#( V. Razvan & Jackie.01 )
secrecykept · 5 years
She’d been idling about him pretty much all night by now, & she was pretty sure he’d noticed. Between peeking at him from around corners & watching him from afar, it’d felt like the chocolates she’d held constantly in hand were screaming at her at some point, telling her to just get the darn thing over with.
Which is what she inevitably did, later towards the end of the night, when she’d finally seen him starting to leave so she’d grabbed her coat as quick as she could just the same. A swift shuffle past the doors on heels that weren’t quite meant to be run in, & then, as she makes it out into the evening air, “Excuse me, wait!”
How familiar such words seemed to be with him, as they closely mirrored a single instance in an elevator not so long ago. And yet here she was still somehow frozen, only instead of holding herself away from him, was she instead taking careful steps closer.
“I — sorry, I know you’re going home, I just wanted to give you — something.” Suddenly stiff hands that’d fumbled with the pouch she’d stuffed into her coat, finally slipping it out only to awkwardly hand it to him in offering. “You’d mentioned you weren’t sure about cake before so, I mean I gave roses to everyone else today but I thought — chocolates might be a good start for you — this time.” A slight tremble as she spoke, as she wasn’t sure if it was the February winds or being under the intensity of his gaze that made her quiver something soft. Still, she attempted to stay strong, as much as she was able.
A soft whisper, a nod. “Happy Valentine’s Day.”
Oh, he’d noticed alright. Her stare and distant presence had been playing with his senses the entire night, like a ghostly touch or mirage. However, each time he glanced towards her, she seemed to be looking another way or was nowhere in sight. It was enough to have him questioning himself for a while. Was he imagining things?
But he’d caught her a few times. Curiosity sparked and twisted around him to begin with. What was she up to? But as the night went on and the persistent awareness of her attention didn’t fade, the curiosity shifted to amusement, and later to mild frustration.
It wasn’t as if he minded having her eyes on him, not at all, but with her watching him so consistently, he hadn’t a chance to disappear and leave a gift for her in her dressing room as he had done so previously.
Oh well. He could return later and slip it in there, he supposed, but for now, it was time to leave.
In preparation for the cold, he secured his coat tighter against himself as he headed to the door. The cooler times of year were never his favourite, that was for sure, though they did have a certain charm at times. He recalled a particular morning–
“Excuse me, wait!”
The thought shattered like ice on a lake and then drifted away.
His steps halted and he turned, mild surprise showing at the sight of the woman (though truth be told, he’d wondered if she might follow after him).
“Miss Dulcet…” he said in greeting, his lips softening into a brief smile. Ah, this was familiar indeed, but this time she chased after him specifically. Why?
Curiosity made a return and tilted his head as he watched her struggle with her coat. What did she have there…?
He blinked. Presented to him in her hand…were chocolates.
The gust of wind around them seemed to sweep right through his mind and clear it of any coherent thought. He could only stare. A moment passed, then another lingered. It was only instinct that had him reaching out to accept the gift, rescuing the sense of tension.
The chocolates were a soft weight in his hand. A present for him. How very strange. He frowned at them ever so slightly as confusion could not be held back.
Valentine’s Day. Still a mystifying concept, but what was more mystifying was the idea that this particular woman would give him something for the day. Did it mean something…? She said she had given roses to others, so perhaps this was nothing special. But why…
And she even remembered his offhand comment about cake.
It was…thoughtful.
Something inside him shifted uncomfortably at that, but he ignored the feeling and raised his eyes to her, his expression smoothing into a smile.
“Thank you, I…” He paused, “I really don’t know what to say.”
The wry quirk of his lips spoke of how unusual it was for him to have such a lack of words.
He stepped closer to her, drawn by the way she held herself, like a flower struggling not to shrink back against the cold elements. He hoped his shift blocked most of the chilled air from getting its icy touch on her.
Closer and closer still, he finally stopped. He leaned down to her, instincts ringing loudly through his body. Closer. Until his lips brushed her cheek like whisper.
“Happy Valentine’s Day.”
Slowly, he straightened up, eyes soft and warm upon her as he lifted the chocolates partway between them. “Share them with me, won’t you? And if you’re finished for the night, can I walk you home?”
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secrecykept · 5 years
( ☯ ⋮ RAZVAN: continued. ) @lachalaine
He couldn’t have asked for a more perfect reaction. Oh she had no idea how she delighted and spoiled him. The sound of her heart skipping into a sudden race was as much music to his ears as her performances always were (he had certainly missed those during his absence, by the way) and her adrenaline was bright flash to his senses, teasing him with its refreshing scent.
The light aroma drifted across the distance to him from her soft skin, sharp but far from unpleasant, and he knew it would make the tempting blood in her veins all the more delicious. Dark whispers in the back of his mind offered encouragement for him to scare her, to give her real reason to have a rush of greater adrenaline; and he supposed there was a reason why certain demons terrorized their victims before feeding.
It made everything better, richer.
He pushed such thoughts from his mind and focused on his amusement at startling her, though he couldn’t help but think that he should have made sure to feed before coming to see her. The less risk of falling into the temptation of wanting to know her taste, the better.
“Miss Dulcet,” he all but purred in return as he copied her nod of acknowledgement, a smile sitting softly and far too knowingly on his lips.
Not too much to be missed?
He chuckled at that, eyes briefly moving down and away as amusement give a little shake of his head. He decided not to comment on that remark of hers aside from a mild hum. His shoulders shifted in a small shrug, gaze once more on her with a smile.
“I’m sure you’re right about Mister O’Neil, but he has to wait, he’s not the first on my list.”
Surely the hint of a smirk and the look in his eyes would tell her exactly who was at the top.
The truth was, as soon as he had made his return to the area, his first act was to visit the club. To see her. His songbird. During his absence, he’d had to leave others with the task of subtly keeping track of her, making sure she was safe. He couldn’t have her hurt or taken away. No, she was far too fun and far too interesting for that. And besides, her secrets were still out of reach and the idea of never learning them was utterly unacceptable.
He tapped his heart in faux hurt at her words, adopting a momentary pout to go along with it. “And personally, I think it’s been long enough…”
A grin cracked his façade and he shrugged in a loose guise of innocence, “I really have no idea what sign you’re talking about, love. I didn’t see any, but y’know…I’ve been having trouble with my eyes lately.”
He touched a finger to his temple. “Hard to focus.”
And though he knew it would tempt fate, he asked, “So could you do me a favour and come closer for a minute~?”
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secrecykept · 5 years
It was a thing among the staff, a tradition among those who’d been tasked to work the holiday shift; treat granted, a chocolate cupcake made to make the night just a little bit brighter. Granted most of the staff had drawn lots to choose who would work the night - Jackie had volunteered. Now perched on the rooftop was she currently contemplating digging in, & yet, a secondary presence makes her halt. A slight shift of her gaze, & a shiver. “Razvan — Merry Christmas. Do you like cake?”
For once, their pathscrossed without his deliberate interference or intention. He hadn’t meant to followher to the rooftop. It was just fresh air that he was after.
Although, as he saw herthere, with moonlight caressing her features with the most reverent touch, andthe lights of the city adding a soft glittering to her, he wondered how much ofthat was true.
Perhaps he’d caught herheading out from the corner of his eye and had eventually followed her lead. Hissubconscious guided by his craving for her.
Did it really matter inthe end? Regardless of what had brought him to the same place as her, he couldtrust that he didn’t intend to bother her this evening.
He moved slowly acrossthe roof, eyes upon the view spread out beyond the lines of the building theystood on. He kept a respectable distance from Jackie, for his own sake as muchas hers, and he was idly glad for the faint breeze that teased past him. Thecoldness usually nipped at him like a starved beast, and perhaps it was doingso now.
But he was numb andcouldn’t feel it.
Why then, was he gladfor the breeze he couldn’t truly feel?
Because even through thefog encircling his mind, he knew that if the faint wind was going the otherway, it would be carrying Jackie’s scent over to him.
And things wouldn’t endwell for her if that happened.
Even the simple, vaguethought of such an eventuality had him becoming aware of his incisors. Withoutopening his mouth, he touched one of the sharpening points with the tip of histongue.
I shouldleave now.
But he didn’t move.
Was it for lack ofenergy? Or lack of willpower?
He let Jackie’s voicebecome his excuse.
His eyes drifted back toher, and he would later wonder if he had imagined her using his name, but forthe moment it was her other words that turned the rusted gears of his mind.
His attention floatedback to the spread of lights before him, the twinkling evidence of numerouslives sprawling across the land. Human cities at night were rather like the starrysky, and both had their charms.
But as he tilted hishead back and searched the inky expanse above, finding the now-familiarconstellations, he knew which he preferred. City lights could go out in an instant;stars were all but eternal.
Both sights were awelcome contrast to the world he’d previously known, however.
Once again, he returnedhis eyes to the city. Despite his preferences, there was something to be saidfor the variety of colours those lights could give.
And at this time of year,red and green lights were an addition to many buildings.
Such a strange thing. Humansdecorated their houses and workplaces with shiny baubles and bushy, glossy tinsel.They sang songs and put trees seemingly everywhere.
They brought gifts foreach other.
‘Christmas spirit’ wasthrown around everywhere, and he still wasn’t quite sure what that was.
He’d gathered only piecesof the holiday’s origins through overhearing the religious folk he typicallyavoided and through the songs that carried through the streets.
A saviour of humankind,born of a miracle.
Put on Earth toeventually take away all the sins of the humans, to wipe the slate clean, if heunderstood correctly.
Did they really believethat?
They were allowed tohave hope, he supposed, ridiculous as it was.
And not all of thembelieved it, he knew. But they still chirped along and seemed to make more ofan effort with their fellow humans during this time.
“Merry Christmas…” hesaid softly, the words leaving him for the first time.
The sky held his eyesagain as he half expected some sort of higher power to strike him down. Forsurely it was some kind of blasphemy for a demon to say such a thing.
It was probably equallyas blasphemist for him to have brought a Christmas gift, and yet he hadn’t beenstruck down for that either and the small box was content within the innerpocket of his coat.
His smile held more lifeas he lowered his gaze to find Jackie.
But after his eyesshifted to the little cake she held; he turned his attention away again, as ifit was unable to be separated too long from the sparkling lights.
Do you like cake? Simpleenough question, though he didn’t know why she bothered asking him.
His answer came after amoment, his tone contemplative. “I’m not sure.”
The ‘I’ve never triedit’ went unsaid.
While he didn’t believeshe was offering to share with him in this instance, it occurred to him that shedid have someone in her life she could be sharing with. Yes, as far as he’dlearned, Christmastime definitely involved exchanging gifts and treats with one’sfamily, friends, and significant others.
Had she received anythingfrom that partner of hers?
Christmas was forspending time together, or so he’d heard time and time again.
So why was it, hewondered, that he was quite sure someone had mentioned Jackie had chosento work this night?
Perhaps the man was toobusy for her.
Did that hurt her?
Unrelated to suchthoughts, a light crease settled on his brow, an ache within his skull. He rubbedthe spot slowly, as if to smooth and ease the discomfort away. His hand shifteddown to run his knuckles down his jaw with slight pressure, once, then twice.
As much as he’d like tohave used the opportunity of this time together to dig more into her, he hadhis own hurt to think about, though his was the physical kind.
Damn it, if only he’dhad the time to feed earlier in the day.
The aches and painswould spread to the rest of his body in a demanding cry for blood soon.
Too long. He’d put it offfor too long again. He wanted to be at full strength at all times, so why didhe keep delaying it?
“I have to get going,”he said, pulling his eyes over to her and knowing she was the reason foreverything. He offered a little weakness, in the event she queried him or forsome reason wanted him to stay, “I’m not feeling too well.”
He took a slow breathin, once again glad for the direction of the air flow. Instead of turning and headingoff, he moved ahead, taking a few steps closer to the low wall that guarded theroof. His hand slipped into the inside of his coat and pulled out the littlebox.
It was wrapped in brightred paper, topped by a green bow. Inside held a silver necklace; a fine chainwith a delicate star pendent attached. The amethyst set into its centre had remindedhim of her, and she was a star to him in many ways. To him, it had been tooperfect to ignore, and it was a chance to see if there was any merit to thisgift-giving holiday.
He set the box down onthe barrier wall and made his turn, beginning his exit with only a brief look andsmile her way.
“Merry Christmas again,Miss Dulcet. Enjoy your cake.”
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secrecykept · 5 years
"Stop the elevator, wait!" An abrupt cry that'd resonated from beyond the bar entryway; demand that'd echoed even as she practically ran across the lobby as fast as one could in heels-only to make it there mere seconds before the grates could close. Perhaps lone occupant had assisted in halting it for her, maybe just her own grasp; yet either way does she slip inside with a nod, words already past her lips before she could recognize who she was speaking them to. "Thank you, I -- oh." It was him.
Quick reflexes had his hand promptly intercepting the dooronce the call caught his ears. It was but a second later that his mind registeredwho the voice belonged to, and regret kicked in.
But by that time, the woman had already made her way intothe small space.
“Miss Dulcet,” he acknowledged, his normally easy smilesurprisingly absent but his tone soft, “You’re welcome.”
His hold on the elevator tightened fractionally as it crossedhis mind that he should take this moment to exit.
The dryness of his throat had been but a minor irritant tohim throughout the day, reminding him of his cursed biology, but now…at a mere hintof the singer’s unique scent as she brushed past him, the thirst achedthroughout his entire body.
Being in such proximity to her was dangerous right now. Ifanyone else had entered the elevator instead, it wouldn’t have mattered so much,but it was her and the struggle was instant.
And perhaps he should have expected there was a chance hemight run into her; she did work there after all…
Maybe it was what he wanted.
And maybe that was why he hadn’t let himself feed lately. Maybehe wanted the chance, the excuse…to stop with the games and waiting, tosimply give in and take what he wanted, to learn the secrets of her blood andhave his fill of her.
He was just a wretched demon after all, impulsive anddepraved, it wasn’t his fault. He couldn’t help himself.
His hand fell to rest at his side. The elevator sealeditself and began its slow journey upwards with faint mechanical whirring.
A slow shift of his weight had him facing her, eyes lockingimmediately upon the steady pulse of her neck. The burn travelling through hisown neck dried the inside of his mouth and made his incisors seem to throb intime with Jackie’s heartbeat, begging to emerge and pierce her skin.
He lifted his gaze slowly, taking in the curve of her jawand cheek, the soft pink of her lips, and the splay of dark lashes surroundingher mahogany eyes. But it wasn’t for her beautiful features and tempting figurethat he had need, it was her blood.
That mysterious trace it held, the distant call of magic…itseemed more apparent now, thanks to his thirst heightened senses. The cravingfor it twisted his insides with thorn covered hands, ripping through him withincreasing urgency, and he was a slave to it like the rest of the bloodsucking demonsout there.
Ridiculous. He inwardly scoffed at himself, amusementshowing outwardly in the touch of a smile at the corner of his lips.
He was not like his foul relations. He was better than thedark urges they never resisted. He could control himself. And he would. Hewould stick to his plans, there was never any doubt.
Despite his hunger, despite the temptation and risk…fromthe moment the elevator enclosed him with Jackie, he was certain he wouldn’ttouch her. She was safe. For now.
Truthfully, the only thing she needed saving from at thatmoment was perhaps the prolonged silence.
But he broke it in the next moment as he turned his eyes upto the dial indicating their climb of floors.
“Are you headed to the penthouse? It’s quite the partytonight I hear.”
The roof had been his goal, solitude with the fresh air andstarry sky. He would have stayed out there for a while before heading into thepenthouse to attend to some business with the glamourous (yet shady) crowdthere. But…if Jackie was going there now, he would change his plan.
“You look beautiful,” he added with a look her way. Warmamusement at his own joke came out as a chuckle even before he spoke it, “Goodenough to eat, you could say.”
And others would surely agree.
“Be careful tonight, would you love? Stay close to me if youcan.”
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secrecykept · 5 years
VERSE: Raz & Jackie.01
Lazy bullet summary: as of 03.04.19
Set in the 1920s, focusing on a jazz club named The Midnight Sun
Raz grew interested in the place since its such a hotspot of all kinds. A very good investment, he could see, especially with a certain singer working there. 
Jacqueline Dulcet became one of the biggest draw cards for him, as theres something about her that he wants to figure out.
After nights of just watching her performances, he finally got the opportunity to try talk to her. She wasn’t having a great night, so it was a mess and she almost lost her job over it, but he managed to smooth the situation over, playing nice with the club owner, Mr O’Neal, which has confused the heck outta Jackie.
Raz plans on buying the club, which will make him her new boss.
Soon enough, he will learn that she is the ‘lover’ of a man named Garry, who is the right-hand of his rival. 
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