#( ooc: i will be active over there. friendships stays the same unless i have contacted you personally. )
daviscre-archived · 7 years
☆ ┇ooc: officially moved to a new blog, with same old url. this one is archived. feel free to unfollow & follow the new one over here. 
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fayrockfm-blog · 6 years
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- ̗̀ * ( nick robinson + cismale + he/him ) have you seen ( parker thomas ) walking around campus ? they are a ( twenty one ) year old, studying ( nursing ). we hear they are in ( upilson nu alpha ), and can be ( determined & naive ), maybe it’s because they are a ( leo ). they sort of remind us of ( empty coffee cups, paper cuts, the smiths blasting from his headphones ), maybe we can find out more ! ( r + 21 + est + she/her ) * ̖́- + tennis team, politics, debate, habitat for humanity
hey! my name is ren ! so nice to meet you all and thank you so much if you’re reading this! here’s a bit about me (since i’m choosing to opt out of the ooc discord group!)
––– i have been developing parker for a couple months now (obviously to the point where i feel comfortable playing him in a group) and he is ..... one of my favorite males i’ve ever played ... you’ll find out why soon :) ––– i have been in the rpc since i was literally thirteen years old so ... i’ve been around the block a couple of times ! ––– i do work full time so my activity may be a bit low so, with that in mind, bare with me on slow replies! ––– i am totally open to all plotting !! i am a bit shy so i probably won’t message you first for plotting unless i definitely have an idea already. so if you’re wanting to plot, let me know !
alrighty, i think that’s really it for me .... now onto parker !!!
things your muse would know if they are simple acquaintances:
––– parker is shy and it’s quite obvious by his tone and demeanor. he’s constantly slouched over his books and prefers to stay quiet until spoken to. this being said, parker has a hard time making and keeping friendships. now, he wouldn’t tell your muse this, but it would be obvious simply upon meeting.
––– parker prefers to be alone most of the time. he won’t study with you, won’t go off campus with you, and won’t want to hang out with you outside of classes. he’s an extreme introvert and likes it this way. lots of social interaction can actually be quite draining for parker. he has a hard time figuring out the correct phrases and the cool slang terms. if he doesn’t know you that well, he wouldn’t even bother trying.
––– so, how does one even begin to become friends with parker ? it’s a good question and, honestly, not a hard one if you listen to parker. if there’s one thing he likes to talk a lot about, it’s his favorite movies. bring it up and you’ll actually be able to have a full length conversation with him.
things your muse would know if they are friends:
––– parker has family issues. deep family issues. his parents weren’t ever there for him growing up and, if they were, it was only to ridicule him or his twin brother.
––– parker grew up in a wealthy home with a married mother and father who were constantly arguing and cheating on each other. the latter part wasn’t known to parker until his mother had arrived home with a younger, hotter boyfriend on christmas eve. his father was more furious that she would even think about bringing him home rather than having a boyfriend in the first place. his parents only cared about success and it drove him to become the perfectionist he is today.
––– parker will choose schoolwork over you any day. that is why it’s so hard for parker to maintain friendships most of the time. he’s constantly doing schoolwork and, when he’s not, he’s stressing over it instead. don’t take it too hard. 
––– parker’s favorite movie is american psycho. parker’s favorite band is pinegrove. parker’s favorite book is the adventures of huckleberry finn by mark twain. parker’s favorite color is blue. his favorite meal is lasagna (without ricotta). parker’s favorite midnight snack is pita chips and chipotle hummus. 
––– parker is bisexual !!!
things your muse would know if they were parker’s best friend:
––– parker is a virgin. he keeps this a secret because he’s afraid of being ridiculed by his peers. it’s not because of a religion or any sort of faith. it was simply a choice. he’s simply waiting for someone he cares about to have sex with. but, as of right now, it’s no big deal.
––– parker hates his family for, what he feels like, abandoning him as a child. they only started to care for him once he started showing signs of potential. the only reason why he’s in contact with them still is because they pay his tuition fees. chances are, even if your muse was parker’s best friend, he wouldn’t bring them to meet his family ever. 
––– parker is deeply insecure. he could go on about how he wishes he was simply a different person. he hates his upbringing, he hates the fact that he can’t get close to anybody, and he hates how he refuses to give himself a break. he blames his parents.
––– parker does also have a brother (who i plan on putting up for a wanted connection for soon).
––– parker will talk about how he loves his major and how he loves what he plans on doing but he’s only going into that field to make his parents happy.
secrets !!
––– parker wants to drop out
––– parker develops crushes very easily but will do absolutely nothing about it.
––– parker’s dream is to publish a series of childrens books. 
––– got into a fight in high school and was expelled. the reason why parker didn’t get any scholarships and why his parents are paying his tuition.
wanted connections (please only ask for these if you feel your muse and mine fit well ! i’ll let you know if the connection has been taken already and we can work something else out instead!)
––– right off the bat, just a best friend. someone parker goes to for everything. they could be childhood friends, could have met in high school, or could have met freshman year of college. parker is extremely comfortable around this person. is not afraid to bother them at the wee hours of the night. is probably the only person that knows some of parker’s secrets. please ... parker just needs someone he can actually talk to alskdfjskf. 
––– a study buddy. a good friend of parker’s. someone he actually wants to hang out with outside of class. could be because he has a crush on them or because they do well academically. 
––– a dorm mate maybe? they don’t have to get along ... or they can. has to be in same frat.
––– an academic rival. someone who knows how smart parker is and wants to do better than him.
––– friends who do the same sports or are in the same clubs. 
alright ! that’s it i think ! if you made it this far, thanks ! and if ur wanting any more information just im me ! i don’t have discord and i don’t have telegram so tumblr instant message is where you can reach me ! 
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Long-Term, Literate, Original Roleplay Wanted - Remember the Pride You Lost So Long Ago…Third Time's the Charm?
(Copied from my old ad. #Honesty)
Trying this again...
Currently Craving: Some kind of m//, slice of life, best friend drama and fluff. I have a character in mind for this that needs attention. - This is usually always true. XP! Okay! I feel like I’m horrible at these things, but here goes… For the purpose of the roleplay, you can call me Phina (hi!). I seem to have slowly lost all my roleplay partners – such is life, I know - but entropy is only natural, right? (No, really…I’ve been really lucky overall recently, but I have lost one or two partners and could really use one or two more roleplays.) Anyway! I’m sure I’m going to scare people off by saying this, but I love both quality and quantity. I love writing detailed stories with strong character development and relationships. For me, it’s the characters that are most important. I do understand that posts tend to vary in length as the roleplay goes on – I don’t want filler, but please try for at least two paragraphs every time. I will write you novels (at least four paragraphs, probably more), especially if I am inspired. If that bothers you, we are not a good match. That being said, I am very laid back once I get to know you. If you have a character that I love, I will probably be more accepting of shorter replies (no less than a paragraph) - especially if I know a lot about them already. I hate that we have to cover this at all, but all the standard rules apply. If you don’t know them already, I will list a few of them for you, just because I’m nice like that. Still, if you haven’t been roleplaying long enough to know them, it’s very unlikely that we will make a good match. *No god modding or power playing *No Mary-Sues or Gary-Stews etc..
No, this is stupid and I don’t want anyone to think I think they’re stupid, because I don’t, so…I won’t bore you - you get the picture. Just show me respect and I will do you the same kindness. If you need to drop the roleplay, please tell me. That way, I know and I can move on (or we can create something new together). If you’re going to be away -again- please tell me. Don’t be afraid to tell me if something isn’t working, either. Overall, I think communication is really the key thing here. I want us both to be comfortable with everything about the roleplay, and we shouldn’t roleplay at all if something doesn’t feel right. Other than that, just do your best to create/write a realistic and engaging character and we will be best friends. Limits Blood and Gore: None; realistic blood and gore is totally okay and a natural part of life Swearing: None; swearing is a valid and a much needed form of expression Smut: We fade to black unless I know you well. Timeline *I live in the Eastern Standard timezone *I’m finished school and I don’t work, so I have a lot of time on my hands, but I do spend a lot of time training for three different sports and LARP/tabletop has become a passion. I can still get pretty busy, trust me. *I will probably have time to post about once a week. However, as workload and other commitments change, it could be more often – or less often. I think the main issues now are energy levels and muse. I’m finding myself needing more roleplays than I had during school because I do have both more free time and more energy. I still get busy - I still have days where I can’t reply - but I would like to have more than one active, long-term roleplay at a time. Muse and energy levels be damned. *I will try my best to keep you updated on those changes. I expect you to try to do the same. *I would love a reply once a week (more often is great, too!). However, I totally understand those when life eats you whole and you have to painstakingly de-zombie-fy yourself because there is/was just too much life going on at once for you to both handle and stay sane at the same time – never mind roleplaying! Just try to warn me? Important Notes *This roleplay will be 20 plus (I’m 28 now) and over email. I may do a forum or a Google Docs roleplay if you are lucky, though…or even Skype or Discord for the right person and plot. *Also! I primarily do queer roleplays. I haven’t found a standard mxf roleplay fun in years. However, the full gender spectrum is more than welcome. I guess you could get me to do mxf that way…lol!  *I’m queer and NB myself. (I love they pronouns. <3) On to the genres! *Sci-fi *Modern/futuristic fantasy *Gifted *Runaways *School (boarding school, arts school, high school, college) *Dystopian Society/Post-Apocalyptic Society *Anything with disabilities included in a positive way *Some modern, slice of life stuff, where we can make cute, fluffy awkwardness together; think close childhood friends that accidentally get separated by life and are reunited years later and all the feelings that could/would bring up, or a long time unspoken crush that is only brought to light when a mutual friend brings together an unlikely couple *Modern vampires, werewolves and mages - I like characters with depth. I want fluff, but I also love it when a character has a backstory chalked full of things that make them them, both good and bad. I love to see how they are feeling, what they are thinking and why. I want to see them change and grow as time goes on and they process the things that have happened to them in life. I would love a roleplay and characters that I can get invested in, one that will make me both laugh and cry. Basically, I want realistic characters that I can relate to.  Odd Pairings Rich x Poor (street kid) Deaf x Hearing Gifted x Gifted (or non-gifted human; think X-Men style) Gay x Closeted (Childhood) Best friend x (Childhood) Best friend I’m sure there are more I’m forgetting…but any of these can also be combined together for even more fun! I want to take the time to plot with you. Note: I don’t really do fandoms, and I definitely don’t play with cannon characters. Contact Information Email: [email protected] Skype: phina*silentfoot (for talking OoC and plotting) Discord: Phina#2381 *Replace the * with  a . in the Skype name. Random: The friendship between Matt and Foggy in Netflix Daredevil is really well done and adorable. Too bad I never play cannon characters. <3 That’s the kind of bonding and character development that I live for! Also! Something based on Sense8 would be cool. What I’ve seen of it so far is awesome - though I’m not sure how a roleplay could be done or how it would go. Falling Skies is also cool, as are Firefly, Orphan Black and Guardians of the Galaxy.   Oh! A note about my writing style: I tend to like to paint pictures with my writing, especially when inspired. I write detailed, flowy and almost poetic posts a lot. Everything has to fit together. If you like that sort of thing and have a writing style close to that, we’ll be wonderful. That’s a bonus in my mind.  Thanks for reading. I look forward to hearing from you!
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thatneverwas-a · 6 years
Rules (for mobile)
Sorry these are lengthy; a lot of them are standard. TL:DR - I’m 18+, don’t be a jerk, please talk to me!
1. If I seem to have missed our thread, and you’re looking for it and can’t find it, please tell me. I’m extremely scatterbrained, and Tumblr’s hecked up the activity in general.
2. Mun and Muse are both over 18 (Mun is 20). NSFW TOPICS WILL NOT BE WRITTEN WITH ANYONE I AM NOT CERTAIN IS OF AGE. This blog will be occasionally NSFW for adult themes including violence. I will tag for common triggers including blood, death, and violence, but please tell me if there’s something in particular you would like tagged. Triggers are tagged “triggernamehere tw”.
3. My style of writing tends towards para- and multi-para. It’s sometimes difficult to get anything moving in less words than that, unless it’s crack or the like. You needn’t match my length all the time, especially when I get wordy, but if it’s a common imbalance where one side writes a lot more than the other every single time, it might not be right for us to RP. If your writing style tends to be a few lines, then we can try and work something out, but it’s less likely to happen. This isn’t meant to be a comment on the quality of your writing - sometimes, styles just aren’t compatible. And spelling and grammar are fairly important to me; I have a really hard time processing things that are very improperly written - this isn’t meant to be a statement against newer or EL writers, it’s just the way my brain works, and I’m sorry if it comes off that way.
4. RPing is a hobby, and a personal choice. I reserve the right to refuse or discontinue RPs with anyone at any time for any reason, just as others have the right to refuse or discontinue RPs with me. If it’s a permanent thing, I would appreciate a message stating why - and I will NOT take it personally, sometimes things just don’t work out - and will attempt to do the same for others.
5. I am selective with both shipping and RPs, though I am multiship and non-exclusive. I don’t do mains. Ships will be tagged respectively. Alexis is not here just for shipping, and force-shipping without prior discussion will not be tolerated. There’s as much to be explored in friendships, rivalries, camaraderie, and hatred as much as any ship.
6. There is no rule number 6.
7. Please don’t reblog any personal posts, or any RPs that you aren’t a part of. It makes it hard to keep track of replies, and also is just…rude. Please. Anything that’s not personal or directly RP is fair game, though.
8. I’m not a meme archive. I don’t like to be treated like a meme archive. I DO encourage you to reblog memes from me, but if you do it on the regular, send one in every now and again. Please? I don’t actively practice reblog karma, though I do try to either send one in or reblog from source, and would appreciate at least an attempt at the same courtesy. However, if there’s no meme that works for your muse, I WON’T BE MAD IF YOU REBLOG IT FROM ME. Just don’t make it every single one I ever do, with none ever returned. Honestly, it’d be nice to have the activity.
9. My Askbox and IMs are always open, with anon on. Feel free to approach me IC or OOC! Alexis is an OC version of a character that already has intentionally little information revealed about him, and that’s in his main verse! With the Overwatch setting, and all the past verses (as selective as I may be with those), there’s a lot of information you might need, and that’s okay.
10. I read rules, and try to remember to send in passwords. I don’t have a password myself, but if you pop in to say you’ve read my rules, you’ll probably make me smile. I don’t do greeters, because I can’t always keep track of it, and I’m aware sometimes people follow without wanting to IMMEDIATELY RP(especially with an OC; that’s a whole other bucket of bears). I will do starter calls, however, and those are pretty much permanent. They will be tagged “Come One And All : {Starter}”.
11. Don’t godmod. Come on. It’s…whatever year you’re reading this in. If something is unclear about my character or her abilities, or the situation, ask me.
12. Verse will be defaulted to TF2, during Alexis’ long stay with Builder’s League United as a Spy, UNLESS your character is from the Overwatch universe - then verse will default to Overwatch, during the post-Recall era. Any other verses or crossovers desired need to be specifically mentioned at some point. I’m not a mind reader.
13. None of the art that appears on this blog will ever be mine. Any generic images are from google with “usage tools: marked for reuse” on, and I will NEVER claim any art or work not done by me as mine. If I have missed or miscredited a piece of artwork, please contact me asap so I can correct my mistake. Some of the references may be done by me, however. Is it super bad quality? Probably mine.
14. Alexis is, in any timeline and universe, a man who can and has killed (with the exception of the Youth and College timelines). In his two main verses, he is a versed and versatile spy and assassin, with a lifetime of experience in warfare and subterfuge. He can and will fight your muse if provoked, even if it is not his first option, and he is not to be trifled with lightly.
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rosaguard · 5 years
Want new-and-exciting plots for your character? Long to reach out to more of your followers, but don’t know where to start? Fear not! Fill out this form and give your RP partners both present and future all the of juicy jumping off points they need to help you get your characters acquainted.
Be sure to tag the players whose characters YOU want more cues to interact with, and repost, don’t reblog! Feel free to add or remove sections as you see fit. Template here.
mun name: summer. ooc contact: feel free to message me through IMs or asks. discord is reserved for friends and more serious plotting.
who the heck is my muse anyway?
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    aeris gainsborough is one of the main protagonist from final fantasy vii and the last living cetra, an ancient race that is able to speak to the planet directly. when she was only an infant, aeris’ father, once the former head scientist at the shinra company, was murdered so that aeris and her mother, ifalna, could be captured. the first seven years of her life were spent as a prisoner in the shinra building so her and her powers could be studied closely for shinra’s own selfish gain. eventually, her mother was able fight her way out of the shinra building but was fatally wounded in the process and the two were eventually found on the steps of the sector five station by a widow named elmyra gainsborough. knowing that aeris was finally in safe hands, ifalna leaves her daughter with a heirloom, the holy materia, before she passes on to join the lifestream. in the years following her mother’s death and being adopted by elmyra, shinra would continue to track her movements but mostly let aeris be as she got older. 
   the use of mako, an energy source that was drained from the planet’s essence, would also rise in prominence during this time and various groups formed to oppose shinra’s methods. the most notable and active group were the eco-terrorists, AVALANCHE, and aeris’ life changes completely when one of its members nearly crashes on top of her in her church. a short walk to sector seven ends with aeris adventuring through a red-light district, midgar’s sewers, and finally kidnapped by the turks. feeling responsible for her capture, cloud, tifa, and barret break into the shinra building and are able to rescue the flower girl before hojo can use her and another innocent creature ( red xiii / nanaki ) for another one of his twisted experiments. once she is safe, the group’s attempt to escape fail and they’re locked away….only to be mysteriously freed where they discover that nearly everyone in the upper floors of the building murdered, including president shinra himself.
   while the group mostly intended to save the planet by destroying shinra, aeris and the others soon learn that there is an even greater threat to the planet: sephiroth. due to be wanted in midgar, the ragtag group of strangers leave the city in order to search for the elusive former general in order to figure out his intentions. this moment jumpstarts aeris’ journey of self-discovery and learning more about her ancestors ⎯⎯⎯⎯ something that she had deliberately avoided until now. as she the group continues to travel the world, aeris slowly begins to not only understand her role as the last cetra but she finally learns of the true purpose of the heirloom her mother had given her all those years ago…
things you should know:
aeris does not die in my portrayal. my blog is canon divergent and is meant to explore how she ( and the story as a whole ) would change if she were to live. i’ve already written about what the differences between the events at the city of the ancients are in my blog canon.
the original game will always be my base. with the remake coming, there will more than likely be changes that i’m willing to adapt to but her personality will always remain faithful towards the OG in case the remake is not. i also pick and choose which parts of the compilation ( crisis core, advent children, etc. ) i wish to acknowledge.
aeris can ‘hear’ other planets too. she might not fully understand what it’s saying as its words might sound muffled or completely like gibberish to her but she can hear it.
my aeris is brown. when describing her in a thread, please don’t describe her skin as pale or white because it is not. she is the equivalent of a south asian woman visually, not western like nomura has stated she’s designed to be ( here is an example of her skin tone if it helps ).
what she’s been up to:
main verse: after being rescued from shinra, aerith quickly becomes a new member of the AVALANCHE crew once they decide to leave midgar. during this period, she and the others travel across the planet to hunt down sephiroth and uncover his true motivations for seeking the promised land. until aeris, along with tifa and barret, leave the main party to travel to the city of the ancients alone.
where to find her:
sector five church:  aeris’ home away from home is an abandoned, dilapidated church in the sector five slums where she has managed to do the impossible: make flowers grow in the slums. children often visit her to play in her church or help tend to the flowers while she’s away.
the upper sectors: towering over the slums is the plate that holds the foundation of midgar. despite popular belief in the slums, people of various wealth live on the plate - from the middle class to the most wealthy.  it is the flower girl’s main place of business and you’re most likely to find her selling flowers on loveless avenue in sector eight.
the highwind: despite the wounds earned during the clash at the city of the ancients, aeris remains with AVALANCHE until the end. once meteor is finally summoned by sephiroth and tifa and barret are rescued in junon, the others return to icicle inn to retrieve aeris. after cloud is found in mideel, aeris remains at the hospital to be treated by its doctor while tifa watches over their comatose leader. after cloud returns to his former self, she mostly stays on the airship whenever they leave to fight.
current plans:
kill sephiroth / save the planet: this is pretty straight forward to be honest.
desired interactions:
if the ff rpc wasn’t so d-e-a-d, i would mostly say canon interactions? i would really like to go more into her general feelings regarding well…everything post-stabbing. it would be a difficult time for her since she’s just been stabbed, she failed to protect the planet, etc. ( there’s also processing what happened at the temple of the ancients: tseng might be dead, we know he’s not, but she thinks so and cloud attacked her ).
more friendships / family / whatever. i’ve actually haven’t gotten into shipping until like…the past year? it’s been nice but also want to make sure all my interactions aren’t just romantic.
this section will be updated™ over time.
things that bother me:
receiving starters about aeris’s flowers or something related to flowers. while it might not seem like a big deal to you, imagine receiving 6 starters and four of them were about the same exact subject. it’s just…really boring so please don’t write about her flowers unless it’s something you really feel is unique enough.
having your muse ‘save’ aeris. unless we’ve discussed this and i’ve agreed to it happening, don’t write it for me. aeris is not weak. she does not need your muses’s protection unless she asks for it. in the original game, she states multiple times that she can handle herself and gets visibly annoyed when people underestimate her: cloud: you gotta be kidding. why do you want to put yourself in danger again? aeris: i’m used to it. cloud: used to it!? ……well, don’t know… getting help from a girl… aeris: a girl!! what do you mean by that!? you expect me to just sit by and listen, after hearing you say something like that!? // cloud: how could I ask you to go along when I knew it would be dangerous? aeris: are you done?
literally everything about crisis core!aeris. having her entire design be retconned because a guy told her he liked pink on her is bad. having him be the one to suggest she sell flowers when she literally lives in straight poverty is bad. having her spend four years writing letters to the equivalent of a high school crush is bad. having so much of her relationship with cloud taken and recycled for zack ( falling in her church, just one date, etc. ) is bad. having her, a person that is literally connect to the planet and has limit breaks that deal with nature itself, be scared of the sky is not only bad but stupid. none of this means that i hate zack as i would still be willing to write ze.rith if there’s chemistry but it would have to be heavily plotted and discussed.
tagged by: no one, i rewrote an old one i did.
tagging: anyone who wants to.
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yaltonrp-blog · 8 years
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Congratulations Kilo! You have been accepted for the role of Parker Backes with the FC of Alex Saxon. We particularly appreciated Parker’s relationship with his grandmother and how it has affected him. Please send us an account within the next 24 hours with the ask and submit boxes open.
Welcome to Yalton! We look forward to roleplaying with you.
Name/Alias: Kilo
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 27
Timezone: Eastern Time
Activity Level: I suck with the numbers, to be honest, but we’ll call it a 7, I guess? I don’t have much in the way of interference except whatever amount of muse I might or might not have for writing, on any particular day, so I can be on, at a minimum, every other day to get at least one or two replies out, but honestly, that’s a very conservative answer; I’ll probably be on quite a bit more than that.
Things you aren’t willing to write: I’m pretty much open to writing anything. Smut is usually a ‘fade to black’ thing for me; occasionally I will write it, but a lot of times, I just find it awkward and difficult to write (in that how many different words are there for different body parts?), so I don’t. Otherwise, I try not to limit my writing, as I like to challenge myself when it comes to abilities in writing. I’m sure there are some things that, if they were to come up for whatever reason, I’d be like “nope, not writing that” in which case I would vocalize that I am uncomfortable or unwilling to write whatever that is, but otherwise, I try to keep myself open to anything.
Biography Info:
Character Name: Parker Backes
Pronouns: He/Him
Gender: Agender
Age: 21
Major/Position: Music Composition/Music Therapy major / Tutor
FC: Alex Saxon
Biography: TWs: Death, Depression, Anxiety, Child Abandonment, Child Neglect
For as long as Parker can remember, he was obsessed with two things, music and escape. His introduction to music, or rather, his introduction to creating music, came from his grandmother, at the tender age of two; as a person, she could not have been more different than the son that had fathered Parker. She was a kindly woman, warm and gentle, especially when it came to her singular grandchild, artistic and open-minded. The best – or rather, the most prominent – memory Parker has of his father is that of the back of a suit jacket, hair groomed carefully, briefcase in one hand, suitcase in the other as he walked out the door. The best – or rather, the most prominent – memory Parker has of his mother is that of her buried under the covers, and trying to take care of her when he should have been at recess. Parker was seven when his father left. What he’s learned of him, as he’s grown older, is that the man is a workaholic, stern, and judgmental of those who don’t care to fall in line. What he’s learned of his mother since then is that she’s unstable without a relationship to act as a crutch. Without the constant presence of the crutch of the relationship she had with Parker’s father, depression and anxiety took over her life. The more often Parker’s father left on business trips, the less together Parker’s mother’s life seemed to be. By the time the man left for good, the woman was a less than suitable caretaker for her own child. Too busy to take care of his own child, care fell to the child’s grandmother. It was during his time with his grandmother, both before and after living with her, that he learned what true happiness was. The woman home schooled him during his younger years, and in the process, instilled in him a love for music and dreams of far away places. His studies were unconventional, immersive, and far more in depth than any traditional school could have given him, but by the time he was to enter high school, she gave him the choice to go to a traditional school, to learn things she couldn’t teach him. Joining an actual student body provided Parker with an entirely new experience. His circle of friendships expanded drastically beyond just the other kids his age on his street to people in his classes and the clubs he joined; and he jumped at every chance he had to join a club, whether he was working set design for drama club, helping out with the SGMA – which he fought to have renamed after joining it, as when he joined it was the ‘Gay Straight Alliance’ –, or dreaming of traveling the world in the geography club. When graduation rolled around, he was surprised to find not only his grandmother in the audience, but also his mother and father, in part because he hadn’t invited them, but also because he hadn’t kept in contact with either of them. They had made their beds, and he had never had any desire to look back to see how well they were sleeping in them. With a handshake from his father and a hug from his mother, he was handed an envelope and they once again disappeared from his life, leaving him to a celebratory dinner with his grandmother. It was only after which, with the woman’s encouragement, that he finally cracked the seal on the envelope to examine its contents; inside was a letter explaining that an active trust had been set up in his name, inaccessible until he was twenty-five, unless it were used to pay for college – any of his choosing. In some regards, it was disappointing, knowing he had the money to go anywhere in the world and that he was staying in Ohio, as he’d already chosen his college. At the same time, he preferred the idea of being able to see his grandmother at his leisure while still living on campus. Parker had been on his way to campus to pick up books, at the end of the summer prior to his freshman year, when he received a phone call from an unknown number. It was his father, calling from the hospital, where he was with Parker’s grandmother. The woman had what the doctor referred to as a ‘cardiac episode.’ None of the people in the room, including Parker, were ignorant enough to think of it as anything other than what it was – a heart attack. She died a week later, still in the hospital, when she’d had another. The death of his grandmother proved devastating for Parker, resulting in him deferring his first year at Yalton. Meanwhile, the executor of his grandmother’s estate informed him that everything was left to him, including a letter that told him that he was to sell it all except anything he may want to keep, and use the money from it to travel. It made Parker smile knowing how well she knew him; it made him cry knowing she was gone. Parker did as she wished, however, selling almost everything, and using the money to travel. Now, Parker is twenty-one and in his junior year at Yalton, and though he still struggles with the loss of the most prominent figure in his life, he feels as though he is better equipped to handle what life may throw at him.
State at least one head canon about the character:
Through his grandmother, Parker heard tales of protests, learned all about gender equality, and that neither gender nor sexuality operated on a binary system in spite of many people’s beliefs. He heard about Woodstock, and how she experienced the festival first hand.
Parker sent out early applications to all the schools he applied for, and received early acceptances from most of them. The only college that rejected him was Berklee College of Music, which he did not anticipate acceptance into in the first place.
The only thing Parker kept of his grandmother’s was the guitar that she taught him to play on. It is an antique acoustic guitar with elaborate etchings in the woodwork. He has always admired the artistry of the piece, but is especially attached to it, given that it was the first guitar he ever played, and that it was his grandmother’s.
While her name was Rosanna, and she preferred to be called Rosie – ‘Never Rose’ – Parker always referred to his grandmother as Ro-Ro. When he was just a toddler, he had been told to say hello to ‘Nana Rosie’ and instead ‘Ro-Ro’ came out, and forever stuck.
Most of his traveling was done domestically, though he had considered a cross-Canadian trip. The only time he left the country was his brief time spent in British Columbia while he traveled to Alaska, where he spread his grandmother’s ashes, as it was a place they had discussed both wanting to travel to.
Prior to his grandmother’s death, Parker stuck, strictly, to playing songs of other artists. Since her death, however, he has taken up writing as an outlet for his emotions and turning them into songs. He has always had a strong connection to music and found it a powerful tool in overcoming issues.
Parker lives and works on campus, subletting the apartment he has off campus in favor of ‘free’ housing, thanks to the trust that pays for all of his college expenses. His choice to take up a tutoring gig on campus was an easy one, as learning has always been something that came easy to him, and he helped several of his friends, in high school, through study groups, to pass certain classes that they struggled with.
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Long-Term, Literate, Original Roleplay Wanted - Remember the Pride You Lost So Long Ago…New Partners, New Year?
I could really use a lot more writing to keep me busy right now, so here I am. Thanks for reading my ad.
(Copied from my old ad. #Honesty)
Currently Craving: Some kind of m//, slice of life, best friend drama and fluff. I have a character in mind for this that needs attention. - This is usually always true. XP! Okay! I feel like I’m horrible at these things, but here goes… For the purpose of the roleplay, you can call me Phina (hi!). I seem to have slowly lost all my roleplay partners – such is life, I know - but entropy is only natural, right? (No, really…I’ve been really lucky overall recently, but I have lost one or two partners and could really use one or two more roleplays.) Anyway! I’m sure I’m going to scare people off by saying this, but I love both quality and quantity. I love writing detailed stories with strong character development and relationships. For me, it’s the characters that are most important. I do understand that posts tend to vary in length as the roleplay goes on – I don’t want filler, but please try for at least two paragraphs every time. I will write you novels (at least four paragraphs, probably more), especially if I am inspired. If that bothers you, we are not a good match. That being said, I am very laid back once I get to know you. If you have a character that I love, I will probably be more accepting of shorter replies (no less than a paragraph) - especially if I know a lot about them already. I hate that we have to cover this at all, but all the standard rules apply. If you don’t know them already, I will list a few of them for you, just because I’m nice like that. Still, if you haven’t been roleplaying long enough to know them, it’s very unlikely that we will make a good match. *No god modding or power playing *No Mary-Sues or Gary-Stews etc..
No, this is stupid and I don’t want anyone to think I think they’re stupid, because I don’t, so…I won’t bore you - you get the picture. Just show me respect and I will do you the same kindness. If you need to drop the roleplay, please tell me. That way, I know and I can move on (or we can create something new together). If you’re going to be away -again- please tell me. Don’t be afraid to tell me if something isn’t working, either. Overall, I think communication is really the key thing here. I want us both to be comfortable with everything about the roleplay, and we shouldn’t roleplay at all if something doesn’t feel right. Other than that, just do your best to create/write a realistic and engaging character and we will be best friends. Limits Blood and Gore: None; realistic blood and gore is totally okay and a natural part of life Swearing: None; swearing is a valid and a much needed form of expression Smut: We fade to black unless I know you well. Timeline *I live in the Eastern Standard timezone *I’m finished school and I don’t work, so I have a lot of time on my hands, but I do spend a lot of time training for three different sports and LARP/tabletop has become a passion. I can still get pretty busy, trust me. *I will probably have time to post about once a week. However, as workload and other commitments change, it could be more often – or less often. I think the main issues now are energy levels and muse. I’m finding myself needing more roleplays than I had during school because I do have both more free time and more energy. I still get busy - I still have days where I can’t reply - but I would like to have more than one active, long-term roleplay at a time. Muse and energy levels be damned. *I will try my best to keep you updated on those changes. I expect you to try to do the same. *I would love a reply once a week (more often is great, too!). However, I totally understand those when life eats you whole and you have to painstakingly de-zombie-fy yourself because there is/was just too much life going on at once for you to both handle and stay sane at the same time – never mind roleplaying! Just try to warn me? Important Notes *This roleplay will be 20 plus (I’m 28 now) and over email. I may do a forum or a Google Docs roleplay if you are lucky, though…or even Skype or Discord for the right person and plot. *Also! I primarily do queer roleplays. I haven’t found a standard mxf roleplay fun in years. However, the full gender spectrum is more than welcome. I guess you could get me to do mxf that way…lol!  *I’m queer and NB myself. (I love they pronouns. <3) On to the genres! *Sci-fi *Modern/futuristic fantasy *Gifted *Runaways *School (boarding school, arts school, high school, college) *Dystopian Society/Post-Apocalyptic Society *Anything with disabilities included in a positive way *Some modern, slice of life stuff, where we can make cute, fluffy awkwardness together; think close childhood friends that accidentally get separated by life and are reunited years later and all the feelings that could/would bring up, or a long time unspoken crush that is only brought to light when a mutual friend brings together an unlikely couple *Modern vampires, werewolves and mages - I like characters with depth. I want fluff, but I also love it when a character has a backstory chalked full of things that make them them, both good and bad. I love to see how they are feeling, what they are thinking and why. I want to see them change and grow as time goes on and they process the things that have happened to them in life. I would love a roleplay and characters that I can get invested in, one that will make me both laugh and cry. Basically, I want realistic characters that I can relate to.  Odd Pairings Rich x Poor (street kid) Deaf x Hearing Gifted x Gifted (or non-gifted human; think X-Men style) Gay x Closeted (Childhood) Best friend x (Childhood) Best friend I’m sure there are more I’m forgetting…but any of these can also be combined together for even more fun! I want to take the time to plot with you. Note: I don’t really do fandoms, and I definitely don’t play with cannon characters. Contact Information Email: [email protected] Skype: phina*silentfoot (for talking OoC and plotting) Discord: Phina#2381 *Replace the * with  a . in the Skype name. Random: The friendship between Matt and Foggy in Netflix Daredevil is really well done and adorable. Too bad I never play cannon characters. <3 That’s the kind of bonding and character development that I live for! Also! Something based on Sense8 would be cool. What I’ve seen of it so far is awesome - though I’m not sure how a roleplay could be done or how it would go. Falling Skies is also cool, as are Firefly, Orphan Black and Guardians of the Galaxy.   Oh! A note about my writing style: I tend to like to paint pictures with my writing, especially when inspired. I write detailed, flowy and almost poetic posts a lot. Everything has to fit together. If you like that sort of thing and have a writing style close to that, we’ll be wonderful. That’s a bonus in my mind.  Thanks for reading. I look forward to hearing from you!
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