#( definitely how hojo approaches this )
altocat · 4 months
One thing that I wish the RTrilogy would dial back on is all the timeline/multiverse and multiple manifestations stuff because the fandom starts to see everything through that lense. It just feels like when we get new stories, everything has to be an AU or tie into the multiverse or be a different version of a character or even a different timeline.
The Jenova stuff is also not very clear and it shows in peoples’ theories. Sephiroth getting the Cloud-style headaches can’t just be memory flashes or something psychological. Everyone says it’s Jenova. Hojo can’t just be a vision in Sephiroth’s mind, it has to be Jenova taking his shape. I wish more of the mental health aspects of FF7 were discussed and not all the magic/alien/universe nonsense.
Yeah, I agree. I think the reason why people seemed to like First Soldier, for example, is because it's a relatively simpler story to follow, even with the R-trilogy stinger at the end. OG FF7 is complicated, but a lot simpler as well. Same with CC. Multiverse stuff really isn't how I'd go about things as it makes things overly complicated and harder to approach for newbies. I don't HATE it, but I do occasionally get wistful at the idea that they really didn't have to make things this crazy.
And yeah, the Jenova stuff is definitely weird and overplayed.
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Questions 7 and 8 for the ask the mundane meme. I'm mobile and can't copy/paste, sorry!!
Multimuse Asks || Currently Accepting!
which one of your muses has the most ships?
I am going to assume you're asking about ships I have partook in. I do not really involve myself in the fandoms I roleplay (like forums, twitter, reading fanfictions or watching videos), so I wouldn't know what people outside of my own sphere of involvement ship. Anyways with this premise...
I believe Sephiroth is the one I have written the most ships with. Which is not a lot, if you can believe it? Most of my RP partners haven't gotten to ship with me because of how slow I am in my approach to chemistry building.
With Sephiroth I have at least two ships established, which is my highest record for a single muse so far. I know, not a lot. Told you I'm Mr. Slow Burn!
what is each of your muses otps? notps?
Akihara Ren: no OTP or NOTP decided
Auron: NOTP with anybody, leave him be
Hakkai: OTP with Gojyo, NOTP with Goku, sorry, but he will cook him treats!
Cyno: Too soon for me to decide on OTP, but I am very weak on pairing him with Aether, Candace, Nilou and possibly Tighnari. Too early to decide on NOTPs.
Fushimi Niki: OTP with Kisa, as OTP as that means- NOTP with Saru and that should be a GIVEN.
Fushimi Saruhiko: SaruMi OTP forever and always, NOTP with Suoh. It gives me the heebie jeebies, please don't.
Sanzo: No OTP, but no NOTP either, really?
GLaDOS: OTP with science, NOTP with cake.
Hazel Grouse: OTP with teasing Sanzo while completely unrequited because those scenes are the best; NOTP with Sanzo because then I wouldn't get any more disgusted Sanzo reactions and where is the fun in that?
Kenshin Himura: no OTP or NOTP decided
Hisui Nagare: no OTP and definitely NOTP with Iwa he is his SON
Hope Estheim: he's a child so I don't really think about ships with him
ZEN: JuZen OTP!! Juzen OTP!! NOTP with Yoosung- and tbh... Jaehee. I'm sorry.
Iwa: Strangely OTP with Fushimi Niki, it's a personal verse in my brain and probably will never see the light of day again. NOTP with Nagare
Jet Enduro: OTP with Virginia Maxwell, who I will never find to RP with and that makes me honestly sad. NOTP with Gallows.
V: OTP with Jumin, yes, I said it. NOTP with Saeran or Saeyoung, he loves them as surrogate kids or little brothers. Also NOTP with Yoosung for the same reason.
Jumin: JUZEN OTP!! NOTP with Jaehee because that is just wrong, and NOTP with Yoosung. What do I have against poor Yoosung?
Kjat: Nothing established.
Syaoran: OTP with Sakura, obviously enough. No real NOTPs so long as age limits apply.
Yukari: no OTP or NOTP decided
Munakata: no OTP decided but DEFINITELY NOTP with Saruhiko... please don't make me do that. I will cry.
Neji: no OTP or NOTP decided, he's a child
Ran: no OTP or NOTP decided, he's a child
Red XIII: OTP with Deneh, NOTP with anyone not his species, you weirdos.
Roy Mustang: I will gloss over this guy for my own safety-
Sephiroth: Sefikura OTP as fanon as it is. NOTP with Hojo, Hollander, President ShinRa, Palmer..., NOTP with Vincent. NOTP with Jenova.
Sesshomaru: No OTPs. Definitively NOTP with Inuyasha or Rin. And I will deal with the consequences of this stance.
Squall Leonhart: No OTPs or NOTPs decided.
Totsuka: OTT with the Homra Founders, of course! No real NOTP decided.
Warrior of LightL No OTP or NOTPs decided.
That was almost painfully shameful to go through. I swear I am not anti-shipping! I just... don't really think about ships much until I am thrown into one through roleplay?
Ace problems I guess.
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foxingpeculiar · 4 months
FF7 R&R:
I have begun Rebirth. So far, I've only done the first chapter, basically: the flashback and then run around a bit through Kalm. But I have notes. (Some spoilers, though I try to keep it light.)
First, this one already just feels like so much MORE game, you know? We've got a card game (which rules, by the way), there's a crafting system, there's the whole party-management aspect, and I haven't even gotten out into the open world yet. Remake was a pretty straightforward, linear, streamlined experience. This... this is gonna be a whole chunk o' stuff to deal with.
Okay, the whole flashback thing was really well handled, I thought. I already like the way they're handling Sephiroth better in this game than I did in the first one. It was fun seeing him as an almost kind of approachable character and then watching his brain break as he figures out what Gast and Hojo did and what he is. Definitely caught the homage to the original in that iconic scene of him turning into the fire--that was fun. (Also noticed that Sephiroth has vertical pupils, which is a nice touch.)
What surprised me is like... okay, I know the reveal about what we see in this scene. So I was watching the backup guys in Nibelheim, you know? And they definitely seeded it. But then, after Cloud's story, Tifa just comes out and says it (or at least, part of it), and that took me off guard, because I don't think she did yet, in the original version. But I like that she does. If you don't know what's going on (and I'm being as coy about it here as I can), it sets up a weird mystery. It also lets you into her state of mind--she's obv still into Cloud, but something is also wrong about him and that's freaking her out a little.
Which is the setup for that scene on the roof. She wants to get to the bottom of it, wants him to have some explanation that'll make it alright. But Septhiroth is messing with his head and out of nowhere, he comes at HER about being an imposter, and that's where the freakout starts to win. She gets scared and angry because she's scared.
And then you have Aerith, who is obviously aware there's a thing between Tifa and Cloud--she basically says as much--but then she's stirring up trouble by telling Tifa they went on a date to the clock tower. And Barrett's like "uh uh, shut that shit down. No drama right now, you guys--people are trying to kill us."
There's a lot of nuance that wasn't present in the original, but in a way that (at least, so far) feels in-step with where the story should be at this point. And nothing like the Whispers has cropped up yet that's like "what is THAT?" So okay. My hopes are high for how this goes.
Kalm is ridiculously cool in this one, by the way. Quaint and cozy. Now that we're out of Midgar, I'm really curious how they're going to represent some of the environments. The Gold Saucer is going to be a trip.
I still don't know what we're doing with the whole timelines thing. But apparently there is this alternate timeline where Zack survives, Cloud's in bad shape, and basically everyone else is dead. There seems to be some implication that certain events (like the collapse of the Sector 7 Pillar) still happen, even if Cloud doesn't become part of the AVALANCHE cell, but... what's the significance of that? Why are we seeing it? How are these stories going to converge? That's what I'm most curious about, honestly. I have some kind of inkling about it, I think... an instinct that it's something about the importance of the fact that Zack had to die. Like, maybe as a parallel for Aerith having to die later? I dunno. It's just a whiff of something; we'll see.
A couple of spare notes:
-All the card players I have encountered so far are nuts and I love it. This is the weird shit I'm here for, that Final Fantasy (and 7 in particular) delivers at just the right notes. They seem to have a handle on that tone, so that's a plus - Holy shit the piano is fancy in this one. Like... you could compose on that. I had to try the old melody though, just to see if anything would happen. It did not, but I also wasn't chording it, so maybe there's a fuller way to play it I'm not yet aware of? -Nice to see Zangan
My plan right now is to try and do a little bit every night and then plow through some chunks on my days off. I have other stuff to do, but I do want to get into this for a minute. So tomorrow I'll poke about a bit in the Grasslands and we'll see how much I get done.
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