#( edgin darvis / connections )
wiedzmacienia · 9 months
tag drop! connections p1
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theroseandthebeast · 6 months
Yuletide 2023 Recs, Batch Two
17 recs for Castlevania: Nocturne, The Chronicles of Riddick, Crimson Peak, Critical Role / EXU Calamity, Daisy Jones & The Six, The Devil Went Down To Georgia, Dracula, Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves
The Safety of Abstaining, Courteously, Olrox/Original Male Character + Mizrak/Olrox
Love is a dangerous thing for all vampires. It makes them vulnerable. Olrox has had the misfortune of experiencing this first hand. He is not doing that again.
Strange Allies, Olrox/Mizrak + Mizrak/Richter Belmont
Mizrak can’t figure out why Richter Belmont is still alive.
Three Principles, Dame Vaako/Vaako
Society among the Necromongers is cruel and ruthless. Death is the natural order of things, and life is to be endured. This is the story of the man and woman who would become Lord and Dame Vaako. Don't forget: you keep what you kill.
Blood in the Snow, Lucille Sharpe/Thomas Sharpe
Before the house, there was the earth, and the blood.
tempter or the tempted, Asmodeus the Lord of the Nine Hells/Zerxus Ilerez
“The tempter or the tempted, who sins most?” - William Shakespeare Zerxus won't give up trying to save Asmodeus. Asmodeus won't stop trying to damn Zerxus.
You Wanna Try That Again?, Billy Dunne/Daisy Jones
There are so many lines in the sand between Daisy and Billy - boundaries they won't cross, words they won't say, urges they won't give into. Right up until they do.
The Devil Went Down to Georgia Station, Gen, The Devil & Johnny
Me, I was just about ready to play the fool myself when the Devil arrived. You see, the sector sheriff had died a little while back, and the spaceways were so infested with bandits that no law-abiding ship dared to fly. The bandits didn't come stop at Georgia Station for a drink and a fiddler either—nobody comes down here unless they've got a resupply contract, for there's only one safe route in. I was feeling my old wanderlust, what with being cooped up in one place for so long, and besides my free meals were getting smaller by the day. That's why, when the Devil came sauntering into the station's only saloon and slid into the booth across from me, bringing out her fiddle from Devil-knows-where, I listened when she made me a deal.
The Calm before the Storm, Gen, The Captain of the Demeter
The Demeter's log was not the only tale of note to be found upon the ship.
Sanguine, Gen, John Seward
John is having bad dreams. Most of all, he dreams that Quincey might not be as dead as everyone thinks he is.
Into That, Edgin Darvis/Xenk Yendar
Edgin returns the Helmet of Disjunction. Xenk rewards him.
Not Certainty, But Hope, Edgin Darvis/Xenk Yendar
In which Xenk proposes. "I'm sorry, but I'm going to need you to repeat that," Edgin said. "I have come here to ask your hand in marriage," Xenk said in that annoyingly calm voice, like dropping in on someone at their local pub and asking them to marry you was just like popping next door and asking for a cup of sugar from the neighbor, "that we might infiltrate a temple of Ilmater and discover the means by which so many happy couples have disappeared."
Deception Check, Edgin Darvis/Xenk Yendar
Ed had lied a lot. Did lie a lot. There was a lot of lying, was his point. But the trouble and the lying did not typically involve Xenk Yendar, and this was proving to be the problem. (or, Edgin Darvis attempts to lie and rolls a one.)
Legends & Lore, Edgin Darvis/Xenk Yendar
Xenk gets truth potioned and doesn't say anything interesting at all.
Ink of the Covenant, Gen, Edgin Darvis & Holga Kilgore
Holga and Edgin get drunk. Edgin gets a tattoo. Standard 8th day in Targos, really.
it's a (fake) love story, baby (just say yes), Edgin Darvis/Xenk Yendar
“Back up,” Edgin said. “Explain how that’s connected to me going with you to a wedding.”
Perception Check (Roll for Romance), Edgin Darvis/Xenk Yendar
"I bet Xenk fucks like a metronome, too. You know." Holga makes a highly suggestive, repetitive gesture. "In, out. In, out. No variation. Same exact rhythm every time. Boring." Edgin stares at her, torn between horror and fascination. "You've really thought about this, huh?" (So has he. Unfortunately.)
you'll find us in the meadowland, Edgin Darvis/Xenk Yendar
Xenk let himself in with a slow turn of his key in the lock. The obedient door let out not a solitary creak or groan. It had better not; he plied the thing with oil as often as he cleaned any of his gear. There was a little moonlight seeping in through the window - enough to see the shape of the man rifling through his things. He was standing at Xenk’s desk, tucked into the corner and lined by shelves stacked with holy texts. Not his most valuable, of course - he wouldn’t be so careless as to keep the most precious of his collection here - but any one of them would feed a hungry man for a few days, at least. And yet this man wasn’t hungry, and he was no ordinary thief. Xenk judged this not only by the strong slope of his shoulders and broad back and the fine weave of his coat but also by the fact that he had recently been awarded the highest honours the Lord of Neverwinter could bestow. No, Edgin could want for nothing; even he could not have spent his rewards so quickly. There was only one explanation. This was an affliction of the soul.
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nat20potato · 1 year
Summary: Xenk and Edgin gets separated from the rest of the party while running from trouble, and Edgin sprains his ankle.
Rating: G
Pairings: Mild Edgin Darvis/Xenk Yendar
"I'm fine, I'm fine, stop fussing."
"You are clearly not fine, as evident by the limp that you are unsuccessfully hiding-,"
"Well maybe I'll be able to hide it better if you pick up the pace, we don't know how far back we've lost them and Simon won't be able to hide our tracks for too long-,"
"The currents are strong and the river is deep; were you to slip and fall it will delay our journey all that much further. If you would simply allow me to-,"
"Don't, Xenk, please, you only have so much energy and I need you to keep it until after we meet back up with Holga and Kira and we see how bad her wounds are. I'm sorry for slowing us down but I promise I'm trying, ok?"
"I understand your reticence, but that is not what I was about to offer. Climb on my back."
"...Ex-fucking-scuse me?"
"It is not an offer of intercourse."
"No, I fucking-got that-you want me to climb on your back? While in a river?"
"We are stationed by large enough croppings of stone that provide enough respite of the currents and a boost, should you need it, there is no better station of security in current conditions."
"Xenk, I'm 200 pounds and change bone dry, and I have-have stuff on my own back. My lute."
"My circumstances and training have allowed me strength to carry heavier burdens for longer periods, and it is a practical solution in our dire conditions. Hurry."
"Xenk, you're wearing armor."
"Edgin. Please."
"Shit. Fuck. Fine. Hold my lute. Hold still. Ow. Oh shit that's the ankle-,"
"I apologize-,"
"Don't. Any more and my pride might not survive."
"It is not my intention to wound you or your dignity any further-,"
"I know, I know bud, keep walking, yeah? I appreciate it, I do, but let's keep this to ourselves when we meet up with the others."
"Our hands would not have been forced were I less careless in our previous battle, and I would have had enough energy to heal both you and your daughter-,"
"Don't do that, Xenk, you held off a whole tribe of bandits on your own, saved Simon's life, you can't save everyone."
"I am not well-versed...it has been. A while since I have quested for long periods with company...besides myself."
"See? Not your fault. Wow, you are REALLY not straining at all. Little bit further."
"I would like to apologize; were I quicker to take to travelling with company, with others, perhaps I would be less inclined to selfishness-,"
"Prioritzing your own health and well being in the middle of battle isn't selfishness, Xenk, and we need you at your best anyway, you couldn't have known Kira was gonna be struck down like that. But forgiven, ok? Forgotten. No harm done."
"Some harm had been inflicted."
"Not by you, even indirectly. Besides, if practice travelling with company's the problem, there's an easy solution for that."
"...you would offer me a place in your family? Still, after my mistakes?"
"We've literally just had the conversation about how you didn't do anything wrong, but yeah. Of course. Kira loves you. Always good to have another competent fighter in the bunch. Truth be told we're probably the ones getting the better end of the deal if you do."
"I disagree. The love, care and camaraderie you share between yourselves is a connection found few and far in between, even amongst fellow adventurers. You hide not your affections and love amongst those you take under your wing, Edgin Darvis, and I would be...honored, to be amongst those you have come to accept as kin."
"It's not...that deep. Whatever. Dry land! Thank God. Oh ow. Ow. Ok, you know what-,"
"Perhaps it is more prudent for me to carry you a little bit rest of the way until we find a safer place of rest."
"Great! Good idea-only if you can carry-,"
"It is no trouble; you are lighter than you assume yourself to be."
"Have I troubled your injury?"
"Only the one on my pride."
"Rest assured I will set you down before we reach our encampment."
"Appreciate it buddy. 'Least that means I'm losing the beer gut."
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Round 2, Match 13
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Edgin Darvis and Holga Kilgore from Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves vs. Starscream and Skyfire (Skystar) from Transformers!
Propaganda for Edgin and Holga:
They live together and raise a child together and are explicitly nonromantic
Theyre literally canonically partners in life AND raise a kid together. But have no romantic feelings for one another. But they Dont need romantic love to still love each other so deeply. Spoilers for the dnd movie. But edgin literally gave up the chance to bring his wife back from the dead to save holga. Because. She's always had his back. Because *she* is who raised his daughter. They end the movie as a FAMILY. No romance involved.
This literally was the best thing ive seen a movie do with a male lead and a female 2nd lead. They didnt make them romantic. They didnt fanservice. They said that they arent romantically interested and they WERENT. They stuck with it. N just. Let them be a queerplatonic family unit.
they raise a kid together but don't have even a hint of romantic chemistry (in fact both of them have canon love interests who are not each other); the only person they put before each other is their daughter (the biological child of Edgin & his late wife); they understand each other better than anyone else & rely on each other without even thinking about it
Propaganda for Skystar:
i ship them not in a romantic way but in the way of their close bond, their connection, the tragedy of a friendship torn apart by war and the changing of people over time, and a desperate desire to see them happy. there's love there but not romance, y'know? fire in the sky is one of g1's standout episodes and a lot of that is due to such a raw depiction of a friendship-breakup that you don't usually get. the desire to see them reconcile is a common one which has sparked many a fanfic into being. many are romantic, but that's not what they really are to me. also i'm aro and project onto starscream to hell and back. he's my little guy
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jashykins · 1 year
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