#( contact list // karen smith )
pcetstcrtured · 7 months
@ofblackskies liked for a starter!
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cady offers a soft, friendly, smile as settles down next to the other. "hi karen." she greets. "how have you been? are you ... doing okay?" she feels bad that karen had to get mixed up in, well, everything. especially when the other girl's been so kind through it all. it feels right to check in with her.
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ukrfeminism · 2 years
5 minute read - IWD 2023
Labour MP Jess Phillips took more than five minutes to read a list of women killed over the past 12 months where the perpetrator or suspect was a man.
Before entering the Commons chamber on Thursday, she had to add another name to the list in pen – that of Helen Harrison, who was found dead in Yorkshire on Sunday.
Bereaved families, including the newly formed group Killed Women, reacted angrily to the fact that just three male MPs were present for the reading of the names a day after International Women’s Day.
Julie Devey, a co-founder of Killed Women, said she and other families in the group had stood as the names were read out to show solidarity to the women killed, and their families.
“It was very hard to listen to,” said Devey, whose daughter Poppy Devey Waterhouse was stabbed 49 times by her ex-boyfriend in 2018. “And I’m very emotional listening to each of those names knowing what the families now face. And [there were] hardly any politicians there, and three men. So that says a lot, doesn’t it?”
Phillips read out the names of 109 UK women killed by men or where a man is the principal suspect. The youngest victim read out by Phillips was 15; the oldest 92.
She thanked Karen Ingala Smith for her work with Counting Dead Women, which records the names of women killed, where the perpetrator or suspect is a man, and the Femicide Census, saying Ingala Smith fought “every day for killed women to be an issue of major public concern”.
This year a spokesperson for the Femicide Census said that for the first time they had contacted every MP where a female constituent had been killed and had a “handful of supportive replies”, but noted: “We observed that the small numbers listening to Jess read out their names in the chamber has not changed from this year to the last.”
The shadow minister for domestic violence and safeguarding said the time for “warm words” was over, and implored the government to release the “long overdue” sentencing review into domestic homicide. Clare Wade KC was appointed to undertake the review in September 2021. It was originally due for completion in December 2021, but is yet to be published.
“The families of the killed Women Campaign who join us here today would want me to make clear that lessons are not being learned,” said Phillips. “Warm words are no longer enough. We honour these women not by reading out their names, not by doing any of the promises that happen in this place. We honour them with deeds, not with words.”
Phillips paid tribute to the work of Ingala Smith and the families fighting for change. “These amazing campaigners have made sure that killed women are no longer just a name recorded in a local newspaper. They have made sure the issue of femicide and all the failings that lead to an increased risk of a national priority for the people of Britain,” she said.
Ingala Smith said police still often refered to the killing of women as isolated incidents, which minimised the “extent of femicide in the UK and the systemic nature of men’s fatal violence against women”
“Every year over 100 women are killed by men in the UK, in fact of the cases we know, on average a woman is killed by a man every 2.6 days,” she said.
“[The list] should be seen as a roll call of state failure because whilst every man must be held accountable for the violence he chooses to commit, the state could do so much more to end men’s violence against women.”
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vintagecoldcases · 4 years
Story of Ted Bundy
TW: execution photos, details of deaths
**a more detailed victim list will be posted later, beware of this post if you are sensitive to blood/gore/other oddities of true crime as it will have crime scene photos**
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Theodore Robert Cowell, was born on November 24th, 1946 to Eleanor Louise Cowell at the Elizabeth Lund Home for Unwed Mothers. Eleanor was known by Louise and Ted’s father’s identity is unconfirmed. His birth certificate states Lloyd Marshall, a salesman and Air Force veteran, as his father. Louise claims his father to be an old war veteran known as Jack Worthington, this is who the King’s County Sheriff’s Office has listed as such. A few family members believe that Louise’s father, Samuel Cowell, could’ve been Ted’s father but no evidence has been found to support this claim. 
Ted was raised in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania by his maternal grandparents for the first three years of his life. He, family, and friends, were told that his grandparents were actually his parents and that his mother was his older sister in order to protect them all from the stigma of birthing a child out of wedlock. There are variations of how Bundy found out his true parentage. A past girlfriend was told that Bundy was shown his birth certificate by a cousin, Stephen Michaud and Hugh Aynesworth (both biographers) were told by Bundy that he found the certificate himself. Anne Rule (biographer and crime writer, who knew Bundy personally) believes he did not find this information until 1969. In 1950, Louise changed her surname from Cowell to Nelson and left Philadelphia to live with cousins Alan and Jane Scott in Tacoma, Washington. In 1951, Louise met Johnny Culpepper Bundy at an adult singles night at Tacoma’s First Methodist Church. Johnny and Louise later married that year and Johnny formally adopted Ted. Johnny and Louise went on to have four children together, and whilst Johnny tried including Ted on family trips and outings, he remained distant.
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Teenage Ted Bundy
In 1965, Ted graduated from Woodrow Wilson High School and enrolled in the University of Puget Sound where he spent a year before transferring to the University of Washington to study Chinese. In 1967, he became involved romantically with a UW classmate, most commonly known as Stephanie Brooks in biographies. In 1968, he dropped out of college and worked at a series of minimum wage jobs; even working as Arthur Fletcher’s bodyguard and driver during his Lieutenant Governor campaign. Brooks then ended their relationship due to Bundy’s lack of ambition. He also took one semester at Temple University after returning back to Arkansas and Philadelphia to visit family. In 1969, Ted moved back to Washington where he met Elizabeth Kloepfer (also known in Bundy literature as Liz Kendall, Beth Archer, or Meg Anders). 
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Ted Bundy & Elizabeth Kloepfer
In 1970, Ted re-enrolled at the University of Washington as a psychology major. During this time he became an honor student and was well regarded by his professors. In 1971, he took a job at Seattle’s Suicide Hotline Crisis Center, where he met Anne Rule who noted nothing disturbing or abnormal about Bundy. In early 1973, despite his average law school admission scores, he was granted admittance to UPS and the University of Utah. In 1973, he rekindled his relationship with Stephanie Brooks. He also continued to date Elizabeth Kloepfer. Neither woman knew of the other at this time. During this time period, Brooks had flown in several times to stay with him in Seattle. He had discussed marriage with Stephanie and had also introduced her as his fiancee at a point. In 1974, he abruptly broke off all contact. He did not return phone calls or letters. After a month of trying, Brooks was finally able to contact Bundy by phone, asking why he had so abruptly ended the relationship without an explanation. He responded with, “Stephanie, I have no idea what you mean.” and hung up the phone. She never heard from him again after that. He had just wanted to prove to himself that he could marry her in retaliation of her ending their former relationship before. 
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Ted Bundy and Stephanie Brooks
Ted had been skipping classes in law school by this point and had stopped attending all together by april when the first series of murders were reported. Circumstantial evidence points Ann Marie Burr, an 8-year-old girl, as one of Bundy’s first victims in 1962.
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Ann Marie Burr, age 8
Washington/Oregon Murders
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College aged young women started to disappear at a rate of about one a month in Washington and Oregon. On January 4th, 1974, shortly after midnight, Bundy snuck into the basement apartment of 18-year-old Karen Sparks (also known as Joni Lenz, Mary Adams, or Terri Caldwell in Bundy literature). He bludgeoned her with a metal rod from her bed frame and then sexually assaulted her with the same rod. She was unconscious for 10 days but survived. She sustained major permanent physical and mental disabilities. In the early morning of February 1st, 1974, Bundy broke into the basement bedroom of Lynda Anne Healy. He beat her until she was unconscious, dressed her in a white blouse, blue jeans, and boots and carried her away from the scene. On March 12th, 1974, Donna Gail Manson, a 19-year-old student at the Evergreen State College in Olympia went missing as she left her dorm to attend a jazz concert that she would never attend. April 17th, 1974, Susan Elaine Rancourt disappeared from Central Washington State College, on her way back to her dorm after an advisors meeting. Two female students later came forward with encounters with the same man. One was on the night of Susan’s disappearance and the other was three days before that. The man had his arm in a sling and had asked the girls for help loading his books into a brown or tan Volkswagen beetle. In Corvallis at Oregon State University, on May 6th, 1974, Roberta Kathleen Parks, left her dormitory to meet friends for coffee and she never arrived. 
Police precincts were growing more and more concerned with each abduction. As they had no evidence or connection between each of the girls besides they were all young, attractive, college-aged, white women with their brown hair parted down the middle. On June 1st, 1974, Brenda Carol Ball, disappeared from the Flame Tavern in Burien, near the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport. She had last been seen in the parking lot with a brown-haired man with his arm in a sling. Not too long after that, on June 11th, 1974 Georgann Hawkins disappeared walking down a brightly lit alleyway between her boyfriend’s dormitory and her own sorority house. After Georgann’s disappearance was made public in the media, witnesses came forward reporting that they saw a man that night in an alley behind a nearby dormitory. He was on crutches with a leg cast and was struggling to carry a briefcase. Another witness had said that the man actually asked for her help. At this time Ted was working in Olympia as the Assistant Director of the Seattle Crime Prevention Advisory Commission. He wrote pamphlets for women on rape prevention here. He also later worked at the Department of Emergency Services (DES), which helped look for the missing women. This is where he met Carol Anne Boone, and began dating her (as well as Elizabeth Kloepfer).
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Carol Anne Boone
Pressure was immense on law enforcement at this time. This was very frustrating as panic spread through young women of the area, with six disappearances and one brutal beating. Rates of hitchhiking in young women dropped drastically. Police could not provide reporters with what little information they had because they did not want to compromise the investigation. Similarities between the victims were noted by the police in their investigations: The disappearances all took place at night, each disappearance was usually near ongoing construction work, also within a week of midterm or final exams. Every single victim was wearing slacks or blue jeans; and at most crime scenes, there were sightings of a man wearing a cast or a sling, and driving a brown or tan Volkswagen Beetle. On July 14th, 1974, five female witnesses on a beach at Lake Sammamish State Park in Issaquah, Washington, described an attractive man in a white tennis outfit with his arm in a sling. They also described him speaking in a light accent, possibly Canadian or British, and was introducing himself as Ted. He asked for their help in unloading a sailboat from his Volkswagen beetle. Four of the girls refused but one accompanied him to the point of the car in view. When she did not see a sailboat, she fled the area. Three other witnesses saw the man, now known as Ted, saw him approach Janice Ann Ott. He fed her the sailboat story and she was seen leaving the beach with him. Four hours after Janice’s disappearance, Denise Marie Naslund, vanished after leaving a picnic to use the restroom. 
Idaho/Utah Murders and Kidnappings
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In August 1974, Ted moved to Salt Lake City, Utah, after receiving a second letter of acceptance from the University of Utah Law School. He continued to call Elizabeth Kloepfer as he lived in Salt Lake, but dated at least a dozen other women at the time. On September 2nd, 1974, Ted abducted, raped, and murdered a still unknown hitchhiker in Idaho. On October 2nd, 1974, Ted kidnapped 16-year-old Nancy Wilcox from Holladay, a suburb of Salt Lake City. On October 18th, 1974, The daughter of the police chief of Midvale, Melissa Anne Smith, vanished after leaving a pizza parlor. Her body was found nine days later, nude, in a mountainous area. Postmortem reports say she may have remained alive for up to seven days after her disappearance. On October 17th, 1974, Laura Ann Aime disappeared after leaving a cafe around midnight. Her body was found by hikers, nine miles northeast of American Fork Canyon on Thanksgiving Day. Both, Melissa and Laura had been beaten, raped, sodomized, and were strangled with nylon stockings. November 8th, 1974, Ted approached Carol DaRonch, introduced himself as Officer Roseland and used the story of someone attempting to break into her car and to accompany him to the police station to make a report. When Carol pointed out that he was not going to the police station, he immediately pulled over to the shoulder of the road and tried to handcuff her. In their struggle, he accidentally handcuffed both cuffs to the same wrist. Carol was able to throw the door open and escape because of this. On the same evening, Debra Jean Kent disappeared after leaving a theater production to pick up her brother. The school's drama teacher and a student told police that "a stranger" had asked each of them to come out to the parking lot to identify a car. Another student later saw the same man pacing in the rear of the auditorium, and the drama teacher spotted him again shortly before the end of the play. Outside of the auditorium, investigators were able to recover a key that unlocked the handcuffs on Carol DaRonch’s wrists. 
In November, Elizabeth Kloepfer called King County police for the second time, after reading about the string of disappearances and murders in the towns surrounding Salt Lake. Bundy had risen considerably as a suspect among the King County Police, but the most reliable witness from Lake Sammamish could not identify in a photo lineup. In December, Elizabeth called the Salt Lake City police with her suspicions. Ted was then added to their list of suspects, but there were no credible forensic links to put him at any of the Utah crimes. In January of 1975, Ted returned to Seattle and stayed a week with Elizabeth. She did not tell him she had reported him to the police on three occasions. She also made plans to visit him in August of 1975 in Salt Lake. Unfortunately, Ted’s crimes moved to Colorado at this point. 
Colorado/Utah/Idaho Murders
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January 12th, 1975, Caryn Eileen Campbell disappeared walking down a well lit hallway between the elevator and her room at the Wildwood Inn in Snowmass Village, Colorado. Her body was found a month later on a dirt road next to the resort, nude. On March 15th, 1975, Julie Cunningham disappeared while walking to a dinner date with a friend from her apartment. April 6th, 1975, Denise Lynn Oliverson vanished while riding her bicycle to her parents house. Her bike and sandals were found near a railroad bridge in a viaduct. May 6th, 1975, Ted was able to lure 12-year-old Idaho native from Alameda Junior High School, Lynette Dawn Culver, to his hotel room in Salt Lake City, where he drowned and raped her. He disposed of her body in possibly the Snake river north of Pocatello. In Mid-May, three of Ted’s coworkers from DES came to stay with him for a week. This included Carol Anne Boone. They stayed for about a week. Subsequently, Ted visited Elizabeth Kloepfer in early June. They discussed getting married the following Christmas. She again made no comments about her talking to police on several occasions. Ted also did not disclose his ongoing relationship with Carol Anne Boone or his relationship with a Utah law student known as both; Kim Andrews or Sharon Auer. June 28th, 1975, Susan Curtis disappeared from the campus of Brigham Young University, forty-five miles south of Salt Lake City. In August of 1975, Ted was also baptized into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints although he did not follow any of the religious practices and was not an active participant in services. 
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On August 16th, 1975, Officer Bob Hayward of the Utah Highway Patrol, arrested Ted in Granger. This was another suburb of Salt Lake City. Hayward had observed him cruising the residential area in the pre-dawn hours. Ted then fled the area at high speeds after seeing Hayward’s patrol car. After noticing the front passengers seat was removed and placed on the back seat, the car was searched. Hayward found a ski mask, another mask fashioned from pantyhose, a crowbar, handcuffs, trash bags, rope, an ice pick, and other burglary tools. Ted had said that the mask was for skiing, he found the handcuffs in the dumpster, and the rest were household items. Detective Jerry Thompson remembered a similar looking suspect and car description from Carol DaRonch’s attempted kidnapping. Police then searched Bundy’s apartment and were able to turn up a guide to Colorado’s ski resorts with a checkmark next to the Wildwood Inn. They were also able to find a brochure for Viewmont High School play in Bountiful where Debra Kent disappeared. They although did not find enough evidence to detain Ted and he was released on his own recognizance. Ted claimed later that investigators missed his collection of polaroid photos of his victims and he destroyed them after his release. Salt Lake police placed Ted under a 24 hour surveillance. 
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Detective Thompson flew to Seattle with two other detectives to interview Elizabeth Kloepfer. Elizabeth told them that in the year prior to Ted’s move to Salt Lake, she had discovered things that she "couldn't understand" in her house and also in Ted's apartment. The items she found included crutches, a bag of plaster of Paris that he had admitted stealing from a medical supply house, and a meat cleaver that was never used for cooking. Additional things she found included surgical gloves, an Oriental knife in a wooden case that he just kept in the glove compartment of his car, and a sack full of women's clothing.  Ted was so far into debt, that Elizabeth suspected that he had stolen almost everything of significance that he owned. When she confronted him over a new TV and stereo, he warned her, "If you tell anyone, I'll break your fucking neck.” Elizabeth then mentioned that she would find Ted looking at her body with a flashlight under the covers on more than one occasion, and that he would get very upset if she mentioned cutting her hair. Which was long, brown, and parted in the middle. Detectives interviewing Elizabeth were able to confirm that Ted was not with her on any of the nights where the Pacific Northwest disappearances occurred. This is where Elizabeth learned about Stephanie Brooks and their brief engagement in 1973. In September, Ted sold his beetle to a Midvale teenager, but Utah police impounded it and dismantled it. They were able to find matching hair samples from Caryn Campbell. They also found “microscopically indistinguishable” hair strands from Melissa Smith and Carol DaRonch. On October 2nd, 1975, Police put Ted into a lineup and Carol DaRonch was able to identify him as Officer Roseland. Other witnesses were able to identify him as the stranger from the auditorium at Viewmont High School. He was able to be charged with aggravated kidnapping and attempted criminal assault in Carol DaRonch’s case. He was released on $15,000 bail, which was paid by his parents. He continued to live with Elizabeth Kloepfer during this time. 
In February 1976, Ted stood trial for Carol DaRonch’s kidnapping. He waived his right to trial by jury because of the negative views surrounding the case and opted for a bench trial. After a four day trial, and a weekend of deliberation, Ted was found guilty of kidnapping and assault. In June he was sentenced to one to fifteen years in the Utah State Prison. In October, he was found hiding in bushes in the prison yard carrying an "escape kit". This included road maps, airline schedules, and a social security card. He spent several weeks in solitary confinement for this. Later in October, Colorado authorities charged him with Caryn Campbell's murder. He waived his right to extradition and was transferred to Aspen in January 1977. 
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June 7, 1977, Ted was transported from the Garfield County jail in Glenwood Springs to Pitkin County Courthouse in Aspen for a preliminary hearing. He waived his right to a court appointed attorney and opted to serve as his own, and as such, was excused by the judge from wearing handcuffs or leg shackles. During a recess of the trial, he asked to visit the courthouse's law library to research his case. While out of view from his guards, behind a bookcase, he opened a window and jumped to the ground from the second story. He managed to injure his right ankle in the process as he landed. He shed the outer layer of his clothing. He walked through Aspen as roadblocks were being set up on its outskirts after noticing his disappearance, then hiked southward onto Aspen Mountain. Near the summit of the mountain, he broke into a hunting cabin. He was able to steal food, clothing, and a rifle. The following day he left the cabin and continued south toward the town of Crested Butte. Although, during this time he had managed to get lost in the forest. For two days he wandered aimlessly in the mountain forest, missing the two trails that led downward to his intended destination. On June 10th, 1977, he broke into a camping trailer on Maroon Lake, taking food and a ski parka; instead of continuing southward, he walked back north toward Aspen, eluding the roadblocks and search parties along the way. Three days later, he stole a car at the edge of an Aspen Golf Course. He drove back into Aspen, where two police officers noticed his car weaving in and out of its lane and pulled him over. He had been a fugitive for six days.
Back in jail at Glenwood Springs, Ted again ignored legal advice to stay put (not to try to escape again). It was said that the case against him, already weak at best, was deteriorating steadily as pre-trial motions consistently resolved in his favor and significant bits of evidence were ruled inadmissible. A quote stating, "A more rational defendant might have realized that he stood a good chance of acquittal, and that beating the murder charge in Colorado would probably have dissuaded other prosecutors... with as little as a year and a half to serve on the DaRonch conviction, had Ted persevered, he could have been a free man.” had shown that. But instead, Ted assembled a new escape plan. He acquired a detailed floor plan of the jail and a hacksaw blade from other inmates, and collected $500 in cash. This was smuggled in over a six-month period, by visitors, Mostly Carol Boone. During the evenings, while other prisoners were showering, he sawed a hole about one square foot, between the steel reinforcing bars in his cell's ceiling and, having lost 35 pounds, he was able to wriggle through it into the crawl space above. In the weeks that followed, he made several “practice runs”, exploring the space. Multiple reports from an informant of movement within the ceiling during the night were not investigated. By late 1977, Bundy's impending trial had become very high flying in the media in the small town of Aspen. Ted then filed a motion for a change of venue to Denver. On December 23rd, 1977, the Aspen trial judge granted the request, but he was sent to Colorado Springs, where juries had historically been hostile to murder suspects. On the night of December 30, with most of the jail staff on Christmas break and nonviolent prisoners on furlough with their families. Bundy piled books and files in his bed, covered them with a blanket to simulate his sleeping body, and climbed into the crawl space. He broke through the ceiling into the apartment of the chief jailer, who had been out for the evening with his wife. He changed into street clothes from the jailer's closet, and literally walked out the front door to his freedom.
Florida Murders and Assaults
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Ted arrived in Tallahassee, Florida on January 8th, 1978, and rented a room under the alias of Chris Hagen at the Holiday Inn. Here Bundy tried to find work and leave his criminal past behind, thinking he’d be able to remain free if he didn’t bring police suspicion onto himself. He then was forced to leave his only job application after being asked to provide identification. He reverted to shoplifting and stealing credit cards from women’s wallets out of shopping carts. On January 15th, 1978, he entered Florida State University’s sorority Chi Omega. Starting at 2:45am, he bludgeoned Margaret Bowman and then garoted her with a nylon stocking. He moved on to Lisa Levy’s bedroom, who was beaten unconscious, strangled her, tore one of her nipples, bit deeply into her left buttock, and sexuallly assaulted her with a hair mist bottle. In the bedroom adjoining Lisa's, he attacked Kathy Kliener. He had broken her jaw and had a deep laceration on her shoulder. Karen Chandler was also attacked in her bedroom, she suffered a concussion, loss of teeth, a broken jaw, and a crushed finger. Kathy and Karen both survived and attributed their survival to the attacker being scared off by headlights illuminating through the window. The whole attack happened within fifteen minutes with thirty witnesses in earshot who seemingly heard nothing. Shortly after leaving the sorority, Ted broke into the basement apartment of Cheryl Thomas, eight blocks away. He dislocated her shoulder and fractured her jaw and skull in five different places during this attack. 
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On February 8th, 1978, he approached the daughter of Jacksonville chief of Police, 12-year-old Leslie Parmenter, introducing himself as “Richard Burton, fire department”. He only backed off when challenged by Leslie’s older brother who had shown up to pick her up. That day, he backtracked to Lake City. February 9th, 1978, at Lake City Junior High, 12-year-old Kimberly Dianne Leach was summoned to retrieve a forgotten purse in her homeroom class and was never seen afterwards. Her mummified remains were found seven weeks afterwards in a pig farrowing shed near Suwannee River State Park. It appears she had been raped (her underwear was found near the body with semen in them) and her throat had been slit. On February 12th, 1978, Bundy could not pay his rent and had the growing suspicion that police were closing in on him, he decided to flee Tallahassee. Three days later he was apprehended by Pensacola officer, David Lee, near the Alabama border. In Miami, June of 1979, Ted stood trial for the Chi Omega killings and assaults. The jury deliberated for less than seven hours before convicting him on July 24, 1979, of the Bowman and Levy murders, three counts of attempted first degree murder and two counts of burglary. In January 1980, six months after his first Florida convictions, Ted stood trial in Orlando for the kidnapping of Kimberly Dianne Leach. After less than eight hours of deliberation, Ted was found guilty again. During the penalty phase of his trial, Bundy took advantage of an obscure Florida law; providing that a marriage declaration in court, in the presence of a judge, constituted a legal marriage. As he was questioning former Washington State DES coworker Carole Ann Boone, who had moved to Florida to be near Bundy, had testified on his behalf during both of his trials, and was again testifying on his behalf as a character witness, asked her to marry him. She accepted, and Bundy declared to the court that they were legally married. February 10th, 1980, Ted’s was sentenced to death by electrocution for the third time. In October of 1981, Carol Anne Boone, gave birth to a daughter and named Ted Bundy as the father. 
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Ted Bundy died by the Raiford electric chair at 7:16 a.m. EST on January 24, 1989. Hundreds of revelers sang, danced and set off fireworks in a pasture across from the prison as the execution was carried out, then cheered as the white hearse containing Bundy's corpse departed the prison. He was cremated in Gainesville, Florida and his ashes scattered at an undisclosed location in the Cascade Range of Washington State, in accordance with his will. 
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lit-society · 4 years
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After enjoying the long months of the summer with friends, family, and your books of choice, it’s finally time to start heading back to school. With our return to various academic institutions, the librarians and library assistants at LITSOCIETY would like to invite you to join us in our fourth book fair: ON CAMPUS. 
How to participate: 
pick a book that takes place in, or features, an academic institution as the setting or the basis of the plot 
if the school is not either a major setting or a plot device, the book most likely does not fit our book fair, however this is up to your discretion
this book fair will take place between September 1st and September 30th
if you have any questions about this book fair, please contact the head librarians 
once you’ve finished your novel, create something (graphic, moodboard, gif, etc.) to showcase in the library
when posting use the caption “@lit-society​ book fair 4: on campus + caption”
library assistants: make sure to use the tags #f. [book title] #m. [your name] #book 4 when sharing your piece with the library
remember to tag #litsociety in any creations made, so they can be added to the library 
This book fair is open to all, whether library employee or patron. We hope you enjoy your choice of book this month. For your aid, we’ve added a list of a few books that would fit the theme of this book fair below the cut. 
A Study in Charlotte – Brittany Cavallaro (321 pages, mystery, YA, retellings)
Again, but Better – Christine Riccio (373 pages, contemporary, YA, romance) 
An Education in Ruin – Alexis Bass (368 pages, YA, suspence, romance) 
Anna and the French Kiss – Stephanie Perkins (372 pages, YA, romance, contemporary) 
Carry On – Rainbow Rowell (522, YA, fantasy, LGBT) 
Emergency Contact – Mary H.K. Choi (394 pages, YA, romance, contemporary) 
Felix Ever After – Kacen Callender (368 pages, YA, LGBT, contemporary) 
Final Draft — Riley Redgate (272 pages, YA, contemporary, LGBT) 
First & Then – Emma Mills (272 pages, YA, contemporary, romance) 
Girls with Sharp Sticks – Suzanne Young (400, YA, science fiction, mystery) 
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone – JK Rowling (309 pages, middle grade, fantasy, fiction) 
Hex Hall (Hex Hall #1) – Rachel Hawkins (323 pages, YA, fantasy, romance)
I’d Tell You I Love You, But Then I’d Have To Kill You (Gallagher Girls #1)  – Ally Carter (284 pages, YA, romance, mystery) 
It’s Not Like It’s a Secret – Misa Sugiura (400 pages, YA, LGBT, romance) 
Looking for Alaska – John Green (221 pages, YA, fiction, contemporary)
Ninth House – Leigh Bardugo (459 pages, fantasy, adult, mystery) 
One of Us is Lying – Karen M. McManus (361 pages, YA, mystery, contemporary) 
Pretty Little Liars (Pretty Little Liars #1) – Sara Shepard (286 pages, YA, mystery, contemporary)
Romancing the Throne – Nadine Jolie Courtney (392 pages, YA, romance, contemporary)
S.T.A.G.S. – M.A. Bennett (290 pages, YA, mystery, thriller) 
Tell Me How You Really Feel – Aminah Mae Safi (312 pages, YA, romance, LGBT) 
The DUFF – Kody Keplinger (280 pages, YA, contemporary, romance)
The Hate You Give – Angie Thomas (444 pages, YA, own voices, contemporary) 
The Iron Trial (Magisterium #1) – Holly Black, Cassandra Clare (295 pages, fantasy, middle grade, fiction) 
The Perks of Being a Wallflower – Stephen Chbosky (213 pages, YA, fiction, contemporary) 
The Poet X – Elizabeth Acevedo (368 pages, poetry, own voices, contemporary) 
The Raven Boys (The Raven Cycle #1) – Maggie Stiefvater (409 pages, YA, fantasy, romance) 
The Rest of Us Just Live Here – Patrick Ness (348 pages, YA, fantasy, LGBT) 
The Secret History – Donna Tartt (559 pages, fiction, mystery, adult) 
The Vampire Diaries – LJ Smith (253 pages, YA, paranormal, romance)
This Adventure Ends – Emma Mills (320 pages, YA, romance, LGBT)
This Time Will Be Different – Misa Sugiura (416 pages, YA, contemporary, romance)
Tiny Pretty Things – Sona Charaipotra (448 pages, YA, contemporary, mystery) 
Truly Devious – Maureen Johnson (416 pages, YA, mystery, contemporary) 
Twilight – Stephanie Meyer (501 pages, YA, paranormal, romance) 
Vampire Academy – Richelle Mead (332 pages, YA, paranormal, romance) 
Where I End & You Begin – Preston Norton (304 pages, YA, romance, LGBT) 
Wicked Fox – Kat Cho (429 pages, YA, fantasy, romance) 
You Should See Me in a Crown – Leah Johnson (328 pages, YA, LGBT, contemporary)
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stevebillyrecs · 5 years
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Not-So-Fluffy Holiday Season Recs
Ho-ho-ho, it’s that time of the year again! Where we all drown in thoughtful gifts, family bonding, and mistletoe kisses! If you’re looking for something other than just pure fluff (like me) but still want to get your holiday season fix, this is the rec list for you. That’s not to say that there won’t be any fluff, just that it’s not the sole focus of the story!
Included: Christmas, Thanksgiving, and New Year’s Eve fics containing family drama, smut, heavy plot, or just some good ol’ angsty pining. Also, still a whole lot of fluff in between the non-fluff. Not included: Fics about any other, especially non-Christian holidays… because I couldn’t find a single one. Sad!
24 fics under the cut!
mistletoe and other holiday propaganda by brawlite / @brawlite & ToAStranger / @toast-ranger-to-a-stranger (54k, E)
Everybody wants something for Christmas. It just so happens that the only way for everyone to get what they want is for Billy and Steve to pretend to be dating over Christmas break. It’s really the only option.
Yule Shoot Your Eye Out by eternalgoldfish / @eternalgoldfish (3k, T)
Steve moves to Indianapolis to avoid Hawkins, but Billy doesn’t get the memo. Now it’s Christmas, they’re snowed in at work, and Steve is giving up on holidays. Merry Christmas, I could care less.
been crawling series by kate_button / @un-buttoned (8k, E)
The crop top was right there on the main aisle in the women’s section. Steve’s not entirely sure, like, why it exists, but he’s not disappointed about it. The rest of it came together pretty quickly (and cheaply) after that. So anyway, that’s how he finds himself drinking jungle juice out of a red solo cup looking like the twenty-two-year-old-man version of Karen Smith, animal ears and too much skin, bada boom, costume. I’m a dog. Duh.
You Get the Mistletoe and I’ll Be Your Santa, Baby by LazyBaker / @granpappy-winchester (2k, G)
Steve’s looking at him and Billy’s wearing Steve’s itchy and warm handmade I love you sweater, looking right back. They’re sharing a blanket.
nothing is finite (in the evening light) by Philosoferre / @babyhargrove (22k, T)
“It’d be convenient,” Billy adds. He’s looking at Steve expectantly, but he’s still a little guarded. “And, uh. Road trips, you know. They’re supposed to be fun and shit. Don’t make this a bigger deal than it is, Harrington.” Steve finds himself smiling; he doesn’t bother trying to hide it. Billy narrows his eyes curiously. "Sure,” Steve says. Or, Steve and Billy go on a road trip to Hawkins for Christmas break. Both of them might be very much in love.
If You Kissed Me Now by socknonny / @socknonny (1k, T)
When Steve kisses Jonathan under the mistletoe at the Byers’ Christmas party, it’s only for a joke. But for some reason, it sets Billy off, and Steve won’t leave him alone until he understands why.
Christmas in the Benz by flippyspoon / @flippyspoon (6k, E)
Steve escapes a crappy Harrington Christmas only to find another crappy Christmas refugee.
Under the Moon by ImNeitherNor / @imneithernor (3k, T)
“Hargrove?” The voice yanks Billy back into the present and he stands up fast enough to make himself dizzy. He blinks twice, shifts his boots in the snow, and looks over to where the voice had floated from. Standing in his Members Only jacket with that fucking bat over his shoulder, Steve looks at him like he’s seen a ghost. Billy clenches his fists and notices how Steve’s eyes trail to the blood on his mouth, the blossoming color on his cheek. “You’re bleeding,” Steve points out, like Billy doesn’t know that. “Really fucking observant, Harrington,” Billy curls his lip up and flicks his tongue out, over the split, and Steve’s eyes follow it like they always do. It’s a visceral thrill up his spine but anger eats it up. Steve is off limits and, as much as Billy wants to lick into his mouth and feel those lean muscles against his own, he isn’t stupid.
I don’t want a lot for Christmas by r0nj4 / @a-station-on-your-way (1k, M)
Steve buys a Christmas present and has mixed feelings about it.
well damn, billy, i can't control the weather by obsceme / @hartigays (7k, T)
narrator: and there was only one bed all of us, collectively: (gasps) and there was only one bed
Last Christmas by shocked_into_shame / @bornwithoutsin (2k, E)
It’s Billy and Steve’s first Christmas together, and Steve will not stop singing that fucking Wham song. Billy doesn’t mind, though, because Steve agrees to make it up to him.
Thankful For by ChrisLeon / @vgorodye (8k, NR)
The ad read: ‘No one to bring home for the holidays? Looking to piss off your parents? I’m your guy. 22 y.o. ex-con, never graduated high school, proud owner of a Camaro one year younger than I am. I can play anywhere from 18 to 29 depending on if I shave or not. Currently working as a line cook and late nights at a bar. If you’d like to have me as your strictly platonic date for Thanksgiving, but have me pretend to be in a serious relationship with you to torment your family, I’m down.’ Steve knew it was bad idea. He clicked on it anyway.
Five Days (To Midnight) by Blink_Blue / @winters-blue-children (7k, E)
It's been months since Steve left Hawkins and walked out of Billy's life. He's back for the holidays and Billy gets one last chance to make things right. They have five days together. Five days left of the year. Five days to cherish.
Time after Time by lemonlovely / @lemonlovely (10k, E)
“Really, Harrington. Stop avoiding the question. Tell me.” Those blue eyes flashed like an animal's in the dark depths of the Camaro. He repeated himself, enunciating like Steve was particularly slow. “Why. Would I have seen. Your wallet?” Steve glared down at Billy, feeling like they were caught in some kind of a staring contest that he hadn’t actually initiated, but also didn’t particularly want to lose either. Which seemed to happen a lot when he was around Billy – and that hadn’t been a lot for a few months. He’d been avoided like the plague, or maybe it was the other way around. Jesus Christ, apparently Billy was really gonna make him say it, as much as Steve didn't want to. He grit his teeth together. “Because.” Steve said. “I think I might have left it in…the backseat of your car. You know. That night. And I need it back.”
Deck the Fucking Halls by XxmerthurcatxX / @callmelilyshameless (700, T)
Billy hates Christmas but he loves Steve.
Mountain of Dreams by socknonny / @socknonny (1k, E)
Steve's drunk, and someone is singing.
Rivers 'Til I Reach You by tracy7307 / @tracy7307 (10k, E)
“I know lifting's a bad idea but I��m feeling.” Shame twisted up in Billy’s gut, and he toyed at his lasagna with his fork. “I don’t feel as. I don’t know. Confident.” His muscle mass was not as bulky as it used to be -- his abs and biceps just a shadow of what they once were. He had a soft little belly now. And then there were the scars. Dark pink floral patterns of scars all wound over his back, sides, and abdomen. Suddenly the thought of shirtless summer weather struck dread in his heart. For now, long-sleeved henleys and sweatshirts provided the perfect way for him to hide. It was literally the only time he’d been thankful for winter. “Hey,” Harrington said from across the table. He paused until Billy looked up to his eyes. His tone grew delicate and serious. “I’m not fucking around, okay? You. Look. Good.” And the way that Harrington looked at him -- brown eyes soft, his gaze lingering on Billy’s face. On his eyes. Well, maybe he meant it. “Yeah?” Billy asked. He felt his face heating. “You think so?” Harrington took the last bite of his lasagna. “Definitely.”
I Play Along with the Charade by moonflowers / @eatingmoonflowers (7k, T)
Billy'd been keeping an even closer eye on Harrington after that night at the Byers' - only natural, right? Thing is, watching and wondering never was enough for Billy.
in the wilderness life becomes by lymricks / @lymricks (3k, T)
Back in Hawkins for a winter break, Steve and Billy remember what it was like and learn about what it could be. Or, three old memories of Hawkins and one new one.
Bah Humbug, Billy Hargrove by LaVeraceVia / @laveracevia (14k, E)
“It’s okay, Billy. You’re not in any danger. No one can hear us,” Harrington says, and something about his tone—it’s not right. It’s too calm. Too…what? Certain. It’s too certain. Steve Harrington doesn’t talk like that. He means to say are you fucking high?, but what comes out instead is, “Who are you?” “Would you believe me if I said I was your guardian angel?”
merry christmas (i don’t want to fight tonight) by gothyringwald / @gothyringwald (1k, T)
Billy stands alone by the wall, beer in hand, a string of lights twinkling cheerfully above his head. Across the room Stacy Brent corners Steve under the mistletoe, pointing at it with one artfully manicured nail and smiling suggestively. His stomach turns and his blood heats. He chugs his beer, wipes his hand over the back of his mouth, jaw clenching as Stacy leans in.
Tell me, baby by socknonny / @socknonny (2k, M)
Steve finds Billy chopping down the worst tree in the entire Christmas Tree Farm.
A Love Thing by tracy7307 / @tracy7307 (2k, E)
Even five months after recovering from his injuries, Billy still has residual effects from the mindflayer. It's Christmas. Steve wants to help.
Happy Holidays From Your Least Favourite Homosexuals by bry0psida / @bry0psidawrites (1k, T)
Steve's family haven't had any contact with him since he came out as bi. He gets wind from Robin that he's being excluded from the family Christmas Card. Billy has the solution.
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Sleep Alone - Part One
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Pairing: Namjoon x Female Reader (ft. Hoseok and Seokjin)
Word Count: 3.9k
Rating: PG-13
Genres: SFW, Soulmate AU, Angst (Future Fluff)
Summary:  The timer on your wrist is ticking away until the moment you get to meet your soulmate. You often spend time daydreaming about your him. The time remaining on the timer has fluctuated throughout your life. Each big decision you or your soulmate makes can have an affect on the timer. A week before you finally get to meet, the timer gets extended by an additional forty years.
Warnings: Mentions of drugs, drug dealing, drug lording, meth labs, death, murder, blood, scary guys being scary dudes, someone gets arrested, but there is not smut lmao. 
A/N: Proud to be part of Bangtan Scenery’s April Showers Bring May Flowers Collab! This is the first part of this fic. Part two will be coming in May! I may also do a NSFW one shot later this year. I’m excited to continue working on my soulmate series (one for each member). They are all based on songs by Waterparks, check out Sleep Alone. 
Big shout out to @megahwn and @ho-baebae​ for beta reading and thank you to @lovely-literati​ for always being supportive. Love y’all! 💜
The street is deserted, only one parked car about a few feet away. He sneaks around the corner into the alleyway. Careful not to step on any debris or in any puddles, he slinks past the dumpster overflowing with garbage. He can barely make it out in the dark, but he’s found the door with the marking. 
He reaches into his back pocket for his lock picking kit, but when he begins to work on the door he finds it unlocked. He pauses, unsure if he should continue inside, but the overwhelming metallic scent of blood floods his nostrils.
He rushes into the building. The first room is large and dim. But he can see boxes, buckets, beakers, tubing, and trash everywhere. It’s a meth lab. The smell of ammonia starts to overtake the smell of the blood. Until he sees two bodies in the next room and one big puddle of blood between them. 
As he approaches cautiously he begins to recognize one of the people. Dae-hyun. He falls to his knees. The one person he was trying to protect from all this. Before the grief strikes him, there’s a crash from the other room. And footsteps. And then his chest is on the ground, the breath knocked out of him, a knee in his back. A booming voice.
“Kim Namjoon, you are under arrest for the murders of Jung Dae-hyun and Yoo Young-jae. You have the right to remain silent...” 
It’s the same dream you always have. Following the path of rose petals up the hill. The sun is setting and at the top you can see him: your soulmate. You’ve never been able to see his face. You always wake up just before you reach him. This time as you approach the hill, he’s nowhere to be seen.
The gentle thunder from the approaching storm wakes you from your sleep. An early morning thunderstorm, one of your favorite types of weather. The gray sky and light drizzle almost lull you back to sleep. But just as you’re dozing off you see it. Your timer. 
You have to do a double take. Forty-four years? Just last night your soulmate timer was counting down from four years. It’s not uncommon for it to change. 
Each decision you make could potentially affect the timer. You changed your mind about college three times before you settled on the one that only added two years to the timer. One day, your timer went from 5 years to 3 minutes, but then quickly returned to 5 years. You had just been watching TV, so you often wondered what decision your soulmate made that brought you so close together and why he would have changed his mind. 
But you couldn’t have done anything in your sleep last night to cause this... what did he do?
It’s the story of the year. Of all the exciting cities across the world, it has to be breaking in your hometown. The sexy new drug lord, Kim Namjoon, finally caught. It’s sick, but it makes for good news. Or whatever Buzzfeed is. They’re taking it as far as possible with their quizzes and bullshit articles. 
Are you compatible with Kim Namjoon?
10 reasons why Kim Namjoon is the sexiest drug lord of the century. 
Which paradise should you and Kim Namjoon escape to?
22 things to know about Kim Namjoon’s life before drugs. 
Kim Namjoon as exoctic birds.
It’s not something you would normally be interested in, but during your morning social media scroll, one article catches your eye. 
Could Kim Namjoon be your soulmate? Click here to see his timer. 
There’s something growing in the pit of your stomach. It really really couldn’t be. The fact that the story broke the same day your timer had 40 years added means nothing... Right?
You check the comments, refusing to give into click bait. 
Kim Min-seo
President Namjoon 2020
Steven Borden
Why do we care about this? He’s a murderer and drug dealer. 
Karen Smith
prayers for the family
Jae Lee
He can murder me any day of the week. 
Julie Ann
Can’t imagine having a half empty bed for 44 years. Thank god I got my mans already.
The feeling in your stomach radiates throughout your body. It can’t be. You give in and click on the article. A picture of Kim Namjoon. A close up of his wrist. It’s not exactly the same as yours, but it was taken two days ago. At 3pm. You do the math in your head. Then you do it again on a piece of paper. Then you plug it into Google, just to be sure. 
It’s him. 
So if any of you ladies or fellas out there have the matching timer, you can find him at the 48th Police Precinct before he’s transferred to a maximum security prison upstate. Click here to stay up to date on all things Kim Namjoon. 
A gif of Namjoon being escorted into the police station plays on a loop at the end of the article. He is beautiful isn’t he? He could be a murderer, a full on drug lord. But as it begins to fully sink in, you know there has to be more to the story. Your soulmate couldn’t really be a killer. 
There was no air conditioning on the bus to the police station. The warmth of late spring is making you sweat. You might think it was just your nerves, but the overwhelming smell of body odor confirms that everyone else is sweating too. 
Looking around the bus at the other passengers, it’s hard to imagine where they might be coming from or where they’re going. Most people are probably doing normal things, shopping, going to work, visiting friends. Is anyone else on their way to face their soulmate?
Some chattering from the front of the bus pulls you out of your head for a moment. Everyone on the bus begins looking out the windows on the opposite side. You crane your neck to try to see what everyone else is looking at. It’s a crowd of people, but that’s about all you can make out. 
“Stop #27: West 12th Street!” The bus driver announces over the intercom. The bus slows to a stop, your stop, right in front of the police station. 
Fiddling with the strap from your bag, you exit the bus slowly. Soon you’re able to get a good look at the crowd. It’s mostly young women, all crowded near the entrance of the police station. They’re holding signs, it must be a protest of some kind. 
As you get closer you can read some of the signs. 
The protest signs seem... inappropriate? Especially considering he was arrested for murder and not his alleged drug lord-ing. 
“Free Namjoon!” Shouts the girl wielding the “President Namjoon 2020” sign. 
“He’s too hot for prison!” The girl next to her screams.
“Ji-woo shut up! You’re invalidating the cause.” You don’t stay to hear Ji-woo’s rebuttal, instead opting to duck inside the police station before they engage you. 
It’s a bustling place. Lots of people in the waiting room. A woman with two small children is ahead of you in line trying to reason with the woman behind the counter. She’s trying to convince her that the $10,000 bond for her husband’s DUI is unreasonable. 
“Ma’am, the judge sets the bail amount. There are bail bonds services down the street. Next!” She motions for you to step up to the counter.
“How can I help you?” She asks, not making eye contact, but instead clacking away at her keyboard.
“I’m here... to see Kim Namjoon?” It comes out as a question, without looking up she responds.
“You can go join the group of your friends waiting outside. No one can see him. Next!” There is a grunt from the man behind you in line when you don’t move immediately. 
“I think...” You start quietly. “I’m his soulmate.” The woman stops typing to look up at you. You reluctantly pull back your sleeve and show her your timer, still ticking away. 
“I see.” She stands and disappears down a hall and out of sight. You fight the urge to look around the room, not wanting to make eye contact with anyone who might have heard you. The forty years on your timer don’t change and you’re not sure what this means. Maybe they still won’t let you see him, soulmate or not. 
After several minutes of awkwardly standing and waiting, she returns with a police officer. 
“Ma’am please come with me.” The officer motions toward a door that leads out of the waiting room and the woman returns to her keyboard. The officer meets you on the other side of the door. It’s quieter than you expected. A bulletin board of wanted flyers stares back at you. 
“He doesn’t want to see you, but he was willing to add you to his phone call list.” Your stomach drops. How could he not want to see you? He’s the one who’s been arrested, it’s you that shouldn’t be willing to see him.
The officer continues down the hall to a small conference room. There are two other people in it, another police officer and a man. The officer guides you in and then leaves. 
“Hi please have a seat and fill out this form.” It’s a fairly simple form. Name, address, phone, relationship to detainee....
“Who are you?” The man next to you asks. He’s looking at you trying to fill out the form. You don’t respond to him at first, because who is he? He looks like any other guy off the street. Well maybe not quite. He’s dressed in basic dark jeans and a graphic t-shirt, but he is very handsome.
“I’ve never seen you before, why are you here to see Namjoon?” He prompts you again. He must know Namjoon. But if he’s friends with Namjoon... Namjoon the potential drug lord and murderer... can he be trusted?
“I’m his soulmate.” The words still feel awkward falling out of your mouth. But you don’t have much choice but to trust him. He’s your only line into the life of Namjoon. The man tenses up, drops his head into his hands. He says nothing, the lights in the room flicker slightly.
After too much awkward silence, you push your completed form toward the officer across the table. He tells you that you may receive calls from the station or prison when Namjoon is able to call, but the only way for you to reach out to him is to send letters to the prison. You thank him for the information and pause, waiting to see if Namjoon’s friend will say anything. He doesn’t, so you get up and leave the room. 
You manage to get out of the police station and through the crowd of weird fan girls before the tears start flowing. What are you supposed to do now? Just wait around and hope he calls? 
“Hey! Hey!” You turn and see the man from the conference room running toward you. You quickly wipe the tears away and straighten your posture. He slows a bit before approaching you cautiously. 
“I’m really sorry. I don’t know... God. I don’t really know what’s going on to be honest. I just know that what they’re saying... what they’ve accused him of. It isn’t true.” Even though he’s a stranger. Even though you have no reason to trust him. You feel relieved. 
“Who are you?” You finally ask him. He smiles a little and stretches out his hand.
“I’m Jung Hoseok.”
Namjoon’s friend, Hoseok, walks with you down the street to a cafe. He buys you a drink and tells you about Namjoon, the English, Government, and Philosophy triple major. The boy set to start law school in the fall. His best friend for years now, the friend who helped him finally find his own soulmate connection. 
And now here you are. Namjoon’s soulmate, sitting across from Hoseok at a coffee shop. 
“So, you clearly don’t think he could have done this,” you mumble across the table, “so what do you think is going on?” Hoseok is quiet for a long moment. He’s looking down at the cup of coffee, stirring mindlessly.
“I think he’s being framed.” The air between you is heavy, the weight of the situation settling onto your shoulders. 
“Namjoon has- had this friend from his childhood,” Hoseok starts again, “he got mixed up into some bad things.”
“Dae-hyun?” You ask before taking another sip of your drink. Hoseok nods.
“I know Namjoon was trying to help him. He asked me to follow Dae-hyun a few times because he wouldn’t have recognized me.” Hoseok shakes his head a bit, as if he’s wiping away some memories.
“You followed him? That was so dangerous, why would you do that?” You question. 
“I owed him one.” A faint smile crosses Hoseok’s lips. 
“Well.... Did you learn anything?” Eager to hear more, eager to figure out how to fix this problem.
“Dae-hyun was dealing something, I’m not sure what. I guess meth, they found Joon in a meth lab didn’t they?” Hoseok takes a drink before continuing. “Dae-hyun was in a relationship with the other guy that was killed, Young-jae. I wasn’t sure, but Namjoon thought they were together. He said Dae-hyun would never do drugs much less sell them, so he assumed Dae-hyun must have been trying to help Young-jae get off drugs, get out of the drug ring.”
“Why did Namjoon do all this, why not go to the police?” You ask, your head beginning to hurt. Trying to connect the dots is taking its toll. 
“If he had reported it to the police they would have busted Dae-hyun and Young-jae.” Hoseok pauses. “I think Namjoon was trying to take down the whole drug ring.”
“By himself?” You laughed to yourself. The stupidity... the guts... your soulmate is something else, isn’t he?
“Namjoon is a genius, but even more than that he’s compassionate and caring. And he must have been close, because they framed him for murder, framed him for running the drug ring himself.” Hoseok was right. The real leader of the drug ring must have felt Namjoon was getting too close to exposing them. 
“Hoseok?” You tilt your head to the side, an idea brewing in your mind. “Do you think Namjoon may have left any evidence or clues for someone to find?”
“What are you thinking?” Hoseok raised his eyebrows. 
It wasn’t difficult for you to convince Hoseok to take you to Namjoon’s apartment. It’s proving to be much more difficult to convince him to cross the crime scene tape. 
“Hoseok this isn’t even where the alleged crime took place!” You shout, tugging your hands, trying to break Hoseok’s grip on you. 
“We have to be careful about this. If we get incriminated too there won’t be anyone left to help Namjoon.” You don’t want to admit it, but he’s right. 
“This is the closest I can be to him Hoseok, please let me go in.” Your shoulders droop and you stop fighting him. He doesn’t let you go though. He’s about to speak, but before he does, both of you hear footsteps running down the hallway. 
A tall man wearing a baby pink sweatshirt is running toward the two of you. Hoseok drops your wrists and puts his hands on his hips with a huff.
“Jin what are you doing here?” Hoseok greets his friend with a hand slap and a bro hug. 
“I don’t know exactly. My fiance sent me here to see if I could find anything helpful. She’s headed to Namjoon’s hometown to be with his family. They were close growing up.”
“Oh yeah... does that mean she was friends with Dae-hyun too?” Hoseok questions.
“Yeah she’s really upset about it.” Jin turns to you finally. “So who are you?” 
“She’s Joon’s soulmate.” Hoseok says before you can answer. 
“Bad timing, huh?” You laugh a bit to stave off the uncomfortable feeling. 
“Yeah, well. I know a thing or two about bad soulmate timing. I’m Seokjin.” You shake his hand. He laughs a bit, not bothering to tell you about his soulmate story. The focus is back on entering Namjoon’s apartment. 
Hoseok stands in front of the door, still wanting to weigh the options. Without hesitation Seokjin begins furiously tickling Hoseok’s underarms. Hoseok doubles over in laughter and then dead weights himself, sending both of them toppling to the ground. While both of them are laughing, you decide to reach for the door. 
The door is unlocked, so you swing it open. You step through the tape, trying not to break it. Silence breaks over the three of you. The boys scurry to their feet and enter the apartment behind you.
“Don’t leave your finger prints on anything.” Hoseok whispers. It takes a moment for it to set it in, but the more you look around the room it’s easier to see. 
Someone has been here. The place has been completely trashed. Drawers are open, couch cushions thrown about, pictures and decorations knocked down and smashed. You reach down and pick up a framed picture of Namjoon and his family. The glass falls out, so you remove the picture and slip it into your pocket. 
Before anyone can say anything, there’s a sound from the back of the apartment where the bedroom must be. It sounds like a drawer slamming and then someone curses. Someone else is in the apartment. 
The hair on the back of your neck stands up and you look back at Hoseok and Seokjin. They’re both frozen. Footsteps are coming from the hallway and a figure comes out of the shadows. Hoseok grabs your arm and pushes you back behind him. 
It’s a man, yet another person you don’t recognize. He’s wearing all black and a leather jacket. Hoseok seems to tense further upon seeing the man’s face. 
“What the hell are you doing here Min-jae?” Hoseok demands. The man stills upon seeing the three of you standing there. He puts his hands up and slowly continues walking toward you. 
“Probably the same thing you are. I just need some answers man.” Min-jae stops about ten feet away and puts his arms down. Hoseok turns to you. 
“Young-jae’s brother.” Hoseok mouths this information to you, trying to hide what he knows.
“I need to know what happened! Why would this guy kill my brother?” Min-jae shouts. He kicks a chair over in the kitchen while tears begin to fall down his face. 
“Listen, we came here to figure something out too.” Hoseok continues, cautiously approaching the man. “Namjoon didn’t do this. He loved Dae-hyun, he was trying to help them. Dae-hyun was on drugs, your brother was probably trying to help too, but just got caught up in the mess.” 
Hoseok was intentionally sharing the wrong information. He must have a reason to not trust Min-jae. Seokjin looks over at you and you shake your head once, so slightly as to not let Min-jae see. 
“Well good luck because I haven’t found anything.” Min-jae let out an exasperated sigh. 
“You’ve never been here before, so maybe we should give it a once over. We’ve all seen this place before.” Hoseok says, again, not the truth. You’ve never been here. You play along with Hoseok’s ruse. 
The four of you search the house for anything that might be helpful. It’s more difficult than you thought because you don’t know what you’re looking for. But you are learning about Namjoon. 
In the kitchen you learned that he seems to eat a lot of take away and instant ramen. In the bathroom you learned that he has a full skin care routine and that he uses cinnamon toothpaste. In the bedroom you learn that he probably misses the hamper when he’s in a hurry, and based on the polaroids taped to the wall, he enjoys traveling. Back in the living room, you learn that Namjoon is an avid reader. You’ve parked yourself in front of his book shelf, scanning each title carefully. 
“He’s always got a book with him.” Seokjin says as he comes out of the kitchen. He reaches past you to grab a book from the shelf. It’s leather-bound and has his name printed across the cover. 
Seokjin opens it and the two of you stand there, silently looking through the notes scrawled throughout the pages. Except, they aren’t notes. They’re song lyrics. 
Your phone begins loudly ringing in your pocket, causing both you and Seokjin to jump. You excuse yourself into the hallway. It’s an unknown number, your heart skips a beat. 
“Hello?” You answer quietly. 
“A detainee at the 48th Police Precinct is attempting to contact you, do you accept?” An automated voice is on the other line. This is it. Namjoon is calling. 
“I’m so sorry.” Kim Namjoon on the other end of the call, it sounds like he’s crying. “I never meant for any of this to happen.”
“Oh I know sweetheart.” You coo into the phone, it feels strangely natural to comfort him.
“Where are you?” He sniffles.
“I’m with Hoseok at your place.” You continue speaking in a hushed tone.
“Okay that’s good. Stay with him until this is over. You can’t trust anyone else.” The words send a chill down your spine, reiterating the seriousness of the situation. 
“Seokjin is here too.” Your voice is trembling now, your hands shaking. 
“Jin is safe.”
“A guy named Min-jae was here when we got here.”
“Son of a bitch.” Hoseok seemed to be suspicious of him and Namjoon’s reaction confirms that he is bad news. “Listen to me. Listen carefully.” Namjoon takes a deep breath.
“I can’t say much, I don’t know who is listening. There is a small flash drive taped to the back of the painting above my couch. Jin will know who to take it to. Get away from Min-jae as soon as you can, don’t let him see the flash drive.”
“Namjoon I-”
“You don’t have to do any of this, you can leave now and I won’t blame you-”
“No!” You almost shout it, probably getting the attention of the boys back inside the apartment. “No, I’m in this now. We’re in this together.” Namjoon takes a deep breath.
“Thank you. Please get yourself out of there.”
“I’ll see you soon, Namjoon.” You say firmly. It’s not an option. You will get him out. 
“See you soon.” He chuckles lightly before hanging up the phone. 
You take a moment, pressing your back against the wall. You try to catch your breath, but instead you cry. The tears silently roll down your face.
Back in the apartment, the three boys seem to be in the back of the apartment continuing their search. You tiptoe toward the couch and reach for the painting. It comes off the wall easily and you set it down silently on the couch cushion. 
It takes a minute to spot it. It is actually very small and painted to be the same color as the back of the painting. You carefully remove it and stick it in your front pocket. You put the painting back up and turn to go find Hoseok and get the hell out. 
Min-jae is there behind you, staring at you. 
“Find anything interesting?”
Thank you for reading! Part Two coming soon! Check out my Not Warriors Soulmate Series Masterlist! 
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cecevolume · 4 years
On The List (Part One)
Prompt from @halfbloodfox:  I’m looking for something where Lucifer has to take care of Trixie. Maybe, Decker is stuck at court testifying on a case, Dan is whothefuckknowswhere, Maze is on a hunt and at school Trixie gets hurt or sick. Surprise, Lucifer gets the call. He’s on The List? Since when? During Season 2 or 3, pre 4 nonsense at least. What do you think?
This was...unexpected.  And perhaps a little unprecedented.
Just a half hour before, it had been a semi-normal day for he and the detective, dressed in their best--well, not him, but the respect for the court was there--as Chloe waited to be called to testify.  Per usual, he tagged along, a charming ace in the hole, just in case.
But then his shirt had started buzzing outside the large double doors; to be more exact, his phone was ringing.
“Lucifer,” Chloe hissed as a clerk eyed them while they passed by, “turn it off vibrate!”
Smiling winningly, he reached for his chest pocket, purring, “An honest mistake, Detective; I assure you, I know proper procedure for the courtroom.”  He glanced at the screen, eyebrow raising as a bell of familiarity rang in his head.  “Should I know this number?” he asked, turning the screen towards Chloe.
She frowned, taking the phone from him as she murmured, “That’s Trixie’s school.”
“But why--”
Holding up a hand to stop him, she answered, “Hello?  Yes, Ms. Hendersen, I’m being brought to testify today.  Uh huh.  Oh, no, did you try Dan?  Of course not.  No, no, it’s not a problem; I’ll send Lucifer to pick her up.”  She paused for a long time, a muscle ticking in her brow.  “That’s a question for him at another time, don’t you think?  Uh huh.  Yeah, goodbye.”
Tilting his head, Lucifer asked, “Was that Trixie’s lovely school administrator--”
“Don’t.  Even.  Star,” Chloe growled, handing him back his phone.  The door beside them opened just a crack and the DA motioned for her to join them.  With a nod, she didn’t spare Lucifer a glance as she moved to the doors.  “I need you to pick up Trixie; she threw up in math class.  I’ll leave here as soon as I get the okay.”  Before she squeezed in the door, she muttered quickly, “Ginger ale--she likes Canada Dry best--for her stomach, some toast or crackers to have in her system.  Make sure she takes little sips.  This should be done in a couple hours and then I’ll be home.”
“Detective--” he said in alarm, reaching towards her, but the door was already closed.  For a moment, he just stood there, wondering two things simultaneously: did Chloe really trust him with her sick offspring and why did the school call his phone?
It hardly mattered now, however, what made sense.  Sitting in his Corvette outside an elementary school, he found that he was...uncomfortable.  It wasn’t often there was a situation he found himself unable to figure out--in fact, the first hadn’t been until he’d met the detective two years before--yet here he was.  Sure, he’d learned how to occupy Trixie, but this was new territory.
How did one pick up a sick child from their school and adequately take care of them?
Taking a deep breath, he got out of his car, striding towards the doors.  How hard can it truly be? he wondered, confidence growing the closer he got to the building.  If Daniel can do it, of course I’ll be able to.
Following the signs to the “office”--a large, gray room with children’s paintings hanging everywhere, most of the space taken up by a quadruple desk with five women squished side by side at their computers--Lucifer idly took out his handkerchief, wiping his hands as he eyed several of the drawings.
Surprisingly, there were a few that showed a real talent, should they continue honing the craft.
“Hello?” one of the women greeted hesitantly to his back.  “Can I help you?”
He turned with a charming grin, noting the immediate softening of all the secretaries’ faces.  “Hello, ladies,” he answered, strolling to the desk with his hands in his pockets.  “I actually received a call from Debra--Ms. Hendersen, asking that I pick up Beatrice Decker-Espinoza.  I know I’m not her parent--”
“Oh, you’re the infamous Lucifer Morningstar!” the first woman cried, nearly tipping her chair backwards as she stood.  Holding out a hand, she added, “Trixie is through that door, in the nurse’s office.  Karen will go and grab her while you sign her out.”  She shoved a clipboard with an attached pen under his nose.  “Just her name, your name, why you’re picking her up, and the time.”
Holding the pen, he raised an eyebrow at the woman.  That was certainly easy.  Did she already know to expect a deal?  Or was this her idea of flirting?  The memory of Malcolm Graham flashed through his mind and his gaze turned foreboding.  “Is it truly that easy to just pluck a child from your facilities?” he demanded, anger burning in his belly.
“Oh, my, you’re right!  I do need your picture ID to compare your information to what we have in the system,” she answered quickly, blushing wildly.  “I’m so sorry, it’s just that Debra gave such a...thorough description of you, I completely forgot!”
He slowly reached for his wallet, pulling out his license and handing it to her.  “Why would a primary school have my information?”
“Well, after the...kidnapping,” she said slowly, peeking a quick glance at one of the other women, who dropped her head, “Ms. Decker updated the people on Trixie’s approved list.  We aren’t supposed to release her to anyone other than her parents, her grandparents, or you.  There is a Mazikeen Smith on here, too, but that’s on a call ahead basis.  But if Ms. Decker and Mr. Espinoza aren’t available, we’re to contact you first.”
Blinking in shock, he made a noncommittal noise in his throat, taking back his ID and signing out the urchin.  “I, uh, thank you for your diligence,” he murmured, spinning on his foot to stride towards the chairs lining the windowed walls.  He was allowed to just come to the school and pick up Chloe’s child whenever he felt like?  No permission, no questions, no call aheads necessary?
Chloe Decker trusted the life of her offspring in the hands of the Devil?
“Lucifer?” a small voice whined from behind him, making him turn back around.
Straightening his jacket and cuffs, he answered, “Your mother has been held up in court today, Spawn.  So she sent me with clear instructions.”  He’d already called Patrick at LUX to provide the Canada Dry and crackers.  “I’ll be taking care of you this afternoon, until she is finished.  Is that all right?”
The little girl nodded her head slowly, face pale as she reached for his hand.  When he didn’t immediately take it, tears started to fill her eyes and he panicked.
Taking her hand gingerly, he raised the other to wave at the women.  “Thank you very much for your help.”
Then they were off.
If she hadn’t felt so gross, Trixie might have giggled at the scene before her.  
Lucifer had brought her back to his penthouse, explaining that it was closer to both the courthouse and school, that her mother wouldn’t be too much longer.  She’d thrown up during the elevator ride, only half-listening as he tried desperately to comfort her in the weirdest ways--“I’ll have the cleaners come straight away; you don’t have to worry about cleaning it yourself”--when he’d picked her up, rushing her through the doors to the bathroom.
He’d waited there, awkwardly patting her back until she was finished.  He’d then ushered her through to the couch, saying, “Don’t worry, urchin; I’m sure I have a bowl somewhere, or at least something similar.”
And there he’d left her, bringing them to now.  His suit jacket was gone, the sleeves of his white undershirt rolled up.  He held a fuzzy black blanket in one hand, a paint bucket in the other, holding them out to her.  “I’m sorry it took so long; I had to go into LUX’s storage to find a...vomit receptacle.”  When she didn’t take it from him, he placed it directly beside her face on the floor, gripping both edges of the blanket to lay it over her.  “I don’t know if you have a fever or not, but I’ve noticed you and your mother enjoy your ‘snuggle blankets’, as it were.  This is the softest one I could find; I hope it’s...snuggly enough for you.”
She giggled a bit, sniffling.  “Thank you, Lucifer,” she murmured.  “Can I have some ginger ale?  And something to eat?”
Nodding curtly, he turned towards the hallway that led to his mysterious kitchen.  “I have a variety of crackers, from wheat to sesame to pepper; do you have a preference in this state?” he called from the other room, the sound of cabinets closing echoing his words.
“Do you have saltines?  Or the Ritz circle ones?” she asked.
He was silent for a long time before she saw him come back around the corner.  “Well, there’s no accounting for taste,” he sighed striding back in to the room.  Brandishing a crystal plate that held at least half a box of both saltines and Ritz crackers, he set it on the coffee table.  “And Patrick will be bringing your ginger ale up; I assume a case should be adequate for just a few hours?”
Smiling, she said, “That’s actually way too much.”  He started to open his mouth, but Trixie knew better than to push the teasing with him.  “Will you turn on the TV and watch with me?  My mom usually rubs my back when I’m sick.”
After a moment, he nodded, crossing to the mantle to grab the remote.  He sat on the opposite side of the couch, pressing some buttons as a projection screen rolled out from the ceiling, a projector starting to whirl from behind them.  “Is there a particular show or movie that you prefer?”
“Can we watch Secret Life of Pets?  It’s funny and it’s on Netflix,” she added when his jaw clenched.  “It’ll help me fall asleep.”
He perked up at that.  “Is sleep good for you at this point?  At some of my...parties, you’re supposed to keep the humans awake until they have finished vomiting.”
Nodding, she answered, “As long as you help me if I wake up and have to puke again, I should be fine.”
“Then I suppose I’ll just sit here and keep watch.”
She smiled as he pulled up the movie, though she really missed her parents.  Lucifer was doing a great job, but he didn’t know what he was doing.  Her mom knew right when she needed snuggles and gave them to her without her asking.  She might be nine years old, but that didn’t mean being sick wasn’t scary.  Especially when her stomach was still roiling and her throat and mouth burned....
“Are you all right, spawn?” he asked immediately, making her realize that she had started to silently cry.  “Are you going to be sick again?”
She shook her head, but that’s when the sobs started.  “I miss my mom,” she whispered between savage breaths.  “She always strokes my hair so I can fall asleep.”
While she got control of herself, Trixie felt him leave the couch for a minute, making her feel even more alone.  He was really trying, but he didn’t know what to do, and her mom didn’t have to ask her how to take care of her, and she wasn’t left alone to cry--
Hands gently pulled her off the throw pillow she’d been using, only to deposit her head on sweatpants-clad thighs.  She tilted her head back to see Lucifer wearing a bright green T-shirt and gray sweatpants (they still had a tag on them).  “I needed to change in case you don’t make it to the bucket,” he explained easily, reaching over for the remote once again.  “Now, lay back; I’ll attempt to stroke your hair, but you may need to direct me.”
Shocked, Trixie did as he said without a word, feeling his hand gently rest on her head.
She fell asleep to the sound of the elevator dinging.
This will be getting a part two shortly because it is getting very long! That will be Deckerstar though. :)
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lockdownuk · 4 years
Lockdown Diary Part 10
A personal account during the lockdown in the UK due to the Covid-19 outbreak.
23/03/2020 8:30pm Boris Johnson, UK Prime Minister, gives a live address to the nation to, effectively, put the country on lockdown to stem the spread of the deadly coronavirus strain, Covid-19.
Many of us have been self-isolating for days but this latest development within the UK in reaction to the pandemic feels very serious and very scary. I decided to keep a simple diary and where better but online. Day 271: Work was dominated by Qfiniti again, including a meeting with Jon and staff from the States, where I found my self taking control to get the next steps in process (and then, Dave Stewart, the SCCM engineer fucked off and put an OOO message on Teams telling me he’s off until Tuesday (it’s Thursday)...and I am off on Monday!) But, I have to say this project does float my boat. Got a text message and then a call from PCH for another laser eye appt this coming Monday at 12.30pm. I mentioned to the lady that phoned that I will have to square it with work (I won’t, but she doesn’t know that) as I can’t afford to lose my job - it just seems the hospital, while under pressue with the admin and the clinic availability - I get it! - just aren’t seeing the issues for the patients. Plus, Peterborough has been declared a Tier 3 from Sunday under the new lockdown scheme, the highest tier. Great...I really want to travel to a highly infected area! managed to find an online booze shop that does Gordon’s and Famous Grouse and will deliver beforee Chrimbo, so I’ve placed the order for dad and Rita’s gift. I spoke with Dad today, he hasn’t heard about his vaccination yet which is a surprise (he’s in the first draft being over 80)
Day 272: Typing on day 273. Work was that manic shit at the end of the dya when I’ve got time off. I am only off on Moday but still had to tie up loose ends, complictaed further by Jon being off next week and Sueanne off this week and the Qfiniti project! In the evening I only mamaged three beers. I ate too much. Plus my sugars were all over the place and way too high! I ordered a torch a couple of days ago (£17), it arrived today. It takes rechargeable batteries or 3 AAAs. Apparently, to get the best performance (i.e. brightness) you need the rechargeable batteries in it, so i charged ‘em. Fucking hell, I’m glad I did - it’s brighter than the sun. It opens up my late walks in winter, for sure.
Day 273: While it was a very late (but sober) night yesterday (gone 4am before lights out) I was up before midday. Usual walking etc. plus gave the bathroom a clean (albeit with wipes, but I did mop the floor - and used the water to also mop the kitchen). Now I am about to stick a pizza in the oven, plus wedges (to have with microwaveable chip shop curry sauce) and watch This Is 40 which is coincidentally on telly tonight - the coincidence being clips of it are on TikTok a lot right now. I am on my second beer and am going to have a smoke right now as well. Lastly for this entry, I have been using my AudioPro speaker today, it pisses me off it’s not WiFi capable but, thru Bt, it does sound fucking good - revisiting James works very well to demonstrate the speaker’s prowess.
Day 274: I have another Paypal a/c. I have been getting emails to my standard gmail account from Paypal saying they are going to charge me £9 for an inactive account which I have been largely ignoring since my paypal a/c has a specific email address. Anyway, I tried to log in, after a password reset and, hey presto, I do have another one, with £35 in it, having just been fleeced of £9 for the aforementioned inactivity, fuckers. It’s registered with the old Market Place address and phone. When I try to transfer the £35 to my card, it wants to confim it’s me by calling the phone, which I can’t amend. Oh, and you can’t contact Paypal direct. Fuck knows what to do! Other than that, usual Sunday, a tad more relaxed since I have tomorrow off, but not that much now I have an eye appointment in Tier 4 Peterborough (it’s been up’d from tier 3)! Up at 1.30 pm (I watched This is 40 and The Guvners last night with lots of beer), feeling worse for wear but, stair climb and a 6 miler acheived!
Day 275: I was at the hospital for 3 hours. The laser clinic didn’t start until 1.30pm so, why my appointment was at 12.20, not even the consultant could understand. 15 minutes of lasering - horrible but I am used to it. It took so long it pretty much fucked my day off up completely. I got a Christmas card from Karen, in the actual post, so, a mail shot. It’s depressing.
Day 276: Back to work and it’s definitely in wind down mode. I’ve decided to compile a list of things I have done this year. It will be on the postive side, such as all the steps I’ve walked and getting an article published about my photography, but it will also include randon facts like getting bitten by a dig twice and not having a haircut. I’ll get it done so I can post in at new year, hopefully be a little inspiring, a little silly and a lot of showing off!
Day 277: Work, again, was quiet. It’s fucking pissing down now, as I type at 21:50, and has been all day. It’s causing havoc and there’s flooding everywhere. I could walk down St. Peter’s Road tonight ‘cos of it (had to go up New Road, Springfield Road, down Latham Road). Soaked a lunhtime and tonight! With a new variant of Coronavirus, France stopped frieght crossing the border. That’s now been resolved but tyeh back log has/is affecting certain food stocks in the shops, of which, fresh veg might affect me for Christams dinner (I plan to do a chicken breast with stuffing, pigs in blankets, yorkshire pud and shed loads of veg. I’ll nip to Co-Op tomorrow morning and see what’s vaialble. It’s a half day at work ‘cos of Christmas Eve, so I can nip out somewhere in the car if need be, as ong as the flooding has subsided. Or I could just get shitfaced and have burgers and pizza.
Day 278: Christmas Eve. Sueanne let me finish at 11.00am so, very shortly thereafter, off for a walk I went; it turned out to be a stop/start affair - flooding as the Nene had burst its banks, ended up doing more of a circuit round town. Bumped into Andy Smith (and his son) and, after that, Ash and Denise. Ended up doing just under 11.5km in 2 and a half hours.Knackered! As I type, I have a chilli on the stove, beer on the go, all the veg and chicken breast bought with no shortages, as feared, for tomorrow’s lunch and looking forward to eating. getting drunk, smoking, listening to music, watching telly....all over the next two/three days.
Day 279: I don’t even remember going to bed last night. As a direct result I got out of bed at 2.30pm. I couldn’t even be bothered with Christmas dinner, let alone anything else like exercise. I’m just about to have chilli for dinner (it’s 8.10pm). Watch some telly then try an go to sleep before midnight. No booze! I did talk to dad earlier. Day 280: Typing on day 281. A better, more productive day. Up @11.00am exercise and walk as usual, although the walk was a different route due to flooding. In the evening I could hear ‘storm Bella’ raging, so windy! I cooked a christmas dinner of sorts, chicken breast with Thyme, all the veg, roasted spuds and parsnip, stuffing (a first for me, albeit co-op stuffing mix), Yorkshie and pigs in blankets. It was smashing! A few beers and The Hitman’s Bodyguard, alays a fun watch. A better day, as I say, but I am feeling particular deflated this Christmas. Day 281: Typing on day 282. I realised, about mid afternoon, that Monday (tomorrow) is a bank holiday so no work. It was a great realisation but, also, worrying that it dawned on my like I’m an old person! Nevertheless, a nice long walk - bumped into Baz & Kate and had a nice long chat, then El & Camila, Aaron and Eva for another, shorter chat. I also saw Denise & Ash along the way. Fog video called later in the evening for a chat too (he told me how he fell asleep at the dinner table, fuck he makes me laugh - unwittingly - when I need it most!) A regular social fest! A repeat of last night’s dinner and a few beers - it was a good day albeit I am in a proper low ebb.
Day 282: Up at midday after a 4am-er. A very long walk (1.75 hours) and a hodge podge dinner (remaining chilli, roasted spuds and peppers, steamed cauliflower and runner beans, grated cheese) - it’s nearly ready, I’ll type the review tomorrow. I realise that this is the first time in 21 Christmases that I have at least talked to K. Is that connected to my mood slump? I reckon so. So, as that fact dawned on me, I then considered, should it be the case next Christmas, it will not be the first in along time and, as such, more manageable....fuck knows how I manage to accentuate any little positive but, thank goodness I do. Day 283: Work was a sedate affair today, fuck all to do really. Sueanne is now follwing me on Insta...I shall invetsigate on how to exclude posts to individuals, methinks. Tea, last night, was fucking lovely. More of the same tonight-ish - currently I am roasting spuds, peppers, garlic, chillies, tomatoes - it’ll all go with left over pigs-in-blankets (5) and a burger. I’ll have bisto beef with mustard on it. I can’t wait! Day 284: Typing on day 285. That meal was fucking lush! Checked on the car todfay and it would not start. Something is draining the battery so I will have to give it a run every day until I can get Julian to sort it. So, I WhatsApp’d Karen to borrow the portable starter. She dropped it off for me. We had the briefest of chats at the doorstep, first time we’ve spoken in weeks. She mentioned my hair! Day 285: NYE. I have just got back from walking to Cottersock and back. I would not have been able to do so without my new torch! I finished and published my double letter quiz on FB, including to the Virtual Pub group and the Oundle Chatter. It’s had some good feedback, I’m rather proud of it. I am going to make chicken casserole now (with dumplings - a first for me, I even bought some flour), have some beers and get a bit stoned. Before that, I am going to finish off my list of things I’ve done this year, including steps wlaked and hours listening on Spotify. I am quite proud of that list too.
Day 286: I fucked the dumplings up, added too much water, so that didn’t happen but the chicken casserole was good, just about to finish it for tea tonight. I also had pizza last night and went to bed at 5am. I have had a lot of good feedback on my list of 2020 achievements. I proud of it. K sent a happy new WhatsApp last night, around 00.30.
Day 287: No booze last night, so I was up before the alarm today (about 10.00am) Two walks, one on my own, another with Fog with a couple of beers. I fucking loved it! Watching datrts (World champs semi finals - been texting Dan while the first one has been on). Going to watch The Aviator later...I’ve not seen it before which surprises me. Why it surprises me I do not know, since I know I haven’t seen it. How the fuck can I be surprised by a fact I’m completely aware of? Day 288: I didn’t watch The Aviator ‘cos Logan Luck was on at 11:55pm on ITV4. Great fildm...I can’t believe that I very nearly paid for it (rent from Sky or Amazon). A late one last night and quite pissed. Thinking about it, having afew beers with Fog in the afternoon made it quite a long sesh for me! Up at just gone midday today, nice long walk (Cotterstock) which was mde long by a painful right ankle - I must have turned or twiested slightly sometime. Still, it survived. Back to work tomorrow - Chrimbo and New Year all done and dusted for the 55th time in my life!
Day 289: First day back at work of 2021. Boris announces another full lockdown in England (there’s a new strain of Covid19 which is seeing huge numbers of infections every day, over 50,000 per day).
Day 290: Something is up with my right foot, the little toe pad. It’s bloody sore. If it gets any worse it’ll affect my walking and exercise. I phoned Anne Bennison to talk about it, she just wants me to go and see her which i donlt want to do if poss, pandemic and all that.
Day 291: Wearing my sandals instead of the M&S slippers and my foot/toepad is already feeling bteer. However, I did inspect my Merrell boots, just in case, and the sole on te right is really worn down, in just three months. I have sent a WhatsApp to CotswoldOutdoors, where I got them from....let’s see what they say! It’s all kicking off i  the US - pro Trump protestors have storm the Capitol Building, where congrees was being held. Only in ‘Merica.
Day 292: Busy at work with rolling out Qfiniti - all that project work was pretty much for fuck all since the SCCM package has to hand held. It’s feckin’ freezing today, below freezing, slippy af on my walks. I have been shopping tonight, £106 in Corby Tesco. That does include 8 cans of sapporo.
Day 293: The fracas at Capitol Hill on Wednesday left 5 dead, it looks like Trump will be impeached. He’s already said he’ll not attend Biden’s inauguration. In a fucking world gone mad, it’s another level of madness. It’s really cold -3℃ tonight, more of the same tomorrow. Makes for brisk walks. I’ve just had chicken balti pie and chips for tea. It was so nice that I burnt the roof of my fucking gob. I’m on the Sapporo and about to have a smoke then watch Jack Reacher. I’ve (kinda) earnt after the first 5 day week for a while.
Day 294: Well, last night saw another late one...5am by the time I :went to sleep. Up at 2pm today with no instention of any exercise or walking or housework or fuck all, really. But, I did my exercises and a 9 mile walk. While I walked I came across Banners, quick 15 min chat and listed to Stage by David Bowie. He’s all over the radio right now as it’s his death’s anniversary tomorrow and his birthday yesterday. It’s a fucking good live album. A few beers tonight, eating trash, watching FA Cup highlights then End of Watch later.  Posh played today (first time in a while due to Covid infections) drew away to (shitty) Lincoln 1-1. Good point as Posh were down to ten men after 67 mins for a second yellow for handball in the area. Lincoln missed the pen. Fucking funny. Chorley, the non leaguers who knocked Posh out in round 2 of the FA Cup, beat Derby in round 3 today (albeit derby fielded an academy side of 11 first timers due to Covid ) - a great day for them!
Day 295: Up at 2pm swearing blind I’d not walk or exercise (again!) but, of course I did. I’ve done over 25 miles this w/e! End of Watch was brilliant last night. Well worth a rewatch, so emotional. I am making butter chicken as I type. I’ve added extra onion, garlic and, of course, chillies. It’s the spiciest butter chicken I have ever tasted! 
Day 296: One of those frustrating days at work when no problem of request I try to resolve goes without a hitch. After a 7km walk in the evening, took the car for a spin and cleaned the bathroom. Fucking knackered. It’s 11:30pm and I’m in bed typing this on the iPad! despite getting up so late, I feel knackered. 11pm bedtime for me, I reckon.
Day 297: Fucking busy at work, the States rolled out a new Okta trust policy and it caused mayhem. Meant my evening walk didn’t start ‘til gone 6pm. When I got back, clened the hall and stairs, made chilli (which I am about to have for tea (gone 10.15pm!) and showered. I’m, again, fucking knackered! Posh played Portsmouth in the EFL Trophy 3rd round at home. Won 5-1. Nice.
Day 298: Had an electrician rouind for the EICR cetrt. He was here until 2pm and it was a pain in the arse, having to work upstairs plus, with having to cut the electricity, all the smart devices lost their settings. And it was freezing up there.
Day 299: Work was impossibly infuriating. Not one pc remote session went to plan! It was pissing down a lunchtime during my walk but, I have to say, the cheap TargetDry coat copes fine in heavy rain for short periods. Everywhere is flooding again even though the rain turned to sleet. By my evening walk, it was dry but bloody cold. Then, when I got in I cleaned the kitchen and mopped the floor and the bathroom’s as well. I fucking done in! Chatted to dad today - same as ever!
Day 300: What a fucking work at week! I am so glad it’s Friday. To celebrate, I ordered new walking boots: Scarpas £121!
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perfectday1972 · 5 years
2020 reading list
hello lovelies! my goal is to read 52 books next year, written by authors that are women/poc/lgbt+. i would love some input for books to read, so if you have any recommendations, please send me an ask! here are the books i have on my list so far:
white teeth - zadie smith
the house of mirth - edith wharton
if beale street could talk - james baldwin
slouching towards bethlehem - joan didion
norwegian wood -  haruki murakami
the awakening - kate chopin
mrs. dalloway - virginia woolf
the brief wondrous life of oscar wao - junot díaz
exit west - mohsin hamid
americanah - chimamanda ngozi adichie
to the lighthouse - virginia woolf
the wind-up bird chronicle - haruki murakami
never let me go - kazuo ishiguro
pride and prejudice - jane austen
little women - louisa may alcott
jane eyre - charlotte bronte 
the handmaid’s tale - margaret atwood 
wuthering heights - emily bronte 
one hundred years of solitude - gabriel garcí­a márquez 
beloved - toni morrison
one day we’ll all be dead and none of this will matter: essays - scaachi koul
the feminine mystique - betty friedan
bad feminist - roxanne gay 
trying to float: coming of age in the chelsea hotel - nicolaia rips
what is not yours is not yours - helen oyeyemi 
boy, snow, bird - helen oyeyemi
on beauty - zadie smith 
her body and other parties - carmen maria machado
the paper menagerie - ken liu
homegoing - yaa gyasi
the mothers - brit bennett 
little weirds - jenny slate
the sympathizer - viet thanh nguyen 
between the world and me - ta-nehisi coates
the farm - joanne ramos 
long live the tribe of fatherless girls - t kira madden
good talk - mira jacob
women talking - miriam toews
the new me - halle butler
the affairs of the falcóns - melissa rivero
gingerbread - helen oyeyemi
queenie - candice carty-williams
normal people - sally rooney 
trick mirror: reflections on self-delusion - jia tolentino
severence - ling ma
with the fire on high - elizabeth acevedo
frankly in love - david yoon
emergency contact - mary h.k. choi
the library of lost things - laura taylor namey 
the remains of the day - kazuo ishiguro
barracoon: the story of the last “black cargo” - zora neale hurston
heart berries - terese marie mailhot
if they come for us - fatimah asghar
the poet x - elizabeth acevedo
the girls - emma cline
the fire next time - james baldwin
the female persuasion: a novel - meg wolitzer
circe - madeline miller
when katie met cassidy - camille perri
laura & emma - kate greathead
the great believers - rebecca makkai
so far so good - ursula k. le guin
play as it lays - joan didion
manhattan beach - jennifer egan
modern lovers - emma straub
if not, winter: fragments of sappho - sappho
i might regret this: essays, drawings, vulnerabilities, and other stuff - abbi jacobson 
paperback crush: the totally radical history of ‘80′s and ‘90s teen fiction - gabrielle moss
conversations with friends - sally rooney 
julie the maniac: a novel - juliet escoria 
brazen: rebel ladies who rocked the world - pénélope bagieu
choose your own disaster - dana schwartz
passing - nella larsen
awayland: stories - ramona ausubel
wide sargasso sea - jean rhys
if, then: a novel - kate hope day 
the mandarins - simone de beauvoir 
the dreamers: a novel - karen thompson walker
pulp - robin talley 
the care and feeding of ravenously hungry girls - anissa gray 
the murmur of bees - sofía segovia
blue nights - joan didion
autobiography of red - anne carson
swing time - zadie smith 
the source of self-regard: selected essays, speeches, and meditations- toni morrison
i’ll give you the sun - jandy nelson
the ninth hour - alice mcdermott
girls burn brighter: a novel - shobha rao
red at the bone - jacqueline woodson
costalegre - courtney maum
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typingtess · 5 years
NCIS: Los Angeles Season Ten Rewatch:   "One of Us"
The basics:  The murder of an international arms dealer has OSP teaming up with the DoJ to catch a killer.
Written by: Kyle Harimoto wrote “Omni”, “Merry Evasion”, “Chernoff, K” and “Command and Control”, “Granger, O.”, “Ghost Gun”, “Kulinda”, “767”, “Se Murio El Payaso”, “Assets” / “Liabilities”, “Venganza” and "Superhuman”.  He co-wrote “Three Hearts”, “Leipei”, “Humbug” and both ends of the “Matryoshka” two-parter.
Directed by:  Dennis Smith directed “Fame”, “Standoff”, “Rocket Man”, “Cyberthreat”, “Exit Strategy”, “Patriot Acts”, “Out of the Past” part one, “The Livelong Day”, Between the Lines”, “Deep Trouble” part two, “Black Budget", “Black Wind”, “Blame it On Rio”, “Defectors”, “Matryoshka” part one (co-written  by Harimoto), “Granger, O” (written by Harimoto), “The Queen’s Gambit”, “Hot Water”, “From Havana With Love”, “Plain Sight”, the delightful romp that was “Monster” and “Superhuman” (written by Harimoto).
Guest stars of note:  Bar Paly as ATF Agent Anastasia “Anna” Kolcheck returns from "Pro Se" two episodes ago.  Esaí Morales makes it two episodes in a row as NCIS Deputy Director Louis Ochoa.  Vyto Ruginis returns as Arkady Kolcheck, America's most beloved Russian weason from "Venganza" in season nine.  Wrestling superstar Bill Goldberg as Lance Hamilton, Sara Visser as Karen St. Pierre, Elizabeth Anweis as Casey Aquilar, Claudio Pinto as Jerry Fuentes, Nick Rhys as Rick Dotson, Adrian Anchondo as Daniel Aquilar, Samantha Cope as Alessandra the hostess, Isaac Cheung as Alan Chen, René Ashton as Judge and Erik Soderbergh as Liam the head of security.
Our heroes:  Go after a man avenging his son's senseless murder.
What important things did we learn about:
Callen:  Told by Anna not to contact her again. Sam:  Understands the deep hole Daniel found himself in. Kensi:  Doesn't see today's case as a win. Deeks:  Pounds a guy for hitting Kensi. Eric: Found the wi-fi camera on the beach. Nell:  Unable to find anything on Hamilton, a ghost in the government databases. Hetty:  Not today.
What not so important things did we learn about:
Callen:  Not going to any Lakers games with Arkady anytime soon. Sam:   No jokes about Sam today.  This hit home. Kensi:   Just got her GED. Deeks:   Looks like the hostess' Dad. Eric:  In the field despite his hearing issue. Nell:   Help push Eric when he didn't hear Sam's request. Hetty:   Absent.
Who's down with OTP:  Outside of an odd, snotty exchange at the restaurant, Kensi and Deeks are fine.  Not fine – Callen and Anna who is going to be unavailable for the next three-years with good behavior.  With Eric in the field, not a lot of time for the wonder twins to banter away.
Who's down with BrOTP:   The Bromance added a new player with Lance Hamilton admiring the cut of Sam Hanna's jib.  Tom Olsen also shows up proving that Sam is good at making friends.
Any pressing need for Harm and Mac:  No.  
Who is running the team this week?  Ochoa is back from DC.  
Mosley watch:  And thus ends this part of the Rewatch.  Mosley is not in opening credits or hanging around the collaboration table.  Once the episode began, Nia Long is not listed among the regular cast members.  Derrick gets a mention when Tom Olsen drops by the boat shed.
Fashion review:   Black button down shirt for Callen.  Black henley for Sam with a zip-up jacket.  White long sleeve tee for Kensi with different size blue stripes and black leather jacket.  Blue-grey sweat shirt for Deeks under a medium grey jacket.  Eric is wearing a blue print button down short-sleeve shirt with long pants.  Nell is in a pretty red and white polka-dot dress with a bow/tie on top (despise that bow/tie look).
Music:  "Follow" by G-Sy is playing in the teaser while "Pilgrim" by Fink played when Anna was sentenced.
Any notable cut scene: No.
Quote: Callen:  "Just so I have this straight, we're here searching for an Army Ranger to make sure he doesn't kill some dirt bag drug dealer?" Sam:  "That's about right." Hamilton:  "I've been sent after criminals just like the ones Aguilar's targeting.  Only differences were, they were in foreign countries and I was given a commendation after I got 'em." Callen:  "Oh, this is so messed up." Hamilton:  "Aguilar's off serving his country and his kid gets killed in his own home.  The guy's lost.  He's trying to kill as many criminals as he can as fast as he can." Sam:  "Any one of us could go down that rabbit hole." Callen:  "Well, hopefully, we can find Daniel, get him some help.  Some peace."
Anything else:   A very expensive car pulls into a gated Malibu beach house, a well-dressed couple enter the home, protected by private security.  While he is happy to be at the beach, she prefers Paris.  In a bedroom with enough candles to light a small church, the woman is changing for a romantic night while the man is going downstairs to prepare a night cap.  
As he is pouring the two of them some drinks on their beachfront patio, the man is knocked out from behind.  The woman comes down in lingerie looking for her partner – Rick.  She sees the fence gate to the beach is opened.  Rick looks to be dead in the ocean, face down.
In a prison waiting room, Arkady and talking about LeBron James and the Lakers to Callen.  Arkady even got two season tickets but Arkady's other ticket is spoken for this season.  Callen is on Arkady's short plus-one list if any tickets become available.
Anna is brought in wearing handcuffs.  The guards take them off before leaving.  Jumping from his seat, Arkady gives his "sweet daughter" a kiss the cheek.  She seems genuinely happy to see him.  She and Callen talk about yoga and his broken back.  
Anna is "getting by" in prison but several of the women inmates are not a fan of her law enforcement ties.  Callen offers to arrange a move but Anna would like to say.  She is facing a long sentence – "years."  Callen had Deeks looking into the case Anna cuts him off.  When Callen promises to do all he can to get Anna out of prison, Anna is sorry Callen did not do everything he could to keep her out of prison.
This is all news to Arkady who is not happy that Callen's testimony to the ATF "hurt my daughter."  Anna kisses Callen.  "Kissing person who put me in jail would be low in my to-do list," announces national treasure Arkady Kolcheck.  Anna tells Callen this needs to be his last visit.  Arkady, too.  "Why, I am not traitor!" Arkady objects.  The only way Anna thinks she can survive the weeks, months and years of her sentence is to become the person she was before she met Callen.  Anna says goodbye and calls for the guard.
At the firing range, Sam completes a very complicated but zen shooting routine when Ochoa arrives.  Sam talks about frequent flier miles but Ochoa talks about returning to California.  He grew up in Oxnard.  Sam loves the beaches there.  So does Ochoa who goes into his background.  He was a troubled kid who caught the eye of a local sheriff.  Off-duty, the sheriff caught Ochoa "doing something I shouldn't have been doing."  The sheriff had Ochoa join his family surfing every day.  Sam calls the sheriff a good man.  Ochoa corrects him – a great man.  Ochoa compares his surfing to Bobby Martinez's if Martinez was older and sucked at surfing.  Ochoa offers to go surfing with Sam.  Sam isn't a surfer but offers to go diving with Ochoa off the Channel Islands.  Ochoa uses the shooting range – and is good.
Up in Ops, Callen and Sam are briefed on what happened the prior night in Malibu.  The dead man is Rick Dotson, a bigtime arms dealer on NCIS's radar for years according to Eric.  Dotson was stabbed.  NCIS is worred that a rival gun dealer took Dotson out – Colby Talbert.  The San Diego Office is investigating Talbert.  
Callen asks about witnesses.  The woman at the house is named Karen St. Pierre and is considered a witness not a suspect.  She is in the boat shed with Kensi and Deeks in route.  Sam thinks a man like Dotson would have private security.  He did but they left once Dotson was found dead.   That means they were working with the killers or stopped working when their paycheck was found dead.
The security system in the house is a closed system with footage stored on site.  Sam has Eric pack up his things – he is joining Callen and Sam in the field.  Eric sits down at his workstation and starts working.  Nell asks why Eric is ignoring them. He's not – Nell must have misheard.  When Sam calls for "Beale" again, he races to catch up.
Pulling into the boat shed parking lot, Deeks tells Kensi while it is very sweet of her, Kensi does not have to invite Bertie to go wedding gown shopping.  Kensi thinks it will be a great way to bond.  Deeks thinks it is great too but his mother is not going to keep her opinions about any possible wedding dress as well as anyone working at the store, shopping at the store or the fancy décor at the Beverly Hills boutique.  
Kensi stops him.  She is not buying a new dress.  Deeks tells her that while they don't have a ton of cash, they can afford to buy Kensi a new wedding dress.  She should get her dream dress.  Kensi is sarcastically grateful that Deeks will allow her to buy her dream dress.  That isn't what he means and Kensi knows that. Kensi is buying her dress from Brides Against Breast Cancer.  She buys it, wears it and donates it back to the charity so another bride can do the same.  Deeks feels both dumb and arrogant – his comfortable place according to Kensi.
The security at the house is solid with at least six external video cameras, a real security fence, a hydraulic lift arm at the gate.  Callen notes that the house was rented three months ago – Dotson's people could have installed the extra security.  Sam thinks that makes sense, especially if Talbert was a threat.
Eric arrives.  Walking the perimeter, he found a Wi-Fi-cam pointed at the gate of the house.  If the killer was watching, the security team probably was not involved.  The killer was a pro.  Colby Talbert becomes more of a suspect by the minute.
Callen and Sam are walking through the house.  It is secure.  The security team swept the place for unwanted visitors just before Dotson arrived.  Eric could not find the signal for the Wi-Fi-cam but found security camera footage showing Dotson being pulled off the back patio.
Callen seems something move in a security shot of the beach.  A man is swimming onto the property.  Sam thinks that the killer is "good", Callen thinks he is a "pro".  With all the big mansions on the beach having similar security systems, the killer would not risk coming on the beach using private property.  He probably swam two-miles from the closets public beach access area.  Callen thinks that's special forces.
At the boat shed, Karen talks about their time at the house feeling "locked up" with no "eminent threat."  Deeks asks if she's former military. She's not, just too much time spent with Rick.  Karen loved Rick and is willing to help find his killer. Deeks asks about Colby Talbert.  Dotson and Talbert had an agreement made recently after Dotson, Karen, Talbert and his wife shared a dinner in Paris.
The security team gave Karen photos of three men they considered risks though the authorities did not.  If Karen saw any of them, she was to contact the security team.  Karen hands Deeks her phone with the photos.  Asked about the security team, Karen knows they are in the wind.  Rick's death was a total failure for the security team and they do not want to be found.  Karen tells Kensi and Deeks that whatever they think of what Rick did for a living, he was good to her.
Callen questions Allan Chen, the parking lot attendant for the public beach at Malibu.  He wants to know if anyone left their car overnight.  There are on security cameras but every car is logged in.  Allan has a list of several cars and a motorcycle parked in the lot at 11PM the prior night.  Callen sends Nell a list of the vehicles.
Nell is on the main room TV screen in the boat shed.  She tells Kensi and Deeks that she checked out the three men Karen St. Pierre was warned about by the security team.  One guy spent the night in jail on a DUI.  A Jerry Fuentes is the second man and he has a long history with drugs and gambling.  The third man is large, bald and not in the system.
Sam is sent the photos of Jerry Fuentes and the large bald man.  Sam sees the bald guy on the beach and the bald guy sees Sam.   Bald guy drives off in his pick-up truck.  Sam commandeers a motorcycle and takes off after the truck.  After a long chase, Sam jumps from the bike into the flatbed of the truck.  Breaking out the cab's back window, Sam orders the driver to stop the truck.  "Special Agent Sam Hanna, good to meet you," the driver says stopping the vehicle.
While the bald man sits alone in interrogation, Tom Olsen arrives at the boat shed.  He had a good time with Mosley's son, including learning the difference between Supreme and BAPE.  Tom checked out the bald man – Lance Hamilton.  He was a MARSOC (Marine Corps Special Operations Command) Marine who worked with some of Tom's SEAL buddies.  Other than being a Marine, Hamilton was a "solid dude" who you'd want in a bar fight.  He's trained in surveillance, breaching tactics and a sniper.  
Hamilton left the Marines to join the FBI in their SWAT division.  His wife was sick – died two years ago.  After that, Hamilton left the FBI and disappeared.  He has been removed from the government databases – that's why Nell couldn't find him using facial rec. Tom asked around – nobody heard Hamilton joined the CIA or any other US government intel groups.
Nell warns Kensi and Deeks that Fuentes has been arrested with illegal weapons in his car.  Kensi thanks her for the head's up as they go to Fuentes’s home.
Walking into the main room with Sam, Hamilton apologizes to Callen for getting too close – he was monitoring NCIS's investigation into Rick Dotson's murder.  Hamilton works for the DoJ but with "State Department equities".  It isn't really a task force – he is a task force of one.  There is a national case Hamilton is working.  After asking what is in the upstairs part of the boat shed – another interrogation room – Hamilton explains that Dotson is the fourth murder in six months – a opioid maker in New Jersey, a heroin supplier in Houston, a gang leader in Oakland are the others.  All high level criminals killed by someone with serious military training – a member of an elite special forces unit.
After admiring the canoe near the back of the boat shed, Hamilton states he had no specific intel that Dotson was the next target, just thought he fit the pattern.  Hamilton didn't expect the killing of Dotson to be this quick or at the beach.  Callen asks if there is another target.  Looking at Sam, Hamilton says "the guy we're hunting, he's one of us."
Kensi knocks on Jerry Fuentes's door.  Deeks can see him through the front window "standing there."  Kensi figures Fuentes may run and he does.  She takes him down with the hose he had unrolled in his back yard.  After Kensi cuffs him, she and Deeks pull Jerry to his feet.  Not being one of the brighter bad guys, Jerry tries to head-butt Kensi.  And he's back on the ground again.
Kensi and Deeks banter about the charges Jerry could be facing in he doesn't cooperate.  He does.  Working as a broker, Fuentes set up a deal for Dotson that fell through.  The buyers stole the Dotson's guns from Jerry.  Dotson was not pleased.  Kensi asks his whereabout the prior evening.  After asking why, Kensi tells Fuentes that Dotson was killed.  Fuentes is surprised and really happy.  Fuentes claims he was having dinner with his parole officer.
And Jerry Fuentes was in fact having dinner with his parole officer – Nell confirmed it.  There is even security footage from the restaurant.  There was a motorcycle in the parking lot the prior evening.  Hamilton mentions the killer used a motorcycle in Houston and Oakland.  The one in the parking lot was registered to a Casey Aguilar, ex-wife of Daniel Aguilar, former Army Ranger, severed with honor and distinction until 20-months ago.  His tour was up and he did not reenlist.  
Sam thinks Daniel is a likely suspect.  According to Nell, Daniel does not have an address in LA but rents a storage garage.  Kensi and Deeks are near the garage so Callen sends them there while Callen, Sam and Hamilton are off to see Casey Aguilar.
Casey owns a home décor store.  When asked about her husband, she wants to know if he's done anything wrong.  Sam says they just want to talk.  Casey believes her husband is in Germany – still serving. She's stunned to learned he left the military.  She is equally surprised to hear she owns a motorcycle – she does not have one.  Casey thinks the men believe her to be a fool.  "Danny is such a kind and good man," who gave his life to the country.  He's a hero.  Casey still loves him, "with everything."  She knows he loves her but they're divorced because just under two years ago, their 9-year old son was practicing his guitar in his room.  There was what she thought was fireworks going off outside.  Then she heard her son scream.  He was shot in his own home.  The young man next door was a drug dealer – the drive by shooting hit the wrong house.  Daniel was close to his son and changed after the boy's death.  Casey begs the three men not to hurt Daniel.  
Kensi and Deeks have a warrant to go into the garage.  They find maps of Malibu to Dotson's house, a motorcycle wheel.  There is an armory in a storage shed in the garage.  Two guns are missing.  Daniel is likely after his next target.
Back at the boat shed, Eric and Nell are on the TV screen with Ochoa behind them while the team with Hamilton are all present.  Eric and Nell looked through the items in the garage and believe bulk cocaine dealer David Whitaker is the next target.  LAPD has outstanding warrants on Whitaker – the team can take him in if they find him.  Ochoa thanks Hamilton for being so transparent in the case.  Despite being Navy, Marine Hamilton thinks NCIS runs a pretty tight ship.  Nell has the location of Whitaker's car.  The team is on their way.
Callen can't believe they are going to save a drug dealer from an Army Ranger.  Hamilton agrees – he killed drug dealers in foreign countries for the government and has the medals to prove it.  With the death of his son in his own home, Hamilton believes Daniel is lost.  Sam sees anyone on the team going down that kind of rabbit hole.  Callen is hoping Daniel gets help.
Kensi and Deeks think Whitaker is inside a restaurant.  Callen wants them inside as customers.  In a terrible scene where they're mean to the hostess (who is mean too), each other and the other patrons, Kensi and Deeks are seated near Whitaker.  
Callen is checking out the area around the restaurant for Daniel with no luck.  Sam spots Daniel behind the restaurant.  He is driving a courier service van. Departing the van with a package, Daniel walks into the back of the restaurant.  Callen and Hamilton are running to catch up, Sam is just behind Daniel.
Kensi walks up to Whitaker and tells him to take cover.  Deeks goes after Daniel, who is making his way from the kitchen into the restaurant.  Daniel pulls out a gun.  Deeks points his weapon at Daniel while Kensi pulls Whitaker to the next table.  That causes one of Whitaker's guard to hit Kensi.  Deeks goes after the other guard when Sam runs out of the kitchen to chase Daniel.  Deeks beats the guard who hit Kensi while she makes quick work of the other security man.
Daniel runs straight to Hamilton in an alleyway near the restaurant.  After being told to drop the gun, Daniel tells Sam there isn't a good way out.  His son was killed so he is killing the "top of the food chain" criminals – the ones who are never arrested.  Sam understands the darkness surrounding Daniel – he was there.  With help, Daniel can get around it.
Daniel lifts his weapon and fires at Sam.  Sam ducks but Sam and Hamilton have to shoot.  Sam and Hamilton try to save Daniel while the paramedics are on their way.  Daniel dies as the sirens near.
Callen walks up to Kensi and Deeks.  The area is a crime scene, Daniel is under a yellow tarp.  Kensi doesn't think it is a win.  Callen agrees but with Daniel's background, this was the only ending.  He was never going to jail.  Callen walks up to Sam.  "Don't beat yourself up," Callen says.  Sam explains that Daniel missed him by eight inches.  An Army Ranger like Daniel would never miss by that much.  It was suicide by cop.  "He wanted this over," Callen said.
Callen has an appointment – Sam and Hamilton pay the condolence call to Casey Aguilar, who collapses in grief.
Sam and Hamilton are gutted as they leave the shop.  Hamilton has to fly out of LA but really wants to go to a bar and drown his sorrows.  Aguilar dealt with the loss in his life they only way that made sense to him, Hamilton says. Sam feels that way some days.  So does Hamilton.
Sam asks Hamilton what his exact job is for the DoJ.  It is cases like these – sensitive cases the DoJ does not want in the press.  The only way to keep the cases quiet to for Hamilton to work alone.  He has no home base.  Sam asks if Hamilton is running to something or hiding from something.  Hamilton makes it clear, he's not hiding.  Since his wife died, Hamilton does not have a home.  Jessica, his wife, could turn whatever ten-by-ten shack the Marines had them move to into a home.
Knowing that Sam has a good thing going in LA, Hamilton tells Sam that if LA ever becomes too small for him, he'd be honored to have Sam as a partner. The two go off for a drink.
In a courtroom, a judge enters for Anna's sentencing.  Anna is asked if she has a statement – she does not.  Using the federal guidelines, Anna could do 15-years but letters of commendation for NCIS, the Chicago PD and her good record at the ATF, she gets seven-years with parole possible after three.  Anna is taken from the courtroom. She gives Arkady and Callen one last look.  Callen is surprised.
What head canon can be formed from here:   This episode and "Blood Brothers" back in season one are such missed opportunities.  There is a great story to tell about a hero soldier who survives a war and returns to his home only to be killed trying to save his brother from a gang.  There is a great story to tell about a career soldier, a member of the Special Forces, who is protecting innocents abroad but loses his son to street violence.  Both of these episodes where Sam had so much invested – seeing Mo in the dead man's brother in "Blood Brothers" and seeing himself in Daniel – LL Cool J was so good - were betrayed by the actual telling of the story.
Bill Goldberg didn't help.  He was better in his second appearance in season ten but here you needed a more experienced actor.  Goldberg would work in an action oriented episode – this was more character driven.
One thing that was interesting, former SEAL Tom Olsen thought Hamilton was a good guy except for being a Marine.  Hamilton thought NCIS was great except their Navy ties.  Always like a little services rivalry.
Episode number:    Season ten's seventh episode is the 223rd episode overall.
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toobouquetland · 6 years
Hello! I would like to trade for either Hamilton, Wicked or Mean girls audio/Bootlegs. So if you wanna trade please contact me on my email: [email protected]
Here is my List!
Mean girls Audios:
September 2, 2018-Erika Henningsen as Cady Heron, Ashley De La Rosa as Regina George (Standby), Barrett Wilbert Weed as Janis Sarkisian, Grey Henson as Damian Hubbard, Tee Boyich as Gretchen Wieners (Standby), Jonalyn Saxer as Karen Smith (Understudy)
(Aug 7th) Jonalyn as Regina.
Zurin as Gretchen (additionally: Tee Boyich as Janis).
Zurin as Karen.
Devon as Gretchen (additionally: Tee Boyich as Cady, Jonalyn Saxer as Karen Smith).
8-11-18 (Becca Petersen U-S Regina George)
Ashley De La Rosa as Regina George september 2, 2018.
Hamilton Audios:
Julia K Harriman as Peggy/Maria/full audio.
​Ryan Vasquez (u/s Alexander Hamilton), Joshua Henry (Aaron Burr), Solea Pfeiffer (Eliza Hamilton), Emmy Raver-Lampman (Angelica Schuyler), Isaiah Johnson (George Washington), Jordan Donica (Marquis de Lafayette/Thomas Jefferson), Mathenee Treco (Hercules Mulligan/James Madison), Rubén J. Carbajal (John Laurens/Philip Hamilton), Julia K. Harriman (s/b Peggy Schuyler/Maria Reynolds), Rory O’Malley (King George), Desmond Newson (u/s Philip Schuyler/James Reynolds/Doctor), Andrew Wojtal (Samuel Seabury), Daniel Ching (Charles Lee), Keenan D. Washington (u/s George Eacker), Dan Belnavis, Jeffery Duffy, Jennifer Geller, Afra Hines, Hope Endrenyi (u/s for Sabrina), Lauren Kias, Raven Thomas
Notes: Ryan Vasquez's third performance as Hamilton.
Candace Quarrels as Eliza full audio.
June 11, 2017
​Jin Ha (u/s Alexander Hamilton), Candace Quarrels (u/s Eliza Hamilton), Carl Clemons-Hopkins (u/s Aaron Burr), Karen Olivo (Angelica Schuyler), Colby Lewis (s/b George Washington), Jean Goodsend Floradin (u/s Marquis de Lafayette/Thomas Jefferson), Wallace Smith (Hercules Mulligan/James Madison), Jose Ramos (John Laurens/Phillip Hamilton), Samantha Marie Ware (Peggy Schuyler/Maria Reynolds), Alexander Gemignani (King George III).
Master's Note: Jin Ha’s first as Hamilton and last show with the Chicago Company. Everyone does a great job, to have almost half the principals be covers. Jin is wonderful as Ham but I was most impressed by Carl who played Burr with ferocity and impatience. Occasional lyric flubs and Karen, while still amazing, sounds a little sick. I believe it's her first show back.
Christine Allado as Eliza/full audio.
Giles Terera as Aaron Burr, Cleve September as John Laurens, Jason Pennycooke as Lafayette, Tarinn Callender as Hercules Mulligan, Jamael Westman as Alexander Hamilton, Christine Allado as Eliza Hamilton, Obioma Ugoala as George Washington,  Miriam teak lee as Angelica Schuyler,  Courtney Mae Briggs as Peggy/Maria.
Julia K. Harriman as Angelica Schuyler
Hamilton - 1NT, Los Angeles, CA - October 13, 2017 - Token Goat's Master - ZIP - MP3 - Untracked
Cast: Ryan Vasquez (u/s Alexander Hamilton), Solea Pfeiffer (Eliza Hamilton), Joshua Henry (Aaron Burr), Julia K. Harriman (s/b Angelica Schuyler),Isaiah Johnson (George Washington), Jordan Donica (Marquis de Lafayette/Thomas Jefferson), Mathenee Treco (Hercules Mulligan/James Madison), Ruben J. Carbajal (John Laurens/Philip Hamilton), Amber Iman (Peggy Schuyler/Maria Reynolds), Rory O'Malley (King George), Desmond Nunn (swing Philip Schuyler/James Reynolds), Andrew Wojtal (Samuel Seabury), Daniel Ching (Charles Lee), Raymond Baynard (George Eacker), Jacob Guzman (swing)
Raven Thomas as Angelica/and Eliza!/ Full audio.
cast (?)
Hamchi Samantha Marie Ware as Eliza.
April 20, 2017  
​Miguel Cervantes (Hamilton), Daniel Breaker (Burr), Samantha Marie Ware (u/s Eliza), Jose Ramoz (Laurens/Phillip), Jonathan Kirkland (Washington), Chris De Sean Lee (Lafayette/Jefferson), Wallace Smith (Mulligan/Madison), Aubin Wise (u/s Peggy/Maria), Alexander Gemigani (King George).
16/6/2016 (Aubin Wise as Angelica)
cast (?)
Hamilton - 1NT, Los Angeles, CA - October 13, 2017
Cast: Ryan Vasquez (u/s Alexander Hamilton), Solea Pfeiffer (Eliza Hamilton), Joshua Henry (Aaron Burr), Julia K. Harriman (s/b Angelica Schuyler),Isaiah Johnson (George Washington), Jordan Donica (Marquis de Lafayette/Thomas Jefferson), Mathenee Treco (Hercules Mulligan/James Madison), Ruben J. Carbajal (John Laurens/Philip Hamilton), Amber Iman (Peggy Schuyler/Maria Reynolds), Rory O'Malley (King George), Desmond Nunn (swing Philip Schuyler/James Reynolds), Andrew Wojtal (Samuel Seabury), Daniel Ching (Charles Lee), Raymond Baynard (George Eacker), Jacob Guzman (swing)
Hamilton - West End - August 4, 2018 Matinee
Cast: Ash Hunter (alt. Alexander Hamilton), Giles Terera (Aaron Burr), Rachelle Ann Go (Eliza), Rachel John (Angelica), Obioma Ugoala (George Washington), Waylon Jacobs (u/s Lafayette/Jefferson), Tarinn Callender (Mulligan/Madison),  Miriam-Teak Lee (u/s Peggy/Maria), Michael Jibson (King George)Jack Butterworth (u/s Laurens/Philip Hamilton),
Notes: Can be traded but must be gifted upon request.
Marsha Songcome as Eliza Hamilton West End audio from the 26-07-2018 matinee
Cast: Jamael Westman (Alexander Hamilton), Marsha Songcome (Eliza Schuyler standby, it’s also her last day), Miriam-Teak Lee (Angelica Schuyler understudy), Christine Allado (Peggy Schuyler/Maria Reynolds), Waylon Jacobs (Aaron Burr understudy), Cleve September (John Laurens/Philip Hamilton), Jason Pennycooke (Marquis de Lafayette/Thomas Jefferson), Tarinn Callender (Hercules Mulligan/James Madison), Gabriel Mokake (George Washington understudy), Michael Jibson (King George III), Leslie Garcia Bowman (Charles Lee), Christopher Tendai (Samuel Seabury understudy).
Isa briones as Eliza Hamilton
HAMILTON — Boston, MA — 11/18/18 (M)   
Austin Scott (Alexander Hamilton), Isa Briones (u/s Eliza Hamilton), Nicholas Christopher (Aaron Burr), Stephanie Umoh (Angelica Schuyler), Paul Oakley Stovall (George Washington), Bryson Bruce (Marquis de Lafayette/Thomas Jefferson), Chaundre Hall-Broomfield (Hercules Mulligan/James Madison), Rubén J. Carbajal (John Laurens/Philip Hamilton), Dorcas Leung (s/b Peggy Schuyler/Maria Reynolds), Peter Matthew Smith (King George), Alexander Ferguson (Philip Schuyler/James Reynolds/Doctor)
Full audio of Denee benton as Eliza.
cast (?)
Erin Clemons as Eliza full audio.
Joseph Morales Alexander Hamilton, Shoba narayan as Eliza Hamilton (February 10, 2018 second National Tour)
Christine alledo as Eliza full audio cast (West end)
Jamael Westman as Alexander Hamilton, Rachelle Ann Go as Eliza Hamilton, Rachel john as Angelica. (West end)
Jon Rua as Hamilton and Carleigh as Eliza Hamilton
cast: Carleigh Bettiol as Eliza Hamilton (understudy). Jon Rua as Alexander Hamilton (understudy), Renée Elise Goldsberry as Angelica Schuyler.
Wicked audios:
Lindsay Mendez, Derek klena, Katie rose clarke, Adam grupper, Randy Danson. (28/52013 Broadway)
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New audios added to list *audio information correction added
Gifting Status is back open! Slowly responding to request, so please be patient. All audios are up for trading and gifting!
Message can be sent to blog: @notfallingbehindorrunninglate and email listed on site! DO NOT MESSAGE TO THIS BLOG: @oh-never-leave-me-out I WILL NOT RESPOND
New audios added:
Hamilton - Audio
August 29, 2018
Michael Luweye (Alexander Hamilton), Daniel Dreaker (Aaron Burr), Lexi Lawson (Eliza Hamilton), Mandy Gonzales (Angelica Schuyler), Bryan Terrell Clark (George Washington), James Monroe Iglehart (Marquis de Lafayette/Thomas Jefferson), Anthony Lee Medina (John Laurens/Philip Hamilton), Wallace Smith (Hercules Mulligan/James Madison), Alysha Deslorieux (Peggy/Maria), Euan Norton (King George), Thayne Jasperson (Samuel Seabury), Neil Haskell (Charles Lee), Terrance Spencer (George Eacker); Ryan Vasquez (James R/Philip Schyuler/Doctor), Lauren Boyd; Lexi Garcia; Sasha Hollinger; Tanari Sade Vasquez; Erin Clemons, Zelig Williams
October 31, 2018
Michael Luwoye (Hamilton), Denee Benton (Eliza), Mandy Gonzalez (Angelica), Gregory Trecco (u/s Burr), Andrew Chapelle (u/s Lurens/Phillip), Wallace Smith (Mulligan/Madison), James Monroe Iglehart (Lafayette/Jefferson), Carvens Lisant (Washington), Alysha Deslorieux (Peggy/Maria), Euan Norton (King George), Roddy Kennedy (u/s James Reynolds/Philip Schuyler/The Doctor), Thayne Jasperson (Samuel Seabury), Neil Haskell (Charles Lee), Terrance Spencer (George Eacker), Lauren Boyd, Christina Glur, Sean Green Jr., Sasha Hollinger, Raven Thomas, Tanairi Sade Vasquez, Zelig Williams
Denee's third (may also be listed as Denee’s second) show
In The Heights - Audio
March 8, 2007 (Off Broadway)
Lin-Manuel Miranda (Usnavi), Karen Olivo (Vanessa), Mandy Gonzalez (Nina), Christopher Jackson (Benny), Robin de Jesus (Sonny), Olga Merediz (Abuela Claudia), Priscilla Lopez (Camila) John Herrara (Kevin), Andréa Burns (Daniella), Janet Dacal (Carla), Eliseo Roman (Piragua guy), Michael Balderrama (Graffiti Pete)
Includes some lyric changes & cut song, Hear Me Out
Into The Woods - Audio
1994 (Singapore)
Lea Salonga (Witch), Jonathan Lim (Narrator/Mysterious Man), Alex Abisheganaden, Almodovar, Kit Chan, Jingle Cortes, Prince Gani, Nicholas Goh, Karla Gutierrez (Cinderella), Eugene Hong, Jeff Isidro, Geraldine Kok, Irene Lim, Carmila A. Lopez, Rob Narita, Adrian Pang (Jack), Deborah Png, Fay Rusli, Cindy Sim, Selena Tan (Little Red Ridinghood)
Singapore Repertory Theatre production. Excellent audio for its age
The Little Mermaid - Audio
June 6, 2016 (Hollywood Bowl)
Jodi Benson (Ariel), Darren Criss (Eric), Norm Lewis (Triton), Rebel Wilson (Ursula), Tituss Burgess (Sebastian), Joshua Colley (Flounder), John Stamos (Chef Louis)
Includes pre-show and post-show with Brad Kane, Susan Egan, and Jodi Benson
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comeofage1 · 6 years
A to Z Book Rec Tag
Thank you to the lovely @that-quirky-girl for tagging me, she recognises the book weakness in me. These books are all linked on goodreads, where I have an account, linked HERE.
# - #Junkie and #Rev by Cambria Hebert 
A - Adorkable by Sarra Manning
Adulthood is a Myth by Sarah Andersen 
Adulting 101 by Lisa Henry 
Alan Partridge: Nomad by Alan Partridge (Steve Coogan) 
The Alex Crow by Andrew Smith 
All the Single Ladies by Jane Costello 
And Call me in the Morning by Willa Okati 
Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins 
Anna Dressed in Blood by Kendare Blake 
Austenland by Shannon Hale 
B - The Backup Boyfriend by River Jaymes
Beauty by Robin McKinley 
The Best Corpse for the Job by Charlie Cochrane
Between Ghosts by Garrett Leigh 
Big Mouth, Ugly Girl by Joyce Carol Oates
Blame it on the Mistletoe by Eli Easton 
Blood Magic by Tessa Gratton 
Bone Gap by Laura Ruby 
The Book Thief by Markus Zusak 
The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas by John Boyne 
Breakfast at Tiffanys by Truman Capote 
Breathe by Sloane Parker 
Brideshead Revisited by Evelyn Waugh 
Bridesmaids by Jane Costello 
Brighton Rock by Graham Green 
C - Carry On by Rainbow Rowell 
Carry the Ocean by Heidi Cullinan 
The Catastrophic History of You and Me by Jessica Rothenburg 
Caught! by JL Merrow 
Chain Reaction by Simone Elkeles 
Chance to be King by Sue Brown 
A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens 
The Christmasaurus by Tom Fletcher 
The Chronicles of Narnia by CS Lewis
Cinder by Marissa Meyer 
Clear Water by Amy Lane  
Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein 
Cold War by Keira Andrews 
The Coldest Girl in Coldtown by Holly Black 
Collide by Riley Hart 
The Color Purple by Alice Walker 
Corkscrewed by MJ O’Shea 
Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo 
Crossroads by Riley Hart 
The Crucible by Arthur Miller 
Crush by Richard Siken 
D - The Darkest Part of the Forest by Holly Black 
Dash & Lily’s book of Dares by Rachel Cohn 
Death of a Naturalist by Seamus Heaney 
Devoted by Sierra Riley 
A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness 
Dumplin’ by Julie Murphy 
E - Eclipsed by Dominic Holland 
Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine 
Emma - Jane Austen 
Epic Fail - Claire LaZebnik 
The Epic Love Story of Doug and Stephen by Valerie Z Lewis 
Every Move he Makes by Barbara Elsborg 
Evolution, Me & Other Freaks of Nature by Robin Brande 
F - Fairest by Gail Carson Levine 
Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell 
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by JK Rowling 
Far from the Madding Crowd by Thomas Hardy 
The Fellowship of the Ring by JRR Tolkien 
Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk 
Filthy Little Secret by Devon McCormack 
Fish Out Of Water by Amy Lane
Fish Stick Fridays by Rhys Ford 
Flash Burnout by LK Madigan
Flawless by Lara Chapman 
Fragile Things by Neil Gaiman 
From What I Remember by Stacy Kramer 
The Future of Us by Jay Asher 
G - Gangsta Rap by Benjamin Zephaniah : 
Girl on the Run by Jane Costello
Glass Tidings by Amy Jo Cousins
Goodbye Days by Jeff Zentner
Goodnight Mister Tom by Michelle Magorian
Grasshopper Jungle by Andrew Smith
The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman
H - Harry Potter by JK Rowling
The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas
Haunting Violet by Alyxandra Harvey
The Heart of Texas by RJ Scott
Heidi by Johanna Spyri
The Help by Kathryn Stockett
Helping Hand by Jay Northcote
A Hero at the End of the World by Erin Claiborne
Him by Sarina Bowen
The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams
The Hobbit by JRR Tolkien 
Holly Lane by Toni Blake
Hostile Ground by LA Witt
Hot Head by Damon Suede 
Hottie Scotty and Mr Porter by R Cooper
How to Repair a Mechanical Heart by JC Lillis
Howl’s Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones
A Hunted Man by Jaime Reese
Hunting Lila by Sarah Alderson
Hush Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick
I - I Love the 80s by Megan Crane
If Only in My Dreams by Keira Andrews
Illegal Contact by Santino Hassell
The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde 
Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace
Inseparable by Chris Scully
An Inspector Calls by JB Priestley
J - Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta
Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton
 Just Listen by Sarah Dessen
K - A Kiss in Time by Alex Flinn
Know Not Why by Hannah Johnson
L - Law of Attraction by Jay Northcote
Leaving Paradise by Simone Elkeles
Liam Davis & The Raven by Anyta Sunday
Light from the Dark by Mercy Celeste
Lima Oscar Victor Echo and the Truth about Everything by Suki Fleet
The Little Book of Vegan Poems by Benjamin Zephaniah 
Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
M - Mark Cooper versus America by Lisa Henry
Mark of Cain by Kate Sherwood
Me and Mr Darcy by Alexandra Potter
Merry Christmas Mr Miggles by Eli Easton
Midwinter Night’s Dream by Eli Easton
More than This by Patrick Ness
Motel. Pool. by Kim Fielding 
Mrs Warren’s Profession by Bernard George Shaw
My Love Lies Bleeding by Alyxandra Harvey 
My Single Friend by Jane Costello
N - The Nearly-weds by Jane Costello 
Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman 
Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist by Rachel Cohn 
North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell
North of Beautiful by Justina Chen
Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen
The Nothingness of Ben by Brad Boney
Noticed Me Yet? by Anyta Sunday
Noughts and Crosses by Malorie Blackman
Off Base by Annabeth Albert
Open Tackle by LC Chase
Out of the Blue by Sophie Cameron
P - Passing Through by Jay Northcote
Perfect Chemistry by Simone Elkeles
Persuasion by Jane Austen
Peter Pan by JM Barrie
The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by James Joyce
Pressure Head by JL Merrow
Pride and Modern Prejudice by AJ Michaels 
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
The Princess Bride by William Goldman
Private Eye by SE Culpepper
Promised Land by Adam Reynolds
Promises by Marie Sexton
Pushing the Limits by Katie McGarry
Q - The Queen of the Tearling by Erika Johansen
R - Rattlesnake by Kim Fielding
Remember Me? by Sophie Kinsella
The Rest of Us Just Live Here by Patrick Ness
Rock Solid by Riley Hart
Roughing the Passer by Alison Hendricks
S - The Secret History by Donna Tartt
Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen
Shiny by Amy Lane
Shrinking Violet by Danielle Joseph
Shut your Face, Anthony Pace by Claire Davis
Silent by Sara Alva
Simon vs the Homo Sapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli
Skellig by David Almond
Skin Deep by Laura Jarratt
Slam! by JL Merrow
The Sleeper and the Spindle by Neil Gaiman
Sock it to me, Santa! by Madison Parker
Someday by Sierra Riley
Songs of Innocence and of Experience by William Blake
Spencer Cohen by NR Walker
Splintered by SJD Peterson
Stardust by Neil Gaiman
Starter for Ten by David Nicholls
Station Eleven by Emily St John Mandel
Stay With Me by SE Harmon
Strong Side by Alison Hendricks
Sugar Creek by Toni Blake
Superhero by Eli Easton
T - The Tales of Beedle the Bard by JK Rowling
The Tenant of Wildfell Hall by Anne Bronte
This Savage Song by Victoria Schwab
The Time of Our Lives by Jane Costello
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
Tonight by Karen Stivali
Turkey in the Snow by Amy Lane
The Two Gentlemen of Altona by Lisa Henry
U - Unwrapping Hank by Eli Easton
Uprooted by Naomi Novik
V - The Vintners Luck by Elizabeth Knox
W - Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett
A Walk to Remember by Nicholas Sparks
The Walls of Troy by LA Witt
The Waste Land and Other Poems by TS Eliot
Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen
We were Feminists Once by Andi Zeisler
A Weekend With Mr Darcy by Victoria Connelly
Where he ends and I Begin by C Cardeno
Where the Lovelight Gleams by Kiera Andrews
Whiskey Business by Avon Gale
The Wish List by Jane Costello
Wonder by RJ Palacio
X - X-It by Jane George
Y - Y: The Last Man by Brian K Vaughan
You Against Me by Jenny Downham
Z - Zero at the Bone by Jane Seville
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Summer 2020 Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Volunteer Opportunities
Help remove invasive species, restore natural areas at state parks
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Several state parks in southern Michigan will host volunteer stewardship workdays in August. Volunteers are needed to help with removing invasive plants that threaten high-quality ecosystems in the parks.
Please note that registration is required for all volunteer workdays, and participation may be limited due to social distancing requirements. Although these are outdoor programs and proper social distancing of at least 6 feet is  required, participants still are encouraged to wear face coverings as an added precaution.
Workdays will take place:
Saturday, Aug. 1, 9 a.m. to noon at Highland Recreation Area
Sunday, Aug. 2, 9 a.m. to noon at Waterloo Recreation Area 
Saturday, Aug. 8, 9 a.m. to noon at Bald Mountain Recreation Area 
Saturday, Aug. 15, 9 a.m. to noon at Highland Recreation Area 
Sunday, Aug. 16, 9 a.m. to noon at Waterloo Recreation Area 
Saturday, Aug. 22, 9 a.m. to noon at Belle Isle Park 
Sunday, Aug. 23, 9 a.m. to noon at Brighton Recreation Area 
Saturday, Aug. 29, 9 a.m. to noon at Island Lake Recreation Area 
Sunday, Aug. 30, 9 a.m. to noon at Pinckney Recreation Area 
Find more details about each workday on the DNR volunteer events calendar.
Take part in state forest planning process
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The DNR welcomes public input on its plans for Michigan’s 3.85 million        acres of state forest.
Because of COVID-19 precautions, the format has changed for 2020. Rather than hosting face-to-face open houses, people will be asked to offer input online.
“We value public input, and we want to continue it while maintaining safe social distances,” said Jeff Stampfly, acting chief of the DNR’s Forest Resources Division.
Here is how the process will work this year:
Go to Michigan.gov/ForestInput and click on the interactive map. Zoom in to your area of interest. As you zoom in, more details will appear. Sections of forest – referred to as “compartments” – under review for work to be done in 2022 are highlighted in bright green. Click anywhere within the compartment, and a pop-up screen will appear with more information.
You may submit comments by email or schedule a telephone appointment with a DNR staffer to discuss your comments or concerns during specific time periods in each management unit. Comment periods taking place in August include:
Roscommon: July 27 through Aug. 8; contact Patrick Mohney, 989-387-8189.
Pigeon River: Aug. 4 through Sept. 9; contact Cody Stevens, 989-983-4101.
Traverse City: Aug. 10 through Sept. 9; contact Dave Lemmien, 231-922-5280.
Sault Ste. Marie: Aug. 16 through Sept. 15; contact Karen Rodock, 906-477-6048, ext. 2040.  
Gladwin: Aug. 17 through Sept. 16: contact Patrick Mohney, 989-387-8189.
Gwinn: Aug. 18 through Sept. 17: contact Kristen Matson, 906-346-9201.
See a full virtual comment period schedule.
After public input is received and considered, final decisions will be made at DNR staff meetings known as compartment reviews. The public is welcome to listen to this year’s virtual meetings over the phone. Contact the listed unit manager for details of joining a compartment review phone call.
For more information on open houses, compartment reviews and instructions for using the interactive map, go to Michigan.gov/ForestInput.
Get Michigan duck stamps and prints, contribute to wetland conservation
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2020 collector-edition Michigan duck stamps and prints, which help ensure        continued conservation of wetlands and waterfowl habitat, are now available for purchase.
The 2020 Michigan duck stamp, painted by Christopher Smith, features a flock of Canada geese coming into a decoy spread.
The Michigan Duck Hunters Association, a nonprofit organization dedicated to waterfowl and wetland conservation, coordinates the Michigan waterfowl stamp program in partnership with the DNR. Proceeds from stamp sales will be used to fund MDHA projects, with 10% used to match DNR funding for purchasing, restoring and enhancing wetlands.
Purchasing the stamps is voluntary and does not replace the state waterfowl hunting license.
Order duck stamps and prints here.
Help update DNR public land strategy
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The DNR is responsible for nearly 4.6 million acres of public lands owned by Michigan residents. When these lands – state parks, trails, game and wildlife areas, forests and other resources – are well managed, they contribute significantly to the health of Michigan’s residents, environment and economy.
As part the process of updating our public land strategy – which provides a framework for the conservation and management of DNR-managed public lands to ensure their best use for the benefit of our state’s residents, visitors and natural resources – we want to hear what you think about Michigan’s public lands.  
Right now, there’s an easy, yet meaningful way to get  involved, and it will take just a few minutes. Visit Michigan.gov/PublicLands and use the  interactive map to drop a pin on the location of the public lands you value most.
When you drop your pin, you will be invited to complete a three-question survey telling us why public lands matter to you. The results of the survey will assist in the development of the updated strategy.
You also can share your input via email at [email protected].
For more information please visit:  Michigan.gov/DNRVolunteers.     
Source: https://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/MIDNR/bulletins/29813a2
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nettvnow-blog · 7 years
Toronto's Barbelle Series Premiere: A Recap
Season one of new web series Barbelle premiered in Toronto on July 23rd and I'm already in withdrawal (catch the trailer here!).
This show is good. Really good.
Co-leads Gwenlyn Cumyn and Karen Knox (who also served as writers and producers) have fantastic chemistry. They take viewers on a roller coaster ride of queerness as bandmates Alice (Cumyn) and Veronica (Knox) surprise themselves by becoming girlfriends just as their careers are taking off, only to break up before they're set to record their sophomore album as Canadian pop duo Barbelle. Their record label explicitly requires them to do public appearances as a couple, but without $15 million to buy out their contract our heroines are stuck in the most expensive fake relationship AU of all time.
Each episode opens with an absurdly catchy intro that I would never willingly skip even if I wasn't watching all ten of them back-to-back in a theater in downtown Toronto. Director Kelly Paoli easily weaves the ice cream and pop tart motif of the intro (from graphic designer Anna Cumyn) throughout the series — both wardrobe and set design are the epitome of 90's nostalgia done right. If you're one of the series' 200+ Indiegogo campaign backers, you know that the leads have the musical talent to anchor a project like this. Thankfully, the episodes have very specific credits so you aren't left wondering which damn song is stuck in your head (and I promise you they will get stuck).
Recurring stars include Kiana Madeira, Naomi Gaskin, and Cynthia Hicks round out a fantastically female-heavy cast (not to mention a guest appearance by everyone's favorite lesbian vampire), and the series isn't shy about its Canadian roots. Mentions of Toronto neighborhoods and hangouts, deliciously familiar to local viewers, are sprinkled throughout the season, so keep an ear out for those as well as name-drops of some very recognizable Canadian talents.
The matinee screening eventually transitioned into an evening after party where Cumyn and Knox extended thanks to essentially "everybody in [our] phone contacts list" for helping get the season made. And with a creative team like this — not to mention a promise to never kill off any gay characters — I'm betting it's the first of many.
You can catch the series in two weeks on BellFibe TV's Video on Demand service and on YouTube in September.
Written by Nicole Duguay Original art by Valentine Smith
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mounicalucia-blog · 6 years
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College Essay Mentor – http://www.collegeessaymentor.com, college admissions essay expert, provides comprehensive essay package support
Chip Lee Editing – [email protected], 720-425-1173, college admissions essay expert and author of Wild Nights: How to Ace the High School and College Essay
Ethan Sawyer, College Essay Guy – http://www.collegeessayguy.com/one-on-one, college essay expert, and author of College Essay Essentials
Jane Hirschhorn – Jbhtutoring.com, professional writing tutor
Robert Schwartz – https://yourbestcollegeessay.com, college essay expert
Kevin Martin – https://texadmissions.com, college admissions & essay expert, check out his client outcomes to see that he works with many non-Texas applicants/applications – https://texadmissions.com/results
Bonnie Auslander – http://www.bonnieauslander.com, college essay expert and writing professor
AdmitSee – https://admitsee.ediket.com/, on-demand college essay feedback from university students
Ethan Sawyer, College Essay Guy – https://collegeessayguy.mykajabi.com/, variety of online courses and webinars
Essay Hell – https://www.essayhell.com/boot-camp-videos/, a few paid and free online courses
Ethan Sawyer, College Essay Guy – https://www.collegeessayguy.com/college-essay-resources, variety of free resources
AdmitSee – https://www.admitsee.com/
Essay Hell – https://www.essayhell.com/boot-camp-videos/, a few free videos
Connecticut College – https://www.conncoll.edu/admission/apply/essays-that-worked/
Johns Hopkins U – https://apply.jhu.edu/application-process/essays-that-worked/
Tufts U – https://admissions.tufts.edu/apply/advice/past-essays/common-application-essays/
Boulder Career Services – http://www.bouldercareerservices..., various career counseling services
Brad Graham, Collaborative Careers – http://www.collaborativecareers...., [email protected]
Sarah James – http://counselinglonetree.com/em..., [email protected]. Sarah offers a career counseling package that includes a personality assessment and a follow-up career counseling meeting to help students find direction with careers and college majors as well as discovering a deeper understand of who they and what their personal strengths are.
Big Future – https://bigfuture.collegeboard.o...
College Majors 101 – https://collegemajors101.com
MyMajors – https://www.mymajors.com/college...
Test Prep Resources
*They offer online services, since TBU clients come from all over the world. *
Noodle Pros, Tori Kehl, [email protected], www.
Brad Mewhort, Inspired Test Prep – http://www.testprep.coach
Mind Fish – http://mindfish.com
Revolution Prep – [email protected], www.revolutionprep.com
Ruth Kivisto, The Math Blackboard – http://www.mathblackboard.com
Compass Prep – Torsten Sannar- [email protected], www.compassprep.com
AJ Tutoring – Patrick Keenan, [email protected], www.ajtutoring.com
Huntington Learning Center – Karen Walters, Beth Lamfers or Janine Huber- 303-404-0645, [email protected], http://broomfield.huntingtonhelps.com
Mind Fish – http://mindfish.com
Blair Tyse, The Learning Center – www.thelearningcenterco.com
Moser Educational Services – http://www.mosereducational.com/contact-us
David Zindell Coaching – https://davidzindellcoaching.com
Academic Testing Advantage – Academictestingadvantage.com
Beth Olson – http://www.msolson.com/sat-act-p...
Denver Test Prep – [email protected], https://www.denvertestprep.com/
Khan Academy – www.khanacademy.org, SAT, SAT Subject Tests, AP exam support
Kaplan – https://www.kaptest.com/act/free...
College Affordability & Gap Year Resources
Roy Sargent – https://www.collegefundingkit.co..., he helps with overall planning for cost of college and offers a free tool to search the affordability of each college on the student’s college list.
Bill Smith – www.scholarfits.com, he helps to show families the specific financial fit for each college on the student’s college list and analyze student’s eligibility for both need- and merit-based financial aid.
Jeff Levy – http://www.personalcollegeadmiss..., the Financial Aid and College Affordability service consists of two 1-hour sessions where he will guide parents through the entire process of determining what college will really cost and how to apply for financial aid.
Jay Murray, Solutions for Tuition – http://www.solutionsfortuition.com, he helps families with overall planning for cost of college.
Deidre Farrell – connect.thrivent.com/deidre-farrell, she helps families with overall planning for cost of college.
The Scholarship System – https://thescholarshipsystem.com.... The Scholarship System teaches any student the step-by-step process to secure college funding. Free webinar offered.
Connections 101 – https://www.connections101.com/. Specializing in the outside scholarship process, our organization has developed strategies that have helped students receive thousands of dollars to apply to their college educations. Free resources listed on the website.
Marion Taylor – http://taylorthegap.com, gap year specialist
Gap Year Association – https://www.gapyearassociation.org
Gap Year Fairs – https://usagapyearfairs.org/prog...
Visit - Resources - The Best U
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