#( IN CHARACTER | Razvan. )
ghosty-ana · 3 months
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Razvan and Ingrid 💜
@luciferiana's beautiful warlock Ingrid and @feralrosie's charming bard that they play on their Curse of Strahd campaing. It seemed like they were to meet a tragic fate but they managed to overcome it ❤ Love wins
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Character Profile: Dori
Full Name: Dorin Razvan Albescu Kingdom: Grissirynn Generation: 4
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*Art by the awesome @harchibudytgorichi  
Dorin is the youngest of Kolya and Lana's children. Dorin works closely with Prince Erik, assisting him with his torture sessions on captives. He, like his sibling Dragomir, is a skilled fighter. Dorin prefers to be in tight quarters and fights with a specially made dagger that was purposely made to be jagged for maximizing the pain and damage caused by it. He is known for his bubbly personality that contrasts with the quiet and angry personalities of his siblings. He is still discovering what his physical limitations are as a vampyre as he didn’t have much time with his parents before being sent to Grissirynn.
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wantxmore · 5 months
Character Roster
Name* | Job | Position | Size | FC
Barrett Andrews | Bookstore Clerk | Bottom | 7" | Thomas Dekker
Cato Barnes | Bodyguard | Top | 10" | William Seed
Enzo Cruz | Bartender | Bottom | 9" | Marlon Teixeira
Bastion Evans | Retired | Top | 11" | Alan Ritchson
Lukas Flores | Unemployed | Vers/Bottom | 8" | Michael Cimino
Metzli Hidalgo | PE Teacher/Coach | Bottom | 8.5" | Rafael Silva
Adrian Khalil | Florist | Vers/Bottom | 8" | Zayn Malik
Kalidas Rai | Bassist | Vers | 9" | Jayden Revri
Knox Thurman | Dance Instructor | Vers | 9.5" | Dyllon Burnside
Razvan Wolfe | Escort/OnlyFans | Vers/Bottom | 9.5" | Sebastian Stan
*Note: Click on the names for a more detailed bio.
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tanith-rhea · 2 years
Only Pretending #3
I declare the angst has STARTED! Muahahahahahah
Word count: 2.3k
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Larissa woke up the next morning with a wry neck from sleeping on the couch and a headache to match the ones Wednesday gave her. The early sunlight was coming through her office window and warming her lap. You weren’t around; in fact, you’d left yesterday quite unexpectedly, with a kiss on her cheek.
God damn it, she thought to herself, exhausted from more than bad sleep. She had scared you away. Maybe her fingers tracing patterns on your shoulder, or the way she couldn’t keep from pulling you close when you were getting comfortable on her chest made you uncomfortable. You were only trying to familiarize yourself with being near her and she couldn’t keep her pine to herself.
It was bittersweet; the way she plainly described how she came to realise her adoring feelings towards you, and you thought it was a well-developed lie. “Makes perfect sense.” Yes, of course, it did because it was true.
She knew the safe course of action was to keep you at a distance. Since your first interactions, she’d been intrigued by your character, easily coming to respect you and the seriousness with which you treated your work, but also the sweetness you showed to the students. She hadn’t felt anything like it in quite some time.
Letting out a grunt, Larissa got up; searing pain in her neck. She still had some matters to take care of and needed to pack for the trip. She couldn’t afford a single misstep; it was infuriatingly important to her that Morticia bit her own tongue. One day she might be able to let it go, to stop caring, but that day hadn’t come yet.
While preparing for a shower, she internally lectured herself on the importance of self-control and how much of a fool she had made herself the previous night. You probably regrated agreeing to such a juvenile endeavour, she thought, acting lovesick to help a grown woman incapable of finding someone who liked her enough to consider even asking her out.
With a sharp intake of breath, she opened the shower curtain, already steeling herself for the day ahead.
You were finally enjoying some extra hours of sleep. With nothing more to do than to anxiously await your next encounter with Larissa or berate yourself for being such a handsy drunk, you decided sleeping and pretending everything was fine worked best.
However, not everyone agreed to your plans, and a knock came from your door.
“Coming!” You put on a robe and went to see who was bothering you in the quaint hour of ten a.m. It was Enid.
“Good morning, professor.”
“Enid? What are you doing here? Weren’t you going with the Addams two days ago?” You stepped to the side so the girl could get in.
“I told Wednesday I would see my family first and then go there,” her voice sounded strained as she walked in and looked around, avoiding your gaze.
“And you didn’t go to see your family?” You came to her, sitting on your bed and tapping the space beside you for her to sit. She did.
“I’m…” she took a deep breath, looking straight ahead with her eyebrows knit as if talking herself into continuing.
“Enid…” when she didn’t continue, you decided to give her a hand, “Why are you here?” you said softly, but still nudging her to tell you.
“There’s no one else I can talk to here,” she admitted in a whisper.
“I’m sure there are counsellors and even the principal that could talk to you. Why are you here, really?” you pressed.
“Because I think you can understand. Since you and the principal are together.”
What? How did she come to that conclusion?
“What was that?” you turned to look at her more attentively.
She remained silent, slowly raising her gaze to you in what looked like not-so-well-concealed apprehension.
“I heard teacher Alfred discussing with the coach. I won’t tell anyone if that’s what you’re worried about. Hell, that’s what I’m worried about.”
“Razvan and Vlad shouldn’t be talking about this near students-“
“They weren’t! I was sneaking out to see the moon before it turns full” she interrupted you in a near panic.
“I’m not mad at you Enid, calm down.” You smiled and rubbed a hand on her back, she seemed very on edge. “Yes, I suppose now that you know I won’t deny it. Larissa and I are together, but we would like to keep it a secret for now.”
You felt bad for lying to her, but it was very convenient, and Enid would be at the party, so the small tingling in your chest had everything to do with your plan working and nothing at all with how good it felt to say the words.
“Are you here to discuss that? Because that wasn’t my impression. Are you worried someone will know?”
“Not about you, no. You’re a very cute couple, by the way! Congrats!” She smiled weakly at that. “What I’m worried about is that my parents will find out about me…”
You didn’t understand at first. Wednesday and Enid had been together for almost seven months, you thought, and before they were just so onto each other’s tails that it seemed even longer.
“Your parents don’t know? That’s why you didn’t go home?” you said gently, pulling her closer to your side.
“Yes. I promised Wednesday I would tell them, but my mother will throw me out, I know it! I already took too long to wolf out and now the prospect of not giving her grandchildren-“
“Woah there, slow down!” You interrupted, getting up to kneel in front of her. “You are too young to worry about this.”
“But my mom-“
“Your mom shouldn’t be worrying about this now either. You’re seventeen and that is so far away in the future.” You stood up to kneel at her feet, squeezing her shoulders in the hope that she’d understand. “It’s ok to feel scared. I was too when I was your age and look at me now. I left my home, studied, made friends to whom I owe my life, built a career and ended up at the most incredible school in the world, teaching the most amazing students I ever met. And you are one of the most astounding within them; I’m sure one way or another your mother knows that.”
You felt her crying before you saw it, her shoulders moving with a hiccup. You hugged her tightly and waited for the sobs to subside, crying was good; the tension slipped away with the tears and left everything a bit less heavy.
When she stilled, breathing softly on your damp robe, you separated and put some of her hair behind her ears, taking her face in your hands.
“I say you don’t worry. Wednesday won’t be disappointed in you, your mother won’t be able to negate your endless set of abilities and good qualities, and I’ll be here every time you need a shoulder or advice.” You stroked her cheek with your thumb, and she smiled, covering your hands with hers and uniting them between you as she stood.
“Thank you, professor l/n, I knew you’d understand.” She hugged you with more strength than you thought she possessed. “I’m really happy for you and principal Weems.” And with that, she skipped out of the room.
“I’m really happy for you and principal Weems” suddenly the tingling wasn’t there anymore, and that only hurt.
That night, Larissa opened the door before you could knock. Eyebrows set harshly atop steely eyes, creating a powerful picture of cold-controlled rage.
“How does Enid know?” she hastened you inside with a hand on your elbow. You didn’t really understand what was happening, but you were equally fearful and excited by her firm grip on you.
“What happened? Did she say something?” Larissa closed the door forcefully and let go of your arm, marching into the office and leaning against her desk; one hand massaging her forehead and another steading her on the flat surface.
“She came this afternoon to say ‘congratulations.’” She tilted her head to the side, prompting an explanation.
“I didn’t tell her. She visited this morning to ask my opinion on something and told me Vlad and Razvan were talking about it.” You approached slowly, her eyes accompanying you all the way until you sat at the chair in front of her. Her angered gaze reminded you of the very few times in the past when she had been pushed to the limit by students. If you had a principal looking at you like that as a teen, you’d have been to detention many more times than you did. “She promised not to tell anyone. And we had a serious conversation, so I don’t think she was just saying it to appease me,” your voice was soft, and you could tell Larissa believed you from the way her anger melted into resignation.
“I think it’s a good sign we’re not on her Instagram page yet,” she conceded, “I was just worried this could be blown out of proportion by all students thinking it was true.”
The thought made you smile. If Enid had written about your “secret relationship”, maybe you would have had to pretend for a little longer than a weekend.
“No, she’s safe. And she’ll be at the party, so that’s a bonus on our cover.”
“Is she?” Larissa relaxed a bit and dropped her other hand to casually rest beside her body. You wished you had a camera or any drawing skills to capture her figure at the moment, leaning in a very soft angle backwards, wondering expression and slightly unkept hair from recent stress. If you didn’t have the context you could almost imagine other ways she would have messed up her perfectly styled waves.
“Yes.” You got up, suddenly unable to keep still, and walked directly to her front, pondering on whether to put or not your hand on hers and deciding not yet. “But I think we have other things that actually need our attention right now.”
Her face lighted up with amusement and a mischievous quirk of her eyebrow forced you to look away, biting your cheek, “Oh my, I didn’t know we were like that already.”
You hid your face in your hands and groaned, walking away a few steps.
“I’m just messing with you, don’t worry,” her soft chuckle sounded nearer than before, and you turned to see her right behind you with two glasses and a bourbon in hand. She gestured to the sofa. “Shall we begin?”
You talked more about how you started, when you did, how things went at the beginning and why you still hadn’t gone public. The drink was stronger than the other night and burnt while going down. You didn’t need more than a pour and a half for your inhibition to fly throw the window, but Larissa seemed just fine. You could bet she liked stronger things. You liked it as well, but she was made for it.
“Alright, enough of imaginary dates and made-up happenings. I want to know you,” you said after almost an hour of just that, “If I dated you for the past five months I’m bound to know things about you that most people don’t,” you were far too comfortable being blunt to be sober.
“Okay, what would you like to know?” her voice was soft. She put her glass away and leant on her forearm, elbow resting atop the backrest.
“What’s your favourite food?”
She laughed. Not the belly laugh you adored so much, but a gentler one, quieter, and you could almost say you loved it if that wouldn’t make things harder.
“I don’t think I have a favourite food. I like pasta, cheese, hamburger-“
“Ok, what? How do you go from fancy to ‘I like hamburger’?” you snorted ungracefully. She seemed amused.
“Pasta is not fancy, it’s pasta, and cheese is an ingredient, so what are you talking about?”
“Oh, don’t gimme that!” You pointed at her, smiling way too much.
“I didn’t know there was a rule against liking hamburgers-“
“No, there’s just a rule saying that stunning, posh, scotch-drinking, British women can’t like the food we mortals do.”
“I drink more hot chocolate than scotch, I’ll have you know!
“Shut up! You can’t be normal, you’re too good for that!’
She was laughing and you were feigning indignation and it all felt so good you thought your heart would explode in happiness.
When she calmed down, her eyes glimmered softly, and she was smiling almost as if fond of you. You knew it was your alcohol-addled brain, but you wanted so desperately to get closer.
You didn’t sit as the other night; she was at the end of the sofa and you were in the middle, there were maybe six inches between you but it felt like miles.
“…Do you think we should be closer?” you almost whispered. Damn if you weren’t the most horrible drunk on earth. You knew you would regret it the second you asked.
She didn’t respond, just looked at you quizzically, like you were a puzzle she couldn’t figure out. You thought you were quite obvious, but maybe she was more inebriated than she appeared.
“Would you be comfortable with that?” did she still doubt it?
“I mean… we’ll have to, once we get there. If not now when we can consent, imagine then.” You would always consent, of course, but the look of hurt on Larissa’s face and her dry swallow made it clear the feeling wasn’t mutual.
Suddenly you could not take it anymore. You felt tears forming in your eyes and your chest tightened. You had to leave. You quickly got up, surprising her and yourself; your legs weren’t also expecting it and you almost stumbled over before scurrying to the door.
“Y/n?” you heard her get up before opening the door.
“I think that’s good enough for now, we can continue on the way there.” You rushed to say and left the room, walking the faster you could to your quarters with a hand on your mouth to stifle your sobs.
Chapter Four
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whensecretsrise · 5 months
It's been a hot minute since I made named characters without a story. Most of the time I write and the character names come later. Well they decided to show up first!
There is:
Emerson Sarasota: a minotaur who makes sculptures (either metal or glass, I don't know yet.)
Dagby Augers: an orc who has a garden, sells lots of his homemade bouquets, and keeps bees.
Razvan Petit: a feral cat incubus that has the ability to shift sexes at will. To describe them in one word it would be: nuisance
So, uh, anyway. If you want to know more about these little creatures, or see them in some kind of situation please send me an ask! 💖
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giallogigan · 8 months
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actual goddamn character arc of follower version of my oc (feat other ocs) I think it's really ironic given Pietro is like, a rival to Razvan's canon partner
cult versions below cut
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katherinewilliams221b · 11 months
Our Time To Bloom
Chapter 7: The Serch Bythol
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<Previous Chapter  - All Chapters - Masterlist
Summary: Two months after the war, the couple is more distant than ever. Kate  accompanies her grandfather on a trip to Ireland, where her past and  present will collide in unexpected ways. Charlie stays in Romania with a decision to make: will he follow her and uncover all unsaid things? Romance/Drama /Mystery
Rating: Mature
Pairing: Charlie Weasley/Kate Williams (hphm mc, original female character) established relationship
7th, July, 1998
Hours later, after dropping off Kate at the station, Charlie perched himself against a wooden fence at the dragon sanctuary. Lost in thought, he observed as Soule, an older Romanian Longhorn, stretched its wings in the air. The dragon flew in circles, pirouetting through the clouds with the bravest birds joining in its dance.
What a coward you have been, mate, not to join in. And what a fool! You wanted to go! You still do... Bernard has both great humour and profound wisdom, maybe he was the right person to talk to. If you want to talk... Simply trying to pronounce Fred’s name out loud makes your throat close up.
Soule walked past the Sun creating his silhouette in the wind for an instant.
A twinge in his knee made him hiss, and suddenly the smell of smoke invaded his nostrils.
‘It’s normal in the sanctuary,’ he reminded himself, but he couldn’t help but find himself on Hogwarts’ ground, lying on the stones and feeling that same smell.
He clung tightly to the fence, unable to move. The image of the man appearing out of the fire, distorted, only his silhouette visible when lit from behind, slipped into his mind without permission. He had hit him in the knee, fortunately, but at that moment, helpless on the ground, he knew the stranger would not miss a second time.
He struggled to steady his breathing and with difficulty set his sights on the mountains in the distance. He imagined waterfalls and rivers, crystal-clear lakes and the reflection of clouds in their waters, paths overlooking the valley, patches of flowering bushes.
He managed to shake off the vision of his near-death by trying to imagine himself flying, soaring through the skies on a dragon. With the wind in his face and breathing clean air, seeing the world disappearing and getting smaller and smaller and smaller and smaller...
“You’re making my dragons nervous...”
A light tap on the shoulder accompanied the voice, which was just enough to make Charlie flinch and turn away from Sonia, bringing his hand to his hip unconsciously reaching for his wand.
“Sorry.” She said with sincerity in her eyes before leaning against the fence.
Charlie brought his hand to his hair, briefly massaging his head and undoing the small ponytail he wore. He leaned back against the wood next to his group leader.
They both stood in silence for a while, just watching the sky. Charlie’s heart started beating normally again, and he was able to take a deep breath. Still, he brought his hand to his opposite arm and started stroking his inner elbow with his thumb.
“Nervous?” Sonia asked without looking at him. “The lists go out the day after tomorrow.” She added at the look she saw out of the corner of her eye.
“A little.”
“The grant is yours, I have no doubt. And Razvan’s too. You are both very capable.” She said with a small smile.
“We’ll see if the folks at Apuseni feel the same way.”
“I’m sure they will.”
Absently, Charlie continued to make circles on his skin.
“Cool tat,” Sonia commented, looking at the pale skin on his arm. “I haven’t seen it on you before.”
“Oh...” He pulled his hand away to reveal the symbol he wore inked in black. “We only got it done last year...”
Sonia raised her eyebrows.
“Kate and I.”
“Damn. That’s bold. I don’t think I could get matching tattoos with a boyfriend. It’s usually contraindicated.” She laughed, coaxing a small smile from Charlie.
“Yeah, well, they’re not permanent. The guy who did it to us can take them off, too.” It dawned on Charlie that this was the first time anyone had noticed the symbol he was wearing, and that no one but Kate knew of its existence. Not even Razvan.
He moved a little closer to her, extending his left arm so she could see better, and began to follow the lines with his pinky.
“It is, in theory, a Celtic symbol made of two Trinity knots flipped to the side and fused together.” He traced the intricate lines from the horizontally pointing tips to the central circle. “The three points of the knots represent the soul: mind, body and spirit, as well as the circle of life. The two knots maintain their individuality, but when intertwined, they create a perfect circle, symbolising the endless unity between two souls.” He recited as he had been told. He focused on the dragons again, less solemn, remembering with a smile the tale they were told when that man was tattooing Kate.
“It’s really just one interpretation, there’s no factual information about it that we know,” he chuckled" but we loved that story so much we adopted it as our own."
When Sonia didn’t comment on it, he kept going,
“It’s called a Serch Bythol. In Celtic Welsh language, serk means Love, and beeth-ohl means everlasting.”
“I wouldn’t have imagined in a million years that you two were corny as hell!” They shared a laugh at her teasing. Charlie was grateful that she took the weight out of his words.
“Oh, come on, be easy on me, boss, I’m opening my heart for you here.” He said half-joking.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever.” They chuckled again, watching as Soule landed on a tree. “I don’t suppose you got it one night completely smashed in some dude’s basemen…”
“No! Of course not!” He laughed.
“No, we…” he tapped it again absent-mindedly, “it was purely for practical reasons, I assure you.”
He stared at the black ink, praying for it to stay black.
“When the other is in danger, it glows red.”
A look of understanding erased the smirk on Sonia’s eyes. She avoided his stare, focusing on the landscape ahead.
“I always wondered how you knew… That you had to leave Romania that day.”
It scared me so much, the way it burned, he thought. I didn’t know where she was until I received her letter. It didn’t have an envelope or a seal. I couldn’t even recognise her handwriting.
He nodded.
A moment of silence passed between them and left Charlie contemplating his future, his plans. Seeing Soule come down from the sky to take a nap by the rocks made him realise he wasn't meant for anything else. This was the life he hoped for in his teens, and the life he wanted to cultivate. If not dragons, what else? But did it need to be in Romania?
These mountains were his dream since he was a child and he was comfortable here, perhaps too much. He wondered if leaving this place, this group of people he could now call friends would feel like a betrayal. To them and himself.
But then he thought of her.
She had worked as hard as him to get into St Mungo’s hospital as a mere apprentice. And she left for him. To follow him here. She got far as a healer in Bucharest’s hospital. And she left for a cause she believed in. She had been offered a position as a herbology teacher once. And she declined for the same reason. 
Maybe it was time to return the favour.
Perhaps, after the Apuseni program, if he was chosen to go, it could be the last thing Romania could offer him and that dream he had as a child wasn’t the end of the line but the beginning.
Before the war, they hadn’t discussed much about their plans for a future away from this place, they both had secure positions, a home and they were content with that. He never dared to dream further from that.
Then the war happened, and they were forced to do things they never imagined they could be capable of. And that tranquil life they had shattered along with their possibilities.
Now that it was over, he thought, after everything that they went through, it was time for new dreams.
Kate was in the picture, he used to be sure of it. Now, he hoped.
“Hm?” She began putting on her fireproof gloves.
“May I get… some time off?”
The dragon tamer stared at him with an unreadable expression. She seemed to be registering his question as confusion appeared on her face.
“You shouldn’t. Not right before the program starts.”
“After that, it may be too late.” She kept silent and continued to secure her gear. “I think,” he insisted, “I could catch up later, I’m sure. I’m a fast learner. Two weeks tops.”
“Two weeks!”
“Sonia, please. I never take breaks, you know this. I never even quit when all of that happened,” he added, referring to the war. She sighed.
“I know. I just don’t want you to lose this opportunity.”
“I won’t.”
She thought for a moment and then clicked her tongue. “At least stay until the first day.”
“Of course!”
Both dragonologists turned at the sound of Razvan’s voice, who flew towards them with a frown.
“Am I the only one who works around here or what? We’re supposed to start the scouting in three minutes!”
“Yes,” Sonia added with a nod towards Charlie, “let’s go.”
Muddy and sweaty, Charlie apparated in front of his house after an afternoon in the forest. He took off his boots before entering the cabin and made his way to the bathroom for a warm and much needed shower.
After cleaning himself, he stepped out of the bathtub in time to hear scratches on the other side of the door.
“Just wait a moment, Grimoire!”
Charlie imagined the condescending expression of Kate’s cat as it sat in their bedroom.
He opened the door with a towel around his hips just so the animal would stop the assault at the door.
“When Kate’s not here, you become an insufferable pain in the ass.” He accused, changing into a shirt and tracksuit bottoms. Grimoire mewled, clearly letting him know that the sentiment was mutual.
After satiating both appetites, Charlie left the cabin and, using a ladder, checked the rooftop for any sign of Whiskey.
He found the owl sound asleep in the small wooden house he had built for him. The redhead frowned and checked his watch. It was late.
While climbing down, he reminded himself that it meant nothing that Kate hadn’t sent a letter. She was probably having fun with her grandpa. Right?
“Yes. She arrived safe and sound.” He said to Grimoire as he entered again.
He made his way to the kitchen counters, hoping that the routine of putting a kettle on would calm his nerves. He instantly felt better as soon as the tea touched his lips, but the nervousness of what would he say to her and, most importantly, how would she react to seeing him there, remained.
Stopping the spiralling train of thought, he gasped.
Her birthday!
He used to be more thoughtful than that, he thought, but the stress of the war and going back to tons of work at the reserve had left him with no energy to think about presents.
The incorporation to the Apuseni program, if that ever happened, would leave him no time to search for something appropriate. He only had tomorrow to figure it out.
Against all odds and without warning, Grimoire jumped on the seat next to him and, tentatively, rested his head on Charlie’s thigh.
“I know,” he sighed, scratching behind the cat’s ear, “I miss her too. You’ll be fine here on your own? I guess you must. Razvan will come, you know him, to check on you.”
He paused, sipping his tea.
“I don’t even know where to start with her…”
He would get to… Cobh? But where exactly? And even if he found her, how would he manage to put in order the things he should say?
Eyeing the coffee table, he saw some random papers scattered around. With a flick of the wrist, a quill and inkwell floated towards him as he set the cup down. With a determined breath, he started writing.
My dearest,
I don’t know if I will have the courage to show you this letter. Maybe I’ll burn it after I’m finished, maybe I will hide it until I’m ready, or maybe I will be able to speak my mind to your face. You deserve as much, and so much more.
My heart stings every time I come home at night. I watch the lights on the tower where you hide from me and I feel as a failure for not being able to reach you. You’ve closed your mind, only to me? Do I hurt you so that you’ve kept your thoughts to yourself?
I talk to Razvan sometimes, about you and I, about what happened, about Fred if my voice doesn’t betray me. He listens, he tries, and I’m grateful to have found a little solace in his friendship, but he is not the person I burn to reconnect with again.
I miss my best friend, my companion.
Is it because I remind you of your own brother, Jacob, that you can’t find it in your heart to speak to me?
I hear you cry some nights. I know about your nightmares. Often I hold you, selfishly hoping you will wake and hug me back. I don’t know what haunts your dreams, I can imagine, but it feels strange in my stomach that you can’t trust me how you used to.
I guess I’ve been guilty of that too, but for different reasons. There is no one else I would trust with my life but you, but I’m afraid I’ve become a burden to you. I find it difficult to know where I stand, where the limits are, how I should act around you.
But I’ve learnt today, the hard way, after seeing you part from me for the umpteenth time and after observing the creatures that roam these mountains, that my approach has been completely off.
You are not a dragon. Never have been and never will. They come and go or they don’t, they can fly, spit fire, the most absolute chaos can burst in any second, destroying everything around them. To be on good terms with them again, you need to sit still and wait. Make yourself as little of a threat as possible.
But you, my love, you are a feline, and cats can sense when one is not confident enough to handle them. So they scurry away. A change of attitude it’s what’s needed or you’ll just see their tails as they leave the room.
All of this to say I hope you will forgive me.
Once I told you, as you lay in my arms, I whispered to you it would be only fair to follow where you lead.
And now I intend to keep my promise, because it was one, whether you know it or not.
Although I should have been quicker to say it,
I accept your offer, if you’ll have me, and I’ll reunite with you in Ireland if I manage to find where you are.
If after these weeks you still seek a life away from here without me, at least I’ll know that my last decision regarding you wasn’t a disappointment or one that I’ll regret.
But for all it’s worth, I want to start dreaming with you again.
With all the love I can possibly keep in my heart,
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Before folding the letter, and with utmost care, he drew with his quill a Serch Bythol at the end of the page, hoping she would understand the meaning behind it.
His heart felt lighter, somehow, having put into words his intentions and motives and, he realised as he lifted the quill, that he hoped for her to read it. When the envelope was closed, he placed a kiss on it.
With Grimoire’s head resting on his thigh and a steaming cup in hand, he stared out of the window, watching the trees sway with the wind. He took a deep breath and enjoyed for the first time in months a quiet afternoon in solitude.
A/N. A short one but very much needed, if anyone still cares :) It’s hard writing these days
Next chapter >
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alinabohoru · 7 months
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One Night Gallery Love, Alina Bohoru
/ Solo Show /
A two-part solo show in collaboration with One Night Gallery that happened over the summer of 2020 in both Bucharest & Timisoara, Romania.
One Night Gallery is an event focusing on Romanian contemporary art, innovation and technology, during which a different artist is invited every month to create a solo exhibition. They provide the artists with the technical means to experiment with new technological ways of rendering their work. 
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For the Bucharest edition, we shifted from a single indoor location to multiple outdoor spaces around the downtown area, using solely windows and building facades. People were able to enjoy the exhibition as an art tour while taking a walk through the city, therefore minimizing as much as possible crowd gatherings in the context of the pandemic. As we scouted for spots, more and more businesses joined the circuit, resulting in a total of 13 locations - from galleries to shops and bars. 
The setups were divided into different concepts and mediums - from printed illustrations in some of the locations, to installations, video mapping, paste-ups or AR experiences in others.
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First, I sketched the two main characters that would become the leitmotif of the event: Birdman (AKA G Dog) & Beeple
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I then 3D modeled them in VR and we included them in an interactive Instagram filter that people could use during the event. We launched the filter together with the event teaser video:
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Using the 3D model as a reference, we created a 14m tall inflatable installation of G Dog and hung it on the Știrbei Palace facade, inside Eden Terrace.
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GUCCI Takeover
Another part of the event consisted of animating some of my characters and projecting them onto the windows of the Gucci Store in downtown Bucharest.
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Two months after the Bucharest edition, we shipped the whole thing to my hometown, Timisoara, for a second event. The set was a large tram depot turned into a museum, with enough space to host all the artwork in one place: inflatable characters, installations, prints, and a tram that I painted back in 2019. This enabled me and the production team to experiment with a new display layout in a totally different setup. 
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Powered by ONE NIGHT GALLERY Production: Technical & good vibes team Musicgear.ro Photo/Video (Bucharest) Stay Sharp Film Photo/Video (Timisoara) Razvan Riscuta, Petru Belibou & Blanka Szori Video Mapping/ Animation Aural Eye, Dragos Botcau Inflatable Installation Aztec.ro 3D rigging & AR design Mihai Cojocaru
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melonisapotato · 2 years
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Hi there maybe you'd consider a silly request of my OCs? Razvan is the grumpy loin cloth clad celestial in the refs and Georgina is the bubbly, always excited Georgina.They are mismatched bestfriends, with Razvan pretty much viewing Georgina as a (pain in the butt)daughter. Georgina is a halfing, she's 3ft tall and owns a flower shop called The Pretty Petal. I'd love if they could be drawn as/similar to the base provided, with Georgina on the leash,xand Razvan holding it all scowly? Ty for considering!
OOO Yeah for sure!! I love the way ur characters are design ^^ Also no worry’s! I don’t mind regular request 👌
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morrigan-sims · 1 year
23, 24, and 25 for a character of your choosing!
Hi Gabe!! Thanks for the ask!! I'll do this for one story character, and one dnd character each.
23. What emotion is the hardest for your OC to process? How about express?
For Rook, he has a hard time processing sadness. Often times it turns into guilt, which he takes upon himself. For example, in our campaign, he has twice now been responsible (in his eyes) for the near-death of a party member. Neither time was his fault, or even under his control, but it still weighs very heavily on him. Similarly, he has a hard time expressing that sadness. Because he tends to turn it into guilt, he has a hard time expressing his sadness without being self-deprecating to some degree. (He also struggles with processing his fear and trauma regarding his time with Captain Wolf, but that's a whole 'nother issue. One that he's going to have to come to terms with very soon in-game...)
Captain Blackthorne also struggles with processing his grief, especially regarding Rosalynn's death. Similarly to Rook, he also blames himself to some degree for that tragedy, even though it was beyond his control. He tries not to express his grief in front of others, which might not be the healthiest choice. But he wants to stay strong, both for Fallon, and also to be a good role model and leader for his guards.\
continued under the cut!
24. What is an alternative life path your OC might have gone down? How different would their life be if they'd made those decisions?
For Morana, her life would have turned out very differently had she not chosen to follow the path of necromancy. Following her parents' deaths, she might have turned to full-time thievery instead, or she might have been adopted by some other family. Either way, if she hadn't pursued necromancy, she would never have been exiled from her home city, which would mean she never would have met Razvan. All in all, she would never have met the party, and she would probably have a much more mundane, boring life in the Frostlands.
If Fallon hadn't decided to isolate herself following her mother's death, her life would be similar, but different. RTQ wouldn't be happening at all, because she likely would have found friends or even a partner in a more "natural" way, just meeting people and talking to them, and growing close. She would probably be much healthier mentally, because she wouldn't be bottling up all her emotions or overworking herself. She would probably either be married, or courting someone, and that person would most likely be a noble from either Anvia or Oraine, rather than any of the suitors from RTQ. (Really, the only person she might still have met would be Duncan.)
25. What is your favorite thing about your OC?
My favorite thing about Rook is well, a lot of things. But I will say that I'm particularly proud of his backstory, as well as his flaws. I especially love his recklessness when it comes to protecting and helping his friends. (My boy dives headlong into the most dangerous situations without a second thought for anyone in the party.) Also, I love his trust. He thinks that he doesn't trust people easily, but in reality he quickly becomes attached to anyone who shows him the slightest kindness. (The effect of never having a good support system in his life.) This means that it would be far too easy for someone to gain his trust and the betray it, potentially harming Rook's new family in the process. (Which he would feel awful about.)
My favorite thing about Fallon is also her flaws. (What can I say, I love flawed characters, and playing with those flaws.) She's loyal to a fault, but she pushes away anyone who tries to get close to her. I just love the fact that she's been burned before, and that she thinks she has to be strong alone. That relying on others is a weakness. It's not. It's a strength, and a skill that she desperate needs to learn. We shall see if she manages to learn it over the course of the story, though...
As a bonus, my favorite thing about Morana is her "negative" traits. Specifically her near complete lack of empathy, and extremely logical thinking. Morana is a chance for me to play with the things people tend to see as negative about me and my autism, and push those traits to the extreme. Make an oddball, potentially offputting character, and still see her find happiness and people who care about her. Getting to take traits people tend to see as bad, and showing how they can be good, or at the very least, not make you a bad person. (as a side note, more low/no empathy characters in fiction, please!! especially ones that aren't villainized for it.)
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hnk-art · 3 years
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wantxmore · 11 months
Open Starter Call
Plot: Halloween Party - could go as a couple, meet up there but also open to ideas (mlm plots only)
Respond with which character you'd like to play with and which of yours that you'd like to use. Or you can message me, as well and we can hash out the details.
📖 - Barrett Andrews
🍺 - Enzo Cruz
💐 - Adrian Khalil
🕺 - Knox Thurman
🕴️ - Razvan Wolfe
🪲 - Jaime Reyes
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secrecykept · 5 years
She’d been idling about him pretty much all night by now, & she was pretty sure he’d noticed. Between peeking at him from around corners & watching him from afar, it’d felt like the chocolates she’d held constantly in hand were screaming at her at some point, telling her to just get the darn thing over with.
Which is what she inevitably did, later towards the end of the night, when she’d finally seen him starting to leave so she’d grabbed her coat as quick as she could just the same. A swift shuffle past the doors on heels that weren’t quite meant to be run in, & then, as she makes it out into the evening air, “Excuse me, wait!”
How familiar such words seemed to be with him, as they closely mirrored a single instance in an elevator not so long ago. And yet here she was still somehow frozen, only instead of holding herself away from him, was she instead taking careful steps closer.
“I — sorry, I know you’re going home, I just wanted to give you — something.” Suddenly stiff hands that’d fumbled with the pouch she’d stuffed into her coat, finally slipping it out only to awkwardly hand it to him in offering. “You’d mentioned you weren’t sure about cake before so, I mean I gave roses to everyone else today but I thought — chocolates might be a good start for you — this time.” A slight tremble as she spoke, as she wasn’t sure if it was the February winds or being under the intensity of his gaze that made her quiver something soft. Still, she attempted to stay strong, as much as she was able.
A soft whisper, a nod. “Happy Valentine’s Day.”
Oh, he’d noticed alright. Her stare and distant presence had been playing with his senses the entire night, like a ghostly touch or mirage. However, each time he glanced towards her, she seemed to be looking another way or was nowhere in sight. It was enough to have him questioning himself for a while. Was he imagining things?
But he’d caught her a few times. Curiosity sparked and twisted around him to begin with. What was she up to? But as the night went on and the persistent awareness of her attention didn’t fade, the curiosity shifted to amusement, and later to mild frustration.
It wasn’t as if he minded having her eyes on him, not at all, but with her watching him so consistently, he hadn’t a chance to disappear and leave a gift for her in her dressing room as he had done so previously.
Oh well. He could return later and slip it in there, he supposed, but for now, it was time to leave.
In preparation for the cold, he secured his coat tighter against himself as he headed to the door. The cooler times of year were never his favourite, that was for sure, though they did have a certain charm at times. He recalled a particular morning–
“Excuse me, wait!”
The thought shattered like ice on a lake and then drifted away.
His steps halted and he turned, mild surprise showing at the sight of the woman (though truth be told, he’d wondered if she might follow after him).
“Miss Dulcet…” he said in greeting, his lips softening into a brief smile. Ah, this was familiar indeed, but this time she chased after him specifically. Why?
Curiosity made a return and tilted his head as he watched her struggle with her coat. What did she have there…?
He blinked. Presented to him in her hand…were chocolates.
The gust of wind around them seemed to sweep right through his mind and clear it of any coherent thought. He could only stare. A moment passed, then another lingered. It was only instinct that had him reaching out to accept the gift, rescuing the sense of tension.
The chocolates were a soft weight in his hand. A present for him. How very strange. He frowned at them ever so slightly as confusion could not be held back.
Valentine’s Day. Still a mystifying concept, but what was more mystifying was the idea that this particular woman would give him something for the day. Did it mean something…? She said she had given roses to others, so perhaps this was nothing special. But why…
And she even remembered his offhand comment about cake.
It was…thoughtful.
Something inside him shifted uncomfortably at that, but he ignored the feeling and raised his eyes to her, his expression smoothing into a smile.
“Thank you, I…” He paused, “I really don’t know what to say.”
The wry quirk of his lips spoke of how unusual it was for him to have such a lack of words.
He stepped closer to her, drawn by the way she held herself, like a flower struggling not to shrink back against the cold elements. He hoped his shift blocked most of the chilled air from getting its icy touch on her.
Closer and closer still, he finally stopped. He leaned down to her, instincts ringing loudly through his body. Closer. Until his lips brushed her cheek like whisper.
“Happy Valentine’s Day.”
Slowly, he straightened up, eyes soft and warm upon her as he lifted the chocolates partway between them. “Share them with me, won’t you? And if you’re finished for the night, can I walk you home?”
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k-liight · 5 years
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a little doodle of my sassy boi Razvan I whipped up in FireAlpaca to test the program out. I was surprised at how similar it is to Medibang, lol. I really think that particular pen really suits Razvan, especially with that fabulous hair of his. XD
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spookbot · 6 years
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some of my ocs + dril, pt 3
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bestiatexere · 6 years
Low jazz tunes resonated throughout the club, a soft & lilted symphony as the band strummed a soulful tune even without the momentary accompaniment of their vocalist. Their vocalist, who had transferred to the bar, head cocked upon a hand as digits idly swirled a stirrer through her glass, vaguely content in the midst of her solitude; before dull recognition of another's presence sliding into the seat beside her made her sigh. "Please don't." She doesn't even spare them a glance. "I'm on break."
Sleek, polished stone made up the exterior in flat tiles, stacksof striking shapes, and carved, geometric motifs. A series of bold lines racedupwards from either side of the symmetrical façade and fell into an angular,zig-zagging rhythm as they climbed towards each other. They met as they bloomedoutwards into a wide curve of stone ledge, decorated by stylized flowers andvines. The floral statues supported a large sign which glowed a warm yellow andannounced the building’s name.
The Midnight Sun.
The arched entry was set in deep under the ledge and up aset of low, stone steps that swept out from the face of the building. A sturdyhandrail, of a contrastingly delicatewave design, lined the worn steps leading up to the entrance. The wood andglass double doors were topped and framed by a set of textured leadlights presentinga starburst display. In an eye-catching script, club’s name was repeated withinthe central sun.
With one last, admiring look, Raz headed up the steps andthrough the elegant doors. Inside, the smooth, herringbone floor of theentryway spread out before him and seemed to soak in the glow coming from thedramatic pendant light above.
Straight ahead was a large desk with an employee positioned behind. Off to the side of her was the metal face of the elevator, with etchedpanels on either side and golden streaks of details on the doors. To the right,the floor stepped down into a lobby area, filled with comfortable chairs andcoffee tables, and complete with its own bar on the far wall. It was a place tomingle in a quieter atmosphere while still enjoying the music flowing from theother half.
Raz smiled and inclined his head at the woman behind thedesk as he turned left. He moved throughwide, open doors into the main lounge, stepping past a happy couple makingtheir way out.
Spacious, but lit in such a way that made it feel intimate,it was like the rest of the world didn’t exist…The club was beautiful. Finelocation, fine craftmanship, fine refreshments, and even damn fine-lookingemployees. Yes, this was the place to be, and the place he would make his ownsoon enough, if everything went according to plan.
Dark wood made up the floor, frames, and the majority ofthe furniture inside the large room, with metallic detailing inlayed withinthat drew the eye, but did not overwhelm it. High above, like crystalisedraindrops, suspended and glittering, the brilliant chandelier cast its lightonto the floors and walls, which seemed to bathe in the warmth.
Lights installed in rectangular covers were spread out alongthe walls, resting between the gold, bronze, and silver lines that ran along insubtle bands. His eyes followed along and reached the point where the linesmoved into a broad arch along the back wall. The stage was nestled beneath, setinto the curved alcove and holding the array of musicians as they played.
He frowned after checking his watch. He wasn’t late…
Turning his attention to the large blackboard, which heldthe evening’s schedule within its ornate frame, he easily spotted his problem. Theyhad changed the line-up it seemed, and he’d missed a certain woman’sperformance as a result. Damn them.
His frown disappeared with a sigh and a mental shrug. Therewas always next time. For now, he could just enjoy the scene and continue abouthis goal.
In between surveying the people around and moving throughthe room, his eyes travelled up along the walls and ceiling, finding the uniquedetails and impressive architectural traits that were this building type’ssignature. He took note of what might need touching up or reinforcing in thefuture. (He had to take care of his investment after all.) This place was goingto be around for a long time, if he had anything to say about it (and he did).
God, there was something about this style that stirred up anodd ache in his chest, and even he, who was usually in such good control of hisexpressions, couldn’t hide the light which came into his eyes due to it. Highquality materials, sleek lines, geometric designs, an air of classy refinement,with a dose of extravagance and luxury…it was a miraculous balm, a soothingpresence and one that pleased him like no other trend or movement had donebefore. If there was one thing humans did right, and that he thanked them for,it was the creation of this ‘Art Deco’.
His gaze drifted down from a stylistic painting of a cabaretperformance, going along with one of the lacquered lines along the wall andover towards the large bar. As guests moved across his vision, he caught aglimpse of a familiar figure.
Well, well, well…
The corner of his mouth quirked up, eyes once againbetraying his interest and delight.
Because there was one otherthing he thanked humanity for, and that was the gorgeous, talented woman thatsat at the very bar he was now heading over to. He might have missed out on herperformance, but it seemed he would currently have a better opportunity, one toactually talk to her and perhaps figure her out.
It was unlikely to him that she had noticed him in heraudience over the past week as he scoped out the place, given the lighting andthe fact he’d tried not to seem toointerested. But oh, he was veryinterested. There was something about her. Something different, and tempting. Useful, he told himself.
Perhaps if he got closer to her, literally and in otherways, he would figure it out. (His best guess so far was some sort ofconnection to a siren…)
He brushed past a pair of gentlemen, a waitress, and a womanon the prowl. A man with greasy hair and eager eyes was making his way towardsthe bar, eyes trained on the vocalist’s curves. Raz caught his arm in a lightgrip and tugged his attention onto himself, almost as if they were old friendscatching up. As their eyes met, he smirked, a glint of warning in play,delivered along with the low words.
“Think again, mate. That little songbird is not your game to hunt.”
Raz tightened his grip as he pushed a ‘suggestion’ into theman’s mind, “Stay on the other half of the club, and don’t you dare look at heragain.”
The surprised note in the human’s eyes melted intounderstanding and acceptance. Raz let him go and watched as the instructionswere followed and the man stationed himself on the opposite side of the room.
Satisfaction slipped in with a hint of a smirk and eased hisshoulders. Sometimes things were almost too easy.
But now, to get back to his objective…
He closed the remaining distance with no other troubles and claimedthe seat beside the woman at the bar in one smooth motion. His weight settledlightly on the leather top of the barstool, one of his arms coming to rest onthe smooth bartop. Pieces of carefully cut mirrors were arranged on the wall, reflectingand spreading the low lights around, catching on the multiple rows of glassesand bottles lined neatly on the back counter.
Those were details he had seen frequently this week, he didn’tneed to look at them now as there were others that held his attention (in theform of the singer beside him). He took in what details he could from thisangle, aware that this was his first close-up look and possibly the only one he would get, depending on how this went.
Long, dark lashes caught his eye, along with the soft skinof her cheek, and pretty profile of her nose and lips. She was beautiful, yes,but he was more interested in a detail that went beyond skin…or, moreaccurately, beneath it. Her bloodand the scent it gave off. Even with this proximity however, he couldn’t figureout what it was whispering to him. What was she? Perhaps if they were alonesomewhere, it would become clearer…
With a slight turn in his chair, he faced her a little moredirectly in preparation of starting some sort of conversation with her.
He didn’t get a chance to even open his mouth.
Her words beat him to it and caused him to blink. Amusementsnuck in and brought a smile, even as he gave a small wince and shake of hishead.
“That’s a bit harsh, isn’t it, love? You don’t even knowwhat I was gonna say, or if I was gonnasay something.”
Shot down so swiftly, without even being looked at! (It was good his pride could handle such a thing) Thiswoman was clearly used to being approached and was no pushover. Interesting.And well, he couldn’t exactly blame her for wanting to have her break toherself.
He lifted his hand to catch the bartender’s attention,signalling for a drink before he added to the singer, his attention back on her,“Maybe I’m just here for a nice view, hm?”
There was a touch of teasing in his tone and smile as hiseyes briefly flicked over her and then glanced away. He shrugged and waved hishand in a conciliatory gesture.
“But, I get it. You want to be left alone.” There was a beator two, his focus drifting around towards the other people showing interest inher, seeming like they might approach. “So how about a deal?”
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