#( dialogue: moon hyuk )
smileflowcr · 1 month
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Qué curioso, hace poco unas chicas de la manada se acercaron para invitarlo a cazar y él aceptó porque parecen amigables y son lindas(?)
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99liners · 3 years
Since we got the Tatemae's men as father, how about Tatemae's OC as mothers? How would that go down?
ahahahaha i knew this would be the next question. i saw it coming 🤭
jeon aeira: the MILF 🤣🤣 i said what i said. she's the soccer mom but less competitive and more "i just want my babies to have fun." they are like her sweet haven ❤️. she would be a cool mom, would drive them around from sports/music practice. the babies' friends would all hit on her lol and then jk appears in the frame behind her,,, wearing a black half sleeve t-shirt,,, all his tattoos on display, the eyebrow with the piercing is perched up as he stares down at the scrawny little kid who is tryna hit on his wife and the kid runs for dear life lol after remembering that jk is a cop, he can and will hand his ass back to him. basically jeon boy has to be the subject of every "your mom" joke and its the only time he considers calling up his dad to genuinely come and beat up his friends.
kim tanaz: the kids are her anti-kth squad 😂 she is the cautious mom, always tryna make sure her baby is healthy. she is cool with everything as long her baby is safe and healthy and is living their best life. gets into fights with kth with how much he spoils them. hates when the baby catches that kth and her are fighting, always tries her best to make them understand that it's not a big deal and that everything is alright. she puts a lot of emphasis on the baby's mental health and would legit physically fight people if she has to in case someone hurts her baby in any way. she absolutely adores her baby(s). rolls eyes when kth's parents gush about how the baby resembles kth. scolds bestie aeira when she feeds their respective kids (who are besties) too much fast food lol.
park rei: i think rei would be the youngest mom in the tatemae universe. she'd be the nervous mom tbh, still learning the ropes. would legit start crying if she can't make her baby stop crying and pjm is all "doll, what happened?" and she looks at him crying, "i don't know what else to do! the baby won't stop crying. i fed them, burped them, walked around with them. did everything by the book but they won't stop crying. i don't know how to fix it" pjm basically would have two crying babies to soothe. rei would struggle a lot initially but once the baby starts growing up, she would be like their best friend. baby park might even call her "bro" lol and pjm is all "did you just call your mom bro???" although she's fine with it but won't tolerate it if the kid talks maybe disrespectfully to pjm "talk to your dad like that again and i am kicking you out." also none of the kid's friends believe that rei is their mom. "nah bruh, you tweaking. that ain't your mom." talk about adding on to pjm's insecurities.
kim aria: moon and aria are literally best friends, bruh. yes, aria had a hard time accepting reality when she was pregnant but from the moment moon was born and the obstetrician put the baby on her chest for the first time and aria saw her beautiful daughter, moon became her whole world. she is the calm and sweet mom. she is very mindful of moon's curiosity and always tries to keep it alive. she wants moon to be her own person, doesn't really care if she goes into STEM or not. loves reading shakespeare to her and they even enact short scenes from 'the merchant of venice' because of the sheer amount of times they have read the story. lol imagine, moon and aria going around the house, speaking dialogues in Elizabethan English verbatim, just laughing and playing around. oh, joon's heart swells up tenfolds at the sight. she would also have fights with joon when he would put moon in all the AP classes but would also pull up all-nighters with moon to finish all her homework/projects.
jung dany: she is the rich™ mom. all the other kids' moms are so jealous of her. she would be both hyuk's best friend and the strict mom. extremely dislikes it when the jung family calls up hyuk to spend time with them. makes it a habit to always accompany him to the villa cause deep down she's always scared that the family will take her baby boy away from her. would openly detest any sorts of traditions expected of hyuk. always making excuses for him to her in-laws, "he has extra classes today, he can't come." "he's spending chuseok with his friends this year." also, hyuk and her always be bitching together about the jung family 😂 imagine hoseok walking in and the mother-son duo stop laughing at once. hoseok is all "what's so funny guys?" and hyuk makes up some story from school which is obviously beyond hoseok's sense of humour. the moment hoseok walks away from hearing range, they start bitching and laughing again lol.
min shiza: she would be the most regular and normal mom but would also end up spoiling her child owing to the fact that she literally has no one else. her pregnancy period went smoothly enough and she was probably the happiest on the birth of her child than she has been in the longest time. she would be the type who constantly talk to their babies irrespective if the baby can understand or speak. she would love talking to her baby, telling them stories and sometimes even talking in that sing-songy voice. weirdly enough, she would also try for yoongi to have more interactions with the baby. sneaky yoongo thinks shiza does not see it when he is alone with the baby and spending quality time but shiza knows and it makes her happy. sometimes, she can become a bit too protective, would not allow the kid to get too close to juyun or the driver or anyone who directly works for yoongi but would love to host the girls over so the baby can make friends. she is very chill otherwise, no bars on going out and stuff as long as the kid returns by curfew.
kim inaya:
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jodieminimal · 5 years
Kim Jae Wook - Actor Spotlight
June 5, 2019 by misvictrix [Soompi]
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Kim Jae-wook is in this week’s spotlight, but he hardly needs an introduction. His recent drama Her Private Life, where he starred opposite Park Min-young, is quickly becoming a cult favorite — and yep, both their performances were fantastic. As the drama has just wrapped up (nooo!), it seems like a good time to take a look at Kim Jae-wook’s acting career.
Born in 1983 in Seoul, South Korea, Kim Jae-wook’s career had an early start in 2002 with a small role in the MBC drama Ruler of Your Own World. He was young at the time, and apparently didn’t enjoy the acting experience. Instead, he focused on his modeling career for many years. When Kim Jae-wook finally returned to the small screen, it was with a supporting role in two now-classic dramas: Dal Ja’s Spring and Coffee Prince.
Although those dramas (especially the latter) should have been enough to guarantee his success, it hasn’t been till recently that he’s starting to get the recognition he deserves. After Her Private Life, he’s definitely at a great point in his career. Quick, make us more dramas!
Here are some dramaland moments from Kim Jae-wook, followed by his full filmography.
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Who Are You (2013)
I’m not quite sure how I got through all of this drama. I don’t like creepy tales, and I especially don’t like poorly written creepy tales. However, I have a soft spot for Taecyeon, and tvN, so it seemed like a good idea at the time. Little did I know that this drama would be my introduction to Kim Jae-wook (*choir of angels*). It’s not exactly easy to steal an entire drama when you don’t even have a single line of dialogue — but Kim Jae-wook sure pulled it off. In Who Are You Kim Jae-wook played the wrongfully-murdered beloved of So Yi-hyun’s heroine. She was haunted/visited by him (depending on how you look at it, I guess) and it’s just a testament to his acting that his character was able to have the impact he did. White as a sheet, more silent than any Jang Ki-yong role, and not even doing much but standing there, Kim Jae-wook’s compelling screen presence held this drama together. Thank you.
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Temperature of Love (2017)
In the face-off of Yang Se-jong and Kim Jae-wook, who can ever win the heart of the heroine? Truthfully, this drama was about much more than its love triangle — in fact, the love triangle was one of the weakest elements. It’s also one of the rare dramas where my perennial second lead syndrome was shelved (it’s a good drama practice to shelve that painful emotion from time to time). In Temperature of Love, Kim Jae-wook was cold, rich, and completely taken with Seo Hyun-jin’s screenwriting heroine. Though I didn’t love how the triangle/tension played out in moments, I never doubted the authenticity of his character’s emotions. Kim Jae-wook was also a nice foil for Yang Se-jong, who seemed extra young and chipper next to the suave businessman with the power to make or break the people around him.
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Her Private Life (2019)
I loved the thought of Kim Jae-wook and Park Min-young starring together, but wasn’t really sure what to expect out of this drama… and boy have I been pleasantly surprised! I’m one of the first people to get drama fatigue over rom-coms with no personality — luckily, Her Private Life has not only personality, but pizzazz, super duper chemistry, and yeah, it’s also hilarious. Kim Jae-wook is great in this role, and it’s such a better character for him than the somewhat (conceptually) similar role he played in Temperature of Love. Here, he gets to have so much more fun, not only because he’s actually in the leading role, but because the script, thankfully, gives him more to do than just be a cold, smitten boss. Not that he doesn’t rock cold and smitten too.
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Kim Jae-wook’s full filmography:
Ruler of Your Own World (2002) [Drama]
Kim Jae-wook made his acting debut with a side role in this Lee Na-young and Yang Dong-geun drama, but apparently had a bad time filming, and wasn’t sure about pursuing acting.
Dal Ja’s Spring (2007) [Drama]
Though many were blinded by Lee Min-ki when they watched this drama, Kim Jae-wook had an important (for his career, not really the drama) side role here as Lee Min-ki’s friend. Importantly, this drama was his return to the small screen after a 5-year break.
Coffee Prince (2007) [Drama]
I love long-haired Kim Jae-wook. That is all.
Antique (2008) [Film]
Comedy film based on a Japanese manga about a bakery that starred Joo Ji-hoon, Yoo Ah-in, Choi Ji-ho, and Kim Jae-wook, and got a good bit of acclaim.
Kingdom of the Wind (2008) [Drama]
Kim Jae-wook had a side role in this epic historical drama that told the story of several figures from the Three Kingdoms period.
Pygmalion’s Love (2010) [Drama]
Having grown up in Japan (he spent 7 years there), Kim Jae-wook has a great command of Japanese and it’s helped his career a lot. This short Japanese drama with Kim Joon and Minamisawa Nao is just one example.
Heart of Gold (2010) [Film]
Kim Jae-wook and Hong Kong actress Janice Man starred in this web-released movie about a Koream artist who travels to Japan.
Bad Guy (2010) [Drama]
No matter how bad the hero is, or how bad the plot is, this melodrama is one I want to watch. In addition to Kim Jae-wook, this drama starred Kim Nam-gil, Han Ga-in, Oh Yeon-soo, and Jung So-min.
Mary Stayed Out All Night (2010) [Drama]
This rom-com starred Moon Geun-young, Jang Geun-seok, and Kim Jae-wook and hit some hairy behind-the-scenes drama. In-drama drama was more about love, marriage, and forging marriage certificates.
Save Me (2010) [Film]
Short art film with Kim Jae-wook and Kim So-yi as a couple with a weird hobby.
Who Are You (2013) [Drama]
Getting ghosted by a ghost has never looked so good (see above).
Age of Feeling (2014) [Drama]
Unfortunately, Kim Jae-wook met with more behind-the-scene drama while shooting this ill-fated Kim Hyun-joong historical drama, and left mid-show after its writer swap.
4teen (2014) [Drama/Cameo]
Kim Jae-wook played the adult version of one of the leads in this two-episode drama special about a group of fourteen-year-olds.
Sweet Temptation (2015) [Web Drama]
I’m not sure how Kim Jae-wook wound up in this series of short dramas written for the members of T-ara, but he did.
Planck Constant (2015) [Film]
This art film starred Kim Jae-wook in the lead and chronicled his odd and/or erotic fetishes.
Two Rooms, Two Nights (2016) [Film]
Kim Jae-wook starred as a popular movie director who tried to keep two girlfriends going simultaneously. I’m not sure if we’re supposed to sympathize with him or not? Because I’m not.
The Last Princess (2016) [Film]
Sohn Ye-jin starred in this historical film as the last princess of Korea, and Kim Jae-wook was the Japanese nobleman who married her.
Voice (2017) [Drama]
The first of OCN’s Voice dramas made a big splash, and Kim Jae-wook got a lot of attention for his role in this Jang Hyuk and Lee Hana drama.
Temperature of Love (2017) [Drama]
It might not be perfect but I really enjoyed this drama — and the wonderful cast: Yang Se-jong, Hyun Seo-jin, Kim Jae-wook, and Jo Boa (see above).
Butterfly Sleep (2018) [Film]
Kim Jae-wook starred with Miho Nakayama in this Japanese film about a writer with Alzheimer’s who met a younger Korean man (Kim Jae-wook).
God’s Quiz: Reboot (2018) [Drama/Cameo]
Kim Jae-wook had a cameo in the final episode of the latest/fifth installment of this series about a medical examiner’s office.
Her Private Life (2019) [Drama]
Lion Ryan Gold. Yes, yes, all the YES (see above).
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BONUS: I read somewhere that Kim Jae-wook loves to clean and sometimes cleans for 4-5 hours at a time. I just needed to share that information.
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wazafam · 3 years
Just like any other television show, K-dramas also come in an array of genres. Some fans might be more inclined to thrillers or crime series. Maybe even a steamy and blush-worthy romance. What about fans who want a K-drama set in a historical time period? No worries, there are a ton of historical dramas over the years that have gotten impeccable ratings.
RELATED: 10 K-Dramas Titled As Supernatural & Fantasy On Netflix, Ranked (According To IMDb)
There's a certain intrigue and tension when it comes to period pieces. The storyline can involve conspiracies of the throne, political unrest, and maybe even some love and comedy. Not to mention the gorgeous and intricate traditional ensembles like that of a hanbok. Historical K-dramas are just as binge-worthy as any modern tale.
10 Hwarang: The Poet Warrior Youth (2016): 8.0
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The 2016 K-drama is a coming-of-age romance centered around a group of elite young men. The drama takes place during the Silla Kingdom era between 57 BC and AD 935. The queen of the Kingdom of Silla sent her son away from the palace walls to stay safe from their enemies.
But he's coming of age and waits along with other citizens for her to step down. But there's trouble amidst. The queen worries about powerful nobles who once tried to take over the throne. She has a plan to form an elite group of warriors called, the Hwarang. They will surpass existing power factions and protect the throne. The young men are unaware that their future king is among them.
9 Rebel: Thief Who Stole The People (2017): 8.2
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The K-drama is set during the ruling of the 10th king during the Joseon Dynasty. Many who watch the drama will find it closely related to another famous tale, Robin Hood. The son of a servant has no noble standing in society and little room to make something of himself.
Hong Gil-dong (Yoon Kyun-sang) decides to become the leader of a group of thieves. They steal and give back to the poor as the tyrannical King Yeonsangun (Kim Ji-seok) oppresses his people. This drama also has a love story as the King's consort can't seem to forget her first love who happens to be Gil-dong. It leads to a palpable romance.
8 Rookie Historian Goo Hae-ryung (2019): 8.2
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Rookie Historian Goo Hae-ryung premiered on Netflix in 2019 and stars K-Pop Idol, Cha Eun-woo as Prince Dowon Yi-rim. While the drama may be tagged as a romance and comedy, there's a lot of historical facts to unpack. Two storylines take place in the show.
One is set in "nowadays"  in the early 19th century of Joseon. The other twenty years beforehand. One is more lighthearted with caricatures and jokes. The other is a series of flashbacks detailing the unjust rank of citizens and suppression. Interweaved is also a story of love between a free-spirited woman hoping to become a female historian and a prince working in secret as a romance writer.
7 Deep Rooted Tree (2011): 8.3
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Deep Rooted Tree was first known as a historical novel by the same name written by Lee Jung-myung. For fans wanting a bit more thrill in their drama, this is a good choice. The story revolves around a royal guard who is investigating the serial murders of  Jiphyeonjeon scholars. The drama does have inclinations of romance but it's not the main star.
RELATED: Kwon Shi-hyun & 9 Other K-Drama Bad Boys Who Made Us Fall In Love
Ddol-bok (Jang Hyuk) was once a young slave to the King. The King causes the death of his in-laws and his slaves to save them from his father. But the young slaves survive. Years later, now a royal guard, Ddol-bak wants revenge but gets tangled in the mysterious murders. As secrets get uncovered, the creation of the Korean alphabet can either give or take power.
6 Empress Ki (2013): 8.5
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Empress Ki was a domestic and overseas hit for its impressive performances and riveting story. The historical drama details the journey of a woman born in Korea as she becomes a powerful empress of China amidst love, war, and politics. Gi Seungnyang (or Ki Seung Nyang) rises to power despite the restrictions of the era's class system.
She comes to marry the Emperor of the Mongol Empire to become empress. But underneath there're still feeling for her first love. Audiences will get caught up in the display of deep-rooted love from the Emperor as well as the Empress's drive and ambitions.
5 Mr. Queen (2020): 8.6
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Mr. Queen is a historical comedy that will have anyone on the floor laughing at its comical displays and dialogue. The 2020 drama ties the present and the past all in one. An up-and-coming chef suffers an accident and wakes up in a different era. Not only does he wakes up in the Joseon era but also as a woman.
Not just any woman, but the queen. The current King is a gentle and easy-going person but in reality, has a dark and secret side the Queen is starting to uncover. While there's corruption in the kingdom, the Queen's modern life and that of the Joseon era are melding. It makes for comical and awkward encounters.
4 Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo (2016): 8.6
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This drama is for fans who want a bit of fantasy and time travel tied in with their historical romance. The show did averagely well but gained mass success overseas. This is another body swap story through time. A young 25-year-old woman gets transported to the year 941. During the Goryeo Dynasty and amongst the prince of the Wang family.
The drama wouldn't be without its love triangle, a good guy and bad boy. The woman falls for one of the kindhearted princes but is also allured by another who hides his face with a mask. In between love, she finds herself amongst dangerous palace politics and a rivalry for the throne.
3 Mr.Sunshine (2018): 8.8
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Mr.Sunshine is a favorite amongst K-drama fans for its melodrama, swoon-worthy love triangle, and its riveting use of historical facts. Fans applauded the show's accurate portrayal of historical events as well as its time period setting. Unlike other dramas, this takes place before the Japanese Annexation of Korean in the late 1800s.
RELATED: Netflix's 10 Best K-Dramas of 2020, Ranked According To IMDb
Eugene Choi (Lee Byung-hun) was once a slave but escaped to the U.S. and became a Marine Corps officer. He returns to Joseon on a mission but soon falls for an aristocrat's granddaughter. She's no ordinary aristocrat as she hides her identity as part of the Righteous Army. Along the way, he uncovers a plot for the colonization of Korea and a fight for sovereignty.
2 Queen Seondoek (2009): 8.8
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Queen Seondoek still holds up as being one of the highest-ranking historical K-dramas and for good reason. The drama is full of political unrest and turmoil that had fans on the edge of their seats. Princess Deokman (Lee Yo-won) is sent away as a child for her safety against the royal concubine hungry for power and desire to become queen.
As she's raised by a loyal servant, she comes to learn of her true identity. She not only seeks to reclaim her rightful place on the throne and take down the concubine but seeks justice for her twin sister. The drama takes viewers on her journey as queen and her struggles behind closed doors.
1 Six Flying Dragons (2015): 8.9
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With the highest rating is the 2015 K-drama, Six Flying Dragons. It's seen as a loose prequel to the 2011 drama, Deep Rooted Tree. This is due to the storyline focused on real fictional characters and their foundations in the rise of the Joseon Dynasty.
The drama focuses a bit more on the character Yi Bang-won (Yoo Ah-in), a prince and future king who helped his father establish the dynasty. The drama has everything from the rise and fall of characters, action sequences, drama, and compelling political conflicts.
NEXT: 10 K-Drama Characters That Have Every Fan Feeling “Second-Lead Syndrome”
10 Historical K-Dramas To Binge, Ranked (According To IMDb) from https://ift.tt/3ifEncT
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vonseal · 7 years
what im weak for this week
im a little late in the evening, but we still have time before the day is done! read these and just go shower everyone with dollar bills pls, they all deserve it so much.
punishment in the form of an angel by ikindawrite
(did i enjoy this because it had a lot of myungjin? yes) BUT SERIOUSLY, i think the world always needs more binu, and guess what this also has? binu. and guess what it also has? this fantastic little exchange of lines that i really can’t give away, but oh my gosh, i was clapping the whole time. the dialogue is fantastic and quick-paced and it just is so much fun to read. if this doesn’t leave you grinning, you’re out of luck, this is perfection.
operation: frenemies! by yehetno
yehetno is my queen tbh. back when i started writing myungjin, there was a few fics here and there, but yehetno’s fics really pulled me into this pair. so whenever she updates, im going to reread it at least ten times. this one i need to reread twenty more times. it’s the rocky pov of her amazing socky fanfic all is fair in love and war and i never knew how much i needed the rocky pov. she’s really outdone herself for this one, and im just going to melt while reading her fics, i love her.
diamonds are forever by slaymyseoul
i think @moon-hyuks one time drew a pic of rocky playing baseball (and moonbin, too, if i remember correctly, link me up with that if you got it bc it was probs one of the best things ever in the world ever), but i imagine that pic while reading this here fic. and BY GOLLY i love this fic. i’m so pumped for the next chapter; binu baseball with moonbin getting too flustered up at bat and just - it’s amazing, it’s so good, pls read it!
taekwondo 101 by sanhasbinu
tag yourself, i’m sanha’s KAPOW. like, all i need to say for this fic is KAPOW. i was smiling like an idiot the entire time while reading it, and i know this fic is going to make me turn into a pile of goo. it’s so precious; socky and taekwondo and sanha being an absolute child is just three things i always need in life, so thank you so much for this fic
hide and seek by Mintwho (NaCltyRy) - i think im finally choosing jinwoo here, even if mj is my bias, but mintwho has made me fall for jinwoo send help
aspiring rebel, lee dongmin by sarangway - never before has a fic ever made me laugh so hard. “my mom dressed me,” i swear lee dongmin, i swear mama eagle...
the year we met by fivepixelphan - “there’ll be angst,” says she. “i didn’t know you meant i was legit going to die crying,” says i. dont read this if you like smiling, im so depressed and now i need new chap asap.
problems with pastry by sanhasbinu - if you ignored my warning and read the year we met and are now suffering from heartbreak, read this because by golly it’s so cute and fluffy and sweet
stray romance by  Alette - !!!!! how many exclamation points until you guys hate my guts, i want to give this fic a million dollars pls, it’s sooooo goood.
and if you ever have anything you think i need to check out, hit me up with that fic, fams. i dont even care if it’s your own. i check a03 regularly, so if it’s something posted elsewhere, pls let me know!
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olivierdemangeon · 4 years
  Bien que dissoute depuis plusieurs années, une unité spéciale de la police est en partie reconstituée afin de traquer différents criminels ayant pu s’échapper lors de l’attaque d’un transport de prisonniers.
    “Na-ppeun Nyeo-seok-deul” (나쁜 녀석들: 더 무비), ou “The Bad Guys: Reign of Chaos” est un film d’action policier sud-coréen datant de 2019, écrit et réalisé par Son Young-ho, à qui l’on doit également “The Deal” (2014). Les acteurs principaux sont Ma Dong-seok, qu’on a pu voir dans “The Gangster, The Cop, The Devil” (2019), Kim Sang-joong, qu’on a pu voir dans “City of Damnation” (2009), Kim Ah-joong, qu’on a pu voir dans “The King” (2017), Jang Ki-yong, qu’on pourra bientôt voir dans “Sweet and Sour” (2020), et Park Won-sang, qu’on a pu voir dans “Warriors of the Dawn” (2017). Ce métrage est paru le 11 septembre 2019. Le film est basé sur la série télévisée intitulée Bad Guys paru sur la chaîne OCN en 2014.
L’histoire nous invite à suivre Oh Gu-tak (Kim Sang-joong), Pak Un-Cheol (Ma Dong-seok), Kwak No-soon (Kim Ah-joong) et Ko Yoo-sung (Jang Ki-yong), une équipe formée d’anciens policiers et/ou de criminels, libérés de prison, afin de former une unité d’élite visant à rechercher, localiser et neutraliser des prisonniers ayant pris la fuite. Woong-cheol est un ancien gangster, ayant déjà œuvré par le passé dans l’équipe formée par l’inspecteur Oh Gu-tak, aujourd’hui incarcéré pour ses méthodes non-orthodoxes et violentes. Ils vont s’associer à Yoo-sung, un ancien policier accusé d’avoir tué un délinquant lors d’une intervention trop musclée.
Viendra s’ajouter No-soon, une cambrioleuse de haut vol, particulièrement douée en informatique. Les membres d’un gang ont attaqué un bus de transport de prisonniers afin de libérer leur chef, No Sang-sik (Jo Young-jin). Les autres délinquants en ayant profité pour disparaître dans la nature, la police est sur les dents et tente de remettre la main sur ces criminels. Bien que les petits poissons sont facilement retrouvés, la tâche est nettement plus compliquée pour appréhender les gros poissons. Une lutte féroce s’engage…
Pour cette adaptation de la série télévisée, Son Young-ho, qui endosse ici la double casquette de réalisateur et de scénariste, fait simple, trop simple peut-être. Son script tente de compliquer une histoire qui se veut simple. Il y a incorporé une sous-intrigue de rivalité entre gangs en ajoutant des manœuvres initiées par des criminels japonais. Ensuite, les prémices nous laissaient entrevoir une plus grosse participation des anciens membres de l’unité spéciale de la police, mais la participation de Jung Tae-soo (Jo Dong-hyuk) est limitée à une petite apparition (cameo) et celle de Yoo Mi-young (Kang Ye-won) est très légère, son personnage se retrouvant rapidement dans le coma. Tandis que Lee Jung-moon (Park Hae-jin) a tout simplement disparu.
L’intrigue est donc plutôt légère, du coup on a beaucoup d’action, principalement du combat en corps à corps. Le personnage par Ma Dong-seok distribue des grands coups de poings, c’est très répétitif et l’acteur risque de devenir une parodie de lui-même. Le voir évoluer de la sorte m’a fait penser au regretté Bud Spencer, qui bien qu’incarnant des personnages différents, avait pour ainsi dire toujours le même rôle de distributeur de baffes… Afin de compenser quelque peu la monotonie des chorégraphies de combat, Son Young-ho, le réalisateur scénariste incorpore un personnage, Pied du diable (Kang Yeong-mook), spécialiste du coup de pied. Enfin, une bonne dose d’humour est ajoutée par l’intermédiaire des dialogues et de quelques situations cocasses, qui peinent cependant à faire oublier la modestie du scénario.
Les valeurs de production proposées pour ce “The Bad Guys: Reign of Chaos” sont largement au-dessus de la moyenne. La photographie présentée par Lee Jae-hyuk est très bonne, les scènes d’action sont très bien chorégraphiées et la séquence mettant en scène l’attaque du convoi pénitentiaire sur l’autoroute est très impressionnante, très percutante. La bande originale soumise par Mok Young-jin est très plaisante et vient agréablement accompagner les différentes atmosphères du film. Enfin, le montage présenté par Shin Min-kyung nous offre une histoire sur 114 minutes relativement dynamiques et captivantes. On gardera à l’esprit que le métrage se termine de manière ouverte, laissant présager une éventuelle suite. Ce film a rencontré un bel accueil auprès du public se classant à la treizième place du box-office de l’année 2019, avec 4.573.902 entrées.
En conclusion, “The Bad Guys: Reign of Chaos” est un bon film d’action disposant d’une histoire simple, d’une intrigue usuelle et d’un développement énergique. Le rythme est plutôt soutenu, le récit est fluide et la narration fait appel à quelques flashbacks. La photographie est plaisante, la bande originale vient agréablement accompagner les moments-clés de l’histoire et le montage permet de gommer quelque peu les faiblesses du scénario. La distribution offre de bonnes prestations sans qu’un acteur sorte vraiment du lot. On retiendra cependant que Ma Dong-seok est un peu répétitif dans sa proposition et qu’il aurait besoin d’un rôle à contre-courant au risque de devenir caricatural. L’ensemble se laisse regarder et joue son rôle de divertissement sans prise de tête.
    THE BAD GUYS: REIGN OF CHAOS (2019) ★★★☆☆ Bien que dissoute depuis plusieurs années, une unité spéciale de la police est en partie reconstituée afin de traquer différents criminels ayant pu s'échapper lors de l'attaque d'un transport de prisonniers.
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mystlnewsonline · 6 years
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New Post has been published on https://www.stl.news/not-all-south-koreans-are-happy-about-unified-hockey-team/71642/
Not all South Koreans are happy about unified hockey team
SEOUL, South Korea /January 21, 2018 (AP)(STL.News) —South Koreans seem generally happy they’ll see the North Koreans at their Olympics, but aren’t as pleased about sharing a team with them.
The agreement between the war-separated rivals to field a unified women’s ice hockey team at February’s Winter Olympics has triggered a debate in South Korea, where there’s no longer strong public clamor for reunification or for using sports to make political statements.
South Korean President Moon Jae-in, who views the Pyeongchang Games as an opportunity to improve relations following a year of tension over North Korea’s nuclear weapons program, said the unified team would provide a “historically grand moment” once it appears on ice.
Other re-conciliatory gestures the Koreas have agreed to for the Olympics include a joint march under a blue-and-white “unification” flag during the Feb. 9 opening ceremony and a pair of performances by a visiting North Korean art troupe. The joint march and the unified hockey team were approved Saturday by the International Olympic Committee, which allowed 22 North Korean athletes to take part in the games in exceptional entries given to the North.
Not all South Koreans are in the mood. There are apparently few objections to the North Korean presence at the Olympics itself, which likely ensures that the country holds off any significant weapons test or other aggressive acts that would risk disrupting the games.
Many South Koreans believe their government went too far by pushing athletes into a “political show” that will likely become meaningless once the lull in tensions breaks down after the Olympics.
Kim Hye-jin, a 39-year-old music instructor, said that South Korea was repeating an “outdated approach” in using sports diplomacy. She said that the previous unified teams and joint marches between the rivals never paved the way for sustained, meaningful engagement.
“We are always repeating meaningless things and North Korea isn’t a country that will change easily,” she said.
Plus, she said, a unified team takes away opportunities from South Korean athletes who have been working hard to prepare for the Olympics.
Heo Doo-won, a 40-year-old teacher, didn’t care for the reconciliatory gestures at all.
“Why are we doing this?” he asked. “We are clearly two different countries and it’s better if things stay that way. I don’t want a unified team or a unification flag. Why can’t we just let the North Koreans march under their own flag?”
While the liberal Moon remains a popular president nine months into his term, the controversy over the hockey team factored in his approval rating dipping below 70 percent for the first time in four months, according to a Gallup Korea report on Friday.
Many people sympathize with the South Korean athletes who would likely be sacrificing opportunities for the North’s players, who are considered less skilled and experienced. The IOC approved an expanded roster of 35 instead of 22 for the joint team, but only the normal number will be allowed to suit up for each game and three of them must be North Korean.
The South Korean team’s Canadian coach, Sarah Murray, has expressed concerns over chemistry.
“Adding somebody so close to the Olympics is a little bit dangerous just for team chemistry because the girls have been together for so long,” she said last week.
Choi Hyuk, a 40-year-old office worker, blamed the government for failing to properly communicate with the players and for excessively politicizing sports.
Choi pointed to the comments of Prime Minister Lee Nak-yon, who was forced to apologize after saying that the South Korean women’s hockey team was out of “medal range” anyway while defending the government’s decision to create the unified team.
“South Korea’s elite sports have always been based on nationalism,” Choi said, referring to a decades-long system that rewards Olympic medal winners with lifelong cash payments and exemption from military duties that are mandatory for most able-bodied men.
“Isn’t it funny that the same country is now asking athletes to cut back on their playing time and embrace changes that would make them less likely to win?”
The reconciliation mood between the Koreas began after North Korean leader Kim Jong Un said in a New Year’s speech that he was willing to send a delegation to the Olympics.
Some experts view Kim’s overture as an attempt to weaken U.S.-led international sanctions against the North and buy time to further advance his nuclear weapons program. Last year, North Korea carried out its sixth and biggest nuclear test and test-fired three intercontinental ballistic missiles. It has shown no willingness to give up its ambitions.
Still, many experts think Moon’s government made the right move in jumping at the opportunity to resume contact with North Korea after nearly two years of diplomatic stalemate and animosity.
In an annual policy report on Friday, South Korea’s Unification Ministry said it aims to use the Olympics as an opportunity to re-establish regular dialogue with North Korea. The resumption of inter-Korean talks is crucial for the policies of Moon, who wants Seoul in the driver’s seat in international efforts to deal with the North Korean nuclear threat.
The Koreas sent joint teams to major international sporting events twice in 1991, and had their athletes march together in the opening and closing ceremonies of several sporting events in the 2000s, including the 2000 Sydney Summer Olympics.
While the previous moves had little diplomatic impact, similar gestures would carry more meaning in an Olympics held on South Korean soil and amid higher stakes in regional security, said Yongchul Chung, a sports education professor at Seoul’s Sogang University.
“Fielding a unified team is very meaningful — the biggest fruit that can come from the Pyeongchang Olympics is a message of peace between the Koreas,” Chung said. “It’s not like the players wouldn’t understand the historic significance of what they are involved in.”
But it has become harder to get South Koreans excited for unified teams and joint marches when North Korea’s increasingly aggressive weapons tests and the South’s own evolvement as an economy and society continue to erode the public’s enthusiasm for reunification.
In a survey of 1,200 adults released by Seoul National University in October, 53.8 percent of the respondents said they supported the idea of reunification. This represented a steep drop from the 63.8 percent measured in 2007, when the school started the annual survey.
“I think it will be emotionally moving to watch the athletes of both Koreas march under the same flag during the opening ceremony as we come from the same nation,” said Oh Ju-yeon, a 46-year-old housewife. “But after the games, there will be bitterness from realizing that nothing’s really going to change.”
By KIM TONG-HYUNG, by Associated Press – published on STL.News by St. Louis Media, LLC (Z.S)
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