#( shaun conlon )
shesboundtobruise · 1 year
LET'S TALK ABOUT EX, BABY | not accepting. ( @notsoinnocentlittleangel )
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Is someone an ex if you never broke up? I mean, if the two of you never officially had words to end the relationship? I'm no longer with Shaun Conlon, but it's not by choice. Not mine anyway. Life had different plans for us than we had set out. It's real funny that way, huh?
Shaun was my everything for a long time. He consumed me. We weren't exactly what you'd call stable or completely healthy together, but no other person on this earth understood me like he did. We were different in many ways, but the same in most, and similar in the ones that mattered most. Not to get too poetic about it, but it's like that line from Wuthering Heights, really: Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same. I know, let's just lift that from text over a hundred years old about one of the most toxic relationships ever romanticized, Lou. Yeah, I get it, but that line... It fits for what I'm trying to say.
I lost him in the worst way, the most brutal way, and it was all my fault. All he was doing was trying to protect me and--
I think I only feel him through the guilt anymore.
He was my other half ( not my better, other ), and truth be told, I haven't felt complete since he died, and I'm not sure I ever will. It truly sucks from everyone who's come along after and for anyone else who may, and I know that, but... Due to how he was ripped away from me, I don't know that I'll ever truly be able to let go.
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parvumchao · 7 months
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akingsfool · 5 years
Warnings: swearing, Albert’s high at some point, homelessness
Elmer thought nothing of it. He never did. If anyone was on the street sitting or standing asking for money, he’d give them any loose change he had in his pocket. His mom warned him against it because they “chose it they chose to be drug addicts and live on the streets”
Yeah maybe they chose to be drug addicts but no one chose to have to face the blistering heat and freezing cold weather. No one chose that. Unfortunately the amount of people with the same mindset of his mom is…. way too high. There had been a time Elmer was in their place, sitting in the streets begging for a dime after he lost his apartment. He thanks whoever is listening that Albert came along one day, high as a kite, offering to take Elmer to his place.
Now he’s not saying to go pick someone up off the street, but help them out a little.
He didn’t even think twice when he reached into his pocket and handed the man hunched over against the wall a few dollars. He carried on with his day thinking he made someone’s day.
He came home and Albert greeted him at the door.
“Hey Elm,” the redhead smiled, hugging him tightly, “Race wants us to come over to meet his boyfriend for dinner tonight. He’s making lasagna.”
“Oh we are so going,” Elmer loved Race’s cooking. It tasted like heaven. Elmer and Albert didn’t really… cook. Yeah Albert bakes sometimes but usually they get Uber eats. It’s just easier.
“Fuck yes, now go get ready or we’re gonna be late. And I don’t wanna be late for lasagna,” Albert ran off, his socks and slippery floor making him slide around a bit, almost falling on his face.
The two left an hour later. Elmer was fussing over Albert’s hair.
“Elm it’s not gonna go down it’s al-“
“Al, I know that and I love it but sometimes it makes you look like a fucking lion,” the shorter boy fussed all the way to Race’s apartment. Elmer walked in first, Albert close behind.
Race popped up from around the corner, “EYYY what’s up?”
“Hey Race, whens dinner done?” Albert asked, putting his arm on Elmer’s shoulder.
“Yeah Race I’m hungry,” Elmer recognized the boy on the couch. He gave him money earlier today.
“I knew you only loved me for my food, Spotty,” Race shook his head.
“Hey I know you,” they guy, Spot, pointed at Elmer, “you gave me money earlier.” Elmer shrugged and looked at the ground.
“Why’d you do that Elm?” Race cocked his head to the side, walking off to the kitchen.
“I thought he was homeless,” the boy shrugged, sheepishly moving to sit on the couch with Albert. All three of them laughed at him, all in good fun. Dinner continued on as usual, making jokes and getting to know Race’s new boyfriend.
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tckenbythesky · 4 years
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          GERTRUDE ‘GERTIE’ JOHNSON is a very large part of Lou’s story that doesn’t get much mention or play. She’s almost like another mother/grandmother to Lou, a guardian of sorts, and someone who has looked out for Lou her whole life. She was best friends with Agnes Snyder, Lou’s maternal grandmother, and was a fixture in the Wolfe household for the first decade of Lou’s life.
Gertie owned a bakery in Greenville with her husband and Lou’s mother Ida worked there on and off for years prior to her death. Having been unable to have children of her own, Gertie treated Ida, her best friend’s daughter, like a child of hers, and subsequently, Lou too when she came along. When Gertie’s husband grew ill and unable to help manage the bakery, they made the difficult decision to close it down and move north, closer to some of their extended family. This was hard on Lou since it came at a time when her young life grew painful and was just the beginning of her losing those she cared. Though Gertie didn’t pass and would call, write, send cards and gifts, her visits were few and far between due to her husband’s condition.
When Bill passed, Gertie opened another bakery, in his honor, but also to keep herself busy. Also, with his death, he left her with a fairly substantial amount of money, which she invested in real estate around the city. Her bakery is located in the Prospect Heights neighborhood in Brooklyn and she owns a few buildings outside of that, mainly the one Lou rents for her shop and apartment when she moves to Brooklyn.
Lou’s arrival to New York was a welcomed one and Gertie immediately went into grandmother mode, setting the young woman up in her brownstone, the guest bedroom ripe for a visitor. Lou, however, being the independent creature she is, only remained until she decided what she wanted to do. Though Gertie was sad to be alone once again, she was happy to see that Lou hadn’t changed in that way, and helped her secure the space for her shop and apartment, selling the building to her at a very discounted rate. (NOTE: Lou hasn’t fully realized how discounted it was, but is still incredibly grateful and doesn’t allow Gertie to go a day without knowing that).
These days, Gertie sends along day-old baked goods to Lou each day. Lou, knowing she can’t possibly consume all of it herself, puts them out at her store for free as part of the ‘ambiance’ she wants to create there. It’s become a bit of a partnership in a way, or free advertising at least. Gertie is still incredibly overprotective of Lou to the point where the younger woman will not even discuss her love life (or lack there of) unless there is someone worth mentioning. And Gertie, for her part, demands that she vet any potential suitors.
VERSE DEPENDENT INFO:  In the AU based off of Lou’s main verse, Gertie sets her up with her nephew Max. They have a fairly long relationship that begins to unravel toward the end, particularly due to Max’s temper. During a small window of time when they’ve taken a break, Shaun returns to Lou’s life, showing up at her work after hearing from Eddie where she was, and they have a brief affair. When Max and Lou reconcile, Lou ends her fling with Shaun. Shortly after, Max is killed during a botched robbery of a convenience store, having taken a bullet for a complete stranger. Within days, Lou finds out she’s pregnant and can’t quite determine who the father of the child is, Max or Shaun. She says nothing of her relationship with Shaun, leaving Gertie and the rest of the Johnsons to assume that Lou’s unborn child is Max’s, the child of a hero. It wasn’t until Teddy was about three that Lou finally comes clean about his parentage, when Gertie inquires about dissimilar her looks from her nephew. Feeling deeply hurt and betrayed by the news, Gertie essentially kicks Lou out of her life.
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fullofvoices · 4 years
          SHE’D ASKED THEM NOT TO COME. It’s embarrassin’, were her words, followed by furrow-browed threats and closed fists. Of course they were going to go– It was an opportunity to see Lou Wolfe all dolled up, something that never happened outside of her pageants, and the fodder for teasing was far too much to resist.
After greeting her mother and chit-chatting, all charming words and smiles, Ida gives them a knowing look, particularly when Shaun mentions wanting to wish Lou good luck. She points a finger at him, eyes narrowed, but she’s smiling. Come with me, she demands in a feigned sigh, and leads them backstage, past a bunch of girls running around and squawking. Stay right here, and she’s gone.
A moment later, as the boys rib each other for catching the attention of a few of the prettier contestants, Ed’s smacked from behind, causing him to whip around, hand rubbing the area of impact on his shoulder. Before he can say a thing though, he’s stunned silent by the beauty in his view. It takes him a solid half a minute to realize he’s staring at his best friend, dressed to the nines, makeup complimenting even that frown on her face. She looks like a princess, something straight from a fairytale.
But when Shaun speaks, complimenting her and causing her expression to blossom in pink, he quickly realizes that the princess, this fairytale? It isn’t his.
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lostsullivans · 5 years
Bullet Sullivan’s Pertinent People Cheat Sheet
It’s sort of dawned on me that this might be a good way to go as far as quickly explaining connections here and across my other blogs ( NOTE: these are just my muses/NPCs. Bullet has many connections to other people’s muses, who will not be included here. )
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Kelly Sullivan - Father ( generally imprisoned in New York with his brother John; bestower of her nickname. )
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Florence (Darcy) Sullivan - Mother ( generally incarcerated back in New Mexico; main perpetrator of how and why Bullet uses her looks to get what she wants. )
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Robert “Pops” Sullivan - Grandfather ( city councilman in NYC; connections with mob members while he touts that he’s ‘tough on crime’; adopted her in her later teens; didn’t approve of Kelly’s marriage to Florence, so he doesn’t approve of Bullet. Just used her for sympathy. )
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John Sullivan - Uncle ( Stuck with Kelly in prison. )
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Riva Darcy - Aunt ( Looks out for Bullet when she’s in town; personal hero; detests the Sullivan clan. Tried to adopt Bullet herself until Robert got in the way. )
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Francis “Frankie” Sullivan - Cousin ( son of John; kept Bullet alive during their teen years; he is much more like an asshole brother to Bullet than cousin and it shows. )
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Ruby Lee Solo - Daughter ( in specified verses )
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Penelope “Penny” Faith Solo - Daughter ( in specified verses )
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Donny Wilson - Grown ass married man with kids / Ranch hand ( had no business messing around with Bullet Sullivan at the age she was when they did. Ran out of town when people began to suspect things )
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Bradley “Brad” Lincoln - Friend / associate of Frankie’s ( Friend too, more than lover, but                                             they have a complex relationship. )
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Shaun Patrick Conlon - Son of a Sullivan associate ( Assumed deceased; Frankie set Bullet up with the idea of seducing and distracting Shaun. It didn’t work the way he hoped. )
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Edward “Eddie” James Armstrong - Best friend to Shaun ( For fun while she was in town. She liked how sweet he could be to her. )
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Charlemagne Claudius Christopher “Chris” MacKinnon - Trust fund brat / ‘friend’ of Jacob Stack ( verse dependent. business and fun. Bad things. )
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Lilah Beckwith - First ‘girlfriend’ ( actually Frankie’s girlfriend at the time. Oops. )
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Raymond “Ray” Walker - Friend ( tries to keep neutral, and keep her out of trouble )
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Kotone “KT” Mori  - Long-suffering employee at The Blue Lounge ( mama hen type. Looks after Bullet as best she can. )
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Murphy “Murph” Taggart - Bar owner/Perpetual fuck-up/Sullivan associate ( These two have a weird relationship, but it’s friendly overall )
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Lochlan “Loch” Taggart - Brother of perpetual fuck-up/reluctant Sullivan associate ( Treats Bullet like a human being, so of course she’s a little sweet on him. )
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Jacob Michael Stack - Employer / Man who enjoys her misery ( verse dependent )
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Louise Danielle “Lou” Wolfe - Completely unaware of reason to feud ( verse dependent; Bullet irrationally (and maybe sometimes rationally) despises Lou; Lou is generally apathetic in return. )
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Dominic “Dom” Brennan Conlon - Protective older brother / son of an idiot ( refused to be swayed by Bullet’s charms )
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findmyblood · 5 years
tags, pt. 10 – dynamics for the family and its parts
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So the official press release is out today for Frozen West End even though we knew it was coming. Here is my dreamcast
Michelle Pentecost as Elsa
Natalie Mcqueen as Anna
Jeremy Taylor as Hans
Ash Hunter as Kristoff
Shaun Escoffery as Pabbie
Sharon D Clarke as Bulda
Oscar Conlon-Morrey as Olaf
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shesboundtoarchive · 7 years
Ed, Lou, Shaun + Together
                              FIVE-MINUTE SHIP DRABBLES || Accepting      [ @fangylacey ]
“Do you ever sit and think back on all we’ve collectively been through?”
Ed’s question garnered a pair of apprehensive looks from his friends.
“Do I need to cut ya off, String Bean?” Never one to dwell in the gravity of matters, Shaun posed his own question in return, even stretching for his crony’s beer, which swiftly left his reach.
“I’m serious! Just think about it. Look at all the shit we’ve survi–”
“I’d rather not,” Lou finally piped up, hand raised to stop any more words, head shaking, unwilling to go down that road. “And ya should avoid it too. No use drudgin’ up the past. Just know we DID make it through. All that means is that we’ll keep doin’ it.”
Ed opened his mouth to argue before thinking better of it. What she said was true; they HAD faced it all. Together. That just proved they could do anything if they stayed that way.
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shesboundtobruise · 1 year
"How old were you when he died?"
( @benreillyscarletspider )
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Lou didn't remember how they got on the topic of her lost love, but there they were, diving headfirst into the deep end of that sordid tale. It wasn't that she hadn't thought about Shaun in a while; she had, every damn day, as she did for over a decade. It was that that abyss of hurt and loss had shrunken a little, bit by bit, as those days with Ben passed. When her mind wandered to her former beau, her heart didn't feel like it was in as tight of a vice grip than it had before.
But reliving that night? Well, that brought that pain back. As much as she didn't want to discuss it or him or her feelings back then ( and, hell, now ), Lou did because if she really trusted Ben as much as she said she did, loved him as much, he should hear about these things.
"I was just a kid. HE was just a kid." Barely, really, since neither lived the idyllic childhood. "Can't believe it's been so long... Doesn't feel like that."
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parvumchao · 7 months
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akingsfool · 6 years
Do This Thing- Pt. 2
Spot could hardly focus. It was Wednesday, and he was supposed to go to the movies with Race today. He was just the guy he liked for ever. No pressure.
“Dude, chill out,” Tex said, her arms crossed against her chest. She knew Spot was being ridiculous. After being his roommate since they got out of highschool, and next door neighbors for forever, she could pick on on the small things. Like the way he looked angry, but it was really just a resting bitch face. Or like the way he couldn’t stand horror movies. Or how he can never keep hydrangeas alive, but he could keep any other plant alive.
“Tex, don’t tell me to chill when I’m freaking out,” Spot pointed at her accusingly. Tex just raised an eyebrow. She didn’t have time for this, she had to leave soon. And Spot freaking out was preventing her from getting ready.
“Spot, you’re just going to the movies with Race. You two have been friends forever. It’ll be like a normal outing with a friend, but not a friend because it’s your crush,” Tex furrowed her brows. That made some sense, right? Didn’t matter, it helped Spot a little bit. “Just, toss on a t-shirt and some jeans and be done with it. You’re seeing a movie, not getting married.” Spot rolled his eyes and walked into his bedroom. Tex followed, but Spot didn’t pay any attention. The short boy shuffled over to his closet and grabbed a clean shirt.
“Not that one,” Tex said before Spot could grab a pair of jeans. Spot glared at her and grabbed a different one. “No,” she said. Spot went through most of his shirts, all of them Tex said no to.
“Don’t you have a date or something?” Spot snapped after Tex told him not to wear the seventh shirt he grabbed. Tex sighed and rolled her eyes.
“Yeah, but I need you to braid my hair,” Tex slid off of Spot’s bed and walked over, pushing him aside. “It shouldn’t be that complex. Think about it this way, what do you wear that you know Race like? It works with everyone.” Tex grabbed one of Spot’s favorite shirts: his sleeveless red and black striped shirt. The shirt had sleeves, but something happened. Someone probably took them. “Wear this,” Tex grinned, handing the shirt to Spot. Could he even call it a shirt now? Probably not.
“Tex, it has no sleeves,” Spot deadpanned. Tex sighed and rolled her eyes. He was getting on her nerves.
“Race will like it, trust me,” tex tossed the shirt at Spot. The boy sighed and grabbed a pair of jeans.
“How do you know?” he grumbled, grabbing his Converse and heading to the door. The boy waited for a reply.
“Shaun “Spot” Conlon, stop doubting me and go get ready,” Tex put a hand on her hip and pointed at the bathroom with the other. The short boy huffed and went to get changed, leaving tex to stand in the hallway.
“Natalia “Tex” Evelyn, stop rushing me and go get ready,” Spot bit back a smile, giving her as much sass as she had given him. Rolling her eyes, she left Spot in the hallway to change. Spot sighed and plopped himself down on their couch in the living room. It was three pm, an hour before he had to meet Race. But, Tex needed him to braid her hair. She would do it herself, but it was to short for her to do. The girl had to cut it to her chin when her hair accidently caught fire when Romeo was chasing people with a Roman Candle. Luckily, Albert knew how to cut hair. That was a year ago, so it had grown back a little bit. Just above her shoulders, in fact. So, Spot braided her hair.
By the time Spot had braided Tex’s hair and she left, it was time for Spot to meet Race. They were meeting at the theater, so that just left Spot to panic the entire way there.
Race was the first thing he saw when he got there. The tall boy was sipping a Slurpee and leaning against the wall, wearing a light blue and black striped shirt and light blue Converse.
“You didn’t get me one?” Spot asked, a fake look of betrayal matching his betrayed tone of voice. Race looked guilty for a second before offering Spot his.
“You can have mine,” Race offered. Spot grabbed the drink and took a sip. It wasn’t a big deal, they’ve been sharing drinks since they met. They actually became friends because of sharing a drink.
“I just want a little bit,” Spot shrugged, but he kept sipping the drink. It was a Slurpee, for heaven's sake. Race wasn’t getting the drink back. “What are we watching?” he asked, even though he already knew.
“Avengers: Infinity War, duh,” Race said. Spot already knew that. The taller boy wouldn’t stop talking about it for months.  “We have a few minutes before it starts, too.” Spot nodded. Race looked at him like he was expecting something.
“What?” Spot asked. He noticed that the Slurpee was halfway empty now.
“Can I have my Slurpee back now?” Race asked. Spot looked at Race and took a sip of the cold drink.
“No,” Spot said between sips. Race stared at him for a moment. He narrowed his eyes. The taller boy lunged for it, but Spot moved it away from him. “No, mine now.” Race pouted for a moment. Spot gave back the drink before it was completely empty. The theater didn’t look to crowded, so that was good. Spot and Race headed inside, throwing away the Slurpee cup on their way inside, and made their way to their theater and their seats. During the previews, they threw popcorn at each other, trying to see who could catch the most pieces in their mouth. The movie started and they stopped… sort of. They threw popcorn at each other for the first five minutes, and then they stopped when things got real.
The movie was amazing, but way sadder than Spot expected. He didn’t even like Marvel movies all that much! He could actually hear the people around them crying. If someone didn’t cry, then they probably didn’t have a soul. Or a heart. Or just wasn’t a decent human being. For god’s sake, Spider-Man’s a kid. A fucking kid! He’d sue Marvel if he knew how. And it seemed like Race wanted to sue them too. Everyone probably wanted to, to be honest.
“Damn them,” Race said, wiping the tears off of his face. “How could they? Why would they do that?” Spot just shrugged. He was kinda hungry.
“Wanna go grab some food?” he asked. Race nodded and the two walked across the street to one of the best restaurants in the area. The two sat and ordered their drinks. The waiter probably thought something was wrong after seeing that they had both been crying. Spot didn’t care. A movie that soul breaking deserved to be cried over.
“It was still a nice movie,” Spot shrugged when they got their drinks. Race rolled his eyes.
“Sure, if tear jerking is what you call nice, then it was absolutely nice,” Race grumbled, jabbing his straw into his drink.
“I ment nice as in good. Like, well put together, genius,” Spot crumbled up his straw wrapper and threw it at Race’s forehead. Race retaliated by throwing his at Spot. They stopped when the waiter stopped by, not wanting to be kicked out.
“What do you want to do next week?” Spot asked as they were leaving. Race looked at him with a confused look, his head tilted to the side like a confused puppy. “Do you want to go out next week?”
“Oh! Yeah, totally,” Race said, remembering that the movie had technically been a date. “I don't know. Oh! A new skate park opened up, wanna go check it out?” Spot smiled and nodded.
“Sure. See ya tomorrow,” Spot waved to Race as he walked off, leaving Spot alone. The day had gone well. Maybe to much worrying, but it was still great! Next time he would try not to worry to much. He’d try to, he’d do his best.
“The date go well?” Tex asked as soon as Spot walked through the door. The boy rolled his eyes and gently nudged her aside.
“It went fine. How’d the thing go?” he asked. Tex shrugged.
“It was fine. Do you guys have another date planned or no?” she asked. This girls was very nosey. But, then again, all of his friends and family were very nosey. Spot didn’t answer, he just went to his room and laid down. He couldn’t wait for next Wednesday.
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fullofvoices · 5 years
leech? how do you view your relationships with your closest friends? do you trust them?
CHUCK SOME DEVELOPMENT ?s MY WAY | Accepting       ( @fircandfury )
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       “ They’re my brothers, my REAL ones. No blood required. I’d die for them, as I believe they’d do for me. I trust them with my life. Absolutely. ”
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lostsullivans · 4 years
new tag drop, pt. 5
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findmyblood · 4 years
MAIN VERSE ---- within and without.
The Conlon brood believes Shaun is dead. They thought they watched him die. Pat took off afterward, and the girls just assumed he finally couldn’t take it anymore. Dom runs after him, intent on dragging his ass back home to be the husband and father Leona, Cacey, Grace, and Aisling need him to be. What none of them know is that Pat went on the run with Shaun, dragging him along because he had to keep him ‘dead’ to save himself. It didn’t matter who that hurt along the way. After Shaun finally realizes what has been going on for years, he returns home, hoping not to fuck everything up in the process.
CRIME-BASED AU ---- settles all the scores.
Aligns with within and without and diverges when Dom catches up to Pat, gets him to spill everything, and kills him. Though Pat revealed that Shaun was still alive, Dom doesn’t believe him, covers up what he’s done, and returns home. When Pat doesn’t return to their safe house after several days, Shaun assumes he’s ditched him and he goes to New York and finds Dom and shit goes sideways from there.
SUPERNATURALLY BASED AU --- lose your soul.
Shaun is actually dead and a ghost who can’t let go. His family can’t let go either.
WEREWOLF AU ---- show you what all the howling’s for.
Follows the brood’s wolfy shenanigans. Leona is the alpha. Dom gets cast out. Shaun goes looking for him when the pack needs all the help they can get.
PAST ---- feels like a lifetime ago.
Same timeline as the main verse, just... the past.
FUTURE ---- down the road.
Same timeline as the main verse, just later ( mostly focused on the kids ).
SONS OF ANARCHY (SOA) AU ----  plays god like the chosen one.
DC AU ---- we all go a little mad sometimes.
CLOSED AU ---- all the what ifs.
CLOSED AU ---- think twice.
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shesboundtobruise · 1 year
          She had become a cliché…
Louise Wolfe always had an urge to be more, different, maybe even unique, but as she held him, his sweaty forehead pressed to her bare shoulder, groans escaping his mouth in rapid succession, she couldn’t help but allow the thought to sink in: She turned out to be just another teenage girl losing her virginity to a boy she knew most of her life up on that bluff overlooking the city. How many others from her hometown had done that very thing? Twenty, fifty, a hundred? Had any of them planned it? Did they hope driving up there meant they’d come back different somehow? She didn’t FEEL different herself, just… Slightly sore, unsatisfied, and frankly, a bit numb emotionally. The experience wasn’t anything that she imagined it would be, and certainly not nearly as enjoyable. Beyond that, it didn’t accomplish what she’d hoped it would and that was the greatest disappointment…….
They sat on the hood of her car, talking, or rather, he spoke a bit, tried to encourage her to open up about what was going on in her head as they shared a bottle of Jack Daniels, and when she grew tired of refusing, she kissed him, really to shut him up more than anything. The kissing turned passionate, heated, all fire and such, but that wasn’t why she went all the way. She didn’t really know why for certain, but she had a hunch. Even as Shaun plowed on, toward his finish, with little regard of hers, she still hadn’t fully decided why. Was it a distraction, albeit a shitty one? To work out her frustrations? Was it because she was so hell-bent on rebelling against her father that she USED the boy? What would her mother think of her now?
As he pulled away and started to clean himself up, mumbling a few things she wasn’t even paying attention to, she hopped off the hood, fixing her skirt, finding her underwear and realizing he’d torn them. Even as he kept talking, her mind was elsewhere; ignoring the tightness of unrelieved tension and replacing it with concern over the paint job on the car, or what to do with the useless panties now in her pocket, or whether or not she’d actually try this sex thing with him again… or if it was even worth it to begin with.
She drove him home in silence and offered him her cheek when he leaned in to kiss her goodnight. She didn’t want pleasantries or for him to believe she required that sort of thing. What she needed was to get a hold of some Plan B before she became a statistic as well.
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