#( cady heron // main )
pcetstcrtured · 7 months
@heartfe1t liked for a starter!
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"hi gretchen." cady greets with a soft smile, sincere expression on her face. "i ... i just wanted to say, i'm really sorry. for everything. for getting you involved in all the regina stuff, i ... i just got so tunnel-vision-ed on aaron, on getting revenge that i didn't think of -" she cuts herself off, she's making excuses and she needs to stop that. "a-anyways, i just, i really am so sorry for it all."
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ladyblueberrymuffin · 5 months
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Bloom Peters 🔥
Fairy from Earth, Keeper of the Dragon Flame, new girl at Alfea, and Miss Griselda's favorite "serial arsonist".
Main characters often get lost in the shuffle, for not being as interesting as their friends, but there is something appealing about the new girl. She's an outsider, she faces different challenges in this world than her friends who are already used to it. Often she has to play the role of the the straight man to her friends' antics, because she's a lot more down to Earth, it's like she's got to be the big sister, it leads to a fun dynamic.
I made Bloom an awkward bookworm dreaming of adventure, because that was most of us growing up, and it's the kind of my favorite female heroine archetype. She's the Sarah Bailey, the Cady Heron. And we get to see her gain more confidence, and open up to her new friends.
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schoolsoutmp3 · 9 months
There will never be a main character more autistic than Cady Heron and we should all just admit it now
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hp-hcs · 11 months
1.3k words of the author bullying blaise zabini just for the plot (Chapter Three of The Doll) — slytherin boys x gn! ‘the boy’ (2016)! reader
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Requests open
tws: dolls, obviously; reader referred to as ‘it’ (presumed inanimate); mentions of past child character death(s); mentions of a house fire—implied arson; violence; & murder
based entirely off of the 2016 film ‘the boy’. the painting? dear jesus fuck. that’s my trauma. watching that scene when i was like, thirteen.
Without further ado, Blaise snatches up the fucking doll, stomping upstairs with the doll carelessly dangling by one porcelain arm. Reaching Y/N’s bedroom (of course the freaky doll has its own bedroom, why wouldn’t it?), Blaise opens the door with much more force than necessary. He pauses in the doorway, taking in the room that the L/Ns had so carefully decorated—as if it were an actual child’s room—with brightly colored bedsheets, cartoon animals painted on the walls, and toys scattered everywhere.
He aggressively chucks the doll onto the rocking chair in the corner, (“The reading chair,” the L/Ns had cooed. “Y/N just loves when we read them bedtime stories”), and shuts the door as he leaves, digging through his pockets for the skeleton key the L/Ns had left the boys and locking the door with a resounding clack!
Letting out a breath he didn’t know he was holding, he tries to calm his racing heart. Drawing the key back out of the lock and tucking it away safely, he makes his way back downstairs on shaky legs.
He pointedly looks down at the floor as he passes the painting of the L/Ns.
Returning to the living room, his friends stare at him with wildly curious expressions.
“You okay, man?” Draco asks slowly, tilting his head.
“You guys aren’t getting popcorn tonight,” Blaise says with finality, his voice cracking on the last word. Blaise Zabini is not the kind of person to waver while speaking.
The boys don’t press the issue.
They instead scoot over, making room for him to join their blanket pile on the floor as they start the movie. Once he’s settled in, Blaise focuses on watching Cady Heron fumble her way through high school and tries to push the fuckery with the doll out of his mind.
~~~ Passing through the main narrow hallway, Blaise precariously carries a stack of antique books, liable to disintegrate at just the wrong glance. The rain is still going strong, a sudden clap of thunder causing the hallway’s oil lamps to splutter feebly. Cursing under his breath, Blaise sets the books on a decorative hall table and fumbles through his pockets for a lighter. Just in time, another crack of thunder seems to shake the whole house, the lamps giving off one last sad spark of light before giving up entirely.
His thumb slips against the flint wheel a few times before the lighter finally flickers, a flame catching on the wick. The tiny pinprick of light in the otherwise murky and oppressive hallway does nothing to light up Blaise’s surroundings. Moving the lighter around slowly, so as not to accidentally catch anything in the old house on fire, he slowly makes his way down the hall, immediately banging his hip on a console table.
Cursing again, Blaise swings the lighter around, looking for any more furniture boobytraps attempting to further maim him.
Then, a soft sound could be heard.
Blaise freezes, his breath catching in his throat.
It’s the unmistakable sound of a child crying.
Holding the lighter out in front of him like a weapon, Blaise takes a hesitant step down the hall towards the sound. The flame of his lighter then glints off of something hanging on the wall, a very large glossy wooden picture frame.
It’s the damn painting.
Frozen in place, Blaise can’t do anything but stare up at the imposing painting in terror. In the meager light, the L/Ns faces all look demonic and twisted.
The sobbing gets louder, closer.
He glances down the hall towards the sound, his heart pounding in his chest, before glancing back at the painting.
A hand shoots out from the canvas and seizes him around the throat, sharp nails digging into his flesh and squeezing squeezing squeezing-
Blaise wakes up in a cold sweat. Heart practically beating out of his chest, he breathes heavily, every one of his senses on overdrive, screaming at him to get out of there.
The clock on the TV stand glows a comforting green, whispering the time as an early five in the morning. The sun has only just begun to break over the horizon, gentle morning rays leaking through the decorative bits of stained glass at the top of each of the windows and casting warm shades of colors over the ceiling.
Mattheo lays stretched out next to him, dead asleep and hogging all of the blankets. Enzo and Draco fell asleep on each other, in a way that looks terribly uncomfortable. Theo is sprawled out across all of them, his head on Blaise’s knee and half of his body sandwiched between him and Mattheo. They must’ve fallen asleep before the movie ended, because the little DVD logo box slowly bounces across the screen, avoiding the corners like the plague.
Blaise scrubs his hands over his face, looking around the inviting and entirely non-threatening room. Really, the house is rather cute, in its own charming way. Like how a grandparent’s house is always tacky and poorly decorated, yet still perfect and homey nonetheless.
Knowing there was no way he’d be able to fall back asleep, Blaise carefully moves Theo’s head onto a blanket, sliding out of the group pile and standing up. His knees snap crackle and pop as he grunts to himself, shuffling to the kitchen to start a pot of coffee.
The kitchen is even cuter in the sunlight, with pale gingham curtains framing the window above the sink and cross-stitch frames dotting the walls. As he flicks the start lever on the coffee pot, he takes the opportunity to look around the room. Tacky linoleum floors? Check. Kitchen towels with embroidered kitschy sayings? Check. Live laugh and fucking love, everybody.
Blaise leans against the counter on his forearms, listening to the coffee pot hum. Taped onto one of the kitchen cabinets in front of him is a faded polaroid of a family in the outdoors, the woman and man grinning widely at the camera while the young child in the foreground appears to be mid-laugh, clinging to their father. The scrawled handwriting at the bottom describes the photo as ‘Y/N’s 9th birthday at the lake!’
Blaise’s eyebrows shoot up as he looks over the photo again. He hadn’t recognized them immediately, but sure enough, the woman and man in the photograph are the L/Ns. They look so much younger and happier in the polaroid, the weight of life having yet to set in.
Caught up in his thoughts, Blaise barely notices when the coffee pot dings to let him know that it’s done. Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, he pulls down a few mugs for him and the rest of the boys. He glances down curiously when the coffee pot continues to hum.
His brow furrows as he taps at the machine with a fingernail. The coffee maker splutters indignantly and beeps again, then goes silent.
But the hum continues.
Abandoning his quest for caffeine, he peeks out into the hall, wondering if one of his friends had woken up. He peers into the entrance of the living room from the kitchen doorway; he can see the still-bouncing logo on the otherwise mute TV, and his four friends still sprawled out on top of all of the blankets.
But the hum continues.
He steps a little further out into the hall. He can now hear distinctly that the sound is coming from upstairs. Looking back at his abandoned mug on the counter forlornly—and mentally cursing himself for being insatiable in his curiosity—Blaise slowly starts up the stairs.
Once he reaches the top floor, the sound grows louder. It’s clearer now too. Blaise can tell that it’s not a hum.
It’s a child’s sobs.
Eyes widening, his gaze immediately latches onto the door of Y/N’s bedroom.
Surely not.
Holding the skeleton key retrieved from his pocket between shaking fingers, he slides it into the lock and twists, the door slowly creaking open.
The doll is still sitting in the chair, exactly as he left it.
He sighs in relief.
It’s a doll, dumbass. You’re just being paranoid. The war just left you on edge, that’s all.
He turns to leave, to go back downstairs and enjoy his coffee, when something catches his eye.
The doll is crying.
A single tear tracks down its face, hanging still for a moment before dripping off of its porcelain chin.
Blaise stumbles backwards, dropping the key with a clatter. He tugs the neckline of his shirt down frantically, feeling the phantom hand from his dream wrapping around his throat once more. He could swear he feels those damn nails again, slicing into his skin.
Watching the doll with bated breath and terror-stricken eyes, Blaise waits a long moment before another tear runs down its face, running down the bridge of its nose from its forehead.
Blaise slowly looks up at the ceiling, a bit convinced that if he looks away from the doll for too long, it’ll lunge. He releases the breath he’s holding when he sees that the ceiling has a leak, rainwater from last night’s storm dripping down. Down from the seam of where the shut tight pull-down ladder to what must be the attic—or some kind of storage space—meets the rest of the ceiling.
It’s just an old house. There’s no crying dolls, no monstrous paintings. Just a wacky old house with wacky old owners.
Yep. That’s all.
Chapter Four <3
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poffyfluffnugg3t · 3 months
While listening to Revenge party and cautionary tale, I kept imaging
Aoi asahina as Janis and Mondo Owada as Damian.
And since I've already seen the Hamilton And Danganronpa crossover By @stressed-depressed-andobsessed
An the fact I've believed from the beginning that Mondo is a musical fan(who has hyper fixated on The Six and The lightning thief)
I might as well speak my casting thoughts so I can stop imaging danganronpa characters in musicals.
Kaede Akamatsu as Cady Heron:
She originally just wanted to be a part of the instrumental/choir but she decided to just tryout for a role. Now when she got the role of Cady, she just sat there. And by just sat there I mean she just said "Oh...cool!" Then silence followed. But everyone in her class was loud with excitement (And by everyone I mean Kaito and Gonta) But Kaede just stayed quiet for the most part
Junko Enoshima as Regina George:
This bitch automatically auditioned for Regina. Like there was zero hesitation (Then again she usually auditioned for the bad guy cause she's extra). But when she was asked why she wanted this role she straight out said: " oh I auditioned for this role because I like to be in the spotlight and control people!" She also tried to bribe the casters but they didn't accept but gave her the role anyway.
Mondo Owada as Damian Leigh:
Now Mondo didn't want to audition. He is doesn't like the Mean Girls musical or movie because he thinks that 99% of the characters are crazy. But Hina convinced him he should auditioned.
So he did. He was hoping for a background character. he got Damian. He wasn't made that he got a main character he was just angry by the fact he had to be in the spotlight of a musical he doesn't like. He excepted it at the end though.
Aoi Asahina as Janis Ian:
Hina wanted this role. Like from the beginning.and She specifically wanted Mondo to be Damian. No on else. Just Mondo.
Gretchen Wieners: Kiyotaka Ishimaru
He originally auditioned for the role of Aaron Samuels before being cast as Gretchen. At first he was angry with this role then he started relating to Gretchen.
Karen Smith: Ibuki Mioda
Ibuki was just there to have fun she honestly didn't care if she got a role or not. But she did and she loves it. loved the comedic potential of Karen's character and wanted to bring her vibrant energy to the role. Initially auditioned for the role of Janis tho.
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu as Kevin Gnapoor
Fuyuhiko aimed for Aaron, thinking he would be able to get that part just because. However, his unexpected humor made him a standout for Kevin. His audition was filled with surprising humor and charisma, fitting Kevin’s entire character. He was slightly displeased with this. And unlike everyone else he still is
Byakuya Togami as Mr. Duvall
an obvious choice for Mr. Duvall. He auditioned for the part, and he was the only one who did so he got that role.
Kyoko Kirigiri as Ms. Norbury
Kyoko initially aimed for Regina, intrigued by the character’s complexity.(that was the only reason she auditioned for any role) However, her Personality made her more suitable for Ms. Norbury, a mentor and voice of reason. Her audition highlighted her ability to guide and support others, fitting perfectly with Ms. Norbury's role.
Kaito Momota as Aaron Samuels
Kaito tried to get his whole class to audition but only Kaede was willing to audition. When he got Aaron's he was really excited. And I mean extremely like the same type of excitement you see when a dog has the zoomies. He originally wasn't planning on auditioning for a major role but he just decided meh! Why not.
And that concludes this thing I've had in my head for three days now. And I know it's not leaving.
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nsfwhiphop · 1 month
Fun Fact: Mean Girls - The Burn Book:
In the movie Mean Girls, is it true that no one came forward to claim authorship of the Burn Book, with everyone denying being the author?
ChatGPT Answer:
Yes, in Mean Girls, no one claims authorship of the Burn Book. When the book is exposed and its contents revealed, everyone denies being the author. The Burn Book is a scrapbook created by the Plastics (Regina George, Gretchen Wieners, and Karen Smith), and it contains vicious rumors, secrets, and insults about many students and faculty members.
When Principal Duvall confronts the girls about the Burn Book after it’s distributed around the school, all of them deny being the one who wrote it. This leads to a chaotic situation where no one takes responsibility, and the blame is spread among the group. Regina George even tries to pin the whole thing on Cady Heron, despite Regina being the main instigator and contributor to the Burn Book. So, yes, everyone involved denies being the author, and no one comes forward to claim responsibility.
Video here:
Mean Girls: Jungle Madness, Burn Book Revealed (HD CLIP)
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r2in2p · 1 month
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1. you can send a request by using the "yap yap yap (or request)" button (even though you can use it to talk to me😻)
2. all the bots i make are wlw
3. i can make suggestive bots, but it can only do so much bc of the filters (if you manage to break it, then congrats😝)
4. below are the characters i am open to make bots with:
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𖦹 - wanda maximoff
𖦹 - natasha romanoff
𖦹 - kate bishop
𖦹 - yelena belova
𖦹 - maria hill
𖦹 - carol danvers
𖦹 - valkyrie
✮⋆˙ - MEAN GIRLS (2024)
𖦹 - regina george
𖦹 - janis imi'ike
𖦹 - cady heron
𖦹 - karen shetty
𖦹 - gretchen wieners
𖦹 - annie edison
𖦹 - britta perry
𖦹 - amy santiago
𖦹 - rosa diaz
𖦹 - eleanor shellstrop
𖦹 - tahani al jamil
𖦹 - reneé rapp
𖦹 - elizabeth olsen
𖦹 - margot robbie
𖦹 - sydney sweeney
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all-de-fandoms · 8 months
I literally just found out about this today and- yeah yeah yeah I know the musical got a lot of hate but genuinely I adored it (and it was one of my go-tos whenever I got dragged to a scary horror movie!). So to find out that they're making a movie out of it..... I mean yes, I've got some mixed feelings, but mostly I'm excited!
I've listened to the movie album on Spotify already, and held it up against the original. I have lots of opinions.
Cast Performance
Erika Henningsen vs Angourie Rice as Cady Heron: I’m sorry Angourie I’m sure you’re great but Erika really put her soul into her Broadway performance. So much emotion, so much energy and personality in her voice. By comparison, Angourie mostly seems to be singing to sound good rather than to communicate parts of the story in the musical. (I will say however that she did do pretty good in her last song, “I See Stars”.)
Taylor Louderman vs Renee Rap as Regina George: Renee! She did actually play Regina on Broadway after Taylor Louderman. Truth be told, I love Taylor’s version (lol) the best but Renee’s is nothing to sneeze at either. 10/10, no notes.
Ashley Park vs Bebe Wood as Gretchen: Ashley Park did it better. Bebe’s songs are.. okay. But they did cut a lot of Gretchen’s lines in the MG 2024 Spotify album, so that does affect her rating.
Kate Rockwell vs Avantika as Karen: I can’t choose, they both did a good job with their roles. I feel like Kate’s Karen really echoed Amanda Seyfried’s Karen in the original movie, but from what I could tell in the Spotify album, Avantika’s spin on Karen sounds equally good. I do wish they’d given her more songs/lines!
Barrett Wilbert Weed vs Auliʻi Cravalho as Janis!! OH MY FUCKING GOD you guys. If Renee gets a 10/10 Auli gets an 11/10 from me. Auli'i definitely did her homework. Amazing, amazing, amazing.
Grey Henson vs Jaquel Spivey as Damien: There's absolutely nothing wrong with Grey's version of Damien, it's a very good match for the movie one. But Jaquel’s Damien? He had such a beautiful voice, he really went above and beyond for Damien. My vote’s for Jaquel all the way.
The Songs
I won’t be listing them all because that would make this post much too long but here are my highlights:
They cut “It Roars” for “What Ifs” in the movie. Booo. “It Roars” told a good story, “What Ifs” is forgettable, in my opinion.
Auliʻi Cravalho’s version of “Revenge Party” is awesome. She absolutely killed it (/positive) and although I’m not one to usually approve lyric changes, I love the enhancement to Janis’ character by making the song more bloodthirsty.
Renee Rap nailed “Someone Gets Hurt” but I expected no less of course.
They changed some of the lyrics in some of the songs. Some of the lyric changes were just one line, or shifting around of roles ("Apex Predator").
“Meet the Plastics” got pared down in the movie album. Actually, a lot of songs got pared down for the movie album, or just moved altogether. I guess it was to adjust for time, and also to accommodate Angourie Rice’s vocal range. Aaron apparently has no singing roles at all.
"What's Wrong With Me" is another one that got pared down. The original song from the Broadway version tops this one, hands down. Had more plot and characterisation to it, this one was. Not it.
They cut Karen's funny lines in the beginning of the song "Sexy" which. Again, is such a shame. Avantika did amazing though.
They changed parts of "I See Stars", but I'm not mad at it tbh
Final Thoughts
I think my main gripe with the movie (from what I can tell based on the Spotify album) is that Angourie Rice is just not built for the powerful belting songs that Cady sings in the musical. That’s not bad, but I just. Surely they could have found another actress to play Cady? One who could actually perform in a musical? I’m a little tired of people being cast in a movie musical and still singing as if they’re trying to record an album. They’re two different things, people.
I guess they were trying to communicate Cady’s innocent and naïve personality in the original movie? but they cut out the rest of her personality in the new songs, making her just. So flat. This is particularly noticeable in the Broadway version of “Stupid With Love” vs the movie one. We were also robbed of Cady's growl in the line "watch me shake my mane" from "Apex Predator" (which is one of my favourite parts of the musical!) It’s tragic, is what it is. I don’t think this is necessarily all Angourie’s fault- mostly, this is poor writing and/or directing.
Similar gripe with Christopher Briney, Aaron’s actor in the movie. Apparently, he didn’t even want the role when he found out it would be a musical, so they cut out Aaron’s singing parts for him. Like?? Just? Hire someone else? It’s a musical, they ought to be committing to it.
Auliʻi has such a freakin beautiful voice, and as far as her singing performance goes she is the perfect casting for Broadway-Janis. Her performance is on parr with Barett’s in my opinion. She is the perfect example of someone who almost certainly did her homework: she understands the role, she puts in the attitude, the grunge, the “fuck you” attitude that made Barett’s version so damn good. I freakin love her.
Honestly from what I can tell I do love most of the people in this album (Jaquel Spivey!!) except for Cady and Aaron. Which is kind of a shame.
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red-revival · 3 months
Hi hello. Not an OC but I see you talk about all the time bout the CaDi campaign??? Whats all about? 👀
CaDi(short for Cavernous Divine) is a post-apocalyptic fantasy campaign I'm running using Mutants and Masterminds! Its setting has been an on-and-off project of mine for 7 or 8 years now.
The basics(as far as players are aware) is divinity is radiation, causing mutations and weakening the immune system. A week before the campaign started, a war between gods devastating the continent ended. Nevakra, the desert to the north, was used as the main battlefield, but the fallout spread throughout the entire landmass. Survivors are trying find each other and gather, but with many survivors already hurt and vulnerable, travel is risky.
Nevakra is mostly destroyed, though people theorize its main city might remain intact. Verant is stuck within an eternal blizzard created by a dying god's last breaths, survivors avoiding each other for fear of sickness. The Ruine Coalition, once a thriving allyship between southern nations(Fy'Hrav, Eivre, Azhima, Srian, Heron), is slowly crumbling, with one of the founding nations entire population disappearing mysteriously during the war despite no sign of violence or magic.
The Forge stands strong, almost unaffected, but people avoid it. After all, the Forge is powered by the body of a god, divinity woven into its every gear and device, and few are willing to take that risk. The Burrow, which was rapidly dug from a few isolated cities into a large subterranean nation just before the war started, is gathering survivors, but many are suspicious; how did Burrowers predict what nobody else even expected, and know their tunnels would be perfect to take shelter from the gods?
There's mystery and deception in every letter of the campaign, of course. Many of the god's domains or even names are incorrectly listed in the lore channels, entire centuries of history removed from the timeline, entire nations shared with incorrect information. Entire gods are said to be dead, but their domains haven't been taken by another. The party isn't even aware that there are worlds outside their continent, aside from a pc from one of those worlds... who doesn't know yet why they were sent to ours.
Something has been obscuring the continent's history from mortals, but the world can only be saved if the party can find the truth.
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ismean · 21 days
in all main verses, unless interacting with a cady writer mostly, regina's first kill/feeding is cady heron. her body isn't found for a long while and then it's attributed to a black bear attack.
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pcetstcrtured · 7 months
@ofblackskies liked for a starter!
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cady offers a soft, friendly, smile as settles down next to the other. "hi karen." she greets. "how have you been? are you ... doing okay?" she feels bad that karen had to get mixed up in, well, everything. especially when the other girl's been so kind through it all. it feels right to check in with her.
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brookea21 · 11 months
Mean Girls
Mean Girls is a widely quoted and mainstream movie; in fact, it is one of the most well-known teen comedy films. However, for those who haven’t seen it, a quick synopsis is that this film is about protagonist Cady Heron, who moves from being homeschooled in Africa to a public school in an American suburban town and has to figure out how to navigate high school, and her new friend group ‘The Plastics’; all the while running into problems with her real friends, her love life, and even herself.
I've seen this film many times, and initially, it was one of my favorite films; however, when I rewatched it recently, I noticed many negative stereotypes regarding people of color being reinforced throughout the film, which definitely made the film more uncomfortable to watch than I had previously remembered. While I understand that this is a comedic movie that potentially utilizes these stereotypes in an attempt to mock American racism, it actually contributes to the issue by further reinforcing negative stereotypes to viewers. 
Especially when considering who directed, wrote and predominantly starred in the film and that few of these people were people of color, so this essentially reinforces negative stereotypes surrounding people of color, since these jokes are not used to provide a message and political context to the audience, but more for comedic relief at the characters of color expense, their individual identities compromised and refined to reinforce negative stereotypes for comedic relief. In particular, The 'Otherization' of the continent of Africa and the film's treatment of their Black American characters to serve as comedic relief reinforcing negative stereotypes made me uncomfortable upon a second watch.
For example, in this scene, the film is framing Black Americans as a collective whole by grouping all these individuals, silencing their identities and utilizing false and negative tropes to collectively personify them. The White characters, on the other hand, are framed as being dynamic people with complex feelings and emotions, and eventually, in the film, the main white protagonist Cady actually fixes the school clique problem by getting everyone to talk about their emotions at an assembly, which utilizes the ideology of Cady serving as the ‘White savior,’ to friend groups she isn’t even apart of. Furthermore, the scene that calls this friend group the ‘Unfriendly Black hotties’ is rooted in harmful racist stereotypes about Black People.
Additionally, as seen in this clip, the film also dehumanizes Africa and African people, labeling the continent as ‘wild’ and ‘uncultured,’ further perpetuating harmful Western and racist stereotypes surrounding the continent and using it for both comedic relief and as a way to showcase Cady’s naivety. 
In what way do you think that Mean Girls use of comedy perpetuates harmful stereotypes, and how do you think it could have utilized comedy to send a more meaningful and critical message about race to the audience? 
Why do you think this ‘otherization’ of Africa, framing it as uncultured and wild, is common in Western media, and what makes this trope harmful? Additionally, are there any films you can think of that utilize this damaging trope? 
Do you think that the Black characters in this movie could have been given a more significant plotline and individualized personalities, and how do you think that would have positively changed the film?
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DRDT Mean Girls AU
So a while back I saw some posts about DRDT Heathers AU, and I was like ‘woah! I have so many AUs like this one where I assign DRDT characters to roles in my favorite media, I should make a post about one of them!’.
Then I forgot.
But I remembered after listening to some of Mean Girls The Musical yesterday, so I’m finally doing it. Speaking of the musical, I’ve listened to many of songs from that a dozen times, and seen the movie exactly one time. So characterization will probably be based a bit more on the musical than the movie. Anyways, let’s get started!
Cady Heron: I’ll be honest, since Cady is arguably the least eccentric of the Mean Girls cast, and her main role in the story is changing her personality based on what other people want her to be without too much focus shown to her true personality for a large chunk of the film/musical, I had trouble figuring out which character I should put here. Eventually, I settled on Teruko. Along with being the main character of DRDT, it’s also confirmed that she spent at least some of her life living in Japan, so I figured we could swap the ‘moving from Africa’ plot line to ‘moving from Japan’ since most of the Africa stuff doesn’t impact the plot too much, besides Cady’s inner monologues, which don’t effect the physical world. And I know Teruko would need to be good at math in order for the plot to work, which she probably isn’t since she’s been on the run and stuff, but just pretend she, by some miracle, got really good at math for some reason.
Regina George: I was kinda stuck between David and Arei on this one, but decided to go Arei in the end. Since it’s been stated she was a high school bully, her being the high school bully in this AU just kinda makes sense. Unlike in Miss George in the movie, I think her parents would be rather absent, which is why she wants all the positive attention at school that comes with being popular. Plus, in the musical Regina gets a small scene where it basically shows she’s starting a redemption arc after the whole bus incident, so Arei can get better, just like in DRDT.
Gretchen Weiners: Ever since it was shown in chapter two that Ace has the habit of eavesdropping and overall being a bit nosy, I’ve loved shoving him into the Gretchen role, and gossipy roles in general. Plus, Gretchen’s hair is said to be ‘big because it’s full of secrets’ and. You have seen this man’s hair, right? Plus you can swap her wanting to make ‘fetch’ a thing to one of Ace’s strange idioms (go swing your bat into a beehive, petal backwards on your tricycle). Since there’s no killing game, he’d probably fit more into his chapter 1 characterization where he’s slightly less aggressive and more of a ‘kickable scaredy-cat’ in his words, doing anything Arei says (while harboring a fuck-ton of resentment towards her, but being too scared to act on it) until Teruko comes around to ruin their tenuous friendship.
Karen Smith: Arturo. One of thier main character traits is about their looks, Karen being the ‘hot one’ according to her song ‘Sexy’ from the musical. And while Karen is definitely nicer than Arturo, I think you could still make him fit the role, by having him act a bit less air-headed and a bit more condescending than Karen (aka like himself while still filling her role in the story, which is basically just to stop being friends with Regina/Arei). Since Arei is the closest thing to a celebrity they have in the school, because of her popularity and rich parents, he’s decided following her around will be the best option for his school career, especially since it boosts his own reputation. But it’s less so that he wants to be in her posse more like he settled for it, so he’s willing to break it off with her once Teruko starts breaking up the plastics.
Janis Ian/Sarkisian: J Moreno/Rosales, and I’ll be honest. One of the core reasons is because they both dress and act in a less feminine way than their other female classmates. But J also was confirmed to really like Teruko in the Chapter 2 refresher (I’m too lazy to look up the actual name), so her wanting to be friends with Teruko right off the bat makes sense. Janis also seems artistically inclined, inviting Cady to come to an Art Show, so switch that with J wanting Teruko to come to a play she’s doing the effects for, as well as them hanging out in the theatre instead of the art room (I know the musical has them in the art room for a scene, not sure if it’s the same in the movie). The ‘people say J’s a lesbian but she’s not’ plot thread is the only thing that bothers me, since having J be mad about being called a lesbian while there are lesbian relationships in the AU that no one bats an eye at wouldn’t make much sense. But I think you could probably play around with this plot thread a little, maybe J and Arei were friends when they were kids, just like Regina and Janis, but once people started saying J was weird/a loser/insert insult here, Arei threw J under the bus (get it??? cause regina gets hit by a bus??? i’m hilarious i know) to save her own reputation and told everyone that they weren’t even friends anymore. Which obviously hurts J’s feelings and she swears revenge for Arei’s betrayal.
Damian (I couldn’t find his last name): If Damian didn’t exist, I probably would’ve cast Whit as Karen, but Damian does exist so Whit goes here. Damian kinda just goes with the flow in Mean Girls, he doesn’t seem to have any reason to ruin Regina’s life but he helps anyways because he wants to be a good friend. Whit also just kinda goes with whatever he thinks will lead to the least conflict, which in this situation is going along with J’s plan, though he does try to talk her out of it a few times, since he isn’t too keen about the idea of ruining someone’s life. Understandable. But he wants J to be happy, so he follows the plan. Plus he’s one of the few characters to be confirmed to like boys, (along with David and Ace but neither really fit this role).
Aaron Samuels: I ship Minruko so of course I made Min Teruko’s love interest. There’s a scene in the musical where they talk about how Aaron’s hair looks ‘better pushed back’ which made me think of Min’s bangs and how Arei would want her to show off her pretty eyes. Aaron also tutors Cady in Math, which would definitely work for Min, since she’s the Ultimate Student and was helping another student study in her bonus episode. The main reason Regina wants to date Aaron in Mean Girls, other than to make Cady mad or jealous or whatever, is because he’s popular and hot. And Min has got that second thing down so good enough. I’d imagine dating the most popular girl in school would make Min rather popular by association anyway, so I don’t think it’s too big an issue that she’s not a football player that everyone wants to date or whatever.
And that’s it. This AU is…kind of a mess, but I like it. If you have any arguments for why certain drdt characters should be switched around or if any characters not mentioned should be casted, I’d love to hear them! I know making two of the ‘mean girls’ trio boys is a little strange but I thought they fit the roles best. Plus I had fun imagining them gender swapped.
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blankvort · 5 months
this is kind of embarrassing to ask after we've been mutuals so long but what does "blankvort" even mean
hi hello you have no idea how important this question is to me and what eternal vast darkness you have damned humanity to and how excited i am to talk about this. short answer though when i was a kid i read these novels about a middle schooler called florian bates becoming a consultant for the fbi using his extraordinary observation expertise (which essentially amounted to knowing the weirdest trivia about eastern european shoe brands and van gogh) and solving mysteries with his bff margaret (who was a soccer/football/sportwithballthatmustbekicked player AND a musician AND was never forced to be a love interest which was revolutionary to me. i felt that the prevalent philosophy in books with male main characters then was he was a boy, she was a girl, can i make it any more obvious) and was, as typical of awkward teen geniuses, described as Different and Weird and Shockingly Good @ Math. yeah can you see the pipeline from him to cady heron yet
anyways at some point in the first book he was assigned the identity johan blankvort to keep his existence as a 12-year-old fbi asset a secret and i was too lazy to think of any good mean girls related usernames when i made this blog. i had not considered that my ‘initials’ would be that of bacterial vaginosis but can you blame me
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Hi welcome to the chaos that is my writing blog!!!
Main Acc: @urlocalnonbinarybastard
Sloane (They/Them)
DNI- if you’re homophobic, racist, a bully, a creep, or going to comment anything not nice to me or my mutuals/followers. I will not be afraid to pull a Johnny Cade on you/J mostly Also, no age restrictions really- just don’t be a creep in my inbox or you will be blocked and cringed upon. (check my main acc. for more personal details!
I will write/Rules:
Ship stuff
Matchmaking (give me a description of you and a fandom and I’ll come up with your partner!)
I will not write:
Anything too triggering
(Rape, extreme self harm, etc.)
OOC content- writing asexual characters in smut, etc
Noncon in general
Also, characters will always be aged up for smut!!
Chat is open! Inbox is closed, send requests to
Fandoms/who I write for: (cutting bc there’s a LOT)
Hazbin Hotel
-All characters
The Outsiders
The whole gang + Cherry Valance, Shepards
Texas chainsaw massacre (movies + video game)
-Johnny Slaughter
-Sissy slaughter
-Bubba sawyer
-Chop top sawyer
-Nubbins Sawyer
-Drayton Sawyer (no nsfw for him either!)
-Nancy Slaughter (no nsfw for her sorry)
PJO/HOO(books + tv show only)
-all characters (no smut for them please this is my childhood)
The cruel prince
-Suren (Wren)
Harry Potter (includes the marauders)
-Any Characters
DC Universe
-Dick Grayson (Nightwing)
-Jason Todd (Red Hood)
-Damian Wayne (Robin)
-Bruce Wayne (Batman)
-Selina Kyle (Catwoman)
-Tim Drake (Red Robin)
-Barbara Gordon (Batgirl)
-Harley Quinn
-Poison Ivy
-Beast Boy
-Kon Kent (superboy)
-Stu Macher
-Billy Loomis
-Sydney Prescott
Avatar the Last Airbender! (Animated Show)
-Tai Lee
-cabbage man
-pretty much any character
Mean Girls
-Janice Ian
-Regina George
-Cady Heron
-Damian Leigh
-Karen Smith
-Gretchen Weiners
-Heather Chandler
-Heather McNamera
-Heather Duke
-Veronica Sawyer
-Jason Dean (JD)
The Umbrella Academy
-all UA characters
-all sparrow academy
-Roderick Heffly
-Cicero (Skyrim)
Any slasher fandom
-Micheal Myers
-Brahms Heelshire
-Jason Vorhees
(There’s a ton more I can’t remember, feel free to ask about anything and I’ll write it if I know it, and even if I don’t I’ll see what I can do)
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meraki-yao · 6 months
what instrument do u play? ✨️ u sound very cool !!
Oh! Thank you! That's very sweet of you my dear! ❣️
That's a tricky question because over here the culture is kind of "middle class and above" kids all learn a bunch of instruments, or at least one classical instrument, cries through qualification exams, and then most of us stop once we get to the highest non-professional grade. So it might be easier for me to tell you what instruments I've learned:
Piano: lessons from 4 to 13, completed ABRSM Grade 8 exam, still play at least once a week
Recorder: learned during primary school, haven't touched it in years but probably can pick it up fairly quickly
Harmonica: learned during primary, haven't touched it in years but probably can pick it up quickly
Oboe: took lessons from F1-F4 (12-16), absolutely forgot everything 😅
I'm also attempting to self-learn guitar, key word being attempting 😅
But if you're referring to what I said about being the soloist in the musical theatre workshop I said earlier, that means I got the main character and sang the solo part! More specifically, Cady Heron in the Means Girls Musicl :D I love singing but I've never been actually trained, so it was kind of daunting and I was shaking for a bit, but I am so happy that I did!
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