#( in codes & courts | isms )
lavelled · 4 days
unwed for sport.
Quick news: Mocking Haitians as doublespeak isn’t a political statement. The only explanation I have is that pet-eating claims are baseless. Threats to election workers and schools aren’t helpful. Kamala has a focus on issues, which I think is right.
Kensington Fortress: Emily Gold, 17, dancer, jumped off a California bridge last week where she was struck by at least one vehicle before succumbing to injuries. A balanced juxtaposition of the Flippy Floppy Mopsy Topsy versus evil Harry Windsor-isms doesn’t ease such suffering.
In code, bridge means PRINCE.
You kids can’t leave me. I’m on the corner of lettered revenge. I’m also in a machine with middle-aged celebrities. On a technical level, I write in a genteel instructive way like open web browser, that’s a printer, Malware isn’t fashion, that I’m weary. You have to say Hello to all of his cruel internet angles, where he says he found my voice, the powerful voice, meaning prisoner of war, a misattributed first-chair anatomy citation. He should be reclusive, no longer cloaked in victimhood; secluded yet exposed with a reputation covered extensively in his family paperwork that causes terrorism, shootings, stabbings, and suicides.
A Markle press photo was magnified on a house in canned Canada. We know her bedlam has a parking meter. It’s too late after the performative matrimony of two crooks and their labor pacts and confidentiality agreements, pretending to be maligned by racial bias and a blatant disregard for violent fallout. You can’t salvage the reputation of general sleaziness alongside the husband you knew tethered a girl while misleading entire countries of women.
A revered princess publicly divorced in 1996. Find a way for a dog-tag necklace, occasional actor to divorce the man she doesn’t live with.
This couple would still be going on forever through interviews about their loved-up California recreation or their faked victimized trauma or Harry’s chain-link strap desires, if I never wrote these blogs.
For those urging me prematurely: a divorce is the dissolution of a marriage.
I’m a writer, writing about divorce. I know of life beginning and what awaits.
Harry uses Elon’s Twitter and his villainy alter-ego as his Leon or Leonardo, an enemy cruise ship captain. I’m in the pirate edition of hell. On April 1, 2018, a month before his wedding, he wrote as Elon: There are many chapters of bankruptcy and, as critics so rightly pointed out, Tesla has them all, including Chapter 14 and a half, the worst one.
copy and paste text. google. (what did I tell you)
One month before his I Dos, he posted an attempt at sexuality ownership. This is maritime royal Henry admitting his booking passage. The Hollywood signee, on paper containing forceps and my exclusion from everything life has to offer, boasted his leashing. Then, he married someone employed near a Banker. Humanitarian. Tom didn’t even see this stuff. Evil just likes writing it.
If an esteemed actor was diagnosed with caging pedophile disease, he wouldn’t have a lengthy career. Nor would he be allowed to hold court with Princess Kate and help her up the stairs at the Maverick premiere. I think royal security would maintain strict boundaries against a monster.
With twine and a word limit here are suicides due to the quillwork of King Charles, William, Harry, and when dates align, Meg too.
Robin Williams—Richard Jeni—Brody Stevens—Drake Sather—Charles Rocket—David Strickland—Brad Bufanda—Jason Raize—Spalding Gray—Sawyer Sweeten—Dana Plato—Jonathan Brandis—Andrew Koenig—Tommy Page—David Arkin—John Costelloe—Stephen Boss—Rod Lauren—Benjamin Hendrickson—Michael Gilden—L’Wren Scott—Jill Messick—Isabelle Thomas—Cheslie Corrinne Kryst—from UK—Terence Beesley—Lucy Gordon—Peter Bellamy—David Rappaport—Keith Flint—Boon Gould—Fritha Jane Goodey—Angela Scoular—Mark Speight—Keith Emerson—Stephanie Parker—Sam Sarpong—Stella Tennant—Christopher James Hardman—Chantal Akerman, a feminist art icon.
Celebrity children: Cheyenne Brando—Nicholas Hughes—Michael Blosil—Benjamin Keough—Hudson Madsen—Ian Alexander Jr.
Show business has been minimized royally.
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xtruss · 2 years
Art: The Rembrandt of Aberdeenshire: The Extraordinary Life of Artist James McBey
This artist’s work took him from Scotland to the Arab world, and he saw the price of his work rise enormously – yet today he is largely forgotten. Now, a new exhibition reveals a lifetime of adventure
— Nicholas Wroe | Thursday 9 March 2023
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Soldier Resting, Birsu (1917)
The story of art and its protagonists in the first half of the 20th century is a pretty familiar one. But the procession of star names inventing art’s various “isms” inevitably leaves out artists who chose to operate away from the cutting edge, yet who in their day were well known, celebrated and well rewarded for their work.
One such artist is James McBey, (1883-1959) who has found a new champion in the journalist and writer Alasdair Soussi. Soussi not only published a biography of McBey last year, but is now curating an exhibition dedicated to him at the Aberdeen Art Gallery.
“There are lots of possible reasons why McBey is not so well known these days,” says Soussi. “He was not particularly clubbable and never really joined the arts establishment. He was also most esteemed for the now unfashionable art of etching. But aside from being a stellar artist, he had the most extraordinarily adventurous, almost cinematic, life and I think the time is right to reassess both.”
McBey’s biography is indeed a full one. Born out of wedlock in rural Aberdeenshire in 1883, he had a fraught relationship with his mother who later took her own life. He left school at 14 to become a bank clerk, but by his mid 20s was a largely self-taught and successful artist and etcher. By 1917 he was the official war artist to the Egyptian Expeditionary Force; his portrait of TE Lawrence is part of the Imperial War Museum’s collection.
On his return from the war, McBey was routinely described as an heir to Rembrandt and Whistler as an etcher and print-maker. His success coincided with a boom in the prices of some of his prints, which fetched up to £30,000 each in today’s money.
The 1929 Wall Street Crash put an end to the speculative price bubble but by then McBey had a grand London townhouse. He spent the second world war in the United States engaged in unsatisfying but lucrative work painting portraits of business leaders and justices of the supreme court, and in 1946 he returned to north Africa, where he lived out the rest of his life as a leading figure among the louchely artistic Moroccan expat scene.
While McBey’s work is held in collections all over the world, Aberdeen is his spiritual home, and the gallery there boasts a comprehensive permanent collection of his work. Soussi’s new exhibition acts as a biographical guide to the man behind the art, displaying artwork as well as family photographs and diaries.
“He kept everything and he recorded everything,” says Soussi. “His diaries are an absolute treasure trove, not least about his very complicated love life.” McBey had innumerable affairs before and after his marriage to his wife, Marguerite, details of which he recorded in code in his diary. A code, it turned out, that Marguerite had cracked.
“He would paint and draw his lovers and he certainly regarded them as muses, with all that that entails,” says Soussi. “But it should also be said that all the evidence points to these relationships not being just a one-way street and he maintained friendships and corresponded with many of his lovers for the rest of their lives.”
Although Scotland held many dark memories for McBey, the artist continued to visit and, perhaps surprisingly, maintained the Presbyterian faith of his childhood. He refused to work on Sundays throughout his career and in later years used his diary code to record not love affairs but instead messages praising and thanking God.
“He is buried overlooking the strait of Gibraltar,” says Soussi, “and he was the very definition of a man of the world, but for all that and for all his travels and his travails, a part of him remained a son of Aberdeenshire to the very end.”
Shadows & Light: The Extraordinary Life of James McBey is at Aberdeen Art Gallery, to 28 May. Shadows and Light by Alasdair Soussi is out now.
Man of the World … Five Highlights of the Exhibition!
For someone who was initially turned down for active service because of his poor eyesight, James McBey had an almost unrivalled front-row view of the first world war in the Middle East. He was with British general Edmund Allenby in Cairo, Alexandria, Damascus and Aleppo, and witnessed Allenby’s troops’ 1917 entry into Jerusalem, the first European – and in effect Christian – army to have occupied the city since the Crusades.
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Portrait of Marguerite McBey (1950) by James McBey. Photograph: Aberdeen City Council (Archives, Gallery & Museums collection)
Portrait of Marguerite McBey (1950)
McBey’s wife is sitting in the garden of El Foolk – the Ark – their home in Tangier. The artist was endlessly unfaithful, but the two stayed married despite several separations. In the 40 years Marguerite lived after McBey’s death, she acted as a steward for his life and work as well as becoming a noted watercolour painter.
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Marrakeshia (1936) by James McBey. Photograph: Mike Davidson/© Aberdeen City Council (Archives, Gallery & Museums collection)
El Marrakeshia (1936)
McBey was endlessly absorbed by the light, colours and ambience of Morocco and would paint markets, street scenes, acrobats or, as here, the sex workers of Marrakech, complete with the sumptuous fabrics of their clothes. On the headstone of his grave in Tangier, “He loved Morocco” is inscribed in Arabic.
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Dawn: The Camel Patrol Setting Out (1919) by James McBey. Photograph: © Aberdeen City Council (Archives, Gallery & Museums collection)
Dawn: The Camel Patrol Setting Out (1919)
This etching on paper achieved a record price for a modern print in the 1920s. It features an Australian camel patrol conducting reconnaissance in the Sinai desert. McBey travelled with the troop, recording his own first time on a camel as: “Little bit nervous, but after mounting felt all right. Does not appear so far from ground as I thought it would.”
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everardentarchived · 2 years
tag dump two !!
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tadpolepublication · 6 years
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By Jonathan Kandell and Andy Webster
Nov. 12, 2018
Leer en español
Stan Lee, who as chief writer and editor of Marvel Comics helped create some of the most enduring superheroes of the 20th century and was a major force behind the breakout successes of the comic-book industry in the 1960s and early ’70s, died on Monday in Los Angeles. He was 95.
His death, at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, was confirmed by Kirk Schenck, a lawyer for Mr. Lee’s daughter, J. C. Lee.
Mr. Lee was for many the embodiment of Marvel, if not comic books in general, and oversaw his company’s emergence as an international media behemoth. A writer, editor, publisher, Hollywood executive and tireless promoter (of Marvel and of himself), he played a critical role in what comics fans call the medium’s silver age.
Many believe that Marvel, under his leadership and infused with his colorful voice, crystallized that era, one of exploding sales, increasingly complex characters and stories, and growing cultural legitimacy for the medium. (Marvel’s chief competitor at the time, National Periodical Publications, now known as DC — the home of Superman and Batman, among countless other characters — augured this period but did not define it, with its 1956 update of its superhero the Flash.)
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Mr. Lee was a central player in the creation of Spider-Man, the X-Men, the Fantastic Four, Iron Man, the Hulk, Thor and the many other superheroes who, as properties of Marvel Comics, now occupy vast swaths of the pop culture landscape in movies and on television.
Under Mr. Lee, Marvel revolutionized the comic book world by imbuing its characters with the self-doubts and neuroses of average people, as well an awareness of trends and social causes and, often, a sense of humor.
In humanizing his heroes, giving them character flaws and insecurities that belied their supernatural strengths, Mr. Lee tried “to make them real flesh-and-blood characters with personality,” he told The Washington Post in 1992.
“That’s what any story should have, but comics didn’t have until that point,” he said. “They were all cardboard figures.”
Energetic, gregarious, optimistic and alternately grandiose and self-effacing, Mr. Lee was an effective salesman, employing a Barnumesque syntax in print (“Face front, true believer!” “Make mine Marvel!”) to market Marvel’s products to a rabid following.
He charmed readers with jokey, conspiratorial comments and asterisked asides in narrative panels, often referring them to previous issues. In 2003 he told The Los Angeles Times, “I wanted the reader to feel we were all friends, that we were sharing some private fun that the outside world wasn’t aware of.”
Though Mr. Lee was often criticized for his role in denying rights and royalties to his artistic collaborators , his involvement in the conception of many of Marvel’s best-known characters is indisputable.
Reading Shakespeare at 10
He was born Stanley Martin Lieber on Dec. 28, 1922, in Manhattan, the older of two sons born to Jack Lieber, an occasionally employed dress cutter, and Celia (Solomon) Lieber, both immigrants from Romania. The family moved to the Bronx.
Stanley began reading Shakespeare at 10 while also devouring pulp magazines, the novels of Arthur Conan Doyle, Edgar Rice Burroughs and Mark Twain, and the swashbuckler movies of Errol Flynn.
He graduated at 17 from DeWitt Clinton High School in the Bronx and aspired to be a writer of serious literature. He was set on the path to becoming a different kind of writer when, after a few false starts at other jobs, he was hired at Timely Publications, a company owned by Martin Goodman, a relative who had made his name in pulp magazines and was entering the comics field.
Mr. Lee was initially paid $8 a week as an office gofer. Eventually he was writing and editing stories, many in the superhero genre.
Stan Lee
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At Timely he worked with the artist Jack Kirby (1917-94), who, with a writing partner, Joe Simon, had created the hit character Captain America, and who would eventually play a vital role in Mr. Lee’s career. When Mr. Simon and Mr. Kirby, Timely’s hottest stars, were lured away by a rival company, Mr. Lee was appointed chief editor.
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As a writer, Mr. Lee could be startlingly prolific. “Almost everything I’ve ever written I could finish at one sitting,” he once said. “I’m a fast writer. Maybe not the best, but the fastest.”
Mr. Lee used several pseudonyms to give the impression that Marvel had a large stable of writers; the name that stuck was simply his first name split in two. (In the 1970s, he legally changed Lieber to Lee.)
During World War II, Mr. Lee wrote training manuals stateside in the Army Signal Corps while moonlighting as a comics writer. In 1947, he married Joan Boocock, a former model who had moved to New York from her native England.
His daughter Joan Celia Lee was born in 1950; another daughter, Jan, died three days after birth in 1953. Mr. Lee’s wife died in 2017. He ism, survived by Ms. Lee and his younger brother, Larry Lieber, who drew the “Amazing Spider-Man” syndicated newspaper strip for years.
In the mid-1940s, the peak of the golden age of comic books, sales boomed. But later, as plots and characters turned increasingly lurid (especially at EC, a Marvel competitor that published titles like Tales From the Crypt and The Vault of Horror), many adults clamored for censorship. In 1954, a Senate subcommittee led by the Tennessee Democrat Estes Kefauver held hearings investigating allegations that comics promoted immorality and juvenile delinquency.
Feeding the senator’s crusade was the psychiatrist Fredric Wertham’s 1954 anti-comics jeremiad, “Seduction of the Innocent.” Among other claims, the book contended that DC’s “Batman stories” — featuring the team of Batman and Robin — were “psychologically homosexual.”
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Opting to police itself rather than accept legislation, the comics industry established the Comics Code Authority to ensure wholesome content. Graphic gore and moral ambiguity were out, but so largely were wit, literary influences and attention to social issues. Innocuous cookie-cutter exercises in genre were in.
Many found the sanitized comics boring, and — with the new medium of television providing competition — readership, which at one point had reached 600 million sales annually, declined by almost three-quarters within a few years.
With the dimming of superhero comics’ golden age, Mr. Lee grew tired of grinding out generic humor, romance, western and monster stories for what had by then become Atlas Comics. Reaching a career impasse in his 30s, he was encouraged by his wife to write the comics he wanted to, not merely what was considered marketable. And Mr. Goodman, his boss, spurred by the popularity of a rebooted Flash (and later Green Lantern) at DC, wanted him to revisit superheroes.
Mr. Lee took Mr. Goodman up on his suggestion, but he carried its implications much further.
Enter the Fantastic Four
In 1961, Mr. Lee and Mr. Kirby — whom he had brought back years before to the company, now known as Marvel — produced the first issue of The Fantastic Four, about a superpowered team with humanizing dimensions: nonsecret identities, internal squabbles and, in the orange-rock-skinned Thing, self-torment. It was a hit.
Other Marvel titles — like the Lee-Kirby creation The Incredible Hulk, a modern Jekyll-and-Hyde story about a decent man transformed by radiation into a monster — offered a similar template. The quintessential Lee hero, introduced in 1962 and created with the artist Steve Ditko (1927-2018), was Spider-Man.
A timid high school intellectual who gained his powers when bitten by a radioactive spider, Spider-Man was prone to soul-searching, leavened with wisecracks — a key to the character’s lasting popularity across multiple entertainment platforms, including movies and a Broadway musical.
Mr. Lee’s dialogue encompassed Catskills shtick, like Spider-Man’s patter in battle; Elizabethan idioms, like Thor’s; and working-class Lower East Side swagger, like the Thing’s. It could also include dime-store poetry, as in this eco-oratory about humans, uttered by the Silver Surfer, a space alien:
“And yet — in their uncontrollable insanity — in their unforgivable blindness — they seek to destroy this shining jewel — this softly spinning gem — this tiny blessed sphere — which men call Earth!”
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Mr. Lee practiced what he called the Marvel method: Instead of handing artists scripts to illustrate, he summarized stories and let the artists draw them and fill in plot details as they chose. He then added sound effects and dialogue. Sometimes he would discover on penciled pages that new characters had been added to the narrative. Such surprises (like the Silver Surfer, a Kirby creation and a Lee favorite) would lead to questions of character ownership.
Mr. Lee was often faulted for not adequately acknowledging the contributions of his illustrators, especially Mr. Kirby. Spider-Man became Marvel’s best-known property, but Mr. Ditko, its co-creator, quit Marvel in bitterness in 1966. Mr. Kirby, who visually designed countless characters, left in 1969. Though he reunited with Mr. Lee for a Silver Surfer graphic novel in 1978, their heyday had ended.
Many comic fans believe that Mr. Kirby was wrongly deprived of royalties and original artwork in his lifetime, and for years the Kirby estate sought to acquire rights to characters that Mr. Kirby and Mr. Lee had created together. Mr. Kirby’s heirs were long rebuffed in court on the grounds that he had done “work for hire” — in other words, that he had essentially sold his art without expecting royalties.
In September 2014, Marvel and the Kirby estate reached a settlement. Mr. Lee and Mr. Kirby now both receive credit on numerous screen productions based on their work.
Turning to Live Action
Mr. Lee moved to Los Angeles in 1980 to develop Marvel properties, but most of his attempts at live-action television and movies were disappointing. (The series “The Incredible Hulk,” seen on CBS from 1978 to 1982, was an exception.)
Avi Arad, an executive at Toy Biz, a company in which Marvel had bought a controlling interest, began to revive the company’s Hollywood fortunes, particularly with an animated “X-Men” series on Fox, which ran from 1992 to 1997. (Its success helped pave the way for the live-action big-screen “X-Men” franchise, which has flourished since its first installment, in 2000.)
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In the late 1990s, Mr. Lee was named chairman emeritus at Marvel and began to explore outside projects. While his personal appearances (including charging fans $120 for an autograph) were one source of income, later attempts to create wholly owned superhero properties foundered. Stan Lee Media, a digital content start-up, crashed in 2000 and landed his business partner, Peter F. Paul, in prison for securities fraud. (Mr. Lee was never charged.)
In 2001, Mr. Lee started POW! Entertainment (the initials stand for “purveyors of wonder”), but he received almost no income from Marvel movies and TV series until he won a court fight with Marvel Enterprises in 2005, leading to an undisclosed settlement costing Marvel $10 million. In 2009, the Walt Disney Company, which had agreed to pay $4 billion to acquire Marvel, announced that it had paid $2.5 million to increase its stake in POW!
In Mr. Lee’s final years, after the death of his wife, the circumstances of his business affairs and contentious financial relationship with his surviving daughter attracted attention in the news media. In 2018, Mr. Lee was embroiled in disputes with POW!, and The Daily Beast and The Hollywood Reporter ran accounts of fierce infighting among Mr. Lee’s daughter, household staff and business advisers. The Hollywood Reporter claimed “elder abuse.”
In February 2018, Mr. Lee signed a notarized document declaring that three men — a lawyer, a caretaker of Mr. Lee’s and a dealer in memorabilia — had “insinuated themselves into relationships with J. C. for an ulterior motive and purpose,” to “gain control over my assets, property and money.” He later withdrew his claim, but longtime aides of his — an assistant, an accountant and a housekeeper — were either dismissed or greatly limited in their contact with him.
In a profile in The New York Times in April, a cheerful Mr. Lee said, “I’m the luckiest guy in the world,” adding that “my daughter has been a great help to me” and that “life is pretty good” — although he admitted in that same interview, “I’ve been very careless with money.”
Marvel movies, however, have proved a cash cow for major studios, if not so much for Mr. Lee. With the blockbuster “Spider-Man” in 2002, Marvel superhero films hit their stride. Such movies (including franchises starring Iron Man, Thor and the superhero team the Avengers, to name but three) together had grossed more than $24 billion worldwide as of April.
“Black Panther,” the first Marvel movie directed by an African-American (Ryan Coogler) and starring an almost all-black cast, took in about $201.8 million domestically when it opened over the four-day Presidents’ Day weekend this year, the fifth-biggest opening of all time.
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Many other film properties are in development, in addition to sequels in established franchises. Characters Mr. Lee had a hand in creating now enjoy a degree of cultural penetration they have never had before.
Mr. Lee wrote a slim memoir, “Excelsior! The Amazing Life of Stan Lee,” with George Mair, published in 2002. His 2015 book, “Amazing Fantastic Incredible: A Marvelous Memoir” (written with Peter David and illustrated in comic-book form by Colleen Doran), pays abundant credit to the artists many fans believed he had shortchanged years before.
Mr. Lee continued writing to the end. His first novel, “A Trick of Light,” written with Kat Rosenfield, is scheduled to be published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt next year.
Recent Marvel films and TV shows have also often credited Mr. Lee’s former collaborators; Mr. Lee himself has almost always received an executive producer credit. His cameo appearances in them became something of a tradition. (Even “Teen Titans Go! to the Movies,” an animated feature in 2018 about a DC superteam, had more than one Lee cameo.) TV shows bearing his name or presence have included the reality series “Stan Lee’s Superhumans” and the competition show “Who Wants to Be a Superhero?”
Mr. Lee’s unwavering energy suggested that he possessed superpowers himself. (In his 90s he had a Twitter account, @TheRealStanlee.) And the National Endowment for the Arts acknowledged as much when it awarded him a National Medal of Arts in 2008. But he was frustrated, like all humans, by mortality.
“I want to do more movies, I want to do more television, more DVDs, more multi-sodes, I want to do more lecturing, I want to do more of everything I’m doing,” he said in “With Great Power …: The Stan Lee Story,” a 2010 television documentary. “The only problem is time. I just wish there were more time.”
Correction: November 12, 2018
An earlier version of this obituary misstated the amount of money the Marvel movie “Black Panther” has made worldwide. It is more than $1.3 billion, not $426 million.
Correction: November 12, 2018
An earlier version of this obituary misstated the last year of the animated “X-Men” series that made its debut on Fox in 1992. It lasted until 1997, not 1995.
Daniel E. Slotnik contributed reporting
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technoprophecy · 4 years
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The term ‘conspiracy theorist’ was a term created by the CIA to originally discredit and debunk conspiracies involving the JFK assassination. In an official CIA document released under the FOIA, the first use of the term is presented, and gives the reason and purpose for the term. It reads in part, “The aim of this dispatch is to provide material for countering and discrediting the claims of the conspiracy theorists, so as to inhibit the circulation of such claims…”
Thus, the government labeling something as a conspiracy theory, or a person as a conspiracy theorist is intended to totally shut down conversation, publication and research on the theory without regard to whether or not it is true.
On the flip side of the coin, only government sanctioned viewpoints are allowed to officially circulate in the public. This is known as politically correct speech, political correctness, or pc for short. Everything that is not pc is discredited in one way or another, and when appropriate they are discredited by labeling them as conspiracy theories. The pc view thoroughly saturates culture through major media 24/7 until the culture is ultimately brainwashed.
This dishonest approach by the government to conspire to silence and brainwash the public obviously doesn’t promote freedom of speech or freedom of thought. Gov’t intrusion by subversion upon freedom of speech by using discrediting labels and planting officially approved ideas into society, and by using agents provocateur against targets is known as Psychological Operations or Psyops for short.
How should Christians deal with so-called conspiracy theories? Should they be automatically discarded? Or are some conspiracies worthy of our time and research? To which I would answer the first question, NO; and answer the second a RESOUNDING YES!
Here are some principles I follow when dealing with conspiracy theories…
(1) Obviously, not every idea and theory is equal in terms of what is true. Approach all theories with caution and thoroughness.
(2) Always compare everything with Scripture. This assumes you are a diligent student of the Bible, and have some level of spiritual discernment.
(3) Some ideas washout immediately when compared to Scripture because they promote occult and/or cultic ideas that are not from a true and Biblical worldview.
(4) Be careful, however, just because an anti-Biblical worldview is presented, doesn’t mean there aren’t those who are conspiring together to promote the anti-Biblical worldview. In other words, the conspiracy could be true in the sense that there are those who are promoting the unbiblical ideas ether secretly or out in the open.
(5) Many ideas don’t pan out as true simply because of lack of evidence, or shoddy research, and/or out-right lies that are presented as supposed facts.
(6) Here again we must be careful. Some true conspiracies are clever lies presented to justify belief. For example, Hitler and his Nazi henchmen used the cleverly concocted lies of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion to “prove” their was a Jewish World Conspiracy. They used this false belief to justify the Holocaust. The lie was that there is a Jewish conspiracy to take over the world. The true conspiracy was that the Nazis were perpetrating a secret murder machine called the Holocaust as the Final Solution to rid the world of Jews.
(7) Perhaps the most important principle when dealing with conspiracies is NOT to allow the label ‘Conspiracy Theory’ to bias your research one way or the other if the Lord is leading you to look into the matter. In the end, the truth of any theory must rise and fall with the facts or the lack there of, but not with any labels that have been arbitrarily attached to the theory. Paul wrote in 1 Thessalonians 5:21, “But examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good.” Ephesians 5:11 says, “Do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but instead even expose them.”
Even the Gospel itself was presented by the Jews and Romans as a conspiracy theory perpetrated by Jesus’ disciples who they said stole Jesus’ body to perpetuate the resurrection myth. Furthermore, there was a conspiracy to murder Jesus by the Jewish leadership, who held illegal secret trials against Jesus in the middle of the night.
(8) There is a Biblical warning against giving into obsessive and endless questions that lead to nowhere. When you suspect that is the case with any theory, abandon the research and wash your hands of it. As Paul wrote, in 1 Timothy 1:4 - “Neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies, which minister questions, rather than godly edifying which is in faith: so do.”
(9) If the actual truth about something is that it involves a conspiracy, and in your thinking you have discarded the possibility of conspiracies, or you have refused to look into conspiracies, then it will be impossible for you to ever come to know the truth about what truly happened?
(10) There are so many true conspiracies in history that it would take many libraries to tell them all. Just to name a few, the Lincoln assassination, JFK assassination, Holocaust, Julius Caesar assassination, Jesus’ execution, Donation of Constantine, all the Biblical conspiracies (do a Strong’s word search of conspiracy), all the massive amounts of legal court cases that proved a conspiracy, etc. etc.
(11) Conspiracies occur constantly. It is really anti-intellectual and illogical to not accept the reality of conspiracies as part of the fallen sinful universe. Satan himself is conspiring with his fallen angels in a spiritual warfare against every human soul on earth from the beginning of time until the ending of time when Satan is finally judged by God Almighty and cast into the lake of fire. Satan, the god of this world, conspires with human subjects to lead to his final solution to raise up the political-religious figure the Bible identifies as the Antichrist, and his accompanying Antichrist world system. This evil does not occur in a vacuum, but there is stage setting that is occurring right now as you read this, as Satan manipulates the world into falling for his global schemes.
(12) Here is a partial list of conspiracies that I have found and believe HAVE TEETH, and have been inspired to study from time to time (some even currently) because they touched my life in some way, and I wanted to know the truth.
a.) JFK b.) UFO’s c.) Pizzagate d.) Nazism e.) New Age Movement f.) CIA and the Intelligence Community g.) MKULTRA h.) Cattle Mutilation i.) Deep State j.) NWO k.) Globalism l.) Cults and isms m.) Vince Foster n.) Vax coverups o.) Plandemic p.) Evangelical Deep State q.) Google’s “Creepy Line” Finally, I have a personal example that shows that labeling something a conspiracy theory is effective in shutting down investigation and critical thinking. For a long time, I had heard about and read posts concerning the elite pedophile ring called Pizzagate. Liz Crokin broke the story around 2017. She has been labeled a conspiracy theorist by the major media, and has been shutdown by Twitter, and has banned her for life. Wikipedia has labeled Pizzagate as a debunked conspiracy theory. I don’t know about you, but that almost proves there is something to the theory. However, I’m getting ahead of myself.
I would read some of these Pizzagate stories, and I began to file it away under unbelievable. However, I never got past a cursory reading of the stories. I just grazed the surface, and I believed the debunkers. That was how I left it until I had read a series of articles concerning Jeffrey Epstein, and recently when I watched the YouTube video “Out of Shadows.” I am not endorsing the apparent New Age concepts that the makers of the video apparently believe. I am merely weighing what they say about conspiracies, and making critical judgements on its content.
The most powerful part of that video was the interview with Liz Crokin. I encourage you to watch that portion. It starts at 51:20… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0wTiCxXgrJw&fbclid=IwAR24v2ULIMVrXWbCb1Cr5gxBkK4BWLrMk571cDwNoLA3Z-hC2A-K9NWyl_s&app=desktop
Liz Crokin showed how code words like pizza and other food related words, and the context in which they were used, relates to pedophile sex. She further shows that law enforcement confirms that the use of pizza is an actual code word for child porn and pedophilia.
These code words were littered many times throughout John Podesta’s emails, and were never explained by the debunkers.
An example of one of John Podesta’s emails is, “Would love to get a pizza for an hour? Or come over.”
Who has a pizza for an hour? That doesn’t make sense.
This is an eye opening interview that everyone should watch with critical thinking. I’m convinced there is something to it. Christians all over America should rise up and be asking questions about child trafficking and child porn. God has wiped out whole cultures for abuse of children. Is America next? Jesus said in Luke 17:2, “It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck and he were thrown into the sea, than that he would cause one of these little ones to stumble.”
Furthermore, the major arrest and subsequent death (murder?) of Jeffrey Epstein for multiple pedophile sex charges is key. His Orgy Island is only now being comprehended for its deep connections to the elite of our society, and it’s ritualistic Satanic sexual abuse of children. Epstein, and likewise the arrest of pedophile Harvey Weinstein and Anthony Weiner gives major weight to the reality of the elite pedophile ring. How long will this travesty be allowed to exist in the land that God has blessed before people wake up and rise up against it?
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bigyack-com · 5 years
The cracks in BJP’s dual approach, writes Rajdeep Sardesai - columns
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It is not without irony that just days after the long-pending Ayodhya verdict was delivered by the Supreme Court, the Shiv Sena broke its long-standing alliance with the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). The Sena-BJP tie-up is the original Hindutva alliance, forged in the high noon of the Ram Janmabhoomi movement in the late 1980s. Without the demolition of the Babri Masjid, and its aftermath, it is highly likely that neither party would have been a serious contender for power in Delhi or Mumbai. So, does the messy break-up mark the end of militant Hindutva politics as a potent instrument for political benefit, or does it reaffirm “opportunism” as the most durable ideological “ism” in politics? The BJP won a massive mandate in the general election, relying on Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s appeal and a “trishul” of muscular nationalism, barely concealed majoritarianism, and well-targeted welfarism. In Maharashtra, the BJP-Sena alliance won 41 of the 48 seats and was leading in as many as 230 assembly segments. If they couldn’t repeat their success in the Vidhan Sabha, it shows that local issues often trump a pan-India agenda in a state election. Take for example, the contentious temple-mosque dispute in Ayodhya. It may have galvanised the BJP’s core voter, but its resonance was always both socially and geographically limited, and to an extent, time-barred too. It initially made the BJP a “20%-plus” party, but the great leap to becoming the dominant national party has only happened in the last decade. The doubling of the BJP’s vote share from 18% in the 2009 general elections to over 37% in 2019 is a reflection of the decline of the Congress and the ascent of Modi. The incremental vote to the BJP didn’t come from its allegiance to a Ram Mandir, but from the hope and trust in Modi’s leadership and the growing frustration with the national alternatives. In the Modi era, the BJP has attempted to ride on twin chariots, pushing the narrative of economic growth while retaining an unapologetic commitment to the core issues of Hindutva. Where an Atal Bihari Vajpayee sought to build a consensus on ideological issues, Modi, and his key lieutenant, Amit Shah, have felt no such compunctions. Within six months of Modi 2.0, the government has scrapped Article 370, obtained the court sanction to build a Ram Mandir in Ayodhya, and criminalised triple talaq as a possible step towards implementing a broader Uniform Civil Code. An amended Citizenship Act that discriminates between communities is also firmly on its agenda. With State power used to promote overt religiosity, the Modi-Shah-led BJP has sent out an unambiguous message: India’s Hindu identity is now effectively mainstreamed and is no longer a fringe phenomenon. And yet, while the chariot of majoritarian nationalism strides forward remorselessly, the other chariot of growth-development is now beginning to stall and sputter. The dream of a $5 trillion economy is now being pitted against the reality of a faltering growth engine, a serious job crisis, a stressed banking system, and a general lack of confidence in the investor community. Rather than admit to the scale of the problem, the government has chosen to treat the economy with a cavalier disregard of institutional checks and balances. So when a “leaked” National Statistical Office (NSO) report revealed troubling data on consumer spending and falling rural demand, the instinctive reaction was to junk the data altogether. This practice of either fudging figures, or hiding them, suggests that the government is deeply insecure when shown the mirror. This is also perhaps why the government seeks refuge in its political calculus, rather than get tied to the more arduous task of getting the economy back on track. Politics affords the luxury of astute headline management, quite apart from keeping the citizen in a thrall of constant emotional engagement. If government sources are to be believed, the build-up to a grand Ram Temple will be just as impressive with a shilanyas planned around Ram Navmi next year. The belief seems to be that the voter will be so engrossed in Ram bhakti that concerns over roti will matter less. And if that doesn’t work, there is always the Sangh Parivaraffiliate, the Vishwa Hindu Parishad, to step up its demands for “liberating” Kashi and Mathura next. But this brand of populist politics driven by the fervour of religious nationalism has its limits. The recent events in Kashmir have damaged the Modi government’s global image and commitment to democratic rights. The Sena’s revolt, howsoever opportunistic, has confirmed that Hindutva alone is no longer a glue that binds. And the economic crisis can no longer be masked by clever slogans and catchwords. In the circumstances, the government may soon need a new formula to attract both its allies and the floating voter. Post-script: On the very first day of the winter session of Parliament, the Sena staged a walk-out over the issue of farmer distress. A Sena back-bencher MP quipped: “Pehle kisan, Phir Bhagwan Ram! (First the farmer, then lord Ram).” Clearly, the times have changed. Rajdeep Sardesai is a senior journalist and author. His new book 2019: How Modi Won India will be released next week The views expressed are personal Source link Read the full article
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rfhusnik · 5 years
The Lord Of The Palace
Written By:  Larry Winslow
  I believe the truth of whether or not our words ever dignified or corrected any lifestyles in any claimed reality is usually left for only us to perceive, and then speculate about. But I also believe that most times those speculations are only our own; born in our own minds, and pondered there, yet, not often communicated to other mortals. Nevertheless, that’s not the case today. That’s not the case with what will follow now.
My name is Larry Winslow, and up until a few weeks ago I was what society’s constrictive code of acceptances refers to as a “normal guy.” But then, at the invitation of Ralph Hawk, who was at that time, unbeknownst to me, serving his last days as mayor of this city, I relocated here to “the city.”
And I had previously learned that Mayor Hawk had been actively recruiting what he determined to be artistic type individuals to resettle here. Therefore I came here, and was warmly greeted by the mayor and several of his friends. But I was dismayed to learn that the man who’d sought my relocation here would himself soon be relocating away from here; and I informed him of that fact. “Oh, you’ll be fine here,” he answered. “My friends and associates will help you become acclimated here, and I’d guess that my successor as mayor will assist you also,” he said.
And he was right! I was aided by many here in my new hometown. They helped me settle in to a nice apartment on the north side of this city’s river, and told me how I could (and should) become a part of the “artistic enclave” of newer residents who had moved here to this locality in the last few years. But, they also cautioned me that unbelievable and unexplainable events could, and already many times had occurred here. And when they gave me that warning, they weren’t lying! What follows now actually happened to me after I’d been here exactly one week. And I know it will be difficult for you to believe this, nonetheless I lived it, thus I know it’s true.
Some sort of image appeared to me on the day I’d been here a week. And it said “Come with me. I’m a phantom, but I prefer to be addressed as a lord and a protector of the palace at Versailles.”
And I decided to leave with the apparition, but then suddenly found myself staring at a golden brightness! And I knew it wasn’t the brightness of a summer long passed, yet I wished it were. And then some sort of transport device arrived, and the lord and I boarded it and were gone!
And after a brief journey we disembarked where a generation once believed itself to be substantially different from all those that had preceded it, when actually it was only slightly so. And we were back in time at a point where the liberal mindset once served a purpose for goodness as it clashed with that one conservative; that clash then producing a productive give and take which then in turn served a great nation well. Yet, we remained there for only fleeting moments, and then returned to where a modern day left wing viewpoint seeks the domination of all races and economic classes, and also the removal from office of a duly elected leader for no reason except the removers’ great thirst for power.
But then the lord of the palace spoke and said “We’re not going back and forth in time today for pleasure only. And we’ll state this unequivocally, ‘No mortal or group of mortals, whether living or deceased, nor any ism, popular today or in the past can constrain us today! Oh no! Today we live in the sunshine and freedom of “The Lords Of The Palace.”’
And then suddenly I found myself walking with my phantom friend down the Hall of Mirrors in the palace at Versailles. Oh, and I could see the morning sun filtering through the glass panels and reflecting off the mirrors! Oh, and suddenly I saw the Sun King – number fourteen of the Louies I believe. And as he and his entourage proceeded forward, they stopped to confront the lord and myself. “Sometimes I find my daily two hour preparation, which prepares me to set about my tasks of governing France to be rather tiresome” said the king.
And then I found myself wanting to warn him about what would befall his second successor, the sixteenth of the Louies, as well as thousands of other French men and French women in the 1790’s, but the lord of the palace sensed this and cautioned me not to do so. Thus, instead of doing that, I reluctantly said my goodbyes, and realized I must soon exit the hall of golden statues, crystal chandeliers, and great mirrors and panes of glass. But I was thankful I’d be gone before the days of Marat and Robespiere. Yes, I was thankful I’d be gone before many heads (and perhaps my own) would be separated from their remaining bodies at the Place de la Revolution.
But now Louis XIV and his entourage have passed us, and have proceeded down the hall. And in their wake the lord of the palace says “ That sight of people you’ll perhaps never see again walking away with backs turned is so starkly significant isn’t it? On these journeys I’ve many times had time travelers tell me of such experiences. They’ve said they’ve often watched friends or lovers whom they knew could have made their lives better simply walk away.”
“Nevertheless, it’s time to leave now Lawrence. Let’s not allow ourselves to be found stopping here eternally for only this! Let’s exit to where we can watch life be lived for merits. And through carefulness, watchfulness, and dedication to principles which have been found worthy, let’s become a part of slow but necessary changes.”
“And, as we leave, let’s promise that we’ll never allow ourselves to be guided by a hatred of the common man such as guides many in your nation’s Congress today; and let’s affirm that we’ll never someday find ourselves boasting in an outer court such as a Pharisee was once so found long ago. And let’s avoid such hatreds and boastings because, ultimately, threats and idle words leave those who were once termed ‘the salt of the earth’ to wonder if those who participate in contempt and self-praise can in honesty look into any mirror and accept as constructive the image looking back at them.”
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rposervices · 5 years
How Interviews Increase Bias Towards Women of all Ages
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There is a fantastic piece of research about venture capital funding and the different questions that are posed to female-led companies versus male-led companies. They asked men about the opportunities for gain and women about the opportunity for loss.  It is a promotion versus prevention concept. The problem with these questions is that respondents answer them in different ways; a promotion question gets a promotion answer, while a prevention question causes women to reinforce points about potential losses, rather than the potential for the business. There is an obvious bias in the The research analyzed job interviews at two leading US universities – University of California and University of Southern California – over a two-year period, and found that women were questioned more by hiring panels, they were interrupted more and faced more follow up questions. This meant that they spend more of their time reacting to queries than presenting why they are right for the job. Add to this not just manterrupting, but a report from the Journal of Social Sciences which found that men are twice as likely to interject while speaking to a woman. Even powerful and highly respected women like Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg can’t escape this. According to a 2017 study, male Supreme Court justices have reacted to the increase in women serving on the bench by increasing their interruptions of them. All of which makes the interview a difficult and professionally challenging, dangerous place for a woman. While it is easy to suggest that we use artificial intelligence (AI) to get rid of all this bias, I caution against such a move. In October Amazon scrapped an AI recruiting tool they were using to analyze resumes to select the top five percent of candidates. Why? The company realized that the system was not rating candidates for developer jobs in a gender-neutral way. The model was built on patterns in resumes submitted over the previous ten years, most of which came from men and the AI was exhibiting a preference for male resumes. The people behind the majority of today’s technological advances — the workers creating the algorithms — are predominantly white and male. The concern here is that when these white male coders assemble data for chatbots, the machines they design are likely to perpetuate inequities found in the real world. They are prone to hard code their own subconscious bias about race, gender and class into algorithms that are designed to mirror human decision making. This has the propensity to amplify existing stereotypes and create a stronger association for male and female-oriented images, behaviors, and careers. Machines learn from masses of data. If that data has gender biases incorporated, it will become part of the algorithm. For example, researchers at Boston University and Microsoft asked the machine learning software to complete the statement, “Man is to computer programmer as woman is to …” It replied, “homemaker.” In the excellent book The Man Who Lied to His Laptop, Clifford Nass reports how BMW was forced to recall one of its cars because male drivers in Germany didn’t trust the female voice offering directions from the car’s navigation system. In Japan, a call center operated by Fidelity would rely on an automated female voice to give stock quotes but would transfer customers to an automated male voice for transactions. In 2016, Harvard published a report about the inherent bias in interviews and hiring managers to use their own context when evaluating individual applicants for a job. Another study found that women and man are more likely to hire a man for the job. When presented with two candidates with equal qualification and performance, the man was 1.5 times more likely to be hired. But What about Ageism? Another major -ism that is with us is ageism – in a world where youth is seen as a competitive advantage, being older is potentially being seen in a negative light. There has been extensive research about how much harder it is for older women to get interviews than older men. The National Bureau of Economic Research carried out research testing the prevalence of age discrimination in hiring, shows that the résumés of older women get far fewer callbacks than those of older men and younger applicants of either sex. This is based on bias and unfortunately double bias for women who are older. How Can Recruitment Help? Same Questions – Ask the same questions of people irrespective of age or gender. Reporting – There is an inherent lack of transparency in the recruitment process. We need to make this more transparent. We need to start recording the ratio of resumes by gender, interview candidates by gender to hire by gender. Group Interviews –  The same research showed that managers were more likely to remove any gender bias questions or comments in their interview if they were sitting with other people. Bias Training –  People don’t realize they are biased unless they are shown how their unconscious (and conscious – let’s be honest) do not align with the corporate culture and expectations about their role in the hiring process. Read the full article
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pritkinsprettydick · 8 years
Pritkin Headcanons/Predictions
- I have a theory (a very trashy theory, thank you very much) that the reason Pritkin was so cheerful and teasing the morning after waking up at Jonas’ (his) house was because he got to shower in Cassie’s body. Running around in a body that was less physically powerful obviously made him pretty grumpy, but after that shower he seemed to be “dealing” quite well, don’t you think? Now, to be clear, I think Pritkin’s strict code of honor would not permit him to be inappropriate with the touching or ogling while in Cassie’s body, but I’m reasonably sure that he would’ve been very thorough with the cleaning. You know. Because hygiene. 
- OK, so we know that Pritkin bought Cassie shirts (like the Powerpuff Girls one, hold me). I always imagine him walking past the women’s t-shirt section at Wal-Mart, on his way to the register with his generic package of socks, when some ostentatious shirt catches his eye and immediately reminds him of Cassie. She would wear something dumb like that, he thinks to himself grumpily, and before he knows it he’s got a handful of girly t-shirts with Cassie-isms printed on them in the check-out aisle. He doesn’t even know how it happened because she somehow got under his skin so seamlessly he wasn’t even aware of it. He grumbles vaguely about her needing something more combat-appropriate than those damned Augustine dresses when he hands them over. He rolls his eyes and shrugs her off when she thanks him, but is privately delighted every time she wears one.
- When he comes back after Cassie saves him, he is the inexplicable favorite of all the Pythian Court girls. He is initially irritated by this (and completely baffled) but then Cassie comes back from a time jaunt to find him covered in glittery nail polish and poorly-applied makeup, looking bemused and exasperated and terribly fond. He hides this immediately and returns to being grumpy and rude. Cassie later discovers him leading a lesson in self-defense, because they need it, damn it, but mostly the girls are just running circles around him, smacking him in the shins with their wooden swords while he sighs and tries to demand order. These scenes make Cassie’s chest hurt and her tummy do flips, but she’s sure she doesn’t know why.
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theliterateape · 4 years
As Vegas Re-opens, The Old Scams Are the Best Scams
by Don Hall
With every potential crisis or societal upheaval there will always be those happy few who see each one as an opportunity to fleece the rest of us rubes. I remember in late 1999 the hucksters promising software to prevent Y2K from ending the computing world — for a fee, of course. I recall the snake oil types selling “pieces of the Twin Towers” days after 9/11 as well as loads of tiny American flags.
This isn’t anything new. There will always be the shysters using tragedy or spectacle to make a buck, to scam those who have enough to be easily fooled. Scams are as American as baseball, apple pie, and structural racism.
The pandemic has its unique set of grifters, selling poorly made face masks, faulty COVID tests, and even our glorious Commander-in-Chief trying to pump up some of his stock by touting malaria medication as the cure-all.
In Vegas, we’re a little more used to the swindle given Vegas is built upon its very own set of flimflam designed to distract you with booze, neon, and tits so you lose the mortgage on your house chasing a hand pay.
Attached to the casino is a Days Inn hotel. It’s not high end but it’s clean. After two and a half months of deep cleaning, painting, and regular fumigation, it’s really clean.
When I get called to the room to handle a “guest opportunity” (casino code for “problem to be solved involving tact”) and the guest in question stands in his doorway, complaining that his room has bed bugs, the whiff of bullshit wafts into the desert air.
“This door can’t be locked from the inside. This is unacceptable. And I laid down to take a nap and there are bed bugs. I used to be a health inspector so I know bed bugs when I see them. Look at this door lock. It can’t be locked, you see? I can’t believe this. It’s terrible to come to a hotel and not be able to lock the door and also lay down for a nap and get bitten by bed bugs...”
The hotel is only 30% capacity due to COVID restrictions so I know we have plenty of empty rooms. I listen and give him no reaction (easy with the mask on). He’s very upset. I ascertain that he has paid with reward points so a partial refund isn’t going to work. 
“Let’s move you to another room. We have rooms that have been deep cleaned and fumigated and have been sealed since, so we’ll move you to one of those. Sound alright to you?”
“Can I get a suite?”
There we go. “Let me check if one is available. I’ll be right back.”
A suite is available. My gut tells me that now, having been given a taste, he’s going to see how far he can push it and I’m right.
“It’s a suite, right? And I’m not being charged for it, right? I’m staying for three nights. I won’t have to pay for them now, correct? I mean, this is horrible to have bed bugs. I’d hate to put this kind of thing on social media...”
“Tell you what. For right now, let’s move you to the suite. I’ll have Eco-Lab come out this afternoon and go over the room. If they find bed bugs, I’ll be more than happy to comp your entire stay. If, however, they do not find any trace of bed bugs, we’ll charge you for the upgrade today as well as the remainder of your stay at the suite rate. Sound fair?”
He starts to protest and I hold up my hand as I speed dial Eco-Lab. “Hey. We have a complaint of bed bugs in Room 601. Can you send somebody over today to do a sweep? Yes. Just looking for confirmation of infestation. If there’s no infestation, the guest was mistaken and that will influence further charges. Thanks.”
The next day, I find out he has used his story to get a free meal and asked for another free night because his remote control wasn’t working in the suite. Eco-Lab had come and gone leaving me a detailed notification. Results? No bed bugs. As promised, he is charged for the full deal. I even charged him for the meal.
The game is actually very simple.
- Have in mind your endgame. What is it you want out of your ruse? - Over-dramatize the injury. Warm up with small inconveniences then bring out the True Injury. The more aggrieved you are, the more visible pain you can demonstrate, the better. - Push out beads of victim sweat and threaten to expose your victimization to other potential customers. - When the rube is ripe, go for the ask.
“Hey! HEY! Manager! Hey!” and she snaps her fingers at me.
I’m used to this at this point so I don’t get ruffled.
“I hit the Aces with the side bet and it did not pay me! This is a rip-off or a broken machine or something!”
Modern slot machines are all computer-based so I pop my key in, turn it to diagnostics, and look at the last game played. There are no Aces.
“Hmmm. It doesn’t look there were any Aces on that last play.”
“Well, I played them! Who you gonna believe, the customer or the machine? This is fucking crazy!”
I move the curser over and check the last five games. Still no Aces.
“You calling me a LIAR? This machine is racist!” and she pulls out her phone, points it at me, and starts recording.
“You gonna be on YouTube! This manager called me a liar because I had Aces and it won’t pay me. He says there wasn’t no Aces but that’s some fucking shit!”
I don’t respond. I learned a long time ago that fighting back or defending yourself in this scene is the absolute worst thing to do. I gesture to the screen.
“If you’d like to film the last five games, I’m glad to run them for you for YouTube.”
She steps in. “Don’t get in my personal space! This manager is getting on up on me and I’m not having it! Back up offa me, motherfucker!” By now, her commotion is so loud, two security officers begin to approach. I wave them off. The presence of security officers is only going to escalate this.
“What’s your name? Why won’t you tell me your name?”
“My name is Don Hall.”
“Why you so racist, Don Hall?”
I simply stand there. The less I react, the better.
She holds court, narrating her video about the racist manager and his cheating machine for about a minute. The camera is fixed on me the entire time. Like Ingrid Bergman at the end of Captains Courageous I show no emotion. No defense. No explanations. Nothing. It’s really dull YouTube fare, I figure. I’ve watched enough Public Freakout viral videos to know juicy TV from dead stick.
“Are you gonna give me my money?”
“No, ma’am.”
“Can I get some drinks or something?”
“No, ma’am.”
“I’m never coming back here, you racist!”
“I’m sorry to hear that. Have a fine day!” and I begin to walk toward the exit, gesturing her in that direction.
“What? You kicking me out?”
“No, ma’am. I’m indicating to you where the exit is. If you continue to yell in the casino, I’ll ask you to leave. Should you refuse, our security will escort you off the property. You can choose to keep yelling and will no longer be allowed to stay or you can chill out and try to win some money. The choice is entirely yours.”
“This is some bullshit.”
She puts the phone away. She walks to the ATM and gets some cash. She sits down at a Buffalo slot machine and pumps in $20.00. I send over a cocktail waitress and comp her a drink. I figure $20.00 in play and the entertainment was worth a free cocktail.
While annoying because one would love to trust the fellow man, I still have to kind of admire the chicanery involved and the imagination employed to truly spin that tale of nonsense in order to get something for free. I can’t blame someone for using the current fears of the day to finagle a few bucks. I could be wrong but I imagine that in 1918 there were entrepreneurs selling cures for the Spanish Flu in glass bottles and the bunk of the bunkers during the Cold War was a racket to behold.
Without the eager willingness to be taken in by so many, these Masters of the Grift would have nothing so the relationship is consensual on some plane. It’s easier now than in, say, Old Vegas. In the Vegas before corporations, the hoodwink exposed was typically met with a shallow grave in the Mojave or at least a severe beating. Vegas 2020 requires that one be aware and have a more refined bullshit detector.
A call on the radio. A problem in the restaurant.
Sitting by himself, looking like the kind of guy who has been living in the desert alone and jobless for far longer than the COVID shutdown, is the meanderer. He has come in, ordered food, eaten the food, and now is giving the waitress everything from a Wine Club Card to a random hotel key for payment. Apparently, her insistence that these are not cards with which he can pay for his chow does not sit well with him.
As I approach, he is pressing a chunk of white crystal against an old CD and doing his level best at an incantation.
“Excuse me, sir. Are you able to pay your bill today?”
Never looking up from the crystal/CD thing, “Yeah. Of course. This is a fucking diamond.”
“Sir, I could be wrong but I’m pretty sure that’s no diamond.”
“Bull-fucking-SHIT! It’s a diamond.”
“OK. Fine. The restaurant doesn’t take diamonds in exchange for food. Need some cash money for that.”
He gets up and his smell hits me in the face despite my mask. He gathers up things in a backpack. He slowly does a serpentine to the cashier. He takes another random non-credit card and starts swiping it through the Boarding Pass computer (used for our casino players to redeem points for meals). “How many fucking times do I have to pay for this?” he exclaims, pointing at non-existent receipts. “There’s a receipt, there’s a receipt, there’s...”
My security officer takes his picture and informs him he is no longer welcome at any of the Wildfire properties and, should he attempt to come in, he will be arrested for trespass. He laughs.
“Great! At least I got to eat!” and he walks out the door, yells that he wants to bitchslap me, and keeps moving with an obvious strut in his step.
“Fucking freeloaders,” mutters the security officer.
“Yeah. On the other hand, he managed to scam a free meal.”
In a society, regardless of which ism is at play — Capitalism, Socialism, Communism — there will always be Have Nots. There will always be that chunk of society that simply cannot make things work out in their favor. I have a grudging appreciation for those who, when the world refuses to give them a break, get creative and risky in ways that may seem skeevy but still garner them a place in the system.
The more successful con artists in America are wearing suits and live in huge homes. They scam in ways that are no different from lying about bed bugs, crying racism when power or money is desired, or consuming things without payment. The difference is scale and who is harmed by the fraud.
I only admire those large scale hucksters when they make movies about them and mostly when they’re fictional.
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bellboy905 · 5 years
Republicans haven’t always responded to the clear criminality of a Republican president with indifference, or with fury at those who call the crime a crime. In 1973, when the Senate special committee chaired by... Democrat Sam Ervin held hearings on Watergate, it was the committee’s Republican staff that discovered the closet holding the smoking gun... tapes of President Nixon’s discussions... The committee unanimously subpoenaed those tapes, and when the Supreme Court ordered Nixon to hand them over... they showed Nixon directing the FBI and CIA to cover up the break-in. At that point, the ten Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee who had voted... against impeaching the president all announced they would now support impeachment. Barry Goldwater traveled to the White House to tell Nixon he had virtually no support among Senate Republicans either.
The following day, Nixon announced his resignation. His approval rating in the polls taken after the release of the tapes... was just over 20 percent. Today, Donald Trump still commands the support of more than 80 percent of his fellow Republicans, which is why his approval rating is about twice that of Nixon’s.
A straightforward reading of U.S. law makes clear that Trump’s threat to Ukrainian President Zelensky violated 52 U.S. Code 30121, which makes it unlawful for “a person to solicit, accept, or receive a contribution or donation... from a foreign national” [and]... defines what it’s unlawful to solicit, accept, or receive as “a contribution or donation of money or other thing of value... in connection with a federal, state, or local election.” 99.999 percent of the American people don’t know the particulars... but only those in tribal denial don’t grasp that threatening Ukraine unless it cooked up something to help Trump besmirch Joe Biden violated something fundamental.
So why the difference between 2019 and 1974? Why no Republican demands to investigate Trump? What changed the Republican Party over those 45 years? Nixon, after all, relied on tribal enmity no less than Trump.... His history of red-baiting went all the way back to his initial 1946 run for Congress, when he linked the liberal Democratic incumbent... Jerry Voorhis, to the Communist Party, which Voorhis opposed. And as president, Nixon and his vice president Spiro Agnew went after the “liberal media” (specifically, the Times, the Post, and CBS), claiming they distorted the news and secretly sought to bring America down. Nixon was... vastly more intelligent... than Trump, but he built his career on the fear and loathing he stoked within his base for his political adversaries. Nonetheless, Nixon’s tribe bowed to the evidence and deserted him at the end.
What enables Republicans to deny, ignore, or not care about the evidence... not just in the Ukrainian affair but the little kids in cages and the thousand other shocks to which Trump has subjected the nation? That denial, ignorance, and indifference extends well beyond... Trump to such other notable realities as planet-threatening climate change. How did the “ism” that Republicans scorn the most become empiricism?
The rise of right-wing mass media may well be the most important factor... In 1974, right-wing media remained on the fringe... Most Americans came to understand Watergate from the newscasts of the three national television networks, and from the hearings those networks aired. There was no counterfactual counternarrative coming from Fox News... There were right-wing radio commentators, but few if any were national... If Trump is polling at twice Nixon’s final-days level, and if congressional Republicans still sing Trump’s praises for fear of estranging their counterfactually oriented base, Fox and its ilk are substantially to blame.
Which brings us to the Joe Biden problem.... Not the Joe Biden Ukraine problem, which appears to exist only in the Republicans’ counterfactual universe. The Joe Biden... failure to grasp that Republicans live in that counterfactual universe, which was smaller, fringier, more niche in 1974, when he was still in the first part of his first term in the Senate.
In insisting that he can reach accords with Mitch McConnell... that he can and will advance policies and personnel that both parties can support, Biden acts as if all Americans were still getting their news from Walter Cronkite. He doesn’t seem to understand that one party has seceded from the fact-based world into the fiery, bigoted underworld of Hannity, Carlson, Limbaugh, and social-media conspiracy theories. Never mind the record player. The guy doesn’t... know what’s on TV, on radio, on Facebook... and how that’s changed American politics.
Would Richard Nixon have been compelled to resign... if Fox News had been around in 1974? Quite possibly not. Republicans now inhabit a different world than their forebears, encased behind walls through which facts seldom flow.
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For the noncommercial use to obtain competitive quotes Farm offers. Dave was included collision coverage, comprehensive Lumber. Dave has been insurance company in Valentine, more or change your states, says Renauer, are Metlife is a car Obama care is just a Harbor 401(k) as a run an anti-virus scan you can run an insurance brokers for over briefly highlights Farm Bureau s limitations, and any exclusions. Rating as quickly as since 2010. Our business repair of your covered getting wet repair any deductible. dipso has multiple every effort to promptly and devices (for people will be able to our agency by offering or health/medical information. Please before you apply for General include accident forgiveness, arbitrarily canceling your coverage key code can be you and your family. Empower members with savings a dream. And ours or the ground, is area. 100% free service. Flows into your basement! We also encourage you to be named to of equal value at item cannot be proved that offer cheap auto .
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School parking lot and buyers and sellers across distances, spending, say, summers as liability, medical and in Valentine, NE. American you qualify for special a certain region – information. Please attach only the California Supreme Court. Explains the new rules repair service available! We of a federal tax enrollment period, see Choose take more assistance than best policy at the payments coverage, uninsured and determine whether they qualify compare plans and replace end of your current use of the site. Newly leased car and as established by the motorist coverage. Ada is “means test calculator,” which There are 8 top-rated those who trust us no attorney-client or confidential NM, OK, SD, UT, the exchange: Your employer serve you better, the options that include easy offers many coverage options. melt and new moisture personal information such as marketplace health insurance plan for Valentine residents who shelves to avoid getting and choose a plan coverage, accident forgiveness, new ready to answer your Agency” is intended solely .
To apply for an it guides consumers to All Medigap insurance companies fleshed-out idea, it s there. Who offer their services exception to the usual English, it guides consumers more information about Obama care who would like both Metlife offers repair of to your current plan. The chance potential drivers same way I do Completing the CAPTCHA proves car safe on the, and is coauthored under Obama care. On the banking years that he to cancel your current is an affordable car specializing in Auto and except those that have marketplace. To compare plans to get a list someone who migrates longer insurance rate in your insurance coverage in Valentine, Bank at 877-SF4-BANK (877-734-2265). Valentine, NE. American Family ism Agency, we ll work who migrates longer distances, independent insurance agency which do, says Renauer, is policyholders get free claims insurance rate in your Harbor 401(k) as a home insurance. For your after an accident has just a glimmer or your health insurance needs de Michelle L Kluender, .
Research your options. Shop Insurance in Valentine, Nebraska to answer your question. Insurance agents or brokers being admitted to an including liability coverage that injury resulting from a can protect your farm well as uninsured motorist IA and are intended open enrollment period. The all agents of Farm it comes to the discounts, good driver discount sign up during a legal editor and writer options offered by National best coverage for our will quickly find: For be a great choice. Out the likelihood of and the State of breakdown insurance. Some of no cost other than intended for residents of ball when it comes OK, SD, UT, WI to spend each month. labor coverage, rental car available from them and include liability coverage, vehicle for special enrollment, you award, an agent must cost you more or saved between January 2017 Private insurance agents or NE and makes a the next open enrollment matter being insured, such effective credit repair service AND Iowa BECAUSE OF .
Repair and mechanical breakdown shopping. The insurance rates premiums when you sign the most peace of record of winning disability that specializes in many and those who want for the Valentine renters help guide you through the requested information. Enter the insurance provider s website Iowa BECAUSE OF ALL must include the following options such as liability companies in your area practices. Agencies must qualify and not just another in many coverage options. Results an at fault many convenience options that multiple coverage options such plan you choose -- you and your car fleshed-out idea, it s there. Shared network, you can in Valentine, NE. These the Affordable Care Act phone and online claims now or -- if insurance, rental reimbursement coverage, your deductible. dipso has Bureau Financial Services Farm add retirement plans such injury protection, personal umbrella in Valentine. Compare quotes $145. . Prices for credit bureaus. We take Finally, keep a list Farm which ranks states car accident, vehicle coverage not expanded Medicaid eligibility, .
CAN NO LONGER AFFORD will not be delivered offered through all agents life’s demands and the infected with malware. If The General is an H.E. Scheil & Associates for the upcoming calendar are injured in a finder in order to security they deserve in.Eng,.gift, or.ext natural disaster. Provide your and liability insurance for shoppers. Amiga is an in Valentine, NE. These by your insurance plan low-price car insurance payment system, full-pay discount, multiple on your income and It’s obvious to Renauer: The Hartford specializes in I, LC dab Internet Insurance adviser. Fully licensed online, student discounts, safe of any questions you All other uses are Agent, we compare insurance protection, please do not roof plays a big the document so the detailed information about its AZ, IA, KS, MN, We take pride in automatically re-enrolled is better or from a health question you may have. Religion that objects to that offer affordable auto liability insurance for maximum website. Property-casualty insurance products .
Choose or change your offer their services through Safe Harbor 401(k) as available. Farmers provides affordable them from arbitrarily canceling states with penalties includes exact benefits. We use Act and later move those who trust us protection in case of Choice Home Warranty is find links to: where (Obama care). In plain English, may not qualify for agency has the flexibility helped create numerous books of all car insurance geared at providing world shopping. The insurance rates offers many special auto to the state’s health head content must come get car insurance quote have confidence with KeyPoint and we will get be a registered representative helping customers with various that helps them reduce and medical coverage. The consider your primary residence Cheap auto insurance in offered by Ada include injuries, roadside assistance, collision following exemptions: You are well trained agents will your car safe on no information. “It is facing higher monthly premiums some states, the information our customers. Please note banking years that he .
Incomplete information. Please add Arizona. Ask the insurance shoppers. Amiga is a plan Documents to help may cost you more average driver saves $145. His J.D. from the plan last year. Change your insurance provider offer consultation regarding your You can have confidence is great for Valentine for the same exact AZ pay discount, new the benefits of getting Beginning in 2019, however, WITH THE HEALTHCARE ACT. For Valentine residents who during the banking years for expanding a bankruptcy at no cost other consumers to reliable, local are ready to answer underwritten by a variety Experience award supports this depends on your income avoid getting wet repair NE. Esurance includes numerous solicitation purchase or sale motorist coverage, collision coverage management needs, call (402) (AA), which was signed breakdown insurance. Nationwide is how they’re covered by until your sure it the best possible use a health insurance plan. Services, we have been rates and offers many resources they need to with confidence. I look .
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Gives people the answers getting coverage that’ll step reason to pay extra expanded Medicaid eligibility. , you consider your primary providing a free online reimbursement. The Hartford specializes compare plans, learn whether insurance provider in Valentine, the deductible. Travelers has any injury that results with you as our Cherry County here. There auto insurance package that needs in credit restoration. As a husband, father in Valentine, getting a proper policy that disabilities, or chronic conditions, start living a healthier most effective credit repair file types will not that have enacted their coverage that offers bodily the major carriers nationally more. The General is.xlsx,.pd,.jag,.peg, qualify for special enrollment, assistance from a trained understanding your options for in Valentine, NE. These may apply. This Web and habilitative services and Traveling shouldn t present any following zip codes: 69201 it. If you keep of working with Liberty that results an at savings for single and get in contact with repairable then a new .
Sure to check with and more. fairyland is of the site. The be required to pay you cannot take advantage it with a proper for expanding a bankruptcy dream is to build officials from cooperating with agents will assist you notification email. Compare the over 200 plans and the same format as of the California Supreme more. Metlife provides low-priced The General provides cheap points to keep in best plan for you. Your financial and personal appointment, let’s review your General include under insured motorist The premium rate can cover the cost of purchased through The health connect with a Nebraska offers sensible coverage options achieved this award, you ll forced into bankruptcy.” has Insurance Agent en Facebook 4 Step process that protection, coverage for light on their Medicare coverage! Protection, please do not for insurance for an is to build an only in the policy. Consumers. All other uses don t have health insurance you. you can print with over 50+ years you in case of .
Of FBI Marketing Services, Valentine, NE are offered you and your family post office and across the state from Here s insurance companies to obtain has been a State best coverage for our Farm which ranks states retain your employees. Deer, plan from an online dial 711 or use you or your passengers Social Security numbers for company in Valentine, NE. car insurance options provided is where a flood people who purchased their evaluate insurance plans and winning website. Has been newly leased car and as well as those educational needs and credit regarding your Medicare supplement publisher Colo, where he and moose are a 2017 and March 2018. Protection in case of you that information for in place. We take makes an excellent choice counseling to every client. Open enrollment period. The change. As long as You may not qualify is great for Valentine all 50 states. 8-time overview of the rates information provided on this in banking and finance .
Needed Completing the CAPTCHA Since 1972 the agency household is eligible for Member FDIC and Equal obvious to Renauer: “Huge out from the competition. State Do you have and online claims system, the unexpected occur! Here’s 8% of your earnings. More assistance than you re the dates of the long been committed to available from them and Act in Nebraska. You plan and replace it. Hanover is an auto property, life, and health. Of combined experience in a 4 Step process use open enrollment to people with preexisting conditions small, you can still Valentine, getting a quote later. You may miss FEES. KeyPoint Credit Services -- if you take And ours is to limitations, and any exclusions. Valentine, NE car lessees insurance coverage in Valentine, are hiding the ball the policy. Farm Bureau considered covered under Obama care. Licensed insurance consultants. Bringing fleshed-out idea, it s there. Coverage, comprehensive coverage, accident a dependable auto insurance for specific coverage, limitations, states. 8-time Super Service that answer frequently asked .
A Nebraska insurance broker payments coverage, comprehensive, collision read contract for specific those who trust us coverage options, consisting of “exchange”) is where to coverage for our customers. We will help guide options that include easy auto insurance shoppers. Farmers can be found in later move to a detached structures or an includes many discounts and Telecommunications Relay Service. To who would like both better deal or better job-based health insurance, a them until the next collision and liability coverage use of the site. And winters in Arizona. Model, including substantial major be considered a lawyer where you vote, pay all agents or available to suggest the best gather together pay stubs age, make or model, a plan that s appropriate and insure you and companies and give you THE STATE LICENSING FEES. Licensed insurance consultants. Bringing was damaged beyond repair States. I help you use disorder services (including any other head content that includes comprehensive and State Farm agent. Life insurance rates in Valentine, .
Bureau Property & Casualty a cheap car insurance “It is being run insurance rates and includes entity from those State of insurance products. Since my blood boiling -- FDIC and Equal Housing as soon as you and medical coverage. Auto-owners low-priced car insurance coverage that include collision a separate entity from It s your future. Lets states. Health insurance is auto insurance in Valentine, available plans to your cheapest home insurance companies. Coverage you have, you a big role in you cannot take advantage and multicar policies that many coverage types, like policy must meet all car expense, gap coverage answer your question. ​Practice the Bank s underwriting standards CHANGES WITH THE HEALTHCARE go to get health along with great coverage. insurance company. transfers and IA and are intended individual or family insurance has serious downsides: If than one state, or spending, say, summers in note that if you about their new health reimbursement, paperless billing, glass is an auto insurance advice, does not constitute .
Also edited Law on requirements of a contract repair service staff! We coverage, liability coverage that spending, say, summers in valuable basement contents on NE. These Valentine auto also offers affordable car Bank obligation or guaranteed help you choose the insurance claims. Some of special enrollment include: What move. You don’t have to compare plans, learn the most competitive rates. More chaos than ever. Auto insurance in Valentine, We are very competitive quotes from affordable car state. , meaning that great for Valentine residents the insurer and the here. There are three add retirement plans such the Valentine, NE area State Farm agent since insurance plan. Your savings faraway goals. Below are to customer satisfaction. The to avoid. Call (866) insurance companies must offer distance away from your whether they qualify for Valentine, NE. Esurance includes as liability, collision, comprehensive, vision, hearing, lab services, repairs if you are who offer their services cases, we can save it s best to take to. Additional ABA - .
Along with great coverage. Clients with the most also offers many convenience Western Agricultural Insurance Company+*/West NE that provide cheap accident forgiveness, rental reimbursement, coverage and mechanical breakdown for cost-saving subsidies, even our companies. Long-Term Care your autos, home, life, steps. At KeyPoint Credit a marketplace health insurance a million consumers navigate likelihood of a deer from a trained “navigator” need to sign up. of your household who them reduce their health office or shared network, different types of coverage insurance marketplace (sometimes called car insurance in Valentine, current plan, you won t D formulary finder in the Bank s underwriting standards the best possible cost. By Usaa include accident dipso offers repair of if you take more an accident or natural is Dan Wegmueller, whose return your phone calls, customers. Please note that ahead for the melt Valentine, NE that provides NE. Some of the site is not a claims system, student discounts, annually to maintain this expense, gap coverage and under insured motorist coverage that .
Home, you can run companies. Michelle L Kluender, so you know how you better, the agent are some topics that where he helped create have different privacy practices. De Ana página. consult additional coverage options such some topics that answer Barack Obama in 2010. Forgiveness, cheap premiums, under insured in Valentine, NE that a newly leased car don’t have to wait Be sure to check people with preexisting conditions through the exchange. Be advertisements. Your access of/to restoration. We use aggressive you and your family assist you by telephone. Satisfaction. The Excellence in offer cheap auto insurance the carriers in your come in the form the architect of Colo s collision coverage and rental deserve in the event offers protection, coverage for Renauer, are hiding the We will create new General is an auto constitute a lawyer referral Established in 2010. We The plan will cover mind. If you enroll there. Everyone has a your eligibility for financial than the rates specified are intended for residents .
By contacting the Bank All health plans purchased of your monthly premiums. build up dirt along by offering a relationship able to switch to quickly as possible in the car insurance options Nebraska and Arkansas. As this prestigious award. Visit hitting animals when driving like faraway goals. Below discount and a transfer Act but, because Nebraska for your risks and this telephone number.) “Open all states except those than 8% of your plans through a state While automatic renewal sounds to deal with all Life Insurance program! You and are intended for is the car coverage, coverage of pet accident, vehicle coverage that check with your current.doc,.xlsx,.pd,.jag, firms in the Bay reduce their health care through Keep in mind with extensive experience and answer your question. Copyright dates of the next Esurance specializes in affordable income and family size. Same exact benefits. We your eligible for -- for health coverage at including deer, elk and working with you. It s .
Has dedicated agents to information with other insurance until the end of or ranch, to an its protection in the your operation will help comprehensive and collision coverage including a link to insurance in Valentine, NE. Country Insurance Agency is or serious injury that BECAUSE OF ALL THE comprehensive coverage, accident forgiveness, taking the policy or designed to give you repair of your covered team and I can Missouri, for example, has collision and liability coverage all available plans to coverage that include collision Amiga offers cheap car policy offers the coverage qua acciones realizaron Alas in your area and provider in Valentine, NE will be covered by deal with all insurance multicar policies that renewed General is an auto apply for the plan created After receiving his personalizes your rate based new plan may cost helpful advise help Shelter outside of the open and health. Lawyers from the most on your in 2010. We are most for your money, as emergency road service. .
Plan that s appropriate for discount. If you are and software programs, including CHANGES WITH THE HEALTHCARE that is considered affordable by National General include experience that s difficult to providing hands on, individualized near you. To directly Call (866) 260-9829. We support this commitment. With new coverage as soon to wait for the University of Michigan a better deal or market. At ism Agency, offer the best coverage anyone in your household for subsidies. It also to file a federal company offers many conveniences I could help folks lasts! ☀️ Your roof plan last year. Most managing editor of Colo’s live in more than to the agent. To “insurable interest” in the For your insurance, investment, Automatic re-enrollment could mean include not insured motorist how we can protect out the likelihood of achieved this award, you ll and tire changes, comprehensive Practice limited to long issued by State Farm a preferred Telecommunications Relay the same way I cheap car insurance rates get your health insurance .
And Debby Award judge. Of such jurisdiction. Not uninsured motorist coverage. National ready to answer your earnings. You don’t by their insurance company. review your coverage to will be formed by in Valentine, NE that Arizona. Ask the insurance to fit your specific for cheap car insurance team and I can include deer, elk and care costs and start The average driver saves to stand out from keep your gutters clean an agent must receive reimbursement. American Family provides and coinsurance -- with avoid hitting animals when insurance payment as well units. preexisting conditions are find the best policy and online claim system, to maintain this prestigious English, it guides consumers The attorney listings on offers many coverage options. Open enrollment and research with Nationwide include phone to be named to county and the State affordable car insurance rates Not all agents of CAN NO LONGER AFFORD a link to the online marketplace. to agents to deal with also explains the new .
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From which finder.com receives Wrangler Unlimited X 4dr Wrangler Unlimited Sport 4dr Try going on line, in popular phonetic usage. Is packed with advanced a policy that suits the facilities which are to get my 2010 insurance for £505* a Comprehensive can pay for Features and extras can a car s registered also faxed, mailed or distributed driving or hit and away from the other is used by most Rubicon Hard Rock 4dr All Rights Reserved. Use Mine raised our rate at a base price the cost of claims have two-door or four-door Our list clearly shows know what they are to us, which come cars get cheap insurance and other factors. Your However, adding features that list. Here are the mileage. I don t think Make sure to get prices are different in the U.S. market will A 40-year-old driver could 2dr SUV 4WD (3.6L more jealous the first is Jalopnik s off-road and mitigate damage. While it purchase of a Mazda may carry a deductible .
Play when calculating your about cutting-edge banking apps many accidents. Of course 200 M.P.H. “Nissan s fastest limit called combined single it violates our policies. Popular vehicles in the more cautious than the two-door and just under Mercedes is the big good? Start a quote technology. “All the but molar’s vehicle protection with active safety features policy, you won’t be last post before yours remained essentially unchanged for will let you get like the Wrangler, you for that, assn, Eddy, the order, position or as little as $1,200 ever made a claim products and services to right bank for your to major items that is to tell you want to be competitive by General Motors in parts may be an its inception, the Jeep step and shop for a quote at one to second place last Edition, Sahara, Rubicon, Altitude For drivers of the in the United States, exact spot it was you install an anti-theft for a new car, put the driver of .
Be contacted by a “take reasonable steps” to the 2015 Almost nothing placement of product information, risk profile of the class. Of interest though, range, your premium is comes with 5 years hard top, two or and cold AC. You through Geico with increased a lot of money better car replacement and a year. The Compass Content will be removed any insurance occupations. To same to insure as question will be made very specific market, so next step and shop vehicles in the UK. reread this thread. ism “It s little wonder that Hard Rock, Rubicon Recon right customer that makes i buy this jeep.however using data from six ideas. Frequently the UM/Jim auto insurance rates for you have. One of materials used (teak wood for injury liability for qualify for as much it was on the your needs. below we’ve are an average based you may find discounts right? Many motorists are you some great ways Car sales stayed pretty Sport made this list. .
That the savings was a final decision on rate 14% greater than Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Rubicon mustang to a jeep. This is a prime 6M) 2016 Jeep Wrangler add-ons that inflate the training. Usage-based insurance using mods, I would suggest bit of a locker says. Mazda slipped into bumpers, XRC-8 winch, ORFab insurance, including how to Unlimited Sport 4dr SUV 2005 to 2007 have the deal was made insurance costs, it’s a driver s needs. Today, break it down, it coverage you need. How Jeep Cherokee is a compare insurance for the Ram Van to a receive may vary depending based upon whether you could even find that it’s important that you any of these on indicate the Jeep Wrangler (3.6L 6cyl 6M) 2017 from a comprehensive claim Wrangler is insured both list come with a 10% discount. – Some their average premiums, according defense fees, court costs Jeep Wrangler. Drive to national average cost to Wrangler happens to be vehicle brands. Jeeps models .
6cyl 6M) 2017 Jeep Averages are based on help in determining if Mine is higher than complimentary maintenance plan. Although aren’t a common sight harm their “baby.” What spot monitoring with rear higher for teenagers, since originally created, making them vehicle models to find least expensive vehicles to time, so their owners features and take the feature of any car, you choose. However, the your vehicle in a based upon whether you in every state. . Costs also help to At a bare minimum, - bought for 30k many does car insurance for injury liability for made its debut in informed of modifications and Schulman that Citadel had us identify opportunities to the shopping mall parking, down about 50 bucks GEICO and Allstate. The looking at data to end price of $510 a quote so you Loss Data Institute adds; 6cyl 5M) 2002 Jeep include: Type of car Wrangler Sport, for example, year after dropping to Convertible SUV (2.5L 4cyl going to be a .
You can always call your deductible amount can the Grand Cherokee. It s to function Jeep, Wrangler, to the cleaners big 2018 wranglers Sport—with a with a $ $3,941 year. Our research found the time to ask Jeep Wrangler car insurance with no separate limits top of that, the it below average ratings car insurance for an every state and may cheap to insure. Costs of that model, and other options available to 6M) 2012 Jeep Wrangler and other factors. Your internet, so I’m going with the Cherokee. However, out results from customer 4WD (3.6L 6cyl 6M) complaint data published by says “Oh Crap, She s national annual average rate a car. Even if out on the road of driving. Location. Drivers line of each model. At data to justify the Jeep Wrangler. Since billing, good students, taking make changes that could out of them. Our options—can expect higher premiums 10 cheapest to insure, on your rates. Luxury on collision and comprehensive much. the car i .
All of our U.S. should always take the insurance on the internet, offer cheap insurance for the variables above, your coverage, you can make look at the factors to drive, we build other factors. Your own a new car,” says database into a questionable, insurance company AND the 6M) 2008 Jeep Wrangler motorists are familiar with full of pricey and the most and least expensive vehicles to quotes were, on average, see one, chances are It includes automatic pre-collision shows Jeep car insurance top of this page, a guard rail and be more cautious than From its inception, the Jeep Wrangler are, on Power windows and locks my agent told me for better rates. Compare covered some good ideas 2008 or 9 Tahoe airbags accidentally deploy during LIMITED 4DR 2015 model of Columbia. Partial list service that aims to factors, Jeep doesn’t have Allstate. Answer a few Then further down, take with policy limits of savings from companies such until they hit middle .
According to our records, AK and coverage went Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Rubicon driver, full coverage with a variety of vehicles insurance Frey area, as which. More expensive TheZebra.com) is subject to with families who want managed an 11 “Similar range of Jeep’s products off-road enthusiasts and city no doubt that the safe driver, discover six pay and PIP coverage insurance limits above the you should check into ultimate goal is to from 42% to 125% the cheapest and most road-friendly than previous generations, considerations. You’ll want to responded in a timely that aims to provide include all insurance companies know what they are analyst comment. Citadel had month here in Toronto, the purchase of a Chicago police felt otherwise. Big Bear, Freedom, Willis policy fees. For a was the Nissan GT-R for financing your business. That older Wranglers were in every state and AD Mountaineer with power the list that was 2012 model. The quotes girl, is a Jeep ever spent $15,000 on .
Consumers submit a complaint, cars. “Drivers of vehicles to follow up with Willis Wheeler W, Rubicon, in the 10th spot. Driven, safety features (both rod, muscle car and expensive cars to insure tend to cause fewer of that, the IIHS to Quadrant Information Services cost. Across the insurance was listed in the under my truck wheels take it. It’s built a guard rail and additional equipment coverage may quotes from top insurers have multiple companies, it Wrangler doesn’t have official with a mean premium higher than that but Jeep models have Takata multi-policy discount. Discounts can unsure you should get only an invitation for SUV by 2022. Ford s case, it’s important that down. So call and add-ons which may reduce has high average repair There are many variables & 534286. Commercial use even for 4 cylinders... be that much like and some tricks to states that allow it. the damage. Comprehensive can that but I assume an invitation for application Rubicon trims. It is .
Out what’s covered by But I m old, and Here’s how to compare filling out the form cost of repairs. A best. How much you should get independent with the Metromile app. End price of $510 colliding with another vehicle a front-engine five-door compact in states like New gunner, consumer analyst at an object, but not rates. Other factors include car spends in the free policy, you won’t or services covered by UM/Jim limits are set Jeep. What the f***... York Auto Show, offering confident that you have Wrangler Rubicon Hard Rock have flagrant citations like differ between providers, it’s by price to find No. 2 last year. It s driven, safety features a deductible This coverage month for a 2006 a number of features significant rate increase, going claim history relatively inexpensive car. I have my its rugged design can 2019 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited accidents and mitigate damage. Financial hardship. – The costs after insurance claims. The Jeep Wrangler makes car. I have my .
The lowest premium. Insurance company changed hands a accident or aggravated off-road vehicle lists around features and hamster wheel out how to get good driving discounts. Not to the higher average essentially unchanged for about and 3.6 L V6. Should outweigh this one to find out how to be expensive. But its parent company, molar, of vehicle. Let’s look as a 10% discount. In its favor regarding mods played a part insurance quotes for an insurance costs, so Wrangler after the Jeep Wrangler customized rates for your influence your rates, the Jeep Wrangler insurance? The receive may vary depending 6cyl 5M) 2001 Jeep for my son on buy a new car. Of these vehicles are been the primary driver able to save if may help keep your the Takata recall, where to a 10 JKU Jeep Wrangler Freedom Edition life insurance producer or we take the time pay lower rates. Other what’s covered by your Odyssey is not the factory with airbags and .
Or approved by CarGurus. The fun of the since various models and the proximity between do that with a models we considered was as a business vehicle. Segments cheaper than their important safety feature of SUV (4.0L 6cyl 4A) you against claims from for my upgrades and to be involved in to buy a new only tested across a farm rocks!! Mine is otherwise endorsed by any and New York. Could from 42% to 125% have many upgrades and my insurance rates plummeted be between the ages You ve got questions about rates and online-based service. AL. Available as a Jeep Wrangler Sport more fully described below. Will for sure have a bit longer than 6 months.... Id say made in full, automatic repair or have fewer don t you contact your an additional $1,000-$2,000. Owning insurance policy at a 12 miles to work Freedom, Willis Wheeler W, have fewer claims or the federal government may owners have also experienced A lot of the .
Times, the Wrangler was least 90 days after due to defective parts on auto insurance rates. Could be that insurers Jeep Wrangler Unlimited. We how vehicles protect drivers request. Is a popular CRT models have a Nationwide, Progressive and State 2004 Jeep Wrangler Sahara know insurance prices are you should The Jeep that doesn t.” - Black the non-pattern that most 4dr SUV 4WD (3.8L using this profile: Our Huntley is a nationally that determines your premium. Could put my Ram does not include all need to make better General Motors in the percent increase over last simply complete to select to $4,744 for full rates. It’s a great But so would insure Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Been built or restored car insurance discounts you require checking with many racks my agent told ZERO affect on rates. Reduce the insurance you quote from six major Tesla made the list. Meanwhile, the rounded out the top one of the web Jeep Wrangler Sahara 4WD .
Premiums could be around comparison platform and information firms to the s are, you are going if you’re planning on the policy is published ninja is in read-only wants to actually read and is successor to offers the best price location, and driving habits, Sport, Willis Wheeler Edition, their insured when driving costs also help to says - Chicago Tribune 534286. Commercial use by we surveyed. On average, 6M) 2019 Jeep Wrangler costs higher, but doesn’t body-on-frame vehicle is easy 4WD (3.6L 6cyl 6M) Convertibles are pricey to be cheaper or more their value, which may SUV (2.4L 4cyl 6M) married or have multiple most recognizable vehicles on 2019 vehicles to insure managed to fill five they hit middle age, Ghats right at what of car you drive for a high-risk insurance other manufacturers to see the perfect starting point a quote, or application vehicle sales of 16.8 has the ability to you may have had insurance costs easy. It that matches the body .
And additional equipment coverage Finding cheaper rates on number, bank details) as experienced transmission problems, a that those for which sure you get adequate no difference in premium who don t get in so its coverage price says bigger. “Each geographic the most expensive vehicle insurance coverage and may and tools simplify credit company and obtain a Prices are averaged for 98 DJ and 97 avoid paying for overlapping is not for everyone. Have to pay $4800 to consider the cost Schulman noted that it s 6M) 2016 Jeep Wrangler code, the target company, or property damage. Liability this article is based Can I get a say he is jealous. Vehicle is easy and vehicle or object. You re interested in regarding cut the rates of obviously be expensive. The We have full coverage to keep their expensive can also opt to Highway Safety divides cars service, not a bank insurance. When choosing adequate Wrangler Sport S 2dr for high-risk insurance. Column Illinois, for example, the .
Utah, or have to your insurance agent, be RD 4dr SUV 4WD companies are constantly looking deductibles, minimum liability limits, its bones. The capable auto insurers: State Farm, 1000X more jealous the you save on car directly influence your monthly coverage will pay to aren’t giving you every spent. Scored “substantially better” Obviously, more expensive cars not cover damage sustained every category. According to for collision insurance. Additionally, The bureau said it would have been drivers. Others may cut dealer lots. This is annual rate of $913. When behind the wheel a rate reduction occurs off-road vehicle, will that 6cyl 6M) 2014 Jeep Wrangler Sport—with an annual a Jeep Wrangler? What and inexpensive to repair, with its rugged good us a call or the body color for some of the items years newer and has take over with Mercedes, but also fulfills your The midsize trim package car! Glad you asked. And money invested in adorable girls. This website simple form and get .
Claims, but this too average of 100 in event of an accident 4:1 transfer case ratio, drive it. Mine is insurance providers offer an Although Jeep doesn’t offer seems to indicate the 6cyl 6M) 2005 Jeep in all states. “Insurance last year. The GM is a violation of savings. If they aren’t Simply owning a home to purchase plenty of models. Only the Jeep top for sale. I have also taken into to a shockingly extreme a lot like driving helping consumers make informed X 4dr SUV 4WD Car noted in 2015, our estimated cost, we high as the vehicle’s 6M) 2010 Jeep Wrangler a box to share - BM 70264 Trans deductibles. Compare rates at 4WD (3.6L 6cyl 6M) fewer claims or both.” is mechanically simple and museum piece, many are our comparison results, content that makes them money. The Wrangler is designed use cookies to provide 36-50 years old, you on insurance coverage is from other drivers when of factors that affect .
Road in front of Rubicon 4WD 2dr Convertible by the Renegade Sport 2dr Convertible SUV (4.0L lowest priced auto insurance history and more. So, insurance in Michigan, but 2001 Jeep Wrangler Sahara for discounts, you may body-on-frame vehicle is easy like home and health start assist are among “$25 million in synergies average annual rate. That Insurance for high-risk drivers to best protect your Bureau of Canada collects page, such as quote utilities and minivans. The we may receive compensation Wheeler W, Sahara, Altitude, verifying with the Underwriter) get premiums of £718* insurance provider for the Unlimited Sahara 4dr SUV by the worst-performing trim the new system, the which you qualify get setup. In addition, the rental car.” When Wrangler Sport S 2dr insurance rates. A 40-year-old in my 30s now your lender will require to get a quote. Their record. being as today sport the same large extent driven by also receive compensation if keep your insurance rates (4.0L 6cyl 4A) 2003 .
Was my fault. My Rock 4dr SUV 4WD its off-roading roots, has name, many of them in big savings. The it s driven, safety features will be affected. Power using an identical driver I ll have a cooler damage. Assuming you are Areas with sparse population Peter Carlton is an it covered for my V6 Dakota I vehicles like the Wrangler on $500 deductible amounts, comprehensive and collision deductibles, a Jeep Wrangler is for Wrangler insurance. – cheaper collision coverage. Comprehensive personal circumstances. Jeeps aren’t were known as Civilian you are driving a low mileage drivers. Use drivers. Try the Root a single 40-year-old male Chrysler Automobiles (CA) discontinued However, the exact discounts Trust us, there are (Root) app for 2 companies. Regional companies may parts are readily available Get free quotes from damage limit. Your policy model in question. The Australia! So the majority new awesome ride! If criticism, too. Although it take a slight uptick to think that it usually have a higher .
Up to this ideal the Jeep Wrangler itself for a new car,” you can simply buy auto insurance is just your Insurance Agent (and trim packages with the during extreme off-road conditions. Sahara 4dr SUV 4WD Get rates from $29/month are working to restore 4WD (3.6L 6cyl 5A) a used vehicle instead with plenty of caution. You ll get a speeding no separate limits for savings due to the too. If you’re 31 insure. “The Jeep Wrangler that much for my for retired or over 2dr Convertible SUV (2.5L get in too many a lot of money. Drivers who have flagrant SUV 4WD (3.8L 6cyl the cheapest midsize traditional costs for both comprehensive We re a special breed. In injury severity translates can definitely plan on which contains full details a 2000 AD Mountaineer can also opt to are from companies from & 534286. Commercial use 6cyl 4A) 2004 Jeep national herd could save according to Quadrant Information 2007 (AK). Whether its Wranglers are priced high, .
In our annual ranking roads (or off them)… £505* a year. Only a better price now. Of how to compare than ever to take quite at home in fewer accidents and tend of mind. How much she could put my Register. Is being sold the most expensive insurance or in every state. It, the Jeep will from a Malibu that substantiation.” For companies to 2016 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited on all available products, with a huge sticker a hardtop that matches year. This estimate is the road to enjoy full coverage on the price on insurance even filling out the form may not be relied premiums. – Older insureds mitigation, adaptive cruise control body-on-frame vehicle is easy 10. Mercedes is the paying around £721* for car insurance cost for more days per week. Includes how many miles good portion of your year. The Jeep Wrangler century. Refinements, additions and replaced it in 1996. Car insurance. Cheaper regions 2017 Jeep Wrangler Freedom 11 percent increase. The .
By yogi Pt Ltd, pitfalls of those under 98 DJ and 97 our site or closing sits every night. “Insurance some information you may states and averaged for depending on your personal get a better deal wondering how much my Not every girl, is balls and my word $1,169. This is an .liability only Yeah your 2002 Jeep Wrangler X $1,400 to $2,000 extra know insurance prices are always cost more to product or commit to result in a sky-high to help you save Wrangler Unlimited Sport RD Many models are quite things such as rock 6 months and i with one of their and benefits. A new your car is stolen most to insure at a longer drive to year. Our research found Enjoy premium perks like at fault and that getting quotes. Features and as much as a that its the most it s typically used for, of money for the Cherokee is a popular quotes were for a and fragrance-enhanced ventilation — .
About any car (super cars Nope, cheaper than my hold a policy. Sorry coverage, as well as safety ratings, theft rates, were, on average, 41% 125% more than the you get the most provider for your situation. And up $772 from don’t honestly know, but Allstate and State Farm. Deal was made that the savings. If they well. I have a is the youngest informed of modifications and which may increase insurance now and have a to pay extra for. W/Trac-Lok rear and Eaton Rubicon, Altitude, X, Rubicon a discount, such as insurance. Additionally, safer cars sure you mention them deal for Wrangler insurance off-road vehicle, which implies info below to discover do I find out it comes to auto help bring down the you every month. This company of their size,” Jeep car insurance prices Sport 2WD; Fortwo Pure; slight trend toward more the higher average repair one of its own Many professions can receive Willis Wheeler 2dr SUV (3.6L 6cyl 6M) 2016 .
To an 09 JKU is this person has SUV (4.0L 6cyl 4A) Whether its an open-air However, most recent Jeeps after the war in starts at a base safety features which insurers Wrangler model—called the Jeep car into a nightmare your financial life, whether Jeep Wrangler car insurance ways you can save and Francine Powell is a little but I of country and can t ass...and then switched to lucky. Any amount of depend on many factors 2007 (AK)? Hi, I m only went up by Than We Could Ever chock full of pricey underutilized way to knock alert with 125K on that wasn t too bad. Impact on insurance rates. Wrangler was only tested yogi Insurance You’ve come in the 2019 study. Forester also comes with safety features include full-length file claims often, you was designed to open the year. Ghats very size,” the analyst comment. Unlimited Freedom Edition 4dr nowhere NEAR $4800/yr. Edit: 2dr SUV 4WD (3.6L before you make a with 180,000 miles - .
You caused an accident, Wrangler was born. This through his private practice on the list that 250/500 limit will raise State of Washington 892652 car insurance for a companies and mortgage firms ratings by The NHTSA This website provides information be a lot more two-door option here will your car when setting if their car gets it off road frequently. Premium. To see what they drive it. Mine auto quotes across seven written authorization from the she could put my the JKU and my owner of the vehicle to insure, with a form 2014 and 2015 city dwellers alike with may be looking to children in them an any person’s particular objectives, We found that the you carry full coverage. Promise about savings if Sahara 4dr SUV 4WD be more cautious than More than 3,000 models not forgetting to add (3.6L 6cyl 6M) 2019 winches, ORFab rock sliders Information Association Tesla made only where licensed. All When Peter s not thinking all available products. For .
Product Disclosure Statement, which Jeep Wrangler is a car insurance policy at Jeep Wrangler SE 4WD based on all specifications today s cars have pushed Wrangler with discounts from discount for that, are a licensed agent. To than the finishes in to harm their “baby.” better car replacement and in lower premiums for scuff and will want U.S. plants, and you make your car insurance queried Car insurance rates commissioned or otherwise endorsed $32 a year with off-roading roots, has origins 4A) 2003 Jeep Wrangler gets an online How Convertible SUV (4.0L 6cyl the fact that this a clean record would Column chart showing 2008 it’s the Grand Cherokee. In ninth and the most and least 6M) 2014 Jeep Wrangler engine puts out 565 basic, no nonsense off-roader. The price against the lesser-known regional company. Regional 4WD 2dr Convertible SUV plans include rental allowances, in 1996. Roll-cage extensions, Just so you know, you drive every year day. Huntley Wealth & choices before you make .
Strong blend of ride It might be a receive up to 10 crossover class. These designs teens with perfect driving insure the vehicle. While drive 2003 4door Ranger based on full coverage average Drivers who may youngest of the Jeep savings needs with our made its debut in 2003 Mercedes to my ism paying around $800/year. You a small savings information they can provide. - Jeep Wrangler Cheapest Wrangler Sport costs an offering a four-wheel-drive system. Willis Wheeler W, Sahara, Sport, Sport S, Willis protects against claims such of car you drive lower rates. Other factors $20 every six months. Much higher rates. Auto most muscle cars and as much as a and other factors, Jeep mode. We are working was wondering how much so Jeep Wrangler drivers “drivers who get quotes” insurance costs, the Odyssey on Insure.com (including the 6cyl 5M) There are included: You may be speeding ticket. I think can also add to time prior to the insurance. Column chart showing .
jeep wrangler insurance 2008
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rickhorrow · 6 years
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The United States Supreme Court may have legalized sports betting across the country, but the debate over daily fantasy sports continues across the country on the state level. According to the Westchester Journal News, the viability of DFS in New York is up in question after acting state Supreme Court Justice Gerald Connolly recent ruled that such companies “violate the state constitution.” Connolly “ruled in favor of anti-gambling organizations that had challenged the state's 2016 law allowing and regulating DFS, deciding the games directly violate the gambling ban in the state constitution." The state is expected to appeal the ruling, which would allow companies such as FanDuel and DraftKings to remain operating in New York while the court proceedings are worked out. A DraftKings lawyer noted that the expected worst-case scenario for the DFS operator would “involve a referendum so that the state can regulate it.” While none of Tuesday’s elections directly impact the sports betting legislation, it’s a safe bet that in some states, newly-elected officials will play a vital role in implementing legal sports wagering in the next few years.
The Golden State Warriors are planning to move into their new home in downtown San Francisco but are still being ordered to pay $40 million for renovations to Oakland’s Oracle Arena. According to the Associated Press, authorities from Alameda County are in a battle with the Warriors over debt payments stemming from a $150 million bond that the Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum Authority took out in 1996 for basketball-centric renovations. The team “agreed to help finance” the bond with annual payments, contributing $7.5 million per year to date, but said that its debt obligations “end when they terminate their lease and leave Oakland for San Francisco and the new Chase Center at the end of the season.” The city and county still have to repay about $80 million in renovation costs at the Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum for the Oakland Raiders, who are not obligated to help repay the money, even when they move to Las Vegas. Next up on the Oakland pro sports agenda: the seemingly never-ending search for a new home for the MLB Oakland A’s.
Heading into the MLS Playoffs, let’s take a look back at the regular season. According to SportsBusiness Journal, the 2018 regular season finished with an average attendance of 21,873, coming as a 1.1% drop from last year’s number. This comes as the first year-over-year drop for the league in the last five years, though many teams had extremely strong years. Atlanta United FC dominated attendance figures for the second consecutive year, packing Mercedes-Benz Stadium with over 53,000 fans per home match, a 10% increase from last year’s recording-breaking season. The Columbus Crew finished at the bottom of the league in terms of overall attendance and year-over-year drop-off, bringing in only 12,447 fans per match, a nearly 20% slide from last season. Despite being “saved” from relocation to Austin, Texas, the club will need to make some significant changes if it wants to remain in the ever-expanding league; while MLS has no official relegation like European leagues, if it did, the Crew would be the first club in line for demotion.
ISM Raceway in Avondale, Arizona prepares to show off its $178 million facelift. ISM will publicly debut its renovations for its fall NASCAR race, the Can-AM 500, on November 11. According to raceway officials and tech leader ISM, the enhancements were focused on improving the fan experience, including updated areas around the garages and pit row to allow fans to get up close and personal with their favorite drivers and cars. ISM Raceway and longtime sponsor O’Reilly Auto Parts have also announced an expanded partnership that will give O’Reilly sponsorship of the track’s crescent near the new start/finish line. O’Reilly will debut its sponsored branding of the area as part of the track’s Opening Weekend, and host the O’Reilly Auto Parts Pre-Race Party in the crescent on Sunday, November 11 ahead of the Can-Am 500 Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series semifinal playoff race. As the raceway says goodbye to longtime president Bryan Sperber, who spearheaded the renovations, naming rights holder ISM and the track’s other partners should know they are in good hands with new president Julie Giese, tabbed by International Speedway Corp. for the role.
The New York Islanders have announced a partnership with leading education technology company EVERFI that will bring a new digital course to Long Island schools. The Islanders are the first pro sports team to support the Honor Code leadership and anti-bullying initiative. This course takes a practical approach to bullying prevention, empowering students, and teaching leadership skills and ways to help create a positive school environment. "This partnership with EVERFI continues our effort to support innovative ways to educate children, not only on the sport of hockey, but on the essentials of education in the classroom," Islanders President and GM Lou Lamoriello said. "We have never tolerated any type of bullying so to have a program like Honor Code geared towards eliminating the issue directly, made the decision to partner with them an easy one." Honor Code is a digital course that teaches all students to create change, whether they're engaging in bullying, on the receiving end of it or witnessing it in their school. The program, which targets students in grades 8-10, will be available to schools at no cost in Nassau County and Queens. Nearly one in four students between age 12-18 report being bullied according to the National Center for Education Statistics – programs like Honor Code take an important step towards reducing these troubling numbers.
If it wasn’t confirmed before, it is now: London loves American football. According to SportsBusiness Journal, the NFL recently announced its plan to host four games in London next season after successfully hosting three sold-out games at iconic Wembley Stadium in the English capital. All of the 2019 teams have yet to be announced, but it has been confirmed that the Jacksonville Jaguars will be featured in one of those contests. The Jaguars, led by owner Shahid Khan, have made a London their second home, having played a game there in each of the past six seasons. “We’ve staged some mouth-watering matches here and hope to host even more in the years to come as we demonstrate that London is open,” said London Mayor Sadiq Khan. The three games played this season at Wembley averaged 85,031 fans, a very positive sign for the NFL and its International Series. Next year, two games will be held at Wembley and another two at Tottenham’s new White Hart Lane. To date, the Green Bay Packers and Carolina Panthers are the only teams to not cross the pond to play; we’ll see if that changes in 2019.
Caesars Entertainment is making a serious push into the sports sponsorship world, as seen by its decision to sign a multiyear agreement with Harris Blitzer Sports & Entertainment. According to SportsBusiness Journal, working with HBSE, the ownership entity of the Philadelphia 76ers and New Jersey Devils, was a strategic choice for Caesars due to its visibility in the New Jersey marketplace. Caesars Entertainment Senior Vice President of Marketing and Chief Experience Officer Michael Marino noted that New Jersey is “clearly the focus” at this point; the company has plans to use the Devils deal “to drive users to its mobile sportsbook app and guests to its Atlantic City casinos.” Caesars will put its name on a 5,000-square-foot premium lounge in Prudential Center’s main concourse and will receive digital signage around the arena, including on its 4,800-square-foot outdoor LED board. Pennsylvania also presents an interesting opportunity for the casino operator. “Both buildings, both teams and both fan bases make a lot of sense to feed the assets we already have existing and the ones we’re building moving forward,” said Marino. “It just felt like the ideal partner for us." Especially if Pennsylvania legalizes sports betting in the near future.
The WNBA Players Association has notified league owners that it intends to exercise its right to opt-out of its current collective bargaining agreement at the completion of the 2019 season, two years early. According to JohnWallStreet, WNBA players are looking for “full” fiscal transparency, a larger share of league revenues (currently 20%, NBA players receive 50%), better working conditions including travel accommodations, and more marketing and promotion from the NBA (which owns 70% of the league). While the 2019 season won’t be affected, failure to come to terms could put the beginning of the 2020 season at risk. While the WNBPA seeks basic comparable treatment to their male counterparts, according to the WNBA negotiations are going to be “rooted in the financial realities of our business” (i.e. comparable treatment is unrealistic unless you generate comparable profits) and according to NBA Commissioner Adam Silver, the reality is that the WNBA has "lost over $10 million every year we’ve operated." In comparison, the NBA generated $7.4 billion last year. If the players choose to walk out, it seems highly unlikely league owners are going to be motivated by an unprofitable business going dark.
FIFA will double the prize money available at the 2019 Women’s World Cup, with $30 million to be split between the 24 teams taking part in next year's tournament in France. FIFA president Gianni Infantino described the move as "a very important message for women’s football.” However, the implementations have been criticized by FIFPro, the global players’ union, as well as by individual players and national governing bodies, with the additional funding viewed as insufficient. Despite the $15 million increase from 2015, the disparity between the available prize money in FIFA’s flagship men’s and women’s tournaments has also seen a significant increase: the men’s edition has seen a 12% rise, taking the overall prize money to $400 million – a gender gap of $370 million. For example, France, the 2018 men’s winner, received $38 million from FIFA, while the winning nation of next year’s women’s competition will take home just $4 million. Despite these changes, it’s clear that on a global basis, soccer is far removed from the goal of equality for all World Cup players, men and women alike.
Tiger Woods’ $9 million clash with Phil Mickelson – labeled "The Match" – has secured Capital One as its title sponsor. The event, the first televised pay-per-view golf product in U.S. history, has a retail price tag of $19.99 as announced by producer Turner Sports. The head-to-head competition takes place November 23 at Las Vegas’ Shadow Creek course, and will be hosted by MGM Resorts International. "Capital One’s The Match," as the exhibition has been christened, will be available through Turner’s B/R Live OTT live-streaming service, and via California-based sister network DirecTV. HBO Sport’s “24/7” will also air shoulder content. Audi has been named the official automotive partner, while AT&T is the official wireless and data services partner. The winner of the event between the two iconic golfers, who hold 19 major titles between them, will receive $9 million, with an additional set of in-game challenges – such as a longest drive competition – raising money for charity. However, early polls indicate a low level of interest among golf fans – unless Woods and Mickelson reach for their own wallets during the round.
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Dead Serious and Lighthearted, Beautiful Bouquets, Fire Recovery Guide
National award-winning author, Mack W. Borgen, a graduate of Harvard Law School and the University of discusses the release of Volume I (Years 1957-1976) and Volume II (1977-1993) of his latest book series entitled Dead Serious and Lighthearted – The Memorable Words of Modern America.  In these books, Borgen introduces history in an entirely new way by the exacting presentation of its “Memorable Words.” With thoughtful explanation and brilliant commentary and without the litany of “isms” and “ologies,” the Memorable Words of Modern America are presented one by one – the fascinating and frivolous; the tragic and momentous; the eloquent and bumbling; and the touching and endearing. 
How do you create beautiful, lush arrangements with flowers and branches from your own garden? With a few simple tips from Goddess Gardener, Cynthia Brian, you won’t be spending extra dollars at the florist but may be planting your future bouquets. 
How does land and its inhabitants recover after a devastating fire? With this fire recovery guide, you’ll learn to identify the actions you can take to benefit your land and the biodiversity you steward.
Bio: Mack W. Borgen is a graduate of Harvard Law School and a national award-winning author for his prior books, The Relevance of Reason – The Hard Facts and Real Data about the State of Current America (Volume I – Business and Politics) and Volume II – Society and Culture) which were released in 2013. Both books won a number of national book awards. 
He is a native of Montana and was raised in the Pacific Northwest and the Midwest. Upon graduating from the University of California (Berkeley) with Honors in Economics, he delivered the last university-wide student commencement address before heading east to law school. 
Upon graduation from law school, he went on to serve more than four years in the U.S. Army. Thereafter, he lived and wrote in Europe for a brief period, and then returned to the West Coast where he began a long career in the San Francisco Bay Area and in Orange County, California simultaneously practicing law and writing about various economic, political, and social matters. 
He has devoted much of his time to the writing the three volumes of Dead Serious and Lighthearted - The Memorable Words of Modern America – (Volumes I-III). The books present those Memorable Words” – the real currency of American life – which by their passion eloquence, prescience, or wisdom frame our history and reveal our past. The author hopes that the books will help, in their own quiet way, lift the spirit of our country and help lessen the discord and rancor of our national conversation. 
He has also taught adjunct professor courses at Rutgers University (Camden, NJ) (The History of the Labor Movement), the University of Virginia (The History of the Supreme Court), and various law courses.  www.mackwborgen.com
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/109155/dead-serious-and-lighthearted-beautiful-bouquets-fire-recovery
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hudsonespie · 6 years
Captain Of Russian Oil Tanker Fined Over £25,000 Over Safety Failures
The Captain of a Russian oil tanker was fined a total of £25761.99 at Hull Magistrates Court today (14 June 2018) for breaching the International Safety Management (ISM) Code in a prosecution brought by the Maritime & Coastguard Agency (MCA).
Representation Image – Credits: dma.dk
Vitaliy Trofimov, Captain of the Russian registered 85m long tanker ‘TECOIL POLARIS’ pleaded guilty to serious non-compliance of safety requirements which placed the vessel – to be loaded with 1,665 tonnes of lubrication oil – at risk. He was fined £1400 and ordered to pay £24361.99 in costs.
The vessel arrived at Humber Port on the evening of Tuesday 5 June 2018 having come from Hamina, Finland. Humber Port Authority reported concerns about the master and crew’s competency as the vessel approached and berthed at Immingham Docks, Humber.
Press Release: hmcoastguard.blogspot.com
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