#father of no year ( KELLY SULLIVAN )
sanityshorror · 8 months
What are the relationships between Cian and the other Hellcrew characters?
Oh oh oh! This is a great question to start with! I mainly just covered Cian's side of the relationships but I can elaborate more on things if specifically asked!
Killian Lynch
Complicated isn't a strong enough word and "eugh," is how I feel when I get into the nitty gritty of it. Cian is... extremely obsessive towards Killian. He idolizes Killian and holds him on a pedestal. Cian is obsessed with, to quote him, "living up to my father's legacy." Cian is obsessed with getting Killian's approval. Cian is obsessed with the idea of being incredibly close with Killian emotionally. He's obsessed with the idea of a version of his life where Killian was always there. Cian is obsessed with impressing Killian. Cian is obsessed with-- I think you get the idea.
Devlin Doherty (© @scarfaxia )
Devlin is Cian's boyfriend, and Cian's Ultimate Favorite Person™ (Cian has BPD & NPD). Cian is beyond attached to Devlin, and has accidentally broken Devlin's hand on multiple occasions because he held it too tightly. Cian is very faithful to Devlin, he loves him and has since they first met in their 20s. Cian is 100% a malewife lol. Ultimately, Devlin and Cian have a very healthy and happy relationship. They don't really fight ever, though they do lightheartedly bicker a lot lol. Scarfaxia says that Devlin will try to pretend to be annoyed by Cian being so attached but Devlin actually loves it and would be upset if Cian wasn't.
Julius Doherty
Cian is about as close as one is able to get to Julius. They always have had a friend type of relationship, even though Cian was only 13 when he first met a then 23 year old Julius. Because Julius is emotionally stunted in a teenage mindset in many ways, he wound up forming a (genuinely) platonic friendship of sort with Cian off the bat. They're still incredibly close.
Octavian Doherty
Cian and Octavian have gotten to know each other over the years due to Octavian being Devlin's older brother. Octavian is protective of Devlin ("hurt me bwatha an' I'll fawkin kill yaw!") but Cian actually is appreciative of that, because Cian is also protective towards Devlin. They get along.
Sullivan Sweeney
Sullivan hates Cian because Cian reminds him so much of Killian, and Sullivan hates Killian.
Duvessa Doyle
Mother of one of Cian's (many) children. They got up to the bowchickawowow when Cian was still human, 19 at the time. He only was in her life to be involved with their child when the child was growing up. Now he acts like she doesn't exist.
Seraphina Shaw (© @gracilissart )
Cian keeps his distance from her. He's plenty smart enough to know that she's got his issues figured out to a pretty damn good extent and knows she'll call him on bullshit. He doesn't want to risk the trigger.
Seamus Wrynn (© @gracilissart)
Similar to Killian, Cian likes a lot of Seamus' s...uh.. photography but doesn't see it as the magnificent art Seamus thinks it to be. Like Killian, Cian just sees it as jerk it material. He isn't particularly close to Seamus, especially given that because Killian doesn't like Seamus, then Cian also doesn't.
Kelly Duffy
Not all that close, but video gaming bros. Cian is the only person who Kelly has a chance on making go WASTED™ in GTA
Lucien Delaney (© @scarfaxia )
Oh god how do I even start I don't know where to begin. Uh. Nothing good. Very very very bad.
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emmedoesntdomath · 1 year
The faymus Jack Kelly
*sigh* well. unless we think of any more, this is our last one. it’s the end of an era, y’all.
so of course I made jack last.
francis “jack kelly” sullivan was born to a faceless father and mother, and immediately taken to an orphanage. there, he was given the state-ordained name of francis sullivan, completely ignoring his hispanic roots and background. he grew up knowing nothing about himself except for that he felt wrong and clearly, he wasn’t wanted. the system wasn’t great, and it was run by the church, not the state. by the time he was nine, he had given up on any and all gods.
he ran away first at seven, and was caught after two days by snyder, who he learned very quickly to hate. he runs away again, and again.
he’s always caught. part of him wonders if the sky hated him.
he meets charlie morris in the refuge (his personal hell) at twelve, and his world becomes a little brighter. he becomes jack, charlie crutchie (jack still hates that one), and they run away again, this time together, and a young italian boy with curls and a slight accent stumbles upon them hiding in an alley. they move to the top of the lodging house, and jack kelly starts hawking the headline.
he’s scarily good at it, and people notice quickly. the older kids start picking him out of crowds, start remembering his name and clapping him on the back when he earns some extra money. and when their leader, knuckles, ages out, they all look to him. never mind that he’s only fifteen, still a little green and more than a little dumb. but he’s never been good at saying no to people when under pressure, so he starts calling himself the king of manhattan.
the name doesn’t really stick, not as much as cowboy, but the friends he had made do, and soon enough, he’s got newsies beneath him who would follow him to the ends of the earth. two years pass, and everything’s fine. great, even. jack flirts, sells, draws, does everything in between.
and the voice in his mind hisses you will never be enough
when he meets the jacobs brothers, he’s tired, annoyed, and more than a tad hungover. but david jacobs- he’s alive, more alive than jack has ever been. he’s smart, funny, easy on the eyes. he’s everything jack wants to be, everything that should make jack worry about his being of the king of manhattan ending soon. but for once, he’s not worried.
instead, he can’t stop staring at david jacobs’ eyes or mouth, and oh, that’s a problem.
then the strike happens, and david becomes davey, and jack should really be worried about this whole thing, but davey davey davey. he can’t stop drawing him, or seeing him in his dreams. he takes the money, tries running (again)(why does he always run?), but comes back to davey, and oh, yes, this is a very stubborn problem.
they kiss and fall in bed one night after jack’s drunk enough whiskey to make him start whispering things in davey’s ear. everything changes, but nothing changes. for years. and jack? well, jack can be stubborn, too, and he can pretend he’s not DROWNING in self-loathing.
race finally cracks, and yells at him for three hours straight, and then they kiss again, but it’s better this time, real this time, and jack decides he’s going to spend the rest of his life drawing david jacobs. they grow old, as old as a newsie gets, and they grow up.
get jobs, find their way around, away, and back to each other. have a couple kids. lose a couple friends. but in the end, jack kelly is still francis sullivan, and the sky has always known that francis sullivan loves david jacobs in his bones, even if it hates him.
davey leaves jack, leaves francis, but it’s the kind of leave that’s like falling asleep; sweet, peaceful, painless. francis keeps breathing, keeps moving, keeps mourning. his hands always draw those eyes. always.
when he leaves, too, he had never been happier.
(maybe, just maybe, the sky didn’t hate him.)
(for how could the sky hate one so loved?)
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avictimofthejazz · 3 months
Lieutenant Templeton ‘Face Man’ Peck
Face speaks multiple languages, with Spanish, French, and Vietnamese being the three he is most fluent in. However, he also speaks a decent amount of German, has picked up a dash of Korean from Hannibal and the Lee family, some Mandarin from Sam, a smidge of Arabic and several African languages from random jobs, a few regional dialects useless outside of Vietnam, and a surprising amount of Irish from Fathers Magill and O’Malley, One of the most niche language he speaks and reads, however, is Latin. When he was eleven, the priests were trying to think up ways to keep him out of trouble over summer break, and made him learn Latin. In the long run, it earned him detention in high school when he got caught translating profane graffiti from Ancient Rome to the great amusement of the other guys on the football team.
Sargent BA Baracus
BA’s dad Albert died while BA was between tours in Vietnam. He had already signed up for his second tour, and had gone home to Chicago for his month’s leave. While staying with his parents, Albert suffered a fatal heart attack, leaving BA and his mother alone in the world. If BA had not already signed on for a second tour, he would have stayed in Chicago to take care of his mother. He knew his team would understand why he could not return. The US government was not nearly so understanding, though, so he promised his mother he would return home for good as soon as he was free. At the time it was only supposed to be about thirteen months. It ended up taking BA a lot longer.
Doctor (Captain) Maggie ‘Mo’ Sullivan
Maggie almost hooked up with Decker when they were both young, and serving in Korea. At the time, Decker and Hannibal were still friends, and had taken leave in Seoul together. Maggie and a couple of her fellow nurses were also on leave. While Hannibal spent most of his time focused on Maggie’s friend Julia, Maggie herself spent a lot of time with Decker over the weekend. Despite a few opportunities, they never went too far since Maggie had a doctor she was seeing seriously back at her camp, and she did not want a fling to jinx a chance at matrimony. She still has a photo of that weekend tucked away in one of her memorabilia boxes.    
Doctor Kelly Stevens
The house Kelly is using as her home and office is her old family home. While her four sisters moved out and into large urban areas, Kelly inherited her father’s old veterinary practice that he ran out of their home for years. She also inherited most of her father’s patients, who are happy to see that the new Doctor Stevens has her father’s touch with all kinds of animals, and she never balks at anything from family pets to farm animals to abandoned litters of wild creatures that people leave on her front porch. While her sisters sometimes encourage her to move her practice into an urban area, Kelly cannot imagine leaving behind the challenges and joys that come with a rural practice.
Michael Knight
Long before he was Michael Knight, Michael Long also smoothed his life’s path with his smile and witty quips. Even back in grade school, he was famous for the excuses he pulled out to explain missing and uncompleted homework. Something as basic as ‘the dog ate my homework’ was not good enough for him—and some teachers let him slide on it just because they got so much amusement from his tales of aliens invading the kitchen and stealing his math book to plot the calculations they would need to enter the atmosphere safely. While most teachers were not as forgiving, a few of them saw the humor in his antics.
Murphy Michales
Murphy actually has an Irish/UK mashed-up accent. It is the product of both his parents being immigrants—his mother comes from outside of Galway and his dad hails from Manchester. His older brothers taught him how to master an American accent before he entered school so he would not be teased, but his natural accent still emerges occasionally. Mostly it happens around family—especially his parents and his English grandmother. It also happens around other people from the United Kingdom/Ireland if he is comfortable talking with them. The only reason it never happened around Steele is because he was never happy to be around the other man, so never relaxed enough to settle into his natural accent.
Elaine Grazzo
Elaine grew up in a family who valued the appearance of wealth above everything else. Her parents were very proud of their upper middle-class house, and the fact they had a membership at the country club was a bragging point for years. Elaine is not nearly as image and class focused as her parents, but mental scars from her upbringing linger on. Namely, she was always told she would never amount to anything if she did not snag a rich guy, so trying to make a life on her own terms is a rather overwhelming endeavor for her sometimes.
Officer James “Jim” Street
Street is the undisputed ‘mom friend’ of the younger guys on the SWAT team. Though he’s the middle in terms of age, being an only child left him quite mature, so he often acts a bit older than TJ and Dom. He is usually the one who reminds his teammates (mainly Dom) that they must drink water too, and not just coffee. He enforces light-duty rules as needed, always has snacks in a desk drawer that he hands out as needed, and tries to remind his friends to do paperwork before bolting out of the office for the night.
Officer James ‘Jim” Reed
Though they stay locked up in his locker while on duty, Reed is the kind of guy who keeps a wallet-full of photos of Jeanie and Jimmy Jr. He loves his wife and son—they are the light of his life, and he makes sure every guy in his unit knows about them. When cynical officers comment that it’ll only be a matter of time before he has an affair too, Reed takes particular insult. He is not the kind of man to treat his wife as a transitory relationship, and can’t stand officers who assume affairs and infidelities are a natural part of their career path.   
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colleenmurphy · 7 months
"I swear to God if I see you around my daughter again I'll have your balls. You understand me, boy?"
Flashing the oyster shucking knife at the impossibly pimply teenage Romeo, who not a month before had called her such vile names and pushed Sarah down a flight of stairs but not before he kicked her books away from her when she tried to get up. He was a Matsek through and through and Colleen added him to the 'hate on sight' list steadily growing to include almost the entire clan, save five that had moved away and made something of themselves. Going so far as to change the spelling if their last name to cut ties.
"Sarah...you ok?"
Studying her mother with wide blue green eyes Sarah burst into tears as Colleen pulled her close and stroked her long dark hair.
"He told me I'd better make sure I lock my doors otherwise...he'd.."
She didn't even have to hear her daughter finish her sentence, she'd remembered his body language as she'd found him backing her into a corner on their own front porch. He was still walking up the street Colleen noticed almost begging for her to come after him so he could make a spectacle. She wouldn't allow that, instead she'd give him a taste of his own medicine.
"What's his first name?"
What an unfortunately fitting name for such a little creep. It was somewhere between the set of his jaw and the color of hair that Colleen first noticed a few things. It hadn't taken long or any deep digging detective work on her end to figure out that this little thug was Dave's progeny with the Matsek bitch that had tried to make her life a living hell when they were growing up. Jealousy had gotten the best of her from the get go in kindergarten until Kelly's Dad, Paweł had popped up missing after a few unpaid debts at the OTB parlor down the alley of the bar owned by Murphy, the flower and corner grocery owned by Starling and the butcher owned by Flannery.
His mother was one of Dave's best customers when it came to back room buying and various calls for 'extensions'. It sure as hell wasn't at Colleen's salon these days, she was a Bargain Mart bottle blonde for a cool $10 for 2. Sully was currently out on business, making a contact in Columbia and then making his way to Mexico to pick up a new strain of flower. The Sullivans had made a name quietly for themselves over the years thanks in part to her own Father's dealings with the Flannery family, her first marriage into it, that one wasn't even a year and then Frank Flannery had gone missing only to turn up in a New York harbor. Colleen was the one with the connections and the brains. Dave was just the figure head while she held the power.
"You sure you don't want me to just go in for you, Colly?"
Colleen shook her head and patted Jackie on the shoulder. She fought the urge to kiss him dead on the lips but she knew that would lead to other things. She needed a clear head.
"Nah, I got this, babe."
Only she and her best friend knew Sarah's true lineage was the result of Col's free spirited youth when she hitch hiked to an artists colony down south and met a slightly older man who was home from the war. He'd come from the city but was looking for something new, he'd probably end up down further south somewhere he'd mentioned. After they traveled for a few days and made it to the tiny town of Sloughbridge he left her quietly one evening just after sunset. She'd always remember that his eyes were the same color as the sky on a cloudless day. He was a pilot, a Treetop Flyer. Jimmy had been truly pissed off but more worried than anything else but upon discovering that Colleen was pregnant with his first grandchild he hurried to marry her to finally seal a business deal and to stop the small town he virtually owned from talking about his hippie new age daughter. The eldest Flannery boy, Frank , hadn't been the brightest bulb and had a bit of an anger issue until Colleen had taken things into her own hands. By then every piece of paperwork of signed, sealed and delivered and all the business i's were dotted and the t's crossed. Mary Colleen Murphy-Flannery was a very wealthy not to mention connected woman about town as well as abroad. She fell into Sullivan's lap due to another piece of family business, this time on her dearly departed mother Minnie's side. The Sullivan family owned the McGuire's a significant amount of money due to a loan to purchase their orchards and the town dairy, Col still received a check every now and again from a far flung Sullivan relative whose turn it was to make a payment. Money and material things never mattered to her, she was trying to raise Sarah to live simply, be aware and open to others.
'You're the very best thing that's ever happened to me...do you know that?'
She'd whispered nearly every night to her daughter since she'd come into the world, probably even before. It didn't matter that her child had no true father, this little girl was hers to raise, fiercely and unafraid of the world.
It took no time for Colleen to scale the lattice to the second story and slide the window open.
"Jesus Christ this woman's fucking insane...My mother never did anything like this for me."
Jackie said as he shook his head and lit a cigarette watching as the dark haired woman slipped inside nice and easy. She must have been a cat burglar in the her past life. They'd been hot and heavy for a minute a few years ago but that had tamed. Dave did some under handed things with a dancer a county over and Colleen had put a stop to everyone's fun, her own included and he understood.
Landing quietly on the carpet below the window Colleen found Eugene slumbering deeply. She knew Kelly was down at the Murphy's Tavern trying her damnedest to turn Dave's ear with a sob story. Col had to give Dave that, he was a stand up guy when it came to Sarah and Colleen's happiness. They hadn't wanted for anything material but as far as spending actual time with either of them he was always off on business or making a sale or moving a shipment. The carrier pigeon would be in this evening he'd assured her and he'd already given her an alibi, she was home going over the books. So now was the time to deal with the threat her daughter had been under.
A swift kick to the bed and he was awakened, dazed by a punch to the face and then his head shoved into a black sack. Moving quickly he tied his hands behind his back. Grabbing him tight she nudged him to the car.
"What the fuck....oh christ my mother never did this for me..."
Jacking muttered as he yanked open the backdoor to the Toronado. The silver flash in the moonlight let him know that Colleen was certainly taking after her parents. Jimmy was the level headed one whereas Minnie McGuire had been a wild one, god rest her soul.
"Is she seriously using Minnie's pistol for this?"
A solid thus sounded as the car rocked slightly. Dingus Matsek had smacked his massive squared forehead off the top of the car because Colleen hadn't corrected him. That stopped his babbling for his mother. She motioned for Jackie to move over because she was the one driving this one.
"God help us, kid what did you do to piss her off?"
The engine roared to life as the lights came up with the flick of a switch. Thundering guitars and bells filled the car as the drum beat thrummed.
I won't take no prisoners, won't spare no lives, Nobody's putting up a fight, I got my Bell, I'm gonna take you to Hell
A squeaky scream muffled only slightly by the black sack over his face. Slipping on the safety she brought her arm back and cocked the noisy little shit right in the mouth with the butt of her gun.
"You're going to be taking a neat little trip far faaaar away my dear little bastard stepson."
Jackie had now had his interest peaked. The way she took side streets worried him for a moment. Just how Colleen learned to drive was a mystery as Jimmy hadn't allowed her to do much.
"I went fucking missing for three months. I'm a quick learner. Just hang on and shut up and if you have to throw up roll the window down."
Was what she had said the one time he'd called her to pick him up after a night of drinking years ago. Whoever had taught her had instilled a need for careful speed and tight turns. She also drove on the defensive and always drove a stick.
"I know Dave's been cutting checks for years to pay your mother for your upkeep. He's not listed on your birth certificate but there's no doubt you're his. Still sneaking around with your mother too."
Thundering down the road they turned and Eugene went sliding along the leather with a shriek.
"What's happening?! That doesn't...my mom..."
"Is a lying whore who's the town doorknob and your Dad's a piece of shit too. I know kid. Now get out of my car."
Yanking him out by the hair she walked him along the tarmac where the strip looked completely dead.
"Who are you?!"
Yanking the bag off she let him face her and stare directly into her eyes.
"The mother of a young girl who you had no right to bully. You're nearly twenty and still a junior. She's a freshman and newly fifteen. But you can call me your nightmare."
"Mrs. Sullivan?"
"Right-o. Now, here comes your absolute worst nightmare."
"She-she doesn't have a Dad..."
"It wasn't an immaculate conception, I assure you."
Holding up a slim hand she shushed him. All three of them stood there listening closely as as thunderous road fell from the sky. In an instant a hulking plane appeared on the tarmac.
"There he is, right on time."
It was Jackie's turn to be amazed into a stupor
"Oh hell no..."
He muttered as he dropped his lit cigarette from his lips. That deep rose red and cream paint job gave it away as Treetop. His weed man for damn near close to sixteen years. How the hell had he met Colleen?
Maybe the world should take her more seriously.
He thought to himself as he watched the scene unfold.
The engines cut out as a hulking figure emerged from the cabin of the plane. To Eugene he looked big enough to blot out the very sun if there had been one. A shiver went up his spine as he fought to keep his composure. This woman was insane, her bodyguard was just standing there and now this hulking dude that knew how to fly a fucking plan looked like he wanted make Eugene swallow his own teeth. He never should have targeted Sarah Murphy. But he hadn't known, his mother pushed him to find fault with her when in reality there hadn't been anything wrong with her.
"You like Thailand, boy?"
Completely unsure of what to say his brain defaulted as this man held his gaze. Something about his awake the need to run.
The flush in his face deepened as he heard Mrs. Sullivan cackle upwards toward the moon. A deep chortle was heard from her two cronies. A warm rush something ran down his pants and into his shoes. Eugene David Matsek was nearly legal drinking age and he'd just managed to piss himself in front of absolute strangers.
"Get in the plane, piss pants."
"What...what about my mom?"
"She'll be joining you soon enough. So will Dave. Think of it as a fresh start. You can get a start on the hut."
With a wave the long dark haired woman gave him a cold little wave.
"Don't ever fuck with my daughter ever again."
Was her final warning before she kissed the pilot dead on the lips and gave him a wave.
"I'll meet you next week. Let me know how this goes..and if he pisses you off too badly send him out the door with the parachute."
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newsie-collective · 2 years
Cowboy (Jack Kelly)
Quickfire favorites!
Food: "Anythin' from Medda 's always real good"
Color: "Red. Don' tell Conlon."
Season: "Springtime. 'S the easiest time ta go sellin'."
Weather: "Cloudy bu' not rainin'."
Hobby: "Paintin' o'course."
Animal: "Meadowlark"
Memory: "Meetin' Davey. He was shy 'n awkward at firs', an' o'course he had that mouth on him. I know'd from that day he was gon' fit right in. An' Les o'course fit in from tha second he was there."
Comfort Item: "The blanket Medda made fo' me 'n Francis before we got to the Lodge."
Jack Kelly. A.K.A. Cowboy. A.K.A. Francis Sullivan.
Well... Not so much that last one. Just because Snyder couldn't get his name right, doesn't mean that was it.
His name, from birth, had always been Jack Kelly. The newsies called him Cowboy, but he'd never gone by anything else.
Francis Sullivan had been his big brother's name. They looked so similar they could've been twins, though they were separated in age by a few years. 
But, Jack looked up to his big brother, followed him everywhere. When his brother would get into trouble, or into fights, he would tell Jack to hide or run.
That's why Jack took a liking to Les so quickly. He had loved his brother so much that he was excited to be able to fill that role for someone else. 
His parents weren't around, he and Francis lived in 'The Lodge' (as Francis called it) with the other newsies from a young age. Jack can't remember a time from his childhood he wasn't cramped into a bed between Francis and Mush. 
Their father was good friends with Medda, and Francis continued that connection with her, dragging Jack along to shows and to help with the sets. Francis was far better at actually building them than he was at anything else backstage. 
Jack was too young to actually help build when they first started going, so he would just sit and watch Francis build. 
At least until he would get distracted by the people painting the gorgeous backdrops. 
And they finally let him pick up a paintbrush.
And this boy was ass at painting at first, but the other guys around encouraged him and helped him get better, and he eventually got to where he would paint backdrop after backdrop. He spent every day there between selling times, with or without Francis.
And then Francis had made enough money building things around town, that he could head west. He told Jack that he would find somewhere to live, and come back and get him. 
Francis left when Jack was 13, and would send him letters day after day. They told no one that he was leaving, which is why Snyder thought that Francis Sullivan was still around the many times Jack was arrested. 
And one day they just stopped coming. The last letter he got was postmarked from Santa Fe, which is why he was so hellbent on going there. It's why he could paint the town without ever having been there. His brother sent him photos with almost every letter.
Jack worked harder after that. He was trying to save up money to go after his brother. 
The big problem with that was that Jack is an absolute sucker. Especially for newsies. 
He would give everything to keep them safe, and fed, and comfortable, and happy. 
Literally anything.
He's given up his freedom. 
He gave up his dream.
Everything for his newsies.
His brother had gone west and disappeared, and stopped sending anything
Jack has always assumed that Francis had forgotten him. Had moved on with his life.
So Jack threw himself into selling papes, still wanting to go to Santa Fe just to know what happened.
And then he met Davey, and it was all over. From the second he laid eyes on him, he was Davey's.
He still wanted to go find out what happened to Francis, but now he had a reason to stay. 
He had his newsies, and his paintings, and his Davey. 
Medda always made sure he was taken care of, but he hated taking things from her. He hated taking orders from people. Even Medda's well meaning advice earned some special rebellion.
After Francis, it was hard to listen to people.
But, Davey made it easy. He was infuriatingly level-headed and thought everything through. It was easy to stop soaking scabs and to stop mouthing off as much to Medda, and to actually start accepting help.
Davey also really helped him define his self worth. 
It isn't perfect, but it's getting better. 
It's easy to let Davey take control of the brainy side of the strike. Jack had been taking care of the boys in The Lodge for years, and had had the weight of the world on his shoulders. And with Davey it just falls away. And he doesn't know how he could ever repay him or thank Davey enough for everything he's done to help him or his family. Even Kloppman couldn't get this stubborn dumbass to accept help or handouts (even though this stubborn dumbass gives help and handouts like it’s the holidays)
Davey helped Jack get smarter. In a way that he never thought would ever be possible.
Absolutely knows everyone’s special interests.
This is from a fic I read but it was so FUCKING Jack Kelly. I’m gonna try and find the link (fair warning I’m fairly certain it was smut (it is) so do with that what you will)
“Davey’s eyes are utterly, impossibly blue. It drives Jack all kinds of crazy. They’re easily Davey’s most striking feature: big and expressive and capable of crumbling Jack’s willpower into dust with a single pleading look. It’s unfair, really, that Davey has such ridiculously pretty eyes. He’s already so good with words that he could talk a lemon into tasting sweet, he really doesn’t need another weapon at his disposal. He’s not sure what it is about Davey’s eyes in particular—Jack’s dated plenty of people with blue eyes before and they never drove him half-mad with want—but Jack’s spent hours staring at them, thinking about them, painting them. And, hell, he knows he’s a sap, knows that Davey would probably find his constant staring really creepy if he ever stopped being so oblivious, but Jack just can’t help himself. He’s pathetically gone over on the guy.”
Painting, art in general really, became an escape for Jack. It was how he really learned how to express himself. 
Natural born leader (mostly), cares about everyone far more than he should. More than he cares about himself. Please dear god someone help this boy find some self worth. He put it down somewhere so he wouldn’t lose it. And fucking lost it. I think Francis took it to Santa Fe
Dumb as fuck, but, unlike the others, he knows and will readily admit it.
He has mad street smarts though
Jack is totally definitely older than Davey and not in denial at all about that fact
Jack sings in the shower, but only when he’s alone
He’s an insomniac. Too good at staying up into all hours of the night, usually painting
Someone always has to be up with him, though. If he spends too much time alone he starts to spiral
This boy thinks too much about David fucking Jacobs. Everything he talks about leads back to him. 
Jack why do you paint?
“It helps wit' me emotions. 'N makes me feel closa to tha people I cares 'bout. 'Specially Davey”
Jack what’s your plans for the future?
“Move in wit' Davey. Live in a house too big fo' us. Have kids. Treat 'em betta than we eva was.”
Besides Davey, what’s your biggest muse when it comes to art?
Radio. Fucking. Silence.
Jack found Racer when he was ten. And all but dragged him to the Lodge (it totally helped that he “bought” Racer a cigar from the corner store) 
Kloppman knew this motherfucker was gonna stay. And he death glared Jack. Because he didn’t need another one. But Jack wasn’t letting this child go hungry… hungrier?
He was quiet. For like a week. And then he was just pure unbridled chaos
Will flip anyone and everyone off with force. No I will not be elaborating
Jacks lengthy morning rambles to Crutchie went from Santa Fe to a real life with Davey (with at least three dogs and two kids. And Les was def allowed to live and/or visit with them in these fantasies) where Davey has some super cool high-end job that he wants, and Jack spends his time taking care of the household and painting and probably hosting several dozen newsie parties
Pulling Davey in by the belt loops to kiss him (and the other way around) drives him insane
Head kisses, temple kisses, cheek kisses literally anything he can reach he is gonna go for it
And if Davey does it?
Jack melts into a puddle
Jack and Racer have kissed accidentally. 
They were so comfortable around each other that people kept asking when they were going to date. 
Every time someone asked, they would jokingly turn like they were gonna kiss, but almost always shoved each other. 
Once they both expected the other to push them. 
Neither of them did
It was really awkward, lasted like .2 second, and they both laughed til they cried.
Jack always starts pillow fights.
He never wins
He also never learns
Because everyone gangs up on him
He has a giant sweet tooth but it makes him really hyper and that makes him really anxious
Jack realized he was gay. Eventually. 
He had this moment at like 12 where he was sitting with a boy who he was friends with at lunch and had the very clear and exact thought “I bet it’d be nice to kiss him” but legitimately though it was a Friend Thing™️
It honestly took Medda sitting him down after hearing the millionth rant about Davey's eyes
And she was like “Darlin' you’ve gotta get your shit together”
Jack rambles in Spanish when he gets anxious. Because that’s how he and Francis kept their secrets when they were on the streets. 
I was gonna talk about how awful his handwriting definitely would've been, but this bitch doesn't know how to write. He can piece together enough letters to read, but writing is a whole new monster.
Jack: This is Davey, my partner Davey, internally: Partner? That's so adult, I'm really proud of him! He didn't just call me his fella like the others do Jack: 🤠
Bonus Round: Medda Larkin/Larkson
She’s not his mother. A lot of people probably think so. She and Jack are close and she was friendly with his father. 
She might not be his mother, but he was definitely her son.
Jack’s dad is why she stopped working for the circus. He was a hired hand one night in New York and they became friends quickly. Medda talked about how hard she was working to be able to afford her theater. He told her that she’d never get there if she worked herself to death. Later, she met one of the patrons at the circus and played romance with him. They were married quickly, allowing Medda to leave the circus. 
She had considered marrying Jack’s dad, but decided against it. She knew that he was a man to marry for true love and didn’t wanna take that away from him or to whoever he’d marry. 
They stayed close, and she loved his sons. 
Francis was her first boy. He was a dreamer, like Jack, and a bit more sensitive than others. He’d build sets and bring Jack along. And when Jack picked up that paintbrush… His first paintings weren’t great, but you could tell he was going to be amazing. All the work and love he put into his art… 
She had just bought the theater when Francis left. He had taken a few days off and wrote her a letter saying goodbye and to look after Jack while he was gone(she would have even he he didn’t ask). He wrote to her a few times, and she has all the letters saved at home.
Please someone ask me about my trans!Oscar hc I beg of you 😭
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lmelodymusicl · 1 year
Jack Kelly Headcanons (92sies)
Here are some headcanons for Jack Kelly (92sies)
Canon Era
Jack’s parents were born in Ireland and immigrated to America during the 1860s. His father was Francis Sullivan and his mother was Maureen Kelly.
Jack’s relationship with his parents was very complicated. His mother was always sweet and kind to him, but his father was always horrible and abusive to him. 
Jack’s mother told him stories about the Wild West when he was very young. That is where he gets his cowboy persona from. 
Jack and his father were always fighting, and it was always over the smallest things. His father was always drinking and getting into fights with random people on the street.
One day when Jack was ten years old, he and Maureen were walking down the street. Suddenly she started coughing and wheezing. When Jack saw this, he was worried and called out for help. But by the time the doctors arrived, it was too late. She had already died from pneumonia.
Jack’s relationship with his father worsened, and I don’t have much to say except the fact that his father ended up in jail for killing somebody. It was where he felt that he had to become a newsie so he could support himself. It was during this time where Medda took him in to live with her.
Jack has been sent to the Refuge twice, and it was horrible.
By the time he was eleven, he moved into the Duane Street lodging house, and it was by this time he met Racetrack, Crutchy, and all the other boys. It was also where Racetrack taught Jack how to stand up for himself. They’ve all remained a close bond. 
By the time Jack was sixteen, he met David Jacobs. At first David wanted nothing to do with Jack, but eventually they started becoming friends.
Has a close bond with Les, David’s little brother.
Is currently in a relationship with Sarah, who is David and Les’s older sister.
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snow-shelter · 1 year
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hi welcome to my blog. I am coin and I am a oscar delancey enthusiast and morris too when I feel silly. enjoy.
CW : death . implied childhood trauma . just general really dark things . intrusive thoughts ( and the demonization of disorders )
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Oscar and Jack both grew up in the refuge
Oscar's mom passed when she was giving birth to Morris, their father always working. Leaving Oscar to fend for him and his little brother; so he stole. he stole things to feed himself and his brother- eventually being caught when he was 7 and being brought to the refuge.
upon arriving, he met a very upbeat boy named Francis Sullivan who had a very strange twang in his accent. Something certainly not from new york. Oscar himself had a slight hungarian accent, his parents both being immigrants.
Oscar and Francis were inseparable for years- stuck together like glue.
That was until when they were 13, when Francis escaped- leaving him in the dust. in the hell hole that was the refuge
Oscar got out a year later, and as soon as he could, he reconnected with his brother. he was ecstatic to have his brother back, explaining he was taken in by their uncle and got to work with the newsboys.
he complained about them, especially about one named Jack Kelly. the asshole, the one with too much pride and an ego bigger than Manhattan.
Oscar, not thinking anything of it, attends the selling yard the next day.
He sees Francis- and freezes. he's smiling, he's talking, he's not bruised and bloody- he has gotten taller, filled out, he looks happy. Oscar goes to talk to him, before being stopped by Morris.
"don't talk to that guy, that's Jack Kelly."
and Oscar, naturally confused because nono, that's Francis Sullivan- tries to protest, before Morris calls out to Francis as "Jack", Francis responding.
when Francis only merely glanced at him, not acknowledging Oscar's existence- that's what really set him off.
Oscar had always been firey, aggressive and have a tendency for violence- but never meaning to truly hurt people.
seeing his best friend of 6 years not even acknowledge him- lie to him, or the newsies (he didn't know what was real. was anything fra- Jack told him even real??)
seeing him act like a hotshot, like he owned the place- like he hadn't left Oscar to rot-
that fueled the flame so bad Oscar simply just couldn't hold it in. he began to lash out more, even going as far as to begin getting violent with the newsies- the power trip of winning. of being stronger, being in control- hurting the people Jack cared oh so much about, the people Jack had denied his existence for- he felt like he was in control. like violence and blood and pain was the only thing he could control in his life.
Morris is also violent and angry, not by nature, but because of his brother. because of fear. because of knowing he would not survive if he wasn't mean. bite or get bitten mentality
and also during the scene crutchie is dragged away, I like to think Oscar froze. as much as yes, he hates crutchie, he hates the newsies, he hates jack-
he freezes.
knowing what will happen to crutchie in the refuge. he experienced such horrors there, horrors he can never recover from- horrors that almost got him killed.
he wouldn't wish that upon anyone, deep down. as much as he played tough and let his impuleses win, he would never wish that upon anyone.
he froze and watched his brother drag this kid to his (what Oscar assumed would be) death. he wanted to scream, stop it, do something- but he couldn't. He just stood there.
Oscar was violent and angry in the beginning, but it just only really grew out of control upon his "betrayal"
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I also like to think Oscar has OCD but everyone around him just thinks he's losing it. because. 1890's.
also you can't tell me Oscar wouldn't stand over Morris' bed shaking and fighting himself to not smother his little brother in his sleep.
you can't tell me Oscar didn't plan how to brutally take weasel's life multiple times
you cant tell me Oscar didn't have the most intense, disturbing intrusive thoughts
Oscar also dealing with compulsive repetition
Oscar would repeatedly count papers, stack them, open doors, do things repetitively until he deems it right. until it feels right
and morris?
like when he initially shoved crutchie and called him a slur in the beginning of the show, I like to think that was a power trip. he felt powerful, like he for once in his life, had power over something
not control, like Oscar. but power because the world continually makes him feel powerless- Like how the world continually makes Oscar feel like he has no control over his life.
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ulkaralakbarova · 2 months
A team of U.S. government agents is sent to investigate the bombing of an American facility in the Middle East. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Ronald Fleury: Jamie Foxx Janet Mayes: Jennifer Garner Grant Sykes: Chris Cooper Adam Leavitt: Jason Bateman Sergeant Haytham: Ali Suliman Damon Schmidt: Jeremy Piven Colonel Faris Al Ghazi: Ashraf Barhom Robert Grace: Richard Jenkins Aaron Jackson: Tim McGraw Francis Manner: Kyle Chandler Elaine Flowers: Frances Fisher Gideon Young: Danny Huston Ellis Leach: Kelly AuCoin Maricella Canavesio: Anna Deavere Smith Miss Ross: Minka Kelly Lyla Fleury: Amy Hunter Kevin Fleury: Tj Burnett Prince Ahmed Bin Khaled: Omar Berdouni Prince Thamer: Raad Rawi FBI Agent: Peter Berg Kidnapper: Sala Baker 35 Year Old Son: Ahmed B. Badran Janine Ripon: Ashley Scott Haytham’s Father: Nick Faltas Izz Al Din: Uri Gavriel Abu Hamza: Hezi Saddik Aunt: Yasmine Hanani General Al Abdulmalik: Mahmoud Said Rex Burr: Tom Bresnahan Earl Ripon: Trevor St. John Maddy Ripon: Sarah Hunley Range Rover Driver: Kevin Brief Pitcher: Brian Mahoney Reporter: Merik Tadros Suicide Bomber: Hrach Titizian Reporter: Sean Donnellan FBI agent: Markus Flanagan Inner-Circle: Anthony Batarse Special Forces Officer: Gino Salvano Kidnapper: Eyad Elbitar Passport Officer: Nick Hermz Self (archive footage): Osama Bin Laden Self (archive footage): George H. W. Bush New Reporter: Robin Atkin Downes Self (archive footage): Saddam Hussein Self (archive footage): John F. Kennedy Self (archive footage): Larry King Self (archive footage): Colin Powell Self (archive footage): Ronald Reagan Film Crew: Director: Peter Berg Screenplay: Matthew Michael Carnahan Producer: Michael Mann Director of Photography: Mauro Fiore Editor: Colby Parker Jr. Editor: Kevin Stitt Costume Design: Susan Matheson Producer: Scott Stuber Original Music Composer: Danny Elfman Producer: Tim Smythe Executive Producer: Sarah Aubrey Executive Producer: John Cameron Executive Producer: Ryan Kavanaugh Executive Producer: Mary Parent Unit Production Manager: Steven P. Saeta Casting: Bruria Albeck Casting: Amanda Mackey Casting: Cathy Sandrich Gelfond Production Design: Tom Duffield Assistant Editor: Kris Cole Stunts: Zoë Bell Stunts: Sala Baker Art Direction: A. Todd Holland Supervising Art Director: Patrick M. Sullivan Set Decoration: Ronald R. Reiss Visual Effects Supervisor: John ‘D.J.’ Des Jardin Stunt Double: Shauna Duggins In Memory Of: Nick Papac Stunts: Sherry Leigh Stunts: Layla Alexander Stunts: Doug Coleman First Assistant Director: K.C. Hodenfield Associate Producer: Maria Williams Special Effects Makeup Artist: Quin Davis Makeup Department Head: Bill Myer Hairstylist: Barbara Lorenz Hair Department Head: Roxie Hodenfield Makeup Artist: Deborah La Mia Denaver Hairstylist: Deidra Dixon Makeup Artist: Michael Germain Hairstylist: Lisa Bertuzzi Makeup Artist: LaLette Littlejohn Key Hair Stylist: Melissa Forney Hairstylist: Jeffrey Sacino Second Unit Director: Phil Neilson Second Assistant Director: Jeff Okabayashi Supervising Sound Editor: Gregory King Sound Designer: Yann Delpuech Special Effects Coordinator: John Frazier Special Effects Coordinator: Burt Dalton Stunts: Kaily Alissano Stunts: Daniel Arrias Stunts: Greg Anthony Stunts: Jon Braver Stunts: Brian Brown Stunts: Chino Binamo Stunts: Eric Chambers Stunts: Jack Carpenter Stunts: Douglas Crosby Stunts: Max Daniels Stunts: Gokor Chivichyan Stunts: Steve Dent Stunt Double: J. Mark Donaldson Stunts: Eyad Elbitar Stunts: Paul Eliopoulos Stunt Double: Eddie J. Fernandez Stunts: Glenn Goldstein Stunts: Tad Griffith Stunt Driver: J. Armin Garza II Stunts: Nick Hermz Stunt Double: Chris Guzzi Stunts: Alex Krimm Stunts: Mark Kubr Stunts: Michael Hugghins Stunts: Theo Kypri Stunts: Krisztian Kery Stunts: Nito Larioza Stunt Driver: Aaron Michael Lacey Stunt Double: Brian Machleit Stunt Double: Jalil Jay Lynch Stunts: Anthony Martins Stunts: Eddie Matthews Stunts: Anderson Martin Stunts: Damien Moreno Stunts: Roman Mitichyan Stunts: Aladine Naamou Stunts: Aryan Morgan Stunts: Robert Nagle Stunt Driver: ...
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spoilertv · 3 months
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authorrebeccaclark · 10 months
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The FBI Agent Book 3
Jeff Sullivan, a 25-year-old Special Agent for the FBI, is handed a case by Thomas Seeps, a Supervisory Special Agent for the FBI at the New York City field office, involving a 49-year-old terrorist from the Middle East named Amir Abbas shortly after joining the Counterterrorism unit after completing the FBI Academy.
But Thomas decides to have another FBI agent named Victoria White to investigate Jeff's parents death and Victoria must keep Jeff updated about the investigation due to conflict of interest.
After Abbas is arrested, interrogated and is put back in prison, Jeff soon faces the worse. When Abbas was 35 years old and Jeff was 11 years old, Abbas managed to break out of prison, and 14 years later, no one has been able to catch him.
After Abbas murdered Jeff's mother, a separate terrorist killed his father. But the real reason behind everything is that Jeff's aunt Kelly Sullivan has been keeping a secret ever since his parents passed away.
However, after Victoria finally succeeding in apprehending Abbas after numerous attempts to do so failed, Jeff quickly discovers that not only is Amir Abbas a terrorist, who killed his mother, but that Abbas works for the man who deliberately killed his father when Jeff was 11 years old.
Jeff's parents acknowledged doing something dreadful before they both died, and Jeff will never forget what he heard what his parents did. When the truth is revealed, will Jeff still be working for the FBI?
If anyone who sees this story being plagiarized by someone else, please send me a quick message as soon as possible. I do not tolerate plagiarism at all, and I will sue whoever is responsible of stealing my work.
©️2023 Rebecca Clark. All Rights Reserved
No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner without the prior permission of the author, except for the brief description of the book in a book review.
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frostedlemonwriter · 10 months
Untitled Fantasy-Western Novella
At least a snippet of it beneath the break below!
Its the introduction to what I hope will be a series of novels about Alexandra Fernandez Sullivan the Irish-Mexican young woman during the 1870s and 80s. Shortly after the American Civil War, with the Confederates the victors, unable to exert control over their land which broke into city-states once Jefferson Davis passed the Republic of Texas broke off, annexed some land around it, and butted heads with both Mexico and a newly independent California.
The story starts with Alexandra still a young of 11.
There stood a rugged, mountain of a middle-aged man with striking brown-red hair a double-barred shotgun wedged in the crook of a thick arm -- planted on the porch both a guardian and a lighthouse with lantern held high; its yellow-orange light cast across the yard to reach its tendrils across the scrub and dirt. A large jackrabbit with its large ears flat, ran off toward the golden-topped indiangrass that bordered their property.
Just tucked on the inside wall of a relatively small cabin, its wood not yet weathered, sat a small table reserved usually for the statue of the Santa Madre and whatever offerings Mother felt needed, but now joined by an old army revolver -- a relic from a life Father had left behind, yet there it sat all the same.
By the large window, hidden behind a dark green curtain, stood Mother in her Gingham dress, hunting rifle in hand. A proud Oaxaqueña Mexicana woman whose long hair colored as dark as the night was tied back with a leather strap. Her brown eyes watched the riders coming in but didn't seem to sense any danger.
In the spacious main room, everything centered around the fireplace, which kept the area awash with warmth and light. Two children sat at the table, an older boy of twelve named after his grandfather, Kelly, who still lived in the old county; and, the youngest by two years, Alexandra, who wore a patched, multicolored dress. They poked around at their dinners -- corn tortillas wrapped around stewed rabbit meat topped with the traditional bitter, somewhat spicy dark brown mole. Tonight, unlike others, the children weren't as hungry since curiosity demanded their attention despite Mother's orders for them to stay and eat, they huddled by her side.
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readingforsanity · 1 year
The Inmate | Freida McFadden | Published 2022 | *SPOILERS*
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There are three rules Brooke Sullivan must follow as a new nurse practitioner at a men's maximum-security prison:
1 Treat all prisoners with respect.
2 Never reveal any personal information.
3 Never EVER become too friendly with the inmates.
But none of the staff at the prison knows Brooke has already broken the rules. Nobody knows about her intimate connection to Shane Nelson, one of the penitentiary's most notorious and dangerous inmates.
And they certainly don't know that Shane was Brooke's high school sweetheat - the star quarterback who is now spending the rest of his life in prison for a series of grisly murders. Or that Brooke's testimony was what put him there.
But Shane knows.
And he will never forget.
Brooke Sullivan has spent the last decade being afraid. She, along with two others, were the only survivors of a massacre that occurred when she and her friends spent the night at her boyfriend's house, his mother out of town allowing the young teens to get away with it. However, she also spent the last decade hiding a huge secret: the man she put away as the killer is also the father of her 10 year old son.
Moving back to her hometown after living in Queens with Josh, she also takes a job at Raker Penitentiary...the very location where Shane Nelson, ex-boyfriend, covicted killer and the father of her son, is also incarcerated. As a nurse practitioner, she will be required to give all patients the same care...even the man she has hated for the last 10 years.
In the meantime, Brooke has hired a woman named Margie, a grandmother in the neighborhood, to watch Josh while she works. She is a wonderful asset to their family, and Josh adores her.
At the beginning of the school year, Brooke reconnects with her childhood best friend and one of the survivors of the massacre Tom Reese. A former 5th grade math teacher and now assistant principal, the two go on a journey of reconnection which later leads to a relationship between the two of them, something that neither of them thought would ever happen after they lost touch all those years ago.
However, once a young woman named Kelli, who Tim went on a few dates with, ended up going missing, Brooke can't seem to get it out of her head that somehow Tim is responsible. This is further fueled when she finds Kelli in the basement of Tim's house while searching for a bottle of wine. The police arrive shortly after, having received an anonymous tip and Tim is arrested and placed in jail.
Brooke recants her statement from that time all those years ago, stating that she had never actually seen Shane, whom she believed had been the one choking her. Shane is then released, and Brooke picks him up and introduced him to their son, though they both agree that they won't share the news that Shane is his father until later.
However, things take a turn for the worse when Brooke comes to a startling realization: that Shane WAS the one who choked her, and that his accomplice was Tim, despite what he said. The reason Shane has hated Tim for so long was because Tim went along with Brooke's story after she was able to escape from Shane's farmhouse and ultimately led to Shane spending the last decade in prison.
However, the real truth is revealed when Margie finds Brooke in her attempt to locate Shane and Josh. But Margie reveals her true identity, and her motive: She is actually Pamela Nelson, Shane's mother and Josh's grandmother. She has harbored ill feelings toward the Sullivan family for hiding her grandson from her for all those years, and even went as far as killing Brooke's parents in order to seek her revenge...all because she had fallen in love with Brooke's father many years ago, and was upset when he failed to leave his wife and daughter in order to be with her and Shane. Thus they came up with the plan to stage the murders like it was a random person, leaving Shane the only survivor, but it didn't go as planned.
There is a scuffle and Brooke is able to get away from Margie, and finds Josh on the side of the road, saying that Shane was injured when a bunch of snow and ice fell on him. But upon investigation, Brooke realizes that Shane is dead.
Several months later, Tim is released from prison after Mrs. Nelson confesse to everything after Shane's death. Brooke and Tim reconnect again after she apologizes for believing he was in any way involved in the murders.
Within the present day storyline, we also get Brooke's perspective from what happened all those years ago. Six friends gather at the farmhouse, but one by one, they are taken out. First is Brandon, Shane's best friend and teammate on the football team; then Kayla, a girl two years younger than the others and a cheerleader on the squad with Brooke. Then Chelsea, Brooke's best friend. After Shane was able to get bucked off of Brooke after attempting to choke her, Brooke is able to get away and seek help from a man driving his pick up truck near the farmhouse; Tim was able to knock Shane unconscious despite his own injuries, and was the only person who actually saw Shane in his attempt to kill Brooke.
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ya9amicide · 1 year
The End of the World In a Woman’s Hands [Newsies]
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chapter nine
♡ newsies masterlist ♡ previous chapter ♡ next chapter ♡
summary: Being a girl in the everyday world is difficult. Being the leader of the Manhattan Newsies and a girl? Even more so. Especially when nobody knows you're a girl and the truth is the closest kept secret you have ever had. For Jack Kelly, keeping the truth of her gender a secret is one she's found easy after doing so for many years. Unfortunately, having close encounters with the iron fist, Pulitzer, and a new Newsie who seems determined to get to know her, that secret might just become the opposite.
pairing: fem!jack kelly x david “davey” jacobs
warnings: none
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The next morning, all of the captured Newsies are brought to a courtroom for a hearing. “Arise, arise, court is now in session, Judge E.A. Monahan presiding,” the Bailiff announces.
Weasel is in the gallery as Judge Movealong Monahan takes the bench and glances down at a group of battered Newsies, including Spot, Race, and Boots. “Any of you represented by counsel? No? Good. That'll move things along considerably.”
“Judge Movealong, ya honor, I object,” Spot pipes up,
“On what grounds?”
He grins proudly. “On the grounds of Brooklyn, ya honor!”
The Newsies congratulate Spot and Monahan bangs the gavel. “I fine you each five dollars or two weeks confinement in-”
“Five bucks!” Race blanches. “We ain't got five cents!”
Denton stands to defend them. “I'll pay the fines. All of them.”
“Pay the clerk. Next.” The Judge moves them along as the Newsies hound Denton with gratitude. Suddenly David gasps, seeing Jack led out in shackles, her face bruised and swollen. Everybody stares, horrified.
She smiles at them like everything was okay. “Hiya, fellas! Hey, Denton. Guess we made all the papes this time, huh? How'd my picture look?”
“None of the papers covered the rally. Not even The Sun.” He watches her solemnly as her face turns to disbelief. The Bailiff shoves Jack in front of the bench and Snyder slips in from a side door.
“Case of Jack Kelly, inciting to riot, assault, resisting arrest,” the Bailiff lists.
Snyder walks forward. “Judge Monahan, I'll speak for this young man.”
Jack mocks surprise. “You two know each other? Ain't that nice.”
“Just move it along, Warden Snyder,” the Judge tells him.
“You see, Jack Kelly isn’t Jack Kelly at all. In fact, he is really a young woman named Francine Sullivan. Mother deceased, father a convict in the state penitentiary.”
Jack’s care-free facade cracks and she stares at Snyder with wide, startled eyes. The Newsies all watch her with confused and shocked faces.
“She is currently an escapee from the House of Refuge, where her original sentence of three months for theft was extended six months for disruptive behavior-”
“Like demandin' you give us the food you steal from us!” She yells at him, face red and overcome with a tearful anger.
“Followed by an additional six months for an attempted escape.”
Her voice is panicked and desperate now. Almost deranged. “Last time wasn't no attempt, remember, Snyder? Me and Teddy Roosevelt. Remember, Roosevelt an’ the carriage?”
“Therefore, I ask that she be returned to the House of Refuge-”
“For my own good, right, Movealong? And for what Snyder kicks back to ya!”
“And that the court order her incarceration until the age of twenty-one.” The Newsies stand and yell in outrage. “In the hope that we may yet guide her to a useful and productive life.”
The Judge bangs his gavel again. “So ordered. Next.”
Jack seems to give up at this, body going limp as she’s dragged out of the room.
That night she’s brought into Pulitzer’s office, cuffs jiggling on her wrists in front of her. “Afternoon, boys,” she says as she comes to a stop.
“And which Francine Sullivan is this? The charismatic union organizer, or the petty thief and escaped convict?” Pulitzer asks.
She narrows her eyes at him. “Which one gives us more in common?” Her expression turns cheeky. “And please, Joe. We been business partners long enough. You can call me Jack. Jacqueline if you’d prefer that, I s’pose.”
“You know what I was doing when I was your age? I was in a war. The Civil War.”
“I heard of it. You win?”
“People think wars are about right and wrong. They're not. They're about power. You know what power is?”
“Heard of that, too. I don't just sell ya papes, Joe. Sometimes I read 'em.”
He ignores her and continues on. “Power means that I could see to it that you serve your full sentence at the Refuge. Or I could pull strings and have you free tomorrow. It means I could give you my pocket change, and you'd have more money than you'd likely ever earn.”
“You bribin' me, Joe? Thanks for the compliment, but I ain't got the power to stop the strike.”
“I disagree. You're the spirit of the strike, without you, they'd fall apart in a few days.”
Jack stops listening, not thinking he’s serious. “Ring for my coach, willya? It's past my bedtime.”
“Shut your mouth and listen!” Jack looks up, startled at his outburst. “You're going to do exactly as I say.”
“Or what? You'll send me back to the Refuge? I'll bust out again.”
“And be a fugitive who's pursued and caught and returned.” He steps around his desk to stand in front of her where he towers above her frame. “You return to your old job–as Newsie for The World. Speak against this hopeless strike, and I’ll see your criminal record expunged and your pockets filled with enough cash to carry you, in a first-class train compartment, from New York to New Mexico and beyond.”
“There ain’t a person in this room who don’t know you stink.”
“And if they know me, they know I don’t care. Mark my words, girl. Defy me, and I will have you and every one of your friends locked up in The Refuge. I know you like playing Mr. Tough Guy, but it’s not right to condemn that little crippled boy to conditions like that,” his voice drips in mock sympathy. “And what about your pal Davey and his baby brother, ripped from their loving family and tossed to the rats? Will they ever be able to thank you enough?”
Jack’s head whips up and some of Snyder’s men have to hold her back as she tries to go after Pulitzer. “Don’t you touch ‘em! You don't’ get to lay a hand on my boys, you hear? Don't even talk about ‘em!” She’s snarling at him, causing Pulitzer and his associates to step back slightly in fear.
Pulitzer signals to Snyder. “You go back to the Refuge. Think it over in your cell. Let me know in the morning.” Snyder grabs her by the scruff and escorts her out of the room.
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thelostsullivans · 1 year
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Name:  Izabel Regina Santos Costa Goes by: Reggie Born: January 16th, 1996 Age:  27 Hometown:  Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA Current location:  ??? Gender / Pronouns:  Cis woman, she/her Sexuality / Attraction:  ??? / ??? Occupation:  Aspiring performer Family:  Luiza Santos Costa (mother), Kelly Sullivan (biological father), Bullet Sullivan (half-sister), Luke O’Doherty (half-brother), Julia Costa (half-sister), Davi Costa (half-brother),  Matheus Costa (half-brother), Frankie Sullivan (cousin), Robert Sullivan (paternal grandfather)
Face Claim:  Bar.bie Fer.reira Hair color:  Brown Eye color:  Brown Height:  5′6
Positive Traits:  Quick to help, the mom friend when people need a boost, such a fun time when someone needs it, thinks outside of the box, has the most contagious laugh Negative Traits:  Dreamy, overly stubborn about small things, selfish, her self-assuredness can become arrogance at times, cold at inopportune times
The product of an affair. That’s what she found out in her teens, long after her parents divorced. Her mother and who she believed to be her father had hit a rough patch in the very beginning of the marriage, when both were young. Both strayed, but only one had direct evidence of the straying. Reggie wasn’t the reason behind the dissolution of marriage, but that never stopped her from thinking it during harder times in those pesky teenaged years. Despite it though, she had a relatively good relationship with both her parents, splitting her time between them and her (half) siblings. Being the oldest had the most responsibilities, but Reggie took that in stride. This helped as she grew into the woman she is today, kept her grounded when her head was stuck in the clouds, thinking, but never discussing, how maybe her dreams could have come true had she been with her real father in New York. After spending some time studying music at the New Mexico School of Music, Reggie decided that it was time to take action, head out to try to become rather than just think about becoming the singer she wanted to be. Her parents didn’t exactly approve, but they also didn’t discourage her or stand in her way, watching her leave with little said between them.
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thebarkeepwrites · 3 years
--in which Jack is a bit too distraught to be our eyes, so Frank has his chance. Please note: Frank does not enjoy being lied to, and Jack is in trouble.
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lostsullivans · 5 years
Bullet Sullivan’s Pertinent People Cheat Sheet
It’s sort of dawned on me that this might be a good way to go as far as quickly explaining connections here and across my other blogs ( NOTE: these are just my muses/NPCs. Bullet has many connections to other people’s muses, who will not be included here. )
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Kelly Sullivan - Father ( generally imprisoned in New York with his brother John; bestower of her nickname. )
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Florence (Darcy) Sullivan - Mother ( generally incarcerated back in New Mexico; main perpetrator of how and why Bullet uses her looks to get what she wants. )
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Robert “Pops” Sullivan - Grandfather ( city councilman in NYC; connections with mob members while he touts that he’s ‘tough on crime’; adopted her in her later teens; didn’t approve of Kelly’s marriage to Florence, so he doesn’t approve of Bullet. Just used her for sympathy. )
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John Sullivan - Uncle ( Stuck with Kelly in prison. )
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Riva Darcy - Aunt ( Looks out for Bullet when she’s in town; personal hero; detests the Sullivan clan. Tried to adopt Bullet herself until Robert got in the way. )
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Francis “Frankie” Sullivan - Cousin ( son of John; kept Bullet alive during their teen years; he is much more like an asshole brother to Bullet than cousin and it shows. )
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Ruby Lee Solo - Daughter ( in specified verses )
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Penelope “Penny” Faith Solo - Daughter ( in specified verses )
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Donny Wilson - Grown ass married man with kids / Ranch hand ( had no business messing around with Bullet Sullivan at the age she was when they did. Ran out of town when people began to suspect things )
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Bradley “Brad” Lincoln - Friend / associate of Frankie’s ( Friend too, more than lover, but                                             they have a complex relationship. )
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Shaun Patrick Conlon - Son of a Sullivan associate ( Assumed deceased; Frankie set Bullet up with the idea of seducing and distracting Shaun. It didn’t work the way he hoped. )
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Edward “Eddie” James Armstrong - Best friend to Shaun ( For fun while she was in town. She liked how sweet he could be to her. )
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Charlemagne Claudius Christopher “Chris” MacKinnon - Trust fund brat / ‘friend’ of Jacob Stack ( verse dependent. business and fun. Bad things. )
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Lilah Beckwith - First ‘girlfriend’ ( actually Frankie’s girlfriend at the time. Oops. )
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Raymond “Ray” Walker - Friend ( tries to keep neutral, and keep her out of trouble )
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Kotone “KT” Mori  - Long-suffering employee at The Blue Lounge ( mama hen type. Looks after Bullet as best she can. )
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Murphy “Murph” Taggart - Bar owner/Perpetual fuck-up/Sullivan associate ( These two have a weird relationship, but it’s friendly overall )
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Lochlan “Loch” Taggart - Brother of perpetual fuck-up/reluctant Sullivan associate ( Treats Bullet like a human being, so of course she’s a little sweet on him. )
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Jacob Michael Stack - Employer / Man who enjoys her misery ( verse dependent )
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Louise Danielle “Lou” Wolfe - Completely unaware of reason to feud ( verse dependent; Bullet irrationally (and maybe sometimes rationally) despises Lou; Lou is generally apathetic in return. )
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Dominic “Dom” Brennan Conlon - Protective older brother / son of an idiot ( refused to be swayed by Bullet’s charms )
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