#( hi hi! we adore and protect mikan on this blog <3 )
ultlie · 1 year
( @hxpelessnurse )
          for the most part, mornings were a perfect time to socialize – every student attending the academy were all gathered in the same place: the dining hall! you can catch up for lost time with friends, exchange study guide answers and so on. there were a select few who already knew the supreme leader was up to no good so early in the day and avoided eye contact on purpose, slinking by quickly to sit as far away as possible from chaos. as if stumbling upon Kokichi a withered, blubbering mess was staged for the ultimate nurse herself, he stood there with the right side of his chest in the most dramatic clutch.
          ❝ hoo hoo .. can you mend a broken heart? ❞
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serahne · 7 years
What yout opinion on sdr2 character? (Like what you did with the drv3 char.)
Huum, I talked a lot about most of them on this blog, but I guess I can make a post to summarize everything, uh ? I’ll try to more or less rank them.
Hajime Hinata : I love Hajime. He is my favorite protagonist, by far, and I just enjoy all the little nuances about him. I love his internal conflict, I love his development, I love the way he stumbles through life and keeps moving on. I love the Kamukura subplot and the way he realizes how much he destroyed himself in the hope to meet the school’s expectations. I love how he ends up sending hope and despair in hell and decides to get a future no matter how hard that can be. 10/10
Nagito Komaeda : I’m always laughing when people who love sdr2 dislike Komaeda who embodies everything about this game. He is definitely one of the best-written character in the whole serie, and this is a shame that people aren’t able to appreciate that more, whether it’s in-universe or out-universe. In sdr2 he is such tragic character, and I have a fondness for doomed people. The kind who was never born for happiness, the kind who doesn’t even realize that they are standing in the middle of a battle field, wandering between the two sides. 10/10, too. I mean, come on. Even things I could criticize are easily swept under the rug.
Mikan Tsumiki : I really enjoy that the game doesn’t shy away from portraying abuse when it comes to Mikan. You don’t even have to play her FTE to see that, and that’s something that makes me stupidly protective of her, and makes me wish for her eternal happiness. I sometimes wonder if I’m alone in my Mikan-love, for the writers are happy to humiliate her for cheap fanservice, or to have her being bullied without anyone trying to stop it. Sometimes I don’t get what we were supposed to think about her. I personally adore her, co-dependancy included 8,5/10
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu : Weirdly enough, Kuzuryuu got the developement I hoped Togami would have during all of dr1. I wouldn’t say his development is ‘never seen before’, but it’s nice to see him grow from an angry brat to a mature and responsible person. I’m a little disappointed that his developpement de facto stopped in chapter 3, but the little moments of humanity with him ( when he decides to talk to Akane about Nekomaru ) are something that makes me think Peko will be proud of him one day. 8,5/10
Peko Pekoyama : I always have a fondness for badass girls, and a ninja-bodyguard is what I’m up to. I’m really interested in her, even though we didn’t have nearly enough in the game. Where does she come from ? How can we define her relationship with Fuyuhiko and the Kuzuryuu clan ? I’ve read a fanfiction about her falling into despair and it gave me a great new appreciation for her character. 8/10
Mahiru Koizumi : I think the main reason I like Koizumi is because she is so normal and reasonable that it’s easy to relate to her. I don’t have a lot to say about her. I love her tough exterior, that can crack when things get hard. I like how she goes down to business and doesn’t accept anyone’s bullshit. Her FTE are also some of my favorite because it really deepens her character without dropping an Info Bomb like most of the other characters. A little sad that he died so soon, though. 7,5/10
Sonia Nevermind : I meeeean, let’s be honest : she is pretty useless. But I still enjoy her personality ? I like how much of a weaboo she is, I like her passion for serial killers, I like her use of american slangs that are hilarious. Even her FTE are hilarious. I think I would have like her even more if I had seen more of her ‘serious’ side instead of her always taking the backseat during the whole game. 7/10.
Gundham Tanaka : I don’t share the fandom’s passion for him. I also hate him because there is no way for me to write him correctly because of how edgy he is. His voice is amazing, the way he talks is amazing, his hamsters are the cutest thing ever, and I’m often sad for him because of how lonely he seems to be. He still isn’t my favorite, and I think the game trying to paint him as this pure cinnamon roll who did nothing wrong didn’t help ( what was this execution, honestly ??? ) 6,5/10
Hiyoko Saionji : Okay, I really started by disliking her character, a lot ( see : me being protective of Mikan ). But slowly and surely, I’m starting to understand the way she works. Partly thanks to her FTE, partly thanks to the way she acts. Her ‘with me or against me’ act is grating, but now that I get where it comes from, I’m not as severe as I was. I still hope she changes, big time. 6,5/10
Ibuki Mioda : Uuuug, I guess I like Ibuki ? Everyone likes Ibuki, right ? That said, I’m not crazy-interested in her either and she is arguably even more useless as Sonia. She is nice and a little shallow, and a little too ‘extra’ for me ( or Hajime ) to be honest. 6/10
Akane Owari : Hum. I’m now realizing that a lot of characters were basically there and that’s it in the game. But yes, I like Owari too, but she could have been better. She is another girl with ‘sexual abuse’ in her background, but that was unnecessary in my opinion. Her being poor and responsible for her siblings would have been great if it has been reflected in the way she acts in the main story. *Sigh*. I don’t really know about her. 6/10
Imposter : He had potential, but as everyone who dies as a first victim ( with the exception of Sayaka, bless the first game and the forced FTE with her :P ), he is better as a concept than as a real character, especially with the blurry line between his character and Togami’s. I’m not a fan of the ‘fat character eats a lot’ trope which makes me go :/ 5,5
Nekomaru Nidai : He might have scored higher, but his transformation in robot and him being even more extra than usual in chapter 4 gave me a brain fart. It was just very, very stupid, even in a game so ‘wtf’ by moment. As a whole he is okay, I guess. 5/10
Chiaki Nanami : Listen, I’m not in the mood to rant about Nanami. I’m just not one to enjoy characters who are so bland and designed to be waifus-and-that’s-it, especially when the game tries to trick me into thinking she is an AI ( she technically is, but her writing only makes sense as a love interest ). Especially when she is supposed to be the main female character in this game. Urgh. 3/10
Teruteru Hanamura : Worst character. There is absolutely nothing likeable about him, even whatever the game is trying to throw at me after his trial is gross, because the game is apparently trying to make us have compassion for a dude who tries to date rape us in his FTE. Fuck you Teruteru. And fuck you writers for going for the ‘Bi rapist’ trope. That’s very much appreciated. -40/10
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