#( poeticphoenix: genesis );
talesfantastic · 1 month
More Than Mages | Fancy Mel & Genesis
@poeticphoenix said: Dealer’s choice! Happy birthday!
Thank you so much for the well wishes. I had to toss another muse with a world hopping verse at you. Fancy Mel, from Threads of Fate, is a delight to write and I seldom get to. You can find more about her here.
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With the Dewprism taken care of and Valen's... children largely settled, Mel finally felt like she could leave her post near Carona. For a time, she wandered into the East Heaven Kingdom -- in no small part because the Princesses very much needed a guiding hand. But time meant nothing to her, and wouldn't for many thousand years more., if indeed her age ever caught up with her.
Once things were stable, she grew restless. She traveled the world and found to her dismay that she was not, in fact, entranced by any of it. No, she wanted... she needed something new.
There was a [relic] no one had ever found, her own Star Way -- exactly as it sounded, a way to travel the stars. It was disguised as a purple gem, perhaps mistaken for mere amethyst, sitting on her chest, seemingly secured by her pink ribbon alone.
It was this deceptively mundane gem, her Star Way, that she poured power into. She chose a dot in the sky where she felt life and sent herself to it.
She woke with a headache, magical strength intact but her body rightfully exhausted. As she came around she realized she was kneeling in a green, glowing fountain that thrummed with some sort of primal power.
And it was very happy to see her.
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phantasiiae · 1 month
“  you made me bleed on my shirt—  i fucking loved this shirt!  ” //Dealer’s choice!
Blood prompts || Accepting
“Hmph, always so dramatic, Lyric. Are you telling me you can't take a little hit to the nose?” Genesis says this with a grin and a laugh lingering, putting his hands on his hips. It's all in good fun…even if he does feel a liiittle bad, but not much. “I'm sure the blood will come right out. You're telling me that you don't know how to get out bloodstains? I don't believe it.”
Genesis smirks at them, tilting his head. “If you're mad, then come on, another round. You can indulge me that much, can't you?”
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roleplay-abiogenesis2 · 3 months
@poeticphoenix liked for a starter! || Closed starter for Genesis Rhapsodos and Cyno!
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"Thank you. I promise, I am all right now. It really felt no different than having a bad dream." Sitting in bed with his legs still tucked under the blankets, Cyno took another long sip of water from the bottle.
He wasn't really thirsty anymore, but he wanted to reassure Genesis everything was fine. It looked like he had given the man a serious spook while lost in his sleep. His head was still a little dazed from being shaken awake so abruptly.
The images before his eyes were starting to fade, and now, rather than running away from them like he had in his dream-like state, he found himself chasing the fleeting memory, trying to piece his visions together.
"Somehow, I feel like it was more than simply that..." He muttered to himself.
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Starter for @poeticphoenix​ || Genesis and Vincent Chaos
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It was that point in time of existence that Vincent expected would reach him occasionally...that time when a few decades passed since the greatest hells ran over this planet that he or his friends or both fought against....that time where he’d grown more distant for a multitude of reasons, and he couldn’t count the days since last he’d seen them, though he kept up with their well-being from a distance. But he didn’t need the...feeling, or the experience, of facing those living on, comfortably or in complications, while he still wandered in his seemingly frozen state.
He was perhaps past his sixties by now, though he still didn’t reflect any different age at all. He was wandering as he ever did, finding ways to provide some effort to this world and satiate his need for action or information. He needed to something to keep moving towards, or he knew he’d be inclined to find a corner to settle in for who knows how long.
But for some time now, there had been something prickling at his senses. It was the strange sense of world-wide instinct that he knew was connected to the WEAPON spliced into him, bound to him as force and host. He knew how it reacted to Sephiroth, to Jenova, to the Remnants, with apprehension, distaste, if not feral rage--they were not right, not meant to exist on this planet, not meant ot risk tainting the energy that belonged to his other, his partner, his opposite, his purpose--Omega. 
Then there is how it reacted to Deepground and Omega. Omega’s awakening was inviting, though Chaos seemed aware it was a violation, forced as it was, it was also their fate and he cared little for everything still living and existing. Deepground was a problem, specs, disrupting natural energy and paths, but they weren’t quite the same threat as the calamity and its spawns. 
Awareness of a shift in energy, in balance, implications of threats and disruptions, that is what he could sense, as well as greater threats to the planet itself, whether it be its corruption or it’s rapid impending death. And Vincent had learned to keep aware of it, and follow it when necessary.
But this sense...it was...different. It was an awareness, of an energy. An awareness akin to what the being Chaos would feel when considering, sensing, or feeling Omega, yet still different. There was a curiosity, too, as if he knew little of this energy. There was no true sense of threat, though there was unrest for the fact that he was uninformed. Vincent did his best for a time to ignore the sense, as it didn’t seem important enough to face, and he only assumed the planet was doing what it’s done before, forging defensing or mending what it could of itself.
But finally, the demon without could not be ignored any longer. Vincent had given in some months ago, and with Chaos’ sense of powerful energy traveling the planet, Vincent took to following, distantly and lazily at first, but soon he was committing full effort to it. However, he tried to keep discreet even so. For a time.
Pointless, really. If this...thing, this figure he was following was, as Chaos made it seem, like the demon in any way, he would have sensed them by now. So with Chaos’ eagerness brewing underneath, Vincent set to finally face the figure. He’d seen him from afar, seemingly humanoid. A vessel, like Vincent? Or something completely other...? He had yet to see any true harm or trouble being caused, so he would stand by his assumption this figure was no ill-intentioned threat. For now.
He found the figure atop a hill overlooking a town below, Vincent not entirely focused on where he’d ended up at this point, or why this figure could be here. Instead, he simply marched his way to the edge of the hill, making his presence known as best he could without clearing his throat. Still standing a distance away, he stopped his march and observed the figure and his unique garb. It was...familiar, however chaotic and seemingly torn or perhaps it was designed that way. Long hair, he seemed to stand with a strange body language the raven-haired male couldn’t help trying to read into.
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“...I’ve been following you for quite a few months now... Four, five now is it...? I have to asked... Why haven’t you faced me yet?” he spoke then, standing steady his reasonable distance away, as he felt Chaos’ focus solely on the other figure, trying to feel him, sense him, assess him through Vincent’s own senses.
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sepheroth · 2 years
@poeticphoenix​ from
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“It is quiet different. If you’ve played this before I cannot recall the moment in which it happened.”  It’s a nice and welcomed change of pace, and with that confession he was admitting that he likes what he hears. It was the reason that Sephiroth couldn’t help the softest chuckle that was uttered being heard from him. Actually, he was glad that Genesis wasn’t projecting himself into that play again. Sometimes he wondered how much different would their lives have been if Genesis never discovered it. Once the music stopped he placed his focus momentarily upon Genesis. At the furthest part of his mind he began wondering was he going to continue. Not that he’d say it out loud. On that frame of thought and note the moment it starts up again, his question answered. But Sephiroth had then replied. “It’s different. I’m surprised.”
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lxckheart · 1 year
Starter Call || @poeticphoenix
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They were both going under-cover for a mission. Sneak into one of the lustrous love districts, and get info from a shinra goon they had intel went to one of the local hostess bars. Tifa could fit in perfectly as a hostess herself, sneak in and pretend to host said goon while Genesis was on stand-by. He had come by the bar to pick her up so they could head that way--and of course she had laughed when she noticed how speechless he was at her appearance. A short knee-length kimono and added decorations in her hair, and a soft shade of rose lipstick on her lips. "What? I told you I was very dedicated to looking the part." She teased. "I look like a perfectly expensive hostess. You'd have to pay a lot of money to have a night with me, your very lucky you get it for free hmm?"
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marie-dufresne · 1 year
Enter the Ex-Goddes of Love
It had been just over a week since Marie had found another deity in her city, Genesis, the Crimson Guardian. She hadn’t told anyone about him yet; he was still adjusting to life in her world and she was still trying to wrap her head around the existence of other worlds.
She also couldn’t help but remember, every time she looked at him, how she’d found him the very first day he’d come to her home. He must have needed more rest than he suggested because when she poked her head into the grand bedchamber, he’d been deep asleep, nestled contentedly on the floor in a pile of pillows and cushions, wrapped in his wings.
He didn’t stir when she entered.
She didn’t get too close, granting him his privacy and when she backed out, leaving him be, she understood his reluctance to use the bed. She recalled moving to a strange place, unable to adjust for a time, seeking the comforts of familiarity.
The goddess had never mentioned it, but she thought about it often, how endearing it was that such an old creature, choosing to present himself as stoic and formal, charming only when appropriate, also sought comforts.
This morning she had set to baking an apple cinnamon breakfast bread and was carefully drizzling her freshly made caramel overtop the warm cake when she felt an all too familiar energy in the home.
Her jaw set, the caramel pooled on the plate.
With a deep inhale, she brought the pan over to the sink, giving it a quick rinse before she marched out of the kitchen, apron untying itself as she strode.
Up the stairs and down the hall to the guest wing her senses brought her, but she didn’t need to follow the trail. She had a young looking, attractive man in her home. It was only a matter of time before she came sniffing around.
Sure enough, when she stepped through the archway of the bedchamber, a leggy blonde was laying, sprawled out on the guest bed, hungry blue eyes staring down at the Guardian in the cushions below.
Though both sported tumbling blonde curls, this woman was tall and slender where Marie was petite with both ample thighs and bosom. Where this woman’s features were sharp, Marie was soft and where she looked upon Genesis as prey, Marie had procured a brandy glass thar was steadily filling itself up.
A double pour. 
“Why hello, handsome,” the other woman purred as the Guardian stirred. She made a show of shifting her legs that her already impossibly short dress slipped up a little bit higher.
In her capri pants and vintage powder blue sweater, Marie scowled.
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“Hello, mother.”
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vxidlight · 1 year
@poeticphoenix liked for a starter from the ninth Doctor.
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The Doctor grabbed his leather jacket from over a pillar and pulled it on as he left the TARDIS to find out where exactly he had landed. The TARDIS was defunct -- she wouldn't be moving any time soon. He'd find a way to get her working again - he was sure of it. Closing the TARDIS doors, the Doctor turned to examine the world around him.
It was not his home that was one thing he knew for certain. It looked wrong. It smelled wrong. It felt wrong. The Doctor could feel it on his skin. It was like the world vibrated differently. He knew he shouldn't be here.
He walked until he found a town. A little snooping to find out where he was wouldn't hurt.
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ghostofnibelheim · 6 months
"Come sit in my lap, pet."
Soft Dominance || Always Accepting~
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"... Your lap?"
He raises his head from where he's standing, arms crossed and an ominous presence before their window on that rainy, cold winter day in Midgar. Normally he's used to Genesis' provocations, but the way his "friend" has been pushing his buttons of late has reached a new level.
And Sephiroth is quick to express just how hot a fire the other is trying to play with.
"Are you talking about that small thing between your legs?" He asks, abandoning his position to stalk closer, gazing down on the crimson fencer in his seat. "If I tried, I worry I might crush it."
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rebelichor · 6 months
@poeticphoenix | X
Xemos' commanding voice echoed through the cafeteria. "Get back here."
"No!" a smaller voice replied without skipping a beat. Ariadne sounded far too confident for someone so short. Like she knew something that her mother didn't, and she thought herself incredibly clever when she captured the gloved hand of a familiar soldier.
Never mind Genesis was talking to others. It didn't phase the tot in the slightest, who looked at each face like the nosy little one she was.
She glanced back and startled a little, eyebrows shot up somewhere under her fringe. Her mother was marching towards them looking tired and inconvenienced with Vergil in tow. "Up?" she asked of Genesis, little arms opened up to him, as if he might be able to scoop her up and rescue her from being told off.
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azure-steel · 1 year
@poeticphoenix liked for a starter from Khum'a!
The laboratory was always dark, stinking of decay and chemicals. Khum'a didn't know how he ended up here... he hadn't the forethought to ask. This glass cage of his, was all he'd ever known, for as long as his memory would serve him.
It was always the same faces, the same eyes from the outside looking in, the same hands exploring and probing, tugging and tearing. The same scenery. This was the world as he knew it and so long ago had his voice ceased to call out his plea's for mercy. But a new face had wandered into his line of sight this day. Hand pressed up against the glass, alongside his fellow cage mates lined side by side along the fringes of the steel room. One dressed in the brightest crimson, with the fur atop his head to match.
Simply fascinating...
The simplicity of change was most welcome in this small space Khum'a would call home.
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ofgeneticperfection · 2 years
@poeticphoenix Cont From : HERE
For a moment she was surprised. Not many were brave enough to grab her and threaten her. Most people couldn’t even stand to look into her piercing eyes. Genesis, however, was not a normal employee. Not only was he a Soldier, but she knew he was a product of the Science Department as well. She wasn’t quite sure what yet, but the Hollander Soldiers seemed different from the rest. She was highly amused to say the least. Her pupils dilated slightly as those flames burst to life in his hand but she wasn’t one to give away her tells. Instead of the anticipated reaction of her cowering in fear a grin is quick to spread across her face followed by abrupt laughter ringing through the silence.
She also was not a normal person and he was intelligent enough to decipher that, though she had her own games to play. With a sizzling crack a wave of lightning dances across her body, shocking him into letting her go but she doesn’t run. “Oh am I?” She asks with an arch of a brow, her laughter settling. “You won’t be learning much if you burn down the entire department.” She nods towards her fingers. “But all you really had to do was ask.” She says in an overly delightful tone, flashing him a smile.
Not only was she close to Hojo but she seemed just as crazy if not worse. “But I must warn you. What you may come to find out may be quite shocking.” She hums a note of laughter. “Seriously though, Genesis, you’ve put on quite the show. What is it you are so eager to know? I’ve seen quite a lot all my years at this place, or is it just me that you are curious about?” She folds her arms across her chest and leans back against the wall. “I really haven't had this much fun in ages.” She grins. 
She masqueraded as just the Professor’s assistant to the regular employees and outside world, but she may be capable of divulging some information to a fellow experiment. There were tensions within the department, everything seemed to be split down the middle between Hollander’s projects and Hojo’s. “You would be Hollander’s little pet, are you not?” She asks curiously. “I might say that whatever I tell you should stay between us. At least I would highly advise that.” Her gaze narrows slightly. If there was one thing she wouldn’t do would be to put Hojo’s work at risk.
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@poeticphoenix || Closed Starter for Genesis and Saruhiko (Final Fantasy VII verse!)
Note: Takes place in ΕΓΛ 0010, following Genesis' reawakening at the end of Dirge of Cerberus. Fushimi is 23yo.
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"Tch..." His typical tongue click had been the first thing to come out of his mouth, the moment his investigation around the broken remnants of Midgar had finally concluded with the discovery of... some new kind of freakshow.
Oh, the WRO would be absolutely enthusiastic about this, won't they? He can already hear Reeve's frantic screeching in his ears.
First thing first, some questions were due. And Saruhiko paid special care to keep his dominant hand on the hilt of his saber as he spoke. "Now, who the hell are you?"
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astralbcrn · 1 year
@poeticphoenix cont. from here
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"I was merely curious. It seems the gesture is common amongst humans," and Genesis' ass had looked very... slappable, so to speak. He was a bit amused at the Commander's attempt at charming him, but he'd allow it. It was flattering, he supposed and Gods were meant to be admired.
"It is not hard to guess that you like a firmer touch - I would not need our connection for that," it didn't give him that kind of insight, but it did allow him to observe Genesis whenever he wanted; even when he wasn't physically present. Genesis could never count on fully being alone ever again.
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infamiia · 1 year
lil thing for @poeticphoenix
A shock of white out of the corner of the bard's eye was the only warning he could've gotten before a sole flower was held up towards his face. One who's petals were deep red in hue, with a soft gradient to black towards the center.
"You just got back, right?" Uri asked with a curious gaze as she peeked around the flower. It was a newly recent thing, Uri making a point to track Genesis down whenever he returned from any sort of mission, though even she didn't really understand why.
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Her gaze moved down briefly to the flower and she looked momentarily embarrassed. "It reminded me of your coat. I figured you might like it." The young woman explained in a quiet, sheepish tone.
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sepheroth · 11 months
❛  have i ever told you how beautiful you look in the glow of the moonlight?  ❜
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Immediately Genesis's words---no. His confession, or flirtation left Sephiroth stumbling over his words before he'd even said them. Before he'd even known them, his absentmindedly biting down on his bottom lip. It causes his eyes to drop, not because he'd said anything wrong. But because it came unexpected. And then he'd pause as he fought with himself over and over again, inside of his own head in this case, which how it would be best for him to respond. Sephiroth attempted to pout in order to ruin his own bright smile that occurred. He'd failed...horribly. Briefly, he looked at his friend to see if he could in anyway of the fashion in sort, detect a lie because of the disbelief he felt. He sounds so...genuine. He said beautiful and it didn't sound as though there was some double meaning behind it. It wasn't something that he felt was a poorly used word, or a bad wording within itself per se. It was just that when someone usually had used that word to describe him, they'd either wanted something of him, or they were being shallow, or they had only said that because they saw him as someone who was...perfect...? Thought and action combated itself and it would be obvious which triumphed when he didn't fully register it. He thought if he attempted to hide his face behind his pauldron, that he could hide his face blushing...if he turned his shoulder, that would would shield him from any teasing. Had it not been for the fact they were gated in by the parapet closed around of them, he would've fallen back and so he remembered to grip onto it. For a short instant of the while he had forgotten he had the ability to speak, but he didn't face Genesis. "....'Beautiful' as in not the same way a feline would appear to be? Or 'Beautiful' as that's how you see me...? That last part had him swallowing back that invisible lump in his throat. Genesis was really one of the only people, if any to ever at all who could ever see him this way and live to tell about it. It was an exaggeration, but that was the only way he could manage to describe it. Now he had found himself wishing he could shrink away long enough so he could run and let whatever he was feeling to come into bloom, and in both full swing.
"...I'll admit I don't really know what to say...No. I think this is actually the first time I've heard it..." If the Silver Elite fan club witnessed this, they'd probably never let him live this down. So he thanked Shiva that they didn't.
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