#( private starter : dacre montgomery. )
sydneysxx · 4 months
how come we haven't had a chance to hang out yet? i thought you were still obsessed with me, but i get it... you're too cool for me now. you are in france, right? / @mcnt
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authcrwriites · 2 years
to be added to the blog roll;
sometime this weekend or early next week,  but i will still be writing them,  so please feel free to yell at me about plotting !!
billy butcher ( the boys / karl urban ) 
soldier boy / ben ( the boys / jensen ackles )
rick lipton ( jean-luc bilodeau )
billy hargrove ( dacre montgomery )
debbie wheeler ( original muse, stranger things / crystal reed )
adam morningstar ( lucifer,  dceu based / michael cimino )
tyler lockwood ( tvd / michael trevino )
matthew fairchild ( froy gutierrez )
will herondale ( luke newton )
james herondale ( joseph quinn )
asher barnes ( original muse, marvel / joe keery )
gareth gomez ( stranger things,  michael cimino )
chrissy cunningham ( stranger things, nikki noumel ]
arlene statura ( star wars, jessie mei li )
susan pevensie ( ouat / poppy drayton )
ben braeden ( spn / joe keery )
brodie mcgowan ( dc / supergirl / colin donnell )
charlie novak ( spn oc / tom blyth )
sejanus plinth ( tbosbas / josh andrés rivera )
coriolanus snow ( tbosbas / tom blyth )
lucy graybaird ( tbosbas / rachel zegler )
billy taupe ( tbosbas / joseph quinn )
guidelines under the cut !!
this is an extremely private & selective ( mutuals only ) multimuse blog featuring multiple fandoms ( and lots of assholes ).  you can call me yoda !! the muse is 31 but the ages of the characters rage from 14 to...the beginning of time.   there will be nsfw content present but NONE of it will contain any of underage muses.    if you do write such things then you will be reported & hard blocked,  no one needs that shit.
starters / plotting;
i promise i don’t bite !! except if my husband asks me to bite him.   if we’re mutuals and you have an idea,  please do yell at me !!  i just ask that you look at the subjects / triggers & face claims i don’t interact around.  it doesn’t matter how old the starter call is,  feel free to like it,  but if it takes more than a few days then please let me know which muse you want a thing from.  i love plotting as much as winging it  !! please don’t be discouraged if i’m only replying to one or two threads at once as sometimes the muse can be fickle,  i will try and get back to replies with in a week unless life gets in the way.
trigger warnings;  
things that i ask you please tag;   anything involving sexual abuse ( especially csa ),  incest,  suicidal thoughts / ideation.   things that will be present on this blog;  violence,  ptsd,  period typical homophobia,  death.
tags;   violence cw,  violence tw,  ptsd cw,  ptsd tw,  homophobia cw,  death cw,  abuse cw.
nothing will be complete detail,  any of the more triggering parts of their stories will be on the bio pages rather than threads.  if it is in a thread then it will be something along the lines “with all that had happened in the past...”  i
if a muse does something then it doesn’t mean i condone it,   there are some villainous muses on this blog and there are some “controversial” muses i write with.   i don’t care if you don’t want to write with these characters,  just don’t follow or softblock if i follow you.  
in saying that,  if it DOES involve a character who has committed csa then a hard block will happen right away.  
face claims i won’t write against;
please note that while i won’t write against these fc’s that it doesn’t mean i care if you use them (unless they’ve done something truly heinous),  they just make me uncomfortable for one reason or another.   so if you still want to write that muse with me,  please just use an alternate fc OR we can plot with other muses.   other faces will probably added as the brain gets fuzzy,   you can ask questions,  but there won’t be a whole lot of detail as some reasons have to do with my trauma.
scarlett johansson.
taylor swift.
justin bieber.
rebecca lee mader.
another note;  if you’re using underage faceclaims for  NSFW  content then i won’t follow at all and you will be hard blocked.
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gilmvres · 7 years
so, i’d like to preface this by saying that i completely understand that originality in the rpc is dying. writing a character with a completely original, never-been-seen-before background is RARE, and i completely get that. but there is a DIFFERENCE between taking inspiration from something and taking it, period. regardless, let’s get into this.
i joined pearlshq right before it opened  ( and just in case anyone was interested, i was playing the dacre montgomery fc )  and during the process of reading everyone’s intros and liking them all, i started reading one that sounded familiar. it sounded like something i’d written in the past, and that started to worry me --- so i started going through my old blogs, and bingo. on november 30th, 2017, i posted this intro for a roleplay i was in at the time, for a muse i had called bianca. ( keep in mind, i was still going under the pseudonym of ruby at this point. ) on january 14th, 2018, this intro ( screenshot here ) was posted. (  just in case she deletes any of her blogs, i have screenshots of all of this. )  firstly, i was hurt beyond belief. anyone that knows me is well aware that writing is my heart and soul, and that i put incredible amounts of work into what i do. i take my writing seriously, and the theft of my work is not something i’ll stand by and watch. admittedly, i didn’t know whether i had the right to be so angry --- people get angry and call others out when they steal graphics, or roleplay ideas, but i’ve never seen someone get angry get over someone stealing someone else’s writing, especially not in the rpc. a very naïve part of me thought that hey, it’s just a one-time thing, just let it slide. unfortunately, i did a little more digging. at this time, this particular person was going under a pseudonym that i was familiar with, and i asked the admins of smokehq ( the main group that i’m in ) if we’d ever had that particular person in the group. we had, and as soon as i found the url of the account that that person had operated from, what did i find ? more of my writing, blatantly stolen. on december 1st, 2017, i posted this reply. on december 28th, 2017, this starter ( screenshot here ) was posted. at this point, i was ANGRY and felt fully validated in that anger because that’s two counts of stealing my shit, and i’m not okay with that under any circumstance. i told my friends in smoke what was up, and lo and behold --- - one of my friends came forth with a story about her icons being stolen, by this very same person. it was at this point that i actually messaged this person, and god knows i was civil. if anyone would like a transcript of the message i sent, i’m more than happy to provide it, and i genuinely thought i was going to get to the bottom of the situation --- but the person in question ghosted. they disappeared, and a part of me was glad, because hey, maybe they’ve left and i don’t need to worry about it. a few days ago, though, a dear, dear friend alerted me to their presence, and the anger came flooding right back, because there’s an incredible amount of audacity in ghosting on one personal when confronted, and then appearing on another, without so much as apologising. i sent another message to this person’s new personal, and again, no reply. at this point, i’ve given up being civil and polite and trying to keep it private because this is beyond a joke, and it’s at this point that i’d like to reiterate my question. @kiwistylcs, @weathcrs, @fairbcrns, @evcporvtes  //  lusangel, lus, kayla, sahar, whatever psuedonym you’d like to go by, why did you think you could steal my writing and get away with it ?
you do not have the right to steal my writing and get away with it. you do not have the right to steal my friends’ icons, because there are three of us who know that you’ve stolen from us. you do not have the right to dodge the questions that are posed to you, especially when i know that you’re guilty and you know that you’re guilty. you cannot avoid the blame that’s being placed on you, and you can’t run from the problem that you yourself have created and perpetuated. it’s not the sheer avoidance of confrontation that i’m mad about because honestly, i’ve avoided confrontation when placed in hot water. what i’m SO angry about is that you decided that the best course of action was to create a whole new personal, re-establish yourself over there, and pretend like you’ve done nothing wrong. the very least i deserve is an apology, and for you to STOP stealing my writing, word for word, and passing it off as your own work. 
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monmonstres · 7 years
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introducing: cade rasner.
he’s open for threads! like this if you would like a starter for him! beneath the cut are some hcs to get idea of who he is.
FULL NAME: Cade Rasner
AGE: 23
SPECIES: cockatrice
DATE OF BIRTH: april 01, 1994
PLACE OF BIRTH: manchester, england
ZODIAC: aries
GENDER: male
RELIGION: agnostic
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: single (codependent on Mack)
FACE CLAIM: dacre montgomery
HEIGHT: 5 ft 10 inches
WEIGHT: 190 lbs.
VOICE CLAIM: dacre's american accent in stranger things 2
TATTOOS: sun on his left arm and watercolor fern leaves on his spine
DISTINGUISHING MARKS: his piercing stare and charming smile
OUTFIT/CLOTHING STYLE: very stylish, never buttons the top three buttons on his shirts
ACCENT: flat american
HOMETOWN: manchester, england
CURRENT RESIDENCE: manhatten, nyc
PAST RESIDENCES: manchester, l.a.
SPOKEN LANGUAGES: english, spanish, and some japanese
FINANCIAL STATUS: just what he makes as a p.i. and hustling on the side but he has a tendency to blow all his money at once
EDUCATION LEVEL: high school
OCCUPATION: private investigator and occasional crime here and there
HOBBIES:  movies, wine tasting, exercise
MOTHER: rebecca rasner
FATHER: bobby rasner
MUSIC GENRE: 70′s rock
TV SHOW: into the unknown
MOVIE: the never ending story
COLOR: teal
POSITIVE TRAITS: charming, quick-witted, stays true to his word
NEGATIVE TRAITS: childish, unreliable, doesn't know how to handle emotions
LIKES: Mack, drinking, their pets
DISLIKES: Mack, not having enough money, having to be alone with himself
Bio & Verses
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mesherosetmonstres · 6 years
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introducing: cade rasner.
he’s open for threads! like this if you would like a starter for him! beneath the cut are some hcs to get idea of who he is.
FULL NAME: Cade Rasner
AGE: 23
SPECIES: cockatrice
DATE OF BIRTH: april 01, 1994
PLACE OF BIRTH: manchester, england
ZODIAC: aries
GENDER: male
RELIGION: agnostic
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: single (codependent on Mack)
FACE CLAIM: dacre montgomery
HEIGHT: 5 ft 10 inches
WEIGHT: 190 lbs.
VOICE CLAIM: dacre’s american accent in stranger things 2
TATTOOS: sun on his left arm and watercolor fern leaves on his spine
DISTINGUISHING MARKS: his piercing stare and charming smile
OUTFIT/CLOTHING STYLE: very stylish, never buttons the top three buttons on his shirts
ACCENT: flat american
HOMETOWN: manchester, england
CURRENT RESIDENCE: manhatten, nyc
PAST RESIDENCES: manchester, l.a.
SPOKEN LANGUAGES: english, spanish, and some japanese
FINANCIAL STATUS: just what he makes as a p.i. and hustling on the side but he has a tendency to blow all his money at once
EDUCATION LEVEL: high school
OCCUPATION: private investigator and occasional crime here and there
HOBBIES:  movies, wine tasting, exercise
MOTHER: rebecca rasner
FATHER: bobby rasner
MUSIC GENRE: 70′s rock
TV SHOW: into the unknown
MOVIE: the never ending story
COLOR: teal
POSITIVE TRAITS: charming, quick-witted, stays true to his word
NEGATIVE TRAITS: childish, unreliable, doesn’t know how to handle emotions
LIKES: Mack, drinking, their pets
DISLIKES: Mack, not having enough money, having to be alone with himself
Bio & Verses
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