#( farkle minkus interactions )
pcetstcrtured · 11 months
@paintedhart liked for a 1989 tv starter!
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"did you think it all through?"
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antihcroes · 1 year
@mayapenelopes liked for a (lyrical) starter! skin - sabrina carpenter
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"don't drive yourself insane, it won't always be this way."
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Request form *updated*
Down below is an updated format of the request form!
As of right now, requests are open so send them in!
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Main fandom masterlist
Austin and Ally rewrite masterlist
Disney channel boys masterlist
Awae rewrite masterlist
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Strike through *no longer doing*
Saved by the bell and The reboot
Zack Morris
Ac Slater
Screech Powers
Mac Morris
Jamie Spano
Beverly Hills 90210
Brandon Walsh
Dylan McKay
David silver
Steve sanders
Anne with an E
Gilbert Blythe
Billy Andrews
Boy meets world
Shawn Hunter
Jack Hunter
Eric Matthews
Girl meets world
Lucas friar
Farkle Minkus
Once upon a time
Peter Pan
Killian Jones *captain hook*
Robin Hood
Henry Mills
The summer I turned pretty
Conrad Fisher
Jeremiah Fisher
Steven Conklin
Jack Dawson
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Send me either a Dm or a Ask and I’ll get back to you!
My DM’s and Ask box is always open so don’t be shy to ask anything!!
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Taglist Form
*This is optional and you do not have to fill it out, this just lets me know who to tag when I write my imagines*
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These are rules that will be required if you want your imagines accepted! *I know these are extreme but it is what I’m comfortable with!*
NO SMUT!!! I told in the last post I made and I’m still getting dms and ask repeatedly to do smut, again I’m not doing smut as that is uncomfortable for me to write and I am not experienced in the matter!
No self harm or Sucide imagines! This is something that shouldn’t be joked about so I will not be writing about this, as well as that I find material like this very cringey to write… not offense!
It has to be appropriate or I will not write it! Please do not ask me to write about a couple making out, I like to keep my imagines PG!
Lastly please be patient waiting for you request, my life is hectic and busy so I may not get to your imagines till later!
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Down below will be my writing handles’
Episode interactive — Hannah
Wattpad — _hannahwrites_
Writing Insta — hannahwrites__
Updated — July 8th 2023
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ambitionsource · 1 year
okokok coming in w my 409 thoughts now since i finished at like 3am last night so i'm definitely forgetting some stuff but my fave bits off the top of my head:
i think i started hitting a pillow when i read "dear john performed by farkle minkus" because OHHHH MY GOD THERE WAS NO BETTER OPTION NONE AT ALL NONE AT ALL...i see it in my head farkle would eat that shit up
rl domesticity!! lucas communicating!! i prayed for times like these!!!!! also that cliffhanger....WOOF
nigel vanessa being an unexpected duo but was sorely needed like just looking at their personalities on paper and their insecurities etc etc it fit SO good!! also vanessa finally losing it and being able to get those words out to her parents was so cathartic to read like "i'm a failure but i was yours first" ATE
isa cannot catch a break pls give them a break im begging they have not had peace in so long
CHARLIE AND ZAY PERFORMANCE!!! i always love a good charlie zay performance because its just so good every time...i still get chills thinking abt the rewrite the stars sequence from a few seasons ago idkidk
!!!! so excited for the next episode, thank u for all u guys do!!!
i'm SOOO glad you enjoyed the ep my friend!! thank you for taking the time to come back and share some stray thoughts with us.
the performances this ep were definitely some long-time coming moments (DJ is my favorite tswift song of all time so i had been Waiting to drop that one, especially since farkle is no shade my favorite Performer in the series -- when he's bouta drop something, you know its gonna Hit essentially). and zc... can you believe its actually been so long since they were allowed to sing together? it boggles the mind. (and they haven't danced together as a performance since rewrite the stars, speaking of, but we won't talk about that lest it make both of us lose it completely -- but rest assured you're not alone in the ambition warrior verse of still thinking about that performance)
and yes to nigel and vanessa!! getting to explore both of their arcs this season has been very fun, both from the angle of a character we knew already and liked but not quite in depth (and not with all the flaws we come to see as he struggles to adjust) and from a character where we knew perhaps ONLY the flaws (from her feisty interactions in s3) and then got to peel back the layers over the season. they've both had their lows, and it's very meaningful to us that y'all trust us to take the journey and not immediately jump down their throats for being imperfect (basically, thank god no one on twitter -- or x, whatever it is now -- knows about ambition ahahhfsfskdg)
you are SO welcome, thank YOU for reading, and buckle your seatbelt for 410 because it's gonna be... an experience. xx
-- Maggie
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souriisms · 3 years
@lwrnce​ liked for a starter!
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“Oh - Topanga, hi.” Farkle greeted as he walked through the door of the Matthews’ home, trying not to let the surprise show on his face too much. He made his way further in, closing the door behind him. “Uh, are you the only one home...?” He really hoped disappointment didn’t seep through in his tone, he wasn’t upset to her see, she just hadn’t been who he was expecting hoping to see.
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leaughrilke · 7 years
Okay I've been meaning to ask this for forever and I know you're not really in the gmw fandom anymore, but how would you sort the gmw kids into the hogwarts houses?
this is a girl that truly sees the best in everyone and the best in the world like??  idk if she could really be in any other house.  i think that maybe in some warped universe, she could potentially be in slytherin but i think that slytherin requires slightly more ruthlessness.  while riley can be unyielding and occasionally a bit mean spirited, i think that’s just a result of her influences??  if that makes sense
like.  of course she has a little ruthlessness.  of course she can be cunning.  of course she can be a bit of a jerk sometimes.  that’s the result of her being her parents’ child.  but i usually adhere to the school of thought that your house represents what you value most and i think riley values kindness above all?  
im always p split down the middle when it comes to maya’s sorting because i really think she could be ravenclaw or slytherin, like when she starts to really come into her own, she truly does enjoy learning things??  just for the sake of knowing them???  but at the same time, she is so fiercely loyal to her friends and, more so, riley and i really cite gm true maya as one of the best examples of this like??  she probably would have thrown down with those girls if they’d even insinuated any actual threats to riley.
i usually err on the side of slytherin because it’s my house and im partial to it.  THAT SAID i truly think maya belongs in slytherin because i think she really values loyalty above all.  different than hufflepuff loyalty to a belief or system, slytherin loyalty is a person to person basis in my opinion and she values people that stay
when given an ounce of power, he runs with it.  boy’s a slyth, through and through
a) he rode a fucking bull just to like.  prove a point
b) zay and farkle were so worried about his reaction to finding out that riley was being bullied, they tied him to a bar???
c) boy is headstrong as HELL
zay is also one that i am p split on.  like??  he could easily be gryffindor as well, i think, because he’s usually the one that steps to people and lucas is usually the one that follows behind him and backs him up and that level of like.  blind courage is gryffindor as fuck.  
THAT SAID he also would fight anyone for his grandma’s cookies and held it against riley when she violated the unspoken rule that no one messes w/ his grandma’s cookies and i think that speaks to a belief system that he is devoted to
while farkle is more prone to dictator-ish tendencies, smackle truly values knowledge for the sake of knowledge.  like??  my daughter is a ravenclaw, she would be in the classroom fighting every professor because their muggle studies textbook is out of date and she would have her own research, w/ multiple sources, all cited correctly
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wellhellsbelles · 4 years
hey! i love everything you write and can't wait for the next chapter of ttroywh. i saw you're taking prompts and i was wondering if you could write one i saw in @rickibowen saying that riley and maya go to the bachelor and riley's supposed to fall in love with lucas but falls in love w/ farkle who is the camera man/editor of the show and she always tries to make him laugh by making faces during one on one interviews and so, while lucas and maya fall in love w/ each other
hope you don’t mind me cutting it short! i don’t know much about the bachelor and would’ve liked to expand more but the internet is not good at gleaning info on the process 😅 so here’s my take on as much of that au as i could!
Farkle took the dumb job by chance.
 Well, he did apply for it, but he never thought he’d actually get the job. In all honesty, he figured his small degree in video production wouldn’t end up fruitful, that it was only really a backburner type of deal. He still did believe that—he was going to pursue something in science, that he was adamant of. He just needed . . . a break from it (“Even geniuses need to take care of their mental health,” his mother had told him.) So he pursued videography, something that had become a sort of hobby to him, and when the summer arrived and he needed cash, he figured he’d apply for this job just for kicks.
Farkle never believed he’d end himself up on the set of The Bachelor, not in a million years.
It was sort of surreal, the whole atmosphere that followed such an illustrious television show. Farkle never bought into the appeal of the show, especially since it seemed silly to drag all these girls along just for some pretty boy to tell them they weren’t “the one”. It just seemed cruel, but then again, who was he to judge? He was earning money off of taping their dreams getting crushed, after all.
The first day on set was a barrage of sensory overload—so many voices, faces he needed to commit to memory, an itinerary of equipment he’d be handling . . . there was just so much. He was halfway tempted to run when he started becoming overwhelmed, but he remembered himself, breathing in and out until he’d maintained a sense of calm.
Farkle could do it. He would do it. There was no way he was backing out now.
The preparation for the show was massive, but then the first day of filming arrived right under his nose. Profiles he’d studied of both the bachelor and the ladies he would be choosing from were going to quickly turn to reality, no longer just faces on a page. He knew he wouldn’t be making friends or anything of that ilk, but he did want to at least talk to people, especially since he’d be the one on the other side of the camera for most of the shooting.
Farkle was going to be the main guy they all report to when it’s time to film their confessions, maybe secrets that would be aired on television but no one else on set would know until later. No one but him, which he was well aware was a heavy burden to carry. But then again, it was reality television—who said anything anyone reveal was actually real? The contestants weren’t getting paid for anything, so truth was muddied at best.
But somehow, despite all of this mess being, well, a mess, Farkle could still say he was excited at the prospect of taking part of something big. This was his shot at obtaining a glimpse a slice of a life he’d never experienced before, and he couldn’t wait to see how it all turned out.
 “I can’t believe you talked me into this dumb mess. This is your fault,” Maya groaned from beside Riley as the other girls with them in the limo talked animatedly.
“My fault? How was I supposed to know they’d pick both of us for this show? Besides, you’re the one who submitted your application while we were drunk! You could’ve backed out at anytime and you know it, Hart,” Riley said accusingly. “Besides, we’ll have fun! You need some in your life.”
“I feel like I’m being pimped out by a bunch of white guys to another white guy. I hate this,” Maya slumped down further in her seat. “And they took my phone, too! How am I supposed to entertain myself?”
“Don’t you draw? Just do that. I know you brought your sketchbook,” Riley suggested. Maya shook her head.
“Nope. Not going to happen. I am not advertising my art for the world to see. One of those dumb cameramen are going to sneak up on me and do it without my permission, I just know it.”
“Suit yourself,” Riley shrugged, turning her attention to the rest of the girls in the car. She knew there was a camera in the car with them and that the producers would prefer it if she engaged in conversation about the bachelor, but she’d rather just lay low. She’d try and play it up for them later after she’d seen him up close and personal.
But Maya did have a point. Why was she doing this again? It really was a decision she made on a whim, but unlike Maya, her decision was made completely sober.
The Bachelor had been one of her favorite guilty pleasure shows that she watched over the years, but she had never once entertained the idea of actually becoming a contestant. Perhaps it was when her long-term boyfriend broke up with her that spurred her interest, maybe she just needed something new and this was it. Whatever the case, she had been picked along with her best friend, and wherever Riley went, Maya followed.
She couldn’t be too mad, anyhow—the bachelor they had picked was incredibly handsome.
His name was Lucas Friar, born and raised in Texas. Everything about him sounded like a dream come true, but she kept a smidgeon of skepticism about him just in case the show had encouraged a little truth bending for the sake of appeal. Still, she couldn’t deny that his extensive list of positive qualities all seemed a little too good to be true.
He sounded like a true, southern gentleman, the kind that would meet you at the door and talk to your parents before escorting you out on a date. A lionhearted and loyal friend, the testimonies in his profile had mentioned. A guy who is just so down to earth you can’t help but fall for him. Loves animals of all kinds and is working hard to become a veterinarian. His experience of being raised on a farm spawned his interest in animal care.
If Riley could swoon, she would. She still might, after meeting him.
For the rest of the ride, Riley tried her best to pitch in with the “bachelor talk” the other girls were participating in. She wasn’t too terrible at it, but getting Maya to participate was another thing entirely. Despite making it onto the show and agreeing to be there (Riley told her she didn’t need to say yes to being a contestant! At this point, she’s almost certain Maya agreed for her own personal agenda that Riley’s not privy to), she refuses to play along.
After what felt like an eternity of a car ride, they made it to the mansion they’d be staying at for the duration of their stint on the show. They asked Riley to be the first one out of the limo, something that floored Riley.
First limo, first out—they had a good feeling about Riley, was what that meant. She’d watched enough of The Bachelor to know that the first person to meet the bachelor was important; it was his first impression, the real start of the show, and it meant the producers were rooting for her.
So, no pressure.
Her meeting with Lucas passed by her in a flash, but she had a good feeling about it. He found her slight awkwardness endearing and by just interacting with him, she felt as though there was a certain energy between them. Of course, she’d never been the best at reading situations, but something told her that it was right for her to be on The Bachelor.
After meeting him, she waited in the main room as the other girls got to have their own interaction with Lucas, trying to not feel nervous as they all piled in together. They chatted amongst each other, but Riley couldn’t help but notice Maya hadn’t joined her yet.
Must be the producers, she admonished in her mind.
She wasn’t allowed to keep wondering, however, as a distraction was sent her way. One of the producers walked in, announcing that they were going to start filming confessionals and called Riley up to be the first.
“We just need you to talk about Lucas a little, maybe your experience so far,” he explained as he ushered her off to another room. “Be yourself, but also realize this is television, yeah?”
“So be myself but not really myself?” Riley blurted. The producer nodded.
“Bingo, you’ve got it. Now go in there and kill it.”
With a slight push, Riley entered the confession room, the door closing shut behind her. There was a guy already in there scrawling down notes onto a clipboard, his focus undeterred until the door closing alerted him to her presence.
“Oh, sorry about that,” he muttered, setting the clipboard down. He turned toward her with a slight frown tugging at the corners of his mouth, and Riley couldn’t help but feel bad for him. It seemed less like he was trying to be a professional and more like he didn’t want to be there at all.
“Hey, I know this is a weird request, but what’s your name? I’d like to get to know everyone around here, even if I just last a day,” Riley said. The cameraman’s stormy blue eyes lit up in surprise.
“You want to know my name? No one wants to know my name,” he told her. Now it was Riley’s turn to frown.
No one here wanted to know his name? But he was helping make the show. Was the whole production team for The Bachelor really that callous?
“Well, I do. Here, I’ll start—I’m Riley Matthews,” she beamed, sticking her hand out towards him. He hesitated a moment before enveloping her dainty hand with his, the warmth comforting.
“Farkle Minkus. I’ll be your cameraman for a lot of this run, but mostly just the confessional stuff.”
“Glad to have met you, Farkle.”
After breaking the handshake, it still took Farkle a moment to gain his footing and Riley couldn’t blame him.
“Okay, so you’ll sit at that seat right there,” he gestured in front of him to the empty chair, “And you’ll have to give me a moment to set the lighting right on you and then make sure sound is good.”
Riley did as she was told, waiting patiently in her seat as he shuffled about the room. She observed him scrambling about, heart warming at the awkward way he appeared to be moving. It reminded her of herself when she was anxious.
After a few minutes, Farkle was ready, giving her a countdown to begin.
“Just start talking about your first impression of Lucas, okay?” he instructed.
“Okay,” Riley nodded. She watched in silence as he started the countdown audibly, switching to counting with his fingers when they reached three. Then two, followed by one.
Showtime, she said to herself.
 At the end of the first night, Maya was the first to get a rose. Riley wasn’t surprised one bit—Maya had a sort of charm about her and people couldn’t help but be drawn to her. It always surprised her when that happened, and that night was no exception to the rule. As someone who was also competing, Riley couldn’t help but feel a touch jealous, but more than anything, she was proud of her friend.
Despite Maya receiving the first rose, though, Riley did get quite a bit of time to spend with Lucas. He was shy and reserved, yet cheerful and inviting, and they got along quite well. If Riley was a spectator, she’d bet good money on herself.
But her time outside of filming scenes was spent hanging around Farkle. He didn’t really believe her when she said she wanted to get to know the people working on the show, so she was determined to prove him wrong, especially since she just kept being picked by Lucas. Each day, she’d greet Farkle when she’d spot him by the refreshments table set up for the crew, she’d ask how he was when he was there to film her confessions, and just do her best to cheer him up since he always looked down.
“You know you’re going to get me fired, right?” he asked her one day after they filmed a scene. “You keep making faces at me and I’m trying so hard to not laugh but I swear, Riley.”
“Is it making you laugh?” she said, curious.
“Yes, oh my god! They’re going to have to cut so much of that out not just for your dumb faces, but me interrupting their audio,” he groaned. Riley smiled.
“Good. Then I won’t stop!”
“Relentless, Riley Matthews, that’s what you are. And a pain in my ass.”
Riley liked getting to film The Bachelor, but as the days passed by, she had a feeling it was less because of her wanting to be on the actual show and vying for Lucas’ attention, and more due to the fact that Farkle was there.
And if halfway through the filming process Lucas ended it because he’d picked Maya (and she picked him too, shockingly), Riley couldn’t find it in her to be sad.
She had found Farkle, after all, so really she was the true winner of the game.
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liveshaunted-moved · 3 years
Girl Meets World / Julie and the Phantoms Muses Interaction PSA for this blog
On this blog, I will be having two verses in which my Julie and the Phantoms muses can interact with the GMW characters, the main one, which will be tagged as the world is theirs ; and it’s full of music and laughter ( jatp / gmw au ), this one is my MAIN version for Reggie, Luke & Carrie, and in this verse, Reggie ends up dating Maya, and other Established ships within this universe would be; Alex/Willie, Farkle/Lucas, Julie/Luke, Carrie/Flynn, the others have not been thought of. And because this AU is based on me and my friends headcanons, if you RP as any of these muses Maya Hart, Farkle Minkus, Luke Patterson, Reggie Peters, Lucas Frair or Carrie Wilson you will automatically be getting the other GMW AU . Only because the Main version is heavily influenced by our headcanons and portrayals of those muses/characters.
The second verse will be tagged as we’re taking on the world ( gmw au ; reggie* ) [ * - or luke or carrie depending on who you’re interacting with ) and this one has no set ships and will be multi-verse’d if multiple ships are developed
That also being said Reggie will only be shipped with ONE Maya, so all other Maya’s will get friendships from him.
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unitcd-a · 4 years
primary: oliver ‘ollie’ queen, eddie brock, winn schott jr., iris west-allen, imra ardeen, frost
secondary: scott lang, clark kent, kai parker, lar on, james olsen, farkle minkus, zay babineaux, maya hart, lucas friar, kendall knight, james diamond, logan mitchell, carlos garcia
request only: au e1 lex luthor (dom sherwood) , e1 gv mathias taylor (matthew daddario) power absorption is his power.
private: wyatt richardson v: christmas town
GROUP VERSE - Earth 1 with @outxsmarted & @forthewinn ( & their other blogs )
Fabian. 29.
I work 6 days a week, full time.
The queue is my friend.
no godmodding & no ship forcing (shipping info is located on muses page)
i love ocs as much as canons because i have my own ocs, i will respect ocs and interact with them on this blog.
who doesn’t love memes? Idk anyone who doesn’t. with this being said please turn memes into threads on their own fresh posts.
this is a semi-selective blog and i have every right to interact with whoever i choose. we do NOT have to be mutuals for interactions.
there will most likely be some aspect of nsfw, it will be tagged as such.
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antihcroes · 1 year
@inspotlight liked for a taylor swift lyrical starter!
champagne problems
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"you'll find the real thing instead."
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butterflieshurt-ia · 5 years
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HELLO THERE!! so this is a thing i’ve been debating doing for some time now, but after seeing a friend do it, i finally decided to give myself the extra push and... do it. so here are my mains and exclusives (so far, the list can and will grow). now exclusives were something i was very worried about doing, because i hate making other people feel left out. but in all honesty, i just cannot see my muses clicking with other portrayals of the characters besides the ones listed. now exclusives will only ever be for specific muses, i will never have ‘general exclusives’, so like if you write x, i won’t write them with you with this certain muse, but i will write them with my other muses. 
mains, are a bit more loose, like, the portrayal’s listed below are the first ones i will go to for things and the first ones i will send in memes to, or tag in shippy stuff and things. but i will interact with other portrayals of those muses, those ones just take top priority. general mains are basically just not tied to one muse and that portrayal will be my main for all muses.
if you are interested in becoming a main, or an exclusive, give this post a like or reply to it, or come message me. and to everyone listed here, none of you have to return this exclusivity or main, this is just for me to make things easier on myself when it comes to plotting and everything. and if you feel uncomfortable being on here, let me know and i will remove you.
exclusives: jack wilder - @wintersreplies (for abigail atlas & cleo & stella wilder) peter parker - @wintersreplies (for abigail atlas) andrew clark - @alienb0yz (for john bender) evie grimhilde - @wintersreplies (for mal faery) ben villenueve - @crowninherited (for mal faery, audrey rose & isabelle reid) farkle minkus - @liveshaunted (for maya kent) chad charming - @chrmiing (for audrey rose) neal cassidy - @choiicesmade (for emma swan)
mains: henley reeves - @wintersreplies (for abigail atlas & lula may) addison - @goseabrook (for zed necrodopolus & bethany walker) addison brooks - @breathstaken (for zed necrodopolus) li lonnie - @choiicesmade (for audrey rose) evie grimhilde - @shefairest (for audrey rose) uma atlantica - @seaheired (for audrey rose & abigail atlas)
general mains: tba
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ambitionsource · 4 years
S2 Rewatch - Maggie’s Take [ 206 ]
now we’re talking folks. now we’re gettin into the juice
Favorite scene
This is an episode that has a lot of like... super strong standout scenes amidst an otherwise quick pace, so it’s tough to decide. The RL scene in the teacher’s lounge and their exchange that establishes their “I don’t have to do anything” motif are both strong contenders, as is the De La Minkus scene in Eric’s office and Farkle’s apology to Riley. However, I’m gonna have to go with Lucas’s imaginary meltdown monologue. I just... the culture of that... how he lists all of the people who are important to him without realizing it (Dasher, Isa, Jack, Riley), the tension and drama of it, the sharpness of the delivery, Lucas literally admitting “desire” for Riley, all of his turbulent emotion in 2A being condensed down into one 90-second explosion of vulnerability... just... so good. I want. To see it.
Favorite performance
Lots of good contenders this episode, and I have a soft spot for the undeniable iconic quality of “Defying Gravity” in any context, but I think the winner has to be “Agnes.” I love that song so much, and it fit so perfectly while highlighting just how low Farkle had gotten yet in a blasé, insidious way. Like the moment where he “shoots” his reflection in a window, but breezes past it before we can even really process it, and then how he leaves the stage blankly and the ghost light clicks off to end the episode -- symbolic, as technically ghost lights are meant to remain on at all times (as their purpose is to provide light when you first enter a dark auditorium).
Favorite character (within context of the episode)
Farkle is the winner for me this episode. He’s so... off his game, a flat comparison to the specter of his former self, and that’s such an interesting interplay in my opinion. Also, I love him in his awful frumpy cardigan not giving a shit anymore. He has a myriad of standout scenes, like his apology to Riley, him attempting to talk to Maya, the scene with Isa in Eric’s office. He delivers succinct lines that really pack a punch, like his offhand final remark to Jack that nothing ever changes, or his explanation as to why Lucas will die if he tries to escape, or his punctuation mark on the philosophy discussion wishing that all of his present company, his not-friends, get into heaven (notably excluding himself). He has my favorite performance in “Agnes,” he’s on the crux of the biggest arc in the first half of the season... and he deserves it, after we made him literally face-plant into the stage and get a bloody nose in the first five minutes of the episode. Sorry, little rich boy. You’ll recover...
Favorite line(s)
“Look, you’re doing exactly what Burgess told you to do, keeping your head low and falling into line, and right now, that’s all you can do. But this too shall pass. You know, one day, we’re going to look back on how stressed we were about all of this stuff, and it’s gonna be hilarious because we’ll realize that none of it really mattered. What mattered was that we got through it, and we got through it together.” –Asher Garcia
“Here’s the read. [ to Maya ] You’re hogging the spotlight. [ to Lucas ] You’re in the way. [ to Zay ] You’re so focused on the dancing, you’re off key. [ to Riley ] You’re a pushover, now quite literally. [ to Isa ] And you picked this song, which I’m surmising has something to do with whatever internal baggage you’ve got going on right now, but it’s whiny and abrasive and yet still too difficult for Lucas. So we’re gonna fail! Buh-bye.” –Farkle Minkus
“Can we do a song where we just… stand still?” –Lucas James Friar
“Oh, me? I’m getting out of here. This is useless, I hate this energy, and I have places and people I would much rather be with right now. So peace out, drop outs. I’m gone.” –Zay Babineaux
“We were good.” –Riley Matthews, about her and Lucas James Friar
“[ The stage isn’t ] meant to be defiled either, but y’all do that every week when you basically pee on it to claim your territory.” –Lucas James Friar
“Oh, sure. Totally. The queen of the techies wants to befriend the free-falling Icarus of the performers, someone she so strongly dislikes she once referred to him as “the spoiled produce of people.” Or, alternatively, described interacting with him like “stepping on a LEGO brick without shoes.”” –Farkle Minkus
An underrated moment
There are a lot of good ones this episode! Lucas climbing around the fake trees to find a place to perch, Riley resting her head on Zay at the end and him patting her head affectionately, Charlie and Zay’s flirty conversation about french fries, Lucas shielding Riley with his whole body from Isadora’s pillow offense, the ridiculous romantic tension between RL in the teacher’s lounge, Maya yoinking Jack’s coffee right out of his hands when he rescues them. But I think my favorite always and forever will be when Riley finds the little love note Dylan left behind for Asher (which we see him then writing a new one in 209 without Asher noticing). It just, as it says in the episode, encapsulates that there’s still love and joy and comfort in the world even when things feel so hard. And it’s also impressive that DA can leave such an impression even when they’re not really in the episode -- a testament to how important they’ll grow over the rest of the season!
First impression vs your reread impression
I was right when writing my 205 reread reax that 206 does move fast! Because of the condensed cast and bottle-episode quality, there’s an incredibly fluid and efficient vibe to the whole thing. I tend to write this episode off in terms of content due to the episodes that follow it that are so heavy and chock full of major moments, but then I reread and I remember why this episode ranked so high for both Esther and I when working on the season. It’s a good episode. It’s engaging, it’s fascinating exploring that group of characters, it has so many small gems of moments... it’s good. I feel confident saying that. Now we’ll see how the sluggers hold up coming around the bend...
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souriisms · 4 years
@strongfcclings​​​​ liked for a starter!
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"you've only heard his point of view. you never asked mine."
4 notes · View notes
katdvs · 6 years
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Author Note: I’ve been sitting on this fic for about a month and a half. I had the idea for it from a post I saw on tumblr and just had to write this. I just had no idea at all what to title it. Enjoy!
The alarm went off with the Star Wars theme filling the bedroom, Farkle Minkus stretched hos long, strong body before reaching over to pick up his phone and sliding the control to off. He took a deep breath in, more of a yawn as he looked at the time. He knew he needed to get up, be ready or the morning conference call with his London associates, yet instead of throwing back the blankets and getting up he burrowed himself more under the blankets and started checking his social media accounts.
He started to play the stories on his Instagram, first he had his friend Zay who was currently touring the country as part of the latest Dancing with The Stars tour. Lots of buzz was building that he could be pulled up as the next pro in the fall season.
His ex-girlfriend Smackle had a story next, she was at a conference in Barcelona, discussing her latest findings about social interaction. He couldn’t help but feel as light swell of pride at the clip of her speech that played.
Rolling onto his side just before the next one started he saw a video of a hotel, the red brick building only a few stories high, with a caption reading “They say this hotel is haunted!”, before quickly moving to a picture of some mountains captioned with “our view”. He glanced to see that it was Riley, he best friend, she had mentioned going on a vacation the last time they spoke, that seemed forever ago now though.
Another story came up, a similar shot of a red brick hotel. The next part played, and another view of mountains came up, strikingly similar to what he had just seen on Riley’s story. He looked, expecting to see Tristan, her boyfriend listed as the name, even though he couldn’t recall following him.
His fingers lost the grip he had on the phone as he fell to the carpeted floor after bouncing off the bed. He scrolled back as another story had started, his mouth hanging open as he saw the name, Lucas.
He flipped back to Riley’s story, yes, the hotels were the same. The views were the same.
Was this possible? Were his two friends, the former lovers on vacation at the same time, in the same place?
He ran his hand through his sandy hair, it couldn’t be possible, could it?
After all this time or them to end up in the same place like this?
Part of him wanted to call Maya or Zay, ask if either of them knew. One of them had to, right? Or at the very least Maya would know where Riley was, and Zay would of course know where Lucas was. Wouldn’t they?
No, none of them were as close as they had once been. Sure, back in high school they could all believe they would stay connected, stay close, but the reality of adulthood left Zay traveling the country, Maya never seemed to leave Brooklyn, Farkle himself was lucky if he was in the city for an entire week. Riley lived in Chicago now, the medical program she’d gotten into had led her to a Pediatric residency there. Lucas himself had also gone into medicine, not veterinary, but also Pediatrics, but his residency had him up in Boston for the time being.
Farkle’s phone buzzed with a notification that he had to get ready for his call. He sighed tossing the phone on his bed to get ready for the day. Besides, what was he going to do, get lost in watching Instagram all day to see if Riley and Lucas ran into each other? Was he going to text Zay and Maya, suck them in as well? It wasn’t like Lucas and Riley were going to run into each other, wherever they were vacationing, they were probably off on totally different paths.
Maya threw her purse down on her couch, a heavy sigh escaping her lips. She could feel the burn of her tears as she stormed towards the kitchen. Again, and again, she kept setting herself up for this heartbreak, she wasn’t sure if she could continue on like this, if she had the strength to go on down this path.
She didn’t care that it was three in the afternoon, she needed a drink as she pulled out the bottle of Vodka from the freezer. She tossed some ice in a glass, pouring the icy vodka over it before she topped it off with some soda water.
The satisfying first sip forced her to stop and breathe.
She wasn’t ready for this.
She had been doing just fine as a graphic artist for a women’s magazine, she would never admit that she spent hours upon hours going over the bubble gum pink layouts for articles and content she would never read for the print edition or the web edition.
Tonight, in just a few hours her own art would be on display for all the world to see. Sure, she’d been in shows since Middle school, but this was just her. She wasn’t surrounded by other artists. This was all on her.
Tonight, she was going to find out if she could make it as an actual artist.
She’d been so nervous about this all, so scared about it all, so typically Maya about it that she hadn’t the courage to send out the invitations. She hadn’t even told her best friend, if anything she hadn’t been speaking with Riley much lately, the distance, the difference in their lifestyles had prevented it all for now.
Maybe it was for the best, at least for now, Riley would’ve dropped everything in Chicago to come, and it would’ve just added to the pressure.
Maya took another sip before sitting down on her couch, she dug her phone out of her purse. She had emails from work, but they could wait. They knew she’d be out of the office until Monday, it was the only way she’d be able to make it through tonight.
She opened Instagram, just scrolling through her feed. Pictures of people’s kids, really how were the kids she grew up with, already having kids? Here she was in the middle of the afternoon drinking.
It was only now that she realized Riley must be on vacation as she saw the stunning pictures of mountains, of a beautiful river, Riley and Tristian in rafting gear.
Maya couldn’t help it as she rolled her eyes, she had met Tristian last fall when they had come to down for Cory and Topanga’s anniversary party. He seemed nice, and he probably made sense on paper for Riley, but if Maya was honest he wasn’t Lucas and part of her, kind of thought Riley and Lucas would end up together.
She continued scrolling, wondering why so many of her friends had to post their take-out coffee, they all got the same brand, the pictures were all the same. What was this ridiculous status symbol?
She stopped when she got to another picture of a river, very similar to one Riley had posted. Instead she saw it was from Lucas. With a caption about mountain biking before a picture of him and his latest girlfriend.
Maya couldn’t help but snort at the picture of this woman draping herself over Lucas, it was the pose almost every woman he’d dated since Riley had pulled. A desperate grip on him, like they caught some sort of prize and had no intention of letting him go.
She double tapped the image, ready to move on when she noticed in the background of the selfie a white-water raft, the same colors as the one she’d seen in Riley’s picture.
Taking another sip of her drink she wondered, was it possible, had these two idiots ended up on vacation at the same time, in the same place?
Riley hadn’t called her freaking out, so perhaps it was just a coincidence.
What were the chances these two fools would end up near each other on vacation?
His day had been long, the adrenalin rush fading as he climbed onto the tour bus. One more show and he would be back in New York City. He craved the energy of the city, so drastically different then what he found in LA or on the road, and even more so from the town he’d grown up in back in Texas.
He flopped on the couch, pulling his phone out. He spent a few minutes liking tweets from people who had been at the show, retweeting some pictures before checking Instagram. He was tagged in dozens of pictures and videos. He liked them all before he looked at his feed.
Maya, his favorite snarky blonde posting pictures of her latest paintings.
Farkle posting a picture of the New York skyline mentioning that he was happy to be home again.
Zay could almost taste the pizza from his favorite parlor, he could almost smell the sweet home like scent of Topanga’s, which was always his second stop when he would return from a tour.
It didn’t help that their Instagram post was making him drool, the picture a display of his favorite cupcakes.  He could almost taste the raspberry buttercream at this moment.
He had to snap himself out of the sugary trance as he scrolled down some more.
More food, surprisingly a picture from Lucas of some barbeque he was having on vacation, but it wasn’t Chubbie’s, no his friend wasn’t back in Texas, instead was somewhere else.
He scrolled to the next picture, a selfie of Lucas holding up something that said the name of the restaurant, but something else caught Zay’s eye. He zoomed in on the picture, noticing the brunette standing in line waiting to order.
He shook his head, no way.
It couldn’t be.
He moved down the feed, a picture of Riley also on vacation, with a Sunset and mountains.
He looked around the bus, the other dancers all engrossed in their own phones, except for Shelby, a petite red head who was lost in a book.
He pulled up Riley’s story, video clips from rafting earlier in the day, the sunset, and then a little video of a barbeque place, that looked similar to the one Lucas had posted about.
He quickly went to Lucas’s story, all that was coming up for now was the sun setting behind some mountains, the sky more purple than orange, a caption saying goodnight.
Zay clicked back to his home screen, his thumb ready to pull up his contacts, but he stopped himself.
He was being ridiculous.
Besides what could he say to Maya and Farkle, “Hey, Riley and Lucas appear to be on Vacation in the same place, should we tell them?” No, it would just lead to the three of them hoping for something that was never going to happen.
They weren’t in high school anymore, life took them all, yes all of them in very different places. Even when Zay was in the city these days he never saw Maya or Farkle. He could message with them, but they never had time to catch up over a drink, let alone actually hang out.
Riley and Lucas reuniting, clearing the air, whatever needed to happen wouldn’t magically solve the distance that had grown between everyone else.
He pulled out his ear buds, slipped them in and pulled up Hulu, getting lost in a sitcom from the 90s, as he let his mind drift off as two men did some goofy dance on his phone screen, looking very proud of themselves as the studio audience cheered.
Any thoughts of Riley and Lucas drifted out of his mind for the time being.
The alarm startled Riley as she sat up straight in the bed, her heart racing as she looked around the dark hotel room. Tristan was next to her, lazily reaching for his phone to turn the alarm of. She counted to ten, trying to calm down.
Hadn’t they just gone to bed?
Why on earth was his alarm set for so early in the morning? They were on vacation for crying out loud!
Tristan rose from the bed, stretching before he turned on the light.
Riley recoiled, glaring towards him, “Tristan, it’s so early. What are you doing?”
He dropped the towel he had grabbed to take into the shower, “Getting ready babe, we’ve got an exciting last day of our vacation.”
“Next vacation I plan.” She yawned, already thinking about lazy mornings at a beach house down the shore.
Tristan came over to her, kissing her forehead, “Come on babe, this will be fun. I know it’s early, but if you really need to sleep, you can sleep on my shoulder on the way up.”
Sighing Riley threw the sheets back and got out of bed, “Fine, but I have first shower, only way I’ll wake up.”
“Deal.” Tristan pushed her towards the bathroom, waiting until she closed the door for him to pull up Instagram.
He searched the name, and there it was, pictures of the young blonde doctor and the blonde draped over them. They were here.
Tristan was positive that he and Riley had been at that same restaurant the night before.
Of all the places they could pick to vacation, it had to be here, at the same time?
He swiped out of the app, his stomach in a knot, as he said a silent prayer to let this last day go off without a hitch. If it could then the past would be behind them.
Lucas breathed in the morning air, it was clean and crisp, but also had the coating of the coal smoke for the steam engine. The depot was buzzing with activity as he looked around for his girlfriend Shelby, but every so often something would cause him to turn and lose focus.
It had been happening the entire vacation so far. He’d hear a laugh, or just have a sensation that would cause him to turn away. Yet whenever he would look it was nothing he could find that could’ve brought his attention.
Only one person had ever caused this sort of reaction, and it wasn’t Shelby.
“Here you go, Venti Dark Roast, two sugars and cream.” She was perky as she handed him the Starbucks cup as she took a sip of her own.
“Thanks.” He looked around, a chill sweeping through his body in the early summer morning. “You know, I get the mountain biking, the rafting, but you really always wanted to ride this train?”
“My Grandparents met on this train, my Grandpa was a Brakeman, and my Grandma worked in Concessions one summer. They fell head over heels in love, and I always wanted to ride it. See the views they saw every day that summer.”
Shelby was almost never a romantic like this, part of Lucas couldn’t believe it. “That’s beautiful, why hadn’t you mentioned it before?”
“You’re a guy, guys like trains, right?”
A sad smile crossed Lucas’ lips. Trains, yeah, he had a special connection to them, to his first love. “I mean I was wild about Thomas as a kid.”
“I think every guy our generation was.” She chuckled as they boarded the train to the first class car.
Lucas took it all in for a moment, the craftmanship of the wood, the elegance that surrounded them as Shelby led them to their seats. Before Lucas knew it was happening, Shelby was draping herself over him for another picture.
Why did every girlfriend he had, except for Riley do this?
He flashed his smile, knowing he’d be expected to post it on his own Instagram account.
That’s was the feeling that rippled through his body as Zay walked into the bakery. He could already taste the sweet coffee he was about to order.
Topanga’s was very much the same as it had been when he first remembered walking into it back in middle school. Sure, he was older now, and the groups of friends were different. It was still a gathering place for the neighborhood.
He wondered how many poor guys had smoothies poured over their heads by girls they didn’t want to be on dates with in the first place?
How many couples had fallen in love, how many had broken up here?
Once he had everything he wanted he settled in the back corner, pulling his tablet out of his bag as he began to read through emails before he was finally fed up with thinking about work, promotional opportunities, or whatever else people thought would boost his career.
He clicked on Instagram, scrolling through the pictures.
Maya posted a shot of one of her paintings with SOLD as the caption. He smiled with pride and quickly typed a reply.
Farkle posted a fancy meal with a caption about craving a slice of real New York Pizza.
Zay typed that he would have one for him since he was in the city.  
He sat up straighter when he saw a picture from Riley that was simply captioned “Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid” it was of a baggage train car in a museum.
Zay made the mistake of taking a sip of coffee as he scrolled to the next picture. A candid shot, black and white of Riley looking at the baggage car.
No caption from Lucas who had posted the picture.
The tablet was covered in the coffee that flew from Zay’s mouth.
People all around looked at him as though he was nuts.
Except one person, “You okay there?” Farkle handed him a napkin from the stack in his hands as he made his way across the room.
“Farkle!” Zay momentarily forgot what had caused him to blurt his coffee out all over himself and his electronics.
“When did you get back to town?” Farkle sat in the seat across from his old friend.
“Last night.” Zay finished cleaning up the best he could, checking to make sure the tablet worked, bringing the screen to life and seeing the picture again, “Oh boy.”
“What is it?” Farkle tried to get a look, “Is that, no, it can’t be.”
“Look” Zay scrolled up to the picture Riley had posted of the same baggage car. “I mean I saw their vacation pictures, I suspected they were on similar vacations, but the same place, same time?”
Farkle sat back in his seat, “I saw them as well.” He took a sip of his triple berry smoothie, “If it was anyone else, I would say no way, but its Riley and Lucas.”
Before either of them could say anything else the click of heels coming towards them forced them to look up at the blonde before them, dark denim jeans, black kitten heels, and a tight vintage Van Halen shirt under her blazer. “What are you losers doing here?”
“Nice to see you too Maya.” Farkle was on his feet first, hugging her.
Zay was close behind, “I needed a taste of home. What brings you here?”
“Meeting my Mom and Dad for dinner.” Maya studied her two old friends, “I feel like I only see you guys via social media these days. How did I not know you were in the city?”
“Because we never have time to make plans with each other when we’re in town.” Farkle sighed, “I wasn’t sure you even knew how to get out of Brooklyn anymore.”
She rolled her eyes, “Yeah, and when do you get off a tour bus, or you get out of meetings? Exactly, we’re all adulting and it sucks. We post these moments on our social media to brag because we’re too afraid to share it in person, to make those connections again.”
“Honey Nugget, that is way too deep, you okay?”
She looked at Zay, he always had a way of getting her that others didn’t, “I haven’t heard from Riley in a while and I’m, worried, curious, I feel like something is going on.”
“You’ve been stalking Instagram as well huh?” Farkle smirked, all of them had done it, of course they had, and yet none of them had reached out to the others.
Were they still friends?
“Of course, I have.” She sat at the arm of Farkle’s chair, “I mean if she saw Lucas, she would tell me, wouldn’t she?”
“I don’t know if she saw him, but he saw her.” Zay handed her the tablet.
Maya studied the picture, an honest moment, she wondered what Lucas thought when he saw her, did they speak, or is this the only proof they were even near each other?
Farkle looked at his friends, they didn’t have to speak but he knew they had questions, “We could call him, you know.”
“He won’t tell us anything, especially if that blonde is around.” Maya snarked before looking at the boys confused as they exchanged a look, “Oh hush.” She told them once it hit her what they were thinking.
“Mom, I’m telling you.” Auggie Matthews followed his mother across the bakery, “Lucas posted a picture of Riley on his Instagram page, they’re on vacation at the same time in the same place.”
His mother slowly spun around, an eyebrow raised, “Auggie, that sounds ridiculous. I’m sure you’re confusing Tristan’s post, also why are you still following Lucas?”
“Because Riley and Lucas are going to end up together.” He rolled his eyes, wondering why his mother didn’t get that, “Besides, Tristan is going into plastic surgery and not to do good in the world. Just look at this picture and tell me that isn’t Riley.”
Topanga sighed, taking the phone from her son, sucking in her teeth as she studied the image. It was her daughter, she couldn’t deny it. “This has to be some sort of glitch.”
“It’s not.” Farkle’s voice cut through the air, causing the duo to look towards the corner the three friends occupied, “They’ve been posting similar pictures for days, it was only a matter of time before one of them saw the other.”
Topanga pushed the phone back to her son as she took a few steps towards the trio, “What on earth are all three of you doing here?”
“We just ran into each other.” Zay shrugged, it was the truth after all, “But Farkle is right, they’ve been posting pictures from the same places.”
“Mom, they’re going to get back together.” Auggie insisted.
Topanga sighed as she looked around at the young adults in front of her, “I know you’re all hoping for them to reunite, but guys, they tried to make this work, and it didn’t. They’re at very different places in their lives, they live in different parts of the country. You all have such a beautiful friendship, and you all come together for a reason. That reason isn’t to be busybodies in your friends’ romantic lives.”
“Come on, you gotta admit their has to be a reason they’re in the same place at the same time.” Maya looked at a woman she considered a mentor.
Topanga looked at the three, she could see three very accomplished adults, with so much more for them to do and experience, “How did you all end up here, today, right now. Sometimes it just happens.”
“Mom, really?” Auggie rolled his eyes, “Whatever, Riley and Lucas will be married in like a year, trust me.”
Topanga looked at her son, “Don’t you have class?”
Auggie sighed, “Fine, but trust me on this.”
“Yeah trust the kid!” Zay smiled but it quickly faded when he caught the slightly icy glare from Topanga. “Or not.”
Farkle cleared his throat, “Just because they see each other, maybe even speak to each other doesn’t mean that they’ll have that same spark.” Even though the words came from him, he didn’t believe it. If that energy wasn’t there then Lucas wouldn’t have taken the picture.
All day long during the train ride Riley had felt this buzz of energy in the air. She and Tristan had been in one of the first-class cars, an open-air car with a glass roof so you could see everything around you.
It had been amazing the views breathtaking, they had even seen some big horn sheep.
But the air, something was charging it.
She hadn’t felt this way in years, not since…not since Lucas.
When they got off the train, Tristan immediately raced off to the gift shop. Riley instead found her way to the museum. Artifacts, pictures, bits and pieces of the past surrounded her.
The energy was thicker, as she stood in front of a baggage car that had been used in the movie Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, she could feel the air around her.
She was afraid to turn around, finally she did, sure that she had just caught a glimpse of Lucas.
It couldn’t be, could it?
She was terrified of how her heart was beating at the idea, the way she was flooded with a need to see him, she started to follow, but before she could exit the museum she was face to face with Tristan, who looked pale and flushed at the same time. “What’s wrong?”
“I just ran into Shelby, my ex-fiancée in the gift shop.” His hand ran through his short hair, “I, didn’t expect to see her, here of all places.”
Riley was stunned, she just hugged him. “Its okay.” She told him, knowing that if she had come face to face with Lucas, she would’ve felt her world shift and rock.
It was her.
Riley had been in the museum. Lucas stared at the picture for a moment, before he heard Shelby call his name. He snapped his head to look towards her, just as his thumb swiped the screen to post.
“What’s wrong?” He could feel her shaking as he wrapped his arms around her.
She burrowed her head in the crook of his neck, “Tristan is here. I saw him in the Gift Shop. I just never thought he would come here, not when I did.”
Was it possible that his ex, and hers were both here on vacation?
“Let’s go back to the room, you take a hot bath, I’ll go get us something to eat. We’ll have dinner in our room, watch a movie on cable, a nice quiet evening.”
“That sounds perfect.” Her voice skipping as she tried to catch her breath.
“Then let’s go, the hotel is less then half a block away.” He led her through the depot, down Main Avenue. The street was filled with pedestrians, forcing them to take their time.
Once they were back at the hotel Shelby immediately escaped to the bathroom, Lucas could hear the tub filling with water, so he left her behind to go get them dinner.
He didn’t go far, finding a place with a menu that would satisfy Shelby. He sat at the bar, ordered a local beer and placed an order to go.
A chill swept through his body as he looked around, his eyes settling on her as she looked at him, her mouth dropped open in shock, her eyes glossy, darting over him.
Riley reached for her beer, bringing it to her lips as she tried to think of what to say. How was this possible? “So, that was you in the museum earlier.”
“Yeah, it was.” He took a sip from his own beer, realizing now that it was possibly the same one she was drinking, “What are you doing here?”
“Tristan, my boyfriend planned this vacation. What about you?”
No. It couldn’t be possible, could it? He bit his bottom lip, gulping before he answered, “My girlfriend, Shelby, she planned this vacation.”
“Plastic Surgeon?” Riley’s eyebrow had hooked up.
“Yeah, same for yours?” He watched as she nodded, he started to chuckle, “You know this is pretty much only the sort off thing that could happen to us, right?”
She sighed, her body hanging loosely as she looked to him, “I could totally hear Maya or Farkle or Zay laughing about this. I mean gosh, I haven’t spoken to them in a long time.”
Lucas opened his mouth to protest that idea, only to realize he hadn’t really talked to them either, “I guess, we grow up, we grow apart, no matter how connected we arm.”
Riley smiled that soft smile of hers, that always got him, always melted him. “I remember one time, overhearing my Dad and Uncle Shawn talking, and Uncle Shawn was like, ‘Cory how long have I been gone for?’ My Dad thought it was this short amount of time, maybe a few months, it had been years.”
Looking down at her hands they seemed foreign to her, until Lucas took one in his. It felt so right, so pure, but also both realized how wrong it was as they released the hold at the same time.
“We should um get everyone together for the Holidays or something.” Riley told him just before the bartender came with two separate to-go orders.
“Yeah, that would be good, a little reunion, New Years Eve, the roof of your old building, or something.”
“Yeah, something.” She told him as she signed her bill, grabbing her order and dashing out.
“Riley never called to tell you she saw him?” Farkle watched as Maya moved around her apartment, a glass of wine in each hand before she handed him one.
“Never.” She sat next to her old friend, “And she has barely posted anything on social media. The only thing I’ve seen recently was something about her going to see a Knicks game, but she wasn’t in the city.”
Farkle took a sip of the wine, “I haven’t spoken to Lucas, I left a message, but he never got back to me.”
“Maybe they’re both busy, I mean they’ve got a few months left of their residency, right? Is that what they are?” Maya reached for a pretzel from the bowl on her coffee table before hitting the volume button on the TV as the room filled with the theme song from Dancing with The Stars.
“Yeah, in a few months, I think they get to decide where they’ll practice. I always thought they would both come back to New York.” His eyes watched the group number that started, “There’s Zay!”
Maya watched her friend on the screen, dancing with the other pros before being joined by his partner a former star of the show Red Planet Diaries, surely Riley would be calling soon to freak out about this, right?
When the show went to commercial Maya hit the mute button and then glanced at her phone, “Huh, looks like Lucas posted. He hasn’t posted anything since that picture of Riley, right?”
“I haven’t seen anything.” He pulled his own phone out, opening Instagram. A picture of Pappy Joe’s ranch came up, the sun setting behind the house. “Oh boy.” Escaped his lips as he read the caption.
Maya quickly pulled the app up, looking at the picture as well and then the caption. She said yes! I can’t wait to start our future together here in Texas. “Lucas is going to marry that blonde?”
“I was sure he and Riley would be back together.”
Maya downed the rest of her wine before she went and retrieved the bottle from the kitchen bringing it back and refill her glass and then Farkle’s. “This isn’t how things are supposed to be. He’s supposed to marry Riley. They’re supposed to have twins, a boy and a girl. Lucas is supposed to steal the shoes of his daughters first boyfriend. He’s not supposed to marry some plastic surgeon and live in Texas.”
Farkle was silent as Maya ranted, thoughts processing in his mind as he picked up the remote control, unmuting the tv as the show returned. Neither spoke, they watched couple after couple, waiting for Zay and his partner.
After a while Maya muted the TV, “If Riley and Lucas aren’t meant to be, then who is meant to be?”
“I don’t know.” Farkle sighed, “You and I were married in middle school, we’re not meant to me.”
Maya rolled her eyes, swatting at him, but he grabbed her hand, his fingers slipping between hers as she collapsed on top of him.
A confidence swept through Farkle he only felt in the board room these days as he pulled Maya closer, kissing her, surprised when she kissed him back.
Zay adjusted his shoulder bag as he unlocked his studio apartment. When he was in LA he kept everything as simple as possible. Trying to save as much as he could, he never knew when it would all slip away.
He dropped his bag on the futon, the same futon that had lived in his and Lucas’ dorm room freshmen year of college. He moved to the small kitchen, pulling out one of the prepared meals he subscribed to. He was tired, the live show had worn him out. Tomorrow they would start a new set of rehearsals, and he had a few ideas of how to move forward he knew none of it would matter if he didn’t get some sleep soon.
He turned his TV on, the west coast airing of the show just now began. He saw a few messages from Maya and Farkle congratulating him.
He ate as he watched the group number, scrolling through his social media while the show played on. He tried to be as active as he could, but he was exhausted when he finally pulled up Instagram, playing the stories without thinking too much of it.
Most of them were Vote for us, type things from his co-stars, and then a video came up that was different.
Zooming in on a ring, on the delicate looking hand with a caption I Said Yes! He quickly looked to see who it was, then replayed the story when he realized it was Riley.
His heart sank, the hope he’d had that she and Lucas had reconnected flittered away. She was going to marry that guy she was dating, that Tristan guy.
He put his phone down, he suspected that in a few days he’d get a save the date. He would go to New York for the party, he would drink a gin and tonic and stand in the back with Farkle and Maya, pretending to be happy for her, knowing she was making a mistake.
Zay shook his head, how could those two be so damn stupid?
They had to have seen each other, and they had to have felt something when they did.
They were Riley and Lucas for crying out loud.
“I’m not going to this.” Maya shook her head as she put on her earrings, knowing that she would be going. “I mean really, we have to go and meet Lucas’ latest little chickadee and pretend like we’re happy he’s marrying her and not Riley.”
Farkle adjusted his tie, watching Maya a smirk on his lips, “If they hadn’t been on vacation together at the same time, would you still be this upset?”
Maya turned to him, her blue eyes icy, “Yes, okay I would be upset, maybe not this upset, but this isn’t the way things were meant to be.”
Farkle sighed, “I don’t know what to tell you. If I thought we could get them back together, I would say let’s go for it. But it looks like they’ve made up their minds.”
Pulling out her phone she was about to snap a playful picture of her and Farkle when she saw a notification from Riley’s Instagram account. “What’s this?”
A picture of Riley in a Knicks t-shirt, sitting in the window of her childhood bedroom, “True Love is going to a Knicks game with me.” The caption read.
Maya’s hand covered her mouth when she saw a ring on Riley’s left hand, “They’re both morons.”
Farkle took the phone, “Wait, is she here in New York?”
“She didn’t call me.” Maya felt her jaw clenching as she fluffed her hair, “Whatever, we have to go to Lucas’ engagement party.”
“You don’t think its weird that she’s in New York same time that Lucas is?” He had a nagging feeling in his gut, something wasn’t adding up for him, he was just missing a key piece of information.
“Of course, they are! But God forbid she fall in his lap on the subway and they reunite.” Maya sighed, “Let’s just go and find out how awful this doctor is, and then move on.”
Farkle smirked, “God you’re so damn feisty, I love that about you.”
Maya looked at him, “Yeah what else do you love about me?”
“A lot of things. I’ll tell you later if you can be nice to Lucas’ fiancé.”
Maya grunted, “Really?”
“Yes, really.”
“Fine.” She rolled her eyes, but knew she would be nice, at the very least it would be what Riley would want.
Zay made it onto the subway just before the doors closed. He grabbed the pole, watching the commuters around him. He was still buzzing on the high of having made it to the finals with his partner. So, they came in second, but it meant he could do it. His first season and he made it that far, he still couldn’t believe it.
He could hear the buzz of people around him planning their Thanksgiving Day menus, discussing the family reunions they would have.
Part of him felt guilty heading to Riley’s engagement party. She was his friend though, and if she found a man who would make her happy, a man that would treat her the way she deserved, wonderful. But this man wasn’t Lucas, so how could he be all of those things?
As the subway came to his stop, he couldn’t help but wonder what Lucas would think if he knew where Zay was going.
Reaching the street, he could feel the cold bite of the fall night, the promise of winter just weeks away as he made his way to The Plaza. He pulled his phone out checking to see where in the hotel the party was located as he stumbled into someone.
“Zay!” The voice sent a chill down his spine as he looked up at the tall blonde.
“Lucas.” Zay barely got the words out as he looked at his oldest friend, stunned.
“You look like you weren’t expecting to see me.” Lucas slapped his old friend on the back, watching as Zay stumbled forward.
“No, I just didn’t think I would literally run into you.” He fibbed, what the hell was going on? Was Lucas really here, in the Plaza, the same night Riley was having her engagement party? Dear God, what kind of joke was fate playing on everyone?
“Seriously Zay, are you okay?” Lucas questioned as they made their way through the lobby.
“I’m peachy keen, jelly bean.” Had he just said that?
Farkle took a moment to look around The Palm Court, he didn’t spend much time here. But the room was gorgeous, it was his mother’s favorite place to have Tea with friends when working on different charity projects.
It did seem odd to him that this party was happening in New York, why not Boston or Austin?
He already planned to apologize profusely to Lucas’ future wife for whatever Maya said, he was sure she would drop a line or two about she’d never match up to Riley.
Maya squeezed his upper arm, “If this girl is a total bitch I’m going to tell him, you know that right. I’m going to be like Lucas, head out of your ass, go win Riley back.”
Farkle shook his head, “I can’t take you anywhere.”
“You can take me to bed when this is over.” She teased.
“Yes.” Maya smiled to him before looking over towards the bar, “Wait, did he have the audacity to invite Cory and Topanga?”
Farkle grabbed Maya before she could race off to her childhood best friends’ parents. “Hold up. Stop. Look around, this is not the place for a scene. If Cory and Topanga can be happy for Lucas and his bride to be, so can we.”
Maya’s mouth hung open as she looked across the room, “Riley is here.”
Farkle snapped around to look, he couldn’t believe it. Riley wore a pale purple dress, her hair up in a twist, little decorative flowers in her hair. She was beaming as she lifted her left hand to run a stray twist of hair behind her ear, the ring on her finger catching the light.
“She’s engaged?” Maya didn’t understand how she didn’t know.
“Wait, we were coming to Lucas’ party, right?” Farkle suddenly wondered if he had gotten the dates wrong, had his secretary added things incorrectly to his calendar.
“Yeah, aren’t we?” Maya let the words float out as she looked around, seeing Zay and Lucas walking in. “Why is Lucas walking in with Zay and not his blonde?”
“Why is Riley with her parents and not Tristan?”
The two looked to each other for a moment before looking back at the scene playing out in front of them.
Zay felt a bit panicked when Lucas started walking towards The Palm Court as well. He couldn’t really be going to Riley’s engagement party, could he? Where was his girlfriend?
As they entered the beautiful room, Zay saw his old friend light up, “There’s my girl.”
Zay’s eyes followed Lucas’ gaze as it fell upon Riley, his jaw dropping as he watched his two old friends move across the room to greet each other with a kiss.
Had he really just seen that?
A waiter walked by with a tray of champagne and Zay quickly snatched one, taking a long sip before he made his way over to Farkle and Maya, “What is happening?”
“I don’t know.” Farkle watched as Maya took the drink from Zay, drinking what was left.
“I told Mom it was going to happen.” Auggie chuckled from behind the trio, “She didn’t believe me, but look.”
“Auggie, what is happening?” Farkle studied the young man.
Auggie looked at the people he had once looked up to, “Wait, you guys do know that Riley and Lucas are engaged to each other, right?”
“What?” The three of them blurted out all at once.
“Maya!” Riley called out from not far away before rushing over, “Please, please be my maid of Honor.”
Maya felt Riley’s arms around her and she stared at Farkle and Zay. “I am so confused.”
Riley pulled away, “Why are you confused?”
Maya backed up, her hands in the air as she made motions with her fingers, “You were with that like creepy plastic surgeon guy. I saw the vacation pictures, and you,” she looked to Lucas who had joined the group, “And you were with that Barbie doll. But then you posted that picture of Riley and then nothing until weeks later you post that you’re engaged, and you post nothing.”
“No, Riley posted she was engaged.” Zay defended.
Before they could start fighting Lucas got in the middle of them, “You guys, we both posted we were engaged.” He looked to Riley with a smirk, “You were right, we should’ve told them instead of thinking they would put the pieces together.”
“To be fair, it wasn’t like we put both our names on the invitations for this party.” She shrugged, “It does explain why Maya never called, or any of them.”
Farkle and Zay both instinctively knew to hold onto Maya, each wrapping their arms around her middle before she lunged for her friends. “You assholes got back together and didn’t tell us? Why not?”
“We didn’t want to get your hopes up, we needed to get to know each other again.” Lucas explained as he felt Riley fit against his side.
“We needed to fall in love again, and we did.” Riley looked to Maya, “And don’t think I haven’t noticed that Farkle is cropped out of a lot of your pictures, the Sunday Brunch shots and all that.”
Farkle blushed and Maya found herself still.
“I knew it!” Zay looked at them, “I had a feeling that was going to happen.”
“I know all of us are not as close as we once were.” Riley looked to each of them, “But we’re always going to be friends, and no matter where life takes us, be it New York, or Texas, or all over the world, we always come back together.”
“I’m still mad at you.” Maya sighed, “But wait, what happened to The Plastic Surgeon and Barbie?”
Lucas chuckled, “Tristan and Shelby, um, well they eloped to Las Vegas, what the day we left Durango, right?”
“Yeah, turns out they were college sweethearts, and that vacation was something they had always planned to do together.” Riley shook her head, “And yeah, but everything worked out. Oh, and they were both plastic surgeons.”
“Yeah, they’re going to be working in Vegas.” Lucas held Riley close to him, “And Riley and I will be practicing down in Texas once we’re married.”
“Why did you decide on Texas, why not here in New York?”
“We thought about it for a long time, and we have the chance to open up our own practice, we’ll be in charge of our own hours, and we’ll be able to spend time at the ranch of course and when ready we’ll be able to start our own family.” Riley explained.
“So, we’ll be married this summer in Texas, go on a little honeymoon,” Lucas mouthed it would be Paris with a smirk, “And start our lives together.”
Before either could continue Cory came over, grabbing them, needing them to take a few pictures and see some family members.
“They’re our best friends, and you guys, we didn’t know they were engaged to each other.” Farkle sighed.
Zay flagged a waitress down and got another glass of champagne, watching as Maya and Farkle each got one as well. “We’re forever connected, life has taken us all on different paths, but when its important, we come together, we might just get a moment here and there from each other, we might at times only know what’s up because of social media, but that gives us a chance to share our lives and stay connected.”
“And gets you two the finals on Dancing with The Stars.” Maya teased.
“Or allows you to share your art with people who might never have seen it.” Farkle reminded her.
“We might need to stop and not always freak out right away.” Maya shrugged, as she looked around, “They do look happy.”
“They sure do.” Zay agreed, “So, when can I expect you two to get married?”
Neither answered him, they just took a sip of their champagne, deciding to not comment on their relationship status, maybe one of these days they would throwback a picture of the day they eloped in October.
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mirandasmbtivibe · 6 years
Girl Meets World: Farkle Minkus [INTP]
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Dominant function: Ti Auxiliary function: Ne Tertiary function: Si Inferior function: Fe
Ti (Introverted Thinking)- Farkle is a true nerd in that he desires to understand the world in a logical sense. He wholeheartedly believes in science; Without proof to back up something, he doesn’t believe that “something” exists. 
Ne (Extroverted Intuition)- Farkle uses this trait to interact with his outer world. He loves to discuss theories and possibilities of events. So much so that his teacher, Cory, dedicates a short amount of time during class for him to do this (Farkle Time!).
Si (Introverted Sensing)- Despite being idealistic, he is observant and pays close attention to details. He certainly stores data and facts in his brain for future reference of it later.
Fe (Extroverted Feeling)- This being his inferior trait could have been what led to the investigation of him being on the autism spectrum. Farkle is socially awkward and doesn’t express his feelings very well but he does show Fe in always being there for his friends. He worries about his reputation when a bully puts him down for his unique qualities.
Note: Farkle was a great character. He was the comic relief of the show, just as Eric was. He did calm down a lot in the last seasons. Smackle (INTJ) was a great match for him. I think he and Riley would’ve been a good match too.
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liveshaunteda · 6 years
Muses&Triggers. Under the readmore, are a list of muses that have been ( or are still effected ) by these triggering themes, and I’m making the list for those who want to avoid the topics all together or who want to be warned that these things might be mentioned in passing with interactions with these muses:
Addiction / Use of Drugs:
Luke Crain - Drugs, Heroin ( Verse Dependent if still using ) Elaine Lewis - Alcoholism, Recovering/Recovered Farkle Minkus - Weed, Pills & Verse Dependant ; Heroin Cynthia Murphy - Past Drug Use/Abuse, Son Used Harmony Roisin - Alcohol Abuse, Cursed Stanley Barber - Weed Dakota Latu - Kool Aid which can easily become Alcohol Luka Couffiane - Father was an Alcoholic  Jukea Couffiane - Father was an Alcoholic
Abuse ( Physical / Emotional / Verbal ):
Kenndy & Jeremy Raines - Abuser; Step/Foster Family Wolfie - Abuser; ‘Owner/Parental Figure’ Lucas Friar - Abuser; Mother Leo Valdez - At Least one Foster Family Jace Herondale - Abuser; Valentine/Adoptive Father (Val) Gabbi Carter - Abuser; Father & His Friends Seph Hudson - Abuser; Step Father ( Emotional Only ) Amy Turner - Abuser; Kidnappers Jason Grace - Abuser; Mother ( Emotional Only ) Travis Stoll - Abuser; Step Father ( Emotional / Verbal Only ) Sally Jackson - Abuser; Ex Husband Stanley Barber - Abuser, Father Eddie Kaspbrak - Abuser, Mother ( Munchausen Syndrome ) Mal Dragoni - Abuser, Father Jaxon Haden - Abuser, Foster Families Adrien Agreste - Abuser, Father ( Neglect, Controlling, Emotional ) Reggie - Abuser, Mother&Father ( Neglect, Emotional ) Aroha Tipene - Abuser, Mother&Step Father ( Emotional & Mental ; Step Father was Racist )
Rape Survivor:
Gabbi Carter Aroha Tipene
Child Sexual Assault Survivor: 
Gabbi Carter Aroha Tipene
Cynthia Murphy - Son Died This Way Jace Herondale - Has Suicidal Tendencies / Thoughts Chris Rodriguez - Has Suicidal Tendencies Kevin Harris - Sister In Law Died This Way Luke Crain - Twin Sister Died This Way, Mother Died This Way Silena Beauregard - Made A Suicidal Act, Resulting in her Death Sydney Novak - Father Committed Suicide Jaxon Haden - Mother Committed Suicide, In front of Him Reggie - Has Suicidal Thoughts
Maryse Lightwood Cynthia Murphy
Anorexia / Body Image Issues:
Farkle Minkus ( Anorexia ) Amy Turner / Brown ( Body Dysphoric Disorder ) Danny Fenton ( Gender & Body Dysphoria )
Child / Teenage Death:
Cynthia Murphy - Son, 17 Died Reggie - Died, Age 17. Brother Died, 4 years old, Friends Also Died at 17, Poisoning ( Thought to be Food Poisoning ) PJO Muses - Result of 2 Wars Danny Fenton - Died ( Ish ) at 14 Aroha Tipene - Died, Age 17, Car Crash
Danny Fenton ( Is a Ghost ) Reggie ( Is A Ghost ) PJO Muses - Most went through Both Wars, resulting in family and friends lost Cynthia Murphy Luke Crain Eddie Kaspbrak Aroha Tipene ( Is a Ghost )
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