#( lochlan taggart )
semperardens · 6 years
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fullofvoices · 4 years
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@aninsomniacsocs​​ sent:  Nora, Cath, Ray, Jasper, Ro, KT.
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          Baby of the family. Apple of their mother’s eye. Missed out on their dad’s nastiness and really only got to see his sunshine or his absence. Loves their brother Lochlan to death and constantly wants to punch Murph or cry at him. Nora’s on the lazier side, smokes too much weed, has little ambition, but they’ve always felt that they weren’t destined for greatness anyway, so why try? Moved out to Seattle for a while because it was the absolute furthest away from their brothers they could think of at the time, but came back after their big breakup with Farah, muuuuuuch to their chagrin. Loch doesn’t allow Nora to be lazy, not on his watch, so they work. Still smokes too much weed though, but at least they’re doing it in between working hours now.
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          I babbled about Farah before, but I want to add that she loves the color orange ( just not on her ), birds, reptiles, and tea. Give her tea in a cute tin for a birthday or just a random “I was thinking of you” gift and she might cry.
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          Ray is a love of my life. One of my oldest muses and truly a joy to write, even when it’s tough to do. He’s so passionate about his work, helping his community, and making good on promises he made his mother when he was young. Michelle ( or Miki, she preferred ) was really the brightest light in Ray’s life and while she was taken too quickly, he treasures the time they had together so much. He has recently found been sought out by his older half-sister Kayla and they’re working on making up for lost time, which he truly finds to be a blessing.
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          Honestly, most of the time, Junior just wants to be left alone. Not in a misanthropic way, but more he feels like a nuisance because he isn’t great with keeping up conversations or relating to many folks. It’s truly a blessing that he and Ray have worked so well and are so close because Junior has such a difficult time letting people close. Part of that is the aforementioned things, but another part is a subconscious distrust of anyone new. He’s been badly hurt before, by people who should be family, and without thought, that truly affects his relationships. It takes a certain type of person to break through, and he’s lucky he’s had Ray, Ed, and Shaun to really get in there. Despite his seemingly grouchy demeanor and this wall he puts up, Junior really does want to help others and wants to take care of people. It’s why he helps out whenever and however he can.
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          Even with the nickname, Ro’s not much of a singer and would much rather dance, dance, dance. She’s loved dance since she started walking and had her mother and stepfather nurtured and fostered that love, she may have actually pursued it as a career. Instead, she now slings drinks and deals with drunkards with the Taggart brothers. She doesn’t mind really and it sure as hell beats living back in South Carolina with what’s left of her old life or working at that nasty club she hated working at prior to Murph giving her a better job. Ro’s sweet, sometimes a little too much, and honestly lets too many people walk all over her.
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          KT Mori suffers fools about as well as Frankie Sullivan stays sober. It’s why Frankie keeps her around the club. That and she’s damn good at her job and keeps the place running along with Brad. She had ambitions outside of being the floor manager of a club, but when you come to New York to help someone else follow their dreams, you’ll take whatever employment you can get and that you’re fine with doing. The Blue Lounge just happened to provide that for her and it was really Brad that convinced her to stay after the first time Frankie pissed her off. It’s been years now and that Sullivan kid owes her a lot and he knows it, and most of the time won’t mess with her anymore because he knows he’ll get verbally assassinated at best. Aside from all that, KT’s loyal, a bit of a mama hen type and when she cares, she cares deeply. She doesn’t want children, but she has a maternal instinct of sorts and it comes out with people like Bullet, people who she believes deserve better than the hand they’ve been dealt.
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lostsullivans · 5 years
Bullet Sullivan’s Pertinent People Cheat Sheet
It’s sort of dawned on me that this might be a good way to go as far as quickly explaining connections here and across my other blogs ( NOTE: these are just my muses/NPCs. Bullet has many connections to other people’s muses, who will not be included here. )
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Kelly Sullivan - Father ( generally imprisoned in New York with his brother John; bestower of her nickname. )
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Florence (Darcy) Sullivan - Mother ( generally incarcerated back in New Mexico; main perpetrator of how and why Bullet uses her looks to get what she wants. )
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Robert “Pops” Sullivan - Grandfather ( city councilman in NYC; connections with mob members while he touts that he’s ‘tough on crime’; adopted her in her later teens; didn’t approve of Kelly’s marriage to Florence, so he doesn’t approve of Bullet. Just used her for sympathy. )
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John Sullivan - Uncle ( Stuck with Kelly in prison. )
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Riva Darcy - Aunt ( Looks out for Bullet when she’s in town; personal hero; detests the Sullivan clan. Tried to adopt Bullet herself until Robert got in the way. )
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Francis “Frankie” Sullivan - Cousin ( son of John; kept Bullet alive during their teen years; he is much more like an asshole brother to Bullet than cousin and it shows. )
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Ruby Lee Solo - Daughter ( in specified verses )
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Penelope “Penny” Faith Solo - Daughter ( in specified verses )
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Donny Wilson - Grown ass married man with kids / Ranch hand ( had no business messing around with Bullet Sullivan at the age she was when they did. Ran out of town when people began to suspect things )
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Bradley “Brad” Lincoln - Friend / associate of Frankie’s ( Friend too, more than lover, but                                             they have a complex relationship. )
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Shaun Patrick Conlon - Son of a Sullivan associate ( Assumed deceased; Frankie set Bullet up with the idea of seducing and distracting Shaun. It didn’t work the way he hoped. )
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Edward “Eddie” James Armstrong - Best friend to Shaun ( For fun while she was in town. She liked how sweet he could be to her. )
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Charlemagne Claudius Christopher “Chris” MacKinnon - Trust fund brat / ‘friend’ of Jacob Stack ( verse dependent. business and fun. Bad things. )
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Lilah Beckwith - First ‘girlfriend’ ( actually Frankie’s girlfriend at the time. Oops. )
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Raymond “Ray” Walker - Friend ( tries to keep neutral, and keep her out of trouble )
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Kotone “KT” Mori  - Long-suffering employee at The Blue Lounge ( mama hen type. Looks after Bullet as best she can. )
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Murphy “Murph” Taggart - Bar owner/Perpetual fuck-up/Sullivan associate ( These two have a weird relationship, but it’s friendly overall )
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Lochlan “Loch” Taggart - Brother of perpetual fuck-up/reluctant Sullivan associate ( Treats Bullet like a human being, so of course she’s a little sweet on him. )
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Jacob Michael Stack - Employer / Man who enjoys her misery ( verse dependent )
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Louise Danielle “Lou” Wolfe - Completely unaware of reason to feud ( verse dependent; Bullet irrationally (and maybe sometimes rationally) despises Lou; Lou is generally apathetic in return. )
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Dominic “Dom” Brennan Conlon - Protective older brother / son of an idiot ( refused to be swayed by Bullet’s charms )
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fullofvoices · 4 years
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Commonly and affectionately referred to as Taggart’s Town Tav by the regular patrons ( much to Murph’s chagrin ), Murph’s bar TAGGART’S is located in the Astoria neighborhood in Queens, New York and very much has the feel of your typical Irish pub, sans the good food. Snacks and small meals are served, but the focus of the place is the variety of beers and whiskeys. He bought the place just after kicking drugs for the first time, going into the venture with his brother Lochlan. When Murph relapsed, Lochlan kept the business afloat, securing his investment, until the older Taggart got back on his feet. After that, and when the brothers had a bit of a falling out, Murph took over the place and all of its responsibilities by borrowing money from Frankie Sullivan, who then considered himself an investor. After Murph ODed for a second time and had yet another ‘come to Jesus’ moment, he decided to try to buy Frankie out and end that partnership. That debt, however, was rather high, so Murph compensated by selling drugs and some weapons to certain clientele, unbeknownst to anyone else, and did bodyguard work on the side for mostly unsavory people ( namely Jacob Stack ). The deals continue to this day, but are few and far between. The bar is his pride and joy, as much as Murphy Taggart can have one, and he does whatever is necessary to keep it up and running and in HIS FAMILY’S name. Lochlan has since returned and taken back his mantle as a partner and co-owner, but he isn’t as involved as he once was.
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semperardens · 6 years
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