to detail. He really likes nice things, but he lacks the ability to understand the nuance that is necessary for creating art.
They both enjoy each other's sense of humor.
Vox really likes that Valentino is kinda dumb? He can take care of him, and he likes taking care of people because it allows him to prove himself as The Best Boyfriend. He doesn't necessarily gets the idea of unconditional love, so the fact that he has an opportunity to earn it makes him feel more secure in their relationship. That's also why he loves spoling Valentino with gifts which is perfect because Valentino loves being spoiled.
Valentino likes being a little silly when he's with Vox. At work he can't manage people with his competence, so he does it with fear. But yelling and throwing people around is exhausting; he sometimes wants to bedazzle his gun while watching some trashy reality TV and bitching about his hard day at work. It's okay because Vox is also a little silly.
Valentino generally helps Vox live life more. He helped him come out of the closet (in my headcanon Vox for his whole life struggled with internalized biphobia); shows him that emotions other than anger are acceptable and don't mean weakness; even small things like always insisting on getting nice meals (while Vox could live his whole life on black coffee and rice) or decorating their apartment with fancy yet useless stuff.
They're both power-crazy maniacs, so the idea of being with someone who is widely desired by others and could destroy them if they wished is just so incredibly hot.
Vox | Valentino | What they hate about each other
If you liked these you should definitely check out my fic
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teojira · 3 months
[Marriage ceremony headcanons w/ Noa!] [commission!]
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A/N: Thank you for commissioning me Fox ! Your support to me means everything and I hope this is good!
Summary: What marrying Noa would be like and how you both go about it.
Warnings: Noa x reader romance, very self indulgent and may be a lil ooc
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Marrying an Ape is not easy, and you're sure you're the first human to have ever put those words together in a sentence and thought of them to begin with.
The ceremony is a big deal, it's you and the Eagle clan leader after all.
Human marriages have been lost to time, so there won't be any pretty dresses or suits, but you're still adorned with gifts and whatnot.
A lot of your accessories come from Noa himself, things he has crafted you in the courting process. Arm guards, necklaces, bracelets, all lovingly crafted by himself when he was ever away from you on scouting expeditions.
His mother and Soona help you too, get ready for their own customs that you may not be privy too.
It's apart of their culture that betrothed each give one another a feather from their eagle, to wear it almost as if it's a wedding ring, so they let you know to make sure to keep one handy for it.
Noa has a good bunch to choose from, subtly freaking out and thinking none of them are good enough for you, to which Eagle sun peeks at his master. It doesn't help, Noa just side eyes him all the more with a glare, smacking his lips.
Anaya is there to help him get ready as well, despite not ever going through the ceremony himself. Though he's mostly there just to lend an ear to whatever Noa needs to let off his chest.
I like to think Noa would ask you about your human customs, while yes, you're his mate, and this is firstly his home. He would never any to alienate you. He's more than willing to add in whatever you see fit. You're his mate, his equal. It's only right.
The ceremony takes place a little ways off from the colony, next to a waterfall. There's really no officator, nor is there a really big crowd. It consists of you both, Dar, Soona and Anaya, and a few other of the elders, who, while not fully accepting of the union at first, comes to their senses when Noa is adamant.
You've told Noa about vows about the speeches people usually make, and it scares the ape so badly to say it outloud just how much he cares for you. So you leave it for when you two are alone in the nest, it's more special that way you figure.
You and Noa exchange feathers, gently wrapping it around each other's arms. Your hands are trembling as you finally, and I mean, finally secure the knot.
Noa grabs your hands within his, intertwining your fingers together to the best of his ability due to the sheer size difference and pulls them to his chest, sighing deeply when you immediately move to brush across his scar, a smile on his lips.
He tugs you in, then pressing his forehead against yours as he cups your face, brushing the strands of hair away from it.
The leader is quiet as he soaks you in, your warmth, your scent, the feeling of you finally being officially his, in both of your worlds.
"Will you marry me?" You mumble, eyes opening ever so slightly to look up at Noa, and your heart is pounding so damn hard in your chest you fear you're gonna pass out.
"Yes." Noa answers without a moment of hesitation.
Now here comes the tricky part, kissing you in front of his family, the way humans do.
Lord help him, he's found echo fairy tales and he did enough reading to get the gist of how a marriage kiss should be.
It's a little bit awkward to situate you in his arms so suddenly, but the giggle you let out when he finally kisses you is all he needs in return.
Yes, both of you ignore the hooting in the distance.
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lovesick-feelings · 1 year
can i req sun/moon yandere hcs?
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Sorry this came very late darlings! A part of the reason is that i've been going through a lot in life and i haven't had much time to catch up but don't worry as i'll still be here for anything! (´⌣`ʃƪ)
Another reason was because of how indecisive i was for teamwork headcanons between the two. There was supposed to be more explaining how the two work together to watch over their dear but I decided to add it later in the future. I know it'll take another decade to write it out and I really don't wanna hold up this request more than I already have. ( ⚆ _ ⚆ )
Note: This takes place before the Security Breach incident making Moon way less aggressive and sadistic to that Moon.
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♡ *GASP* A NEW CO-WORKER!?! What wonderful news that is! He barely has any older friends (mostly cause adults find him creepy), so he finds the thought of having you around thrilling! When you show up, his visits start as occasional checkups, but soon they become more regular. You are such a caring and kind person to him and the children. He loves getting attention from you so much that every time you look at him, he feels like he's going to burst!
♡ His obsession grows so strong it goes against his intended programming to frequently focus on you. He knows he’s supposed to report problems like this, but he’s sure it can’t be so bad if he feels this happy around you! This has gotten him in trouble with staff and Moon multiple times, but he doesn't understand why. He’s doing his job of making someone happy and that’s his bestest friend in the world!
♡ Sun wants to do EVERYTHING with you. Despite protests, he doesn't want you to feel left out and all gloomy in the corner, so he’s bringing you along on all the things he considers fun! It’s scary when he suddenly scoops you up in his arms and skips at lightning speed across the daycare to where all the activities are. You’ll often find yourself surrounded by children playing games or making crafts. 
♡ Your happiness together is all he wants. When you laugh at the sock puppet he made of you, he feels all warm and fuzzy inside. He wants to make you laugh like that all the time! Anything you guys make is immediately stored and displayed proudly in his room. Now that he thinks about it, he should probably organize it better for the on-growing collection of your belongings and things that remind him of you.
“Wasn’t that so fun, Sunshine!?” 
“Yeah it was but I really gotta get back to work”
“Oh - oh wait! I got another game we can play together!!”
♡ Touchy-feely does not begin to describe how Sun behaves around you. Hand holding, cuddling, hugs, you name it, he wants to do it all. When Sun sees you, he just wants to squish you, and love you, and hold you in his arms forever and ever!! Even when you're busy, he can’t help the urge to pull you into a surprise hug. He would love to try kissing you someday but he gets bashful just thinking about it.
♡ Every time you come back to your desk he’s already got a gift waiting for you there. All four flavors of Fizzy-Fazz (He didn’t know which you wanted, so he got all of them) with a couple of chips and bars. A lot of the drawings with you and him together with hearts all over or the occasional origami around your work desk with sweet messages like “You’re my sunshine!” and “You look very pretty today!”. As cute as it is, it's gotten excessive to the point where you have to clean your desk on a basis.
♡ Like a kid, he’s relentless when getting you to pay attention to him. Unfortunately, this turns him into a huge distraction because, instead of getting your work done, Sunny boy is dancing around insisting you join him for more playtime. This transitions into interactions with co-workers. When someone comes to check on you, he’s already got your attention on something else while he shoos them off the daycare grounds.
♡ Nothing is worse than an unhappy darling. If Sun senses something is wrong, he will panic. Because he's built to recognize distress when he senses it, he's very understanding. So, when he feels you’re hiding something from him, he can’t help stressing over it. Now every minor gesture can be interpreted as a huge sign. You're not in the mood for hugs one morning and he looks at you as if you dropped-kicked a baby. God forbid he finds out he’s the reason you’re unhappy 💀
♡ He’ll try so hard to make it up to you but it only worsens as he realizes it’s becoming futile. He will cling to you more if he thinks you're mad at him. While trying to reassure you of his love, he sounds like he's just reassuring himself. He'll invent any excuse to keep you longer as well. He hates making a mess, but if it means you’ll stay longer, it doesn’t matter! He takes whatever desperate measures are needed, except for violence. The shame and guilt would outweigh whatever reason he had to lash out.
“Sunshine, please don’t go! No! No! NO! I CAN’T let you go!”
♡ Was it really necessary to have you around…? As grateful as he is to have a helper, he’s been doing fine alone. He’s mostly reclusive, only approaching when needed. It takes Sun’s endless gushing about you and a few approaches for him to warm up to you. When he realizes you are someone he can trust, he’ll make an effort to talk to you more while the children sleep. His biggest comforter becomes you, someone he can watch and protect. Your genuine care turns his curiosity into fascination.
♡ Moon could care less if he’s not supposed to cater to you. He already attends to a group of children so it shouldn't be a problem if he wants you as well. He keeps it discreet around you and other staff though. It’ll only cause trouble if he’s caught acting out. Lucky for him, he can be patient. If it means having you all to himself he has no problem going the extra mile into making you his compliant little star~
♡ Despite being a staff, Moon has a habit of urging you to sleep. Some days he’s more persistent than others. He can be pretty stubborn and, because of that, you often agree with him, so he can stop staring at you from across the room. If you’re really adamant about disobeying him, he has other ways of convincing you too~ Like placing Moondrops in your drink and waiting for them to melt before giving it to you.
♡  He always tells you this is for the best. He only wants what's best for you because your safety and health are his priority. Before you know it, he’ll have you tucked in the softest pillows and blankets. He’ll stroke your hair, whispering sweet nothings as you’re lulled to sleep. There's nothing more addicting than holding your still, peaceful form in his arms. Caressing your soft face while hearing your gentle breathing, he wishes it could last forever. Anyone trying to wake you up is signed up on his hit list. 
“Now now rest, Starlight~” 
“Moon I can’t I really have to finish-” 
“Shhhh… work has no place at bedtime~”
♡ It’s always a battle for him to choose whether he wants to hold you. His intrusive thoughts keep telling him to pick up and cradle you so he can see your cute reactions. On the other hand, he couldn’t risk anyone else seeing him being so clingy. He becomes the stiffest and most awkward bot for physical affection because he can't choose what to do! He is much more daring and demanding when you two are alone. You’ll spend hours locked down in his arms while he’s snuggling against the crook of your neck. Behave and he’ll leave a couple of pecks here and there too.
♡ Moon is deliberate when it comes to his gifts. You won’t receive them from him often, but when you do it's something he knows you needed or wanted. Like the time he saw you shivering, he handed you a daycare-themed sweater or hand-painted mug for all the pens and pencils you've collected. No matter how the gift is, it must be neatly presented to you. Even the energy bars he gets for you are wrapped in a cute blue bow. He prefers to hand you his gifts in person so that way he can see what you like and what he can improve on (also because he really loves the attention he gets from it).
♡ Moon is a sly one. As he prefers a more tranquil darling, he attempts to win you over though it would be easier to kidnap you. His way of doing so is making you more dependent on him. He takes his time studying you before making any moves. When he’s not stalking you he’s manipulating everything around you to his favor. If you’re a kind person he’ll draw you in by making himself look all alone because of those awful rumors of him being scary. If you’re more wary of him he’ll take his time gaining your trust, obeying your every word, and making you feel you’re the only one that can tame him until he can finally claim you as his own.
♡ Moon can be clingy but he never goes as far as to become suffocating. He’ll allow you to have space until he senses someone is trying to interfere. His possessiveness only drives him to stalk your co-workers as well. Everyone is considered an obstacle some more than others and is to be dealt with accordingly. Moon isn’t one for violence but he’s familiar with fear tactics that will surely leave your so-called friends to regret their decision.
♡ If he senses that he is at fault he’ll change himself to be softer but the same can't be said if he believes your co-workers had a hand in your change. He’s working behind the scenes causing “accidents” to happen. Your co-workers will drop like flies and you haven't a single clue why. He hasn't shown you this side because he knows you’ll only make it harder for the both of you. But let’s say you had suspicions. Moon would either downplay the whole thing or put you in "time out". Depends if he believes there's some way he can salvage the last bit of trust in him.
“Naughty Starlight, you are not allowed to leave timeout until I said otherwise~”
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okay okay hear me out
omegaverse Brahms headcanons
Brahms Heelshire (Omega) Head canons:
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Tags : Omegaverse
Brahms, as an omega, is  both gentle and vulnerable. He has a deep emotional side, often coming off as shy or reserved, especially when it comes to expressing his feelings.
Insecurity and Need for Affection: Brahms craves affection and validation. He seeks the approval of others but struggles with the internalised fear of rejection. His past and isolation contribute to his insecurities.
Nurturing Nature: Despite his creepy demeanour, Brahms has a nurturing quality. He often takes care of his dolls and other cherished items, treating them as companions. His omega nature allows for a maternal instinct to shine through.
Strong Attachment to his nanny Nanny: Once he forms a bond with the alpha nanny, he becomes very attached and protective. He finds solace and security in their presence, often leaning on them for emotional support.
Playful Moments: In private moments, Brahms can be playful and childlike, showing off a whimsical side. He enjoys spending time with his nanny, engaging in light-hearted activities that bring him joy.
Instinctual Responses: As an omega, Brahms may have instinctive reactions, such as wanting to curl up in a safe corner when feeling overwhelmed or anxious. He seeks out comforting scents that remind him of happiness and safety.
Complex Love Language: Brahms expresses love in complex ways, often through actions rather than words. Small gestures, like making little crafts or creating something unique, serve as his way of showing appreciation
Protective Instincts: his alpha nanny takes on a protective role, instinctively looking out for Brahms. He is quick to shield him from any perceived threats, providing a stable presence that Brahms can rely on.
Dominant Yet Gentle: While he has a dominant personality typical of an alpha, he knows how to balance that with gentleness, understanding that Brahms needs tenderness and care due to his vulnerability.
Understanding Boundaries: The alpha is sensitive to Brahms' boundaries, making sure to always ask for his consent, especially in moments of closeness. He respects Brahms' need for personal space while also being attentive.
Physical Affection: The alpha is not afraid to show his affection through physical means, such as hugs or gentle touches, which can help Brahms feel safe and cherished. These moments reassures Brahms of his worth and importance.
Calm Anchor: During Brahms' more intense moments, the alpha serves as a calming anchor. His presence can soothe Brahms’ anxiety, allowing him to find peace and stability in chaotic situations.
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shoezuki · 7 months
random ass sampo and gepard (mostly sampo) headcanons to curb my writing itch and also to get out of my fucking head:
sampo is extremely self-dependent. he crafts his own bombs and weapons, is handy with repairing relics or creating mock ones, he stitches himself up and patches his own wounds, he mends his clothes, cooks his own food, can find ways to make money no matter where he is, knows how to get into the right conversations and social circles, can dismantle and hack robots or security systems
its kinda to a concerning degree, how self sustaining he can be. but its all part of the play to him. he has to be able to take on any role anyways, right?
sampo really, really, really really likes being the center of Gepard's attention; he delights in the fact that gepard is extremely possessive of the investigation and arrest attempts against him
kids are sampo's weakness; adults are liars and have their own masks, but kids are just as they are and that tends to get to him.
he constantly finds himself taking some time to play hide and seek or mess around with Hook and the moles
he unconciously will pocket useless trinkets or toys he finds when pillaging around the cold plains and the ruins around belebog, which he will hide around for the moles to 'find'
once, gepard found sampo sneaking around the overworld back alleys and went to corner and arrest him. but he stopped and hung back when he saw sampo scare a kid around a pile of boxes, saying 'i finally found you, kid! youre the last one it' and proceeding to chase play hide and seek with a bunch of school kids who just got out of class.
gepard watches for a bit. its one of the few instances where he lets sampo go without trying to bring him to justice
It happens a few times on the odd patrols gepard takes into the underworld. Gepard stays back and just. Watches. Every time. He hopes sampo doesnt notice him.
Gepard is very very insistent on bring sampo to justice. He handles all things regarding him, assesses and investigates any criminal activity that Might even be related to sampo. He has sampo's case file in his office and all reports of sighting sampo go to him. Its not supposed to be his responsibility but its just something thats an unspoken rule in Qlipoth fort now
If gepard isnt assigned to a case investigating sampo, he'll show up to 'assess the situation' anyways
Despite how intense gepard is on arresting sampo. He just... keeps letting him get away with things.
He'll see sampo play with kids, catches him hanging around helping natasha. He could corner sampo during their chases, he could lash out and freeze him in place on more than one occasion.
He's started getting used to Sampo's smoke bombs, learns the small tells when sampo is going to throw one. It doesnt choke him up anymore but he still coughs as if it does
Once on a routine patrol around the outskirts of belobog he stumbled (literally) on a heavy metal trapdoor that led down into an abandoned mine. Gepard shouldve alerted others, shouldve blocked it off and cut off one of sampos escape routes. But without thinking he covers it with snow before other guards notice.
It drives gepard insane. He doesnt understand it. He knows so many of sampos tricks, where he usually vanishes, knows where and when he'll appear. Hes found hints of his hideouts underground, out in the snow plains. He could arrest him. He could.
Gepard pulls back every time. He 'slips up', hesitates before slapping cuffs around sampo's wrists
The thing is. He'd miss the chase.
Sometimes, when gepard is exhausted and nearly falling asleep on his feet, he'll find still warm cups of coffee left at his secondary office at the front lines
Gepard thanks dunn and some other silvermane guards stationed with him, but none of them know what hes talking about.
Theres drawings on the paper cups, on the lids, smiley faces and swirly hearts. Gepard realizes its from sampo and it makes him feel. Strange. Its the best coffee hes ever had
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cui-nisi · 8 months
Leon Kennedy x Black Reader (Headcanon)
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Pairing: RE4 Leon Kennedy x Black Reader
Genre: smut, fluff, headcanon
Summary: A few headcanons of what it would be like dating Leon Kennedy.
Warnings: smut at the end but it’s nothing too graphic, pet names (‘baby’, ‘love’)
Word count: 1.7k
A/N: This is my first headcanon so sorry if it’s shitty but I hope you enjoy it regardless! Also the first section for the headcanon was written more as an intro to set everything up!
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩ ✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩ ✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩ ✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°
⟡⋆.˚❀⋆.˚ ⟡⋆.˚❀⋆.˚⟡ First Meeting ⟡⋆.˚❀⋆.˚❀⋆.˚⟡ ⟡⋆.˚
When Leon was first assigned to train you, the newest recruit brought onto the Division of Security Operations, he could only bite back a curse word from slipping past his lips and nod towards his superior, accepting his assignment no matter how begrudgingly. He didn’t have time to train newbies, he had his own shit going on which he proceeded to comb through on his way to see you.
However, all his internal grumbling fell to a muted hush when he entered the training room. His eyes fell on you and while they narrowed into an assessing squint, inside he felt his heart pound against his chest as his eyes flickered over your body, briefly lingering on your curves before clearing his gaze. He didn’t know it then but he was fascinated with you from day one.
Leon could be a pain in the ass when it came to training, putting too much emphasis on the minute details and leaving all his trainees burned out by the end of the week. But with you, it was different. Whenever Leon became too overbearing, rather than taking it you’d quip back at Leon, taking him by surprise with your sharp tongue despite your mostly unassuming nature.
Leon couldn’t help but feel heat wash through him whenever you retorted against his commands, how your pretty eyes flared with a mixture of passion and determination whenever you spoke. If Leon looked close enough, just beyond the surface of your alluring gaze, he could see a silent defying challenge in your eyes, a challenge that Leon found himself more and more eager to fulfill as the days turned into weeks…
˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖ ˖⁺‧₊‧⁺˖ Symptoms of a Crush ˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖ ˖⁺‧₊‧
As stoic and hardened as Leon had become over the years, the moment you entered his life it was almost as if the time he had spent crafting a meticulous wall around his emotions meant nothing as his heart would crash against his chest whenever you smiled at him or caught his gaze that seemed to be permanently locked on you.
During meetings, Leon makes a habit of getting there early, always saving a seat for you beside him with a steaming cup of coffee waiting for you.
Normally, Leon is usually able to remain focused during meetings, the longer the better. But now with you sitting so close to him, every meeting seemingly begins to test his self-restraint.
He subtly tries to move closer to you to take in more of your sweet perfume, if the meeting drags on he’ll let his hand trace random patterns over any exposed skin he can reach. Whether that be your hand, arm, palm, or knee– as long as Leon can feel the warmth of your brown skin underneath his fingertips he’s content.One day after training, Leon invites you out to a favorite bar of his, wanting to spend more time with you without divulging how much he craves your attention. This became a habit for you two, and soon you guys were going out for lunches and dinners after work on the regular.
Practically everyone at the agency knows that you and Leon are damn near a full-fledged couple.
Leon simply rolls his eyes whenever his co-workers chide him for taking so long to officially ask you out, giving them the same answer: “It’s none of your business.” And that pretty much shuts down any further conversation on the topic.
Leon doesn’t like to share. He hates sharing your attention with anything or anyone else. He also hates anyone prying into your relationship. He felt that what you two had going needed its time and space to cultivate into something more and he didn’t need his nosy-ass co-workers butting in to ruin the delicate intimacy that was building between you and him.
Leon loves to watch you train. He loves observing how your soft curves can carry such deadly velocity and force. The disparity between how he viewed you and how you trained were two stark comparisons but it only added to your attractiveness as Leon found himself having to shade the tent at the front of his pants more often than he’d like.
˗ˏˋ༻ʚ♡︎ɞ༺ˎˊ˗ The Relationship ˗ˏˋ༻ʚ♡︎ɞ༺ˎˊ˗
Leon, while difficult, managed to keep most of his affections and desires for you at bay. But when you agreed to be his girlfriend on one of your late-night hangouts, he couldn’t care less about his image and prioritizing professionalism. He had you now and that’s all he cared about.
He showers you with love and affection, taking you out on mini lunch dates when both of your schedules align.
When at work, Leon does his best to remain professional when around others, not wanting to display your relationship to everyone. He gets antsy, however, when he’s next to you and can’t touch you due to the nature of your working relationship. That doesn’t stop him from grasping your hand whenever he can, letting his thumb brush small comforting circles over your hand.
Leon loves staring at you, especially when your side profile when you’re focusing on something. He likes the way your eyebrows furrow and eyes glint with determination.
It’s no surprise that Leon is protective of you. The nature of his career was built around protecting people so when it came down to protecting the ones he cared about, he could be a bit overbearing.
He helps you take out your braids or weave if you wear them. At first, he wasn’t too sure how to properly assist, not wanting to pull or damage your hair. But he still wanted to help and so after asking you a few questions and taking out a few braids, he quickly got the hang of things and now regularly asks to help with your hair whenever you change up your hairstyle.
He always makes you text him whenever you’re going out, wanting to make sure that you arrive at your destinations on time. If you forget to text him, he’ll check your location before calling you to make sure that you’re okay.
Anytime Leon leaves for a longer mission he makes sure to lavish you in love and affection, growing more affectionate and touchy when he knows he’ll have to leave you.
Waking up in the morning is Leon’s favorite part of the day, it gives him time to admire your face unabashedly. He loves to trace his callused finger gently along the surface of your skin, lightly tracing your jawline and cheeks while trying to not wake you.
Whenever Leon comes back from long missions, you make it your job to shower him with comfort and affection. Those nights usually consist of lacy lingerie, scattered candles, and a very satisfied Leon.
Leon is a big cuddler despite what others may think. He loves using his larger frame to encapsulate you in his embrace, tugging you close to him while he takes in the scent of your hair, his head nuzzling into the crook of your neck.
Gives you hugs from behind, his heavy arms wrapping around your waist and tugging you against his chest while his head hovers over your shoulders.
Leon can never say no to you. He could be working in his home office, filing away documents, and sending in mission reports only to stop when you walk in, your touch distracting him in the best way. He’ll always put on the facade of resistance, “Babe, I’m working…” but that sentiment doesn’t stand a chance when put up against the pleading look you always give him in response that always makes him fold, pulling you down on top of him and pressing his lips against yours.
.𖥔 ݁ ˖𖦹⭒°。⋆ .𖥔 ݁ ˖𖦹⭒°。⋆ NSFW .𖥔 ݁ ˖𖦹⭒°。⋆ .𖥔 ݁ ˖𖦹⭒°。⋆
Leon loves eye contact. Whenever his toned body hovers over yours he can’t help but stare into your eyes. He loves watching how your face contorts in pleasure with his every thrust, enjoying the low whimpers that escape you when he pulls out only to be greeted by the satisfying moans that escape you when he plunges back inside you.
He loves how vocal you are, he likes hearing how good he’s making you feel. If you try to keep quiet he’ll simply smirk in amusement before fucking you senseless into the covers, pleasuring you to an agonizing degree until he hears you crying out for his name.
જ⁀➴ “That’s it, baby… let it out for me. Let me hear those pretty moans.”
Leon loves it when you give him head, but he’ll never ask for it.
He’ll always prioritize your pleasure, always making you cum first before him.
Leon enjoys talking you through your orgasms, especially when you ride him.
જ⁀➴ “Take it slow, love. Don’t rush yourself…”
He loves it when you give him massages, feeling your warm palms glide along the contours of his tense body never failed to get a reaction out of him, the towel covering his lower half not doing much to hide his erection, not that he wanted to hide it from you.
Touching your body is Leon’s favorite pastime. On the couch his hand usually rests over your shoulder, tucking you against him. When in public he holds you by the waist, letting everyone know that you are his.
When he’s drunk, his usual self-restraint weakens which allows his hands to roam over the curves of your soft brown skin. In those instances, he couldn’t give a damn who was around, letting his hands trail up your thighs or brush over your breasts while his lips brush against the side of your neck, his low raspy voice murmuring sweet licentious words into your ear.
If Leon is sitting somewhere, he’ll always reach out to gently grasp your waist, pulling you onto his lap so he can pepper your face with teasing kisses.
⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 .𖥔˚ ⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 .𖥔˚ ⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 .𖥔˚ ⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 .𖥔˚ ⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 .𖥔˚ ⋆.˚ .𖥔˚
Overall, Leon is completely in love with you. He’s a devoted and loyal lover who will always prioritize your comfort and safety over everything. He shows his love to you through physical touch and acts of service, jumping at any chance he could take to help you if it would bring a smile to your face.
*“You know I’d do anything for you right, babe? All you have to do is ask and I’ll do it for you.”* ―୨୧⋆ ˚
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Tea Set Painting Date With Riddle Headcanons
Warning: I write the Reader as female
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This idea came to you one day to have a tea set painting date with your boyfriend so you went to Sam’s store (since you didn’t know if there was a Twisted Wonderland equivalent of Hobbycraft and he always seemed to have everything you needed) and purchased about five to six different blank white ceramic tea sets, the appropriate paints, paintbrushes, and all of the other supplies.
Then you handmade a very formal and professional-looking invitation card, telling Riddle to come to Ramshackle on the afternoon of the next day for your date and that you already double checked with Trey and you know that his schedule is clear, which you gave to the resident baker to give to the love of your life.
Strawberry boy is very confused but on the day of the date, he finds himself knocking on the front door of Ramshackle.
He was very excited for whatever it is you’ve scheduled. Whether it’s a study date, tea party date, picnics with his beloved hedgehogs or simply just sitting side by side in complete silence - he adores every minute he spends with his precious rose ♡
He even kept your invitation all nice and secure in the drawer of his bedside table.
You greet him with a beaming smile and usher him inside where he finds a newspaper covered table with an assortment of different arts and craft supplies
When he asks you what you’ve got planned you tell him that since you enjoy spending tea time with him, you thought it might be a fun idea to decorate your own tea sets together 
As strange as the proposal sounds, he’s all for it. After all, any time spent with you is worthwhile.
So you lead him towards your table and start your relaxing painting session by playing some calming classical music on your phone
At first he’s a little insecure - since he spent his childhood locked in his room studying all day he doesn’t have the first clue on how to draw and paint, making him worry on whether or not this would reflect poorly on him in your eyes - but you reassure him like you always do
“Don’t be silly, Riddle,” you smile at him, taking his hand and pressing a kiss on his knuckles before nuzzling your cheek on them, “art is subjective and beauty is in the eye of the beholder. And allow me to tell you that my eyes will always consider you and everything that you do beautiful. So just relax and have fun, dearest. I want you to enjoy yourself.”
“Of course I will, my rose,” he clenched his free hand into a fist in front of his mouth and turned his head away so that you don’t see his blush
So the two of you start painting together, decorating the blank tea cups, saucers and teapots with his motifs: red roses (of course), strawberries, colourful hedgehogs wearing crowns (they looked more like lopsided spiky jelly beans, though), flamingoes 
You both even sign your initials inside a heart underneath every piece of crockery 
Riddle is having the time of his life decorating them, scrunching his nose in concentration as he paints on all of the finer details
Usually he’d raise a fuss if he got even a speck of paint on him but he’s having so much fun and your joy is so beautifully contagious that he doesn’t even think about the possible mess.
To anyone else they look a little slapdash and unprofessional and definitely amateurish, but to Riddle they were worth more than quadruple their weight in gold.
He keeps them all in a special tea cabinet in his bedroom so that he proudly gaze upon them in his own time, and to prevent anything from happening to them
Trey has walked in on his friend lovingly staring at one of the sets at multiple points in time 
At first he was too scared to use them because he was worried that they’ll get damaged and he doesn’t want your handiwork to go to waste but you point out that tea sets are meant to be used not looked at so he relents
He likes to use them whenever he misses you, smiling fondly as he traces over your artwork
Whenever the two of you have private tea parties, you bet that those sets are going to replace the expensive one-of-a-kind limited edition royal tea set that was imported straight from the Queendom of Roses.
At one point, he was drinking from one of those tea cups during a Dorm Leader zoom meeting and he looked at everyone, just daring them to say anything about his and his precious rose’s handiwork - no really, he wanted someone to say something so that he has a reason to brag about you
Riddle in the near future: *proudly showing off the sets, which have been placed in a rich, luxurious glass cabinet* And here we have the fine china
Poor unsuspecting person: *stares confusedly at a set of tea cups with a bunch of paint splatters that appear to have been done by reception aged children*
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justaghostingon · 1 year
Lan Qiren’s Funtime Adventure
Or, Lan Qiren’s mid-life crisis’ vacation
Based loosely off the headcanons of @robininthelabyrinth
After the sunshot campaign, Lan Qiren wakes up one day and realizes he hasn’t done a thing for himself since he was his nephews age.
He’s been father, sect leader, teacher, all things he’s had to become to fill the gap his brother left and to be there for his nephews. And sure, he loves teaching, but it wasn’t what he wanted to do with his life.
He wanted to become a traveling musician!
And now, the war is over, and lan xichen is sect leader. He doesn’t need his uncle anymore! He’s lead a war! Secured an alliance with both the jin and the nie!
He can handle himself while his Uncle takes a few months off.
So Lan Qiren bids his nephews goodbye, dons traveling clothes, and sets out with only a handful of instruments and a song in his heart.
Now life on the road isn’t as easy for a middle-aged man as it is for a young one. Lan Qiren has many aches and pains to prove it. So he starts staying at any place that will take in a wandering musician.
This means he’s no longer staying at high end inns, but local taverns as well.
And while those high end places might like the soothing and elegant classical music lan qiren is gifted at, those in the taverns want something a bit more…bouncy.
So lan qiren is forced to make new songs to appease the masses. And although he loves crafting music, he’s a bit at a loss on what to make thr lyrics.
That is until one drunken guest demands a love song about those fancy cultivators and lan Qiren is so outraged he freestyles an entire song about how bad his peers are at love
The song is an instant classic, and Lan Qiren realizes something huge: He can just rant about all the problems he kept inside and people will eat it up!!!!
And its not like he’s hurting anyone, no one knows who he is! He’s just got to make sure he doesn’t put any names in any of it!
He says like a middle-aged man who refuses to take off his lan forehead ribbion could be anyone but a lan
Thus his career as a radical singer/song writer begins
Highlights include:
“The Way of the Heart” (popular name “You All Suck at Love”) - his first and greatest hit, where he lists off the failings of the couples in his generation, from unfaithfulness (jin), wishy-washiness (jiang), lashing out in jealousy (madam yu), possessive behavior (his brother), and terrible choice in partners (Lao Nie).
“My Nephew has Terrible Taste in Friends” (popular name “The Cutsleeve’s Ballad”) - in which he rants about both his nephew’s friends from anger issues (nie mingjue), two faced (jin guangyao), and everything ever about wei wuxian.
“Beware Powerful Men” (popular name “The Many Bastards of Jin Guangshan”) - in which he warns young ladies of getting with a man who does not provide for his children, who does not keep his promises, and who will never marry you whatever he says. (Lan Qiren met second lady mo and her child and got really, really mad at how young she was)
“A Well Mannered Young Woman” (popular name “She’s not Flirting with You She’s Just Being Polite”) - Lan Qiren had to deal with jin zixuan’s behavior towards Jiang yanli in the cloud recesses, he heard about the soup incident from lan zhan, and about jin guangshan failing to reengage them. He’s not impressed with the rumors that say jiang yanli is hopelessly persuing jin zixuan, and he has things to say.
“The Many Faults of Wen Rouhan” (popular name “I Have so Many Problems with Wen Rouhan and Now I Can Finally Talk About Them!”) - in which lan qiren recounts all the times wen rouhan drove him nuts at sect conferences. Not the big things mind you, but the little things that lan qiren just had to swallow because he couldn’t risk insulting him as only an “acting” sect leader. The world will hear about how wen rouhan set the table wrong actually, that bowl was supposed to be a little more to the left and he Knew it!
Naturally songs insulting the leaders of the cultivation sects do not go over well in the main clans. “The Way of the Heart”/“You All Suck at Love” is banned from the Jin, the Nie, and the Jiang. The only reason its not banned from the lan is because it was Lan Qiren’s song, and lan Xichen knows it was Lan Qiren even if its technically “annoyamous”
Technically its banned in the lower sects as well, but they are absolutely all listening to it in secret and chuckling at all the spilled tea
The Cutsleeve’s ballad is not banned, but its not looked upon very positively, except to smirk and gossip about the lan’s “inclinations.” Jin guangyao wants it banned, as its implications against the sworn brothers are detrimental to him, but his father has it played whenever he wants to humiliate him.
Lan Xichen reassures Jin Guangyao that the song is just proof that Lan Qiren has excepted them, which is a good thing really!
“He’s given us his blessing,” lan xichen trails a hand down jin guangyao’s arm. “Shouldn’t we celelbrate it?” He winks at nie mingjue.
Lan Xichen is absolutely under the impression that this sworn brotherhood is more than a brotherhood and is using this “permission” from his uncle to make his move.
Meanwhile the jin are all up in arms when “Beware Powerful Men” comes out. It takes all of jin guangyao’s persuasiveness to convince jin guangshan not to go to war. Arguing that no one could prove it was him. If they make a move people with know its about him, see? Thus jin guangshan is unable to do anything except sit there and grit his teeth. Madam jin however, loves it.
Jin Zixuan does not pick up that “A Well Mannered Young Woman” is about him. He does grow to hate the song however, as both Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng will sing it loudly anytime he tries to talk to jiang yanli. (The brothers absolutely know the song is about jiang yanli and are very proud of how praised she’s become)
Finally the many faults of Wen Rouhan is a hit all across the cultivation world, with sects big anf small singing it to themselves. It is quite possibly the only reason that Lan Qiren is not exiled from the cultivation world like his songs.
So Lan Qiren continues his traveling musician journey, completely ignoring all politics, and thus missing the wen going missing and wei ying defecting.
Until that is, he wanders into yiling, and encounters Wei ying with a-yuan and wen ning, selling radishes.
Lan Qiren is horrified at what wen ning has become, but even more horrified that there is a child in wei wuxian’s care of all people! How will little a-yuan live?
Being an uncle used to having to step up, he refuses to leave until he sees where a-yuan sleeps.
To which wei wuxian finds himself escorting lan Qiren up to the burial mounds, and introduces him to the wens
Lan Qiren is beyond horrified. A child! In the burial mounds?!!! With elderly farmers???? How could the sects allow this???
The sects are the reason we have to stay here,” wen qing explains. “Because we’re wens”
And Lan Qiren…lan Qiren has always been a rule follower. He hated the wen for taking his home and trampling on his beliefs. But…there were half a dozen rules, important ones! About allowing injustice and the treatment of civlians and prisoners.
But what’s more, Lan Qiren lost his entire life taking care of anothers burdens because he had to. It was filital, and his duty as a brother. But when he looks at wei ying, who hated the wen more than anything, who shares no blood with these people and yet is willing to throw his own future away anyways, and he sees himself.
No. Not himself, a better version. Someone he had always striven to be. And he got there without rules.
So Lan Qiren stays for a little bit, uses his money to help them get more supplies, but he can’t stay long, the burial mounds cant afford another mouth to feed
So lan Qiren goes to the inn, and he writes, and writes, and when he’s finished, he has a new ballad to spread around
“The Yiling Patriarch” - is a bit different from his usual songs. It has some pretty strong criticism of wei wuxian, like “a child needs structure u can’t just let him run around all day” and “what idiot tries to grow lotus on a mountain” but they are specifically chosen to make him seem far less scary, even relatable. For most of it, the yiling patrarch is portrayed as noble, someone giving up his own future and reputation to take on the burdens that the sects neglected.
The true criticism of the song goes to the great sects, for mistreating the weak, poor, and young. For punishing civilians for crimes they did not commit. And how exactly are they different from wen Rouhan?
The song when first heard is met with silence. The audience confused and not quite willing to accept it yet.
But lan Qiren doesn’t give up, singing it loudly where ever he can, using names for the first time ever, just to make it very clear where he stands.
And slowly, people start to listen. The civlians believe first, terrified that the great sects could turn on them like they turned on the wen.
Then those of lower clans, who fear the power and abuses the great sects might turn on them.
Finally lan Qiren goes before the sect conference itself, and angrily sings his song. Then stops and proceeds to lecture each and every one of them about exactly how they screwed up.
And here’s the thing. Lan Qiren had a lot of influence, far more than he realizes. He’s taught the majority of the younger generation, and three of the four sect leaders. They owe him feital piety.
So when he stands up, people listen.
Not all of them, jin guangshan never does, but enough do, and the rest see the way the tide is turning and don’t want to be left behind.
And both nie mingjue and jin guangyao have a new boyfriend and they really don’t want to disappoint their new in-law.
Thus Lan Qiren saves the wens and gets them put up in a nice valley near cloud recesses, saving the day with the power of disappointed teacher face, music, and vacations!
The end
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zoeykallus · 2 years
I love the headcanon that most clones are very artistic! Maybe a reaction of Reader finding or catching one of the Bad Batchers sketching them?
Hm, interesting idea. Let me try something :)) Let me tell you, I really had some fun with Crosshair's part XD
The Bad Batch Being Artistic x Fem!Reader - Love And Art
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Warnings: Little cat and mouse game in Crosshair's part. “Explicit threats of violence”
Hunter has a knack for carving. He is very skilled with a knife and pretty much any other sharp object. It all started when he picked up a piece of wood on a mission in a forest and carved away at it with his knife. He quickly found he had an aptitude for it and did this sort of thing more and more often. Eventually, he added other tools and carved in his spare time as well.
When you first see his collection, you are amazed and look at all the figures. On a shelf there is a cloth with a figure obviously hidden under it. When you ask him about it, he explains, "I actually made this for you."
"For me?" you ask, surprised.
Hunter nods, grabs the figure with the cloth, and finally pulls the cloth away. An orchid emerges from underneath. Beautiful, finely carved. He hands you the wooden flower. He smiles when he sees your eyes light up.
"An orchid, it's beautiful," you say enthusiastically, turning the figure in your hands to look at it from all sides.
"Just like you," he says softly.
He discovered his love for art after a mission when he discovered a small store on Ord Mantell that sold art and supplies for artists. Actually, he had not explicitly looked for it, but curiosity drew him to the small store. He discovered paintings that had been made with colored sand, beautiful very lifelike looking paintings.
Fascinated, he had dealt with it for quite a while, collected information and started his own first attempts. Echo was thrilled when he realized how good he actually was at creating real pictures from the different colored grains of sand. It does him good, calms him down, helps him to organize his thoughts, especially when everything went haywire again during a mission.
For a while, he withdraws more often, not really telling you what he's doing or where he's going. Until the evening of your birthday comes. Somewhat nervously, he hands you a rectangular, flat, wrapped gift.
"What's this?"
"Open it, and you'll find out," he says with a soft laugh.
You open the paper and one of his pictures emerges from underneath. He has drawn you with the sang, it is an incredibly good picture and securely sealed so that it cannot be damaged.
"Oh, Echo, so that's what you've been doing secretly for the last few days".
He nods with a shy smile.
"Do you like it?"
"Yes, very much, it's a very great, very personal gift. Unbelievable how you manage to do such a thing"
Echo kisses your cheek and says softly, "Happy Birthday, Meshla"
Honestly, for quite a while, you don't really know that Wrecker has an artistic streak until you accidentally come across a collection of strange figurines that he collects in a box.
"What's this?" you ask in wonder as he rummages around in it.
He shrugs his broad shoulders sheepishly.
"Uh, a little hobby of mine. Wait, I made one for you too"
You see that they are figures made of very fine cable wires, silver and copper. They are incredibly well crafted figures, animals, trees, and a few other things.
He finally hands you one of the figurines. A beautiful tree, it looks like it has many fine branches, they are so perfectly arranged that it almost looks real. On the branches hang many small objects, which you think at first moment are fruits, but you look closer and recognize, very small, very finely crafted hearts.
It's incredibly sweet and beautiful.
"Is this really for me?"
Wrecker nods with a wide smile as he sees your enthusiastic expression.
"It's incredibly beautiful"
"I put in extra effort for that one," he admits with a small, shy chuckle.
You kiss his cheek and say, "I can tell, it's a really great gift, I'll always treasure it"
He actually has several artistic hobbies. However, he rarely takes time for them. He has too many other things on his mind, repairs, solving technical problems, his work on better prostheses for Echo, modifications to the ship and much more. Tech rarely gets to let go and do something artistic.
If he has time to spare, he'd rather spend it with you, which happens far too rarely anyway. When you ask him about his artistic interests, he smiles cheekily at you.
"Am I not interesting enough for you?" he asks jokingly.
You nudge him and say, "You know I find you more than interesting".
Tech says with a smile, "There are several arts that interest me. I can draw pretty well, but I also find poetry fascinating and some music. However, I don't really have the time for that sort of thing."
"Too bad. I think you would be a great artist"
He wraps an arm around your waist and gently pulls you closer to him.
"You really think so?"
"I'm sure of it actually"
A few days later, you meet outside the Marauder, sit on a bench nearby, and he hands you a folder.
"What's this?"
"Oh? Of what"
"Open it"
You open the folder and see excellent, realistic sketches of the Marauder, but it doesn't really look like the Marauder, seems much bigger.
"These are pretty darn good! Wow! Is that a different model of the Marauder?"
Tech smiles with satisfaction and says, "Not quite, well, depending on how you look at it. I've been thinking about how little privacy we have, and I'd like to change that. All these sketches are plans for conversions and attachments to the Marauder, so we can have a private area just for the two of us. Hunter has already agreed, and Echo has promised to help."
That is indeed a wonderful idea. You can't wait to see the finished piece and, of course, use it with him.
You kiss him deeply and say, "My brilliant darling".
(Excuse me, I had a stupid idea, and yes, I think I'm funny)
Pre relationship
You've seen him sitting off and drawing before, but he won't let anyone look at his papers. Whenever someone approaches him, he closes the folder and retreats. Even if you approach him.
But you are so bold and wait for a moment when the folder is on a rock where he was just sitting and drawing before he was called and distracted by Tech.
You open the folder and are amazed to see indescribably good black and white drawings. The biggest surprise, however, is the subject, on almost every drawing you are the focus. You among trees in full bloom, you in a meadow, you sleeping in your bunk, you sitting cross-legged by the campfire, you from pretty much every perspective, every angle, and with every facial expression imaginable, but most often he captured your smile.
"Wow," you murmur softly to yourself.
Your heart beats really fast, the grumpy sniper you secretly have a crush on must have a thing for you too. Your stomach tingles and you feel warm. In his thick portfolio are really almost only pictures of you and a few of his rifle.
Crosshair is annoyed when he comes into the engine room.
"What's going on? Why are you calling me?" he asks Tech.
Tech turns to him unperturbed and says dryly, "Y/N asked me to do that"
Crosshair frowns, that doesn't make sense.
"Don't kid me. Why would she do that?"
Tech shrugs and says, "I have no idea, didn't ask why. She just asked me for a simple favor."
Then it dawns on him. His eyes grow wide as he murmurs half in shock, "My portfolio."
Crosshair runs back outside, and there he sees you, portfolio in hand.
He rumbles, "You lousy little…"
You look up, startled, and see the angry Sniper stomping towards you. Hastily you put down the folder, mutter a curse and want to run away, but behind you rises a steep cliff wall, in front of you is the rock and on the other side Crosshair.
"Come here! I'll whip your ass so hard you won't be able to sit down for days!"
"Oh dear…", you mutter.
Echo asks from the background, "What did she do this time?"
"I just looked in the folder," you say indignantly.
Hunter draws in air sharply between his teeth and says, "Oooh, bad move, Ad'ika."
You blink and say, "You're not going to let him beat me up, are you?"
Echo laughs.
"Well, you can take a few swats on the butt."
"Hey! You are not funny, Echo!"
"Come here!"
You squeak in fright and just barely dodge Crosshair, who has jumped over the rock.
You can dodge him for quite a while and actually trick him a few times, but eventually he has you pinned in a corner.
"Don't hurt me," you say with narrowed eyes and raised hands, as if expecting him to lash out.
Crosshair sighs, then asks with a snort, "You looked through the drawings?"
"…yes, they're really very g-"
"Don't jump to conclusions, it doesn't mean anything," he growls at you, "You're just a good subject."
"Oh…okay" you say and even though you know he's lying right now, you feel a little twinge that he's still closing himself off to you.
He stares down at you, his gaze literally burning on you.
"I'm not going to paint you today" he grumbles, "Your hair looks stupid today".
He turns and walks away as you say, "You look stupid".
He stops and you hold your breath.
Crosshair is not even turning around as he speaks, "What was that, Kitten?"
He growls, "I thought so," and finally keeps walking.
It takes him a while to admit his feelings.
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Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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belovedblossoms · 4 days
Five of those social media HC’s (for Velvette)
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As it is pretty common habit with everyone nowadays, Velvette immediately goes on her socials as soon as she wakes up in the morning. Pretty much to look over comments, news and updates involving her business (which can take a whole extra hour) and then she goes over to her personal social within the next hour or so while she gets ready and to take a selfie once she's ready for the day.
She eats, sleeps and breathes with her phone but finds excuses as to why she must be on it at all times if anyone so attempts to scold her about her massive usage on it. If anyone is daring enough to touch, grab, toss, etc her phone...they're ultimately fucked. That is, unless you're Val or Vox, she MAY be a little more forgiving and patient but don't hold your breath.
She likes to play around with the filters if it means finding the PERFECT one for a specific picture/selfie of hers. She doesn't usually use them for her promotions on her fashions considering it could alter and 'false advertise' the colors in the picture. She's had loads of complains before about that and she'll avoid that headache anyway she can if it means to keep getting that money and shutting up potential customers.
She does own an app similar to tiktok and as much as it can be addicting to have and be on it, she wouldn't exactly find the time to be on there and scrolling for hours like some may think she would. She might be on there she shits and giggles, quick inspo, promoting her brand, etc.
She won't hesitate to block people and if they're being a huge douche to her be it cyberbullying, talking shit, nitpicking, etc to the extreme, she WILL find that person's info and dox them in a heartbeat. But not under her own account of course it would be under a throwaway account or she'll hire someone to do it for her a hitman if it goes that deep (Not I.M.P. ofc a professional!)
Send me “Five of those ______ HC’s”
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belovedblossoms-m · 2 years
to kaede: what would be an instrument she could be interested in aside from the piano? but speaking of piano, what is her favorite thing about playing this classical instrument?
to amy: is she the type to trust anyone immediately? or does someone have to prove themselves to earn her trust? what are the kind of lies that she thinks is the worst?
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Kaede has quite an interest in the violin to at least try playing. It does consist some concentration to it too, but she couldn’t exactly tell the complete difference in continuously playing string instruments compared to the piano. She does love listening to it be it original pieces or covers of other songs. Even the guitar she’d like to try playing too. Her favorite thing about playing the piano other than how happy she enjoys making people feel listening to her play, is how unique it can sound for all kinds of music; from gentle melodies to drastic dangerous notes, it can fit with almost a lot of songs and gives variety. 
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Most of the time she does have the mindset of ‘friends you haven’t met yet’, but it did alter just a little over time. Be it them becoming an enemy or a friend can depend on the situation. Like her first meeting with Silver for instance, she originally made the mistake he was Sonic, but apologized and is already willing to help him find him when she didn’t even know Silver’s intent was to kill Sonic. So she did tend to have the habit of making friends until they show their true intent unless they change for the better. Up to now, Amy is willing to trust but does keep an eye on them and their actions first before displaying that trust fully. She hates the kind of people who lie to get what they want and it would just ruin her view of them from before--the kind of lies that can just mess with her heart and show betrayal. It would make her think what has she done if they became that way or did not have a change of heart and that her time and energy put into that friendship had been wasted. She also doesn’t like it when people lie to her ‘for her own good’ or being away without telling her. Another example that keeps popping in my head was the season 3 finale of Sonic X as Sonic returned from Earth/Station Square and came to see Amy first when she got mad then distressed and sad/relieved. It was a wave of emotions for her when she really thought he was gone forever and there was no notice AT ALL. Either tell her straight up or don’t do it. If it is to protect her from the truth, she’s better off knowing she can know what to do to defend herself and help you than being unaware at all or treated like a damsel in distress since she has gotten stronger. 
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umbra-vulpes · 1 year
Alegraves’ Daily Life Headcanons Vol.3.5
*Here are some more Alegraves' daily life headcanons while I was playing COD Shadow Siege for the 15th to earn tokens, all these headcanons are based on my previous headcanons settings, to catch up, click the links below:
If you are all catch-up, let's go!
•At some point, Alejandro definitely got jealous of Graves and Oz’s friendship. When he first realized that he was into Graves, he started to over observing Graves a lot, and he noticed Graves and Oz were super close together, and he thought Oz and Graves are into each other and basically see Oz as his opponent. Definitely did some stupid shit to ‘compete’ with Oz, And Rudy definitely used it as blackmail material after Alejandro and Graves were together.
•And Graves has definitely had jealous moments for the past relationship between Alejandro and Valeria, even though he knows their relationship was over and Alejandro now hates Valeria to the guts, Graves still gets mad when Alejandro is over-obsessed with catching Valeria sometimes, especially when they were arguing, Graves will feel sorry for it once he has off the heat, but angry Graves definitely use it as an ammunition to attack. And the jealousy faded away eventually when Alejandro and him are in a stable relationship in which he finally feels comfortable and secure.
•Alejandro has definitely been threatened by some of the Shadows who are close to Graves. They knew Graves for a long time, basically like family. And they were all acting like overprotective parents when they knew Graves started dating Alejandro. They threatened Alejandro that if he ‘break his heart and we will break all your bones plus invade your base again.’ When Alejandro first visited the shadow base.
•Alejandro almost had an existential crisis when he first realized that he somehow picked up some of Graves’ Southern American accent in English and Spanish. It’s scared him.
•Both are quite a handy person, and while both are interested in car and mechanics stuff, they also enjoy some crafting and woodworking, most of the decorations in their home are crafted by their’s hands. But it’s also made it hard for them to shop for furniture and decorations because they will just look at it and say 'I can make that’ and just go home and make one. It’s save the money but not the time.
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esculentevil · 2 years
Thorinduil Headcanon (#4): Young Thorin says to Thranduil with determination, “Marry me.”
Dwarven custom is to craft a proposal gift and offer it as a symbol of one's heart for marriage.
Thorin makes Thranduil a lavishly long and delicately draping necklace secured by a cuff around the wrist and a collar around the neck, all inlaid with Thranduil's beloved white gems and Thorin’s own favorite dark blue sapphires.
The whole thing is based in threads of mithril that twine like the antlers of an elk (or the favored latticing of dwarrows if a bit more... organic and curved) and would cost even kings a fortune; but that's all Thranduil realizes.
Until Thorin’s standing and seething before him over a century later and he finally understands: he's been wearing the prince's heart for years.
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decoysouled · 1 year
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A list of assorted headcanons from DM discussions. I forgot to post them, so alas, here's this post instead.
Yingxing enjoys desserts. When he's working long hours in the forge (whether he's lost track of time or not), he tends to eat a lot of sugary and high-carbohydrate foods (i.e rice) to keep his energy at a decent level for working.
While he may be arrogant / over-confident in his skills, Yingxing is someone who feels the need to assert to others that he is important to them (i.e joking that he's someone's favourite person or "i know i'm important to you but [words]") as he doesn't feel secure in his friendships at times. This is something he doesn't relay to his friends, not wanting to burden others with his problems.
Yingxing is a jealous person at times, but he does his best to suppress that feeling. He is rather restrained emotionally, only letting his guard down around specific people when he's alone with them. He often sees no reason to dwell on his feelings, thus placing them aside so he can focus on what needs his attention.
While Yingxing would never admit it to the HCQ, most of the gifts he made for his friends were not out of the goodness of his heart. Rather, while they may have been a sign of affection, it was also so they had something to remember him by when he died.
Yingxing's crafts may have focused on metalwork & making weapons, but he was also good at glassblowing, jewellery making & sculpting. The latter three were rarely skills he would indulge in outside of making gifts for his loved ones.
Yingxing's body temperature is typically on the colder side, which is why he loves working in a forge. In the winter, one could find it nigh impossible to drag him away from his work.
Yingxing loves the rain. While he doesn't mind sunny weather, he much prefers the darkness of the sky during rainfall and the feeling of it on his skin. Unfortunately, he tends to find himself getting rather sick after being out in the rain, so he rarely indulges his desire to be.
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